2015 Newspapers In Education

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2015 Newspapers In Education













Museum a treasure Dear Editor, I love the Dubois County Museum because all the things there are history, and also I love it because there is fun things there also. Thank you for your time. Lea Rue Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Humane help Dear Editor, I am thankful for the Dubois County Humane Society because they save good animals from their death and it makes me happy. Thank you for your time. Addison Owens Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Saving animals Dear Editor, I am thankful for the Dubois County Humane Society because if we didn’t have it a lot of animals would be hurt, injured, and sick and a lot of animals would be extinct. I don’t want that to happen. I love animals so much. I would do anything for them. Thank you for your time. Lilly Roberts Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Military appreciation Dear Editor, I’m glad that we have a great military to help us from other countries and risk their lives for us. Thank you for your time Max Kline Grade 2, Ireland Elementary The best team Dear Editor, I would like to thank the military for protecting us. I would like to thank you. You make the best team. Even though some people die which I would like to pray for them. They helped are people too. Reese Mundy Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Love to learn Dear Editor, I love the Dubois County Museum. I love it because I love to learn. I’m so happy those people built it. I don’t have a favorite part. I love it all. We are going on a field trip tomorrow and I would love to go to the Dubois County Museum everyday so I could learn more. I think the museum is fascinating. This is going to be my second or third thime going to the museum. Thank you for your time. Kylie Leuck Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Thank you, troops Dear Editor, I love that we have the military. I am thankful that we have it. I’m glad some of you chose your job to go to the military. The military can keep us safe. Thank you for serving our country. Sophie Cook Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Disposal proposal Dear Editor, Today I would like to tell you about littering. I would like people to use recycling bins, trash cans, and dumpsters, so then maybe the community can be clean again. Thank you for your time. Connor Fair Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

Love of library Dear Editor, I am glad that we have the library in Jasper. I like the library because it has a lot of books and movies. Thank you for your time. Grant Blue Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

All-around help Dear Editor, Firemen, policemen and doctor help life all around the world. I know people are


smoking. But you should still not smoke! Thank you for your time. Jace Werner Grade 2, Ireland Elementary

We need a bakery Dear Editor, Do you know what I would love in Jasper? I would love a new bakery. One reason is that we used to have a bakery where Kid City is. Ever since then I’ve wanted a new bakery. Plus, who doesn’t want a donut in te morning. Teagan Kendall Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Steaks and shakes Dear Editor, I think that we should get a Steak n Shake here in Jasper. The closest one is in Vincennes, and that is 30 minutes away. If we got one you could put it by a sports field, and people would get there before or after the sports game. People would love to go there and it would be great business. A Steak n Shake would be great for Jasper. I know my friends and family would go there. Grant Young Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Splash park Dear Editor, I was thinking maybe we could have a splash park in Jasper. I thought that because I don’t like having to go to another town to play at a splash park. It is not that I don’t like riding in the car it is just that it would be nice to have a splash park here in Jasper. I also want one here in Jasper because all of the other splash parks are crowded, so if we had one in Jasper we wouldn’t have to play at a crowded one at a different town. I know all of the kids and parents would love to have a splash park in Jasper! Merin Buck Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Too many bullies Dear Editor, I think bullying should stop. About 100,000 and more people get bullied a day (a fact). Also, people are bullying than they might be bullied. It is not fun to get bullied. How would you feel if you got bullied. Rileigh Verkamp Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Improved dog care Dear Editor, I think that people should take better care of their dogs. There is this man on my street who goes out and walks his dog without a leash. So his dog goes in my yard and my dog doesn’t like his dog. I live on Clearview Ave. and my neighbors get worried too. I’m also worried about his dog. His dog could get run over! It could take off chasing a truck before he could stop it! Plus people let their dogs do their business in other peoples yards and don’t bother cleaning it up! I personally think it is very rude. I hope people consider this message something worth thinking about. Makenzie Shields Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Kick it back Dear Editor, I think the school needs to have our kickball field back. Here are some reasons why we should. The first reason is hat the school made a road over our fields so we should get at least one of our fields. The second reason is that we should be able to play in the grass on the fields and have fun. The third reason is that the kids in the school have muddy fields so we can’t play. I really want to change it back, but it is not my choice. It is the principal’s choice. If I was the principal of our school, I would change it back to our kickball fields. This is why we need to get our kickball fields back. Zack Pieper Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Rubber playground Dear Editor, I think the playground should be covered with rubber instead of tiny rocks. It gets annoying always pull tiny rocks out of your shoe. If there is dew on the tiny rocks, and

you call, your clothes get all stained. When it’s hot, the rocks get very hot and steamy. Not to mention they slow you down. I know a lot of my friends agree. Please take my letter into thought. Matthew B. Wright Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Statue for the saint Dear Editor, I think we should have a statue for St. Patrick. Here are some reasons why. My first reason would have to be because we live in Ireland and St. Patrick is a saint who kept all the snakes away from Ireland. Next, everyone would love to drive in their window because there would be a big statue of him right there. My next reason is because it would be right next to Shamrock in the front. When people are eating there, they would look right out the window and see it. That is what I think we should have a statue of St. Patrick. Cheyenne Scherle Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Breakfast club Dear Editor, I declared that Ireland Elementary should have breakfast in the morning. Some students live so far away that they eat breakfast very early in the morning before getting on the bus to school. Some students don’t even eat breakfast at their houses. In fourth grade we have to wait until 12:00 p.m. for lunch. We could have sausage pancakes, scrambled or dippy eggs, toast with butter or jelly, and a hashbrown. That is why I think we should have breakfast in the morning at Ireland Elementary Eva Shelton Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Appreciate your parents Dear Editor, People should appreciate their parents! Who takes care of them when they’re sick? Who does the laundry, makes dinner, and cleans up after you? Who cares about you? I can answer all of these questions. It’s your parents. I think you should respect them by having manners, saying you’re welcome, thank you, and bless you. Say excuse me when you burp, fart, and sneeze. Make sure you thank your parents. That’s why you should appreciate your parents. Karissa Weisman Grade 4, Ireland Elemenatary

Not a fan of ISTEP Dear Editor, My name is Keegan Carrico and I have to take Istep testing in fourth grade at Ireland. I don’t think kids should have to take Istep tests. I do not want there to be ISTEP testing because it is stressful for some 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. The other reason is that it make some people nervous that they might fail. The last reason is that it makes some people go crazy because they get scared they might have got the answer wrong. This is why I don’t want there to be ISTEP testing in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Keegan Carrico Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Indoor soccer Dear Editor, I want a building company to build an indoor soccer complex. I want a soccer complex because in winter I can’t play soccer. My family loves soccer, and so do I. This year I went an indoor soccer complex in Evansville, and it was awesome. Another reason is that 25% of the kids in my school play soccer. Those are my reason for a soccer complex. Some of my friends would agree with me. So please build a soccer complex in Jasper, Indiana. Daniel King Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Thanks, Mom and Dad Dear Editor, I want to thank my parents for all they do for me and my brothers. They help me with homework and read to me. Thank you Mom and Dad! Spencer Evans Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Sidewalks Dear Editor, In Brook stone Estates there are a lot of kids, and we all like riding our bikes, scooters, and rip-sticks. But, we also have busy roads a lot. So … I was wondering if we could have sidewalks in our neighborhood. We wouldn’t have to worry about cars and it would be a lot safer. I hope we will get sidewalks soon! Molly Magee Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Goodbye, criminals Dear Editor, The earth needs to get rid of criminals. I dislike criminals because almost every day someone gets kidnapped. That’s a reason why we should just get rid of them. The biggest thing about that is our police men. I don’t like this and I bet you don’t either. We keep losing our police men and we need them to protect our city anywhere. We also need to get rid of gangs. They keep spray painting our buildings everywhere. They just paint on our buildings our bridges and trains. It just destroys everything. The bad news, we can’t have money because the criminals keep stealing money from our banks!!! We need to get some really good high top secret spies so they can watch over the banks and some cameras to watch the people that walk in and out that woul be really good would help out. Cole Clayton Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Field trip Dear Editor, I believe for a 5th grade field trip we could go to Indianapolis Museum. One reason is that it will be a fun and great learning experience. Another reason is that there are some people that have a lot of money and can’t travel out of town, so they could go out and explore the world. Also we would be going to the state’s capitol. We could also be able to see other cultures. That is why I believe we should be able to go to the Indianapolis Museum. John Kemker Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Overflowing classes Dear Editor, Ireland Elementary school is starting to overflow! We could stop that problem by making Ireland Elementary School larger. This would be great idea because if more people came to the school the teachers would make more money. Another reason why we should make the school larger is if it was bigger more kids would get educated and if more people went to the school more people would go to the stores in Ireland. Then the stores in Ireland would make more money and our town will be better. That is why we should make the school larger. Eric Peters Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

War with ISIS? Dear Editor, There has been one question floating around that, in fact, is pretty hard to answer. Should, President Obama start a war with the terrorist group, Isis, or not? While many people have been saying no, I have refused to say no. After you read on to the next few paragraphs, you’ll see why I’m saying YES to starting a rebellious war with Isis. Why am I saying yes? America will finally make peace with countries in northeast Africa. They will also stop capturing our journalists and soldiers, as well as people in other countries. Furthermore, we will eliminate the leaders of these groups that have been causing ALL of the trouble lately. Recently, there have been many executions happening to the people that have been captured in the past. They have been doing so for the past few months. We don’t want that, do we? Finally their reign of terror will be over! After reading this you will surely agree with me! Join me, and together will join the fight against Isis! Grayson Russ Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

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Science musuem Dear Editor, I think we should have a science museum. One reason we need a science museum is children will learn more about the world. Another reason is that it would be a fun place for a filed trip. The best reason is children could be a scientist is we learn more about science. pleas consider about building a science museum. Carols Hernandez Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Old classrooms Dear Editor, I believe that Fifth Street School sould have classrooms rebuilt. One reason is that the classrooms are rilly old. Another reason is that the classroos should have more supplies in the classroos. The Beast reison is the classroos sould be bigger. Please consider rebuild cassrooms. Dacota Meyer Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Jump-n-Jacks Dear Editor, I believe we should build a Jump-n-Jacks in Jasper by Walmart. One reason is people will have more time to play insted of playing at home. Onother reason is that we will have more time to have fun. The best reason is that people will get so much exersice for there bodys. Can we please have a place named Jump-n-Jacks. Chloe Morrison Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Take care of pets Dear Editor, I believe people are not taking care of their pets. One reason I think this is because people are not feeding their pets. Another reason that people are leveing their pets in the coold. The best reason some people have too many pets, the people are not taking care of their pets. Please consider helping the pets. Trey Brink Sneader Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Don’t sell cigarettes Dear Editor, I think that people shouldn’t sell cigarettes. One reason people shouldn’t sell cigarettes is people could get lung cancer. Another reason is people could get lunch cancer. Another reason is cigarettes are to much money. The best reason is cigarettes can kill people or people could get sick. Pleace think about not to sell cigarettes anymore. Caelyn Lenardo Grade 2, Fifth Street School

School needs pet Dear Editor, I belive the school shoud have a pet. One reson is that animal would be something for the students to play with in the class. Anuther reson is the animal would have a good owner. The best reson is it would teach us how to take care of a pet. Please consiter getting a pet for the students. Nalani Peters Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Fuzzy’s missed Dear Editor, I think Fuzzy’s needs to reopen. One reason Fuzzy’s needs to reopen is because the children had fun ring Go Carts. Another reason is that Fuzzy’s had really good food to eat, and good desserts. The best reason you need to reopen Fuzzy’s is the children had fun playing games with their friends and family to earn tickets. If you earn tickets you earn candy with the tickets. Please think about reopening Fuzzy’s. Addison Simmers Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Sky Zone Dear Editor, I belivev Jasper needs a Sky Zone. One reason we need a Sky Zone children may want there birthday party there. Another reason why we need a Sky Zone we don’t have any place to just jump. The best reason why we need a Sky Zone is so parents can just watch and kids can just play. Please


consider about give Jasper a Sky Zone. Callie Decker Grade 2, Fifth Street School

No smoking Dear Editor, Do you want no smoking? I think Jasper needs no smoking because it makes Jasper look bad with smoke floating around. The people that are smoking could get rily sick. It makes peoples home smell bad. Please consider no smoking. It’s important and I’m elrject. I had to miss a day of school because of smoking. Alex Williams Grade 2, Fifth Street School

More parks Dear Editor, I think we need more parks in Jasper. One reason is the kids need more room to play. Another reason is to give people a place to exercise. The best reason is families can have a pace to spined time togeth. Please consider getting more parks in Japser Elizabeth Sandoval Grade X, Fifth Street School

Camping Dear Editor, Do you like camping? I think Jasper needs a campground because most people have to drive all the way to the other one and waste gas from driving. Next reason is that we can get out of the house instead of playing video games. Another reason is so people can get what it is like to be outside in nature and it is better than doing nothing. Please think about it. It is important. Audrey Jones Grade 2, Fifth Street School

More doctors Dear Editor, Can I have your attention please? Jasper needs more doctors to stay halthy and to keep away from illnesses. There is a virus that is spreading all over the world that can kill you. There needs to be more doctors that are for the people that are sick or will. Jasper needs more doctors for the people who need medicine who are ill. Jasper needs more doctors to be healthy and strong so people can get up and get grooving. I think Jasper needs more doctors for people that have strep throat, colds, and fever. Jasper needs more doctors to treat more illnesses. Jasper needs doctors to treat more people. Jasper needs more doctors for the people that are in need that don’t have a doctor to get better and stay healthy. Please can Jasper have more doctors? I think Jasper would be more healthy if Jasper had more doctors. Cara Jones Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Steak and Shake Dear Editor, Do you like milkshakes? I think Jasper needs a Steak and Shake. Jasper sould get a Steak and Shake because when I go to Evansville there is a lot of people and that means they have good food. Another reason is they have diffrent milkshakes and some kids and adult like to try new things. The most important reason is the people give toys to the kids and then they will not ignore you. Please consider getting a Steak and Shake. Cali Dugan Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Ice skating rink Dear Editor, What do you like to do? I think Jasper should get an indoor ice skating rink because kids can make new friends and it’ll make it for fun! Your kids will be entertaned because you can’t keep your kids entertaned at home a lot. You can go there to have birthday partys. Please consider getting a indoor ice skating rink. Kinzey Schnaus Grade 2, Fifth Street School

New school Dear Editor, Would you like a new elementary school? I think Jasper needs a new elementary school because ours is to small. Next, our new school needs a in door recess room with

Wiis. Last, we need a bigger class rooms to have brain breacks. Please consider bulding a new elementary school because it’s important. Richardo Daugherty Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Good citizens Dear Editor, We all should be good citizens. Follow Jaspers laws. Never rob places. You should always use good manners. Say please and thank you. Keep Jasper healthy so people can live. Stop smoking, don’t drink alcohol but you should exercise. We all should be good citizens. Braxton Brosmer Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Safety tips Dear Editor, I think that we should follow safety tips. Don’t throw trash on the ground. Put the trash in the trash can. Watch the trafic light because you will kill somebody. Don’t hurt each other because you will hurt yourself. Follow safety tips you will be a good citizen. Liliana Serrann Grade 2, Fifth Street School

More parks Dear Editor, Listen up now! I would love to have more Jasper parks. Every time my family goes to the park we always go to Fifth Street and I hate going to the same park over and over again. So here are some other reasons I want a new park in Jasper. When it rains the slides are always getting wet. I am wondering if you can do anything about that? Here is one that I really want to happen there. There is only one kickball field in all of the Jasper park so I am begging you to put another kickball field in Jasper. Also I would like to have more than just five parks in the city of Japser. I would like to have at least seven parks in the city of Jasper. I would like to know where you would put the two parks so if you can. Can you tell me please? Here is something I would love to have at the park. I would love to have new equipment. I want all the equipment to be clean. I also want a junglegym but I do not want the bars to be medal. The place I want a park to be in is one near Walmart in that huge parking lot. I want lots of laddrs and I want them to go very high. I want the swings to go very high too. But on the swings I do not want the swings to have chains. I want my favorite thing to be on the playground, the monkey bars. I love the monkey bars. I want the park to have grass not rock. You got it! Josiah Larson Grade 2, Fifth Street School

More food Dear Editor, We need a new restaurant so we can eat food. I want another Chinese restaurant. There are not enough Chinese restaurants in town. Give us some more Chinese restaurants okay! We need more restaurants because I need more food. We want some more food now. Some people need to eat some food. There is one more thing I need to tell you. Here it is. We need more restaurants for the poor people. Give us on now! Dawson Heeke Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Stop criminals Dear Editor, Listen up I have something important to say. We need to stop crimes. We need to locate criminals quicker before they do anything like kill people, take drugs, or steal. The police department needs better technology. The technology would make Jasper safer. Zack Hirsch Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Libraries Dear Editor, I have something important to tell you. We need more libraries because we need more books. If there are more libraries there will be more computers. If we have more books we get smarter. We could do math on the computers. Mia Martinez Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Police officers Dear Editor, Jasper needs more police officers. It is important to be safe. Police officers help when there is danger near. Police officers arrest burglars. Police officers protect cities. I think Jasper need more police officers. Luke Norris Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Firefighters Dear Editor, Listen up! I think Jasper needs more firefighters because a lot of houses could have fire and people can die too. But sometimes firefighters can help people. Sometimes firefighters can’t help people because sometimes they die too. Firefighters can help people that are trying to get out. Sometimes people could get out of their houses. Christina Rodriguez Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Don’t drink


Dear Editor, Peopol should not take drugs & drink alcohol. You can get in a very band habit of doing very bad stuff. You can get erested if you get cout taking drugs. You can not concontrate when you drive if you drink too much. That is why you should not drink Alcohol and take Drugs. Carter Smith Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Dear Editor, Listen up! There’re a lot of people dying because of criminals. There’re killing people with pistols. I’m so scared in Jasper because Jasper has a lot of criminals. We need more police officers so most of the criminals are in jail. Wyatt Schneider Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Wanted: Zoo Dear Editor, We should have a zoo in Jasper. We should have a zoo in Jasper so we can see snakes llike andacondas and poisnes snakes. I think we should have a zoo so we can spend time with our family and see animals and have fun. We should have a zoo so we can see pandas. We should see pandas because they live in China. This is why I think we should have a zoo in Jasper. Kaden Hicks Grade 2, Fifth Street School

More hospitals Dear Editor, Please, I need your attention! Jasper needs more hospitals. If there are more people in need, Jasper will not have another hospital. The people that need hospitals will not have another HOSPITAL. Hospitals are important because they help people. If someone breaks a bone they’re not going to have a hospital! That’s why! Dre Boyd Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Mall shopping Dear Editor, It would be so cool to have a Mall. Do you agree with me? Do you want some reasons? Ok. One reason is you won’t have to drive all the way to Evansville, it will save you gas and money. The second reason is you can go to different stores, it is two in one store. The third reason is more people might come to Jasper, Jasper might get more money. Now do you know why we need a Mall? Kyleigh Ackinson Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Mining station Dear Editor, Jasper needs a mining station. You can find dimons. It can help poor pepole. You can get gems to sell. You can make stof. Lots of pepole will want to go. If you can’t buy food it can help you. Now you know why Jasper needs this. Braden Merrimon Grade 2, Fifth Street School

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Stop smoking Dear Editor, I think people should stop smoking. If people smoke, they could make the air dirtier. They could also get their lungs smoked up or get lung cancer. The smoke not going into the smoker’s body could do these things to someone who is nearby. Alex Bastien Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Laster tag arena Dear Editor, I think we should have a laser tag arena in Jasper. It would be a lot of fun. People would not have to travel far to play laster tag. The government would get more tax money. The people of Jasper would be a lot happier. We could have two teams: red team and a green team. There could be two bases as well. Both bases are a little house were there is a target you need to shoot if you are on the other team. You would gain points by shooting the target in the enemy base or by shooting the enemy players. The team with the most points in the end wins. I would really like a laser tag arena. I think it would make Jasper more popular. Malakai Fleming Grade 3, Tenth Street School

School is small Dear Editor, You should really fix the school. It is really small. We don’t have enough space for a sand pit where we can build sand castles and make sand angles. We don’t have any space to put extra tables for kids that are allergic to stuff. Kiara Boyer Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Water Park Dear Editor, There should be a water park right beside the Jasper swimming pool. People could go there and have a place that you don’t swim in, but you play in and get water all over you. It would be fun, and more kids would come so the city would make more money. Levin Cozza Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Helping others Dear Editor, I think people need to help others when they are in need. Once there was a lady at a store and she could not reach something and someone saw her and helped her reach it. But the first time I saw her I wanted to help her, but she was too far away. I think all people should help others. It is important to help and be nice to others. Same with us kids, we should be nice and help others too. Some kids are mean by hitting, pushing, and not using manners. Not everybody is nice to everyone. That is why people should help and be nice to everyone. Kaitlyn Leonard Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Plow backroads Dear Editor, We need to plow backroads when it snows. People will be in danger if we don’t. Kids will be able to get to go to school if they live on a backroad. That way we can learn. The town would be a better place. People would be able to buy groceries for their families. People would be able to go where they need to go. People could get in a wreck and get injured or if there is snow on the road. Remember what could happen if you don’t or do plow backroads. Trinity Cannon Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Need a zoo Dear Editor, I think we should have a zoo in Jasper so we don’t have to go to Indy to go to the zoo. Also, I think that we should have a zoo because it’s 3 hours to get to Indianapolis. Your kids would keep asking when are we gonna get there? It would definitely be disturbing hearing them say when are we gonna get there. You probably would get sick and tired of them saying that a lot in the car. That’s why I think that we should have a Jasper zoo in


town. I feel that people in Jasper would love a town zoo a LOT. Carter Holsworth Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Phones allowed Dear Editor, I think kids should be allowed to bring cell phones to school. You can read certain books that you want to read and not books that they don’t want to read. Calculators are good for school. If the problem is really hard and you can’t figure it out, you can use the calculator to figure the problem out. If you can bring cell phones to school, they can do educational games. It helps you do math problems better so you can get more A’s on your report card. Another way you don’t get bored is if you have free time. If you have free time, you can play educational games until free time is over so you don’t get tired of reading. The best thing about cell phones is that you can study for projects on your cell phone. If you are doing a project on an armadillo you can look up them and see that armadillos can roll into a ball. That’s why I think kids should be able to bring cell phones to school Isaac Anderson Grade 4, Tenth Street School

