2020 Best Of Dubois County

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readers choice awards 91,000 nominations made! 200,000 votes cast! Here are the winners!

We Salute The Best of Dubois County

Only the Best for The Best

D ubo is C o unty is ho m e to c o untless w o nd erful peo ple a nd businesses w ho prid e them selves o n being the bestthey c a n. T ho se w ho live here, a nd theirpa ssio n fo rtheirho m eto w n fa vo rites, m a d e T he Besto fD ubo is C o unty a reflec tio n o ftha tprid e. T he Hera ld w o uld like to tha nk a ll w ho m a d e this sec o nd ed itio n po ssible by no m ina ting a nd vo ting fo rtheir fa vo rites, a nd the ind ivid ua ls, o rga niza tio ns a nd businesses w ho pa rtic ipa ted by tha nking tho se w ho vo ted fo rT he Besto fD ubo is C o unty 2 02 0.

Congratulations to The Best and Among The Best in more than 130 categories!

W e c o u ld n ’t ha ve d o n e it w itho u t yo u ! The Hera ld ’s first-ever Best o f D u b o is Co u n ty m a g a zin e w a s rec en tly ju d g ed the b est n ew id ea in the la rg e d a ily n ew spa per d ivisio n d u rin g the Ho o sier Sta te P ress Asso c ia tio n ’s a n n u a l a d vertisin g c o n test. Tha n k yo u D u b o is Co u n ty fo r yo u r pa rtic ipa tio n a n d su ppo rt. Yo u ’re The Best!

P ro ud ly S erving D ubo is C o unty fo r 12 5 Yea rs

• P rin t • O n lin e • M obile

2020 the Best of Dubois County

From the Publisher In 2019, we launched the county’s first Readers Choice awards with the Best Of Dubois County contest. Now in our second year, the contest continues to grow in nearly every way. One of the most apparent ways this year’s contest grew was through the addition of more than 30 categories to better reflect the wide variety of goods and services that are offered in our county every day. We also added a Family & Fun section that included entertaining categories like Best Town Festival, Best School Spirit and Best Place for Family Fun. While the categories grew significantly, the overall format of the contest remained the same — first, readers made nominations for the businesses and people that they thought were most worthy of the “Best Of” title in each category. Decisions were tough though, as each reader could only nominate once per category. Then, those nominations were tabulated (more than 91,000 in total) and the top five businesses and people in each category were placed on a final ballot. Again, we asked our readers to voice their opinion through our digital ballot box on our website (a printed ballot was also included in The Herald during the open voting period). And again we limited each participant to one vote per category. When it was all said and done, more than 200,000 votes were cast in more than 130 different categories that ranged from Automotive to Shopping to Health to Professional Services. The results of that nomination and voting process is what you will find on the following pages. This magazine will be delivered to thousands of Herald subscribers. It will also be shared with highly trafficked tourism areas in Dubois County and beyond and of course a digital version will be shared far and wide as well. Let me be the first to say, congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who participated! Sincerely, Justin Rumbach Publisher

index Automotive .......................................................... 07 Family & fun ......................................................... 11 Food & Drink ......................................................... 14 Health & Beauty ................................................ 21 Kids & Pets ............................................................ 31 Local People ....................................................... 34 Professional services ................................... 38 Shopping ................................................................ 53 n


Magazine Staff Publisher Justin Rumbach Managing Editor Lynn Adams Advertising Brenda Adams Ashton Buechlein Brian Shaw Graphics Julie Hanebutt Rhonda Helming The Herald 216 E. Fourth Street Jasper, IN 47546 812.482.2424 BestOf@dcherald.com

Find the contest online at:


the herald

automotive Best Auto body shop

Best oil change

WINNER: Berg’s Garage 2nd: Uebelhor Collision Center 3rd: Bob Luegers Motors

WINNER: Dubois County Tire & Supply 2nd: Citgo Quick Lube 3rd: Bob Luegers Service

Best auto mechanic shop

Best place to buy new car

WINNER: Berg’s Garage 2nd: Uebelhor Toyota 3rd: Dubois County Tire & Supply

WINNER: Uebelhor Toyota 2nd: Bob Luegers Motors 3rd: Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet

Best auto parts store

Best place to buy tires

WINNER: Kitten Automotive 2nd: Autozone Auto Parts 3rd: Toys Auto Parts

WINNER: Dubois County Tire & Supply 2nd: Big O Tires 3rd: Leinenbach Tire Center

Best car wash/Detailing

Best place to buy used car

WINNER: Boehman’s Auto Detailing 2nd: B&M Auto Detailing 3rd: Bob Luegers Service

WINNER: Bob Luegers Motors 2nd: Uebelhor Toyota 3rd: Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet



WINNER: Hopf Equipment 2nd: Blesch Brothers Equipment 3rd: Rural King

WINNER: Woody Fischer - Bob Luegers 2nd: Cory Oser - Uebelhor Toyota 3rd: Brandon Frick - Ruxer Ford




BEST Place to buy new car Uebelhor and Sons founder, Theodore (Ted) Uebelhor, center in photo, grew up helping customers while working at the H.M. Uebelhor General Store in St. Henry, IN. In the mid 1920’s, he began selling cars and trucks for the Holder Company. In 1929, Ted had an opportunity to purchase the Chevrolet dealership in St. Meinrad, IN., which he operated until 1942, when he and John Struckman purchased the Chevrolet dealership in Jasper, IN. The two partners added the Oldsmobile brand in 1947, and Cadillac in 1949. Ted’s son, Paul, purchased Mr. Struckman’s ownership in 1962, making Uebelhor and Sons Motor Co. a family affair. After Ted passed away in 1977, Paul carried the Uebelhor tradition into the 2nd generation. Two of Paul’s sons, Tony and Chris, joined the organization full time in 1983. In the years that followed, the Uebelhor’s added Toyota in 1989, Scion in 2005, and GMC-Cadillac, in Vincennes, IN, in 2006. Over 90 years later, the Uebelhor family is still taking care of the automotive needs of thousands of tri-state families! There are now four generations of customers sending their friends and family to Uehelhor and Sons!

“Where customers send their friends since 1929!”

Uebelhor & Sons

THANK YOU, DUBOIS COUNTY! O nce again Team U ebelhor w ould like to thank the citizens of Dubois C ounty and our custom ers for voting for us B est P lace to B uy a New C ar and five other autom otive categories! Y ou are the B est! Congratulations to allarea businesses and individuals voted best and am ong the best!

Best Place to Buy a New Car!

1 Place to Buy a New Car U ebelhor Toyota


2 Auto Body Shop

U ebelhor C ollision C enter

2 Auto Mechanic Shop


U ebelhor Toyota

2 Place to Buy a Used Car U ebelhor Toyota


3 Place to Buy a New Car


3 Place to Buy a Used Car

U ebelhor C hevrolet-C adillac

Left to right: C orey O ser, C hris W right, C hris A ders, Shirley Russell, Jud G oodness, DanielBuechlein, A ustin Doersam , Jeannie Schepers, John Hunt, Danny C oultas and M ike Burton. N ot pictured: DanielW alker, Dean Englert, C hris Underw ood, Nick Trevino, Patrick Uebelhor and Nancy W ilson.







8 12 -4 8 2 -2 2 2 2

U ebelhor C hevrolet-C adillac

u eb elho r.c o m

Ja s per, IN

the herald

Thank You Dubois County We’re proud to have been voted Best Auto Parts Store!

Countless Thanks! We Appreciate All The Votes.

We Are Proud To Serve This Community.

