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6 - Print the PDF pages number 1 through 11 (not the page numbers on the printed pages of the booklet!) 7 - Take the printed pages and stack them back in the paper tray. They need to be in order so that the top page is MANUAL PAGE #21&24 with the red cover (this page) at the bottom of the pile. The first page to be printed will be on the BACK of MANUAL PAGE 21&24. 8 - Place them back in the paper tray and print PDF pages 12-22 9 - Fold each sheet in half and assemble the book using the GREY PDF PAGE NUMBERS in the lower left corner with “1” on the bottom of the stack and “11” on the top. You can trim the outer ends or leave them for note taking space if you like. Staple using a saddle or heavy-duty stapler
Test you printer: 1 - Print This Page. 2 - Put the page back in the printer with the blank side to be printed correctly oriented (varies with the printer). Remember how you did that (which way the paper faced)! 3 - Print PDF page #22 4 - Fold the page down the middle with the cover on the outside. 5 - Open it like it was a book. If done correctly the top of the inside pages should be at the top. and the GREY PDF PAGE NUMBER “1” should be on the lower, LEFT HAND corner area (inside MANUAL PAGE NUMBERS should be “2” on the left and “43” on the right). Test again as necessary to get it right.. (continued on other margin)