Ø8 cm silicone mold (half rounds)
For one apple you need 2x50g =100 g batter
Dawn Carrot Cake Mix
Dawn Vanilla Frosting
Dawn Exceptional® Compound Caramel
Dawn Exceptional® Glossy Icing Caramel
Spicy Cake Batter
1000 g Carrot Cake Mix
430 g Water
45 g Oil
90 g Walnuts crushed
200 g Royal Steensma Candied Apple
1815 g Total
Spicy Cake Batter
• Mix Carrot Cake Mix, water and oil at low and medium speed for 4 minutes.
• Add the Candied Apple and crushed walnuts and mix well.
• Fill the Ø8 cm silicone mold with approximately 50g of batter.
• Bake in a deck oven at 180ºC or fan oven at 150°C for 15-20 minutes.
• Allow to cool down.
• Stick the two halves together with Vanilla Frosting flavoured with a little bit of Compound Caramel to create the shape of an apple.
• Cover the whole apple with warmed Caramel Glossy Icing.
• Finish with a stick of chocolate.
• Tip: place the apple on a cookie or short crust disc.
Compound Caramel
Spicy Cake Batter
for 1 Tray 60x20 cm
48 pc 5x5 cm
Spicy Cake Batter
Dawn Cream Cheese or Dawn Vanilla Frosting
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
Royal Steensma Fruitease Wild Blueberries
Royal Steensma Fruitease Blueberries Infused
Royal Steensma Fruitease Sour Cherry Infused
Spicy Cake Batter
1000 g Dawn Carrot Cake Mix
430 g Water
45 g Oil
100 g Royal Steensma Fruitease Blueberries Infused
50 g Royal Steensma Fruitease Wild Blueberries
100 g Royal Steensma Fruitease Sour Cherry Infused
45 g Pumpkin seeds
45 g Sunflower seeds
1815 g Total
• Mix Carrot Cake Mix, water and oil at low and medium speed for 4 min.
• Add the Royal Steensma Fruitease and seeds and mix well.
• Poor the batter in the baking tray.
• Bake in a deck oven at 190ºC or fan oven at 160°C for 30-40 minutes.
• Allow to cool down.
• Spread Cream Cheese or Vanilla Frosting on top and sprinkle some Royal Steensma Fruitease and seeds on top.
• Cut in slices.
Dawn Carrot Cake Mix
Royal Steensma Fruitease Blueberries Infused
Royal Steensma Fruitease Wild Blueberries
Royal Steensma Fruitease Sour Cherry Infused
Dawn Vanilla Frosting
Dawn Cream Cheese Frosting
3 Cake rings Ø 18 cm
Dawn Crème Cake Mix Chocolate
Orange frosting
Halloween sprinkles as desired
Pumpkin cubes (1x1cm)
Royal Steensma Souplesse Dark
Royal Steensma Souplesse Orange
1000 g Dawn Creme Cake Base - Chocolate
350 g Egg
300 g Vegetable Oil
250 g Water
1900 g Total
1000 g Butter
600 g Royal Steensma Souplesse Orange
150g Powdered sugar as desired
Cake bases (3 layers)
• Mix all ingredients on slow speed for 1 minute and then for 3 minutes on medium speed.
• Deposit 3 x 300g of the prepared cake base into 18cm round pans.
• Sprinkle 100g of pumpkin cubes in the cake base.
• Bake in a deck oven at 180ºC for approximately 30 minutes.
• Allow to cool thoroughly and trim the tops to flatten if needed.
Orange frosting
• Place ambient butter, Souplesse Orange and powdered sugar into a bowl.
• Whip with a beater until smooth and airy.
• Top the 3 cooled cakes with the prepared orange frosting.
• When finished, cover the whole cake with a thin layer of orange frosting to seal the cake.
• Place in the fridge or freezer to set.
• Heat the Souplesse Dark and the Souplesse Orange to 45°C and cover the whole cake with the Souplesse Orange, after that pipe the Souplesse Dark around the top edge, creating an occasional drip down the side, then cover the whole top surface.
• Allow to set firmly.
• Pipe a swirl or rosette of the prepared orange frosting around the outer edge of the top of the cake.
• Decorate with Halloween sprinkles.
Item Code Product Name
tbc Dawn Creme Cake Base - Chocolate
Royal Steensma Souplesse Orange
Royal Steensma Souplesse Dark