The Mustard Seed Fall 2011

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Fall, 2011

Marengo United Methodist Church

The Mustard Seed We are a community of compassionate fellowship, Bible-based teaching, Christ-centered worship and opportunities to serve.

Rally Day Sunday, Sept. 11 Worship, 10 am

It is time to gather! We are gathering to worship as a church family at one worship time of 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 11th. Parents come early to register your children for Sunday School from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Games and picnic to follow at 11:00 a.m. Hot dogs will be provided. So just bring a chair and a dish to pass.

Choirs begin again

Fresh Start

Sunday School

Our Bell, Junior and Senior Choirs are returning this fall. Details inside.

Do you feel like you could use a fresh start? Read more about this upcoming sermon series.

Find out what is new for Sunday School this fall. We have a new start time and procedures.

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Marengo United Methodist Church

Bells & Junior Choirs Last year was a new adventure as we celebrated the life of Nancy Richard and began a new chapter in our children’s music program. Susan Gieseler directed our Jr. Bells and Dawn Hoffman directed the Jr. Choir. Both will remain in their roles for the upcoming Choir year. One change that was made is the opportunity for our 1st graders to be a part of Jr. Choir. Typically the choir was open to 2nd – 8th graders. We had the 1st graders join the group last year after the Christmas holiday. They took to the group and sang like little birds! So we are extending that welcome immediately this year. Also new is that we will welcome our current kindergarteners to join after the Christmas holiday this year, after half a year in school working on their reading skills. It is necessary for the kids to read to be a part of the Jr. Choir. Our Jr. Bells are also expanding! Once only open to 3rd-8th graders, the Jr. Bells welcome our 2nd graders to ring. 1st graders are welcome to come and audition for Jr. Bells. We look forward to a year of lifting our voice and musical talents to the Lord! Singing and Ringing our Praise! Dawn Hoffman & Susan Gieseler

Fall 2011

Parents Day Out Preschool & PM Start their Fall Programs The 2011-2012 school year is officially underway! After a successful Summer PDO Preschool program, we are now looking forward to an exciting year for our preschool and afterschool programs. We are blessed to see our programs continue to grow and thrive! Our PDO Preschool continues to offer programs for the following age groups- 1 & 2 year olds, 3 year olds, and 4 year olds. Right now, our toddler class is full with 13 students. Our three year old class has 13 students with more registering every day! The maximum allowed in that class is 16. Our four year old class is full with 18 students, most of who were in the preschool class last school year. We continue to offer a quality program that consists of structured lessons based on the Houghton Mifflin Preschool curriculum, bimonthly music class with Miss Betty, bi-monthly chapel chats with Pastor Keck, monthly field trips, and much more!

Our PDO PM After School Program currently has 5 students enrolled. Hopefully as word spreads about this quality, affordable program, it will grow by leaps and bounds! Not only are the children in PDO PM given a safe, caring environment in which to spend their after school hours, they are provided with daily snacks, free play in the gym, nature walks, daily activities based on weekly themes, homework assistance, weekly bells instruction with Mrs. Gieseler, and weekly computer lessons with Pastor Keck! No other after school program in the community offers such a diverse curriculum. We appreciate your support of the PDO programs here at church. Through your donations, financial contributions, prayers, and word of mouth advertising, our programs are now entering their sixth year in the community! Please continue to pray that our programs reach the children in this community who would benefit from what we have to offer. God Bless! 2


Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

This Fall it is Time to Join a Group! Monday Monday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. you will find Marcia Simons leading a women’s group, who meet at Brenda Rommel’s home (765 Mallard Drive in Marengo). This group is open to women of all ages. You can reach Marcia at 815-568-8735.

