Outlook 2011

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Featuring Business Profiles from the North and South Peace

Outlook 2011

Outlook 2011



Outlook 2011

Helpful Information For Tax Time from Lake View Credit Union A battle of choices...TFSA vs. RRSP. Is there a clear-cut winner? For most people, the ideal strategy is usually a combination of the two. When deciding which, it comes down to two main factors: First, what your marginal tax rate is today, versus what it’s going to be after you retire. Second, what you use your tax refund for. How you use your RRSP tax refund is a really big part of the planning strategy. Most Canadians tend to spend their refunds. For the best results, however, you can either reinvest that refund into an

RESP or TFSA or follow a gross-up strategy. For example. let’s say you are receiving $10,000 in share dividends in late February. After the taxman takes his share, you’re left with just $6,000 after tax. But, if you were to borrow $4,000 and make a $10,000 contribution to your RRSP, you’ll get $4,000 as your refund, and you repay the loan. An RRSP can only keep up with the TFSA if you top-up every single year. If you retire at the same tax bracket as you are now, the RRSP is 10% behind the TFSA.

For people in a higher income bracket now, the RRSP is generally the better option - but it still depends on many factors. While a TFSA may not offer much benefit now, it can be very useful as part of your retirement strategy, because you won’t pay tax when you withdraw those funds - and in the event of your death, your estate won’t incur taxes on that money. Remember - every situation is different, so seek professional help before deciding.

How much is enough...how much do you need to retire? Is there still time? The most popular question asked of financial planners has to be “How much do I need to retire?”And the frustrating answer you’ll get is “It depends.” There are so many variables that change, and that makes it difficult if not impossible to come up with a number that works for everyone. Many “experts” suggest starting at 50 to 70% of your current income - and how far that will get you really depends on those annoying variables.

Do you own your home? Do you have other real estate holdings? What age do you want to retire at? How old are you now? How much do you have put away? What rate are you saving at? And even that’s not the end. What are your plans for retirement? Do you want to travel? Can you go from 2 cars to 1? Are you expecting money from an inheritance? Will you work part-time or casually? Each of these questions and many more can

have. a huge impact on when, and how, you retire. Regardless of where you are at and where you want to end up, keep saving. Every dollar puts you closer to that magical number you’ve been looking for. It’s your future - and it’s important to get some professional advice before making decisions that can impact your future.

You don’t need to BE rich to GET rich - just make saving part of your plan Remember that old line “you have to spend money to make money”? Well, it’s not entirely true. Many people think financial planning is only there if you have money to invest. Nothing could be further from the truth. Financial planning is a process where you lay out all the parts of your finances, and then you work with the planner to find ways to make your financial dreams a reality. Step One of the process is going to be to pay yourself first.

Not very disciplined about saving? You’ll find a pre-authorized savings plan may be a great fit. You set up the plan to take money automatically from your chequing account on payday and transfer it to a savings plan. Depending on your particular needs, your planner can recommend how much money you should be saving and what type of account will work best for you. Most people who haven’t started savings say that they have no money left to put away. So, Step Two is going to be to evaluate your spending and find ways to cut a little bit here and there.

It will take some discipline to cut corners, but it can be done. Eat out less. No stops for a mochachino on the way to work. Read magazines at the library instead of buying them. Skip the lottery line. Walk more and drive less. See, it’s the little things that add up. Finally, set a savings goal. If you know what you get when you hit your goal, it makes it easier to stay on track. Whether it’s furniture or paying off a credit card, you’ll feel great when you make it happen.

Using Canada’s tax splitting rules can produce big tax savings If your retirement plans include a spouse (whether married or common-law), any good financial planner will share some form of income-splitting scenarios with you. Let’s look at some here: Pension Income Splitting Married and common-law couples living in Canada are able to transfer (on paper) up to 50% of one spouse's annual pension income to the other. The objective is to reduce the taxable income of the partner in the higher tax bracket and increase the taxable income of the spouse in the lower bracket. So, as a couple, your overall taxes are

lower, and both of you may qualify for a pension income tax credit. You can also transfer the pro-rated withholding taxes deducted from the transferred pension income to the spouse receiving the transfer. This ensures that you don’t end up with one spouse getting a large refund while the other has a big tax bill. Spousal RRSPs This still remains as a solid strategy. The higher income earner makes contributions to an RRSP owned by a spouse- the beneficiary-and receives the tax deduction. Withdrawals from the RRSP are then taxed at the lower rate of the spouse.

And, while the higher income earner cannot keep contributing after age 71, they can still contribute to a spousal RRSP if the spouse is 71 or less. There are other tax saving opportunities, such as the TFSA, spousal loans and expense sharing. That’s why it makes good sense to sit with your financial planner and a tax advisor to take advantage of tax savings available to you.


Outlook 2011


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You may want to look at a more qualified source. No

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Outlook 2011

Message from Peace River South MLA Mayor Blair Lekstrom As we look forward to the opportunities and challenges of 2011 we need to always keep in mind how fortunate we are to call the beautiful Peace country our home. We are beginning to see a turnaround in the global economy which over the past 18 to 24 months has had such a negative impact on people around the world. Although we in the Peace were not immune to the global economic meltdown that occurred, I believe we came through better than most and that speaks volumes about the people and businesses who call our area home. We see the oil and gas sector, the mining sector and the forest industry moving forward and creating many opportunities for all of the men and woman and their families in our region. Our agriculture sector again last year experienced a very challenging drought. This was not the first and won’t be the last challenge this sector faces. What is clear is that the families who produce our food are resilient in their approach to continuing on and for that we owe them a great deal of gratitude. Our communities and surrounding rural areas are growing and diversifying which enables greater regional stability. This in turn means that the young men and woman who are looking to stay in the Peace region and work once they have completed their

schooling will have an opportunity to do so. Along with growth and diversification also come some challenges. We are seeing unprecedented growth in the development of our natural gas resource and although this does have an impact on our land base I am confident that it can be done in a manner that respects both our environment and most importantly, respects the landowners on whose land much of this activity takes place. We are a resource rich province and nowhere is it more prominent than right here in the North East part of BC. It is the development of our abundant natural resources which generates the wealth and allows government to pay for health care, education, social programs, arts and culture, transportation and so much more. There are very few jurisdictions in the world that have what we enjoy and it is my hope that every British Columbian recognizes this and does not take what we have for granted. There is not a day that goes by that we cannot improve on what we have done the day before and if we continue to work together, our great province and the beautiful Peace region will continue to be the best place in the world to live, work and raise a family.

