Volume X II Issue 4
Dear Church Family, In our last campaign, the 40 Days of Purpose, we as a church learned about God s five purposes for our lives. These purposes were designed to answer the question, What on earth am I here for? Well, get ready to start another campaign! THIS MONTH we begin 40 Days of Community, a 7-week journey that is designed to answer the question, What on earth are WE here for? Together, our entire church family (yes, even our children) will expand outwardly on God s five purposes to focus on Jesus power to change us, our church and our community. This campaign is a great opportunity to serve our community to make a life-changing impact! Let s show others in our community our faith in God by what we do. To receive the full benefit of these 40 lifechanging days, you will want to participate in each spiritual emphasis: 1. Hear all seven weekend messages. 2. Read the 40 daily devotions from the workbook, What on Earth Are We Here For? . Based on the one anothers of scripture, your workbook also provides daily Bible readings, weekly scripture memory verses, and pages where you can journal as you go.
April 2009
3.Join a 40 Days of Community small group Bible Study. If you are not already part of a small group, what are you waiting for? Visit the Information Center to find and sign up for a host home. Will you commit the next 40 days of your life to participate in this great spiritual journey? Imagine the impact if we deepened the community within our church and served the community around our church. Get ready for another life change and to be blessed! Yours in Christ,
For more information and to follow along during these 40 Days, we have created a special website: MarengoCommunity.info. We also wish to engage our wider community in this campaign. You can help us by displaying a lawn sign at your home. Pick up a sign at church on Sunday, display it at your home, and let your neighbors know about 40 Days of Community.
Youth Group News
This summer the youth group will be going on the Rosebud Mission Trip - July 18-26. All youth who are planning on going on the trip are encouraged to assist with the pancake breakfast on April 5th. Contact Mrs. Oakes (815- 568-9778) ASAP if you would like to attend the trip and I'll give you the details.
The youth are also planning a Rummage/ Bake Sale on June 13th from 9:00-5:00 p.m. So if you are doing your spring cleaning you may run across items you would like to donate! Collection of items will begin May 1st. Contact Debbie Oakes for more information. (815) 568-9778. All proceeds from the sale will go to the Rosebud Mission Trip.
NOTE REGARDING CANCELLED YOUTH EVENT: In recent weeks a notice has been in the Mustard Seed and bulletins concerning airplane rides for interested youth on April 18th. Unfortunately the church s umbrella insurance policy does not extend to noncommercial aircraft flights. Due to a lack of insurance coverage, therefore, we cannot sponsor this activity as a church event. Activities and events for which we lack insurance coverage, and are not sufficiently subject to parental wavers, must remain private events. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion.
Help Wanted Have you noticed the new Welcome/Information Center in the Narthex? It is there to provide a central location for information about MUMC, and different ministries and missions we offer. We need members from our church to host the booth 15 minutes before, and 15 minutes after services. The host/hostess would be there to welcome visitors and answer any questions people may have. There will be a sign up sheet at the booth. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Vanessa Angelo
Children: Sing for your Mom COMING UP: all the children of MUMC are invited to learn and sing a song for worship on Mother's Day, May 10. Watch for the rehearsal schedule and see or call or email Betty Meinders if you have questions (815-861-2153 // eagleeye0007@sbcglobal.net.)
Choir Notes Junior Choir and Bells will be performing on Palm Sunday, April 5th after the breakfast for our worship service at 10:15 a.m. There will be no choir rehearsals on Wednesday, April 22nd.
