Sports Facility Project

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DAVID M. SMITH HPE 567 Sports facility, adminstration, and design June 30, 2017

Table of Contents About Indoor Sports Facility ....................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 3 Description of Facility................................................................................................................... 4 Strategic Focus .............................................................................................................................. 5 Vision Statement .......................................................................................................................................5 Philosophy/Values .....................................................................................................................................5 Mission ......................................................................................................................................................5 Situation Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 6 SWOT Analysis-Internal ...........................................................................................................................6 SWOT Analysis- External .........................................................................................................................7 Industry Analysis .......................................................................................................................................8 Competitors Analysis ................................................................................................................................8 Facility .......................................................................................................................................................8 Customer....................................................................................................................................................8 Market Product Focus .................................................................................................................. 8 Long term plan and objectives ..................................................................................................................8 Goals and objectives reviewed ..................................................................................................................8 Target Market ............................................................................................................................................8 Point of difference: ....................................................................................................................................8 Marketing Program ...................................................................................................................... 9 Product Strategy ........................................................................................................................................9 Price Strategy .............................................................................................................................................9 Promotion Strategy ....................................................................................................................................9 Place Strategy ............................................................................................................................................9 Financial Data Projections ......................................................................................................... 10 First Year Sales Revenue.........................................................................................................................10 Five Year Projections ..............................................................................................................................10 Implementation Plan .................................................................................................................. 10 Schedule of Implementation ....................................................................................................................10 Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix A. Biographical Sketches .......................................................................................... 12 Appendix B. Detailed Financial Projections............................................................................. 13 Appendix C. Sketches/ Design of Facility ................................................................................. 14 Works Cited................................................................................................................................. 16

Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

About Indoor Sports Facility Indoor Sports Facilities have seen a huge increase of growth on many college and high school campuses within the past five years. Even with a multi-million-dollar price tag, universities across the U.S. are opting to build an indoor sports facility for a couple of reasons. Universities can use these areas for practice when inclement weather comes along, extra facility for university use, recruiting showcase, profitable events, high school sports teams, marching bands, training, and functionality. Many universities across the state of Alabama have them as well. The University of Alabama, Auburn University, University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of South Alabama. Many of the top tier programs in FBS have indoor sports facilities; LSU, Arkansas, Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss and Tennessee, not just because of recruiting, but because of the shear fact of unpredictable weather we have seen within the past couple of years. With the growing success of sports teams across the many universities, this would be an opportunity to that would advance sports to the next level and really make Jacksonville State on the competitive edge.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Executive Summary The Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility would be available to the university, the community, and others school systems across the state. With the recent success of many sports on campus, football, men's basketball, baseball, softball, not to mention a successful band program, and high volume intramurals this would be an ideal place for teams to practice. This facility would mainly be home for football and Track and Field, but can be used by other sports as well. The facility would be built solely by student fees, fundraising, donations, and bonds issuing by the State of Alabama. The naming rights could be issued to a high dollar donor or company. If the City of Jacksonville wanted to regularly use the facility, then a gracious donation could be make for construction from the city. It could host wrestling meets, practices for all sports, track meets, rent out the facility, classes for physical education, high school camps as well. The facility would have 4 full-time staff members to management the building in various forms of responsibilities.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Description of Facility The facility would 2-3 stories and have the following. A full scale closed building, state of the art building, full 100-yard field, track with 4-6 lanes around the field with added in space for extra material, weight room, viewing stands, coaches peak, large-scale opening windows, offices, storage, and restrooms. The building will be ADA compliant as well. The 100-yard field would be artificial turf much like the other facilities on campus, southerners outdoor practice field, baseball, and football stadium. The track and field with full length and regulation size. The offices will be for football and track and field. The view stands would have a coaches peak over and comfortable seating for 250 viewers. The floor cannot be removed and can be used for cheerleading, practices, wrestling, weight lighting, and any other event. The facility will also have the options of playing music throughout the facility and able to be hooked up to extra power source and music. The location of the facility would be directly located on the outdoor track and field facility. This would cause track and field to be relocated indoors and with full access to the facility. Parking wouldn't be an issue with the Pete Matthews Coliseum located directly near it and within walking distance.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Strategic Focus Vision Statement The Jacksonville State Indoor Sports Facility would be home to the Jacksonville State Football team and Track and Field. The complex would be available to the City of Jacksonville for special events, rallies, and any public event they deem fit. Philosophy/Values The Philosophy of the Jacksonville State Indoor Sports Facility would be to help grow and advance sports facilities at Jacksonville State and the City of Jacksonville. Mission Goals Financial Continue to receive donations to improve the facility year around. Rental opportunities to the City and the public Personnel To have 2-4 full time employees with the sports complex to maintain the facility and teach. Marketing Community involvement with facility Create an environment of growth with sports and the university Market to as art sports facility for the university Customer Service Create friendly and inviting facility for the university and community Objectives Financial Keep facilities fees down to a minimum Allow community incentives for low cost Personnel Run the community events and school events smoothly. Marketing Allow community incentives for low cost Marketing at a state of the art building for Sports Create a social media presence as well as paper media Customer Service Create a positive atmosphere for learning, achieving customer satisfaction and an overall environment of success.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Situation Analysis SWOT Analysis-Internal Management: The Jacksonville State Indoor Sports Facility will be run by Jacksonville State employees and staff. Out of the 2-4 employees that will be hired to run the facility, one will be in charge of scheduling for the university and community. Strengths: One person will be in charge of scheduling. Staff will report to the Sports Coordinator over the facility. Weakness: 2 programs will be in the facility, so conflicts may happen from time to time. Offerings: The facility will offer locations for track and field, weightlifting, football practice, band practice, and events. Strengths: No indoor location is like this or in the area to hold these much events. Weakness: High volume traffic area for cars and pedestrian could cause problems with sports and classes offered. Marketing: With using work study students, graduate assistants they will have the opportunity to do the marketing for the Sports facility. They will start, operate the Twitter, Facebook, Instagram pages for the facility. Design and publish all marketing materials for the facility and events. Strengths: Having students and graduate students working with this it would give them experience and allows us to push our materials out effectively. Weakness: paper materials are not always the way to go, but would focus on getting materials out. Personnel: Of the 2-4 hired, one will be the sports coordinator, scheduling coordinator, operations manager, and supervisor. Strengths: By having 4 team members this helps with organizational stuff and controls the building. Weakness: The problem with having 4 people we may have too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Finance: A small budget will be needed for the employees, work study, and graduate assistants. Rental space will help cut the cost down and increase revenue. Strengths: To make sure we have proper employees working with the facility to maintain it 100%. Weakness: Possibly not enough time for the community to use the facility and the university would like, which would decrease revenue. Manufacturing: The University will supply all materials needed for the building. They will make sure its bided out properly. Strengths: By bidding out the university and staff will make sure we get the most out of the dollar. Weakness: Also, this may cause the university, not to understand the equipment.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