KITTEN AUTOMOTIVE INC. 1015 Main Street, Ferdinand, IN 812-367-2100

Hwy. 161 South, Holland, IN 812-536-3486 www. BLESCHBROS .com

For V otin g Us The Be s t A uto M e c ha n ic S hop & The Be s t A uto Bod y S hop In Dub ois Coun ty G e n e ra l A utom otive Re pa ir Collis ion Ce n te r 24 H our W re c ke r S e rvic e A A A Con tra c tor W e S e ll Q ua lity U s e d Ca rs & Truc ks

3rd G e n e ra tion Bus in e s s S in c e 1948

B erg's G a ra ge 4760 E . S t. R d. 64,S t. A ntho ny,IN


Thank You for choosing us

#1 Place to Buy Tires #1 Best O ilC hange and #2 A uto M echanic Shop W e appreciate your vote and your confidence!

2 12 4 N ew to n Street, Ja s per•8 12 -4 8 2 -2 0 2 0 w w w .d ub ois c oun tytire .c om

family & Fun Best Church

Best place for family fun

WINNER: Redemption Christian Church 2nd: St. Joseph Catholic Church 3rd: St. Mary’s Catholic Church

WINNER: Dubois County Bombers games 2nd: Jasper Parklands 3rd: Eastown Recreation Center

Best Civic Organization

Best Place to spend Saturday night

WINNER: Teen Outback 2nd: Mentors For Youth 3rd: Dubois County YoungLife

WINNER: Showplace Jasper 8 2nd: Snaps 3rd: Gaslight Restaurant

Best Golf Course

Best Reception Venue

WINNER: Sultan’s Run 2nd: Huntingburg Country Club 3rd: Buffalo Trace Golf Course

WINNER: Venue 1408 2nd: Ferdinand Community Center 3rd: Huntingburg Event Center

Best Hotel

Best School SPirit

WINNER: Hampton Inn 2nd: Fairfield Inn & Suites 3rd: Holiday Inn & Express

WINNER: Jasper High School 2nd: Forest Park High School 3rd: Southridge High School

Best local Musician/Band

Best Town Festival

WINNER: Debbie Schuetter 2nd: Eighty Sixt 3rd: Studebaker

WINNER: Jasper Strassenfest 2nd: Huntingburg Herbstfest 3rd: Ferdinand Folk Fest




BEST Place to spend Saturday night Showplace Cinemas first began its mission to entertain with a little twin theater in Evansville, Indiana way back in 1973. It has since grown to nine complexes with 86 screens in Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois! Over all that time, we have always been proud to be a locally owned and operated family business! In 1981, Showplace Cinemas built the Jasper theater as a triple auditorium complex. Eventually, the theater was sold to another company. But recently, a local investor sold it back to the Showplace Cinemas family and we are once again excited to serve the Jasper area for many years to come! Showplace is making a commitment to the Jasper area by installing new, luxury recliners in all of its auditoriums. A remodel of the lobby, box office and concession areas has also taken place. We’ve also added some delicious new items to be enjoyed at the concession stand and have update the signage, lighting and lobby displays. Patrons are sure to love our new website (ShowplaceCinemas.com) as well as our new, user-friendly mobile app! Join our Showplace Rewards Club and enjoy $5 films all day on Tuesdays!

“Showplace Cinemas strives to make every visit an enjoyable one. We strive for top customer service, quality concessions and flawless presentations in a family-friendly environment!”

Showplace Jasper 8 256 brucke strasse • showplacecinemas.com

256 Brucke Strasse, Jasper, IN

Theater managers Brad Craig & Susan Sanders are excited to show you the newly renovated Showplace Jasper 8!

Thanks for voting us the Best Place to Spend a Saturday Night!

Entertainment for the Whole Family! *New Luxury RECLINERS in ALL Auditoriums! *Newly Remodeled Lobby & Concession Area *New Fresh & Tasty Concession Offerings *New Digital Signage *New Brighter Auditorium Screens *Indiana Family Owned & Operated *Every Tuesday - $5.00 ALL SEATS-ALL DAY! *Download Showplace Cinemas new convenient mobile app *Rewards Club- sign up NOW to Earn Free Tickets & Concessions n


www.showplacecinemas.com the herald

D ubois C ounty


"A t League Stadium - H untingburg"

We wish to extend a big thank you to everyone in the community who voted for the Hampton Inn and to the employees who strive to make it the BEST!



V is it: DCBom b e rs .c om for S c he d ule 355 3rd A ve.in Ja sper

For voting us one of the BEST places for family fun! s rtie a P d a y ht O ut h t r g Bi s N i ht O ut l r i g G s N i y u G

1370 Cros s roa d s A ve . Ja s pe r, IN 812-481-2695 w w w .e a s tow n re c .c om

Food & Drink Best All-around Restaurant

Best breakfast

WINNER: Mama T’s Italian Steakhouse 2nd: Arnie’s Tavern 3rd: The Mill House Restaurant

WINNER: Azura Grill & Café 2nd: Deb’s Truck Stop 3rd: Brew

Best Area Brewery

Best Caterer

WINNER: St. Benedict’s Brew Works 2nd: Schnitz Pub 3rd: Basket Case Brewing Company

WINNER: Sander Catering 2nd: Catering by Meyer 3rd: The Mill House Restaurant

Best Area Winery

Best Cheeseburger

WINNER: Patoka Lake Winery 2nd: French Lick Winery 3rd: Monkey Hollow Winery

WINNER: Brew 2nd: Arnie’s Tavern 3rd: Old School Café & Bakery

Best bakery

Best Chinese Food WINNER: China Garden 2nd: China’s Best 3rd: Great Wall

WINNER: Midwest Café & Market 2nd: Mad Batter 3rd: Main’s Bakery

Best bar for cocktails


Best Bar for sports

Best Chicken Hearts/Livers

WINNER: Snaps 2nd: Headquarters 3rd: Fleig’s Cafe

WINNER: Buffalo Wings & Rings 2nd: Gaslight Restaurant 3rd: Kelley’s Restaurant & Bar

WINNER: Arnie’s Tavern 2nd: Chicken Place 3rd: Fleig’s Café

Best bar for coldest beer

Best bartenders

Best Coffee

WINNER: Arnie’s Tavern 2nd: Headquarters 3rd: Snaps

WINNER: Snaps 2nd: Headquarters 3rd: Arnie’s Tavern

WINNER: Kim’s Koffee 2nd: Smalley Coffee 3rd: Midwest Café & Market

Best bar for craft beer

Best bbq

Best Desserts

WINNER: St. Benedict’s Brew Works 2nd: Snaps 3rd: Schnitz Pub

WINNER: Jasper Pub ‘N’ Grub 2nd: Arnie’s Tavern 3rd: Market Street Barbecue

WINNER: Dairy Queen (Jasper) 2nd: Mama T’s Italian Steakhouse 3rd: Mad Batter

Best bar for live music

Best breaded tenderloin

Best Fast Food Restaurant

WINNER: Gaslight Restaurant 2nd: Snaps 3rd: Woopenheimer’s Bar and Grill

WINNER: Arnie’s Tavern 2nd: YMI Club 3rd: The Mill House Restaurant


WINNER: Arby’s 2nd: Jimmy John’s 3rd: Windmill Chill

the herald

Best French Fries

Best ice cream

Best pizza

WINNER: Brew 2nd: McDonald’s (Jasper northside) 3rd: Arnie’s Tavern

WINNER: Birdseye Dairy Barn 2nd: Dairy Queen (Jasper) 3rd: Windmill Chill

WINNER: Gaslight Restaurant 2nd: Kelley’s Restaurant & Bar 3rd: Ron’s Place

Best Fried Chicken

Best margarita

Best plate lunches

WINNER: Chicken Place 2nd: Arnie’s Tavern 3rd: The Schnitzelbank Restaurant

WINNER: Los Bravos 2nd: Mi Jalisco 3rd: Agaves Mexican Grill

WINNER: Arnie’s Tavern 2nd: Headquarters 3rd: The Schnitzelbank Restaurant

Best healthy menu

Best mexican food

Best steaks

WINNER: Midwest Café 2nd: Fueled Strength Meals 3rd: Grounded

WINNER: Los Bravos 2nd: Mi Jalisco 3rd: Agaves Mexican Grill

WINNER: Mama T’s Italian Steakhouse 2nd: Butchie’s 3rd: Snaps

Craft Beer…At Its Best! Thanks to all who Voted for us…

Dubois County!