Our 2009-2010 registration went very well. There are still some openings in each class, but they are filling up! Let someone with a child between 1 & 5 know about our program ! Many of you have noticed that the main women's bathroom is now locked during PDO hours. However, it will be left unlocked during necessary church events that take place between 9-1pm. Many parents have commented on feeling better about the security of the building now that the bathroom and classroom doors are locked. Those of you that use the nursery may have noticed a slightly different setup. We are finally getting more organized. The children are enjoying the new arrangement, and are even enjoying clean up time now! God's Blessings Liz Fischer , PDO Director
Stephen Ministry The Ministry of Hospital Visitation Workshop Stephen Ministers from Marengo United Methodist Church and St. John s Lutheran Church will meet in the Sanctuary of MUMC on Monday, April 20, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. for a special continuing education workshop. Rev. Neris Diaz-Cabello, Chaplain and Manager of Chaplaincy Services for Sherman Hospital in Elgin, will teach us about the ministry and joy of hospital visitation.
Lifting up our church family in prayer Prayers for Health and Healing: Ryan Justen; Lynn Schwenker, Mary Pflueger s daughter; George VanMeter, Dawn Hoffman s father; Bob Cummens, Susan Gieseler s father; Judi Alden; LaVerne Ryman, Debbie Oakes mother; Marge, Bruce Elliott s mother; Sean Romine; Karen Apel; Gary Stoklosa; Tom Anderson; Frank E. Gualillo of Yorkville, NY, father of Frank D. Gualillo; Jackie Roberts, Brenda Ferriera s Aunt; Jan Crisman, Lynette Paradiso s mother; Donna Oakes, Chris Oakes mother; Scott Kominowski, friend of the Hoffmans; Sydney Ives, friend of Bonnie Voller; Arthur Overhage, friend of Brenda Ferreira; Ann Locovare; Don Duthron, friend of Audrey Anderson; Fred & Barb Trask; Shirley Vaughan, friend of the Hoffman family; Janet Swonguer s father; Mike and Tommi Meinders, son and daughter-in-law of Dewey and Betty Meinders. Prayers for Comfort and Support: Cindy Clavey; Steve Tradewell; Rhonda and Lacey McKenzie; For those facing unemployment; Our Country s leaders; Military Men & Women and their families Prayers for the Homebound: Katie Loomis Prayers for those in Nursing/Rehab: Ann Locovare; Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Genelle Skeels; Mildred Walters If you have updated status on someone on our prayer list or would like to add a loved one, you can add your request to the backside of the Connection Card (located in the pocket of our attendance book), place a note on the office desk, email to info@marengo-umc.org or call the church office at 815-568-7162. Thank you.
ANNIVERSARIES Tom & Doris Mangano Jake & Jennie Adamson Nate & Stacy Skow Fred & Betty Struckmeier Chris & Vanessa Angelo Fred & Barb Trask Dzemal & Doris Mulasmajic Russ & Marjorie Murray BIRTHDAY Vanessa Angelo Kim McMenamy Adam Beebe Penny Collins Dyan Miller Ellen Pyrek Jerry Darling Jack McMenamy Maxine Huebsch Carson Jones Ron Cope David Rucker Carol Johnson Gaye Anne Anderson Betty Meinders Gerald Wright Madelyn Haas Brenda Rommel Lori Hillner Austin Loudenbeck Eric Wyrostek Jessica Ferreira Beverly Parke Melissa Esunis Michael Ott Dawn Elliott Connie Sandman Renee Andrews Colton Lohff Tony Jones Amie Gustafson LaVerne Loudenbeck Noelle Haas Belle Mahon Kristen Martin Brent Tegeler Stan McDonald
3 12 15 16 21 24 25 27 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 27 27 27 28 30 30
Mark Your Calendars! Laughter: Live Happily Ever After Laughter strengthens the immune system, improves breathing and blood pressure, relieves stress, and lifts our spirits. Ms. Jill League, a Certified Laughter Leader, from Sherman Health Education and Community Wellness will meet with Stephen Ministers and other interested church members to show us how laughter benefits us physically, mentally, and socially. Please plan to join us at MUMC on Monday evening, September 21, 2009, from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M., for a fun and healthful evening. Dress comfortably as we will participate in a session of the Sherman Health Laughter League.
