Message to Our Community Dear Friends - we are pleased to present you with our 2016 annual report highlighting the mission and services of your Community Foundation. It is our joy and privilege to help advance the quality of life in DeKalb County thanks to our donors! Community philanthropy is all about ‘Helping Today and Shaping Tomorrow.’ Here are some ways we partnered with others last year toward that end:
Donna Larson 2015-16 Board President
Endowments & Donor Services With over $2.3 million donated and 14 new funds started in 2016, we continued to witness and partner with people throughout DeKalb County who use their financial resources to support organizations and people making a difference in the lives of others. Please see our ‘Year in Review’ on page 3 for community impact highlights! Stewardship With the hiring of an independent investment consultant, Colonial Consulting, we have lowered investment management costs for our donors and raised the professional resources devoted to effective and transparent stewardship of the charitable resources entrusted to us. Our operating budget is approximately 1.7% of our total assets. See highlights of our finances on page 4. Grantmaking Our Board responds to needs and opportunities in DeKalb County through a number of grant programs. They are especially thankful to the many donors who contribute to funds that allow them to give where the need is most! We invite you to invest in our Board’s important work as well. Check out pages 9-11 for stories of how undesignated funds make a difference.
Daniel P. Templin Executive Director
Community Initiatives In addition to grantmaking, we work with stakeholders in our community directly addressing specific issue areas. We increase the capacity of our nonprofit community, support planning for economic development, enhance land use, support early care & education and essential skills in youth, and help high school youth realize the power of giving and encourage them to be lifelong philanthropists. See pages 12-16 for highlights.
Statement of Financial Activities Revenues and Support Contributions Investment income Realized gain on sale of investments Unrealized loss on investment Facility use Grants Other revenue Administrative fees Total revenues and support Expenses Program services Supporting services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses
Thank you donors! $
2,107,598 890,592 3,742,322 (2,035,101) 2,586 75,000 15,302 37,507
2,457,433 352,668 138,392
Change in Net Assets Net Assets – Beginning of Year
1,887,313 40,070,255
Net Assets – End of Year
$ 41,957,568
as of December 31, 2016
The Finance Committee of the Foundation Board of Directors oversees the investment of our assets as well as expenses. The following information is available upon request from our office: names of investment managers and fees charged, full audited financial statements, IRS Form 990, governing documents, and conflict of interest policy.
Net Asset Growth
Community Foundation Grants and Distributions At a Glance Grants awarded during 2016
$2,342,775 Grants awarded since 1993 $22.46 million
Community impact during 2016 237 organizations
Community impact since 1993 536 organizations
*In both 2015 and 2016, the Foundation distributed a large amount of Pass Through Grants to support community projects such as recovery efforts for the Fairdale tornado disaster.
Distributing Philanthropic Resources $2,342,775 in Grants Awarded - Shown by Fund Type Pass Through
Donor Advised
Field of Interest
Fund Types Undesignated Funds (Community Impact)
Provide the flexibility to respond to community needs and opportunities. Helping today‌Shaping tomorrow. Field of Interest Funds
Giving is focused on an issue, interest area, or cause that you, the donor, cares about most. Donor Advised Funds
Allow individuals, families, businesses, or groups to be more actively involved in community grant recommendations.
Scholarship Funds
Provide ongoing educational opportunities for a variety of students both young and old. Designated Funds
Support specific community organizations as directed by the donor both now and in the future. Agency Funds (Organizational Endowment Funds)
Established by nonprofit organizations to provide financial support to themselves for use as needed. Pass Through Funds
Support charitable, time-limited community projects, by pooling contributions that are spent directly on the project.
Grantmaking Areas of Interest
Did You Know?
Environment & Animal Welfare $78,837 Arts & Culture $294,609
Community Development $691,590
13% 30%
Health & Human Services $338,406
A dedicated committee is behind each grant program at the Community Foundation. A grant program committee is responsible for reviewing applications, attending site visits, and making grant recommendations. Committee members are Foundation staff, Foundation board members, and community members. Grants from the Community Foundation support Arts & Culture, Community Development, Education, Environment & Animal Welfare, Health & Human Services, and Nonprofit Capacity Building.
15% Education $349,828
25% Nonprofit Capacity Building $589,505
In addition to the distributions above, undesignated and field of interest funds provided $134,806.96 for administration costs associated with Community Foundation operations and initiatives including the DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership, YEP, and CommunityWorks.
Undesignated Funds (Community Impact) Undesignated funds allow the Community Foundation Board of Directors to respond to needs and opportunities in communities throughout DeKalb County. Through grantmaking and generous donor support, we are Helping today...Shaping tomorrow. Grant programs include Community Needs Grants, Emergency Grants, and new in 2016, Community Economic Development Grants.
$29,000 in community impact Community Economic Development Grants This grant program provides quarterly opportunities for communities in DeKalb County to apply for funding to support economic planning or to implement projects that support their economic plans.
$386,441 in community impact Community Needs Grants This grant program provides support twice a year for the charitable needs and efforts of nonprofit and community organizations in DeKalb County (ex. New programs and services, equipment purchases, building expansion).
$9,120 in community impact Emergency Grants This grant program assists community minded organizations in DeKalb County with emergency needs or time sensitive projects (ex. Broken furnace, emergency roof repair). Support is available anytime during the year.
“Most of us will never be in a position to identify the various community needs ourselves, so I decided an endowed undesignated fund was the best way to go for impacting community needs.� – Richard Ryan, Donor
Grants in Action – Impact From Undesignated Funds Economic Development Grants Helping today…Shaping tomorrow. In 2014, the Community Foundation sought input to help identify areas of concern that matter most to our communities. As a result of this input, the Community Economic Development Grant program was launched in 2016. Through this new grant program, each municipality in DeKalb County, for the next 3 years, is eligible for up to $20,000 in grants to assist with economic development planning and projects. DeKalb County Government
$20,000 grant
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) through the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). Once completed, the entire DeKalb County community will be eligible for federal funds, private sector resources and state support. City of DeKalb
$20,000 grant
Representatives of DeKalb work together on an implementation strategy for the city.
