Digital Design - M1 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Chandavinel Ath (900333) Alex Wong + Studio 10

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols?

Diagrams can be used to highlight certain information other than geometry. It can also be used provide an explanation for certain concepts or forms, that signs and symbols cannot. On the other hand, signs and symbols are mainly used to indicate directions or movements of certain objects instead.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Plan view of the model

Section view of the model

Zaha Hadid - Burnham Pavilion

Elevation view of the model

Source: Zaha Hadid Architects. Burnham Pavilion | Zaha Hadid. February 15, 2018, photograph. Accessed March 10, 2018. https://www.arch2o. com/burnham-pavilion-zaha-hadid-2/.


The building process consists of: tracing the floorplans, sections, elevations, scaling the structure according to the plans provided and using Loft, Trim and Sweep commands to get the desired shape.

Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use.

Herzberger believes that designs should focus more on functionality rather than form, which provides a greater efficiency and usage. Based on this, forms can also adapt to a structure’s functions in shapes, forms and sizes. With Burnham Pavilion, its design perfectly demonstrates Herzberger’s idea. Despite its complex curves and outlandish form, Burnham Pavilion’s function is really simple. It’s a perfect symbolism of modern architecture with simplistic pedestrian flow and permeability. The pavilion can be used as a gathering public space for people, with its unique shelter. It also serves as a monument and attractive due to its design that incorporates lights during night time.


Week Two


Zaha Hadid’s Burnham Pavilion Model (South East Isometric View) This is the South East isometric view of the modelled Burnham Pavilion. The modelling process mainly consists of creating the core structure of the pavilion using curves, using the ‘Loft’ and ‘Sweep’ command to create the glazing and creating holes within the roof using ‘Trim’ command. This view is chosen because it shows the entrances to the pavilion, as well as the interior and overall shape of the pavilion the best. What I have learned from the modelling process is that despite its complex exterior shape, the pavilion’s circulation and threshold appear to be more simple for people to navigate through the space. I believe the key concept of this precedent study is to showcase the contrast between the pavilion’s complex exterior and its simplistic threshold and circulation. The circulation and the threshold of this pavilion informs that the pavilion is a semi open and closed space, with its main emphasis on lights through the holes in the roof and circular pedestrian flow.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

This diagram represents how people would move through the pavilion’s space by using arrows to indicate directions and red dots to indicate crowds of people, using and interacting with the space.

This diagram represents the structure in different view forms: Solid, Glazing and Structure. It also indicates the permeability of the space (how people can enter and exit the space).




Earlier traces, using the floor plans, sections and elevation views provided on the LMS

Here is an unsuccessful trace of the model. The shape of the model was really off compared to the original design. Moreover, the drawing was out of scale. The first attempt at lofting also produced an unsatisfied shape and surface.


Appendix Process

In this picture, I retraced the one of the sections and used the plan as a base to scale my model into desired shape and size.

After the tracing was done, thee 2D trace was then flipped and offset accordingly to provide a basis structure for the 3D lofting/sweeping later on.




Second attempt at lofting the structure together, to create the exterior skin and shape This picture shows the formation of ground and slopes, made by extruding the of the model. This second attempt has a closer resemblance in terms of shape to the traced curves from the floor plan. The slopes were then rotated at a certain angle original Burnham Pavilion, compared to the first attempt. and trimmed by using a square bounding box as the cutting object.


Appendix Process

The holes on the roof of the structure were made by using the 2D traces, extruding them into the structure’s surface and trimmed. The same technique was used to create the entrances within the sides of the structure.

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