Back To School Schedules and information inside. Plus back-to-school specials. Greater Jasper Schools. Page 2. Southwest Schools. Page 7. Northeast Schools. Page 11. Southeast Schools. Page 14. North Spencer Schools. Page 18. VUJC. Page 24.
The Herald ■ ■ y o u r c o m m u n i t y n e w s p a p e r s i n c e 1 8 9 5
dubois county, indiana
friday, july 26, 2013 section b
Greater Jasper Schools Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools will welcome approximately 3,260 students in grades preschool through 12 for the 201314 school year. Students entering kindergarten will graduate from high school in 2026. Students graduating from Jasper High School in 2014 will celebrate the 116th anniversary of graduates from a fully commissioned high school serving the community. Enrollment procedures To enroll in kindergarten in the Greater Jasper school corporation, a child must be 5 by Aug. 1. To enroll in the first grade, a child must be 6 by Aug. 1. Indiana law requires that if a child turns 7 during the school year, the child must enter school. Children enrolling in these grades must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. An original birth certificate will be required. A hospital certificate will not be considered legal proof of age. All required immunizations must be completed before enrollment. Transfer students Credits from an in-state school will be accepted at face value if the school is commissioned by the Indiana State Board of Education. Credits from an out-of-state school will be accepted at face value if the school is commissioned and accredited by that state’s department of education. Nonaccredited in-state or outof-state school credits will not be accepted at face value. Students desiring credit earned in a nonaccredited school must present a transcript at the school in which enrollment is sought. The transcript will be referred to the superintendent. The superintendent or his designee will evaluate the course of study, certification of the teachers and other aspects of the educational programs of the students seeking credit. Assessment tests administered by the corporation may be used. On the basis of the evaluation, a determination of grade placement and granting of credit shall be made. Foreign students who attend the high school for one year under a student exchange program will be placed in a grade according to the age, maturity and academic background of the student. Students who are classified as seniors will be allowed to take part in senior activities including commencement. They will be awarded an honorary graduation certificate. An effort will be made to place students in the classes recommended by sponsoring agencies. Attendance procedures State law requires that every child ages 7 to 17 must attend school. For a child to receive the benefit of the opportunities a school provides, the child must attend regularly. Makeup work does not replace the value of classroom discussion and interaction. If a child is unable to attend school on a given day, the parent or guardian must notify the school before 10 a.m. that the student will be absent. In case of absence, call the individual school: Fifth Street School, 482-1406; Tenth Street School, 482-2529; Ireland Elementary School, 482-7751; Jasper Middle School, 482-6454; and Jasper High School attendance office, 482-1040. If a call has not been received by 10 a.m., school personnel will attempt to contact a parent or guardian by calling a home, work or emergency number provided. A reasonable effort will be made to contact a parent or guardian, but the failure to do so does not
relieve the parent or guardian of the responsibility for the student’s school attendance and reporting a reason for absence. If a student is habitually absent without an excuse, the student may be suspended or expelled for truancy. At times, parents may need to keep a student away from school to accomplish something that cannot be done at another time. This includes medical and dental appointments. This type of absence must have a prior approval of the building principal or designee if it is to be excused. If a student’s absence is prolonged, the school may require a doctor’s certificate before the student may return to school. Students are responsible for all school work — absent or not, excused or unexcused. Students will be permitted to make up work that is missed during an excused absence. School textbook program The school corporation provides rental textbooks for students in grades kindergarten through 12. The textbook rental is a proportionate cost of value of the textbooks. See individual school and grade rental information. School food program Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools participates in the National School Lunch Program. Nutritious noon meals are served every school day. Students in grades one through five may buy lunch for $2 and students in grades six through 12 may purchase lunch for $2.25 per day. A breakfast program is provided at Fifth Street, Tenth Street and Jasper Middle school. Students in grades kindergarten through five may purchase breakfast for $1.25 per day. Students in grades six through 12 may purchase breakfast for $1.50 per day. Participation by the federal government in the school food service program has also made it possible to provide some students with free or reduced-price meals. The reduced price for a noon meal is 40 cents per day. The reduced price for breakfast is 30 cents per day. Income guidelines for textbook and lunch assistance The following guidelines for assistance for textbook and workbook rental and lunch are effective for the 2013-14 school year. The household size and the annual, monthly and weekly wages are listed, respectively. Reduced-price income eligibility guidelines: one-person household, $21,257, $1,772, $409; two, $28,694, $2,392, $552; three, $36,131, $3,011, $695, four; $43,568, $3,631, $838; five, $51,005, $4,251, $981; six, $58,442, $4,871, $1,124; seven, $65,879, $5,490, $1,267; and eight, $73,316, $6,110, $1,410. For each additional family member, add $7,437, $620, $144. Applications for assistance are available from the superintendent’s office or any school office. Help in completing the application form is also available at these offices. Only one application form for each family is requested. Board policy on school bus transportation School bus transportation must be looked upon as a privilege rather than a right. The State of Indiana does not require a school corporation to provide transportation for any student. The major purpose of school bus transportation is to get pupils who live an unreasonable walking distance from school to school and back in a safe, punctual and economical manner. The school will provide neces-
Greater Jasper Calendar Aug. 8...................................................................... School begins Sept. 2............................................................Labor Day, no school Oct. 11 ............................................................. End of first quarter Oct. 22-23 ..........Parent-teacher conferences, evening appointments Oct. 24-25 ...................................................................... Fall break Nov. 27-29 ........................................................ Thanksgiving break Dec. 20.......................................................... End of first semester Jan. 3.................................................................... School resumes Jan. 20................................................Snow makeup day, no school Feb. 7 ............................... Professional development day, no school Feb. 17 ...............Great Americans Day, snow makeup day, no school March 7 ........................................................... End of third quarter March 21 ............................................Snow makeup day, no school March 24-28 ...............................................................Spring break March 31 ............................................Snow makeup day, no school April 18...............................................Snow makeup day, no school April 21...............................................Snow makeup day, no school May 23 ..................................................... End of second semester Makeup days will be taken in order.