Develop an implementation strategy for DeKalb’s recently adopted 2025 strategic plan. Once developed, work on priority projects will begin. “At a time when municipalities and the County are faced with scarce discretionary funding, we are fortunate to have grant support from the Community Foundation to encourage us to identify and implement local and county-wide opportunities for economic development.” – Gary Hanson, County Administrator, DeKalb County Government
Grants in Action – Impact From Undesignated Funds Providing Dynamic Learning and Close Encounters Helping today…Shaping tomorrow. The Midwest Museum of Natural History opened their doors to the community in 2005. Fast forward several years and the once ‘modern technology’ in the exhibits now show years of usage, lacking the engagement they once brought. With a desire to modernize the visitor experience and provide better service to residents of DeKalb County, the Museum applied for a Community Needs Grant from the Community Foundation. This grant would be used for a technology upgrade, adding depth to existing exhibits and providing visitors with layers of quality content. In spring of 2016, the Museum received funding for the upgrade. New touchscreens were built in, allowing guests to access animal information and include interactive features such as video clips and activities. At the same time, new audio stations were installed to provide an up-close encounter through the distinct sounds of each animal. Coming soon, the mobile app will act as an interactive guide, offering exhibit information and a look ahead to additional displays in the museum.
With the new technology in place, guests of all ages enjoy an enhanced learning experience at the museum.
“The technology upgrades overcome the limitations of the space and bring what appears to be a static exhibit, to life. We are grateful for the continued generosity of the Community Foundation and people of DeKalb County. Thank you!” – Malwina Bardoni, Executive Director, Midwest Museum of Natural History
Grants in Action – Impact From Undesignated Funds Grant Impacts Welding Program at Kishwaukee College Helping today…Shaping tomorrow. Over the last few years, the Welding Program at Kishwaukee College has grown significantly to meet employer demand for welders and fabricators. To help students better develop their welding and fabrication skills, a need arose for a piece of machinery that would cut metal to a size necessary for specific large scale projects. This costly piece of machinery, a large metal shear, would take the Welding Program to the next level. In June of 2016, through donor generosity to the Community Foundation, a grant was made to Kishwaukee College, aiding in the purchase of the metal shear. With the new shear in place and the capacity to cut material up to 1/4 thick, students are now able to fabricate actual parts that will be of use in the workplace, making them more employable in the job market.
With the new metal shear in place, students can easily size material down to meet project specifications.
“This is an excellent example of the community partnerships working together to train and educate our future workforce. The Community Foundation stepped in to help our program have the equipment required for faculty to teach these skills to our students and meet the needs of local business and industry. We are very grateful for their generosity.” – Laurie Borowicz, President, Kishwaukee College
Community Initiatives – DCNP The DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership (DCNP) is a membership-based program of the Community Foundation that strengthens the nonprofit sector through leadership, professional development, and collaboration. In 2016, DCNP experienced continued growth in its staff, membership, programming, and impact. To view a list of current members, visit
In July 2016, Sarah Trygstad joined the Community Foundation in a part-time DCNP Assistant position. Sarah works closely with Manager, Ben Bingle, to advance DCNP’s mission throughout DeKalb County.
Membership grew to over 100 organizations and individual partners within the nonprofit sector serving DeKalb County. In fact, DCNP membership grew 41% from 2015 to 2016.
More than 700 people attended DCNP programs in 2016 on topics ranging from donor relations and fundraising tactics to marketing strategies and new board member orientation. DCNP programming allows members to build skills collaboratively that can be implemented in organizations both large and small. Sarah Trygstad, DCNP Assistant
“Without DCNP, we wouldn’t be here.” – Julie Craig, Program Director, The Gracie Center
Community Initiatives – DCNP Impact DCNP-NGOLD Internship Program Since Fall 2014, 85 undergraduate interns from Northern Illinois University have been placed with DCNP members and the interns have combined to complete over 10,200 service hours in DeKalb County. DCNP Professional Development MicroGrant Program Launched in October 2016, the MicroGrant Program allows DCNP member nonprofits to apply for funding to help cover professional development expenses such as attending a conference. In just three months, six MicroGrants were issued totaling $1,400. DCNP’s website was completely overhauled in 2016 and now includes a calendar of events, news and announcements, and downloadable resources.
Interns eagerly awaited interviews for the Fall 2016 DCNP-NGOLD Internship Program.
Giving Day The third philanthropic giving day coordinated by DCNP took place in May 2016, raising $428,297. Over 1,000 donors from 30 different states and 5 different countries gave back to nonprofit organizations serving DeKalb County. “These are wonderful initiatives through DCNP that are having an immediate impact on local nonprofits.” – Alex Nerad, Executive Director, The Egyptian Theatre
DCNP members and their board of directors are welcome to attend the highly acclaimed Board Excellence Program.
Community Initiatives – YEP In fall of 2016, Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP) began its eighth year as an initiative of the Community Foundation. The YEP program exists for high school youth across DeKalb County to understand the purpose and need for philanthropy in the community.
2016-2017 YEP Program By the Numbers
• 56 YEP members • Members represent 9 local high schools • $11,588 in YEP Grants • Youth impact through YEP Grants = 1,071 • 302 volunteer hours at Outreach Events
Members attend monthly meetings, leadership activities, and volunteer outreach events. Through youth-led meetings, members become familiar with local nonprofits, learn how to analyze grant applications, and allocate over $11,000 in youth impact grants for DeKalb County. We are thankful to the students, parents, community leaders, and Foundation board members who willingly give their time and talent to provide an even greater impact to the YEP program. Leading monthly meetings, decision-making, and planning activities are all part of the YEP Executive Committee responsibilities. 20162017 Executive Committee (From left) Stephen Poorten, Grants Chair; Ellie Bowers, Vice Chair; Tyler Hull, Outreach Chair; Izzy Hayes, Chair; Cullin Suter, Secretary.
Community Initiatives – YEP
Dave Juday, IDEAL Industries, shares his expertise and insight with YEP members during the January Nonprofit & Philanthropy Panel meeting.
For more information about YEP, visit
New Outreach Event in 2016, members harvest popping corn at Walnut Grove Farms, Kirkland, for the Gracie Center’s Pop-Up Shop.
“YEP has inspired me to become more involved with my community through philanthropy and volunteering opportunities. YEP has also empowered me as a youth by allowing me to see firsthand that youth in my county can make a difference in the lives of others.” – Danniela Estrada, Sandwich High School
“YEP allows a young adult like me to make real life choices that have a profound and positive impact on the community that you can see.” – Aidan Simmons, Genoa/Kingston High School
Community Initiatives – Crib to Career Crib to Career – Kindergarten Readiness
As a result of a county-wide survey and outreach, the Community Foundation identified the need to enhance support for our community’s youth, launching a new initiative to support young children and their families across one of the most difficult transitions in education: entrance into kindergarten. High quality early care and education has been well-documented as having a positive educational impact, improving health and welfare, increasing lifetime earnings, enhancing societal contributions and providing a significant return on dollars invested. With the benefit of grants from CommunityWorks funds created to support early care and education in DeKalb County, the Community Foundation contracted with the Northern Illinois University (NIU) P20 Center and Center for Governmental Studies to assist a Crib to Career working group in defining, measuring and recommending additional supports to improve kindergarten readiness in DeKalb County.
