4-H Fair 2020

Page 1








Piercen Abbett

Chanler Balsmeyer

Chaney Barrett

Tanner Beckman

Nolan Brames

Eric Brenner

Elizabeth Brown

Sarah Buechler

Abby Eckert

Elaina Epple

Abby Fischer

Kylie Giesler

Heather Gudorf

Abigail Hauser

Emma Hassfurther

58 Dubois County teens complete 4-H careers Each year, the Dubois County 4-H Fair marks a time of happiness mixed with sadness for those graduating 4-H’ers who participate in the fair the last time. This year is no exception. The Dubois County 4-H program salutes these young men and women on the culmination of many years of work, service and participation. Piercen Abbett of Jasper is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. He is the son of Keena Schnell and Philip Abbett. He plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana to study business. Chanler Balsmeyer of Huntingburg is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. His favorite project is beef cattle. Chaney Barrett of Huntingburg is a six-year member of the Dutch Workers 4-H Club. His favorite project is reedcraft. Tanner Beckman of Jasper is a 10-year member of the Celestine Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. His favorite project is beef cattle. Nolan Brames is 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. He is the son of Matt and Glenda Brames of Huntingburg. He plans to attend Vincennes University Jasper to study mechanical engineering. Eric Brenner is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. He is the son of Alan and Connie Brenner of Jasper. He plans to attend Vincennes University to study culinary arts.

Elizabeth Brown is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Scott and Karen Brown of Ferdinand. She will be attending Butler University to major in pre-pharmacy. Sarah Buechler is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of George and Shelly Buechler of Huntingburg. She plans to attend Indiana State University to major

in human resources development. Abby Eckert is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Matt and Tonya Eckert of Schnellville. She plans on attending the University of Southern Indiana to major in exercise science. Elaina Epple is a 10-year member of the Celestine Leaders of Tomorrow. She is the daughter of Scott and Holly Epple of Celestine. She plans on attending Vin-

Best of Luck to All Area 4-H Members! DU BO IS CO U N TY

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cennes University Jasper for her first year of college. Abby Fischer is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Scott and Audrey Fischer of Jas-

per. She will be attending Indiana University to major in finance and international business with a minor in Spanish. Kylie Giesler is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and



Jaclyn Haug

Emily Heim

Benjamin Hochgesang

Mitchell Kaiser

Samuel Kluemper

Abby Lindauer

Kaelynn Luker

Grace Meece

Breann Mehringer

Cameron Mehringer


Sta y Cool 4 -H e r's & Good Lu c k!

Nathan Mehringer

Nicole Mehringer

Lynsie Messmer

Gals 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Paul and Jamie Giesler of Ferdinand. She will be attending Vincennes University to major in agribusiness with a concentration of animals. Heather Gudorf is a 10-year member of the Millennium, County Cloggers and Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H clubs. She is the daughter of Brad and Tracey Gudorf of Jasper. She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana to major in nursing. Abigail Hauser of Huntingburg is a 10-year member of the Rangers 4-H Club. Her favorite projects are photography and creative writing. Emma Hassfurther is a 10year member of the Rangers and Junior Leaders 4-H clubs. She is the daughter of Valerie and Keith Hassfurther of Ferdinand. Her favorite memories are water fights and eating breakfast at the Huntingburg Optimist after spending the night in the show ring. Jaclyn Haug is a 10-year member of the Crusaders 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Albert and Tammy Haug of Ferdinand. She plans to attend Vincennes University Jasper to study nursing. Emily Heim is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Amy Heim of Jasper and the late Craig Heim. She plans to attend Vincennes University and then transfer to Purdue University for a degree in agribusiness. Benjamin Hochgesang is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. He is the son of Jeff and Maria Hochgesang of Jasper. He plans to attend the University

of Southern Indiana. Mitchell Kaiser is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. He is the son of Bill and Allison Kaiser of Jasper. He plans to attend the University of Alabama. His favorite memory is participating in the fun show. Samuel Kluemper is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. He is the son of Daryl and Jennifer Kluemper of Jasper. He plans to attend the University of Evansville to study electrical engineering. Abby Lindauer is a 10-year

member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Fred and Amy Lindauer of Ferdinand. She plans to attend Vincennes University Jasper to study technical maintenance in the Career Advancement Program. Kaelynn Luker of Holland is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. Her favorite project is horses. Grace Meece is an eight-year member of the Wranglers and See TEENS on Page 4

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Alanna Neighbors

Celia Neukam

Presley Neukam

Taylor Neukam

Kennedy Nicholson

Olivia Pace

Emily Patterson

Sydney Pinkstaff

Allison Pund

Jazmyne Ramsey

Elizabeth Recker

Ashley Sander

Cody Scherle

Jared Schipp

Elaine Schroeder

enforcement degree with a focus on corrections. Celia Neukam is a 10-year member of the Life Explorers and Robotics and Innovations 4-H clubs. She is the daughter of Brian and Karla Neukam of Jasper. She plans to pursue a career in broadcasting and entertainment as an on-air and social media personality as well as developing and creating video games. Presley Neukam is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Keanyn and Julie Neukam of Dubois. She plans to pursue a degree in elementary education through Western Governors University’s online program. Taylor Neukam is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Randy and Beth Neukam of Dubois. She plans to attend Brescia University to study education and play soccer. Kennedy Nicholson is a 10year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Lonnie and Trish Nicholson of Jasper. She plans to

attend Xavier University to major in biology on the premed track. Olivia Pace of St. Anthony is a nine-year member of the Shooting Sports 4-H Club. Her favorite project is Shooting Sports. Emily Patterson of Jasper is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. Her favorite project is scrapbooking. Sydney Pinkstaff is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Chris and Stephanie Pinkstaff of Jasper. She will be attending the University of Indianapolis to major in art therapy and psychology. Allison Pund is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Kenny and Chris Pund of Ferdinand. She plans to attend Vincennes University Jasper to study nursing. Jazmyne Ramsey is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Jeanette Gifford of Holland. Her favorite 4-H memory is the shaving cream fights with the rest of the Wranglers. Elizabeth Recker of Jasper is

a 10-year member of the Celestine Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. Her favorite project is candle making. Ashley Sander is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Mark and Tonya Sander of Jasper. She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana to major in nursing.

