2018 Patoka Playground

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Patoka Playground 2018



Welcome to Patoka Playground Patoka Reservoir is the second-largest man-made lake in Indiana. But in the Patoka River Valley, it remains the biggest point on the map. While the region where the river ambles has seen dozens of other attractions grow up and expand since the lake’s creation in the early 1970s — and several of those attract more visitors — Patoka Reservoir remains the heart of this area’s outdoor activity, and on a grand scale. The 8,800-acre lake continues to be the focal point of Patoka’s 26,000 acres. But the recreation — fishing, swimming, skiing and such — are only byproducts. The project was developed for flood control and that area reaches into Dubois, Crawford and Orange counties. Patoka is the only lake in the state to offer floating cabins, wine cruises and rentable houseboats. It also provides a habitat for freshwater jellyfish and bald eagle nesting sites. River otters and osprey were reintroduced at Patoka by the DNR. The visitors center, located inside the Newton-Stewart State Recreation Area, continues to operate and several programs are planned for this summer. A weekly notice of those programs is published in the Herald. The property’s interpretive services staff presents programs and special events featuring the reconstructed Moery Cabin, a nonreleasable red-tailed hawk, bald eagle, Eastern screech owl and other natural and cultural history features of the area. Programs on kayaking, dutch oven cooking and other outdoor skills are also offered. User Fees: Here are a few of the costs at Patoka R eservoir for residents of Indiana:

■■ Gate fee for noncommercial vehicles with Indiana license plates, every day including holidays — $7. ■■ Gate fee for noncommercial vehicles that do not have Indiana license plates, every day including holidays — $9. ■■ Golden Hoosier passports are available for Indiana residents who are at least 65 years of age or are eligible for Social Security disability payments. ■■ Indiana residents who are former POW’s or their surviving spouses are entitled to a free Indiana golden Hoosier permit. ■■ Gate fee for each person, 5 years and older, entering as a pedestrian, on bicycle or horseback — $2.

For updates on camping, boating and other fees, call the reservoir at 812-6852464, or got to www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/. For information on the visitors center, call 812-685-2447. Section Index: ■■ When Patoka Lake was formed in the 1970s, three towns disappeared — Page 5 ■■ Create lifelong memories in Dubois County — Page 8. ■■ Spencer County is a wild ride of legendary fun — Page 9. ■■ Orange County offers a picture-perfect getaway — Page 12. ■■ Nature’s beauty, variety fill Crawford

County — Page 14. ■■ Play, stay outdoors in Martin County —Page 14. ■■ 2018 is jam-packed with Fairs & Festivals — Page 21. ■■ Area attractions are abound in the playground — Page 27. About Patoka Playground: Patoka Playground is a product of The Herald, a family-owned newspaper located in southern Indiana. The newspaper is published every afternoon except Sunday by the Jasper Herald Co., 216 E. Fourth, St., Jasper. The Herald is also online at www. DuboisCountyHerald.com.

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Let Us Rejoice Together!

These Area Churches Invite You To Worship With Them. ST. ISID O R E CATHO LIC PAR ISH ST. CELESTIN E CHUR CH

S unday:7:00 a.m .S tHenry Church


To s c hed u le a R ec o nc ilia tio n c a ll 8 12 -3 6 7-12 12

W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 5:00 pm

6864 E S tate Road 164,Celestine,IN

ST. R APHAEL CHUR CH 5564 E S t.RaphaelS treet,D ubois,IN 812-634-1875 FatherEugene S chm itt;D eacon M ike S eibert w w w.saintisidoreparish.com Sa tu rd a y: 4:30pm (A pril-S eptem ber) S t.Celestine Church,Celestine 4:30pm (October-M arch) S t.RaphaelChurch,D ubois Su nd a y: 8:00am – S t.Celestine Church,Celestine 10:00am – S t.RaphaelChurch,D ubois D a ily M a s s es : Tu es .: 6:30pm – S t.Celestine Church,Celestine W ed . & Thu rs .: 8:00am – S t.RaphaelChurch,D ubois Fri.: 8:00am – S t.Celestine Church,Celestine

Su nd a y:


W eek d a y M a s s es :


Tu es .-Fri.: 8:00 am

202 East4th S treet,Huntingburg 812-683-2213 w w w.salem ucc.org Rev.M ark W est S unday S choolforallages:9:00 a.m . W orship S ervice at10:00 a.m .(Nursery) Active Youth Group:W ednesday NightProgram s Radio Broadcast:W BD C 100.9 FM 11:15am -11:45am on S unday. TV Broadcast:Channel18/Cable Channel7 10:00am -11:00am on S unday

PR ECIO US B LO O D CATHO LIC CHUR CH 1385 W 6th S treet(Hw y 56 W est),Jasper,IN Parish Office:812-482-4461 Rev.Gary Kaiser,Pastor D eacon Jerry Gagne W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 4:00 pm Su nd a y: 8:00 & 10:30 am W eek d a y M a s s es : Tues.-Fri.8:00 am



S ocialGathering 9:30 am ;W orship 10:00 am

313 North W ashington S treet,Huntingburg 812-683-2372 Rev.Ryan Hilderbrand,Pastor W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 5:00 pm Su nd a y: 7:30 am ,10:00am ,12 Noon S panish M ass D a ily M a s s es : W ed ., Thu rs . & Fri.: 8:00 am Tu es .: 6:00 pm





812-937-2200 Rev.Crispine Adonga; D eacon Jim W oebkenberg w w w.saintfrancisofassisi.net A LL TIM ES CD T W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 4:30pm – S t.Nicholas,Santa Claus Su nd a y: 7:00am – M ary Help ofChristians,M ariah Hill 9:00am – S t.Joseph,D ale 11:00am (S panish/Espanol) – S t.Joseph,D ale D a ily M a s s es : Tu es . & Fri.: 7:30am – S t.Nicholas,Santa Claus W ed .: 5:30pm – S t.Joseph,D ale

Ireland (2829 N 500W ,Jasper) 812-482-7041 http://stm ary.irelandindiana.com Rev.Joseph F.Erbacher,“Effie”,Pastor D eacon John Huether W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y 4:30pm Su nd a y 7:00am & 10:00am D a ily M a s s es : Tu es d a y 6:00pm ;W ed nes d a y, Thu rs d a y, & Frid a y at7:30am

Thu rs .: 7:30 am – M ary Help ofChristians,M ariah Hill


DUBOIS ST. PETER ’S UN ITED CHUR CH O F CHR IST 5535 E.Vine S treet,D ubois 812-678-2271 John S terrett,Pastor

FERDINAND/ST. HENRY CHR IST THE K IN G M ASS SCHED ULE W EEK EN D S: Saturday: 5:00 p.m .atS t.Ferdinand S unday:7:30 a.m .atS t.Henry;10:00 a.m .atS t.Ferdinand CO N TIN UED : W EEK D AYS: T uesda ys: 10:30 a.m .(First& Third) atthe S enior Citizens CenterFerdinand Tu es d a y evening: 6:00 p.m .atS t.Ferdinand W ed nes d a y evening: 6:00 p.m .A tS t.Henry Thu rs d a y m o rning: 7:30 a.m . atS t.Henry T hursda y: 10:30 AM at S cenic Hills Care Center Frid a y m o rning: 7:30 A M S t.Ferdinand CO N FESSIO N : Saturday: 4:00 p.m .S t.Ferdinand Church

A ald n r e H io t p i scr b u S

8:30 am ,& 10:30 am

140 East32nd S treet,Jasper 812-634-1123 PastorAdam Ruschau Sa tu rd a y: 5:00pm -W orship/Holy Com m union Su nd a y: 8:45 a.m .-AdultS unday S chool 9:00 a.m .-Youth S unday S chool (exceptJune -August) 10:00 a.m .-W orship/Holy Com m union

ST. JO SEPH CATHO LIC CHUR CH 1029 Kundek S treet,Jasper 812-482-1805 w w w.saintjosephjasper.org FatherRay Brenner,Pastor;FatherW illiam Traylor; FatherJerry Pratt W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 4:00 pm (Novem ber-M arch) Sa tu rd a y: 5:30 pm (A pril-October) Su nd a y: 6:00 am ,7:30 am ,9:00 am ,11:00 am ,6:00pm ; 1:00 p.m .S panish M ass

ST. ANTHONY D IV IN E M ER CY PAR ISH FatherChristopherD roste;D eacon Charlie Johnson 812-326-2777 w w w .divinem ercyduco.org

JASPER 2 M iles North ofJasperon Hw y.231 812-695-4607 PastorD avid K ing w w w.cpjasper.com Su nd a y: 9:30 am -S unday S chool 10:30 am -S unday W orship CO N TIN UED : 6:00 pm -Evening W orship

ST. AN THO N Y O F PAD UA CHUR CH 4444 S Ohio S t,S t.A nthony,IN 47575

W ed nes d a y: 6:30 pm -AdultS tudy and W ord ofLife Club

HO LY FAM ILY CATHO LIC CHUR CH 950 E.Church Avenue,Jasper 812-482-3076 FatherJohn Boeglin,Pastor; D eacon M ichaelHelfter& D eacon D avid M cD aniel w w w.holyfam ilyjasper.com

SACR ED HEAR T O F JESUS CHUR CH 2504 S W alnutS t,S chnellville,IN 47580 Sa tu rd a y: 4 :3 0 pm (April-Septem b er)Sacred HeartofJesus 4 :3 0 pm (O c to b er-M a rc h) -S t.A nthony ofPadua Su nd a y: 7:3 0 a m -Sacred HeartofJesus 10 :0 0 a m -S t.A nthony ofPadua W eek d a y M a s s es : Tu es : 6:00pm -S t.A nthony ofPadua W ed .: 6:00pm -Sacred HeartofJesus Thu rs .: 7:30am -S t.A nthony ofPadua Fri.: 7:00am -Sacred HeartofJesus

For those across the miles… consider an electronic version of The Herald, online or e-edition (pdf). Contact our Subscriber Services Department 812-482-2424 ext. 110 or 140 or subscribe@dcherald.com




Editor’s Note: This story originally ran in the June 8, 2016 edition of The Herald.