No phones allowed Dear Editor, Do you think kids should be learning in school? I do, so that’s why I think kids should not bring cell phones to school. First of all, we would get blood shot eyes and really bad headaches from looking at the screen soooo long. Second, someone could find it and steal it from your backpack, desk or even your pocket!!! Then you would get ZERO minutes of sleep at home. Even better, we would get no learning!!!! That is what the school is all about!!!!! That is why I think kids should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school. Gabriela Schmitt Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Things we don’t need Dear Editor, Editor do you think we shouldn’t waste money on things we don’t need? I (Tyson Racicot) thinks we shouldn’t. People waste money on stuff like marbles, windchimes, glitter stuff like that. But we should be buying food, drinks, cups just stuff we need. We would be wasting if we bought stuff we didn’t need. So tell me what you think... Tyson Racicot Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Woman president Dear Editor, I believe women should be elected for president. I have many good reasons to prove that. Reason one, women can take the responsibility of being president. Is that why they’re never elected? Reason two, no woman has ever been elected for president. I can’t believe that! My third and final reason is women can be leaders as well as men. Many people believe that men have more leadership than women. The truth is everyone has leadership. I can’t wait to hear about the first lady president. Tori Brandt Grade 4, Tenth Street School

More riding Dear Editor, I think people should do less driving and more riding! This could help us in many ways like saving us money instead of wasting it on gas for your car. I really care about our community. I don’t want it to be nice one day and then smoke all over the place the next day. This is a huge issue! If we start riding our bikes to work every day, we could finally stop air pollution. Wouldn’t that be great? Would that make our environment a better place? I think so! The best part about it, for one, we wouldn’t’ have to worry about our cars breaking down. Uh oh! That means more money being wasted! My last reason why we should stop driving cars to work and riding bikes to work is it could stop accidents from happening. Which saves money! Those are my reasons why we should stop driving and more riding! Kiefer Burks Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Don’t text and drive Dear Editor, I don’t think people should text and drive. If someone is texting while driving, they could crash or get themselves very hurt. If you text and drive, there are solutions. You could put your phone in your pocket or the glove box. Another way is to shut your phone off. If you text and drive, try all those things. But if you don’t text and drive, your doing fine. Don’t text and drive! Nate Schmitt Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Shovel sidewalks Dear Editor, I think that people should shovel their sidewalks because snow and ice is hard to walk on. When kids have to walk to school they don’t want to slip and get injuries. When grown-ups go to work they don’t want to slip either. Geanaveve Ferrera Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Dog Park Dear Editor, I believe we need a dog park because dogs need to have fun like human. Also dogs like to run and play with their family. It’s fun to be outside with dogs. Dogs need a dog park just like a little kid has a park. Dogs need to exercise too. Dogs need to be with their family and play with their familys. Anahi Loya Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Paintball park Dear Editor, I think we need a paintball course in Jasper. Santa Claus has Holiday World, French Lick has Big Splash, no the underdog needs something. Jasper really has no fun. By that I mean we have no amusement. People will probably get out more. Every summer all kids are indoors. And Jasper will be a tourist attraction. In conclusion, we need paintball. Francisco Lopez Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Raising school funds Dear Editor, I feel school fund raisers should stop. I feel this way because there are more than one way to raise money for your school. Also the school only gets about 10% to 50% of the money anyway. So do something else to rains 100% of the money to the school. When we have fund raisers they always reward the kids who sell with prized, inflatables, and video games. What about the kids who don’t sell? It’s like punishing them and sometimes it’s not their fault. The parents may not want them to sell and they have to sit in the office feeling bad about themselves when other kids are in inflatables. It’s sad. So instead of fund raisers have cookie and ice cream day at school. Kids love that! Have a quarter auction, a car wash, and help pick up. Have a food drive, help the Human Society. Don’t have fund raisers. Hannah Flamion Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Lower gas prices Dear Editor, I think that gas prices need to lower. One reason that I think that gas prices need to lower because families are losing money because prices. Another reason is gas doesn’t last forever and it cost a lot of money. My third reason is that it cost over $50.00 to buy gas. These are the reasons that I think gas prices need to be lower. Drake Smith Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Play more sports Dear Editor, I truly believe that kids should play more sports. It will hopefully help to encourage kids to not sit at home playing video games. Video games don’t help kids it makes things worse. But sports helps kids not to play video games. Playing sports can be a good deal for everybody. Playing sports can have many could causes like maybe losing weight, or getting stronger,

and getting exersize in. There is good risk and bad risk, like for example a good risk is trying out for sports. And a bad risk could be taking a chance of getting hurt. So this is why I think playing sports is a good deal. Chandler Allan Young Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Rock climbing Dear Editor, I believe we should have a place where we can go rock climbing. It would be fun for everyone. It would also get kids to be active. We don’t have anything like this in Jasper. I believe we would all come together to be healthy and active. Kennedy Matheis Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Visible shelter Dear Editor, I think that our Animal Shelter in Jasper should be more visible. The animal shelter in Jasper is mainly hidden. IF it is out in the open more dogs can be adopted. My family bought two dogs form the shelter, and when I saw all the animals, I wished I could take the whole thing home with me. Since it is by the highway so many dogs could jump a fence or just get loose and run out on the road. Therefore, the dogs could get run over and killed. The shelter could move to the open lot by Carson’s. The dogs would have more room in the back to run and play. Also they could have more room for the animals. My conclusion is that if our animal shelter is out in the open more animals could be adopted. There is more room for the dogs to run and play. Also there is a decreased chance of the dogs getting killed. Maggie Hubster Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Internet safety Dear Editor, We should make the internet a safer place. When kids are on the internet there is a chance that they will play games and then they see a download, but it will contain a virus. Kids could get on YouTube and watch videos and then watch another video that is not allowed. Many parents complain about the internet because their kids are doing something and then it puts them on a gorry game. This is why we should make the internet a safer place. Kaden White Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Shorter Mondays Dear Editor, I think we need shorter school days on Monday. We’re all tired on Mondays because of all the fun over the weekend. Shorter days on Mondays means more time with family. We have 5 days of school and 2 days of the weekend. If we add it up, it will be 21⁄4 of the weed weekend. These are reasons why I think we need shorter days on Monday. Ashton Foster Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Help the ocean Dear Editor, We have to save the oceans. The ocean covers more of the Earth and theres more ocean animals than land animals. Trash and trash bags suffocate sea turtles and other creatures. When theres a piece of stray metal the animal can get cut and bleed out. Also some ocean animal eat plastic or metal which can cut up their stomachs. The worst type of harmful substance is mercury. If fish get infected that’s bad for them and us. Mercury can kill someone or make them sick. Sharks, or dolphins eat the fish with mercury in it then they get it too. Trash can harm our whole ecosystem. That is why I think marine life should be saved. Diego Leighty Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Continued on Page 11




Jobs for young Dear Editor, I think that younger kids should be able to get jobs. Maybe the age could be anywhere from 11 to 15 years old. They don’t have to be paid minimum wage. Just $4.00 or $5.00 an hour. Or you could pay them by what they do and how much they do. Kids need to get out and do something besides eating and playing on their phone or IPod all the time. Now, it doesn’t have to be jobs like collecting money or a cashier. Putting food the shelves at the grocery store or checking expiration dates would be good jobs. Sorting items or cleaning would be helpful, too! It teaches them responsibility. If the kid wants a dog or a cat, this will teach them how important it really is. The job you have as a kid can help you with future jobs and help you decide what you want to do later in life as a career. They could go to the nursing home or hospital and get patients food, drinks, a nurse, the television remote or adjust the bed for them. Cheer them up and make them happy. Kids should get jobs! Kendyl Ruhe Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

School’s schedule Dear Editor, I think we should change the schools schedules. Schools should change their schedule to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. All students and teachers should get Friday off. It could benefit a lot of people. There are many reasons for changing the schedule. Students and teachers will get an extra day off. Everyone want an extra day off. Students will be more focused on Mondays, because of the extra day off. Students and teachers will be happier. In conclusion, we need an extra day off. I’m sure you can agree with my point of view. Carson Chanley Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Band funding Dear Editor, I believe that band classes should receive money from school fundraisers. Instead of getting money from school fundraisers, they are forced to make up their own fundraisers to raise money. I understand that band fundraisers can benefit people but we could always change these band fundraisers into all-school fundraisers to raise more money for band class. There are not near as many people in band than there is in the whole school, so if we change an only band fundraiser to a whole school fundraiser the band will have more of a chance to receive money. Band classes should receive this fundraiser money because they could enter in more competitions and could possibly even pay an amount of money for the more expensive instruments. If schools present band classes with money earned from fundraisers, a lot more students will participate in band class. Since band class is offered as an actual class, it should be treated like one. Band is not like sports in which it is part of a school day. If the school can take time out of the actual school day to have band class, then they can probably raise money for band too. Instruments can be costly, and if the schools give the band classes money, students won’t have to pay as much money. In addition, there will be more participants in band. Lydia Hopf Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Books and pizza Dear Editor, Who doesn’t like a good story? If you don’t, then you’re missing out on a lot, dude. A good book is like, like ... pizza. Yes, pizza! Imagine your favorite pizza. When I do that, I compare it to a good book. Have you read the Percy Jackson series? The Kaine Chronicles? The Heroes of Olympus? Surely, you’ve at least heard of some of them. Ok, there are, like, 400 pages per book, but they’re full of adventure and the occasional drama. Then there’s the slightly smaller book with 200 to about 300 pages, which could be just as good as the longer books. One of my favorite book series is the Ranger’s Apprentice series. For all of you people who


have read this series and the other books don’t give it away! No one, and I mean no one, should ever have to miss out on a book because someone gives it away. Talk about rude! My sister and her friends decorated this glass, white cup with this. “I tried beat my reading addiction ... worst 2 minutes of my life!” Ok, then. Um, don’t get too addicted people out there. Just read books. But most of all, read the books that interest you. Edwin Sanchez Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

School lunches Dear Editor, I think school lunch periods need to be longer, and there should be a fresh fruit and vegetable bar option for us. If these happened, lunch time would be more enjoyable for everyone. At lunch many kids do not finish their food by the time the lunch period is over. It takes awhile for everyone to get through the lunch line and to start eating. Unless your table goes first, you don’t have time to finish. My table only gets to go first once a week. If you did eat all your food really fast, then your stomach hurts and you can’t concentrate in your next class. A fresh fruit and vegetable bar should be available. The fruit we get now is always in a cup and not very fresh. It comes in small pieces that are in a sugary juice which does not taste very good and is not very good for us. Also, the vegetables we get are served in a bag. We don’t get to choose which vegetable we would like to eat, and there isn’t any variety in what’s given to us. If a couple ideas from the students were used at lunch time, then more kids would leave lunch with full stomachs and much happier for the rest of the day. Grace Helming Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Library Dear Editor, I strongly suggest that the city of Jasper build a new library. Yes I know that we already have a library and that places around us already have a library but this library could be bigger to store more of the books we love. The new library could also be placed somewhere closer to the houses. The other library takes lots of time and effort to get to. Readers want their time getting to the library as effortless as their reading. This new library could also contain more books. Books by an award-winning author, books that are suggested, and books that are newer for people who are out of books to read. This new library could also have computers located throughout the library. Please consider this. Cameron Weisheit Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Recreation center Dear Editor, I think we should have a big recreation center in Jasper. Everyone wants/needs to be fit. It can be for people of all ages! Even kids will be able to go there. There could be lots of weight-lifting exercises, treadmills and running tracks for the grown-ups. For the kids, I think there should be mini weight-lifting stations, and big slides for the kids to get up on and slide down. I also think there should be a big rock climbing wall that kids will get to do. An ice skating rink during the winter and roller skating during the summer would be great too! There can be a snack bar with really good, but healthy foods such as apples, applesauce, celery, grapes and bananas. It could be a place where you can go after school to do all of your homework. There would be soundproof walls so you can concentrate. All kids need time after school to unwind and run around with all of their friends. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be healthy. And this recreation center could provide that. Ella Kelly Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Recess Dear Editor, We should have recess at Jasper Middle School. Some people get tired at school and they need to be woken up. Recess would wake them up and they can have a social time with their friends too. Some people

don’t like recess so we could let them play their electronics during recess. You get exercise and you have fun doing it during recess. There are many fun games you can play during recess like knockout, basketball and dodge ball. The school could have a park so we could play on it. If we are inside the school could get out board games. Some board games that people like are chess and checkers. We could also play card games like slap jack, kings corners and speed. Recess is healthy and fun. That is why I think we should have it. Isaac Mehringer Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Animal shelters Dear Editor, I think it would be a good idea to have another animal shelter. A animal shelter that cakes care of dogs and cats but also animals like horses who have been abused or abandoned. You could also adopt horses and other animals and not just dogs and cats. The animal shelter should also be bigger in size so there would be room for more kennels for the animals. You should also be able to volunteer and take care of the animals. I think the animal shelter should also serve as a pet store too with supplies for your animals. They should also have a truck that goes around and rescues them. Maybe they could also look for dogs that went missing and their owners are looking for them. I think this would be a good idea because it would be very generous and it would leave a feel-good feeling in your heart knowing that you just saved a animal’s life. Cloey Metzger Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Vaccinations Dear Editor, When I go to dance the first thing I have to do is stretch. Some days I do not want to, but I know if I do not stretch, I will pull a muscle and could get seriously hurt. Just like parents who are choosing not to get their children vaccinated, they are putting their child at risk. Vaccinations are a prevention to getting dangerous illnesses, and since some children are not getting vaccinated there have been outbreaks of diseases that have been wiped out of the United States years ago. With children not getting the required vaccinations, dangerous diseases are outbreaking again. Illnesses such as pertussis and measles have been spotted. During the year 2010, in California, there was an outbreak of pertussis that spread among unvaccinated children. Then this year, in Disneyland, measles were spotted in people who were not vaccinated and they may have gotten them from children who were recently vaccinated. Adults need to make the conscious decision to get vaccinations for their children as a prevention to any harmful diseases. Children who are intentionally not vaccinated can spread any illness to babies up to six months, and some cancer patients who cannot be immunized. These diseases can cause permanent damage to a child and in some cases death. These diseases were eradicated for a reason. As a society we need to care of each other and stop taking chances with stoppable diseases. Many believe children do not need to get vaccinated. They avoid being vaccinated because it is dangerous and can increase the risk of autism. They are wrong because what these parents are saying is not supported by solid scientific evidence. Just like I need to stretch 5-10 minutes before I dance, children need to get vaccinations as a prevention to any dangerous illnesses, and to stay healthy. Olivia Hedinger Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Aquariums Dear Editor, We need you to help us to make more aquariums for the sea animals because the animals need more safe places to be which there is very little in Indiana. Where I live there are little aquariums because I’ve been to mostly everywhere in Indiana and there are barely any aquariums. There should be more aquariums because most people like the undersea animals and think that they are the cutest animals in the world. I think that there should be more aquariums in the states because there is probably like three in the whole

state of Indiana. There should be at least seven in Indiana. The problem would be if we don’t get more aquariums there would be less sea animals safe and that would be bad for the endangered sea animals. I would like to see more aquariums because if I did I would like to see what kinds of sea animals there are and if I have or haven’t seen them before. When I went to my first aquariums I loved it. I saw so many unique creatures. I thought I was in heaven when I saw all those sea animals. I loved all the animals, but mostly the shark because sharks are pretty cool but that is my opinion. The counter argument is if we have more aquariums they would cost too much to buy. Most people think that zoo animals are much cuter than aquarium animals. Some people think that sea animals are cuter than zoo animals but that is their opinion. So please think about helping us make more aquariums so we can help the sea animals get a better place to be and that people could see the interesting things about sea animals. People would also able to see new sea animals that we have not seen before or we could still see the old sea animals but could learn new facts about the sea animals. Logan Garcia Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Hands off phone Dear Editor, “Ring! Ring!” I hear my phone, I should probably pick it up. My mind started telling me ... no texting, calling, taking pictures, picking up calls or watching a video. I pick up my phone ignoring what my mind was telling me. I was driving with one hand and texting with the other. I was so concentrated on trying to get this text sent that I didn’t see the stop sign. Boom! Putting the phone down for a few minutes or hours won’t hurt! Electronics are like super glue, glued to people everywhere and every day. Electronics are putting lots of people at risk! Once they get a notification, their hand is already reaching for their phone. One hand on the wheel, and the phone in the other is not good for our safety. A lot of people are getting in car crashes because they aren’t paying attention to the road. The main reason people are grabbing their phones while driving are for social media, texting, taking pictures, talking on the phone, and watching videos. Our phones are like little pets. If we drop it, we are already worried and scared if the screen cracks. Even though people are trying their best on not touching their phones, it is very tempting because once you get a text or call from someone your eyes are staring at your phone. In your mind you’re saying don’t pick up your phone, so you don’t. A lot of people are having methods to not text, call, picking up calls, watching a video or taking pictures. Turning off our devices is a great way to prevent from car crashes. Ignoring it until you get to your destination is another idea because it is a good way for you to concentrate on the road. Putting it on silent mode is another great idea because even it vibrates, you can concentrate on which direction you’re going. Lots of people are driving while on their phone because they have an important call to pick up. Although you have to pick up, you can wait to pick it up until you park the car. We can save many lives to just leave your phone away from you. More lives are saved if you put the phone down. Just wait until you’re parked in a parking spot or wait till you are in a building, but you can’t hold your phone and drive at the same time. Jenny Doan Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Learning and fun Dear Editor, I would live to balance learning and fun. I think that science camp would be a cool and fun way to learn science. How many science camps have you been to? I know that I have been to zero in my life. I would sure like to go to a science camp. I think that science is fun and a lot of fun and hard work too. I know that some people like science or they do not like science. I know science is not easy for some people but I do know that they put effort to what they do. One of them that does try that I know and that would be my best friend

Continued on Page 13




Nicky. He also likes to push me and keeps making me working hard. Nicky never gives up on me and never will. Science is a fun way to learn about what’s going on with our earth. I think that the science fair would be as fun as science camp. It does not matter what kind of weather it is — rain or shine. Science camp is for kids all ages. I love science fairs even though I have never been to one it would be nice to go to one. I love science. I would love to go to a science camp. I think this summer I will try a science camp and see if I like it or not. Elijah Eckert Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Black and gold Dear Editor, Imagine that you are in the black gold jersey, you’re as comfortable as you can be, playing the game that you love, and on your home field! You’re playing on grass, but after this year, you’re going to be playing on turf. That would be awesome, but don’t you think that the middle school players should have a chance to do something like that too! Ever since Jasper has had a football team, they have never had turf, and now they get this great opportunity! I think that if they put it on the high school field, then they need to put it on the middle school field too! I think that if they put it on the middle school field, then the future players from the middle school will have some experience with turf. I know that some people might disagree with me on the middle lschool getting turf because turf does cost more than grass in the beginning, and they probably don’t want to spend that much money on both fields, but in the long run, you would save more money on turf because it lasts twice as long, and you can use it 24/7 for at least 15 years! Also, it doesn’t need as much maintenance. In the end I think that if the high school gets turf, then the middle school should get it too. Landon Kissel Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Language Dear Editor, With the growing immigrant population and the widely diverse ethnic groups throughout the U.S. there is a new and ongoing problem. The problem of an uncommon language. This can cause a range of problems starting with people not being able to communicate with each other and it can prevent these immigrants from acquiring a well paying job. My proposal is that instead of them learning our language (because it is much harder to learn) we should learn theirs and we should start at a younger age than we currently do. As an eighth grader I have started my first year of a foreign language and evidently, I am no good at it. I have a constant struggle of memorizing words and grammar content that some nights I don’t finish


my homework until the next morning in the gym where I write down illegible answers that barely pass as Spanish. Scientists have proven that the older we get the harder it is to learn a language. This is why we should start at a younger age like first grade. This would benefit us in the long run and help our economy because we would be able to communicate better with foreign speakers and hire them because we know what they are saying. Although it is just another large task for us students to undertake it would benefit everyone in the long run. Learning different languages at a young age is a vital key in learning it quickly. We could communicate with foreigners, improve our economy, and overall just have a broader knowledge of other countries which is very important in today’s ever changing ethnic diversity. Jadon Mehringer Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Endangered Dear Editor, It has come to my attention that the elephants in Africa are endangered, and on the verge of extinction. Whether it be by poaching or whatever else happens to massively kill them, one thing is certain; we need to save the elephants. I know that the ivory trade is popular, yet illegal, but if too many of the elephants are killed for their tusks, these “ivory-mines” won’t ever be around anymore. Elephants have been thriving on the Earth for thousands of years. These peaceful herbivores roam the earth just like any other animal. In an instance, they are no different than the common deer many people hunt. Their tusks are the only thing poachers are after. That’s why these mammals are over-hunted; the ivory on them on them sells for tons of cash. A simple cup made of ivory is worth thousands. Other than material items, elephant tusks are also used for medication. These extraordinary tusks make the elephant a high target for poachers. Personally taking an elephant’s tusks every once in a while is alright, but elephants today are just being slaughtered by the hundreds every day. At this rate, it is believed that the African Elephant will be extinct in less than 12 years. Zoos and other organizations around the world have taken the possibility of extinct elephants into account. Thankfully, some people are trying to keep the elephants thriving in the animal kingdom. As time passes, I hope to see these gentle giants as a common sight in the wilds of Africa in the future. Help save the elephants! Jared Englert Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Serious illness Dear Editor, Though many people and places don’t look at depression like a serious mental

illness, everyone should. Having depression can affect you and your life in many ways. Depression can affect your outlook activities, making everything seem less attractive to do. Another way this can affect you is it changes your brain’s shape and state. “When the mood changes occur in the brain, the brain shrinks in certain areas. Creating a bipolar disorder in some people,” Dr. Husseini Manji states. The information is simple. People who struggle with depression can suffer from other mental disorders too. Getting attention for it normally ends up “asking for attention” when really the person is just looking for help. Depression should always be taken seriously because if it never will be, then when? When will someone step up and take charge of the situation at hand? When this does occur, taking all mental disorders seriously will not just make those people’s lives better but your saving them. You would be saving them from a lifetime of silence. There are so many people who already are suffering from a loss of a family member to suicide. That person should’ve lived, that person shouldn’t of ever been cut off from society as a “monster” and that person should’ve known what it was like to be cared about. The world is a horrible place. Making it better would only mean accepting and helping for who they are, not what they should be. This is why we need depression to be mental disorder so they can be treated like normal people instead of being pushed aside by society. Chloe Daum Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Homework Dear Editor, Keeping track of my homework has always been a pain for me. Whether I place it in the wrong folder or simply leave it at home, my homework or other pertinent school papers always seem to be missing. However, I believe there is a solution to forgetting schoolwork. The online google classroom may very well be the answer. Chromebooks and, therefore, our own google accounts were recently introduced at Jasper Middle School. At first, I was skeptical of the google programs because I didn’t want to go away from Microsoft Word. But now, I have begun to appreciate our google accounts for a few reasons. One is because these programs like google docs and googles presentation are online. Instead of enduring the pain of always keeping track of numerous papers, you can just finish your homework online and save it. This avoids all the hassles of and maintaining your homework the next day. This method also avoids simply forgetting the paper at home or misplacing it. The next day at school, you can come to class and open up the document on your computer, which will be waiting for you. You don’t have to struggle with the difficulties of paper. Also, I prefer to type to begin with. This is be-

