â– YO U R C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R S I N C E 1 8 9 5 D U B O I S C O U N T Y H E R A L D. C O M
The Herald
A guide to the 2017 ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Prelims and Open Class Invitational at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper.
Page 3: A look at the Marching Wildcats Page 4: The road to the finals Page 4: Contest scoring explained Page 5: A look at the Marching Raiders Page 9: A look at the Marching Rangers Page 11: A look at the Marching Jeeps
Inside this section:
Keeping the Beat
Good Luck
ck u L d o
ABE LEHMKUHLER u of yo d u o r So p ove you! and l
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To All Bands Participating in the Scholastic & Open Class Invitational ...
Good Luck
C h lo e & K yle a n d th e Ja s p er M a rch in g W ild ca ts W e're p ro u d o f yo u ! L o ve, M o m & D a d
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D irectors : Ja m es G oodhue,John C oller,P a trick K eeley a nd P hil Flem ing. D rum M a jors : G ra ce H a rm on,C ourtney O berm eyer,Tyler R icha rds on,V ince O berm eyer
“Turned To Gold”
Ya gis a w a :M a ch u P icch u ,D a u gh trey :Tw itch ,M o rrico ne: G a briel's O bo e Fro m " Th e M is s io n" T h es e Fine B u s ines s es S u ppo rt Good Luck Courtney, Vince, Josh & all the Yo u A L L T h e W a y ! Marching Wildcats!
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Jasper drum major Grace Harmon conducted the Marching Wildcats as they warmed up before last year’s ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Prelims and Open Class Invitational at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper. The band performs at 7:14 p.m. during this year’s invitational.
Jasper hopes to shine with golden performance Show title: City of Gold Repertoire: “Machu Picchu” by Satoshi Yagisawa, “Twitch” by Nathan Daughtrey and “Gabriel’s Oboe” by Ennio Morricone. A show titled “City of Gold” is fitting for the Jasper Marching Wildcats, a band that has made 27 straight Indiana State School Music Association State Finals appearances dating back to 1990. Director James Goodhue — who has led the group to nine, top-five Open Class B finishes in as many years — is quick to point out the band was good before that, too. This year, the band’s performance draws on ancient South American cultures — visually setting the tone with on-field ruins as well as a massive tarp that boasts a stunning Mayan sun calendar. The color highlighted throughout the show is one the band has become intimately familiar with over its decorated history: gold. The color guard’s outfits shine gold, as do the band members’ capes, gloves and gauntlets. The color will be the center of the band’s performance when they take their home field at 7:14 p.m. Saturday at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium as the lone competitor in Open Class B. “It’s not really telling a story, it’s more about the color,” Goodhue said. “And the imagery should invoke Incan or Mayan or Mesoamerican civilizations.” Goodhue said that originally, the show was going to be called something along the lines of “Midas and the Golden Touch,” but the music shifted the theme. “Machu Picchu” swells with Incan imagery, while epic “Gabriel’s Oboe” — the main theme from the 1986 film “The Mission” — furthers the regal theme. Goodhue admitted the band is behind in learning the show, but said that happens some years. He said the band hasn’t done as well in the early exhibition competitions as it has traditionally in the past, but he hopes the show will come together before regional contests begin Saturday, Oct. 14. “We’re at a place where we have to learn a lot in the next short amount of time,” he said. “I think they will. I think they’re up for it.”