Cody Scherle of Jasper is a 10year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. Cody’s favorite projects are goats, sheep and swine. Jared Schipp is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. He is the son of Jeff and Kelley Schipp of Ferdinand. He plans to attend the University of Louisville to study criminal justice and be in the Air Force


(Continued from Page 3) Dutch Workers 4-H clubs. She is the daughter of Jeff and Natalie Meece of Huntingburg. She plans to enter into the law enforcement. Breann Mehringer is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Mark and Tammy Mehringer of Jasper. She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana to study nursing. Cameron Mehringer of Jasper is a two-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. His favorite project is hay. Nathan Mehringer is a 10year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. He is the son of Todd and Lori Mehringer of Jasper. He plans to attend Purdue University to study electrical engineering. Nicole Mehringer is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Daryl and Kim Mehringer of Jasper. She plans to attend Indiana State University to study architectural engineering technology. Lynsie Messmer is a five-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Doug and Karen Messmer of Huntingburg. She plans to attend college for interior design. Her favorite memory is winning high point miniature. Alanna Neighbors is a 10year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Ruth Eckert of Jasper. She plans to get her law

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Olivia Schroering

Brandon Sermersheim

Kennedy Sermersheim

Grace Sickbert

John Summerlot

Kole Terwiske

Amber Theising

Madison Tretter

Isaac Uebelhor

Reese Verkamp

Jordan Vittitow

Mary Grace Wagner

Allyson Werner

Leah Wilmes

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program. Elaine Schroeder is 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Victor and Mary Jo Schroeder of Birdseye. She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana to major in history. Olivia Schroering of Jasper is a six-year member of the Celestine Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. Her favorite project is reedcraft. Brandon Sermersheim is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. He is the son of Greg and Sandy Sermersheim of Jasper. He plans to attend Indiana University. Kennedy Sermersheim is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Randy and Michelle Sermersheim of St. Anthony. She plans to attend Olney Central to study accounting and play softball. Grace Sickbert of Huntingburg is a 10-year member of the Dutch Workers 4-H Club. Her favorite projects are goats, rabbits and swine. John Summerlot is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. He is the son of Mike and Vicki Summerlot of Jasper. He plans to attend the Universal Technical Insititute MMI to complete the Harley-Davidson program. Kole Terwiske is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. He is the son of George and Kristi Terwiske of Otwell. He plans to go to the North American Lineman Training Center and get a technical certificate in welding technology. Amber Theising is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Bernie and Angie Theising of Schnellville. She plans to attend Western Kentucky University to study agriculture. Madison Tretter is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Matt and Heather Tretter of Ferdinand. She plans to attend

Indiana State University to study interior architecture design. Isaac Uebelhor of Birdseye is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. His favorite project is goats. Reese Verkamp is a 10-year member of the Gavel 4-H Club. He is the son of Rick and Diana Verkamp of St. Anthony. He plans to attend Vincennes University to study agribusiness. Jordan Vittitow is 10-year member of the Shooting Sports 4-H Club. He is the son of Fred and Tammie Vittitow of Dubois. He plans to enter into the Air Force. Mary Grace Wagner of Celestine is a 10-year member of the Celestine Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. Her favorite project is freestyle. Allyson Werner is a 10-year member of the Crusaders 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Chris and Kim Werner of Ferdinand. She plans to attend Vincennes University Jasper to study nursing. Leah Wilmes is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Gregg and Kathy Wilmes of St. Anthony. She plans to attend Indiana UniversityKokomo to study madical imaging. Not pictured Daniel Butler of Vincennes is a one-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. His favorite project is horses.

We’re Highly Social. The Herald.



4-H donors


■■ Gold Clover Donors Jasper Engine & Transmission and Superior Ag. ■■ Silver Clover Donors Herb Thyen Foundation, Optimist Club of Jasper, Perry-Spencer Communications, Boberg Crop Insurance Service, German American Bank, Blesch Bros. Equipment, Steven M. Seger Memorial Foundation, Dubois REC, Rural King, Springs Valley Bank and Trust, TOC Direct Media: WWBL/WBTO and Dubois County Farm Bureau. ■■ Bronze Clover Donors St. Anthony Mill Inc., Best Home Furnishings, Kunkel Insurance Agency, Ackerman Oil/ Southern Indiana Propane, Huntingburg Dairy Queen, Farbest Foods Inc., Fischer Electric Inc., MasterBrand Cabinets Inc., Servus!, WBDC FM/WJTS TV 18 and Farm Credit

■■ Green Clover Donors Becher-Kluesner Funeral Homes, Bob Luegers Motors, Brosmer Land Surveying & Engineering Inc., Hoosier Laser Inc., Schnellville Conservation Club, 2 Sign Guys, Agri Central Sales Inc., Ann Patterson, MD, B&A Construction and Design, Brescher Filming & Photography, Drs. Brad and Kim Wilson & Dr. Alex Pfau, Dubois County Cattle Association, Fischer Farms Natural Foods LLC, Holiday Foods, Hoosier Business Machines, Hopf Equipment & Hopf Outdoor Power, Indiana Furniture, Krueger & Associates CPA’s, KWK Enterprise-Kenneth W. Kippenbrock, Mehringer Metal Design LLC, Monesmith & Wood Oral Surgery, Nonte & Company CPA’s, OFS Brands, Prairie Farms Dairy, Pund Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc., Sander Processing, Schnellville Community Club, Schroering Plumbing, Heating & AC LLC, The Servants