Math games

My favorite vegetables are carrots and broccoli. I try to have fun with my big brother but he does not always play but he can be Dear Editor, In my class we use technology a fun. He is good at building snowforts and making snowballs. He does not like broc- lot. Sometimes we use our ipads to play Dear Editor, math games. A lot of times we use our Accoli but he likes watermelon. We have a computers. I do spelling on it. Gavin Chanley tivExpressions to answer problems in class, I have an ipad that I read on. I have an inter2nd grade, Otwell Elementary like money problems. A lot of times we see active board. My teacher uses it. I like my people we talk to on the board, like our epteacher Mrs. Terra Knust. als from New York. Sometime we do math Ethan Mann games on the computer. 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary Blayten Durcholz Dear Editor, 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary We have a nurse at are school who helps keep us healthy. She helps us when we get hurt. To stay healthy we should do good Dear Editor. things. Something that is healthy is drinkHi I’m Keiara and I stay healthy. Do you ing water. Something to stay healthy is ex- Dear Editor, stay healthy? You know how I stay healthy? ercising. A good exercise is jumping jacks. I am healthy. I eat apples. My sisters are healthy and so are my brother, my mom, I eat good food. Do you stay healthy? I Kylie Jenkins and my mom’s boyfriend. Healthy is that hope you do. The food I eat is healthy. The 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary you do not do drugs. Drugs are bad for food you eat is it healthy? The drinks are you and your lungs. Drugs make your lungs healthy too. Are the drinks healthy at black and that can make you die. You need your home? Are you healthy? Because I’m to stay healthy. It is good for you. If you healthy. Dear Editor, stay healthy it will make you smart. Keiara Poselwait We use a lot of technology in our Kennedy Mason 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary school. We use ipads and computers. We 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary have things called ActivExpressions that we use to take quizzes on brainpop videos. We read on our ipads a lot at the end of Dear Editor, school. We have this app called Epic that we Dear Editor, Hi. I am Gavin Chanley and I stay healthy read on a lot. The cool thing is we all have I use lots of technology at school. We all the time. I like to play outside but I can’t our own ipads. We have a lot of technology play educational games like math and readgo outside at school because there is snow. in our classroom. ing games on the promethean board. We But I can go outside at home. I eat fruit and Katie Burkhart have computers that we do math on. We vegetables. My favorite fruit is watermelon. 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary have epals from Westhampton Beach, New O T W E L L E L E M E N TA R Y

I like my teacher

School nurse

I stay healthy

Drugs are bad

Epic app


Rot your brain

cause changes can always be made without completely erasing your paper. If you locate any errors, you can just change them without erasing entire sentences. I wish that all of my classes would assign homework like this. As of now, only my language arts class uses this method. In my opinion, this method is much more effective. For people like me, who prefer to type and constantly struggle with leaving paper at home, I believe that this is the solution for you. Dillon Sternberg Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

GigaCity Dear Editor, I think Jasper should become a Giga City. It would mean Jasper would have free wifi everywhere. Many people would enjoy it. It would save lots of money. For example, you wouldn’t have to worry about paying wifi bills anymore. It would be an advantage to those who never had wifi because of the cost. That is also when technology would come in. It would be a fun experience for everyone. Brandy Ortiz Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Solar panels Dear Editor, I believe that the Jasper community should have a push for solar panels. If the majority of the community businesses and neighborhoods used solar panels, we would have an infinite source of clean energy. Though the cost of the solar panels might be a bit of an issue, it would be well worth the money in the long run. We, the community, can help with the cost by having some of the profits from business go towards the panels. Another reason to get solar panels is that Jasper is a relatively major industrial town, so solar panels would cut the cost of operating them, and also replacing some pollutants for clean energy. Homes could have a roof of solar panels to provide energy to their homes, which would mean less wires. Solar panels would greatly affect our whole community and environment in a positive way. We have a bright burning star full of free energy. We should take advantage of that energy and advance towards solar panels. Julia Doppenberg Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Real food Dear Editor, I think we should have real chicken in our school. It is fake and we can eat real meat. Our food now is disgusting. We need real food. Make it happen. Real food can make us do really better in school. Jacob Weyer Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

York. Video games are technology but they rot your brain and that’s why I don’t play them that much anymore. I only play ok games like clash of clans and Minecraft. Brett Sollman 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary

Skype with epals Dear Editor, We use a lot of technology in school. I like using technology. It is fun and it helps me learn. We have a promethean board. We do skypes with our epals from Westhampton Beach, New York. We have computers and we email our epals. We did a virtual gift with them. The ipads we have they are easy to use and we read on them. We rent books from the library and we read those a lot. Emma Hunt 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary

Don’t take grudges Dear Editor, It is good to stay healthy. If you take grudges you are not healthy. Which is not good at all. If you eat fruit you should be healthy. Peaches, apples, oranges, grapes, and pears and other things like that, those are healthy foods. Kylee Baker 2nd grade, Otwell Elementary Continued on Page 17









Keep it clean Dear Editor, I think that we can make Jasper a better place by not littering. We should all put our trash in a trash can. I want to thank the people who do not litter and keep our town clean. Halle Recker Kindergarten, Holy Family School

Club Jesus Dear Editor, Do you think that Jasper could make a kids’ club by all schools to learn about Jesus? Kids could help other people and play games. All the parents could help take care of the club. John Fallon Kindergarten, Holy Family School


That is why I think there should be a nature center in Jasper. Jesse Uebelhor Grade 2, Holy Family School

Plans for old factory Dear Editor, We should turn the old Jasper Cabinet into apartments. First, it is not used anymore. It is just an empty, dirty building. Second, we need more apartments for homeless people. Some people have to share their houses. Lastly, people can have more room in their rooms. If you have a huge family, you won’t be crammed together. Jasper Cabinet is not used, so please do it! Jordan Voegerl Grade 2, Holy Family School

Stand up for yourself

Dear Editor, Everyone should pray to Jesus and God every night. We should pray for sick people and for people who don’t have homes. Jesus loves you when you pray. Ella Wagner Kindergarten, Holy Family School

Dear Editor, People need to stand up for themselves. If people are bullying, you should tell the teacher. Stand up for yourself ! You should stand up for your friends and family. If they’re bugging you, you should not bug them because you might get in trouble. You should treat others the way you want to be treated. Everyone should be nice and stand up for themselves. Tori Hemmerlein Grade 2, Holy Family School

Read all the ads

Stop the chopping

Be sure to pray

Dear Editor, I like your advertisements. I like to read the ads about iPods. My mom taught me how to read them. Mason Schmidt Kindergarten, Holy Family School

More comic laughter Dear Editor, Do you think the Herald should make more comics? I do. Comics are funny. More comics would make the newspaper longer. Comics make you laugh and when you laugh it makes you feel happy. I think the Herald needs more comics. Levi Clauss Grade 1, Holy Family School

Pets for everyone Dear Editor, Do you like animals? I believe everyone should have a pet. I also believe that every animal should be a pet because people can just train them. Pets are cute. I have a pet too. I think it will be hard to train pets. Jonah Kuczynski Grade 1, Holy Family School

No bad movies Dear Editor, Do you watch TV? I don’t. Why do they let people make rated R movies? I do think that we should only have movies that are not rated R. I believe that children should have good movies to watch. Peyton Seger Grade 1, Holy Family School

Excited to unite Dear Editor, Are you excited about Holy Trinity? I’m excited. Holy Trinity is probably going to be fun. I’m excited about going to my dad’s old school next year. I am going to the Precious Blood building next year. I believe Holy Trinity is going to be very different for me. Tatum Wehr Grade 1, Holy Family School

Fuzzy dogs Dear Editor, I like dogs. Do you? They are fun to play with. The worst part about dogs is feeding them and watering them. What I do like about dogs is petting them. I think dogs are fuzzy. Nate Weinzapfel Grade 1, Holy Family School

Nature in Jasper Dear Editor, I think that Jasper should have a nature center. I feel this way because first there is not many around. The closest is in Kentucky. Secondly, I love animals. I go to the woods and see animals a lot.

Baseball heaven Dear Editor, I think the baseball fields in Jasper are phenomenal because they have nice fences, good bases, nice dirt, and nice green grass. They also have great announcers and an awesome concession stand with good prices and choices. The fences are nice because they have advertisements and a green tarp. The bases are great because they’re not hard and don’t move an inch when you slide into them. The dirt is nice because it’s soft so when you slide on it you won’t get hurt or scraped up. The grass is really green and grown well. The announcers are great because they speak clearly so you know who is batting, on deck, and pitching. The concession stand has many kinds of food, candy, and drinks. Some of the foods are cheeseburgers, hotdogs, popcorn, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. For candy they have Hershey bars, Skittles, M & Ms, Crunch bars, and lots more. For drinks they have Gatorade, soda, and water. The Jasper fields are amazing! If you’ve never been there, come and check it out! Nick Stratton Grade 3, Holy Famly School

Get up and exercise

Dear Editor, I think there should be no cutting trees. You are destroying animal’s habitats, there will be no oxygen, and there will be nothing pretty to look at in the winter. First, you are ruining animal’s habitats. Animals will have nowhere to live. Secondly, there will be no oxygen if you keep cutting trees down. You will die without oxygen. Lastly, when it snows, there will be nothing beautiful to look at. There will be no sparkly trees to look at. So, hurry up and get that law out! Whitney Recker, Grade 2, Holy Family School

Dear Editor, Kids need at least 420 min of exercise each week. That is 7 hours!! That is why I have to say that kids need an hour of exercise each day. Your body needs to be active or else you won’t be as healthy. Being active can reduce the chance of cancer! It also improves your mental health and mood. It aids your body to warm up so you won’t have to wear a coat a lot. Coats only trap in heat; they don’t make heat. If you don’t exercise, you will get chunky, and it will be harder to get back in shape again. If you are fat it will be tough to get breath. You will be a better parent because you can do more things and go more places. That is why you should get at least an hour of exercise each day. Drew Clauss Grade 4, Holy Family School

Make it work

College too costly

Dear Editor, I think next year will be great for Holy Trinity Catholic School, because I will meet new friends and teachers. It is going to be different without all of the little kids running around because the Preschool, K, 1st, and 2nd graders will be at Precious Blood, and I will be at Holy Family. Our new mascot will be the Saints, and our new school colors will be purple and gold. It will be great because there will be bigger class sizes. I wonder who is going to be in my class. Next year will be different, but we will make it work. Jessica Oeding Grade 3, Holy Family School

Kids in control Dear Editor, I think kids should rule adults for 50 years, because all the time adults tell us what to do. Why can’t kids just rule adults? All adults say, ‘’go get rid of the compost ‘’or ‘’go to bed ‘’ or “get up, it’s time for school” or “do your homework” or ‘’no you can’t watch TV” or when you’re at the store ‘’no it’s too much money “or “no, did you bring your money? “or no, you don’t deserve it “. Why can’t we say all those things to adults? I hope every kid could rule adults, and I hope this comes true one day. Kids rule adults, kids rule adults, kids rule adults, kids rule adults, kids rule adults, kids rule adults, kids rule adults, kids rule adults. Joel Wuchner Grade 3, Holy Family School

A zoo right here Dear Editor, If Jasper had a zoo it would be awesome! First, we wouldn’t have to travel to Cincinnati or Indianapolis, and we would all get to see animals more often. And we would all get to learn about animals more. If we didn’t have to travel then 1) we wouldn’t have to waste our time and 2) it would save money. Also we get to see animals and observe them. And finally, we’d get to learn about animals more. I don’t think people learn enough about animals. Do you agree? That is why I think we should have a zoo. Leo Eckman Grade 3, Holy Family School

Dear Editor, Did you know that 50% of people cannot go to college because of the price? I really feel that college should be free. Why? Because, many people can’t go to college also some people want to go to college, but are poor, and many people want to have an awesome job. Many people want to go to college, but it cost around 1,000 dollars or more, and it can be useful in the future. Some people do not have enough money to go to college; if you go to college you might get more money during your future job, also if you don’t go to college you might not be able to achieve your dream job, because of the cost of college. So now you know why I feel everyone should have the ability go to college, but in order for that to happen college NEEDS to be FREE. That is truly why college should be free forever, in my opinion. Amia Schepers Grade 4, Holy Family School

More adoptions needed Dear Editor, I believe that foster children need to be adopted more often. Foster children may not be able to learn at the same rate as their peers, and they may lead to struggle with emotional difficulties. Children at foster care occasionally get chose by the skin color. In 2012 more than half were young people of color! Also African American kids, most of the time cost lest then white! Some people like to have a blended family, but others not. I think no one should be chose by their skin color! Tons of kids a year are bounced from stranger to stranger. In 2012, about 640,000 kids spent time in U.S foster care. Also in the U.S 397,122 children live without permanent families. Most kids in foster care are in there because of abuse or neglect! About 60,000 are reported as abuse or neglected. On September 30th 2004 518,000 were in the foster car temporally due to abuse or neglect! That is why I believe children need to be adopted more! Emma Zoglman Grade 4, Holy Family School

Sleep in, start later Dear Editor, Kids would have extremely awesome life if school would start later. It is obvious that

school should start later. Students should get to sleep in longer. Students need the sleep so their brain can get prepared for school. 3-6 year olds should get 10-12 hours per day to sleep. 7-12 year olds should get 10-11 hours per day to sleep. 12-18 year olds should get 8-9 hours per day to sleep. Having a later school start time gives extra time to do any homework that didn’t get done. If students were assiduous on the weekends they probably didn’t have time to finish their homework, but if their school would start later, they would have time in the morning. I know a ton of kids in sports and that could take up time for homework. Students are rushed in the morning to go to school. Students may have to chug their breakfast down their throat and not have a marvelous breakfast because they don’t want to be late for school. If girls didn’t plan what they are going to wear when the sun rises, it might take them a while to make their decision. To sum up school should start later. Riley Fischer Grade 4, Holy Family School

Shop at small businesses Dear Editor, The world needs more little businesses. When you work at a huge business it’s not good because when it shuts down many people don’t have a job right away. More little businesses are needed for many reasons. The first reason is that the government is giving millions of dollars to these businesses. If we would only have little businesses, the government would have a lot more money. If the government has a lot more money, we can afford more things. The things will be nicer and more people will come to Jasper. The second reason is that the states won’t be as crowed. Without skyscrapers, there will be less people. For instance, New York City is dangerous with all the people, but without the skyscrapers and all that commotion, it will be safer. The last reason is that the big businesses are not safe. They are not safe because they are so tall and can fall easily. Just like the Twin Towers, the bombers made them knock down. When that happened, many people got hurt. In conclusion, there are many reasons why there should be little businesses in the world. More little businesses would be safer for everyone. My dad owns Kitchen Jewels, and it is a little business .We still get customers, and it runs great! Lexi Gress Grade 5, Holy Family School

Fewer rifles in town Dear Editor, I don’t think that there should be any high powered rifles in tiny towns. Here are some reasons. The high powered rifle will shoot too far for tiny land. If people would shoot in the tiny town, the bullet would go in the other town or city or another person’s house. I think shooting a high power rifle on bigger land areas is a better idea. Another reason is someone may shoot from long distance and not hit what they want, like an animal. They may think that a human is a deer, moose, or elk and shoot at them, and they will feel bad. Another reason is so many people shoot people not animals and are being killed by short distance guns every day. Why would we need a long distance gun? More people will hunt too. That means less people and animals. The third reason there should be no high powered rifles is some people may not shoot them where they are allowed. It also would put a big hole in what they are shooting at. There are many reasons there that this should be a law against shooting high powered rifles. More people will feel safer, and more people will live. More people will be happier than sad. Luke Hasenour Grade 5, Holy Family School

New airplanes Dear Editor, The first reason why we need new airplanes is there are no security cameras. The reason why we need them is to make sure the plane is secure. The other reason why we need new security cameras is because of people who like to steal things. The second reason why we need new airplanes is that you need more seats. The reason why we need more seats is sometimes you have to

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wait forever in the airport. The other reason is you need a bubble space. The third reason why we need airplanes is that they are not fast enough. The reason why is because there boring and nothing to do. The other reason why is that you can get to your destination faster. In conclusion, there are so many reasons why we need new airplanes. We need new airplane to keep people safe, to have more seats, and lastly, to keep it not so boring. Zach Potter Grade 5, Holy Family School

Newspaper supporter Dear Editor, I love the Herald! I would like to especially thank the Herald for all of the time they take to write articles about what goes on with school sports and activities. The Herald does a great job at covering sporting events, and any events that go on in the city. The articles are well written, and very interesting. The photographers take beautiful pictures! Some photographers and writers have won awards for their amazing work. For example, Dave Weatherwax was named 2014 Indiana Photographer of the Year. Also, Jason Recker won 1st place in the best profile feature category. I have been in the Herald for Math Bowl, and have been recognized for being in the club. Also, many of Holy Family, and all the other schools in our county have had their special events featured in the paper. For example, our Catholic Schools Week skate party. Also, our National Blue Ribbon School event was recognized in the Herald. Thank you Herald for taking pictures and writing articles about sports, school activities, and city events in the newspaper! Emily Rennie Grade 6, Holy Family School

Faith, knowledge, service Dear Editor, Faith…Knowledge…Service… these are the foundation of a Catholic school. I believe these three attributes are the reason every child should attend a Catholic School. In my opinion, there are many reasons you should send your children to a Catholic school. The first reason is because students can practice their faith every day. At a public school, the law prevents students from praying together or even talking about God. At Holy Family School, we pray many times a day and have religion classes so we can learn about God daily. The second reason children should attend a Catholic school is because of the strong academic education. Holy Family School follows the Indiana Academic Standards. In addition, students are offered challenging classes such as pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Spanish. Our students consistently excel on the ISTEP test. Also, at Holy Family School the average student to teacher ratio is 16:1. The teachers are able to give us students more one-on-one time because of the small class sizes. At public schools, there could be classes with up to thirty kids! Unfortunately, this does not allow for much individualized attention for the students. Finally, I feel Catholic schools are the best place for children because the schools emphasize providing service to others. The students grow up and learn how to help others. At Holy Family School, we do an abundance of service projects including a monthly collection for the local food bank, participation in walk to support the St. Vincent DePaul Society, various projects to raise money for Riley’s Children Hospital, a “Penny Blitz” to raise money for a school in Dupiti, Haiti, and much more! In addition, we participate in community activities at the Jasper Community Arts Center and entertaining residents at Brookside Village Nursing home. In conclusion, there are many reasons your child should attend a Catholic school. Your child will grow not just academically, but also spiritually. So, if you are looking for a place for your child to grow in faith, knowledge, and service, choose a Catholic school. Addison Clauss Grade 6, Holy Family School

