Volume XII Issue 10
December 2009
That Advent Feeling Advent begins this Sunday. If you look up the definition of advent you will find it defined as “The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important.” The experience of advent, therefore, depends upon our belief that “something extremely important” is coming. You don’t have to explain to a small children the meaning of advent, because they know they are waiting for something extremely important. But do we, as adults, still feel the same sense of anticipation? Anticipation can be a wonderful experience. As a boy I remember thinking that Christmas would never come. Each day felt like an eternity. The more eagerly I awaited Christmas, the slower it seemed to come. Those little calendars, that you would open one door a day until Christmas, did not help. I remember fighting the temptation to open all the doors ahead of time. Perhaps that would speed the arrival of Christmas. As I have aged, this sense of anticipation has waned. I guess it is because the gifts are less important to me or maybe it is the shear number of Christmas mornings that I have experienced. But I miss that feeling of advent. Could it be that as my childhood sense of advent has faded I have failed to replace it with an adult advent? I think that is true. Consider the words of the angel in Luke 2:10-11: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” On Christmas we celebrate the most important event in history. Unfortunately, the world has turned it into something else, a secular consumer holiday, and its sense of advent has faded. I have a suggestion. Take some time during the season of advent and reflect upon the “good news” and “great joy” that Christmas represents. Allow yourself to feel the excitement of Christmas eve as we gather at Cody’s Farm for a live nativity or at our 11:00 p.m. candlelight service. Imagine the humble birth of this tiny infant boy, thousands of years ago, and what would become of his life. Christmas is an awesome event that we can still anticipate with a sense of advent. We need to allow its importance to reemerge in our lives. Not an easy task, given all of the distractions, but if you take the time, that childhood excitement, that sense of advent will return. It is time to get excited. Pastor Keck Perhaps a special Christmas gift would also increase your sense of anticipation. We have one for you. Starting in January, we will be launching a new community web service, devoted to building Christian community. It is called The City and it is a communication, news and organization service that will greatly increase our ability to stay connected. It is simple to use, yet extremely useful. Imagine if you could get just the information and communications you want without having to “drink from the fire hose” of endless announcements. You sign up for your groups and activities in the church and just those areas are quickly and conveniently communicated to you. Sign up for an event. Check your giving statement online. Donate online. These are just some of the gifts coming in January.
Christmas Worship Sunday, December 13th One service at 9:30am to present our children’s Christmas Pageant “Signs of Christmas” Join us for a free Breakfast following the program. Donation proceeds will go to the Rosebud Indian Reservation Mission Trip Fund. Sunday, December 20th 8:30 am - Worship will include our choir performing a Christmas Cantata 10:15 am – Worship Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24th 4:00 pm Live Nativity at Purdom Farm 9502 River Road Marengo, IL 60152 11:00 pm Candlelight Service at the church 119 E Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152
Holiday Housewalk MUMC’s Ruth Circle will once again be participating in the 17th annual Holiday Housewalk. Saturday, December 5th 9:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday, December 6th 10:00-4:00 p.m. Make sure to stop by to find fun holiday gifts and décor.
Children’s Christmas Pageant: Signs of Christmas The children will present a Christmas program during worship on Sunday, December 13th. We will have only one worship service that morning, at 9:30 am. Speaking rehearsals are scheduled for Wednesdays at 5:30-6:00 pm on 12/2, 12/9 Singing rehearsals – grade 1 and up will be on Wednesday evenings: from 6:00-7:00 pm on 12/2, 12/9 Pre-School and Kindergarten rehearsals (singing & dancing): Sun., 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6 at 11:15-11:45 AM after Sunday School and/ or on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-6:30 pm. (it would be helpful if they could make a couple of the Wednesday rehearsals) Dress rehearsal will be Saturday, December 12th at 10:00 am until Noon, lunch to follow. Helpers will be needed for many things. If you have any questions, please call Susan Gieseler weekdays at work 847-931-0710 Ext. 17, at home: 815-568-7502, or e-mail me at sgiesel@t6b.com.
Computer Lab: Christmas Cards/ Gifts Are you interested in making Christmas gifts and cards using your photos and the computer? Call Steve Sandman for open lab times and he will help you create these special Christmas items. (815) 568-7543.
