DeKalb County Community Foundation Annual Report 2013

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MESSAGE TO OUR COMMUNITY Greetings! And welcome to this special edition of our Annual Report highlighting 2013 as well as the 20-year history of the DeKalb County Community Foundation. We are grateful to the thousands of people who have partnered with the DCCF over the years to fulfill their philanthropic goals and support the quality of life in DeKalb County by working together. Special thanks goes to Jerry Smith, DCCF Executive Director from 19992008, who wrote much of the historical material for the Foundation’s story on pages 8-11. The Community Foundation is, in part, about ‘connecting’...people with causes they care about, money with organizational needs, talent and goodwill with avenues to express them. As you read through this publication let us know how you connect with our mission; and how we may help you with your philanthropic dreams!

Tim Suter

2013-14 Board President

Our Foundation for the Future: Planning the Next Phase of Our Mission

DCCF Strategic Plan – 2014-2017 Beginning in 2013, the DCCF Board and Staff engaged in a Strategic Planning process to hear from community stakeholders and shape our priorities in the years ahead. While the full plan is more detailed, the following highlights the core elements.

Goals, Objectives, and Strategies:

Daniel P. Templin Executive Director

Area: Endowments & Donor Services Goal: Increase the amount of philanthropic activity occurring in partnership with the Foundation. Objective:



Grow the Total Assets of the Foundation by at least 20% (based on 12/31/13 Total Assets of $44M) by the end of 2017 (to a total of $52.8M), including growing the Unrestricted Endowed Assets of the Foundation by at least 50% (to a total of $17M; adding approx. $5.7M in value based on 12/31/13 totals). ●

Build stronger relationships with professional advisors.

Engage in proactive Donor/Fund Development specific to unrestricted endowments.

Area: Stewardship Goal: Expand the Foundation’s capacity to meet the growing charitable needs of the community. Objective:


Increase the engagement of Fund Donors and Beneficiary Organizations to their respective Funds at the Foundation (as measured by a satisfaction survey); and Board Members engagement so that 100% of members feel at least ‘satisfied’ with their participation in the mission of the Foundation. ●

Educate Fund Donors and Beneficiary Organizations.

Improve communication outside and within the Foundation.

Clarify and maximize each Board member’s role with the DCCF.

Area: Grantmaking Goal: Maximize the impact of Foundation grants. Objective:


Enhance the DCCF grant process by modifying grant programs, grant applications, and administration process and guidelines to increase the DCCF’s efficiency and responsiveness to community needs (measureable by post-grant surveys and redesigned grant reporting). ● ●

Enhance the DCCF grant programs. Develop and offer appropriate and improved resources to current and potential grantees in order to improve their grantee experience. Proactively communicate with all interested Donor Advised Fund advisors what opportunities exist for their funding to supplement DCCF responsive grantmaking.

Area: Community Initiatives Goal: Proactively address critical challenges in DeKalb County through community initiatives. Objective:


Engage community leaders in a collective impact process, with at least one major initiative identified by the end of 2015; and increase the impact of current community initiative commitments (CommunityWorks, Youth Engaged in Philanthropy and DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership) as determined by outcome measures inherent in each program. ●

Partner with others to build the ‘Advancing DeKalb County’ initiative.

Working with YEP youth and DCCF Board as appropriate, increase the impact of YEP.

Working with DCCF Board and CommunityWorks Committees as appropriate, increase the overall impact of CommunityWorks. Working with DCCF Board and DCNP Steering Committee as appropriate, increase the impact of DCNP.


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Revenues and Support Contributions Investment income Realized gain on sale of investments Unrealized gain on investment Facility use Grants Other revenue Administrative fees Total revenues and support


627,833 532,198 2,318,982 3,065,184 3,922 8,500 10,801 17,482 $ 6,584,902

Board of Directors oversees the investment of our assets as well as expenses. The following information is available upon request from our office: names of investment managers and fees charged; full audited financial statements; IRS Form 990; governing documents; and conflict of interest policy.

$ 1,320,686 266,483 60,307 $ 1,647,476 4,937,426 35,021,507 $ 39,958,933




















Change in Net Assets Net Assets – Beginning of Year Net Assets – End of Year


The Finance Committee of the Foundation



Expenses Program services Supporting services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses


as of December 31, 2013



























DCCF AT A GLANCE Net assets, 12-31-13

$39.9 million

Average annual investment return

Grants awarded during 2013


Number of separate named Funds 274

Grants awarded since 1993

$15.9 million

Operating expenses as a percent of total assets

Number of separate contributions received 873


Number of grants approved




DISTRIBUTING PHILANTHROPIC RESOURCES Matching donor intent with community needs is one of our key roles! We make charitable distributions from a variety of funds and mechanisms including: grant programs, scholarships, agency fund distributions, community initiatives, and pass through funds. All grants and payouts fall under one area of interest: Arts & Culture, Community Development, Education, Environment & Animal Welfare, or Health & Human Services. All 2013 fund distributions are summarized on this page. Charitable Distribution Type

Arts & Culture

Grants & Scholarships Community Initiative Grants Community Needs Grants $ 31,814 CommunityWorks Grants Designated Fund Grants 1,736 Donor Advised Fund Grants 164,837 Opportunity Grants 448 Pass-Thru Grants 34,899 Scholarships Youth Engaged in Philanthropy Grants 700

$ 7,475 95,663 26,000 86,235 58,931 925 17,211


$ 52,563

2,190 $ 294,630

$ 258,812

Agency Fund Distributions

$ 182,608


Administrative Support*

$ 127,753

Grand Total

$ 234,433

$ 234,433

$ 604,991

Environment & Animal Welfare

Health & Human Services

Grand Total


39,062 52,482 1,300 50,000 61,528 1,877

Total of all Grant Programs


Community Development

$ 304,828

$ 1,135,675






$ 166,537 $ 41,709 743 521

$ 42,973


$ 271,295


7,475 346,577 67,709 225,189 307,137 4,673 106,359 61,528 9,028

$ 42,973

97,414 30,366 2,000 4,250


$ 306,971

$ 1,460,662

*Administrative support includes costs associated with DeKalb County Community Foundation operations and initiatives including the DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership and CommunityWorks.

HOW DO I CREATE A FUND AT THE DCCF? 1. Decide When to Give You can create your fund now, establish it in your will, or generate a trust arrangement that benefits your family as well as charity.

4. Choose a Type of Fund We offer a variety of funds that are flexible to meet our donors’ different charitable interests:

2. Decide What to Give Almost any kind of asset can be used to start your fund, such as cash, publicly traded securities, closely held stock, real estate, life insurance, and tangible personal property.

Field-of-Interest Funds These funds create grants that meet needs in a particular field or geographic area that is of interest to you.

3. Choose the Name for Your Fund Most of our funds are named for the donor or the donor’s family, or as a memorial to someone special.

Undesignated Funds Undesignated funds offer the broadest giving option, allowing grants to be made to wherever our board and professional staff determines our community’s needs are the greatest.