Early care educators, kindergarten teachers and program administrators gathered to define ‘Kindergarten Readiness’ for DeKalb County.
Enhancing Essential Skills in Youth
Genoa-Kingston High School received $3,000 to support classes after school hours for students to improve their interpersonal skills related to work force and future career essential skills. Local DeKalb County professionals met with 40 students to share their expertise on skills to enhance business and entrepreneur development, such as interviewing, growing leadership and problem solving. The success of this program has led to integrating the class into the INCUbator EDU curriculum during the school day.
Genoa-Kingston high school students work together to improve problem solving skills.
Donor Stories When a Good Idea Turns Great: The Fund that Started it All An idea came about in the early 90’s. The idea was to start a Community Foundation, benefiting DeKalb County.
Through a lead gift by local philanthropists Charlie and Mary Roberts, they created the very first fund of the Community Foundation, the DeKalb County Community Endowment Fund. By definition, the DeKalb County Community Endowment Fund is an undesignated fund. Undesignated funds allow the Foundation Board of Directors flexibility in grantmaking. Flexibility to respond to the ever-changing needs and opportunities in communities throughout DeKalb County. In its twenty-four years of existence, the DeKalb County Community Endowment Fund has granted over $7.5 million to 413 community-serving organizations in DeKalb County, some many times over. The very first Charlie and Mary Roberts left a legacy of generosity grants (1993) from this fund totaled $150,000, benefiting 32 organizations. that will continue forever. We are extremely grateful for Today this fund provides approximately $250,000 in annual grant support, their forward thinking and ongoing community impact. benefitting local organizations both large and small. What started as a $3.6 million gift in 1993 is now valued at about $6.2 million! Growth of this fund continues through donor generosity and the power of endowment. This increase in available dollars provides additional opportunity and support for the future, two essential ingredients for a thriving community.
Donor Stories Carrying On The Good Work: Safe Passage Angels Endowment Fund
Sharon Dowen was a woman of courage. As an internal auditor for NIU from 1983-2008, her strength, integrity, and hard-earned credibility brought her great respect among the university and the community. She was one of NIU’s ‘25 Amazing Women’ and a true role model for others to follow. During her retirement, Sharon gave of her time, talent, and treasure to her local church and nonprofit organizations in DeKalb County. Upon her passing in May 2016, a fund was created in her memory, the Safe Passage Angels Endowment Fund. As a designated fund at the Community Foundation and the very first endowed fund benefitting Safe Passage, this fund provides ongoing support to Safe Passage, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing and preventing domestic violence and sexual assault in DeKalb County. “Safe Passage is thrilled and so grateful to our dear board member Sharon Dowen for her most generous gift, starting the Safe Passage Angels Endowment Fund. Sharon was passionate about our mission, brilliant in her knowledge and gave tirelessly of her time and generously of her treasure. Safe Passage is a better, stronger agency because of all Sharon did. We are deeply grateful that she chose to carry her good work on with the Angels Endowment Fund.” – Mary Ellen Schaid, Executive Director, Safe Passage
Sharon Dowen, a true role model for others to follow.
Donor Stories Philanthropy, Hope Haven, and the Love of Cooking
Dr. Victor Barresi lived in DeKalb County for 45 years and was a well-known oral surgeon who gave selflessly of his time, talent, and treasure. Victor passed away in April 2014 at the age of 77, at which time his wife Marla and family established the Victor F. Barresi Memorial Fund in his memory. By making grants through this donor advised fund, Marla is able to keep Victor’s spirit of philanthropy alive and well in the community. Early in 2016, Marla partnered with KishHealth System and Hope Haven to turn a unique opportunity into a blessing for six young ladies from Hope Haven homeless shelter in DeKalb. Marla recommended that her fund payout be used in the creation of a four-part cooking class series. Dr. Victor Barresi
Led by a KishHealth System Healthy Culinary Instructor, the classes taught kitchen safety basics, healthy alternatives to traditional cooking ingredients, and hands-on prep and cooking. Marla was able to participate with the girls in all four classes, enjoying every minute of it!
“I’m so grateful to the Community Foundation that these girls were given the opportunity to make beautiful memories in the kitchen in memory of Victor. I look forward to future grant opportunities in which we can touch someone’s life in a special way.”
During one of the classes, the girls made fresh guacamole for all to enjoy.
– Marla Barresi, Donor
Donors How Do I Create a Fund? 1. Decide When to Give Create your fund now, in the near future, or establish it in your will. 2. Decide What to Give Almost any kind of asset can be used to start your fund. 3. Choose a Fund Name Most funds are named for the donor, donor’s family, or as a memorial to someone special. 4. Choose a Type of Fund We offer a variety of funds that are flexible to meet your charitable interests. See the following pages for a listing of fund types and donors.