Best Mexican Food!

St. Benedict's Brew Works Second Straight Year Voted Best Area Brewery and Craft Beer!

Coming to Jasper's River Centre Summer 2020!!

Catering Available 198 S. Newton Street, Jasper LosBravosMexi.com 812-499-2095 • 812-457-5287

Pray Work Brew 860 E. 10th Street Ferdinand, IN 812-998-2337 Thu

rs & F

ri 5-10pm •



Sat 10am-10pm • Sun No

Best Margarita!

Thank You! • • • •


Thank you for voting for us!

328 4th Street, Huntingburg 812-683-3669

w w w .gaslightpizza.co m

607 W . 6TH S t., Ja s pe r, IN 812-556-0185 Ca ll for L oc a l De live ry!

for Voting Dairy Queen the BEST Desserts and Among the Best Ice Cream in Dubois County! • • • •


606 W 6th Street, Jasper, IN 47546


BEST coffee Bucket list checked for Kim’s Koffee! When Kim Kerr arrived in Huntingburg in July of 2017, she quickly discovered she wasn’t in Minneapolis anymore. Overall, her new home checked a lot of boxes but getting her fix of her favorite java addiction was a challenge! Within two weeks of arriving, she found herself in a battle that landed her in the hospital for the bulk of the year. As she rested and waited to come home in November after multiple surgeries, a real-estate listing caught her eye. An icon on Fourth Street was up for sale. It didn’t take long to decide to go for it! Our location at 410 E. Fourth Street became a Christmas present/Welcome Home present and the dream was set in motion. Kim had always wanted a shop to call her own. Coffee was a passion so we teamed up with the folks at Crimson Cup in Ohio and started the journey. Over the next two years, we ripped the space down to the bones and started over. All the things we complained about at other shops over the years — electrical plug-ins, phone chargers, comfy seats, a relaxing atmosphere — were all on the to-do list. With her guiding eye for fashion and a knack for “knowing what goes together,” we embarked on shopping, building and building her dream. The day finally arrived in October 2019 when Kim’s Koffee officially opened the doors and started serving the community. With her daughter Ashlie manning the ship on a day to day basis, we have a coffee shop and gathering place on Fourth Street that we are proud of and so thankful that the community has supported us on our Bucket List Journey! We are here to satisfy your coffee, tea, smoothie and snack demands. After a few questions from your favorite barista, they will make you one of the menu favorites or custom make a flavor to hit the right spot! We continue to grow, learn and adjust to meet your needs! Get 10% off your order with your band card and first responders get 25% off everyday! Thank you for voting us your #1 Coffee Destination for 2020!

Kim’s KoffeE

410 E. Fourth St., Huntingburg • 812-684-8079 • kimskoffee.com

$1 duboiscountyherald.com

e! t a r b e l ce o t e m i T

! e e f f o c y n a f of *Coupon good through 12/31/2020



Thank You, Dubois County! For voting

1408 N.M ain,Huntingburg • 812-878-1408

Best Reception Venue and Kim Aull Among the Best Boss

Thanks also for voting . . .

1340 M illStreet,Jasper •812-482-4345

•Among the Best All-Around Restaurant •Among the Best Breaded Tenderloin •Among the Best Caterer

Thanks to the best customers and staff We've been voted:

#1 ALL-AROUND RESTAURANT #1 STEAK #2 DESSERTS 812-684-0126 320 E 4th Street, Huntingburg, IN

Thanks for Votin g BEST P Among the Us IZZA & in Dubois SPORTS BA R County!

Kelley ’ s RESTAURAN T & BAR

6762 E.Hw y.164,Celestine,IN

Hom em ade Pizza, Strom bolis,Steak, Seafood,Chicken & Hom em ade Dressing

Thank you for voting us #1 for the Best Fried Chicken in Dubois County! And #2 for Hearts & Livers

The history of the Chicken Place is in the food! Made from recipes handed down from generation to generation, it is sure to satisfy.

FullM enu Daily – Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

8 1 2 -6 3 4 -1 3 2 3

Open M onday-Saturday at 8 am ,Sunday at N oon

Ire la n d , IN H w y 56, 4 m ile s w e s t ofJa s pe r


for voting us among the best! We’re so pleased our Breaded Tenderloin is a favorite in Dubois County! We’d love to see you soon. Open for Carryout 3-9 PM Mon.-Sat. Dining Room Open Every Friday & Saturday Evening

Huntingburg YMI 421 N VanBuren Street 812-683-2497 www.YMIClub.com

W elcom e

for Voting Us Best Tenderloin, Hearts & Livers, Plate Lunches & Coldest Beer in Dubois County! And we're proud to be Voted #2 in Best BBQ, Fried Chicken, & Cheeseburger. #3 for the Best Bartenders & French Fries! FAMILY DINING • FRIENDLY BAR 4469 S Ohio Street St. Anthony, IN


G AR D A N I nes e R es ta ur EN H a nt C C hi Ferdinand,IN

For voting us the BEST #1 Chinese Restaurant in Dubois County! 75 Ind u s tria l Pa rk R d . Ste. B Ferd ina nd , IN 4 75 3 2

8 12 -3 6 7-8 2 0 0

w w w .c hina ga rd enferd ina nd .c o m

W ith M a rketing P a cka ges S ta rting a t $ Per


Month R ea ching 278,000 P otentia l C us tom ers

Call 812-482-2424 or email ads@dcherald.com today!

Health & Beauty Best Barbershop

Best personal trainer

WINNER: Greg’s Barbershop 2nd: La Frontera 3rd: Maxey’s Barbershop

WINNER: Jenny Hilsmeyer, Tri-County YMCA

2nd: Dustin Bradley, B&B Fitness 3rd: Josh Beck, Anytime Fitness

Best Chiropractor OFFICE

Best Pharmacy

WINNER: Harmon Family Chiropractic 2nd: Brosmer Chiropractic 3rd: All In One Chiropractic

WINNER: CVS (Jasper) 2nd: Sheldon’s Express (Jasper) 3rd: Sheldon’s Express (Huntingburg)

Best DentAl office

Best Podiatrist

WINNER: Schwenk Family Dentistry 2nd: Wagner Family Dentistry 3rd: Harmon Dental

WINNER: Timothy Barry, DPM 2nd: Michael Nunamaker, DPM 3rd: Andrew J. Rader, DPM

Best family doctor

Best place for kids haircut WINNER: Jagged Edge 2nd: Southern Roots Salon 3rd: The Beauty Bar of Jasper

