Pfaff 18

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G. M. PFAF' AG Bronch Korl3ruh!'0urlo.h

lf you hovc ony scwing piobl;i, pl6os€r€ot rr.! to conloct your trofi wfio will b. glod lo h.lp you ol.ony ti'ne.

Twieinsrructionbook fids b€3lt,c^;mpil6d in order to help you u.d€rstondyour sswing mddin6 o.d ib operolion ond io o.qudint yo! wilh th€ mo3timporloni s.wing iob,. Evll if you ore on exp€riencedloonslrcss,you will find lhir book o voluobl6 suid6 to oo3y sowins. Follow lhos. lif,ple inshuclionsond 56wingwill b6com€d lo3tihgpl.osur..

Your dreom hos com€tr!€. Yo!'qre now ih€proud own6r of o Pfoff s6 ns mochin6 whichwill enobl€you to mosloroll ordino.y s€wins,embroideringond dornins iobt thot moy comeuP in o hom€. i )

Foreword E ,senl i ol P orl sof M ochi n e . Removinglh€ Bobbin Cose D i sensosi ng the S ew i n g M€chonkm : W i ndi ngthe Bobbi n. Threodingthe Bobbin cose Insedingthe BobbinCose. C hongi ng i he Ne€dl e upper Thr6adi ns Drowins up ihe BobbinThreod. R esul oti ns i heThr eodT e n si o n s. SlitchLengthReguloiiondnd ReveBeSewing Sellingihe Needle Position Reguldiingthe StilchWidth Removingth6 Neodle Plole

12 12 t3 14

7 7 8 ? l0


3 4

l5 t6 t6 18 20 21 22 72 23 21 25 26 27

of Mod'i.e Operotion . Siroigt ond Zigzog Sewing Bulton S€wing. Sewing Botlonholes. Embroideringond Dorning H e m m i n g. S l i n d +i th H em m i ng Rehovingthe Work . N e e d l oo n d T hr eodC hor t . Mochin€Core Cleoning lhe Shuttle Roce C h o n g i . gl h€ Li ghtB ul b Troubl6Shootins.


11 t5

Chonging the Sewing Foot Droppinglh€/ilochineFe€d

Hold lhe boloice w heelw i l h your l efi hond ond, wi lh your ri ghr hdnd, l urn siop molion knob towdrd you (see 'he in Fis. 21.To â‚Źnsose the sewins ctrow mechonism,lighten ihe sloP morion knob by iuriing ii over from you.

Dirensdginslhe Sewinsmedonism

Turn the bolance wheel ioword you !nlil t he.eedle bor i s ot i ts hi shest poinl.O pe. the bed sl i deso l hot you cqn see the shuttle.Lifl lotchA (Fis. l) wiih ihum b ond forefi ngerond toke ihe bobbin c ose oui of l he mochi ne. Releosethe loich so thot the bobbin

Renovingthe BobbinCore

/ f i h e i h r eod pi l es up on one si de. loosen lhe set screw on ihe bobbli windef lension brocketon rhe bo.k of i h e m o ch i ne, set l he b' ockethi qheror l o w e r , d s r equi r ed,ond l i shG n i he

Selecilhe proper lhreod size from ihe Needle ond ThreodChort on poqe 23. D se f q o q el he l ew i na m echon sm ond plo.e o spool of thre;d on one of the p i ns ( F i o. sp o o 31. P o$ i he t hr eod r h r o u g ltihe i hr ; od sui deond behveen i e i si o n d ka 2 G ee onow l . Wi nd t he end of the ihredd severoltimd dr6und b o b b l n3 i n i he di r ect i oni nd' cai edby on orow. Plocethe bobbin on sDindle A ( F , s 4 ) dnd pr es bul r onB . S l dr lt he m o ch i n eT he bobbi nw l nderw i l l sl oo o u i o m o i i col lw y hen t he bobbi nh f ul l . R e m o ve l h e f ul l bobbi n. l f o n l y o l i m , t edom ol ni of r h, eodi 5 r o b e w o u n d on t he bobbl n, push l he bcbbin owdy from the stop when ihe desi.ed onounl of lhreod hdr b-.en

Pull obolt four inchesof threod from lhe bobbln.Toke t he bobbin cdse in yo! r lef l hond ond inser lihe bobbin lntolhe bobbinco se,os shownin Fig. 5. t he lhreod int o ihe bobbin <ose PuLL sloi (Fis.6) ond d row il io lhe r isht, pullinsil underlhe iensionspr ingond into ihe deliveryeye (Fis.7).