Mitten Tree Once again we will be accepting donations of new scarves, mittens, gloves and hats for M.O.R.E. M.O.R.E. is in immediate need of these items so we will be removing them weekly and replacing them with a thank you mitten tag to decorate our tree. M.O.R.E. is also in urgent need of winter coats. So please bring your donations to church and let’s fill up those branches for those in need in the Marengo area. Thank you! The Sunday School Staff
Church-wide Christmas Cards Do you ever struggle to send out Christmas cards? Perhaps you have given up or cut back on your list. It can also be rather expensive. We have a better idea. This Christmas we are sending out a church wide Christmas card. Instead of paying to send a card to everyone in the congregation, we encourage you to contribute to a congregational card. Your name will be included in the card and your contribution will help to support our children’s ministries, such as Parents’ Time Out or Date Night. You can send a Christmas card and support the children of our church. Sign up at our new missions table in the narthex or by sending in your contribution. (Suggested donations are the amount it would have cost to send a Christmas card to the congregation.)
Ministry in Need: Sound Tech Do you have an interest in electronics? Do you like it when the Pastor is clearly audible, the music is balanced, the volume is pleasing and there is no feedback? There is a ministry for you! The worship team is looking for people to serve behind the sound board during worship. This ministry is very important to offering excellent worship every Sunday morning. Training will be provided. It is not necessary to serve at both services or every week. Please contact Betty Meinders at (815) 861-2153 or (815) 923-3411 or by email at eagleeye0007@sbcglobal.net.
Lifting up our church family in prayer Prayers for Health and Healing: Albert Duffy, Clara Piper’s father; Lois Garcia; John Throckmorton; Linda Haefner, friend of the Hoffmans; Private First Class Joshua Kerber; Bev Bourke; Bruce Swonguer; Freedom Epich, Susan Gieseler’s niece-in-law; Ann Locovare; Ryan Justen Prayers for Comfort and Support: Ron Saddler, Bonnie Voller’s Brother; Renee Zintz, Susan Ott’s sister; Isaiah Burnside, Pat Merritt’s grandson serving in Afghanistan; Steve Tradewell; For those facing unemployment; Our Country’s leaders; Military Men & Women and their families Prayers for the Homebound: Katie Loomis Prayers for those in Nursing/Rehab: Ann Jenne; Ann Locovare; Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Genelle Skeels; Mildred Walters If you have updated status on someone on our prayer list or would like to add a loved one, you can add your request to the backside of the Connection Card (located in the pocket of our attendance book), place a note on the office desk, email to info@marengoumc.org or call the church office at 815-568-7162. Thank you.
Congratulations 3rd Grade Bible Recipients Congratulations to our third graders who were presented with a new Bible on Sunday, November 22nd. Anthony Gailloreto Madison Hillner Colton Lohff Cameron Miller McKenna Skow Jacob Vance Allison Whiting
It’s a Boy! Congratulations to Jacob, Jennie and Brock and Karli Adamson on the birth of their new son, and little brother, Blake!
Blood Pressure Readings We are pleased that Doris Mangano has volunteered to take blood pressure readings for our congregation. This free service will start on Sunday, January 10, 2010 and will continue the second Sunday of each month. Readings will be taken in our church conference room between the two services. This is an excellent way to monitor your blood pressure each month. Also, if you want to check your BP machine, bring it along and see if it agrees with Doris’ reading.
Stress Management in Difficult Times As the Holiday Season approaches, do you find your life to be more stressful? Would you like some help to deal with the stress of life’s challenges? Stephen Ministry is offering a seminar on Stress Management on Thursday, December 3, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall at Marengo United Methodist Church. Our speaker is Sharon Purdom, who is a Flight Nurse and E.M.S. for Centegra Memorial Medical Center. Sharon regularly presents this seminar to Centegra staff who work in very stressful situations. We all should benefit from her presentation and knowledge. Also, in February 2010, Sharon will be speaking on Compassion, a life skill so important to all of us. The exact date and time will be announced later. We hope you will join us for these two informative seminars. Gaye Anne & Richard Anderson Stephen Leaders
Gas Can Mission Don’t forget your aluminum cans. Drop off your aluminum (only) cans in the Gas Can Car (different vehicle!) on Sunday mornings! The Gas Can Mission provides gas money for our mission trips.