WINNER: Dean E. Beckman, MD 2nd: Douglas Bies, MD 3rd: Jessica Zehr, FNP-C

Best mental health service

Best senior living facility

Best hair salon

Best nail salon

Best surgeon

WINNER: Southern Roots Salon 2nd: Jagged Edge 3rd: The Beauty Bar Jasper

WINNER: Illusions Nail-Hair-Massage 2nd: Le Nails 3rd: L.A. Nails and Spa

WINNER: Brian Woebkenberg, MD 2nd: Scott Beckman, MD 3rd: Daniel Eby, DO

Best hearing center

Best optometry office

Best tanning salon

WINNER: The Hearing Doctor 2nd: Bartley’s Hearing Aid Center 3rd: Tiffany McCandless (Memorial)

WINNER: Clay Street EyeCare 2nd: Professional Eyecare Associates 3rd: Gunderson Eyecare

WINNER: Sun Tan City 2nd: Cabana Tan 3rd: Susie’s Beauty Shoppe-Tanning

Best Massage Therapy

Best pediatrician

Best Yoga Studio

WINNER: Revive Body Works 2nd: Harmon Chiropractic Office 3rd: Illusion’s Nail-Hair-Massage

WINNER: Douglas Bies, MD 2nd: Michael Ruff, MD 3rd: Dean Beckman, MD

Best gym WINNER: Tri-County YMCA 2nd: B&B Fitness 3rd: Health Pointe


WINNER: Memorial Counseling Center WINNER: Scenic Hills at the Monastery 2nd: Good Samaritan - Northwood 2nd: LifeSpring Health Systems 3rd: St. Charles Health Campus 3rd: Creative Thoughts Counseling Center

WINNER: Yes Power Yoga 2nd: Fire Horse Yoga 3rd: Habig Community Center



Thank you for Voting Dr. Timothy Barry, DPM #1 Podiatrist in Dubois County 2 years in a row!

Dr. Timothy P. Barry, DPM Providing Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Care for the entire family. Concerned about your children's feet? Call for an evaluation - 812-481-7200 We are a kid friendly office!

Dr. Barry & his staff look forward to seeing you in their office. Podiatrists from Indianapolis providing expert care closer to you!

Dr. Patrick DeHeer, DPM Hoosier Foot & Ankle

Dr. Aaron Warnock, DPM Hoosier Foot & Ankle

695 W 2nd St., Suite C, Jasper, IN 812-481-7200

BEST chiropractor Drs. Sheila and Toby Harmon opened Harmon Family Chiropractic in September of 1998 in Jasper, Indiana. They continue to pursue their vision of a unique chiropractic wellness center that provides personalized service to all their patients from the doctors and staff. Each patient’s comprehensive health history, examination, and evaluation assist the doctors to thoroughly evaluate and understand your case. The doctors review past medical history and testing, conduct orthopedic tests, perform surface EMG and thermographic analysis, complete a physical and postural spinal evaluation, and if needed take digital x-rays in the office. The objective of the doctors and staff is to inform each patient about their unique health condition and their spinal health. Patients are educated in ways to improve their health and body through diet, exercise, and spinal care. As a result, patients become an active participant in their healthcare and wellness with chiropractic care. Our office is located at 2602 N. Newton Street in Jasper. Reach us by phone at 812-634-6363. You can also find us online at www.Harmon FamilyChiropractic.com or find us on Facebook by searching “Harmon Family Chiropractic.”

Harmon Family Chiropractic

Chriopractic care for all ages • Spinal decompression • Physiotherapy • Aqua massage hydrotherapy • Infrared sauna therapy • Infinity 3D massage chairs • Nutritional supplements • Custom foot orthotics

Thank you for voting us the #1 Chiropractors and Among the Best Massage Therapy Businesses in Dubois County!

Stephanie Kellems and Lisa Rasche

• Chiropractic care for all ages • Spinal Decompression • Physiotherapy treatments • Infrared Sauna Therapy • Infinity 3D Massage Chairs • Professional Nutritional Supplements • Custom Foot Orthotics


• Licensed massage therapists • Over 33 years combined experience • Specializing in Deep Tissue, Therapeutic, Relaxing and Prenatal massages • 30, 60, 90, and 120 minute sessions • State of the art elevation and pregnancy tables

w w w .H arm onF am ilyC hiropractic.com n


For V otin g U s The Be s t P ha rm a c y In Dub ois Coun ty 2 Ye a rs Run n in g!

Thank You!

617 W . 6th S t., Ja s pe r 812-482-3300

The staffatSchwenk Fam ily Dentistry love whatwe do,butwe cannotdo it withoutyou.Yourtrustin usallowsthe opportunity to alwaysdeliverourbestcare atevery opportunity. Iwantto take thisopportunity to passalong a heartfeltthank you. Thank you forvoting us #1 in DuboisC ounty!

1444 E xecutive B lvd. Ja sper,IN


BEST SEnior Living Facility Scenic Hills at the Monastery is honored to be voted the Best of Dubois County for Senior Living. We are excited to have made the move to our new home and are privileged to be caring for so many wonderful seniors in our area. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch senior services to our residents. Our Community offers Short-Term Care services as well as expert Skilled Nursing for those who need in-depth care each day. You can also expect exceptional Memory Care services delivered by knowledgeable and highly skilled team members. Each resident is given custom support specific to their needs to help them live their best days. Our incredible collection of classes and community outings help us do that. At Scenic Hills at the Monastery, we put our residents’ comfort and health above all else. We can truly say we are a campus “Where Family Comes to Live” and are “Compassionately Committed to Excellence in Customer Service!”

Scenic Hills at the Monastery 710 Sunrise Drive, Ferdinand, IN • 812-367-2299 www.facebook.com/ScenicHillsMonastery

W e offer: • A ssisted L iving • Short-T erm R ehab • M em ory C are • A ssisted L iving M em ory C are • L ong-T erm C are • R esp ite & A d ult D aycare • P hysical, hysical, O ccup ational and Sp eech T herap y




Jasper and Huntingburg

want to thank our many friends and customers who voted for us during the second Best of Dubois County! Serving you is our mission and “Hometown touch as soon as you need it� is our slogan. We are dedicated to serving you! 750 2nd Street,Jasper * 81 2-634-7379 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm Located N ext to H om etow n IG A

1 81 0 N M ain Street,H untingburg * 81 2-683-9600 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm Located N ext to Ace H ardw are

w w w .sheldo nsexpresspharm acy.co m

Thank you so much for voting us Best of Dubois County 2020! At Yes Power Yoga we offer: Power Vinyasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin, Variety of Yoga Workshops, 200hr Yoga Certification, Aerial Yoga, Barre & Private Classes. Be a Yes! Visit www.ypoweryoga.com and register for classes today!

417 E 4th Street Huntingburg, IN 812-582-9755


We are so grateful for this community!

