R 5315
PFAFF 234 High-SpeedSewing Machine
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R 5090
Fis. 20 /. Hold the bolonce wheel in this position ond turn lhe hook on its shoft until its point is opposite the center line of rhe needle. Slightly tighten whicheveÍ hook sel screw con be reoched mosl eosily. L Check whether the hook point is obout 3ir." (1.2 mm) obove ihe rop of the needle eye. If odiusiment is required, loosen set screw c (Fig, l9) ond set fhe needle bor ot ihe correct height. 9. Check whether lhere is o cleoronce of .004" (0.1 mm) belween lhe hook point ond lhe needle. Moke sure thot the hook poi nt w i l l ne ve r c ho íe o go in st l h e n e ed l e. 10. Tighleo boih hook sel scíews sêcurely ond reploce needle plole ond pres5erÍoot. To focilitote setting the needle bor ot the coírect height, o smoll depression obout t/e." wide hos been milled into the bor. When the needle bor hos reoched the lowest point of its siroke, the top of this mork shoulo oe Ílush with the boitom edge of the lower needle bor bushing. The width of lhis mork coincides with ihe omount of needle rise reouired lo Íorm the loop. In other words, when the needle bor hos risen obout 5/r." Írom the lowesl point of its ltrole, the hook point should be opposite lhe centeí line of the needle. This lost odjustment pÍocedure, however, is not prêcise enough. Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
Inslruclions Íor Mechanics 17,The V-BehDrive W he n m ou nling t he V. beli fo r t he f ir st tim e, c ore s houl d be t ok en t hof i l r s n o l for c ed on th e m ot oí pu lley becous eo c rook edly mouni ed bel t w eor s out ou i ck lv . Íh e v or io us mot o. s us e d lo d riv e ihe PioÍ . 23.i c re s iondor d mol ors c on . l or mi ng to G er mon DIN 42ó9 1 s pecií ico' ons . ï hey ore piv ot oll y c onnect e d wi l h l he mo to r br o c ke i by m eons oÍ c h n_qes :ud ond. oíi er l oos eni ng o s el s cr ew o r n ul, c o n b e s wun g t o ony des ea c os i on t o f oc il it ot e moun r . i n g l he be ll on lhe mo c hine ond m ot o- c - ers See i o: or pi cr . rrec n F i o . I 7l
Fig l7 Th e t ens io n mu s l no i b e s et io o t ight os thr s w ould cous e ex c ess r vepres s u re o n l he or m sh of t be or ings on d m ight res ult in ov erheoting ond s eiz i ng o Í l he mo ch ine . T h e b ell is le n s on ed c o rr c c lly ií y ou con cor npf es sil ob out i ! oÍ on i nc h mi dw oy be lwe en bo th pu lley s. T i g hte n t he h ng e s iud nu l (or s et s c rew k on m oior s s o l hol il will n o; lo o se n while sewing. 18
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Fi g. l 7) s ecur e l y
F ig .6 R 4345
8. Choosingthe Proper Needle The Píoff 234 uses the Íollowing round-shonk,round-poini needles: Model A
System 134 nêedtes
Mo d e l B - S y st e m l 3 J ne e d t e s Model C
S y sï ê m 13 4 n e ed l e s
Necdle ond lhreod Chort Ne edl e Si ze
t303 130i,1
1 4 03
200i3 I50/3
r 00.,3 1 00 , I
140'3- r 2c 3
80/3 80'4
I 20/3- 1003
70/3-ó0i3 70t4-ó0,'4
r00/3- 80,'3
50t3- 40/3 5A/4- 40/4
3Cr/3 30/4 30ió
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Oil seolerscrew2 (Fig. l) on the top covoí hos two oilwicksqttochedfo it whió providê for on odditionol lubricotionof the feed eccentricono, therefore,shouldbe sookedwith oil thoroughly.Both the verticolshofrrop beoringond the upper bevel geor ossemblycon b6 oiled qÍter tqking out cop screw3 (Fig, 1). The needlebor is lubricotedby meonsoÍ on oilwick which leods down Írom the tqke-upguord ond is jooked with sproy oil. Form lhe. hobii oÍ pufting o drop oÍ oil into the hook rocewoy severol lrmeso cloy. Cerloin.sewing.lroubles,such os lhreod breoking ond stitó skipping, connol be remediedby opplyingexcessive quonlitiesof oil. Excessoil qno lint tend lo form o pockedmosswhich,in time, will cousehord runningoÍ ihe moóine ond soilingof the work. Mokr it o rulc, thereÍore,to qpply oil rporingly but regulorly. Alwoys use PfofÍ sewingmochineoil No.28GllmI22 non-resinous.
whió is completely
Althoughthe bevelgeorsore enclosedin cosesond requireno speciolmoinlenonce,il is recommended to replocethe old greoseby Pfoff greoseNo. 2&-l-12O213onceo yeor. Owing fo the speciolÉbricotingpropeitiesof this greose,the flonksof the bevelgeor teeih shouldbe greoled only lightly. From lime to iime, unscrewthe needle plote ond removelhe lint which hos occumuloted on the Íeed dog ond in the viciniryoÍ the sewinghook. This ir very impo.tontbecousethis lint contoinssmoil porticlesof dressing which couseexcessive weor of the sewingmeóonism.On moclrineswhich oÍe in opeÍolionconstontly, the lini muslbe removedeverydoy.
5, lemoving the Bobbin Cose Roisethe toke-upleverto its highestpositionond open the bed slide.Reocn under lhe toble wiih your left hond ond open the bobbin cole loích with the noil of your thumb.Pull out the bobbin cose by holdingrhe lotchwith thumbond ÍoreÍinger,os shownin Fig.4. While you hold the bobbin cose by its open lotch,the bobbin connotfoll out.
6. Windingrhe Bobbin Bobbinsore wound wilh lhe power-drivenbobbin winder (Fig.5), which requiresno lub.icotionsinceits spindleruns in q sinleredsteel bushing. A bofÍle plote mounledon the winder bose preventsthe lhreod from berng pulled loword the driving belt by ihe droÍt of oi. cqusedby the belr. Thé V-groovein the rim of lhe winder pulleyhos on obtuse-ongled profile which permih lhe use of both round ond V-belts.
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