Kid s Date Night-April Calling all children ages 2 through 6 years! Invite your parent(s) or grandparent(s) and come to the church to enjoy a night out together on Tuesday, April 28th at 6:00 pm! Program? It s a surprise! We re not telling! It s really a surprise! Come and have fun! This is a great time for fun and fellowship with your child while they also enjoy time with their peers. Call Gaye Anne or Dick Anderson (815) 568-8806 or Barbara or Jack Carder (815) 568-5716 to RSVP or for more information!
Rosebud Scratch Card Fundraiser
Bakeless Bakesale
Esther Circle is planning a Bakeless Bake Sale . Do you know what that really means? It means no big mess in the kitchen! No pots and pans to clean! You d be surprised if you counted the cost of materials, heat and time you lost, so Please donate the price of a pie, cake, or cookies and wish us success during our Bakeless Bake Sale between services on Sunday, April 19th!
Mailbox Thank you for your kind words, prayers, and cards during my mother s illness and passing.
The Johnstone and Pace families would like to thank our church family for their support and prayers during our time of need. Thank you.
Betty Struckmeier and family
Rosebud Team Members will soon begin a new kind of fundraising adventure. They have customized fundraising booklets, which contains scratch off circles. Under the circles are hidden donation amounts ranging from $.50 to $3.00 in easy to add increments of 25 cents. (i.e. $0.50, $0.75, $1.00, $1.25 etc...) You may be approached by a Rosebud Team Member asking you to scratch two or more circles revealing your donation amount (not greater than $3.00 per circle). In return for your donation, which supports the Rosebud Mission Trip, you will receive a sheet of valuable coupons from stores like Target, Pizza Hut, Jiffy Lube, FTD and others as a 'thank you' for your fundraising contribution.
ROSEBUD TRIP IS JULY 18 - 25, 2009
Church Library
United Methodist Women
What do you like to read? Nonfiction - information: I Was Wrong by Jim Baker Loving God by Chuck Colson
I just had to share this one! "Helping his wife wash the dishes, a minister protested, "This isn't a man's job."
Historical Fiction:
The Zion Covenant series written by Bodie Thoene,
Piercing the Darkness by Frank Peretti
"Oh yes it is," his wife retorted, quoting 2 Kings 21:13: "I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down." Come and join in on Wednesday, April 8th: fun and games in the fellowship hall. The fun will start at 1:00 p.m. and will be hosted by Esther Circle. Esther Circle will meet on Wednesday, April 22nd, at the home of Alice Jenne at 1:00 p.m.
The Karen Kingsbury books: Note: Women love these books! When a woman reads one of her books, she wants to read all of her books! They evoke emotions and stir up your faith!
Fiction: Mysteries
Terri Blackstock books. Mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
New Additions
Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner - A compelling journey from Judaism to Christianity Say To This Mountain by Bodie Thoene Filled with stuff of life -- tragedy, laughter, pain and joy A Merry Heart by Wanda Brunstetter -Struggles of a young Amish woman
Ruth Circle will meet Thursday, April 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Marie Urban.