Message from Peace River North MLA Pat Pimm

Northern Challenges and Opportunities

We find ourselves on the eve of a new era in British Columbia, with new leadership on the horizon this is an opportunity to build on the past successes of the province and continue along the path of strengthening British Columbia. Northern B.C. will play a vital role in the future of the province by attracting investment and creating jobs. Since I have been an MLA the numerous projects in Peace River North area have been completed or are starting that will benefit our community. One of the challenges facing the North is the different approach to healthcare that is sometimes needed. A variety of programs have been adapted to fit these needs. One of these, starting in April, is the B.C. Family Residence Program. This program provides a per-night subsidy for each family with a child at the BC Children’s Hospital, for up to 30 days per stay. This is just one way we are working to help families in the North. Another healthcare project that I am particularly proud of is the $297.9 million dollar investment at the new Fort St. John Hospital and Residential Care project. This is a state-of-the-art facility that will serve

the residents of north-east British Columbia. There are countless opportunities for the North moving into 2011. The harmonized sales tax has allowed towns like Mackenzie to open new mills and create jobs for people in the community. While other projects like the Kitimat Liquid Natural Gas terminal, the first of its kind along the west coast of North America, will become positive signs for potential investors that people and businesses of northern British Columbia are innovative and ready to do business. Moving forward, something I see as another opportunity is working with the new leader of British Columbia to continue to create jobs, strengthen the economy and most importantly, build communities for our families. I am optimistic about working with the next premier to ensure that the North continues to make forward progress and position itself to lead the province of British Columbia into the 21st century. I look forward to continuing to navigate the challenges we face in the North and work hard to make sure that the opportunities we have are not missed. In closing I would like to echo my hope and my confidence that with the election of a new premier, along with continued hard work, we can continue to grow British Columbia as a province and lead the country.

Message from Fort St. John Mayor Bruce Lantz Dear Fellow Citizens,

I am delighted to once again welcome the distribution of ‘Outlook’, a celebration of the businesses and other organizations that have made Fort St. John the dynamic and prosperous community that it is. My hat is off to those who have worked so hard to produce this special annual edition. From its humble beginnings as a frontier town, albeit the site of the first Caucasian settlement in British Columbia, Fort St. John has grown to become the second-largest city in Northern BC and the economic powerhouse of the Northeast. As the service centre for the oil and gas, forestry, agriculture and tourism industries, the city and its people have displayed a welcoming and entrepreneurial spirit, and an adaptability to changing times and circumstances. We now have a city topping 20,000 population that has become known for its family-oriented amenities which include thriving business and industry sectors but also education, recreation, arts, and cultural facilities that are second to none in the North.

But contributing in no small measure to the city’s growth are the efforts of our small business community, many of whom are profiled in this publication. Their hard work and initiatives have provided a solid foundation for life in Fort St. John – the commercial bedrock that encourages our residents to shop here and support those merchants who have chosen to make considerable investments in our community. Please sit back and enjoy this edition of Outlook. Read about the businesses, organizations and initiatives that make this community so great, marvel at their successes and the contributions they make to the fabric of our city, and support them in the future, which has never looked better for Fort St. John. Bruce Lantz Mayor City of Fort St. John

Message from Dawson Creek Mayor Mike Bernier

I would like to welcome everyone to 2011. In the City of Dawson Creek, it is starting out to be a very exciting year for the community. We are seeing overwhelming support for the completion of the Calvin Kruk Centre for the Arts, which is scheduled to be opened be the end of this year. This, along with all our other projects will help round off Dawson Creek with opportunities for every citizen.

2010 will be a hard year to beat, with almost 60 Million dollars in development in the city, but with recent announcements in the oil and gas sector, as well as by the local companies that serve the industry, I feel we are on track to doing just that. As Mayor of Dawson Creek, and also as the Economic Development Officer for the city, I am quite encouraged speaking to businesses on the outlook for not only the next year, but the next decade. Council recognizes the importance of a stable economy, and a vibrant investment climate, which is why last year we made some of the largest tax rate reductions for business ever in our city, and plan to continue that downward trend again this year. As we move into creating our 2011 budget, we again encourage everyone to come out and be part of the process. We are very committed to being an open Council that keeps every decision in the public eye, to ensure

accountability and involvement by our citizens. Council has just finished our strategic plan for this year, and our number one priority was identified, and it may be no surprise to most that it is to look into the sustainability of our water system, and how we plan as a City, to ensure we can continue to grow long into the future. Council has worked very hard to look at how we can keep the balance of being one of the fastest growing cities in B.C. with a diverse economy, while not compromising our core value of being a national leader in building a sustainable community. Whether it is concerts in our Events Centre, watching our Dawson Rage Junior A hockey, scaling our new climbing wall, playing on our first class outdoor sports fields, or doing any of the numerous activities offered by KPAC, who are soon to move into their new home, Dawson Creek is a great place to live and raise a family…. Mike Bernier Mayor City of Dawson Creek

Outlook 2011

5 DGS Astro Paving was established in 1994 with the amalgamation of DG Smith Engineering of Taylor and Astro Paving of Dawson Creek. Initially set up in Dawson Creek, DGS Astro Paving now has a new state of the art facility in the energetic and fast growing city of Fort St. John. Located in the heart of the Peace River country the City of Fort St. John is the largest regional centre in North East British Columbia and services an area with a population of over 64,000 people. Established in 1794 as a trading post, Fort St. John has grown in recent years first with the advent of the Alaska Highway in 1942 and then the discovery of high

grade oil and gas in 1951, sparking a regional population boom. This set the course for the city to become the Oil and Gas Capital of British Columbia. As the most important regional centre of the North East part of British Columbia many enterprises and industries thrive which include oil and gas, agriculture and forestry as the mainstays. DGS Astro Paving supplies construction services and materials for various types of infrastructure. Services include supply of construction aggregates, asphaltic concrete, underground services, street and highway construction; all essential for sustaining economic and cultural development throughout the region. DGS has realized over 100 projects a year including several major endeavors. The seasonal work encountered in these northern regions sees a work force of over 150 people at peak times and with it an extensive fleet of equipment of trucks, graders, pavers, loaders and compactors. Facilities located in Fort St. John, Taylor, Dawson Creek, Chetwynd and Fort Nelson enables DGS Astro to service this vast area with shops, gravel pits, hot mix asphalt manufacturing plants, ready mix concrete batch plants and offices. DGS Astro Paving is proud to be the local construction services supplier of preference in North Eastern British Columbia. As an involved contractor in the region and community, DGS Astro Paving has been a continuing supporter of local charity organizations. These include the Child Development Centre, Minor Hockey, Community Arts, Hospital Foundations, Salvation Army, Figure Skating and many other worthwhile organizations. A major fund raising event of the year is the Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser and Auction held every summer. DGS Astro Paving clients are asked to contribute to this good cause to assist the various community organizations. Recent years have seen the Association for Community Living as a recipient of these proceeds, thanks to the generosity of DGS Astro Paving and their Clients. 29428