Among the towns swallowed up by the water when Patoka Lake was formed in the 1970s was Elon where this schoolhouse and church once stood.


here was no running water — the well was on the porch and the outhouse was in the side yard maybe 100 feet from the door. The summer kitchen, an outdoor area used for cooking and canning during warm weather, was out there, too. It was the 1960s and for the folks in and around a trio of small towns called Ellsworth, Elon and Newton-Stewart, living life decades behind the times was just the way it was. Manpower over technology. The comforts of tradition over the anxiety of change. We’re fine, leave us be. “God’s place,” Amy Kendall calls the land where she was raised. “Sacred ground.” These days, the old Schnell place belongs to the government. Amy’s land of memories idles near the banks or along the bottom of Patoka Lake after the federal government saw to it in the 1970s that the Patoka River was dammed, the nearby landscape was left to flood and life for 261 families was redirected. Memorial Day has passed. Independence Day is but a month away. This is the peak season on Patoka Lake, a 8,800acre body of water officially completed in 1980 for the purposes of flood control, water supply and recreation (in that order). What idles beneath the boats and fish rests in the serenity of nature but doesn’t exactly rest in peace. “Old-timers are slowly passing on and the younger people realize what the lake is for,” said Stan Akin, Patoka’s property manger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “But a lot of people grew up here and didn’t want to see outsiders.” The champion among them was a man named Albert Schnell. That’s Amy’s grandfather and word is that when Corps of Engineers personnel came to meet with him about the takeover of his land a few miles northeast of Celestine, he grabbed a shotgun, climbed aboard his bulldozer and pulled the machine into their path to stand his ground. His wife, Cecelia, hung extralarge underwear on the clothes line — and splotched them with brown paint stains — as an antidote to Corps of Engineers staff. Albert erected a granary in the engineers’ path just to be a nuisance. There are members of the Schnell family still bitter enough about the federal takeover of some 26,000 acres of what was mostly farmland that they decline to discuss it. The Schnells took the government to court in a bid to get more money for their land but the costs incurred offset the gain. As Amy remembers, the family was paid $100 or $110 per acre of tillable farmland and her father, Dennis, rushed to cut, haul and sell timber on the family’s 160 acres over the last several months before the Schnells were officially evicted. The place was back in the sticks with a bumpy lane. Amy was the oldest and always helped her father put up hay, drive the tractor and milk cows. They had cows, pigs, a rooster and cats and dogs. The home, sold to

Cecelia and Albert Schnell them by a horse doctor who built the structure in 1912, was lined with cherry wood floors. Amy knew the family was poor. Other folks had running water and there were wild dogs that scared — sometimes killed — livestock but school in Celestine wasn’t far away. “It was tough,” Amy concedes. “But we absolutely loved it.” Still, by the time the Flood Control Act of 1965 mandated something be done about various areas of the country often incumbered by rising waters — and the impact downstream from the Patoka River — everyone knew what was coming. The Schnells had to be out of their house in March 1973. “’You’re not living here much longer,’” Amy remembers hearing. The last day was the worst. “It was cold,” recalls Amy, then 14 and now 56. “We walked through, and we had wood burners in two rooms for heat and it was empty. It was a feeling of emptiness. It was our home and it was gone. No furniture. We had looters who had taken glass door knobs and took things from the screen porch, took down poles that held up parts of the porch because they were engraved wood. Someone had taken the coal oil lanterns. The horse vet we bought the house from had green medicine bottles and they took those from some of the buildings. It was an awful feeling that day. Oh ...” The family moved to Dubois then Celestine and Amy believes now they are better off for it (Dennis still lives in the house in Celestine). Albert and Cecelia Schnell have both died, but Amy, her four siblings and their mother, Shirley, have been back to the home place. Amy, husband Steve and their three children drive from their Santa Claus home to go boating on the lake (their son, Dakota, even worked as a park ranger at Patoka at one time). But like a man who won’t look at a photograph of a girlfriend who broke his heart, Dennis stayed away for years. Last fall, sentiment finally eroded

Flooding near Elon — one of three towns flooded when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dammed the Patoka River to form Patoka Lake. bitterness and for the first time since that cold day near the end March 1973, Dennis returned. Some of their land is under water. On the part still on dry ground, there are no buildings remaining but there are stone foundations. Amy can still pick out the sycamore tree she used to climb. The big tree next to the old fishing pond is still standing, too. Akin and peers from the Corps of Engineers led Dennis on the tour in November. At one point, Dennis paused. “Everything is gone,” he said. He asked to be led to where the barn once stood. That was his favorite place. “I looked at Dad and he had a quiver on his lips,” Amy says. “I said, ‘Dad, it’s OK. We’re so much better off now. Drop it. Don’t get depressed. It’s over. We’re better off.’” She told him not to cry. “Then I saw a tear come down his face. That was his pride and joy, that farm. We had some good times there.” Though the lake was finished in 1980, the legwork for establishing a solution to what the government called “improvement for the benefit of navigation and the control of destructive flood waters” in the Ohio River basin dates to 1927. Surveying for Patoka Lake began in 1966 and demolition commenced in 1972 on a project that cost an estimated $73 million (the majority was spent on land acquisition while construction costs were about $24 million). The lake remains the second-largest in the state, behind only Lake Monroe near Bloomington. But to say it’s man-made is a bit of a misnomer. The only digging took place at the dam. Once that structure was in place not far from what used to be the town of Ellsworth, officials let Mother Nature run her course. Upstream from the dam, the Patoka River breached its banks. Wherever the water crept, that’s the lake. The water swallowed Ellsworth in Dubois County (near the dam), Elon just on the Orange County side of the border with

Dubois County (the town was to the right of the island that’s visible from the beach) and a swath of Newton-Stewart in Orange County (near State Road 145 and what is now the Newton-Stewart Recreational Area within the lake property). “They cleared timber and property owners before we got it, harvested timber and made huge brush piles and cabled them down for fish habitat,” Akin says. “Some piles, I’ve seen on my depth finder. They made travel lanes. But most of the timber is still standing for fish habitat.” Folks at the Department of Natural Resources call those trees “stickups.” The wood wasn’t the only thing left behind. Bridge abutments remain in part because rain filled the area with water so quickly that crews didn’t have time to clear everything they’d intended to remove. (For the same reason, folks were on the lake fishing before it officially opened). At one spot near the Osborne Boat Ramp, parts of a bridge linger and if the water is low enough on a drought year, “you could hit the old bridge pieces,” said Dana Reckelhoff, a naturalist with the DNR. Reckelhoff, through her work at the lake’s visitors center, has pieced together bits of underwater history. Every once in a while, she hosts a program inviting people with links to or questions about Ellsworth, Elon and Newton-Stewart to share their stories. It’s an ongoing endeavor with folks who could be termed hostile witnesses or secret informants. “There are people who had owned the land since they came to America and they were not happy about the lake. Then we have families who were in flooded areas and frustrated and the payout was a benefit to them. It’s about half and half,” Reckelhoff says. “A lot of the information we have is patchy because I have families who would love to learn more but they say they See HISTORY on Page 6



History (Concluded from Page 5) can’t do it until Grandpa passes away or something like that. Then I’ll magically get in the mail an envelope with pictures and no other information.” She does her best to unite images with words. For decades, life in the area trailed industrial advancement (remember: the Schnells didn’t have running water even in the 1970s). Reckelhoff has photos of old homes and the folks who harvested timber then floated it three or four hours downstream to Jasper. Logging was prevalent. Farming was the other profession, though residents often had trouble getting to certain parcels of land when the river flooded. Among her best prizes is a log of everyone who attended Hall Creek School from 1861 to 1874; there are familiar names (Friedman, Hoffman, Miller, Klem) from the school, which used to be in what is now a hiking area near the visitors center. Reckelhoff also has a map from Fred Dillard, whose family lived in Newton-Stewart; Dillard constructed a map of the lake that includes dots that point out homes and buildings taken out during construction. Families like the Dillards are honored in ways that are public, even if subtle. Dillard Road cuts through Patoka Lake property and one part of the Dillard family lived in a house that sat where the visitors center is now. The Walls Boat Ramp is named after the family. Same goes for the D.E. Smith Parking Lot. Not everyone would like to be honored. What’s known as Seng Island, the piece of land that juts from the lake straight out from the beach at Newton-Stewart Recreational Area, is named after a Dubois County family. Corps of Engineers personnel say some of those farmers were never a fan of the lake. Tom DeKemper, who works for the Corps of Engineers at the dam, remembers a man named Hilmer Denu who was a Dubois County Commissioner during lake construction. Denu pushed for the lake. His father-in-law, John Pieper, had ground near

Farris and Ruth King at the Newton Stewart Bridge in 1955. what is now the spillway and did not want to leave. “There were some issues there,” DeKemper says. The Corps of Engineers has records of every piece of land acquired in the takeover and among its gobs of information are photographs of the 25 cemeteries that were relocated. A company from North Carolina did the work and bunched the remains and markers near Painter Creek, one of the streams that flows into the lake. Some of the cemeteries were small, nearly unmarked plots. Among the people buried were Civil War soldiers.


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“From what I understand, they had to go in and they knew they may or may not find a headstone but saw a depression,” Akin says. “So they would dig until they found discolored dirt and put it in a box. Rarely were there any remains or coffins.” Officials with the DNR and Corps of Engineers point out that while much of the land was farmed, only Newton-Stewart still thrived as a small town. At the time the lake was formed, Ellsworth and Elon were primarily vacant and, even at their peaks, weren’t much more than small settlements. DeKemper remembers Ellsworth during the 1970s. He was from the area and back

when he was younger, he and his buddies used the property to hunt groundhogs (with permission, encouragement actually, from farmers). They took torches to the roof of a Lincoln Continental to create a homemade convertible and drove along Ellsworth Road as it cut toward what months later was part of the lake. The road still exists, but it dead ends on its easterly path toward lake property. “Before the lake was impounded, all they had were signs out on the roads, so we’d move the signs, drive through and come back and put the signs back,” DeKemper says. “It was wide open, cleared out.”

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M O V IE N IG H T A T T H E A IR P O R T (F ren ch L ick A irport) June 9

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T H U N D E R O V E R PA T O K A beach area in side the m ain en tran ce (N ew ton Stew art SR A ) June 30

12th A nnua lA R T O N T H E G R E E N (D ow n tow n F ren ch L ick ) O cto ber 12 - 14

F U L L M O O N 5K A T PA T O K A L A K E (P atok a L ak e B each) July 27

B la ckha w k M a no r W IN E F E S T IVA L (D ow n tow n F ren ch L ick ) O cto ber 13

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Dubois County offers a lifetime of memories Create a memory in Dubois County this summer! Enjoy several unique festivals, awe-inspiring architecture, historic attractions, great shopping, and outdoor recreation at its best. For outdoor enthusiast and families alike, Patoka Lake and Ferdinand State Forest offers natural beauty and great exploration possibilities. The 8,800-acre Patoka Lake offers fishing, boating, canoeing/kayaking, swimming, and water-skiing and is surrounded by 26,000 acres of DNR property that is perfect for hiking, mountain biking, camping, and bird watching. Ferdinand State Forest’s 7,640 acres surround one of the most beautiful forest lakes and offers many of the same amenities as Patoka at a smaller scale. Shopping will surround you in Dubois County! In Huntingburg, browse specialty and antique shops and unique eateries in the Victorian downtown on Historic 4th Street. Also, be sure to browse the variety of shops around the square in downtown Jasper featuring a chocolate & kitchen shop, clothing boutiques, gift and décor shops, and a homemade ice cream shop. Jasper, Indiana also features the Jasper Riverwalk and the Jasper City Mill just a few blocks from the square. In the summer and fall, take a ride on the Spirit of Jasper, our elegant passenger train that winds through the hills and valleys of the beautiful countryside. The Dubois County Museum, a German Culture and Heritage Center, will blow you away as you browse the different exhibits throughout the 50,000 sq. foot building. Permanent exhibits include history, agriculture, military, woodworking, sports, and German heritage. The newest exhibit added, “Wildlife Adventure Room,” features a collection of animals a local game hunter, Frank Fromme, collected from all over the

world. While in the area, also be sure to tour the awe-inspiring Monastery Immaculate Conception, a castle-like structure featuring a beautiful domed church. The Monastery is home to one of the nation’s largest group of Benedictine women, known as the Sisters of St. Benedict. Make plans to get a tour of this grand structure. A new addition on the Monastery Grounds is St. Benedict’s Brew Works, the only U.S. craft brewery on the grounds of a women’s religious community. The brewery opened in the fall of 2015 and offers a variety of craft beers. History is rich in Dubois County with over 19 churches over 100 years old in the county along the Trail of Faith. This year marks Dubois County’s Bicentennial, so be sure to be a part of the 200 year celebrations with different events taking place in July and October. At Huntingburg League Stadium, step into the Hollywood set where “A League of Their Own,” starring Tom Hanks and Geena Davise, was filmed and watch a wooden bat baseball game. The stadium was the home field to the Rockford Peaches in the movie. Throughout June and July, League Stadium is home field to the Dubois County Bombers Baseball team. The team plays in retro styled uniforms to bring you back to the era depicted in the movie, while the Peaches entertain fans in the stadium. From August 2-5, don’t miss the annual 4-day German street fest, the Jasper Strassenfest, complete with polka music, lederhosen, brats, and a long list of fun-filled activities. You can create memories to last a lifetime by making Dubois County your next destination! Go to visitduboiscounty.com or call 800.968.4578 for more information and begin creating memories now.