Welcome New Members Welcome to our new members! Adriana Gonzalez Wayne & Norma Lowrey Dennis & Julie Romine Scott & Malisa Vanderwest
United Methodist Women There will be no general meeting in December. Ruth Circle is working on many crafts for the Holiday House Walk, which will be December 5th and 6th. We wish them continued success. On Thursday, December 10th Ruth Circle will meet at the home of Betty Struckmeir. There will be a gift exchange with a $5 to $10 limit. There will be no meeting of the Esther Circle in December. During the months with no scheduled meetings, the women are encouraged to visit shut-ins. The 2010 UMW yearbook is available. The general 2010 meeting dates are: February 10th with a program given by Pastor Keck Mowry, Fun and games in the fellowship hall on April 14th, and an October 13th event planned with lunch catered by Flatlanders and a program of scrapbooking with Brenda Rommel
Hat Ministry There are good things happening in the hat ministry. Watch for more information!
Thank you! I want to thank my friends and family for helping me celebrate my 10th birthday by donating so many gifts to the children who are patients at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. I can’t believe how many gifts there were! I also had a birthday party for my classmates and family who gave even more gifts! I had fun at my party where we sang karaoke, ate cake and did a cake walk game. We had donations for my party from Flatlander Market, Mr. Freeze, many of my church family and my own family so that we could play! My friends and I won some really yummy things! My mom and grandma drove me all the way to Memphis, TN to deliver the gifts on Friday, November 6th. The people at St. Jude are so nice and were so happy to receive the gifts for their patients. The nice lady at the production center, where we took the gifts, was so thankful. She told us they have 250 children a day who come in for outpatient treatments. The toys, games and coloring things help the kids to pass the time away. Did you know that patients at St. Jude receive all of their treatments at no cost and they run the whole hospital and research on donations! I am so happy to have helped and thank you for helping me. I learned so much and had so much fun on my trip! While we were there we found out that St. Jude was completely out of crayons. I was happy that in my donations I had a bagful to give them. I think my next project will be trying to get more crayons for the kids. If you have any crayons you would like to donate, drop them off with my mom, Dawn in the church office. You can learn more about St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by going to www.stjude.org. Thank you again for your help and making my 10th birthday the best ever! Emily Hoffman
Anniversaries & Birthdays ANNIVERSARY Eric & Amie Gustafson Jeff & Claudia Kachlik Bill & Clara Piper Stan & Jane McDonald Hobert & Julie Jones Marvin & Kathy Clavey Ronald & Bonnie Voller
1 4 7 14 29 30 31
BIRTHDAY Emily Gustafson Kevin Tomasi Dominic Gailloreto Leslie Garman Brian Gualillo Kelly Durbin Steve Sandman Jake Adamson Alice Jenne Dana Murray Michael Ferriera Erin Ferriera Betty Miller Maria Mangano Audrey Anderson Lisa Esunis Amy Kramer Geri Miles JoAnn Zenk Jeff Perkins Trevor Rickerd Bryanna Paradiso Meredith Angelo Maisie McMenamy Russ Murray Jesus Amanda Ham Emily Lisa Kirchhoff Amy Roeder Nancy Weberpal Paul Roeder
5 5 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 12 13 16 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 23 23 23 25 26 26 27 29 30
Operation Christmas Child The numbers are in! 111 boxes were packed and delivered for this year’s Operation Christmas Child drive. Thank you to ALL who were involved. This year there were many who packed, wrapped, prayed, donated time, money, and gifts to make it all happen. A special thank you goes out to Steve Sandman. Thank you for your God size pledge of 50 boxes. Your passion and determination to get it done have been a great inspiration for me. Thank you. I am looking forward to what God has planned for next year! In Christ, Vanessa Angelo
Congratulations! Maria Mangano is engaged to Ryan Story. He is the young man who visits our church when on break from Iowa State. He has two more years of school and is in the USAF in meteorology. He is from Atlanta, and the wedding date is pending, but they will marry in Atlanta. He is a welcome addition to our family! Tom and Doris Mangano
Have You Heard? Joseph Mangano, 14, of Boy Scout Troop 163 received his Eagle Scout Court of Honor on November 7, 2009. Joseph recognized two individuals who helped him significantly along the way, Mike Langel, with Troop 163, who taught Joseph most of his recent Scout information, and Dale Schriver, from MCCD Marengo Ridge, who taught him about conservation. He developed a medical closet located in our church basement, for free use of medical equipment for the people of Marengo/Union. The closet consists of crutches, walkers, canes, walking boots, hi-rise toilet seat, etc. If you or anyone you know is in need of the use of any of these items, please contact Dawn in the church office for more information.
