DLA_Trade Mission China Presentation

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The New Integrated City. 新型综合城市 Sustainable Planning And Transport Solutions 可持续性发展规划及 交通解决方案 David Klingberg CEO, David Lock Associates in association with ITP (Integrated Transport Planning)

The New Integrated City: 新型综合城市 Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions 可持续性发展规划及交通解决方案

“Cities are the greatest creations of humanity.” 城市是人类文明最伟大的杰作 Daniel Libeskind Architect/Urban Designer

The New Integrated City: φŪm‡² Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions jĂžŨĂ?fÂŹĆ€Nd ĆĽĆ„JĂ­Ä? David Lock Associates \ ITP !! Specialist International Planning, Urban Design and Transport Planning Consultancy !!  ƚ \Ɔƅ ‡²Ć€Nd ĆĽĆ€NvƉ !! Masterplanning ĂŽ1Ć€N !! Strategic Planning Ă“Ĺ‚Ć€N !! Statutory Planning Ğ™ƀN !! Landscape Design ÄˆĆ†Ć… !! Transport Planning ĆĽĆ€N !! High Quality Plans and Graphics ÇŽwĆŒĆ€NdĆ Ć‚çĉ


Tech Precinct WA – Curtin University and Tech Park WA Integrating New Town Centre and Transport Infrastructure

The New Integrated City: ì Ūm ² Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions jÞŨÍf¬ƀNd ƥƄJíč !! !! !!


Dynamic team of highly experienced leaders and problem solvers ?ĬĢUŃ~Ʒ ÜüŤǍ ¡ŃDž¤Ůd ƳLJ ĻŮ Deliverers of large scale urban extensions, new towns, urban regeneration and development implementation ƀď ²Ø¬ ì ²ÀƆ ² G f¬d׎Ń,ƤŮ

Our Approach 我们的方案

§  §  §  §  §  §

A holistic approach 整体分析 Beyond simple land use planning 远非简单的土地利用规划 At a broad scale – Region, Sub-Region or City 大规模实施-­‐区域级,次区域级及城市级

Today’s Presentation ĸĵ$ţ !!

The Importance of Integrated Land Use and Transport


ŪmRĽd ƥŃƭžÍ


Regional Spatial Planning


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Growth Area Master Planning




Transit Oriented Development


& ƥ ¤pŃ ²f¬


Transport Design and Strategies




The New Integrated City: 新型综合城市 Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions 可持续性发展规划及交通解决方案

The Importance of Creating Great Well Connected and Integrated Cities, Towns and Resorts

建立四通八达的,综合的城市,乡镇及景区的重要性 §  §  §  §  §  §

舒适 & 便利 Connection and Interaction 畅通 & 互动 Community 社会共同体 Attraction 吸引力 Increased and maintained $$$$ value 维持并提升经济价值 Economic, social and environmental sustainability 经济,社会及环境的可持续性 Comfort and Amenity

The New Integrated City: 新型综合城市 Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions 可持续性发展规划及交通解决方案 Similar Issues in China and Australia – we can find solutions 对于中国与澳大利亚的类似问题,我们可以提供解决方案 §  Rapid rate of urbanisation – need for new areas of housing, social amenities, commercial and other land uses 高速城市化-­‐刺激对住房,公共设施,经济及其他土地 新需求 §  Need for integrated multi disciplinary planning – integrated land use and transport planning and design 全面综合的规划需求-­‐集土地利用及交通规划于一体 §  Need for a coherent easily understood Vision 对清晰的易于理解的视角的需求 §  Missed opportunities in existing urban areas 现有城市地区所丧失的良机 §  Unsustainable development patterns 非可持续性发展模式

The New Integrated City: 新型综合城市 Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions 可持续性发展规划及交通解决方案

Victoria and Melbourne §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §


Long history of integrating land use and public transport 综合性土地利用及市政交通的悠久历史 Melbourne has by far the worlds largest tram network 目前为止,墨尔本拥有世界上最大的有轨电车轨道网络 Melbourne has an extensive metropolitan rail network 墨尔本拥有广阔的市政轨道交通网络 We are focusing development around transit hubs and developing around existing transit infrastructure 我们专注于交通枢纽及现有交通设施周边地区的发展

Melbourne’s Tram Network 墨尔本有轨电车系统 §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

The largest operating network in the world with 250 kilometres of double track 是世界上最大的运行网络,拥有250公里双线铁路 1770 tram stops 拥有1770个车站 500 trams 500列有轨电车 27 tram routes & the free City Circle tourist tram Tram 27条轨道路线及免费都市环游轨道 2000 staff, including 1128 drivers, covering 50 nationalities 名工作人员,其中包括来自50个国家的1128名司机 180 million trips in 2008-09 2008至09年间共运行18亿次