Members of the Jasper Marching Wildcats led the band up Main Street near the end of the parade route during the 39th annual Jasper Strassenfest in August. Jasper Marching Wildcats roster: Drum Major: Grace Harmon, Courtney Obermeyer, Tyler Richardson, Vince Obermeyer. Flute: Amber Leinenbach, Katie Stemply, Carly Vaught, Sara Gress, Paige Small, Abby Fischer, Sydney Pinkstaff, Cecilia Sanchez and Lauren Verkamp. Clarinet: Emma Messmer, Kaitlyn Neukam, Megan Burger, Kristen Doppenberg, Abi Serrano, Mackenzie Walling, Johanna King, Grace Soellner, Karley Thomas, Chloe Allen and Ariana Lopez. Alto Sax: Carson Vaal, Lydia Cantner, Logan Chanley, Jack Goodhue, Sara Haas, Joe Monetta, Clarissa Parr, Grace Schotanus, Drake Siegel, Ben Stenftenagel, John Dahlen, Abraham Delacruz, Jason Mair, Nathan Mehringer, Alexia Ford, Amanda Buckner, Brandon Conard, Michael Donovan, Jace Goodhue, Peyton Hoskins, Tyler Kelly and Adina Moss. Trumpet: Stephanie Pierick-Lewis, Carlos Gomez Sanabria, Julia Doppenberg, Jacob Grinstead, Colin Haggh, Andrew Hedinger, Mandi Shields, Justin Foll, Collin Thrasher, Reid Foster, Seth Hartwick, Kaylynn James, Josh Schoenbachler and Brock Walling. Mellophone: Logan Pinkstaff, Jacob
Holliden, Kaitlin Albrecht, Gina Fromme, Austin Rawlins, Abbey Armstrong, Abe Lehmkuhler, Kiersten Woehler, Shelby Hollen, Brooke Nicholson and Ethan Truelove. Trombone: Jackson Hopf, William Simone, Zach Watson, Cole Weyer, Jalen Whitsitt, Will Mowat and Jackson Clark. Baritone: Nathan Deleon, Will Dixon, Eric Brenner, Kyle Allen, Matthew Dexter, Josh Obermeyer and Edwin Sanchez. Tuba: Christian Stemply, Noah Heim, Evan Gress, Grant Keller, Cole Stenftenagel, Tristan Scott, Josh Buschkoetter, Ethan Wanninger, Reece Fromme and AJ Parr. Snare: Merris Egloff, Steven Johnson, Nicholas Bell, Nathan Freyberger and Kennedy Nicholson.
Tenor Drums: Jacob Barry and Bennett Lang. Bass Drums: Nick Hedinger, Matt Kemker, Ben Hochgesang, Becca Schitter and Ciera Winkler. Front Ensemble: Gabby Eck, Haylee Dahlen, Isaac Hopf, Olivia Smith, Quentin Lechner, Adam Jones, Halie Brinksneader, Jenna Buechlein, Maude Drew, Gavin Fortwendel, Emily Haas, Lydia Hopf, Amaya Knies, Matthew Lamey, Isabella Ross, Bennett Schmitt, Austin Wolf and Bailee Schwartz. Color Guard: Chloe Parr, Mila Vernon, Melanie Patterson, Yasmine Dexter, Veronica Ocelotl, Ally Miley, Ashley Chevez, Ivy Deis, Haley Sermersheim, Breann Lechner, Sarah Engelhardt, Olivia Fuhs, Alanna Neighbors, Jessica Uppencamp, Huntter Fehribach, Brooklyn Thrasher, Clara Sternberg, Makayla Norman, Makayla Johnson, Aly Lynch, Anna Hollinden and Hannah Rasche. Key Bass: Connor Fritch.
E R N Y S H E E T M E TA L , IN C. 1020 2nd Avenue,Jasper,IN 812-482-1044
W e’re Backing You,Cats!
Local bands set sights on postseason success By ALLEN LAMAN alaman@dcherald.com
Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Before they play on the biggest stage in the state, however, bands need to qualify at regional and semistate competitions, which will be held across Indiana on the Saturdays of Oct. 21 and 28 respectively. The regional contests separate the bands into north and south divisions, and the top 10 bands from each advance to semistate. That number is cut in half again following the semistate events, and the top 10 schools in each class (A through D) advance to the state finals. Saturday’s invitational won’t have postseason consequences for the Jasper, Southridge and Forest Park bands. Regional competitions for bands in the Open Class begin Saturday, Oct. 14. Northeast Dubois will also compete Saturday in Jasper, however, the band will perform in Scholastic Class B, an alternative means of competition for programs who opt out of the Open Class. The Scholastic Class is designed for smaller bands with fewer resources. While the Open Class uses only school enrollment in determining class assignment, the Scholastic Class uses both
Saturday performance schedule
Cue the horns, drum line, woodwinds and, of course, the screaming parents: Marching band season is back in full swing across Indiana. One hundred and seventy-two high schools compete in the Indiana State School Music Association’s three marching band classes. Four of the bands set up shop right here in Dubois County — the Jasper Marching Wildcats, Southridge’s Marching Raider Band, the Forest Park Marching Rangers and the Northeast Dubois Marching Jeeps. Here’s a rundown of how these contests work. Three area bands will compete in Saturday’s Open Class at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper: Southridge and Forest Park will compete in Class D while Jasper will be the lone competitor in Class B. Like high school athletics, open classes A through D are determined by school population size. The Open Class State Finals will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4, at Lucas