Our Gold Canyon Candle fundraiser for PDO is now over and it was definitely a success, thanks to many of you! We ended up selling 153 candles, with a net profit of $1041.75! We are going to be able to purchase all of the items we had wanted to for our classroom, plus a few additional items as well! Thank you to all for your continued support of the Parents' Day Out Preschool program. While you are cleaning closets, making room for new holiday clothes and toys, please consider donating your gently used clothes, house wares, toys, etc. to our PDO Program. November 20th through the end of December PDO will be collecting items and will send them to the A-Z resale shop. Proceeds from the sale of the items will go to help pay for special programs and supplies for the classroom. Call Dawn in the office for more information. (815) 568-7162. Thank you for your continued support!
Parent’s Night Out! Parent Night Out 1 offered to our children ages 3 through 3rd grades will be making a date change to the second Friday of each month beginning in December on December 11th from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Parent’s Night Out 2 for our children in 4th – 6th grades will remain meeting on the third Friday of each month. In December that is Friday, December 18th also from 6:00-7:30 pm. Your children will get to have a snack, a devotion, free play, stories, art, games, etc. Just to have a supervised fun time without their parents. Please give a call to let us know if your child will attend to Dawn Hoffman (1-815-568-7162), Betty Struckmeier (1-815-568-6179) or Gaye Anne Anderson (1-815-568-8806).
Anna Mangano will graduate on December 12th from MCC with an Associcates of Science and also from ECC in May with an Associates of Applied Physical Therapy. Congratulations Anna!
Rosebud Trip 2010: June 12-19, 2010 WRAPPING FOR ROSEBUD! Can you believe it’s almost Christmas time? Are you looking for a way to avoid the stress involved in shopping and wrapping gifts? Every parent can use a hand during this time of the year and the Rosebud Mission Team wants to help! Rosebud team members are hosting two Saturday babysitting dates in December to help give parents some time to shop without worrying about the kids. When you are done shopping, bring your gifts and we will wrap them for you and have them ready for you to pick up on Sunday morning! Think about that: an entire morning of shopping without the kids and having all your wrapping done without looking for the tape and scissors! Even if you want to do your own wrapping, we are happy to give you a morning of shopping without the kids! All children age 1 – 12 are welcome! Sign up in the Narthex or call the church office at (815) 568-7162. There is no fee for this service and all donations will go toward the 2010 Rosebud Mission Trip. December 5th 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Wrapped gift pick-up Sunday, December 6th Please provide lunch & snack for your child
December 12th 8:00-10:00 am (pageant rehearsal 10:00am -noon) Wrapped gift pick up Sunday, December 13th Lunch will be provided after Pageant rehearsal
MORE WRAPPING FOR ROSEBUD! The very busy Rosebud Team will be heading to Barnes and Noble at Cherryvale Mall on Wednesday, December 9th from 3:00-9:00pm to wrap gifts! Shop and drop off the gifts for wrapping! All donations will go to the Rosebud Mission Trip fund.
Rosebud Breakfast Join the Rosebud Mission Trip members on Sunday, December 13th for a breakfast of pancakes and eggs following the Children’s Christmas Pageant, from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. We will be serving up a hot breakfast for you! A free will offering will be taken to help support our mission trip to Rosebud, SD in June 2010. We will have pictures on display from past trips and a video, and lots of information on the reservation for you to look at.
