1 minute read
on the board and bring students’ ideas together on the board. Elicit more words to add. Encourage students to add more words to their own word web as they continue working through this unit.
snacks: nuts, crisps, sweets drinks: water, fizzy drinks, juice meat: chicken
- Students do the task in pairs.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher plays the audio of the first four words for students to listen, then play it again, pausing aftereach word forstudentsto repeat.
- Students listen and repeat the words.
- Teacher plays the next six words for students to listen and add them to the table.
- Students complete the table.
- Teacher check answers then play the audio again, pausing after each word for students to repeat.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher plays the video or audio for students to watch or listen and note down each student’s favourite food.
- Students do the task in pairs.
- Teacher plays the video or audio again, if necessary, for students to check and complete their answers. Check answers with the class.Ask students which of the speakers they agree with.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher allows students time to read through the gapped key phrases. Play the video or audio again for students to watch or listen and complete the key phrases with examples that the students talk about.
- Students watch/listen to the tap again then complete the Key phrase individually.
- Teacher check answers and check that students understand all the key phrases. (With strongerclasses,use the video oraudio to teach delicious, and encourage students to use this word and otheradjectivesto describe food when they talk about food in the next exercise.)
❖ Aims: Students can talk about the food they like and dislike.
3. Listen and repeat the words. Then listen to six more words and complete the table.
Short and long vowels /ɪ/ and /iː/
Suggested answers
/ ɪ/ fish, fizzy, chicken, drink, chips
/iː/ beans, meat, cheese, eat, meal
4. Watch or listen. What food do the students like?
Suggested answers
The students like chicken salad, fish and chips, burgers (with cheese) and vegetable soup.
5. Watch or listen again and complete the Key Phrases with examples that the students talk about.

Suggested answers
1. fish and chips
2. chicken salad
3. pasta
4. many school meals
5. chicken