Easter Baskets Every year I have asked for help in obtaining candy to stuff my 250 Easter Baskets that I make for Marengo Union Food Pantry, Harvard Food Pantry and Turning Point. Throughout the year, many of you remember me, recycling your Easter Baskets, bringing in recycled small toys or purchasing them at garage sales. I think Chris Wilcox bought out the Wal-Mart grass at the end of a season, and came with a bag that resembles one Santa used! I'd love for that to continue- That makes sure I have enough baskets/ toys for the next year. This year, many of our missions are searching for money, and many of our parishioners have little or none to give. So, this year I am asking for the following: Continue to buy up the medium/small Easter Baskets as you garage sale. A giant bargain of 10 ¢ for baskets after Easter is fantastic, if you can afford them. (I'll store them for you in my basement all year) Recycle gently used toys you are sick of/or the kids don't play with anymore/or they have outgrown/or in garage sales- the "free box" usually has great toys! You can leave them for me throughout the year in the Food Pantry box in the Narthex. You may not get a thank you, but know that I value these gifts, and so do the children. And thanks so much for being there every year- like a family should. Doris Mangano
A Senior Moment
by Ann Stein
Thank you to those who contribute neat ideas for this column. Seniors rule!!! If you haven't seen your suggestions in the column yet, you will! The word "laugh" appears for the first time in the Bible in Genesis 17:17 when God informs the 100 year old Abraham that his 90-year-old wife Sarah will give birth to a son. Both Abraham and Sarah laughed heartily! God commanded Abraham to name his son "Isaac" which in Hebrew means "God's laugh" After she gave birth to Isaac, Sarah exclaimed: "God has given me cause to laugh; all those who hear of it will laugh with me. " (Genesis 21:6) Merrilyn Belgium, age 71, bills herself as "the funniest old lady in the world". A widowed mother of six grown-up children, Merrilynn began her full-time career as a "sit-down comedienne" at the age of 61. A member of Grace University Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, she often appears before church groups in a long-sequined gown with a stole of feathers, something out of the 1920's. "I went to get my license renewed the other day," she tells her audience. "They asked me where I was born. I said I was born in iniquity and raised in sin. I should've just said I was born in Duluth". One Valentine's Day, she says, she decided to do something special for her husband, Dick. So she got out a miniskirt she owned when she was a teenager. "It was OK when I tried it on," she says, "but I didn't know what to do with my other leg"! Ardith Talbot, managing editor of Friends United Press in Richmond, Indiana has a large collection of bizarre hats going back decades which she uses to illustrate her humorous presentations. This Quaker lady's favorite hat is a round, deep pink felt hat, which conceals a roll of toilet paper on her head.
And you gotta love this one that Betty Jacoby shared. "Teacher" announced little Joey, "there's somethin' I can't figger out." "What's that, Joey?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "Well, according to the Bible, the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, right?" "Right" And the Children of Israel beat up the Philistines, right?" "Err, right" "An the Children of Israel built the Temple, right?" "Again, you're right." "An the Children of Israel fought the gyptians an' the Children of Israel fought the Romans an' the Children of Israel wuz always doin' something' important, right?" "All that is right, too, agreed the teacher, "So what's your question?" "What I wanna know is this , demanded Joey, "What wuz' all the grown-ups doing?" "He will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy"
Easter Prayer Vigil And it came to pass, as Jesus was praying in a certain place, that when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray. Luke 11:1 Let s pray together It is clear: This is a time in our life together where God is calling us to prayer. Marengo United Methodist Church invites you to experience the power of prayer in this 28 hour prayer vigil as part of preparation for Easter. Prayer vigils are many centuries old, originally kept on the night before a religious feast. "Vigil" indicates a time of "vigilance," wakefulness, a watch. Our Prayer Vigil will begin on Good Friday, April 10th, following the drama, Christ in the Concrete City. It will continue in half hour increments until midnight Saturday, April 11. Come and join us in quiet, uninterrupted time in prayer for our church, our community, and for Jesus to act in our lives. All who attend will be invited to light a candle as you enter your time of meditation and prayer. This is an opportunity to quiet our lives and sit with Jesus, in anticipation of the joy of the resurrection on Easter morning. A sign-up poster is located in the narthex, or you may sign up by contacting the church office at 568-7162 or by emailing Betty Meinders at eagleeye0007@sbcglobal.net. So, while we wait for the great news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter morning, let's wait upon the Lord in prayer together.
M.O.R.E. Food Pantry Never know what to donate to the food pantry? Are you stuck on Mac and Cheese or Ramen Noodles? The food pantry came up with some ideas for rotating your donated products on a monthly basis to fill our high need items.
