3 Cake rings Ø 18 cm
Dawn Crème Cake Mix Chocolate Orange frosting
Halloween sprinkles as desired
Pumpkin cubes (1x1cm)
Royal Steensma Souplesse Dark
Royal Steensma Souplesse Orange
1000 g Dawn Exceptional@ Creme Cake Base Choc.
350 g Egg
300 g Vegetable Oil
250 g Water
1900 g Total
1000 g Butter
600 g Royal Steensma Souplesse Orange
150g Powdered sugar as desired
Cake bases (3 layers)
• Mix all ingredients on slow speed for 1 minute and then for 3 minutes on medium speed.
• Deposit 3 x 300g of the prepared cake base into 18cm round pans.
• Sprinkle 100g of pumpkin cubes in the cake base.
• Bake in a deck oven at 180ºC for approximately 30 minutes.
• Allow to cool thoroughly and trim the tops to flatten if needed.
Orange frosting
• Place ambient butter, Souplesse Orange and powdered sugar into a bowl.
• Whip with a beater until smooth and airy.
• Top the 3 cooled cakes with the prepared orange frosting.
• When finished, cover the whole cake with a thin layer of orange frosting to seal the cake.
• Place in the fridge or freezer to set.
• Heat the Souplesse Dark and the Souplesse Orange to 45°C and cover the whole cake with the Souplesse Orange, after that pipe the Souplesse Dark around the top edge, creating an occasional drip down the side, then cover the whole top surface.
• Allow to set firmly.
• Pipe a swirl or rosette of the prepared orange frosting around the outer edge of the top of the cake.
• Decorate with Halloween sprinkles.
0.02395.839 Dawn Exceptional® Creme Cake Base - Chocolate
Royal Steensma Souplesse Orange
Royal Steensma Souplesse Dark
1 Tray 60x20 cm
5 x 5 cm 48 pieces
Brownie batter
Royal Steensma Fruitease Sour Cherry
Royal Steensma Souplesse Neutral
Dawn San Felipe
1000 g Brownie Mix Vegan
200 g Oil
350 g Water
150 g Royal Steensma Fruitease Sour Cherry
1700 g Total
Topping: Marshmallow
Royal Steensma Souplesse Neutral
Serve it like this
• Mix all ingredients on low speed for 4 min and add the Fruitease Sour Cherry at the end.
• Pour the batter in a baking tray.
• Bake in a deck oven at 190ºC or fan oven at 160°C for 30-40 minutes.
• Cut the brownies in squares 5x5.
• Warm the Souplesse Neutral to 45°C
• Dip a marshmallow into the Souplesse Neutral and place on the center of a brownie.
• Let the Souplesse Neutral float on top of the brownie and allow it to set.
• Create a face on the marshmallow with Dark Chocolate or Souplesse dark
1 Tray 60x20 cm 20 pieces
1440 g Blondie Batter
150 g Dawn Delicream Bueno
150 g Dawn Balance® Crunchy Peanut Butter Filling
• Dawn Fatglaze Drops White & Chocolate
• Colours: orange/green/purple
• Fatglaze Drops Dark for stripes
• Sprinkles & Eyes
1000 g Dawn Blondie Mix
200 g Unsalted melted butter
240 g Water
1440 g Total
• Add the Blondie Mix and the melted butter to the mixing bowl.
• Add the water and mix for 1 minute on slow speed and 3 minutes on medium speed.
• Spread into the baking tray.
• Pipe the Delicream and the Crunchy Peanut Butter Filling on top of the batter. Swirl with a wooden stick.
• Bake at 180°C in a deck oven for 35-38 minutes (or 160°C for a fan oven).
• When cooled down, cut the traybake into bars 4x10 cm.
• Cover with fat glaze white (coloured in orange, green or purple) and decorate with dark chocolate stripes, sprinkles and eyes.
Dawn Blondie Mix
Dawn Delicream Bueno
Dawn Balance® Crunchy Peanut Butter Filling
Dawn Exceptional® Milk Chocolate Chunks
2.10065.015 Dawn Fatglaze Drops White
2.10063.015 Dawn Fatglaze Drops Dark
4 Cake Ø 18cm rings (each 12 peace)
1440 g Blondie Batter (360g/cake)
1560 g Cream Cheese Filling (390g/cake)
• Royal Steensma Souplesse Dark, Neutral, Orange
1. Blondie Batter
1000 g Dawn Blondie Mix
200 g Unsalted melted butter
240 g Water
1440 g Total
2. Cream Cheese Filling
1000 g Cream Cheese
300 g Dawn NY Style Cheesecake Mix
260 g Water
1560 g Total
1. Blondie Batter
• Add the Blondie Mix and the melted butter to the mixing bowl.
• Add the water and mix for 1 minute on slow speed and 3 minutes on medium speed.
2. Cream Cheese Filling
• Add the Cheesecake Mix to the cream cheese and mix on slow speed until smooth.
• Add the water and mix until fully smooth without any lumps.
• Deposit the 360g Blondie Batter into two Ø 18cm rings and spread out.
• Bake at 180°C in a deck oven for about 20 minutes and let it cool down.
• Then top each with 390g Cream Cheese filling.
• Bake at 150°C for 35-40 minutes with less bottom heat and double tray.
• Once cooled down, remove from the ring molds.
• Smooth the cake with any buttercream or frosting.
• Cut the cake into 12 equal pieces and keep cool.
• Cover with Royal Steensma Souplesse (Dark, Neutral, Orange) and decorate with eyes, stars.
• Insert a wooden stick into the side of each piece.
Steensma Souplesse Orange
Steensma Souplesse Neutral 8.30006.715