Undesignated Funds Steven G. Anderson Community Fund Margaret Rozhon Bothe Family Endowment Fund Joe & Robin Bothe William & Victoria Jacob Stephen R. and Betty L. Brown Endowment Fund Jerome and Blanche Cerny Undesignated Fund Community Stewardship Fund in Memory of Charles C. Roberts Charlie Roberts & Richard Ryan had a long-standing friendship and business relationship at DEKALB Ag Research and successor company, DEKALB Genetics. Charlie was a strong believer in community stewardship and, following his death in 2005, Rich created this Community Foundation fund honoring Charlie to provide annual grants meeting local needs. Anonymous DeKalb County Building and Development Association Endowment Fund DeKalb County Community Endowment Fund Adolph Miller Real Estate Anonymous Marlin & Phyllis Anderson
Larry & Nancy Apperson Lawrence & Donna Asselborn Jerry & Helen Augsburger Linda Babcock Avi & Elizabeth Bass Jerry & Sue Bemis Marcy & Donald Billington Rudolf & Ingeborg Bisanz John & Mary-Glynn Boies Colin & Deborah Booth Thomas & Sandra Brotcke Kevin & Marcy Buick Jo Burke Jerry Busby Jenny Butkus Natalie Calhoun Amie Carey Candice & Walter Chaffee Michael Coghlan Gary & Dee Coover Kim Coovert Kenneth & Jane Dargatz Wayne & Debra Davey John & Caroline Dickerman Egg Haven Pancakes & Cafe John & Ann Engstrom Holly Fink Larry & Stephanie Forsberg Franklin’s Frames & Art Bonnie Freeman Beatrice Glawe Lea Gorman Steven Greenfield & Darryl Block Carol Hajic Jerry & Marcia Halverson Dan & Karen Hamingson
HBB Foundation Howard & Valerie Heidlauf James & Loretta Hipple Dick & Barb Holland Gale & James Horn Kathleen Hott Dan & Claudia Hueber Alethia & Timothy Hummel Elaine Johansen William Johnson Johnson-Pate Pork Inc. Richard Joslin Reva Jungst Larry & Sue Kendzora Janice Kinczewski Irene Kuusisto Curtis & Karen Lang Bernie & Maureen Looney Mary Loptien Mark Mannebach & Erika Schlichter Pat & Karen Manning Nancy Martin Terry & Sherrie Martin John McBride & Sarah Marsh Vincent & Patricia McMahon Rodney & Diane McQueen Carol Meyer Tim & Tracey Michel Kristina Misic Lou Jean Moyer Sheryl Nakonechny Janice Nelson Jack & Barb Nelson Greg & Mary Luan Olson Jeff & Nancy Ondera Dale Osterle *New fund started during 2016
Mark & Kathy Overby Joe & Margaret Pasteris Kevin & Patty Poorten Prairie State Winery Diana & Bruce Rauner Ronald & Dorothy Razniewski Douglas & Carolyn Reifsteck Dan & Eva Rey John Rooney Chuck Rose Robert & Linda Russell Elsie Sanford Merle Sawyer Averil Schreiber Ivan & Judith Shils Ed & Judy Sisler Sharon Skala Lester Smith Soft Water City Ken & Kathleen Spears Mona Standard Dana Stover & Doug Baker Tim & Marilee Struthers Tim & Julie Suter Roy Talbot Charles & Marilyn Trott Unified Wire & Cable David & Nina Valentiner Gary & Janice Vandermeer Paul & Janice Weber Denise Weinmann Tim & Jennifer Weiss Ann Werhane Russ & Betty Wood Mikel Wyckoff Gert Wylde
George E. and Betty B. Dutton Undesignated Fund Emergency Undesignated Fund E.T. and Jean B. Juday Fund Ronald G. Klein Community Fund Suzanne & Dave Juday Michael Klein & Toni Taggart Ron Klein Gordon and Lucy Melms Fund DCCF Annual Operating Fund Anonymous Herbert & Linda Holderman Kishwaukee Valley Art League John D. & Jane Leifheit Charitable Foundation Ken & Juanita Mundy Gordon & Virgina Rasmussen Ed & Debra Rosenow Richard & Jackie Schmack Gayle Thistlethwaite Jan & Hank Wassmann Charles W. Otto Undesignated Fund Charles and Mary Roberts Family Endowment Fund Sally Stevens Community Fund Sally Stevens Albert Kerby and Helene Tink Fund Richard & Carol Ubl Fund Dick & Carol Ubl Rodney A. and Forothy Thiele Wright Fund
Field of Interest Funds Charter Grove Grange #1843 Fund Clifford & Marjorie Danielson Fund Jane Danielson Anne D. Pick Barbara P. Young Daycare for Children in DeKalb County Fund DeKalb County Youth Grantmakers Fund Anonymous Jon & Elizabeth Bockman Amie Carey John & Nancy Castle Kathy Countryman DeKalb County Retired Teachers David & Sheri Emmert Joan & Tom Fenstermaker Betsy Hull John & Donna Larson Mark Mannebach & Erika Schlichter Patty & Kevin Poorten Barbara Rauman Nancy Rigler Penny Rosenow Richard J. Stipher Thomas & Laurie Sodaro Dan & Kristal Templin Becky Zantout Janet Hack Animal Welfare Endowment Fund
Ronald and Karen Klein Endowment Fund for Libraries Ron Klein Michael Klein & Toni Taggart *Malta Community Endowment Fund Created as an endowment for the community, this fund provides support to organizations and nonprofit entities serving Malta, IL. Jonamac Orchard Gerald & Mary Lynn McArtor Willrett Natural Farm Roland and Lucile Matteson Elderly Assistance Fund Helen and Kenneth O’Kane Fund The September 11 Fund Charles and Ruth Townsend Family Fund Farny R. Wurlitzer Fund Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation Fund Wiegele Family Early Childhood Literacy Fund Edward Wiegele
Field of Interest CommunityWorks Funds William H. & Mary M. Awalt CommunityWorks Fund
Donors Nancy D. Castle CommunityWorks Fund Tony & Micki Chulick CommunityWorks Fund Ronald & Barbara Pearson Cinco de Mayo CommunityWorks Fund CommunityWorks Fund CommunityWorks Leadership Endowment Fund Ken & Kathleen Spears Dana Stover & Doug Baker Pat Vary Curran CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Steven and Patricia Faivre CommunityWorks Fund First National Bank CommunityWorks Fund First National Bank Dr. Gordon and Joan Graham CommunityWorks Fund Lana & Michael Haines CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Lana & Michael Haines Jerry and Annette Johns CommunityWorks Fund
Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Kiwanis Club of KishwaukeeDeKalb in honor of 2016 Service & Leadership Award Recipients Jerry Smith and Jerry Wahlstrom Tim Dunlop Karen Lee Klein CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Michael Klein & Toni Taggart Ron Klein Bill and Bonnie Mullins CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Howard and Martha Mullins Memorial CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Northern Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine CommunityWorks Fund Northern Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Robert & Mary Pritchard CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Barbara J. Rauman Family CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Daniel & Kristal Templin CommunityWorks Fund Dan & Kristal Templin
Donor Advised Funds Victor F. Barresi Memorial Fund Marla Barresi *Bob & Pam Bowman Fund Supports the charitable interests of Bob & Pam Bowman and allows a way of giving back to the community. Robert & Ruth Aagesen Adolph Miller Real Estate Joseph & Katherine Airoldi Mohammad & Shirley Akrabawi Terrence Andersen David Anderson Steve & Julie Ballou K. Roger Barclay Marla Barresi Kenneth & Glennie Barshinger Joseph & Ellen Batorson Dan & Rhonda Bernard Jerry & Darcy Bogle Daniel & Cara Bowman Earl Bowman Bob & Pam Bowman Pamela Bowman R. & D. Bowman Thomas & Sandra Brotcke Mary Joanne Burrows George & Jeanne Burtzos Beverly Cress Crum-Halsted Agency, Inc. Diane Davey Bryan & Karen Dixon Robert & Carla Dixon Craig Elliott Jim & Marilyn Elliott
Leo & Patt Elliott Kip Engsberg Lance & Kathy Farris Terry & Virginia Fleetwood Larry & Stephanie Forsberg Brian & Amy Gehant Harris Goldenberg Bob & Diane Hammon Thomas & Connie Healy Paul & Emma Henke Beverly Heppler Joan Hintzsche Kenneth & Doris Hintzsche Donald & Bonnie Hudson John & Laura Hulseberg Darrell & Elizabeth Johnson Lila Johnson Pete & Char Johnson Roger & Dixie Jorgenson Robert & Lin Keeler Sue Killelea Alfred Kranz John & Lolly Kroos Sandra Lancaster Allen & Mellicent Lee John & Linda Linden Michael & Linda Liszka Jeremiah & Kaye Loch Neal & Delaine Logston Luella Lothson Joyce & Craig Mathey Kay Mullins Jim & Mary O’Grady Dallas & Debra Peters Judy Popp Bob & Mary Pritchard *New fund started during 2016
David & Lyn Rasmussen Albert & Sandra Roloff Ed & Debra Rosenow Sheldon & Joyce Rueff Donald & Helen Schaefer Barry & Kay Schrader William & Harriet Schumacher Ivan & Judith Shils Siepert & Company, LLP William & Mary Sims Matthew & Shara Slattery Daniel & Annette Sodergren John & Leila Tallitsch Dan & Kristal Templin Edward & Ann Thompson Jan & Hank Wassmann Norman & Roberta Wesson David & Sandra Wildermuth Daniel & Dianne Wunsch Michael C. Brown Memorial Endowment Fund Charlie & Marti Brown Friends of Michael C. Brown Timothy & Ann Lehan Mark & Judy Schneider Chulick Family Fund Micki & Tony Chulick Curran Family Endowment Fund Jim Dionisopoulos & Tana Knetsch Fund Jim Dionisopoulos & Tana Knetsch Mary Lou & Phil Eubanks Fund Mary Lou & Philip Eubanks
*First Midwest Charitable Impact Fund Provides philanthropic support that aligns with the charitable interests of First Midwest Bank, formerly NB&T. This fund will be used to help area nonprofits go the extra distance in meeting local needs. First Midwest Bank *Gary & Joan Hanson Fund Created to align with the philanthropic interests of Gary and Joan Hanson in the community. Gary & Joan Hanson James K. & Loretta M. Hipple Family Fund Janis Hipple LuAnn Parkinson Horizons Unlimited Castle Advised Fund Tom & Barbara Hulseberg Fund Barb Hulseberg John & Laura Hulseberg Johns Family Donor Advised Fund Keleher Family Endowment Fund Larson Family Fund Karsten Larson Fund W. Bruce Lincoln Memorial Fund Robert and Phyllis Miller Family Fund
*Jay & Lynn Montgomery Fund Supports the charitable interests of Jay and Lynn Montgomery in the community. Jay & Lynn Montgomery Bill and Bonnie Mullins Family Endowment Fund Marjorie A. Nelson Memorial Fund The Promise Fund/el Fondo de la Promesa Fund Eloise Kaeck Brian D. Slavenas Memorial Endowment Fund Jerry and Ging Smith Family Fund Francis and Marjory Stroup Community Endowment Fund Jo Ann & Robert Skabo Fund Bob & Jo Ann Skabo Sycamore Containers Advised Fund Mary Uscian Health Care Access Endowment Fund Arnie & Jan Bacigalupo Angela Brotcke Michon Eads First Congregational Church of Christ Carl & Jeanne Janas Anthony Malone Nicholas Noe Nicholas Santangelo Mary Uscian Health Care Impact Fund Michon Eads
Thomas Warren & Friends Fund Thomas Warren Estate Brent & Carol Bish Gloria Cook Leonard & Elaine Johnson Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation Fund David & Nancy Wirsing Community Fund
Scholarship Funds Christopher E. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund David & Ellen Anderson Timothy & Ann Lehan Kevin Ballantine Music Scholarship Fund Anonymous Dave Ballantine & Diane DeMers David & Susie Changnon William & Barbara DeMers Matthew Swan & Judith Santacaterina Bobcat Scholarship Fund Marvin and Gladys Bridger Scholarship
Donors *CHS Elburn Scholarship Fund Created as a lasting memory to the legacy of the Elburn Cooperative and to support the communities that strengthen the cooperative. This fund provides educational support to high school graduates at an accredited college or university. CHS Elburn Barbara Cummings Memorial Scholarship Fund Bill & Jennie Cummings Cal Doty Memorial Scholarship Helen Doty DeKalb County 4-H Scholarship Fund DeKalb County Dental Society Fund Todd & Denise Anderson DeKalb High School Class of ‘63 Scholarship Fund William & Jacqueline Buehring Jim & Carol Dooley Patricia McKinley Jim & Lynne Morel Elizabeth Scarbough Lynne Westerholm Fizz Ehrler Automotive Technology Scholarship Fund Turning Back Time Car Show