12:44 p.m. Salem 12:57 p.m. Washington 1:10 p.m. Reitz Memorial 1:23 p.m. Shawe Memorial 1:49 p.m. Charlestown 2:02 p.m. Northeast Dubois 2:15 p.m. Henryville 2:28 p.m. Eastern Pekin 2:41 p.m. Madison Consolidated 2:54 p.m. Bedford North Lawrence 4:12 p.m. Clay City 4:25 p.m. Forest Park 4:38 p.m. Southridge 4:51 p.m. Crawford County 5:17 p.m. Springs Valley 5:30 p.m. Paoli 5:56 p.m. Orleans 5:43 p.m. Tell City 6:22 p.m. Princeton (Scholastic class awards) 6:35 p.m. Edgewood 6:48 p.m. Pike Central 7:01 p.m. Boonville 7:14 p.m. Jasper (Open class awards)
school enrollment and band enrollment to classify the bands. The larger Scholastic A Class, for example, includes programs that would be in Open Class A or B, but their bands’ membership can’t exceed 110 total members. The Scholastic B Class is comprised of bands that would be in Open Class C or D but have fewer than 55 total members. The local contest of the preliminary round of the Scholastic Class ladder will be held Saturday at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper, and schools that earn a gold rating will advance to the finals at Lawrence Central High School on the northeast side of Indianapolis on Saturday, Oct. 21. The winners of each class will be invited to perform their routines prior to the Open Class state finals at Lucas Oil. ISSMA also offers a noncompetitive Festival Class intended to give bands feedback and evaluation based on their music quality and performance. No local bands compete in that division. Heritage Hills, like the past two years, is not marching this season.
Who’s counting? Band scoring gets complicated By ALLEN LAMAN alaman@dcherald.com In contact sports, competitors face off against each other with one goal: scoring more points than their opponents. This is done by completing objective tasks such as netting jump shots in basketball and carrying the pigskin into the end zone in football. Leaving Lucas Oil Stadium in downtown Indianapolis with a first place Indiana State School Music Association State Finals trophy isn’t as clear cut of a task. Instead of having one definable goal, bands are each rated in the categories of music, visuals and general effect, a system
Holland Dental Clinic H o lland
that Southridge Marching Raider Band Director Lannie Butler said can cause things to get a little hairy. “It’s definitely a subjective game, if you will,” Butler said. “You know that going in, so if you want to play, that’s the way it is.” Here’s the breakdown. The standard of excellence is determined by ISSMA, which consists of Indiana’s band, orchestra, and choral teachers. At ISSMA competitions, six judges evaluate each band using the organization’s rubric. A band’s final score is based on a 100-point scale with 60 percent based on musical evaluations and 20 percent based on visuals, which include set design, color
guard performance and marching. The effect category comprises the remaining 20 percent of the score and takes music and visuals into consideration to evaluate the overall routine. To get a perfect score, music, visuals and effect are further broken down. In the music category, the bands are evaluated on how well the instruments blend together and the difficulty of their repertoire. The visual category analyzes the color guard’s choreography, how well the band marches together, and the set design. The contests that bands compete in prior to the ISSMA regional, semistate and state competitions are the equivalent of a football
team’s regular season. The bands receive a placement and often specific distinctions, such as best visuals and best percussion, among others. None of that matters at the end of the season, though. No matter how well bands have performed prior to the ISSMA contests, a gold ranking and a top rating are the only way to guarantee progression to the state finals.
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The Southridge band performed during last year’s ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Prelims and Open Class Invitational at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper. The Marching Raiders perform at 4:38 p.m. during this year’s invitational.