Inc., St. Anthony American Legion Post 493, St. Anthony Community Center, UB Klem Furniture Company, Uebelhor & Sons, Cadillac, Toyota, Universal Design Associates Inc., VFW Post 673, Women of the Moose Lodge 955, Young Masonry & Building Inc., YMI, Vet & Poultry Supply, Jeremy Oeding, Messmer Mechanical Inc., Fischer’s Home Appliance Repairs, Bill and Pat Reckelhoff, Jasper Kiwanis Club, Marvin Betz, Herbs N More LLC, Dubois County Tire & Supply, The American Legion Dubois County Post 147, Westside Dairy Queen, BPH Bookkeeping & More Inc., Ferdinand Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. Inc., Freedom Bank, Schnellville Mill Inc., Werner Sawmill Inc., Larry and Gae Holtzman, Meyer Distributing c/o Mike Braun, Ronald and Mary Jane Thyen, Jasper Group, Patoka Equipment Inc., Knies Construction Inc., Wabash Valley Produce Inc., Steve and Marg Buechler, Southern Indiana Supply, Air Ride Technologies Inc., Jasper Moose Lodge 1175, IMI, Seifert

Construction and All Star Sports. ■■ Friends of 4-H Disinger Jewelers of Jasper, Horseman’s Paradise Western Store, Joe and Janet Lubbers, Brenda and Roger Sermersheim, Buechlein and Associates, PC, CPAs, Carpet Warehouse, Finishing Touches, Gil and Nancy Eckerle, Tom Kahle-State Farm Insurance, Kerstiens Homes & Designs, Olinger Diamond Center, Weidenbenner Eggs Inc., Dubois County Block & Brick, Dubois-Pike Federal Credit Union, Haysville Ruritan Club, Holland American Legion Post 343, Ireland Auto Body, Jasper Electric Motors, Jasper Outdoor Recreation Inc., Krempp Lumber Co., Matrix Integration LLC, Mehringer Brothers Plastering Inc., Mike and Jerri Kramer Family, Port of Jasper Inc., Voegerl Construction Inc., Seng & Seng CPAs, Gress Farms, Studio Expressions by Jessica, Philip and Stacy Weisman and Anonymous.

Dubois County 4-H Fair virtual experience By ALLEN LAMAN alaman@dcherald.com BRETZVILLE — The Dubois County 4-H Fair will look a little different this summer. Due to pandemic-related uncertainties and an extensive list of difficult-to-enforce safety precautions, the annual gathering will migrate from the fairgrounds to the internet. “It wasn’t an easy decision,” said Lisa Wilson, 4-H youth development educator for Dubois County Purdue Extension. “Our 4-H council talked for a long time last night and tried to find ways that we can make this work. Nobody is really excited about this decision, but we know it is the best decision given the policies we would have had to follow.” Indiana’s Back on Track plan allows for events of the fair’s size to be held during its scheduled dates in mid-July. But that plan is subject to change, and the possibility of a shift weighed on fair organizers. “In order to have our in-person fair this year, our county would need to be at stage 5 of the Back on Track [Indiana] plan,” Wilson explained. “And there’s no guarantees that we will be there. Fair takes an enormous amount of volunteer hours and an enormous amount of money to make happen. And if we can’t guarantee that we will be at stage 5, it would be a little irresponsible to be putting 4-H program funds and so many volunteer hours into something that may or may not be able to happen.” In addition, requirements from

policy and still provide a positive experience for area youth, a press release reads. “We do not have a large enough volunteer base and a large enough staff to be able to follow all of the guidelines that would have had to been followed for an in-person fair,” Wilson said. The virtual fair will take place the same days that the annual gathering was set to be held — from Monday, July 13, to Friday, July 17. Local 4-H members have utilized online enrollment in recent years, and now, that technology will lay the ground work for this year’s web-based iteration. That enrollment system allows for the uploading of pictures, videos and documents. Once those clips are uploaded, extension office members will compile a shareable video or PowerPoint of all work that was submitted. “We do certainly have a sys-

Purdue University to use personal protective equipment, social distancing, temperature checks, and

tracking of participants and visitors on the grounds would make it nearly impossible to comply with

tem that is ready and able to help us make that happen,” Wilson said, adding that leadership will learn from other states that have already hosted successful virtual fairs. “We definitely won’t be working from scratch.” Participants will have the opportunity to show their animals either in a series of photos or in a video. Youth projects will still be judged in some way, and individuals will still be selected to move on to the state fair, which could be held in person in August. “Hopefully, next year, everybody will just be really excited to come out to the fair because they will have missed it one year,” Wilson said of the county fair. “It’s very clear that people are going to miss it this year. There’s a lot of sad faces out there today. But I think that it’s what’s best for our program, and it’s what’s best for our community at this point.”


Good Luck to all4-H Participants!

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Good Luck To All 4-H Participants!