Marian Elliott Scholarship Fund Keith and Viella Glidden Scholarship Fund Julie Eggert Haka Memorial Scholarship Fund Michael Heimerdinger Scholarship Fund Robert & Barbara Heimerdinger Mikes’ Brothers, Sisters, Nieces & Nephews Kishwaukee Youth Football League Elegie & Joe LoCascio Edwin & Sue Tresnak Barbara Swisher Holland (‘55) & Richard C. Holland Fund Annette and Jerry Johns Future Teacher Endowed Scholarship Fund Jerry & Annette Johns Peter L. Johnson Scholarship Fund *Randy Johnson Scholarship Fund Provides scholarship support for a DeKalb High School graduating senior pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Randall & Judith Johnson Rhoda Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund Michelle Jouris Memorial Scholarship Fund Bonita & Gene Ruder
Donald D. Kendall Fund Nana Kendall Kiwanis Club of DeKalb Scholarship Fund Jim & Lynne Morel Brett & Thomas Kubasiak Scholarship Fund Anonymous Cathy Kubasiak Emmette and Kathleen Land Memorial Scholarship Fund James & Marjorie Lehan Family Scholarship Fund Joyce Angotti Anonymous Jerry & Kathy Bejbl Johanna Benson Kenneth & Bonnie Benson Bob & Doris Boey Joe & Robin Bothe Stanley & Barbara Brandon G. Braser Steven & Elizabeth Braser Charlie & Marti Brown Jack & Dottie Carpenter Jose & Sue Cavazos Lawrence & Julia Chaon Thomas & Laurie Chilton Susan Deuber Don & Donna Dinges Norman Eckstrom Joan & Tom Fenstermaker Donald Finn William & Rita Finucane Richard Fogel
Sharon Freagon Helen Freidel Darlene Gehant J.R. Gibbs Michael & Mary Jo Gibbs Rhonda Gibbs William & Elizabeth Gibbs Steven & Kathleen Glascock Gary & Holly Gresholdt David & Mona Hamilton William & Roxanne Hamilton Dan & Mikie Hay Robert & Barbara Heimerdinger Kevin & Donna Hickey Joseph & Charlotte Hodder Allyson & Kevin Holder Louis & Lea Houdek James & Lois Johnson Kari Jones Gary & Karen Kauffman Brian & Marcia Kiel Hwacha Kosobud Timothy & Ann Lehan Gene & Joyce Listy Luella Lothson Joann Makarrall Pat & Karen Manning Joyce & Craig Mathey Michael & Kristin Meaney Robert Meissner David & Deirdre Mihm Lynn Miller Brent Monteiro Lisa Montgomery Sheryl Nakonechny Maria & Edward Paine *New fund started during 2016
Ronald & Barbara Pearson Mary Pecilunas Michael & Joan Petros Sam & Lori Phelps Bob & Mary Pritchard James & Sharon Rhoades Frank & Susan Roberts Kathleen Robinson Dan & Kate Rozzen Alfredo & Julie Saucedo Anne Seitzinger Ed & Judy Sisler Marjorie Stout Franz & Elizabeth Strack George & Mary Jane Suter Dan & Kristal Templin Richard & Anita Turner Robert & Barbara Twombly Dick & Carol Ubl David & Kristi Wagley Phyllis Wagner Jerry & Linda Wahlstrom Leone Wayman Thomas Wicke Cynthia Wickness Ellen Wisdom Anita Zurbrugg A. Raymond & Lois H. (Sohne) Linden Scholarship Fund Candice & Walter Chaffee Joseph & Elegie LoCascio Scholarship Fund Anonymous Michael Klein & Toni Taggart Erick Neher Katharine Parham
Lori Propheter Roger & Barbara Ritzman Jay Wellman Donald C. Mack Scholarship Fund Donald Mack Martenson Family Scholarship Fund John R. Martenson Trust Mildred Martenson Terry and Sherrie Martin Scholarship Fund Malta Lions Club Scholarship Fund Malta Lions Club Rowland and Lucile Matteson High School Scholarship Fund Wayne McIlrath Family Scholarship Fund Jeffrey Rosenberg John D. Meier Memorial Scholarship Fund Madeline Middleton Memorial Scholarship Evelyn S. Nelson Scholarship Fund Marybeth O’Brien McGill Scholarship Fund Harland L. and Mable Orr Memorial Scholarship Fund Palmer Family Music Education Scholarship Fund Doris Anderson Gene Deisz Lynn Hansen
Lynn Johnson Janette Jones David Lehman Kirk Lundbeck Mike Maveus George & Barbara McCaskey Ronald & Kathy Modell Glen & Laddie Nichols Gary & Barbara Palmer Joe & Margaret Pasteris John & Rebecca Smith Michael & Anneliese Stoos James & Ann Tucker Rebecca (Becky) Parker Scholarship Fund Eleanor Anglin Price Scholarship Fund Thomas R. Rauman Memorial Scholarship Fund Donald & Rosemary Redmond Fund Renaissance Education Scholarship Fund Edwin “Skinny” Riippi Memorial Scholarship Fund Doris Riippi Jolynn Wisted Rogers Memorial Scholarship Fund Sharon L. Rosenow Memorial Scholarship Fund Crum-Halsted Agency, Inc. Ed & Debra Rosenow Christopher David Sanderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
William G. Schinske Memorial Scholarship Fund Gilbert ‘Gib’ Seegers Science Scholarship Fund Richard & Cecilia Seip Scholarship Fund Cecilia Seip Trust *Martha W. Shur Scholarship Fund An award for a young woman athlete at DeKalb High School, established in memory of Martha W. Shur by her children. Scott Cohen Mark Cordes & Victoria Young Barbara Craig Rebecca & Jeffrey Dillon Norden Gilbert Glidden Greens Townhouse Association Rosalie Hewitt Maureen Josh Earl & Sue Kaplan Kathleen Katz Ron Klein Joe Koch Marv & Jane Levinsky Elegie & Joe LoCascio David Mackay
Donors Andrea Naylor Leonard & Merle Nelson Minna Noone Sara Noyes Jeff & Barbara Parness Ronald & Barbara Pearson I. Victor & Elinore Pinansky James & Sharon Rhoades Sandra Robinson Penny Rosenow Aaron Shur & Tracy Koncilja Janet Shur & James Wilson C. Diane Smith Nickolas & Dennie Stanciu Danielle Strickman Nancy Todnem Joseph & Cassandra Wright Jerry & Carol Zar Roy W. “Smitty” & Cora E. “Cody” Smith Football Scholarship Fund Kishwaukee Youth Football League Kathleen and Kenneth Spears Scholarship Fund Beatrice M. Stankus Memorial Scholarship Fund Dave Stoddard Memorial Scholarship Fund Thomas & Lynn Akers Dick Anderson Aqua Express James Ball Bob Kyler Excavating
Ryan & Sherrie Bourdages Cory Crowley Barbara Dewitt Darrell Foss Jeff Keicher Randy Lawn Care Services Inc. Malta Veterinary Hospital Barry & Jan Melton Nathan Winston Services Inc. Thomas & Nancy Plote Bob & Mary Pritchard Jeffrey Ratfield Thomas & Shelley Rhoads William Scholl Brian & Tracy Scholle Steven & Jean Searls Sandra Splansky Brad & Holly Stoddard Dorothy & Dorothy Stoddard Jim & Marcia Stoddard Michael & Nancy Teboda Lucille & Darryl Strack Scholarship Fund Lorri Davis Steven Streb Memorial Scholarship Fund Charlotte Sundly Memorial Scholarship Fund Sycamore Masonic Lodge Scholarship Fund Wally “Mr. Pumpkin” Thurow Scholarship Fund Anonymous Blumen Gardens Inc. Kevin & Jean Bunge