Raiders follow state bid with spooky routine Show title: Totentanz Repertoire: “Death & the Maiden,” “R.I.P. Restless In Percussion,” “Macabre Waltz,” “Totentanz,” and “Have You Seen the Ghost of John?” All original music composed and arranged by Joe Phelps and Lannie Butler. The Southridge Marching Raider Band’s 2017 show has a death theme, but it’s not entirely morbid. Throughout “Totentanz” — which translates from German to “dance of death” — the band and color guard portray skeletons, spirits and ghosts who come to life at midnight and have a fun time partying before returning to their graves when the sun rises the following morning. Director Lannie Butler said the group mixes in romance and finality to the show as well, creating a sort of last dance for the souls. “It’s kind of deep, man,” Butler said with a laugh. While the show’s songs are all original pieces crafted by Butler and Joe Phelps, some of the classical themes tapped in their compositions include “Death & the Maiden” by Franz Schubert, “Funeral March” by Frederic Chopin and “Danse Macabre” by Camille Saint-Saëns. In some ways it’s simple, Butler said. The ghouls come out and go the ballroom for the last dance and leave when it’s over. But in another sense, the crowd is watching souls connect with each other for the final time. All the while, band and color guard members are shifting the field from a cemetery to a ballroom and then back to a cemetery through the use of tombstone props. Last year, the group placed 10th in the Open Class D Indiana State School Music Association State Finals. And like last year’s “Wild Garden in a Formal Setting,” “Totentanz” carries a dark theme. “It’s easier for people to get into that than if everything is all happy all the time,” Butler said. “But I think it does have a whole lot of mood swings and the concept is easy to follow.” And while it’s not necessarily a Halloween show, the themes and characters fit right in with the shifting seasons. Viewer beware: Butler said that if you look closely at the sideline percussion during the band’s 4:38
p.m. performance Saturday at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium, you’re in for a scare. Marching Raider Band roster:
Southridge’s Perlita Garcia performed during last year’s ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Prelims and Open Class Invitational at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium.
Drum Major: Brianna Stasel Flute: Lauren Bailey, Blanca Villalobos, Vanessa Avalos, Hailie Montgomery and Alexa Head. Clarinet: Emily Winstead, Leah Wagner, Shayla Reyes, Jessica Dillon, and Kenzie Roby. Bass Clarinet: Jose Masariego Alto Saxophone: Rhiley Peters and Phillip Hartwick. Tenor Saxophone: Alex Nunez and Adolfo Gomez. Baritone Saxohone: Chris Dutton. Trumpet: Elisha Painter, Elizabeth Fleck, Tyler Brown, Catie Pauckner, Jose Nunez, Emily Roby and Wyatt Sherer. Mellophone: Louisa Nino, Bethany Brooks and Evie Sherer. Baritone: Josh Blocker, Andrew Sander and Tyler Laughlin. Tuba: Angel Benitez and Kaya Lamberson. Percussion: Amelia Meyer, Magdelene Flores, Jonathan Breckler, Owen Kinker, Melissa Dubon, Jazmyne Ramsey, Angel Garrett and Loren Abell. Sideline Percussion: Rhetta Sternberg, Kayli Echeverria, Michael Kerr, Charlotte Moss, Olivia Lopez, Drew Meece and Sylvia Birchler. Color Guard: Kimberly Martin, Katie Bayer, Juana Sandoval, Perlita Garcia, Skylar Berger, Esmeralda Garcia, Patricia Garcia and Paiten Opel.=
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Southridge’s Jonathan Breckler warmed up before the Raiders’ performance last year.
SCHOLASTIC SMALL (B) SA LEM H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G LIO N S D IR E C TO R (S ): B onnie H a rm on a nd R icha rd L . Trueblood TO TA L M E M B E R S : 29 P R O G R A M : “You A re H ere” by JR T rim pe M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): You A re H ere, H om e, W e A re H ere W A SH IN G TO N H IG H SC H O O L G O LD EN PR ID E D IR E C TO R (S ): B ra ndon H a gen TO TA L M E M B E R S : 45 D R U M M A JO R (S ): K a ssidy H a rris,Trey K ey & N oa h M eece P R O G R A M : H u sh M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): String Q u artet N o. 2 - B ela B artok H u sh H u sh - A vrilLavigne A ha! - Im ogen H eap Silent N ight H u sh Little B aby
Saturday, Oct