Donor-Advised Funds Donor-advised funds enable you to recommend specific eligible organizations to receive grants. Scholarship Funds Scholarship funds enable students to pursue academic goals. You may define guidelines for candidacy, the advisory committee, the school and the field of study. Designated Funds These funds let you support specific organizations while we make sure that grants to these groups remain relevant over time and responsive to changing circumstances. Organizational (Agency) Endowment Funds Organizational endowment funds are established by nonprofit organizations to provide income to them. We handle all administrative and investment responsibilities, freeing the organization to pursue its charitable mission.


20 YEARS OF COMMUNITY PHILANTHROPY - HIGHLIGHTS An Idea: The Beginning of a Community Treasure

In 1992, Charles and Mary Roberts had already made their mark through community philanthropy in DeKalb County. The local couple, primarily known because of their DeKalb Ag background, extensively shared their time, talent and treasure. It was no surprise when their research to enhance this spirit of caring lead them to learn that community foundations were sprouting up across the country. Why not a community foundation in DeKalb County?

Ron Klein (left), local attorney, worked closely with the Roberts couple to propel their vision for DeKalb County into existence. Klein was able to confirm enthusiastic support from civic and business leaders. In March, 1993 he secured the required government approval and with an initial $3.6 million contribution from the Roberts Family, the DeKalb County Community Foundation was born. Retiring from his position as Executive Director of the Northern Illinois University Foundation, Richard “Dick” Ubl (right) was recruited by the newly created Board of Directors as DeKalb County Community Foundation’s first Executive Director. Ubl’s unique leadership was key in launching the Community Foundation to its recognized success in its early years. Ubl served as Executive Director until 1999.

The Early Years: 1993 - 1997

Ron Klein was president of the first 21-member Board of Directors. The first board was comprised of leaders from all corners of the county to help grow capital and visibility. The board would need to work hard to achieve the Roberts’ goal of a county-wide Foundation.


Sycamore business leader, Dave Juday, recalled the press conference announcing the DCCF’s formation when Ubl announced the DCCF’s goal of $10 million in assets by the turn of the century. Juday did not believe such growth would be possible, but the goal was exceeded even earlier than anticipated because of the community’s support and the board’s emphasis on capital development.

20 YEARS OF COMMUNITY PHILANTHROPY - HIGHLIGHTS In its first year, the DCCF distributed 5% of its assets in grants. The board decided to distribute numerous small grants to many nonprofit organizations across the county. At the end of the first year, total assets surpassed $4 million and about $150,000 in grants were distributed. In 1997, the DCCF surpassed a benchmark of granting over $1 million throughout the County since its inception. Board president Dave Juday and Dick Ubl posed with a large check to signal this landmark achievement.

The Ups and Downs: 1998 - 2002

Mary A. Krupp served as Board President during 1998. Mary had spearheaded DCCF’s publicity efforts during her six years on the Board, and was instrumental in stressing the importance of media visibility. The Foundation had grown to $12.7 million in assets by the end of 1998, eclipsing the “$10 million by the year 2000” prediction from Dick Ubl. During the latter half of 1999, the Board welcomed Jerry Smith as its first full-time employee. Smith, who had spent 30 years at Castle-PrinTech, was “perfect to lead this Foundation into a new century,” wrote Board President Gordon Melms, who added that “Jerry’s knowledge of the community and his involvement in countless organizations make him an outstanding choice.” Jerry emphasized the Community Foundation’s role as a convener, community collaborator, and a catalyst to effect change within our non-profit agencies. His leadership led to the Foundation already fulfilling these roles in many areas by the time he retired at the end of 2008. Our organization was not insulated from the lackluster market performance in 2000,” wrote new president Mike Cullen in that year’s annual report. The banker wrote that it was “a reminder to all on our Board of our tremendous fiduciary responsibility to our donors and our community.” The poor marketplace further deteriorated investments, but the Board stood firm in its attempts to broaden the base of donor support and service to those who needed our help.


20 YEARS OF COMMUNITY PHILANTHROPY - HIGHLIGHTS During 2000, the DCCF took four words and joined similar foundations nationwide in using them as a slogan. Those words say it all when it comes to describing what the Community Foundation is about.

A major gift announced just before Christmas 2002 provided a needed shot in the arm for DCCF – and it came from the children of Foundation founders Charlie and Mary Roberts. The three siblings, Doug Roberts, John Roberts, and Virginia Roberts Holt pledged $2 million to incept the Charles and Mary Roberts Family Endowment Fund and $500,000 added to the Kishwaukee United Way Fund. “DCCF is the perfect answer to our desire to leave something to our hometown roots,” Doug explained. “DeKalb County has meant a lot to our family, and we know the Foundation will do a great job in managing these funds for generations to come.”

Reaching New Heights: 2003 - 2007

In 2003, DCCF accepted a challenge from Grand Victoria Foundation to participate in a statewide initiative designed to enhance the Foundation’s local community leadership role by addressing issues in DeKalb County concerning child care, workforce development, and land use. By 2011, the CommunityWorks initiative generated $3.7 million in support from Grand Victoria Foundation which included a dollar for dollar match, leveraging $1,045,547 from generous community donors. These donations launched 20 named CommunityWorks Endowment Funds and 13 named DCCF Administrative Endowment Funds. Administrative Endowment Funds support the Foundation’s community engagement activities and currently provide about 20% of revenue to its operating budget.


National Seal of Approval - the Foundation enhanced their commitment to legal, ethical, and effective practices by earning National Standards certification from the Council on Foundations, which is maintained to this day.This certification, unique to Community Foundations, is the only one of its kind for any foundation in the United States.

20 YEARS OF COMMUNITY PHILANTHROPY - HIGHLIGHTS Inspiring Partnerships: 2008 - 2011

With the encouragement and leadership of DCCF Board President Brad Brown, Board Member Mariam Wassmann, and Program Director Deanna Cada, 2008 marked the formation of our Youth Advisory Committee, soon renamed to Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP). YEP is a youth philanthropy program that teaches young people leadership skills and the importance of community involvement while assisting DCCF in addressing youth needs in our community. Ever since its creation, DCCF sought opportunities to promote and support collaboration among nonprofits and to enhance their individual and collective capacity. After spending much of 2011 planning with community partners, the DCCF Board formalized its commitment to local nonprofit capacity building by allocating $12,000 in 2012 to help launch and coordinate the DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership (DCNP). The Board reauthorized its financial support and commitment in 2013. DCNP was created out of a dedicated consortium of established local nonprofit organizations and resource providers who support them.

Our Foundation for the Future: 2012 - Present

In November 2011, the DCCF took title to the historic Sycamore Train Depot, to serve as its permanent home. The skill and dedication of Sharp Architects, Swedberg and Associates, and Russ Smith Construction resulted in a solid and elegant finished building. The DCCF officially began operating out of the Depot in October of 2012. At the end of 2012, the Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation, a private foundation that supports music and music education projects, converted its operations to a Donor Advised Fund within the Community Foundation. The Foundation, founded in 1954 by Farny R. (pictured left) and Grace Wurlitzer, was led by a Board of Directors of five long-standing members. As they began exploring ways to maintain the Foundation’s existence in perpetuity, this led to a dialogue with the DeKalb County Community Foundation and the perfect solution.

For Good. For DeKalb County. For Ever.


