2017 Dubois County 4-H Fair

Page 1

July 17-22

Dubois County 4-H Fair






Branton Abbett

Prestyn Balsmeyer

Brock Bawel

Conrad Blessinger

Kade Boeglin

Connor Bowlin

Miranda Durcholz

Cameron Egler

Luke Fleck

Kendyll Gaesser

Dakota Giesler

Wyatt Goeppner

65 Dubois County teens complete 4-H careers Each year the Dubois County 4-H Fair marks a time of happiness mixed with sadness for those graduating 4-H’ers who participate in the fair for the last time. This year is no exception. The Dubois County 4-H program salutes these young men and women on the culmination of many years of work, service and participation. Be sure to look for a display honoring these special individuals during the fair. Branton Abbett is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included woodworking and photography. He is the son of Keena Schnell and Phil Abbett of Jasper. Prestyn Balsmeyer is a 10year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included dairy and beef. He is the son of Scott and Vanessa Balsmeyer of Huntingburg. Brock Bawel is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite project was horses. He is the son of Doug and Kathy Bawel of Jasper. Conrad Blessinger is a 10-year member of the Shooting Sports 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included pocket survival and custom knife sheath. He is the son of Eric and Victoria Blessinger of St. Anthony. Kade Boeglin is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included aerospace and shooting sports. He is the son of Kurt and Kristi Boeglin of Huntingburg. Connor Bowlin is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included beef, swine and livestock judging. He is the son of Barry and Bonnie Bowlin of Jasper. Nathan Bromm is a 10-year member of the Clover Conspirators 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included construction toys and collections. He is the son of Dean and Elaine Bromm of Huntinburg. Grant Burke is a 10-year member of the Celestine All Stars 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite project was swine. He is the son of Rod and Wanda Burke of St. Anthony. Sara Carpenter is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included foods, electric and ceramics. She is the daughter of Kurt and Cindy Carpenter of Jasper. Zachary Cline is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. In his 4-H career, his favorite projects included dairy and

hay. He is the son of Richard and Lisa Cline of Birdseye. Alyssa Collignon is a 10year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. In her 4-H career, her favorite projects included horse and pony and metalcraft. She is the daughter of Bret and Debbie Collignon. Jasmine Curtis is a sevenyear member of the Paws and Pals 4-H Club. In her 4-H career, her favorite projects included photography and dog. She is the daughter of Bill and Nancy Powell. Miranda Durcholz is a 10-year member of the Young Achievers 4-H Club. In her 4-H career, her favorite projects included ceramics, photography and reedcraft. She is the daughter of Alan and Pam Durcholz of Jasper. Cameron Egler is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included model craft, electric and foods. He is the son of Kenny and Cathy Egler of Jasper. Luke Fleck is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his fa-

vorite projects included ag tractor and sheep. He is the son of Stan and Mara Fleck of Huntingburg. Kendyll Gaesser is a 10-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included reedcraft, metalcraft and candlemaking. She is the daughter of Larry and Denise Gaesser of Ferdinand. Dakota Giesler is a 10-year member of the Shooting Sports 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite project was shooting sports. He is the son of Jay and Dawn Giesler of Huntingburg. Wyatt Goeppner is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included swine, goats and tractor. He is the son of Glenn and Karmin Goeppner of Jasper. Curtis Gress is a 10-year member of the Celestine All Stars 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included hay, swine and poultry. He is the son of Scott and Diane Gress of Celestine. Kiersten Haas is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her

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favorite projects included rabbits, swine, small pets and beef. She is the daughter of Tom and Cheryl Haas of Birdseye. Elise Hasenour is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included ceramics and candlemaking. She is the daughter of Rick and Chris Hasenour of Schnellville. Tessa Hemmerlein is a 10year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite proj-

ects included foods and home environment. She is the daughter of Jason and Sandy Hemmerlein of Jasper. Emily Hoffman is a 10-year member of the Young Achievers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included child development and foods. She is the daughter of Tony and Loretta Hoffman of Jasper. Abigail Hopf is a 10-year member of the Blue Ribbon 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included creative



Nathan Bromm

Grant Burke

Sara Carpenter

Zachary Cline

Alyssa Collignon

Jasmine Curtis

Curtis Gress

Kiersten Haas

Elise Hasenour

Tessa Hemmerlein

Emily Hoffman

Abigail Hopf

Abby Hutslar

Paige Jacob

Nathaniel James

Aidan Kay

Blake Leinenbach

Klint Luebbehusen

writing and embroidery. She is the daughter of Chris and Andrea Hopf. Abby Hutslar is a 10-year member of the Young Achievers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included foods and reedcraft. She is the daughter of Scott and Jill Hutslar of Jasper. Paige Jacob is a nine-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included horse and pony, photography and decorative painting. She is the daughter of Steve and Brook Jacob of Jasper. Nathaniel James is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included Americana, electric and woodworking. He is the son of Darrell and Betsy James of Jasper. Aidan Kay is an eight-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite project was horse and pony. He is the son of Matt and Brandi

Kay of Jasper. Blake Leinenbach is an eight-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included beef and foods. He is the son of Brad and Karla Leinenbach of Jasper. Klint Luebbehusen is a 10year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included beef and swine. He is the son of Mark and Barb Luebbehusen of Ferdinand. Kaitlyn Mann is a 10-year member of the Young Achievers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included foods and swine. She is the daughter of Jeff and Lisa Mann of Otwell. Chloe McNeely is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite project was sheep. She is the daughter of Dale and Rebecca McNeely of Huntinburg. Kyle Mehringer is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks


Congrats on 50 Years! W is he s a ll 4-H M e m b e rs the b e s t ofluc k a t the fa ir! 1220 New ton Street.,Jasper 812-482-3862

4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included electric and woodcraft. He is the son of Todd and Lori Mehringer of Jasper. Amy Metz is a 10-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included cats, drawing and reedcraft. She is the daughter of Brian and Joanie Metz. Kayla Mullis is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included ceramics and candlemaking. She is the daughter of Kurt and Nicole Mullis of Huntingburg. Emily Nord is a six-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included photography and gift wrapping. She is the daughter of Bruce and Brenda Nord of Ferdinand. Priscilla Olson is a four-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included verbal communication, reedcraft, consumer clothing, drawing and junior leaders. She is the daughter of Richard and Lauri Olson of Jasper. Trever Patberg is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included basket weaving, ceramics, farm scene

and construction projects. He is the son of Brad and Jill Patberg of Huntingburg. Sarah Pund is a 10-year member of the Country Guys & Gals 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included cake decorating and ceramics. She is

the daughter of Kenny and Chris Pund. Melanie Roberts is an eightyear member of the Happy Go Lucky 4-H Club. During her 4-H See TEENS on Page 4

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Good Luck To All 4H Members! P I E P E R-BU RN S S TA TE FA RM I N S U RA N CE 415 Clay S t.,Jasper


Dubois County Solid Waste District Loves the 4-H Fair!

