Brien bio product catalogue

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DAYOU USA TRADE CO., INC. – PRODUCT CATALOGUE BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products - Table of Contents BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Organic Maple Syrup 有机枫树糖浆 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Butter ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 BRIEN BIO 有机枫树黄油 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 ORGANIC MAPLE BUTTER 有机枫树黄油 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Flakes ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 BRIEN BIO 有机枫糖薄片 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 BRIEN BIO Organic Soft Maple Candies ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 BRIEN BIO 有机枫树软糖 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 BRIEN BIO Organic Natures Gold Amber Maple Syrup .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 BRIEN BIO 有机自然之金琥珀色枫树糖浆 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Featured Product 特色产品 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 BRIEN BIO Organic Naturally Yours Gift Package ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 BRIEN BIO 有机“自然与您”礼品装 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 BRIEN BIO Organic Two Your Health Gift Set ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 BRIEN BIO 有机“健康与您”礼品装 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系 The True Nature of Maple 枫树的真正精华 Brien introduces its collection of delightful maple treats designed with nature in mind. This Ecocert- certified collection of goodies is made, packaged and marketed following the highest environmental standards and with the utmost respect for Mother Nature. These are products from Quebec that are born of the land while caring for the land, that contain ingredients of the finest quality and that are naturally delicious.

Brien 荣幸介绍让人愉悦,心系大自然的枫树产品系 列。此系列产品均通过欧盟 Ecocert 有机认证,更为了 体现 Brien 对大自然的尊重,所有包装和销售都严格按 照了最高的环境标准。我们的产品来自加拿大魁北克, 一个极其照顾土地和自然的地方,为我们的原料提供了 最高质量的天然保障。

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


Organic Maple Syrup 有机枫树糖浆

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


Description 产品概述 From the sap that runs through our maples comes Brien organic maple syrup, a product of the finest quality that’s prepared with the greatest respect of nature. Brien 有机枫糖浆来自精心采集的枫树汁液,一个最优秀的品质,是大自然最伟大的尊重,制备的产品。

An Organic, healthy choice 选择有机,选择健康 The health benefits of maple syrup are no longer a secret. It has greater nutritional value than other sweeteners, is high in manganese, riboflavin, minerals and Quebecol, and is an excellent source of antioxidants- making it a useful part of a healthy, organic diet. 枫树糖浆的健康益处早已不是秘密。它具有比任何甜味剂/糖类具有更高的营养价值,有很好的锰元素,核黄素,矿物质和 Quebecol 分子。枫树糖浆 还是一种很好的抗氧化剂- 帮助维持人体的健康饮食。

An alternative to traditional sugar 传统糖类的健康替代品 Substitute sugar for organic maple syrup in all your recipes and make them tastier, healthier and more natural! 有机枫糖浆可以在烹饪或食用时完全替代任何糖类,让您的食物和饮品更美味、更健康、更自然!

Uses 用途 Use it as an ingredient in stews, pies, and marinades, as a topping on pastries, or to add some flavor to your yogurt, coffee, tea, or hot milk. (HAHA Chinese will not understand some of the usages so I am going to create some below!) 用它作为烹饪原料:炖菜,炒菜,馅饼,卤汁,汤,粥等一切需要糖的烹饪。用作烘培:制作美味又一流的面点和糕点。为饮品增加甜味:果汁,酸 奶,咖啡,茶,酒类,热牛奶,甚至中药。

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


Storage 储存方式 Can be kept for up to three years if sealed and stored in a cool place. 密封并存放于阴凉处可保存长达三年。

CLASS: CANADA A 产品等级:加拿大 A 级


FLAVOR: RICH 味道:浓厚的甜味

SIZE: 500 ML 容量/尺寸:500 毫升


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Butter - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树黄油

ORGANIC MAPLE BUTTER 有机枫树黄油 100% pure, rich and creamy


Description 产品概述 Brien maple butter is made from 100% organic maple syrup. Its rich and creamy texture and taste are sure to impress even the most discerning of chefs. Brien 枫树黄油是直接从 100%有机枫糖浆中提炼而来,Brien 的有机枫糖浆便是它的全部原料。即便是对于最挑剔的厨师,它丰富的奶油质地和味道给 他们留下了深刻印象。