A gathering place for dialogue, learning, and solutions The Freight Room is available to nonprofits, community groups, and businesses to rent for meetings, trainings, workshops, and fundraising events. For groups up to 100 people, the room includes audio/visual support, internet (wifi) access, and serving area for refreshments. Call Barb King at 815-748-5383, email or visit

DCCF board members join nonprofit leaders to explore ripe opportunities to benefit the “Communiversity� with NIU President Baker.


High schools students from throughout the county gather in The Freight Room to learn how they can become involved in YEP.


The CommunityWorks initiative invests in DeKalb County by cultivating young learners, developing wise use of its natural resources and growing a proficient and skilled workforce. Twenty separate CommunityWorks endowment funds together generated $82,789 during 2013 to support CommunityWorks initiatives in the areas of Early Care and Education, Land Use and Workforce Development.

DeKalb County Wades Into Watershed Planning

In 2005 when the DCCF CommunityWorks Land Use Committee decided to focus its resources on developing reliable tools and resources that DeKalb County decision makers could use to inform wise land use decisions, they didn’t realize then that they would be instrumental in piloting watershed planning in DeKalb County. DCCF’s $30,000 cash match secured an additional $58,615 from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in the form of a Watershed Planning Grant through the DeKalb County Stormwater Management Planning Committee. As the 18-month assessment and planning process comes to a close in 2014, DCCF is poised to partner with schools, government and nonprofit entities to implement prioritized projects within the watershed area encompassing the communities of Cortland, Maple Park and portions of Sycamore. An additional $4,000 grant made in 2013 is being used to update DeKalb County’s wetland maps and create Geographic Information System layers to accurately depict wetlands throughout the county, helping land use planners in development and permitting decisions.

During a Know-Your-Watershed bus tour hosted by DCCF, DeKalb County Forest Preserve Naturalist Al Roloff explains to DeKalb County residents how wetland prairie plants at the South Branch Prairie filter and absorb floodwater.

Northern Illinois University and Sycamore High School students work with instructors and watershed planning consultants to assess the status of the South Branch Kishwaukee River.


COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership Where Mission Meets Opportunity

“The DCNP is a wonderful asset to the community. We are very pleased to be members and able to participate in the many opportunities DCNP offers.” – Donna Langford, The DeKalb Area Agricultural Heritage Association

The DCCF Board continued its commitment to community leadership and proactive grantmaking by allocating $15,000 in 2013 to coordinate the DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership (DCNP). DCNP is a membershipbased network of partners serving DeKalb County who fund, help coordinate and are supportive of the efforts of DeKalb County’s nonprofit community. Administered through its 14-member steering committee, DCNP is designed to communicate, coordinate, and create programs and initiatives that raise the level of nonprofit program and organizational effectiveness and efficiency. In doing so, they fulfill their individual and collective mission of making DeKalb County a great place to live, work and raise families. Member benefits include free workshops, access to discounts from participating local vendors, and access to leveraging support and services.

During its second year as a network composed of community supporters and nonprofit organizations, DCNP: ● ● ●

● ●


Ben Bingle, Program Director of NGOLD (Northern Illinois University Center for Non-Governmental Leadership and Development) introduces one of his NIU colleagues during the annual DCNP Nonprofit Day.

Supported the DCNP Philanthropy Center in partnership with DeKalb Public Library Enhanced its website: Served over 305 administrators, staff, board members, and supporters of the nonprofit community through conducting or co-sponsoring 21 training and capacity-building events (including Nonprofit Day) Expanded membership from 34 to 53 providing $8,670 in support Distributed over 140 timely electronic DCNP announcements throughout the nonprofit community Committed to DeKalb County’s first online giving day on May 6, 2014, Give Local DeKalb County.

COMMUNITY INITIATIVES Give Local DeKalb County On May 6, 2014, the DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership and DeKalb County Community Foundation joined forces to raise money for local nonprofit organizations in an inaugural on-line day of giving called Give Local DeKalb County. During the 24 hours of on-line giving, 48 local organizations and DCCF Endowment Funds raised $99,443.14 through 868 individual donations coming from 21 states. DCCF granted an additional $20,000 in unrestricted matching funds in celebration of its 20th anniversary. Give Local DeKalb County was part of a national online day of giving, called “Give Local America” celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the birth of community foundations in the United States.

BY THE NUMBERS: 24 Hours 868 Individual Donations 21 States 35 Organizations 13 Endowment Funds $99,443.14 Raised!!

“Pay-It-Forward house is honored to have participated in the first ever Give Local DeKalb County online giving day. The generosity of our local community is AMAZING. Please extend our thanks to the entire Board of the DeKalb County Community Foundation and DCNP for organizing this wonderful event to help raise funds for local not-for-profits.” Ellwood House Association, Inc. and the Ellwood House Museum Endowment Fund are two of 48 local nonprofit organizations and DCCF Endowment Funds that received donations through DeKalb County’s first on-line giving day.

– Joyce Mathey, Executive Director


COMMUNITY INITIATIVES Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP) YEP completed its fifth year as a DCCF initiative. High School youth from across DeKalb County participate in monthly meetings, leadership activities, and volunteer outreach to understand the need for philanthropy in DeKalb County. The youth are familiarized with the nonprofit sector and introduced to grantmaking. Through youth led meetings, the YEP committee learns to analyze grant applications and identify the potential impact on other youth in DeKalb County. YEP grants support projects and programs that implement the 40 Developmental Assets™ to grow more successful engaged youth in DeKalb County.


DeKalb Public Library

The DeKalb Public Library received a YEP grant in 2013 to help the library grow its “tween” (youth aged 10 – 14) book collection. Darcy Tatlock, the library’s Tween Coordinator, says, “Tweens are frequently overlooked as a group. They are not quite kids and not yet teens.” The YEP grant helped the library purchase books chosen by tweens to teach them their opinions matter and encourage them to read for fun. Tatlock explained, “Having an organization like Youth Engaged in Philanthropy support the library and what we are trying to do shows the public that young people understand the value of books, literacy, and having a safe welcoming place to go.”

YEP members Ryan Schultz, Michael Carlson, Tyler Schultz, and Austin Bockman were thrilled to find many books in the tween section with the YEP logo stamped inside. “It’s cool to see the books our YEP grant helped purchase,” said Carlson.