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Kaitlyn Mann

Chloe McNeely

Kyle Mehringer

Amy Metz

Kayla Mullis

Emily Nord

Hannah Rydberg

Cole Scherzinger

Kendra Schipp

Faith Schmitt

Miranda Sermersheim

Ryan Sermersheim

Teen (Concluded from Page 3) career, her favorite projects included drawing, painting and ceramics. She is the daughter of Chad Roberts and Lisa Shipman of French Lick. Lauren Roos is a 10-year member of Country Guys & Gals 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included goats and beef. She is the daughter of Chris and Tina Roos of Ferdinand. Justin Rottet is a 10-year member of the Hoppers 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included rabbits, drawing and construction toys. He is the son of Phil and Kathy Rottet of Jasper. Hannah Rydberg is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included speech and ceramics. She is the daughter of Bryan and Janet Rydberg of Jasper. Cole Scherzinger is a 10-year member of the Celestine All Stars 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included poultry, shooting sports and veterinary science. He is the son of Chuck and Karen Scherzinger of Celestine. Kendra Schipp is an eightyear member of the Country Guys & Gals 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included ducks and junior leaders. She is the daughter of Jeff and

Kelley Schipp of Ferdinand. Faith Schmitt is a 10-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included reedcraft and photography. She is the daughter of Kevin and Candy Schmitt of Ferdinand. Miranda Sermersheim is an eight-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite project was reedcraft. She is the daughter of Randy and Michelle Sermersheim of St. Anthony. Ryan Sermersheim is a 10year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included shooting sports and gardening. He is the son of Kent and Linda Sermersheim of Jasper. Harrison Steckler is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite project was woodworking. He is the son of Greg and Julie Steckler of Ferdinand. Kaleb Steftenagel is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included farm scene, beef and goats. He is the son of Jeff and Jody Steftenagel of Jasper. Kyle Steftenagel is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included poultry, beef and goats. He is the son of Jeff and Jody Steftenagel of Jasper. Geordon Terwiske is a 10year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included elec-

4H will take you places and we can help!

tric, hay and shooting sports. He is the son of George and Kristi Terwiske of Otwell. Hailey Thayer is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her

favorite projects included horse and pony and dog. She is the daughter of Douglas and Janice Thayer of Birdseye. Lauren Tretter is a 10-year member of the Country Guys &

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Gals 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included cake decorating and scrapbooking. Sh is the daughter of Scott and Theresa Tretter of Ferdinand. Amy Troesch is a 10-year

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Priscilla Olson

Trever Patberg

Sarah Pund

Melanie Roberts

Lauren Roos

Justin Rottet

Harrison Steckler

Kaleb Steftenagel

Kyle Steftenagel

Geordon Terwiske

Hailey Thayer

Lauren Tretter

Amy Troesch

Mackenzie Voegerl

Heather Wallhauser

Hannah Weyer

Aaron White

Danielle Wilmes

Auria Wilson member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included foods and candlemaking. She is the daughter of Jim and Jennifer Troesch of Ferdinand. Mackenzie Voegerl is a 10year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. During her 4-H career,

4-H Club Creed I believe in 4-H work for the opportunity it will give me to become a useful citizen. I believe in the training of my Head for the power it will give me to thin, plan and reason. I believe in the training of my Heart for the nobleness it will give

her favorite projects included photography and scrapbooking. She is the daughter of Dennis and Anita Voegerl of Huntingburg. Heather Wallhauser is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included ceramics, candlemaking and reedcraft. She is the daughter of Gene and Jan Wallhauser of Huntingburg. Hannah Weyer is a 10-year member of the Crusaders 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included photography and woodcraft. She is the daughter of Glenn and Marcy Weyer of Ferdinand. Aaron White is a nine-year member of the Crusaders 4-H Club. During his 4-H career, his favorite projects included collec-

me to become kind, sympathetic and true. I believe in the training of my Hands for the ability it will give me to be helpful, useful and skillful. I believe in the training of my Health for the strength it will give me to enjoy life, to resist disease and to work efficiently.

Congratulations To All4-H M em bers

Enjoy The 4-H Fair! Celebrating 50 Years The Legacy Continues ...

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tions and electric. He is the son of Dennis and Joyce White of Ferdinand. Danielle Wilmes is a 10-year member of the Crusaders 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included ceramics and hay. She is the daughter of Ralph and Gina Wilmes of Ferdinand. Auria Wilson is a nine-year member of the Rangers 4-H Club. During her 4-H career, her favorite projects included photography and health. She is the daughter of Tammy and late Kevin Wilson. The following members did not supply photographs or biographical information: Aaron Lubbehusen, six-year member of the St. Henry 4-H Club; Misty Merter, 10-year member of the St. Henry 4-H Club; Brea-Anna Mullen,

I believe in my country, my state, my community and in my responsibility for their development.

nine-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club; and Bran-

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4-H Club Motto “To Make the Best Better.”

don Tolbert, 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club.





42 years with 4-H and loving every minute By MICHAEL MAZUR Special Sections Writer Theresia Seitz is someone who can show you that it is never too late to become involved with 4-H. All you need is a reason and to love working with children. She was never involved with 4-H as a kid and didn’t get involved when her two oldest children, Sheila (Wilson) and Doug, became members. It was about five years later, when her youngest child, Brian, became a member that she decided to get involved. “In my neighborhood there were 12 to 14 kids” and I decided to organize our own club, the Patoka River Gang. Her two eldest dropped out of their other club and joined hers. So with her three children she began to learn along with them. That began her 42-year journey with 4-H. “I didn’t know much about a lot of stuff, but I learned with them,” she said. She hunted for leaves in the woods with her children, collecting leaves from various trees to display on exhibit boards for their forestry projects. Those boards were pretty, she said. One year, Doug, was awarded grand champion at the Dubois County Fair and at the Indiana State Fair for his leaf display board. That year, she says, she remembers well. The local fair judge said that her son’s board was well done, but there is one mistake, a leaf was labeled wrong. As her eyes widened in surprise with that comment, she “politely challenged” the judge. After a little discussion, the judge agreed with her and stood corrected. “I will never forget that,” she said with a mother’s smile. Her 4-H involvement included leading the Patoka River Gang club for 12 years — only disbanding the club when Brian finished his 4-H career — serving as a council member for six years and performing various duties as a 4-H volunteer. Theresia raised poultry for a long time because she liked the various breeds of chickens. Along with her husband, they built a 60-foot-long building from lumber laying around the farm to house the chickens. The building was compartmentalized to separate the 60 different breeds. Along with raising chickens, she raised wildlife like peacocks, chukar and quail. Growing up as she raised chickens, it was only natural that her children would include poultry in their 4-H projects. She had wanted a building dedicated to house the chicken exhibits during the fair. It took a while before that building came to fruition, but in part it came through the efforts of her and a couple of others. They became council members and advocated for a building and eventually one was constructed. She wanted a dedicated build-