R EITZ M EM O R IA L H IG H SC H O O L TIG ER BA N D D IR E C TO R (S ): Jim W a lling a nd P a tS tuckem ey er TO TA L M E M B E R S : 40 D R U M M A JO R (S ): K irsten W ilson P R O G R A M : O hana M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. H au m ea. II. P ele and N am aka. III. O la Lokahi. IV . O hana. SH A W E M EM O R IA L JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L BA N D O F G O LD D IR E C TO R (S ): B illG ordon TO TA L M E M B E R S : 39 D R U M M A JO R (S ): Trinity Jones P R O G R A M : “A T rou bled H eart” M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): M u sic from B izet’s “C arm en” C H A R LESTO W N H IG H SC H O O L BA N D O F PIR A TES D IR E C TO R (S ): Joa nn Ta lley TO TA L M E M B E R S : 31 D R U M M A JO R (S ): N a ta lie L ow e P R O G R A M : C arm en M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): Selections from G eorge B izet’s O pera C arm en N O RTH EA ST D U BO IS H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G JEEPS D IR E C TO R (S ): D a vid F ox TO TA L M E M B E R S : 25 D R U M M A JO R (S ): H a rley H a ll P R O G R A M : E xpand and C ontract M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): C lassicalM u sicalSelections H EN RY V ILLE JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L G O LD EN BA N D D IR E C TO R (S ): C ha nce Va rner TO TA L M E M B E R S : 49 D R U M M A JO R (S ): C a itly n P a te a nd Za ch L y nch P R O G R A M : “Spin” M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. P ropu lsion. II. R esonance. III. T erm inalV elocity EA STER N (PEKIN ) H IG H SC H O O L M U SKETEER BR IG A D E D IR E C TO R (S ): M a tta nd Veronica L indley TO TA L M E M B E R S : 33 D R U M M A JO R (S ): C hristy K einsley ,W illia m Ja urequi & C a itiK em ker P R O G R A M : P ersephone M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. N ight on B ald M ou ntain. II. Ju piter. III. P ictu res at an E xhibition. SCHOLASTIC LARGE (A) M A D ISO N C O N SO LID A TED H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G C U BS D IR E C TO R (S ): S a m B ortka ,M a ttTa bor, S teve S a tterfield a nd R a chelC ovol TO TA L M E M B E R S : 46 D R U M M A JO R (S ): M ira nda A nderson & C ourtney A bbott P R O G R A M : R eflect M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. Say Som ething G reat by B ig W orld 2. II. E q u u s by E ric W hitacre. III. “N egative Love” from H arm oniu m by John A dam s. IV . E nigm a V ariations by Sir E dw ard E lgar. BED FO R D -N O RTH LA W R EN C E H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G STA R S D IR E C TO R (S ): Jim Jones a nd E ric B erger TO TA L M E M B E R S : 70 D R U M M A JO R (S ): O livia L ea ch P R O G R A M : O u t of D arkness M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. D arkseekers. II. Steve’s T hem e. III. T ransparency by Jim Jones. OPEN D C LA Y C ITY H IG H SC H O O L IM PER IA L R EG IM EN T D IR E C TO R (S ): M a rk Ziegler TO TA L M E M B E R S : 35 D R U M M A JO R (S ): A nna Ziegler P R O G R A M : T ag: U rban E xpressions M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. M asterpieces, II. C ity A rt, III. T ru e H eart FO R EST PA R K JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G R A N G ER S D IR E C TO R (S ): C ha d G a y so TO TA L M E M B E R S : 78 D R U M M A JO R (S ): K a tie W inkler P R O G R A M : K ing of the M ou ntain M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. “O ne D ay I’llF ly A w ay” by Joe Sam ple and W illJennings. II. “A irlink” by Jack Stam p; “Sanctu ary” by F rank T icheli. III. “B u tterfly” by M ila M akaroff.
(all times listed ar
SC HO LA STIC SM A LL C aption A w ards 12:44 S alem ______________ 12:57 W ashington ______________ 1:10 R eitz M em orial/ Evansville ______________ 1:23 S haw e M em orial/ M adison ______________ 1:36 B reak 1:49 C harlestow n ______________ 2:02 N ortheast D ubois ______________ 2:15 H enryville ______________ 2:28 Eastern/P ekin ______________ SC HO LA STIC LA RG E C aption A w ards 2:41 M adison C onsolidated ______________
Results _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Results _________
2:54 B edford N orth Law rence 3:07 3:20 O PEN D 4:12 C lay C ity 4:25 Forest P ark/ Ferdinand 4:38 S outhridge/ H untingburg 4:51 C raw ford C ounty/ M arengo 5:04 5:17 S prings V alley/ French Lick
___ Aw a Dinn C ap ___
___ B rea
T he D iv isio ns SC H O LA STIC – Includes S cholastic Large (A ) and S cholastic S m all (B ) C lasses, not to be confused w ith C lass A or B in the traditional/O pen class sense.