YEP Participants: 42 DeKalb County Youth from 5 high schools participated in YEP in 2013-2014 YEP is open to high school youth that reside anywhere in DeKalb County. Kelly Aves, Hiawatha Kate Barresi, Sycamore Austin Bockman, Sycamore Lizzie Briscoe, Sycamore Riley Brown, DeKalb Michael Carlson, DeKalb Erin Dewitt, Sycamore Kayla Doyle, Sycamore Kevin Dwyer, Sycamore Claire Emmert, Sycamore Gabriel Engstrom, DeKalb Alexa Farris, Sycamore Shania Gliesman, Sycamore Evan Guest, DeKalb Melissa Hanson, DeKalb Isabella Hayes, DeKalb Isabella Hepker, Sycamore Michael Hermes, Sycamore Galen Hughes, Genoa-Kingston Augustine Jesmer, DeKalb

Katelynn Lothson, DeKalb Kelly Marshall, Genoa-Kingston Jacob McArtor, DeKalb Andrew McComb, Sycamore Adam Millburg, Sycamore Robert Mitchell, Cornerstone Christian Academy Michael Mitchell, Cornerstone Christian Academy Maggie Rapp, DeKalb Katie Scarpa, Sycamore Ryan Schultz, DeKalb Tyler Schultz, DeKalb Drew Seneczko, DeKalb Trevor Simmons, Genoa-Kingston Aidan Simmons, Genoa-Kingston Mark Stice, Sycamore Moriah Stice, Sycamore Maddie Suter, DeKalb Cullin Suter, DeKalb Jake Swick, Sycamore Katie Thurlby, Genoa-Kingston Maddie White, Sycamore Craig Williams, Aurora Christian School

YEP members, Lizzie Briscoe, Austin Bockman, Moriah Stice, Jessica Lou, and Tyler Schultz, visit the DeKalb County Community Gardens Mayor’s Garden during a scavenger hunt at the YEP orientation. YEP granted $620 to build a children’s section in the garden. Bean pole tee pees and a small hay maze are intended to teach children that gardening can be fun and beneficial to families in need.

YEP meets once per month and is open to any high school student that resides in DeKalb County. The youth pictured above are participating in a game led by AdventureWorks of DeKalb County to improve their teamwork and leadership skills.

For a list of all YEP grants awarded in 2014 and more information about YEP, visit: Click on the YEP logo on the lower right!



In 2008, the Village of Somonauk received a $4,000 grant to start Somonauk Summer Fest; an annual fundraiser to support Somonauk Park. The next year, Somonauk Summer Fest was granted $10,600 to purchase bleachers and tables to use during the festival and year round. In 2014, they received a $5,000 grant to pave a walking path around the park. Scott Merrill, Chairman of the Somonauk Summer Fest Committee said, “The DCCF grant five years ago was exactly the amount we needed. Without that contribution, the Festival may not have been able to get started.” Now the festival is a revered annual event that includes a tractor pull, children’s play area, and live band. The DCCF grant funds helped purchase lasting assets for the Village Somonauk. Becky Morphey, Village Trustee shared, “DCCF took a great chance on Somonauk Summer Fest. It not only helped financially but helped pull a community together to create a yearly income for the park.” She continued, “The Fest has not only been a financial success and brought the Village park budget out of a deficit, it has brought the community’s residents, business, churches and organizations together. DCCF has been a part of it all. Thank you DCCF!”


Somonauk Summer Fest received grants to benefit Somonauk Park and Somonauk Summer Fest in 2008, 2009, and 2014.

The funds purchased lasting assets like bleachers, tables, and path pavement.

Little Seeds Nature Library at Russell Woods Forest Preserve

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District is nearing the 20th anniversary of its Little Seeds Nature Library at the Natural Resource Center in the Russell Woods Forest Preserve. In 1995, the DCCF granted $5,000 to fund the creation of the library. A thank you note from Rhodora Hagemeyer, the library’s Natural Resources Education Coordinator in 1995, stated, “The library has proved to be a wonderful addition to the Center! It has been a delight to watch people of all ages settle in with the books or puzzles and stay for an afternoon.” The library is still in operation today. The room has undergone some slight aesthetic changes, but its purpose is still helping children and families appreciate DeKalb County’s nature and wildlife.



The Little Seeds Nature Library has been teaching and entertaining children and families for almost 20 years.

Barb Food Mart

Families within the DeKalb School District have a new resource for food and disposable goods. Barb Food Mart is a food pantry that provides its patrons with a grocery store atmosphere. Visitors walk through aisles of food and select items their family will enjoy. To utilize the pantry, individuals must have a child enrolled in the DeKalb School District. The DeKalb County Community Foundation granted $5,000 in 2013 to help the pantry purchase an industrial freezer and shelving units. Sheryl Nakonechny, Pantry Co-coordinator says, “Barb Food Mart is grateful for the support of DCCF! This grant provides us with much needed cold storage and shelving so that we can maintain more stock in between the twice-a-month food deliveries.” Volunteers enjoy their time and sort food to be distributed at Barb Food Mart.


COMMUNITY STEWARDSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF CHARLES C. ROBERTS Charlie Roberts and Richard Ryan had a long-standing friendship and business relationship at DEKALB AgResearch and successor company, DEKALB Genetics. Rich created the Community Stewardship Fund in Memory of Charles C. Roberts following Charlie’s death in 2005. He felt it was important to honor Charlie with this gift for a few reasons. Charlie Roberts was not only a strong believer in the community stewardship concept, but Rich also greatly admired the fact that Charlie and his wife Mary provided the initial major gift that led to the founding of the DeKalb County Community Foundation in 1993. This Unrestricted Fund is an endowment that meets a wide range of needs for organizations throughout DeKalb County. Rich, a former DCCF Board Member, not only wanted to help grow the unrestricted endowment asset base of the Community Foundation, but also saw his gift as a catalyst to motivate other people and organizations to start Funds with the DCCF. He put forward a match challenge so that he would add additional funds to his Fund as other new Funds were created with the Foundation. The result of Rich’s philanthropy in memory of his friend and colleague is a Fund that provides approximately $20,000 every year that the DCCF Board uses to meet community needs throughout DeKalb County. Rich has left a legacy of giving to DeKalb County by investing in our collective quality of life for decades to come.


The Foundation provided the services he needed to meet his goals. Hundreds of donors have found the Foundation to be the perfect solution to meet their needs while feeling good about ‘giving back’ to the community they love. Donors can create

Charlie Roberts stands by the iconic DEKALB flying ear sign. (ca. 1972) Photo courtesy of DeKalb Area Agricultural Heritage Association

Rich Ryan Funds that benefit their favorite organizations, causes, or, like Rich, support a wide range of organizations throughout the County. How can the DCCF help you meet your philanthropic goals? “We are grateful to Rich for starting the Community Stewardship Fund in Memory of Charles C. Roberts. Additional contributions are welcomed and will grow this important Fund and continue Rich’s goal of honoring Charlie for his humble stewardship.” – Dan Templin, Executive Director

RONALD G. KLEIN COMMUNITY FUND Ron Klein ‘retired’ after 50 years in law practice at the end of 2013. Ron has a truly unique role here at the Community Foundation, having been the ‘go to’ person for Charlie and Mary Roberts, serving as the first Foundation President after helping officially set us up with the IRS, and continuing to play an active role in supporting the Foundation as a donor, serving on the DCCF Presidents Council, and referring potential donors to us when appropriate. Ron’s contributions to a number of non-profit organizations through his Board service and financial contributions exemplify philanthropy. Among his many leadership roles: ● ● ● ●

● ●

Founding member of the DeKalb County Estate Planning Council First president of the NIU Friends of the Library President of the DeKalb County Historical & Genealogical Society Board member of the DeKalb County Chapter of the American Red Cross Board member of the Kish Health System Foundation Provided leadership in many more charitable and professional organizations. If we listed them all, this story would go much longer!