SWOT Analysis- External Consumer/ Social Opportunities: This facility gives the university an avenue in the event of storms outside for practice, events and parties. It also allows for weight lighting, track and field as well. Threats: Always a chance that facility is booked for events. Competitive Opportunities: No facilities within 100 miles of a facility like this. Gives the community, other cities, and school to use the facility as well. Threats: Could be popular another would be built in an ear by city or it could become too big and have to turn away events. Technology Opportunities: The best technology and state of the art equipment in the facility. Uses pads for events, football practices and track and field. Threats: ipads could be broken or unusable. Economic Opportunities: Regardless people would want to rent the facility for use to events. Threats: Less community use means less income coming in. However, the facility is mainly used for practices for sports. Legal Regulatory Opportunities: Extra insurance would be needed for invites that would be held in the community and alcohol sales. Threats: Risk of injury from equipment.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Industry Analysis Trends: Indoor Sports facilities are increasing becoming a part of college campuses. With the weather being unpredictable, more competitive edge, and recruitment these facilities are becoming a necessity of college sports. Competitors Analysis Trends: Since these are becoming popular on campuses across the United States, Jacksonville State needs to build an indoor facility to get ahead of the game. Strengths: The closest "indoor" facility to Jacksonville State such as this is at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Though there's isn't completely indoors it's still labeled as an indoor sports facility, next would be the University of Alabama. Facility History: Indoor practice facilities haven't really made a push on colleges campus till recently and are becoming part of the recruitment process and facilities for athletics. Direction: You will see an increase of these facilities in the near future on college campuses. Customer Customer Demographics: With these facilities becoming popular the facility could attract a wide range of adults, kids, the community and other universities, high school programs across the state for camps on campus. Market Product Focus Long term plan and objectives The main marketing concepts for the Indoor Sports Facility is more than just for Football and Track and Field access. It's a facility that can be used for social events, practice for other sports as well. Important to communicate this idea and concept to the university and community. Each year make sure the equipment is up to standard and updates consistently. Goals and objectives reviewed 1. Increase use of other sports and community each year. 2. Make sure availability is open for others to use facility. 3. Marketing is updated and consistently pushing out practice and social events made available to the public for attending and reserving for us. Target Market The target audited would be mainly for sports teams to use the facility as well as the community and the City of Jacksonville. Also, high schools, community college to use the facility. Point of difference: The facility is one of kind within a 100-mile radius and could be used for various events other than sports.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Marketing Program Product Strategy The product is an indoor sports facility. This facility will be used for football and track and field. It will also have a weight room, viewing stand. This facility can be rented out within reasons. The facility must be rented out as a whole and not individual areas. Product Quality The quality of the product will be up to code and standard across the board. State of the art equipment will be installed to make sure we stay as competitive as possible. Artificial turf will be new and improved. Product Packaging When marketing the facility, the entire facility is up to standard and that the marketing reflects this standard and others. Marketing may include discount with events if running a promotion, and will package the entire facility with that promotion Price Strategy The facility can be rented out for $3,000 per night, with a $250 deposit and will be refunded once left and cleaned. Total price would be $3,000 upfront. Promotion Strategy One of the major components of this facility is marketing and promotion. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, University newsletter, and community newsletters will be the main communication of promoting this facility. Hours of operation for the community to us: Tuesday: Noon-Midnight Thursday: Noon-Midnight Saturday: Limited (must call) Sunday: All day Place Strategy The Indoor Sports Facility will be easy to access from Highway 204 and Park Avenue. The location will be directly beside the Coliseum with an easy view from the highway.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Financial Data Projections First Year Sales Revenue I would image not a large scale of revenue to increase. Rentals should pick up once people have heard about the facility. Would host an official gathering at reduced rate to help promote the facility. Five Year Projections First Year: I would image not a large scale of revenue to increase. Rentals should pick up once people have heard about the facility. Would host an official gathering at reduced rate to help promote the facility. Review marketing concepts and improve as needed. Second Year: Continue to promote the facility to high school and surrounding colleges. Also, promote to city for large scale community events. To have at least 5 high schools using the facility for summer camps. Use the facility at the official summer camp location for JSU college football. Third Year: Review rental prices and adjust accordingly. Make sure all the equipment is still update and make adjusts in buying new if needed. Host between 5-7 high school summer camps. Fourth Year: Increase community rentals and start kids summer camps to increase revenues. Fifth Year: Do a complete review over the past 5 years. Evaluate equipment, funding, staff, rentals and summer camps. Implementation Plan Schedule of Implementation Construction Spring 2017 Completion Spring 2018 Opening ceremony Spring, March 2018 Public walk through, March 2018 First practice for Football and Track and Field April 2018 Open to the public Fall 2018 Rentals options available Fall 2018


