Digital Design - M2 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Chandvinel Ath (900333) Alex Wong + Studio 10

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

The three fundamental type of fabrication techniques that Kolerevic mentioned are Subtraction, Additive and Formative Fabrication. Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) fabrication and parametric modelling works well together because these two systematic programmings can produce architectural styles that are complex, which can also affect daily life activities. Complex shapes and structures through parametric modelling can be recreated in real life through CNC system.


Week Three

Surface Creation

Surface Iteration script, taken from Grasshopper

Lofts Itterations

In week 3, we were taught how to do surface iterations through Rhino’s plug-in, Grasshopper. The formation of these surface iterations started from creating a 150x150 box. Then, the box was deconstructed using DeconstructBrep command into edges. These edges were then divided by points using the DivideCurve command. By moving the number sliders attached, various shapes of the surface were achieved. These four iterations were the final selections of surface iterations. Each iteration shows how the surfaces are angled or intersected at different points.


Week Four Panels & Waffle

The panellings of my surfaces are mirrored. The basic shape of the panellings is two triangles, joined together with one of them having a small opening trimmed at the top. This is to allow light and ventilation through the structure once the panellings are placed around the waffles.

Simarly to the panels, the waffle loft surfaces are mirrored. By changing iterations, the curved waffles is the final itteration chosen due to its simplicity.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

Waffles structures

The laser cutting process was an interesting experience. By placing different parts of the panels and waffles on specific layers on the Rhino file template provided by the FabLab, it was easy to separate parts of the nestings for cutting and etching.


Waffles structures


Week Five

Sphere Transformation Itterations

The process of scripting and designing the boolean form involves two main points: the attractor points and a shape. In this case, the shape chosen for the boolean forms was sphere. By moving the attractor points in Rhino, the spheres morphed and transformed accordingly. Above are some of the itterations made from moving attractor points, reverse morphing and trasnforming the spheres’ sizes.


Week Five


This is the isometric view of the Boolean structure, using one of the itterations shown prior. This itteration was chosen for the final boolean shape due to its interesting intersecting points. Shown here in the isometric, there are parts of the shape that intersect with one another, creating huge hallowed spaces. On the other hand, some other spaces do not intersect with one another, yet still create hallowed openings. These qualities exemplify permeability within the structure, throguh different sizes of hallowed spaces that formed. The large hallowed spaces represent the voids in volume of the original shape, while the intersecting points create interesting forms that may or may not allow permeability throughout the structure.


Week Six Task 01

Task 01 Matrix The version chosen for this matrix is itteration 3.1 for the panels. This itteration was chosen because of its simplicity. Moreover, I believed that interesting shapes can also form through mirrored iamges. Thus, the panels and the loft surfaces for the waffles are mirrored of one another. Construction of the physical model was the most tedious part of the entire module. Not only did the material (Mountboard) not flexible enough to recreate my intended matrix, it was also hard to glue the panels onto the waffles itself as well.


Week Six Task 02

Task 02 Matrix This itteration was chosen for the final boolean shape due to its interesting intersecting points. Due to time constraint, a 3D model of this itteration could not be produced


Week Six

Final Isometric Views





Appendix Process

These are the laser cut nestings. On the top left is the waffle structures, while the top right is the panels. The materials for the waffles are 1 mm Mount boards, and 290GSM Ivory cards for the panels.




The panels are then folded according to the contour lines. Due to their small sizes, it was very difficult to fold them and glue them all together. I used gluestick and clear tape in case the glue fails to stick. There were a total of 50 panels for both panel surfaces, and the top left image shows how I folded each one of them separately.


As for the waffles structure, I took the laser cuts out of its nestings and start assembling it level by level. Once I was satisfied with the structure, I used superglue and glue stick to stick the waffles together. As mentioned earlier in the journal, due to the mount boards being an inflexible material, it was difficult to get the curve that is presented in my 3D Rhino model. Therefore, I did not stick them properly into the cut holes since the waffles might collapse.

The individual pieces of panel were then glued together into strips, followed by the entire panelling surface coming together from glueing the strips. These panelling surfaces were then glued onto tracing papers, and then onto the waffles. I used the clear tracing papers as bases for the panels because I believe it would be impossible to glue the panels directly onto the waffles since the waffles are too thin and the inadequate cross section and surface of the waffles would not be possible for the panels to stick on to.


This is the shots of the panels glued onto the waffles. These images show the mirrored structure of the waffles and panels that I have mentioned earlier throughout the jounral. On one side, the mini holes can be seen resting on the lower side of the structure. However, on the other side, the panel is flipped. If light is placed on both side of the panelling surfaces, the light beams that penetrate the structure would represent criss-cross patterns.


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