Ron has established a few different charitable endowment funds with the DCCF over the years, designed to match his philanthropic interests in specific areas of interest in DeKalb County. To show our appreciation, the DCCF Board of Directors and staff felt that it would be fitting to recognize Ron in a special way in light of our mission. We recently created the Ronald G. Klein Community Fund in honor of his many accomplishments. This Fund is an Unrestricted Fund, and will be here ‘For Good. For Ever.’ to provide grants to a broad range of organizations throughout DeKalb County for generations to come!

Ron Klein

Photo courtesy of Barry Schrader

This Fund seems a fitting tribute to Ron Klein’s role in the Foundation’s story as well as his influence throughout the County. Contributions can be made to grow this Fund from anyone who would like to honor Ron for his many years of dedicated service to our quality of life. “Thank you, Ron, for enriching our lives through your professional and personal contributions and your on-going Community Stewardship!” – Tim Suter, Board President


DONORS Undesignated Bothe Family Endowment Fund Joseph & Robin Bothe Chris and Katherine Boulos Foundation Fund Stephen R. and Betty L. Brown Endowment Fund J.W. Buckner Fund Jerome and Blanche Cerny Undesignated Fund Community Stewardship Fund in Memory of Charles C. Roberts See page 20 for the story of this Fund created by Richard Ryan. DeKalb County Building and Development Association Endowment Fund DeKalb County Community Endowment Fund Adolph Miller Real Estate Marlin & Phyllis Anderson Rodney & Joyce Angotti Larry & Nancy Apperson Edward Arndt & Nancy Noel Mary Bell Colin & Deborah Booth Robert Brayfield James & Joan Briscoe Thomas & Sandra Brotcke James & Karen Buck Dean Burgemeister Jo Burke


Jerry Busby Cynthia & Ed Capek Ron Cerutti Bob Connor Gloria Cook Richard & Thecla Cooler John & Cheryl Countryman William & Julenne Davey Harold Engh John & Ann Engstrom Robert & Christa Even First United Methodist Church Steven & Michele Glasgow Beatrice Glawe Dorothy Goodrich Dan & Lisa Gudmunson Robert & Shirley Hamill Daniel & Karen Hamingson Howard Heidlauf Chad & Mary Ann Henry Rosalie Hewitt Richard & Barbara Holland Gale & James Horn Kathleen Hott Greg & Sherri Howells Barbara Hulseberg Leonard & Elaine Johnson Richard Joslin David & Suzanne Juday Reva Jungst Mildred Kaczmerek Anne Kaplan Janice Kinczewski Patricia Knudsen Lisbeth Krogman Kenneth Krueger

Curtis & Karen Lang Michael Larson Bernard & Maureen Looney Patrick & Karen Manning Carolyn Massey Joel & Helen Maurer Rick & Vicki Maurer James McInnes Lane & Virginia McMillion Carol Meyer Michella Miller Kristina Misic William & Josephine Monat Douglas & Susan Moore Margaret Moulton NB&T Ross & Roberta Niebergall Nicholas Noe Greg & Mary Luan Olson Mark & Kathy Overby Chester & Janet Palmer Joseph & Margaret Pasteris Ronald & Barbara Pearson Power Equipment Company Stephen Reid Burton & Eleanor Rempfer Ruth Rolf Edward & Debra Rosenow Robert & Linda Russell Robert Schramer Roger & Jenny Scott Robert & Lois Self William & Pauline Shearer Ivan & Judith Shils Robert & Shipman Siepert & Co. Team Members

Ina Simon James & Judith Sisler Sisler’s Ice, Inc. Sharon Skala Craig & Linda Stevenson Clement & Anne Stiely Jr. James & Marcia Stoddard Paul & Marilyn Stromborg Roy Talbot Daniel & Kristal Templin Ruth Tsotsis Patricia Vary Carl & Paula VonEnde Paul & Janice Weber Denise Weinmann Tim & Jennifer Weiss Roland & Gert Wylde Jerrold & Carol Zar George E. and Betty B. Dutton Undesignated Fund George E. Dutton and Betty B. Dutton Foundation Emergency Undesignated Fund Ronald G. Klein Community Fund* Honoring the DCCF’s first Board President, this Fund builds the quality of life throughout DeKalb County. Joan & Thomas Fenstermaker Kevin & Denice McArtor Averil Schreiber Daniel & Kristal Templin Gordon and Lucy Melms Fund DCCF Annual Operating Fund Jerry & Helen Augsburger Abraham & Elizabeth Bass *New fund started during 2013/2014

Gerald & Sue Bemis Patricia Brown Beatrice Bue Bud & Debra Burgin Nancy Castle Marlin & Marilyn Chaplin Carol Cleveland W. Dean Copple & Laverna Johnson Cosentino Law Firm, LLC Maddie Dwyer Elburn Cooperative Davada Emmert Mary Lou & Philip Eubanks Brian Grysiewicz V. Haish Mark & Sarah Hilde Herbert & Linda Holderman Jeff Kowalski & Mary Fleming Mary & Robert Krupp Law Office of Charles G. Rose Estate of John Leifheit Gerald & Mary Lynn McArtor Bill & Joy McMahon Kenneth & Juanita Mundy Charles Rose Betsy Smith Thomas & Laurie Sodaro James & Marcia Stoddard Daniel & Kristal Templin Gayle Thistlethwaite Kurt & Jeanine Thurmaier Forrest Troyer Estelle Von Zellen Kevin & Robyn White

Charles W. Otto Undesignated Fund NB&T Charles and Mary Roberts Family Endowment Fund Edward and Bonita Seymour Fund Sally Stevens Community Fund Sally Stevens Albert Kerby and Helene Tink Fund Richard and Carol Ubl Fund Rodney A. and Dorothy Thiele Wright Fund First United Methodist Church

Donor Advised Michael C. Brown Memorial Endowment Fund Charles & Martha Brown Timothy & Ann Lehan NB&T James & Judith Schneider Curran Family Endowment Fund Jim Dionisopoulos & Tana Knetsch Fund James Dionisopoulos & Tana Knetsch Joseph & Karen Grush Horizons Unlimited Castle Advised Fund Tom and Barbara Hulseberg Fund Barbara Hulseberg Johns Family Donor Advised Fund Laurie Elish-Piper Jerry & Annette Johns E. T. and Jean Juday Donor Advised Fund

Keleher Family Endowment Fund Larson Family Fund Donna & John Larson Karsten Larson Fund W. Bruce Lincoln Memorial Fund Robert and Phyllis Miller Family Fund Bill and Bonnie Mullins Family Endowment Fund Marjorie A. Nelson Memorial Fund Promise/El Fondo De La Promesa Fund Jerry and Ging Smith Family Fund Francis and Marjory Stroup Community Endowment Fund Sycamore Containers Advised Fund Mary Uscian Health Care Access Endowment Fund Nicholas Santangelo Nicholas Noe David & Vickie Klick Steven Greenfield & Darryl Block Katherine Kennedy-Kartheiser Michon Eads Mary Uscian Health Care Impact Fund Thomas Warren & Friends Fund Jay & Sandy Rud Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation Fund David & Nancy Wirsing Community Fund Patricia Woodstrup Family Endowment Fund