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Evaluation Please, circle appropriate response Unacceptable Needs Improving


Above Satisfactory

1. First impression of the facility Unacceptable Needs Improving


Above Satisfactory

2. Restrooms Unacceptable

Needs Improving


Above Satisfactory

3. Customer Service Unacceptable Needs Improving


Above Satisfactory

4. Quality of staff, managers, scheduling and environment Unacceptable Needs Improving Acceptable

Above Satisfactory

5. Grounds keeping Unacceptable

Above Satisfactory

Needs Improving


6. How did you hear about us? ______________________________________________________ 7. What was the facility used for? ______________________________________________________ 8. Any recommendations ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Appendix A. Biographical Sketches Sports Coordinator Will oversee the entire facility and will be over the Scheduling Coordinator, Operations Manager and Supervisor. He will represent the facility at all events, meetings with the city, community, and university. If any issues come up they are to be dealt with up the chain, in the event it directly affects this positions or the facility. Supervisor Will report directly to the Sports coordinator. Will be responsible of all work study and graduate assistants. Supervisor will also be in charge of all marketing materials dealing with the facility. Will represent the facility in the event Sports Coordinator isn’t available. Scheduling coordinator Will report directly to the Sports coordinator. Responsible for all scheduling in the facility, meetings with the teams, staff, events deem. Operations manager Will report directly to the Sports coordinator. All operations dealing with equipment indoor and out. Will make sure all equipment is up to code and standard. Responsible for maintenance and calling in order to fix outdoor and indoor equipment.


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Appendix B. Detailed Financial Projections EXPENSES Students Fees ($150 for 1 year with 10K Students) Alumni Donations Bonds Sponsorship(s) REVENUE Rental Fees Camps

1.5 Million 4.5 Million 7.0 Million 2.0 Million $15 Million to build $3,000/ Daily ($250 Deposit included) $5,000/ Daily ($500 Deposit included)

EQUIPMENT NEEDED (included in above price) Artificial Turf Weight Room Equipment Office Equipment Flooring Large Scale Door/Windows Painting Golf Carts 250 Person seating


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Appendix C. Sketches/ Design of Facility


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility


Jacksonville State University Indoor Sports Facility

Works Cited Attwood, E. (n.d.). Designing the Modern College Football Practice Facility. Retrieved May 13, 2017, from[PF2]/2/


#STAYCOCKY Jacksonville State University 700 Pelham Rd North Jacksonville, AL 36265

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