Thank You! 200 sack lunches for the Rockford Rescue Mission! Thanks to the wonderful spirit of generosity and mission of our church family, Pastor Keck and Grateful Praise were able to provide a meal on Sunday evening, August 7, to 180 residents of the Rockford Rescue Mission. Many of you prepared sandwiches and added fruit and chips to the lunch bags that were so beautifully decorated by our MUMC and PDO children. Others baked dozens of yummy cookies, also added to the bags. Many residents kept their decorated bags, touched by what our kids had done for them. Following a half hour of powerful worship led by Pastor Keck and Grateful Praise, we served the lunches and many, many thank you’s were expressed. This was a great way for us to be in mission – as the body of Christ working together!

On Monday nights at 7:00 p.m., beginning on September 26, Dewey and Betty Meinders host a group at their home in Union (17913 Meadow Lane). Friendship, good snacks, and a variety of topics for study characterize this group. Men and women of all ages are welcome to join them. If you would like to be a part of this group, you can reach the Meinders at (815) 923-3411. Also on Monday evenings, beginning on October 2nd, Chuck & Judy Andrews host a group in their home (529 E. Prairie Street in Marengo) at 7:00 pm. This diverse group of men and women enjoy fellowship and invigorating discussions. All ages are welcome to attend. You can reach the Andrews at 815568-7746 for more information.

Prairie Street in Marengo) on Tuesdays at 9:30 am. The group is open to women of all ages. You can reach Judy at (815) 568-7746.

Thursday Marj Murray leads a group that meets at the church on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm. The focus for this group is to write encouraging notes and cards to members of the church who are in our thoughts and prayers. Following a short devotion, this group is task orientated and welcomes men and women of all ages. You can reach Marj at (815) 568-5739.

Saturday The first Saturday of every month Chuck Andrews leads a group of men at a breakfast meeting. This group meets in the Fellowship Hall in the church basement at 8:00 am. Following a hearty breakfast, the men study topics from various books. Chuck encourages lively discussion, opinions and feedback. This group is open to men of all ages and denominations, You can contact Chuck at (815) 568-7746.

Tuesday Beginning again on September 13th, Judy Andrews leads a group at her home (529 E. 3


Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

Celebrating our Survivors Russ Murray, Bill Piper, Connie Boxleitner and Jerry Wright walk the first lap—the Survivor Lap— at the Relay for Life in Huntley. Also walking in this lap but not pictured was Sean Romine. It started with a feeling of being called to lead a Relay for Life team because our church family had both lost members and friends to cancer AND celebrated the victories over cancer of several church members. The response was overwhelming as our team grew to the largest in the Northern Fox Valley region’s Relay—22 individuals raising money to fight cancer + 6 other family members who joined the walk on June 17-18. The team decided to set an amazing goal of $10,000 (the minimum expected goal for each team is only $1500). We passed that goal with the generous support of our church family at our Spaghetti Dinner/Flea Market/Karaoke Night on June 4. We didn’t stop there,

though, and ended up with a total of $13,650.62 in donations, the 2nd highest total for the region! A big thank you to our supporters—for your donations, your presence at our dinner, for your participation in the Hong’s fundraiser, and to those who came by to cheer us on and even walk with us at the Relay. You have made a difference! Team members: Amanda Christensen, Kathy Cregan, Jim Evans, Brenda Ferreira, Susan Gieseler, Claudia Kachlik, Cathy Koplin, Vicki & Celeste Loudenbeck, Norma Lowrey, Jane McDonald, the Moehrlin family: Mike, Stacey, Aaron & Devin, Russ and Dana Murray, Deb and Tara Oakes, Gina Rickerd, Dennis, Julie and Sean Romine, Bonnie & Stephanie Voller. Betty Meinders, Team Captain 4


Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

Celebrating our Survivors

“The LORD supports all who fall down, straightens up all who are bent low.” (Psalm 145:14, Common English Bible) Have you ever felt like you needed to start over? Perhaps you had made a mess of everything or circumstances conspired to bring you to a place you neither wanted nor planned. Then you begin to feel trapped and alone. You are desperate for a fresh start. We have all been there. But how do you start again and not end up in the same situation? “LORD , you have examined me. You know me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up. Even from far away, you comprehend my plans.” (Psalm 139:1-2, Common English Bible) If you are acting alone, or trying to change your life alone, than you are likely to fail or end up in the same place. The truth is you need someone to help you, guide you, support you, if you want to change your life. That someone is God. “God won’t let your foot slip. Your protector won’t fall asleep on the job.” (Psalm 121:3, Common English Bible) Starting September 18th, we are going to learn how we can make a fresh start in life. Are you ready to be re-freshed and re-newed? Join us for this four week study. Invite a friend who needs a fresh start. “Sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth!” (Psalm 96:1, Common English Bible) 5


Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

Pictures from our wonderful Vacation Bible School Thank You to everyone who helped out!!



Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

We Celebrate Weddings at MUMC.

Upper Left: Gaye Ann & Richard Anderson celebrate their 50th. Right: Chuck & Judy Andrews celebrate their 50th. Lower Left: Ed & Pam Richard celebrate at their wedding reception.

♫ Sing To The Lord ♪ Singing to the Lord is my favorite way to worship on Sunday, or any day of the week for that matter. I’ve been singing since I was born I think. My dad would sing us up to bed with “Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain.” I was singing in Junior Choir as soon as they’d let me in. In High School I was allowed to sing in the Senior Choir – with the adults. That’s where I first learned to hear the harmony. When I was looking for a church to join after college, I knew that it had to have a good choir. And it was the music that I heard the first time I visited Marengo UMC that made it clear to me that I’d found my new church home. Continued on 12 7


Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

Vacation Bible School was a HUGE success! Over 40 children attended the week’s festivities. The kids had a blast visiting friends in “Hometown Nazareth.” Upon arrival, the kids joined in celebration with songs and dances. They joined their “tribes” and discussed God Sightings and their experiences in Nazareth. The tribes then took to the streets of Nazareth for a variety of fun and interesting stops. One stop was to Mary’s House. The kids learned about Jesus when he was just a kid. They heard stories about his life straight from his mom, Mary! They smelled Frankincense and Myrrh, tasted flatbread, helped clean for the Passover celebration and enjoyed daily visits by Mary’s

neighbor Eunice. Eunice didn’t believe that Jesus was really God’s son, but by the end of the week, the kids helped to convince her that

He truly is! The kids went outside for Fun and Games and made daily visits to the Marketplace Shops where they used their “Shekels” to purchase food items and make and take crafts. The Shop-keepers in the Wool Shop taught the kids to make wool soap! The Carpentry Shop helped the kids as they

created pull along wooden sheep. They took to the streets of Nazareth one day to visit the Barnyard where the kids got to pet and play with real baby goats! The kids took part in a mission and tiedyed backpacks at the Dye Shop that will be filled with Bibles and sent to children in Latin America. Finally the kids took a day at Synagogue School and created tzedakah boxes, little coin boxes to save coins for a charity. Thank you again to the many volunteers. The time you gave to our kids gave them an experience that will last them a lifetime.

There is More Than One Way to Help with Our Community Blood Drives Our Community Blood Drives are heading into their 3rd year here at MUMC. It began as a mission for one of our Wesley Fellowship Groups as part of “40 Days of Community.” The group committed to having a drive 4 times a year. Since its inception, that particular Wesley Group has been unable to meet and the responsibility of the Blood Drive has fallen to me. I am okay with coordinating the drive, but really need the help of our church family and friends to volunteer a short time one Sunday every four months to sit at our registration table. The job is very easy. It is basically welcoming the donors and giving them the paperwork they need to fill out. Volunteers then communicate via walkie talkie to the Heartland personnel in the Mobile Blood Drive coach and send the donors in as space becomes available. The Blood Drives typically fall on the following Sundays. The 3rd Sunday of September, Sunday before Thanksgiving in November, the 3rd Sunday in January and the 2nd or 3rd Sunday in May. There are three time slots that need to be filled - 7:30-9:00am, 9:00 am -10:30 am and 10:30-12:00pm. Thank you for considering being a part of this important, life-saving, community mission project. Dawn Hoffman (815) 568-0997 (



Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

Senior Moment by Ann Stein “Eyesight may diminish with age, but all other forms of vision -- hindsight, foresight, second sight, and insight-improve as we grow older” -Golden Wisdom How do we acquire wisdom? The dictionary definition: “the quality of following the soundest course of action based on experience, knowledge and understanding”. My motherin law passed away at the age of 93! I still smile when I remember her saying “I may be old but I’m not stupid!” To bundle good advice with wisdom, my mother taught some important wisdom to me. Some of the most memorable: 

“Always wear clean underwear -- you could have an accident … think how embarrassed you would be in torn or dirty underwear!”

“Be sure to wash behind your ears and do a good job of washing your neck”

“Pretty is as pretty does”

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”

“Bad things happen after midnight” (I passed this one along to our girls during their teen-age years”

“The best things in life are free” This merits some serious thought as we live through tight economic times. But, after mulling it over we know it is indeed true! 

Salvation, grace - Free!

God’s creation: Our beautiful world - Free!

Smiles, hugs, things that make us laugh! Free!

The people the Lord has chosen to be a part of our life… family and friends! Our church home, Children: Precious in his sight and ours!

According to the Bible: 

”The Lord by wisdom founded the earth”

By understanding he established the heavens: ”Keep sound wisdom”

“Whatever we may say, Whatever we may do, O God help us to live in a way credible to you” Your will be done Father. What a magnificent exchange: your wisdom

MUMC Kids T-shirts are available to our families. You can pick up an order form at the Welcome Center table or from the church office. Shirts are available in many colors including: White, Ash, Light Blue, Lime, Yellow, Pink, and Violet; and Crew Neck Fleece Sweatshirts are available in Ash. Cost

Youth: $11.00 t-shirt $15.00 sweatshirt Adult: $12.00 t-shirt $17.00 sweatshirt

T’s Me Magic Ink Designs will donate back a portion of their proceeds for our children’s Sunday School program. Thank you for your support of our MUMC Kids.



Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

Focus on Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry where those receiving care can be sure that their identity and what goes on in the caring relationship will remain private. A Stephen Minister and one adult care receiver of the same gender meet at least weekly on a oneto-one basis for as long as is necessary to allow God to work in the caring process as the cure giver. There may be times in our lives when each of us needs the care of another person, a Christian friend, a Stephen Minister. These needs might include hospitalization, serious illness, aging and elderly crisis, those facing life transitions, those grieving a death or loss of a loved one, job crisis, separation or divorce, spiritual crisis, and those needing the support of a Christian friend. Stephen Ministry is in its ninth year of serving those in our church and community who are in need of a trained Christian caregiver. Pastor Mowry’s recent sermon series has illustrated many of the caregiving skills that trainees in Stephen Ministry develop and practice in the course of their initial 50 hours of training before being commissioned as Stephen Ministers. Since 2002, twenty eight Stephen Ministers have been trained by Stephen Ministry Leaders and commissioned by Marengo United Methodist Church. Fifty seven care

receivers have been served by these dedicated people. Although the initial commitment to Stephen Ministry is only two years, many of our Stephen Ministers have served for the full duration of our Stephen Ministry program. Everyone who has received training recognizes the wonderful benefits of learning the key skills necessary to provide care to hurting persons while trusting God to be the only true cure giver. We have two requests of our church community: 1) If you are interested in learning more about serving as a Stephen Minister, please call one of our Stephen Leaders (Pastor Mowry, Gaye Anne Anderson, or Richard Anderson). 2) If you personally feel that you need help from a Stephen Minister, please call one of our Stephen Leaders who will work with you to provide care from an active Stephen Minister. Our currently active Stephen Ministers are Gaye Anne & Richard Anderson, Barbara & Jack Carder, Penny Collins, Sue & Dick Evans, Belle Mahon, Lynette Paradiso, Brenda Rommel, Betty Struckmeier, and Maureen & Joe Whiting. Our Stephen Leaders are Pastor Keck Mowry, Gaye Anne Anderson, and Richard Anderson.

