Volume XII Issue 7
September 2009
Friends, Last spring we participated in the study, ―40 days of Community.‖ This was an important event that explored the ways in which ―we are better together.‖ During these 40 days, we re-discovered and experienced the fact that we are better Christians and a better church when we join together in Christian community. Our study culminated with a final service at the Marengo High School. As part of this service, we invited you to place two paper hands with your name on our ―volunteer‖ wall. This wall listed a number of community ministries. By placing your hands upon these ministries, you expressed your interest in serving in these community ministries. I am pleased to report that work has begun on a number of these ministries. For example, our ―Fine Arts Academy‖ is in the planning phase for a January/February community program. We have met with representatives of Samaritan Counseling Center of the Northwest Suburbs, who advised us on the process of forming a new counseling center in Marengo. As a result, we hope to form a Board of Directors by the end of the year. We are also working on the housing issues in Marengo as part of Habitat for Humanity. In addition to these congregational projects, many of the community projects begun in our small groups are continuing into the fall. We are hosting a new blood drive, fixing homes, collecting school supplies and starting new ministries. Far from a ―flash in the pan‖ experience, we are seeing continued interest in building our church community by reaching out to the wider community. This fall we will continue to build up our congregational and community ministries. As you read through this newsletter you will notice that there are many new children and family events and ministries. A new computer lab is being constructed for the use of the congregation and community. The list of volunteers we collected as part of our 40 Days of Community will be contacted and new ministries will be formed. We are better when we do things together. That is why I also want to encourage you to reach out and invite new persons and families into our community. If you happen to find an invitation card to Sunday School in this newsletter, please write a note on it and send it on to a family you would like to invite to church. If you know of someone on your street or have a friend that is not part of a church community, invite them to join us at Marengo United Methodist Church. People are just waiting to be invited! Let’s all try to build our community by inviting others to become part of our church community. Invite someone to join us on Rally Day, September 13th. Yours in Christ, Pastor Keck