BEST Surgeon Orthopaedic Surgery has been a fascination of mine since I was a little boy. I broke my right forearm in 1984 and Dr. Norris reduced it and treated me in a cast. In high school I worked on my dad’s small family farm and helped my uncles. Working for my family taught me the value of hard work and that working with my hands was rewarding. I graduated from Heritage Hills High School and after my dad threatened to make my college decision for me I found a great option in Wabash College. I would spend the next four years there as a biology major, classic humanities and German minor. I played football all four years and was in the FIJI fraternity. I knew from the moment I graduated from high school that I wanted to be an Orthopaedic Surgeon. I also wanted to come back and live close to where I was raised to raise my own family. During my four years at Indiana University School of Medicine I knew that I needed to shine to realize my dreams of becoming an orthopaedic surgeon. I was awarded a scholarship from the United States Army so I ultimately was accepted to Madigan Army Medical Center. I moved my family to Seattle-Tacoma and the next 5 years were spent there learning to become

Brian Woebkenberg, MD

an orthopaedic surgeon. Working 100 plus hour weeks were a part of life. During my training I took a lot of interest in orthopaedic sports injuries in particular the shoulder. We moved to Louisiana and spent the ensuing four years serving our country. During this time I deployed to Iraq and our youngest two children of five were born. Iraq was a unique experience not many surgeons are afforded. When my time in the military was coming to an end we naturally looked for opportunities in southern Indiana ultimately deciding on Jasper. Since returning home I have had the opportunity to take care of a lot of people in and around our community. I have been able to work with an excellent team, including the hospital and our office staff; but especially Dr.’s Blessinger and Norris. Having a supportive team at home including a very loving and supportive wife is also critical component of success. Taking care of people in Jasper has been a dream of mine since that broken forearm 36 years ago. — Dr. Brian Woebkenberg

Orthopaedic Clinic Orthopaedic Surgeons and Mid-Level Providers for all of your orthopaedic needs. 1900 St. Charles Street, Jasper, IN • 812-634-1211 • www.norrisblessinger.com

Rehabilitation Physical and Occupational Therapy provided in a first-rate facility.

“Quality patient care is our passion. Everything we do revolves around our desire to provide


the best possible care to our

Open-Bore MRI and Digital X-ray, all done in-office, offers convienience and comfort.

patients. Our state-of-the-art facility combined with our experienced staff allows us to be the

Surgery Center

premier provider of orthopaedic

Indiana State Licensed and Joint Commission accredited facility on-site.

care in southern Indiana.”

30,000+ patient visits

Brian Blessinger, MD

Randall Norris, MD







Our practice has had the privilege of serving patients in southern Indiana since 1984. Our goal today is the same as it was then: provide the best possible orthopaedic care available.




BEST hearing center At The Hearing Doctor, we truly believe that better hearing leads to a better life. Dr. Leeann Berger is a doctor of audiology and the owner of The Hearing Doctor. She graduated from Purdue University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, and completed her clinical doctorate at the University of Louisville in 2010. Following graduation, Dr. Berger pursed her passion to open a family-oriented, private audiology practice locally within her hometown. Dr. Berger is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), board certified by the American Board of Audiology (ABA), and provides special needs services for the Indiana Early Intervention Program for children (Indiana First Steps). Dr. Berger is committed to continuing education, only providing outcomes that are research driven. Providing elite hearing care is the heart of Dr. Berger’s practice. At The Hearing Doctor, we see patients of all ages, infancy to geriatric. Every patient will experience a comprehensive assessment, including possible treatment and prevention options. We evaluate and treat many common hearing complaints from tinnitus, impacted ear wax, selective listening, difficulty understanding in background noise, and co-morbid conditions linked to hearing (i.e., diabetes, heart, circulation, or thyroid). Learning more about your hearing can provide better insight into overall body health. Dr. Berger encourages baseline assessments to understand where or when hearing loss first began. Often hearing loss goes unnoticed, yet can be traced to origins of industrial noise exposure or genetic family history. Dr. Berger and her staff at The Hearing Doctor invite you to consider our practice for all your hearing health needs. Experience life again by making better hearing your priority with us.


Dr. Leeann Berger, AuD



Thanks for making us one of the Best Hearing Aid Centers in the county.

Tha nk You for v oting u s #1 M a ssa ge Thera py Bu siness in D u bois Cou nty!

Don’t just live life ...

Hear Life. CALL TODAY for an appointm ent 812-482-6101

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a crossfrom the Schnitzelba nk


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To ALL Herald Subscribers

DuboisCountyHerald.com Judged Best Website Hoosier State Press Association Better Newspaper Contest For Newspapers Between 8,000 and 18,000 Circulation

N o App N eeded Tablet and M obile Friendly! N ot signed up yet? It’s easy and free. Go to DuboisCountyHerald.com and click the Sign Up button.


Kids & Pets Best Childcare Center WINNER: Kid City USA 2nd: A Kids Place 3rd: Hummingbird Day Care Ministries

Best Dance/Gymnastics Studio WINNER: Hodgini Gymnastics & Dance 2nd: Flip & Twist Gymnastics 3rd: Dance Central Academy

Best Pet Groomer WINNER: Donna Begle 2nd: Pet-Agree Professional Pet Services 3rd: Ruby’s Place Dog Grooming

Best Pet Boarding WINNER: Downtown Dog 2nd: Happy Paws Pals Village 3rd: Donna Begle

Best Pet Supply STore WINNER: Rural King 2nd: Petsense Jasper 3rd: Seven Seas Pet Store

Best Preschool WINNER: Holy Trinity Catholic School 2nd: Color My World Preschool 3rd: Trinity Tree House Preschool

Best Veterinarian Office WINNER: Animal Medical Center 2nd: Jasper Pet Clinic 3rd: Dubois County Animal Hospital




Dubois County and all of our families for voting us the

Best Childcare Center 2 years in a row!

T wo Ja s p er Loca tions to S erve S outhside: 600 N T rum an R oad Northside:5 8 3 Northwood A venue

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For Voting us among the Best of the Best

Color My World Preschool A Ministry of Huntingburg United Methodist Church 416 North Main Street


Color My World students enjoying a field trip to the Huntingburg Library and the Dubois County Museum. Call or stop by the Church office for more info or a tour. Scholarships available based on need. *Now enrolling for 2020-2021 School Year. The goal of Color My World Preschool is to provide an environment to develop social interaction, teach language and math skills, share Bible stories, and instill a sense of independence in a loving and Christian atmosphere.


Teachers: Mrs. Jennifer Kramer & Mrs. Geri Sivori

u! o y k Than

F or voting us as one of the best D oggy B oarding and D aycare businesses in D ubois C ounty! W e are ex cited to continue to serve you and your fur babies!”

to allofour past and present staff, students,and parents. W e are very thankfulfor the privilege ofcoaching am azing kids at H odginifor the past 5 1 years! Best Gymnastics Studio

O pen 7 days a w eek A sk about our other services… G room ing, D og W alking, H om e V isits and m ore! 412 North Truman Road Jasper 812-482-4800

7091 North,US Highway 231,Jasper,IN 812-695-2063 w w w.thepaw spals.com or thepaw spals@ gm ail.com

Reprints Available Visit DuboisCountyHerald.com to purchase prints of your favorite photos from The Herald photography staff. Click “Photos” on the menu bar and then “Order Photo Reprints.”

Local People


Best Boss

Best Principal

Best Public Safety Official

WINNER: Teresa Bounds Huntingburg Subway 2nd: Kim Aull Venue 1408 3rd: Tom Mundy Tom’s Lawn & Garden

WINNER: David Hubster Jasper Middle School 2nd: Chad Sickbert Southridge High School 3rd: Tyler Lemen Forest Park High School

WINNER: Tim Lampert Dubois County Sheriff’s Department 2nd: Jason Knies Jasper Police Department 3rd: Jesus Monarrez Dubois County Sheriff’s Department

Best Coach

Best Radio Personality

WINNER: Scott Buening Southridge High School football 2nd: Scott Yarbrough Jasper High School tennis 3rd: Jill Wigand Jasper High School dance

WINNER: Ty Hunter WBDC 2nd: Walt Ferber WITZ 3rd: Kurt Gutgsell WBDC

Best Elected Official

Best Real Estate Agent

WINNER: Mike Braun U.S. Senator 2nd: Tom Kleinhelter Dubois County Sheriff 3rd: Nathan Verkamp Dubois County Judge

WINNER: Brenda Welsh Sell 4 Free 2nd: Steve Lukemeyer F.C. Tucker 3rd: Amy Hawkins F.C. Tucker

Best Farmer/FARM

Best Teacher

WINNER: Francis Lindauer Francis Lindauer & Sons Dairy Farm 2nd: Kevin Kalb Kevin Kalb Farms 3rd: Dave Fischer Fischer Farms Natural Foods

WINNER: Jarron Land Jasper High School 2nd: Michelle Allen Southridge High School 3rd: Emily Meyer Huntingburg/Holland Elementary

Best Lawyer

Best Volunteer

WINNER: Art Nordhoff, Jr. Nordhoff Law Office 2nd: Bill Kaiser Bingham Greenebaum Doll 3rd: Casey Lindeman Lindeman Law, LLC

WINNER: Scott Uebelhor St. Anthony Fire Department 2nd: Brady & Lydia Blackgrove Dubois County Humane Society 3rd: Rhonda Helming & Laura Whitsitt 4-H Horse and Pony


the herald

BEST Volunteer After moving to St. Anthony in 1982 and marrying Mary Sue Kordes, I looked forward to getting involved in the community. Always noticing when the Fire Station doors were open and knowing they were on a fire call somewhere, I knew I wanted to be a part of the Fire Department. My Dad, Jim Uebelhor, was a Ferdinand Fireman. When the opportunity came in 1984, I went to see Fire Chief Ernie Wehr and have now been a Firefighter for 36 years. In 2005, I was elected Fire Chief, which was a tremendous honor, following in the footsteps of some great leaders and mentors. Becoming a “Volunteer Firefighter” or a “Volunteer Anything” re​quires a commitment. There has to be a passion that drives the Volunteer to do their very best, for the Community and for the other members of the department or organization. To volunteer requires a commitment to everyone you touch. It’s an honor to volunteer and there is a duty to our communities to serve. Many opportunities are available; it’s just a matter of finding the opportunity that fits. Time is always a factor but your family must come first, your occupation is second, then the organization you volunteer with comes next. It is definitely a team effort to be successful as an organization. The St. Anthony Fire Department makes approximately 100 emergency runs each year. Along with the runs are training requirements and keeping the facility and equipment ready to respond. Fundraising is a huge part of our ability to provide the needed emergency equipment to protect our community. The annual Firemen’s Fest, held on the 3rd Saturday in August, has grown to include a Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, Backyard BBQ contest, great food and entertainment for all ages. The Fest is a signature event for the St. Anthony Community and a great

source of pride for everyone. Scott and Mary Sue have been married 37 years and have 2 children: Cole, 34, and Kelsey, 30. Thank you to everyone that nominated me and voted for me to become the Best Volunteer in Dubois County! Volunteers make things happen in all of our communities. — Scott Uebelhor

History of the St. Anthony Fire Department 1963 1971 1984 1990 1991 1991 2010 2013 2016

St. Anthony Fire department inc. chartered Building completed at a cost of $18,719.43 First responders started two bays added to fire station 911 service implemented first streetfest held at fire station donated AEDs to church, community center, 4h and cci 50th anniversary of fire station celebrated dedication of new fire station held




I’m honored!! Thank You, Dubois County, for voting me Best Boss! Teresa B ounds



Congratulations! Francis Lindauer & Sons D airy Farm Locally Owned • Locally Produced Since 1938

Best Real Estate Agent Thank You! Thank you for voting me the Best Real Estate Agent of Dubois County. I am humbled to be among so many talented real estate professionals and share this honor with all of them.

Brenda Welsh Associate Broker Co-Owner 812-309-0630

Thank you for voting me among the best lawyers of Dubois County!

T h an ks for votin g for u s! Best Coach: Scott Buening Among the Best Principal: Chad Sickbert Teachers: Michelle Allen and Emily Meyer School Spirit

Casey Lindeman 427 E 4th Street, Huntingburg, IN casey@lindemanlawllc.com 812-683-1070

VO TED #1 P U B L IC SA FETY O FFIC ER 2019 & 2020

Tim L a m pe rt

D ubois C ounty Sheriff's D epartm ent, N E D ubois SchoolR esource O fficer

Tha n k you for votin g for m e the s e c on d ye a r in a row . I a m hum b le d a n d hon ore d b y this s e le c tion !

Southwest Dubois School Corporation

Professional Services Best AccoutinG Firm

Best home improvement company

WINNER: Krueger & Associates 2nd: Seng & Seng CPAs 3rd: Buechlein & Associates

WINNER: Steinkamp Home Center 2nd: Fleck Construction 3rd: Pfaff Construction

Best Alarm/Security Company

Best Insurance Company

WINNER: Astro Security 2nd: Advanced Radio Communications 3rd: LB Fire Protection

WINNER: Debbie Allen - State Farm 2nd: Ferdinand Farmers Insurance 3rd: Kunkel Insurance

Best area Transportation

Best Internet service Provider

WINNER: Redstone Car Service 2nd: Huntingburg Transit System 3rd: Ride Solutions

WINNER: PSC 2nd: Smithville 3rd: Spectrum

Best Auction Company WINNER: Brahm & Brahm Auction Services 2nd: Hoffman & Mullen Realty 3rd: The Auction Company

Best Bank/Credit Union WINNER: German American Bank 2nd: Freedom Bank 3rd: Old National Bank

Best Building Contractor (Commercial)

Best cleaning services WINNER: Cleaning Concepts 2nd: Jasper Equipment & Supply 3rd: LeMonds Cleaning Services

Best dj service WINNER: Boogie Tunes Entertainment 2nd: High Voltage DJ Services 3rd: Craig Schneider Entertainment

Best Electrical service

WINNER: Green Thumb Landscaping 2nd: Brescher Landscaping & Lawn Service 3rd: Buschkoetter Nursery, Lawn & Garden

Best LAw OFfice WINNER: Nordhoff Law Office 2nd: Verkamp Law Office 3rd: Rahman Law Office

Best LAwn Service

WINNER: Fischer Electric 2nd: Weyer Electric 3rd: Hulsman Electric

WINNER: Brescher Landscaping & Lawn Service 2nd: Souders Lawn Care 3rd: Patriot & Sons Lawn Care


Best financial planning

Best Painting Service

WINNER: Fleck Construction 2nd: B&A Construction & Design 3rd: Pfaff Construction

WINNER: Nick Schnarr, Edward Jones 2nd: German American Investments 3rd: Andrea Lichlyter, Edward Jones

WINNER: Wagner Painting 2nd: Shelley Mendel Painting 3rd: Steffen Painting

Best Cell Phone Provider

Best flooring company

Best Pest Control Service

WINNER: Verizon 2nd: AT&T 3rd: Straight Talk

WINNER: Carpet Warehouse 2nd: Knies Sawmill 3rd: Steinkamp Home Center

WINNER: B&B Extermination 2nd: Veterans Pest Solutions 3rd: Terminix

WINNER: Seufert Construction 2nd: Krempp Lumber Company 3rd: B&A Construction & Design

Best Building Contractor


Best Landscaping Company


the herald

Best Photographer

Best Pool Service

Best Real Estate Company

WINNER: Brescher Photography 2nd: Studio Expressions by Jessica 3rd: Exposures Fine Photography

WINNER: Eckert Pool Supply 2nd: Jay-Kem 3rd: Kiefer Pool and Spa

WINNER: Sell 4 Free Real Estate 2nd: RE/MAX Local 3rd: F.C. Tucker Emge Realtors

Best Plumbing Service

Best Printing Company

Best Roofing Company

WINNER: Mehringer’s Plumbing, Heating & Air 2nd: Schroering Plumbing, Heating & Air 3rd: RG Mechanical

WINNER: Woods Printing Company 2nd: Hoosier Business Machine 3rd: Top Cat Printing

WINNER: Fleck Roofing 2nd: B&A Construction & Design 3rd: T&T Roofing

Fo r Vo ting U s

Be s tCle a n in g/ Ja n itoria l S e rvic e Specializing in: • C om m ercial • Industrial • Financial • H ealthcare • Schools • C hurches • C onstruction C leanup

to the residents of Dubois County! We are very honored to have been voted

The Best Law Office & Best Lawyer We credit our dedicated employees and staff.