0 Cologne


Bie lefeld


Nottingha m


Sa n Dieg o



Se attle

Newa rk

Buff alo

New Orle ans


Cle ve land

Sa n Jose

St. Louis

Los Angeles




9 8 7 5 4 3 3 3 2 Kenosha

Newa rk

UK Cities



Pit tsburg h



Sa cra mento


Sa lt Lake City


Sa n Fra ncisco

Tyne and Wear

4 4 3

West Midla nds

1 0

Manc hester

9 9


French Cities

Sheff ield

Stra sbourg


Orlea ns



German Cities






Sa arbruchen

Bonn S SB

14 13 12

Bonn S W B



25 24 24 23

Karlsruhe ( VBK)








Frankf urt/ M a in











The New Integrated City: 新型综合城市 Sustainable Planning and Transport Solutions 可持续性发展规划及交通解决方案 Tram Track Kilometres in Mixed Traffic 混合交通中有轨电车所运行公里数


USA Cities


60 48 41

31 17 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Our Approach – Global – Regional Spatial Planning 我们的方案-­‐全球性的-­‐地区空间规划

Our Approach – Global – Regional Spatial Planning 我们的方案-­‐全球性的-­‐地区空间规划

Wuhan Masterplan, China 中国武汉总体规划设计 §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

Conceptual master plan for a spectacular site characterised by lush mountains and huge lakes 以繁茂高山及大型湖泊为特色的总体规划概念设计 A plan that integrates land use planning and transport 集土地利用及交通于一体的规划设计 Part of a high tech development area – one of only two designated by the government 高新技术开发区的一部分-­‐政府所指定的两个部分的其中之一 Area covers more than 800 sq km 地域涵盖800平方公里 Will provide development land for more than 2 million people 为200多万人口提供住宅 Will provide a wide range of industrial and service businesses over the next 30 years 在接下来的三十年里,将大范围创造工业及服务经济 Produced a transport plan 刺激交通规划的产生

Guiyang Masterplan, China 中国贵阳总体规划 §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

278 ha master plan 278总体规划 Aims to establish an important eco leisure and tourism destination anchored by a central business district with low carbon eco neighbourhoods 旨在建立以带有低碳环保社区的中央经济区为根本的重要生态休闲旅游目的 地 Served by Bus Rapid Transport and other sustainable transport modes 辅助以快速公交系统及可持续性的交通运输模式 Target population 450,000 residents 45万人口指标

Guiyang Masterplan 贵阳总体规划

Guiyang Masterplan ƍƸÎ1ƀN

Guiyang Masterplan 贵阳总体规划

Growth Area Planning – Melbourne North Growth Corridor – For Lend Lease 经济开发区规划-墨尔本北方经济发展长廊-租借 §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

Planning for Melbourne’s Northern expansion – Lockerbie Development 墨尔本北部拓展规划-­‐洛克比式发展 Connecting Growth Areas 连接经济开发区 Focusing new growth around transit corridors 专注于交通长廊周边地区的新发展 New centres of activity focused around train stations 火车站周边的新活动中心 Providing a Vision for Northern Melbourne 为北墨尔本提供发展愿景

Perth Growth Corridor – Alkimos Eglinton District And Local Structure Plans 3ëf¬Ʋ¿- ŶIJǃ ^dÅ ťĆƀN !!

!! !! !!

District and Local Structure Plans for a coastal site experiencing exponential population growth. ^ dĜĦ ^Å ťĆƀN ſƇĮ !h Ń Ʋ The Plans guide the development of a community that promotes carbon-neutral living. ƀNäŊ^f¬ 8ƠðʼnļĢ

Alkimos Eglinton 艾灵顿

Eglinton District Centre – Transit Oriented Development 艾灵顿中心区-­‐以交通为导向的城市发展


Transit Oriented Development with a wide range of District Centre land uses




Focused on creating distinctive public places along the main street



Eglinton District Centre – Transit Oriented Development ŶIJǃ É^-& ƥ ¤pŃ ²f¬

Transport Oriented Development – Reading Station Hill 以交通为导向的城市发展Reading Station Hill

§  §

132,000 sqm new floorspace 132,000平方米新建筑面积


Office, apartments, ground floor retail, bars, restaurants, food outlets, MRT stop 办公室,公寓,地下零售商店,酒吧,餐馆,食品店, 地铁站 Buildings up to 33 storeys



§  §

Transport Oriented Development – Reading Station Hill

Transport Oriented Development – Reading Station Hill 以交通为导向的城市发展Reading Station Hill

Bus Rapid Transit 快速公交系统

China is at the forefront of World Class Bus Rapid Transit Systems – Integrating Land Use, Built Form and Transport 中国处在世界一流的快速公交系统的前沿,集土地利用,建设形态及运输于一体 §  Changzhou 常州 §  Guangzhou 广州 §  Harbin 哈尔滨 §  Lanzhou 兰州