sary and sufficient transportation to and from school. Scheduling and operation of the program will take into consideration hazards, potential dangers and appropriate safeguards. Safety of students transported is not the sole responsibility of the school board but requires the cooperation of the administration, bus drivers, parents and students. Each student has the responsibility to act in a quiet and orderly manner, to obey all rules and regulations, and to extend respect to the bus drivers. Each parent has the responsibility to support the authority of proper behavior of the child. Each bus driver must obey all rules and regulations of the State of Indiana and use every care for the safety of the children under his charge. He must maintain discipline in a firm, fair and impartial manner. Bus drivers Route 1, Terry Wigand; Route 2, Sandra Russell; Route 3, Tony Haas; Route 4, Dwain Merder; Route 5, Rodney Schmitt; Route 6, John Denu; Route 7, Ann Fleck; Route 8, Joanie Wening; Route 9, Aggie Kress; Route 10, Jerry Willis; Route 11, Byron Wening; Route 12, David Fuhrman; Route 13, Angie Kern; Route 14, Karmen Goeppner; Route 15, Frances Leinenbach; Route 16, Stephanie Reinsch; Route 17, Becky Kraus; Route 18, Kurt Lechner; Route 19, Tim Nordhoff; Route 20, Nancy Kluesner; Route 22, Bob Schitter; Route 23, Cathy Kieffner; Route 24, Charlie Heller; Route 25, Mark Kieffner; Route 26, Charlie Heller; and Route 27, Charles Beier. Title I Title 1 is a federally funded program to help students who are achieving below grade level. Special teachers or aides are provided to assist youngsters who qualify for the program. The 2013-14 program will serve students in grades kindergarten through grade five at Fifth Street and Tenth Street schools. For further information, call the principal of Fifth Street or Tenth Street or Superintendent Dr. Tracy Lorey at 482-1801. Special education Programs have been established to meet the educational and social needs of students with one or more disabilities. Eligibility and placement are determined by a committee comprised of parents, teachers and specialists. Some students participate in fulltime special classes while others attend special classes part time or receive support within the regular education environment. The Exceptional Children’s Cooperative provides special programs for students in four counties. For further information, call
Pam Bell at 482-6661 or the principal of the child’s school. Standardized testing Students are given a variety of standardized tests that are used for diagnosis and placement. Students in grades three through eight also will participate in spring Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress-Plus from March 3 to 13 and April 28 to May 9. End-of-course assessments will be given at the end of study in Algebra I and II, Biology I and English 10. Passing the Algebra I and English 10 end-of-course assessments is a graduation requirement for all students. Gifted and talented Students whose ability and achievement test scores are in the top 3 percent may be invited to participate in enrichment programs. The program begins in kindergarten. Students in high
school are grouped according to ability, and academically gifted students are offered enrichment programs as well as the opportunity to take Advanced Placement courses in calculus and biology. Student assistance services Special support is provided to students who are experiencing difficulty with school or home. Students, parents and staff members are invited to contact the school offices to speak with their school counselor and school social worker: Heather Goodhue, Fifth Street and Ireland Elementary; Melanie Krueger, Tenth Street and Ireland Elementary; Lisa Flamion, middle school; Tiffany Maxey, middle school; and Leah Tooley, Sean Jochum and Brian Uebelhor, high school. Each school also has a nurse on staff to help with health needs and emergencies: Sherry Fleck, Fifth Street; Phyllis Kuntz, Tenth Street; Brandi Stiles, Ireland Elementary; Lucy Weaver, middle school; and Jamie Hutton, high school. Board of school trustees Nancy Habig, president; Bernie Vogler, vice president; and Mike Braun, secretary. The other members are Ken Schnaus and Greg Eckerle. The board meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month in the corporation’s administrative office, 1520 St. Charles St., Jasper. Central office staff Tracy Lorey, Ph.D., superintendent; Monica Young, corporation treasurer; Wanda Jones, deputy treasurer and payroll; April Hopf, secretary, school lunch and textbook rental; and Kristy Vaughn, database management.
