1 minute read
a different kind of food from pages 62 and 63. Their partner must guess the food.
- Teacher declares the winners are the pairs who guess the most correct words.
Exercise 2:
- Teacherreadsout the example and explains the game.
- Starting at the front of the class, students take turns repeating the list of items and adding one more. If students make a mistake, they are out of the game. Continue until only a few students remain in the game. They are the winners.
- Teacher declares the winners.
❖ Aims: Students can use their knowledge which they have revised to do the tasks given as well as develop their skills
❖ Contents: Students find the adjectives abouthealth then complete the “Crosssword” and complete the sentences with V-ing.
❖ Products: Students’ answers
❖ Organization
Exercise 3:
- Students work individually or in pairs to unscramble the adjectives. (Teacher could do this as a race)
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- As an extension, students could choose three more adjectivesfrom page 66 and write them as jumbled words. They can swap with a partner and try to unscramble the words they have been given.
Exercise 4:
- Students complete the crossword with the oppositesofthe adjectives from exercise 3. –
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher reads out the example answer and point out that students must add a suitable verb and noun to complete the sentences. (Teacher could do this as a race) (With weakerclasses, teacher could write the verbs and nouns on the board in a jumbled order to help students, e.g. drink, sit, do, play, learn / languages, housework, the sofa, fizzy drinks, tennis)
(Students’ own answers)
3. Find five adjectives about health on the plates. Write the words.

(Students’ own answers)
4. Complete the crossword with the opposites of the adjectives from exercise 3.
Suggested answers
Down: 1 unfit / 2 hungry / 3 ill / 4 lazy
Across: 1 unhealthy
5. Follow the lines and complete the sentences with the verb + -ing.
Suggested answers
1 learning languages

2 playing tennis
3 sitting on the sofa
4 doing housework
5 drinking fizzy drinks