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Legendary fun awaits you in Spencer County Imagine going from 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds on the nation’s first launched wing roller coaster, sipping frozen hot chocolate inside a historic building, measuring your height against a young Abe Lincoln’s on the very grounds he walked 200 years ago and tasting local wines from the rolling hills of southern Indiana, all in one trip. You can find all of that and much more right in your backyard. Spencer County is home to a wide variety of family-friendly activities throughout Santa Claus and sites commemorating Lincoln’s Indiana Boyhood Home. The town of Santa Claus is a magical and historical place to visit for any age. With the only post office in the world to have the Santa Claus name, thousands of letters pile into this small, charming town annually. Visitors from all over send hand-deliver letters and Christmas cards to be postmarked from the one-and-only Santa Claus, Indiana. Plan for more than a day of fun at the nationally known Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari. In addition to the hoops and loops of the steel roller coaster Thunderbird, the parks also feature TIME Magazine’s choice for the #1 wooden roller coaster in the nation— The Voyage. And USA Today named Splashin’ Safari the country’s best water park, with two water coasters, loads of family raft rides and children’s slides. The parks offer free soft drinks, free parking, free inner tube usage, free sunscreen and free Wi-Fi. Visit the Santa Claus Museum & Village to learn about the history of this picturesque town and see the fully restored 1935 Santa Statue, historic Santa Claus Church and write a letter to Santa in the original Santa Claus Post Office. Venture over to Santa’s Candy Castle for a festive Christmas experience for believers of all ages. Browse themed shops like the gigantic Santa Claus Christmas Store,

Evergreen Boutique & Christmas Shop and Santa’s Toys to find holiday treasures. Experience outdoor recreational activities in Santa Claus, too. Play a round of mini golf at Frosty’s Fun Center or try your swing at the 18-hole Christmas Lake Golf Course. Ride a horse through the winding trails at Santa’s Stables and let the little ones meander around on a pony ride. Only five miles away from Santa Claus is where our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, grew up. Spencer County is where young Abe spent 14 years of his life, from ages 7 to 21. Visit the fertile ground of Lincoln’s childhood home at Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial and see a replica of Lincoln’s homestead at the Living Historical Farm where rangers dress in period clothing and perform pioneer chores from springtime until autumn. Right across the street from the National Memorial is Lincoln State Park, established as a memorial to Abraham’s mother, Nancy Hanks. Walk the trails on the same grounds Abe walked many years ago and visit the Lincoln Bicentennial Plaza which celebrates his 200th birthday. Explore Lake Lincoln by paddleboat or kayak, and wander the many wooded trails throughout the park. Take a relaxing look back into history with 14 Lincoln-era replica cabins and an artifact-filled museum at the Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum in Rockport. Stop by the Lincoln Landing where Abe launched his first flatboat trip to New Orleans, inspiring his anti-slavery views. And see the Lincoln Ferry Park that sparked Lincoln’s pursuit to become a lawyer after he was sued over his ferry business. With one of only two archabbeys in the U.S., the Saint Meinrad Archabbey is a must see on every visitor’s list. From beautiful architecture to the tranquility and peace of

the grounds, the Archabbey is a great place to get away and relax in St. Meinrad. For a taste of the country, swing by Monkey Hollow Winery and Distillery in St. Meinrad and Pepper’s Ridge Winery in Rockport. Sipping wine on a covered porch is the perfect way to unwind and enjoy the breathtaking southern Indiana scenery. Also, you don’t want to miss a chance to travel back in time to the good ol’ days of drive-in movie theaters. As one of the few remaining, Holiday Drive-In in Reo now has

six screens and two concession stands. With digital projectors, the movie-viewing experience is exceptional while you watch your favorite stars outdoor on the big screen. The Spencer County Visitors Bureau can assist families and groups planning their trip with lodging information, upcoming events, local maps, hours of area businesses and more. Visit SantaClausInd.org or Indianas AbeLincoln.org for online information or call the visitors bureau at 888-444-9252.

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Snap up picture-perfect visit in Orange County Magical getaways are always enticing as new seasons dawn. With your vacation coming closer, finding the perfect place seems overwhelming at times. Believe it or not, you don’t have to travel far for all types of memorable experiences; there are numerous adventures, luxuries and memories waiting for you right here in Visit French Lick West Baden. No matter what type of accommodations you are looking for, astounding restaurants to dine at, or fun events to partake in, it is all within short reach here in the heartwarming hills of Southern Indiana. With award winning spas, two of the top golf courses in the state of Indiana, unique events and much more; the stunning French Lick Resort is more than prepared to accommodate your romantic getaway, girlfriend or guys weekend, golf outings, adrenaline pumping adventures, or just a day of relaxation at the pool! Paired with the rich history of the two historic hotels, the resort is definitely a gem to behold. If you’re looking for a watery escape, Big Splash Adventure Indoor Water Park & Hotel is just the place for you and yours. With all types of water slides and activities, the water park is always a must for the little and big kids alike, no matter what the weather is outside it’s always a warm oasis inside. There are also multiple opportunities to relish Mother Nature’s beauty in Visit French Lick West Baden. Whether you’re looking for lodging options on or near Patoka Lake, near the Hoosier National Forest or perhaps you are just wanting to spend the day hiking, biking, skiing, or horseback riding, the possibilities of outdoor fun are seemingly endless. Perhaps you’re looking for the happy medium of adrenaline and nature. French Lick Zip Lines and Wilstem Ranch is just the place for you. With exciting zip line canopy

tours, horseback riding, 30 miles of trails to tackle during a guided ATV tour, one-of-akind, up close and personal elephant and giraffe encounters, and miles of hiking and biking trails. Wilstem is the perfect indooroutdoor place to attend. As if zip lining through the forest isn’t enough, French Lick West Baden Indoor Karting has stepped up the game with racing, not only for the big kids, but the little ones as well. Complete with Slinky B’s ticket redemption center, this is a one-stop shop for fun of all kinds. For some, the creative rush sounds more appetizing than any other rush out there. Fortunately, Visit French Lick West Baden is packed with creative minds. From gorgeous lapidary, to chainsaw woodcarving, and award-winning wines, many different shops and artists call the area home. For a distinctive shopping experience, visit one of many charming shops in Visit French Lick West Baden. Fox Hollow Gallery is a unique store featuring mostly handmade items, including rustic garden art, statues, and vintage signs. R4 Boutique is filled with gorgeous prints of the area, jewelry and imported Italian treats. You can’t have a good time without food! Many of the eating options in Visit French Lick West Baden are unique in themselves. The German Cafe in downtown French Lick is extremely authentic and tasty. Those with a more western taste may find themselves surrounded by sports memorabilia at 33 Brick Street while eating an AllAmerican cheeseburger. Still, Porky’s BBQ in Paoli has some of the most tender and juicy BBQ in the region. For a fine dining experience like no other, head to the French Lick Resort. Enjoy fresh sushi at Yamato Japanese steakhouse or O’hana Hawaiian Grill & Bar. No matter what your taste buds are craving, we’ve got


Finally, year-round events spread throughout every season are captivating and complimentary to the area. From the beautiful spring flowers, to the warm summer sun, transitioning to the fall that’s bursting with color, and our white winters, each season has its own set of events to look forward to. Kick off your unforgettable vacation or getaway at Wilstem Ranch with an Elephant or Giraffe encounter...or both!

The Pumpkin Festival, Block Bash and Art on the Green are perfect for those interested in great art, fun, food, music and games. Sunset Beer and Wine cruises are also available. The Polar Express, lighting events and French Lick Christmas Spirit bring about a warm sensation on those wintry days. To request your comprehensive visitors guide, view a full calendar of events, or simply ask a few questions, go to visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com or call 812-936-3418.

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Breathtaking views are Crawford County is surrounded by nature aplenty in Martin County Nestled in the hills of Southern Indiana, Crawford County is bordered by the mighty Ohio River along the southern edge, the beautiful Blue River forms the eastern boundary while Patoka Lake lies to the north and I-64 bisects the entire county providing easy access. Spectacular natural resources make Crawford County perfect for day trips, weekend trips or extended stays. Marengo Cave has miles of underground adventures to explore while the 8,800 acre Patoka Lake and the Ohio River enables boating, fishing, and water sports. The adventure-filled Blue River is perfect for canoeing. Leisure drives offer magnificent views and biking and hiking trails are plentiful.

There are miles of trails in the county’s public parks including O’Bannon State Park, Hemlock Cliffs and Patoka Lake. Lodging includes inns, floating and land cabins, bed and breakfasts, and 1,500 campsites throughout the area. Dine along the Ohio’s Horseshoe Bend or enjoy Amish food, bar and grills, or pizzerias. Shopping includes antiques, crafts, souvenirs and unique gifts hard to find anywhere else. Find events and their dates on the website, crawfordcountyindiana. com, and be sure not to miss the annual Sorghum Festival and the annual Antique Tractor/Car Fest. Eagles soar, deer roam, otters play, wildflowers flourish…Crawford County is surrounded with beauty and nature.


Martin County has many things to offer visitors from forests, rivers, rock formations and more. There are many scenic views to be taken in that will leave an overwhelming image in one’s mind. Visit the Jug Rock (the mascot for Shoals School), the House Rock, The Pennical, The Flat Rock at Hindostan Falls as well as McBride’s Bluff. The view from one of the last two fire towers in the state offers breathtaking, 360-degree views from the top. Wander the many hills and valleys, see the abundant wildlife along the roads, fields and in the sky. Camping is available in the Martin State Forest and West Boggs Lake. White River as well as West Boggs Lake offer

boat launches. Fishing is available on White and Lost rivers, as well as West Boggs Lake and numerous lakes and ponds in Martin State Forest. Some of the few things to enjoy in Martin County are canoeing, repelling, spelunking, fishing, hunting, hiking, bird watching and simply relaxing. If you like photography, this is the place for amazing photos to be taken. Visit us in Martin County, feel the friendliness along with all the activities one can do in the outdoors. Call the chamber office at 812-295-4093 or visit www.visitmartincounty.org for more information. County brochures with photos and a marked map telling how to find these beautiful sites is also available.

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2018 C om m unity Events Farm ers’M arket D.C.Bom bers Baseball YM IPicnic & Car Show Sum m er Sidewalk Sales Hispanic CulturalFestival Herbstfest FallHarvest Days Haunted Huntingburg Christm as Stroll

June-October June-July July 4 July 13-14 August 31Septem ber 1 Septem ber 27-30 October 12-13 October 12-13 Novem ber 8-11


Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 304 E. 4th St. Huntingburg


2019 C om m unity Events W interAntique Show January 19 Holland Kiwanis February 17-18 Gun & Knife Show Garden Gate Festival April27 Kiwanis Car Show April27 City W ide Yard Sale M ay 3-4

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(minutes away from Holiday World)

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Summer Hours: Tues., Wed. & Thur. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday Noon to 8 p.m. Closed Mondays

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aw aits you in Lincoln’s B ackyard!

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Steak, Seafood, Pasta & Sandwiches Ba r, Fa m ily & O utd oor Din in g H ours:11am - M idnight Tuesday -Thursday; 11am - 2am Friday;3pm - 2am Saturday

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Steaks • C hicken R ibs • Fiddlers Fillets • Pizza Shri m p • Burgers and M uch M ore!