This year Theresia Seitz can be found helping in the poultry barn at the Dubois County 4-H Fair, but in the 42 years she’s been volunteering she has played a part in nearly all aspects of the 4-H fair. ing because she remembers when the chickens were housed under a tent and one night during the fair it stormed, raining so hard that the rain was blowing inside the tent. “I remember that the chickens were wet as can be,” she said. And she is very proud that she was instrumental in writing the rules for showing poultry which includes not only chickens but ducks. She said to this day those rules still stand with the exception of one change that created a separate category for large fancy breeds like the Rhode Island Red. She has performed many tasks

as a volunteer, from ordering the food items for the two foods booths at the tractor pull when it was held during the fair, setting up and tearing down exhibits and aiding in the judging process to chaperoning the kids who spent the night in the animal exhibit barns, including the hog, cow, chicken and rabbit barns. Part of her job was to make sure the exhibits remained intact and to keep the mischievous kids in line. That was a hard thing to do, she said, kids will be kids, you had to keep one eye open. You can’t catch them all, she added. “They got us once,” she said

as a smile spread across her face. One of her children had exhibited white New Zealand rabbits and sometime after the fair she noticed one “looked like it was going to have babies.” When the rabbit gave birth, some were black and various shades of gray. She knew then that someone had put a black rabbit in with New Zealand rabbit’s cage. “They (the kids) have been known to do things like that,” she said.

She use to spend the entire fair week at the fairgrounds. She would park her camper at the campground and she and her children would stay there overnight. Since she was spending a lot of time at the barns, she eventually parked her camper near them instead of the campground. Even while volunteering for 4-H, she found the time to order the food and work in the Northeast Dubois High School band booth as all her children were in band. “I tell people if you have kids in 4-H get involved with them and their projects. It is so much fun.” She was very proud when her children won awards. They each one numerous grand champion awards in many project areas, but as you would expect they also won with their chickens. Brian was named 4-H’er of the year and also won the Sousa award in band. “Between raising animals on the farm, raising my children and working with 4-H and band, I don’t know how I did it, but I am glad I did and I really loved working with the kids,” she said. Now, at 82, she has been winding down her volunteering workload doing what she can handle. She is going on her 43rd year with 4-H and admits she “can’t do all that I did before and that this might be her last year. “Just depends on how I feel. I want to do it, but I don’t know if I still can,” she said. “I put a lot into that club (4-H) and I loved every minute of it,” she said.

Wishing all the 4-H Members


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4-H Fair brings animals, food, entertainment Today 3-7 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibits check-in, EB1 and EB2 3-7 p.m. Community judging: foods, flowers, microwave, candle making, sewing/fashion revue, CP; clogging, EB2; cake decorating and small pets and aquatic science, CPO; open class foods judging, EB2 Saturday 7-9 a.m. Rabbit check-in, SAB 8 a.m. 5k trail run/walk (Run 4 Fun), fairground’s trails (preregistration $15; late registration $20; 4-H member pre-late registration $10) 8:30 a.m.- finish Project judging, buildings closed to public. (8 a.m. judging informational meeting, CP) 10 a.m. Rabbit show with showmanship to follow, SAB 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Horse & pony check-in, HB Sunday 6-9 a.m. Beef check-in, CTB 6–8:30 a.m. Swine check-in, SwB 7-10 a.m. Dairy check-in, CtB 7-11 a.m. Poultry, ducks and turkey check-in, SaB 7:30–10 a.m. Goat check-in, ShB 8 –10 a.m. Sheep check-in, ShB 10 a.m. Horse performance show, HPA 1:30 p.m. Dairy show and showmanship, SC

Monday 7 a.m. –9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 9 a.m. Goat show and showmanship, SC 5 p.m. 4-H fair grand opening ceremony; Justin and Aaron from The Hiding perform following ceremony, FS 5–9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 6-9 p.m. 50 Quilts for 50 Years exhibit, CP 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6 p.m. Sheep show and showmanship, SC 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides open, MW 6:30 p.m. Junior and senior English horse show, HPA Tuesday Donor of the day: Rural King 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 5–9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides open, MW 6 p.m. Swine show and showmanship, SC; and poultry, ducks and turkey show, SAB 6-9- p.m. Caricature by Karen Kovich, GPT 6:30 p.m. Junior gaming horse show, HPA; and birds of prey, CP 7 p.m. Garden tractor pull,


Event locations

CtB: Cattle Barn MW: Midway EB1: 4-H Exhibit Building SAB: Small Animal Building EB2: 4-H and Open Class Exhibit Building SC: Show Corral ShB: Sheep Barn FS: Free Stage SwB: Swine Barn GPT: Gathering Place Tent TBA: To Be Announced

AFO: Annex/Fair Office GSA: Grandstand Arena CP: Clover Pavilion HB: Horse Barn CPL: County Park Lake HPA: Horse and Pony Arena CPO: Clover Pavilion Office CmB: Commercial Building IB: Information Booth IF: Implement Field

GSA; and 4-H Talent Night, FS

Chandler Maglish, FS

Wednesday Donor of the day: Superior Ag 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 9:30 a.m. Beef show and showmanship, SC 2 p.m. Cat judging, CP 5–9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 6 p.m. Leukemia Foundation, CP; and kiddie pedal pull, handicap parking, near CP 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides open, MW 6:30 p.m. Senior gaming horse show, HPA 7 p.m. Robotics and project demonstration night, CP; and truck flat drag racing, $10, no pit pass, GSA 7 and 8:30 p.m. Magician

Thursday Donor of the day: Dubois Rec Senior Day: 55 and older 6:45–9 a.m. 4-H fishing contest, CP and South Lake 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 9 a.m. 4-H dog obedience judging and agility, CP and agility course 9 a.m.–noon Senior activities (55 and older), EB1 and EB2; and 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 12:30 p.m. Supreme livestock showmanship, followed by adult livestock showmanship, $5 (benefits 4H youth scholarships and trips), SC. 5 p.m. 4-H awards ceremony, CP 5–9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 6 p.m. Horse and pony fun

show, HPA; and WBDC corn hole tourney of champions 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides open, MW 6:30 p.m. Cloggers performance, CP; and Grupo Guanaco, Latino music act, FS 7 p.m. – Tug of war (4-H and open), GSA Next Friday Donor of the day: German American 6 a.m.–noon Animal checkout by species, livestock and barn areas 8 a.m.–1 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibition check-out, EB1 and EB2 7 p.m. ATV flat drag racing, $10, no pit pass, GSA Saturday, July 22 Donor of the day: TransCanada 6 p.m. Lawnmower and car demolition derby, admission $10, $20 pit pass, GSA Monday, July 24 4:30–7:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibition check-out, EB1 and EB2 Saturday, Aug. 12 Donor of the day: Jasper Engines & Transmission 5 p.m. Truck and tractor pull, check-in beginning at 1 p.m., admission $5, GSA Rain date: 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 13, check-in beginning at 10 a.m.