SOUTHWESTERN INDIANA CHILD CARE ASSOCIATION HIGH QUALITY LICENSED FAMILY CHILD CARE Paula Binkley...............................................Jasper.........................812-482-3488 Catherine Begle......................................Huntingburg................812-683-4570 Krazy About Kids................................Jasper.........................812-482-1500 Stephanie Leinenbach...............Jasper.........................812-202-8538 Janet Bohnert.............................................Jasper.........................812-482-3695 Karen Chambers...................................Jasper.........................812-634-2611 Pam Howard..................................................Jasper.........................812-482-9358 Carol Hopf.........................................................Jasper.........................812-482-2060 Nancy Hotz........................................................Jasper.........................812-634-1470 Cindi Jones.......................................................Jasper.........................812-482-4891 Selma Lange...................................................Ferdinand....................812-367-2180 Wanda Luttrell...........................................Huntingburg................812-683-5136 Mary Ann Mehringer....................Jasper.........................812-482-5923 Bonnie Painter...........................................Huntingburg................812-683-8692 Rose Terwiske............................................Jasper.........................812-634-1695 Angela Vogler..............................................Jasper.........................812-481-0065
If you need child care call one of these child care providers. Clip and Save for future reference.
PO Box 1137, Evansville, IN 47706 Where healthy eating becomes a habit.
LAVONNE PECHIN 490-8907 OR 800-568-7713 Kalp Network, Inc. is a Child and Adult Care Food Program sponsor with the USDA helping parents access nutritious meals and snacks for their children in child care. This agency does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 3
jasper high school
The first day of school for Jasper High School students is Thursday, Aug. 8, beginning at 8 a.m. Students will be released at 3 p.m. These are the normal hours of every school day. Students and parents are asked not to call the school requesting schedule changes; these will resume after school begins. Registration Registration packets should be picked up at the main entrance of Jasper High School between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, and Friday, Aug. 2. Those unable to pick up their packets during that time may request that a friend or relative pick up the packet. Registration takes place from noon to 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5, and from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. Checks made out to Jasper High School or cash will be accepted for textbook rental and fees. Families requesting textbook assistance are required to complete a form each year. Parents may call and request a form be mailed to their residence if they have not already received one this summer. A family with students
attending more than one school needs to turn in only one form for the family at any of the attended schools. New students Students new to Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools should call to schedule a time to enroll. The best time to call is between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Aug. 1 and 2. Incoming freshmen who completed the past school year at Jasper Middle School or Holy Family School need not schedule an appointment. Wildcat kickoff Students new to Jasper High School, including incoming freshmen, are expected to attend an orientation program from 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. Anyone not already scheduled to attend should email Julie Ferguson at It is important to know who will be attending so as to make the event as helpful as possible for all attendees. Dress attire Students will be allowed to wear shorts as the school year begins because of the probability of high outdoor temperatures.
However, shorts must be at least fingertip length. The high school is air conditioned and abuse of the dress code may result in shorts being disallowed as in past years. Shirts should have sleeves. Student handbooks will be given out the first day of school, and the acknowledgement form in it should be signed and returned to the school. Cellphones and other electronic devices The school’s policy regarding these devices has changed. Students will be allowed to have them out between classes. However, students must adhere to policies outlined in classrooms that will be communicated to students and designed to promote learning. Violations may result in confiscation or disciplinary measures. Students and parents are asked to read the associated guidelines in the school handbook. Staff Brian Wilson, principal; Glenn Buechlein, assistant principal; Andy Noblitt, athletic director; Sean Jochum and Brian Uebelhor, guidance; Leah Tooley, social
worker; Jamie Hutton, nurse; Tina Luebbehusen, Ross Polen, Anthony Price, Brooke Keusch, Abby Kennedy, Kathy Overton, Andy Daub and Erin White, English; Dee Ann Bell, Megan Johnson, Devin Rottet, Ashley Lampert and Erin White, foreign languages; Andrea Fleck, Josh Dodd, James Goodhue, Patrick Keeley, John Coller and Stephanie Jackman-Burns, fine arts; Mary Jo Theising, Dean Jerger, Ken Johanning, Phil Kendall, Geoff Mauck, Erin Hasenour, Scott Yarbrough, Brooke Elrod, Leah Henson and Jamie Lofton, science; Joan Schaeffer, Jason Ahlbrand, Jolie Painter, Karen Stenftenagel, Eric Dall and Dean Jerger, math; Terry Gobert, Julie Ferguson, Jarett Helming, Julie Schnell, John Goebel, Stephanie Jackman-Burns and Jarrod Land, social studies; Tony Ahrens, Nick Eckert, Joan Schaeffer and Connie Poe, health and physical education; Kyla Beier, family and consumer sciences; Amanda Schipp, Dana Kunz and Evan Elrod, business; Seth Sickbert, Fred Routson and Kevin Haycox, technology; Atalie
Schroering, health occupations; Deb Nordhoff, Amanda Beck, Joe Shelton and Rick Stenftenagel, special services; Joey Hurm, librarian; Mike Fowler, school resource officer; Liz Milligan, study hall; Karen Patton, Bev Kleiser, Karen Lynn, Marilyn Beier, Susan Mckenzie,and Luke Keller, instructional assistants; Deb Schum, Tina Hilgediek, Hillory Werner, Shelley Uebelhor and Monica Scott, clerical; Bob Schnell, Luke Hopf, Mike Hochgesang, Joyce Kreilein, LaVerne Mosier and Leesa Beyke, maintenance and custodial; Loretta Hoffman, Melba Burger, Barbara Ernst, Rita Goeppner, Judy Haase, Judy Hubster, Jill Hutslar, Marcia Lindauer, Carmen Pfau and Ann Ward, cafeteria.