Outlook 2011

Oil & Gas a major economic driver for the province in 2011


m e s


at e r m a n

Staff Writer

Last December, the Conference Board of Canada released a report describing the important role that the natural resource sector will play in the economic development of northern Canada. This likely comes as no surprise to the residents of northeastern British Columbia who have witnessed the economic impact of the oil and gas industry in recent years. Obviously, the prominent natural resource in northeastern B.C. right now is the shale and tight gas deposits in the Montney formation, the Horn River Basin, and the Liard Basin. The development of those resources is certainly the big player in the economic future of the region. The study, conducted through the Conference Board’s Centre for the North, determined that the economic development potential for the territories and the northern sections of the seven provinces that border the territories – as defined by the individual provinces’ own classification of north and south – is driven by the natural resource sector. Len Coad, Director of Environment, Energy and Technology Policy with the Conference Board, explained that they approached the study assuming an “unconstrained future” and then identified the opportunities and the barriers to economic growth. Industries were divided into three main categories: industries that drive economic activity; industries

that enable economic activity; and so-called “opportunistic industries.” “The driving industries are industries like mining, forestry, agriculture in the provinces, although not so much in the territories, and fishing,” said Coad. “So, those are industries that are resource-based – you know, resource extraction-based, most of them. A mine or an oil and gas project, if the resource is of an appropriate quantity and quality, those industries can make things happen. They can build the power generation they need. They can establish communities or establish infrastructure that isn’t in the community and can push economic development forward on their own merit. And, of course, the ability to do that is constrained by the resource quality and quantity. And then you have industries like electric utilities, water utilities, government services, where those industries enable development of the driving industries, but they don’t create the development themselves.” “We had a third category – and we only really looked at one industry in that third category – and we called those the opportunistic industries, ones where once the appropriate infrastructure’s in place and the community support is there, you probably can see opportunities and build them. And

tourism was the one industry that we put in that category.” The North Peace Economic Development Commission (NPEDC) is demonstrating that continued prosperity exists in a kind of harmony between those three industry categories, but the energy sector is definitely the predominant factor. “The North Peace’s economic priority is the energy sector,” said Dan Davies, Chair of the NPEDC. “Energy includes oil and gas, hydro, coal, biomass, wind power and solar power. You just have to look at the oil and gas lease investment – billions of dollars – over the last couple of years to know that this is the driver not only for the region, but as well as for the province.” B.C. Minister of Energy Steve Thompson concurs with Davies’ assessment, noting that over fifty per cent of the province’s total revenue in 2010 was generated by the resource sector, emphasizing its importance to the region and the province as a whole. “There was an earlier study from the Energy Research Institute which concluded that over seventy per cent of the northeast’s GDP depends directly or indirectly on oil and gas activity,” said Thompson. “And I don’t expect that number has changed at all in terms of being a very, very significant percentage of gross domestic product in that region.”

Sue’s Hair Upstairs Award-winning hair stylist Sue Bertrand is relaunching Sue’s Hair Upstairs on March 1st, 2011. Bertrand is not one to toot her own horn, but she has been provincially recognized as a top hair cutter and stylist. In 1999, she won the HABC New Talent Champion award. She has also won awards for men’s haircutting. “I’ve been doing hair for over 30 years,” she said. “My first haircut was at age12, my first perm at 14. I started formal training in 1996 in Kelowna.” Bertrand’s salon is in her own house, which makes for a quiet, calm atmosphere. “It’s intimate,” she explained. “It’s very personal, with a lot of one-on-one. I don’t overbook.” Her goal is to have a familyfriendly atmosphere that longtime clients will enjoy coming to for hair work. She already has lots of clients with four generations of customers. Bertrand said her specialties were in cutting and colouring, but she is well-trained and experienced in doing anything related to hair. Her other skill is customer satisfaction, which is evident from her bouncy, fun personality. Included in the services she offers are cuts, colours, foil, perms,

chemical straightening and pretty much anything her clients want. She also specializes in weddings and special occasion hair styling. A hair enthusiast, Bertrand has an entire wall of high-quality products. She noted her range of Schwarzkopf professional colours as her favourite. “It’s phenomenal, just incredible,” she said about the Schwarzkopf line, which is internationally recognized as a top brand in hair styling. “It’s a very versatile range.” Also in her range of well-known hair products are: - BC Bonacure - Chi Straighteners - Tigi Bedhead - Rockaholic - AG Hair Cosmetics - Farouk Silk Therapy Because of her dedication to her customers, Bertrand said she is always able to make special orders to suit her clients’ needs as well. Sue’s Hair Upstairs is located at 1916 - 109 Avenue and will be open Tuesdays to Saturdays. Her typical hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., but Bertrand said she is very flexible and can work with evening appointments. To book an appointment or find out more, call 250-782-1878.

Sue Bertrand

Sue’s Hair Upstairs 1916 - 109 Avenue Dawson Creek

Appointments Tuesday to Saturday


250-782-1878 to book an appointment



Outlook 2011

North Peace Community Resources Society Board and Staff would like to thank the following community organizations and businesses for their generous donations of time, funds or resources to the following programs in 2010. List of Donors • BCGEU • Quality Inn • Scotia Bank • Imperial Oil • Spectra Energy • North Peace Savings and Credit Union • Storm Exploration • Pricesmart • Canadian Women’s Foundation • North Peace Spinners and Weavers Guild • Brad Brain Financial Planning • Penn West Petroleum • Pengrowth • IT North • Pacific Northern Gas

• Devon • Canadian Natural Resources • Sobey’s • IT North • Compression Control Technology • Restorative Justice • Moose FM • Safeway • Murphy Oil • Fairy Wings & Things • Red Dragon Taekwondo • North Peace Gymnastics • North Peace Cultural Centre • Success by Six • United Way ... and many individual donors

With your help we did make a difference. Programs that Benefited • Meaope Transition House • Women’s Outreach • Stopping the Violence Counselling for Women • Community Based Victim Services • Sexual Abuse Intervention

• Family Preservation • Supported Independent Living • Baby’s Best Chance • Family Advancement • Children Who Witness Abuse • Youth Justice Act • The Family Place • Strengthening the Families

For information on any of the above programs call 250-785-6021 Ext. 221 or visit our website at www.npcrs.bc.ca



wilson’s timberline

ew The N # 6764

Trevor Haney, Sales Manager

Number of years at Timberline: 1 I am one of the newest additions to the Timberline team. I have lived in Dawson Creek my whole life. As newly appointed Sales Manager, my goal is to make this business a huge success in every aspects of sales, service and total customer satisfaction! I invite all my friends and past customers to come in and see us at the dealership.

Wayne Ezeard, Sales & Leasing Consultant Number of years at Timberline: 6 months My goal is to guide my customers in achieving their vehicle purchase in a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere that leaves both of us with the feeling of excitement and satisfaction.

Garth Bonner, Sales Number of years at Timberline: 17 Our good friend Garth is still not back to work. We look forward to his return and wish him all the best and a speedy recovery!

Ina Lavers, Business Manager Number of years at Timberline: 3 months. My goal is to meet and exceed customer expectations, treat each customer in an open, honest and professional manner, offer only core products that are suitable and beneficial to customer needs, build and maintain long-term customer relationships, qualify customers for the best financing rates and terms.

Outlook 2011

Meet Our People Mike Wilson, Dealer Principal

Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mike Wilson and I am the new owner of Wilson’s Timberline. I have been selling vehicles for over 28 years, most recently at Schwab Buick GMC where I was a partner for 17 years. I am married with two children. My daughter, who is 20, is attending college and

Chad Johnson, Fleet/Sales Consultant Number of years at Timberline: 1.5 I have been in sales for 20 years and love my job. I enjoy building and retaining long-lasting evergreen relationships Never forget that the world is a two-way street!

Terri Tremblay, Comptroller Number of years at Timberline: 13 After 13 years and still find my role to be both challenging and rewarding. I have the pleasure of working with a positive, customer friendly team. My goal is to assist in providing the best customer service experience while serving the automotive needs of all customers here at Wilson’s Timberline.

Rod Cork, Service Manager Number of years at Timberline: 6 Everything we do revolves around the customer. Our goal here in the service department is to be the best in the Peace country. We are small town focused. Come in and let me shake your hand and show you what we can do!

resides in Edmonton. She is taking business marketing. My son, who is 14, is attending Central Middle School here in Dawson Creek. It is our goal to strive and provide you with excellent service in both sales and our service department. My goal is to achieve 100 per cent customer satisfaction. My family and I relocated to Dawson in September of 2009, and we plan to make this our home. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Dion Girard, Sales Consultant Number of years at Timberline: 1 month I would like to earn a respectful, friendly, honest relationship with my clients and provide my clients with the service I would expect.

Georgia West, Office Manager Number of years at Timberline: 38 After 38 years what more can you say? It’s a great place to work and has great people to work with.

Trevor Sipe, Tower Operator/Service Consultant Number of years at Timberline: 2. My goal is to provide the best service experience possible by using my local parts and service experience to adapt to each individual customer needs and expectations, and to have a long-term customer service relationship with all our customers.

Benjie Myers, Sales Number of years at Timberline: first year “Excellent customer service” is my commitment to all customers. Car buying should be an exciting and rewarding experience. That’s what you get when you deal with me!

Krystle Berge, Receptionist Number of years at Timberline: 9 months My commitment as the front line person is to greet each customer in a friendly and professional manner. First impressions are everything when it comes to customer service.

Jackie Marston, Warranty Administrator Number of years at Timberline: 5 We are committed to our customers. We work as a team to provide the best and the friendliest service in the Peace Country.

10100 - 8th Street, Dawson Creek • Tel: (250) 782-5215


Outlook 2011

Proud to be Part of Your Community It’s You That Drives Our Success

Jaki Stanley, Service Consultant Number of years at Timberline: 3 I will strive each day to exceed my customer’s expectations and to provide superior customer care. My goal is to have customers that feel comfortable coming to me to solve their service needs.

Georg Waller, Shop Forman Number of years at Timberline: 18 My number one goal is to provide the best service I can with a friendly attitude. Living in the community my whole life gives me the drive to provide a good service to my customers.

Del Gerlinsky, Apprentice Technician Number of years at Timberline: First year. I have always wanted to expand

Rhett Willson, Apprentice Technician

my knowledge in the automotive service field to a career in performance, modification and restoration while maintaining a great community presence. Owner/operator of my own performance and restoration shop has been my ultimate goal.

Liz Barber, Apprentice Technician Number of years at Timberline: 7 months My goal is to complete my apprenticeship and become a certified GM tech.

Cheri Marton, Parts Advisor Number of years at Timberline: 3 years. Whatever your project, restoration or repair, I am committed to help you preserve the integrity of your GM vehicle. I will do my best to have the parts that GM has designed and engineered to keep your vehicle looking and driving great!

Number of years at Timberline: 6 months. My goals are to provide exceptional quality of service for all customers, to complete my apprenticeship and become a valuable addition in this great profession. I am committed to ensuring that the customer’s vehicle is clean and properly serviced.

Byron Neumann, Senior Technician Number of years at Timberline: 1.5 Timberline has given me the opportunity to put my knowledge to work. I have a keen interest in diesel performance. GM training gives me the tools to put it to work.

Dan Prevost, Shop Assistant Number of years at Timberline: 4 My goal is to have the lot looking clean and presentable to customers, be available as soon as possible to customers, treat customers in a pleasant and respectful manner and have them feel at home here and want to come back.

Eldon Withrow, Service/RV Tech Number of years at Timberline: 12 To always serve customers in the best way that I know how would be my first commitment to our customers.

Don Parsons, Senior Technician Number of years at Timberline: 15 To use my extensive experience and knowledge to provide a consistent and positive service experience to my customers is my number one goal.

Daryl Coutts, Apprentice Technician

Number of years at Timberline: less than one. I will strive to complete every repair to the best of my ability in a timely manner. It is my personal goal to return a customer’s vehicle in better condition than when they dropped it off for repair. I drive myself daily to achieve a high level of personal training and service performance. It is my desire to develop a life-long relationship with my customers.

Merv Markling, Parts Manager Number of years at Timberline: 7.5 Our area is on the brink of major change and so is our dealership. Now, more than ever, our focus is on great customer service, so whether you’re a retail, wholesale or service customer, come in and meet the team and let us demonstrate what we can do for you!

Hoa Thai, Wash Bay Attendant Number of years at Timberline: 21 Thai is the behind the scene guy who takes extreme pride as to how your vehicle looks when you take delivery of it. Thank you for doing business at Wilson’s Timberline.

Tory Pohl, Apprentice Technician Number of years at Timberline: 2 My commitment to customers would be to efficiently work on customers’ vehicles with top-notch workmanship and return said vehicle in clear condition in and out.

Jack Hackworth, Parts Advisor Number of years at Timberline: 37 years. Having always been dedicated to GM, their products and parts, and no matter what you drive, I will go that extra mile to get whatever you need!

Kyle Petersen, Lot Attendant Number of years at Timberline: 1 month. Kyle is our new “kid on the block” at Wilson’s Timberline. We look forward to teaching Kyle the business and have him become a key player in increasing customer satisfaction.

Toll Free: 1-800-661-6133 • www.wilsonstimberline.com


Outlook 2011 29704

Making the Employment Connection

Employment Connections was established in Fort St. John in 1999 search, and of course, looking into retraining and funding options. and has helped literally thousands of people with job search and career Combined with all of the resources in the self-serve area, job seekers counselling. have all the help they need in one place. Employment Connections’ Program Manager, Annette Jones said that one important aspect of a job search that people should focus on now is making sure that their resume and cover letters are the best they can be.

Business hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

“Potential employers will often form their first impression based on your resume. “In this highly competitive labour market, you really need to shine,” said Jones.” “It’s very important that your resume is current, easy to read and error-free.” Jones said that they see a number of clients who have never needed a resume before, and are frustrated that employers are now asking for one. This trend is here to stay she said and that clients may need to change their job search techniques to reflect the changing times. Employment Connections is able to help people create a great looking resume - even for those who can’t type. For more information visit: www.employmentconnections.bc.ca

Job seekers may need assistance to improve their ability to stand out in the local labour market and Jones encourages people who don’t know what to do, to seek out and take advantage of resources like Employment Connections and ask for help. Said Jones “We also encourage people to meet with one of our Employment & Career Counsellors for that extra one-to-one help with exploring different career options, a focused job