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Youths, adults active in Dubois County 4-H Following are the 4-H clubs in Dubois County and a list of their members. Members who are in a primary club as well as a special interest club are listed only with the primary club. Blue Ribbon Leaders: Rosaline Hopf and Melissa Wagner. Members: Brock Fleck, Jonah Fleck, Reece Fleck, Janelle Hill, Kaylee Hopf, Lydia Hopf, Luke Leinenbach, Aubrey Neuhoff, Liam Wagner and Lilly Wagner. Busy Bees Leaders: Annette Applegate, Tara Betz, Theresa Gutgsell and Amy Mitchell, adult leader Members: Katlyn Betz, Lydia Betz, Hallie Boehm, Tia Brosmer, Mollie Combs, Abigail Eckert, Claire Eckert, Trinity Foll, Kendra Hoffman, Lilyana Hoffman, Adalee Hopf, Callie Hopf, Ella Hopf, Linda Jacob, MacKenzie Jacob, Maddy King, Hannah Kuebler, Madelyn Miller, Sophie Miller, Leigha Nord, Owen Sander, Elaine Schroeder, Anna Striegel, Amber Theising, Ava Verkamp, Magdalena Verkamp, Abby Wehr, Olivia Wehr and Joslyn Welp. Celestine All Stars Leaders: Danielle Schnell, Lee Schnell and Susan Hoffman. Members: Bella Beckman, Griffen Beckman, Riley Beckman, Tanner Beckman, Alli Betz, Baron Betz, Emma Betz, Halton Betz, Kaden Beyke, Andrew Bieker, Owen Bieker, Ava Brosmer, Ross Brosmer, Sam Brosmer, Sara Brosmer, Akayla Eichmiller, Ashtyn Eichmiller, Shylee Enlow, Elaina Epple, Ava Evans, Alaina Frank, Austin Frank, Rowynn Fromme, Kaelyn Goepfrich, Lily Goepfrich, Landon Gutgsell, Ada-

Joey Watts, a member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club, entered a photography project. lyn Helming, Brooklyn Helming, Nicholas Helming, Ava Kline, Drake Lindauer, Kylie Lindauer, Landon Lindauer, Nicholas Lueken, Eli Mehringer, Xavier Meyer, Lane Neukam, Augustus Poppe, Kassieus Poppe, Aoibhinn Rasche, Elizabeth Recker, Emily Recker, Ava Sander, Clayton Sander, Elizabeth Schepers, Corbyn Schnell,


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Kinley Schnell, Maddox Schnell, Raynie Schnell, Blake Schroering, Emma Schroering, Frederick Schroering, Meadow Schroering, Olivia Schroering, Jaxon Seger, Isabel Sermersheim, Jaxen Sermersheim, Kolton Sermersheim, Abby

Tower, Jake Tower, Emma Tretter, Nigel Tretter, Kasey Verkamp, Anzlee Voegerl, Zoe Voegerl and Madelyn Wineinger.

Verkamp and David Drew. Members: Nora Goins, Eli Mehringer, Wyatt Mehringer, Lucie Mullins, Savanah Patton, Aoib-

Country Cloggers Leaders: Eva Drew, Salena Drew, Heather Verkamp, Korey

See ACTIVE on Page 8

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Sarah Buechler, a member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club, entered a drawing project.

Active (Continued from Page 7) hinn Rasche, Ava Verkamp, Kasey Verkamp, Sophia Verkamp and Addison Weyerbacher. Country Guys & Gals Leaders: Tonja Blackgrove and Darla Laake. Members: Elizabeth Brown, Rachel Brown, Abbagail Collignon, Philicity Collignon, Kendall Fischer, Ava Fletcher, Annabelle Giesler Camren Giesler, Carter Giesler, Kylie Giesler, Kiersten Hubbs, Sophia Hubbs, Maya Jones, Cash Laake, Piper Laake, Allison Pund, Kate Pund, Adrian Reckelhoff, Jared Schipp, Addison Schneider, Avari Schneider, Erika Street, Wy-

att Street, Aaron Tretter, Amber Tretter, Madison Tretter and Anthony Weyer. Crusaders Leaders: Albert Haug and Tammy Haug. Members: Dylan Bays, Brooke Haug, Jaclyn Haug, Travis Haug, Tyler Haug, Allyson Werner, Benjamin Werner, Erica Werner, William Werner, Adam Weyer, Bo Weyer, Clay Weyer and Izabella Weyer. Dubois County 4-H Junior Leaders Leader: Vicki Summerlot. Members: Carson Bauer, Jalynn Egloff, Ella Goeppner, Evan Haas, Emma Hassfurther, Jaclyn Haug, Madison Heim, Rachel Hollinden, Anna Hulsman, Brayden Humbert, Lauren Klem, Grace Kluemper, Samuel Kluemper,

B esto fLuck to All 4-H er’s DU B O IS C O U NTY H O M E IM P R O VEM ENT



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Kennedy Boeglin, a member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club, entered a painting project.

Lynsie Messmer, Sydney Pinkstaff, Emily Recker, Cheyenne Scherle, Corbyn Schnell, Katelynn Stemle, Kaitlyn Stenftenagel, Erika Street, John Summerlot, Jacob Uebelhor, Kaylee Uebelhor, Chase Verkamp, Reese Verkamp, Anthony Weyer and Dylan Weyer. Dutch Workers Leader: Erin Meyer. Members: Brody Barrett, Chaney Barrett, Kali Chambers, Avery Geesaman, Skyler Gifford, Jace Gogel, Henry Heile, Isaac Heile, Luke Heile, Evan Helmerich, Max Hentrup, Xavier Horton, Bailey Keusch, Jack Keusch, Jill Keusch, Molly Keusch, Elijah Meece, Grace Meece, Izzabella Meece, Anna Meyer, Eli Meyer,

G ood L uck L ynsie M e ssm e r!! & A ll O the r A re a 4 -H 'e rs!

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Good Luck To All Area 4-H Participants!