handheld pencil sharpener, one package of red pens and pencils, one package of nonerasable blue or black ink pens, one box of tissues, a pencil bag. Students will be supplied with an expanding file folder on the first day of school. No folders or binders will be needed for any student entering grade six. Grade seven Box of tissue for homeroom. Social studies: two-pocket folder, jumbo book cover, two single-subject notebooks (not three or five); loose-leaf paper, pens (blue, black and red), pencil, ruler and colored pencils. Science: pencils, red pens, box of thin-tip colored pencils/markers, loose-leaf notebook paper, 100 index cards, jumbo book cover, black three-ring binder, spiral notebook with more than 70 pages. Math/pre-algebra: two spiral notebooks, pencils, red pen, scientific calculator, dry-erase markers (fine-tip). Language arts: pens (red and blue or black), pencil, three-or five-subject notebook with perforated paper, scissors, colored pencils, markers or crayons, three two-pocket folders, three-ring
binder, jumbo and regular book cover, composition notebook. Art: sketchbook (8.5 by 11 inches or larger, spiral bound, unlined pages), more than two pencils, eraser, more than 12 colored pencils, glue (stick or bottle), pencil or zip-close bag, binder (1 inch or larger), notebook with lined pages. Optional items: handheld pencil sharpener, more than 12 markers, scissors. Family and consumer sciences: spiral notebook, pocket folder, pens (red and blue or black), pencil. Sewing supplies needed at end of quarter. Grade eight A box of tissue for homeroom. Science: pencil, blue or black pen, red pen, index cards, colored pencils. Math: three-ring binder (at least 1.5 inch), pencils (no pens), red pen, loose-leaf paper, two-sided graph paper with three holes, calculator. American history: one threering binder, 10 to 12 dividers with tabs, pocket folder with three holes, loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), blue or black pens, pencils, red pen,
Phone numbers General office, 482-6050; athletic office, 482-4450; attendance office, 482-1040 PTO Kitty Merkley, president; Linda Letterman, vice president; Ann Fleck, treasurer; and Lisa Goeppner, secretary.
jasper middle school
Thursday, Aug. 8, is the first day of school at Jasper Middle School. Students will report at 8 a.m. and be dismissed at 3 p.m. New student enrollment Parents of Jasper Middle School students not enrolled at Tenth Street School, Ireland Elementary School or Precious Blood School at the end of the 2012-13 school year should call 482-6454 to enroll the students by Friday, July 26. If there is no answer, leave your name and phone number and someone will get back to you. New student orientation Orientation for all sixth-graders and for new seventh- and eighth-graders will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5, in the school’s black gym. Those enrolled will receive detailed information in the mail at the end of July. Registration and payment of fees Registration packets will be available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 1 and 2. Included in each packet will be registration forms that must be completed for all students by a parent or guardian with legal custody and an invoice for book rental and other fees averaging $150, as well as Parent Teacher Student Organization information. Registration will take place from noon to 6 p.m. Aug. 5 and between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. Completed forms from the registration packed should be returned and book rentals and registration fees paid. Checks should be made payable to the Elementary Book Rental Fund. Supplies A general supply list will be posted at local retailers and on the JMS website at www.jms.gjcs.k12. Lunch money Deposits may be made to cafeteria accounts on registration days. A student lunch costs $2.25 and extra milk is 25 cents. Breakfast will be served between 7:25 and 7:55 each morning for $1.50. Throughout the year, students are encouraged to make deposits to their account during the breakfast time. Applications for assistance (textbook and meals) To speed the registration process, completed assistance applications may be returned to JMS before registration day. If assis-
tance was received last year, a letter should have been delivered in the mail. Parents may mail or deliver the form to Jasper Middle School, 3600 Portersville Road, or to the superintendent’s office, 1520 St. Charles St. Applications are also available at all Greater Jasper school offices and must be filled out completely. The state requires a parent’s signature in two places on the form if requesting both textbook and cafeteria assistance. Parents are asked to return the completed application by Aug. 1. Eighth-grade achievement night pictures Eighth-grade achievement night pictures may be picked up at the high school during the Wildcat kickoff freshman orientation. Student dress policy Principles for good grooming and proper dress are necessary to set an atmosphere conducive to improving the learning situation. It is primarily the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are applying these principles. These are examples of the student dress policy: ■■ Clothing, jewelry or any article that advertises alcohol or tobacco, promotes drug usage, has obscenities, is sexually explicit or has sexual implications is not permitted. ■■ Shorts are not permitted. ■■ Chains hanging from pants or clothing and excessively large metal necklaces are not permitted. Bracelets or necklaces with spikes are not permitted. ■■ Pierced jewelry in parts of the body other than ears is not allowed. ■■ Pants shall be worn at the waist with the bottom hem diameter no larger than the size of the student’s proper shoe size. Pants may not drag the floor. ■■ Shirts must be tucked in at all times and must have sleeves that cover the shoulders and underarms. ■■ Sweatshirts, sweaters and other banded-bottom shirts should be worn appropriately and hang no lower than the bottom of the hip in accordance with the standards of neatness and good taste as perceived by the administration. ■■ Coats and jackets should be stored in the student’s locker during the school day. ■■ Hats/caps, bandannas, sunglasses, headwear and extreme hairstyles or hair colors are not