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Outlook 2011

Northern Lights College

Northern Lights College (NLC) is B.C.’s Energy College, and serves the northern region of the province from campus locations in Chetwynd, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson, Fort St. John and Tumbler Ridge. NLC offers a wide variety of programs and courses for residents of the Peace River region, and beyond. Programming options are available for students of all ages and education levels. For example, secondary school students can enrol in Dual Credit programming, where secondary and post-secondary credits can be earned at the same time. Adult students have a number of options. If you have been out of high school for a number of years, or did not complete high school, you may need to upgrade by taking Career and College Preparation Courses before enrolling in regular programming. If you are currently employed or unemployed, and looking at new career options, please take the opportunity to call or visit our website to check out what NLC can offer you. Dawson Creek Campus offers a wide range of Academic, Trades and Apprenticeship, Technology and Workforce Training Programs. Some Trades and Apprenticeship programs are offered at the South Peace Campus,

adjacent to South Peace Secondary School and at our Fort St. John Campus. Chetwynd and Tumbler Ridge campuses offer a selection of programs and courses on-site or via videoconference. Trades and Apprenticeship programming in Dawson Creek includes: Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Automotive Service Technician, Carpentry/Residential Construction, Commercial Transport/ Heavy Duty Technician, Cosmetology/ Hairstyling, Esthetics and Nail Care Technology, Millwright, Plumbing and Welding. For a complete listing of Trades and Apprenticeship Programs available throughout the College Region please visit our website. University Arts and Sciences courses are offered through in-class and videoconference delivery. NLC has credit transfer agreements with a number of B.C. post-secondary institutions, allowing students to start a university degree while living in northern B.C. Professional training available at the Dawson Creek Campus includes: Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician, Social Services Worker Diploma, Health Care Assistant, Practical Nurse, Applied Business Technology, and Visual and Graphic Communication Arts.

The Workforce Training/Continuing Education department at each campus offers short, specialized training courses needed for employment in oil and gas or other

industries, or an office environment, or for general interest. Accommodation is available in the student residences in Fort St. John and Dawson Creek, and food services are available in the cafeterias. For more information, go to nlc. bc.ca, or call 1-866-INFO-NLC (1866-463-6652).

Your Centres of Excellence in Education! Northern Lights College is home to three provincial Centres of Excellence for British Columbia

12 3 Artist’s rendition of Energy House

AerospAce Based in the Aerospace centre centre at the Dawson creek campus, ampus, NLc’s NLc’s Aircraft Maintenance engineering ngineering repu-program has an international repu tation for high quality training on helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. NLc offers a 15-month Basic Training program, and several Type Training field maintenance courses for specific helicopter airframes and engines.

oiL AND gAs Based in the Jim Kassen industry industry Training centre entre at the Fort st. st. John campus, NLc offers training in oil oil and gas Field operations, operations, power power engineering ngineering and gas gas processing, processing, industrial instrumentation, nstrumentation, and many other Trades and Apprenticeship programs and Workforce Training safety short courses that lead to highpaying jobs that are in demand in the oil and gas industry.

cLeAN eNergy ergy TechNoLogies TechNoLogies Based at the Dawson creek creek campus, campus, with a future home in energy energy house house NLc (currently under construction), NL c Mainte-offers the only Wind Turbine Mainte B.c. nance Technician program in B. c. As well, NLc offers training in areas such as solar Thermal installer, installer, and will includ-feature programming in areas includ ing such as photovoltaic, hotovoltaic, h otovoltaic, geothermal, geothermal, rainwater collection, ollection, ollection, and will include a Green Energy Certificate.

1-866-463-6652 • nlc.bc.ca




Outlook 2011

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Outlook 2011


Marlin Travel Locally owned and operated since the 1960s Spicer Travel (1988) Ltd., doing business as Marlin Travel, has been locally owned and operated since the early 1960s, originally by longtime residents Pat and Bill Spicer. Marlin Travel is located on the corner of 100 St. and 104 Ave. (adjacent to PriceSmart) and has been for a total of 35 years. Karen, Lesley and their staff are world travellers and have wideexperience of travel which is of great assistance when planning both leisure and business travel for their valued clients. We are very proud of our staff of six agents and one receptionist. Between our staff members and owners we enjoy working as a team for our clients. In this day of computers and automation you may wonder why you should use the services of a travel agent. Your travel agent looks for the best value for you and your dollar. We inform you of all your choices and give you a wide variety of travel options, with quotes from competitive travel suppliers. We have access to many suppliers, including wholesalers who would not be accessible to you from your home computer. We work for you, our client, not any particular supplier or airline. We are fortunate to belong to the Marlin Travel/Transat network, which gives us access to preferred supplier rates for all your travel needs including hotels and car rentals. We are experts in understanding and deciphering the intricacies of the system and helping you take full advantage of them. We are not an impersonal voice thousands of miles away and we are not an anonymous website. We are your neighbor and local business. You know how to reach us when you need us. Are you experiencing problems during your trip? We are more than happy to assist you to solve those problems so you can return home safe and happy. Our job is to make sure you get where you need to go at the best price, and in the most pleasant way possible. Without a travel agent, you are on your own. Don't leave home without us.

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Back Row (L-R) , Karen Bowler, Tamra Lee, Sandy Parker, Trudi Klassen, Lesley Robbins Front Row (L-R) Pam Hunter, Nicola Rix


Owned & Operated By Spicer Travel (1988) Ltd.


Outlook 2011

Outlook 2011



Outlook 2011

Looking ahead to the next season’s crops ■Ja

m i e


o o d f o r d

Staff Writer

Local farmers are no doubt already looking forward into 2011, wondering if crops will suffer the same fate as last year when drought conditions led to one of the worst crop yields the region has ever seen. Weather forecasts are predicting a colder and wetter spring, and that’s just what farmers need to ensure a decent crop this year. Irmi Critcher, President of the B.C. Grain Producers Association, said she remains cautiously optimistic that the weather will turn itself around and bring more normal precipitation amounts this year. “I would hope that the drought would be followed by a normal year, because usually we haven’t had two droughts back to back,” she said. “There’s usually always a reprieve in there.” With the current snowpacks things are looking good, but everyone is still speculating, said Critcher. She said a reserve of moisture from the snow for spring seeding seems to be well on its way, but timely rains in June will be needed for the season to be success. If another drought were to happen a second year in a row the results could be catastrophic. “Things would be extremely bad,” Critcher said. “Because when you get another drought like that, I think we would probably have to assess the situation much, much earlier in the year and see whether you want to go and have your input burn up with the crop, because it’s never going to amount to anything.” Critcher said most farmers would probably be happy with just an average crop this year. “To be honest with you, we would just be happy to have an average crop with average prices, because getting another drought – or having some other problems – is really, really discouraging for farmers, because it’s not [due to] any doing of their own that they’re being penalized,” she said. “If it all falls into place and things pan out for us,

it should be a very good growing season. “If we have moisture and we can grow even an average crop straight across the board, all of the commodities we grow here would be in a very good position to make a crop,” she said, adding that the current favourable grain prices will also help, although they too could be a challenge if prices increase too much. “I’ve been listening to different margining projections and they have been on a pretty constant upswing,” said Critcher, but cautioned that it’s too early to tell which way the market will go. “It’s all a game right now,” she said. “Right now the prices are up because, basically, the crops are competing for the acres to be seeded, and once it’s seeded we have a better picture of how this year is going pan out.”

She predicted that prices would remain up prior to seeding “Once we have a tally of what’s been seeded in the different crops, if there is more acres being seeded in one commodity, that price will probably back off,” Critcher said. “It will show demand in that commodity and give a little bit more stability to the other crops price-wise, but obviously there won’t be as much grown of it.” Currently supply and demand is on par creating a stable environment for market prices, but Critcher said that doesn’t mean it can’t change. “You’re seeing high prices, but obviously there can be a correction in the market downward again,” she said, but the crop outlook around the world is pretty favourable.