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SO U TH R ID G E H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G R A ID ER BA N D D IR E C TO R (S ): L a nnie R . B utler TO TA L M E M B E R S : 55 D R U M M A JO R (S ): B ria nna S ta sel P R O G R A M : T otentanz M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): D eath & the M aiden, H ave You Seen the G host of John?, R .I.P . R estless in P ercu ssion, M acabre W altz, T otentanz
C R A W FO R D C O U N TY H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G W O LFPA C K D IR E C TO R (S ): C ha rlie B ooth TO TA L M E M B E R S : 39 D R U M M A JO R (S ): Jillia n A ndrew P R O G R A M : B eau ty of N atu re M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): M vt. 1, M vt. II, M vt. III
tober 7, 2017
5:30 P aoli 5:43 TellC ity 5:56 Orleans 6:09 O PEN C 6:22 P rinceton 6:35 Edgew ood/ Ellettsville 6:48 P ike C entral/ P etersburg 7:01 B oonville O PEN B 7:14 Jasper 7:27
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W e are sim ply referencing A and B because this is w hat is used on the officialIS S M A S cholastic schedules. O PEN – The traditionalcom petitive C lass A ,B ,C ,D form at.
r Marching Bands! S.E. Dubois Co. School Corporation
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ew Melin tendent
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Washington School Corporation Mr. Dan Roach Superintendent
our Child’s Education
SPR IN G S V A LLEY JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L BLA C KH A W K BR IG A D E D IR E C TO R (S ): L uke A y lsw orth TO TA L M E M B E R S : 75 D R U M M A JO R (S ): H a rley S hipm a n P R O G R A M : U nbroken M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): It Is A T hing O f G lory by M ark Isham W ait F or M e by Lu ca D ’A lberto R u dy M ain T itle by Jerry G oldsm ith It Is W ellW ith M y Sou lby P hillip B liss N essu n D orm a by G iacom o P u ccini O riginalm u sic by B en Lee, N ico M endoza & H arry H u tchens PA O LI JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L TH E PR ID E O F PA O LI BA N D D IR E C TO R (S ): B ill& G a y le L a ughlin a nd B en W erne TO TA L M E M B E R S : 70 D R U M M A JO R (S ): M a ggie M cG ow en P R O G R A M : A V iew from the T op M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): E levation, by D on B arrett, B M I TELL C ITY JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G M A R KSM EN D IR E C TO R (S ): N a ta sha E dm ondson TO TA L M E M B E R S : 57 D R U M M A JO R (S ): E liza beth K ehl& C orrie K im bril P R O G R A M : O rbis Lu nar M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. M oonlight Sonata, M oonray. II. T he F irst T im e E ver I Saw You r F ace. III. N ew C entu ry D aw n, B rahm s Lu llaby. O R LEA N S JR /SR H IG H SC H O O L BU LLD O G R EG IM EN T D IR E C TO R (S ): Terry B urton TO TA L M E M B E R S : 82 D R U M M A JO R (S ): Ja cob P inney ,A ubrey W ebster & Ja y cie L ivingston P R O G R A M : N o E scape, A n originalcom position by Stan P hillips and Lu ke A ylsw orth M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. 7 M inu tes. II. E scape P lan. III. H elp!. IV . T im es U p!
OPEN C PR IN C ETO N C O M M U N ITY H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G TIG ER S D IR E C TO R (S ): S cottS a lm ond TO TA L M E M B E R S : 54 D R U M M A JO R (S ): Ta tum H a w kins P R O G R A M : T ru e C olors M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): A lone in a C row d (from P ollock), T ru e C olors ED G EW O O D H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G M U STA N G S D IR E C TO R (S ): K a ren S ue W ells TO TA L M E M B E R S : 100 D R U M M A JO R (S ): B enja m in B ledsoe & K elsey L a vender P R O G R A M : P oint C ou nterpoint M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ):T occata and F u gu e in G M inor, T he F alls, E lectric C ou nterpoint PIKE C EN TR A L H IG H SC H O O L C H A R G ER BR IG A D E D IR E C TO R (S ): C hris A shw orth TO TA L M E M B E R S : 58 D R U M M A JO R (S ): C helsea F idler P R O G R A M : T otem M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. Su n B ird. II. W ind H orse. III. T hu nderbird. BO O N V ILLE H IG H SC H O O L BA N D O F G O LD D IR E C TO R (S ): F ra n Vile,D a na M ey er a nd S a m iS chm itt TO TA L M E M B E R S : 74 D R U M M A JO R (S ): Ta y lor E va ns,A iden E ndsley & S y dney E ndsley P R O G R A M : ”O ff You r R ocker” M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ):featu ring the m u sic of Jam es H orner, T ears for F ears and G narls B arkley
OPEN B JA SPER H IG H SC H O O L M A R C H IN G W ILD C A TS D IR E C TO R (S ): Ja m es G oodhue,John C oller, P a trick K eeley a nd P hilF lem ing TO TA L M E M B E R S : 147 D R U M M A JO R (S ): G ra ce H a rm on,C ourtney O berm ey er, Ty ler R icha rdson & Vince O berm ey er P R O G R A M : T u rned to G old M U S IC A L S E L E C TIO N (S ): I. Yagisaw a: M achu P icchu . II. D au ghtrey: T w itch. III. M orricone: G abriel’s O boe from “T he M ission”.