Th.eodinsrhe BobbinCore



Chongingtho Needl. Iurn ihe boloncewheel lowdrd you to bri ns needlebor A ( F i s. 9 )t o i h h i sh e5i poinl. Loosenneedle set screw I ond l oke ou l i he ol d n e e d l eI.n se r lth e new i â‚Źedl e C i nl o t he o p e n i n so f l h e needl ecl om pand pushi r u p o s f a r o s il wl I so. Moke surethe f ot side of ils shonkfoceslow or dt he r i sh t a n d l i sh l , en needlesetscrdwB. U se sysi eml30R . eed l e s o n l y. S e l e cr the properi e edl esi zef r o m t h e N e e d l e ond ThreodChort on poge 23.

Inre ing the BobbinC6e Roise lhe needle bdr lo ih hishesi poinl. Lift lokh D (Fig. 8) io keep the bobbin Jrom dfoppins oul of iis cose. Plocethe bobbin coseon slud A. moki ns sufe pos i i i onf i nse r C i s o p p o si i e notch 8. Releose olch D ond pres osol i sl l he b obbi n. o se u n t i l i i sn o p s irio plocewiih d cli.k.

Br lnstok e-up ever 7 (Fi s.l 0) os hi sh os ii w il l 9o ond poce o spool of ihieod on one of the spool pins. Po$ ihe lhr eodthr oushthreodsui desI ond 2, down throughlhfeod suide 3, clockwis eof oundand berw een tensl ondi scs 4, ond inlo loop 5 of lhe lhreod check sprin s.PuI the l hreod up so thot i t will dr op inlo i hreod guord 6. Then pa$ lhe ihre od up l hrough i hreod gulde 3, fr cm ri ght i o l efi l hroughl he hole in t okeup l ever 7, ond dow n thr oush thr eod 9!i des 8, 9 ond 10. Threodneedlel l fron l efl to ri ghtond pu dbolt four inches of threod ihroughthe needleeye.


H ol d the end of t he n e e d l et h r e d di n your lefl hoid. Turnihe boloncewheel ioword you until lhe needle moves dow n ond u p osoi n o n d t h e r o ke - u p leverreochesits highesipositioi. Lightl y pul l the n eedl el hr e d dt o d r o w i h e bobbi nrhre odup i hr o u shr h e i e e d l e hol e (Fi s l l ) . P l oceb o t h t h r e d de i d s (oboul four inches lons) bo.k under

Drcwins Up the BobbinThrcqd









For ordinory sawing.the uppor t€nsion should be s€l b.twoen 4 ond 6 on lh€ l€nsion diol (Fig. l3). To incrsosoth6 lension,tuh the tenslon knob towqrd +, ond to decreo!€lh€ tension, to'

lll - Both lensionsbolon.ed cor€ctly.

ll - Upper tensiontoo tighr or lower lensiontoo loose-

| - lJpper tensionioo loole or lower t€nsiontoo tighl.

lf the tensionsorc not bolonc€d cofrectly,impedectBtitchingwill resulr,os illus holedin Fig.12.

Resulqlinslfte ThruadT.n3ion.

The lower tensionis reguloied by lhe smoll scr€w 5hown in Fis. 11. To increos6 the ten3ion/ lum this s.rew clockwhe,ond to dec.eoseit, couhler clockwise,usinso smollscrowdr;v6rfor l hi spurpos6.



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posiriors posi-ion o! need'e reve,{Fis.16): er': cere,i > + <*tishr'

on- o ,l her e

S€llinslh. Needl. ?olition Ihe needl€pos tion lever s lsed to nove the needlef rom lhe .enr erto the ri oht or l efr ol lhe noedleholel. 5ir oi shtti tchi i g. W henthe moc hinek s el for zigzogni khi ng, i t mov€s lhe st oriinapoint of th e needl evj brol i onro

To s€w in r6vers€,sidplv EressfinoeFtio conrr olT down when r heconholi s ral eos;d.the mochineresumesfo ord sewins.

Stitd length Roguldtionond Rev€rreSewing Stilch lenglh conlrol I resuloles ihe stitch renqr n. The nrmbe6 on lhe conhol indicotetho stitch lenglh{ ihe higherlhe number,rhe l onser,he when ihe conh oTi sseion " 0" ,the mo5lrichl. chine ceosesfeedino: mdimum slitch lenoth k 6lo t h€inch14m ;) . To reoul o' ethe di -kh lenst h,rur nt he coitr oi unti ltFedesi rednumber k oppos;lethe doi on the left-hondside


This feoture is porli.oldrly useful for

S i i l ch W i dl h Li m ; l i n g B u t t o n Th6 stikh widih con be limit€d by meons of butlon A. To do lhis, proceedos follows: Setnilch width levq C on '2', for insioice, ond hold il lhere. Turn bullon A co!nleF<lod<wise. This ociion coLrsesslop I lo move lo ihe lefl unlil il contocts lever C. Tighien butlonA by turningil clockwke. To releosethe ditch width lever, turn bulion A counlerclockwise, relurnlever C io "0", ond lighlen bulton A by turn-

Reguloiinsth€gtit<hWidil' Sei sliichwidlh lever C (Fig.14 to the desiredstitchwidih {0 lo 5). The numbeu on lhe s.ole indicote the +ilch




Roiseihe needleout ol the fobric fore you chongethe stit<i wjdlh.