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Outlook 2011

Real estate outlook for 2011 ■M

e g a n


r e c k i

Staff Writer

One local real estate expert feels good about the potential of local markets for 2011. “There are many reasons that I am optimistic about the prospects for our local real estate market,” explained Realtor Kevin Kurjata. “2010 was a record year for both new commercial and new industrial building permits. There was over $20 million invested and permits pulled for 30 new units.” Kurjata went on to explain that new job opportunities in the Peace Region play a big factor in how the real estate market grows. “[There’s] increasing private investment in our community, which points to job growth in our near future,” he said. “Job growth equals population growth. Population growth leads to increased demand for housing. This is great news for our local real estate market.” An increase of large-scale projects in the region has an affect on real estate markets as well, Kurjata explained. “Large projects like the Site C Dam, or more pressingly, the increase in activity in the energy sector in our region, will have a profound effect on local real estate,” he said. “A real estate market is made up of five things – supply, demand, interest rates, prices and human emotion. Big projects mean more jobs, which need people to fill them and people need places to live. At a fundamental level it really is that simple.” As for whether or not it will be a year to buy or a year to sell, Kurjata believes that it depends on the individual person. “The answer to that question is always the same – it depends,” he said. “The most important consideration is individual circumstance. There are always reasons to buy and reasons to sell. Babies are born, and people die. Some people get married and others get divorced. People get transferred to town for work and some get shipped out. There are always reasons to buy and reasons to sell real

Realtor Kevin Kurjata says he is optimistic about the prospects for local real estate in the Peace Region. estate. It is a part of life.” But such growth will not be without challenges, said Kurjata. The Peace Region, along with the rest of the country, will be introduced to a new set of mortgage rules in April. The change will shorten the amount of time that people can take to pay off their mortgage from 35 to 30 years. “This change will particularly affect first-time home buyers, who almost universally rely on the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) for mortgage insurance,” said Kurjata, noting how this will affect affordability as well. “For example, the principle and interest payments on a $300,000 mortgage amortized over 35 years at four per cent is $1322.40 per month.

With a gross debt service ratio of 30 per cent, a family would need to earn $52,896 to qualify for this mortgage. “The principle and interest payments on the same mortgage amortized over 30 years is increased to $1426.56. A family now needs to earn $57,062 to qualify for the same mortgage. That family needs a raise of eight per cent to buy that same house.” According to Kurjata, there’s also a prospect of increasing interest rates. “A two per cent increase in interest rates over 30 years adds 35 per cent to the cost of our $300,000 mortgage,” he said, referring back to his previous example. “That same family would now need to earn $71,379 per year to cover the cost of the mortga

ft w






a re E m poriu m

Our sales people ONLY sell COMPUTER PRODUCT, and although that’s a huge topic, you can trust that you have professional computer sales people helping you find just the right product for your home or business. • Laptops • Desktops • Cameras • iPods • Speakers • Networking • Keyboards & Mice • Ink • Gaming Gear • Jump Drives • Smartphones • Sirius Radio • Ink • Toner • Cables • CD & DVD Drives • Networking Products • PDAs • Paper • RAM • Carry Cases • Joysticks • Video Cards • Sound Cards • Headphones • Wireless Product And of course...software! Combine this vast selection of product with our skilled sales staff and service technicians, handpicked and groomed to deliver EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE and you have a great store to shop in. Good for you and good for us! Find us downtown Dawson Creek, from 9AM to 6PM, Monday to Saturday. We know you’ll love it; the moment you step into the store!

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Our fully equipped email lab is for rent! The area is equipped with high-speed Internet, ready computers, a laser printer, photo printer plus a table for laptop users to “plug into” the Internet. 19698


Outlook 2011

2011 will be a telling year for the ARTS ■A

l e i s h a


Staff Writer


The Peace Region is home to a multitude of painters, writers, musicians, dancers and many other artistically inclined individuals and groups. And, like the rest of the province, arts and culture in the Peace Region has suffered from government funding cuts over the last couple years. But if there’s one thing that Peace Region artists have in common, it’s their dedication to their work. Peace-Liard Regional Arts Council President Lisa Bush admitted that 2010 was a trying year for everyone involved in arts and culture. Cuts to funding for individual artists and arts organizations led to plenty of strife and uproar directed toward the provincial government. “People are just trying to hang on until something changes,” said Bush. “We have had to be more clear than ever about what our purpose is in our communities.” But, she noted, the arts in the Peace Region continue to thrive. The Peace Liard Regional Juried Art Exhibition makes its way around the region, bringing artists from both sides of the Peace River together to show off their favourite works. Communities in the Peace Region have carved out niches for themselves to make their community stand out. Chetwynd hosts its Chainsaw Carving Competition, which has resulted in unique sculptures all around the community.

Dawson Creek hosted a Spirit Festival in February, while continuing to showcase their local artists at the Dawson Creek Art Gallery and support arts groups at the Kiwanis Performing Arts Centre. Music has been alive and growing, with open mic nights popping up all over the region in pubs and coffee shops. Musicians will once again put their skills to the test for the RocKIN the Peace music competition. Hudson’s Hope manages to organize music events like Jam At The Dam – considering how the small size of the community, it’s quite a feat, according to Bush. Tumbler Ridge also keeps the music going with Grizfest, which draws rock bands that span generations to the community famous for dinosaur fossils. In Fort St. John, artists and art organizations keep on going in visual arts, theatre, music, dance and more, despite the funding challenges many local groups have faced. Continued support from all members of each community will be vital in ensuring that arts and culture, said Bush. “We’re definitely going to need the community’s support, we need them to back us up,” she said. But 2011 is a brand new year, and despite the turmoil of the past few years, Peace Region artists will surge onward for their craft. “2011 will be a telling year for the arts. We can only wait and see,” said Bush.


Outlook 2011

Ace Instruments is pleased to be servicing the South Peace from our new location in Dawson Creek. Services We Provide

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Outlook 2011

Exclusive Dealer of In Dawson Creek and Area




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Outlook 2011

Dawson Creek Mall

Under new ownership and with a $10 million budget for upgrades, the Dawson Creek Mall is expanding and improving even more this year to stay as the defining place for shopping in Dawson Creek. “By the end of this year, we’re looking like a new mall for Dawson Creek. We’re upgrading this mall to something that we’re proud of,” said Mall Manager Irlene Marple. The last year has been busy for the Dawson Creek Mall, and it won’t be slowing down in 2011. Work has already begun to revamp the parking lot, which will make for a smoother driving experience and also include new handicapped parking spaces for easy access to Shopper’s Drug Mart and Zellers. As well, part of that $10 million will go to fixing the roof, putting in new flooring and brightening the outside aesthetics of the mall. New tenants have flooded into the Dawson Creek Mall recently, including Warehouse One, Dollarama, The Source, Bell, Cafe Europa, Shear Indulgence and more. Marple said that trend will be continuing through 2011 with new stores including a Quiznos.