permitted. Hoods may not cover any part of the head during the school day. ■■ Tattoos must be covered at all times. Writing on the skin is not permitted. ■■ Skirts of at least knee length may be worn. ■■ For safety reasons, shoes that are appropriate for school must be worn at all times. Plastic or rubber flip-flops are not appropriate for school. Bags and backpacks may be carried to and from school and to eighth period only. The administration reserves the right to use other situations of distraction or issues of safety to disallow items as needed. Supplies Grade six One one-subject notebook, two composition notebooks, one graph paper notebook, 12-inch ruler (clear, customary and metric), protractor, calculator, four jumbo book covers, one package of pencils with erasers (sharpened; no mechanical); one 12-pack colored pencils; glue stick, two packages of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), two highlighters (different colors),
Please turn to the next page
PRE-SCHOOL and PRE-KINDERGARTEN Classes Starting August 12th We provide a safe, nurturing environment and stimulating, age-appropriate activities to keep your child happy and engaged. Serving children ages 6 weeks through 12 years • Level III – Paths to Quality • Child Care vouchers accepted • CACFP Food Program • Qualified Licensed Staff
ACADEMY OF LEARNING Licensed Child Care Facility
4312 Baden Strass, Jasper
To learn more about our programs, our staff and for a tour, please call, Rose Popp at (812) 482-2939
page 4 ■ back to school
jasper middle school
Concluded from Page 3 colored pencils, highlighter, correcting pen or tape (no bottles). Language arts: plastic twopocket folder, loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), composition notebook, pens (red and blue or black) pencils, correction pen (no tape or bottles), index cards, two book covers, scissors, glue, markers, crayons or colored pencils. Spanish: three ring binder (1-inch), loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), one-subject notebook, pencils, pens (blue, black and red), book cover, glue, scissors, markers. Technology: Pencil, composition notebook with grid paper (10 by 77⁄8 inches), one three-ring
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
binder and package of dividers. Multigrade teachers Box of tissue for homeroom. Theresa Luebbehusen, resource: pencil pouch, 15 pencils, eraser, five black and five red pens, ear buds, Lysol disinfectant wipes, wide-ruled notebook and folder for reading, wide-ruled notebook (independent living) for spelling, 1-inch three-ring hardcover binder, folder. Gavin Lichlyter, resource: pencil bag, pencils, two large erasers, two red and blue pens, folder for each class, ear buds. Cassie Williams, resource: 15 pencils, eraser, five black and five red pens, highlighter, folder, packet of loose-leaf paper, Post-It notes, ear buds. Courtney Heberer, music:
one-subject notebook, folder, pencils and pens for grading. Chris Tucker and Julie Ruhe, physical education: specified gray T-shirt (purchase at registration), black shorts, socks and tennis shoes. Staff David Hubster, principal; Phil Tolbert, assistant principal; Tiffany Maxey, guidance counselor; Ben Mundy, athletic director; Donna Arensman, athletics secretary; Kathy Combs, Angie Day and Jamie Ruxer, office staff; Lisa Flamion, home-school adviser; Lucy Weaver, R.N., nurse; Jace Brescher, Jan Flynn, Jeff Hayes, Paul Nichter and Jeremy Wolf, math; Susan Ahlbrand, Amanda Dalton, Cassie Eckerle,
Kathy Eckerle, Kelli Kempf, Molly Rupert, Kari Schaefer, Samantha Venderley and Shannon Weyer, language arts; Michelle Brown, Adam Fleck, Wes Moser, Tom Rupert and Lisa Seng, social studies; Jace Brescher, Susan Gibson, Ben Mundy, Matt Pryor, Debi Quade and Bob Stenftenagel, science; Gavin Lichlyter, Theresa Luebbehusen and Cassie Williams, special education; Katie Blessinger, English as a New Language and Spanish; Michaela Eckerle, interventionist; John Coller, James Goodhue and Patrick Keeley, band; Shirley Messmer, family and consumer science; Jill Wigand, health; Courtney Heberer, music; Julie Ruhe and Chris Tucker, physical education; Kyle Jahn, technology;
Jordan Beach, Lisa Brewer, Charles Flack, Beth Gentry, Donna Gootee, Chris Krodel, Andrea Messmer, Jane Renner, Denise Smith and Jeff Zink, instructional assistants; Virgie Evans, library services; Marla Huther, Jerry Jahn, Bobby Schitter and Ruth Wilson, maintenance and custodians; and Lori Betz, Marilyn Heidorn, Brenda Hoffman, Nancy Hopf, Brenda Keusch, Teresa Knebel, Carol Ruckriegel and Eileen Schnieders, cafeteria.
routine. Lunch and textbook fees should be paid prior to this day. School will be dismissed at the regular time, which is 3 p.m. Students being picked up by parents must have written notice of this arrangement to their teacher by 8:30 a.m. These children will be waiting on the east side of the building at the main entrance.
Townsend, music; Abby Giesler, Cheryl Goller, Susan Gossett, Jodie Harris, Michelle Lamkin, Sara Lindeman, Shari Lopez, Brenda Miller, Jodi Smith, Kay Staples, Lori Verkamp and Tammy Werner, instructional assistants; Karen Gudorf, Tami Pfaff, Donna Wagner, Paula Wheeler and Marilyn Wolf, cafeteria; Carol Brosmer, Craig Folz and Shane Werner, facility management; Jane Begle and Donna Uebelhor, student data management; and Melanie Krueger and Phyllis Kuntz, student wellness management.
PTO Susan Barry, president, and Monica Scott, Sherry Monesmith and Margie Vaught, vice presidents. For more information, call 482-6454.
T e n t h St r e e t S c h o o l
Tenth Street School in Jasper will have registration from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 30, in the school gym. Parents unable to attend may send a friend or relative with their child to collect information. Financial matters should be settled at registration. Book rental will be collected on this evening. Although some book rental prices may vary based on students’ course of study, the vast majority of students’ textbook fees will be: grade three, $135.29; grade four, $126.99; and grade five, $133.53. Those families who have accumulated Scrip credits will be discounted accordingly. Checks for books should be made payable to GJCS Elementary Book Rental Fund. Breakfast and lunch money also will be taken in preparation for the first week of school. Elementary lunches will cost $2 and breakfast will cost $1.25 daily. During registration, money will be collected for the first par-
tial week of school as well as the first full week of school in the amount of $14 for lunch and $8.75 for breakfast. Guardians are encouraged to seal these amounts of money in a specially marked envelope. Money in excess of the $14 for lunch and $8.75 for breakfast will not be refunded, but it will be added to the child’s account for future purchases. All unspecified money will be put into a cafeteria’s lunch fund. Families applying for or receiving meal assistance will be processed on the spot. Guardians should bring all vital information, such as income, verification of Temporary Aid for Needy Families, food coupon verification and household membership information. The Parent Teacher Club at Tenth Street School has numerous activities for parental involvement and will have a table set up at registration where activities will be explained and dues will be collected. The dues are $5 per family. Officers will be available to answer
questions regarding the Scrip program and the financial contributions that the club makes toward children and their families.
more will be available in packets at registration. Teachers and staff will greet families and assist in the registration process. At least one parent or guardian should attend registration night, including those previously enrolled as well as new students. Parents of students who are new to the area and have not made contact with the school office should do so prior to registration as this will speed the process on registration night. If unable to attend registration night or for more information, call the office at 482-1406
duced price, 30 cents; and adult $1.75. Lunch: regular, $2; reduced price, 40 cents; and adult, $3.
Note for new students A tour of the building will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. Students new to the school, including third-grade students who attended Fifth Street School last year, are welcome to attend with their parents. Students’ first day Boys and girls who ride with parents or walk to school are asked to report to the school gym between 7:45 and 7:55 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 8. Children riding buses will arrive at various times because of bus route demands. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 to 7:55 a.m. After a brief talk in the gym, students will go directly to class. The school asks parents not to eat in the cafeteria on this day because of the large number of students who will be learning the
Staff Kent W. Taylor, principal; Stephanie Buse, Andrea Denu, Marlene Huls, Lori Kunkel, and Jeff Sudbury, grade three; Angela Bueltel, Jessica Freyberger, Kyla Buechlein, Melissa Hall, Sherry Knies and Wesley Laake, grade four; Kendra Jasper, Jacque Leinenbach, Eileen Meyer, Trisha Pfau, Kevin Schipp and Carma Thimling, grade five; Kathi Brooner, life skills interventionist; Meagan Chase, English as a New Language; Carrie Berg and Julie Noblitt, special needs resource; Lynn Heathco, Title I and art; Leslie Jerger, speech; Janet
Parent Teacher Club Amanda Kluemper, president; Michele Rose, first vice president and media relations coordinator; Kelly Schwartz, second vice president and volunteer coordinator; Julie Henke, secretary; Jodi Smith, treasurer; Monica Scott, head Scrip officer; Carmen Meservy, assistant Scrip officer; and Stephanie Buse, teacher representative.