Ev a n & A llis on
W e are very proud of you! W e love you... Dad & Mom, Grandma & Grandpa H. Aunt Cindy & Uncle Bill
Forest Park
The Forest Park Marching Rangers would like to thank
~ present ~
King of the Mountain Saturday, October 7th at 4:25 p.m. . . .
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During the ISSMA Marching Band Invitational
The Band Boosters are
...at Alumni Stadium Jasper
Proud of You!!
P res en t
King of the Mountain
We're Backing You, All the Way!
Forest Park’s Anna Bailey performed during last year’s ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Prelims and Open Class Invitational at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper. The Marching Rangers perform at 4:25 p.m. during this year’s invitational.
Rangers ready to sprout wings, take flight Show title: King of the Mountain Repertoire: “One Day I’ll Fly Away” by Joe Sample and Will Jennings, “Airlink” by Jack Stamp, “Sanctuary” by Frank Ticheli, and “Butterfly” by Mia Makaroff. After a runner-up finish at the Open Class D Indiana State School Music Association State Finals last October, the Forest Park Marching Rangers are taking inspiration from a timely natural occurrence — the annual migration of monarch butterflies from the northern half of the United states to Mexico — to fledge out their 2017 show. Director Chad Gayso said the title of the performance, “King of the Mountain,” is derived from a combination of the royalness associated with the word monarch and the landscape of the region that the butterflies travel to each year, and noted that large rock props and color guard uniform designs that resemble caterpillars work to communicate the theme. “At certain points in the show, they do a costume change and then come out with butterfly wings,” said Gayso, who has led the band to either first- or second-place finishes at state finals in each of the past nine years. He said the color guard’s flags will also contribute to the butterfly-filled visual imagery. As far as the music goes, Gayso said it’s a good mix of speedy and slowed-down pieces and various moods. “Everything we’re doing sort of references the air and flight and nature,” Gayso said. “It’s a pretty good variety.” The show is still going through a metamorphosis of its own and won’t be fully complete by the time the Rangers take the field at 4:25 p.m. Saturday at Jasper’s Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium. Gayso said the ensemble is returning much of the same group as last year, with the exception of the roughly fifteen graduating seniors and new freshman performers. He said last year’s second-place state finals finish hasn’t been a worry for this year’s group. Prior to that finish, the band
had placed first in their class four consecutive times at state. “We’re really just trying to make this year the best this year can be and honestly, I haven’t heard too many conversations about our placement from last year at all,” Gayso said. Forest Park Marching Rangers roster: Drum Major: Katie Winkler. Conductor: Erika Uebelhor. Alto Sax: Rylee Auffart, Reese Blackgrove, Nathan Hamilton, Dalton Streicher, Morgan Tretter, Olivia Wallhauser, Alex Weyer and Kaiyah Wilhite. Baritone: Lanette Blume, Nolan Brames, Nolan Goepfrich, Tyler Hedinger, Zach Hedinger, Makayla McKim and Adam Weyer. Clarinet: Grace Andrews, Rachel Borman, Marna Davis, Maria Mehringer, Shielyn Nippers, Brianna Perry, Marlena Peters, Ethan Sell and Emma Workman. Color Guard: Kennedi Andrews, Lillian Bell, Hannah Borden, Rachel Brown, Sarah Buechler, Avie Gould, Brooke Haug, Lance Libbert, Hannah Mundy, Olivia Pace, Marcus Pfrang, Miranda Schlachter, Samantha Stout and Amy Wahl. Drum Line: Olivia Brames, Caden Eckert, Noah Fehribach, Josh Gentry, Quinn Highhouse, Dustin Luebbehusen and Ryder Todd. Flute: Madison Bailey, Elizabeth Brown, Allison Hassfurther, Kylie Lueken and Amelia Lutz. French Horn: Olyvia Beard, Josie Berg, Marshal Gress, Jimmy Lutz, Allison Mason and Averie Welp. Pit: Brice Austin, Keenan Bertges, Tia Brosmer, Maggie Brown, Alex Crecelius, Ivy Evans, Michael Gregson, Elise Herndon, Alex Randle, Connor Speedy and Heidi Wright. Trumpet: Meghan Dale, Ezra Feltner, Jaclyn Haug, Claire Mehling, Madison Tretter and Leah Wilmes. Tuba: David Durcholz, Jessica Englert and Evan Hassfurther.