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M onday Night PIZZA Tuesday Night WINGS W ednesday Night TACOS (Sum m er) Thursday Night TENDERLOIN Lunch Special Friday/Saturday BUFFET We are Catering Food & Alcohol at the Patoka Lake Winery Reception Hall!


6679 E. St. Rd. 164, Celestine 812-481-2400 Sun.-Thurs. 11 am-9 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am-10 pm

Hand Cut Steaks

Includes S oup,Baked Potatoes, Salad Barand Pizza Buffet

Full Bar Reservations Accepted Tu es.-Sa t.4 pm -10 pm • C lo sed Su n.


Chic ke n Ste a k P izza Strom b olis B re a kf a s t, Lu n c h & D in n e r

B e e r,Liqu or & Ca rry Ou t 6762 E. St. Rd. 164 Celestine 812-634-1323

BIRDS E YE DA IRY BA RN 312 N Main Street, Huntingburg 812-684-9010 Open Tuesday thru Sunday 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM


OP E N 7 DA YS 11A M - 9P M

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Wooden Keg Liquors 513 3rd A ve., Jasper

JASPER SALVAGE RECYCLING INC. Ho u rs Fo rAll Sto res : M o nd a y -Thu rs d a y 9 a m -11pm Frid a y 9 a m -M id night Sa tu rd a y 8 a m -M id night Su nd a y N o o n -7:0 0 pm

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M on.-Fri. 8 am -4:30 pm Saturday 8 am -1 pm



Fairs, Fests & Fun Explore southwestern Indiana through the dozens of fairs, festivals and other fun events that are planned throughout the year. A handy calendar to help you on your journey is below. May 19 ➤ LINCOLN LAND DRONE FEST Learn about drones, participate in the Santa Claus Cup Drone Race, see live drone demos, and more at this free, family-friendly festival. www.santaclausind.org/lincolnlanddronefest/ May 19-20 ➤ SPRING HERITAGE DAYS The Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum in Rockport comes alive with re-enactors, period demonstrations, candle making for kids, sheep shearing, music, food, and more. Both President Lincoln and young Abe Lincoln re-enactors will make appearances. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/ May 20 ➤ OLD JASPER/STRAWBERRY FEST Lions Club will serve food and a lot of strawberries! Also, enjoy the Patoka 2000 Duck Race, face painting, wagon rides, and Spirit of Jasper train rides. Lots of fun all day long from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm ET. Be sure to enjoy the Summer Riverwalk Concert featuring Jed Guillaume from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. www.jasperin.org May 23-26 ➤ ENGLISH REUNION FESTIVAL Festival held in old Town of English. No admission charge. June 2 ➤ CHALK WALK ARTS FESTIVAL Hundreds of artists, of all ages and abilities, register to participate in Chalk Walk around the Square in Jasper each year. They transform the sidewalks into a temporary art gallery by creating chalk and pastel “masterpieces” on their concrete canvases. Thousands more come to watch, create, and shop. www.jasperarts.org June 6-9 ➤ SPENCER COUNTY FAIR Activities include pageants, carnival rides, 3-ring circus, demolition derby, and much more. Hot air balloons will also be at the Spencer County Fair for the first time since 1911! www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/ June 7 ➤ WBDC COUNTRY SHOWDOWN Join in on a fun evening of wonderful entertainment for the WBDC Country Showdown featuring talented artists throughout the region. You may hear the next big thing in country music, and watch them get their start LIVE. http://wbdc.us/texaco-country-showdown/ June 8-9 ➤ ST. HENRY HEINDRICHSDORF Beginning on Friday evening, enjoy two days of fun festival activities including games, kids activities, live entertainment, great food, a beer garden and much more. Live music will be taking place Friday and Saturday nights. www.visitduboiscounty.com June 14-16 ➤ LOOGOOTEE SUMMERFEST A three-day festival with food stands, craft booths, a carnival and much more in downtown Loogootee. www.facebook.com/ LoogooteeSummerfest2013 June 15-16 ➤ FERDINAND HEIMATFEST In the spirit of the town’s German heritage, the annual Ferdinand Heimatfest brings residents and visitors alike to the 18th Street Park every summer to celebrate with a wide variety of food, entertainment, and games. This year, enjoy a musical line-up featuring highly talented musicians including Corey Cox, Brandon Whyde, Jason Lee McKinney Band, and The High Road. http://ferdinandheimatfest.com June 28- July 1 ➤ CELESTINE 175TH Celestine Indiana will come alive with live entertainment, zip lines, a rock wall, car and tractor show, hot air balloon rides, circus performance, fireworks show, petting zoo, and

Members of The Wild Hogs, from left, Shelden Smith of Fulda, 13, Kayden Bell of Mariah Hill, 12, Marcus Becher of Mariah Hill, 13, and Camden Schipp of Santa Claus, 13, took home a first place prize in the hog wrestling competition during the 2018 Dale Fall Festivall. This year’s fest is Sept. 6-8. (Herald file photo) even more activities in celebration of the town’s 175th anniversary year. Dirty Deeds USA AC/ DC Tribute Band will get the crowd rocking on Friday night! More live entertainment will be back on Saturday night of the festival as well! https://www.celestineindiana.com June 30 ➤ THUNDER OVER PATOKA Enjoy a fireworks display on Patoka Lake or at the Patoka Lake Beach. The fireworks will start at dark. This display will be put on by the PLAY organization. Bring along your family and friends, lawn chairs or boats, blankets, and refreshments. www.patokalakeindiana.com June 30-July 1, 3-4 ➤ SHOALS CATFISH FESTIVAL All of Shoals turns out to welcome visitors and celebrate the Fourth of July during their annual fest. A total of 92 vendor booths are jammed packed with crafts, handmade or not, for some great shopping. Catfish is served along with everything from bloomin’ onions to steak right off the grill. www.facebook.com/shoalscatfishfestival July 4 ➤ YMI PICNIC AND CAR SHOW Located at Huntingburg League stadium. Enjoy fireworks display and a car show. www.huntingburgchamberofcommerce.com July 7 ➤ ABRAHAM LINCOLN FREEDOM FEST Enjoy a parade, food, music, and fireworks during the Abraham Lincoln Freedom Festival. This event takes place at the Rockport City Park. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/ July 8-14 ➤ CRAWFORD COUNTY 4-H FAIR The 2017 Crawford County 4-H fair will be held on July 9-15 at the 4-H Community Park located on Hwy 66 across from the High School. www.crawfordcounty4hpark.com July 13-14 ➤ HAYSVILLE SOMMERFEST The Haysville Ruritan Club’s 56th annual Haysville Sommerfest will take place at Haysville Park, just west of U.S. 231 in Haysville. Admission is free, and all money raised at the festival is donated to the community. www.visitduboiscounty.com July 13-17 ➤ MARTIN COUNTY 4-H FAIR Everyone is invited to come and join the fun and festivities at this year’s fair in Loogootee. Features include a baby show, queen pageant, kiddie tractor pull, animal shows and much more. www.extension.purdue.edu/martin July 16-20 ➤ DUBOIS COUNTY 4-H FAIR This year’s fair will feature live music on the free stage, cars wrecking havoc during the demolition derby, award-winning livestock shows and projects, car show and much more. www.extension.purdue.edu/dubois

July 21 ➤ DUBOIS COUNTY YOUTH TRIATHLON, DUATHLON, TEAM RELAY For ages 6-14, join in on the triathlon course featuring swimming, biking, and running, or get a team of three to split up the different segments. Another option is the duathlon featuring running and biking. Distances are determined by the age that the participant will be by the end of this year. http://www.duboiscountyyouthtri.com July 28 ➤ FERDINAND FIREMAN’S BALL Hosted at the Ferdinand Community Center, activities include a variety of children’s games, a catered meal, live entertainment and a beer garden. www.visitduboiscounty.com July 28 ➤ RIDIN, ROCKIN & ROLLIN WITH AJ Help raise funds for area parks in this fundraiser that will purchase playground equipment that will benefit children with special needs. Poker Run, Kids Fun Fair, Dinner and Entertainment during this fun-filled day on the French Lick Town Green. http://www.visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com/ events/ Aug. 2-5 ➤ JASPER STRASSENFEST Brats, lederhosen, polka music and parades -- just some of what you will experience at the annual Jasper Strassenfest. Known as one of Indiana’s finest festivals, this event is a familyfriendly street festival celebrating the area’s rich German heritage. www.jasperstrassenfest.org Aug. 3-5 ➤ ZOAR MOSQUITO FESTIVAL A country store, flea market, soft drink pitch and artisans demonstrations will be ongoing throughout both days of the celebration. Located at Zoar United Methodist Church on Old Road 64 two miles west of State Road 161. www.visitduboiscounty.com Aug. 4 ➤ SIZZLIN’ SUMMERFEST The fest, which takes place at the Spencer County Fairgrounds in Grandview, features a demolition derby, vendors and food. Gates open at 6 p.m. CDT. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/ Aug. 11 ➤ CARDBOARD REGATTA Watch as participants race the floating vessels they created from corrugated cardboard on the Patoka River at the Riverwalk Plaza in Jasper. www.theregatta.org August 12 ➤ Twist the Night Away Re-live the music of the 1950’s as the cast Rock Around the Clock with the Everly Brothers, Jerry Lee Lewis, Patsy Cline and Elvis just to name a few. This cast will take you back to the era of rich harmonies, classic love songs and unforgettable dances that will leave you wanting to “Twist the Night Away”! www.silvernightentertainment.com

Aug. 18 ➤ ST. ANTHONY FIREMEN’S FEST Come join in on the fun-filled activities during this one day fundraiser for the St. Anthony Volunteer Fire Department. The car show will include approximately 150 cars and 50 motorcycles. The festival also includes refreshments, chicken dinners, beer garden, cornhole contest, street dance, entertainment and more. www.visitduboiscounty.com Aug. 24-25 ➤ BIRDSEYE PARK PICNIC Enjoy chicken and rib dinners, live music in the evenings and family friendly games. Proceeds from event are for Birdseye Park and the Fire Department. www.visitduboiscounty.com Aug. 25 ➤ ROCK THE WORLD CHRISTIAN MUSIC FESTIVAL Held at Holiday World in Santa Claus, enjoy a day filled with fun and fellowship, water slides and worship, coasters and rockin’ praise music. The headliners for Rock the World 2018 are For King & Country, We Are Messengers, 7eventh Time Down, and Ginny Owens. www.holidayworld.com Aug. 26 ➤ CELESTINE TRACTOR PULL Main gate open at 10 a.m. with a $5.00 general admission charge. Turtle soup for sale by the gallon or bowl as well as chicken dinners. Kiddie pedal pull as well as tractor and truck pull. www.celestinefire.org/events.html Aug. 31 – Sept. 1 ➤ DUBOIS SEPTEMBERFEST Come join the fun during the 16th Annual Dubois Ruritan Septemberfest at Dubois Community Park. Fest includes kids games, beer tent, live entertainment, wiffleball tourney and more. www.facebook.com/dubois.ruritan Aug. 31 – Sept. 1 ➤ HEARTLAND HALF MARATHON, 5K, TEAM CHALLENGE, AND KIDS FUN RUN On Friday evening of Labor Day Weekend, enjoy the Kid’s Fun Run and Festival, taking place at the Jasper Riverwalk. The run begins at the Riverwalk at 6 p.m. The Heartland Half Marathon, 5K, and Team Challenge takes place on that Saturday with the race beginning on the 3rd Avenue bridge by the Jasper Train Depot at 7:30 a.m. www.heartlandhalfmarathon.com Aug. 31 – Sept. 1 ➤ LATINO FESTIVAL The 6th annual Latino Festival takes place at Huntingburg City Park featuring live entertainment, cultural dancing, delicious food, and a wide variety of activities. http://huntingburgchamberofcommerce.org