Changzhou BRT ´°ÊƦD Ŝŧ !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

System Name: Changzhou BRT oŏ ´°ÊƦD Ŝŧ BRT Stations: 58 D ŕ %- Peak Throughput: 2,650 passengers per hour ǎ¯þ ģƮ Ĕ¦ó$12%&! City Centre Peak Hour Speed: 19.5km/hour ² Éǎ¯þóƦ '.3%4,5678*

Guangzhou BRT 广州快速公交系统 Guangzhou BRT System

快速公交系统 §  §  §  §  §  §

Asia’s highest capacity BRT System 亚洲容量最高的快速公交系统 Enhancing lives of 800,00 people a day 每天提高800,00人的生活质量 World’s largest BRT 世界上最大的快速公交系统

Guangzhou BRT 广州快速公交系统 Guangzhou BRT System

广州快速公交系统 §  §  §  §  §  §

World’s highest number of passenger boarding at BRT Stations 快速公交站的乘客量是世界上最多的 World’s highest BRT bus frequency 公交频率世界上最高 World’s first BRT to directly connect to a metro system 世界上第一个连通地铁系统的快速公交系统

Guangzhou BRT 广州快速公交系统 Guangzhou BRT System 广州快速公交系统 §

It has relieved traffic congestion




It has shifted mode share from car to bus 交通模式由汽车转变为公交

§  §

It has created more comfort and speed than traditional public transport


比传统的公共交通更具舒适度,速度更快 It has cut commuter times

§  §  §

缩短了上下班时间 It will remove ¼ million tons of Co2 from the atmosphere per year by 2030 截止2030年,将减少25万吨二氧化碳

Guangzhou BRT 广州快速公交系统 Guangzhou BRT System 广州快速公交系统 §  §  §

The stations are positioned along key commercial areas 车站建在重点商务区域 People are a ride away from festivals and tourist areas




It connects residents in Urban Villages




It is integrated with bike sharing systems and bike parking areas



Manila (Philippines) BRT Feasibility Study 马尼拉快速公交系统可行性研究 (World Bank) 世界银行

ITP undertook a feasibility study for a pilot BRT route in Manila, Philippines. The project was underpinned by a comprehensive consultation plan. Technical workstreams included the derivation of passengers and revenue forecasts, preliminary engineering designs for all infrastructure, design of stations, terminals, interchange and depots and an ITS support system.

ITP在菲律宾马尼拉进行了快速公交试点线路的可行性研究。该项目以全面的咨 询计划为支撑。 技术工作流程涵盖了乘客引导,税收预测,及基础设施、站点、终点站、交叉 口以及智能交通支持系统的基本工程设计。

Manila BRT Bus Routes 马尼拉快速公交线路

Manila (Philippines) BRT Feasibility Study 马尼拉快速公交系统可行性研究 (World Bank) 世界银行

CEBU (Philippines) BRT Study and Concept Plan (World Bank)

CEBU (Philippines) BRT Study and Concept Plan 宿务岛快速公交系统研究及概念规划 (World Bank)世界银行

ITP undertook a feasibility study for a pilot BRT route in Cebu City, Philippines. This work built upon ITP’s completion of the Pre Feasibility Study and the development of a public transport strategy for the reclamation area in Cebu. The project was underpinned by a comprehensive consultation plan. Technical workstreams included the derivation of passengers and revenue forecasts, preliminary engineering designs for all infrastructure, design of stations, terminals, interchange and depots and an ITS support system.

ITP在菲律宾宿务岛进行了快速公交试点线路的可行性研究。该工程是建立在 ITP初步可行性研究及宿务岛填海区域公共交通策略实现的基础上。该项目以全 面的咨询计划为支撑。技术工作流程涵盖了乘客引导,税收预测,及基础设施、 站点、终点站、交叉口以及智能交通支持系统的基本工程设计。

CEBU (Philippines) BRT Study and Concept Plan 宿务岛快速公交系统研究及概念规划 (World Bank) 世界银行

Transjakarta Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) 雅加达-­‐快速公交系统 §  §  §  §  §  §

A key part of transport provision in Jakarta 雅加达交通运输规定的重要组成部分 Began operation in 2004 2004年首次运营 Now carrying over 300,00 passengers per day 如今每天搭载300,00多名乘客

We Create Sustainable Development Through Good transit Oriented Development 我们通过良好的以交通为导向的城市发展方式,可以实现可持续性发展 §  §  §  §  §  §

Increase Economic Vitality Create Community Reduce Environmental Impacts Mitigate Climate Change through Low Carbon Travel Reduce Reliance and Use of Private Car Increase Health and Well Being of All People


增强经济活力 创建社会共同体 减少对环境的影响 通过低碳出行来减缓气候变迁 减少对轿车的依赖及使用 提高全民的幸福健康指数


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