January Canned meals or meals in a box (i.e./ beef stew, meat ravioli, Hamburger Helper) February Baby Needs diapers (any size), baby food, cereal, wipes. (we also will take your left over formula (unopened) or if you have three diapers left that a child has outgrown, put them in a zip lock and leave them!) March Pasta, rice, beans April Laundry detergent May Shampoos, toothpaste, toothbrushes, conditioners (all sizes, big and small) June Canned meals or meals in a box July Pancake mix and syrup August Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues September coffee, flour, sugar, tea October Canned fruit November Cereal (all and any kinds, including farina and oatmeal) December Laundry detergent
We appreciate all that you give to us.
Marengo UMW Meeting The Marengo United Methodist Women would like to invite you to join us for dessert, coffee, and a program of Take Away Bingo. We will meet at MUMC on April 8th at 1:00pm. Pastor Mowry will give a devotion to start our meeting. Please respond by April 1st with the number attending to Gaye Anne Anderson (815) 568-8806 or Brenda Rommel (815) 568-3501.
We are on the web!
119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 Email: info@marengo-umc.org We are a loving community of faith, offering compassionate fellowship, Bible-based teaching, Christ-centered worship, and opportunities to serve, in order to equip people with a faith that works in real life.
We were never meant to live out God s purposes in solitude. 40 Days of Community will help move our congregation toward spiritual maturity and a meaningful life on earth, revealing how God uses other people for our good and growth. From the beginning, God s plan has been that you will fulfill his purposes in community with other people people in your church family, in your small group, and in the world around you. The Bible says we were formed for fellowship, and it s only in community that we learn life s most important lesson how to love. Take the next step in growing a life of purpose and meaning and join together for this 40-day spiritual journey. Lives will be touched, people will begin a relationship with Christ, practical needs will be met, the church will become known more for the love it shows, and we will see a spiritual awakening that is desperately needed in our culture.
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1 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
2 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Daisy Troop 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
3 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10am - -UMW Mission Team 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners
4 8 am Men s Breakfast 9:30am - God s Little Princess 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
10 Good Friday No PDO
11 9:30 am God s Little Princess 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
5 PALM SUNDAY 7am-10 am Rosebud Breakfast 10 am - Easter song rehearsal children 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
6 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10 am - Mgo Wmn s Club Board Meeting 10:45am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
7 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10 am - FINANCE 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - WF@MUMC 7 pm TRUSTEES 7:30pm - Al-Anon
8 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm-Buras Meeting 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
9 Maundy Thursday 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
12 EASTER SUNDAY 8:30 am - Worship
13 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - Stephen Ministry Supervision 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
14 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - WF@MUMC m 7:30pm - Al-Anon
15 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga 7:00 pm- Ministry Team
16 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Daisy Troop 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00 pm - Ruth Circle At Marie Urban s 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
20 Newsletter Deadline 9-1:00pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - WW 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Workshop 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC Buras Trip
21 9-1:00pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:30 pm - LEAD Tea7:30pm - Al-Anon
22 9-1:00pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 1:00pm - Esther Circle @ Alice Jenne s No Choirs Today 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
Buras Trip
27 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10am-Mgo Wmn Club 11 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
28 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WFG @ Judy
9:45 am - Children final rehearsal 10:15 am - Worship
40 Days of Community 8:30 am - Worship 8:30 am - Bakeless Bakesale 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 4:00 pm - LIFE 301 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
26 8:30 am - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 2:00pm - Lay Academy 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
Andrews 11a.m. - Golden Diners 7:30-830p.m.- AlAnon
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7:00 pm - Good Friday Drama: Christ in the Concrete City
S at
7:30 pm Worship Passover Celebration
17 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 12:00pm - Mgo Wmn Club
18 9:30 am God s Little Princess 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
Buras Trip
Buras Trip
23 9-1:00pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
24 9-1:00pm - PDO 10:45 am - Golden Diners
25 9:00 am Elgin District UM Women Day of Renewal in Libertyville 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
Buras Trip
Buras Trip
Buras Trip
29 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
30 9-1:00pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Daisy Troop 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC