fly me the the moon

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Memory Book The Book for telling you at all

The Wilbur and the Alien

Good Morning… Good Afternoon… Good Evening… Good Night… What? Well, I don’t know when you are going to open this book. So, I just say hello for you and your life in anytime. Before we continue to the next page, let’s see what the heck is going on in this book. This Memory Book will tell you events and things that happened to me and my family in Thailand. YOU will see what is going on here in Kanchanaburi (It’s my hometown, isn’t it?), Bangkok, and whatever. Hope you understand it and here we GO!!! 2

Long, long time ago In the USA, far away The Wilbur was under attack by the ALIEN from Thailand when they received a baby Boomer inside the mysterious black suitcase.

There he is. 3

OH YEAH ‌. This book is telling an inconvenient truth. 4

OH YEAH …. Me, too… Cheers! 5

Songkran Day (Water Festival in Thailand) April 14th, 2006, 6:53:18 p.m.

What did mom doing? Yes‌ she is spraying to kill me – A bug. 6

Doesn’t time fly!! They called that boy Boomskii. He grew up so fast like a parasite. Just only one year, the Wilbur felt that this boy was too dangerous and need to delete as soon as possible. On the spring time in June of 2006, the flowers bloomed so beautiful. It was time to strike.

In the front yard garden -

May 6th, 2006, 9:14:16 a.m.

And Then? 7

While Boomskii and Mr. Tom-Host Dad were walking on the street, Mrs. Anne-Host mom and Dylan were complaining and talking so seriously in their congress. The situation went worse when they couldn’t finish their discussion how to determinate Boomskii. Finally, on June 27th, 2006, Boomskii was sent back to Thailand in a box through FedEx. Wait wait… I think it’s a wrong story. Boomskii was sent back to Thailand by DHL with Tigger, not FedEx.

Bla bla bla bla…..


Back to Thailand He went back to Thailand safety. His parents and cousins felt happy to see him again in the International Airport. Boomskii has started his life as Thai. He went to school to tell what he did in Mound, Minnesota, USA.

In this picture, you will see Boomskii and his friends. You may say he has so many girl friends. Yes he does due to the unbalance of the world population. You know. He talked to his friends about what he saw in the United States. Friends notice him that he was changed. Someone forgot him. 9

He was senior in his Thai high school for one more year. He didn’t have much thing to do during this year. He just waited to be the student in university. In this time Boomskii phoned to his host family often and receive no answer!? Ha ha ha ha….

Went to Mexico - Spring Brake

Ha ha ha ha…. It doesn’t matter at all. He still phone to his host family at least once a month. He usually phone to his host mother. He love to phone to his host father to order a cup of hot chocolate because he knows that his host father Tom is standing in line for a Caribou Coffee. 10

University life “I cannot imagine how the university life is,” said Boomskii, “But I know that it will not bad at all.” He passed the National Examination to apply the university. Now he is the student of the Thammasat University, Bangkok, where it is the political university. He studies in the Political Science Faculty in the field of International Affairs. One more thing, he has to move from his home to live with his new friends in dormitory where its land used to be the cemetery!!! Oh heck. He is living in room-713, B6 Bloc.


MY ROOM- I stay here with friends in a room which it was designed for 4 persons. However, it contains more than 10 people someday for party time.


Inside the faculty, he has several friends with much kind of characteristics, both boys and girls. The symbol of faculty is Red Lion. It may not looks like a lion in your view, but believe me. It’s lion, a Thai nationality Lion.

Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University


The Faculty Building and the University Main Stadium


Most of my friends are crazy like me, but they are nice and nut. Some of them are rich.


Most of my friends are crazy and nut, but they are creative and nice. They play with me usually and every time we meet to each other. It’s wonderful life. One of them is rich. He is a son of Mercedes-Benz of Thailand’s Secondary Chairman. His name is Jump. He love weapons, guns, bombs, and all kind of human weapons in the world especially the machine gun, and rifle. He is crazy like me and play with me with his artificial gun. Oh, he loves to play as the Jew or Arabian Soldier.

Oh, I totally forgot, he uses Mac and I use PC. Thus; we always compare and complain our computer to each other. Dad, I’m professional now. 16

Let’s see more Boomskii friends.

In this picture, you will see a group of student. There are Tom, Auj, Kwang (Pink T-shirt), and Boomskii. We went to the Children School. It is school for children who have a very bad background and don’t have their family. We went there to interview our graduated student who is a teacher here. We are the Faculty Magazine Team, the Hemoglobin Magazine. FYI: I called myself Boomskii instead of Boom to identify who I am because there are three Booms in my faculty. Then, friends called Boomskii. Then, they called me Skii

“Hey,,,skii!!!” - “What!!?” 17

This is our great leader, Khee. He is the Strong Socialism-Marxist. He is the leader for a demonstrator and protester. He used to be the Exchange Student in Germany in the same year as Boomskii. And he loves East-Germany. (The 2 Germany during Cold War) ---------He loves military as same as Jump. He is my close friend. It’s funny that he had stayed in my room before I had to send him to the hospital because of Chicken Pox. hahaha 18

This is Khee as the East German General in the Leo party. He was singing the East-Germany Anthem. During his singing, his friends and I stood in line and walked to the stage, raised our right hand and said

“Hail Hitler.� 19

It’s me in the boring class. The best thing to do when you are studying in the super boring class is taking a long nap. If it’s not better, you can go back to your room and sleep until you feel good. This is what I did in the boring class. Sleeping

Or, Go to canteen for lunch. You can go to buy your delicious food. You can desire what you want at all. Heh….There are Thai food, Japanese food, Dim sum, noodles, and much more.

Oh, I miss Tom-Thai.


Boomskii went crazy

Have you seen me like this? This is me as a joker. I’m the Recreation member. So I have to be super crazy. It’s my work to make people smile and laugh.

Do you remember Prom? You took this picture and I modified it by placing a black background. Then friend told me that I’m look like an old senator. So... well, you see it. 21

If I’m not crazy, I will be a drummer for my cheer team. That’s it!!!


University life at night I biked around the university one night and took some photos for you mom, dad, and Dylan. This one is a building for the executive officer or whatever you want to call for the highest position in the university. We call “The Dome.�

The next one is 7ELEVEn in Zone-C dormitory. Although I live in Zone-B, but I often ride my red sport bicycle to buy snack and meet friend. This is a meeting point for many students at night because this area have medicine store, shops, Ice-creams shop, hardware shops, and girl dormitories.


The Social Study Center (SC), it’s the lecture complex, but I call the Sleeping Center. Every student must study in this building first for the Social Basic Knowledge. I have to go to this building for study everyday, and go there for activities in some weekends.

Activities Oh, I have so many activities to tell you. Let’s see. Do you know, I always busy because of studying and activities inside the faculty and inside the university. I joined many clubs. It’s for fun and I feel happy. 24

First of all, on 6-7 October, our faculty had the Open House Event. I was a staff in this event. There were about 300 high school senior students around Thailand came to visit us. There was very busy day. I was also the Master of ceremony and make people smile and laugh. They like me and my talk. My feedback was bright. They said that I’m a Comedian, not a MC. Heh heh heh


Neo-Parasitism Because some subjects contain too much information to summarize alone, friends and I established the new idealism group to make a summary paper. It’s Neo-Parasitism. My close friends who are called the Encyclopedia of the Faculty (Mr.EF) and I formed this group. A Goal is to duplicate intelligence from people to our group and spread our ideas to the public by sheets or pieces of information. It works like a virus which infects from brain to brain, Idea to idea. It spread rapidly through our talking. People believe what we are talking especially during the Quizzes, Mid-Term Test, and Final-Test. We have an Alien language for our official language. That’s why sometime we don’t understand to each other when we are talking or discussing. The most topics that Neo-Parasitism involves so much are the political and social studies. Friends get a direct impact from Neo-Parasitism. Oh, I created this logo.



The other thing that I love to do is modifying pictures with Photoshop. I also love to create my video, too. This is my job. Mr. Tom Wilbur, I know that Mac is for professional only. Not for long!!!!


Have you ever seen STARWARS EPISODE 1(1/2)? It’s fun. It’s directed by Boomskii Wilbur


Family My family is fine at all. Parents still thinking of you. They want to visit your home once in their life. So, please stay here. DO NOT MOVE UNTIL WE GET THERE. I want to go back to Mound again as soon as possible, perhaps with in 20 years. Although they went to many countries around the world, they still want to walk on the frozen lake in North Arm Lake, Lake Minnetonka. They would love to spend their first spring time on speed boat with The Wilbur. Moreover, they would expect to see the Albert Lea Seed House to see what I did inside there.



They usually ask me to phone to you for saying Hi to your life. That’s why I always contact you. By the way, how’s it going? Boomskii needs a cup of chocolate at the Caribou Coffee, a Subway’s Sandwich, and cookies in the kitchen. Well, my parents saw pictures and videos which I took in Mound. They said they want to see these stuffs themselves. Hmmm… I want to fly….

Last year, we sent stuff for Christmas and New Year events. It’s so nice that you got them and used them. Moreover, you took photos and sent to us. FEEL HAPPY 30

WE PROUND TO GIVE YOU OUR PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EVENT THIS YEAR AND EVERY YEAR Please don’t move so that we can connect to you normally and warmly. One night, we saw international news and shocked. News said that the Highway Bridge in Downtown Minneapolis was fallen into the Mississippi River during the rush hour. We phoned to you immediately especially HostDad, Mr. Tom. We were so worry about you because I remember that you have to ride across a bridge for working. The problem is we don’t really sure which one is. Thus; I desired to phone to you and knew that Host-Dad was stuck in a traffic jam. Then we said….So so lucky!!!!


These are pictures of my family, parents and younger brother.

Prince Costume My Younger Brother- BOAT….. Yes, BOAT… Don’t care about the meaning. Just call him, BOAT


My dad, mom, and brother in China


Trip in China Wow, my family went to China for their vacation. The Good news is they went there for week. Bad news is Boomskii didn’t go with them because he got stuck by test and studies, reports, and activities. In fact, they went to China in October. That time is a summer for them, but not for Boomskii. The University doesn’t finish in October. Thus, he had to stay there in Bangkok and saw a plane passed by. They told me they went to 4 cities in China. They had wonderful meals in 5 stars restaurant. They slept in a VIP room. They went to the Great Wall of China, Beijing, Forbidden City, Shanghai, many cities. They also bought souvenirs for me and you too. So this Christmas season in 2007, you will get souvenirs of China from us.

Forbidden City, Beijing 34

Great Wall of China, Beijing


Shanghai City

100 Years-Old Market 36

Chaperone ’s trip In September, the YFU Minnesota named Kathy and her daughter went to Thailand to spend their summer vacation. She phoned to me for seeing to each other; but I couldn’t be there because I was working on magazine. Well, she is very nice. She sent me her photos with her daughter. Thus, I would like to share them to you.


The Tiger Temple, my home town- Kanchanaburi


Malaysia & Singapore

This is my first time I traveled with my family and cousins. There were 2-6 May, 2008 when we were having our vacation trip in Malaysia and Singapore. On the first day we took a {low costâ˜şâ˜ş} flight to Penang Island, Malaysia. We traveled around the Penang Town and visited temples including Buddhism, Islam, and Hindu. There are few Christ churches. Then we went up to a hill to see the Penang town skyline. Here, we stayed for one night. Oh,, I feel so hungry. 39

Hey hey hey, I noticed that most of dishes here are mine. No one spicy even their chili!!!!! After that we went down to Genting. There is a huge entertainment complex on a mountain with many hotels, casinos, malls, and outdoor & indoor amusement parks. They are located so high from a sea level. I mean we took a bus climbed up the mountain. After that, we took a cable car with long journey up to the top of a mountain locating those structures. We stayed there for 2 days. Then we went to the south to Guala Lumper which is the Capital City of Malaysia. There, we visited the Twin Tower called the Petronas Tower. We also went to that tall tower. The ground floor of that tower is a mall. Unfortunately, we didn’t go up to the top floor because those twin towers are office towers. And we didn’t have much time. So, what can we do is taking lots of photos. There are so funny. My mom played a bird with me. You can see us in a picture.


Then we left the Guala Lumper and took an overnight journey down south to the Yahoh Baruh City located in the south Malaysia border. We had stayed there one night before entered Singapore in the morning.


Next day, our coach went across the corridor to Singapore. Here, we feel so difference. I feel much more city lifestyle than Malaysia. People are so hurry everywhere. Here, the city are so spotless…VERY CLEAN BECAUSE OF THE SERIOUSLY LAWS. Our guide gave us an example of their laws. Gums are not allowed in the public open area. Every car must wash often. Otherwise they must pay fine. Many car drivers wash their car in Malaysia because a lower cost.

WOW!!! We continue our trip to the Singapore City. Now I saw the Merlion the FIRST TIME.

I’m already arrived SINGAPORE. 42

Here in Singapore, we traveled around the city passed the commercial areas, residential areas, and mall areas. We took pictures a lot of landmarks and landscape. We had Chinese lunch in a luxury restaurant. There are lots of shopping place, but we didn’t buy much. After we had traveled in Singapore Main Island, we took a cable car across the corridor to the Sentosa Island. The Sentosa Island contained resort, zoo, amusement parks, aquarium, beach, wax museum, hotels, restaurants, monorails, cable car, and much more. The island is not big but one day is not enough to visit all in this island. This island is other one landmark that you have to visit if you come to Singapore. Otherwise, it’s seem that you are not arrived Singapore yet. After visiting Sentosa Island, we stayed in hotel downtown in Singapore for night. In the last day morning, we had gone to the Julong Bird Park before continuously spent lots of our many at a chopping mall areas called Orchard Rd. Finally, we took a flight from Singapore international airport back to Suwanabumi International Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. 43

My mother took me this photos way inside to the hall of wax sculpture, wax museum, Singapore.


Internship in the MFA In last October, 2008, I had an internship in the Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: MFA. There was so awesome. Everything inside there is kind of high society and very luxury. I had an internship there for month from 3rd-31st October. It began when I went to MFA for the ASEAN Youth Summit and met the Europe Department Director unexpected. After that, I talked with him for my first internship and he said “Come on!!� Heh heh.


Here, I worked inside the Secretariat of the Department with senior officers including the director, vice-director, secretary, and common level officer. They let me to translate English news about Europe every morning. Moreover, I had to scan their miss spelling word on texts, letters, and notes to make sure that they will always have correct documents sending to the embassy in Europe. They also let me summarize the income documents from embassy before report to the secretary. It’s so awesome because I eat lots of international snacks inside the office with no argument. Those snacks came with officers who came back from meeting in the other countries. The most wonderful event of this job is officers invited me to join the luxury Gala Dinner inside a main hall. 46

Smile me to the MOON What will you see when you look in to the dark clear night sky? You will see stars!! But what will you see in the sky on 1st December, 2008? I see the smiling face. Wow. In the U.S., Did you see the same face I see?

Here, we see the smiling moon so clearly. It’s a cute face smiling to the earth. Somebody told me that he is smiling to the suck political situation in Thailand. It will be better. In my opinion, I put my smile there on the sky. Smile, the world smiles with you, the Moon too. 47

It is only one night of this year that moon smile to us. The day after this day, the moon didn’t smile any more. But, I sure that moon will smile again in next December. 48

Last but not least Have you heard, “listening 1,000 words is not impress as much as watching 1 image”? I will show you images of my work. HAHAHAHA…All of these images were took and created by me. I’m a young professional now, DAD.

These pictures were created by these programs Adobe Photoshop CS2 Adobe Lightroom 2.0 Corel Painter X






It seems to be the last page. Good Bye‌ To be continued? Do you want to continue? I think you may. If you want to continue this weird book, you can write this book in a next page. That’s it!! (Heh heh) If not, this is the last page now. You can page up to the first page or just close the program. But my memories will not determinate through your act. You will receive the Memory Book again next year. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Hope you enjoy this inconvenient book again.

Boomskii Africana 54

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