“We are anticipating several more stores,” she said. “Our vision is to have this mall completely full by the end of this year.” Marple also stressed the importance of supporting the Dawson Creek community. The mall puts great effort into employing as many local people as possible. “It’s important to us to have local people working for us, because our employees are our customers.” The Dawson Creek Mall has historically catered to the city’s demand and will continue to do so. It’s because of those community suggestions that Warehouse One and Dollarama came, she said. “We give the customers what they want. I send all the information I get in my office off to the leasing department so we can get what the customers really want.” With an energized ownership and growing number of tenants, the Dawson Creek Mall is about to experience a huge year that will see its spot as the shopping centre of Dawson Creek cemented. Catering to the community is the core of the Dawson Creek Mall’s philosophy.



Mark’s is just one of the many shopping options at the Dawson Creek Mall.




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11000 - 8th Street, Dawson Creek • 250-782-5531 • www.dawsoncreekmall.com


Outlook 2011

pre-season RV sale

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with pur



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19,900 $





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26,300 $





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$ Down





28,900 $






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28,900 $




$ Down


$ Down




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$ Down

3050 BH was




29,900 $





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$ Down

$ Down

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Outlook 2011

The People’s Choice

For more than twenty-five years, and from their original location at the corner of 17th Street and 102nd Avenue to their present location at 12109 – 8th Street, Brown’s Chev-Olds has been more than just a dealership to buy a new or used car or truck, an alternator or fan belt, or a place get your vehicle serviced. Brown’s welcoming environment, dedication to quality and customer service, and commitment to the community has made it one of the premier businesses in Dawson Creek and the surrounding area. Brown’s Chev-Olds staff of 41 dedicated, trained, and certified personnel maintain a sales inventory of over two hundred new and used cars and trucks, a fully equipped parts and service department, finance and leasing department, and their first rate customer service department. A GM Triple Crown award winner and 2009 Dawson Creek Daily News People’s Choice winner for Best Overall Dealership, Best New Car and Truck Sales, and Best Vehicle Detailing, Brown’s Chev-Olds continues to receive recognition for its dedication to

customer service, sales, and vehicle maintenance. But as much as the staff and management of Brown’s Chev-Olds continues to display its excellence in GM sales and service, it is in its commitment to the Dawson Creek community where Brown’s truly shines. A sponsor of note for a number of sporting and cultural events over their 25-year history, Brown’s is a recognized community leader. 2009 saw Brown’s receive the Brian McPherson Memorial Award by the Dawson Creek Athletics Association for its long time support of sports in Dawson Creek and they have just finished a fundraising project with the Dawson Creek Hospital Foundation where Brown’s donated money for every customer survey completed by a new vehicle purchaser. So whether it be to buy or service a car, truck, or SUV, service and detailing, parts and accessories, event or sport team sponsorship, or community support and enhancement, Brown’s Chev-Olds continues to show that they are “The People’s Choice”.

Your Community Minded Dealer simple and to the point.

12109 - 8th St., Dawson Creek • Tel: (250) 782-9155 • Toll free: 1 (800) 663-8080 • www.brownschev.com


Outlook 2011

Clean Energy Cooperative Leads the Way The switch to clean energy is sweeping the planet – and the Peace Region is no exception. Leading the charge towards a brighter energy future is our very own Peace Energy, western Canada’s first renewable energy cooperative. “Our cooperative was just a bit ahead of the curve in realizing that there is a whole new resource sector here in the resourcerich Peace Region,” explains Peace Energy’s Executive Director Valerie Gilson. “These are the same energies that power Mother Nature: wind, solar, geothermal and biomass. Our members have joined together to help lead Canada into a clean energy future. That’s what Peace Energy Cooperative is all about, and that’s an exciting thing to be a part of!” HISTORIC TRACK RECORD Now in their 8th year of operation and with over 400 members, Peace Energy Cooperative (PEC) already has an historic track record. As the local grass-roots group that initiated the Bear Mountain Wind Park that now graces the hilly skyline beyond Dawson Creek - and created a investment opportunity for their membership - they have made a name for themselves recognized not only in the province of British Columbia, but across Canada and the rest of North America. Bear Mountain Wind Park is BC’s first operational wind development, commissioned in late 2009. At 102 megawatts, it produces enough clean energy

to power the entire South Peace Region, or about 35,000 homes. It was the involvement of Peace Energy Cooperative that insured a high level of public education, setting the standard for community engagement for large wind projects, and pulling together partners who would respect local values. NEW DIRECTIONS The PEC Board of Directors now has their eye on several new opportunities in the BC Peace Region, and potentially the other side of the Peace border. Along with the continued future wind market, the cooperative sees many avenues in geothermal, biodiesel, biomass, and solar, along with educational and retail markets. “The possibilities are endless, but research takes time”, says Gilson. “When the Board of Directors look at the potential of a project, they keep in mind that the cooperative is a business with over 400 investors. We are making that investment in our future and for our children’s future...so we want it to be the best future it can be!” To find out more about Peace Energy Cooperative and how you can become a member, visit www.peaceenergy.ca, call the office at 250-782-3882 or visit the office location at 1445 102nd Avenue in Dawson Creek.

The Bear Mountain Wind Park BC’s first operational wind development

The Future Is In Our Hands Join over 400 individual and corporate members working together to build a world powered with clean, renewable energy. SINCE 2003, Peace Energy Cooperative: HELPED CREATE British Columbia’s first commercial-scale wind development, Bear Mountain Wind Park. HAS PROVIDED our members with investment opportunities in renewable energy. IS WORKING for a clean, safe environment for ourselves, our children, and their children!


Become a member today.

250-782-3882 www.peaceenergy.ca



Outlook 2011

Divine Salon & Day Spa

Why feel fine when you can feel divine? That’s more than a slogan for Dawson Creek’s Divine Salon & Day Spa – it’s representative of the tranquil, rejuvenating atmosphere the salon and spa emits. “There is no other salon or spa like us in town,” boldly stated owner Nikki Bruvold. At 2,500 square feet with two floors, the Divine Salon & Spa is definitely unique. The first floor is the salon side, with all the chatter and upbeat banter a friendly salon should have. Above it though is a much more serene area. This is where the spa services take place. Bruvold said that dynamic between the salon and spa sides of the business helps her cater to everyone’s individual preferences. “When you come in through the front door, it’s very deceiving,” she described. “Not everyone knows we have the upstairs. It’s a completely and totally different environment when you come up these stairs.” The salon and spa covers everything one could hope for, including hot-stone massages, facials, waxing, nail work, manicures, pedicures, hairstyling, colouring and more. Bruvold stressed that no machines are used here – it’s all done by hand. She also makes some of her own products. An allergy sufferer herself, Bruvold makes scrubs from sugar instead of salt. She prefers this way because salt can dry and irritate the skin. As well, she makes natural oils. Bruvold is not a big fan of chemicals in general. “I find people really like the homemade products because they do what they say they’re going to do – they moisturize your skin and don’t hurt you or your allergies,” she explained. “When you read a label, it should be simple. It shouldn’t be words you can’t pronounce. I try to be really conscious of that when I’m doing services.” Although spas and salons are stereotypically viewed as places for women, Bruvold is trying to encourage more men to give her business a shot. “We’d like to cater more towards the male clientele, because there are a lot of men in town who don’t know that we do men here. Women

Kierra Weieres

Teri Cholach

Cindy Howell

Christina Bruun Nikki Bruvold

The team from Divine Salon & Day Spa of course, we’re very good at pampering ourselves, but men need to do that more.” One way she caters to male clientele is by staying open until 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This is to accommodate male workers coming home late from the pipeline or rigs. Bruvold added that her hours are flexible and she will schedule around the customer. Bruvold said that once people give the Divine Salon & Day Spa a shot, they almost always come back for more. “A lot of people are surprised when they come in and get their first experience. They book right away for their next.” The Divine Salon & Day Spa has served Dawson Creek since 2007, but the business was a lifelong dream in the making for Bruvold.