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


An Organic, healthy choice 选择有机,选择健康 The health benefits of maple syrup are no longer a secret. It has greater nutritional value than other sweeteners, is high in manganese, riboflavin, minerals and Quebecol, and is an excellent source of antioxidants- making it a useful part of a healthy, organic diet. 枫树糖浆的健康益处早已不是秘密。它具有比任何甜味剂/糖类具有更高的营养价值,有很好的锰元素,核黄素,矿物质和 Quebecol 分子。枫树糖浆 还是一种很好的抗氧化剂- 帮助维持人体的健康饮食。 Uses 用途 At breakfast, substitute honey and jam for organic maple butter on toast, waffles, or crepes, and see just how tasty they become. Add it to your favorite pastries- or take a spoonful, close your eyes and savor! 在您吃早餐的时候,使用 Brien 有机枫树黄油涂抹在烤面包,三明治,饼干,华夫饼,果酱饼,薄饼等等,尝尝有机枫树黄油带来的美味。任何时候 您都可以将有机枫树黄油涂抹在到您最喜爱的糕点和面点上。或取一勺,闭上眼睛,直接细细品味! Storage 储存方式 Can keep for up to two years if sealed and refrigerated. 密封并冷藏可保存长达两年。 SIZE: 300 g 尺寸:300 克 INGREDIENT: ORGANIC MAPLE SYRUP 原料:有机枫树糖浆

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Flakes - BRIEN BIO 有机枫糖薄片

100% pure organic maple flakes


Sweet and crunchy! 甜蜜而又酥脆!

Description 产品概述 Brien maple flakes are made from 100% organic maple syrup. Sprinkle it on food or some added crunch and sweetness! Brien 有机枫糖薄片是直接从 100%有机枫糖浆中制作而来,Brien 有机枫糖浆便是它的全部原料。把它洒在食物上以添加一些酥脆和香甜!

DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系


An Organic, healthy choice 选择有机,选择健康 The health benefits of maple syrup are no longer a secret. It has greater nutritional value than other sweeteners, is high in manganese, riboflavin, minerals and Quebecol, and is an excellent source of antioxidants- making it a useful part of a healthy, organic diet. 枫树糖浆的健康益处早已不是秘密。它具有比任何甜味剂/糖类具有更高的营养价值,有很好的锰元素,核黄素,矿物质和 Quebecol 分子。枫树糖浆 还是一种很好的抗氧化剂- 帮助维持人体的健康饮食。

Uses 用途 Use it to offset the acidity in a sauce, to embellish your favorite desserts, ice cream, and yogurt, to give some added crunch to a savory apple crumble… and the list goes on. Your imagination is the limit! 用它来抵消果汁的酸度,点缀你最喜欢的甜点,冰淇淋和酸奶上,给您香喷喷的苹果饼上添加额为的甜脆末…还有很多用途,都取决于您的无限想象 力!

Storage 储存方式 Can be kept for up to two years if stored in a dry place at room temperature. 室温贮存在干燥的地方可保存长达两年。

SIZE: 170 g 尺寸:170 克 INGREDIENT: ORGANIC MAPLE SYRUP 原料:有机枫树糖浆


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

BRIEN BIO Organic Soft Maple Candies - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树软糖

Crispy and melt-in-your-mouth delicious! 酥脆和入口即化的美味!

Description 产品概述 Brien soft maple candies are made from 100% organic maple syrup. With a delicious creamy center and crispy maple sugar coating, they make the perfect gift for a loved one… or yourself! Brien 枫树软糖是直接从 100%有机枫糖浆中制作而来,Brien 有机枫糖浆便是它的全部原料。它有脆枫糖涂层和美味的奶油夹心,它们是给您心爱之人 或您自己的完美礼物!


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

An Organic, healthy, and yummy treat 一个有机,健康的款待 They trump other sweets due to their high nutritional value. Not only are they oh-so-delicious, they are an excellent source of manganese, riboflavin, and minerals! Brien 枫树软糖因营养价值高而胜过任何甜食。它们不仅如此美味,而且是锰、核黄素和矿物质的极好来源!