Wreath Pick-up If you chose to pick up your wreath at the church, pick-up will begin on Sunday November 28th. Remember if you chose to pick up your wreath or garland directly at Hubb’s, take your red coupon and go to Hubb’s to pick up your order. If you ordered a centerpiece, you can call Marengo Greenhouse a day before you want to pick it up and they will make a fresh one for you. You will need your coupon for this pick-up also. Centerpieces can be picked up any time after November 30th. Remember to give them a day’s notice. Marengo Greenhouse (815) 568-6561.
A Senior Moment
by Ann Stein
THE PARABLE OF THE BIRDS Once upon a time, there was a man who looked upon Christmas as a lot of humbug. He was not a Scrooge. He was a very kind and decent person, generous to his family, upright in all his dealings with other men. But he didn't believe all that stuff about God becoming man, which churches proclaim at Christmas. Why would God want to do anything like that? So when his family left to attend midnight services on Christmas Eve, he stayed home. Shortly after the family drove away, the snow began to fall. He went to the window and watched the flurries getting heavier. Some time later he was startled by a thudding sound that was quickly followed by another. Then another. When he went to investigate, he found a flock of birds huddled miserably in the snow. They had been caught in the storm and in a desperate search for shelter, had tried to fly through the window. "I can't let these poor creatures lie there and freeze" he thought. "But how can I help them?" Then he remembered the barn. It would provide a warm shelter. He quickly put on his coat and boots and tramped through the deepening snow to the barn. He opened the doors wide and turned on the light. But the birds didn't come in. "Food will bring them in" he thought. So he hurried back to the house for breadcrumbs, which he sprinkled on the snow to make a trail into the barn. To his dismay, the birds ignored the breadcrumbs and continued to flop around helplessly in the
Church Library December is a good month to read and ponder Luke 2:120 "good news for all people"
snow. He tried shooing them into the barn by walking around and waving his arms. They scattered in every direction -- except into the warm, lighted barn. "They find me a strange and terrifying creature," he said to himself, "and I can't seem to think of any way to let them know they can trust me. "If I could be a bird myself for a few minutes, perhaps I could lead them to safety" Just at that moment the church bells began to ring. He stood silently for a while, listening to the bells pealing out the glad tidings of Christmas. Then he sank to his knees in the snow, "Now I understand," he whispered. "Now I see why you had to do it." Written by: Louis Cassels, a newspaperman and journalist. With this story, Cassels achieved an immortality usually reserved for the saints, seldom by humble newspapermen. "How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given, so God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven"
Many Thanks! I would like to thank everyone for supporting my brother Ron through my bake sale. You all are such a blessing! With everyone’s help and outside orders, I was able to raise $1039! My brother is so thankful and completely overwhelmed. God’s Blessings, Bonnie Voller
1 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:30 am - WFG @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:30 pm - Agape Group
2 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 5:30pm - Christmas Pageant Rehearsal 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts 7:00 p.m. - Yoga 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC
3 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:30pm - Zion Cheerleaders 6:00 pm - Brownie Troop Meeting 7:00 pm - Dealing with Stress Seminar 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
4 Set up for Holiday House walk 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners
5 8 am—Men’s Breakfast
7:00pm-WFG @ MUMC
7:30 pm - Christmas Tea 7:30pm - Al-Anon
Sat 9:00 am - Wrapping for Rosebud 10:00am - Holiday Housewalk 5:00 pm - Grateful Praise Retreat
6 Youth sell Carol-grams 8:30 am - Worship 10:00am - Holiday Housewalk 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Worship 1:00 pm Confirmation Class 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
7 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10 am - Marengo Wmn Club Board 10:45 am -Gold.Diner 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6pm - Disciple I 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA
8 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 11:15 am - Finance Meeting 1:00 pm - Hat Ministry 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:30 pm - Agape 7:00 pm-Pastor Parish 7 pm-WFG@MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
9 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00 pm - Rosebud Wrapping at Cherryvale 5:30 pm Children Pageant Rehearsal 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts 7:00pm - Ministry Team 7:00 p.m. - Yoga 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC
10 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00 pm - Ruth Circle @ Betty Struckmeier’s 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
11 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6 pm - Parent’s Night Out 1
12 8:00 am - Wrapping for Rosebud 10 am - noon Pageant Dress Rehearsal/ lunch
13 Youth sell Carol-grams 9:30 am Children’s Christmas Pageant 10:30-noon Rosebud Breakfast 1:00 pm Confirmation Class 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
14 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Gold. diner 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6pm - Disciple I 6:30 pm - Stephen Ministry Supervision 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA
15 9-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:30 pm - Agape 6:30 pm - L.E.A.D. Team 7:00pm - WF@MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
16 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 p.m. - Yoga 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC
17 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Brownie Troop Meeting 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
18 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Parent’s Night Out 2
20 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 8:30 am - Cantata 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Worship 1:00 pm Confirmation Class 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
21 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WFG @ Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA
22 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:30 pm - Agape Group 7:00pm - WF@MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
23 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45am-Gold Diner 7:00 p.m. - Yoga 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC
24 CHRISTMAS EVE Church Office Closed
25 CHRISTMAS DAY Church Office Closed
27 8:30 am - Worship No Sunday School 10:15 am - Worship 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
28 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA
29 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:30 pm - Agape Group 6:30 pm - LEAD Team 7:00pm - WF@MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
30 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45am-Gold Diner 7:00 pm - Yoga 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC
Carol-Grams Delivered
4:00 pm Live Nativity At Purdom Farm 11:00 pm Candlelight Service At MUMC
31 New Year’s Eve Church Office Closed 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
January 1, 2010 Happy New Year Church Office Closed
Youth Group Trip to Chicago Meet at church at 10:15am Leave to train station at 10:30 am Return to MUMC around 10:30 pm
Buras, LA Fall 2009 Journal by Stan McDonald Saturday October 24 Began trip to Buras. Left Rocco’s at 5:34 AM. Members on Trip: Paul Hanelt, Chuck Andrews, Dewey Meinders, and Stan McDonald. Headed to Clinton, Mississippi for overnight stay at Brian Standley’s. Brian provided chicken, white chili and corn bread for supper and beds for the evening. We had an uneventful 12-hour trip, caught up with Brian and renewed old friendships.
Sunday Oct 25 Rose at 4:30, had breakfast, and repacked to continue the 5 hour trip to Buras. Arrived at 9:45 in time to meet with old friends and the new pastor, David Carlton before their 10:00 service. Noticed the church has new padded chairs instead of the old wooden benches. Their choir has also grown in size; Mark Plumber said that their attendance is between 30-50 people each Sunday. After church we ran through possible projects with pastor Dave and settled into the new bunkrooms set up in the three classrooms at back end of the church.
Monday Oct 26 Looks like the plan for today is: plumbing in a member’s trailer, some new lighting and replacing a door at the church. We drove south to JW’s trailer. He is a 95-year-old founding member of the church. We broke into two teams, one inside, and one outside. Because the stool drain hole in the floor bored by a previous team came down on top of the main heat/AC duct we moved the stool to the outside wall and re-bored the hole. After repairing the initial hole, water lines and drain lines were installed for the stool and a pedestal sink. All lines were watertight when the water was turned back on, but just at quitting time (6:00PM), the water stopped flowing to the sink. Pastor Dave spent much of the day on his back under the trailer helping fit pipes. What a guy!
Tuesday Oct 27 Today is another day that the Lord has made. We awoke to the sound of pouring rain. We may have to work inside today, probably investigate the loss of water at WJ’s. Chuck and Paul did return to WJ’s while Dewey and Stan made plans for a light and switch installation for an outside light. Chuck and Paul found a clogged strainer, cleaned it and then installed a 24” handrail by the stool. Dewey and Stan had to change their plans because of a shorted plug. Chuck and Stan installed a light in the outside hall/entryway while Dewey and Paul removed wallboard, insulation, and 2x4s to install the first window in the outside (east) wall of the entryway. We realized that there is no flashing between the entryway hall roof and the church, so Rolf Parelius, a church member and contractor, was asked to bring his metal bender to the church. He and Stan fabricated and installed the flashing while Chuck continued the wiring to the light and investigated the reason for the shorted plug. After removing several panels, it was discovered that a nail driven in to anchor a fire stop mid way up the wall went through the wire. Stan and Chuck pulled out the old wire and installed a new metal clad cable.