fifth street school
Fifth Street School students will begin the school year at 8 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 8. Dismissal will be at 3 p.m. Parents are to make sure the child is in the building no later than 7:55 a.m. Parents who are running late are to check in with the office. After the first week of school, a student will be counted tardy if not in the building before 8:05 a.m. New programs A new reading series as well as the Accelerated Reader program will be in place in 2013-14. Accelerated Reading is designed to enhance the reading curriculum and help teachers monitor students’ vocabulary growth, literacy and reading skills development. Additionally, Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools will launch Six Traits Writing across the district. Kindergarten Kindergarten will be a full day for students. There will be kindergarten tuition fees for 2013-14. Registration and packet pickup Parents are asked to pick up registration packets Monday, July 29; Tuesday, July 30; or Wednesday, July 31. Packet pickup will take place at the school office. Parents are to enter the building through the front doors near the flagpole. The doors will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on these three days. All forms in the packets should be completed at home before registration night. Registration night will take place from 4 to 6:30 Thursday, Aug. 1. Parents are asked to return all completed registration forms and pay book rental fees in the school gymnasium. Information regarding fees, meals, insurance, free and reduced-price lunch and textbook applications, PTO, Girl Scouts and
PTO and book rental PTO fees are $5. Book rental fees are kindergarten, $129.49; grade one, $151.25; and grade two, $138.88. Meal prices Breakfast: regular, $1.25; re-
Arrival and dismissal Morning arrival: Students who do not ride buses should be dropped off at the semicircle at the front of the building. The door in the center are open for students to enter until 8 a.m. After 8 a.m. the doors are locked and students will need to buzz the door in the front of the building (the door at the flagpole). The entrance on St. John Street is for bus students only and parents are asked to not to drop their children off in this area. Children should never cross the street when exiting their vehicles. A parent who wishes to walk with a child into the building should park the car on the street or in the parking lot. Addition-
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ally, parents are asked to cross the street at a corner and not in the middle of the street. Afternoon dismissal: Students riding buses home will be loaded from the east exit of the building on St. John Street. Parking in this area is prohibited. Students riding in cars will leave the building through the southwest exit at
the back of the building. Parents should turn south on Scott Rolen Drive, enter the parking lot and proceed east to the southwest door in a single line. The passing of parked cars will not be permitted. Students will enter cars from the curb only. Cars should Please turn to the next page
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 5
of the year, each child will wear a name tag that will assist the bus driver and the school personnel in directing children to their destinations. Supplies Preschool: roll of paper towels, box of Kleenex or Puffs, package of napkins, package of large Elmer’s glue sticks, bottle of white Elmer’s glue, package of small paper plates (boys only), package of large paper plates (girls only), regular-size backpack, diapers and diaper wipes (for those that are not toilet trained), an extra change of clothes to keep at school. The juice fee for the year is $24. The class will do special projects throughout the year so additional items may be needed later. Kindergarten: backpack, two jumbo pink erasers, box of 16 regular crayons, two boxes of eight regular crayons (Crayola preferred), Fiskars scissors (blunt tip), two large glue sticks, box of facial tissues, three pocket folders, package of 10 No. 2 pencils (Ticonderoga or Dixon preferred), box of quart-size zip-close bags (girls only), box of gallon-size zip-close bags (boys only), package of two dry-erase markers (Expo brand preferred), container of Clorox
fifth street school
Concluded from Page 4 exit the parking lot using Scott Rolen Drive. Drivers should remain in cars to ensure a timely dismissal. No child may leave the assigned area with or without an adult unless given permission by the supervisor. Parents are asked not to park in the circle in front of the building because it is only for turn-around during dismissal. Transportation Several means of transportation have been successfully used by parents in the past. These include driving daily, paying someone to drive, teaching the child to walk the route, arranging for the child to ride the bus and joining a neighborhood carpool. Transportation to and from school is available for all students who live on established routes. Information concerning eligibility and routes can be obtained by calling the school corporation’s central office at 482-1801. Parents whose children will be riding a bus at any time this year should have the children begin doing so the first week of school. At the beginning
wipes. Grade one: 20 No. 2 plain yellow wood pencils (sharpened); no foil- or plastic-covered pencils), two large pink soft erasers, eight Black Expo dry-erase markers (fine point), Fiskars scissors, two boxes of 24 Crayola crayons (no fluorescent or gel crayons), zippered pencil bag (large bank bags are excellent; no boxes), three large Elmer’s glue sticks (no bottled glue), four two-pocket folders (large enough to hold 9-by-12-inch paper; no Trapper Keepers); two large boxes of Kleenex, box of gallon-size zip-close freezer bags (girls only; zippered; no sliders), box of quart-size zip-close freezer bags (boys only; zippered; no sliders), school bag or backpack (not on wheels). Optional: package of black Expo dry-erase markers (wide tip), napkins, disinfecting wipes, one ream of copy paper, hand sanitizer. Grade two: four pocket folders (no spiral binders or Trapper Keepers), 24 No. 2 pencils with name or initials (sharpened; no foil- or plastic-covered or mechanical), package of four to six dryerase markers (wide tip), package of dry-erase markers (fine
tip), two large pink erasers and a package of pencil-top erasers, one pencil bag (large bank bags are excellent), two boxes of regular 24 crayons (no markers or twistable crayons), two glue sticks, Fiskars scissors, three boxes of regularsize Kleenex, five zip-close sandwich bags (freezer bags preferred; do not label), five zip-close gallonsize bags (freezer bags preferred; not labeled). Optional: one ream of copy paper, box of magic cleaning erasers, paper towels or napkins, disinfecting wipes, backpack (not on wheels). Parents are asked to replace the child’s supplies as soon as possible when they are running low. Everything except the zip-close bags should be labeled.