Landmark home Dear Editor, I would like for the old white house across from The Mill to be a museum. This house should be turned into a national landmark. Why? Because this house was built


by the Eckert’s. They were the people who built the original Mill in Jasper. Because of them Jasper is now as it is, they built the mill that used the river as a power source. I feel because of them Jasper became better! That house has some history. I think it is cool! I want to save this house and display it in Jasper. This house is being auctioned off. I mean, after all, we are trying to keep Jasper old and cool. Jack Troxler Grade 6, Holy Family School

Power underground Dear Editor, Have you ever thought about if there is a storm that it could possibly knock out electricity? I think we should require all power lines in Jasper to be underground. It would be safer for everyone in our town without having to worry about the poles getting struck by lightning, knocking down the power lines which could be very dangerous, or from the poles falling from storms or tornados. Underground power lines would make our town more beautiful to visitors and the people who live in Jasper. At first, I realize it would be expensive to put the lines underground, but in the long run it would save money from having to replace power line poles and also from fixing poles and lines that are damaged during storms and bad weather. We do have some locations in Jasper that have underground power lines, and I think we should do it everywhere. Hopefully this idea spreads and adults in Jasper vote on this idea in the next election. Owen Franks Grade 6, Holy Family School

Empty buildings Dear Editor, Have you ever realized that there are a lot of empty buildings around Jasper? Well, I think there are a few buildings in Jasper that could be fixed up and used. These are the buildings that are sitting completely empty. Some buildings, like the old factory by the train station, would be neat if they were fixed up and turned into an office building, an apartment building, or even a new factory. Another building is the factory building that seems like it’s been empty forever in the “Y” by McDonald’s. I think this building could maybe be turned into a parking garage. I think that if these buildings were used it could make Jasper look a bit better. Elijah Main Grade 7, Holy Family School

nature library would be unique because it would have gardens “inside” where people could not only look for books to read but sit and enjoy nature while reading. Lucas Mehringer Grade 8, Holy Family School

Stop child abuse Dear Editor, Did you know that about three million children in our country are abused in some sort of way annually? I am writing to you because I would like to raise awareness of this to you and our community. Every day children are neglected and abused. Some parents fail to provide the basic necessities of life to their children. That means often these kids go hungry and thirsty. They have to find their own way of getting what they need to support their life. Other children are abused. They are abused mentally, verbally, and physically. Some children are scared to come home after school in fear of what may happen. No person should have to live like that, especially not an innocent child. The Crisis Connection center does everything they can do to prevent this from happening and we, as a community, need to thank and praise them for the wonderful work they are doing. When I was in sixth grade my friend and I decided to raise awareness of this. We had a teddy bear collection. We sat boxes in our school office and church so that people could drop off their old teddy bears. Once the boxes were full, with the help of our religion teacher, we took the bears to Crisis Connections to be given to children there. People need to raise awareness for these children, it could save lives. Be the voice for the children without one. Hold fundraisers, volunteer, or even just donate what you can. Thank you for your time. Ally Miley Grade 8, Holy Family School

Appreciative of 4-H

Dear Editor, Do you feel appreciated? Sure, a lot of people do, but there is one special, important group that I think aren’t appreciated enough. The janitors and custodians at our school! They don’t get enough credit, maybe none at all, for keeping our schools clean. They work hard to clean up our messes and they should get thanked on a regular basis. I school couldn’t run without them doing their jobs. At my school, Holy Family, our facility manager, Mr. Kempf, and our custodians, Mr. Alan Brenner and Mrs. Joyce Kreilein, do a wonderful job cleaning up, even when some of the kids trash items purposefully. They just don’t get enough credit. I propose that we celebrate a Janitor Appreciation Week in the school system to celebrate everything they’ve done for us. Throughout the week we could even help with some of the cleaning to give them a break. Together we could make this happen, and make the world a better place, one step at a time. This can be the first step, so join me and make a difference. Kennedy Nicholson Grade 7, Holy Family School

Dear Editor, Unlike the common dear editor letter about a complaint or asking for something, I would like to thank the 4-H program, especially the council, leaders and everyone that makes such a great program possible. You see 4-H has a category for everyone, from basket weaving to shooting sports, cattle to crochet even drawing and Lego building! With all these things you can definitely find something you’re good at. I especially appreciate the horse and pony branch of 4-H. this club has taught me so much! Starting out in early winter with hippology (horse science) it teaches us diseases to look out for, how to distinguish between breeds and so many other facts that a good horse owner should know. Then, in horse judging, we learn how to pick out a horse with good conformation, how to write a smart sounding set of reasons, and how to confidently tell the official judge why you placed this class how you did. Last but certainly not least, the riding portion of horse and pony is great because since we don’t live in a big city we don’t have as many national organization pony clubs or shows nearby.4-H brings us the best of both much closer to home. We have open shows where a rider from anywhere can enter and we have closed or 4-H shows, the most popular being the county fair. However, there is also the state fair available and many often compete in that also. I think horses, and 4-H specifically, teaches kids of all ages to be responsible and resourceful. 4-H teaches you so many skills that are important in real world life. I have learned how to take the best care of my animals, I have made lifelong friends and best of all I had fun while doing it! Thank you 4-H for changing my life for the better! Madison Giesler Grade 8, Holy Family School

Peaceful library

Safety concern

Dear Editor, You will want to read this. Today I would like to talk to you about a new library. This library I speak of is no ordinary library but a nature library. The reason that I have brought this to your attention is because when I was reading a book the book described a library that had a garden. I also have brought this before you because I believe a nature library might attract more people to the library. Also this could mean a few more jobs would be available. Also the

Dear Editor, As most people worry about their own safety, shouldn’t we all be worried of the safety of others? I think we should, especially at the River Walk, because you don’t want to ruin another person’s day, as well as maybe your own? I think that there should be a separate and wider path for bikers, which might be safer for all people. What I’m trying to say is that the River Walk is a nice thing to walk through, but when there are bikers on the trail, it makes

Thank you, janitors

it a little less safe, because there could be crash between a biker and someone who’s walking, or maybe another biker. So if you see my point of view, I think someone should tell the city board, or something that might solve the problem, like the path that I talked about that should be a little bit wider, and specifically for bikers. Luke Summerlot Grade 8, Holy Family School

What we need Dear Editor, We need to lower the price on games. We should also lower the price on food. We also need more stores. We also need more trees. Gavin Jones Grade 1, Precious Blood School

Bid for bugs Dear Editor, I think we need a bug Sanctuary in Jasper. Maby we could get prmisson from the president to put luna moths in the Sanctuary. A lot of bugs in the Sanctuary would be spiders like the borrowing spider, giant golith tarantulas, wandering spider every spider I could think of. But everyony always stomps on bugs so I tell them “how would you like it if some one just stomped on you even thohg you did not do anything to them?” They always say “I would not mind.” Ava Claire Werne Grade 1, Precious Blood School

Why the problem? Dear Editor, People have a problm with black and white. Didn’t Fr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fix it? Cohen Gunselman Grade 1, Precious Blood School

Flood in church Dear Editor, It has not gone well with the church. It had a flood. I was sad when I heard the church had a flood. Now almost everything is wet. But they are drying it now. Madelyn Knies Grade 1, Precious Blood School

Get out and play Dear Editor, I think you should not play Kindle and IPads. Cause you need to get outside. You need to exercise. It would make the world a better place. Sincerely, Thomas Seger Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Young reader Dear Editor, I love reading the newspaper! Not just the comics, the whole thing! Some people might think I’m weird because I do and I’m in second grade. I also like to read People Magazines. I don’t think it’s weird or bad. I think it’s good that I like to read, and anyways it’s very interesting! I think one reason that I like to read is because both my sisters like to read a ton! My brother doesn’t like reading though. Last year my sister got 1012 AR points! My other sister was an 8th grader last year and my sister who got 1012 AR points beat her! My sister who got 1012 AR points was in the 4th grade last year. Anyways, I love to read! Isabella Harmon Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Black lungs Dear Editor, I think people should stop smoking. It is just a little thing. All it does is shorten your life. It makes your lungs black. You can die from it. It is very bad for you. Aidan Schue Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Need more Catholics Dear Editor, I think that more people should be catholic because I’m Catholic and there are some

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Catholics but I want more! I love Jesus. He died for us! Brianna Nelson Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Ditch the litter Dear Editor, I think people should stop littering. I always see trash in ditches. My dad, my brothers, and I will sometimes go in the fields close to where I live and pick up a lot of trash. One time, we got a whole trailer full. There should be no littering in the world. People should throw their trash in a trash can. A world without littering would be nice! Grace Kluemper Grade 2, Precious Blood School


won’t be around us. If they smoke around us we could get sick. I see cigarettes almost everywhere I go. They shouldn’t drop cigarettes everywhere. That is why we should have more smoking areas. Anna Uebelhor Grade 3, Precious Blood School

Cars that fly Dear Editor, We need flying cars. I think this because if an animal runs across the road it won’t get hurt. Also because the city won’t spend money on blacktop. One more thing is we could get places faster. I think we need flying cars. Eli Lehmkuhler Grade 3, Precious Blood School

Car invention

Give to charity

Dear Editor, I want to be an inventor and invent a car with 4 back wheels. JT Raisor Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Dear Editor, I think people should give money to charity more often because a lot of people don’t have enough things to live. Also because many people should give money to charity so people feet better and many people are struggling for food and shelter. Mady Buchanan Grade 3, Precious Blood School

School spirit Dear Editor, I love PBS. They have so much nice teachers here. My friends are here and I hope they are in my class neat year too. I love learning so much with my friend I can do anything. I like it when it is arm and we can go outside and run around. Avery Mehringer Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Wish list Dear Editor, I wish we could play video games at school. I want a bigger playground. I want some boy teachers too! Preston Hempfling Grade 2, Precious Blood School

NBA in Cabby Dear Editor, I wish that some of the NBA games would be at Cabby O’Neil and the high school because I could meet the players and get their ataghrahs and so would my friends. Landon Ahlbrand Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Funny mother Dear Editor, I played out in the snow with my mom and I like ot play in the snow with my mom. My mom is funny. I wish it would snow everyday. Chloe Edwards Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Hoosier dreams Dear Editor, I think IU should come to Jasper and play here. I like going to the IU gym, it is fun there. I will play there someday. Addie Dart Grade 2, Precious Blood School

Adopt more pets Dear Editor, I think people should adopt more pets from the Humane Society. Some reasons why I think people should adopt more pets are that pets make people very happy. Pets want to have an owner and a good home. The Humane Society needs to make more room for other new pets. That is why I think people should adopt more pets. Allie Werner Grade 3, Precious Blood School

See you in the pews Dear Editor, I think people should try to go to church more often. I think people should go because you receive Jesus’s body and blood. Also, you become closer with God and you learn about the Bible. Luke Shappard Grade 3, Precious Blood School

Keep the smoke away Dear Editor, I think we should have more smoking areas. I think that so that people who smoke

Cheaters never win Dear Editor, I think people should not cheat and be selfish. I think this because it means you want to win and be better in everything you even do. Another reason why I don’t like cheating is because it is rude and can be offensive. I don’t like cheating at all. When you cheat it also means that nobody can trust you anymore. This is why I don’t like cheating. Noah Lukemeyer Grade 3, Precious Blood School

A place to play Dear Editor, I think the city of Jasper should put in more playground equipment in the parks. You may be wondering how we will pay for that, but I have an idea. We could have all kinds of charity events like bake sales, car washes, and all kinds of things. People could volunteer to help out. Some people could make donations. All the money we earn will go towards the cost of the playground stuff. I think parks are a good place for kids to just run around and have fun. Abby Kidwell Grade 4, Precious Blood School

Need for treehouses Dear Editor, I think that we need some more tree houses. Kids like us need to be able to be in the trees! It would be a great experience too. We would be able to explore the outdoors and see nature. We need to have tree houses because we need a place to play and be ourselves. I think having more tree houses would be a great idea and everyone else would too! Abby Rodeck, Grade 4, Precious Blood

Place for the poor

Sidewalks necessary

Dear Editor, I think Jasper should have homes for the poor. I think this because I think of all the poor people in Jasper and in other places. We should have homes which would have food and money for the poor people or persons who lives in them. Money and food are in there so they can eat, sign up for a good education, or get a good job. I think this should happen, and I hope that you think this should happen too. I know this is the right thing, and I know God knows it too. Dane Smith Grade 4, Precious Blood School

Dear Editor, Have you ever wondered how many people have been hurt because they were walking on the roads? Well, I have. Therefore, I believe that Jasper needs a sidewalk on almost every street. If we have more sidewalks, I bet the number of people hurt will decrease. I love going for walks on my street, but it would be a lot safer if there was a sidewalk. Elizabeth Ackerman Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Loving community

Dear Editor, Schools are always having people come speak to kids about eating healthier. I think kids would eat healthier if they got to help plant the vegetables or healthy food. The one way that can happen is by having a city garden. Families from all around town can help plant the vegetables, and kids could learn more about how vegetables grow and what they need to grow. In conclusion, I think that a city garden would get kids to eat healthier and learn more about staying healthy. Caroline Kaiser Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Dear Editor, What I love about Jasper is that it is a loving community. Jasper is a loving community because everyone is friendly. I also like that when you get down, the people in Jasper say it’s alright, or you will get it next time. Jasper is a wonderful place to live! Libby Mehringer Grade 4, Precious Blood School

Looking for a library Dear Editor, Dubois County is a wonderful place; however, I think if we would have another library, our county would be so much better. I think this because when people come to Jasper from another state, they would probably like to know our history. So, they will need a library. My other reason is that an abundant amount of people love books, and if they want to read, they would need to know where the library is. So, if we had two libraries, it would be a lot easier to find. These two and many other reasons are why I think we should add another library to Jasper. Isabelle Hopf Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Homes need repair Dear Editor, Have you ever driven through the downtown streets of Jasper and noticed the grand homes that have fallen into disrepair? For example, houses that need new windows, painting, a new roof or new siding? I have seen several houses myself that could use a little extra help. I think the City of Jasper should offer help to people who want to repair their homes painting, putting on new siding, putting in new windows, or putting on a new roof for some houses. Don’t forget the inside of the houses, too. In conclusion, I think the City of Jasper should get some people who are willing to help and remodel some of the houses around town. It would be a win-win! The City of Jasper would win since more people would want to move to Jasper because of the nicer homes, and the families who live in the homes would win because they would have a nicer family home. Chloe Buchanan Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Don’t move library

Dear Editor, Dubois County is home to many farmers. In the spring and fall there are many tractors on the road. This is dangerous to all drivers. I know this because my dad is a farmer, and people try to pass us at dangerous times. I believe there should be separate traffic lanes for tractors and other farm equipment to make the roads safer. Christopher Gutgsell Grade 4, Precious Blood School

Dear Editor, Put it down by the river! No, don’t put it there! This has been the talk of the town for quite a while, and I’m getting a little annoyed. I think that the library is just fine where it is. If others think it’s too small, then they should just add an addition to it. I have never had a problem at the library where it has been too crowded or I couldn’t find the book I wanted. Since almost everything is available on the internet, maybe we should invest on getting more computers or iPads to make our library more modern and up to date. Taylor Bachman Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Don’t hurt children

Better library

Beware of tractors

Dear Editor, I think people should stop beating their children. It doesn’t happen in Jasper, but I don’t want people to start. I mean why people do it anyway if they know they are going to get in trouble by the government anyway. Also, they’re hurting their own children. People only have one life. It’s just like following the Ten Commandments so they are disobeying God’s laws. Karis Wigand Grade 4, Precious Blood School

Dear Editor, I know you think Jasper’s Public Library is great, but it could be better. One way to improve our library is by adding more books. That way if someone needs to work on a school project, they can get all the info they need. Also, instead of using taxes to pay for a bigger library, use fundraising so we can still get a bigger library. This will make everyone happy. Isabelle Lorey Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Healthier diet

Jump around Dear Editor, Every kid loves trampolines, why not a place full of them, Sky Zone. I wish we could put a Sky Zone right here in Jasper. It would be really fun for kids and even for adults. So next time you think of an entertainment place, think of Sky Zone, a great place for kids. Nate Johnson Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Tobacco kills Dear Editor, Did you know that 400,000 people die from smoking and tobacco each year? This is why it should be illegal to smoke in Jasper. Smoking doesn’t only harm people; it can cause people to get colds and can make their teeth turn yellow. This is why I hope you consider making smoking illegal in Jasper. Avery Knies Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Pick up the trash Dear Editor, When you’re driving around town and you see a lot of trash on the ground, doesn’t that just drive you crazy? Well, for me it does. So that’s why I think that on every Sunday a group of people should go around and pick up every single piece of trash that they see. Doing this every week could help the environment more than you would think. Also, taking away all of the trash could help people to realize really how beautiful our city is. Lastly, it could prevent less animals to die. I can’t wait to see Jasper look so pretty and clean. Hallie Sargent Grade 5, Precious Blood School

A place to walk Dear Editor, Many people have to walk on the roads because there are no sidewalks. People die because of this. I think that we should have sidewalks to prevent this to ever happen again. We may not have to put sidewalks everywhere, but in town would be the best. On a sunny day, people love to walk on the streets instead of just driving their car. Hopefully, we will see more people walking on the sidewalks instead of on the streets. Kaitlynn Mendel Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Let’s get some air Dear Editor, Do you know how much kids love to jump on trampolines? That is why I think you should put a Sky Zone in Jasper. Then people don’t have to drive all the way down to Evansville to go to Sky Zone. Last but not least, I would like to have an indoor trampoline park in my home town. Carson Mehringer Grade 5, Precious Blood School

Continued on Page 25









Sister Dear Editor, I have a baby sister named Olivia. She destroys my room almost everyday! Thats why I call her Destruct-O! Carson Blair Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Great country Dear Editor, This country is great! Our troops served happily and proudly. Today they still do keep it that way. Adalynn Lanman Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Reds Dear Editor, The Reds rock and roll. The Reds are so cool! The Reds win every game. Parker Nichter Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Pulls hair Dear Editor, I love my sister Gabby. But she is hard work! She is stuborn. She is also mean. One time, she sat on me and pulled my hair. So then I had to pull hers back. Izzy Liebering Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Rubs belly Dear Editor, I have a dog. My dogs name is Bud. He likes us to rub his belly. He licks me on the face a lot. He likes to sleep with our black cat and our white cat. Elizabeth Mehringer Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Nascar race Dear Editor, I would like to watch a Nascar race. I have watched it and I think I liked it. I have watched it on TV but not at the real race. My favrite driver is Dale Earnhart Junior. Nationwide Insurance is his sponser and he drives the number 88 race car. Saydee Arnold Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Fun cats Dear Editor, I love playing with my cats. Their names are Olivia, Smokey Joe, Holly, Lilly, Patches, and Tiger. I help feed and water them. Olivia sprained her paw. I tried to help her rest. She’s all beter now and now she plays with me, we have a great time. I love all my cats the same including my sneaky spy Tiger. I just love seeing my cats play with each other. They always pounce on each other. They play tag. Olivia always wins, she never gets tagged. Jaylynn Goodwin Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Cub Scout Dear Editor, I like being a Cub Scout. I went to the radio station. I talked on the radio. It was fun. Joshua Carrico Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Summer Dear Editor, I am writing about summer. Summer is my favorite season because I can go swimming. I can play baseball and ride my bike. I jump on my trampoline too. Heith Steckler Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Grandparents Dear Editor, My grandparents are nice. I help them cook and work on the farm. Sometimes I spend a night at there house a lot. Sometimes I feed the cows and cats with my grandpa. When my grandma is at home I like to watch TV with her and do my home work with her. It’s fun to stay with your grandparents. I watch scary movies with my grandpa. I sit with him when I get scared. And when I am cold me and my


grandma makes hot chocolate in a snowman cup. And when I am hungry we make cupcakes. And that is what I do with my grandparents. Avah Montgomery Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Best cat Dear Editor, I have a cat named Mika. She acts like a dog. She drinks out of the toilet and faucet. She goes in places like under the bed and dresser, on beds too. She even goes behind the TV. She even plays Minecraft! I’m not kidding. She looks like a cow and is a girl. She is the best cat ever. Jack Boeglin Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Kids and cars Dear Editor, I think kids should have cars. First reason, what if your Mom broke her hands and feet, your dad is working, your grandparents were out of town, your moms friends were in another country? Who would drive your mom to the hospital? Next reason, if it was snowing, your parents wouldn’t have to drive there. Kids threw the snow. Last reason, every day would be awsome if kids could have cars. And so kids don’t rec the cars that the kids drive it would drive them sefs, you just type in the place the kids want to go and it will take them there. That’s why I think kids should have cars. Grace Neier Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Museum Dear Editor, I think Holland should have a museum by Holland park. It would have a down stars and up stars. It would make a lot of people come to Holland. Everybody would love it. It would be awesome! Colton Obermeier Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Reading Dear Editor, I think reading is cool. People can learn about stuff or read something fake. That is called fiction. You can even read the Bible. The Bible is a book all about God and Jesus and how he want you to do good deeds. You can also read books that are called nonfiction. Realistic fiction books are about something that didn’t happen but really could happen. You also could read nonfiction books. Nonfiction books are not about fake stuff but about real stuff. I think you should start reading books. That is why I think books are cool. Eli Meyer Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Snow Dear Editor, Can you believe this wheather. This is perfect for a snow day. Here are some things to do in the snow. You can build a fort. Do a snowball fight. You can also snowboard. I love snowboarding. It is fun. But it can hurt you too. The first time I did it, I faceplanted. You will fall alot. But don’t be scared because you get the hang of it fast. You can do alot of things in the snow. That’s why snow is fun. Thats also why I love snow. Kamren Neukam Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Homeless people Dear Editor, I think they should make more homes for the homeless people. They shouldn’t have to pay taxes. The govement shouldn’t make them that isn’t fair give them a chance to have a happy life. We should take action and help homeless people get a place to sleep not the ground. Don’t let them starve or throw them out. Give them food and a little money they can spend on clothing and food. Care for them so if you see one take him or her in your house. Brody Kramer Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Large, small dogs Dear Editor, I am going to tell you about dogs. Small

dogs age 5x. Meduim dogs age 6x. Large dogs age 7x. Small dogs live longer because their heart beats faster that also means they have more energy. A healthy treat for your dog is carrots. If you want to them give your carrots you should give them two so they don’t get sick. What makes most food poisonious to dogs is the seeds. If you take the seeds out it’s not poisionous any more. Payton Nichter Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Camp Piomingo Dear Editor, I think that more kids should go to Camp Piomingo. Camp Piomingo is a place where you can express yourself and hang out with your friends. It is a camp where you don’t have to come home to your parents every night. They feed you breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. At Camp Piomingo you get to go ziplining, swimming, sliding, horseback riding, and you get to play sandball, play volleyball, and much, much more. You can do lots and lots of things at Camp Piomingo. If you want to learn more about Camp Piomingo go to www.camppiomingo. com. I hope I see you this summer! Abigael Byrd Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Awesome sport Dear Editor, Football is an awesome sport. You get to tackle people. Your goal is to get to the other side and don’t let people tackle you. You got to practis alot. It would be very awesome to make it into the Super Bowl. I would love to be in the Super Bowl. But it is really hard to be in the Super Bowl. Kayden Harger Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Adoption centers Dear Editor, I will be writing about adoption centers. Because they make you pay for a child. And all you are trying to do is help a child. All they want is money but money doesn’t buy happieness. Love does and that is what you trying to by adopting a child. So thats why I don’t think it is fair to make you pay for a child. Tehya Neukam Grade 3, Holland Elementary

