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February 17, 2012
Davis Senior High School
The HUB Staff presents its first HUB Choice Awards
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Volume 86, Issue 7
Qualifications in question Junior asks Student Government to remove qualifications for ASB positions
By Chloe Kim Editor-in-Chief
Sofia Cardenas, Claire Evans and José Arzaluz raise signs calling on students to vote for Cardenas as a write-in candidate in the ASB Presidential election. Cardenas is running without the approval of Student Government.
At the election assembly on Feb. 14, junior Sofia Cardenas and her friends held up signs urging peers to vote for her as a write-in candidate for ASB President. “If 10 percent of the student body isn’t enough to change something, then what is?” Cardenas shouted after the meeting, as she displayed her posters in the S-Quad. She was referring to the petition circulated that included more than 200 signatures calling for Student Government to allow her to run. Cardenas is protesting the Student Government policy that requires ASB presidential candidates to have at least one year of experience in the Student Government class. Cardenas, who does not meet this prerequisite, believes “anyone should be able to run.” She objects to the policy because she believes the requirement is exclusive and does not allow for a true democratic election of the school’s student leaders. “That makes no sense to me.
It’s president of the student body, not Student Government,” Cardenas said. Cardenas spoke with ASB adviser Eric Morgan and says he explained the class’ reasons for making the decisions. However, Cardenas called those reasons “pitiful.” “When it’s Associated Student Body President, they should come from the student body, not a select group of 30 or so people who pick each other,” said junior Clare Evans, who is Cardenas’ friend and supporter. “We really want it to be a fair, equal election where anyone who’s passionate about this can run. We’re just really trying to change things here.” Evans helped Cardenas gather signatures on a petition which Cardenas turned in along with her intent to run form. Morgan later informed her that Student Government members, after class discussion, had decided to uphold their policy of limiting ASB President candidates to students with prior Student Government experience. “We had a big 45-minute conversation about whether that rule should stand,” Morgan said. “And the Student Government class was
divided on whether that rule should exist, for the same reasons that Sofia had. And then we continued that discussion in the leadership team meeting that we have on Mondays, and the leadership team, hearing both sides of the issue, decided that the rule should stand.” Currently, only candidates for ASB President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary require prior Student Government experience. All other positions, including class presidents, ASB School Board Representative, ASB Communications Commissioner and ASB Clubs Commissioner, do not require a year of experience in the class. Because the prerequisites are outlined in the DHS Associate Student Body Constitution, “I’m not actually allowed to just change the rule,” Morgan said. “And if I did, I could lose my position [as adviser], because I violated the rules we have to follow.” To amend the constitution, the leadership team—which consists ASB continued on page 2
Students take out more in Non-district loans for higher education credit limit Debt on the rise instituted College graduates who have thrown their caps in the air over the past two years find themselves tossed into a depressed economy and confronting employers with no interest in hiring. According to a study by the Institute for College Access and Success, two-thirds of college graduates left college with loans averaging $25,000 in 2010. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, grads found themselves deep in debt with no feasible income coming in. Student loan debt has been getting progressively worse during the past few years, jumping 5 percent from 2009 to 2010. For college graduates, unemployment rates are rising to unprecedented levels and the question arises: Is higher education worth it? Soon Blue Devils will face decision day and choose a college to commit to for next year. For some seniors, the decision will be based not on programs or geography, but on cost. Julie Clayton, financial aid adviser for DHS students, said community college is a good option for those worried about future debt. Clayton said that “any education is better than nothing at all.” Clayton said that the amount of students deciding to go to community college has to do with the increased amount of student debt. “ If students do it right they can get out in two years and get their general ed, then
By Madie Delmendo HUB Staff Writer
Year Source: The Project on Student Debt
transfer to a UC. They’ve saved all that money, so they don’t necessarily have to take out loans,” Clayton said. “In some cases if those students get financial aid, it can pay for their whole two-year experience.” One drawback that Clayton sees for a student going to a community college is lack of the on-site university experience, including living in the dorms and being part of the college scene. The cost of tuition is rising faster than ever before, soaring up 37 percent from 2000 to 2010, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. With this number in mind, students have to make the personal
decision: Is the “university experience” worth the possible $25,000 in debt? Senior Kathryn Clark has chosen to go to a community college next year because of costs. Clark has been applying for financial aid to help her pay for community college, but she thinks she will have to take out loans in the future. “Everyone talks about how you graduate college with something like $30,000 in loans. Then you get a job and have to pay a ton of money to make up your debt,” Clark said. “I want to get scholarships so I won’t have to deal with that.”
The price of college is increasing, but the ability to afford education is dropping. Tuition hikes are influencing the decision to pursue college educations, but eight in 10 students feel that higher education is more important today than it was a generation ago, according to The Institute for College Access and Success. Despite the fact that the price of higher education has escalated, California fares better in student debt in comparison to other states. The Golden State ranked 46 on the list of average debt between states, with an average of $18,000.
y Nick Juanitas & Katie Van Deynze B HUB Staff Writers
A new rule will limit students to a maximum of 10 credits from online and community college classes. This policy is just one of the changes made to the course catalogue for 2012-2013 and means students have to be more selective about which courses they take outside of the district. Courses that would be limited include Brigham Young University P.E. or U.S. History at Sacramento City College; thus, students have to debate which classes they elect to take during the summer or the school year. Vice Principal Stacy Desideri said the new policy was enacted so that DHS students will use classes offered at DHS to graduate instead of other schools. “We aren’t in any way limiting the credits you take, take as many as you like, but we can only take 10 on our transcript because when it gets a lot higher than that, you’re really not earning a Davis High degree, or diploma, you’re earning a diploma from Sacramento City College, you’re earning a diploma from other schools,” Desideri said. Another change to the catalog is the creation of a new class, Math 300. Math 300 is a Sacramento City College course offered at DHS and taught by a DHS teacher. Math 300 “is intended to help the non-mathematics major student relate to the spirit of mathematics through a study of some of its fundamental ideas,” according to the DHS course catalog. Math 300 covers numeration systems, logic, sets, number theory, algebraic modeling, geometry, combinatorics, probability, statistics, consumer mathematics, graph theory, voting and apportionment and matrices. However, some students are confused by the new course. Junior Anna Pan decided not to take Math 300 because of its confusing description. “[Counselors] weren’t clear about it during the presentation and I didn’t understand how it is a Sac City course but it is offered at DHS,” Pan said. Math 300, a semester-long course, counts for 10 DHS credits as well as three Sacramento City College credits, according to head counselor Courtenay Tesseler.
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