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2017 4-H donors ■■ Gold Clover Donor Superior Ag Resources Co-op Inc. ■■ Silver Clover Donors PSC; Hutson Inc.; Herb Thyen Foundation; Optimist Club of Jasper; Dubois County Farm Bureau Inc.; Boberg Crop Insurance Service; Steven M. Seger Memorial Foundation; Blesch Bros. Equipment; German American; Rural King; Dubois REC; and Jasper Engine & Transmission. ■■ Bronze Clover Donors Smithville Fiber; Precision Farming Solutions; Patoka Equipment,Inc.; Kunkel Insurance Agency; John and Kim Doty; Fischer Electric Inc.; Farbest Foods Inc.; Huntingburg Dairy Queen; Best Home Furnishings; Ackerman Oil and Southern Indiana Propane; MasterBrand Cabinets Inc.; LAN Concrete Technology LLC; Farm Credit Mid-America; Agvanced Seed & Services LLC; and WBDC FM/WJTS TV 18. ■■ Green Clover Donors Young Masonry & Building Inc.; Woods Printing Co. Inc; Victor Ippoliti Attorney At Law; Thieman Realty; Steve and Marg Buechler; St. Anthony Community Center; Seng Pediatric Dentistry; Schroering Plumbing Heating & AC LLC; Schnellville Conservation Club; Sander Processing; Pund Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.; Pieper-Burns State Farm Insurance; Obermeyer Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki; Nonte & Company CPAs;

Newsom Show Cattle; Monesmith & Wood Oral Surgery; Larry and Gae Holtzman; D & E Dougan Farm; Indiana Furniture; Hulsman Electric; Hopf Equipment; Hoosier Laser Inc.; Fischer’s Home Appliance Repairs; Fischer Farms Natural Foods LLC; Buehler Inc., Dave Buehler; Brosmer Land Surveying & Engineering Inc.; Brescher Filming & Photography; Bob Luegers Motors; Ann Patterson, MD; Voegerl Construction Inc.; OFS Brands; Jasper OB-GYN; Jasper Moose Family Center; Hoosier Business Machines; Bingham Greenebaum Doll; Uebelhor & Sons Chevy, Cadillac, Toyota; St. Anthony American Legion Post No. 493; Hunter Paving & Construction; YMI; Women of the Moose #955; Love Excavating; KWK Enterprise, Kenneth W. Kippenbrock; VFW Post 673; Ridetech Inc.; All Star Sports; Agri Central Sales Inc.; Wayne and Valery Kessens; Jeremy Oeding; Messmer Mechanical Inc.; Marvin Betz Herbs N More; Kim A. Messmer, Indiana Mary Kay Sales Director; Jasper Kiwanis Club; Dubois County Tire & Supply; Bill and Pat Reckelhoff; Best For Le$$; Westside Dairy Queen; The American Legion Dubois County Post 147; Central Concrete Supply; Sunset Laundry & Dry Cleaners; The Servants Inc.; Meyer Distributing c/o Mike Braun; Holiday Foods, Freedom Bank, Ferdinand Farmers Mutual Insurance Company Inc.; Bookkeeping and More Inc.; Schnellville Mill Inc.; Werner Sawmill Inc.; Ronald and

Mary Jane Thyen; Jasper Group Inc.; Bob Jahn’s Garage Inc.; Philip and Kathy Wagner; St. Anthony Mill Inc.; Wabash Valley Produce Inc.; and Knies Construction Inc. ■■ Friends of 4-H Disinger Jewelers of Jasper; REM Bicycle Center; Tom and Cheryl Haas; Philip and Stacy Weisman; Dubois County Saddle Club; Betz Charolais; Port of Jasper Inc.; Studio Expressions by Jessica; Patoka Valley Healthcare Cooperative; Joe and Janet Lubbers; Insurers Inc.; Horseman’s Paradise Western Store; Gress Farms; Carpet Warehouse; Rogers Dairy Service & Supply Inc.; Buechlein & Associates P.C. CPAs; Klem Signs & Restyling; Haysville Ruritan Club; Finishing Touches; Holland American Legion Post 343; Brenda and Roger Sermersheim; Dubois-Pike Federal Credit Union; Tom Kahle, State Farm Insurance; David and Susan Hofman; Weidenbenner Eggs Inc.; Streicher Construction Inc.; Olinger Diamond Center; Mike and Jerri Kramer Family; Lee Joe and Betty Welp; Kerstiens Homes & Design; Jasper Outdoor Recreation Inc.; Ireland Auto Body; Clarence and Marilyn Betz; Jasper Electric Motors; Anonymous; Matrix Integration LLC; Universal Design Associates Inc.; Jim Hochgesang, CPA; Gil and Nancy Eckerle; Phyllis Reynolds Insurance; Jasper Knights of Columbus; Seufert Construction & Supply Co. Inc.; and ABS Global, Nolan Ryan representative.


Emmerson Schwinghammer of Huntingburg slid down the Wild Thing slide at last year’s Dubois County 4-H Fair in Bretzville. The midway will be open from 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

W e’re M ore Tha n A Feed M ill! LIVESTOCK FEED

Opening ceremony in Monday From local sources BRETZVILLE — Entertainment will not be in short supply during the 50th Dubois County 4-H Fair. The fun will begin with a grand opening ceremony at 5 p.m. Monday. The grand champion and open class winner will be announced during the ceremony

and a 50-year time capsule will be opened. Following the ceremony, Jason and Aaron from The Hiding will perform and project buildings will open to the public. At 7 p.m. Tuesday, club members will flaunt their skills at 4-H Talent Night. Expect singing, dancing and few surprises. Magician Chandler Maglish


will perform at 7 and 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. And at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Grupo Guanaco of Huntingburg will perform. The group is a seven-person, three-generation family ensemble that plays music rooted in Latin American culture. The opening ceremony and all of the performances will take place on the fair’s free stage,