“This has been my huge dream I’ve been building to my whole life,” said the 20-year veteran in the industry. “When I opened, I just really wanted to give something that no one else does.” In a 2,500 square foot building, there is a lot of room for employees. Bruvold currently has six staff members, but she’s looking for more. “I just really like to keep in mind the team we put together,” she added. “We’re a really teamorientated family because we spend more time with each other than anybody else.” Bruvold encourages men and women young and old to give her salon and spa a try. The Divine Salon & Day Spa is located at 1028 - 102 Ave. For more information or to book an appointment, call 250-784-0300.


1028 - 102nd Avenue • 250.784.0300


Outlook 2011

marvin’s mufflers & mechanical A DIVISION OF 0693644 BC LTD.

Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical isn’t just another oil-change shop on the block: it’s a client-orientated, high-quality service location with expertly trained staff looking to go head-to-head with dealerships. Owner’s Marvin and Tracy Keller agree “Our main objective is to look after people and give them a wow factor. After they pay the bill, they’re walking away going ‘Right on. I like coming here.’ ” Keller has been in the muffler and auto business his whole life. At 24, he opened Carline Muffler in Dawson Creek. Seven years ago, he started Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical. He stresses the importance of catering to clients. “We have a pretty solid clientele, where they basically book it in, give us the keys, totally trust what we do and always leave here happy,” he said. Part of that wow factor Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical provides is in the shop’s attention to detail. Keller explained that his shop isn’t a revolving door of oil changes and minor fix-ups like most places. We spend the extra time to check every part of every vehicle that comes through our bay doors. “You don’t worry about how many vehicles you can get in and out in a day or being the cheapest guy in town,” Marvin said. “For the cars that are in there, just make sure you do them right.” For every car that comes in, Keller’s staff checks it over and produces a list to the customer of all potential problems, ordered by the most urgently in need of repair to the least. Keller said the average client should need to come in only three or four times a year. “If you need to see them more, you’re missing something.” Keller’s skill is in exhaust.He didn’t just learn to change them – he learned the science behind them. Over the years, his name has spread across B.C. and Alberta as a top-quality exhaust

e n g i n e e r. Purely through exhaust work, he was able to increase a racer’s speed by an entire second, which is something most people pay thousands of dollars to achieve. But Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical has another highly skilled technician: Roger St. Pierre. “Roger’s smart. He’s a new generation technician,” explained Keller. Keller finances St. Pierre to take every training and education course he can get his hands on. He wants him to be the best in the business, as his ultimate goal is for Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical to offer even better service than the dealerships. Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical is a full service centre that gears to its clients. Keller is in the process of renovating large parts of his shop and building a special customer room for people to hang out in while their car is worked on. Marvin’s Mufflers & Mechanical is located at 1445 101 Ave. To book an appointment or for more information, call 250-784-0003 or toll free 888-535-5372.

• Service & Quality are our Number 1 Priority


• Licensed Mechanics • • Specializing in Custom Exhaust • • Brakes & Shocks •

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Ph: 250.784.0003 • Toll Free: 1.800.KELLER2 1445 - 101 Avenue, Dawson Creek BC 19177


Outlook 2011

Drive One.

Aspol Ford Downtown Dawson Creek




2011 EDGE TOUCH. TALK. DRIVE. • Award winning MyFord™ Touch connect technology • MyKey™ system • Blind-spot detection system • Easy Fuel™ Capless Fuel System • 6-speed automatic transmission • Adult-sized backseat • Flexible redesigned interior • 7.3 liter engine


2011 EXPLORER NOW RULES IN POWER & MPG • 3.5L V-6 DOCH 290 hp • 6 speed automatic transmission • Easy Fuel™ Capless Fuel System • Front wheel drive • 4 wheel ABS • Engine block heater • AdvanceTrac w/RSC stability control with anti-roll control • Air conditioning • AM/FM satellite-capable single CD • Driver & front passenger seat mounted side airbags • 50-50 folding 3rd row split-bench seats


2011 F150

QUIET AND REFINED DRIVE • Award winning MyFord™ Touch connect technology • Strong, fuel-efficient new engines • Responsive steering feel • Towing and hauling capability • Ford’s Terrain Management AWD selector lets you easily choose a setting for the driving environment, be it Normal, Mud, Snow or Sand • Standard safety features: LATCH child restraint system, Second Generation driver and passenger airbags, SecuriLock passive anti-theft system, and remote keyless entry.


2011 F250

THE BEST QUALITY RIDE • The 2011 Super Duty lineup offers a variety of bodystyles and powertrains, from diesel and gasoline engines, each with a new six-speed transmission, to pickup trucks and chassis cabs, each with the towing and payload capabilities that define Super Duty • The 2011 Super Duty is equipped with standard features like 4-wheel antilock brakes, trailer sway control, stability control, side curtain airbags, hill launch assist, and an crash alert system


1125 - 102nd Avenue Dawson Creek, BC

Tel: 250.782.5804 1.888.782.5804

Aspol Ford Downtown Dawson Creek



Outlook 2011

DriveOne. One. Drive

Aspol Ford Ford Aspol

DowntownDawson DawsonCreek Creek Downtown



Dawson Creek’s only locally owned and operated Ford Dealer, in our 75th year of business and still going strong! When K.O. Aspol immigrated to Canada in the early 1920’s, and ended up with a blacksmith shop in Pouce Coupe he probably didn’t have any idea of the legacy he would build. In 1936 the Ford dealership became available and K.O. purchased it and immediately moved it into Dawson Creek on to 102 Ave. With the end of steel (the new railway) in Dawson Creek, it was a good move. During the war years Aspol Ford was a major supplier for the effort to build the Alcan Highway. Aspol would bring in fresh engine blocks by the rail car load and send them right up the

new highway to keep the trucks rolling. When the Great Explosion of 1942 occurred, Aspol Ford lost all of it’s windows and shop doors, but after a quick board up job, was open for business. In addition to being locally owned, Aspol Ford has always been populated by car people. The business is well known for it’s support of local automotive events and it’s collection of vintage vehicles. If you have a question about an old vehicle, Aspols can usually find the answer, and yes, coffee will be on.

Aspol Motors in th

e early days.

“The most rewarding part of my position with Aspol Ford is the pleasure of working with our long standing customer base and their families. 76 years of doing business in Dawson Creek and surrounding area has built loyalty and trust in our customer service after the sale. Whether you are one of these people or someone new looking for good, common sense advice on your next vehicle purchase, drop by, have a coffee!”

n a g o L d d o T

1125 - 102nd Avenue Dawson Creek, BC

Tel: 250.782.5804 1.888.782.5804

Aspol Ford Downtown Dawson Creek


Sales Manager


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