More security Dear Editor, I think there should be more security over the school. Because the last thing I want is to be hiding and have only a door and an adult pertecting us. I wish we had phones that the kids could use. I wish we had security camras at the front of the school so if there was somebody that would brake into the school we would know. I also think we should have a special loker that was 9 feet by 5 feet. So all the students in the class could hide in there during lock downs. Josie Hoagland Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Deer season Dear Editor, I think deer season should be longer. Hunters in Indiana only get two weeks to shoot a deer. I think it should be at least three weeks long. Other states also get a longer time to hunt and shoot a deer than you do here. Some states can also shoot more deer than we can. I think we should still be allowed to shoot one buck per season but one or two more does as long as the population of the deer stay up to its normal number. That is why I think we should have a longer deer season here in Indiana. Luke Meyer Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Raise for teachers Dear Editor, I think teachers should get a raise every school day because they have to deal with us kids. I think they should walk out of the school with $500 every week. They should get a raise because teachers are so awesome. I have another reason why teachers should get a raise because they work so hard to teach us and gat us ready for Istep. Caden Richardson Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Dog parks Dear Editor, I think Huntingburg should have more dog parks because when my mom and I go to certain parks you have to clean up your dog’s business. I don’t like that rule. I don’t want dogs getting punished for doing their own business. Also at regular parks dogs don’t get to run around hardly because some parks don’t have fences so they could run out into the road. There should be a section where they run and play. Then one other section where they go to the bathroom. I think that would be a nice improvement to Huntingburg. Bailey Keusch Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Nursing homes Dear Editor, They should make more nursing homes. It comes to a time when people need help. And if they don’t then when people get old where are they going to go. Will they have to drive all around the world? If they can’t walk and need help who will help them. They should also let people sleep, eat, and play games there. Also talk to friends. That’s why they should make more nursing homes. So people can get help. Zoe Hollinden Grade 4, Holland Elementary

O’Liar Factor Dear Editor, A man of the name Bill O’Reilly has been accused of lying with his stories. I highly agree with this accusation, but if he is lying, why is his show still on? Didn’t that man off CNN get suspended by lying? If he was on a T.V. show, then why does OReilly still have his own T.V. show? In my opinion, his T.V. show should be canceled. Tyler Laughlin Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Safer rules Dear Editor, I think we should have safer indoor rules because kids are constantly going to the office to get ice packs. Also I think they should only have one basketball game going on because with two or more games going it is very hectic and other kids don’t get to play on the goals because of the games. Another reason is that when little kids are playing tag or whatever they play they have to worry on basketballs or whiffle balls coming down and knocking them over or hitting them on their heads. I feel this way because little kids have the same concept of playing as the older kids. Myah Montgomery Grade 5, Holland Elementary

School dogs Dear Editor, I think schools should have a dog because dogs are watchful. Dogs could help the special needs children walk to their room. Most dogs have talents so they could play with the younger kids. Also dogs could help the teacher catch kids that aren’t paying attention. Dogs could help the teacher build things or put things in their mouths and give the materials to the teachers. This is why I want schools to have a dog. Rayce Petry Grade 5, Holland Elementary

End racism Dear Editor, In 2014, shots rang out and the bullets made their way to Michael Brown. Not because of race but because of violence. After the shooting of Michael Brown people were thinking about racism. The policeman was white, Michael Brown was black. After the trial the shooting the policeman wasn’t charged of murder. Then it all happened. Buildings caught on fire, and people were killed. I think this sounds like Michael Brown wasn’t killed because of color, he was killed because of threat. Threat to the policeman then I would think the policeman heard a click in his mind. To pull out his gun and fire. But the shooting should be 1 shot not 6 shots. Put an end to racism. Jordan Biehl Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Continued on Page 27




Safer world Dear Editor, I wish the world was a safe place so we could play and have fun. When I grow up I want to help the world! Rebeca Gutierrez Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Bad people stop Dear Editor, I want to tell the bad people to stop all the bad things that they are doing and live a better life and I hope nobody is bad again! Justin Leathers Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Cameras help cops Dear Editor, I think that we should have cameras so if people are doing something wrong and cops are not around because someone could get hurt. Luke Kaufman Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Reading teacher Dear Editor, My teacher is Mrs. Prusz. She reads to us a lot. Since she reads to us a lot, I started to read right away. Do you like to read? Mya Menke Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Exercise body Dear Editor, I think every body needs to exercise so they will be healthy and strong. They can exercise by running, jump roping, doing jumping jacks, push ups, and v ups. Do at least 10 a day. Stop sitting on the couch and go outside and do some exercise! Elizabeth Cruz Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Don’t bully Dear Editor, Bullying is never good to do. So don’t do it. You should probably just treat people how you want to be treated. You don’t want to be treated badly do you? So don’t treat other people badly. If you have ever bullied someone tell them you are very sorry for what you did and you feel terrible about it. Maybe you can encourage some to say sorry or stop. Allison Taylor Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Start recycling now Dear Editor, I think that everyone around should stop littering and start recycling now! You need to stop right now before it’s too late. If you don’t stop now our earth will turn into the inside of a trash bag I don’t think you want that. Nicole Fant Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

More churches Dear Editor, I think that we need more churches because more people should believe in God than they do now. And if people go to church more, they will be better people and more people get closer to God. Noah Wright Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Fundraise for others Dear Editor, I think we should have fundraisers or bake sales for the people who don’t have enough money for food or clean water. When we get the money, someone could go to the store and get food and water. We could also have a food bank. If people don’t have food or clean water, they could die and that would be horrible! That’s why people need food and clean water. What do you think we should do for people in need? Roselyn Bounds Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Hurt eagle Dear Editor, Why would anyone want to hurt an eagle? They are more afraid of us than we are of them. Eagles are beautiful birds. The


world would be a better place without eagle hunters. Addyson Kane Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Robbing stores Dear Editor, I’m worried about people robbing stores. The robbers might grab something they don’t know how to use. Then they would have to go to jail for a long time. Their family would be disappointed and lonely. That’s why I want people to stop robbing stores. Heidi Barbour Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Haunted help Dear Editor, I think you should ask people to help with the Haunted Huntingburg Group. I heard they’re hoping for a lot of people this year. One of those helpers is my dad, Jayme. I think they should make a very spooky place here in Huntingburg so they can have their haunted stuff here. I bet it would be an awesome time for everyone! Last year they had a zombie walk! I was on of the helpers and my mom was a runner. My dad said that he heard a person say that the girl with the white teddy bear was the SCARIEST! I was so glad! I also think someone should make a costume store. I hope you can help them. Have a nice day. Maggie Rasche Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Soften football Dear Editor, I think we should make football less harsh. I know it’s a wonderful and great sport but I think it’s to rough! Football should be easier so people don’t get head injuries. People shouldn’t cheat like the patriots either. Will you make football not so rough anymore? Ryan Roby Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Not our choice Dear Editor, I wish you could take away Istep and Iread, because children didn’t make the choice to do it. They will get nervous and won’t focus on there teacher. They’ll get held back if they don’t pass. That’s actually kinda mean. Think about it. Its really embarrassing. Maybe a kid didn’t get much sleep and there tired and don’t want to do it. It starts in third grad and then you have to do it until you get in college. I think you should get rid of it. That’s my advice. Ava Smith Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Too much homework Dear Editor, I think we need less homework. I mean we get too much I think we need to have 1 homework page a night so there won’t be so much thinking in one night. I love homework but does there have to be so much. It doesn’t seem right man. its not bad I’m good at homework and school but I don’t like homework as much as school. I like math homework and math at school its my best subject in school I’m fast at math facts. I’m like this SNAP!!!! I think that’s why we need less homework and that’s my story on less homework. Reilly Eckert Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Park trash cans Dear Editor, I wish that there was more trash cans in the park because you can not just throw everything in the trash with out recycling. It is good to recycle. Do not jus throw out paper and other stuff. We deserve more trash cans in the park at least spread trash cans around. Not just in won place. We deserve at least try to. Melissa Martinez Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Great teachers Dear Editor, I think that teachers are great because if we didn’t have teachers we wouldn’t have any knowledge. They teach us everything we need to know in life. You should respect teachers because if you don’t you will get in big trouble and plus you weren’t paying at-

tention so you just missed out on that. So that’s why I think teachers are great, and you should too. Kelsey Wibbeler Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

iPads are great Dear Editor, I think the ipads are good to have in my classroom. I can show my teacher that I can do adding and subtracting with an app. I can play educational games at recess. Emily Gilbert Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Ride bikes Dear Editor, I think kids and adults should try to ride bikes in the summer instead of driving a car. It will keep the air clean. You don’t have to pay for gas, and you get exercise. It is also a good way to play with friends and family. So when it gets warm, go outside and ride a bike! Maci Hubster Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Huntingburg YMCA Dear Editor, I think Huntingburg should have its own YMCA because some people just sit at home and have nothing to do. If we had a YMCA, we could go swimming in the winter! Please, take my advice for getting a YMCA in Huntingburg. Thank you! Allyson Buening Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Metal bats Dear Editor, Why do they use metal bats in college? I think they should use wooden bats in college, so they can be prepared for the majors. If they use metal bats, then they might be worse when they get to the majors. Brice King Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Protect rare animals Dear Editor, I think people should protect rare animals. We want to protect the animals because if we keep on killing them, they will be gone in the blink of an eye. People should stand up for animals and talk about it. If people do this then rare animals will be saved. Please stop killing rare animals. Braxtyn Cooper Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Stop bullying Dear Editor, I think there should be less bullying. A lot of people get bullied, some might get bullied everyday. I was bullied everyday in third grade by a fifth grader. He bullied me by calling me names at lunch. If less bullying happened I think more friends would be made and the world would be a lot happier! Joshua Vasquez Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Stop animal abuse Dear Editor, I think animal abuse should stop and should have more consequences. Don’t you agree? Have you ever drove by a house and seen an animal that didn’t have any food or water? Well that is animal abuse! Animals are suffering! They need our help! Animals are part of our earth so we all own the earth together. Most animals help our world by cleaning up dropped food, trash we throw on the ground and helping some people travel and crop. All animals are part of nature! Leave them alone! Now days people kill animals just for their horns. They are killing rhinoceros for just their horns and letting the rest of their body rot. They do the same thing with elephants! Do you know why animal are becoming endangered? Too many animals are dying! Now that is a major problem! Animals that live in the ocean are dying because of pollution! Oil spills, trash being dumbed in the water, and fish lines in the water will hurt the animals! Animals environments are being ruined by us! Many animals are vanishing very quickly! Animals are starving to death because we are ruining their food supply. If animal abuse doesn’t stop many animal will become endangered. Have you ever drove

by a house and seen skinny starving and almost dead animals? That is animal abuse! It needs to sop now! If you care help make a difference! These animals are suffering! Please help the poor animals in our world! They can only survive with our help! We are ruining their environment and their food supply! We have to help them survive! We have caused all the damage so will have to fix it! Jaelyn Cooper Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

Sidewalk repairs Dear Editor, Have you ever tripped or seen someone trip on the sidewalk? I have seen many people trip and fall on the sidewalks because of the cracks. These people getting bloody hands and knees is why we need to fix the sidewalks. First, if a mother is taking a walk and has a baby in a stroller the cracks will shake the stroller and make the baby start crying. The babies crying might disrupt other people working nearby and then the mother will have to make the baby stop crying. Next, the cracks in the sidewalks will not go well with the remodeling that we are doing on 4th street. The cracks also let weeds grow in the them and moss is covering a lot of the concrete. Finally, if a person is running or walking on the sidewalks, the cracks might make them trip and bleed. When this person is cut and bleeding, the cut might get infected and they will have to go to a doctor and it will cost them. The cracked sidewalks cause injuries and just don’t look nice. These are reasons that we need to fix the sidewalks. Andrew Sander Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

Plastic bags Dear Editor, Are plastic bags convenient or cruel? I say plastic bags are cruel. Plastic bags can kill thousands of animals each year. Plastic bags are deadly to the environment. For example, it takes 10 to 20 years for plastic bags to break down, and even when they do, tiny pieces never really go away. IF you see plastic bags on the side of the road, usually they go away because people pick them up and throw them away. Do you know people have unknowingly taken a bit of plastic bags? Yuck! Whenever you bury a plastic bag into the ground, and then plant vegetables there, plastic bag chemicals can get into the vegetables. Marine animals think the floating bags are tasty treats, but one nibble can be deadly. Plastic bags can block the digestive tract, causing a very slow, painful death for many animals. Other animals get strangled when plastic bags wrap around their bodies. Thousands of marine animals die each year because of plastic bags, including sea turtles, seals, dolphins, whales, sharks, and seabirds. Sure, plastic bags are cheaper to produce and less prone to breakage, but would you rather have thousands of animals dying each year and a cheap-to-produce plastic bag, or living animals and not so cheap-toproduce bag? These are many reasons why I think plastic bags are cruel. I would rather have living animals and not-so-cheap-toproduce bag. Emily Roby Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

Extreme sports Dear Editor, There are some kids who want to do extreme sports but some people think they are too dangerous. Extreme sports are important because they can build confidence and discipline. These extreme sports often give opportunities to millions of kids who don’t play in regular team sports. Some people argue that kids should not do extreme sports because these sports have caused more than 4 million injuries since 2000. You could get brain damage skiing! Also, many beginners attempt stunts that are way beyond their skill level. I think kids should be allowed to do extreme sports so they can be pros at it. Instead of being bored in the house watching TV, you could be outside riding bikes, skateboarding, swimming, or skiing. German Flores Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

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Greedy dog

Play a little

Dear Editor, I believe that animal abuse is wrong. One day my sister and I were in the sun room waiting for the bus. This guy drove up the hill and opened the passenger door. A dog came out; the owner shut the door and drove away. That may not be animal abuse, but it is still wrong for that dog to fend for itself. Some guys on motorcycles came by, and they talked to the dog and took him somewhere. Maybe it was a happy end, but I think the original owners intended for the dog to die. On a show called “Pit bills and Parolees” the people help save dogs that have been abused, or their owner died and the dogs are trapped. The world needs more organizations like that to help save our beloved animals. I look at my greedy dog and think, “You are lucky to have a nice home like this, you greedy little dog.” Take care of your animals. If you can’t, then take them to the right place instead of dumping them off someplace and leaving. Payton Folz Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Dear Editor, Sports are really fun, but not all kids take part in them. I think they should because they need to get exercise and stay healthy. Kids stay inside all day watching T.V. and playing video games. Is it really hard if I just ask for 30 min. to go outside and play for a little bit? Laci Schwenk Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Father figure Dear Editor, Have you ever felt alone with a father figure? Many children around the USA feel that way due to the deporting of their mother or father. I know how it feels. It’s like no one is there for you; you’re alone. There are many people who leave their country to come to ours for many different reasons. They don’t get paid enough to keep their family fed. There are a lot of drug gangs and other gangs harming people in their country. There is poverty, and the homeless are starving and wanting a better life. There are parents wanting better, brighter futures for their children. We as a nation should give those people a chance to live better lives and give their children brighter futures. Get them out of the gang violence and harm. One change, one opportunity can give them the life they want. Junior Zarate Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Throw a phone Dear Editor, People shouldn’t text and drive. When I see people texting and driving, I want to throw their phone out the window. People have all day to text at home, or other places, but people do not need to put themselves and others at risk. There is no reason to text and drive. If it is something urgent, you should just call the person. It’s not like people don’t spend all day on their phones anyway. States need to be smart and ban texting and driving, or even make it a law. By texting and driving, you put yourself, and others at risk. Kira DeWitt Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Safe town Dear Editor, Huntingburg is usually a safe town, but there are dangerous situations from time to time. My dad is a fireman so I know when people are in danger. Those calls, though, are for people with cell phones on them. There have been many times when people were in danger without their cell phones. I suggest that the city place more public telephones around town. I believe it would help many civilians! Isabel Morrison Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Bones Dear Editor, Bones! Bones! Bones! That’s what people are in Africa. They are way too skinney. Did you know that kids and adults die in Africa almost every three seconds. You see, one .... two ... three a child or an adult just died. People in Africa don’t really have any food or clean water. Some of them don’t even have shelter to keep them safe from natural disasters or dangerous animals or dangerous things out in the wilderness. I have wanted to help them ever since I was in 3rd grade. All the developed countries need to cherish all that they have because people in Africa don’t have the stuff we do. It just makes me sad when I see the commercials on tv saying that children and adults need help to survive in Africa. Also, the two quarters they are asking for will make a difference on their lives. They need food, water, and shelter to survive. I need you to do your part and help these poor, poor people to survive the harshness of Africa. Grace Middleton Grade 7, Southridge Middle School


Dear Editor, Lately I’ve seen a lot of people drinking energy drinks. I have recently looked at it on the computer and the results aren’t good. It can make your heart overwork, which could lead to a heart attack. This is one of the many reasons these drinks are not good for anyone. Ethan Bell Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Dear Editor, I think we should have less trains. Some people get to work late because trains are to long. There boss might kick them out because they were late from work. Now they won’t recieve any money because they got kicked out. They also won’t be able to pay the bills because he/she is not working. It might take the person a while to get a job. Some trains start going fast, but then it slows down and it takes about 20 minutes until the train is over. Some people have to do something very important, but they are not going to do it anymore because they will be late. So they might have to wait until the next day or the next week to do what they were going to do. You missed so many days and you have one chance left and you miss the train. When you tell your boss that you came in late because of a train, he would probably not believe you. Now you don’t have a job because a train was to long and it was going slow. That is why I think we should have less trains. Jeffrey Echeverria Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Freaks out

Horse slaughter

Dear Editor, Istep is the test that everyone in school freaks out about. I used to freak out and tell myself that I wasn’t going to pass the grade, but then over the summer I realized that passing grades shouldn’t ever be judged on one test. It should be based off of the test that you study for every week, not some test that you can’t really study for. I honestly think that students that don’t pass their grade because of one test is dumb! What if they did do their best? What if they got straight A’s? They would have gotten straight A’s for no reason! I think Istep holds you back. How would you like it if you tried your best all year, but one test stops you from going into the next grade? In all honesty, I think it’s the dumbest test out there! Sandra Dubon Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Dear Editor, I think more people need to be aware of horse slaughter. This topic is not one you talk about, or hear about a lot. I believe more people should know about it. I mean how many times do you see a billboard or comercial about horse slaughter? The answer is little to no times at all. I’m in 7th grade and have not once seen an add about this. What about a fundraiser to help stop the slaughtering. I’ve never even heard of one. Sure cows are slaughtered, but they’re used for food. Of course. so is horse meat. But what you think is chicken might end up being horse meat. That is not what horses are meant for. Horses are beautiful and majestic wild animals. Little girls always want a horse for Christmas or their birthday, but they’re exspensive. What about rescuing or sponsering a slaughter horse for cheap.

Energy drinks

But no their simply to exspensive. That’s because they don’t know about a rescue program. Kadynn Luker Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

my hunting spot.