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Area youths, adults active in Dubois County 4-H Following are the 4-H clubs in Dubois County and a list of their members. Members who are in a primary club as well as a special interest club are listed only with the primary club. Blue Ribbon Leader: Rose Hopf and Melissa Wagner. Members: Brock Fleck, Jonah Fleck, Reece Fleck, Abigail Hopf, Alexa Hopf, Isaac Hopf and Lydia Hopf. Busy Bees Leaders: Annette Applegate, Tara Betz, Theresa Gutgsell and Amy Mitchell. Members: Katlyn Betz, Lydia Betz, Tia Brosmer, Abigail Eckert, Claire Eckert, Kiersten Haas, Elise Hasenour, Lydia Hauser, Sara Helming, Kaitlyn Hoffman, Kendra Hoffman, Ella Hopf, Linda Jacob, Paige Leonard, Madelyn Miller, Elaine Schroeder, Anna Striegel, Madelyn Sturgeon, Hailey Thayer, Amber Theising, Ava Verkamp, Olivia Wehr and Grace Wendholt. Celestine All Stars Leaders: Danielle Schnell. Members: Tanner Beckman, Clayton Best, Baron Betz, Andrew Bieker, Owen Bieker, Makenzie Buchta, Trace Buechler, Grant Burke, Aiden Elliott, Curtis Gress, Landon Gutgsell, Lucas Gutgsell, Nicholas Helming, Alan Kerstiens, Nicholas Lueken, Matthew Messmann, Samuel Messmann, Xavier Meyer, Brandon Pund, Blake Reckelhoff, Chase Reckelhoff, Landon Reuber, Clayton See ACTIVE on Page 10


Caroline Gadlage of Jasper washed her quarter horse named Windy outside the horse barn at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville last year. The horse shows will take place at 10 a.m. Sunday, 6:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and 6 p.m. Thursday.

The ProRehab Clinic in Ferdinand will be opening the first week in August.




Ashtyn Oeding of Ferdinand sprayed water on her cousin Emily Oeding’s hogs at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds last year. The hog show will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

Active (Continued from Page 9) Sander, Cole Scherzinger, Maddox Schnell, Blake Schroering, Jaxen Sermersheim, Jake Tower, Nigel Tretter, Kasey Verkamp, Ethan Wagner and Gavin Wagner. Country Cloggers Leaders: David Drew, Eva Drew, Salena Drew and Korey Verkamp. Members: Sabrina Dunning, Aoibhinn Rasche, Allisa Worley and Sasha Worley. Country Guys & Gals Leaders: Tonja Blackgrove and Darla Laake.

Members: Elizabeth Brown, Rachel Brown, Abbagail Collignon, Philicity Collignon, Camren Giesler, Carter Giesler, Kiersten Hubbs, Audrey Jones, Maya Jones, Haley Lorey, Allison Pund, Davin Pund, Haley Pund, Kate Pund, Sarah Pund, Lauren Roos, Jared Schipp, Kendra Schipp, Addison Schneider, Luke Steffe, Erika Street, Justin Street, Wyatt Street, Aaron Tretter, Amber Tretter, Katelyn Tretter, Lauren Tretter, Madison Tretter, Addison Schneider, Avari Schneider, Erika Street, See ACTIVE on Page 12

1905 M ain Street,Ferdinand 812-367-1618



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Active (Continued from Page 10) Justin Street, Wyatt Street, Aaron Tretter, Amber Tretter, Garrett Tretter, Katelyn Tretter, Lauren Tretter, Madison Tretter, Morgan Tretter and Anthony Weyer. Country Stars Leaders: Mark Dilger and David Rogier. Members: Rylee Auffart, Avari Burger, Jared Burger, Ashlyn Dilger, Hattie Dilger, Leah Dilger, Payton Dilger, Beckett Fehribach, Kendyll Gaesser, Kylie Giesler, Aaron Hurst, Amy Metz, Emily Nord, Faith Schmitt, Amy Troesch, Erika Uebelhor, Mackenzie Voegerl and Faith Zazzetti. Crusaders Leaders: Albert Haug, Tammy Haug and Karen Werner. Members: Dylan Bays, Brooke Haug, Jaclyn Haug, Travis Haug, Tyler Haug, Austin Knies, Allyson Werner, Benjamin Werner, Erica Werner, Nicholas Werner, William Werner, Adam Weyer, Alex Weyer, Hannah Weyer, Aaron White and Danielle Wilmes. Dubois County 4-H Junior Leaders Leader: Luke Hoffman. Member: Alexandra Patmore. Dutch Workers Leaders: Erin Meyer and Chad Sickbert. Members: Brody Barrett, Chaney Barrett, Courtney Blackgrove, Mya Blackgrove, Tyson Blackgrove, Kali Chambers, Avery Geesaman, Skyler Gifford, Isaac Heile, Xavier Horton, Bailey Keusch, Jack Keusch, Jill Keusch, Molly Keusch, Wesley Keusch, Alyssa McPherron, Jackson McPherron, Grace Meece, Elizabeth Mehringer, Samuel Mehringer, Anna Meyer, Eli Meyer, Luke Meyer, Jazmyne Ramsey, Ava Rasche, Olivia Rasche, Ayla Ring, Noah Ring, Clayton Sickbert, Garrison Sickbert, Grace Sickbert, William Sickbert, Luke Trout, Ricardo Vanegas-Barahona, Victoria Vanegas-Barahona, Emily Whitehurst, Sarah Whitehurst and Aidan Wibbeler.


Brandon Pund of St. Anthony napped in the beef barn at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville last year. At the beginning of week, 4-Her’s bring in furniture so they can sleep and relax during long days at the fair. Fighting Irish Leaders: Bonnie Bowlin and Scott Reckelhoff. Members: Connor Bowlin, Cale Bueltel, Elijah Clark, Jackson Clark, Cameron Egler, Wyatt Goeppner, Cole Gunderson, Graham Gunderson, Quinn Gunderson, Cody Hanselman, Nicholas Hanselman, Tyler Hanselman, Benjamin Hochgesang, Susanna Kelly, Judd Linette, Zachary Mehringer, Logan Niehaus, Caleb Patterson, Carson Powell, Leo Rasche, Cody Scherle, Jared Schwenk, Brandon Sermersheim, Tyler Stemle, Kaleb Stenftenagel, Kyle Stenftenagel, Geordon Terwiske, Kole Terwiske, Noah Wagner, Nathan Wehr and Zachary Williams.

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Radiant Heat

Gavel Leaders: Brian Betz and Rick Verkamp. Members: Caden Betz, Garrett Betz, Konner Betz, Ashton Cole,

Camden Cole, Adam Englert, Alex Fischer, Brendon Gutgsell, Mason Gutgsell, Evan Haas, Corvin Hoffman, Luke Jacob, Jarod Knust, Wade Leonard, Braxton Mitchell,

Aiden Nord, Kolten Peek, Seth Striegel, Andrew Verkamp, Chase Verkamp, Christopher Verkamp, Reese Verkamp, Aaron Welp, Austin Welp, Jason Welp and Jaxon Welp.