N ord h off L a w Offic e & A rth u r N ord h off Jr., A ttorn ey “A Legacy of Law ”


for selecting

B ra hm & B ra hm A u ctio n/R ea lty # 1 A uction C om pany in D ubois C ounty!

You have m a de u s p rou d!! C leo n

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To ny

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w w w .b ra hm a u c tio nrea lty.c o m

We appreciate you voting us Best Electrical Service 2 years in a row!

Fischer Electric continues to provide the region with quality and affordable electrical installation and service. John and Mark lead our employees in the tradition that founders Hib and Mary Jane created in 1964. We pride ourselves in working with 2nd and 3rd generation of Hib’s customers, in addition to referrals from our existing customers. Our electrical contracting business specializes in Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural and Residential work. We would like to extend a big “Thank You” to our dedicated employees, and all the loyal customers we have provided service to throughout the years.

BEST insurance company Family. Friends. Community…these words sum up why we continue to do what we do every single day. State Farm has a long tradition of being there and at Debbie Keusch Allen State Farm Agency, we are proud to share this tradition with our community! It is humbling and quite an honor to be named the Best Insurance Company of Dubois County for the 2nd year in a row! Our team is also celebrating 10 years of service to this community on March 1st and we are so grateful to be able to share our passion for helping others. Debbie was born and raised in Jasper and has worked for State Farm in several different areas of the industry. We offer a team with over 30 years’ experience in the insurance and financial services arena. Debbie, Whitney, Elizabeth, Mandy and Cecilia have earned many designations & awards from State Farm over the years regarding the solutions we are able to provide our clients. We are extremely passionate about helping families plan for their futures and protecting them from the unexpected! Our dedication shows through in our continuing education and ongoing certifications to ensure we can offer our clients the most comprehensive options. We are there for the good – your first car, first home, and your first child. But, we have also been there for the not so good, and that is when you have needed us the most! Thank you for trusting Debbie Allen State Farm with all of your Auto, Home, Health, Life, Banking, and Business needs. Stop by the office or call us for a complimentary review of your plans to see if we can be of service to your family!

Debbie K. Allen - state farm 2408 Newton St, Jasper, IN 47546 www.debbieallensf.com debbie@debbieallensf.com

812-482-1300 facebook.com/debbieallensf @dkkallen

Thanks for voting us the Best Insurance Com pany of Dubois County

2 years in a row !

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® duboiscountyherald.com

Debbie K. Allen,Agent 812-482-1300 debbieallensf.com




Thank You, Dubois County! For voting us Best in PEST CONTROL!! Free Inspections •Pes tCo ntro l •Term ites •B ed B u gs •M o is tu re & Fu ngu s Co ntro l •Tim b o rB o ra te

B & B Exterm ination,Inc. Termite & General Pest Control P.O .Box 77 • H untingburg,IN 4 754 2

Office 812-630-8391

www.bandbextermination.com Fully Licensed & Insured

Loca lly O w n ed & O pera ted

B ernie M ain O w n er

What an honor! ...

to be voted the BEST Painting Service in Dubois County! Thank you from our crew!

We would like to thank everyone who voted us the Best Lawn Service in Dubois County! Thank you for all the votes for Best Landscaping Company. We are a full-service landscaping and lawn service company in our 16th year of Business. With a complete greenhouse for all your landscaping needs.

Ron Wagner Donna Wagner Jamie Wagner Ryan Wagner Tricia Shaw Allen Schuetter Jim Wehr Shane Wagner

Thank you for your support and God bless America! Owner & Veteran Danny Brescher

Residential • Commercial • Interior • Exterior Painting & Staining Trim 812-630-4129 • 812-482-4034 • 812-630-2783

Check us out at www.brescher.com or

C A R P ET W A R EH O U SE “Quality You Can Stand On” 650 Woodlawn Dr., Jasper • 812-482-5692

Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8am-5pm; Wed. 8am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm

Thank you to our customers! We are proud to be chosen as Dubois County’s Best Flooring again in 2020! • C A R PET • V IN Y L • TILE • H A R D W O O D • LA M IN A TE • C U STO M SH O W ER S & BA C KSPLA SH ES


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Thank you for voting us one of The Best!!

For A ll Your P e s t C on trol N e e d s ! B ota n ic a l I n s e c tic id e s A n d P e s tic id e s C om m e rc ia l & R e s id e n tia l Fully L ic e n s e d A n d I n s ure d L oc a lly O w n e d & O pe ra te d

C a ll To d a y! FR EE Ins pec tio ns Pric e M a tc h G u a ra ntee

812-631-0082 S erv ing the C ounties of: D ubois & S penc er C ounties

Thank You!

For votin g us #1 H om e I m prove m e n t a n d #3 Floorin g C om pa n y!

W e a re h on ore d !


1000 N. Main Street, Huntingburg, IN • 812-683-3860

IS Thank You CD OUBUNOTY 812-630-1295 Phil Ahrens

812-630-3989 Kevin Bayer

812-309-1532 Sandy Cave

812-630-4719 Ryan Craig

812-631-0000 Judy Gosman

for voting us the best/ among the best Real Estate Companies for the past two years!


812-630-8105 Stephanie Hasenour

812-309-1606 Holly Kleiser

812-639-9563 Brett Knies

812-630-1992 Brenda Krempp


Gwen Gunselman

Kathy Rowekamp

812-639-8093 Jackie Hasenour

81 2-81 7-0970 251 2 New to n Street, Ja sper, IN

812-631-2782 Tama Stemle

You Voiced Your Choice ... and Voted Us 2nd Place in Best Flooring and

We Thank You! See U s For ... • H ardw ood Flooring - Various Species • Distressing

• Staircases

• B ar Tops

• C ustom M illw ork

• Trim

• Specialty W ork • B utcher B lock Tops

KNIES SAWMILL 812-683-3402 Bretzville, IN

For voting us among the Best area Transportation Company!


ou Thank y for voting us Best

Photographer/Videographer once again!

Our Services include: • Event • Wedding • Drone • Engagement • Family • Senior Contact us for your filming and photography needs!

Pu blic Tra nsporta tion for a llAges! C a ll U s To R es erv e You r R id e


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b res c herpho to gra phy b res c herfilm ing b res c herfilm a nd pho to

Thank you for voting us #1 Accounting Firm in Dubois County!

Services offered: Tax Preparation • A udit• Payroll A ccounting • Bookkeeping

for choosing us

Best Roofing Company two years in a row!! •R es id entia l, Ind u s tria l & N ew Co ns tru c tio n R o o fing •Co m m erc ia l Spra y Co a ting

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Thank you, Dubois County, for voting us Among the Best Insurance Companies!