Uses 用途 Savor them on their own, or use them as a garnish on desserts and ice cream. 作健康零食细细品味,或作为甜点和冰淇淋贴心小装饰。

Storage 储存方式 Can be kept for up to a year if stored in a dry place at room temperature. 室温贮存在干燥的地方可保存长达一年。

SIZE: 112 g (16*7 g Candies) 尺寸:112 克 (16 粒 * 7 克/颗) INGREDIENT: ORGANIC MAPLE SYRUP 原料:有机枫树糖浆


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

BRIEN BIO Organic Natures Gold Amber Maple Syrup - BRIEN BIO 有机自然之金琥珀色枫树糖浆


Description 产品概述 Cooking up the perfect present for the (novice or master) chef in your life? Look no further. With this syrup, they’ll enhance the health benefits of their recipes, so it’s a gift for them… and for you! 为您的厨师(新手或大师)送一份完美的烹饪礼物?不用再多看了。有了这个有机枫树糖浆,他们的食谱将更加美味和健康。所以,这是一份重要的 礼品,为他们和也为您!


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

Featured Product 特色产品 BRIEN BIO Organic Natures Gold Amber Maple Syrup - BRIEN BIO 有机自然之金琥珀色枫树糖浆 Organic maple syrup, amber with rich taste, 500 ml 有机自然之金琥珀色枫树糖浆,浓郁甜味,500 毫升

To use in a recipe or as a coulis, or to add some flavor to a drink. 使用于烹饪中,或像果酱一样使用,或作为增甜方式为您的饮料增添甜蜜。


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

Featured Product 特色产品 BRIEN BIO Organic Naturally Yours Gift Package - BRIEN BIO 有机“自然与您”礼品装


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系



An all organic treasure of treats to offer to the one you treasure the most in your life. It features some of the classic maple delights you’ve come to love, but organic! And the portions are as generous as they are flavorful. 给您一生中最珍惜的人一份有机的款待。此礼盒包含了一系列您最爱的经典枫树产品,全部有机,美丽而又美味! Featured Product 特色产品 Organic maple syrup, amber with rich taste, 500 ml 有机自然之金琥珀色枫树糖浆,浓郁甜味,500 毫升 To use in a recipe or as a coulis, or to add some flavor to a drink. 使用于烹饪中,或像果酱一样使用,或作为增甜方式为您的饮料增添甜蜜。

Organic maple butter, 300 g 有机枫树黄油,300 克 To spread on a toast, crepes or desserts. 涂抹在面点、吐司、薄饼和甜点上。

Organic maple flakes, 170 g 有机枫糖薄片,170 克 To use as a sweetener in recipes, desserts, or coffee. 为您的烹饪、烘培、牛奶、咖啡增加甜味

Organic soft maple candies, pack of 16. 有机枫树软糖,每颗 16 袋 To savor as is, or to use as a garnish on your favorite desserts. 直接品尝,或作为您最喜爱的甜品装饰。


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

BRIEN BIO Organic Two Your Health Gift Set - BRIEN BIO 有机“健康与您”礼品装

Featured Product 特色产品


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

健康与您 产品概述 This double bill is perfect for the two people in your life who complement each other so naturally. Because what’s one maple treat without another? 这礼盒中的两份产品是为您生活中最合拍的两个人完美准备的,缺一不可。

Featured Product 特色产品 Organic maple syrup, amber with rich taste, 500 ml 有机自然之金琥珀色枫树糖浆,浓郁甜味,500 毫升 To use in a recipe or as a coulis, or to add some flavor to a drink. 使用于烹饪中,或像果酱一样使用,或作为增甜方式为您的饮料增添甜蜜。

Organic soft maple candies, pack of 16. 有机枫树软糖,每颗 16 袋 To savor as is, or to use as a garnish on your favorite desserts. 直接品尝,或作为您最喜爱的甜品装饰。


DAYOU USA TRADE – PRODUCT CATALOGUE – BRIEN BIO Organic Maple Products Full Collection - BRIEN BIO 有机枫树产品全系

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