Brysen Hopf of St. Anthony, left, sprayed shaving cream on his brother, Colten, and Colten sprayed Gabe Steckler of St. Henry during the annual shaving cream fight last year at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville. ALISHA JUCEVIC, FILE THE HERALD

Happy Go Lucky Leaders: Melinda Beyke and Marla Wineinger. Members: Makenzie Beyke, Payton Bowles, Madalyn Burgan, Emilee Clark, Emma Johnson, Katlyn Johnson, Hannah Mehringer, Jazlyn O’Brian, Melanie Roberts, Heidi Sander, Alisa Sollman, Courtney Vittitow, Zoe Voegerl and Nicole Vonderheide. Holy Family Young Hopefuls Leaders: Alan Brenner, Vicki Summerlot and Deb Voegerl. Members: Camille Aders, Lindsey Aders, Alexandria Arthur, Nick Bell, Sophie Birge, Eric Brenner, Leah Brosmer, Raelyn Brosmer, Sarah Buechler, Kale Burke, Kimbra Burke, Addison Clauss, Wesley Eckman, Riley Fischer, Jade Gress, Lexi Gress, Heather Gudorf, Elizabeth Hasenour, Luke Hasenour, Tessa Hemmerlein, Tori Hemmerlein, Alexanda Hohler, Elizabeth Hohler, Logan Hostetter, Madison Hostetter, Emmett Hurm, Caroline Kieffner, Kate Kieffner, Nicholas Kieffner, Kai Kunz, Kasen Kunz, Benjamin Ludlow, Christian Ludlow, Lauren Ludlow, Noah Ludlow, Erin Ly-

ons, Emma Messmer, Alanna Neighbors, Kennedy Nicholson, Emily Patterson, Jacob Patterson, Melanie Patterson, Whitney Recker, Emily Rennie, Addison Schnell, Alayna Schnell, Tanner Schroering, John Summerlot, Luke Summerlot, Jonathan Thurman, Autumn Voegerl, Jordan Voegerl, Curtis Watts, Joey Watts, Alec Wehr, Braelyn Wehr, Brynlee Wehr, Grant Wehr, Jake Weinzapfel, Nate Weinzapfel, Will Weinzapfel, Adi Welp, Kiersten Woehler, Kyle Woehler and Ellery Wurster. Hoppers Leaders: David Boeglin, Mary Sue Boeglin, Addison Harper, AdiMarie Harper, Chase Wagner and Reynold Wagner. Members: Kimberly Bolton, Ansley Day, Erica Frank, Ethan Frank, Ashlin Mehringer, Amy Nelson, Eli Rasche, Xavier Rasche, Hannah Rottet, Justin Rottet, Matthew Rottet and Anna Wagner. Leaders of Tomorrow Leaders: Susan Hoffman and Lisa Verkamp. See ACTIVE on Page 14


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Lexi Godfrey and Alyssa McKee of Jasper, held hands while riding the swings at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville last year. SARAH SHAW, FILE THE HERALD

Active (Continued from Page 13) Members: Bella Beckman, Riley Beckman, Emma Betz, Ava Brosmer, Sara Brosmer, Lydia Burke, Aisha Deel, Akayla Eichmiller, Ashtyn Eichmiller, Elaina Epple, Mariah Fischer, Brooklyn Helming, Tyler Knebel, Kennedie Knies, Paige Knies, Elizabeth Kunz, Kylie Morton, Coralynn Poppe, Lliza Poppe, Lorelei Poppe, Magdalene Poppe, Elizabeth Recker, Emily Recker, Gabriela Sander, Elizabeth Schepers, Kari Scherzinger, Corbyn Schnell, Kinley Schnell, Raynie Schnell, Mara Schroering, Olivia Schroering, Abby Tower, Emma Tretter, Kassidy Verkamp, Gianna Wagner, Gretchen Wagner and Mary Grace Wagner. Little Life/Life Explorers Leaders: Jennifer Erwin, Deondra McQueary and Jacqueline McQueary. Members: Ethan Erwin, Kenan Erwin, Lydia Erwin, Isabella Griffith, Lilliana Knight, Asher Lehmkuhler, Devon Lehmkuhler, Rae Lehmkuhler, Rowan Lehmkuhler, Danica McQueary, Quentin McQueary, Celia Neukam, Emma Steltenpohl, Eleanor Underwood, Ethan Underwood, Cody Zook and Eli Zook. Little Rangers Leaders: Darlene Boeglin and Christa Widolff. Members: Carter Becher, Avari Boeglin, Alivia Brosmer, Avery Gogel, Mya Hickerson, Brysen Hopf, Aurora Jacob, Nora Klem, Ty Klem, Kiera Lindauer, Adalyn Luebbehusen, Jillian Matheis, Reid Mehringer, Paige Memmer, Ellie Meunier, Luke Meunier, Mallory Morrison, Clayton Roesner, Savannah Scherzer, Gavin Schipp, Kenley Schipp, Anden Uebelhor and Emma Wilson.

Little Seekers Leaders: Emma Hurst and Lisa Knust. Members: Sydney Berger, Kaden Boeglin, Kennedy Boeglin, Lance Boeglin, Addison Evitts, Elizabeth Kerkhoff, Jace Leinenbach, Ashlyn Pund, Madalynn Pund, Anastasia Waddle, Sydney Wathen and Tucker Wathen. Lucky Irish Leaders: Holly Reckelhoff and Jackie Scherle. Members: Kaylee Barrett, Emma Emerson, Ella Goeppner, Sara Gress, Emily Heim, Madison Heim, Kayli Hoffman, Rachel Hollinden, Jillian Hughes, Kerrigan Kieffner, Marissa Killion, Elise Lampert, Claire Linette, Adilynn Mehringer, Nicole Mehringer, Anna Moeller, Priscilla Olson, Kylie Patterson, Darby Patton, Ashley Sander, Jenna Sander, Katelyn Sander, Cheyenne Scherle, Hannah Schwenk, Reese Sinnott, Tyler Sinnott, Katelynn Stemle, Kaitlyn Stenftenagel, Kalea Uebelhor, Madelynne Wagner, Natalie Wehr, Brailyn Whaley, Brianna Williams and Brooke Williams. Lucky Shamrocks Leaders: Audrey Fischer, Daryl Kluemper, Jennifer Kluemper and Eric Schue. Members: Branton Abbett, Piercen Abbett, Joseph Achbach, Kelly Achbach, Rinoa Ahrens, Jake Brumfield, Kathryn Brumfield, Sara Carpenter, Abby Fischer, Krysanya Grierson, Arel Hawkins, Bailey Hawkins, Addison Hayes, Lilah Hayes, Abigail Hollinden, Anna Hollinden, Nathaniel James, Ethan Jones, Ella Kelly, Jack Kelly, Kate Kelly, Ryan Kelly, Samuel Kelly, Abigail Kluemper, Anthony Kluemper, Grace Kluemper, Hannah Kluemper, Samuel Kluemper, Avery Knies, Madalyn Knies,

For A ll Your H a y Equipm ent & Fa rm M a chinery R epa ir!

