Japan: a country full of good habits Japan is located on the Asian continent, exactly in East Asia. The capital that was proclaimed in 1868 was Tokyo, called the capital of the East. The respective nationality of this country corresponds to the Japanese nationality that was established in 1950. The language or official language is called Japanese or Japanese language with 99% of its population using it. Due to the position and length of the country, Japan has a certain variety of climates, although the main climate is the humid subtropical, which is hotter in the south and much colder in the center and north. Finally, its national currency is called Japanese Yen, it became official on May 10, 1871. Healthy habits The Japanese have a low-fat diet and consume much more vegetable protein through foods such as tofu, miso or natto (fermented soybeans). Another of the bases of their diet is eating slowly and chew their food well, eat regularly and always opt for ahigh consumption of fresh and seasonal foods. They practice the ‘Hara hachi bu’ or not eating until they are full, which means “belly at 80 percent”, that is, not eating until they are completely satisfied. “For the Japanese, that 20% that you eat too much until you fill up 100%, is the one that hurts you. The Japanese are aware of the negative impact that the sun can have on their skin, for this reason, they are concerned about trying not to spend too much time under the rays it emits. It is easy to see people walking down the street using an umbrella with UV protection on days when the sun beats down or women with visors and long gloves to ride a bicycle. For many years, the Japanese have the custom of taking baths in hot springs and thus take the opportunity to relax and enjoy a good hot bath. Another of the characteristics that best defines the Japanese is that they are always in continuous activity. They are people who never stop getting up in the morning without