7 minute read
well-trained (a)[wel 'treind]: lành nghề
1. Four ways that people change the world are: - They are changing the environment by building cities & villages. DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL - They are affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture. - They are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests. - They are destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories. 2. The serious consequences of people's interference with the environment are: - Many kinds of rare animals are killed. - The environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed. - The numbers of rare animals is decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct. 3. Many things have been done to protect endangered nature, such as: - Many organizations have been set up and money has been raised to save rare animals. - Thousands of national parks have been established. - Laws have been passed to prohibit killing endangered animals. d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
- Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ) State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ): Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận ) Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định): Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (Hoạt động 4: vận dụng) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
Discussion b) Content (Nội dung)
After you read Work in groups. Find out why some animals have become extinct. c) Products (Sản phẩm)
Modal - People kill animals for fur, skin and food. - People keep animals as pets. - People hunt or capture animals for recreation or entertainment. d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
Strategies for Building Discussion throughout a Class 1. Turn Students Into Instructors 2. Plan Time for Students to Interact 3. Encourage Higher-Level Thinking 4. Let Students Record Themselves Speaking 5. Give Students a Format for Their Explanations
UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL Thiên nhiên đang lâm nguy 1. action (n) ['æk∫n]: hành động 2. affect (v) [ə'fekt]: ảnh hưởng 3. Africa (n) ['æfrikə]: châu Phi 4. agriculture (n) ['ægrikʌlt∫ə]: nông nghiệp 5. cheetah (n)['t∫i:tə]: loài báo gêpa 6. co-exist (v) [kou ig'zist]: sống chung, cùng tồn tại 7. consequence (n) ['kɔnsikwəns]: hậu quả 8. destruction (n) [dis'trʌk∫n]: sự phá hủy 9. dinosaur (n)['dainəsɔ:]: khủng long 10. disappear (v) [,disə'piə]: biến mất 11. effort (n)['efət]: nỗ lực
12. endangered (a) [in'deindʒə(r)d]: bị nguy hiểm 13. estimate (v)['estimit - 'estimeit]: ước tính 14. exist (v) [ig'zist]: tồn tại 15. extinct (a) [iks'tiηkt]: tuyệt chủng 16. habit (n) ['hæbit]: thói quen 17. human being (n)['hju:mən 'bi:iη]: con người 18. human race (n)['hju:mən'reis]: nhân loại 19. in danger (exp) ['deindʒə]: có nguy cơ 20. industry (n) ['indəstri]: công nghiệp 21. interference (n) [,intə'fiərəns]: sự can thiệp 22. make sure (v)[meik ∫uə]: đảm bảo 1. 23. nature (n) ['neit∫ə]: thiên nhiên 2. 24. offspring (n) ['ɔ:fspriη]: con cháu, dòng dõi 3. 25. planet (n) ['plænit]: hành tinh 4. 26. pollutant (n) [pə'lu:tənt]: chất gây ô nhiễm 5. 27. prohibit (v) [prə'hibit]: cấm 6. 28. rare (a) [reə]: hiếm 7. 29. responsible (a)[ri'spɔnsəbl]: có trách nhiệm 8. 30. result in (v) [ri'zʌlt]: gây ra 9. 31. scatter (v) ['skætə]: phân tán 10. 32. serious (a) ['siəriəs]: nghiêm trọng 11. 33. species (n) ['spi:∫i:z]: giống, loài 12. 34. capture (v) ['kæpt∫ə]: bắt 13. 35. cultivation (n) [,kʌlti'vei∫n]: trồng trọt 14. 36. cut down (v) [kʌt daun]: đốn, chặt (cây)
15. 37. discharge (v) [dis't∫ɑ:dʒ]: thải ra, đổ ra 16. 38. discourage (v) [dis'kʌridʒ]: không khuyến khích 17. + encourage (v) [in'kʌridʒ]: khuyến khích 18. 39. fertilizer (n) ['fə:tilaizə]: phân bón 19. 40. hunt (v) [hʌnt]: săn 20. 41. pesticide (n) ['pestisaid]: thuốc trừ sâu 21. 42. threaten (v) ['θretn]: đe dọa 22. 43. devastating (a) ['devəsteitiη]: tàn phá 23. 44. maintenance (n) ['meintinəns]: sự giữ gìn, duy trì 24. 45. preserve (v) [pri'zə:v]: bảo tồn 25. 46. scenic feature (n) ['si:nik 'fi:t∫ə] : đặc điểm cảnh vật 26. 47. abundant (a) [ə'bʌndənt]: dồi dào, phong phú 27. 48. coastal waters (n)['koustəl 'wɔ:təz]: vùng biển duyên hải
Period 63 Unit 10. NATURE IN DANGER DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL B. Speaking I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students could talk about endangered nature and ways to protect it . - Language: asking for and giving information. - New words: words related to nature in danger. 2. Targted competences: - Increasing students’ communication, self-study skills, critical thinking, problem- solving and creativeness. 3. Qualifications : - Increasing students’ hard work, science awareness, self-study spirit, enthusiasm, challenge acceptation, self-respecting, self-reliant, self-control and overcoming difficulties. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCESS 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance 2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION (Hoạt động 1: Mở đầu) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
Vocabulary checking b) Content (Nội dung)
- Vocabulary checking c) Products (Sản phẩm)
-Understand new words related to the topic d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
- Call some sts to write the new words they learned in the previous lesson - Lead in
ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE BUILDING (Hoạt động 2: Hình Thành Kiến Thức) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
Word and structures related to the lesson b) Content (Nội dung)
Task 1. Work in pairs. Below are some reasons why nature is threatened. Put them in the order of importance. c) Products (Sản phẩm)
Answers 1. burning forests 2. cutting down trees for wood 3. discharging chemical pollutants into the environment 4. using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation 5. killing endangered animals for fur, skin and food 6. hunting or capturing animals for recreation or entertainment 7. keeping animals as pets d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
Follow steps for teaching vocabulary
Step 1: Explain—Provide a student-friendly description, explanation, or example of the new term. DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL Step 2: Restate—Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words. Step 3: Show—Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representation of the term. Step 4: Discuss—Engage students periodically in structured vocabulary discussions that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their vocabulary notebooks. Step 5: Refine and reflect—Periodically ask students to return to their notebooks to discuss and refine entries. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (Hoạt động 3: Luyện Tập) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
Asking for and giving information. b) Content (Nội dung)
Task 2. Match the reasons in Task 1 with possible measures for protecting the environment below. c) Products (Sản phẩm)
Answers 1 - 2 - D 3. F 4. E 5. A 6. C 7. B d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
- Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ) State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ): Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận ) Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định): Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (Hoạt động 4: vận dụng) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
Pair work practice b) Content (Nội dung)
Task 3. Work in pairs. State the negative impacts made by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it. c) Products (Sản phẩm)
Modal A: People are keeping animals as pets. B: Keeping animals as pets should be discouraged d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
- Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ) State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ): Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary.
- Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận ) Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định): Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.