As a professional Fine Art Landscape Photographer the equipment I use to achieve images with is very important to me, it has to standalone and produce quality when I need it, it has to fit into my workflow and has to make me happy. I first bought a Huawei because I was intrigued with the Leica lenses it boasts, that was the P9 and I have been a devotee since.... In fact I have had solo exhibitions that have included Huawei images and I have no shame or remorse in that as the quality stood amongst the professional kit and didn't look out of place. Over the last couple of years there have been endless questions regarding smartphones ... " will this new phone replace your professional kit" well answer me this ... Will apples replace oranges ? Of course they won't and the point is there is no real comparison ... but... can you use a smartphone to produce printable, professional quality images? I say yes and with that in mind I travelled to the Scottish Highlands armed with my Huawei Mate 10 Pro and a tripod. My hope is to muddy the waters of the debate... the question is how muddy? The images you'll see were taken on Saturday 13th January in the Glencoe area of Scotland.
Davie Hudson RedStag Photography
The quality of this phones cameras is amazing ... Leica have produced cameras that work in tandem to produce a deep image, an image that I could easily print 20" square in this case and have a very happy client (which is actually true in this case)
I tried to use as many settings as I could to vary the shots and I was very impressed with the depth of field shown in these images.... and they are sharp, very very sharp.
So, have I muddied the water? As a person I have to achieve trust in my equipment, I work in the Scottish Highlands which may often take me 5-6 hours to drive to so equipment not achieving what I require is not an option. I will have no qualms in going out on personal trips and taking this phone with me knowing that it is an extra camera and it can achieve a shot I need quickly and without fuss, and for me that is very satisfying. Huawei and Leica have produced a camera of the highest order and I do mean camera, it isn't "good for a phone" it's good as a camera and that makes it for me head and shoulders above a phone camera.
Davie Hudson