Forest Park drum major Katie Winkler led the band in warmups during the Open Class D Indiana State School Music Association State Finals at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis last year. The Marching Rangers placed second in Class D.
Good Luck
"E xpa n d a n d Con tra c t"
Evan & Sabrina Dunning P la y yo ur hea rts o ut!!
L o ve,M o m ,D a d,G ra ndm a a nd G ra ndpa
Good Luck Gabby! a n d M a rc hin g Je e ps
We Love You! Mom, Dad and Clayton
u G abb r Wea re p ro u d o f yo y S a nd e ! L ove,G randm a & G randpa R andy,A ngie & F am ily A m y & C had K ent,Jana & F am ily
Good Luck NortheastD ubois M arching Jeeps!
G ood L uc k K a t!
IN !
Yo u r Pro u d Pa rents
D u b o is M a rc hing Jeeps Love,M om ,Dad & Josh
"E xpa n d a n d Con tra c t" We’re Backing You All The Way Marching Jeeps!!!!
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Northeast Dubois’s Jordan Baker played the bass during last year’s ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Class state finals at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis. The Marching Jeeps perform at 2:02 p.m. during this year’s invitational.
Jeeps setting sights on return to state finals Show title: Expand and Contract Repertoire: “Symphony No. 5” by Jean Sibelius and “Symphonic Dances” by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Northeast Dubois marching band director David Fox has his band trying something new this year. The band’s 2016 routine centered on the Marching Jeeps physically connecting props on the field and led them to the Indiana State School Music Association Scholastic Class Finals. But, the kids are performing outside the lines this time around with a more abstract routine. The band’s show this year is titled “Expand and Contract,” a theme that is brought to life through the use of Hoberman spheres and stretchy fabric visually, as well as through crescendos and decrescendos that musically make the sound breathe as it grows and shrinks. “We’re always thinking, ‘What can we do to make (the show) expand and contract? What can we do to make every moment interesting and relate back to our concept and idea to get the most effect out of it?’” Fox said, noting this is the most complicated performance he has led during his five-year tenure as the band’s leader. The Jeeps will perform at 2:02 p.m. Saturday at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper. If the band earns a gold rating, it will advance for the second straight year to the ISSMA Scholastic B Class finals at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis on Saturday, Oct. 21. “It’s very cool to be able to have them think in big picture (ways) and do things that are outside their comfort zones,” Fox said. “They just are willing to do it because they know how cool it is.” Northeast Dubois Marching Jeeps roster: Drum Major: Harley Hall. Flute: Addison Kurtz and Sabrina Dunning. Clarinet: Sam Wilson, Ayane Mundy,
Northeast Dubois drum major Harley Hall conducted the band as they warmed up during last year’s ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic Prelims and Open Class Invitational at Jerry Brewer Alumni Stadium in Jasper. Jade Mundy and Tana McIntosh. Alto Sax: Evan Dunning. Tenor Sax: Lydia Miller. Baritone Sax: Kat Breeden. Trumpet: Gabby Sander. Trombone: Ethan Kendall and Josh Barnett. Baritone: Dustin Gillespie. Tuba: Austin Palmer and Kasey Verkamp. Bass Guitar: Jordan Baker. Percussion: Leslie Moya, Lisette Moya, Kate Gore, Briar Jone, Madison McIntosh, Dillon Cummins, Jackson Harrison, Sarha Thomas and Millie Hale.
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Southwest Dubois Co. School Corporation
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Northeast Dubois Co. School Corporation Mr. Bill Hochgesang Superintendent
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