Raymond Larsen Donor Advised Fund

Field of Interest Charter Grove Grange #1843 Fund Clifford and Marjorie Danielson Fund Jane Danielson Anne Pick Barbara Young Daycare for Children in DeKalb County Fund DeKalb County Youth Grantmakers Fund Anonymous Lawrence & Donna Asselborn Donald & Janice Benson Ben & Valerie Bingle Steve & Christine DeVlieger Joan & Thomas Fenstermaker Tim & Tracey Michel Penny Rosenow Janet Hack Animal Welfare Endowment Fund Ronald and Karen Klein Endowment Fund Ronald Klein Conservation and Wildlife Fund Rowland and Lucile Matteson Elderly Assistance Fund The September 11 Fund Charles and Ruth Townsend Family Fund Farny R. Wurlitzer Fund


DONORS Field of InterestCommunity Works William H. & Mary M. Awalt CommunityWorks Fund Kathy Aichele Castle Bank CommunityWorks Fund Nancy D. Castle CommunityWorks Fund Tony and Micki Chulick CommunityWorks Fund Cinco de Mayo CommunityWorks Fund CommunityWorks Fund Lynne Waldeland CommunityWorks Leadership Endowment Fund Kenneth and Jane Dargatz Curran CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Steven and Patricia Faivre CommunityWorksFund Dr. Gordon and Joan Graham CommunityWorksFund Lana and Michael Haines CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Lana and Michael Haines Jerry and Annette Johns CommunityWorks Fund


Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club in honor of 2013 Service & Leadership Award recipients Amy Polzin and Bill Finucane Karen Lee Klein CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Michael Klein and Toni Taggart Ronald Klein Bill and Bonnie Mullins CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Howard and Martha Mullins Memorial CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Northern Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine CommunityWorks Fund Robert and Mary Pritchard CommunityWorks Endowment Fund Noel and Margaret Allison Barbara J. Rauman Family CommunityWorks Fund Daniel and Kristal Templin CommunityWorks Endowment Fund

Donor Designated Administrative Endowment Fund A & P Grain Systems, James & Paula Bryner Roger & Ginny Carlson Rodney & Diane McQueen Lou Jean Moyer

Juliane Rhodes Richard & Anastasia Stipher George & Mary Jane Suter Anita Zurbrugg Aikins Theatre Arts Award Fund John & Janet Yount Adra W. Baker Gallagher Fund J. Barr Designated Endowment Fund Bertram Animal Shelter Endowment Fund John G. Boyle Oak Crest Scholarship Fund Joan Helen & Thomas Hancock Lillian S. Boynton Library Book Endowment Fund Lillian S. Boynton Memorial Fund Joseph and Evelyn Bussone Endowment Fund Children’s Learning Center Fund Tony and Micki Chulick Community Leadership Fund Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C) Fund Court Appointed Special Advocate Endowment (CASA) Fund William & Julenne Davey Coveny and Whalen Family Endowment Fund Anna Marie Coveny DeKalb Area Women’s Center Endowment Fund M. Joan Popp DeKalb Bicentennial Fund

DeKalb County 4-H Foundation Fund DCCF Leadership Administrative Fund John & Barbara Nelson DeKalb County Excellence in Education Award Fund Ronald & Jan Peabody Yvonne Johnson Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club DeKalb Leadership Academy Community Fund DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Tim Dunlop Administrative Endowment Fund Ellwood House Museum Fund Lawrence & Carmeda Gregory Gerald & Cheryl Brauer Jerry & Annette Johns Ellwood House Museum Floyd Flowers Family Service Agency Endowment Fund Harriett Flowers Charlie and Patty Foster Community Leadership Fund Patricia & Charles Foster Milo and Elizabeth George Fund Joseph F. Glidden Homestead and Historical Center Fund The Growing Place, Inc. Endowment Fund David E. Hall Memorial Endowment Fund Walter E. Hauswald Science Education Endowment Fund *New fund started during 2013/2014

Hope Haven Endowment Fund Howey-Guilinger Memorial Endowment Fund Indian Creek Education Foundation Endowment Fund Vera John Endowment Fund Roland & Gert Wylde Joiner History Room Endowment Fund Ann Marie Babich Harry & D. Marilyn Berg Patrick Brennan Sarah & R.H. Hopkins Stephen Jakes Patsy & William Lundberg Lisa Parts Anne Pick JoAnn & Scott Pumroy Kenneth & Paula Spengler David & Susan Watterson Warren Young Alex Kelm Memorial Endowment Fund Bernice Kendall Memorial Fund Nana & William Kendall Kermit and Bernice Kirkus Fund Kishwaukee College Horticulture Fund Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club Community Leadership Fund Elizabeth Hampa Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra Fund Anonymous Donor Helen Abben

Doug Baker & Dana Stover Elizabeth Bass Frank & Marilyn Bazeli Deborah & Colin Booth Rodney Borstad Thomas & Patricia Conway Judge & Mrs. John W. Countryman Luz Van Cromphout Dawn Equipment Company Kathleen Dust Mary Lou & Philip Eubanks Melissa & Brendon Gallagher Norm & Marion Gilbert Shirley Hamilton-Nehring Wenke Hansen Katherine Hart Barbara Hulseberg Clinton Jesser Jerry & Annette Johns Steven A. Johnson William C. Johnson Yvonne A. Johnson Cara & Brandon Jovanovich Dan Kenney & Maylan Dunn-Kenney Marguerite Key Toni & Charles Krull Kishwaukee Symphony Associates Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra Brain Reis & Mary Beth LaClair Beverley N. Lane Michael Larson Henry & Eva Marie Leonard Linda K. Liston Jacki & Gary McLaughlin Thomas & Joan Meagher

Michella Miller Marilyn Montzka Gretchen & Charles Moore Clark & Arlene Neher Barbara S. North Eleanor Pasquale Joseph & Margaret Pasteris Eugene & Joan Perry, Jr. Linda & Brad Pietens Robert & Mary Pritchard James & Sandra Quiram Diana F. Racine Rosemary Ramsey Gordon & Virgina Rasmussen Albert Resis John & Marjorie Rey Carol & Ruth Rolf Ruth Rolf Philip & Jennifer Ruff Morley & Maureen Russell DiAnne E. Schmitt Averil E. Schreiber Linda Schwarz Barbara & Tex Sherman Martha Shur Richard Siegesmund & Brigitta Hangartner David & Karen Sinason David & Lynn Slater Ging & Jerry Smith George & Elaine Spencer Norman & Carolyn Stahl Judy Steinegeweg Sally Stevens Dan, Kristal, Erin, & Luke Templin

Rod & Kathy Thomas James & Ann Tucker James Tucker Sophia Varcados Patricia Vary Priscilla (Lolly) Voss Mary Ann Wines Jerrold & Carol Zar Anita Zurbrugg Kishwaukee United Way Endowment Fund Robert and Mary Krupp Donor Designated Fund Virginia Larsen Fund Rowland and Lucile Matteson Kishwaukee College Fund Midwest Museum of Natural History Endowment Fund Yvonne Johnson Steve and Janice Milner Fund Bill & Bonnie Mullins Administrative Endowment Fund NB&T Community Fund NIU Hillel Fund Jerry L. Johns Literacy Clinic Endowment Fund Richard & Kathleen Katz William & Barbara Abromitis Ann Marie Babich Jack & Susan Barshinger David & Roberta Berglund Charles & Bobette Dodson Richard Egel