Jerry & Nancy Malmassari Ken & Juanita Mundy Daniel & Kathleen Schewe James “Jimmy” Vaughn Scholarship Fund Harold P. Wells Scholarship Fund Patricia Woodstrup Memorial Scholarship Fund
Designated Funds Administrative Endowment Fund Mary Lou and Phil Eubanks Fund Joan Helen & Thomas Hancock Jay & Jea Nae Remala Aikins Theatre Arts Fund Janet & John Yount Emma Anderson Fund Adra W. Baker Gallagher Fund J. Barr Designated Endowment Fund Bertram Animal Shelter Endowment Fund John G. Boyle Oak Crest Endowment Fund Lillian S. Boynton Library Book Endowment Fund Lillian S. Boynton Memorial Fund Lillian S. Boynton Memorial Fund Joseph & Evelyn Bussone Endowment Fund Paul & Cheryl Callighan Sue & Ken Doubler Carl & Marjorie Hargrave
Pete Johnson John & Lolly Kroos Virginia McMillion Berni Schelkopf Jerry & Ging Smith Jim & Marcia Stoddard Dan & Kristal Templin Dick & Carol Ubl Lois L. Callahan Fund Children’s Learning Center Fund Anonymous Camille & Jerry Bever David & Stephany Ann Breed Patricia Brown Robert & Marcia Cammarata Nita Challgren Robert & Vivian Courtney Dennis Early Childhood Center Jonathan & Kathleen Franzen Norman & Marion Gilbert Wendy Hayes Ken & Jane Holdridge Dean & Connie Holliday Gerald & Jo Lene Hughes Donald & Pat Johnson Jim & Colleen Johnson Dolores Larson Jeanette Moore Joyce Nelson Ronald & Barbara Pearson Gloria Raschke Janelle Reints Denise Rode Carol Rolf Martha Rolf William & Linda Ruhmann *New fund started during 2016
Averil Schreiber Jeanne Smith Gordon & Karen Souden Barbara Weaver Tony and Micki Chulick Community Leadership Fund Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C) Fund Anonymous Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Endowment Fund William & Julenne Davey Coveny and Whalen Family Endowment Fund DeKalb Area Women’s Center Endowment Fund Joan Popp DeKalb Bicentennial Fund DeKalb County 4-H Foundation Fund DCCF Leadership Administrative Fund Chulick Family Fund Kevin & Denice McArtor Mary Lynn & Gerald McArtor Ken & Kathleen Spears DeKalb County Excellence in Education Award Fund Carol & Russel Heck DeKalb County Farmland Foundation Fund
DeKalb County Farmland Foundation Simonson Scholarship Fund DeKalb County Farmland Foundation DeKalb Leadership Academy Community Fund Tim Dunlop Administrative Endowment Fund Ellwood House Museum Fund *Fairdale Community Fund Created to provide ongoing support for maintenance costs of the Fairdale community septic system completed in December 2015. DeKalb County Long Term Recovery Corporation NFP Irene Kuusisto Bill & Carole Minor Floyd Flowers Family Service Agency Endowment Fund Charlie and Patty Foster Community Leadership Fund Milo and Elizabeth George Fund Joseph F. Glidden Homestead and Historical Center Fund Janice Devore Susan & Steven Johnson Diane Sechrest Anita Zurbrugg The Growing Place Inc. Endowment Fund Anonymous Mark Cordes & Victoria Young
David E. Hall Memorial Endowment Fund Walter E. Hauswald Sciences Education Endowment Fund Hope Haven Endowment Fund Anonymous Howey-Guilinger Memorial Endowment Fund Pat Humo Nursing Fund Indian Creek Education Foundation Endowment Fund Vera John Endowment Fund Joiner History Room Endowment Fund Herb & Linda Holderman Sarah & R.H. Hopkins Larry & Aileen Joiner Joiner History Room Bill & Patsy Lundberg Martin O’Connor Lisa Parts Deborah Schelkopf Alex Kelm Memorial Fund Fred & Shaena Dietz Kermit and Bernice Kirkus Fund Kishwaukee College Horticulture Fund Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club Community Leadership Fund Elizabeth Hampa Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund Marla Barresi
Frank & Marilyn Bazeli John & Cheryl Countryman Robb & Tammy Farrell Shirley Hamilton Jerry & Annette Johns Kishwaukee Symphony Associates Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra James Lockard Gretchen & Charles Moore Rick & Amy Ridnour Jenny & Phil Ruff Ann & James Tucker Sophia Varcados Jarrold & Carol Zar Anita Zurbrugg Kishwaukee United Way Robert and Mary Krupp Donor Designated Fund Raymond Larsen Donor Advised Fund Virginia Larsen Fund Rowland and Lucile Matteson Kishwaukee College Fund Midwest Museum of Natural History Endowment Fund Steve and Janice Milner Fund Bill and Bonnie Mullins Administrative Endowment Fund
Donors NB&T Community Fund NIU Hillel Fund Jerry L. Johns Literacy Clinic Endowment Fund Anonymous Ann Marie Babich Paula de Garmo-Jensen Richard Egel Bradley & Mary Gardner Jerry & Annette Johns Kathleen Katz Hoon & Julie Ki Lucy Killian Daniel & Susan O’Connell Roger & Mary Ellen Sanders Norman & Carolyn Stahl Laurel Stokke Richard Vacca Marilyn Walach Priscilla Witte Northern Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine DCCF Administrative Fund Oak Crest Good Samaritan Endowment Fund Donald Mosher Bob and Mary Pritchard Community Leadership Fund Elizabeth Bradt Reed Memorial Endowment Fund
John & Betty Roberts Community Foundation Administrative Fund Anne Krause Charles & Cristine Roberts Frank & Susan Roberts Thomas Roberts & Teresa Grosch Ryan Family Education Endowment Fund *Safe Passage Angels Endowment Fund Created in 2016 to provide ongoing support, where it is needed most, to Safe Passage, Inc. Richard Dowen Gordon & Catherine Johnson Jerry Smith Community Foundation Fund Sycamore Public Library Community Fund TAILS Endowment Fund Barry Robert Totty Memorial Fund Terry & Diane Parkhouse Dr. Raymond Tourville Illinois Foreign Language Teacher Fund for the Future Robert and Norma Wildenradt Community Leadership Fund Guyla Winebrener Oak Crest Scholarship Fund Voluntary Action Center Endowment Fund Thomas & Pamela Burski