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Luke Meyer, Caiden Obermeier, Colton Obermeier, Bryce Peters, Amelia Popp, Jazmyne Ramsey, Ava Rasche, Lilah Rasche, Olivia Rasche, Noah Ring, Emma Scherle, Evan Scherle, Clayton Sickbert, Garrison Sickbert, Grace Sickbert, William Sickbert, Ricardo Vanegas-Barahona, Victoria Vanegas-Barahona and Henry Vollmer. Gavel Leaders: Brian Betz and Rick Verkamp. Members: Caden Betz, Keegan Betz, Konner Betz, Bryant Cooper, Drew Eckert, Adam Englert, Wren Englert, Brendon Gutgsell, Mason Gutgsell, Evan Haas, Corvin Hoffman, Wade Leonard, Drake Lichlyter, Braxton Mitchell, Carson Mitchell, Liam Petry, Seth Striegel, Andrew Verkamp, Chase Verkamp, Christopher Verkamp, Mitchell Verkamp, Nathan Verkamp, Patrick Verkamp, Reese Verkamp, Jason Welp and Jaxon Welp. Happy Go Lucky Leaders: Duane Beyke, Melinda Beyke and Stephen Sander. Members: Makenzie Beyke, Payton Bowles, Samuel Bowles, Greyson Eckerle, Devin Hochgesang, Bentley Kluesner, Jaxson Maffenbeier, Parker Mehling, Ashlin Mehringer, Jaiden Mehringer, Paxton Mehringer, Eliana O’Brian, Jazlyn O’Brian, Kegin O’Brian, Cooper Schroeder and Courtney Vittitow. Holy Family Young Hopefuls Leaders: Dana Howard, Vicki Summerlot and Deb Voegerl. Members: Camille Aders, Lucas Arnold, Sophie Birge, Theodore Block, Eric Brenner, Katelyn Buechler, Kimbra Burke, Addison Clauss, Wesley Eckman, Riley Fischer, Heather Gudorf, Elizabeth Hasenour, John Hasenour, Tori Hemmerlein, Alexandra Hohler, Elizabeth Hohler, Logan Hostetter, Henry Hurm, Caroline Kieffner, Kate Kieffner, Jonah Kuczynski, Kai Kunz, Kasen Kunz, Stella Mahar, Alanna Neighbors, Kennedy Nicholson, Emily Patterson, Jacob Patterson, Halle Recker, Whitney Recker, Emily Rennie, Kathryn Schiefer, Kaylee Schmitt, Zachary Schmitt, Addison Schnell, Alayna Schnell, John Summerlot, Autumn Voegerl, Jordan Voegerl, Curtis Watts, Joey Watts, Braelyn Wehr, Brynlee Wehr, Alex Wilson, Evan Wilson, Kailyn Wilson, Kiersten Woehler and Kyle Woehler. Little Life/Life Explorers Leaders: Jennifer Erwin and Jacqueline McQueary. Members: Aaliyah Bradford, Kenan Erwin, Lydia Erwin, Asher Lehmkuhler, Rowan Lehmkuhler, Clara Letterman, Danica McQueary, Quentin McQueary, Celia Neukam, Gwendolyn Wilhelmi,


Cody Zook and Eli Zook. Little Rangers Leaders: Darlene Boeglin, Valerie Hassfurther and Emily Oeding. Members: Easton Auffart, Dakota Boeglin, Easton Boeglin, Peyton Boeglin, Charlotte Bradley, Claire Durcholz, Eli Ernst, Sam Ernst, Anna Garrison, Hadley Hasenour, Lexie Hasenour, Chloe Hickerson, Ava Hochgesang, Grifen Hopf, Carson Kippenbrock, Nolan Lindauer, Max Mehringer, Reid Mehringer, Graham Meunier, Blake Morrison, Maximilian Paulin, Molly Pund, Beau Roesner, Lena Schmuecker, Casey Steczyk, Dylan Steczyk, Hadley Weyer, Izabella Weyer and Tucker Weyer. Little Seekers Leaders: Emma Hurst, Kayla Knust, Lisa Knust and Rhonda Knust. Members: Lillian Jeffries-Schnell, Addy Klem, Jameson Matheis, Chlorissa Mehling,Trinity Messmer, Avery Niehaus, Elise Niehaus, Abigail Rickelman, Jacob Schnell, Joseph Schnell, Collin Thomas, Jarrett Verkamp, Anastasia Waddle, Joseph Wilmes, Kate Wissel, Hailey Workman and Soleil Zovic. Lucky Irish Leaders: Holly Reckelhoff, Scott Reckelhoff and Jackie Scherle. Members: Paxton Bird, Reanna Bird, Cale Bueltel, Elijah Clark, Jackson Clark, Braxton Dupps, Grant Durcholz, Ella Goeppner, Quinn Gunderson, Cody Hanselman, Nicholas Hanselman, Tyler Hanselman, Emily Heim, Madison Heim, Benjamin Hochgesang, Kayli Hoffman, Rachel Hollinden, Xavier Kiefer, Elise Lampert, Joshua Layman, Ella Leinenbach, Claire Linette, Judd Linette, Cameron Mehringer, Levi Mehringer, Nicole Mehringer, Zachary Mehringer, Kaleb Meyer, Caleb Patterson, Kylie Patterson, Darby Patton, Sonali Rathee, Olivia Reckelhoff, Sawyer Reckelhoff, Ashley Sander, Jenna Sander, Cheyenne Scherle, Cody Scherle, Hannah Schwenk, Brandon Sermersheim, Katelynn Stemle, Tyler Stemle, Brilee Stenftenagel, Brogan Stenftenagel, Kaitlyn Stenftenagel, Khloe Terwiske, Kole Terwiske, Gabe Verkamp, Noah Wagner, Mackenzie Walsh, Brailyn Whaley and Mason Whaley. Lucky Shamrocks Leaders: Audrey Fischer, Daryl Kluemper and Jennifer Kluemper. Members: Piercen Abbett, Rinoa Ahrens, Skylar Atwood, Claire Buehler, Abby Fischer, Taliyah Fleming, Ava Gehlhausen, See ACTIVE on Page 11

2704 North Newton Street (Hwy 231 N) Jasper 634-7733 www.duboiscountymuseum.org

Hours: T-F 10am-2pm; SAT 10am-4pm; SUN 1-4pm, Closed M

Jasper Police Tip Line

481-2677 For non-emergency calls



Kennedy Nicholson, a member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club, entered a photography project.