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Sept. 2 ➤ BLUES ON THE ROCK Blues on the Rock is a family-friendly music festival featuring live music all day, beer and wine garden, and fun for the whole family. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/

Sept. 22 ➤ SIPS, SAMPLES & SONGS Join in on this Riverwalk Tasters Fest that benefits the works of Anderson Woods. It takes place at the Jasper Riverwalk gazebo and Schaeffer Barn. The event offers food and wine samples from area restaurants and wineries. Live entertainment and a silent auction will also be taking place. www.visitduboiscounty.com

Sept. 6-8 ➤ 51ST ANNUAL DALE FALL FEST Enjoy the county’s largest street festival with live entertainment, food booths, rides, competitions, and the annual Dale Fall Festival parade. Look forward to www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/

Sept. 22 ➤ KID’S DAY Kids in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade buy, sell and trade their goods around the downtown Square in Jasper from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. http://www.downtownjasper.org/events.htm

Sept. 7-9 ➤ PAOLI FALL FESTIVAL Enjoy food vendors, music, crafts, parade and fun for the entire family. Located at Paoli Square. www.paolichamber.com Sept. 7-9 ➤ SOUTHERN HILLS BASH Located at Ireland Sportsmen’s Club. Gates open at 5 p.m. Friday. Live entertainment on Friday and Saturday night. Ride on Saturday (motorcycle) with field events and bike show afterwards. For more information contact Faron at 812-309-8382. Sept. 14-15 ➤ HOLLAND COMMUNITY FEST The festival hosts many family fun events and social gatherings including dog show, cornhole tourney, keg toss and much more. Held at the Holland Park at the intersection of Hwy 161 and Meridian Street. www.hollandindiana.org Sept. 14-16 ➤ BLOCK BASH Excitement and entertainment as 10 of the top chainsaw carvers in the U.S. compete live in downtown French Lick. Live music, food and wares from artists of all mediums. www.bearhollowwoodcarvers.com Sept. 15 ➤ FERDINAND FOLK FESTIVAL Nestled among the hills and fields of southwestern Indiana, the Ferdinand Folk Festival is an earth-friendly and family-friendly event promoting music, the arts, and the environment. This free festival, located in Ferdinand’s 18th Street Park, will feature nationally-acclaimed musicians as well as exceptional local and regional acts. www.ferdinandfolkfestival.com

Sept. 27-30 ➤ HUNTINGBURG HERBSTFEST Join in the communitywide family fall festival at Huntingburg City Park. Features include carnival rides, food and game booths, kid’s games, pumpkin launches, mud wrestling, outhouse races, parade, beer garden, and more fun events. www.huntingburgherbstfest.org

Hudson Allen of Huntingburg, 11, warmed up with his team, The Whiffle Sticks, before a game in the Southern Indiana Whiffleball Classic during last year’s Zoar Mosquito Festival. This year’s fest is set for August 3-5. (Herald file photo) Sept. 15-16 ➤ SCHNELLVILLE FEST & PICNIC This family festival at the Schnellville Community Club supports the Schnellville VFD, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, & Schnellville Sesquicentennial fund. Enjoy a Backyard BarB-Q Contest, corn hole tourney, kiddie & adult pedal tractor pulls, kids games and more. www.facebook.com/ schnellvillesesquicentennial Sept. 20 ➤ SORGHUM FESTIVAL This annual fall event showcases the outstanding work of local artists and craftsmen. Live demonstrations, food booths and lots of entertainment are also included. Don’t forget the delicious homemade sorghum. The festival is held at the Crawford County High School. www.crawfordcountyindiana.com Sept. 21-22 ➤ 8th ANNUAL ST. MEINRAD ROCKS! FEST In addition to rock and country musical entertainment, the St. Meinrad ROCKS! Fest also

features a beer garden, children’s activities, concessions, and merchandise. Proceeds from the event will benefit the “St. Meinrad ROCKS! Fest” fund created via the Spencer County Community Foundation to help preserve the beauty and history in St. Meinrad, Indiana. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/ Sept. 21-23 ➤ AUTUMN MUSIC FESTIVAL The Schwartz Family Restaurant will host their annual Autumn Music Festival. Featuring bluegrass/country music (with open stage), arts and crafts, sorghum and apple butter cooking and homemade ice cream. www.schwartzrestaurant.com Sept. 21-23 ➤ MILLTOWN COMMUNITY FEST Milltown Community Festival features antique tractors, inflatables for the kids, parade on Saturday, annual chicken barbecue dinner on Sunday, Little Miss & Mr. pageant, bike race, vendors and much more. www.crawfordcountyindiana.com

Sept. 28-29 ➤ OLD ECKERTY DAY This unique festival takes place each year in the Old Town of Eckerty. It features arts & crafts, parade, ice cream eating contest, and various old. www.crawfordcountyindiana.com Sept. 30; Oct. 7,14,21,28 ➤ KIDS DAYS PUMPKINS AND MORE Kids of all ages can enjoy pumpkin painting, pumpkin bowling, hayrides, games, and much more. www.santaclausind.org/events Oct. 3–7 ➤ PUMPKIN FESTIVAL Carnival, food booths, vendor booths, flea market, games, entertainment and more. Parade will be held on Sunday. Events held in West Baden and French Lick. www.visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com Oct. 6 ➤ CRUISIN’ TOWARD A CURE FOR PF Enjoy the 9th annual “Cruisin’ toward a Cure for PF... Because Breathing Matters” with a day full of activities with proceeds funding research through the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.

Please turn to the Page 24

St. Anthony Firemen’s Fest 22nd ANNUAL SHOW & SHINE

CAR and MOTORCYCLE SHOW Registration 9 am-Noon

Awards at 3 pm



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Loogootee Indiana

Sm allFriendly M otel foryourOvernightStay C o m pletely reno va ted ro o m s A llro o m s ha ve a m icro w a ve a nd a sm a llfridge 604 Jo hn F K ennedy A ve,L o o go o tee

Hours:Closed M on.& Tues. W ed-Thurs 7-9 Fri-Sat 7-10;Sun 8-2 Full Menu Available Open Hours

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Features for the event include a car/motorcycle show, huge silent auction, 5k, corn hole tournament, food stands, and more. www.becausebreathingmatters.org Oct. 12-13 ➤ HAUNTED HUNTINGBURG BLUES FEST & HAUNTED TRAIL On Friday, enjoy the Mayhem, Monsters, and Madness Haunted Trail at Niehaus Park. On Saturday, enjoy the festival featuring wine, craft beer, and bourbon vendors, blues musicians, food vendors, kids activities, and more from 11 am to 7 pm. At 8 pm, enjoy the family-friendly outdoor movie. www.hauntedhuntingburg.com Oct. 12-13 ➤ BEEHIVE ARTS MARKET A relaxed, casual atmosphere where art lovers can enjoy and purchase the wares of local talents. The Beehive concept came to be when a group of art minded friends were looking for a way to celebrate our local artisans and makers. https://www.facebook.com/ TheBeehiveArtsMarket/ Oct. 12-14 ➤ ART ON THE GREEN 11th annual juried art show representing over 40 local and regional artists, demonstrations, food and entertainment daily. Special events planned throughout the weekend at the French Lick Town Green. www.visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com Oct. 13 and Oct 20 ➤ FRIENDS FALL FROLIC The Fall Frolic will have a variety of crafts and games for kids of all ages to enjoy, including pumpkin painting and hayrides. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/



Jessica Bullock, pianist for the band Southern Sirens, performed on the main stage during last year’s Ferdinand Folk Fest. This year’s fest is set for Sept. 15. (Herald file photo) Oct. 13 – 14 ➤ MT. ZION’S 38TH ANNUAL APPLEFEST Bring the whole family to taste Indiana’s largest apple pie. Enjoy kids inflatables, arts and crafts from all over the tri-state, and live entertainment. www.indianasabelincoln.org/ events/

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Oct. 14 ➤ FALL HARVEST DAY & FARM TO TABLE BICENTENNIAL DINNER Fall Harvest Day takes place at the Dubois County Museum. Activities include apple cider making, turnip kraut, making corn husk dolls, dutch oven cooking, pony rides, and more. In the evening, enjoy a farm-to-table dinner in cel-

S tep hens o n’s G enera l S to re

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ebration of Dubois County’s Bicentennial year. www.duboiscountymuseum.org Oct. 19-21 ➤ ROSENVOLK GERMAN MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL Step back into the middle ages with over 20 acts of music and amusement. There will

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Pipeline Safety WWW.SAFE GAS INDIANA.COM C A L L B E F O R E Y O U D IG There a re 4 ea sy steps to fo llo w w hen beginning a ny excava tio n pro ject. C a llbefo re yo u dig 811 A llo w the required tim e 2 fu llw o rking da ys R espect the M a rks Fla gs o r P a int E xca va te w ith C a re P o tho le o r ha nd dig a ro u nd po ssible pipeline lo ca tio ns C a lling befo re yo u dig isn’t just a go o d idea ,it’s the la w . U p to $10,000 fine plu s da m a ges fo r fa ilu re to fo llo w law !

India na N a tu ra lG a s is pro u d to o ffer yo u clea n bu rning,sa fe a nd relia ble na tu ra lga s.N a tu ra lga s is bro u ghtto yo u by u ndergro u nd pipelines.P ipelines a re the sa festa nd m o strelia ble fo rm o f tra nspo rta tio n fo r na tu ra lga s ..W hile na tu ra lga s is histo rica lly sa fe,itis im po rta ntto u ndersta nd so m e o f the po ssible ha za rds invo lved sho u ld a n incidento ccu r.N a tu ra lga s ca n ignite in a 5 to 15 percentm ixtu re w ith a ir.N a tu ra lga s ca n a lso displa ce o xygen w hich in tu rn ca n ca u se the po ssibility o f a sphyxia tio n.India na N a tu ra lG a s go es to grea tlengths to m a ke su re their u ndergro u nd pipeline system s a re sa fe a nd secu re. India na N a tu ra lG a s do es a nnu a llea k a ssessm entsu rveys a s w ella s ca tho dica lly pro tects their lines a ga instco rro sio n.In the eventa lea k is detected o r a sectio n o f pipe is fo u nd to be u nsta ble,w e w illqu ickly repla ce tha tsectio n o f pipe o r fix the lea k. Third pa rty da m a ges a re the nu m ber o ne ca u se o f pipeline a ccidents so itis im po rta ntto ca llIndia na 811 tw o fu llw o rking da ys a hea d o f a ny excava tio n to have yo u r u tilities lo ca ted befo re yo u sta rta ny pro jecttha trequ ires digging. Fo r m o re info rm a tio n a bo u tIndia na N a tu ra lG a s ca ll 812-723-2151 o r visitw w w .india na na tu ra l.co m .

Dial 811 before digging.

Leak Recognition and Response * H E A R a hissing so u nd * SE E bu bbling w a ter,dea d vegeta tio n o r fla m es * SM E L L a stro ng ro tten egg o do r * A ba ndo n a ny equ ipm ent * L eave a rea im m edia tely * C a ll911 * C a llIndia na N a tu ra lG a s 800-777-0659 24-ho u rs



be full contact jousting, local craft beers, wine, and mead, craft vendors, ax throwing, masquerade ball, and more. http://rosenvolk.com Oct. 20-21 ➤ HARVEST HOME ARTS FEST Begin and complete your holiday shopping early by taking advantage of the Tri-State’s Premier Arts and Craft Show held at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds. This event features 250 booths teeming with exemplary hand-crafted merchandise. www.4riversartsandcrafts.com Oct. 27-28 ➤ FALL HERITAGE DAYS RENDEZVOUS The Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum in Rockport comes alive with reenactors, period demonstrations, candle making for kids, trunkor-treating, music, food, a visit with President Lincoln and Young Abe Lincoln, and more. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events/ Nov. 8-11 ➤ HUNTINGBURG CHRISTMAS STROLL Experience the joys of a Victorian Christmas in the heart of Huntingburg’s Downtown Historic District, home to dozens of antique and specialty shops and unique eateries. The stroll begins Thursday with caroling, cookies, & cocoa at the tree lighting. Friday night, enjoy sips and bites with wine and appetizers. Also enjoy shopping and downtown dining, horse drawn carriage rides, Mr. & Mrs. Claus visits. www.duboiscountychristmas.com Nov. 15 - Dec. 30 ➤ FESTIVAL OF TREES Browse the 50,000 sq. ft. museum filled with holiday decorations. An exhibit of Christmas Trees decorated by local merchants and

businesses is on display as well as exhibits of over 1,100 santa clauses throughout the museum. www.duboiscountymuseum.org Nov. 16 ➤ HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Join in the celebration at 7 p.m. as French Lick Resort lights the beautifully decorated hotel and larger than life tree in the grand Atrium. www.frenchlick.com Nov. 16 - Jan. 5 ➤ 50 DAYS OF LIGHTS Experience two magical villages sitting next to each other, filled with sparkling lights and wondrous displays, larger-than-life holiday trees, music of the season filling the air and holiday treats to tempt every taste bud at French Lick Resort. www.frenchlick.com Nov. 17-18 ➤ CHRISTKINDLMARKT Every year, thousands of people pour into Ferdinand to visit the unique Christkindlmarkt Heritage Markets. These markets feature lavishly decorated booths spilling over with Christmas wares, antiques, and gifts of exemplary quality, delicious regional food, live entertainment and more. www.ferdinandchristkindlmarkt.com Nov. 22 – 25; Nov. 30 – Dec. 9 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights); Dec. 14 – 30 (Nightly) SANTA CLAUS LAND OF LIGHTS Experience the shining story of Rudolph told in brilliant LED lights! The 1.2-mile drivethrough light adventure is fun for believers of all ages, and is the biggest campground holiday light show in North America. www.santaclauslandoflights.com

Nov. 30 – Dec. 2 ➤ JASPER O’TANNENBAUM DAYS Let downtown Jasper’s colossal Christmas tree welcome you to the Jasper O’ Tannenbaum Days celebration. Enjoy unique shopping, carolers, visits with Santa, carriage rides, holiday bazaars, cookie walks, craft show, and special performances and tours of historic sites including the magnificent St. Joseph Church. www.duboiscountychristmas.com Nov. 30 – Dec. 2; Dec. 7-9; Dec. 14-16 SANTA CLAUS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION Enjoy Christmas dinner with Santa at Santa’s Lodge. Drive through Lake Rudolph’s 1.2-mile ‘Santa Claus Land of Lights’ to learn the shining story of Rudolph. Browse through the gigantic Santa Claus Christmas Store, Santa’s TOYS, Evergreen Boutique and Christmas Shop, and other themed shops. Roast chestnuts on an open fire at Santa’s Candy Castle, too. Don’t forget to write a letter to Santa at the Santa Claus Museum & Village. First three weekends of December. www.santaclausind.org/events/ santa-claus-christmas-celebration/ Nov. 30 – Dec. 1; Dec. 7 – 8 and 14 – 15 CHRISTMAS DINNER WITH SANTA Enjoy a buffet-style Christmas dinner with Santa in the Celebration Room at Santa’s Lodge the first three weekends of December on Friday and Saturday nights. After the dinner, savor milk and cookies while Santa and his elf read a story. www.santaslodge.com/

Dec. 8 ➤ CHRISTMAS ON THE SQUARE Twinkling lights, Santa & Mrs. Claus, storytelling, children’s train ride, horse & carriage rides, children’s crafts, live nativity, musical entertainment, food and more at Orleans Congress Square. www.historicorleans.com Dec. 8 ➤ SANTA CLAUS CHRISTMAS PARADE Come one, come all, to the Santa Claus Christmas Parade! The parade route begins at the Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari main parking lot, traveling past Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort, and through Kringle Place Shopping Center, before returning to the starting point. www.santaclausind.org/events Dec. 8 ➤ SANTA CLAUS ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW Shop handmade crafts and artisan items at the Santa Claus Arts & Crafts Show. Browse handmade gift items, jewelry, home décor, and more. www.santaclausind.org/events Dec. 8-9 ➤ COOKIE WALK & ENTERTAINMENT Located at the Dubois County Museum, select from the large variety of cookies at the annual cookie walk. Live entrainment and activites will also be taking place. www.duboiscountymuseum.org Dec. 8 and 15 ➤ FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS Drive thorugh nine miles of themed residential light displays in Christmas Lake Village during the Festival of Lights. Donations are accepted and benefit a non-profit. www.santaclausind.org/events

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Attractions abound in Patoka Playground BIG SPLASH ADVENTURE An exciting water park adventure for the entire family. No weather worries with this glass enclosed structure-one of the few retractable roof water parks in the world! 8505 W. State Road 56, French Lick 877-936-3866 www.bigsplashadventure.com THE CANDY MILL Old-time candy, retro candy, homemade candies, cakeballs, cupcakes, gift baskets and more. Open Tues. to Fri, 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 108 Mill Street, Loogootee 812-295-3008 CAVE COUNTRY CANOES MILLTOWN Flowing through the forests of the southern Indiana hill country, the Blue River is the most spring-fed of all Indiana’s streams. The river valley is noted for its abundant wildlife, natural beauty and excellent fishing. Open May through Labor Day, open weekends only in April, September and October. 812-365-2705 www.cavecountrycanoes.com COLONEL JONES HOME This carefully restored 1834 Federal-design home was the home of the merchant employer of Abraham Lincoln. The home offers an interesting look at the early development of Indiana and the life of Col. William Jones, who was also a politician. Hours vary by season; contact Lincoln State Park for appointment. Fee associated with some appointments, donations accepted. 620 E. County Rd. 1575N, Gentryville 812-937-4710 DR. TED’S MUSICAL MARVELS This one-of-a-kind museum offers a colossal collection of restored mechanical musical instruments from around the world. From musicboxes and nickelodeons to the cheerful sounds of orchestrions, street organs, and player pianos, Dr. Ted’s embodies unique pieces from the 1800s to the mid-1900s. Contact to schedule a visit. Also features a gift shop. Open by appointment only; group tours of 15 or more only. 11896 U.S. 231 South, Dale 812-937-4250 www.drteds.com DUBOIS COUNTY MUSEUM The largest county museum in the state of Indiana, this 50,00-sq. ft. museum showcases the rich German heritage and history of the area. Walk through “Main Street Dubois County,” featuring 17 rooms reminiscent of the 1890s. Enjoy a hands-on children’s area, the log cabin, the historic progression of farm machinery, and numerous exhibits including those on sports and military, the furniture industry, early settler life, and the Wildlife Adventure Room, showcasing wild game from all over the world. Open Tuesdays through Fridays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays 1 to 4 p.m. 2704 Newton St., Jasper 812-634-7733 EAGLES WINGS ZIPLINES A world class zip line tour located in Perry County. Set among glacier cut cliffs, the tour consists of 8 lines (the longest over 1,100 feet) and over 3,500 feet of total adrenaline filled experience. Open Tuesday to Thursday with 24 hour advanced booking, and Friday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for walk-ins, although reservations are recommended. 10227 Lorainne Rd., Leopold 855-947-8474 www.eagleswingszipline.com ELEPHANT & GIRAFFE ENCOUNTERS Up-close and personal encounters are available with both elephants and giraffes this year at Wilstem Ranch. These fun and informative educational seminars let you visit with the animals in their new home, learn all you could want to know about these amazing creatures, ask questions, touch them and take pictures. Call or visit the website for directions, reservations and pricing. 812-936-4484 www.wilstemranch.com ESCAPE! FRENCH LICK Challenge your problem-solving abilities, powers of dedication and reasoning. Accept the challenge of the escape rooms. You have 60

minutes to Escape! 8582 W College Street, French Lick 812-639-4797 www.escapefrenchlick.com FERDINAND HISTORICAL WALKING TOUR A self-guided tour of some of Ferdinand’s oldest and most interesting structures. It is easily driven, however if a walking tour is preferred, please check the map image at www.visitduboiscounty.com for a one-mile walking excursion. FERDINAND STATE FOREST Established in 1934 as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp, CCC workers built roads, service buildings, and one of the most beautiful forest lakes in the state. The scenic beauty of the area allows for a peaceful get-away with nature. This 7,640 acre area includes primitive camping (available for a fee), picnic areas, shelter houses, grills, playground, fishing, hiking, boating, swimming, boat ramp, restrooms, dressing facilities, showers, hunting, a swimming beach, and horseshoe pits. Rowboat and canoe rental is available on Ferdinand Lake from mid-April through October. The swimming beach is available from the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. 6583 East State Road 264,Ferdinand 812-367-1524 FRENCH LICK CASINO This 51,000-square-foot Vegas-style gaming facility features over 1,100 slot machines, a high-limit gaming area with VIP lounge, 40 table games and more. Indiana’s largest nonsmoking gaming area offers the latest state-oftheart slot machines and live-action blackjack, roulette and craps tables. Open every day. Free admission (must be at least 21). 8670 W. State Road 56 888-936-9360 www.frenchlick.com FRENCH LICK SCENIC RAILWAY Take a 20-mile historic train ride through parts of the Hoosier National Forest, the 2,200- foot Burton Tunnel (Indiana’s second longest tunnel), and past limestone outcroppings, or choose to board the train for many themed excursions throughout the year. 8594 West State Road 56, French Lick 812-936-2405, 800-748-7246 www.frenchlickscenicrailway.org FRENCH LICK WEST BADEN INDOOR KARTING The racing experience of a lifetime! The quarter-mile indoor track is open year-round and fun for the whole family. Newly added Falcon Raceway for smaller children as well as a new “slick” track for adults. Play in the arcade and redeem prizes in the redemption center. Gift shop and concessions available. Open daily. 8331 W. State Road 56, West Baden 812-936-5390 www.flwbindoorkarting.com FRENCH LICK WEST BADEN MUSEUM Experience the area’s rich history circa 1900 to 1930. See the room-sized miniature Hagenbeck- Wallace Circus. Learn about the famous artists, politicians, horsemen and sports figures who once called the area home. 469 S. Maple St., Suite, 103, French Lick 812-936-3592 www.flwbmuseum.com FRENCH LICK ZIP LINES Sail through the beautiful countryside on a 4,000-foot canopy tour. 4229 US Highway 150 West 812-936-4484 www.frenchlickziplines.com FROSTY’S FUN CENTER Frosty’s Fun Center is an arcade and restaurant that offers delicious freshly baked pizza, plus a variety of tasty snacks and sandwiches. And, guests can always cool off with ice cream — scoops of several flavors and soft serve options, too. The festive 18-hole miniature golf course includes twists and turns that are fun for the entire family. 15 S. Cedar Lane; Santa Claus 812-544-3338 GROTTO AT PROVIDENCE HOME The work of one priest who labored for 12 years to create a beautiful and spiritual landscape, this remarkable garden of rock contains shrines made of colorful geode stones from southern Indiana.