Dear Editor, How young is too young for an Iphone? I think that 10 years old and younger is too young for an Iphone. Children under 10 really don’t need a phone. All they are going to do with it is play games. Plus, younger children arent responsible and end up losing their phones. Iphones are for calling and for emergencies. Games are for freetime and when your waiting in an office. Not for something you play for hours at a time. I am 13 years old and I play games on my phone, but I play for like 5 to 10 minutes a day on games on my phone. Games aren’t meant for playing hours at a time, but for your freetime. Phones damage your eyes anyways. Using your phone for games isn’t really necessary. Remember Flappy Bird? It got deleted from the app store because too many people played it and played it for too long of a period. Please stop getting your 5, 10 year olds phones and give them part of their life back by not giving them a phone. Josh Fisher Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Dear Editor, I believe the city should put in sidewalks. Even on most of the back-roads there are no sidewalks. It is dangerous if there are no side walks because a car can pop over a hill and not see the pedestrian. I have learned from experiance. My driveway is right over a hill and the only way you can tell if a car is coming is that you can hear it. I’ve had many close calls. There are many runners in Huntingburg. Many of which don’t use sidewalks just for the fact that there are no sidewalks. It would be terrible for a runner to be hit. In the summer I ride my bike to school to weight lift. On the 50 percent of roads that I ride on none of them have sidewalks let alone crosswalks. I’ve heard about people being hit by cars. I bet my bottom dollar that most of them were hit on sidewalkless roads. My parents always gripe and complain about we not riding on roads with sidewalks. The problem is that are there arn’t very many roads with sidewalks. So I get in trouble for something that isn’t even my fault. Austin Burtin Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Community garden Dear Editor, I think that Huntingburg needs a community garden. A place where flowers, vegetables, and fruits would flourish, and everyone would be welcome. Imagine strolling along the paths where you would see bright pops of color, butterflies flitting around, and neighbors and friends hard at work. The garden grounds would display a wide variety of plants: fragrant rosebushes, nutritional, ripe tomatoes, delicate pansies, and even more! Each gardener would bring their own unique, exotic plants and customs, familiar to their heritage and culture. I believe that Huntingburg could create its own extraordinary Garden of Eden. Growing a garden will not only benefit us and our town, but also the Earth. Tending to the plants and cultivating the land will help our environment. Also this experience will be an opportunity to teach kids about plants and how to take care of our world. It will be safe haven for people of all ages or backgrounds. I predict that if we start a community garden now, it will bring prosperity to future generations; our community will become closer and forge unforeseen friendships. Evalyn Sherer Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Shop class Dear Editor, I believe school should have a shop class. The society today is clueless about anything to do with your hands. Except texting and gameing. That stuff doesn’t accomplish anything. If you know how to fix your car if its on the side of the road now that could help. This class should also be like a “common care” class because i don’t think its fair that you can’t be in band and also another class. Also if you know how to work on things and problem solve it helps you with anything you do in the real live. A shop class would also help with patience. With all these new electronics, a lot of people think they’re intitled to imediate gradification. They think everything should just appear right before their eyes but that’s not how it works. This is why I think we need a shop class. Owen Kinker Grade 7, Southridge High School

Bobcats Dear Editor, I think we should be able to shoot bobcats while hunting. They used to be endangered. They are now pests. There are too many of them. They are not only a pest to us by scaring off our deer, but they can be a danger if you hunt in a ground blind. They serve no purpose to the world. Bobcats are one more thing we have to worry about while hunting. If you made this legal I am pretty sure bobcats would be wiped off this Earth. Everybody hates them. I would personally go hunting them just to get them away from

Cade Potter Grade 7, Southridge Middle School


Choir, band Dear Editor, I feel that choir and band classes are very important. Kids don’t have to take them, but they should be offered. You never know what you might like, until you try it. Kids need to be challenged academically and vocally. They need to stand up and use their voices. Choir is challenging and fun. Our lovely choir teacher pushes us to be the best we can be. The band teacher does the same, only those kids use their instruments instead of voices. We all express ourselves through breathtaking talents that we were blessed with. In both classes you go to contests, put on concerts, and educate the future classes. At first you might think “I don’t fit in here,” but then you shock people with your amazing talent. If you don’t push yourself to do something out of your comfort zone, you won’t experience the world. Choir and band are challenging and hard working classes. Those who pay attention will succede, and the teachers will appreciate all the hard work. Mikaela Blume Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Author award Dear Editor, If I could choose an author to read, I’d choose Ellen Hopkins. There are plenty of deserving writers, but Ellen’s captivating word play and style format are phenomenal. She writes about topics with which young adults actually struggle. I, personally, can’t speak highly enough of her. Most, if not all, of her books are loosely based off true stories. All of her books really show and truly portray how addiction really is. Keysha Kieser Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Same sex marriage Dear Editor, I am writing to you today to address a topic that concerns me. I am writing about the topic of same sex marriage at our church. I personally hope that they will accept it, but that does not matter. I wrote in hope that this would be shown in the newspaper to raise awareness of this topic. I hope that with enough positive response, the churches will carry out services. I strongly believe that if you are in love, hetrosexual or not, you should be able to marry the person you love, If I fall in love with another man, I shouldn’t have to go somewhere else to be married. Are you married? How would you feel if you were denied marriage to your loved one? This is why I stand for same sex marriage. It means a more equal society. It means we are one step closer to unity. One step closer to a more perfect union and world. Brandon Grindle Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

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Horses and helmets Dear Editor, Have you ever thought that something should change in the world? Well I am telling you my opinion on what should change in the world. I think that people under 18 years should wear a helmet on a horse at ALL horse shows. Not just in 4H. Have you ever thought how many people fall off their horses a year? About 5,000 a year! I remember one time I was at a horseshow waiting my turn when I heard the announcer say that someone fell off. She was hurt badly. My friend Jaylynn went to the main arena to see what was going on. Then we heard the sirens from the first responders. They lifted her on the stretcher when the ambulance was driving in the lane up to the horse barn. They drove her to Memorial Hospital then put her on a helicopter and flew her to Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. The people said she had broken 5 ribs in all DIFFERENT places and she had a concussion. And of course she didn’t have a helmet on. That’s the first reason why I think all people under 18 should have a helmet on when they are on a horse at all horse shows not just at 4H. Another reason I think people should wear helmets is because helmets can save lives. For example one time last summer when I was at a horse show , it was my turn to run the poles. I led my horse into the arena. It was my first time on poles so I was just trotting and at the end I ran home really fast. When he hit the rocks he started to buck. I was already out of my stirrups and before I knew it he started to buck again then that’s when I fell in the rocks. I hit my head really hard. Hard enough that it cracked my helmet. THANK GOD I WAS WEARING MY HELMET!!!!!!! So I wasn’t hurt that bad. But, I did scrape up my elbows and my back pretty bad. Thanks to my helmet I wasn’t hurt very bad. Now you know how important it is to wear a helmet when you are on a horse. So from now on when you get on a horse WEAR A HELMET ON YOUR HEAD!!! That’s why I think people should wear a helmet when they are on a horse at all horse shows. Brenna Brosmer Grade 4, Pine Ridge

More recess Dear Editor, Has your teacher ever gotten a sore throat from talking too much? Well my teachers probably have. That’s why I think there should be more recess! One time I was so bored from class. Recess was only ten minutes away! Finally it was recess time and when we got outside we kept messing up on the jump rope because everybody kept on dropping it and messing around with it! Just when I was about to jump in recess was over. I didn’t even get to have a turn the whole entire recess! Then I said well I wish that there was more recess! Another reason we need more recess is that we need more time to play and get fresh air. One time we had to stay in first recess and lunch recess because it was raining. So we couldn’t go outside and I thought well we will probably have to stay in last recess too. But at last recess it stopped raining and we got to go outside and play. I was so happy to finally go outside and get fresh air because it is not fun to be stuck inside all day. Then I got to play and have fun for the first time today. I played jumping rope my friends! It was so much fun! Those are some of my reasons why I think there should be more recess! Brae Holmes Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Abused dogs Dear Editor, I am always seeing dogs chained up and beaten. Do you want to make a stop to it? Well I do. Have you ever seen a really small dog being smacked or hit really hard. Well I have and I DO NOT LIKE IT. I need to make a stop to it!!!!!! Like once I found this really really big dog. It was at least 4 feet tall and I brought it home and dad said I could keep him. So I went outside and there was a guy who said that he was looking for his dog and said it was a poodle and its name was Trotter. Luckily it wasn’t that same dog I found .So I said I would help him find her. Then we finally we found Trotter. He said that I helped


him and he invited me and my dad to eat at a restaurant to eat with him and his wife and we said yes. So I told him in the United States of America there are 1,212 dogs every 10 seconds. And he said wow I have never heard that before. Then we all went home and my dad said I was really brave about finding that dog. Then I said dad you know we haven’t fed the dogs oops! (The next morning) I got up and went to feed the dogs and the whole couch was chewed up oh no!!! Alex Schlachter Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Allowed in woods Dear Editor, Have you ever got yelled at by a teacher for getting in the woods. I have and thats why I picked we should be aloud in the woods at recess. One time I got yelled at by the teacher she asked me why I went in the woods. I said, it was my first day and I didn’t know the rules. She said, you got lucky this time but I will be watching you. One of the reasons is to lean about nature. One time a kid asked me what is nature and I said, it is the animals all a around us and he said, ok now I know what nature is now. The second reasons is to learn what to do when you are lost. One time a kid asked me if you are lost what should you do and I said, you should not feak out and say that you are lost to your self. You should make a camp and make a fire. The kid said, now I know what to do now and the kid said, That is why I picked we should be aloud in the wood during recess. Gavin Sermersheim Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Make safer quads Dear Editor, Have you ever had an opinion about quad bikes? Well I do. I think they need to be equipped with a roll cage or some kind of contraption. I think 4-wheelers need to be a lot safer! The first reason I think 4-wheelers need to have a safe contraption is because 150,000 people in 2007 got sent to the E.R. each YEAR!!!! 555 people including 100 kids in 2006 DIED because of quad accidents. So that’s 150,555 people died or got seriously injured in 4-wheeler crashes. Another way to prevent that is to wear the proper riding gear. The necessary riding gear includes the following: 4-wheeler helmet, 4-wheeling goggles, riding gloves, long sleeves & long pants, elbow & knee pads, 4-wheeling boots, neck brace, and chest guard. Do you look at that and say “well that’s too much money!” Well, I bet a hospital bill would be more than that. And I guarantee it wouldn’t have as much pain. I also know that your life is more valuable to your loved ones. Another reason I think 4-wheelers should have a safe contraption is because too many quad accidents happen in a year because of drunk driving. People are being stupid and jacking around going like 40 m.p.h. down the back road, or people don’t feel like obeying the law just because cops aren’t around. One time I was having a little too much fun drifting around a huge mound of dirt with my 4-wheeler. I didn’t know there was a small bump in the way until I almost flipped my 4-wheeler on the tops of the handlebars. Luckily though, the quad bike went on its side. I’m glad I flew off because when the 4-wheeler went on its side I could have crushed my leg. If that 4-wheeler rolled just a little bit more I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this story right now. I would be in a casket under the ground. That’s why you should be safe and wear the right gear. If I was wearing the right gear and the quad came down on me I would still be alive like I am right now. Get the right gear in case a tragic accident happens so you don’t end up like these 150,555 people dying and being sent to the E.R. That’s only in 2 years. Wear the right gear, drive, and be safe on your a.t.v.s. That’s why I think 4-wheelers need to be a lot safer. Kale Brames Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Endangered animals Dear Editor, I have heard about endangered animals. Some people don’t even care about endangered animals. I think we should help them

even more than we do now. The first thing I think we should do is to help and release. The zoos usually keep them until they die of boredom in a cage. I read this book and this black bear cub, Lusa, got bored of her enclosure and escaped to go explore the outside world. What they should do is help them and keep them for a FEW days so they don’t get used to people. After that we should release them back to the wild. If they can’t go back to the wild keep them and make sure they live a fun life not a boring life. Did you know that animals in the wild live longer than the ones that live in cages or pools? Well they do. The second thing I think we should do is STOP cutting down trees. When we do that we lose air and the animals lose their home. Imagine if that was you losing your home you would be mad. You can tell people to stop but the animals can’t say, “ Can you stop chopping down my home?” The animals have feelings too. I have a dog named Bella. You should see the way she looks when we leave my house. When we come home she is all excited and all jumpy. We should stop cutting down trees. Kayla Fischer Grade 4, Pine Ridge

More homework Dear Editor, Do you think that kids need more homework, I do. My opinion is for kids to have more homework. My first reason is to do good on the Istep test. I know that a lot of people in my class last year had a lot of trouble on the IStep test. My parents always push me on my homework. I sometimes do good on it but,not always. The really good thing is we have IStep practice My last reason is more AR points . There is an app at school that lets you take tests on a book that you have read. My parents always ask me if I took an AR test today. Some of my friends have a lot of points. Hailey Pund Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Less homework Dear Editor, I have to spend 1 and a half hours doing homework. I want to go outside for fresh air but I spend way too much time doing homework. I think we should have less homework. My first reason is that we have way too much homework. We as kids need more fresh air. One time I had a lot of homework and I couldn’t get any fresh air because I way too much homework. My class on the other hand had a lot of homework so they couldn’t go outside because they spend all their time inside doing homework. So I think we need less homework. So my second reason is that we should have more time to do it. So in the first paragraph you heard me talking about us having way too much homework right? Well I think we should have more time to do it because we can do a lot at school and less at home so we can get more fresh air and less homework. Daegan Berg Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Stop littering Dear Editor, Have you ever been driving on the road and see a lot of trash? I have and littering needs to stop!!!!!!!! One of my reasons that I think littering needs to stop is that litter gets on the roads. I know that some of you guys are thinking why would trash on the road be a big deal. Well, if someone would drive over a piece of trash and wreck. I know that from family members because my great aunt almost wrecked. Do you want to know how she wrecked? She ran over a piece of trash. She was very lucky that she didn’t get hurt. When people throw trash on the road or in the (dirty) ditch they don’t clean it up. My mom and I go outside in the spring to walk about once a month and we bring a trash bag to clean up the road and ditch. We should not have to do that. That’s why littering needs to stop!!!!!!! My second reason I think littering needs is that it can kill animals. If it gets in a pond or a place where an animal drinks out of. None of my pets have died by drinking the polluted water but my neighbors dog drank out of a creek. It got very sick and the owners (my neighbors) were very sad. They

didn’t know what happened at first but they found out that the dog drank out of a polluted creek. You should not litter because you can kill an animal. That’s why littering needs to stop!!!!!! Kaylee Berg Grade 4, Pine Ridge

More reading time Dear Editor, At school, kids get reading time. It’s short, but I try to get every last minute of it. Then, it ends. This is why I think us kids should have more reading time. My first reason why us kids should have more reading time is because we can get some education from our books. Giving us more time to read would be good for our education. When we study, we have to read. Reading can give us kids a marvelous education and world full of wonder. Once I was reading at school and reading time was almost over also I was in a good spot in my book then my reading time was over. I was frustrated with not finishing my chapter. I wanted more reading time. I also wanted to learn more about my book. Learning is good for us kids and that’s why us kids need more reading time. My second reason why us kids should have more reading time is that we need to get more informative with our books. I like getting more information from my books that I read. Kids who get more information get better at life. I think that living an informative life is better for you. Once I was reading an informative book when all of a sudden my teacher said, “Alright reading time is over.” “More reading time!” I thought. Information is good for our lives and that’s why us kids need more reading time. I think that more reading time is a good thing. I hope you agree with me in getting us kids more reading time. Gabriella Shepard Grade 4, Pine Ridge

10 inning baseball Dear Editor, Hey have you ever played baseball and been losing by 5 or 6 runs in the ninth inning? Well, I have and it stinks because you are under preasure. Thats why I think there should be 10 innings in a baseball game. The first reason 10 innings in a baseball game is because it would be a lot easier to catch up. I remember one time when my travel team, The Sluggers, were playing in Kentucky. We were down by 6 in the bottom of the 9th inning. This was the semi championship game. My team was playing a team called the Hustle. We were batting with our best hitter and bases loaded. The person running the pitching machine put the ball in the machine and our batter fouled it off. The next pitch our batter hit the ball into deep, deep, deep left field and scored 3 runs. That put us down by three more runs. The next kid got a single with his speed he beat the throw to the base. I was up next with me being the tieing run I was sooooooooooo nervous. The first pitch came in and I liked it so I swung. I saw it I just missed it. The next pitch I didn’t like it so, I didn’t swing. The next pitch was right down the pipe. I couldn’t resist not swinging. When I hit the ball there was a loud crack. The baseball went deep down the third baseline. When I hit the ball out of the corner of my eye I saw the third basemen try and catch the ball. He didn’t get close. The good thing is the 2 runners on scored but, right as I was about to score their left fielder dove and caught the ball. I was sooooooooooo mad when I saw him catch the ball. The rest of the team was depressed. Which brings me to my next reason why I think there should be 10 innings in a baseball game. My next reason why I think there should be 10 innings in a baseball game is because there wouldn’t be as many quitting baseball and they would keep their hopes up of catching the other team. I remember one time when we were playing allstars and it was the ninth inning we were down. A couple of kids on my team were like we’re not going to and all that, but the rest of us were like yeah we can win. You know what we did win that game and proved them wrong, but if there was 10 innings in a baseball game they would have never had their hopes down. Reid Jochem Grade 4, Pine Ridge

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No practice


Great community

Dear Editor, I know lots of people that plays sports! That’s good! But lots of people don’t really practice. I think people should practice more! I was really bad at softball when I was younger, and I thought, “I am not getting any better.” I thought I might want to quit softball. Then I told my parents about that, they said, “No you are not going to quit. you just need to practice more!” So then I started to practice a lot. Now I am 10, and I am really good at it. I almost hit the softball over the fence! It bounced off though. So never give up! Most importantly, you should practice more! You should practice more because you get better! Have you ever heard the saying “Practice makes perfect?” Well I have heard that my whole life! I practice a lot. So now I am really good! Now you know you need to practice, you will get better and better! Another important reason is to work harder. You can really “work smarter, not harder!” Have you ever heard of that saying? Well what that really means is that you have it in your head, not just like do it without thinking! So put what you have learned in your head. Do that skill, I bet you will do the correct stuff! Another important reason is to practice when you are at home not just practice when you have practice! I always practice at practice and at home. There is a saying, “Is there a such thing as practicing too much?” I say no because sports are my life! I love sports! You need to practice! If you practice more, work harder, you are going to get better or you could really improve. You never know. Just practice! My mom sat down with me one night and she said to me, “Ali, you are so lucky you have good parents that practice with you because back when I was little most parents didn’t practice with their kids.”I said, “ Really mom? You want to go practice?” She said, “Yes!” But remember, you can also practice on your own.” How I got better is I just threw the softball up in the air and tried catching the ball! It’s simple! I know that might sound boring but it is practicing! Ali Welp Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Dear Editor, Have you ever tried to learn or concentrate for seven hours with just a thirty minute break? Do you know how you felt? Now imagine if you felt that way every weekday. Well, I feel that way, and a I bet many other students do too. Plus, I get headaches a lot, and when I get headaches I can’t think as much. I think people in school should get more recess. Here are some facts and information about why kids should have more recess. Recess helps kid’s brains. Recess helps kids focus. It benefits every aspect of childhood such as physical development and social emotional. You can probably already see how much recess affects kids! Kids are thinking and brainstorming all the time in school, and they need a break. Recess gives the kids a break, but do you know why else recess is important? It gives kids’ brains a break too! Brains need a break because they do not always need to be thinking just like you! As a student at Cedar Crest, let me assure you that all the students at this school need more recess. I am sure every single kid at CCI or most of the kids enjoy recess. They think it’s fun,enjoyable, and exciting but you also get to spend time with your friends. You can get a lot of exercise out of recess such as doing the following: jump roping, playing kickball, or playing other fun games. Do you know how sometimes you get in a bad mood? Do you feel like you need a break? Well, recess helps this for kids at school. Sometimes students can get really nervous for their test that day, or they can get mad about something like the grade they got on their test. Recess helps these kids become less nervous and restless. Recess can affect how kids feel! So if your child comes home and has a headache or is mad, then maybe you should suggest to your child’s school they need more recess. I get headaches a lot, but when I go out for recess it helps. Recess helps kids and their emotions, so try to convince your child’s school to get more recess time, and I will convince mine! Grace Fleck Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Dear Editor, I believe that Southeast Dubois County School District is a great community filled with friendly people! SEDubois has many great opportunities for the students and teachers. There are many sports and clubs that students can join. Outside of school there are many places for kids to go to stay out of trouble. Southeast Dubois County School Corporation is made up of many great towns.... such as Birdseye, Ferdinand, Saint Anthony, Schnellville, Bretzville, Mentor, Saint Marks, and Kyana. If you are considering going to school at SEDubois stick with your gut and come to this amazing school corporation! Molly Lusk Grade 6, Cedar Crest

Never the same To the Editor: There was a man doing an experiment to see if junk food was good for you. The experiment he did was to eat at McDonalds all day, everyday for 60 days in a row. When the 60 days were up, the man got diabetes and ended up gaining about 50 pounds. He was never the same again for the rest of his life just because of the really unhealthy foods. For a start, foods like hamburgers and french fries are greasy. These fast foods not only have all of that fat, but it really lacks nutrition. You won’t have anything nutritious in your meal if all of it is just greasy, non-healthy food. You need fruits and vegetables!! Now, be honest. How many of you sneak treats at a party or even at home. Un-healthy junk is just like a cigarette. Once you have one, you just have to have another. Pretty soon, that bowl of yummy treats is gone, just like that. You think,”Who ate all of that candy?”, or,”Who stole the popcorn?” After a while, you piece it together and find out that one bite of that popcorn or candy made you eat the whole container. Now and then, I get a very strong feeling about going to a party. Do you know why? It is because of all of that junk and cake and candy. It is so unhealthy. Yes, it may be okay just on special occasions, but then you just want more and more. When you see a really fresh fruit or a vegetable, try that instead of a hamburger and french fries. Why can’t people just eat fruits and vegetables? What’s wrong with those? Carrots, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, all of those taste good. And those are just the vegetables. Mangoes, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, pomegranates. Those taste good, don’t they? Other fruits are watermelon, bananas, cherries, peaches, coconuts, and grapes. There are endless possibilities! Why don’t you try a few possible combinations. There is nothing wrong with them. Ava Widolff Grade 5, Cedar Crest