Life Touch Photography will be available in September to take Directory photos. Thursday, September 8th - 2:30-9:00pm Friday, September 9th - 2:30-9:00 pm Saturday, September 10th - 10:00am - 4:00 pm You will be able to view your photos immediately after being taken. Each family or individual who has their photo taken will receive a free 8 x 10 picture and a church directory. Sign up for your time now either online at or by calling Sally Hoesel at (815) 544-5963. 10


Marengo United Methodist Church

Fall 2011

A New Start for Sunday School It is hard to believe that summer is almost gone and fall is around the corner. We are excited to have our children back for Sunday School! Last year the kids began a new adventure with BUZZ Sunday School curriculum. It was a great addition to our program as it was simple for our volunteers: no planning involved, they just showed up, had fun and learned right along with the kids! The kids never sat still. They learned by experiencing and doing. It was so fun to see their faces as they jumped to answer questions about their week and how they saw God in it. We will be using the BUZZ program again this year. The Sunday School schedule for the day is changing a bit this year. We are asking parents to sign their children in as they enter church on Sunday morning. There will be a sign-in book in the Narthex just outside the church office. Parents will sign in that their kids are here and will be part of the Sunday School program for the day. Parents will then take their children into the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship. It is important for our kids to be a part of the church family as a whole and experience worship together. They will stay for the welcome and opening praise songs and then be asked to join Pastor up front for Children’s Time. We all know how they love

their time with Pastor Keck! After Pastor dismisses the kids, they will head with their teachers to their classrooms. Our kids will be split into four classes by grade. Our Preschool and Kindergarten kids will meet downstairs on the stage classroom. The 1st & 2nd graders will join together downstairs in Fellowship Hall. The 3rd & 4th graders will take their learning and fun to the gym and our oldest kids, 5th & 6th graders, will head upstairs in the Annex classrooms for their Sunday School day. After worship we are asking that Parents please head to their child’s classroom to sign them out and then we welcome you to stay for Fellowship Time and enjoy a cup of coffee or juice and a snack while catching up with church family. We are trying to make the teaching commitment less so that our teachers can attend worship, too. We can always use more help with our great MUMC Kids. The curriculum is very easy to administer and really a lot of fun. If you have questions about helping, please don’t hesitate to call me. Thank you for all you do for our MUMC Kids. Dawn Hoffman Sunday School Superintendent 815-568-0997

Our next Heartland Blood Drive will be on Sunday, September 18th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. “Fall” into helping your community and sign up for your blood donation time today! Signup sheets are in the Narthex or you can call the church office (815) 568-7162 to set your time, although walk-ins are ALWAYS welcome! During this month of September, all donors to the Heartland Blood Center will receive an exclusive "Remember 9/11" T-shirt as a way of saying "thank you" for your life-saving blood 11 donations. Photo ID is required.

Marengo United Methodist Church

Spring 2016

Continued . . . Singing to the Lord lets you tell the message that’s in your heart without stumbling over awkward words. You can tell everyone how much you love Jesus and God. Singing to the Lord is good for your health – it lowers your blood pressure. It’s been known to relieve a headache. Choir is also a place to make friends. Here you can become a part of a group that will pray for each other, support one another through the hard times, and celebrate life’s joys.

It’s hard to find soloists to sing in the summer, because we are not a choir of great soloists. Most choir members are timid about singing alone. But we are a great choir when we sing together. Perhaps you, too, can find your voice to tell the world of God’s love, by singing in the choir. “The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best” Henry Van Dyke Senior Choir Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 7-8 pm in the room above the Narthex (Sanctuary lobby). You can get there using the stairs by the Taylor Street door, or the windy narrow steps by the Washington Street door, or the elevator.

Marengo United Methodist Church 119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152

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