520 W. Ninth St., Jasper 812-486-6603 HEMLOCK CLIFFS This ruggedly beautiful cliff area hidden away in the Hoosier National Forest in Crawford County can be accessed by an excellent 1.2 mile hiking trail. As you hike the trails along and below the cliffs, you will pass sandstone rock shelters, seasonal waterfalls, jagged bluffs and dense forest canopy. From I-64, take the State Road 237 exit north about two miles. Look for Union Chapel Road on the left after climbing a steep grade. Follow signs for Hemlock Cliffs. 812-738-8232 HORSESHOE BEND OVERLOOK Located in Leavenworth, this magnificent panoramic view overlooks the tightest bend on the Ohio River. Visitors are always treated to a spectacular view of barges churning up and down the river, birds soaring among the cliffs, and the waters of the ever-changing Ohio. Stop and visit the famous Overlook Restaurant to see this beautiful view. 1153 West State Road 62 Leavenworth, IN 47137 888-755-2282 HINSHAW ROCK ‘N GEMS Hinshaw Rock ‘N Gems is a fourth generation family owned business that was established in 1961. They are celebrating more than 50 years in the lapidary business (the art of cutting and polishing stones). Named by Lapidary Journal as one of the top ten polishers in the country, the Hinshaw family’s art work is known nationally and internationally. Visitors can get a first hand education in the art of lapidary and take home a treasure to remember. Their unique, one-of-a-kind jewelry is designed and handmade by Merrill Hinshaw. Open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Also by appointment. Group tours available, call for reservations. 1232 S. County Road 650W, French Lick 812-936-7255 www.hinshawrockngems.com HOLIDAY DRIVE-IN Catch the latest big screen flicks at Holiday Drive-In, one of few drive-in movie theaters left in Indiana. Six viewing screens provide a double feature nightly and a perfect evening of entertainment at a family-friendly price. Nightly; movies start at dusk. 644 N. State Road 161, Rockport 812-649-2857 www.HolidayDriveIn.com HOLIDAY WORLD & SPLASHIN’ SAFARI Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari is known for its friendly staff and clean park. Plus, these parks offer great value with admission to two parks, free soft drinks, free sunscreen, free parking, and free Wi-Fi. Holiday World features TIME Magazine’s choice for the #1 wooden roller coaster in the nation – The Voyage. Splashin’ Safari is ranked one of the nation’s Top 3 Water Parks by TripAdvisor.com. The water park includes the two longest water coasters in the world, numerous family water slides, two wave pools, plus water activities for children, including the new Tembo Falls. 452 E. Christmas Blvd., Santa Claus 877-463-2645 www.HolidayWorld.com HOUGHTON HOUSE Built around 1835, this was the home of Major William Houghton, a Civil War veteran. He was the president of the White River Bank. The house is located along State Road 550, fourtenths of a mile east of the Houghton Bridge (over White River). The Houghton House is also known as “Mt. Vernon of the West”, and is now called Evergreen Hill, and was part of the Underground Railroad. www.visitmartincounty.org HUNTINGBURG’S FOURTH STREET Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this historic business district, once destroyed by a fire in 1889, has been lovingly restored to a charming Victorian downtown, housing more than two dozen locally owned antique and specialty shops and unique eateries. The walking tour takes you back to the 1800s and early 1900s, a time when most of the two-story Italianate and late Victorian commercial buildings along historic 4th Street were constructed. The brick-paved sidewalk and 1800s facade provide a quaint setting for many

special events throughout the year. 812-683-5699 www.visitduboiscounty.com HUNTINGBURG LEAGUE STADIUM Originally built in 1894, Huntingburg League Stadium has been renovated and expanded over the years while perfectly preserving the sanctity of 1940’s baseball. Chosen by Columbia Pictures in 1991 to star as the home field for the Rockford Peaches in the box office hit A League of Their Own, the stadium still feels as though Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna and the rest of the Peaches could walk out of the dugout at any minute. Original advertisements from the film still remain on the outfield fence. Now host to the Dubois County Bombers and Southridge High School baseball, it’s a great place to catch a game. Call for tours. First and Cherry streets, Huntingburg Call 812-683-2211. 203 S. Cherry Street, Huntingburg http://dcbombers.com/ the-bombers-experience/league-stadium/ HUNTINGBURG MUSEUM This museum illustrates the life and times of the people of Huntingburg through pictures, artifacts, and other documentation. Included are various war memorabilia, a 1901 “Huntingburg Tour Car,” items from “A League of Their Own,” and the bed of Colonel Geiger, founder of Huntingburg. Museum hours are: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 508 E 4th St, Huntingburg 812-683-2211 http://huntingburg-in.gov INDIANA BASEBALL HALL OF FAME Dedicated to the sport of baseball and its Indiana heroes, this museum showcases memorabilia from high school, collegiate, and professional athletes throughout the Hoosier State. Displays include a unique sampling of jerseys, gloves, bats and plaques significant to the history of Indiana baseball. This facility is located on the Vincennes University Jasper Campus. Jasper Campus Summer hours (May 7 to Aug. 19) open seven days a week 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., closed on legal holidays. For special showings ask for Ray Howard. Ruxer Student Center, Vincennes Univ. 850 College Ave., Jasper 812-482-2262 www.indbaseballhalloffame.org INDIANA LANDMARKS TOURS Step back in history and be captivated by the architecture and history of the French Lick and West Baden Springs Hotels. Hear how the area was once THE vacation spot for wealthy health-seekers and high rollers of the turn-ofthe-20th-century. Understand and gain a deeper appreciation for the massive multi-million-dollar renovation recently completed at both hotels. Open every day. Tours are $12; other rates available. 8670 W. State Road 56 (French Lick) 8538 West Baden Avenue (West Baden) 812-936-5870 (FL) or 812-936-5570 (WB) www.indianalandmarks.org JAMES G. BAKER CENTER FOR ASTRONOMY Things are always looking up here. This state-of-the-art facility features a roll-off roof observatory with a 16” Meade reflector, a 14” Celestron SCT and a warm room. The observatory is equipped for astrophotography. Other facilities include three acres of camping space, observing fields and a multi-purpose building with classroom, kitchen and his and hers restrooms. Camping and scout programs available. 3192 E Curby Rd English, IN 47118 888-755-2282 JASPER ARTS CENTER/KREMPP GALLERY One of the finest entertainment, cultural and educational venues in southern Indiana, this facility draws worldwide talent and experiences to an intimate setting. The 700-seat theater offers some of the highest quality professional performing arts events and programs currently on tour at affordable prices. The Krempp Gallery, which hosts twelve exhibits annually, houses artwork from local, regional and nationally-recognized artists. 951 College Ave., Jasper 812-482-3070 www.jasperarts.org

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JASPER DOWNTOWN SHOPPING/ HISTORICAL WALKING TOUR This beautiful area of Jasper is filled with vitality, history and a variety of shops. Main Street and the area around the square provide an ideal background for great shopping and special festivities throughout the year. Relaxing and informative, the walking tour encompasses nearly two miles and includes visits to more than 20 of Jasper’s oldest sites. 812-482-6866 www.visitduboiscounty.com JASPER PARKLANDS Opening in June of 2018, the Jasper Parklands will feature 75 acres of hiking/biking trails, scenic lakes with waterfalls, playground equipment, and a pavilion. http://www.jasperindiana.gov JASPER RIVERWALK Explore the simplicity of nature with a walk or bike ride on this 2.1-mile paved path in the center of Jasper. Running along the Patoka River in the “Old Jasper” district, the Riverwalk features a beautiful gazebo, three footbridges, shelter houses, seating along the river, and indoor restroom facilities. Off Third Avenue, near Patoka River, Jasper. www.spiritofjasper.com JUG ROCK The Incredible natural geological rock formation, Jug Rock, composed of sandstone, located in Shoals near the East Fork of the White River. As the largest free-standing table rock formation (also called a “tea table”) in the United States east of the Mississippi River, the Jug Rock has created a great deal of interest in geological circles. www.visitmartincounty.org

THE LEGENDARY SHOE TREE Need shoes? Pick some from our rare shoe tree! Or visit this unique attraction and attempt to add your shoes to the hundreds already dangling there. Local lore claims that Larry Bird’s basketball shoes hang there! 812-739-2246 3826 S Devils Hollow Rd Milltown, IN 47145 LINCOLN AMPHITHEATRE A majestic, 1,500-seat outdoor venue located in the very woods Abraham Lincoln walked as a boy. From the time he was 7 until he was 21, Lincoln lived and learned in what is now Lincoln City, Indiana. The outdoor amphi-

LINCOLN BOYHOOD NATIONAL MEMORIAL Learn about the lives of Abraham Lincoln and his pioneer family, who lived on a farm site that is now a National Park. The story of the Civil War era president’s 14 formative years in Indiana springs to life at the Living Historical Farm, in the museum and film, and along the park’s scenic hiking trails. Hours vary by season; admission is free. 3027 E. South Street, Lincoln City. 812-937-4541 www.nps.gov/libo/index.htm LINCOLN PIONEER VILLAGE & MUSEUM The Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum houses hundreds of fascinating artifacts from the area’s historic past, including a hutch made by Abraham Lincoln’s father, Thomas Lincoln. The Pioneer Village features 13 Lincoln-era replica cabins from Spencer County. This site was originally a WPA project. Hours vary by season. $5 per adult, $3 per seniors 60 and older and children under 12. 928 Fairground Drive, Rockport 812-649-9147 LITTLE BLUE RIVER Starting in English, meandering through Sycamore Springs Park and flowing through the heart of the Hoosier National Forest to end in the Ohio River at Alton, the Little Blue River provides miles and miles of bank fishing, bird and wildlife watching. The upper reaches can be canoed and kayaked, while the lower reaches are accessible for small motorized boats. Access is available at the Alton Boat Ramp. 888-755-2282 LOCK AND DAM HISTORICAL PARK Situated in Old Town Leavenworth, this relaxing and nostalgic park is the site of old Dam and Lock No. 44. Visitors can see remnants

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from the days when the lock and dam was operating. Bank fishing and picnicking facilities are available. Its launching ramp provides public access to the Ohio River. 7277 E Wyandotte Ave Leavenworth, IN 47137 812-738-8232 MARENGO CAVE Open to the public since 1883, Marengo Cave offers two different tours daily, the Dripstone and the Crystal Palace. Also available are the wet and muddy crawling tours, which require a group of six. Open seven days a week, year-round except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Call for rates on tours. 400 E. State Road 64, Marengo 812-365-2705 www.marengocave.com MARTIN COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM Our historical society and museum is located on Capital Avenue in Shoals. Many old books and records starting in 1820 are shelved in our beautiful old courthouse building that was erected in 1876. This building was granted the honor of being accepted by the National Register of Historical places in the United States. Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed during the winter months. 812-247-1133 historical@frontier.com www.martincountyhistoricalsociety.com MONASTERY IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Known as the “Castle on the Hill”, the Monastery, founded in 1867, is home to one of the nation’s largest communities of Benedictine women. The distinctive, recently-restored Romanesque dome, rises majestically over the town of Ferdinand, standing at 87 feet from the floor and 32 and a half feet in diameter. Throughout the church, 89 angels are present, 16 of which are depicted on the stained glass windows surrounding the dome. The church is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has been designated an Official Project of Save America’s Treasures. The Monastery Gift Shop offers baked goods, handmade crafts, and other unique spiritual merchandise. The Benedictine Hospitality Center at Kordes Hall, also on the Monastery grounds, offers