Rokebolh t he preserond needl ebore io lheir highest posiiions. Loosei the sewins foot lhumb screw ond remove the sewins foot. Aitoch qnoiher sew ing fool ond tighten lhe lhumb screw

Chqngingth. SewingFoot

As you replocelhe needleplole, mqke sur eiis for end sl i psunderthe heodof lhe .eor screwbeforeyou p!sh ii down over the guide screws.

Fr omlim e t o lime, cl eonthe mochi ne feed wilh o soft brush.

Lifl both lhe needle qnd presserbors io their hishestpositlons.Pushthe bed slidelo the left. Lifl lhe needleplote by it s st f oighiedgeond ti l l i t oul (Fi g.l 8l .

R.hoviry lhe Ne.dlo Pldte

Mochine feed dropped podwoy for sewinsdelicotefobrics. Mochine feed roised for sewins mediun ond heovy-weighlfobrica.


Fundanlnlqk ol MochineOpe.o on Alwoys turn the boloncewh€el toword you. Never run o thr€odedmochineunlessyou hove lobric und6r lh€ sewing fool. Plocebolh threod! bock underthe sewing fooi before you begin sewing. Roiselhe tdke-uplever before you besin ond ofter you hdve completedo

2 :

I :

Droppinglhe liddine F.ed The mdchinefeed con be ser lo lhree difrerent positions by meons of the d r cp f e e dconi r cl( F i s. l 9) . 0 : Mochinefeed dropped complet€l y f or em br oi der i ns, dor ni nsond


The mochinesswszigzdg siitcheswhen stild widrh lov€r C k sefon ony n!m-

zigicg Sorrins

Themochinesewsstroightsiitches when siitch widti lever C (Fis. 17) i3 s.t on "0'.


Che.t to se€thot th€stop molion knob h light€n€dseclr€ly.

Strsighldnd Zigtog slwirg

FouFhole bultons showni n Fis. 22.

Burbn l€{ing Roilethe needlebor to irs highosrposilion ond lhe normol sewing fool for th€buttonsewinsfooi {Fis.20). Drcp the mochinefeed,flick rhe needle posilionlever to left, ond 5er lhe stitch width leveron "0". Ploc6o butto on tl'e fobr;c under the roked butlon sewins foot. Moke lure lhe needleis centeredexoctlyov€r ,€ lefi hole in th€button (Fis.rl d). Lower the pr€ss€rbor lifter ond set th6 stiicll widlh (usuollyoboul 3'l,1 so thot the needleedlersthe right hole in lh6 but. ion os you iu.n the bolon.e wheel (Fis.2l b).Slowlysewobout len stilches (Fis. 2l c), flick the llitch widlh lever to '0", ond moke lwo or thro€ lying






Sa r.l I


Dorning is don e i n the sone w oy. Dorn lhe dom oged dreo w i i h cl ose stitches.Rips moy be dorned with lhe normol sewins foot by operoting lhe

Embroiderinsqnd Dornins Removelhe sewins fooi and drop the m achinefeed. P l ocel he mol eri oli nl o dor iiis hoops (Fi s.25) ond pul i i uider the needle.Lowerlhe pre$er bor ifter.Hold lhe dornins hoopswilh both honds (Fis.26) qnd move i he w ork bock dnd forlh lnder ihe needlewhlle lhe m dchine r unsdt hi ghspeed.B esure io keepy our fingeBoui of the pdthof lhe needle.Before you begin 1o embrcider, increos,. rhe lower lension slighllys o i hol the bobbi nthreodw i l l noi be pulled to ihe surfoce of lhe m cieri ol.This sei l i ngw i l l greol l y enhdncelhe oppe oronce of the fi i i shed

Roisethe needle ond oiloch ihe hem' mer fool (Fis.27).Flickthe needlâ‚Źpositicn leverlo center.Fold bocklhe edge of l he mol er i dloboul r / si n ch , l h e nf o l d ii over osoin for o lenglh of obour hvo inches.lnsert this folded eid into lhe scrol lof l he hem m erf o o l , o n d p u l l l h e fabri . bock ond f o h u n t i l t h e h e m formsi l sel fin t he scr o l l .T h e np u l l l h e fobrl c l ow dr d you un t i l t h e b e g l n n i n g oi lhe hem is iust below the needle. Lower the hemmerfoot, ond sew lhe hemwith o siroighl stitchor o mediom' w i de zi gzd g sl i i ch.G u i d e t h e l o b r i . into the hemmer fool wh;|6 sewing (Fie 28).