Agency Funds Altrusa Club - Daily Chronicle Literacy Fund Ben Gordon Center Foundation Fund Beulah & Roberta Hackett SEF Endowment Fund Beulah & Roberta Hackett VAC Endowment Fund DeKalb Area Agricultural Heritage Association Inc. Endowment Fund Anonymous Mary Pritchard Katharine I. Weaver Suzanne Willis DeKalb Barb Boosters Endowment Fund DeKalb County Animal Welfare League Fund Lana Haines Dianne Leifheit DeKalb County Farmland Foundation Fund DeKalb County Farmland Foundation Simonson Scholarship Fund DeKalb County Forest Preserve Endowment Fund DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation Endowment Fund John Fairfield Joy Gulotta
Michael & Lana Haines Carol W. Hajic Ron Klein Matt Myre Jim & Mary Kay O’Grady Carol Orr Jane Ovitz Margaret Phillips DE Remala Ivan Shils, MD Averil Schreiber DeKalb Education Foundation Endowment Fund Class of 1976 Donations DeKalb First United Methodist Church Fund DeKalb Park District Endowment Fund DeKalb Public Library Endowment Fund Avi & Elizabeth Bass Clarence & Veronica Casella David Castle Linda Conrad Gary & Pat Cordes Mark Cordes & Victoria Young John & Cheryl Countryman Vincent & Patricia McMahon Beverly Pigott Linda Schwarz Betsy Smith Egyptian Theatre Endowment Fund *New fund started during 2016
Egyptian Theatre Fund Gurler Heritage Association Endowment Fund Bernice Kendall Memorial Fund Nana Kendall Kishwaukee Family YMCA Endowment Fund Marian Elliott SEF Sycamore High School Fund North Grove School Preservation Fund in Memory of Kenneth Marsh Clare & Greg Hay Open Door Founder’s Fund Opportunity House Endowment Fund RAMP Endowment Fund Illinois Tool Works Lisa Seymour Sandwich Fair Association Endowment Fund David Fraser Gary & Carol Peterson Somonauk Education Foundation Endowment Fund Somonauk Education Foundation Stage Coach Players Fund Jerry & Annette Johns Sycamore Education Foundation Endowment Fund Amsted Industries Sycamore History Museum Endowment Fund Jerry & Irene Pelan
Jeff Petersen Douglas Roberts Sycamore Park District Endowment Fund Sycamore Sports Boosters Endowment Fund *Soil & Water Conservation Fund Provides unrestricted financial support to the DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation District in support of their mission to responsibly conserve healthy soil and clean water for all generations. DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District Wirtz Family Foundation Fund
Pass Through Funds Answers 4 SUDC DCCF Investment Administrative Fund DeKalb County Civil War Monument Fund DeKalb County Community Development Fund DeKalb County Disaster Recovery Fund DeKalb County Estate Planning Council Fund DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership Pass DeKalb Rotary Club Charitable Impact Fund Farm Bureau/University Extension - DeKalb
Friends of the Cortland Library Fund IHSA Football Championship Destination DeKalb Kiwanis Club of DeKalb Impact Fund Kiwanis Club of KishwaukeeDeKalb Peter L. Johnson Tribute Fund Spinoso Masters Scholarship Fund Sycamore Fire Preservation Company, Ltd. Sycamore Park District Action 20/20 Fund Sycamore Rotary Club Charitable Impact Sycamore Train Depot Pass Through Fund Wally Thurow Tribute Fund
In Honor Of: Tony & Micki Chulick Ray Cook Family Deb Fullington Denny Heins Regina & Dale Jahr Ron Klein Joseph & Elegie LoCascio Jerry McArtor John & Barbara Nelson Anne D. Pick Patti Rogalin Marilyn West
In Memory Of: Marilyn Augsburger David S. Ballantine Sr. Kevin Ballantine Bob Bowman Michael C. Brown Sandy Busby Joe Bussone Raymond Cook Barbara Cummings Fred de Oliveria Sharon Dowen Howard Ellenberger Lucile Finas Jessie & Chester Freeman Mike Heimerdinger Irene Johnson Phyllis Kelley Alex Kelm Karen Lee Klein Henry Kinczewski Evelyn Crist Kupec Marjorie Lehan
Boyd Loptien Deane Lundbeck Betty A. Mathey Margaret McBride Sandra McMahon Adolph Miller Bill Nelson Judy Oglivie Warren Osenberg Heinz Osterle Dee Palmer Mary & Charlie Roberts Tom & Nancy Roberts Russell T. Smith Melvin Sanford Martha W. Shur Thomas Stark Mary Uscian Tom Warren Robert Wehane David Wildy Eileen Wise
About Us
New Board Members 2017
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in DeKalb County, IL by proactively addressing community needs and expanding, managing, and distributing philanthropic resources. Our vision is to be a philanthropic leader as we partner to build strong communities throughout DeKalb County. Left to right: Noah Nordbrock Donor Services & Marketing Director, Barb King Administrative Manager, Becky Zantout Grants & Community Initiatives Manager, Betsy Hull Finance Director, Dan Templin Executive Director, Board Secretary, Anita Zurbrugg Program Director, Sarah Trygstad DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership Program Assistant, Ben Bingle DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership Manager
Jesus Romero Sycamore
Regina Parker Sycamore
2016 Board of Directors Thank you for serving!
Thank you for serving!
Kevin Buick Sycamore
Amie Carey Hinckley
Micki Chulick DeKalb
Latricia Dawkins DeKalb
Kevin Fuss DeKalb
Kristina Garcia Sycamore
Marcia Goodrich DeKalb
LaVerne Gyant DeKalb
Todd Hughes Genoa
Alethia Hummel Sandwich
Donna Larson Sycamore
Rick Mamoser Kingston
Mark Mannebach DeKalb
Kevin McArtor Malta
Dana Stover DeKalb
Donna Turner Kirkland
Dick Underwood Somonauk
Beth White Waterman
Charles McCormick Sycamore
Frank Roberts DeKalb
Ken Spears Shabbona
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donors generous f o e s u a c nts e possible b ou and gra y is m o o d fr e ts w What U!). Gif e in our HANK YO nd lasting differenc (T u o y e k li le a rg. ake a visib rself at dekalbccf.o u from us m o y r y! See fo communit
475 DeKalb Avenue
Sycamore, IL 60178
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations