2020 Newspapers In Education

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New eating places Dear Editor, Don’t you think that Jasper needs some new places to eat? The only place we really have have been here so long, and we need somewhere new to go. Like a cheese cake factory! We only have a few places to eat, like Los Bravos, El Maguey, and Jimmy Johns. Also lots of people get sick of going to the same places to eat every single time. Probably because there are not many places to go. This is why I think we should get an amazing cheese cake factory in our community Elena Kelly Grade 3, Ireland Elementary


benefit is the following: it would make it popular and have more people come which would make more money. Second, a splash zone would appeal to families with young children. Finally, a slight decrease in admission would also be very “useful” in a way because it would be economical. That’s why the pool should be upgraded. Josh Layman Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Major league team

Dear Editor, I am writing about the fact that we should have skyscrapers in Jasper. We would be able to see beautiful views of them. We can’t see anything pretty really. There will be a lot of reviews on Jasper so it will be good. We barely have any reviews. Some people don’t have any jobs so we can let them have jobs. Some people don’t have anything so we will get them a job. This is why we should have skyscrapers in Jasper. Tyler Emerson Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Dear Editor, I am writing to you about why Jasper should add a major league baseball team. The reason Jasper should have a major league baseball team is because I love baseball and Indiana doesn’t have a major league baseball team. So that’s why we should have a major league baseball team. And it would be so much better with a major league baseball team in Jasper. And it would be way better to drive only 5 minutes instead of driving 6 or 3 hours. Five minutes to drive to a major league baseball field that is cool. And it would be better to have 33 teams and it would be fun to travel to Indiana. And it would be way better to drive to Indiana because Indiana is a great state. I hope by the next few years Jasper Indiana will have a major league baseball team. Kiptyn Kluesner Grade 3, Ireland Elementary


Parklands pond

Dear Editor, Are you tired of eating at McDonald’s or Wendy’s? I think we should get a big Chick-fil-A here in town. I think this because people are getting tired of eating at our fast food places in Jasper and instead of having to drive to a Chick-fil-A out of town we could have one in our town. Also, we can have a chance to try new foods and not just burgers and fries. They also have the limited edition Chick-fil-A sauce Yum! That is why I think we should have a big Chick-fil-A in our town. Maggie Hanneman Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Dear Editor, I am writing to you about why I think we should be able to go swimming in the Parklands pond. I think this because the water is sometimes warm there and the rocks are very pretty there. I also think this because the pond can cool people when it is warm. It would be very really relaxing to be in. My last reason is we could play games in the pond. Some people do not have pools and they might want to swim for free too. That is why I think we should be able to swim in the Parklands pond. Elsie Tekoppel Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Elite Air

New library

Dear Editor, I live in Jasper, Indiana. I love Elite Air! I want an Elite Air in Jasper. I think this because kids and adults can get exercise. It is important to exercise so you can get stronger. Kids also might get bored during the winter. If you get bored you might get tired of something. You can learn new things at Elite Air. You can do things you haven’t done before. Do you want an Elite Air? I do! Riley Wiggins Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Dear Editor, The new library should have a wildlife presentation. We could learn about so many environments of different species. The library should have tons of new books. We all want new books to read. The library should have many fire exits. In case of a fire we can all get out of the library safely. These are what the library should have Abe Hoffman Grade 3, Ireland Elementary


Emergency workers Dear Editor, I thank the policemen will keep us safe. I thank the firemen for helping people out of their burning houses and hospitals. I thank the ambulance and hospital for saving all those lives and caring for people’s health. I thank the Army for keeping the United States safe and alive and fighting those wars for the United States. That is what I wrote to thank the people who save all those lives out there. Cameron Doyle-Fowler Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Parking concerns Dear Editor, I am writing to you about my concern with parking in downtown streets in Jasper for the stores. I think we need more parking because people don’t like to wait. What to do if there is not more parking. I think we need more parking because you have to go back. I think we need more parking because other people get stuff. You can’t go in that place. We need more parking because you can’t get stuff. We need parking because it will take up your time. What will you do if there is no parking. This is why we need more parking. Arya Patel Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Pool upgrade Dear Editor, Jasper has a great pool but we should get an upgrade. First, we need a slide. The

Bass Pro Shop Dear Editor, We should have a Bass Pro Shop or an Academy I think it would make a lot of money off of it. We need a good dirt bike, four wheeler, boat, hunting and fishing store. Think about it we have 1 dirt bike and four wheeler store that is Obermeyer’s. We also have a few hunting and fishing stores. A few hunting and fishing stores are Dave’s Bait and Gun and Great Outdoors. It could go somewhere around Jasper Manor because we have TraderBakers, Mehringer, AT&T and Holiday foods. I think Academy should go where Mehringers is we have like 4 stores that are empty. They should clear the lot next to Home Depot and put Mehringers there. If your gonna need construction help your probably going to need to go to Home Depot. If we didn’t get an Academy, Bass Pro Shops could go next to Home Depot. That would be a good idea because there’s nothing there you have to agree it’s kind of annoying wanting to go to Evansville for everything. We could at least have 2 good outdoor stores. Kids like outdoor to they especially like four wheelers and dirt bike stores. Kids are the future you know. Korbyn Messmer Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Buses too early Dear Editor, I strongly believe that the busses shouldn’t come so early. I feel this way because some kids get to bed way too late and have to get up at 5:00 to get ready for the bus. Also doctors strongly recommend

9-11 hours of sleep for elementary school students. It is a well known fact in many schools that you do better if you get plenty of sleep so why don’t schools change that? My last reason is that if you get plenty of sleep you’ll do better in school as I have said. If you get better grades you could get a better job which could lead to a better life for students. That is why I think busses shouldn’t come so early. Brock Lampert Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Expand humane society Dear Editor, I think you should expand the Dubois Humane Society. Also you could get animal trucks so then if you get a call about a dogs that was abandoned or abused you could go get it or rescue it. Also if you expand it you could make another room were people could take there dogs to and do dogs and puppy training classes. This is why you should expand the Dubois Humane Society. Amayah Ortega Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Starbucks Dear Editor, I strongly believe that we should have a Starbucks in Jasper. I feel this way because parents wouldn’t have to make coffee in the morning and take extra time. It would be better also because you don’t have to drive to Evansville and waste an hour. Some kids/teens like me like Starbucks, plus we could have puppuccinos like frappuccinos but for pets. There would be a lot of people that would go there so they would have good business. That is why I think we should have a Starbucks in Jasper. Gemma Cabral Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Cabela’s in Jasper Dear Editor, I strongly think there should be a Cabela’s in Jasper. It is a 3 hour drive to Indianapolis plus traffic that’s about 3 hours 15 minutes. My dad and I go fishing a lot and we get our gear mostly from Cabela’s and it takes a long time to get there but it is worth it. Cabela’s took over Bass Pro and now it has more fishing gear! I would be fine if there was one in Huntingburg but Jasper mind blowing. Cody Ellis Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

No Mid-States Corridor Dear Editor, I strongly believe that we should not have the Mid State corridor by our house. That is because you are ruining people’s houses you are also ruining people’s belongings by tearing down their houses. Another reason is because one of the routes only saves one minute that goes by our house so what is the big deal about it anyways. What if people don’t want to move? You also just buy their land without even asking them you just take it. Once they decide to put it by your house you have to move. That is why I strongly feel that there should not be a Mid State corridor put in by our house. Sophie Werner Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

More animal shelters Dear Editor, I strongly believe Jasper should have more animal shelters. If more shelters were available, more animals could be rescued. More room means more animals. It would also give more options for adoptable animals. You wouldn’t have to choose from just one shelter or buying. You could find the perfect pet for you. If there’s more room, it would be easier for the animals to run and play. There are some of the reasons I think we should have more animal shelters. Camryn Buechlien Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Artist school Dear Editor, I strongly believe we should have an “Artist school” here in Jasper here in Jasper. I really feel this way because kids could learn how to draw faster and better. It would make it better for parents because they won’t have to spend all their money on

art supplies also while kids are drawing and having a lot of fun they could be catching up on work and just relaxing. I also thing that if really good artists go there they can release their ideas and who knows we might have found a new artist. I know kids like me have a lot of ideas that we just need to draw and create in person. Tho I know most kids aren’t a fan of drawing and doodling but they could at least try to express their feeling with drawing. And I’m thinking it should not cost much. Dakota Garland Grade 4, Ireland Elementary

Ice cream shops Dear Editor, I think we need more ice cream places in Jasper because we don’t have a lot of ice cream places. We only have two ice cream places and I don’t really care for them that much so it would be nice to have more options. You don’t have to eat the same thing every time, because if I eat too much of the same thing I kinda start getting tired of it. That’s why I think it would be nice for more options. Eastyn Recker Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Smoking Dear Editor, Did you know that smoking kills 480,000. 41,000 die from secondhand smoke and there are 1,300 deaths every day from smoking. There are also 2,200 people sick from vaping. That is why we should stop making cigarettes and vaping products. Jaslyn Loya Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Clothing stores Dear Editor, I think that Jasper needs better clothing stores. The reason I think we need better clothing stores is because we usually always get the not-so-good stores. For example Ross, T.J. Max, and Rue 21. There are good clothing stores too like Maurices and Glik’s. I think we should get or have a Target, or an American Eagle. Another reason we need better clothing stores is so we don’t need to drive all the way down to Evansville, or so we don’t have to order off amazon, because sometimes the clothes are either too big or too small. That is why I think we need better clothing stores. Khloe Byrd Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Traffic officer Dear Editor, Jasper needs a traffic officer at the intersection by the middle school. Because the traffic there was already horrible on its own and then the town put another school right behind! The middle school so the traffic is gonna be so bad people are probably going to get stuck there for like thirty minutes. I remember when my brother went to the middle school and we went to drop him of and then go to Ireland and we got stuck at the intersection trying to turn in to the line and we were stuck for fifteen minutes! So if barely even the kids that got dropped off at the middle school were in that line and it was huge! Now since the other school is there there’s going to be even more traffic and there’s no one to direct the traffic. So I’m going to middle school next year and I don’t want to be stuck in the line for over ten minutes because of the traffic but if we had a traffic light or a traffic officer the line will go at least a bit faster. Olivia Martin Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Online ordering Dear Editor, I think that more Jasper citizens should take breaks from ordering online because If you order online then most local store won’t make enough money to pay bills. My mom is a postal worker and most days She doesn’t get off until 5:30. Most Postal Workers only get one day off a week and that’s Sunday. Over all Jasper is a big town. It is 13.35 mi² and its population is around 15,500. That is a lot of people ordering online. Some stores are already starting to close down. Citizens of Jasper please take a break from ordering online. Kennedy Birkle Grade 5, Ireland Elementary





Students need naps Dear Editor, In my opinion, I think we should should have a nap time at school. I think we should get this because we can take a rest after we run. Another reason is so we can get our wiggles out. Now you know what there should be nap time at school. Joshua Lopez Aguirre Grade 1, Fifth Street

Dad likes to drive Dear Editor, I really want a new car at my home. I think we should get this because my dad like a new car. Another reason is because my dad like little cars. Also becasue we need it to go to wal mart. Now you know why my dad likes to drive. Heden Ramierz Menjivar Grade 1, Fifth Street

Backyard pools Dear Editor, I really want a swimming pool at my house. I think I should get this because I love swimming. Another reason is because my mom can take swimming lessons in it. Also because it is good exercise. Now you know why I want a pool. Lucas Arnold Grade 1, Fifth Street

Class pet needed Dear Editor, In my opinion, I think we should have a class pet at Fifth Street Elementary. I think we should get this because it’s something for the new school. Another reason is we can learn about the animal. Also because we can feed it and watch it grow. Now you know why we should get a class pet. Milo Sanders Grade 1, Fifth Street

Salad bar needed Dear Editor, In my opinion I think we should have a salad bar at fifth street school. I think we should get this because a salad bar would be fun to have. Another reason is because we will talk to echother and be happy and laf. Also because it will be helthy. Now you know why we should have a salad bar. Dustin Hasenour Grade 1, Fifth Street

Jasper Sky Zone Dear Editor, Please give Jasper a Sky Zone.At Sky Zone you can do fun jumping tricks. It has a fun ball pit. Sky Zone is fun for people. Kids and parents can jump on trampolines. A lot of people can go their.It has refreshing foods and drinks. please bring a Sky zone to Jasper please!!! Wyatt Wright Grade 2, Fifth Street

Swim meets good Dear Editor, Swim meets are good in Jasper. It gets you ready for a swimming race. It gets more coches in Jasper. Kids parents can watch their kids swim. It can help you when you are out of shape. It helps people know how to swim. That is why swim meets are good for Jasper. Ruger Polley Grade 2, Fifth Street

Target helps adults Dear Editor, We need a Target for Jasper. It would have lots of things adults would want. It would have cooking stuf for adults and kids. It would have fun stuf. And their would be fun games for adults and kids. And it would have things we need like clothes,food and drinks. Please build a Target for Jasper. Faith Schwartz Grade 2, Fifth Street

Big Splash is so fun Dear Editor, We should have a Big splash. I think we need a kiddy pool in the Big splash. Big


splash is so fun. I love Big splash . We need it in Jasper because it will not be far and it will be safe. It will be open for 24 hours and you can pick how long you want to stay. Kaydence Lemond Grade 2, Fifth Street

Zoo needed in city Dear Editor, I want a zoo in Jasper . You can git your face painted there. You can see cute animals! You can see an animal show. You can pet a dolphin. It is fun at the zoo. Avery Parker Grade 2, Fifth Street

Five Below needed Dear Editor, We need a Five Below in Jasper. It is something that can bring jobs to Jasper. So people will go to Jasper to git jobs that can pay good amounts.It will be convenient for some people.We will not have to dive as long.It is cheep so people will go ther.You can get sufe for $5 or below. Bring a Five Below to Jasper please!!! Rosalyn Gramelspacher Grade 2, Fifth Street

Watches are cool Dear Editor, We should have a Rolex store because I think we need lt. People should buy watches because they are really cool. Watches last a long time. I feel that we need a Rolex store. Clayton Bowman Grade 2, Fifth Street

Hibachi is best pork Dear Editor, I like Habuchi because they have the best pork ever. It has good noodles and good rice. They have sushi but I don’t like it. Habuchi is really good. I think it’s delicious and sweet. They make volcanoes out of food and fires too. I hope you will try it. I love Habuchi !!! Do you? Emelin Mundy Grade 2, Fifth Street

Titanic museum cool Dear Editor, I think we need the Titanic museum. It is a nice place, a cool and awesome place. You can go up the elevator or the grand staircase. The place is 10,000 feet long. The grand staircase looks like the real grand staircase. I think it would be really cool if we had the Titanic museum here in Jasper! David Stewart Grade 2, Fifth Street

Jumping Jacks Dear Editor, Let’s bring a Jumping Jacks to Jasper. A Jumping Jacks for kids in Jasper would be fun. Kids will get exercise too. We can play games. We can have family time. We can eat pizza too. You can have birthday parties there. Now you know a Jumping Jacks would be a good place for Jasper. Aria Lawson Grade 2, Fifth Street

Water park better Dear Editor, I want to make Jasper Swimming Pool into a water park. We should turn it in a central green. Kids could play and then water will shoot up and splash them. There should be a hot tub for people to relax in. Make a bigger slide because more people will come to the Jasper Swimming Pool. It gives people something to do. More people will get jobs and get paid more. Make Jasper Swimming Pool a water park. Michael Braun Grade 2, Fifth Street

Animals lack shelter Dear Editor, I want you to take care of animals. Here are some reasons why. Some animals don’t even have shelter! They could DIE without food and water. People are putting animals in DANGER! I’ll feed them. I’ll walk them. Let’s help other communities too! This is why I want to take care of the animals. Ellis Holsworth Grade 2, Fifth Street

Keep city clean Dear Editor, Let’s keep our community clean. Keep houses clean so we don’t get sick. Make your beds. Do the laundry. Clean the sidewalks. Throw trash away. Clean up yards. Mow the grass. Blow the leaves into a pile. Keep our community clean. Halli Kasten Grade 2, Fifth Street

Public transportation Dear Editor, I think that Jasper should get public transportation so that people that don’t have a license can ride a bus. Also people that don’t have any sort of vehicle could ride the bus and get to where they need to be. Also so people that have vehicles don’t have to pay for gas. These are the reasons why I think Jasper should get public transportation. Joshua Ramiraz Grade 2, Fifth Street

Toy stores are fun Dear Editor, I think that Jasper needs a toy store because we don’t have one. People can buy toys and games. We can have fun and we can play with that toy that we bought at the store! Arianna Talbert Grade 2, Fifth Street

Police keep us safer Dear Editor, I think we need more police officers inn Jasper because they keep us safer and the police officer can stop people from robbing stores. The police officers make sure no one is speeding. That is why we need more police officers. Carly Hart Grade 2, Fifth Street

A new park Dear Editor, I think Jasper should have a new park because it is fun to play at the park. It helps us exercise and most of all it is good for your body. These are the reasons why I think Jasper should have a new park. Simon Sanders Grade 2, Fifth Street

Starbucks is tasty Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs a Starbucks. It would give us more things to drink. It would also make us not have to drive so far away. A Starbucks is also a really good place to get a drinks at. These are the reasons I think Jasper needs a Starbucks. Kaleb Blankenship Grade 2, Fifth Street

Jasper theme park Dear Editor, I think we need a theme park in Jasper because we don’t need to drive to Santa Claus or Florida. It will give kids or parents something to do. More people may come to Jasper. This is why we need a theme park for Jasper. Anna Blessinger Grade 2, Fifth Street

Take care of animals

Help the homeless

Dear Editor, People should take care of animals. They could get hurt if they are not watched. Give them food and water. Let them play outside. Play tug of war with them. This is how people should take care of their animals. Nora Truesdell Grade 2, Fifth Street

Dear Editor, People need help like the homeless and people who doesn’t have money. I think Jasper should give the homeless money. I think that Jasper should at lest give a house to them. Jasper people need house to slep just like the homeless. I think Jasper needs to give the homeless wortr. Jasper needs to give the wortr to the homeless or the home-

less will thrst. I think Jasper needs to give the homeless food. If jasper sees the homeless please give the homeless food. Jasper should give the homeless muny. It is a smrt thaing to do. Rylan Mullins Grade 2, Fifth Street

Water park for littles Dear Editor, I strongly believe that Jasper should have a water park so little kids can play in the water in the summer. Another reason is if babys can’t get in the pool then they can still play in the water. A last reason is so little kids can’t reach the bottom of the pool they can go to the water park. For all the resons I’ve given Jasper should have a water park. Sophia Harris Grade 2, Fifth Street

A big birthday party Dear Editor, Everyone should come to my birthday party. We are going to have cyicalle. We will have kake. We will play games. Please come to my birth day. Bella Yates Grade 2, Fifth Street

Amish donuts Dear Editor, I believe Amish donuts need to come back. They have very good donuts. They were the best in the World. They had very nice people who work there. They had so many donuts they were all so good. I love there donuts. They are so good. Cohen Werne Grade 2, Fifth Street

Littering kills Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs to stop littering. Animals in the sea are dying because peopl are littering. Turtles get plastic straws up their nose. The world is polluted because of this mess. As you can see we need to stop littering. Mason Ruckriegel Grade 2, Fifth Street

Help local wilderness Dear Editor, I believe that Jasper needs more help with the wilderness. 1. The animal need more food around the woods. 2. I know because I learned abot it. 3. I know that all of you love the wilderness. Ending. Now you can see that Jasper needs help with wildlife. Nate Ehman Grade 2, Fifth Street

Save shelter animals Dear Editor, I believe you should save the animals at the animal shelter. They might not like the cages. They might want an owner. They might want a forever home. As you can see you should save the animals at the animal shelter please. Carissa Guetig Grade 2, Fifth Street

Go to church Dear Editor, I believe you should go to church because is Awesome!! Church is fun because people can play with kids. You can eat at church and the food is good. Everyone should go to church so you know that god is important. Kacey Diaz Grade 2, Fifth Street

Visit nursing homes Dear Editor, Did you know that the nursing home is a great place for old people? In my opinion the nursing home needs people to go visit them. The nursing home doesn’t have that many friends. The nursing home might have friends if you convese people. Then you can maybe bring some dogs or cats. They can play with the dogs and cats if they come. Some kids could read books to people in the nursing home. Kids can bring books from home to read to them. I want people to visit the nursing home. Bailey Hagan Grade 2, Fifth Street





Plant more trees Dear Editor, Please listen to my writing. It’s very important. I think we need to stop making buildings and let the trees grow. The population is now 30 percent nature and 90 percent buildings. No more buildings should be built. How about you put in the newspaper that everyone needs to plant a tree in your backyard? And I don’t care if this doesn’t go in the newspaper. I just want everybody to know that we need more trees because the animals are going to be extinct. And if we are going to keep the buildings then make more animal shelters to protect the animals. Amelia Popp Grade 3, Tenth Street

Animal shelter Dear Editor, RUFF! RUFF! Do you hear that? That’s the sound of a happy dog because he has plenty of space to run and play! If you haven’t guessed, I LOVE DOGS!! I think our community needs to get a bigger animal shelter. Why you might ask? We need more places for dogs to play and be outside. Not just dogs, But cats too. Cats need a bigger surrounding too. I also think one year, we can have people donate toys and dog and cat food to the animal shelter! I just love to see animals be happy, and It makes me smile! And maybe there can be a bigger waiting room too? I just want to go to an animal shelter that makes me and the animals feel comfortable. We have an ok shelter now with great people that work there. Let’s work together to create a larger shelter with tons of space and equipment. I know you like animals as much as I do! Gabby Kuhs Grade 3, Tenth Street

Cold Stone for Jasper Dear Editor, I think that we should get a Cold Stone for Jasper. I think we should get a Cold Stone for Jasper Because on a Hot day we could go there an enjoy the ice cream. Also you could make up your own ice cream. This is why I think we should get a cold stone. Haddie Hollingsworth Grade 3, Tenth Street

Zoo in Jasper Dear editor, I was wondering if you could put a zoo in Jasper? Then all the wonderful people are able to see the beautiful and amazing animals that are on earth. Everyone could learn new things about Everyday animals. Animals are very interesting and important all around the world. People might way to enjoy and discover a different journey. Serenity Hopster Grade 3, Tenth Street

Bring an arcade Dear Editor, I think Jasper sould have a arcade. Where kids and adults go if we don’t have a console or video games at home? We have game in other places but they aren’t arcades. Eric Duron Grade 3, Tenth Street

Bass Pro Shop Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs a Bass Pro Shop! In Jasper there are a lot of lakes and ponds people would like to go fishing. I think Walmart does not have enough gear to go fishing. The Bass Pro Shop in Florida even has a pond with big fishes. Thats why Jasper needs a Bass Pro shop. Will Wininger Grade 2, Tenth Street

Tropical pets Dear Editor, Can you make tropical pets legal? I think it’s nice idea because you can have a pet tiger or a pet parrot. There are a lot of animals you can have as a pet. I just think big and tropical pets could live here. We can build stores to take care of the pets and the stores would have food special needs for the tropical animal you have. I think having a tropical pet would be nice and you could play with them


in the summer when you’re bored. Courtlynn Hooten Grade 3, Tenth Street

Jasper pro sports Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs pro sports teams. Like the Jasper Lakers or something like that. But it would help the people in Jasper because people these days are paying more for gas eveyr minutes. Now the reason I talked about that is because for me it takes 2 hours to get to ST. Louis and 3 hours to get to Indianapolis and you are paying more than you need to for gas. I don’t know about you but I think that it would help the community because people are paying for the tickets to see the game and the community would get all the money which would be a lot. For my last thing all of my friends would love a pro team. That’s why I think we should get a pro team. Grant Messmer Grade 3, Tenth Street

Aquarium in Jasper Dear Editor, Do you want an aquarium in Jasper? Well, I honestly think that would be amazing so here’s some reasons I would want an aquarium in Jasper. I think it would be an awesome place for a field trip because the new school (Jasper Elementary School) is coming and it could be a nice and neat field trip experience. There is no aquarium nearby so if you want to work at the Aquarium you don’t have to move to a different town or drive to another town or even state. You know a bunch of stores are closing in Jasper so an aquarium would be great in an empty building. And most importantly if a parent wants to spend time with a kid or people want to spend time together that would be a great place for family time or spending time with a friend. That’s why I want an aquarium in jasper! Jack Campbell Grade 4, Tenth Street

Better football gear Dear Editor, Do you want your kids or anybody breaking their ankle or arm or even getting a head injury? Well, I sure don’t and that is why I think Jasper should get better football gear because one time I twisted my ankle and could not walk on it very much. People are still getting head injuries so we need better helmets. We need gear for our arms and ankles so we do not twist them or break them. And that is why I think we need better football gear. Mason Zazzetti Grade 4, Tenth Street

Fireworks limit Dear Editor, Fireworks are cool, right? Today I am saying we need to have a firework limit. People love fireworks for the 4th of July, but people keep doing them after that. Other people cannot sleep because of this and it also upsets dogs and cats. Do you agree with me? Rinoa Ahrens Grade 4, Tenth Street

Krispy Kreme Dear Editor, I think that we should have a Krispy Kreme in Jasper. I think that we should because to me Jasper just needs more donuts. We need more places because Wal-mart and Hucks just don’t make enough. Now I know that we are already getting a Dunkin Donuts and I am in high support of this also. I just love donuts. So, if this works out and we do get a Krispy Kreme I will be happy. This is why I want a Krispy Kreme in Jasper! Jillian Hughes Grade 4, Tenth Street

Better baseball fields Dear Editor, Some kids really like baseball. Some go to MLB games and they see what they do in their hometown. I know we are a small town, but we have 3 people drafted and one played in the MLB. Most kids want to be in the MLB but don’t have that chance. Here’s why. I know that we’re not like a college team, but we do want better fields. The ones that they have in Vanderbilt are all turf. When it rains, we would still have a field to play on

and take ground balls and the baseball will not get dirty. I want bigger fields for travel teams so they can play in Jasper. They can make a lot of money at the concession stands I’m not trying to be rude but the batting cages have holes in them. The L screens are rusting and the dirt or sand I do not like. When you swing, your feet move and it drills down to the ground. And the nets, I know you can’t fix it, but every time in or out my bat gets stuck in the net. Talan Kiefer Grade 4, Tenth Street

Putt-putt needed Dear Editor, Can you believe we don’t have a Puttputt golf in Jasper? This seems crazy to me! I think we need one soon! My favorite thing to do is go around and play putt-putt. They have one in French Lick and Evansville but not in Jasper. Last but certainly not least it’s fun! You can practice putting and you can play with friends. It’s basically just a time to have fun with family and friends. So if you want a good town, you should highly consider to get a putt-putt golf. Hudson Dooley Grade 4, Tenth Street

Laser park Dear Editor, Jasper, Indiana needs a laser park for kids to have fun in. I think Jasper needs one because kids are always jumping around and rough housing. That ends up getting them in trouble. It would also give kids something to do, and it could have an arcade for kids to win prizes. To win the game, you will have to get the kids on the team out three times. It will be a one hour game with two teams with eight people on each team. They would be able to hold private games for special days like birthdays, parties, or anything special. I think it would be fun if they had different types of laser guns. Again, I just think it would be cool to have a laser park in Jasper for kids to have fun in. Trey Blackgrave Grade 4, Tenth Street

Apple store Dear Editor, Yeah, yeah,yeah, I know, you can buy Apple products like phones, tablets, laptops and more from Amazon, BestBuy, and all that other stuff. But it takes more than 24 hours to get to your house with Amazon or BestBuy. But with the Apple Store in Jasper IN, it would probably take 5 minutes, depending on where you live. The steps are: Drive, park, pay, leave. It might be complicated to set up your new portable computer(“portable computer” means a type of technology that is portable). Not just that, but you can also rent the phones! And also, if you were to rent a phone from Amazon or BestBuy, how would you return it? I have WAY more reasons than just those. I hope my comments were heard. Elliott Tarr Grade 4, Tenth Street

Bullying is bad Dear Editor, I would like to state why bullying is bad for schools. It hurts people’s feelings and it gives them a bad reputation. I just want to say that getting a bad reputation isn’t good at all. And if the person getting bullied gets in trouble instead of the bully, how is that fair? What if the teacher doesn’t care if the bully gets away with it? I honestly got bullied once and I did it back and I was the one who got in trouble and the other person got away with it instead of getting in trouble (and this was last year here at Jasper in 4grade) but anyway I hope you can do something about this bullying thing going on here at Jasper Elementary School. But I was wondering about something else. What exactly do you guys do at the herald? Brielle Kitchell Grade 5, Tenth Street

Good of social media Dear Editor, Today I’m going to be talking about some of the good sides of social media. As we all know, social media can be a dangerous place, but sometimes we can spread positivity through it. We can spread many messages about no

bullying in schools, or about accepting other people no matter how they look. Social Media is a fun place to communicate and interact with others. We should always use it in a positive way, no matter what. There’s many influencers that inspire and show the public a good way to be like. One of the biggest apps there is, is TikTok. TikTok it’s one of my favorite social media apps. It’s a fun place where you can show talent, comedy and many other things. One of the most popular things on TikTok is dancing. You can learn many dances on TikTok. One of the most famous is “renegade”. Many people over the world have TikTok and have fun making TikToks. I think that depends on how you use social media. It’s the impact you’re going to give it. Social Media could still be bad but there are some good sides to it. Here’s a reminder to anyone that has Social Media; remember to use it in a positive way and always try to spread positive through it. I hope this made you see a positive side to Social Media. Thank you for your time. Fernanda Alas Grade 5, Tenth Street

Plastic roads Dear Editor, I think there should be more plastic roads and I have many reasons why. The way I came up with this idea is from a YouTube video and in the video it said plastic roads last 10 years longer than asphalt roads. I’m guessing all the elders are probably going to say YouTube will rot your brain, but there are benefits from it like the idea of plastic roads. Another reason I think there should be plastic roads is because instead of just sending plastic to landfills and the ocean we can put it to good use. It is also more environmentally friendly than asphalt roads. Plastic roads are cheaper than asphalt roads. Plastic roads could also be heated which might prevent them from freezing and also evaporate surface water. Plastic roads would also be a lot stronger than asphalt roads. Not only that but it would increase binding and better bonding of the mix. The construction of plastic roads would be faster and have higher quality. That is why I think there should be more plastic roads. Tyson Wallace Grade 5, Tenth Street

Cheaper groceries Dear Editor, I think we should have cheaper groceries because some people don’t have enough money for food and things needed. One reason is it will help people afford more food say someone has a big meal, but they can’t afford enough food for everyone to eat with that 4 of 5 dollars off they can at least buy a cheaper thing and everyone gets to eat. My second reason is that it will save people money for different things. Some people will be able to buy something they really need like medicine money for surgery things like that and so one. My third reason is the store will have a chance of having a higher yearly profit so if they lower the prices extra customers will give them more money instead of going to a different store with cheap things they will go to that store because the store is cheaper. That’s because that customer will be spending their money at the store that’s cheaper. This is why I think stores should have cheaper groceries. Nathen Ramos Grade 5, Tenth Street

Sister Ava Dear Editor, Let me tell you about my sister. Ava is two years old. She is kind, nice, brave, awesome, helpful, active, outgoing, intelligent, and many more! Ava helps me through really tough times. Ava is an active toddler. She always lights up my heart when she helps me outside, or runs and plays with me. Ava is so sweet when I leave to go to my dad’s house she always cries and tells me no, no, no! It’s so hard to leave her cause she makes me feel so good. She doesn’t like to me to shut the door. She tries to open it when I leave because doesn’t want me to leave. I hope you are the same with Ava as I am. I hope you think Ava is awesome like I think. Lilly Hanshaw Grade 5, Tenth Street





Racism Dear Editor, Racism has been around for years and years. It still happens to this day. Here is my opinion on this topic. I think treating people based on the color of their skin is wrong People can’t help their skin. No one can paint away their flaws, especially their skin color. Kindness falls into the category because, depending on how kind you are, will depend on how you act. Criticizing people over something they can’t change is wrong. Everyone has flaws. No one is perfect. But having a different skin tone isn’t a flaw. It’s who you are. When people look at you, they shouldn’t say anything rude about your skin. People call out kids because of their skin ton. Can you believe it? Young kids and teens shouldn’t be punished. Little kids should be able to walk outside without someone pointing out their skin tone. A lot of racist people just look at it from their point of view. Just imagine how African-Americans felt back then. They couldn’t even fight back. They couldn’t say or do anything because the police would arrest them. The Civil Rights Movement is one of the biggest events in history. My favorite thing about the Civil Right Movement was how ordinary kids and teen were involved. Ordinary people like you and me! Which brings in another trait — courage. I can’t imagine how much courage it took to stand up to people. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Now, that may seem normal to you know, but back then it was a big deal. Especially because she was African-American. Rosa Parks in one of the many examples of people who stood up. She was one of the people who took a stand. Her bravery, along with millions of people, impacted the world. I think without the Civil Rights Movement, racism would be way worse. Maybe there would still be separate schools. water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, ect. I wouldn’t get to hang out with my friends. I’m not trying to bring back bad actions, but just take that in. All I’m trying to say is don’t judge someone on anything, no matter what it is. Even if it’s not skin town maybe it’s something else. That is my opinion on racism. Do you agree with me and my opinion? Adaysha Smiley Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Add a new section Dear Editor, Would you be able to add a section in the newspaper about fun activities in the country for kids and teens? I think this would be a good thing to add to The Herald because kids and teens, like me, often get board on weekends and want to find something to do. If you included this section in The Herald kids and teen would be able to find fun activities to participate in and meet new friends. In my experience of then during weekends and school breaks I find myself just on electronics the whole day because I don’t have anything to do. I feel that including interesting activities in The Herald for kids and teens would make them more active and would just benefit kids and teens in the whole county and would make them more active. I hope you might consider adding what I suggested to The Herald. Adonica Meyer Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Sidewalks Dear Editor, Some people enjoy running or taking a walk through their neighborhood, so I think we should add sidewalks in the new subdivisions. What if you live close to the middle school or the high school? You would want a way to get to either schools if your parents were really busy so you could get to school. I know there are parents that are worried about their child’s safety so sidewalks would be a good input to the new subdivisions. Instead of your kid being worried they would have a feel of safety. When you live about 2 or 3 miles from the square or any other store that is closest to you, then you can walk to those stores, and for the people who like saving money you don’t have to waste gas for a 2- or 3-mile trip to the grocery store. Sidewalks also provide


a form of transportation walking, say if you are walking to a restaurant then when you are finished you can walk home and burn some calories off that meal. Think of how many people would be healthier if we had more sidewalks, and it would be easier to ride a bike to a friend’s house. If you have a family that likes to walk everywhere then sidewalks would be convenient to you and many others in your neighborhood. Tristian Holt Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Midstate Corridor Dear Editor, Currently, a local committee is thinking about whether to build a road that goes around Jasper. They are considering options both east and west of Jasper. I don’t know why this is necessary. In either option, the road will tear down homes. This will also hurt farms and the wildlife living around the areas. For example, if they build the road on the east side, they will go through part of my grandmother’s farm. This would affect the crop ground and wooded area in which animals live. The purpose of this road is to help with local businesses, but is saving ten or 15 minutes on a drive worth taking people’s homes and animal habitat away? In my opinion, it is not work it, and I hope you will take some thought and consideration into this before hurting our wonderful community. Andyn Lampert Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Three-day weekends Dear Editor, When you wake up on a Sunday do you moan and groan about having to go to school the next day? Well, I do. Sunday should be a day of rest and relaxation. Instead, you are frantic about having to get ready for school the next day. I think we should have a three day weekend. We should get Monday off! For example, when we had a Monday off due to a snow day I felt much more prepared about having to go to school on Tuesday. I could spend the longer weekend with my family and friends. I asked a few different people their opinion and they all agreed an extra day was a great idea. It gives students more time to do homework on the weekend. I mean I don’t think we should do homework on the weekends to begin with, but if we did I think an extra day to do it would help. Well, you’re probably asking, how are we going to learn all the stuff we need to learn for school in four days? There could be many solutions such as: a shorter summer break, extending the school hours, or having a shorter homeroom. I know you probably wouldn’t want to do some of these things, but if you want a three day weekend something has to happen about the four days we do go school. There has to be a compromise in between, In conclusion, we should have a three day weekend because we have more time to spend with family, longer time to do homework, and we can stop fretting about school on Sunday. A three day weekend would be awesome! Emma Emerson Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

The Parklands Dear Editor, The parklands are great! They are a good place to walk to just hang out. My and my family walks my dog there all the time! Here are some reasons why the parklands are so cool. The parklands have a nice little water park. You can bring a swimsuit in the summer and play all day! There are water fountains for people and even for dogs! There is a big building for special occasions and a beautiful lake and waterfall all only at the entrance. There is a cool bridge over the waterfall. There are scenic paths and hills all over the place. The place is a great place to run, walk, or ride a bike. My dog loves the parklands, she runs and jumps out of the car to start the walk! The parklands are a great meeting place and an amazing feautre to the city of Jasper. Owen Gehlhausen Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Women’s rights Dear Editor, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain

unalienable right ...” And yet, in today’s society, many of us don’t have these “certain unalienable rights” that our very own founding fathers spoke of. For example, most women didn’t and/or still don’t have these rights. The declaration was made more for the average white male than anyone else, and as were many, many other government regulations. According to the 19th amendment, which only came into effect in 1920, no one could deny someone’s right to vote based on their gender. This was after World War 1, when countless women took the jobs of men in the factories, and after the Women’s Suffrage Movement. More recently, women earn just 79 cents for every dollar men make in 2019. Two people doing the same job the same way, and one still get paid 21 cents less just because of her gender. An That’s just the average job. On average, a male NBA player makes roughly 6.2 million dollars. Meanwhile, a woman in the WNBA averagely makes about 79,000 dollars, with a maximum salary at a mere 117,500. Yes that is plenty of money, but compared to someone in the NBA who may play far worse that someone in the WNBA, it is a huge injustice and a definite insult. Not to mention the difference in publicity between the two, which quite frankly is extremely upsetting. There are plenty more grievances in this field, but these are some of the most controversial ones. There are only 24.1% of women in nation-level parliament. Only 24.1% of women have a say in what affects their county. Like famous suffragist Susan B. Anthony said, “There never will be a complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.” Which just goes to show that elitist men aren’t the only ones holding women back; we hold ourselves back too, by not taking action. Women all across the globe need to take a stand and show that we are not powerless, and we can do anything we set our minds to, despite what anyone may say. Grace Villwock Grade 6, Jasper Middle School

Year-round school Dear Editor, Did you know that forty-six out of the fifty state have at least one year-round school. If we turned Jasper into a year-round school, we could turn that number to fortyseven. There are many good things about year-round schools, but keeping the learning process going, eliminating the boredom during summer break, and gives families more options for vacation scheduling. There are many cons to year-round school, but the first reason is keeping the learning process going. During Summer Break many students forget what they have learned the previous year, which causes the teacher to have to reteach it in the next grade. Even though year-round students attend the same amount of days, they are at an advantage because the shorter break helps them keep more of what they’ve learned. Have your ever gotten bored during Summer Break of doing the same things over and over again? Well, year-round school will end that problem! Even when involved in numerous activities, kids can tend to get board after a while. By creating a shorter Summer Break, the opportunities for boredom decrease, and the chances of getting in trouble lessen. The last reason why we should have year-round school is that it gives families more options of vacation scheduling. With having extended breaks, families have the opportunity to schedule a longer vacation. Traveling during the off-season also is cheaper at most locations, which allows families to have the same amount of fun for a cheaper cost. In conclusion, I think that Jasper could benefit from a year-round school. There are many reasons but, keeping the learning process going, eliminating boredom during Summer Break, and giving families more options for vacation are just a few. CC Hanneman Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Help the poor Dear Editor, I think that we should help poor people more. Would like being homeless and getting no help. Well, no. If I was homeless I would want someone to help me out. I don’t know the feeling of being homeless but I think it would be terrible, because you wouldn’t be able to sleep on a bed and in

your house. I think that its there fault there out in the streets asking people for help and money. If they had a chose to be homless or being at home with food, they would pick to be at home with food and there bed. I would feel the same way, won’t you, I would. We should help the homless with some money so they can buy at least lunch. They would be so grateful because you dont know for how many days they havent ate anything. It would fee so bad if you havent ate for days. I would hate to not eat for a whole day. We should help homeless people with more shelters, cloths, and food. I know there isnt a bunch of poor people but it can help in other places. Thats why I want to help more poor/homeless people. Elizabeth Sardoval Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Thank a teacher Dear Editor, You know what some of these letters might be talking about how we need new stuff in this area or what we need to improve. But have we ever stopped and thanked our teacher for having shaped us into who we are today? All teachers are literally our second parents. For thirteen years, they shape our minds and help us to recognize our talents and goals. To some teachers, it is nothing but a job that pays the bills. But to other, it is their life. Some people believe that the teacher’s primary role is to teach children to behave and to judge what is right and wrong. But on the other hand, teachers play the role of second parents to the pupils. It is they who correct the pupils if something went wrong like what they do to their own children. The teachers also play a significant role in shaping the life of the pupils under their care. This is why I think that we should say thank you to our teachers for having shaped us into who we are. Liliana Serrano Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Social media Dear Editor, America has a big problem with social media, and that problem is getting out of control. We need to be the ones to stop it. Social media is a problem because it affects your sleep, makes your have less time with your loved one, and it makes people feel bad about their body. Have you ever been on your phone late at night and lost track of time just watching videos till midnight without even knowing it was midnight? The average person spends over four hours on their phones in a day. Most of them probably are on it later in the day or before you go to bed. This isn’t good because when you are on your phone at night the blue light in your phone makes you not want to get off of your phone and messes with your eyes so you can’t. You might not realize this but when people are on their phones they tend to go into “shutdown mode” which means they are in their own zone and don’t want to interact with others. When teens are on their phones they typically lock themselves up in their room which is not good for many reasons but one of the reasons is that they don’t spend time with their family and friends. Family won’t be with your forever so you should appreciate them while they are still here. When you look online and look up famous people, what are some qualities you see in most of them? You see skinny people, right? Well people who don’t look just like those people feel bad about themselves. They think they aren’t good enough or skinny enough bug they shouldn’t feel like that just from seeing other people online. When we look online we should want to feel good and accepted, not the opposite. People already get enough criticism from their peers and family that when they look online they shouldn’t feel worse about themselves. If conclusion social media is a problem because it affects your sleep, the time your spend with your family, and lastly it makes people feel bad about their body. If we weren’t on our phones as much we could do more positive things in the world, This is why I believe social media is a problem. Jordyn King Grade 7, Jasper Middle School Continued on Page 13





Concluded from Page 11


Chewing gum

Dear Editor, I am writing to suggest future topics for the Dubois County Herald. Being a son to Mexican Americans we would like to see more news/articles in regards to immigration. I know that immigration can be a very complicated topic, but according to a demographic survey it shows that the state of Indiana has 44.9% of latino population as of 2017 thus this percentage could be slightly higher for 2020. There are so many discussions in relation to immigration, but I would like for our community to be more informed in specifics to the four categories of immigration status in the U.S. Bringing knowledge on the four categories of immigration status to others is beneficial for all. For instance, my family falls into two of the four categories. My mother, sister, older brother and I are U.S Citizens. U.S. Citizens are people who were either born in the U.S. or who have become “naturalized” after three or five years as permanent residents. My father is a Permanent Resident. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) are those who have a “green card”. A green card holder, or lawful permanent resident, is someone who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. The other two categories are Non-immigrants and Undocumented. Non-immigrants are individuals that are in the U.S. legally but on a temporary basis. Undocumented are those individuals who are in the country without permission and not authorized to work in the U.S. The aspect of knowing the differences between the categories is so that discussions in regards to immigration are understood and not just balled up into one. An example I can provided is when I was in the 4th grade and the elections for a new president were in discussion in class. One of my classmates made the comment that, “All Mexicans should go back to Mexico”. His comment made me feel as if I was being attacked for being able to speak a secondary language, in my case Spanish. Why would anyone say something like that? I understand that part of being a US Citizen is having freedom of speech. Having said this, we who have freedom of speech should also have the education to know what we say before we speak. Knowledge is power and factual ignorance can only bring negative effects on individuals and societies. Hector Cruz Jr. Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Dear Editor, Middle school students should be able to chew gum in school. It is scientifically proven that chewing gum stimulates the brain and helps students focus on their work. Chewing gum has also been shown to reduce muscle tension and increase alertness. When you chew gum you produce 250% more saliva. Some classes are very boring and it is hard to pay attention, so you could just put a piece of gum in and you could focus better. Sometimes after lunch if you have anything with garlic or onions your breath stinks. Or someone else’s breath stinks and you have to hold your breath when you guys are having a conversation because it is so bad. If we were allowed to have gum then you could offer them a piece and their breath would smell better. With some immature middle schoolers they might start smacking or being annoying with their gum but the teachers could have a rule where you get one warning and then you have to throw it away. These are some of the reasons why I think we should be able to chew gum in school. Carlee Rogers Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Stoplight needed Dear Editor, I think that we should install a stoplight at the intersection at Bushkoetter’s. It is at the intersection of west state road 56 on 350 west. There are many reasons why I think we should get a stoplight there. To start off, I think it would be safer. There are many people going fast and not looking or not following the rules on how to pull out there. Many people just drive by and that is not safe on how busy the intersection is/can be. Another reason is that there are new housing additions on the west side of Jasper and the Ireland area. More people go to that intersection to get to their houses. You also have to go through that to get into Ireland and it is the main way to get into town. Overall, many people have to cross that to get where they need to be. There is traffic congestion. Lastly, there have been many crashes at this intersection and many people have gotten hurt there. I think there would be fewer crashes and fewer tragedies if we installed a stoplight at the Bushkoetter’s intersection. Kylie Leuck Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Halloween, E-Learning Dear Editor, Have you every woken up the day after Halloween and just didn’t want to go to school? If so, I believe there is an easy fix to this situation. A practice E-learning day after Halloween wouldn’t just allow kids to stay out later on Halloween, it would also make more sense to the practice before we need E-Learning days. Most of the time we have practice ELearning days once a year in March. Normally it doesn’t even snow after February! So why do we have a practice E-Learning day in March? Shouldn’t it be before the snow, just in case we need an E-Learning day during the snow? The easiest solution to this problem would be to reschedule it before December. But when would we do it? Post-Halloween is the perfect answer! As a kid, one of the most exciting parts of the year in Halloween. At night you get to walk around your neighborhood in a cool costume and get free candy. What a deal! Except, we can’t stay out late most years because it’s on a school night. We have to get up early the next day to go to school. Because of our adventures from the night before, we are exhausted during school. Instead of paying attention to the teacher, we daydream of the bowl of candy waiting for us at home. This is why we should have a practice E-Learning day the day after Halloween. Instead of waking up early, we can sleep in and feel for refreshed to do our work. A Post-Halloween E-Learning day will let them stay out later and have more fun with their friends. It would also help us more if we need an E-Learning day. Kids need to be kids during Halloween, so we need to let them fell relieved that they don’t have to go to school the next day. Ava Bower Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Plastic bottles Dear Editor, When you look at a plastic bottle, what do you think? Does you mind automatically fill with images of turtles with their shells shaped in grotesquely barbie dolllike waists, the sea filled with millions of pounds of non-recyclable plastics? You probably don’t, you might think about how much energy it will take getting up and throwing it in the trash can, you might be wondering where the plastic goes once it is thrown in the trash. Whatever the case you have probably, at one point in your life, thought about what that does to sea animals. And let me tell you, it doesn’t have a good effect. There have been many bodies of sea animals that wash up and the cause of their demise is getting suffocated by plastic. People need to be aware of how bad the issue actually is. They need to know just exactly where their plastic goes, cause I can assure you it doesn’t always end up in the landfill. Madeline Schmitt Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Writing programs Dear Editor, I think that we should have a writing program that allows young scholars around my age that are interested in writing to be able to write their own books. Being able to write is a creative attribute that allows kids and adults to expand the world their living into a small book. While this may seem to be an odd request, I have some reasons we should push this movement forward. As a member of the kids, I have a big imagination, we all do. From when we were young and we pretended the floor was lava or when we would live as in a family in our backyard, or imagination is what made us kids. Now when people get older, sometimes they lose that creativity they had. They can’t pretend something is really like that.

But some people grasp onto their creative side, like J.K. Rowling or George Lucas. They created worlds that inspired people. Movies, rides, and merchandise were created because they inspired those people to make them. I wanna have a writing program also because of a book I’m currently writing. I wanna share it with the world and inspire people to follow what they believe. I think that books are written because they had an idea that they wanted to share. They didn’t care what people said, whether it be, “No that’s dumb” or “Hey that’s smart” They listened to themself. J.K Rowling quoted, “We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside our selves already: We have the power to imagine better.” So, those reasons are why I feel obligated to write this. To show everyone that anybody can be creative and that anybody can do something good. Please take my letter into account and think about it. Ashton Howard Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Need more to do Dear Editor, You talk about how teens are stuck in their basements playing video games, but there are no things to do in Jasper. If the city of Jasper had other things to do, kids would be out more. This would help the idea that kids hole up into the basement. If we had a go-kart or laser-tag the number of kids sitting home would decrease, also making the children healthier and happier. The children would go to these places, making them happier. This would lower the stress of the school day. Being with your friends is proven to be a positive asset for your health. Connecting in person is much greater than chatting over a video game. But unluckily for us kids in Jasper, there are not convenient spots for this connection of these groups of kids. A place like laser tag, putt-putt, or even an airsoft range would give teens the perfect place tho hangout and relax. Our bowling alley is already a good place, but the positioning is inconvenient for most of the town. A spot like the old K-mart building or the empty spots near Ruxer’s golf course would be a great place for these ideas. Making these event centers more accessible to the youth would open these places to a new crowd of people to this entertainment. These few changes to our community will prove worth it in the long run. With the kids happier, and uplift the mood of the whole town. It will prove healthier children. They will be healthier both physically and emotionally. Just a simple go-kart track or a putt-putt course is all we need to help the whole city. Hayden Armstrong Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Sidewalks Dear Editor, I think that the city of Jasper should have more sidewalks. I think this because a lot of people in our community like to get outside and be active which is great. In my neighborhood there is almost always someone on a walk or playing outside when it is nice enough. Think about how many more people would get active if there were sidewalks in our town. One reason why we need sidewalks is that a lot of people don’t know what side of the road to walk on. This is a big problem because if the people walking or running are not paying attention and the driver isn’t either the driver could have a wreck and all of them could get very hurt. People of all ages are doing this and if you are reading this and you have your license i’m sure you can relate to this reason too. That is one of many reasons why we need more sidewalks in Jasper. Another reason is that having a sidewalk is much safer than walking on the road. If we have more sidewalks then there might be more people who will get out and be active which is always a good thing. You might be thinking to yourself that we already have the Parklands and the Riverwalk to walk on and if you want to go on a walk just go to one of those places. But if you just are feeling like today is a nice day and you feel like going for a walk/ run it would be much more convenient to walk outside and be on a sidewalk rather than having to drive somewhere to walk or run.

People not knowing which side to walk on, more people would be active, and making it safer to run/walk are just a few reasons why we should have more sidewalks in this town.There are many more reasons why having sidewalks would make this town better the list goes on forever. This is important because it could be an easy thing that could help this town to be safer. Now what do you think do you agree with me? Kate Jerger Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Thanks, workers Dear Editor, I’m here for a very special reason! This reason isn’t for a new store, a new restaurant, or even a new park! I’m here to thank all of those who do volunteer work for our city of Jasper, and for all the people who work for the sewer, garbage, fire department, and those who take their time decorating Jasper for Christmas and The Strassenfest! I can’t imagine what our city would look like without these amazing people! Can you? Let me start by recognizing the importance of our street maintenance workers. Remember all those Spring showers and Summer mosquitoes? The Fall leaves and December snows? Our street maintenance workers are busy year-round making the city a nicer, cleaner place! If you remember, after every Strassenfest parade there’s candy EVERYWHERE… and I mean everywhere! Somehow... by the next few hours, or the next day it’s gone? There are amazing workers who spend their time sweeping our streets clean of the excess candy and trash! In my opinion they deserve a round of applause. Another important part of Jasper is the fire and police department! Honestly, what would we do without them? Just think. If we didn’t have such brave people who volunteered to protect us on a 24 hour basis, there would be destruction everywhere! I’m not sure if you know this, but we have about 47 people one our fire squad. Those 47 are keeping about 15,500 of us alive! Our police department serves an important role in protecting our schools, and city. They may make your heart skip 10 beats when they turn on those blue and red lights, but they are doing their job serving our city and helping our friends, family, and neighbors! Lastly, our Paramedics. Accidents are inevitable. You can’t stop them. However, our paramedics can really lend a helping hand, and an ambulance to help you escape them. We rely on these outgoing heros to save us! As soon as the dispatcher transfers the call… our paramedics won’t hesitate! Their main priority and focus is for you to be safe, healthy, and well… alive! On the outside of an ambulance, it seems the same. Someone got hurt, they’re going to the hospital. On the inside, the reality is different everyday. Everyone is fighting for a citizen’s life, trying everything to keep them alive. Our paramedics are trained to assist any given type of emergency! They are equipped with technology and knowledge to help someone in need. There are of course, many others who I appreciate making this city one of the best environments to live in. So even if I didn’t address them in this letter, I think that the next time anyone taking their time to help you comes… we should all give them the biggest “Thank You”, and round of applause. Kendyl Blackgrave Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Living in Jasper Dear Editor, I am going to tell you about some things in Jasper and why I love to live here. I love Jasper in many ways. I also love many things in Jasper. For one I love the Jasper’s public pool. Why, because I have many great memories there and I have done so many things there. I also love the Park Lands. I love Park Lands because I love to go walking and getting fresh air. Also, everyone knows exercise is really great for you. When I go to Park Lands I always feel calm and I have fun talking to the people with me unlike at home where my brother and I fight all the time. I love so many more things in Jasper but I only said two of them. I love living in Jasper and so I thank you for what you do. Avalon Lang Grade 7, Jasper Middle School





Bigger museum Dear Editor, I think Jasper should have a bigger musem because it is so small and it should have more stuff. I don’t like it when it is small and I never go there eney more. My mom says it a lot of money. Olivia Burch Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Teacher is nice Dear Editor, My teacher is so nice, she helps me always. I should send her to Hawaii. Evie Lampert Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Help for homeless Dear Editor, I think that we should have a hotel not does not get money for homeless people and still gives them food and a room to stay in instead of being outside in the cold. Rowan Dismore Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

People should pray Dear Editor, I believe people should pray. Praying is good. Praying is showing that you love others. You should pray all the time. I like praying. Charlotte Gunn Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Reading unlocks world Dear Editor, People should read more. Reading will help you learn a ton. If you read more you’ll discover a whole new world. Reading will help you learn. Reading is awesome! I want people to become better readers. Anna Hartings Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Make animals safe Dear Editor, I think we should be safe with our animals. The nature animals because some animals are extinct. Some animals are almost extinct. People are cutting down their homes. Then they die. So, please make animals safe! Claire Seger Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Body cams a need Dear Editor, Body cams should be less expensive so cops can actually buy them. Cops need body cams so other cops can see it and if the criminal gets away the cops can see it and arrest them. Thank you. Huck Persohn Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School


Please pray

Stop bullying

Dear Editor, May you please have more people pray for my family because my sister Isabelle died and our family is sad. Chloe Peters Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Dear Editor, We have a problem with kids getting bullied a lot. Sometimes kids get bullied so much kids don’t want to go back to school. I think more people need to stop bullying. It’s not kind to others and it hurts their feelings. This is why people need to stop bullying. Ellie Seger Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Vacant building I think the vacant building across from Hucks should be fixed. I want to turn that into an art studio. I think we should have a room with TVs that show how to paint and paint videos of what you can do. And, there should be one room that has paint and other cool stuff to use. I think this will be really cool. Ashley Lukemeyer Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

More colleges I think we need more colleges in the state of Indiana for more knowledge and education. So they can grow up and be smart and kids can have a good education. Sam Schaefer Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Community garden Dear Editor, I think Jasper should have a community garden. It could be at the Parklands. i think we shoud have a community garden because we will be able to pick fresh fruits and vegetables and people will be able to talk to each other and come together. The whole community an help. I hope you like my idea. Claire Villwock Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Dear Editor, I would like an ice cream truck because kids will like it and so do parents. I want it in the trailer park because there is more kids. They are going to enjoy it. Alejandro Miranda Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Peace contest

Pray to end abortion

Dear Editor, I think Indiana needs a peace contest because: 1. We have people that shoot and bad movies 2. People try to kill kids 3. Get rid of YouTube 4. Make more people pray. Thank you for reading. Lucy Nordhoff Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Dear Editor, I wold love to see people PRAY TO END ABORTION! Abortion is unreal, it’s horrible! Why go through nine months and then waste it? Babies deserve the life God wants them to have. Babies don’t want their lives cut short. How wonderful is your life? Babies deserve a wonderful life and shouldn’t have to suffer. Abortion is terrible. There’s no good in it. Children are a gift and a blessing. Abortion is heartbreaking. Abortion is a waste of money, time and effort. Let’s stop abortion! Ella Schue Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Help the poor Dear Editor, I think more people need to help the poor more than they usually do because it is very nice. The poor need help. They have nothing to eat, drink, live and to learn. My mom saw a poor man and bought him McDonald’s and that got me thinking there are more poor people out there, so I can help them when I grow up. I hope people can/will be nice to little kids that need help and to help the poor. Please help! Tyson Roettger Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Starbucks Dear Editor, I think we need a Starbucks because we all need a little coffee. Plus it would be a good hangout. A lot of adults like coffee. I enjoy fraps. It should be by Dunkin’ Doughnuts. Ava Ballard Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Recycling team Dear Editor, I think our world is awesome, but I think we need a recycling team. So much trash is washing into the ocean. Many animals get sick or hurt because of so much trash in the ocean. The recycle team could pick up trash on the beach. The team could really help our environment. We can help lots of animals like turtles, fish, and many others. That is why I think we need a recycling team. Elizabeth Bohnert Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Girls as priests Dear Editor, I think girls should be able to be priests so they can be able to teach others more about God. And, so they can live closer to church so they are never late. I think this is very important. Vivian Peter Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Ice cream truck

More vegetables Dear Editor, There should be more vegetables in stores. I think there should be more in stores because we can protect ourselves from viruses. I also think there should be more because we can get healthier. The last reason is that we won’t need to spend the money on gym equipment. That is why I think there should be more vegetables in stores. Kuper Kippenbrock Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Fix the roads Dear Editor, I think that the construction workers should get the Jasper roads fixed because the Jasper roads are a little bumpy and rough. Another reason why is because people get a little angry. Also because Jasper roads could cause hurt or damage too. One other reason is you would walk on the road and you would step in the hole on the Jasper road. That’s why I think we should get the Jasper roads fixed. Ally Wagner Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Tear it down Dear Editor, I think that you should tear down the Old Ditto Sales Building across from Huck’s. Some things that you can turn the area into is a Welcome Center. I think we need a Welcome Center because our city wants to care for you. I think that you could turn it into a computerized billboard because with so many of businesses in town, it would get a lot of business. I think that these replacements would be good because with that old building I fell like it make our city look bad. Abby Lukemeyer Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Organic Foods I pick up an organic box of food and check the price. I frowned as I placed the box back. It was too expensive. There would not be any organic food to eat tonight. Organic food prices should be more affordable because there would be more people buying organic products and everyone could enjoy eating healthier foods. Everyone deserves the benefit of having natural, wholesome, and chemical free foods. Organic foods are important because there are no pesticides on the food. Pesticides on food can make food last longer, but organic food without pesticides tastes fresher. According to the USDA, organic foods cost 10 to 30 percent more than normal foods. Due to this cost, more people hesitate to spend the extra money when they don’t know the benefits organic foods bring. Organic foods contain a large use of vitamins and nutrients that are essential to our health. According to greenpeace.org, produce that has been sprayed with harmful chemicals called pesticides and genetically modified organisms {GMOs} have increased the cause of cancer and other diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzimer’s. Organic foods are natural and don’t cause these diseases. It is very hard to know the difference because if you have grapes that are $2.00 or grapes that are $4.00, you are most likely to choose $2.00 grapes. However, you might not know how harmful those grapes are for you. Decreasing the amount of organic foods will increase the number of buyers and help harmful diseases and restore health values. Imagine you pick up an organic box of food, but this time it was affordable. There will be organic food for dinner tonight. Everyone should eat healthy and with lower prices everyone can. Make sure to do your part and stay healthy. Myah Troutman Grade 5, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Mid-states corridor Dear Editor, I don’t know if you can do anything about this, but if you can please do. I am concerned about the mid-states corridor

putting a road in. My grandparents have worked their whole lives for the place where they live. Now this may sound weird, but I eat sleep and breathe outdoors. I fish, hunt, camp, and any chance I have I go outside, but most of all I go over to my grandparents house and help grandpa farm and build a hunting cabin. I have probably spent more time over with my grandparents than I do my house. I have been trapping since I was 2 years old with my Grandpa on his land. I have talked about moose hunting since I was 3. I shot my first deer and turkey on his land. If they choose route A , then it will take away several peoples homes and if they choose route B, then it will take away homes and farms. Now the state of Indiana wants to take my grandparents house and my house away. The study group is pretty sure it will go another route. Me doing this is just a back up plan. This road is not even necessary. There is a bypass in Jasper already. It is also right by a truck stop, and a heavily traveled highway with hotels. Another problem I see is we can’t maintain the roads we have, so why build new ones when we don’t have the money to fix the ones we already have? You can find more information at https://midstatescorridor.com/. There is a petition online that opposes it. If anyone would sign it that would make me very happy. This is why I am not for the roads and Mid States Corridor. It makes me very unhappy to think that these roads will have so many people leaving their homes and farms. Austin Gehlhausen Grade 7, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Wi-Fi necessary Dear Editor, Think about something that you unconsciously use every day. If you’re thinking about Wi-Fi, imagine not being able to access it. Well, for many people in the outskirts and rural areas of Jasper, accessing Wi-Fi is a major problem, and it isn’t being addressed. I think that Wi-Fi should be brought to the rural areas of Jasper because it is used every day for mandatory tasks, and Wi-Fi helps people communicate and find entertainment. Wi-Fi is necessary in day to day life. You use it to text, talk, and find information that’s difficult to find in libraries. Maybe you have a child in school. How do you expect your child to finish their homework when they cannot access the Internet through their school laptop? Using Wi-Fi also lets you be up-to-date on what’s going on in the world. For example, how would you watch the news if you own a Wi-Fi TV but no Wi-Fi? 57% of the world uses the Internet, which can only be accessed through Wi-Fi or Cellular Data, but yet these homes still don’t have good Internet access. These homes are having a hard time getting decent Wi-Fi to use every day. The only service available to some people is Fullnet, which isn’t always the best option. Along with being able to gain new information or talk to friends, Wi-Fi is also used to entertain. Social media apps can entertain people and also give them information on recent topics. You can also communicate with people on social media. For example, if someone you knew was getting married, but you couldn’t make it to the wedding, telling them on social media would be a viable option. Talking to people face-to-face can be difficult when aligned with schedules and other tasks that get in the way, and Wi-Fi fixes these issues. However, the homes in the rural areas of Jasper, and even Dubois County, cannot access social media or entertainment. This can cause a widespread issue, as people will not be able to communicate via the Internet without Wi-Fi. People in these areas who can’t have Wi-Fi should be able to access the Internet because people all over Dubois County in less fortunate areas can. Overall, getting Wi-Fi to the rural communities of Dubois County is very important. Using Wi-Fi is a task we do every day without even realizing it, and imagining a world without it is almost impossible. Without Wi-Fi you cannot communicate with other people, search for information, do online homework, find entertainment, and more. We rely on Wi-Fi for a lot of things that we may not even realize. I think that Wi-Fi should be accessible to all parts of Dubois County, and people in rural areas should not be limited to one choice for Wi-Fi. Grace Cassidy Grade 7, Holy Trinity Catholic School





Happiness Dear Editor, I want pople to feel happiness without arguing. There will not be an fighting or negative things happening to people Liberty Lyons Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Baby brother Dear Editor, When my Mom was pregnet I guessed that it was a boy. I was rite. My baby brother’s name is Joseph. I am good at making him laugh. Henry Vollmer Grade 1, Holland Elementary

My cat, Blue Dear Editor, I am writing you to tell you about my cat, Blue. My cat is black and white, not blue. He has Green eyes. I have had him since he was a weeks old. Emma Hoffman Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Birdhouses Dear Editor, My grandpa and I make bird houses. We start with six pieces of wood, nails and a hinge for the lid. We cut a hole in the front for the birds to get inside. We make bird houses for a safe place for the birds and their babies. Eli Hildenbrand Grade 1, Holland Elementary

The farm Dear Editor, I like to go to the farm. I push up the feed for the cows. We chop silage for the cows. We feed the calves a botle I see my friend. Lane Erny Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Music brings happiness Dear Editor, My favorite subject is music because I get to play instruments with out amazing music teacher, Mrs. Wirthwein. Also I love to listen to KLove christian music in the van and sing the songs. It makes my heart feel happy. If you are sad, listen to music but listen to KLove christian music because it will make you happy and encourage you. If you are nt sad, you can still listen to Klove music or play instruments. Music is the best because it bring happiness. Lisa Lindauer Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Steph Curry Dear Editor, Steph Cuury is famos. The Golden State Warriors can’t shoot good three’s with out him. He’s their best shooter. I like the Warriors better when he plays. Arian Meyer Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Fire department Dear Editor, Firefireters are a masing. They are kine heared and hard working people. If you want to find the Huningberg firedparmint it will be lokated clos to the soker felds. Jim Leibering was a firefireter. Gabby Leibering Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Heaven is real Dear Editor, Heaven is really a real place. I know this because, my Dad is in Heaven. One day, I’ll get to see him again. So Heaven has to be real! Tenley Knust Grade 1, Holland Elementary


has a blue one, he has a red one. Right now he lives alone because his wife had a harduetack and died but we always come visit him. We wish he has a good life. Kolton Russell Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Support the Army Dear Editor, My great grandpa was in World War II and he was a survivor. I think that people should upport the Army because they fought for our freedom. I also think we should support the Army because they put their lives in danger to save us. Henry Heile Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Respecting others Dear Editor, We should be nice to other people. We should treat others like we want to be treated. If you see someone crying go make them happy. If you are bullying someone you should think about what you are doing and say “I’m sorry”. That’s wy we should respect others. Briley Lanman Grade 2, Holland Elementary

My dog Dear Editor, My favorite dog is Junior. He is cute. He has white fur and brown dots on his fur. We got him from the animal shelter. He is an inside dog. He likes to sleep on bean bags! Piper Nichter Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Baseball Dear Editor, My favorite sport is baseball. I like it because I have been playing for a very long time. I like playing it because you can play with your friends or make new friends. I like playing it because when you get a hit, you feel so good. When you win the game, you feel proud. Your parents are proud of you even if you lose. Weston Smoker Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Lynx are deadly Dear Editor, My favorite animal is a lynx. It has very sharp claws that rip right into its prey. Their teeth are like chainsaws. Their bite force is strong enough to brake a rib cage on a buck! They can run up to 35 mph. They ear bucks, caribou, rabbits, and deer. They are deadly! Treycen Bender Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Miss my brother Dear Editor, My brother is in the Army. He mailed me a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. I sent him a Valentine letter and chocolates. I miss my brother. I miss his hair. The Army made him shave his hair. I hope he comes home soon! Saige Bolen Grade 2, Holland Elementary

My puppy Dear Editor, I have a puppy and he is AWESOME! His name is Clyde. We got him on Christmas. His breed is a Great Pyrenees. We can play fetch with him. He is white. He will bark if a car comes by. We take him on walks. When we do that, I like to hold his leash. When we leave in a car he will run with us, but will go back up the driveway because he gives up! He is so big! He has brown eyes. Right now he is eleven months old. I think Clyde is the best present ever! Because of Clyde, I have two jobs. I have to feed him and brush him. My brother has to give him water. Alivia Elshoff Grade 2, Holland Elementary

The Navy

Amish horse

Dear Editor, My papa was in the navy. He bilded stuff with his bare hands. He would work for hours. He never wint in a war. He would always stay at the bilding and build things with his bare hands and with bricks. He has three golden rings. He has a green one, he

Dear Editor, My horse use to pull a buggy for the Amish. Her name is Skye. She pulled about 100 tons. She took Amish auctioneers to auctions to sell things. She hauled things for them. The Amish doesn’t have phones, tv, or radios only candels and rocking chairs.

They love to rock and tell-stories. Every morning they have to get up and shovel horse manure. I know it sounds disgusting. They are religious. Skye has been my horse for four years. I love my horse because she is a nice riding horse. Bryce Peters Grade 2, Holland Elementary

White Castle Dear Editor, I believe that we should get a White Castle in Holland. I believe this because there are no food places in Holland. A White Castle in Holland would be better because we have to drive to Dale, Huntingburg, and Jasper. So when people get hungry they won’t have to go to Dale, Huntingburg, or Jasper. White Castle should be in Holland because it is good and tasty. When people wanted to go out to eat they would go to White Castle. If a kid wanted some food and they didn’t want to go to Dale, Huntingburg or Jasper they would go to White Castle in Holland. I think this because then parents don’t have to dive so far and waste their gas. When teachers are on lunch break they won’t have to drive to Huntingburg, or Dale. If someone was really hungry they won’t have to go to Dale, Huntingburg, or Jasper. When there would be a White Castle people would be glad that there would be a food place in Holland. Brayden Wilz Grade 3, Holland Elementary

2 dollars Dear Editor, I believe that we students should get paid 2 dollars an hour because we work, too, and we should have some say in the situation because we are good kids. One reason is that so more people would go to college. A second reason is that if your parents are poor, you can help them, too. Hank Gehlhausen Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Kindness Dear Editor, I wish everybody would be nice to people so it can be a world of kindness. Do you think it would be better if it was a work of kindness? It just isn’t right if some people get bold and some don’t. I love when people are nice to each other. Adalynn Schwartz Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Rights for sheep Dear Editor, I do not think any sheep should go to the market. They are so fluffy and cute if you play with them and pet them they will become tame. You can take them to the 4-H fair and show them. It is super fun to watch them eat. Did you know that even George washington raised sheep. Sheep should never be eaten. Sheep want to have a good life too. Have you ever though about it this way, you do not want to die and be eaten and neither do sheep. If you didn’t know, sheep ROCK. I think I have experience. I have five sheep and one lamp. This is why I think sheep should never go to the market. Anna Meyer Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Dogs at school Dear Editor, I think that we should be allowed to bring well behaved dogs to school. I think that one good reason is that it would be a good thing to do to make kids happy. My dog’s name is Hersey. Hershey is a Chocolate lab. He loves people, and he can make people happy when they are sad. My dog is potty trained, and he can hold his bladder all day. He is trained to sit, lay, and shake. He won’t bite. He loves kids that are being nice. He is 9 years old, and he cannot run because he has a bad lage. There are 5 people in this class that he knows, so he would probably go to them and lay down. Chase O’Brien Grade 4, Holland Elementary

When I grow up Dear Editor, when I grow up I want to live somewhere surrounded by nature, that has

a great view. I want a Lab mix, Pit Bull mix, and a Husky. I want two kids and a wealthy husband that treats me right. I want to make sure my family attends my home church Zoar UMC to have a close relationship with God. Also, I want my kids to be well disciplined, and not act the way I usually do, which is okay, but I still need to work on some of my behavior. I want my husband to know he can’t just sit on the couch with uncooked noodles and watch football, he has to help sometimes and bond with the kids or go on a run. Lastly, I want to be a geology teacher, preferably at Indiana University, and I would also like to be in the NBA as well. That’s what I want my life to be like when I grow up. Bella Meece Grade 4, Holland Elementary

World hunger Dear Editor, One problem I have noticed is world hunger because in the year 2019 a little over 820 million people suffered from world hunger, and I think we should stop it as much as possible because hunger and malnutrition make the body weak and vulnerable to diseases and infections, as the body does not have the fuel to build muscle and fight off infections. In children, this is deadly, and many children die in hunger prone areas for this reason. So, I think we should stop worl hunger as much as possible. Lilly Flamion Grade 4, Holland Elementary

School bus safety Dear Editor, I think there should be stricter rules about bus safety. I believer there are many things that need to change to make it safer. The main one I think needs to change is there should be a cross arm that goes all the way across the road so cars don’t run the bus stop sign. This would prevent many deaths and injuries. It would also make dirvers drive safer so they won’t damage their car by hitting the stop arm. Between 2007 and 2016 there have been 1,282 people killed by people running the bus stop sign. This averages out to about 128 fatalities per year. So, if we had a stop arm that went all the way across the road hopefully we would get that number to zero. This is why I think there should be a stop arm that goes all the way across the road. It would prevent many deaths and injuries and hopefully make drivers drive safer. Noah Ring Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Red pandas Dear Editor, Red Pandas are unique adorable creatures. They have a reddish brownish fur, a bushy tail, and they have their own representative family. There is one more thing about them, like bees they are going extinct. Since we have been cutting down trees and bamboo some have no home, while others are getting accidentally trapped and illegally sold. this brings their population down to only ten thousand. Things can go wrong without red pandas. Since they have their own representative family. It would be important to conserve the species of red pandas. If we don’t it will affect the world’s nature heritage. This is why it is important to protect and save this unique red panda. Kylie Cashmore Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Surviving a fire Dear Editor, Have you ever been caught in a fire? If you have, you know how scary it is. If you ever get stuck in a fire I will give you tips to help you survive a fire. To prevent fires replace your fire alarms 2 times a year. If your smoke alarm goes off check your door with the back of your hand. If it is very hot there is a fire. Step 2 put bed sheets under the door to prevent smoke from coming in the room. Step 3 put a blanket out your window and scream as loud as you can so the firefighters can find you. Also never touch lighters or gasoline. Spread the word to help people survive fires. Isaac Heile Grade 5, Holland Elementary

















Loving school Dear Editor, My school is very fun because we do fun stuff. We do so much in school I can not imagine! I love school because it is fun. Bently Humbert Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Trash throwers Dear Editor, Why are people so lazy that they throw out their trash? Cooper Steckler Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Smoking hurts Dear Editor, I wonder why people smoke? Because it hurts people and animals. It makes the air bad. People might have to go to the doctor. When they smoke the first time, they will be addicted. Bobby Lamberson Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

In praise of sharks Dear Editor, Do you like Sharks? The Shark bites people and some Sharks have rows of pointed teeth for tearing food. Some sharks suck in water and use their filter to catch small plants and animals. Anthony Torralbis Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary

Best on Earth Dear Editor, Huntingburg Elementary School is the best on earth. I love earth because earth is a planet in space. Earth is good for us! Your friend, Eliana Serrano Grade 1, Huntingburg Elementary


Louis Cardinals cards. My dad has a lot of baseball cards and when I get older I would like to have a lot of baseball cards too. Wyatt Willis Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

#12! Dear Editor, I was in a basketball tourney last week. At the tournament there was a sign that said, “If you had fun you won.” We had fun but we did not win. But I don’t want to make anyone sad so I will not talk about it. I am #12! Izzy B #12 OUT! Isabelle Bolte Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Safe wrestling moves Dear Editor, Almost everyone loves wrestling. But some of the moves are not safe. For an example, a crossface might cover the mouth and nose and they might not be able to breathe. For another example, a cradle might break someone’s back. So that might be a reason people might not like wrestling. Micah Javier Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Yoga for mind and body Dear Editor, This is why more people should do yoga. I think more people shoiuld do Yes! Power Yoga. Yoga is relaxing for your body. Yoga is also good for your mind and body. You can increase your muscle strength and your tone too!! The other benefits of yoga include: increased flexibility, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health and protection from injury. The people at Yes! Power Yoga are very nice. Hope you check it out!! Liam Kaeck Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Mini hospital needed

Dear Editor, You should visit El Salvador because it’s always hot there. You can go to the pools whenever you want. There are nice restaurants. The best place to eat in El Salvador is called Souper. Jarely Dubon Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Dear Editor, I think Huntingburg should have a mini hospital, because if somebody is really hurt, they can get to safety. It is faster than driving all the way to Jasper! There should be 10 rooms. The center should have two computers for sign in. There would be a full bathroom, and snack bar if you are hungry. It would have a door sensor that senses you are coming in, and opens by itself. It would be a lot cheaper, too. It is $50. Mason Bayer Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Me gusta la escuela

Parent coaches

Visit El Salvador

Dear Editor, Me gusta la escuela porque auieros aprender ingles para ayudar a mi mama. Me gustan mis maestros. Me gusta hacer mi tarea. Me gusta la comida y jugar en el campo de juegos y mis companeros de clase. Rolandino Marcos Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Stop speeding Dear Editor, I think people should stop speeding because they could have a wreck or run over kids. Please stop speeding! It is dangerous to speed. Kynlei Beard Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Coronavirus cure Dear Editor, I think we need more doctors because the coronavirus is spreading. Also more scientists so they could find a cure and stop the coronavirus or we might get sick and die. Then earth would be silence. Danny Tobar Posada Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Growing Huntingburg Dear Editor, We need more houses because we need more people so that Huntingburg can get bigger. Ryker Nalley Grade 2, Huntingburg Elementary

Collecting baseball cards Dear Editor, Do you have a hobby? My hobby is collecting baseball cards. My favorite are St.

Helping the homeless Dear Editor, I think we should help more homeless people, because homeless people are going to die and they have to suffer in the cold. Homeless people have no family, food, and shelter. That makes some people sad that makes me sad. So it is a great thing to help more homeless people. So I think we should build a shelter home. For homeless people, so they don’t have to suffer living in the streets and they don’t have to suffer in the cold. One time I went to Chicago for vacation, and I saw a lot of homeless people. So I think we should help a lot more homeless people. And we should also buy homeless people some food so they don’t die. Joshua Herrera Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Dude Perfect Dear Editor, I wish Dude Perfect could come to HuntingBurg, Indiana to do trick shots at Memorial gym where there Southridge Raiders play basketball. I’m a huge fan of Dude Perfect. I watch their YouTube channel, and they do all kinds of battles like face off. They also do ping pong, hockey, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, and nerf trick shots. They also have their own nerf bow, football, mini basketball, mini basketball goal, real basketball, targets, and their own fishing pole. I know their names too Cory, Coby, Cody, Garrett the purple hozier, and Tyler. I love Dude Perfect! Landry Russell Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Salad bar for all Dear Editor, I would love it if there was a salad bar for all grades, because only 5th graders get the salad bar at lunch. Only sometimes 4th grade gets it. This year the fourth grade has only had it twice. I’m talking about all grades, all of the grades should have healthy lunches. All grades should be fed equally. It’s not fair. The reason why I like salad bar is because they have a lot of different foods like croutons, cheese, the salad. Aiden Keith Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Addictive Fortnite

Dear Editor, I want to tell you about my mom and dad. They helped coach my soccer team. They were great coaches! After a big game that my team won, they bought me a popsicle and ice cream. We also got gold medals and had a party. My parents are so cool, and when I got hurt, they would help me. Nevaeh Malone Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Dear Editor, Fortnite is addicting to kids. Kids are playing fortnite like 24/7, and that’s not good for their eyesight. Sometimes in fortnite people say rude things and they say cuss words and if a kid sees that bad behavior and they might start saying cuss words. Then they will get in trouble because they said are saying bad words and they are getting that from fortnite that’s why fortnite shouldn exist. Kids at school are talking about fortnite at school and it’s driving the teachers crazy. It should be a law that kids should have at least 1/2 hours of gaming. Zoey Vaal Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

A league of their own

1800s crafts

Dear Editor, At Huntingburg City Park we have a baseball league. It is super fun because you get to be a part of something special. You get to play with friends and teammates. It’s fun to hit a double or triple. But what’s most fun is hitting a home run. It’s fun to be a part of Huntingburg baseball. If there is anyone who wants to play baseball, just go to Huntingburg City Park. Cohen Cox Grade 3, Huntingburg Elementary

Dear Editor, This may sound strange, but I think there should be a place where kids are able to do crafts from the 1800s because many children do not know their history. Also, it would get them off their devices and let the adults have time with no kids. Another reason is that many children do not know how their great-great grandmas lived. With this place, children will understand completely from a first-hand experience. I also think they would learn lots, and I think it would also stimulate the mind. These are the reasons why I say we need this type of business in Huntingburg. Abbi Hawkins Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Ode to Holiday World Dear Editor, I think Holiday Day World should be recognized for their great park! They give you excellent service and rides for the entire family. Younger kids can ride and swim in baby pools and baby rides. For big kids, they can ride bigger rides. Even adults can ride some rides, too. If you are afraid of heights, rides that are lower would be best for you. If fast rides make you sick, then slow rides are best for you. Adults would love The Lazy River. If you don’t like to be controlled by games, then try Bumper cars. You even get free drinks. So you can have fun all day long! Justina McClane Grade 4, Huntingburg Elementary

Racism Dear Editor, As a Hispanic, racism is something that many people face every day. Racism is the discrimination to someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is better. It is not okay! Even famous people get prejudice and racist comments. Some get discriminated against. Racism is a big problem and people know it. 49% of people voted that racism is a big problem. In a different state, I saw a store

employee tell a coworker to attend the person in line because she didn’t want to touch something a Hispanic person had. Like I have said, racism is not okay for ANYONE. People who are racist could affect their kids. No kid or grown up should go through racism. William Dubon Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

Fantastic mayor Dear Editor, Our Mayor, Denny Spinner, is a great mayor for the town of Huntingburg. Denny Spinner was elected mayor of Huntingburg in 2011. He’s serving his second term in office. He fixes traffic problems for people so they aren’t late for meetings or games. Like how he helped get an overpass built for when trains are on the track. He also has good plans for the future. For example, he plans on building a new McDonalds. Denny Spinner is always hard at working. We even saw him one night, shoveling the leaves and twigs out of the gutters during a rainstorm! Although some people would argue that Denny Spinner should do something about the potholes on the roads in Huntingburg. I would say he’ll fix some this year and some next year since it takes a lot of money to fix roads. As you can see, Denny Spinner cares for the people who live in Huntingburg and works very hard for them. In my opinion, I think Denny Spinner is a fantastic mayor of our city. Ben Fuesler Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

End drug abuse Dear Editor, It’s ok, stop crying; we will try to live without him! He was young and kindhearted, but all it took to kill him was a drug overdose. Drug abuse is very common with teens and some adults. People die because of it every day! This has to end now! Think about families being broken apart or destroyed. Wouldln’t that be a shame? More than 100,000 people have died because of drugs from 1999 to this date. Drug abuse does not discriminate! Even if you are rich or poor, you can still die from it. Drugs are very addictive. In time, other drugs start becoming abused by the drug addict. All drugs cause brain damage, memory loss and secondary effects. Do you or your family want to live with this problem your whole life? As you can see, drugs should be stopped! They are illegal because of very good reasons. So you should stay away from drugs and help stop drug abuse now! Your life is precious and valuable. Fernando Moreno Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary

Dodgeball changing life Dear Editor, Zoom! Zoom! There you are dodging the ball! Yes! It misses me! Some people feel dodgeball is horrible because they culd get injured while playing this competitive game. Other people like me, think it’s great, and it should be played often. Personally, I think that dodgeball is an awesome sport that should be played! Dodgeball is fun and exciting. It is something that should be played all of the time. Did you know that dodgeball increases agility? It allows you to keep a person’s body in shape while enjoying this exciting sport. It’s a game that you have so much fun playing while quickly moving around the court. Dodgeball can also improve strenth and muscle development. Players throw the ball which can require strenth in your shoulders, back, and arms. Dodging the ball can require the player to run and build muscles too. Finally, dodgeball can improve good hand-eye coordination. Players must be able to quickly know where to throw and to hit the opponent. It is so important to use not only your muscles when throwing, but your eyes when seeing somewhere to shoot the target. Dodgeball is a great sport. We need more time for our health! Health is important. You might think dodgeball is a harmful sport, but it’s not! Dodgeball can change your life and your health. It can change everyone’s life for the better! There’s only one life, and one choice! Get out and play dodgeball! It offers a ton ofhealth benefits! Paly this awesome sport! Yaikymi Medina Grade 5, Huntingburg Elementary





Parents Dear Editor, Wake up, go to work, come home, provide, sleep, repeat. These events are an everyday routine for a parent. We should give our parents more appreciation. Parents do so much for us. Parents have so much stress in their life but when they come home they make sure that we are happy, and that our needs are met. They are constantly running us to games, friends’ houses, and activities, even when they could be doing something for their own pleasure. Parents put our needs before theirs. Our time on Earth is short. We don’t know when the last time we’re going to see our parents is. Don’t stay mad at your parents for something that was your own fault. Your parents love and care for you, so shouldn’t you do the same to them? Cherish each moment whether it be big or small. We should appreciate our parents more because they do everything for us. They love and care for us more than we could imagine. Make sure to give your parents that extra hug, “I love you”, or however you want to show that you appreciate them. Reagan Anderson Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Benefit of dogs Dear Editor, Bark! Woof ! Grrr! These are just a few of the many noises a dog makes. Having a dog can have some amazing benefits to a life because they help a person with stress and sadness and keep someone on their feet. One of the many benefits of having a dog is that dogs help people if they are stressed. Personally, my dog will bring his toy to me or start licking me when I feel stressed, like he senses what I feel. He will pick up his toy chicken and start shaking it every which way, which makes me laugh. Sometimes, he even rolls over on his back and wants me to rub his tummy. Another one of the amazing benefits of dogs that will impact your life is that they keep you on your feet. Especially in puppy ages my dog was a handful. When you get a dog you have to start to potty train them if you like. While someone is on the chase for a mischievous pup you will be on the move and basically exercising while doing so. My mom and dad run for my dog when my dog, Channce, starts chewing up one end of a rug. Puppies are FULL of trouble, but since they are full of mischief they will keep you from becoming a potato. From these examples, I’m sure someone could see why dogs and puppies have some good benefits. Sure, puppies will chew up a rug or your favorite shoes, but that’s what they all do. Dogs have incredible benefits to a human’s life. These examples show how dogs are fantastic benefits to a person’s life because dogs help someone feel calm and not stressed and keep them from being on the couch all day long. Amerynn Fetter Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Social media Dear Editor, You may think social media accounts are bad, but they can be very helpful in many ways to kids. I think kids should have social media accounts because they can communicate with their friends, and they can learn a lot from having social media. The first reason why I think kids should have social media accounts is because kids can communicate with their friends. If kids can text their friends they can talk to their friends more instead of just at school or at an event. If kids know someone that they don’t get to see a lot, like a family member or a friend, they might want to text them to stay in touch. Kids don’t get to see their friends and relatives a lot, so they should be able to communicate with them through social media. Another reason why kids should have a social media account is because they can learn a lot from having an account. Kids can stay up to date and be updated on things they need to know about. They can watch videos that can teach them fundamentals about a sport or a game. If they watch these videos, it will improve how they play. These reasons show how kids can learn a lot from having a social media account, and they can see things that are important. Social media accounts are good for kids


to have. They can communicate with their friends if they need something, and they can learn things from watching videos. Kids can learn how to get better and how to play or do something. Justin Leathers Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

roller coasters and water rides to make each person in the family happy. One time at the park will make the whole family want to come back the next year and many years to come. Elizabeth Mehringer Grade 6, Southridge Middle School


Nintendo Switch

Dear Editor, Ronald Reagan once said, “Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in this world. A veteran does not have that problem.” This quote is so important because it shows that veterans have one of the biggest impacts on this world. They keep you safe, have to leave their families, and risk their lives just for you. Is there a reason though, that they don’t get as much recognition as they deserve? On the battlefield, anything could happen to them. Their purpose for being there though is to keep us safe. They took that job just to serve our country, and some of them don’t even get recognized for it. Even though they could care less about how much attention they receive, they certainly deserve it! When a veteran leaves for war, they have to witness one of the hardest things ever, which is seeing their family upset. Months or even years go by without kids getting to see their parents who have to leave. A lot of kids my age have to witness this, and that needs to be talked about more because it can be really hard on them. When one parent leaves, the other parent has to care for most things on their own. That can be a hard thing to do when it comes to managing bills, children, and even the whole entire house in general. Any time a veteran is working, they take the risk of getting hurt. Some injuries can leave scars for life. Many veterans suffer from hearing disorders from the gunshots and bombs going off all around them. Sometimes veterans can even lose limbs. They are so brave though that they think serving our country is one of the most important things in the world. Veterans have one of the toughest jobs in the world. Any time, or any day they have to be on high alert. Some come home, and some don’t. That’s exactly why they should receive so much more recognition. Without them, the whole world would be a disaster. So why not honor them the best way we can? Kamryn Allen Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Dear Editor, Have you ever wanted to play a video game on the go with your friends? If you have the Nintendo Switch is perfect for you. The Nintendo Switch is a gaming console that was created by the company of Nintendo. The Nintendo Switch is the best gaming console because there are many intriguing games to play, people can play with family and friends, and it can be used anywhere. One reason the Nintendo Switch is the best console is the large variety of games. There are over two thousand games available on the switch! It is also the console used to play one of my favorite games, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The Nintendo Switch also has the Nintendo e Shop. The Nintendo e Shop is a digital store used to buy games. If you want a great variety of games you should get the Nintendo Switch. Another reason is that it can be played with friends and family. There can be up to four people playing at once on the switch. If you do not have enough controllers, or want to play with friends far away you can get the Nintendo Online membership. The Nintendo Online membership allows you to play with people from anywhere as long as you have internet. The ability to play with friends is very important, and is one of the switch’s most important parts. The Nintendo Switch can be used anywhere. You can play it in the car, and on the go. It can also be played on at home. There is a Nintendo Switch dock that you can hook up to a tv, and can have a bigger screen. I have used the Nintendo Switch in the car with my brother, and also on the tv at our house making the switch one of my favorite consoles. The Nintendo Switch is a great console for anyone who enjoys video games. The Nintendo Switch is one of my favorite consoles because it can be mobile, played with friends, and because of the variety of games. You should buy or get someone the Nintendo Switch. Trenton Brames Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Holiday World Dear Editor, “Aaaaahhhhhh!” I screamed while on my way down the Voyage’s massive hill. The Voyage is one of Holiday World’s many roller coasters. Countless people come from around the country every year to enjoy the many theme parks that Holiday World has to offer. Holiday World is one of the best places to have fun with friends and family. One reason why Holiday World is one of the best places to have fun with friends and family is because they have various thrilling rides. One of Holiday World’s many rides is the Voyage. The Voyage has many massive hills all throughout the ride. The Holiday World Website explains that the Voyage has been given many awards including the “Best New Ride” in the year of 2006 and Time Magazine named the Voyage the #1 Wooden Coaster. Another one of Holiday World’s many rides is the Wildebeest. The Holiday World Website explains that the Wildebeest has received the #1 Water Park Ride in the World for 10 straight years. Holiday World has many amazing rides that make Holiday World, Holiday World. Another reason why Holiday World is one of the best places to have fun with family and friends is because the park is always spotless with no trash. Every year my dad and I get Holiday World Season Passes. We go a few dozen times and that’s it, but every time we go, there are a ton of workers working throughout the park all day. Many of them are cleaning the park by sweeping, scrubbing tables, and many more things. You would think a theme park would be dirty with all of the people that come through it each year, but it is the exact opposite. With all the people working it couldn’t be that way. Overall Holiday World is an extremely clean theme park. Holiday World is one of the best places to have a great time with family and friends. Holiday World has many things to offer like how tremendously clean it is and all of its bone-chilling rides. There are numerous

Coach Whitehead Dear Editor, “I’m very proud of you, your work ethic, and attitude,” exclaimed Coach Whitehead. Coach Whitehead needs to be thanked because of how good of a coach he is, and he makes everyone feel like they’re part of the team. Coach is always telling us how we are so close to being great basketball players. Coach is also a busy man but he somehow finds a way to still coach us. Coach Whitehead is always busy but he always finds out a way to coach our travel team. He is always busy at the elementary school because he is the principal and he is the coach of the JV team. In my opinion, I think he is the best coach. He recently gave us a piece of a net from his senior year in high school. He told us that’s the reason why we play. Coach Whitehead is very hard on us because he wants us to be great. He wants us to be disciplined and hard-working. We have won many tournaments with Coach Whitehead. Although practices have been hard this year they paid off. We recently beat Terra Haute South and Washington, but we lost to Mater Dei by two. Coach talked us the day after and he said we had a lot fight and that we are going to build off of that loss and get better. That’s why Coach Whitehead deserves a thank you because he has done many things for us and he’s getting us prepared for the future. He has played a very important role in my life and my teammates. I just wanted to say Thank you, Coach Whitehead. Bryan Cruz Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Holland Park Dear Editor, Imagine a place where you can connect with people, get exercise, and it’s convenient in the town you live in. Sounds great right? All of that is possible going to the town park of Holland, Indiana. More people should go

to Holland Park, because it has a lot to offer including a way for people to connect, and getting exercise. At this park everyone can connect with people. This park holds festivals, different events by schools, and more. Even when there isn’t events going on, there is still a chance to meet up with friends and family. And to even meet new people. At Holland Park there are multiple areas to get exercise. From areas to climb and swing on, to a volleyball net and area, and a baseball field. It is great for everyone in all areas. More people should go to Holland Park, because it has a lot to offer including a way for people to connect, and getting exercise. This park is also conveniently in the town you live in Holland, Indiana. So this park is great for everyone in multiple areas so why not come? Grace Neier Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Clean up town Dear Editor, I strongly feel that the citizens of Huntingburg should take better care of our town. There are many people that devote their days’ time to clean, fix, and organize our daily surroundings. Although Huntingburg isn’t massive it still takes time for a few people to clean. We should help them out instead of just watching and making it worse or just doing nothing. Instead of saying a few words like “thank you” or “we appreciate what you’re doing” let’s commit a day where everyone comes together with shovels, gloves, and a great attitude. Everyone could meet at City Hall on 4th Street, and Denny Spinner could announce to everyone what their designated area of Huntingburg is. I believe this will help provide a time to sweat, laugh, and be with friends and family. Once the day is over we can all admire the hard work and dedication that we all put on that day. Everyone could go back to 4th Street and have conversations or shop at stores on the street. Parents could take their kids over to the parklands and have a blast. Not all people will enjoy the idea of plain out work, but in the long run, it’ll totally be worth the time and effort our community gave to beautifying Huntingburg. We will then truly have “A City Like No Other “! Noah Wright Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Foreign languages Dear Editor, “Estudiantes necesitan la oportunidad de aprender diferentes lenguajes en la esquela.” Around 230 million Americans won’t understand this sentence because they have failed to learn a foreign language. The United States has clearly neglected learning different languages in its educational curriculum. This number needs to change. I’m bilingual and it helps me communicate with other students that know no English and some that don’t even know any Spanish. More schools need to give students the opportunity to learn different languages because it can help them in a variety of ways. The United States seems to understand that we are a globalized society however our education system isn’t pushing kids enough to take in fact that we need to find a way to communicate with others. Teaching different languages can help with that. It can help not only with traveling but it can also help with broadening your career choices. Many jobs look for someone who can communicate with others easily. Many corporations look for someone who is bilingual or multilingual. They do this because multilingual workers can help with translating with international suppliers or customers. Learning a different language can improve the memory of the students. The more your brain is being used, the better its functions work. A new language requires being able to recall and apply the knowledge that was learned. By doing this your memory is being exercised. This means multilingual people have brains that have been more exercised and are prone to be quicker to recall names, directions, facts, and even figures. Learning a different language does come with a variety of academic benefits. Which is why so many more schools need to have a variety of languages taught because it helps students become more academically prepared. Lesley Echeverria Grade 7, Southridge Middle School Continued on Page 29




Concluded from Page 27

Diabetes supplies Dear Editor, I think that diabetes supplies for type 1 Diabetics should be free, or at least covered by all insurances. As a sister of one, I can tell you that it sure does get expensive. My brother needs these supplies to live, and he has been hospitalized because of his disease. He was just an average kid who got diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. He played soccer, wrestling, and baseball. My brother led a pretty active life, and he didn’t do anything to deserve what he got. He is going to have to deal with this for the rest of his life, and the cost can be over $16,000 a year. My brother once went to a small day camp for type 1 Diabetics. The camp was for him to meet other kids his age that he could talk about his situation with, as they were in similar situations. The camp was also for families to go and learn more about the disease and their child’s health. I went to it, and every single one of the kids there led pretty average and normal lifestyles just like my brother. Also just like my brother, they would have to live with this for the rest of their lives. As children and teens, I’m sure that they would love to travel, and maybe live in different states when they grow up, but there are still some states that do not require insurance to pay for their medical supplies. Also, if any of the 1.4 million children that are affected by this disease in just America alone want to move to another country when they are older, it is not guaranteed that their insurance will cover the cost of supplies. This problem needs to be fixed, it is not fair that these children and their families have to pay over $16,000 a year for materials that they need to live. All insurances need to cover the costs of the supplies, and every state should be required to supply them. This is a current issue in not just our country, but in many others. Something needs to change so that these children who have been affected can lead better, and less stressful lives as they grow into adults. Kara Schmitt Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Vaping Dear Editor, Vaping lately has been a big problem for this country. People have been so addicted to this chemical called nicotine that harms lungs and lung tissues. People at the point where they have had so much they just don’t care what will happen to them because of how addicted they are. Devices or anything that have nicotine should be banned from this country. A vape device has the following items such as a mouthpiece, nicotine, a battery, and a cartridge for containing e-juice. All that has been killing many people for many months now. The nicotine is not what just makes this so additive but the flavors that they added gave a huge impact on people and made more people get into vaping. People should know more about the effects of vaping before starting. Vaping lately has gotten worse and worse which means more people have died. These things should not be allowed in this country. All this is doing is harming people and killing them. This device should be put to an end because it is not an enjoyable thing if it is going to kill them eventually. So to this point on vaping should not be allowed anywhere in the U.S. Eric Aldana Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Sports Dear Editor, Boys and girls of different ages can learn numerous lessons throughout sports. There are youth sports that let young kids have the chance to play a variety of sports and there are sports at schools that let kids have the opportunity to play. Sports are beneficial because it teaches us lessons we wouldn’t think we could do because some kids get surprised when making a point. Youth sports teach young players not only how to score a goal in soccer, but it teaches them lots of lessons while participating in youth sports. It shows that success requires hard work. Players will learn that the best players are usually the players that have worked the hardest to make scores while playing in tournaments. Success will


show young players that if they want to become great at anything whether learning something else than a sport that it will take hard work. Improving your skills means you must discipline yourself to work hard on the things you need to work on. By disciplining themselves to work harder they will be motivated about themselves then they will be glad that they put the effort to get better. Those lessons taught my younger brother how he had to work hard to achieve his goals. While playing sports it helps us with our health. Players will have a greater chance of staying fit and healthy while playing sports. This is because they develop skills and movements which means going to the gym, running, and doing other physical activities. Kids shouldn’t be afraid of the importance of looking after themselves through regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy. Kids could also deal with pressure and stress. Sports allows players to learn how to deal with the nerves and stress they feel. It will help them to be comfortable with pressure situations they’ll experience like public speaking or while taking an exam. Famous sports players learned different lessons while playing games. It taught them that they have to work hard to accomplish the things they want in life. It teaches young players to be responsible while playing sports because they have to be organized with their schedules. Kids have to take some time to finish their homework and do their chores after sports. Sports can be beneficial to everyone. Kimberly Palacios Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Community garden Dear Editor, When I was little, my aunt and uncle lived in the suburbs of Indianapolis, and one activity that I will never forget about was that there was a community garden that she went to every Saturday. Huntingburg, Indiana is a very diverse place, but one suggestion that would set us apart from the other unique communities around us is a garden. Citizens can go to where they can give, grow, and even take home healthy and organic fruits and vegetables. Every community should have a community garden because it brings people together, saves the environment, and teaches kids about responsibility and agriculture. A community garden can bring people together. If people would like to plant their seeds at the garden, then they will see others there and bond about it. Talking with others creates friendships, and they can share their knowledge. This can also bring our community to be closer, and increase the knowledge on agriculture and responsibility throughout the community. A garden that people can go to saves the environment. It isn’t a secret that our planet is in desperate need of help with pollution and global warming. With a community garden, people can eat organic foods at a low price, stop using plastic to carry their vegetables and fruit, and help reduce pollution by not having to ship food over long distances, which isolates carbon. Kids can go to the garden and learn how to take care of plants, and learn about agriculture. Education is very important to me and to others. With the help of a community garden, we can teach kids about the agriculture and responsibility that they will need in the future. With the booming agriculture business especially where we live, the kids today are the future farmers of America. If they learn from a young age, then they can increase their knowledge as they get older. In conclusion, and community garden would be a great idea for our little town of Huntingburg, Indiana. It brings people together, saves the environment, and teaches kids about responsibility and agriculture. Those are three big qualities that any town would be proud to have. Penelope Roy Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Finance classes Dear Editor, Did you know that 84% of high schoolers desire more financial education? 86% of people said they would rather learn money management inside the classroom rather than make a mistake in the real world. More finance classes are needed in middle schools. Finance classes are needed in middle school because the lack of financial knowledge has consequences, finance class-

es are not sufficient enough in high schools, and knowing finance can lead to a happy and healthy life. First and foremost, lack of financial knowledge has consequences. Many middle school students have jobs, and they need to know how to spend their money wisely. Studies show that students without a finance education have a better chance of having a low credit score. The second reason is that finance classes are not sufficient enough in high schools. More curriculum needs to be added to help prepare students for a real life situation. Millennials responded to a survey answering that they feel their level of personal finance knowledge has been holding them back financially. Students want better finance education. Without a doubt, knowing finance can lead to a happy and healthy life. Finances are one of the major causes of stress in the life of an adult. Debt and lack of savings can cause hard times in a person’s life. Some people might oppose this argument for various reasons. One reason is that people might think that students are too young to learn finance in middle school. Another reason is that people might think that students should learn it on their own in the real world. Although it might sound like it is a little early to learn finance, the sooner a student learns it, the better they will be at it when they become an adult. Also, if students learn it on their own then they are more likely to make a costly mistake. In conclusion, it is very easy to mess up financially in the real world. Helping students with these real world situations is very important. Finance classes should be put in middle schools due to the fact that it will make students more successful. Do you want our students to be successful? Evan McClain Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

School psychologist Dear Editor, Schools should have a psychologist in all schools. There are people who seem really upset or are in need of talking to someone, but they don’t have anybody to talk to about their problems. For example, some kids may act strange or they are very quiet and they seem upset. Having a psychologist in a school is a really good idea because that person could help the school improve on people’s behavior or any of their actions that are not good. Kids need to be able to talk to someone about their problems. Some people may act weird or they are really quiet, but really they are hurt or in danger. In addition, kids may be overwhelmed with something they need to talk about. Kids could really misbehave at school, in public and even at home. Having a psychologist could help kids promote kids to plan their goals in life and process all their problems. Talking to kids could help by getting them into a good path and getting them out of bad habits like drugs and danger. When people are having a hard time they have no one to talk to which leads them to bad thinking like cutting their arms and legs or even getting into taking drugs. Besides that, there are lots of stuff that the kids are hiding could lead them to end their life from all their stress of not talking to someone about their problems. Some people may oppose having a psychologist in all schools because they wouldn’t like for anyone to find out about their problems at home. Also, they wouldn’t want to get into trouble if their problems are bad which caused the kids bad behavior. Kids’ problems matter to others because it could cause bad stuff like cutting, drugs, and even ending their life. In conclusion, schools should have a psychologist in a school because it would improve self-stamina, it’s good to have a psychologist in all schools to reduce bad habits around the world. Kianna Alcantar Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Raider Pride Dear Editor, Raider Pride is a great initiative that we have in our middle school. Raider Pride stands for persistence, resourcefulness, integrity, dependability, and empathy. Every week we focus on a new one. It has helped our school out a lot. Although it might have some flaws, it is great for the school because it shows students that you can get rewards for your good actions, it has made many students more organized, and it has made many students build more positive

relationships. One example is students can be rewarded for their actions. If we do the right actions. we get rewarded with raider bucks which can get us prizes. We get the prizes from the raider depot, which is a store that you can buy things with your Raider bucks for the raider depot and the end of the year drawing. The end of the year drawing is every raider buck in a drawing, and they draw out of the bucket and see who won the prizes. The prizes are things like pencils, water bottles, basketballs, footballs, and Raider shirts, but at the end of the year drawing, the prizes are much bigger. We don’t know what those are until the end of the year, but last year there were prizes such as a television, Fit Bit, gift cards, and a Nintendo Sw itch. Another example is many students have become more organized too. Many students have become more organized in classes because of the occurrence system. There have been lunch detentions that have helped a lot too. All in all, Raider Pride has brought more positive relationships in the school because you have to be on teams in some activities, but also there are more people to make friends with others at the celebrations at the end of the nine weeks. We get five choices. A basketball tourney, a recess, a gaming room, swimming, or a movie. Also last year for the very last celebrations we went on a walk to the park and spent the day there. In conclusion, Mr. Gogel has made Raider Pride a lot better in our school. It is favorable for the school because it shows students that you can get rewards for your exceptional actions. It has made many students more organized. Lastly, it has made many students build more positive relationships. Raider Pride has not only made our school better, but it has made our friendships better too. Hudson Allen Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Janitors Dear Editor, Do you ever take time out of your day to think about how much janitors actually do for us? Almost all of us are guilty of not doing this, but in reality they do so much more than we realize. Every school has a team of janitors that keep the school up to standards. Janitors are unrecognized heroes because they go above and beyond to keep our school clean, organized, and germ free. First of all, every day and night janitors put in long hours and lots of physical labor. Many janitors have to climb ladders and shift through different places to clean the places that need to be cleaned, or dust places that need to be dusted. My mom works at the school and we are often there late. I always notice that the janitors are always still there working until they have everything spotless. The hours they put in can often last very long and I can’t even imagine how exhausted they are after their long day of work. In addition, janitors are always working to keep us healthy and clean. After the janitors get done cleaning somewhere you walk in a citrusy aroma fills the air. The paper towel rolls are refilled as well as the soap. In a way janitors are also risking their wellbeing to keep the students and staff healthy. Anytime they are wiping away the germs it is also getting close to them. Not only do these janitors work to keep us healthy, but they also do the less appreciated work. Often times students will leave a mess around their desk, and the teacher will make known that they need to pick it up and the student replies with ¨That is the janitor’s job.¨ The students should not have this mentality that janitors are their personal maids. They have so much to do throughout the day and that is something that the students can fix and could create less work for them. There are many times where they have to clean up bodily fluids and trash. Anytime a student gets sick the janitors have to clean it up, and I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to clean that up. They have to clean the toilets and the stalls. When their day comes to an end they also have to take the trash to the dumpster which is not exactly exciting. Next time you see a piece of trash it would help the janitors a lot of you could just pick it up. Sometimes it is the little actions in life that matter. Thank you to all the janitors who put in long hours to ensure our schools are clean and healthy. Anna Hochgesang Grade 8, Southridge Middle School





More basketball goals Dear editor, The school has 4 basketball goals. That’s not enough goals. We need more basketball courts! The basketball courts are always crowded, and because of that, people are fighting over who gets which goal. We have 2 small goals and 2 big goals. Most people want small goals. Some people want to play games and other people just want to play by themselves and they start fighting over who gets that goal. We also need more because people are trying to shoot and other people are playing a basketball game, and the other people get mad at them for getting in the way. The big goals are open, but those people don’t like playing at the big goals because they are too high. So those are why we need more basketball courts, because I don’t want people to get hurt one day. Sydney Wathen Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Service dogs Dear editor, At Pine Ridge Elementary we have VERY AMAZING teachers! We do a lot of socializing. We also have some disabled kids at the school and we have to do something about it. We need to have DOGS who can take care of the disabled. I think that we should have dogs to work with the students who are disabled. They’re sometimes rowdy and others can be very playful. The dogs that we have would be in each classroom. In the years we can have more people come to this school and there is a possibility that they could have a disability. That is why we need service dogs. Taking care of the dogs is a really big responsibility. The dogs need to be fed in the morning, at lunch, and right after the kids leave school. Different kids would have to take turns training the dogs and also feeding them and giving them water. The school would have to provide the food and the water for the dogs. The kids would be able to play with the dogs any time. That is why I think we need to have dogs at Pine Ridge. I hope that you are dog lovers just like I am. Adison Andry Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Paying attention Dear editor, This school is an awesome place. But some of the students in my class don’t pay attention while the teacher is telling us something very important. So I have two plans that will work. When the teacher tries to get them out of la la land and if they don’t pay attention they will miss out what we are learning. There was this one time when I was staring out the window and not paying attention to what the teacher was talking about until she said we had a paper to do and I did not know what to do on it. When I asked the teacher for help she said, “We were working on this together, Harley!” So she helped me understand what it meant, then I went back to my desk and started to work on it. The second one is how we are going to pay attention. I took this vitamin that helped me pay attention instead of looking out the window and not paying attention. All I could do is to keep my eyes on the teacher. I told everybody to let their parents know that there’s this vitamin that will make you pay attention. So when I went to school everybody was keeping their eyes on the teacher. Now we all know a lot more than we do. Harley James Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Medical care for pets Dear editor, We need a veterinarian clinic in Birdseye. My first reason is because cats and dogs are getting run over by cars, trains, and trucks. On the highway people are going too fast and dogs and cats get hit. Pets and animals don’t have any nearby places to get medicine. In case like a dog is having puppies or has a disease or they are hurt. If it is an emergency and it takes a while to get to Jasper, maybe your pet needs some help.


This is why I think that Birdseye should have a vet clinic. I hope this is something that can be considered in the future. Aaliyah Hannah Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Chick-fil-A wanted Dear editor, I think St. Anthony is a good community, but WE NEED A CHICK-FIL-A!!! Everything is great, but that would make it so much better. The closest one is in Evansville!!! But if we build one here we don’t have to go to Evansville. The first time I ate there it was GREAT!!! I wanted to go again, but I could not. Everyone thinks it’s good, so it might increase the population by who knows. That about chicken wraps it up on why we need a Chick-fil-A. One is all I need. Aiden Kissel Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Less electronics Dear editor, The good thing about electronics is you can play games and watch Youtube. The bad thing about it is you stay on it for a long time. That is why I want to have less electronics. Every time we get home from school we get inside and start playing on our electronics. My brother sometimes does not eat. I take my phone or tablet with me and watch Youtube and play games while I eat. My sister does the same thing. If you are wondering how I get my homework finished, I do it at school at the end of the day or on the bus. Before I go to sleep, I spend 1 hour on my phone, but every time my mom goes by I act like I’m sleeping, and when I get to school I’m tired. My siblings and I sometimes do not listen to our mom when she needs us. If we don’t listen to her she comes and takes our electronics from us and then she gets mad because we act like she is not there. There are good things and bad things about electronics. I hope you understand why I want less electronics. Vannesa Martinez Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

New library books Dear editor, Pine Ridge Elementary is a very good school. The only thing bad in my opinion is the library books. I like our library teacher, but I just think we need new books badly. Some are torn or broke. Some of the pages are ripped and coming out. Sometimes she gets new books but that is very rare. I am constantly trying to look for good books that I like because she does not give us a lot of time to look. She likes to read most of our library time so I am trying to look for books I like but it never happens. All of the good books I have already read. I think we should go online and pick out some books that we like. But the cool thing is that these people came into the library and painted it. It is like the ocean then it goes into space and a lot of other cool things. At Pine Ridge the teachers are nice and the school is clean. It is such a great school except for the library books and the library. Kaylee Opel Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Young deer Dear editor, So, we have a very nice community full of WONDERFUL people. We also have a very nice place full of trees and wildlife. But I don’t like people that hunt deer and sometimes shoot small bucks and don’t let them grow! A deer’s lifespan is 15 years and people are shooting them at 3 years old. I just want people to shoot big mature deer and let them live 10-13 years before they shoot them. I am 10 years old and I shot a 12-point buck and it was 14 years old! People are also shooting deer too far away and wounding them. They shoot it but barely hit it and it runs off and will die somewhere else. I think you should shoot bigger and older deer, not small young deer! Take your kids out and let them shoot a small one for their first time. But as they grow up, teach them to shoot older and bigger deer. Jace Wright Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Ditto on library books Dear editor, Pine Ridge Elementary has good food, good people, and a ginormous library that has thousands of books, but we need MORE books because half of this school has read every single book in the library. I would hope they put in history books because there could be so much we could learn, like how the Titanic sank, or how the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. But the school library doesn’t have anything about how Amelia Earhart disappeared. I was once looking in the history section of the library for facts about how Amelia Earhart disappeared but I could not find a single scientific reason on how she disappeared. I like Pine Ridge, but we need more books in the library. Marcus Berg Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Shoes need a break Dear editor, I love school so much. The teachers are so nice. Our school is so neat and tidy, but we need to take off our shoes more. The reason is that my feet sweat at school all day. I think that when we come in from recess and go back to class that we should have a cubby that we can put our shoes in. Then when it is time to go to recess we can put our shoes back on. The second reason is that when I get home my mom always says that my feet stink and I need to take a shower. My mom sometimes has to spray stuff in my shoes so they do not smell that bad. That is why we need to take off our shoes more. Ava Mohr Grade 4, Pine Ridge

I like reading Dear editor, There are many great things I like about Pine Ridge Elementary school. My teacher encourages kids to read more at school and at home. Next week is Read Across America. At Pine Ridge, a different staff member reads a book to all students at the beginning of each day for a week. It’s a good way to start each day. I want teachers to read to all of us at least once a week instead of just one week a year because kids enjoy being read to. I could tell kids were enjoying themselves and paying attention because they were all silent and listening. Another reason why teachers should read more often is that it may introduce books that some kids have never heard of, encouraging them to read more. By introducing different types of books kids become stronger readers. I really like reading and I hope other kids enjoy reading as much as I do. Avery Gogel Grade 4, Pine Ridge

Real estate offices Dear Editor,

The reason I’m writing is because I want more real estate office in Ferdinand. I feel strongly about this because it takes a long time to sell a house. I would like it if you can consider other real estate offices in Ferdinand. Abbie Rickelman Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary


Mountain bike course Dear Editor, I want mountain bike place to ride and do treks sow i can go up the fake mountain soy i can practise riding every day. Maybe I can be a campaign rider or professional rider also. I can start sineg hat and Srts. And do a backflip. Bryson Beck Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Museum wanted Dear Editor, I am writing because I want a museum. I think it would be awesome to have a museum. So people would learn about presidents and famous people and see how awesome

museums are. I feel very strongly about this because we do not have a museum in Ferdinand. Also they will know how good biographies are. Also they will learn about different things that they did not know. Also they can see different things that they have not seen before. Gavin Carroll Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Yes on a museum Dear Editor, I am writing because I think we should build a Museum about Ferdinand and what it was like and what they had to do before Ferdinand was nice. I think kids and adults will maybe want to know about Ferdinand and the past and how it changed. I would like it if they had books to read and cozy reading spots and dim lights so it is calm. Casey Steczyk Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Elite Air wanted Dear Editor, I think there should be an Elite Air in Ferdinand, because I really like Elite Air a bunch. I’ve only been there twice, though, because it’s in Evansville. That’s why I want an Elite Air in Ferdinand. Eli Ernst Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Please stop littering Dear Editor, I am writing because I do not want people to litter anywhere. I feel very strongly about this because it can hurt animals, even ocean animals and the planet and in space, and I would like it if people would stop littering in parks in oceans and everywhere. Hadley Hasenour Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Cheaper houses Dear Editor, I think homes sood be cheaper. because if people do not make a nufe many. and that they can not get a house and see wut it is like to have a house. Lots of people do not even have houses to live in. because they are icso sof and some people make 11 dollars in 1 hours. that is not a nuff for a house. house is like hundreds or thousands or millions of dollars. that is lots of money to spin. That is why I thank homes should be cheaper.in ferdinand. Colton Hayes Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pet store, too Dear Editor, I am writing because I want a pet store. To get the pet store ready we need supplies for the pet store. If you would like to bring pets to get started that would be very good. Please help if you can. If you can’t do anything then you might be able to visit some pets. It would be AWESOME if you could walk some pets. If you have time with your kids I think it would be a good idea to bring your kids to play with pets and feed them. I think would be very fun place for big pets and small pets. Reilly Hopf Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pets Dear Editor, I think that pets should be allowed in stores. I feel very strongly about this because if people are blind then they would run into stuff and hurt themselves. They should also be allowed in stores even if they aren’t trained just for fun. That’s why I think pets should be aloud in stores. Addison Hilsmeyer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Longer recesses Dear Editor, I am writing because I think that we should have longer recesses because everybody has fun at recesses and it burns off our energy so you can focus in class so I don’t think it should be 15 minutes I think it should be 25 minutes of recess. Shelby Leonard Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary Continued on Page 33




Concluded from Page 31

Skating tiles wanted Dear Editor, I am writing because I want cheap skating tiles so I don’t have to drive all the way to Owensboro. If you fall, remember you have strong padding on your body. I would like it if there’s skating tiles because you could skate anywhere. Carson Kippenbrock Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

A home for everyone


YMCA needs a pool Dear Editor, I am writing because our local YMCA should have a swimming pool. I feel very strongly about this because our YMCA would be a better place because you wouldn’t have to drive to Jasper or Huntingburg. I would like it if a pool got installed in our YMCA. Parker Werne Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Everyone should vote

Dear Editor, I am writing this because I want everyone to have a home to live in. Lots of people in the world do not have a home to live in. I want to help people so they are not poor. Everyone needs shelter so they can keep safe like me. I want everyone to have a fun and AWESOME life just like me. Karsyn Longabaugh Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Dear Editor, I am writing because I think all people should be able to vote. Sometimes people under the age of 18 want to vote. I think everybody should be allowed to vote because some people think it is unfair for them not to vote. Everyone should vote for president because we all live in the United States of America. I would like it if everyone could vote for president. Koby Greulich Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Please don’t litter

Kids should vote

Dear Editor, I am writing because I don’t want people to litter in parks anymore. It’s bad for the environment! I feel very strongly about this because it’s also really bad for the animals in the park too they can get hurt badly. I would like it if people would pick up trash and not litter. Lily Schaeffer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Airsoft Dear Editor, I want an airsoft place in Ferdinand. Where people can have fun and choose any airsoft gun they want. Because they are fun to shoot and I want to have a battling spot where you can have airsoft battles. I also want a spot where they can take a break, sit down and eat some food and drink drinks. I also want a spot where they can train and practice shooting. I want it to be for anyone any age so everyone can come even old people. Will Tuggle Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Hospital Dear Editor, I am writing because a hospital in town helps people that live in Ferdinand. I feel very strongly about this because it can help people that are extremely hurt. I would like it if in Ferdinand so they get there faster to help people so they get better faster. Braydon Welp Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Swimming park Dear Editor, I am writing because I noticed that in Ferdinand we don’t have a swimming park. I have to drive all the way to Jasper if I want to swim! My brothers would like a swimming park too I think. I would like it if we put a swimming park in Ferdinand because it would be amazingly cool! Lilah Werne Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Community pool Dear Editor, I think having a community pool would be great when it is hot in the summer days. It would be great to have a community pool with friends. I think we need a community pool because if you are hot and want to go swimming you can. I would like it if we had a community pool with a friend. Tucker Weyer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Let’s build a castle Dear Editor, I am writing because I want to build a castle. They have lots of stairs and there are so many rooms and big doors with a handle that goes bing bing. They have fancy and clean stuff, not dirty and messy stuff that’s gross. I would like it if they look really cool inside. Andrew Wilmes Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

school. That may all change if they build a nasty, smelly and a pure eyesore coal to diesel plant. If they built it here, then it would be the first coal to diesel plant in the United States, and I personally think the U.S. doesn’t need stuff like these plants. Most importantly, the C2D plant would be a health hazard and it will also affect climate change. And people worry that the plant might cause ground and water pollution. Say no to C2D in Dale today, so you don’t have to suffer the consequences tomorrow. Miranda Rickelman Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Please recycle

Dear Editor, You need to recycle. Some people don’t recycle. I would describe it as a “new beginning to the world” in a bad way. When my family goes to town, we always see trash laying around. I wish people would pick up their trash. Saving the environment is a good thing. If you could go into the future, what do you think the world would be like if we don’t save the environment? Would it be messy, disgusting, barely any animals, and a lot of pollution? Burning plastic is bad for the atmoDear Editor, sphere. It causes gases that are bad for the I am writing because I think the voting Earth and humans. age should be younger. I feel very strongRecycling is a good thing, a really good ly because kids may make better decisions thing. It’s good for the Earth. It brings down than adults. Teenagers should be able to the amount of pollution very fast. By recyvote too. I would like it if the voting age cling, it is the easiest way to save the Earth. would be 8 years old. You keep your front and back yard clean, Zeke Marx right? Then why not do the same with the Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary street or the woods? Harmony Schepers Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Dogs make a difference

Dear Editor, I’m writing because I like dogs and they make people feel better. I feel very strongly about this because I had a dog it made me feel better. I would like it if Ferdinand Elementary had some dogs to make the kids feel better. Caleb Beck Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Eat healthy

Dear Editor, I used to eat a lot of unhealthy food and I didn’t feel very good. I quit doing that, and now I feel better. I think people should eat more fruits and vegetables. They are very healthy, and they have sugar, which is not bad for you. That is how/why you have blood sugar. You need at least a little bit of sugar in your body. Another healthy thing in fruits and vegetaDear Editor, bles is fiber, which is the healthiest part. Yes, I am writing because I think all schools some fruits and vegetables are gross to you, should have a lago center in schools. I feel but you should still eat them because they are very strongly about this because I think healthy. They can even help you grow. other kids should be able to play lagos in If you eat more fruits and vegetables, school. If we had a Lego Center at Ferdi- they can make you stronger, because the nand Elementary kids could build and not healthier the muscles, the stronger you are. spend time on thier Chromebooks. You should hear your calories saying, Carson Kellems “Yes, we are bad for you.” Then you should Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary hear the fruits and vegetables say, “We can help you get rid of all those bad calories. CEDAR CREST Just eat us and they will be gone. You’ll be nice and healthy.” Brae Hammond Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Lego center

Listen up, literally

Dear Editor, Shouldn’t we all listen to instructions? Well I know a lot of children who don’t listen to their parents or teachers, and they can get into a lot of trouble. The last time I got in trouble was because I didn’t listen.  For children, if there is someone who’s doing something dangerous without listening to the instructions, they’re more likely going to get injured. A parent who doesn’t listen could go to jail if they are in a public place. Following instructions is very important. If you don’t listen to instructions, don’t wait. Start right away. I’m still trying my hardest to listen, although now and then I probably won’t listen. I’m not perfect, but I try. If you listen, you will find out how much easier life would be without getting in trouble and all that nonsense. That’s why we need to listen. I started, and now my life has felt a lot better. Austin Lough Grade 5, Cedar Crest

No C2D plant Dear Editor, You might have heard about the controversial issue of the C2D plant proposal (Riverview Energy) in Dale. Have you ever been where the air quality was horrible? It might have smelled bad and burned your nostrils. If you didn’t like that, then you won’t like the effects of Riverview Energy. It will smell like that all the time, and the air quality levels will go down like a landslide. Why do we need a C2D plant? The location for the plant is a beautiful cornfield, just miles from Dale and the elementary

Safety first Dear Editor, Have you ever been bullied on the bus? Have you ever experienced danger on a bus? Did you know 3,328 people were killed and approximately 221,000 people were injured due to bus driver distraction? I think there should be two adults on a bus to stop bullying on buses. And if you got sick, we could ask for something to throw up in. Without a second adult, the bus driver just lost focus on the road and we could get into a crash. In addition to all the bullying that might be going on, we could get injured. If the bus driver was distracted, they might wreck and either get injured or have death. Also, it may cost a lot of money for injuries, insurance and any fines or lawsuit. More than half of the people who are in car crashes die or get injured. If you do have two adults on a bus, great! But if you don’t, it is time to get a second adult on the bus. This has convinced me to always have another adult with me if I can when I drive around. Carter Jochem Grade 5, Cedar Crest

More protection Dear Editor,  Have you ever been tackled? How bad did it hurt? In 2017, 281 people got concussions just from practice! I know there is a lot of protection already, but there should be more. I like the NFL, but on TV it feels like everyone is slow, and some people are fast, but

most of them are not. If they had more protection, they would be able to run faster because they will not be afraid to get tackled. I think there should be more protection, because if they have more protection, more people could break tackles, because if they have more protection to cover the ball, the ball will be more secure. If the ball is more secure, there will be less fumbles.  More people get injured in every sport but one, and the reason is because there is not enough protection. Some injuries even cause people to sit out the whole season! Getting tackled hurts a lot. My brother has been tackled many times, and he complains about it a lot. I even overheard him talking about putting more layers on! If you put protection on, you stay on the field. Cohen Klem Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Hunter safety is important Dear Editor, Hunter safety is very important. You could get hurt while hunting if you are not safe. You need to have tree stand safety by using a safety harness strapped to the tree, and lift your weapon with a string so you don’t drop it on the way up to the tree stand. Most important, you should wait to load your gun until you are in your tree stand.  You also need to put on enough clothes so that you don’t get cold. Also wear camouflage so you can hide and wear orange so hunters can see you. If you don’t follow hunter safety, you should. If you do, keep doing what you’re doing. Eli Brockman Grade 5, Cedar Crest

No hot buses

Dear Editor, School buses should be air conditioned.  Air conditioning makes people feel good from a long day of learning. It might make people comfortable, and might make people look forward to going on the bus ride home.   Migraines are sometimes caused by overheating. One time my sister got a migraine from getting overheated and she got sick. I think we should have air conditioning on the bus so people like my sister don’t get sick from getting overheated. Hannah Kuebler Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Gymnastics Dear Editor, Do you think you could do gymnastics if you practiced day after day? People who do gymnastics do it because they enjoy it. I think CCI should have an area inside and outside for gymnastics. Almost every gymnastics move I know you’re building strength. In just a normal cartwheel, you’re building arm strength. In a backbend, you arch your back and try to stay balanced. You build back strength and you work on balance. So no matter which one you do, you will get stronger. Safety is important, and it will be safe with gymnastics. At CCI the soccer field is also the only place to do gymnastics that is NOT on concrete. But I think we should get mats for gymnastics, both inside and outside. How many people do you think have gotten hurt because they didn’t have the right things when doing gymnastics? Mats and safety go hand in hand. Elizabeth Christmas Grade 5, Cedar Crest

Clothing store Dear Editor,  Shouldn’t Birdseye get a clothing store? Wouldn’t it bring more people into the community?   When people come, they will notice other businesses and realize there is much more to Birdseye than they thought. It could also help create jobs. Sometimes you have to drive over an hour just to get school clothes or other things you need. From where I live, it would be easier to walk down the road instead of driving over an hour. Also, you would have to have money for gas to drive all the way there and back, plus you would still need money for the clothes you need to get.  So, do you think Birdseye should get a clothing store? Felecia Eckert Grade 5, Cedar Crest





Recycling bins Dear Editor, I think we need more recycling bins around Dubois County. Recycling is a very important task everyone needs to take part in. If people recycle cardboard, glass, plastic, paper, etc., the landfills will be less filed. I don’t know about you, but in thirty years I would like our hometown to be clean. 3,100 pounds of trash was left in Patoka Lake alone. People are throwing trash out the windows of their cars and burning reusable plastic. When I see a McDonald’s cup left in a parking lot or on the side of the road, it makes me mad. For a quick and simple solution for all of this, we could simply add more recycling bins or trash cans around the county and local communities. Aaron Beckman Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Negative attitudes Dear Editor, The most problematic thing in this world isn’t trash, crimes, or global warming, but it is the negative attitudes. It is the way we face the problems in our world and react to them. It isn’t okay to get mad about everything that comes your way in life. Why shall we get so mad over something for more than a minute when it won’t matter in a year or even in a month maybe. I am saying that having a positive attitude can help you make it through the hardest times in life. Keep your head up when times get hard and be there for those that were there for you in the hard times. Kimberly Borman Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Teen hangout Dear Editor, I’m writing to you because I think that Dubois County desperately needs a hangout spot for our teens. Of course, no matter what age, we all love to have fun. If you think about it there are so many ways to have fun, but sometimes there aren’t any places to go. I think that not only teens but kids and parents should have a place to have fun. There are also so many benefits when you hang out with your friends and overall just have a good time. When you are having a good time with your friends you are bound to have a good time. Laughing with your friends releases feel-good brain chemicals, which can also relieve pain. Researchers believe that a long series of exhalations with true laughter causes physical exhaustion of the abdominal muscles and will bring about endorphin release. I personally think that there aren’t enough places for people to have fun locally. I know that we have the movies, the YMCA, and the skate palace but sometimes they can get repetitive. The movies are so much fun to get ready for, but you can’t actually talk to your friends once the movie starts without being rude. Sometimes there aren’t any good movies to go see. If you’re going on a date, it isn’t the best place to converse and get to know the other person. We have the skate palace, but it can also become repetitive. They play the same songs, the same people are there, and if you can’t skate like me it can be embarrassing. They have the games to play but they can be boring. Also, you can buy the prizes much cheaper than if you “win” them with the tickets. We also have the YMCA but it can be pretty expensive. Just the joining fee alone is $30.00! Not to mention the monthly fee is $19.00. Of course, you don’t have to buy a pass, but the day passes are $5.00. That is a lot of money and sometimes you can’t even do the things you want if it’s not in season. I think that this county we live in is so wonderful, but I can also see how much potential growth it still has. I asked around at school to see what kids my age would like and they said things like go-karting, rock climbing, skate park, and even just a chill place to hang out. I know that seems like a lot of money, but I think that some fun things could be businesses and community funded. I think that the skate park and rock climbing could be community funded. We could have the skate park next to one of the playgrounds. I think it should be usable for bikes, skateboards, roller skates, and unicycles. I also think that there could be a rock


wall that’s supported by the community or a business. We could have a big rock wall at a park or it could become a booming business. If it were a business it could have multiple rock walls with multiple difficulties. They could have a snack bar and a place to eat. I think that Dubois County could benefit from this. Having a place to go-kart would be so much fun! They could have a place to eat, sit down, and of course go-kart. I think that if this were a business they would be making bank! They could have different lanes for different speeds and ages. This would be so much fun to hang out at. Someone could definitely profit from this. Lastly, we could just have a place to hang out. It could have food, arcade games, or anything low key. Just somewhere that you can sit down and talk would be so much fun. If you don’t want to talk then you can go to play games. It would be so much fun to have this locally for all ages. You could go on dates, have parties, or even just catch up with friends here. I think that this would be a great place to have. Thank you for reading and I hope you consider one of my ideas. I have put a lot of thought and I genuinely think that this is a good idea for our county. We could benefit so much! Thank you once again for reading. Lillian Schnell Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Fishing clubs Dear Editor, In Dubois County we don’t have any bass fishing teams or clubs. I believe that we need to have these clubs because it’s something many people love. It could give kids reasons to come to school, you have to get good grades to compete in this club. In these tournaments you are able to compete for money to go towards your college choice. This could really help a family out. There is no cost to the school, students can do their own fundraisers. In this program it’s run by the students. This is a hobby that many people enjoy. Ashton Cole Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Smoothie shop Dear Editor, I think we should have a smoothie shop within Ferdinand. Smoothies are a popular drink; they are healthy for people and they taste heavenly. I feel like the shop could be a nice, small town, sit-down place. A neat place for a date, or just hanging out with friends. It would be pleasant to have it located in the middle of town, so us Ferdinand townspeople could have easy access. It would be easier to walk or bike to than the fast food places up by the interstate. That takes me to my next topic. We have too many fast food places in Ferdinand, and there aren’t very many good restaurants where you can have a nice sitdown dinner with someone. For example, Azura in Jasper. It would be amazing to have a shop like that in Ferdinand. I get that we are located right by the interstate, and our fast food places are good for business, but we have to consider the people that actually live in Ferdinand, too. We deserve decent places to eat and nice places to hang out at. There isn’t a lot that Ferdinand provides to its people. There’s a reason most people go to Jasper, or Evansville, or some other town to eat out. I think we should also have a proper restaurant in Ferdinand in general. As I’ve already explained in the previous paragraph, we have too many fast food places. You can’t forget the gas stations, either. There is no need for so many! They’d be more useful places for a nice restaurant or some kind of entertainment place. We lack a lot of that in Ferdinand. Kennedy Staton Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Recycling Dear Editor, A major problem that I would like to address today is recycling. Recycling is very important to our planet’s health. If we don’t recycle, then all of our trash goes straight to a landfill to just sit in the ground for years and years. The more trash we make, then the more landfills we need. Soon, we could start to run out of space for landfills and have to put them in towns and cities. No one wants to look at a landfill in the middle of every town. They are both ugly and dirty.

One of the only solutions to this problem is recycling. I understand that you can’t recycle everything, but yet 80% of waste in landfills could be recycled. (According to www. rubiconglobal.com) Some ways to solve this problem is by making more recycling centers. One reason people don’t recycle is because it takes time. If we made recycling a lot easier and faster, then there wouldn’t be a legit reason not to recycle. Our local schools could have clubs that help raise awareness to the topic. If a lot more people knew about the positive effects of recycling, then more people would participate in recycling. Did you know that recycling can cut back 86 percent of air pollution and 76 percent on water pollution! If we got rid of all of this pollution, just think of how much healthier our planet could be in the years to come! Recycling is something very important that could eventually “save” our planet. The average person produces about six pounds of waste per day. If you recycled every day for a year, you would end up recycling about 2000 pounds of trash. This helps to show that every person that recycles can and will make an impact on the world, just by recycling! I encourage everyone that reads this to recycle. Together we could make the world a better place, just by the simple act of recycling. Gus Hagedorn Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Turkey Season Dear Editor, I feel that the Indiana turkey season should start earlier than it already does. The spring turkey season starts on April 22nd and goes to May 10th this year in Indiana . Rabbit season ends on February 28th this year. This means that there is no season for animals for about three months. If turkey season started earlier in the spring, hunters wouldn’t have to wait so long to finally be able to do the thing they love most, hunt. Turkey season doesn’t last very long already, so if we started earlier, we would have a little longer to get one. Indiana would keep the limit at one turkey per year, just extend the season a little. In Kentucky, they start at the beginning of April. If we started at the same time, we would have longer to get a turkey. It should be the same in every state so it’s fair to everyone that’s trying to get one. I feel that the Indiana turkey season should be extended. It doesn’t have to be a really long time, we could just add on a week or two to the season. I feel that this will help out the hunters trying to get a turkey this year. This will benefit hunters a lot in the turkey season by giving them more time to get a turkey. Kaleb Persohn Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Project-based learning

Dear Editor, I would like to introduce to you a new type of learning that my fellow 8th grade peers and I were introduced to this year. The learning type engages student’s mind sets, and opens a whole new world from the usual book and pencil. This type of learning is called PBL. This stands for project-based learning. PBL consists of getting your community involved doing fun projects, and having the ability to make your project how you want it. Not a lot of teachers do this type of learning but I think it should be more widely used for various reasons. One of my 8th grade teachers, Mrs. Boeglin, introduced PBL to us this past year. She informed us that this was just introduced to the teachers as well, so she was going to try it out. She really is a creative teacher that lets us use our imagination to create our own projects. She comes up with projects starting from writing a quick fictional story to creating models for places you would like to see exist. I personally think that PBL is a great way to use your creativity while also wanting valuable content. I think after years of doing book work and writing down what’s on another sheet of paper, you want more hands on, or creative freedom. Like I said before, PBL is not just creating projects. It also involves community involvement. For example in my reading class, we’re able to come up with any ideas to either improve our community or improve our schools in any way shape or form. Not only does this give us room to use our creativity, it also allows us to improve in the real world. Now you may ask what is the difference

between “doing a project” and PBL? According to PBLWorks, “In contrast to dessert projects, PBL requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication.” PBL goes on to say that its “...not just remembering information, but to use higher-order thinking skills to create quality work, and answer a driving question.” There’s a difference from getting assigned the same project as everyone else with certain criteria you have to meet, from getting a vague question and creating something using in depth thought and creative freedom. Now that you know what PBL is you may even ask why should it be more widely used? The answer is it engages students in learning and opens doors to topics they will use more often as they get older. According to PBLWorks, “Project Based Learning engages students in learning that is deep and long-lasting, and inspires for them a love of learning and personal connection to their academic experience.” Agreeing with PBL, now more than ever we need students who are willing, and ready to tackle challenges in their lives and the world in which they will grow up to live in. Project Based Learning provides multiple reasons on why more teachers should use it. It provides students to engage their hearts and minds into the projects they create. It provides a deeper understanding to the knowledge being consumed. It exposes students to realworld scenarios, and chances to interact with different things that leads them to career interests. It provides a purpose for the project, while also developing skills to be successful. It also opens the students up to new advancements and new things they’ve never heard of. Lastly PBL provides more teacher-student relationships. These are all important skills that are used daily, and all reasons why to use Project Based Learning. Recent studies show that PBL “...can help students be successful in today’s rapid and complex world…” One study from Michigan shows that it “...produces significant gains in social studies and informational reading in high-poverty schools.” After experimenting with two classrooms in Michigan the one producing higher test scores on average was the classroom using PBL. Also according to recent studies it also provides opportunities to become better decision-makers because of the real-life decisions that can affect others. In conclusion PBL is an advancement in the classrooms that should be more widely used. It provides multiple reasons it creates a willing, more free space for students to create projects. It should continue to be spread throughout schools across the nation. I personally feel if more kids would be introduced to PBL it would be an effective way of teaching students. A way that the kids are willing to learn, and are passionate about. Kiersten Voegerl Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

More sidewalks Dear Editor, In Ferdinand we need more sidewalks. Many people in Ferdinand enjoy walking as a way to get places, but they are not safe when they do because they have to walk on the road. More sidewalks would fix this problem. Additional sidewalks would also help families be encouraged to go outside and take a walk. We would then have healthier, safer people in our town. Some people would argue that sidewalks are too expensive. To solve this problem we could have a 5K that benefits a sidewalk program here in town. A 5K would attract the people who would be using the sidewalks to come and help fund them. With the money from events like these we could slowly add more and more sidewalks to our streets here in town. As someone who enjoys being outside, I believe that sidewalks would help others to realize the importance of being physically active, and help them be encouraged to stay fit. The sidewalks would increase the physical and mental health of the people using them, and help make sure that future generations also had opportunities to get outdoors. I believe that sidewalks would help to create a healthier, safer town that I am proud to live in. We would have more physically fit citizens, and overall a better community. This is why I believe more sidewalks could be a helpful new addition to our town. Miles Welp Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High









Spruce up the park


in it and it can shine in the sun. Madison Beckman Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, I think that the park down the road should have playground equipment because it is just a small path and three trees. I’m saying this so kids can have more fun on swing sets, slides, big towers, moving steps, and soccer goals, that’s all that should be in that little field. Braydon McCullough Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Bubbly boy

Save the dogs

Dear Editor, Me and my friends like basketball because it is fun to play. I like Purdue the most because they’re so good. Colten Johnson Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, I am writing to you for my concern about homeless dogs. Dogs are very lovable creatures but if they don’t have homes you won’t know how lovable they really are. Dogs everywhere are fighting so should we! The shelters everywhere are filling up. I thought dogs were man’s best friends, I guess I was wrong. If I had one wish it would be to save the dogs! Sophie Lynch Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Mid-States Corridor Dear Editor, I think that the midstate corridor highway is going to infect our county. For instance me I am going to be forced to move because the highway is going through our property. And I know for at least 10 years and I will be forced to move. So I think the the highway shouldn’t be built. Ava Watson Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Clean up, clean up Dear Editor, I wish people clean up after themselves. So the animals don’t go extinct for ever. Some please are parks, ocean, highways, schools, and your house. All the cans and plastic are killing the sea animals and land animals. Kenna Zehr Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Say no to drugs Dear Editor, I think we should get drugs out of doubois. And anywhere so people don’t die. I think about everybody in the world. I don’t want anybody to die today. I don’t want to die today. From thanking drugs. I will Thank about people that thank about people are taking drugs. I don’t want people to have a reck from drugs. I feel really bad for the people who are doing drugs. Gunner Haefling Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Wanted: Football team Dear Editor, I think Dubois should have a football team. Because some people like football more than softball or basketball or baseball. Other people like football a lot. People that live in Dubois will leave just so they can play football and our population will lower in Dubois. If we get a football team our population will get higher. Alexa Sander Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Family snuggles Dear Editor, My family is nice because they help me when I need help when I need it. Sometimes I want to snuggle next to them. When I want to play with Willow they let me. Alexis Hackney Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Magical unicorns Dear Editor, I Love unicorns because they are powerful. They are beautiful. Rayne Eckerle Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Slime shines Dear Editor, I like slime because it is fun and it is messy and is soft and you can put sparkles

Dear Editor, I absolutely love bubbles!! They make me laugh and squeal. My favroite book is “Giraffes Can’t Dance.” Dax Purkhiser Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Hardwood reins supreme

Elephants relevant Dear Editor, I am writeing about Elephants. I like elephants. Did you know that elephants can hold up to a gallon in their trunks? They are mammals. Mammals are animals with hair. We are mammals. Elephants are really cool. Baby elephant are called caffs. Caffs hold on to their mothers tail to keep up with the herd. Abra Fawks Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

History no mystery Dear Editor, I love history because it teaches you about lots of stuff like, who made phones, are who made cars, are who maybe made American words, and who made like space ships, and who was the first one to the moon, are who knew about all the scientist stuff. Bentley Hopf Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Playful jokester Dear Editor, I want to be on the newspaper because I want to be on the newspaper! I think that sentence was funny! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I crack myself up! Me and Abra should of went on the newspaper because we were on her phone and were on docs making funny sentences! Ha ha ha ya yeet! Anzlee Voegerl Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Farming fun Dear Editor, My favorite part of farming is harvesting. It is because in my combine I can fall asleep while my dad controls the combine, and that is the best part of harvesting to me. My second favorite is in the middle of that, when you have to spray the fields. Why is it my second favorite, because I get to drive the fourwheeler. My last favorite, is planting because I cannot plant because they have to be in perfect rows. So I have lots to learn during planting season. Parker Mehling Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Shy singer Dear Editor, I like to sing. My favorite song is someone you loved by Luis capital. I don’t like to sing in front of lots of people. I like to sing because it sounds nice. When I’m sad I listen to my favorite song. My friends sing with me at recess. I sing almost every day. Savannah Sword Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Cool kids club Dear Editor, Our school is different from others because we have a Cool Kids Club. It is where if kids are kind in a way they get to eat with the principal at lunch. It persuades children to be kind to others. Our school is also really welcoming to new students. Also we are different because of our sports. When someone gets hurt, they don’t go off the court or get out. We stop and see if they are ok and if they think they can play, they play with us. Braelyn Thombleson Grade 3, Dubois Elementary School


Tractor boy Dear Editor, I like to sleep with my dog. He is my favorite animal. I like to play with my friends at recess. Conner is my friend. My brother is my friend. I have lots of friends. Ethan Whitis Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Tractor boy Dear Editor, I have an orange tractor. I can drive it. I pick up rocks with it. They are big rocks. Wesley Bieker Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Tractor boy Dear Editor, I have an orange tractor. I can drive it. I pick up rocks with it. They are big rocks. Wesley Bieker Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Help the poor Dear Editor, We need to start helping people that need help and that are poor. We need to get companies to help those that are poor. Henry Fischer Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Clean the Earth Dear Editor, I think we should not throw litter because it makes the Earth dirty and gross. When the people see it, they might have to pick it up. They will not like it. Libby Beck Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

More books Dear Editor, I want to have more books and more libraries. I like books and I like to read. Jack Lampert Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Help animals Dear Editor, We need to help dogs and their babies that I saw on the news. We need to take care of them and keep them safe. Abe Meyer Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Don’t drink and drive Dear Editor, People need to stop drinking beer when they are driving. People will go crazy and they will run into other people. Alaina Frank Grade 1, Celestine Elementary

Church helps Dear Editor, I wish people would go to church. People would learn about Jesus. At church you can see people you know. At church you can see Father. At church you can pray. At church you can sing and read. Church is great. Aubrey Bieker Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Clean teeth Dear Editor, I wish people would clean their teeth. Then a dentist would not have to do all the work. Also some people do not brush their teeth 2 times a day. I think people should brush their teeth 2 times a day. They might get bad teeth if they do not brush 2 times a day. Brush your teeth! Haylie Lueken Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Search for a cure Dear Editor, I wish people would donate money for cancer research. I do not like when people die. We only have one life. We need to donate money so the people who have cancer will be saved from the horrible monster called cancer. For example, my grandma had cancer. I mean seeing someone die is sad. We

care about people. Right? I mean just because they are not family we still need to care for them. Please donate money for cancer research! Madison Pfau Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Brush up Dear Editor, I wish people would clean their teeth. Then a dentist would not have to do all the work. Also some people do not brush their teeth 2 times a day. I think people should brush their teeth 2 times a day. They might get bad teeth if they do not brush 2 times a day. Brush your teeth! Haylie Lueken Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Screen time Dear Editor, I wish people would not stay on their electronics so long. Your eyes will not feel good. You could even get blind. It also does not make you smarter. I hope that you don’t play games on your electronics so much either. Bye! Wait! Don’t forget to not play on your electronics so much. Carter Hasenour Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Sister’s recovery Dear Editor, I hope my sister’s mouth feels better. Then a dentist would not have to do all the work. My sister tripped over a bag and hit something hard on the fireplace. Now we have a lot of money for the next dental visit. A tooth popped out and it ripped her gum. I hope her mouth feels better soon. Ava Sander Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Douse the flames Dear Editor, Wildfires are bad. They can destroy homes and animal’s habitats. They can also damage cars. Wildfires can start burning because it gets hot outside. People can get hurt and some people have died from wildfires. Wildfires can travel up to 14 miles an hour. 72,400 wildfires cleared an average of 7 million acres of U.S. land. To keep the fires from spreading call your fire department as soon as possible. We could install sprinklers and fire hydrants every hundred feet along the road. We could also put them in front of houses. Another option is to have more fire departments. Tyler Knebel Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Shorter days Dear Editor, My topic is going to be about shorter, four hour, school days. School days are really long this time of the year. They are super duper harsh! At school we do not get enough playtime. We have too much education. We take too many tests. We also take Benchmark assessments. We have other End-of-the-Year standardized tests. The time at school should be from 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Then we do not have to get up so early. A school day with four hours could look like one hour of reading, one hour of math, one hour of writing and one hour of science and social studies. Heidi Jeffries Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Don’t smoke Dear Editor, Smoking is harmful when you do it. It contains nicotine that can be addictive. When you smoke you damage your lungs. It can also cause lung cancer. Smoking should not be allowed anymore. American smokers spend over $80 billion in a year on cigarettes. The amount of money spent on cigarettes in the world is over $1 trillion. A smoker alone can spend $4,000 or $5,000 a year. Smokers smoking in the same room with other people can make them sick. Smoking can be a serious issue. That’s why smoking is bad. Meadow Schroering Grade 4, Celestine Elementary





Abortion not right Dear Editor, I am writing because I do not feel abortion is right. I feel that kids should have a chance to live and have a good loving families. I feel very strongly about this because even if you don’t want the baby they can still have a good family. They would love to have a chance. They would love to have a family. There are many families wanting to adopt. I would like it if all kids got the chance to live and have a good family like me. Eliana O’Brian Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Dirt bike dealership Dear Editor, I think that here should be a dirt bike dealership in Dubois because I don’t like to have to drive an hour to get to the place. I also think we should have one because then I would not have to search online I could see it in person. I could test drive the dirt bike. Also I could meet the owner and see if he has anything else that I am interested in. I wouldn’t have to shop for parts online either. If I go to a store I could also get some advice from the owner. Gabe Neukam Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Distracted housing Dear Editor, I am writing because there are too many people on their phones while driving. I feel very strongly about this because a lot of people are getting in car wrecks. I would like it if you can make a phone that power off if you’re in a car. Parker Coultas Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Rundown houses Dear Editor, I am writing, because I don’t like it when people let their houses get ruindown or nasty. I don’t like seeing houses like that. It annoys me a lot. I feel very strongly about this, because even if most of the houses look good, one nasty house can make the town look old or nasty. An excellent example is that at the entrance to Dubois there were two trailers that were ruindown. It didn’t make much of a warm welcome, thankfully someone bought them and the land. They got rid of the trailers and gave the land to Dubois Ruritan Park. I think the park is going to put a welcome sign. I would like it if people could take care of their houses or if their house is nasty or ruindown they could try and clean it up. This will help make your town look better. Grace Dooley Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Underage drinking Dear Editor, I am writing, because I think underage drinking is bad. I feel very strongly about this because I feel like it could hurt people very badly. I also think that it is bad because underage drinking could cause people to hurt others. Another reason is that people who drink when they are underage can become addicted to the drugs they are drinking, and it could end up badly for them later in their life. It could change a person’s life in a way it shouldn’t. Underage drinking could cause people to do think that they do not mean to do. I think that people who work in a drugstore should have a way to figure out if people are trying to buy drugs with a fake identity. These are the reasons that I think underage drinking is bad. Katlyn Johnson Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Start time Dear Editor, Do you think school starts too early for middle and high school? Today in class our teacher asked us that question. I don’t think so, but my friend think just the opposite. Half of our class said yes they think school starts too early, but the other half of the class said school starts at a perfect time. We had a little class debate, even one of the eighth graders got in on it. She was on our


side, and she gave some good examples. The yes side state, and said “If school starts later you would get in your upstairs brain, and you would get more work done, or better grades on tests.” But then the opposing side said, “But if school starts later you will just sleep in. For example, now school starts at 8:00 and you go to bet at like 9 or 10:00 and wake up at like 6:00, but if school starts at 10:00 you will probably go to bed at 11 or 12:00 and wake up at like 8:00. So you will be getting the same amount of sleep.” Now it was their turn, they did not really have anything to say. We gave a lot more examples, and our teacher was proud. Our class had a really good debate, and we had fun with this project, and hope to do it again sometime. Anna Miley Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Looking forward Dear Editor, I wanted to talk about what I am looking forward to for the next couple of years. First I can’t wait because our school is going to change, by that I mean that next year I’m going into Jr. High. Also my family takes 1 big trip somewhere in the summer. Last year, we went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Now this year we are going to Florida, also, my sister is graduating this year. I will miss her the most, that is why this Lent, I will spend time with her as something extra I’m doing. Also I’m kind of looking forward to going to college. This is because I was at Purdue and we saw Starship delivery robots all around campus. I think I’m going to be one person who either operates them or programs them. Also that when I get to college I can’t wait for trips that you can take for classes. I think that when I grow up I want to be either a livestock farmer or an engineer, or maybe a pilot but I still have to get more details. Andrew Merkley Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Zoos bring people Dear Editor, I would really like a zoo in Dubois, IN. I think that having a zoo would bring in a lot of people from all over Indiana. The zoo would probably be a big hit. The reason is because schools could take field trips there. It could also have a learning center for kids who want to be a zoologist. The high school kids could also go there to learn. I think that it could be a very good kiea to bring in schools all over Indiana for field trips. They could also do fundraisers to help the school; in addition, also to help families in need over some of the holiday seasons. This could really benefit our town in a good way. The reason I want a zoo is because I really like animals and I expecaily like giraffes. I believe that this could be a great idea and help the community a whole bunch. Laura Goller Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Many things missed Dear Editor, I am writing because we are having changes at our school and we have to move up to the high school. Our 7th grade class has already missed many things like when we were in 4th grade all the other classes went to Elnora, on a field trip. Now we’re probably also not having 8th grade graduation like all the other classes before us. I would like it if they could wait to move us up another year so we don’t have to skip something else in our childhood. Ashtyn Eichmiller Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Eat healthy Dear Editor, I am writing this because I think everyone should eat healthy. There are may benefits of healthy eating; weight loss, reduces cancer risk, stroke prevention, and strong bones and teeth. If you don’t eat healthy you can have high blood pressure and be tired. I believe that everyone should eat healthy because when you eat healthy you are more active and can do more things. Some examples of healthy foods; whole eggs, salmon, chicken, boiled potatoes, tuna, and beans. You can change your eating habits by not eating a lot at meals and eat more times a day. It is good to do this because if you eat a

lot at one time and not eat anymore it is bad because your stomach gets stretched out and you are hungry. Hannah Bachman Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Poaching a problem Dear Editor, I believe that poaching is a real problem in our state. Poaching can do all types of things to our environment, like putting the ecosystem out of balance. It can also make populations of deer, squirrels, turkeys, and others decline rapidly. When prey populations drop, the predator populations also drop, because food for the predators is harder to get. Overall, peaching is a very destructive thing. Landon Beck Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Mental health Dear Editor, Have you ever suffered from mental health? Mental health illnesses is a big issue for school aged kids. It could be because of homework, sports, or other people’s expectations. There are many ways we can fix this. Teachers could cut out homework, sports practices could be managed to a few days a week. Homework and sports practices take a lot of time. Homework is a major part of stress in kids’ lives, and stress can lead to bigger things like anxiety and depression. Sports and homework together can take up more time in a week than a normal school day. Imagine you get home from a hard practice you do your homework, your chores, and take a shower. What time is it then? It’s already time for bed. There are many more ways to help with mental health concerns. You could go to counseling, or the doctor. I believe that if people in the community worked together we could work toward a life that has less anxiety, depression, or stress. Emma Mitchell Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Bankrupt farms Dear Editor, I want to write to you about farms going bankrupt. These days whenever you want to buy a new tractor it is approximately 300,000 thousand dollars but in the olden day tractors were only approximately 50,000 to 75,000 dollars and that is causing farms to go bankrupt. I also think that farmers should be the ones that get a discount on anything because they are the ones who feed the world but no one ever says thank you to farmers. Next the seed corn to plant the fields is so high not very many people can afford to pay so then they have to sell some of their land. I also think that tractor parts shouldn’t be that high because most farmers have about an 500 to 800 acre farm just to survive themselves but when their tractor breaks down just like a few parts are like 500 dollars and I think farmers should bet a good discount wherever they go. Lastly, I think that if people came from the cities they wouldn’t know how to run any equipment and they would say we work too hard because they are just used to playing video games and not working. Trace Buechler Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Being a teenager Dear Editor, My name in Savannah McIntosh and I’m in the 8th grade at NDMS. Sometimes I get anxious, but that’s normal for 8th grades I guess. When you’re 13 there’s this pressure put onto you to be cool and to be either extremely nice or to be a bully. There’s no real reason for this, just you feel like everyone around you is judging your every move, and you feel like if your are not popular you’ll get bullied. Which shouldn’t be true, but at bigger school it is. I’m lucky enough to have one through Dubois during my middle school years because people don’t really get bullied; everyone know everyone her in Dubois. No matter what’s going on at your house you’re expected to be a good student, a nice classmate, and a respectful person. If you had a bad night then you just have to forget about it; even if it was really band, and if you cry about it then either people will laugh and ridicule you or they will be really empathetic towards you. Sometimes the empathetic path helps, but usually those

things make it worse. I have one question though. Why don’t we be kind to everyone and figure out how to solve our problems and work together. Savannah McIntosh Grade 8, Dubois Middle School

Get a pet Dear Editor, I think everyone should have a pet. The reason for this is to keep you active. Some people argue that it’s too expensive and too much work. Some people even say well I’m allergic to dogs and cats, “say get a goat or a pot belly pig.” Pets are not just dogs and cats. Animals help kids build responsibility and give them a friend. It builds responsibility because you have to feed it and take it to the bathroom. Some people have goats and horses as pets. The other reason I think people should have an animal is it improves your overall health. Animals keep you active so if you are old and have nothing to do you can go out and walk with your animal. No matter what age you may be, a pet can be for you. Lorelei Poppe Grade 8, Dubois Middle School

Shootings Dear Editor, I am writing to you in regards to shootings. This is the reason we need to stop selling AR’s and ak’s to the general public. The only people that need a sub machine gun are the services like military and those services the police do no need more than a twelve guage shotgun and a S&W forty caliber semi auto pistol and a taser. That is all you should need. If you need twenty round to do your job in the middle of nothing you do not need a gun in the first place so therefore we should do away with all the twenty thirty round clips and up. The most ammo you need is ten shells. If we do away with all those clips there would not be enough bullets to kill thirty to forty people. I think that all you need is one shot. If our gun laws weren’t as strict as they are I do not think that shootings would be as band as they are. If women and men would stay together and people would learn to keep their noses in their own business, things would improve as well. Dusty Hopper Grade 8, Dubois Middle School

Tourneys for girls Dear Editor, I am an eighth grader rom Northeast Dubois Middle School. I have played basketball since I was in third grade. It is my favorite sport since I could remember, but one thing that I wish would change is that the girls basketball teams would get more tourneys. Last year in seventh grade my team and I were going to have a tourney; it got canceled. Once your get in eighth grade you have Blue Chip. Blue Chip was the final game of our season, and after that we had no other tourneys. I really think that girls should have as many tourneys as boys teams do. In all my basketball seasons I’ve played I’ve never played in a tourney. I love playing basketball, but if we had tourneys our seasons would last longer. If girls can’t play as many tourney as boys do, just playing more season games would be would be fine. Every year girls don’t have many games or tourneys, but I think that it would be possible to schedule more games. Ever since I could remember boys have always had longer season in every sport; furthermore, the boys get way more tourneys. I would love to get the chance for the girls to have just as long as sports seasons, and as many tourney as boys do. If you really think about it, there’s about four games in two tourneys. If you add two tourneys at the end of every season for every season you play that’s a half a season added. Adding tourneys to our season would make our season just as long as other teams; it adds more practice for us to get better, stronger, and more confident in how we play. If girls start playing basketball in third grade all the way to their eighth grade season, and have tourney that’s nearly 2 seasons added in only 6 seasons of playing. As you can see, adding more tourneys to girls basketball is giving us more playing time, more experience, and increases our chances for success in high school. Macey Harrison Grade 8, Dubois Middle School





I love cats Dear Editor, My favorite animl is a cat. Then are cute. Then are plafl. Then are loveing. I love cat bekus my cat is loveing. Josie Hill Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Should go to school Dear Editor, You shod go to skool becus it helps you git smart and lorn math and mor. You shod go to skool becus you ned to be smart. You shod go to skool becus your mom and dad and your tetchers wont you to be smatar. Thas is why you shod have mor hom work and to go to skool. Kinley Christmas Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Food at lunch Dear Editor, That kids dont haf to get the food at lunch if they dont want to. I ushuley dont eat it all. So kids dont waste food. So kids dont eat one or two things. This is why I think we dont haf to get food we wont eat. Rylee Nelson Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

My favorite teacher Dear Editor, My favorite techr is Mrs. Hoffman. She helps me lrne. She is the best techr. You are the best techr. She is a bluifol techr. Alayah Willis Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

My favorite Dear Editor, My favorite techr is Mrs. hoffman. She is my favorte techr. I like her b/c she is my favorite techr. Mrs. hoffmanis my favorite. I love Mrs. hoffman. Cheyenne Doades Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy


Dogs are cute Dear Editor, My favorite animal is a dog. I love dogs b/c they are cute. I love dogs b/c they are playfle. I love dogs b/c they are rascl. This is why we shold have dogs. Addyson Mann Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Vanilla is best Dear Editor, My favorite ice cream is vnelu. Vnelu ice cream is the best b/c it tacis the best. Vnelu ice cream is the best b/c they put gummi bares on it. Vnelu ice cream is the best b/c they put wiptcream on it. That is why i like vnelu ice cream the best. Bristal Grubb Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Mrs. Hoffman is great Dear Editor, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hoffman. I think that she is cute. I think that she is the best. I think that she is prite. I think that she is the grateest teacher. Logan Norman Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Green beans taste bad

ite flower is a tulup becuse the color. My favorite flower is a tuilup becuse the shape. My favorite flower is a tulup becuse ther flowers. Tuilups are bluiidfl. Carli Foster Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Chicken is best food Dear Editor, I thenk cikin is the best food ever. I thenk chikin is the best food b/c is good. I thenk chinkin is good b/c I eat it eveyday. I thenk cikin is the best food ever b/c I see it evey day. Phoebe Simmons Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Chocolate Dear Editor, The school pos to be chinch. It macke chulor orang go up or yellow. Green sae the same. Blue purple or pink is down. My favrit iskem is chokit. Lucian Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

best food. I love brockoly b/c it’s very very good. Olivia Baxter Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Colts Dear Editor, More spors at school. To make you beter. Colts aer the best. The colts aer so so so so so so so so good. I thank the colts aer the best in the wrld. Mason Jackson Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Football is exercise Dear Editor, My favorite sport is futboll. When evor you run you get exarsis. It is kind of like catch. Some tims you get water. It’s like risling. It is kind of like bosball. Richard Colegrove Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

I love Minecraft

Dear Editor, My favorite food is brockoly. Brockoly is good. Brockoly is helthy. Brockoly is the

Dear Editor, Mincraft. It havs bogs in it. It havs cats in it. It havs pigs in it. I thik thta mincraft is the best game. Easton Smith Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

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Broccoli is good

Dear Editor, The worst veglbl is greenbeens. Greenbeens tast bad. Greenbeens are round. Theis is why greenbeens I do not like greenbeens. Samuel Kendall Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Pink Dear Editor, My favorite color is pink. It is on my coat. It is on my toy. It is on makeup. It is on my bed. It is on my boll. Jocilyn Woolsey Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Tulips are beautiful Dear Editor, My favorite flower is a tuilup. My favor-

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