Wed Oct 28 Trinity church’s Charge Conference is today so we will have to break off work early and clean up. Paul and Dewey deconstructed part of the wall and installed the second window while Stan and Chuck ran wire to install a light to the large roofed open area between the main church area and the three classrooms. This area will be used for the Charge Conference meeting. The light installation had its own problems because of attic wiring complexities, but it was figured out. Chuck spent much of the day in the church attic while Stan cut a hole for the switch in the wrong place and had to replace a short section of Continued on next page
vinyl siding to repair. The light switch in the men’s bathroom is at the hinge side of the door so we cut the switch wire, installed a junction box, and ran a new wire to the switch relocated at the opening side of the door.
Thurs Oct 29 Today is very humid and everything is wet from condensation. The plan for today is to install two more lights in the large open area and an outside light at the side entrance into the sanctuary. Paul and Dewey will be installing the third and last window. After they completed the window they began building storage shelves for the room across from the air conditioner room. After Stan and Chuck installed the three new lights they installed a GFI outlet in the east wall of the same area. We all enjoyed a tasty dinner of raccoon gumbo and shrimp on white rice at Rolf and Marlin’s house. The evening was very enjoyable.
Fri Oct 30 Another sunny day. Pastor Dave came over with breakfast and we shared this leisure time with a new friend. Today starts out with some questions as to the next project. Paul and Dewey will finish their shelving project and Chuck and Stan will discuss the dryer project. The electrical outlet for the dryer is located on an inside wall which complicated the venting which is further complicated by an inthe-way conduit. We decided that the dryer should be moved to an outside wall and a new electrical line run. The original line is heavy enough to power a range so it will not be wasted. The problem with the dryer project is that the proper wire is not available locally. It is decided to move on to the next project, installing vinyl siding to the wall where Paul and Dewey have installed the new windows. After the supplies were rounded up from several places at the church, we began. Pastor Dave and Rolf both have experience with vinyl siding and are able to help, so we feel pretty confident even though none of the four of us has ever sided with vinyl. Prep work involves nailing 2x2s to the sides of the rafters to extend tails of the rafters so that we’ll have something to nail the siding J-channel to. We installed flashing from behind the siding out over the old brick ledge to prevent water seepage up into the wallboard or under the wall into the church. We applied 15 pound felt paper to the wallboard and then installed all the Jchannels around the windows and at the top and bottom of the wall. We started nailing the siding making sure not too nail too securely to prevent bucking in the summer heat. Just as we started nailing Rolf arrived with 1¼-inch staples and a power stapler to sink the staples properly. We finished the job in short order. It was good that we were able to get the wall sided, because even though the wall had been built in April (by Darrell and Bruce) the wallboard had started to deteriorate slightly. Since it was 3:30 or 4:00 o’clock and we did not have material to start another project, Rolf invited us to take a ride down the Mississippi in his 20-foot boat. Rolf maneuvered the boat through several bayous so that we were able to view and actually explore Fort St. Phillip, which is located on the east side of the river across from Fort Jackson. Rolf was able to relate some of the history of the two forts.
Saturday Oct 31 Up at 4:00 AM to pack up and head for home.
We are on the web!
119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 Email: info@marengo-umc.org We are a loving community of faith, offering compassionate fellowship, Bible-based teaching, Christ-centered worship, and opportunities to serve, in order to equip people with a faith that works in real life.
Saturday, December 19th the youth will be heading to Chicago for a full day of fun and laughter. We will meet at the church at 10:15 and depart by carpool at 10:30 to catch the 11:00 train from Crystal Lake. We will begin with ice skating in Millennium Park and then see where the day takes us. Skate rental for church youth group members will be covered with youth funds, all others will be $10. It is suggested that each youth bring a sack lunch and $25 to cover dinner, the $5.00 train ride and other expenses for the day. We should be back to the church about 10:30 p.m. as we want to see the lights on Michigan Avenue and State Street at night. Family and friends are welcome to join us! Please RSVP to Deb Oakes by December 15th, 815-2631563.
The youth will be selling Carol-grams for $2 each after services on Sunday, December 6th & 13th. Carol-grams will be delivered on December 13th between 5 and 8 p.m.