Auto • Home

Farm • Business 812-367-1413 • ferdinandfarmersinsurance.com 1405 Main Street, Ferdinand, IN 47532

Best Best Real Real Estate Estate Company Company

Andy AndyWelsh Welsh Owner/Broker Owner/Broker

Karen KarenHaug Haug Assoc. Assoc.Broker Broker

Brenda NormaNiehaus-Neal Niehaus-Neal BrendaWelsh Welsh Norma Owner/Assoc. Owner/Assoc.Broker Broker Assoc. Assoc.Broker Broker

Amy AmyUebelhor Uebelhor Assoc. Assoc.Broker Broker

Brian BrianUebelhor Uebelhor Assoc. Assoc.Broker Broker

Gary GarySchnell Schnell Assoc. Assoc.Broker Broker

Marcia Marcia Schnell Schnell Assoc. Assoc. Broker Broker

Ginger Ginger Hedinger Hedinger Assoc. Assoc. Broker Broker

Opal OpalSermersheim Sermersheim Assoc. Assoc.Broker Broker

Steven Steven Dunn Dunn Assoc. Assoc. Broker Broker

Nathan Nathan Hanselman Hanselman Assoc. Assoc. Broker Broker

Thank Thank You!

Thank Thankyou youfor forvoting votingSell4Free Sell4FreeWelsh Welsh Realty Realty the the Best Best Real Real Estate Estate Company ininDubois DuboisCounty. County. Our Our team team has has been been honored honored to to serve serve you you for over 21 years. years.When Whenyou youare areready readyto toBuy, Buy,Sell Sell or or Build, Build, please please give give us us a call.

812-634-6969 812-634-6969 www.sell-4free.com www.sell-4free.com

Shopping Best Antique Shop

Best Gun Shop

WINNER: Ferdinand Antique Emporium 2nd: Traderbaker Mall 3rd: Downtown Emporium

WINNER: Dave’s Gun Shop 2nd: Jeff’s Bait & Guns 3rd: The Great Outdoors

Best Appliance Store

Best Hardware Store

WINNER: Tom’s Lawn, Garden & Appliance Center 2nd: The Home Depot 3rd: Video Tech - Direct Maytag

WINNER: Meny’s True Value 2nd: The Home Depot 3rd: Rural King

Best Clothing Store

WINNER: Disinger Jewelers of Jasper 2nd: Olinger Diamond Center 3rd: Finishing Touches

Best Jewelry Store

(for Kids & Teens)

WINNER: T.J. Maxx 2nd: EJ and Dots 3rd: Bean to Sprout

Best Clothing Store (for men)

WINNER: Siebert’s 2nd: Rural King 3rd: T.J. Maxx

Best Clothing Store

Best Florist

Best Liquor Store

WINNER: Green Thumb Floral & Garden Center 2nd: Gehlhausen’s Flowers & Gifts 3rd: Erin’s Events

WINNER: Holiday Liquors North 2nd: Bob’s Liquor Ferdinand 3rd: Wooden Keg Liquors

Best Furniture Store

Best Meat Shop

WINNER: Marvin & Toni’s Bargain Barn 2nd: Englert’s Home Comfort Center 3rd: Boeckman’s Furniture

WINNER: Merkley & Sons 2nd: Sander Processing 3rd: Ferdinand Processing & Catering

WINNER: Maurices 2nd: T.J. Maxx 3rd: Firefly Boutique

Best gas station

Best Shoe Store

WINNER: Casey’s, Ferdinand 2nd: Marathon Gas, Jasper 3rd: Casey’s, Huntingburg

WINNER: Shoe Sensation 2nd: Shoe Show 3rd: Downtown Fitness & Running

Best Craft Store WINNER: JOANN Fabric and Crafts 2nd: The Doodlebug 3rd: The Yellow House

Best Gift Store

Best Sporting Goods Store

WINNER: Chocolate Bliss 2nd: Tin Lizzie’s 3rd: Finishing Touches

WINNER: Hibbett Sports 2nd: Adventures Recreation & Gear 3rd: All Star Sports

Best Dollar Store

Best Grocery Store

Best Thrift Shop

WINNER: Dollar Tree, Jasper 2nd: Dollar General, Huntingburg South 3rd: Dollar General, Jasper South

WINNER: Holiday Foods, Jasper 2nd: Ruler Foods 3rd: Mor For Less

WINNER: St. Vincent de Paul 2nd: Goodwill Jasper 3rd: Habitat for Humanity Restore

(for women)




for choosing us The BEST Antique Store!



Thanks for choosing us

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3994 W 180 N ,Jasper,IN 47546 • 812-482-7020

BARGAIN BARN Fo r nea rly 36 yea rs w e've w o rked ha rd to give o ur custo m ers the best experience po ssible. Thank you to everyone who voted forus;m aking usnum berone forthe 2nd yearin a row.

“Hours for the working people with prices to match.” 1 M ile N o rth o f Ferd ina nd o n Hw y. 16 2 •8 12 -3 6 7-2 112


M o n. & Tu es . 10 a m -6 pm ; W ed . 10 a m -8 pm ; Thu rs . & Fri. 10 a m -6 pm ; Sa t. 9 a m -4 pm ; Su n. Clo s ed

For Voting Us Best Gun Shop Huge selection of firearms, accessories and reloading supplies, private outdoor shooting range with rental guns available!

M-F 8A-8P; Sat-Sun 8A-5P (Est) 3 3 55 davesgunshop@psci.net 36-

Thank You!!

We are really proud to have earned your vote of confidence…it's been an honor serving our customers for generations! Your friends at



Where Helping You Dress Well Has Been Our Specialty, Since 1922

812-482-5514 On The Square, Jasper Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9-5:30; Wed. 9-8; Sat. 9-3 www.siebertsclothing.com

For Voting Us Among the Best Appliance Stores in Dubois County!

w ould like to say to everyone w ho voted for us as the num ber one G R O C ER Y STO R E in D ubois C ounty! We strive to give our customers the best quality product and service possible. “Fast Friendly Service AllThe W ay To Y our Car” DS AT UR FRIEN FOODS FROM YO HOLIDAY

3710 N . N e w ton S t. Ja s pe r, IN 812-482-9912 vid e ote c hm a yta g.c om

Thank You for Voting Us Best Jewelry Store of Dubois County. r loyal u o o t u o Thank y or showing your by rs f custome isinger Jewelers tore S trust in D the Best Jewelry s voting u in a row! s r he two yea inspire t o t s i n o i Our miss r customers by r ele f ou loyalty o most trusted jew he t being the arket; providing rvice, e in our m vel of personal s e highest l nd value through a quality and high integrity andards. t ethical s 3770 N. Newton Street Jasper, IN 47546 812-482-4833 Info@Disinger.com Disinger.com

t you c




elebrate is up to you!

Is A



Proud to be a part of Dubois County Celebrations!

Voted Best Liquor Store

NORTH 2905 N. Newto n St., Jasper SOUTH 480 S. U.S. 231, Jasper

Thank you for voting us

Among the Best! Wooden Keg Liquors 513 3rd A ve., Jasper

Thank you!

Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for voting us Best Gift Store 2 years in a row!!

On the Square Jasper, IN


Proud to be a business in Dubois County for almost 15 years!

Thank you

for making us #1 Gas Station in Dubois County!

2 2 4 5 M a in St. Ferd ina nd , IN 4 75 3 2 Ca s eys .c o m

8 12 -3 6 7-0 8 73

for Voting Us

Among the Best Furniture Stores in Dubois County

Quality Installation and Service On Everything We Sell

Since 1975

We Bring Comfort Home To You ... Corner of 231 & Division,



105 N JFK Avenue,

LOOGOOTEE 812-295-5444



For voting us among the Best Gas Station in Dubois County Jasper Marathon 1908 Newton St. Jasper, IN


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