NJCKI Secretary's Scoop: Winter Edition 2014

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Secretary’s ecretary’s Scoop coop CONTENTS 1 Welcome 2 Reporting Late Hours 2 Service Spotlight 3 Applying for Awards 3 Preparing for the Future 4 -5 Member Spotlight 6 Contact Information


Serving in a Winter Wonderland With the spring semester here (yet filled with snow!), I hope that everyone has enjoyed their winter breaks! Whether you have just been catching up on much-needed sleep or travelling the world, I am sure we will all feel refreshed and ready to take on our spring classes. With new classes, come new events for Circle K members to get excited about! TCNJ will be hosting our district’s Winter Social; Rowan, Rider, and Rutgers are all holding events for the Eliminate Project; Stockton will be hosting our DLSSP; and of course we will all be looking forward to Rider hosting our 50th Annual District Convention. I cannot wait to see you all at these upcoming events ☺ In this final issue of the Secretary’s Scoop, you will find the answers to questions regarding late hours, tips for applying for awards and helping your successor, and you will see your members and clubs recognized for their hard work. Enjoy!

Yours in caring and service, NJ District Secretary Dawn Kreder

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Remember, you have the strength, patience, and passion to reach for the stars and change the world.

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-Harriet Tubman

Reporting Late Hours In a perfect world, every month each member of your club would report every hour that they had served. However, things come up, people forget, and you may now feel a bit confused as to what you should do when someone reports service service from past months.

No worries! When this happens to you, just report those late hours in the same month’s form that you are filling out. out . Remind club members month as the current month’s that you know have been forgetting to report their hours and try to get them them as soon as possible. If you need help receiving members’ hours, please contact me and I can work with you!

Service Spotlight Since the last issue of the Secretary’s Scoop, NJ’s Club Secretaries have submitted five more MRFs! Below, I will recognize each club that had the most service hours for each month. Additionally, an updated chart of how close NJ Circle K is to its service hour goal will be seen below.

Most Hours in August: Stockton with 640 Most Hours in September: Stockton with 563 Most Hours in October: Stockton with 708 Most Hours in November: Stockton with 558 Most Hours in December: Monmouth with 583 NJCKI’s Total Service Hours: 11,680.6

Current: 11,680.6

Goal: 15,550

Applying for Awards As DCON approaches, the thoughts that may preoccupy you may include wondering what you will wear, who you will meet, and what awards your club may be recognized for at the event. However, without a little bit of prep work with the rest of your board, your club would not be able to receive these awards! The 20132013-2014 Service Year Awards Packet has been released, and I strongly encourage you to look at it as soon as possible especially the Distinguished Club Secretary Award ☺ . You can find a copy of the awards packet at our district’s website: njcirclek.org.

Preparing for the Future For a second, try and think back to when you were elected as Club Secretary. The position was brand new, and you may or may not have had the help of your predecessor. Now that you have spent almost an entire year being a club secretary, it is time to pass pas s on that knowledge to your successor! Below you can find a few tips to make this process easier.

Explain MRF basics The MRF looks intimidating to those who have never seen it before, so consider filling out one or two months with your successor so that they feel confident with it.

Show them the ropes with hour collecting Have a tried-and-true method for gathering members’ service hours each month? Make sure you explain it thoroughly to them.

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Pass on your files & records Give examples of various types of paperwork that you created or had to fill our, including meeting minutes, so that they have something to work off of.

Member Spotlight Here you can see which members in our district have have been recognized for their dedication to service! Caldwell Circle K is proud to announce Amanda Timmes as our member of the month! Despite being having several academic and athletic responsibilities, Amanda has supported, promoted, and attended every fundraiser and event we've held thus far. We thank her for all of the time and energy she's put into Circle K!

Patrick Shulack did an incredible job this month with being on top of dues and Insight money!! â˜ş

Lauren Fitzpatrick contributed an astonishing 147 service hours to this month’s total as a very active T.A.L.O.N and Welcome Week representative at Stockton.

Shaaban Rizvi, Rutgers Circle K vice-president came up with the idea for a dodgeball tournament this summer and took on the task of making it into a successful event. He worked hard on making sure we had a gym space available to hold the event as well as work on advertising the event. The planning behind an event is where most of the work goes on and he was a vital part of all the planning, from arranging a space to going to the InterFraternity Council meeting to let them all know about the event, he made sure he put in his full efforts to be sure we had a successful event.

Victoria Dayton and Vidhi Patel both did an amazing job working together to put together our Benefit Concert. They helped get together a capella groups from around Rutgers as well as from Drew University. They were also able to get a few bands to come out and perform as well. The night was a huge success; we were able to raise a little over $800 for the Eliminate Project! Circle K's from around the district came to support the cause along with our sponsoring New Brunswick Kiwanis club joined by several other Kiwanians. Both Victoria and Vidhi made the night come together as a huge success and we thank them for all their hard work.

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Member Spotlight (cont.) TCNJ Circle K would like to recognize Andrew Ryan as our member with the most service hours for the month of September!

Congratulations to Brianna Falconer, TCNJ Circle K's member with the most service hours for the month!

Melissa Vadakara Is our general member with the most service hours for the month. Melissa leads a weekly service project, driving fellow members to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen to serve food. Melissa also participates individually in meals on wheels four times a month (once a week).

Monmouth Circle K's member of the month is Rebecca Gardner. This month she has continually volunteered to babysit for children and helped out at a local tricky tray. Congratulations to Rebecca Gardner!

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Monmouth Circle K's member of the month is Tina Koeppel! She has been very active and has over 55 community service hours for September alone! Congratulations to Tina Koeppel, Monmouth Circle K's member of the month!

Kristina Murdock not only applied for a Committee Chair position, but also volunteered so many times during October! Kristina should be recognized because she is one of those members that are dedicated to service as well as Circle K.

Friday, March 14th through Sunday, March 16th Piscataway Radisson Hotel – Piscataway, NJ http://njcirclek.org/dcon-2014/

Contact Information Email: njckisec@gmail.com Facebook: Dawn Kreder NJCKI Website: njcirclek.org Join the 2013-2014 NJCKI Secretaries Facebook Group for more updates!

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