DONORS Laurie Hale Breck & Nancy Hanson Lee & Susan Hinrichs Jerry & Annette Johns Kathleen Kouba Susan Lenski Mary Jane & Kenning McFee Donna Zelisko-McLaughlin James & Dianne Moss Wayne & Jill Plaza Kenneth & Tamera Potts David & Marjorie Ripley Roger & Mary Ellen Sanders Harry & Mona Theisen E. Faith Vandermar Marilyn Walach Northern Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine DCCF Administrative Fund Oak Crest Good Samaritan Endowment Fund Bob and Mary Pritchard Community Leadership Fund Elizabeth Bradt Reed Memorial Endowment Fund John and Betty Roberts Community Foundation Administrative Fund Frank & Susan Roberts Anne Krause Charles & Cristine Roberts Thomas & Teresa Roberts


Ryan Family Education Endowment Fund Jerry Smith Community Foundation Fund Sycamore Public Library Community Fund TAILS Endowment Fund Bill Frazier Raymond Tourville Illinois Foreign Language Teacher Fund Robert and Norma Wildenradt Community Leadership Fund Guyla Winebrener Oak Crest Scholarship Fund Voluntary Action Center Fund

Agency Altrusa Club – Daily Chronicle Literacy Fund Ben Gordon Center Foundation Fund Beulah & Roberta Hackett SEF Endowment Fund* To provide equipment for Sycamore schools, as determined by the Sycamore Education Foundation. Sycamore Education Foundation DeKalb Area Agricultural Heritage Association, Inc. Allan & Ruth Aves Richard & Connie Bohling Dr. Sherret Chase Frank & Sue Culbertson Doug & Nancy Dashner

DeKalb Area Agricultural Heritage Association, Inc. Endowment Fund Jeff & Nancy Kjellander Ann Koski Lauri Koski Larry & Jane Mix Daryl & Paula Rolland Thomas Tsotsis DeKalb Barb Boosters Endowment Fund DeKalb County Animal Welfare League* To provide unrestricted supplemental operating support to the DeKalb County Animal Welfare League, Inc. DeKalb County Animal Welfare League, Inc. DeKalb County Forest Preserve Endowment Fund DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation Endowment Fund Elsie Sanford DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation DeKalb Education Foundation Fund DeKalb Education Foundation DeKalb First United Methodist Church Fund DeKalb First United Methodist Foundation First United Methodist Church DeKalb Park District Endowment Fund

DeKalb Public Library Endowment Fund Abraham & Elizabeth Bass Gary & Patricia Cordes Beverly & Pigott Betsy & Smith Jeff & Mary Lu Strack Gurler Heritage Association Endowment Fund John & Jennifer Maxson Jacob Haish Memorial Hospital Endowment Fund Kishwaukee Family YMCA Endowment Fund North Grove School Preservation Fund in Memory of Kenneth Marsh Open Door Founder’s Fund Open Door Rehabilitation Center Opportunity House Endowment Fund RAMP Endowment Fund Robert & Mary Pritchard Sandwich Fair Association Fund William Meyer Sandwich Fair Association, Inc. Edward Watne Somonauk Education Foundation Endowment Fund Somonauk Education Foundation Stage Coach Players Fund Dawn Green Jerry & Annette Johns

*New fund started during 2013/2014

Sycamore Education Foundation Fund Sycamore Education Foundation Sycamore Park District Endowment Fund Sycamore Sports Boosters Endowment Fund Wirtz Family Foundation Fund DeKalb Education Foundation

Scholarship Christopher E. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund David & Ellen Anderson Kelly & Jee Brandes Kane Brandes Timothy & Ann Lehan Joan Greening Emma Anderson Fund Emma Anderson Trust Kevin Ballantine Memorial Scholarship Fund David Ballantine & Diane DeMers David & Susie Changnon Joseph Conklin Maria Roman Bobcat Scholarship Fund Alvin & Myrtie Warren Marvin and Gladys Bridger Scholarship Lois L. Callahan Scholarship Fund Barbara Cummings Memorial Scholarship Fund DeKalb County 4-H Scholarship Fund

DeKalb County Dental Society Fund Todd Curtis Frederick D. Peltz DeKalb High School Class of ‘63 Scholarship Fund William & Jacqueline Buehring Ron & Kathy Burright Jean Carlson Jim & Carol Dooley Doug & Pam Glader Rhonda Gorenz-Macy Richard & Carol Horan Robert & Joyce Janssen Arnold & Evelyn Kupec Patricia McKinley James & Lynne Morel Elizabeth Scarbough Marvin & Maryann Wolverton Fizz Ehrler Automotive Technology Scholarship Fund Turning Back Time Car Show Keith and Viella Glidden Scholarship Fund Julie Eggert Haka Memorial Scholarship Fund Joel Haka Michael Heimerdinger Scholarship Fund Barbara Swisher Holland (‘55) & Richard C. Holland Fund Jerry and Annette Johns Future Teachers Scholarship Fund Peter L. Johnson Scholarship Fund

Rhoda Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund Michelle Jouris Memorial Scholarship Fund Bonita & Gene Ruder Donald D. Kendall Fund Nana & William Kendall Kiwanis Club of DeKalb Scholarship Fund Jim Morel Emmette and Kathleen Land Memorial Scholarship Fund Deborah & Martin Buckley Justin & Amy Land Meredith Land & Richard Machin A. Raymond and Lois H. (Sohne) Linden Scholarship Fund Anonymous Donor Candice & Walter Chaffee Joseph & Elegie LoCascio Scholarship Fund* To contribute to the educational expenses of a graduating senior from DeKalb High School who has shown outstanding dedication to the art of creative writing. Karen Akens Roberto Barresi Paul Belcher Cameron Campbell Cynthia Crawford Patricia & George Henry Jitka Hurych Michael & Toni Klein Margaret Knight

Felicia Korengel Photine Liakos Michael Locascio Michael & Annette LoCascio Ed Marsh Elizabeth Marsh Aiza Mbaye Anne Marie Moss Jeff & Mary Ann Nash Erick Neher Katharine Parham Ellen Posledni Richard Powers Orrin & Linda Schwarz Philippe Shils Ivan & Judith Shils Lisa Stach Stanley & Ann Trail Jay Wellman Katharine Wiegele Mary Wiegele Jerrold & Carol Zar Donald C. Mack Scholarship Fund Terry and Sherrie Martin Scholarship Fund Malta Lions Club Scholarship Fund Phyllis Cunningham Malta Lions Club Rowland and Lucile Matteson DeKalb High School Scholarship Fund Wayne McIlrath Family Scholarship Fund Jeffrey Rosenberg