Ethan Hall, a member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club, entered a garden project.

Kynsley Gogel, a member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club, entered a modelcraft project.


Active (Continued from Page 9) Bailey Hawkins, Caleb Hawkins, Madison Heim, Zackory Hirsch, Abigail Hollinden, Anna Hollinden, Caleb Ireland, Ella Kelly, Jack Kelly, Kate Kelly, Ryan Kelly, Samuel Kelly, Ruger Kinman, Abigail Kluemper, Grace Kluemper, Hannah Kluemper, Samuel Kluemper, Meredith Knies, Molly Knies, Carson Lamkin, Brandon Mehringer, Breann Mehringer, Kylie Mehringer, Nathan Mehringer, Dawson Neff, Samuel Osterman, Roman Peter, Sydney Pinkstaff, Tyler Pinkstaff, Mariell Schnell, Aidan Schue, Ella Schue, Noah Schue, Quinten Schue, Leo Thomas, Jillian Troutman, Mallory Troutman, Madeline Wanninger and Ruby Wanninger. Paws and Pals Leaders: Ruth Bush, Jeff Kerk-


hoff and Tarry Kerkhoff. Members: Tia Brosmer, Isabelle Flamion, Elizabeth Kerkhoff, Rosalie Kerkhoff, Brock Lampert, Elise Lampert, Ellaina Lehmkuhler, Josie Lehmkuhler, Ella Mehling, Alanna Neighbors, Emily Patterson, Meadow Schroering, Patrick Verkamp, Autumn Voegerl, Jordan Voegerl and Madison Wathen. Rangers Leaders: Darlene Boeglin, Shirley Demuth and Valerie Hassfurther. Members: Delainey Auffart, Kaelyn Backer, Olivia Bell, Sophia Bettag, Avari Boeglin, Owen Boeglin, Kiersten Boger, Ashlyn Dilger, Hattie Dilger, Leah Dilger, Payton Dilger, Benjamin Ebert, Claudia Ebert, Madelyn Ferguson, Logan Fischer, Sidney Gentry, Calvin Hasenour, Charlie Hasenour, William Hasenour, Emma Hassfurther, Ethan Hassfurther, Abigail Hauser, Luke Hauser, Mya Hickerson, Addison Hochgesang, Conner Hochgesang, Brysen Hopf, Colten

Hopf, Alivia Hoppenjans, Cohen Hoppenjans, Aurora Jacob, Emma Jamniczky, Katelyn Kippenbrock, Kiera Lindauer, Madison Lindauer, Collin Lorey, Haley Lorey, Adalyn Luebbehusen, Aubrey Luebbehusen, Kelsey Mehling, Reid Mehringer, Bryce Memmer, Paige Memmer, Ellie Meunier, Kaden Meunier, Luke Meunier, Brianna Morrison, Mallory Morrison, Adria Paulin, Clayton Roesner, Addison Schipp, Kenley Schipp, Skyla Smith, Evan Steinmetz, Haley Steinmetz, Megan Steinmetz, Riley Steinmetz, Madeline Tuggle, Anden Uebelhor, Jacob Uebelhor, Kaylee Uebelhor, Laney Vaughn, Amelia Widolff, Leo Widolff and Joshua Wilhite. Robotics and Innovation Leaders: David Elkins, Patrick Ferguson, Sheila Hurst and Lisa Niehaus. Members: Ander Barillas, Brody Barrett, Caiden Beck, AarSee ACTIVE on Page 12


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Hannah Kluemper, a member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club, entered a gift wrapping project.

Active (Concluded from Page 11) on Christiansen, Analyse DeWitte, John DeWitte, Rhese Edwards, Eli Englert, Tucker Ferguson, Logan Fischer, Noah Humbert, Elizabeth Kerkhoff, Joshua Layman, Danica McQueary, Quentin McQueary, Levi Mehringer, Kaitlyn Meyer, Celia Neukam, Chase Niehaus, Marshall Pior, Luke Popp,Sonali Rathee, Jack Rumbach, Willard Seybold, Kaleb Speed, Kameron Speed, Mallory Troutman, RicardoVanegas-Barahona, Victoria VanegasBarahona, Christopher Verkamp, Kasey Verkamp, Patrick Verkamp, Noah Wagner, Grace Weigel, Nicholas Wilhelmi, Evan Wilson and Kyle Woehler. Shooting Sports Leaders: Hannah Beck, Janelle Beck, Jared Beck and Samantha Boeglin. Members: Kaitlyn Barkley, Carson Bauer, Ethan Bauer, Caiden Beck, Shauna Begle, Baron Betz, Cam Bieker, Kaden Bieker, Karsen Bieker, Keenen Bieker, Paxton Bird, Reanna Bird, Kaden Boeglin, Lance Boeglin, Kiersten Boger, Payton Bowles, Samuel Bowles, Cale Bueltel, Kali Chambers, Aaron Christiansen, Aundrea Christian, John DeWitte, Todd Dick, Reid Doty, Maris Drew, Kenan Erwin,Madelyn Ferguson,Collin Fischer, Abigail Flamion, Isabelle Flamion, Austin Frank, Arden Fromme, Brayton Fromme, Camren Giesler, Carter Giesler, Lucas Greishaber, Peyton