High-powered rifles Dear Editor, Do you think that there should be a highpowered -rifle season? There should not be one. Studies say you will lose more deer, which is not good! Please help me convince the DNR to not make such a season . Here is one reason why. More deer will get shot or killed and I know this by you will lose population of deer and have more wounded deer then they will have to suffer, and like I said that leads to the population to decrease. Not good for Dubois County. Another reason that we should not have such a season is there will be more wounded deer that will suffer. The average man will shoot 300-500 yards away, then will probably miss it or wound it. I’m not saying they will miss but 20 percent of you will but,there are some good shooters. though. The last reason is that the prey gets no advantages. I know this by the animal walks out and you shoot it.That’s just cruel for the animal. That is not right for the prey. All the animal has to do is walk out 500 yards, and you shoot. So, like I said that is just cruel for the animal. So if you don’t want less deer,deer hunters, you need to help me convince the DNR not to make a high-poweredrifle-season. Please don’t make deer suffer from shooting 500 yards away. What if we were deer? Would you want to get wounded and suffer? If there is a season either don’t go or give the deer a chance or hunt like you do with a muzzleloader. My thought is that we won’t have any deer left in the county. Carter Persohn Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Programs sooner Dear Editor, I think we should have Junior FFA or Future Farmers of America in seventh grade instead of waiting until we are Juniors in high school. I think it would be beneficial because we could have more school years more of farmer knowledge and then we could start farms all over creation we would not need to study outside school. It would be great because we would know everything already. Wouldn’t that be great? Evan Hassfurther Grade 6, Cedar Crest

More parking Dear Editor, Let me assure you we need a bigger parking lot at Memorial Hospital in Jasper. My Grandma always says, “The hospital gets bigger and bigger and the parking lot gets smaller.” One time we were going to the hospital because my mom had my sister and it took 30 minutes to find a parking spot. I suggest we make a parking garage or specific parking spots. For example if you were staying overnight you park in a specific spot. I really think we need a bigger parking lot at Memorial Hospital in Jasper. Doing this would benefit people all over Dubois County. We need to do something about this problem. People would be happier. Alice Frehim Grade 6, Cedar Crest

Tired and groggy Dear Editor, Kids are waking up tired and groggy, getting a rushed breakfast, and going to school tired. I think that we can solve all of these problems with one simple solution: push back the starting bell for school to 9:00, and we could end at 4:00. Here are the reasons why I think we should push back the bell. My first reason for why I think that school should start at 9:00 and end at 4:00 is greater sleep. Over three-fourths of teens get less than 8 hours of sleep every night, when they wake up at 7:00 they are tired and groggy, but if school started later kids would be less tired, more alert, and ready to learn. My second reason is that kids will get a better breakfast. On lots of mornings, the rush keeps kids from getting the vitamins and nutrients that they need. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and lots of kids are skipping it. If school was pushed back an hour then kids would be less hungry and more focused on work, not food. My third and final reason of why I think school should be pushed back to 9:00 and end at 4:00 is that kids will get better grades. If kids had something the night before they would have more time to do their homework in the morning, they would also have more time to review if it was already done. If school started later kids would get a better sleep and be more focused and more alert in school. That is why I think they will get better grades. Ben Kluesner Grade 6, Cedar Crest

Face the facts Dear Editor, Lets face the facts. Teachers hold this school together and if there aren’t enough I don’t think this school will stand. I think we need more teachers. For example if Ms. Luebbehusen wasn’t here when Mrs. Meyer had to leave we might as well would have been dead. Another thing that caused problems is that teachers from Pine Ridge and Ferdinand had to come to sub. Another reason is that in Mr. Harris’ class when Mr. Harris was helping someone else I was stuck at my desk raising my hand for at least 20 minutes. Wouldn’t it be a lot easier if there was another teacher? So all I’m asking is for more teachers to solve children’s problems. To sum it all up I’ll just say this HIRE MORE TEACHERS please. A way you could get people is holding a meeting for volunteers or retired teachers

that are still eligible to teach. That would really help. Don’t you think. You have a choice. Brice Austin Grade 6, Cedar Crest

School uniforms Dear Editor, I think that school uniforms or dress codes make the schools learning more effective. One of the reasons that I think school uniforms make schools learning more effective because some people may not have as popular clothes as others.Then they will probably be bullied by the people that have more popular clothes.Studies show that people get bullied because of what they wear. Another reason is that someone might have a bright piece of clothing that also should be distracting to other in class.That could be distracting and make the other people in class to do bad. School dress codes can help people not to get hurt like if someone would be outside at recess and fall when wearing sandals. Also if someone would wear big boots during P.E., it would be hard for that person to run. Those are some reasons why there should be a better dress code and school uniforms. Anthony Weyer Grade 6, Cedar Crest

Sponsor a child Dear Editor, I believe that at least 10 kids out of each grade at every school in Dubois County should sponsor a child in need or as a school we should sponsor a few kids. We would give them food, clean water, medication, health training, education, and mentoring to help them learn about God’s children, but most of all the kid you sponsor will learn about Jesus Christ. By doing this we could help them grow physically. mentally, and spiritually. We could also help then get food and clean water and things that they need to survive over the month. Kids in Africa, Asia, South America, and many more don’t have the same opportunities/resources as we do. Some don’t get food or clean water. Imagine not eating for weeks or not having any clean water to drink. Some of the communities cannot support them because they are very poor. Sometimes they don’t get to be their parents because either their parents have died and they live with their grandparents or their parents are too poor to support them. They don’t live in the greatest homes you could ever ask for. They live in a house made with dirt floors, tin roofs, and mud walls so pretty much like run down shacks in our words. In these countries parents can rarely get any money at all. The money they get is around 29 to 32 dollars a month. For moms they work as laborers, farmers, or maintain at home to help around their house or take care of the children they have most the time. Whereas, fathers work as farmers or laborers. So with these jobs you can see that they can’t make enough money to support their families or survive. For us we have money jobs we can work for and get way more money than that. Can’t you give up that $38 dollars of your paycheck to give to a child that has barely anything? What they need is schools, tuition assistance, food, clean water, churches, and medication. As kids we could give up your old video game that you don’t play or a old basketball, baseball, and/or kickball because from what I read they love to play ball games. Or as girls and boys I am sure we have some clothing we don’t wear anymore or for boys racecars or for girls maybe your old dolls or toys. As parents we could give up the rest of that water bottle you didn’t drink that day or a salad that you made at home than going out to dinner that week which is a lot cheaper. To make this happen as a school we could have a fundraiser every month to give money to help the children we are sponsoring. As a person at home sponsoring we could help by saving the money of going to the store every week than going three times a month and getting a bunch of food that we need for those days which saves gas and saves money. Audra Deel Grade 6, Cedar Crest

Continued on Page 37




More recess time Dear Editor, I would like more time for recess at FES. Kids need more time to play. Exercise is good for kids! Will Hasenour Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Security cameras Dear Editor, We need security cameras in schools because someone could steal something when people are having class. We also need cameras so kids don’t get hurt. Hannah Schulz Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Football field needed Dear Editor, I would like for FES to have a football field because there are too many people getting hurt on the blacktop. When people dive for the ball, they can get hurt on the blacktop. Bryson Frick Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Great school Dear Editor, Ferdinand Elementary is a great school because we have awesome kids. We have a good principal and teachers. Our students learn more than you can imagine. Rachel Hassfurther Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Great principal Dear Editor, I want to tell you about Mrs. Kitchin. She is a great principal. She painted our school with bright colors, brought in a bouncy house, and even a splash party. She is awesome! Gavin Kieper Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary


Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pollution is bad

Dear Editor, I think people shouldn’t pollute. I think pollution is bad for the earth. It will make the earth look dirty. People shouldn’t pollute. Pollution is bad. Don’t pollute. You should throw your trash away. Adi Schipp Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

More field trips Dear Editor, I think we need more field trips because we only get two field trips a year. One field trip I would like is to go to the swimming pool. Madison Saul Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

No year round school Dear Editor, There should be no year round school because some people have softball. So, when they go home, they won’t get to eat supper. Kaitlyn Randle Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

School garden Dear Editor, I would like for Ferdinand Elementary to make a garden. Then, Ferdinand Elementary can grow more of their food. Then, they won’t have to buy some of the food. Kiersten Hubbs Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Stop smoking Dear Editor, I think people should stop smoking. Why? Some people die from smoking. It is bad for people to smoke. I hope I will never smoke! Owen Schuetter Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Splash park

Allergic to nuts

Dear Editor, I would like for Ferdinand to have a splash park right now because some kids don’t have anything to do. Another reason is, people would not have to drive all the way to French Lick. Will Persohn Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Dear Editor, I think people should make more things without nuts because many people are allergic to nuts and can’t eat them. If I eat nuts, my throat feels funny and my tongue swells. It is scary. I have to read packages to see if there are nuts in the food or even nuts in anything made at that place. Besides people that are allergic, some people don’t like nuts. Please help people that have nut allergies and DON’T USE NUTS! Linzi VanMeter Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Whiteboards needed Dear Editor, I think Ferdinand Elementary should get whiteboards in the classrooms. If we don’t get them, there will be chalk dust in our eyes! Markers will not do this! Blake Beck Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Inside recess in gym Dear Editor, I wish inside recess would be in the gym. In the classroom, recess isn’t fun. In the gym, we can shoot baskets, do pull-ups, and climb up the wooden bars. Nolan Begle Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Police in school

Dear Editor, I would like Ferdinand Elementary to have a police officer at school because he could stand by the door. A police officer could help the school by watching for strangers. The police will teach us to be safe. Aiden Bright Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Good for your body Dear Editor, I want more p.e. time because it is good exercise for your body. We play fun games. I like the games we play. Landon Englert Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

More food at lunch Dear Editor, I would like more food at lunch because some of us get very hungry! My belly hurts!! So, I hope we get more food! Summer Fleck

Water fountain Dear Editor, I would like to have a water fountain in the Ferdinand Park. People could look at it and watch the water fall from the top of the fountain. It would be relaxing for everyone to see and hear. I think everyone would like to see it. Ben Ebert Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pass it forward Dear Editor, We did a Pass if Forward project at school. We had to do something nice for another person, and give them a piece of paper saying to pass it forward. I think it was a good project. I think it would be great if other people would do things like that. I think people would feel happy about it. More people can be nice to each other and it would continue on. Tyler Fetter Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Be more kind Dear Editor, I would like to see more people be kind to each other. If people are nicer to each other, more people would be happy. When people are mean and say mean things, feelings get hurt and they are sad. Adults and kids can be nicer to each other and make the world a better place. Jose Cruz Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Don’t drink alcohol

Dear Editor, I think people should stop drinking alcohol because they sometimes do dangerous things that can hurt other people and kids. People should definitely not drink and drive at the same time. It is against the law and they can crash. If people stop drinking alcohol, less people would get hurt. Jonathan Aguilar Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Cleaner without litter Dear Editor, I think people should stop littering. If people stop littering, children will learn not to litter. Our community will be cleaner and a better place for us to live in. People should also recycle paper and other things. If people recycle paper, not that many trees will need to be cut down. A cleaner Earth will be better for everyone. Maggie Kerber Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Do the right thing Dear Editor, I think people should be nice to each other and help each other out. I take out the trash to the curb for my mom and dad. I do the right thing and help them. Everyone should listen to each other and get along. If people are nice to each other, they won’t get into trouble. People will be happy and the world will be a better place. Jalen Morrison Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pool needed

Kamie Tretter Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pool and water park

Dear Editor, It would be nice to have a community pool. One reason is that we wouldn’t have to drive very far. I would also like to have an indoor water park. Then we can go swimming even when it is snowing or raining. The pool and indoor water park would be awesome. Jaden Bettag Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Coaster excitement Dear Editor, I’m glad that Holiday World is getting a brand new roller coaster. I am especially excited because the Thunderbird goes upside down. My cousins and I like to go on the roller coasters together. I think I might be a little scared. I also think you will like it too! Mariah Schaefer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

More time at school Dear Editor, I think we should have more time at school. We can learn more Math. I think we should have more time to spend with our friends. I think we should have more time at school with our teacher. Tanner Englert Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Dear Editor, I think we need to have a pool in Ferdinand. It would be good exercise and fun for everyone. A pool would be awesome for the town. Swimming lessons could be taught there so people don’t drown. Little kids can learn to swim. People that have no place to swim can swim there in the summer. A pool in Ferdinand would be great and get a lot of use. Aaron Tretter Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Don’t do drugs

Reading is important

Dear Editor, I think we should have a petting zoo. We can learn about the animals and pet them. We can also write about the animals. Talon Rohleder Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Dear Editor, I think reading is important. People that are not good at reading need to get better. Reading is good because you need to know how to write and read stories. Reading books opens the world to people. People that read can read about anything around the world. Mothers can teach kids how to read or kids can teach themselves. I hope everyone gets the chance to be a good reader. Rayven Meyer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Smoking sickness

Dear Editor, People shouldn’t do drugs. Drugs can make you get sick or die. We don’t want anyone to die. If they die, then their life is in heaven. Then it’s over for them. That’s why we should get rid of drugs. Charlie Hasenour Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Petting zoo

Animal hospital Dear Editor, We need a pet hospital in Ferdinand. Then your pets could get their shots and check-ups faster. Kendra Ubelhor Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Thank postal workers

Dear Editor, I want people to stop smoking because they could get sick. If they smoke and never stop they could die. Kenneth Elliott Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Dear Editor, I think we should thank the postal workers. They have to work hard and deliver mail and packages. They have to load heavy boxes. Postal workers are very important. Joshua Wilhite Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Read to learn

Big swim and fun

Dear Editor, I think people should read more books and learn more. They should read signs, to know things. They should get books at the library. Wyatt Crays Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Dear Editor, We should have a Big Splash in Ferdinand because we could swim anytime. We could get tokens and play games. We could also eat pizza. Those are the reasons that we should have a Big Splash park in Ferdinand. Issac Mohr Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Reason for a hospital Dear Editor, I think there should be a hospital in Ferdinand so people don’t have to drive somewhere else. If there was a hospital in Ferdinand, it would be easier to get there instead of driving. Those are the reasons we need a Ferdinand hospital. Halie Jochem Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Seesaw fun Dear Editor, I think Ferdinand Elementary should get a new playground. I think a seesaw would be fun. I want colored swings and a balance beam.

Build a museum Dear Editor, I think we should make a museum in Ferdinand because it could help people learn about their culture and their community. It could also help people learn about their history. I really think this would be a good idea for young people who are wanting to learn new things. Leo Widolff Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Continued on Page 41









Bears, Bulls Dear Editor, The Bears do a lot of touchdowns. The Bulls got a lot of slam dunks. Brycen Mroz Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Pet horses Dear Editor, I like to pet horses and ride them. I really haven’t rode a horse, but I want to. Kaylynn Lee Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Big Splash Dear Editor, I went to Big Splash. My mom and my brother and dad went too. Cora Hasenour Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Train Dear Editor, I went on a train. I went to the store and got candy. We drove to Disney. Alli Betz Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Videos Dear Editor, I like to watch videos. I like to watch Wreck-it Ralph. I like when he wrecks buildings. It is funny. Tanner Fischer Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Train ride Dear Editor, I went on a train. I went to the store and got candy. We drove to Disney. Alli Betz Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

New equipment Dear Editor, Please, please, please put new equipment on the playground for me and the other kids. I am getting kind of tired of the old equipment. Thanks! Chase Wildman Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Thanks Dear Editor, Tell the county thanks for cleaning the roads for the schools. Karsen Bieker Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Lots of trash Dear Editor, Our yard has lots of trash. Can you help us keep it clean, please? We really need your help, also for the whole Earth. Keira Nesbitt Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Best grandma Dear Editor, My grandma makes great food. She makes cake and cookies and I love it. My grandma is the best! Abrahm Lueken Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Wants a lot Dear Editor, I want to go to Dairy Queen. I want a lot of presents at December. I want more Valentine’s Day gifts. Ava Kline Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Questions Dear Editor, Can you mow my yard? Can you shovel my driveway? Can you take care of my dog? Thank you. Elijah Buechler Grade 1, Celestine Elementary



Learn to fly

Police stations

Dear Editor, I think we need more hospitals in Celestine. We need more hospitals because in Jasper they might be full. Then we would have to wait a long time for the service. That could mean that you could get more sick or injured. That could cause death or it could cause more sickness. I think you should help make the hospital in Celestine. Aiden Robinson Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Dear Editor, I would like to persuade people to sky dive, or to fly in the sky. To do something, and to learn. To have fun. It is fun. You can fly. You get awesome view. Do something new. To do it with friends or family. Something to do. It is pretty cool. Learn to do it. To be ready. To learn something new. The feeling of it. To have fun. Payton Kline Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Dear Editor, I think that we need more police stations in Indiana. It will make Indiana a safer and better place. Some people drink and drive. If we have more police stations, a lot of people would stop drinking and driving. Clayton Weisheit Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Care for family

Processed chips

Dear Editor, I think that people should take care of their family members. If they need something you should do what they say. That is what I do to take care of my family. Once my mom felt like she was going to puke and I brought the trash can over to her and she said she didn’t need it right now. I help them too. I’m a helpful child. Please tell everybody to take care of their family like me. Stay healthy and happy. It is very important. Bridget Gehlhausen Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Dear Editor, I want to convince people not to eat highly processed chips because they are not good for you, because they have palm oil and hydrogehated oil, there is not much vitamins or minerals. My first reason is there is too much salt. If you eat to much salt it will dehydrate you. Another fact about salt is it could give you high blood pressure. The last fact is if you eat too much salt it is hard for you to breath. When people use the palm oil it kills orangutans. When other people use the type of oil it kills the environment. The oil could make you have cancer, according to some research. My last reason is the chips are not healthy for you. There are not much vitamins and minerals, there are some potato chips that are not made from potatoes. It could give you health problems. Ava Brosmer Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Bullying Dear Editor, I think people should stop bullying. People that bully make a person that they bully feel sad. I think we should prevent bullying by being friends with everyone. If you see anyone getting bullied please stand up for them. If you see someone getting bullied go to tell a trusted adult. I hope you don’t bully. Aoibhinn (Evie) Rasche Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Veterinarian Dear Editor, I think there should be a veterinarian in Celestine. There are a lot of animals in Celestine. My dog died from a tumor, and animals can get hurt, and animals can get really sick! If there was a veterinarian in Celestine you wouldn’t have to drive all the way to Jasper. That’s why I think there should be a veterinarian here. Caleb Lampert Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Adopt a pet Dear Editor, I think people should go to the humane society to adopt a pet. Pets are very important because they give you exercise when you walk them. They are sweet and cuddley. When you adopt a pet you have to get to know them. When you adopt a pet, you also get to name it. It is very important that you take care of your pet when you get one. That is why I think people should adopt a pet. Makenzie Buchta Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Eat fruits Dear Editor, I think people should eat more fruits. Fruit is good for you. You will not get as many cavities because fruit is better for you. When you have cavities you will have to pay the bills from the dentist. You want to save that money to get fruit because fruit is good for you. Apples and other fruits are good for your teeth. You will not have cavities and you will not have to pay the bills. Then you will be able to get fruits. So, people should eat more fruits. Trace Buechler Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Plant trees Dear Editor, I think people should plant more trees because it makes the air clean. I also think people should plant more trees because some animals live in trees so then they will have more homes. I also think people should plant more trees because it makes more shade for people. That is why I think why we need more trees. Hannah Bachman Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Dance Dear Editor, I think everybody should learn to dance. Why you ask, because it is good exercise, it also is fun, and good to learn. My first reason is it is good exercise. One, it is good for your calves. Two, it is good for your legs. My last reason is, it helps makes your leg muscles stronger. My second reason it is fun. One, it shows how you feel. Two, it is fun because you can sometimes make up your own moves up. My last reason is, you can do it anytime you want. My third reason is it is good to learn. One, its good to learn because it helps in gymnastics. My last reason is its good to learn because it helps with your posture. If you don’t dance you should learn how to because it is fun, good exercise, and good to learn. Cheyenne Mroz Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Rhinos Dear Editor, I think everyone should support rhinos. If we don’t support them they could become extinct. If we do we can raise the number of rhinos. Please support them! If rhinos become extinct other plants and animals could become extinct too. Rhinos are umbrella species. They have been on earth for about 40 million years. Here are some animals that mite be extinct after the rhinos: birds, lizards, and other animals and bugs. Here are some plants that mite take over: Fruits, Grasses, and leaves. Some ways to help is to stop the illegal hunters. You can donate money to the people who support them. Please do something. If you help the rhinos the number will increase. The future will be saved. But if not the rhinos will be gone. Landon Reuber Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Persuade brother Dear Editor, I would like to persuade my brother to play baseball because, it’s a lot of fun. It will help you to keep your health up. I will build you strong muscles. Baseball is fun because, you get to hit the ball. You get to do a lot of catching the ball. You get to run a lot, too. It is good exercise. You have to talk quite a bit. You have to do a lot of running. When you hit the ball it is training your body to get more strength. You get to hit the ball, and catching. Kaden Bieker Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Lollipops Dear Editor, I think that we should have more stores that sell lollipops, gummy bears, and slushies, because I wanted a slushy once and I couldn’t have one cause my mom went past the gas station and plus my brother doesn’t play baseball anymore so I couldn’t have a slushy. Lollipops, gummy bears, and slushies are awesome! And that is why I think we should have more stores that sell lollipops, gummy bears, and slushies. Everybody knows that kids love sugar! Shelby Seufert Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Jobs for kids Dear Editor, I think that kids should have jobs so they can raise money for maybe something they want like catering and banking or something like that. But don’t get me wrong not like cops or something bad for them. Ben Woods Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Money Dear Editor, I think people shouldn’t spend all their money on stuff they don’t need. Some people spend their money on cigarettes and candy. Those are bad for you. They should spend it on fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. Kids spend all their money on X-boxes, TV’s, and more. They should spend it on toys that help them learn. And, even then, they shouldn’t spend all their money. Alexis Hawkins Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Tree climber Dear Editor, Always make sure when you want to hunt out of a tree climber make sure you have a lot of grip on the tree when your climbing up or you will fall like a rock. When you get to where you want sit jump on it a little bit to make sure it’s stable so you don’t fall down. Baron Betz Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Constellations Dear Editor, Kids in school might do star lab and memorize stories of constellations. Kids should learn more about space than constellations. Kids might want to go to space one day and if they don’t learn that much about space, how will they know that space is for them. So, teachers, if you’re reading it, teach your students more about space now. Elizabeth Schepers Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Fire stations Dear Editor, I think that we should have more fire stations, because there are lots of fires everywhere and fire burns and spreads fast. Fires can burn something valuable or someone could get killed. Isaac Bachman Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Poor people Dear Editor, I think we should make a company for giving money, food, and clothes for the poor people. Poor people are not like us. They don’t have homes, food, and don’t even have clothes, because they don’t have a lot of money to buy that stuff. Poor people can’t be healthy until we save them. So many poor people die, because we don’t save them and that can stop if we start this company. Madison Cox Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Continued on Page 43