1_/1U R ai seb oi h i he n e e d l e o . d p , e $ e r b o B to l hei r hi q h es l o o s i t i o n s o n d D U l l l h e w or k b o .k ;u t o l t h e m d . h i n e C u l t h e thrcods wilh the lhreod culier. leavino ends obout four inches lons wirh whicF to slorl the next seom.

Fll c k i he nee d l e D o s i t i o nl e v e r l o r i o h i . T!rn l he fob .i .;r o n o s i d e u p o n d f ; l d bock ils edqe obout r/, inch iFiq. 29 A). Then fold lhe moierio io the desired wl dl h of hem , o s s h o w f i i F i g . 2 9 B , o n d bosle. Fold the hem dowi so thol ih bo tl om ed q e D r o h u d e s o b o u t '/ . i n c h {Fi 9. 29 C j .- Se i b o t h l h e s l i t c h l e n s t h dnd rlii.h width .onkols on "3" dnd sew ihe h6m, os illuslroled ;n Fis- 29 C, mo ki n q s ur e i ha l i h e n e e d l e p e n e n o l e s l he fo l d o n i ts l e l l i u s t l i s h t l y . U n f o l d the no l e ri o l ond you will hdve o blindslitched hem. The hem is pedecl il no tiiches show on the rishi side of the m ol er i dl {Fi q . 2 9 D ) .

Blindrti.h Hemmins




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After oilins, run lhe mochinefo. obout o m;nlte to work th€ oil into dll booF ingr.

From tim€to time, .emov€lhe bobbin core ond put . o dr op of oil into the rhultle roco. Use only o high-grode sewingmochineoil for this purpole.

All b6orin95 of moving po{s ot the need16bor end ond underthe bedplote of lh€ modine should be oited occosionolly.In oddilion, lhere ore o number of oilholeson the top .over of the


Modrine Core

@ I



So c


Roissthe needlebor o.d toke oul bobbin cos€ F with bobbii E (Fis. 30) Swing lotches D owoy ond remove shultlero.e ring C. Couliouslytoke tho shulile oul of ih roce {b€ corcful tiot you do not drop il). Cleon shuhlerdco G wilh o 3oft brush.Reploc€th€shuttle o.d lhe shulile ro.e rins ond lo* lhem in plocewiih lotche!D.

Cldning lhe Shur . Ro..


Removethe foco cover. Pu3htho bltb up inlo ih sockel,turn it left ond putt ir oui. When inserting o new butb {Fis-3l), be ru.e to slide rhe butb pins into ihe boyonetsocketsloJs.Pres rhe bulb in ond lurn it risht lse€orows in Fi9.3I ).



Inserlil c;iiectly, Replocelhe domosedpdrl.

6. The needleploi€, tho shuttloor the 3ewinsfool h domo96d.


5. The needleis inse ed improperly.

L The threod uled i! too heovylor the

3. Somelhingk wrong wilh lhe needle.

2. Tfireodlensiontoo lishl.

L The needleis nol ihreodedcofiectly.

Ih€ n.edle ilr@d bruqk.

TEuble Shooling



3. The needlei! domosed.

2. The needle is either blunr of benr.

l. The ne€dle is nor ofoched to rhe needlebor.orcctly.

Ilte.dd.hin€ *ip. 3rirdte!

2. The bobbin thrcod hos stipped our from undef lh€ienlion springol the

l. Wh€n the bobb;n threod is nol wound core.tly, it seh entongled.

Th. bobbh thmd br€.kr

Drow il bock undei ihe l€nsion spri.s.

Reploceil with o hish-quolily n€sdl€.

5. The needlei! of inferior quolity.


Adiusl the upper o.d lower threod l6nsions,05 insiructed.

Don't pullon the fobric. L The mot€riolis pulledbyrhe

l. The threod l€nsion k not proporly

Usetfie <orr€clneedlefo. tho moreriol.

lns€do now n€edl€.

3. The mol€riol ir too thick or heovy.

2. The needlei5 not ohochedpropefly.

t. Th6ne€dleis bent.

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