Griggs, Griffin Haas, Casey Haggh, Cody Hanselman, Nicholas Hanselman, Tyler Hanselman, Isabella Harmon,Bernard Helming, Jaylen Hill, Corvin Hoffman, Alexandra Hohler, Elizabeth Hohler, Phoebe Hollinden, Rachel Hollinden, Zoe Hollinden, Brayden Humbert, Kori Hunefeld, Turner Hunefeld, Braylon Inman, Aurora Jacob, Ty Klem, Grace Kluemper, Meredith Knies, Molly Knies, Quinten Knies, Jonah Kuczynski, Lillian Kuebler, Carson Lamkin, Brock Lampert, Joshua Lawrence, Joshua Layman, Logan Lehmkuhler, Mallory Lehmkuhler, Landon Lindauer, Judd Linette, Collin Lorey, Audrey McAninch, Mark McAninch, Eli Mehringer, Bralyn Messmer, Dexter Meyer, Izak Meyer, Kaleb Meyer, Xavier Meyer, Adelyn Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Evan Mitchell, Lucie Mullins, Jennings Neukam, Lane Neukam, Aiden Nord, Leigha Nord, Eliana O’Brian, Jazlyn O’Brian, Kegin O’Brian, Devon Osborn, Olivia Pace, Steven Pace, Savanah Patton, Roman Peter, Liam Petry, Marshall Pior, Aoibhinn Rasche, Sonali Rathee, William Ruhe, Korbin Schaeffer, Cheyenne Scherle, KariAnn Scherzinger, Zachary Schmitt, Cooper Schroeder, Emma Schroering, Clayten Seger, Gavin Sermersheim, Jaxen Sermersheim, Kolton Sermersheim, Mary Seybold, Willard Seybold, Clayton Sickbert, Garrison Sickbert, William Sickbert, Rebecca Snider, Sarah Snider, Kalvin Speed, Gabe Steckler, Tyler Stemle, Jaxson Tanner, Jacob Tempel, Samuel Tolbert, Jake Tower, Nigel Tretter, Paige Troxal, Zachary Troxal, Madeline Tuggle, Ethan Underwood, Ava



812-630-4046 Congratulations 4-H Members…

Verkamp, Christopher Verkamp, Gabe Verkamp, Jaida Verkamp, Magdalena Verkamp, Patrick Verkamp Jordan Vittitow, Caleb Voegerl, Kiersten Voegerl, Zoe Voegerl, Anastasia Waddle, Alec Wehr, Brennen Wehr, Grant Wehr, Owen Weikert, Tyler Weikert, AddisonWeyerbacher, Alex Wilson, Evan Wilson, William Wininger, Jace Wright, Kailyn Wright, Mason Zehr and Cody Zook. St. Henry Saints Leaders: Olivia Lamey and Susan Wagner. Members: Keaton Allen, Chanler Balsmeyer, Lidea Balsmeyer, Connor Begle, Shauna Begle, Emma Buening, Hunter Buening, Josie Buening, Kate Durcholz, Olivia Durcholz, Abigail Flamion, Aylnn Gogel, Kynsley Gogel, Ryles Gogel, Devin Harlen, Colin Hayes, Kenley Hayes, Janelle Hill, Jaylen Hill, Paige Hoffman, Alana Hohl, Ambrose Hohl, Phoebe Hollinden, Zoe Hollinden, Adam Jochem, Abigail Lindauer, Audrey McAninch, Gus McAninch, Mark McAninch, Shelby McAninch, Olivia Meiring, Dexter Meyer, Izak Meyer, Arianna Montgomery, Gracie Mullins, Adyson Oeding, Alysha Oeding, Ashtyn Oeding, Austyn Oeding, Dylan Ring, Makenzi Ring, Christopher Scherer, Tatum Schwoeppe, Blake Seifert, Emily Seifert, Luke Seifert, Calib Sherman, Gabe Steckler, Heith Steckler, Jude Steckler, Levi Steckler, Monica Steckler, Rafe Steckler, Shelby Steckler, Trey Steckler, Will Steckler, Jaxson Tanner, Mykela Tanner, Blake Taylor, Lyndsey Taylor, Jacob Tempel,



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Madelyn Miller, of the Busy Bees 4-H Club, entered in a health project.

Marie Tempel, Rose Tempel and Addison Weyerbacher. Talent Seekers Leaders: Julia Hurst, Kayla Knust, Lisa Knust and Rhonda Knust. Members: Grace Andrews, Sydney Berger, Kaden Boeglin, Kennedy Boeglin, Lance Boeglin, Brevin Brames, Kale Brames, Nolan Brames, Sarah Buechler, Lydia Devillez, Jalynn Egloff, Addison Evitts, Katelynn Fehribach, Ellie Hall, Emma Hall, Ethan Hall, Lillian Jeffries-Schnell, Lauren Klem, Jillian Matheis, Arizona Mehling, Bralyn Messmer, Aubrey Mullis, Colton Osborn, Jaida Osborn, Layne Prechtel, Ashlyn Pund, Hailey Pund, Madalynn Pund, Abigail Rickelman, Miranda Rickelman, Abigail Sermersheim, Gavin Sermersheim, Joshua Sermersheim, Kennedy Sermersheim, Ayden Small, Maddix Small, Isaac Uebelhor, Jaida Verkamp, Caleb Voegerl, Kiersten Voegerl, Anastasia Waddle, Madison Wathen, Sydney Wathen, Tucker Wathen, Grace Weigel, Leah Wilmes and Kale Wissel.