1559 W esley C h apel R oad M itch ell, IN 47446

O’BANNON WOODS STATE PARK Indiana’s newest 3,000 acre state park is in the middle of the Harrison-Crawford State Forest. It is loaded with recreational opportunities including a nature center, horse trails, hiking trails and a family aquatic center. A variety of camping options are available as well. 7234 Old Forest Road SW Corydon, IN 47112 812-738-8232 www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2976.htm OVERLOOK PARK A scenic view of the winding White River through river bottom, farms and valleys. Come enjoy the park’s shelter house and picnic areas. Overlook Park can be found along US Hwy 50 and State Road 450, west of Shoals. Centrally located for a stop along the way while site seeing. www.visitmartincounty.org PAOLI PEAKS Indiana’s premiere ski resort. Sixty-five acres of skiable terrain with 15 trails, 5 chairlifts and 3 surface lifts. Full-service ski and snowboard rental shop, pro-shop, and food on site. Also, arctic blast snow tubing is the ultimate activity for some serious family fun! Enjoy eight lanes of snow-covered, 700-foot-long slopes, specially constructed inner-tubes and a 400- foot carpet designed to get you back up the hill. 2798 W. County Road 25S, Paoli 812-723-4696 www.paolipeaks.com PAOLI ROCK & BOWL 16-lane bowling alley with ticket redemption arcade, pool tables, pro-shop, retractable bumpers and cosmic bowling. Visit the Spare Time Bar & Grill for food and snacks. 1860 West Willow Creek Road 812-723-2658 paolirocknbowl.com

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F ERDINAND , I NDIANA indlm k t s September November 15, 2018



a peaceful and rejuvenating getaway. Call for guided tour times. 802 E. 10th St., Ferdinand 812-367-1411 www.thedome.org

Headliner: Dar Williams

Earth-friendly. Family-friendly. Promoting music, arts, and the environment. www.ferdinandfolkfestival.com


LARK RANCH This 600 acre ranch offers a variety of family activities including a 15 acre corn maze, hay rides, pumpkin patch, barnyard animals, a buffalo hear, pony rides, a dinosaur dig, zip lines and more. Open weekends in late fall. 3145 Killion Mill Rd., Loogootee 317-750-4985; www.larkranch.com

theatre is located inside scenic Lincoln State Park in Lincoln City, Indiana. In addition to the signature performance, “Young Abe Lincoln,” the 2018 lineup includes The Guess Who, a Beatles Tribute, Evansville Philharmonic, Max Weinberg, and more! 15032 E. CR 1500 E., Lincoln City 812-937-2329 www.lincolnamphitheatre.com


JASPER CITY MILL Constructed to resemble the former mill that once stood near the Patoka River, this new structure is the latest addition to the “Old Jasper” district. Guests can tour the mill, watch the workings of the waterwheel and corn meal production and browse for souvenir items for purchase. Hours vary by season; free admission. 160 Third Ave., Jasper 812-482-4924 or 812-482-5959 www.spiritofjasper.com


17 & 18, 2018

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PATOKA LAKE RECREATION AREA With 8,800 acres of water encompassed by a 26,000-acre recreation area, Patoka Lake is Indiana’s second largest reservoir offering houseboat rentals, ten launch ramps, a swimming beach, nature trails, camp sites, and over six miles of paved bike trails. Activities include fishing, archery, hunting, boating, water skiing, hiking, bicycling, and swimming. The lake is also the nesting site for bald eagles and osprey. Birdseye, IN 47513 812-685-2464 http://patokalakeindiana.com PLUTO’S ALLEY Enjoy a striking good time at the six lane bowling alley at French Lick Springs Hotel. Play video and pinball machines or shoot a game of pool in the arcade. 8670 West State Road 56 812-936-9300; 888-936-9360 frenchlick.com PROCTOR HOUSE The Proctor House was built in 1832 by William Proctor, and was used as a store, stage coach stop and post office. The Crawford County Historical Society owns the house and is in the process of restoring it. The house is located on old 64 just east of Marengo. 812-338-2725 ROUTT HOUSE Built in 1832, Routt House was the first stage coach stop on the New Albany-Vincennes Trace in the mid-1800s. It remained in the same family for over 135 years, and has weathered the tests of times, including earthquakes. Besides the cemeteries, this home is all that is left of the town of Mount Pleasant. Routt House is on the Indiana State Register of History. It is located two-tenths of a mile south of State Road 550. www.visitmartincounty.org SAINT MEINRAD ARCHABBEY & GIFT SHOP Saint Meinrad Archabbey offers a peaceful and spiritual retreat with beautiful grounds and the opportunity for prayer with Benedictine monks. Founded in 1854, Saint Meinrad is one of only two archabbeys in the U.S. and one of 11 in the world. Visit the Archabbey Gift Shop for religious and inspirational gifts. Guided tours available: Saturday 1:30 pm CST; Archabbey Gift Shop Hours: Monday through Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST. 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad 800-682-0988 www.saintmeinrad.org SANTA’S CANDY CASTLE Blends old-world charm with a modern-day blend to create a wonderful experience for believers of all ages. Chat with an elf on the North Pole Network, browse festive Christmas gifts and souvenirs, and indulge in delicious handmade confections, frozen hot chocolate, and more. Call for hours; free admission. 15499 State Road 245, Santa Claus 812-544-3900 www.SantasCandyCastle.com SANTA CLAUS CHRISTMAS STORE This gigantic store features Christmas gifts, decorations, collectibles, fudge, and other sweet treats, and nearly 5,000 ornaments. Visit with Santa during the summer and Christmas season. Open May through December. 33 N. Kringle Place, Santa Claus



(877) 224-1772 www.SantaClausChristmasStore.com SANTA’S EXPRESS ZIPLINES Adventurers can head over to Santa’s Lodge for zip lines, including one across the lake, a rock climbing wall, and a bungee trampoline. 91 W. Christmas Blvd., Santa Claus 812-937-1902 www.SantasLodge.com SANTA CLAUS MUSEUM & VILLAGE Features exhibits and displays that showcase the town’s interesting history. Visit the historic 1880 Santa Claus Church, the original Santa Claus Post Office, and the 1935 Santa Claus statue that stands 22 feet tall. Inside the museum, view documents, photos, and artifacts from museum founder and Holiday World matriarch Pat Koch’s private collection. See Holiday World archives and donated treasures from collectors with personal ties to the rich history of the town. Don’t forget to write your free letter to Santa! Free admission, donations appreciated. 69 State Road 245, Santa Claus 812-544-2434 www.SantaClausMuseum.org SANTA’S STABLES A family-friendly horseback riding experience led by trained guides. Enjoy activities for all ages and multiple quaint trails that wind through wooded surroundings. Open March through November; hours vary. 6709 E. Co. Rd. 1450N, Lamar 812-340-2288 www.Santas-Stables.com SANTA’S TOYS Browse through over 2,500 specialty toys at Santa’s Toys. Guests of all ages are encouraged to find their inner child and play while browsing. The selection includes STEM products that encourage learning through play. 3 N. Kringle Place, Santa Claus 812-937-6050 www.SantasToys.net SYCAMORE SPRING PARK This beautiful park, operated by the Clayton Roberson Foundation, includes 250 scenic acres along Little Blue River. Facilities include a wooded picnic and play areas, shelterhouses, hiking, and fishing---all free of charge! Overnight camping is available by reservation. Park is open seasonally. 717 W Tunnel Hill Rd English, IN 47118 812-338-3846 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this magnificent 1880 Romanesque, old world-style church was built by the early parishioners and showcases priceless German stained-glass windows. Other features include Austrian-designed and imported mosaics with 50 million stones, pewter and marble statues, altars made of Italian marble, and a communion railing of onyx and brass. 13th Street and Kundek Street Jasper, IN 47546 812-482-1805 www.saintjosephjasper.org SCHAEFFER BARN This historic, hand-hewn log structure, located near the Jasper Riverwalk in the “Old Jasper” district, serves as a picturesque

812-482-1081 812-309-0661

Jasper, IN 47546 H eating & A ir C onditioning


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backdrop for many events throughout the year. Originally built in the 1800s and located in nearby Ferdinand, the chestnut log barn is a Cantilever Overhang typical of many German buildings during the time. It features a unique construction of half-dovetail notches, a 50-foot continuous beam, three log cribs with 26-foot handhewn feeding troughs made from a single white oak tree and a stone foundation, which was paramount in its preservation. E. 4th & McCrillus St., Jasper 812.482.4255 www.spiritofjasper.com SHOTZ! LAZER TAG & MINIATURE GOLF Fun all year long with an indoor Lazer Tag course, 9-hole Cosmic golf course and arcade. Test your skills outside on the 18-hole challenging and breathtaking course. 8529 W. State Road 56, French Lick 812-936-2386 www.frenchlickshotz.com SPIRIT OF JASPER TRAIN All aboard the Spirit of Jasper for a scenic excursion from the Jasper Train Depot. Ride in style on three beautifully renovated, climate-controlled lounge cars complete with restrooms, comfortable seating and a cash bar. Enjoy an evening out on the “Jasper to French Lick Express”, featuring a ride to the French Lick Casino and historic West Baden, or relax with a full meal aboard the “Ride & Dine” dinner train which winds through the beautiful countryside of southern Indiana. Other excursions include a Pizza & Beer Ride & Dine, Chocoloate Wine Ride & Dine, and Fall Foliage Ride & Dines. 812-482-5959; www.spiritofjasper.com SULTAN’S RUN GOLF CLUB Awarded 2015 Golf Course of the Year for Indiana by the IGCOA, Sultan’s Run is a breathtakingly beautiful championship course that extends over 224 rolling acres of woods, water, and wildlife. Ranked 4½ Stars by Golf Digest, the perfectly-manicured course contains bent grass on the putting surface, zoysia on the tees, fairways, and greens, and roughs consisting of a Bermuda and fescue blend. challenging and breathtaking course. 1490 N. Meridian Rd., Jasper 888-684-3287

http://www.sultansrun.com TRAIL OF FAITH A collection of the oldest churches in the county. Dubois County is home to 19 churches that are over 100 years old and rich with history. Trail is approximately 85 miles long. Feel free to start and stop wherever you like or pick and choose the churches you wish to visit. Find more information on the tour and look at the map online at www.visitduboiscounty.com. 800-968-4578 WEST BOGGS LAKE The 1,500-acre facility hosts a 400-acre play area and the famous 622-acre West Boggs Lake fishery and recreational water. In the midst of the those 400 acres, you will find a 250+ site campground, miles of multiuse trails, playgrounds, swimming beach, shelter houses, and some amazing views! Looking for some structured play for the kiddos? Take them to the Activity Center for games, programs, miniature golf, and all out fun! Our facility also hosts the popular Stoll’s Lakeview Restaurant and Lakeview Golf Course, both are just a golf cart or boat ride away from you campsite. 16117 Us Highway 231, Loogootee 812-295-3421 http://www.westboggs.com/ WILLIAM H. ENGLISH PARK & STATUE The park and statue of William H. English were unveiled and dedicated on June 23, 1900. The park is near the headwaters of the Little Blue River and has been used for many years for the annual English Reunion held in July. There is a community center available for weddings, banquets, and events. Old Union Church English, IN 47118 812-338-2800 YELLOW BIRCH RAVINE Noted for its rugged beauty, this 441-acre state nature preserve south of Taswell will delight the nature lover. The moist ravine bottoms are dominated by beeches and maples. Yellow birches and hemlocks grow along the edges of the limestone bluffs. Mountain laurel, more typical of the Appalachian region, also grows here. 317-232-4052




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