HUB Print Issue: December 16

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The HUB reports on the dangers of sexual disease In-Depth | Pages 8-9

December 16, 2011

Davis Senior High School

De Vere’s opens doors for lovers of Irish food Entertainment | Page 13

Volume 86, Issue 5

Students break the bank for tuition Applications to community colleges increase

Tuition for the state university systems has shot up in recent years in response to state cutbacks.

By Mara Seaton HUB Staff Writer

University of California tuition California State University tuition

In past years, when considering what college to attend, many seniors did not consider community colleges and their offer of low tuition costs. Now, with University of California tuition rates on the rise and the economic recession eating at wallets, some students are making the decision to broaden their horizons. Head counselor Courtenay Tessler noticed that at DHS’s annual UC college night, more students and parents asked questions about community college and transfer policies. “That was really apparent to me,” Tessler said. “It’s a cultural switch.” COMMUNITY continued on page 2

University of California tuition on the rise By Linda Ge HUB Staff Writer

As tuition rises for the University of California, job opportunities are falling. Students cannot justify taking out loans they might not be able to pay back; schools are barely kept afloat by the state budget. Add that to an ongoing economic recession, and nobody is happy. The regents of the university were stuck between a rock and a hard place when they voted for a 9.6 percent tuition increase this past summer. Without it, the California education budget could not cover all costs. With it, the UC upsets a number of students who can barely afford to pay. “As much as I hate voting for this increase, I hate even more letting this institution slide into

mediocrity,” regent Bonnie Reiss said in July. She was one of the 14 regents who voted for a tuition increase. Budget cuts have led to “layoffs, increased class sizes, [and] delayed purchase of necessary equipment.” Even with tuition hikes, the UC website proclaims, “UC remains a bargain.” UC Davis senior Melissa Lo is frustrated by the UC saying it provides a “bargain education” (UC claims that only community colleges and state schools are cheaper). “Why are [they] punishing us for wanting a better education? I want to go to a school that is research-based and well known,” she said. “If they are going to push us into CSUs and community colleges, [these schools] are going to hike up their fees too.” TUITION continued on page 2

ASB budget an open book Computer Do you know how much money is in the Associated Student Body budget? Most students don’t. Senior Alex Duleba estimates that the ASB budget, managed by Student Government, contains no more than $500. Sophomore Caroline Irving has a slightly larger figure in mind: $2,000. Junior Jake Miille disagrees with Duleba and Irving; he estimates there is at least $5,000 in the ASB coffers, but does not know for sure. Miille, aside from wanting to know how much money ASB controls, wonders about many other things: What is the source of the money? How is it used? Are there separate funds for various types of expenditures? How can students be more involved? “We deserve to know what money they have and how they are gonna use it,” Miille said. “‘Cause that’s why we elected them: we trust them with our money.” ASB fund: the largest of four budgets While Miille and many other students have limited knowledge of Student Gov-

ernment’s financial activities, there is one man whose responsibility is to know it all— ASB Treasurer Jacob Vanderbilt. Miille and many other students share a common misconception that all the money is lumped into one fund. Vanderbilt says this assumption is false; in truth, there are four budgets. Each class— 2012, 2013 and 2014— has its own account, and the class budgets are spent on class-specific expenditures such as homecoming floats. The fourth and largest budget, however, is the central ASB budget. The ASB budget’s most significant fundraiser, according to Vanderbilt, is ASB card sales. Each card costs $50. Cardholders receive, in addition to a Blue Crew shirt, discounts on dances, homecoming shirts and home sporting events. The ASB treasury receives only half of the $50 earned per card. “[The other] $25 goes to the athletic department, and that’s split within all the sports teams,” Vanderbilt, a senior, said. Fueled mostly by card sales, the ASB fund functions as the financial “motor” of student body events. The ASB fund does not have, as Duleba, Irving and Miille guessed, $500, $2,000 or $5,000. According to Van-

Do you know your memes? OM NOM NOM!

Features | Page 6

situation ‘ridiculous,’ teachers say By Madie Delmendo HUB Staff Writer


By Gary Djajapranata HUB Staff Writer

ASB Treasurer Jacob Vanderbilt discusses the ASB budget during a lunchtime meeting held in C-4. The ASB meeting is held every Monday and is open to students.

derbilt, there is $35,000 in the ASB account— however, this number is in constant flux because of frequent expenditures and loans to the separate class budgets. All money left over in the ASB fund at the end of the year is rolled over to the following year, to be managed by a new generation of student body leaders. The ASB fund is not to be confused with Student Govbluede vilhub.c om

ernment’s separate class budget. Rent-a-Senior and Mr. Blue Devil are commonly perceived as ASB fundraisers; however, proceeds from these events are deposited into the Student Government class fund. Money in this fund is directed toward Student Government’s trip to the California Association of Student Leaders (CASL) conference. BUDGET continued on page 2

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Bulky tan and black monitors lay heaped in the corner of L-28, still and lifeless in the computer cemetery. They died of old age, foreshadowing the rest of the lab computers’ future. The technology at DHS is severely outdated; computers in some of the labs are more than a decade old. Some Blue Devil faculty members have been working to create a plan to improve DHS technology. “I have to say that Davis has the most restrictive policy and the oldest technology of any place I’ve been,” librarian Bruce Cummings said. Geoff Belleau, ROP Networking and Internetworking teacher, agrees with Cummings, saying, “It’s ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.” According to Belleau, the computers in the L-28 lab are 11 years old, while the ones in L-26 and the library are five years old. “An iPhone 4 has a faster processor, a better hard drive and more memory than one of [the older] computers,” Belleau said. A plan was presented to the Site Leadership Team on Dec. 7 with the recommendation to try and gather enough money to replace one lab, get laptops for classroom use and purchase netbooks to be issued to students who need to take them home. Belleau conducted a survey with his fourth period class to gather information about technology use. The survey was taken by 417 students and 19 teachers. The survey asked students what technological tools they used for schoolwork at DHS. According to the survey, 51 percent use school computers, but 49 percent also use personal laptops and 44 percent use smartphones. TECH continued on page 2 For athletes, sports seasons lead to GPA rise

Sports | Page 15

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