DONORS John D. Meier Memorial Scholarship Fund Madeline Middleton Memorial Scholarship Evelyn S. Nelson Scholarship Fund Marybeth O’Brien McGill Scholarship Fund Lance McGill Harland L. and Mable Orr Memorial Scholarship Fund Palmer Family Music Education Scholarship Fund Robert & Dianne Donaldson Anonymous Donor Ronald & Kathy Modell Gary & Barbara Palmer Jerrold & Carol Zar Dorothy M. Elliott Memorial Fund Rebecca (Becky) Parker Scholarship Fund Eleanor Anglin Price Scholarship Fund Thomas R. Rauman Memorial Scholarship Fund Donald & Rosemary Redmond Fund* To contribute to the educational expenses of a graduating senior from Sycamore High School. Juliane Rhodes


Renaissance Education Scholarship Fund Yvonne Johnson Edwin “Skinny” Riippi Memorial Scholarship Fund Doris Riippi Mildred Sulaver Jolynn Wisted Rogers Memorial Scholarship Fund Sharon L. Rosenow Memorial Scholarship Fund Edward & Debra Rosenow Christopher David Sanderson Memorial Scholarship Fund William G. Schinske Memorial Scholarship Fund Ann Schinske Kay & William Tallyn Gilbert ‘Gib’ Seegers Science Scholarship Fund Robert & Evelyn Berning Paul Buzzell Gloria Durr Driv-Lok, Inc. Arlene Ehlers Scott Erbe Dale Evans Helen Kaiser Floyd Mary Funkhouser Elaine Johnson Brett Larsen Wayne Lyford Eric & Cindy Mahan Carolyn Peterson

Bob & Rolanda Price Gerald Sanderson Gary & Joanne Seegers Marcy Sellner LeaAnn Skogsberg Judy Wittrock David & Patricia Wittrock Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John - Ladies Aid Roy W. “Smitty” and Cora E. “Cody” Smith Football Scholarship Fund Kathleen and Kenneth Spears Scholarship Fund Kenneth & Kathleen Spears Beatrice M. Stankus Memorial Scholarship Fund Dave Stoddard Memorial Scholarship Fund Richard & Candi Anderson Paul W. Augustine Harry & D. Marilyn Berg Bob Kyler Excavating Ryan Bourdages Michael Davis Barbara Dewitt Stephen Franklin Michael Grossmann Adam Katz Jeff Keicher Thomas Leese Barry & Jan Melton Jim Morel Thomas & Nancy Plote

Robert & Mary Pritchard William Scholl Sandra Splansky Ken & Dorothy Stoddard Christopher Taylor Steven Streb Memorial Scholarship Fund Charlotte Sundly Memorial Scholarship Fund Sycamore Masonic Lodge Scholarship Fund Barry Robert Totty Memorial Scholarship Fund Terry & Diane Parkhouse James “Jimmy” Vaughn Scholarship Fund Harold P. Wells Scholarship Fund

Pass Through Axletree Fund* To support charitable community based projects that are consistent with the mission and services of Axletree. Cortland Community Pass Through Fund DeKalb County Estate Planning Council Fund* To provide educational opportunities for estate planning professionals in DeKalb County. DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership Pass Through Fund

*New fund started during 2013/2014

Farm Bureau for University Extension DeKalb County Unit Pass Through Fund IHSA Football Championship/ Destination DeKalb Fund Peter L. Johnson Tribute Fund Kiwanis Club of DeKalb Impact Fund* To support special charitable projects of the Kiwanis International Foundation. Kiwanis Club of KishwaukeeDeKalb Charitable Impact Fund* To support charitable projects of Kiwanis International Foundation and other organizations as deemed appropriate. Mister Pumpkin Pass Through Fund Spinoso Masters Scholarship Fund Sycamore Train Depot Pass Through Fund Wally Thurow Tribute Fund

In Honor of:

In Memory of:

Amanda Christensen Mary Currie Nelson James Jerry and Annette Johns 50th Anniversary Jerry and Annette Johns Mark Kerman Karen Lee Klein Ron Klein Jack and Barbara Nelson Dr. John W. Ovitz, Jr. Dee Palmer Anne Danielson Pick Ken & Jane Pigott Mark Stice Moriah Stice

Christopher Altier Christopher Anderson Mariam Anderson Marilyn Augsburger Betty Brayfield Michael Brown James Edward “Jimmer” Busby Raymond Cook O.J. Cunningham Marjorie & Clifford Danielson Floyd Flowers Vera John Eric & Karin Johnson Phyllis Kelley Virginia Knetsch Edward Kussler Mary Jo Kussler Kathleen and Emmette Land Mary S. Larson Louis & Audrey Meyer Gingie Noe Charles H. Orr Dr. John W. Ovitz, Jr. Doris & Cassius Poust Eleanor Price Edwin “Skinny” Riipi Thomas & Nancy Roberts Melvin “Curl” Sanford Agnes Seegers Ivan & Maxine Stoddard Wally Thurow Jeff Trail Mary Uscian




Long-standing Board Members Tim Dunlop, Larry Bolles, and Lana Haines retired at the end of 2013. They each served a total of nine years on the Foundation Board. Dean Lundeen, who served the Foundation for three years, also retired from the Board. We thank them for their outstanding service and contributions. We welcome Latricia Dawkins, LaVerne Gyant, Dava Stover and Dick Underwood who joined us in early 2014.

Dan, Barb, Becky, Anita Dan Templin Latricia Dawkins DeKalb

LaVerne Gyant DeKalb

Dana Stover DeKalb

Dick Underwood Somonauk

Stew·ard·ship (stü- rd-ship): The careful and responsible management e

of something entrusted to one’s care (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

The Foundation is governed by a diverse and representative Board of twenty-one volunteer members chosen for their knowledge about the needs of our community and for their involvement in broad-based charitable and community activities Our Board oversees the transparent investment and management of charitable funds for individuals, families, non-profit organizations and corporate donors while approving all grants distributed from the Foundation


Professional Staff work with many stakeholders to ensure the mission of the Foundation is met

Executive Director Anita Zurbrugg

Program Director Becky Zantout

Grants & Community Initiatives Manager Barb King

Administrative Manager

A Note of Thanks: Special acknowledgement to Trittenhaus Design and Castle PrinTech for the production of this Annual Report. Thanks also to Womack Photography and Kyler Photography.


Marcy Billington Kingston

Larry Bolles DeKalb

Kevin Buick Sycamore

Amie Carey Hinckley

Micki Chulick DeKalb

Tim Dunlop DeKalb

Patricia Foster Shabbona

Kevin Fuss DeKalb

Kristina Garcia Sycamore

Marcia Goodrich DeKalb

Lana Haines Kingston

Alethia Hummel Sandwich

Donna Larson Sycamore

Dean Lundeen Somonauk

Kevin McArtor Malta

Charles McCormick Sycamore

Frank Roberts DeKalb

Penny Rosenow DeKalb

Tim Suter DeKalb

Donna Turner Kirkland

Beth White Waterman


“The new Board’s enthusiasm and hard work gives us confidence that our decision to start the DeKalb County Community Foundation was a good one. However, the true evaluation will be if donors of all size potential are attracted to the concept. We very much hope so.” – Charlie and Mary Roberts, 1993

475 DeKalb Ave. Sycamore, IL 60178 815-748-5383

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in DeKalb County by proactively addressing community needs and expanding, managing, and distributing philanthropic resources. Thank you Charlie and Mary! – DeKalb County Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations

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