HOPF BROS. AG-REPAIR, INC. 2416 S. St. Anthony Rd., N., St. Anthony, IN 812-326-2173 or Phone or Fax 812-326-2975

G O O D L U C K TO A L L 4–H M EM B ER S !

Meredith Knies, Molly Knies, Mallory Krapf, Samuel Krapf, Amber Leinenbach, Blake Leinenbach, Isaac Lorey, Justice Matthews, Brandon Mehringer, Breann Mehringer, Cameron Mehringer, Carson Mehringer, Kyle Mehringer, Nathan Mehringer, Brea-Anna Mullen, Dawson Neff, Carson Neuhoff, Amayah Ortega, Eliana Ortega, Josefina Ortega, Samuel Osterman, Colton Parr, Logan Pinkstaff, Sydney Pinkstaff, Tyler Pinkstaff, Hannah Rydberg, Megan Rydberg, MaKindree Sanders, Sydney Schmitt, Aidan Schue, Ella Schue, Noah Schue, Mason Sermersheim, Ryan Sermersheim, Madeline Wanninger, Ruby Wanninger, Adalyn Welp and Levi Welp. Paws and Pals Leaders: Ruth Bush, Jeff Kerkhoff and Tarry Kerkhoff. Members: Madelyn Day, Rosalie Kerkhoff, Ellaina Lehmkuhler, Alexis Rummel and Emma Small. Ramblers Leaders: Duane Beyke and Stephen Sander. Members: Rolen Case, Conner Ferguson, Parker Ferguson, Paxton Mehringer, Brent Roberts and Cooper Schroeder. Rangers Leaders: Shirley Demuth and Valerie Hassfurther. Members: Bailey Anderson, Kasady Anderson, Olivia Bell,

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Kensley Gogel of St. Henry fed hay to a dairy cow during last year’s Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville. The dairy show will take place at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. SARAH ANN JUMP THE HERALD

Owen Boeglin, Hannah Borden, Jasmine Curtis, Gabrielle Englert, Tanner Englert, Ava Evans, Ivy Evans, Liv Evans, Logan Fischer, Summer Fleck, Aubree Gogel, Calvin Hasenour, Charlie Hasenour, William Hasenour, Emma Hassfurther, Ethan Hassfurther, Katelyn Hassfurther, Rachel Hassfurther, Abigail Hauser, Luke Hauser, Addison Hochgesang, Conner Hochgesang, Colten Hopf, Emma Jamniczky, Leslie Jochem, Jacob Keller, Gavin Kieper, Collin Lorey, Aubrey Luebbehusen, Dustin Luebbehusen, Kelsey Mehling, Bryce Memmer, Kaden Meunier, Brianna Morrison, Cole Oeding, Madyson Partenheimer, Addison Schipp, Ann Scott, Skyla Smith, Evan Steinmetz, Haley Steinmetz, Megan Steinmetz, Riley Steinmetz, Jacob Uebelhor, Kaylee Uebelhor, Miles Welp, Nora Welp, Amelia Wildoff, Ava Widolff, Leo Widolff, Joshua Wilhite, Kaiyah Wilhite, Auria Wilson and Hannah Wilson. Robotics and Innvocation Leaders: Sheila Hurst and Margaret Mauntel. Members: Dalton Bodkins, Cayden Crockett, Evan Dunning, Gavin Jones, Chase Niehaus, Marshall Pior and Howard Wood. St. Henry Saints Leaders: Laura Sherman and Susan Wagner. Members: Chanler Balsmeyer, Lidea Balsmeyer, Prestyn Balsmeyer, Shauna Begle, Tristan Brown, Brooke Buening, Emma Buening, Cory Burress, Zachary Cline, Kate Durcholz, Olivia Durcholz, Kynsley Gogel, Ryles Gogel, Phoebe Hollinden, Zoe Hollinden, Justin Lammers, Abigail Lindauer, Blake Lindauer, Aaron Lubbehusen, Klint Luebbehusen, Chloe McNeely, Misty Merter, Dexter Meyer, Izak Meyer, Adyson Oeding, Austyn Oeding, Dylan Ring, Makenzi Ring, Levi Schaeffer, Christopher Scherer, Gabe Steckler, Harrison Steckler, Heith Steckler, Kendra Steckler, Maria Steckler, Monica Steckler, Shelby Steckler, Will Steckler, Jaxson Tanner, Mykela Tanner, Blake Taylor, Lindsey Taylor, Jacob Tempel, Marie Tempel and Rose Tempel. Shooting Sports Leaders: Richard Ballard, Hannah Beck, Janelle Beck, See ACTIVE on Page 16

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Ella Goeppner of Jasper left, April Decesaro of Bethany, Ill., and Katie Stenftenagel of Jasper played cards during last year’s fair in Bretzville. Stenftenagel said she usually stays at the fairgrounds until about midnight before heading home, and to pass the time she often plays cards with friends. ALISHA JUCEVIC THE HERALD

Active (Concluded from Page One) Jared Beck, Timothy Beck, John Beckman, Ed Boeglin, Jennifer Boeglin, Samantha Boeglin, John Butler, Robert Calvert, Bret Collignon, Melissa Cushman, Andrew Danzer, Scott Fromme, Jay Giesler, Steven Haggh, Edward Hohler, David Hollinden, Kyle Lechner, Steve Lechner, John Lehmkuhler, Tim Lueken, Zach Mauder, Abigail Meadows, Elijah Mundy, Steve Pace, Casey Reckelhoff, Dana Reckelhoff, Daniel Reckelhoff, John Rickelman, Tony Sanders, Vincent Schroering, Nicholas Snider, Dennis Wickman and Terry Wineinger. Members: David Ballard, Roselyn Bounds, Samuel Bowles, Joshua Braunecker, Nick Buechlein, Hunter Bumm, Blake Danzer, Kylene Danzer, Elijah Eckert, Seth Eckert, Elliott Fischer, Ethan Fischer, Carson Fleck, Wyatt Fleck, Henry Fromme, Reece Fromme, Christian Geesaman, Austin Gehlhausen, Dakota Giesler, Jaylyn Giesler, Lucas Greishaber, Will Gress, Casey Haggh, Seth Hartwick, Jace Hasenour, Alexia Hoskins, Peyton Hoskins,

Turner Hunefeld, Gabriel Jones, James Kelley, Tyler Kelly, K. Wylee Kippenbrock, Jonah Kuczynski, Lillian Kuebler, Logan Lehmkuhler, Mallory Lehmkuhler, Clay Letterman, Daniel Moore, William Mowat, Olivia Pace, Steven Pace, Devon Roach, Grant Sanders, Braden Schroeder, Parker Schroeder, Rebecca Snider, William Sternberg, Ryan Verkamp, Jordan Vittitow, Brennen Wehr, Tyler Weikert, Karissa Weisman and Owen Weisman.