Work hard Dear Editor, What are you doing Editor? You work for our town. You work hard. Jace Brinkman Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Penguins Dear Editor, I like penguins because they can swim in ice water. But they are afraid of seals. But they are cute too. Aubrey Beard Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Play Dear Editor, I like to play with my family. I like to play with my friends. I like to play with my brother. C.J. Everman Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Colors Dear Editor, My family has four people in it. My favorite colors are green, blue, and pink too. What is your favorite color? Jenna Voegerl Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Big family Dear Editor, My family is big. Four people are in my family. Two kids are in the family. My family likes to play games. Alex Tharp Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Johnny Appleseed


of newspapers! How many do you really print? Are you a very hard worker? Who are your workers? Are they good ones? Do you even have workers? Leah Klawitter Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

come in all diffent sizes small to big, but each is never the same. Paige Troxal Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Working with Dad

Dear Editor, My dog never stops barking. Except he is a good whath dog. He barks every time I come home because he would have to go to the bathroom. My dog can run really fast. Some times my dog is really good. His name is Yager. Kolin Fleig Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, My Dad and I were working on wood one day. We came up with bird houses to make. First, I made a back and two even sides. Then, I made a bottom front and a top. Next, Dad nailed it, drilled a hole in it, and put a perch on it. Finally, I stained it. Alexander Truelove Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Deer meat Dear Editor, I think deer is the best meat in the world. Mostly I like deer roleupps. Jennings Neukam Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Favorites Dear Editor, What is your favorite color. What is your favorite thing to do. What is your favorite animal. Madison Kalb Grade 2, Dubois Elementary


Dear Editor, It must be pretty cool going through the comics and add’s, the news articals. Your the first one who gets to look at the paper. But the people who write the articals are pretty cool too. Emma Johnson Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, Our class went to the apple orchard and we learned about Johnny Appleseed. We got to pick apples off of the trees. After lunch we go to play a lot of games at the park! Tyson Hunter Grade 1, Dubois Elementary


Cutie pie

Plays ball

Dear Editor, I love my dog. He is a good dog. Do the things your dog likes to do. My mom loves my dog. He is a cutie pie. Nevaeh Rasche Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, I like baseball and basketball and football. It is the best. Evan Mitchell Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Inside dog Dear Editor, Your dogs do not need to be outside in the winter. They will catch a cold. You need to keep your dog inside. I have a dog inside. Bryce Simmons Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Cooking Dear Editor, I like cooking with my dad. We made biscuits and gravy one morning. The food was so good! Landon Foll Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Magic Dear Editor, My dog had babies last night. She had five babies. We have eight dogs now there so small there easy to pick up. They are like a piece of paper. Xander Parker Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Mom Dear Editor, My mom is nice. She helps me. She loves me. She gives me food. She needs me. She plays whith me. She is my mom. Alonah Matlock Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Editing Dear Editor, Is it hard editing the newspapers? How much do you get paid? Is it alot of money? Is it true that when you edit newspapers you have to correct who ever wrote it and then print another thousand of them? Thats alot

Dear Editor, I like your funnies. How many funnies do you think of ? Do you watch softball? Akayla Eichmiller Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Comics Dear Editor, I like your comics. I read them in the newspaper. I relly like the Garfeild ones. I there funny Grace Carr Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Funny story Dear Editor, This is a funny story you know the ones that make you go hahahaha. Yesterday my mom slipped on the ice, that’s not the funny part. A day or two my mom left my medicine in the cars. I had to go down in the cold and get it. When we left to go to the bus stop I wasn’t cold. Drake Lee Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Goldy and Bandit Dear Editor, Do you like pets because I am going to tell you about two of my dogs. We have a chowmix and her name is Goldy and we have a border collie and his name is Bandit. They are both very special to me and my family. We all love them both. They are both very fluffy. They are heroes to me because Goldy has a special bark for when the bus comes and Bandit runs up to the bus. And if you are home alone they will comfort you. I guess that is just how they are but I don’t want to chang them. Mary Seybold Grade 3, Dubois Elementary


Dear Editor, I love horses because they are so unique in a different way. Horses are not just a animal. My horse tries to eat my hair. Horses


Baseball, farming Dear Editor, I like baseball and farming. They are the things I do. I like feeding pigs and getting home runs. Those are things in the summer. I like to harvest. And I like to run to home. It is important to keep track to these things. It’s like running and planting. My friend likes baseball and farming. He likes the stuff I like to do. Dashall Palmer Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

View of deck Dear Editor, This Spring Brak I am going to Piegon Forge with my family. We are going to a cabin with a movie theater and a in door pool. There is bunk beds for the kids, and a bath in one room. It is a good view on the deck. p.s. there is a hot tub on the deck. Kenna Brosmer Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Electronics Dear Editor, I think there is too much electronics going on. I heard that some people are not paying attention to where they are going and that there on them so much that when they get off of it there mind goes blank. So when they try to spell something they can’t spell it because all the playing makes their minds not want to get off. When they do their minds go blank and some times they don’t. But thats why I think about too many electronics. Macey Harrison Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Real games Dear Editor, I think kids should start playing sports because it gives kids exercise. When they play real games, they play against other teams. When they play against teams they get better at it. When they have practice they learn more things. Then they can go home and show their mom and dad what they learned. Finally, they get better at it. And now they know how to play whatever sports there playing. Jordan Haefling Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Vegetables Dear Editor, We should always eat our vegetables because they are good for us. They can help us from diseases and cancer. Carrots are good for your eyes. And mushrooms can help you from canser. Thats why vegetables are good for you. Clayton Seitz Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Snowman Dear Editor, We had to miss school because it snowed so much. It made the roads really slick. Parents or grandparents didn’t want to drive in it. A nd finally we got to go to back to school so everybody had to get caught up with the work. Then we got to go sledding and played in the snow. We also made a snowman. It had stick arms, and a stick nose, and rocks for its mouth, and eyes. We put deer antlers on top. It is a wierd snowman with the deer antlers. Avery Haefling Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Country, city Dear Editor, My name is Ty Kalb. My issue is that country life is better than big city life. For instense big city kids say milk comes from the super market and country kids know it comes from cows. Country life you can play outside more, big city life you can’t get outside as much. Big city people probily get sick more than country people because of polution in the air. And that’s why I think country life is better than big city life. Ty Kalb Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Make up days Dear Editor, I have an issue. We have about ten weeks off for summer break. I think we should have all of our snow make up days at the beginning of our break, instead of having them all in different spots. So we would have more time to have fun in the sun because, if we don’t have them all in random spots, and had them all at the beginning of summer break we could either have more time in the sun or go to school. We would have more time to practice sports if we don’t have school. That is why I think we should have all the snow make up days at the beginning of summer break. Aubrey Hostetter Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Tractors Dear Editor, I think International is better than Ford. What kind of tractor would you pick if you had to pick a tractor. I think you would pick a ford tractor. Of course mine would be an international because my grandpa has a big one at his house in the shed, but I want to know what yours would be it would probably be Ford that’s what I think. Corbyn Musick Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Baseball, softball Dear Editor, I have an issue that people say baseball is better than softball. But, I have something that might help you understand why I think softball is better then baseball. I think that a softball is harder to hit and to pitch than a baseball. But, people say that a baseball is harder to hit and pitch than a softball but who can prove it? But there is one thing I can say that a softball is way harder to hit and to pitch. I got to tell you that a softball is bigger than a baseball but the softball has a different gripping than the boys, and when the sun is out the softball matches the sun. The baseball matches the clouds. So who is right? Rhylan Kalb Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Moose Dear Editor, I think that moose should be brought back to Indiana because we only have white tall deer in Indiana. The reason I think this is because I love to hunt. I know a lot of people hunt too. That is why think they should let moose into Indiana. If they bring them back, I know there will be more car crashes but we can hunt them. Sam Bowles Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Snakes Dear Editor, Snakes are good pets. They eat mice and other rodents. They keep you entertained. You feed them crickets, worms, and flies. How I know all of this stuff is because I had a pet snake named Speed. He ate all of the food. Still he was entertaining. My dog did not like him at all. He did not bite my family or me. Then one night my dad left the cage open and he got loose. I woke up and I saw it open. Then we never saw him again. Shyla Zehr Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Continued on Page 45




My dog Zita Dear Editor, My dog, Zita is the best family member in the house. She is a beautiful dog and sheds a lot. Brushing her is always a challenge. Zita and me are just meant to be. There isn’t a better playful, loving or beautiful dog to have as a pet than Zita. Zita is a beautiful blue coated, Great Dane. She is mostly easy to care for. She needs 3 meals a day, water needs to be changed every 2 days. She is brushed 3 times every week. She exercises by running around outside in the morning and the afternoon. Zita is a good pet. You can take one look and fall in love with her. Zita is so much fun to play with. She wears you out very quick. She is funny and gets a lot of attention. She loves to chase our twelve goats. I think that is her hobby. I have so much fun playing with her. Zita and me are just meant to be with each other. She plays with me I play with her. She jumps on me in the morning. Like a wake up call. As you can see Zita is the best pet in the whole world. I am so proud of her and she is a beautiful dog. Brushing her is quite a task. She is always keeping me on the edge of my seat! Zita is absolutely the best pet to have. Maggie Poppe Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Art Dear Editor, People like Art and some people don’t. Art can be anything like a gift or for decoration and to have a fun time with people or for someone else. Art is a lot of fun because You can draw so many things like houses or plants. Art is also fun because You can never stop drawing. Also Art is fun because You can never stop learning. Art is decorated because what You draw can be good for decoration. Anything in Art can also be a very good for decorations. Art can be from long ago that can be hung up on the wall. Art can be also be a gift because what You draw can be a gift to your mom and dad. If You draw a painting and give it to someone sad You an cheer them up. So Art can be a gift to everyone. So now you know why Art is fun and decorated for the house and a great gift for friends. Art can be for everyone who is sad or happy your mom and dad. Art can be for everyone. Kylie Sturgis Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Recess Dear Editor, We need more recesses. Some times I fall asleep in class. We need more energy. I don’t have any other time. I need more time to relax. I talk in class wit my friends, I need more time to talk. My first reason is that I fall asleep in class so I need more energy. I can also get some more practice for what we do in gym to. So if we are having bad grades in gym we can practice for that too. My second reason is that I need more time to relax. Because usually I don’t have any other time to relax. I am usually busy doing chores for my mom. My third reason is that I need more energy. I can also stay on task for the next class if I have more recesses. I might get more energy to do my work. In conclusion, I think more recesses would be a great way to get more energy, time to relax, and time to talk. I hope you feel these are good reasons to find time in our school day for an extra recess. Sammie Rose Evans Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Farming Dear Editor, My favorite thing to do is farm, because farming is very easy to do. Farming is my favorite because it is also very challenging. And is very experiencing. I think that farming is the best job a person could have. Farming is easy because now days there is big tractors and technology to farm with. Long time ago people would farm with there hands instead of using technology because they did not have it. Now you can set your iPad to which field your what to and it will send it through the semi to the grain cart


tractor. Now you do not have to get out of your equipment to work in the fields. Farming is very challenging because you have to be able to put your hands in the dirt and work, have to be able to fix your equipment, and be able to work hard. It is also challenging because it is hard to sometimes be able to understand the equipment. You also have to know how to use modern day equipment. Farming is also very experiencing because it is fun to sometimes not work and enjoy nature around the farm. And see the animals that surround your world and watch the animals in their habitats. It is also fun to see what kind of plants that you can find. To be a farmer you have to mostly like nature and working hard. So farming is very fund to do because it is easy, challenging, and experiencing. It is easy from technology, it is challenging to be tough, and is experiencing because you can see the things around you. So as you can see farming is very fun to do if you like to work and like nature. Evan Eichmiller Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Clogging Dear Editor, You should join clogging. It is not like clogging the toilet. It is very easy when you know how to do it. It is really fun. It is a good work out. First of all clogging is very easy. There is only three steps you really only need to know. There is triple basic, double basic, and double basic rock step. So we have a really run time at clogging. Secondly clogging is really fun. We can play around unless it is annoying the cloggers during practice. There is a big yard where you can play. Just clogging by its self is really fun. Lastly clogging is a good work out. So if you want to get a little smaller try it. Adults can do it to if they want to get smaller. We do many song that makes it better. So you can see clogging is awesome. It is really really fun. It is very easy. It is a good work out. Kasey Verkamp Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Michael Phelps Dear Editor: Michael Phelps is a hero of mine. He is an extraordinary person. I feel he is extraordinary person because of his many accomplishments. The reasons why I feel this way are, he overcame difficulty, is an outstanding athlete, and is a hero to others. My first reason is he overcame difficulties. At ago two, he had a serious blood infection and he almost died. His parents got divorced when he was nine years old. So he lived only with his mom and his sisters. His biggest challenge was ADHD. ADHD means attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Swimming became his outlet for his energy. My second reason is he is an outstanding athlete. He was the youngest swimmer ever to set a world record. He had Olympic success at 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 Olympics. The strokes that he raced in are butterfly, backstroke, and freestyle. In 2004, Michael let a teammate take his anchor spot in the medley relay because it was Ian Crockers last chance to win a medal. He is the most decorated Olympic athlete with 22 medals: 18 gold. two silver, and two bronze. My last reason is he is a hero to many people. He founded Swim With the Stars. It is a program that encourages people to swim. He helped coach the University of Michigan swim team because he was a professional swimmer he could not be on the team. Most importantly, he showed how a kid with ADHD can accomplish anything swimming in a IM which he won. Michael Phelps is an extraordinary person. He overcame difficulties as a child, he is an outstanding athlete, and a hero to many. He has proven that “Anything is Possible” with hardwork. Preston Brinkman Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Band Dear Editor, Band is by far the best experience I have hand (and am still having). This is for three reasons. My instrument, learning, and performing. Let’s begin, shall we? My instrument is one of the reasons I like band. My instrument is the trom-

bone. One reason I like it is because of it’s challenge. I also like it because of it’s bass sound. And the final reason I like my amasing instrument is because of it’s slide. Moving on. ... Another reason I like band is that learning how to play it is very interesting to me. Mr. Fox (Oh, did I forget to mention him? He is my band teacher) makes it interesting by adding little jokes and givng us confidence. We also like learning because we will get to show our stuff at the next performance! Any my final reaoson for like learning is that we’ll get to go to Holiday World if we are good enough! And now for my final reason for like band. And the award for yet-another-reason go to ... performing! Come on down and except your prize! But seriously, I like performing because it’s when all our hard work pays off. And it’s when people get to see what we’ve been practicing! Not to mention that it gives them entertainment! So, in conclusion, I would like to say that my instrument, learning, and performing are some of the main reasons I like band. And I hope you were listening, ’cause if you weren’t you missed out on some great reasons to join band yourself. Well, I have to go! Bye! Josh Barnett Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Turkeys Dear Editor, Turkeys are not my best friend, but there are definitely delicious to eat. A lot of time goes into raising turkeys. After many weeks in the turkey house, they are ready for market. To walk into subway to get a foot long on white, I know the turkey is going to be tasty. Turkey is my favorite food to eat. Many hours are spend down at the farm. It takes time to feed the turkeys, check the houses to see if the turkeys are in good shape, and loading them out. When the job is done it makes you fell like you accomplished something. After many weeks in the turkey house, they are ready for the market. You have to get the turkeys healthy before you send them off, make sure there’s nothing wrong with them, and then you can send them off to the market. Now you know that it takes lots of time to raise turkeys. To walk into subway to get a foot long on white, I know the turkey is going to be tasty. The turkey is fresh, it is all natural meat, and it’s better for your to eat then baloney. This turkey at subway is tasty really good, and good for you. As you can see, turkey is a very delicious food you can eat. A lot of time goes into raising of turkey. After many week in the turkey house, they are ready for market. To walk into subway to get a foot long on white, I know the turkey is going to be tasty. Turkey is absolutely the best thing you could work for. Hadley Fuhrman Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

The phone Dear Editor, The phone is a great object to use. It is a great object to use because you can get information, tell people information, and buy stuff. The phone is a great object because you can get information from the Internet or from people. You can get information from people when they text or call you. If you use the Internet, there will be something for you to read to get the information. If there is bad weather a friend call or text your about the bad weather. If you look for stuff about the weather on the Internet it will have something for you to read. Another reason why a phone is a great object is that you can tell other people information they might not know about. If you text them they just read the information you texted them. If you call them you can tell them the information you found on the Internet. The final reason a phone is a great object is you can buy stuff. If there is really band storm you can just buy the stuff online. Even though you buy it online, and it takes a few days to get it you still get the object. As you can see you should use a phone because it’s helpful resources like getting information, telling others information, and buying stuff. It is a great thing to have. Evan Smith Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Hermit crabs Dear Editor: My hermit crab, is the best pet I have. He is an interesting animal to learn about. There shell has to be a certain color, and there also easy to take care of them. My crab has a friend like us in the tank with him. My hermit crab is awesome. My hermit crab Roderick has a awesome painted shell. there habitat is the ocean, so we have to put sand in their tank. Roderick is mostly brown or you can say Gray. We have to go to the pet store to buy hermit crab food and shells both hermit me and my sister are in the same shell since we bought them. My brothers hermit crab died. We bought them in Evansville at the mall. Roderick loves to clime up my arm. He also loves to run away from us, so we have to keep him on a blanket. If my hermit crab dose not know you he will go back in his shell or if your holding him sometimes he pinch you. He pinched my mom once it was comical. The best thing he like to do is clime up my arm. He is fun playing with. Most of the day my crab likes to sleep. At night there awake most of the time. Hermit crabs are awesome to play with if it like you. They need clean now and then. Hermit crabs are awesome pets. As you can see, I like hermit crabs. Roderick is the best pet I ever had. I am proud because he don’t pinch me. I love hermit crabs. Kendrick Thombleson Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Bushcraft skills Dear Editor, Have you ever played Minecraft? I am going to tell you how to survive in the world of Minecraft with my bushcraft skills. I will explain the clothing, equipment, and shelter in your world. First the clothing needed is boots, helmet, and base layer. The boots need to be sturdy and comfortable. While the boots protect your feet, the helmet will protect your head. Have you ever heard of a base layer? It is worn next to your skin, it needs to be comfortable. Additional materials needed to survive the game, you must have the necessary equipment for the terrain. You must have your backpack, compass, and torch. The backpack is used for carrying the equipment such as materials for building shelter. The compass is used to know bearing. The torch is used to light up dark areas of the terrain or to light up tinder. Lastly shelter is needed for the deteriorating weather conditions. You can make your shelter out of merino, trapping, or foraging for wood. You have to always check for hazards such as streams and animals. Do you want to know a secret trick? You can save time and effort by using a natural structure as part of your shelter. I always build my shelter by a cave. Alex Martin Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Baseball Dear Editor, Baseball is my favorite sport. I like to play baseball because it is fun hitting, pitching, and fielding. My favorite part out of all three of them is pitching. Pitching is really fun and sometimes can be extremely hard. Hitting is a huge part of baseball. If you can’t hit that is bad for your team, but if you can hit that is good for your team. If you can’t hit then you won’t be able to score any runs. Getting better at hitting is good. A very good way that you can get better is by getting a trainer. Pitching is another important part of baseball. Being able to pitch is good. A way you can get better at pitching is maybe getting a trainer. If you’re not that good at pitching that is bad for your team because you need to have a good pitcher. Fielding is one more important part of baseball. If u can’t field very good that is bad because the ball will get past you most of the time, and the other team will score runs. Getting better at fielding is kind of easy you could just have your parents hit ground balls to you. Baseball is my favorite sport. I like baseball because hitting, pitching, and fielding is all fun. That is why baseball is my favorite sport. Aden Thewes Grade 5, Dubois Middle School





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