Samuel Osterman, a member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club, enterted a construction toys project.

Good Luck to All 4-H Participants!

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The Clover Conspirators Leaders: Judy Jochem-Nino and Janet Haase. Members: Kaitlyn Barkley, Maleah Dearing, Adalynn Haase, Aubrey Hargett, Ayla Hargett, Rylan Hargett, Caleb Humbert, Jay Humbert, Noah Humbert, Korbin Schaeffer, Logan Schilling and Reece Tretter. The Explorers Leaders: Rachel Betz and Amy Mitchell. Members: Olivia Applegate, Abram Betz, Elsie Betz, Haylee Betz, Hunter Betz, Jerome Betz, Josiah Betz, Kollin Betz, Mason Betz, Grady Breitwieser, Harper Breitwieser, Maci Combs, Analyse DeWitte, Wren Englert, Harrison Gutgsell, Hunter Lange, Chase Lichlyter, Cash Lueken, Haylie Lueken, Declan Nord, Anna Petry, Owen Sander, Aubrey Schnell, Cash Schnell, Gaige Schnell, Bailey Theising, Henry Verkamp, Molly Verkamp, Sophia Verkamp, Jake Wehr and Raylee Weyer. Wee Irish Leaders: Bridgett Linette and Michelle Wehr. Members: Leah Chanley, Ethan Dupps, Trenten Ernst
 , Nora Goins, Beau Gress, Elise Gress, Katie Gress, Traycen Haase, Nolan Heichelbech, Reagan Hochgesang, Emma Huebner, Jackson Leinenbach, Lucy Linette, Xavier Martinez, Abbigail Meyer, Kaitlin Miller, Tenley Miller, Emma Schmitt, Hudson Stemle, Brilee Stenftenagel, Layn Wehr, Layton Wehr and Sarah Wehr. See ACTIVE on Page 14

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Wishing All Area 4-H'ers The Best Of Luck!! Good Luck To All Area 4-H Members From:

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Active (Concluded from Page 13) Wranglers Leaders: Sandra Bair, Rhonda Helming, Kris Murray and Laura Whitsitt. Members: Rylee Auffart, Chelsea Barillas, Josilynn Bateman, Cali Beier, Jackson Beier, Sydney Berger, Camille Betz, Chloe Betz, Zoey Birkle, Taylor Blackgrove, Ella Blume, Brenna Brosmer, Lilly Bruce, Greyley Buchta, Makenzie Buchta, Norah Buchta, Daniel Butler, Samantha Byrd, Callan Case, Camden Case, Kinley Case, Kali Chambers, Jaelyn Cooper, Grace Danhafer, Kate Durcholz, Olivia Durcholz, Liv Evans, Isabelle Flamion, Brantley Fromme, Katelyn Gray, Adalynn Haase, Addison Hancock, Kenley Hayes, Haley Jahn, Ethan Jones, Mitchell Kaiser, Addyson Kane, Tanner Kane, Nora Klem, Ava Kline, Grace Kluesner, Ellaina Lehmkuhler, Josie Lehmkuhler, Kaelynn Luk-

er, Stella Mahar, Ella Mattingly, Harrison McCoy, Kathryn McCoy, Grace Meece, Ella Mehling, Lynsie Messmer, Lilly Milburn, Kaitlin Miller, Harper Neukam, Lane Neukam, Presley Neukam, Taylor Neukam, Tucker Neukam Isabella Olinger, Aira Pankey, Ava Pankey, Apryl Parker, Savanah Patton, Anna Petry, Emma Popp, Sonali Rathee, Briar Rees, Anna Renner, Jaxon Roach, Madison Roach, Kinley Schnell, Haley Schnuck, Ann Scott, Mary Seybold, Levi Spradlin, Kaitlyn Staats, Beau Stein, Paige Troxal, Zachary Troxal, Eleanor Underwood, Anastasia Waddle, Ashden Walton, Dylan Weyer, Emily Whitehurst and Sarah Whitehurst. Young Achievers Leaders: Christine Eck, Gabby Eck and Kenneth Eck. Members: Carson Bauer, Emma Bauer, Ethan Bauer, Luke Bauer, Aaron Christiansen, Aundrea Christiansen, Nicole Fant, Brayden Humbert, Cali Jackle, Jase Jackle, Melody Jiang, Tyler Lindauer, Emma Popp, Luke Popp, Maddie Popp and Kylee Weisheit.

Extension says thank you Purdue Extension-Dubois County office and the Dubois County 4-H Council wishes to thank the many volunteers, donors, and friends of 4-H who give

so generously their time, talents, and resources. With your support we are able to Inspire Kids To Do through 4-H throughout the entire

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Brayden Humbert, a member of the Young Achievers 4-H Club, entered an aerospace project.

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Kale Wissel, a member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club, is competing in the farm scene category.

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Maria Buechler, a member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club, entered a hobbies and recreation project.

4-H Club Pledge I Pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, And my Health to better living, For my club, my community, my country and my world.

4-H Club Motto

I believe in the training of my Head for the power it will give me to thin, plan and reason.

4-H Club Creed

I believe in the training of my Heart for the nobleness it will give me to become kind, sympathetic and true.

“To Make the Best Better”

I believe in 4-H work for the opportunity it will give me to become a useful citizen.

I believe in the training of my Hands for the ability it will give me to be helpful, useful and skillful.

I believe in the training of my Health for the strength it will give me to enjoy life, to resist disease and to work efficiently. I believe in my country, my state, my community and in my responsibility for their development. In all these things, I believe, and I am willing to dedicate my efforts to their fulfillment.


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