Knust. Members: Grace Andrews, Conrad Blessinger, Kade Boeglin, Kale Brames, Nolan Brames, Olivia Brames, Sarah Buechler, Madison Cox, Lydia Devillez, David Durcholz, Jalynn Egloff, Katelynn Fehribach, Luke Fleck, Marshal Gress, Ellie Hall, Emma Hall, Ethan Hall, Zach Hoffman, Joseph Hurst, Lauren Klem, Ben Kluesner, Sam Kluesner, Kyla Knight, Dalton Lampert, Stacia Lampert, Gavin Leinen-

Talent Seekers Leaders: Robert Gress, Julia Hurst, Vicki Knight and Rhonda

See ACTIVE on Page 18

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Lydia Betz of Schnellville rested with her family’s three black angus cattle in the beef barn during last year’s Dubois County 4-H Fair. bach, Taylor Meyer, Aubrey Mullis, Kayla Mullis, Megan Mullis, Sierra Patberg, Trever Patberg, Layne Prechtel, Riley Prechtel, Hailey Pund, Madelyn Pund, Serenity Schepers, Abigail Sermersheim, Joshua Sermersheim, Kennedy Sermersheim, Miran-

da Sermersheim, Ayden Small, Maddix Small, Emma Uebelhor, Isaac Uebelhor, Jaida Verkamp, Caleb Voegerl, Kiersten Voegerl, Heather Wallhauser, Olivia Wallhauser, Madison Wathen, Grace Weigel, Leah Wilmes and Kale Wissel.

The Clover Conspirators Leaders: Janet Haase and Judy Jochem-Nino. Members: Brookelyn Beard, Aiden Bright, Zoey Bright, Alison Bromm, Carson Bromm, Nathan Bromm, Ayla Hargett, Dante Hays, Caleb Humbert, Jay Humbert,

Kelsey Humbert, Noah Humbert, Damien McAllister, Louisa Nino, Reagan Sermersheim, Reece Tretter, Tori Tretter, Katelyn Wright and McKenzie Young.

Boehm and Brandy Nord. Members: Adison Andry, Alli Betz, Halton Betz, Keegan Betz, Hallie Boehm, Drew Eckert, Addison Elliott, Drew Fischer, Tan-

The Explorers Leaders: Rachel Betz, Trisha

See ACTIVE on Page 18

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Braxton Mitchell of Schnellville showed his heifer in the beef show at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville last year.

Active Wehr and Josie Welp.

(Continued from Page 17) ner Fischer, Taylor Fischer, Trinity Foll, Lilyana Hoffman, Adalee Hopf, Callie Hopf, Hannah Kuebler, Drake Lichlyter, Landon Lindauer, Sophie Miller, Carson Mitchell, Leigha Nord, Bryce Reuber, Harmony Schepers, Caleb Schroering, Emma Schroering, Magdalena Verkamp, Nathan Verkamp, Patrick Verkamp, Abby

Wee Irish Leader: Bridgett Linette. Members: Abe Hoffman, Audrey Hoffman, Xavier Kiefer, Lucy Linette and Levi Mehringer.


Wranglers Leaders: Sandra Bair, Hana See ACTIVE on Page 20


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Garrett Betz of Schnellville let out a loud grunt as he pulled the rope during the tug-of-war competition last year. This year’s competition will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday.


Deion Henke of Ferdinand reversed his car on top of Justen Ferguson of Huntingburg during the full-stock class of the demolition derby last year. Henke won the Mad Dog Award for the class. The derby will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday.


Maya Jones and Gracie Graves, both of Ferdinand, ordered deep fried Oreos while Taryn Prechtel of Schnellville and Tatum Englert of St. Anthony walked around during last year’s fair.


Rose Tempel and her sister Marie of St. Henry, played cards in the cattle barn during last year’s fair.

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Active (Concluded from Page 18) Brosmer, Jill Cooper, Nathan Frank, Chad Giesler, Kelcie Hassfurther, Leah Helming, Rhonda Helming, Abby Hochgesang, Alyssa Kluesner, Janet Lee, Anne Mehringer, Karen Messmer, Danielle Murray, Kaylee Murray, Kris Murray, Keanyn Neukam, Scott Schnell, Janie Schnuck, Teresa Tolbert, Anissa Troxal, Janet Welp, Gary Weyer, Michele Weyer and Laura Whitsitt. Members: Sydney Bachman, Josilynn Bateman, Brock Bawel, Grace Bledsoe, Judd Bledsoe, Brenna Brosmer, Lilly Bruce, Camden Case, Alyssa Collignon, Jaelyn Cooper, Masen Cooper, Cody Danhafer, Grace Danhafer, Amanda Ehrhard, Abigail Flamion, Isabelle Flamion, Jada Fromme, Caroline Gadlage, Madison Giesler, Katelyn Harpe, Lily Harpe, Paige Jacob, Caroline Kaiser, Mitchell Kaiser, Addyson Kane, Tanner Kane, Aidan Kay, Grace Kluesner, John Lee, Josie Lehmkuhler, Lauren Lubbehusen, Kaelynn

Luker, Jayden Matheis, Ella Mattingly, Lynsie Messmer, Presley Neukam, Taylor Neukam, Tucker Neukam, Rory Peek, Addie Prok, Madison Roach, Shelby Roach, Katey Schaefer, Miah Schaefer, Carly Schnell, Cody Schnell, Leah Schnell, Haley Schnuck, Mary Seybold, Willard Seybold, Brandon Tolbert, Crystal Tolbert, Paige Troxal, Zachary Troxal, Ashden Walton, Clarissa Weyer and Dylan Weyer. Young Achievers Leaders: Jesse Brown, Christine Eck and Kenneth Eck. Members: Carson Bauer, Emma Bauer, Ethan Bauer, Cambria Brown, Jaelyn Brown, Zoey Brown, Aaron Christiansen, Alexis Christiansen, Aundrea Christiansen, Miranda Durcholz, Gabriella Eck, Josie Englert, Nicole Fant, Emily Hoffman, Brayden Humbert, Abby Hutslar, Cali Jackle, Eric Jiang, Melody Jiang, Kaitlyn Mann, Emma Popp, Luke Popp, Kylee Weisheit, Reagan Weisheit, Reese Weisheit and Trace Weisheit.


Izak Meyer of St. Anthony pushed out from the climbing wall to slide back down to the ground during last year’s fair.

ERNY SHEET METAL, INC. Wishes All 4-H’ers Good Luck! 1020 2nd Avenue • Jasper • 812-482-1044


Makenzi Ring and her brother Dylan of Huntingburg sat on their heifer so that their mother, Jeri Ring, could take their photo before last year’s dairy show.

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