will be registration cards, insurance forms, school rules and other materials relevant to the opening of school. Only parents and guardians should complete the necessary forms and return them to school July 29. A brief orientation program for new students and their parents will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5, in the gym. This meeting is to familiarize new parents to the school’s routines. Attendance at this meeting is optional.
ing meal assistance will not need to pay for lunches until a decision has been made on their application form. Pupils wishing to bring their lunch may do so, but they are required to eat it in the cafeteria. For additional information, call the school at 482-7751.
Staff Leah Jessee, principal; Jan Kramer, secretary and treasurer; Gina Weyer, secretary and data entry; Ashtynn Gore and Holly Nowotarski, preschool; Kristy Dilger, Adrienne Kraft, Julie Oates, Valerie Small, Alyssa Weisheit and Hannah Simmons, kindergarten; Diane Brescher, Nicky Gadlage, Lisa Guthrie, Janelle Hasenour and Kamasia Schnaus, grade one; Angie Cox, Lisa Voges,
Karen Pieper, Megan Messmer and Heather Yarbrough, grade two; Holly Knies and Joan Noblitt, special education; Stacy Hilgefort, speech therapist; Sharon Loveless, art; Mary Burke, music; Lindsey Healy, English language learners; Heather Goodhue, counselor; Lynne Bohnert, Title I coordinator; Sherry Fleck, nurse; Cheryl Acton, Gerri Buchta, Dianne Elmore, Hannah Simmons, Marina Espinosa, Rhonda Kellams, Tammie Messick, Cindy Newkirk, Audrey Nordhoff, Sabrina Peters, Tina Pfau, Shannon Seifert, Susan Stetter, Beth Teder, Melissa Vogler, Yvonne Wigand, Adam Fleck, Minda Haggh and Maria Eckert, instructional assistants; Deb Nordhoff and Becky Kraus, custodial; Jim Wigand, maintenance; and Geri Wehr, Jane Werner and Michelle Witte, cafeteria. PTO Alissa Brosmer, president; Andrea Norris, treasurer; Carrie Decker, secretary; Julie Oates, teacher representative; and Andrea Holsworth, Jackie Griesemer, Abby Troutman and Stacy Huelsman, members at large.
i r e l a n d e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Students attending Ireland Elementary School will report to school at 8 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 8, for enrollment. School will be dismissed at 3 p.m. All payments must be rendered prior to the opening of school. Therefore, payment for book rental fees, along with PTO dues of $5 per family, should be paid between 4 and 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 29, in the gymnasium. Parents are asked to enter the building for registration by the northwest door next to the kindergarten rooms. Book rental prices will be: kindergarten, $129.49; grade one, $151.25; grade two, $138.88; grade three, $135.29; grade four, $126.99; and grade five, $133.53. Book rental prices may vary based on a student’s course of study. Also on book rental day, order forms and
samples of T-shirts, shorts and sweatshirts with the Ireland Elementary School logo imprinted on them may be viewed and ordered. Each pupil will be held responsible for the care of the books assigned to him or her. In case of loss or damage to the books, the student must purchase the extra book at the regular cost. New process Parents are asked to pick up student packets from the school office on Wednesday, July 24; Thursday, July 25; or Friday, July 26. Parents should enter the building through the main doors by the clock tower. The doors will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. All forms in the packet should be completed at home, as this will allow families a smooth process for registration on July 29. Included in this packet
School lunches School lunches will be served in the cafeteria for $2 per meal or $10 per week. During registration, money will be collected for the first full week of school. A special envelope will be provided by the school for this purpose. Families applying for or receiv-
Staff Raymond Mehling, principal; Barb Hopf and Toni Reckelhoff, secretaries; Tara Britton, Stacey Crawford and Kathy Wagner, kindergarten; Michelle Corbin, Dawn Killian, Kelly Lehmkuhler and Cheryl Sermersheim, grade one; Robin Small, Debbie Weidenbenner, Amy Winkel and Darlene Ziegler, grade two; Shannon Bauer, Amber Fleck, Lisa Kincer and Andrea Prusz, grade three; Andrea Ackerman, Ryan Erny and Nikki Roberts, grade four;
Anne Brosmer, Kyle Heichelbech, Amber Hoffman and Andrea Mehringer, grade five; Gaylene Laubscher and Ashley O’Connor, resource teachers; Linda Hagan, librarian; Mary Burke, music; Sharon Loveless, art; Leslie Jerger, speech therapist; Cindy Vogler, computer lab; Heather Goodhue and Melanie Krueger, homeschool advisers; Margaret Brescher, Cathy Bartley, Karen Forbes, Aggie Kress, Mary Jo Popp, Kelly Shields, Cindy Vogler, Lisa Mann, Sandy Ruckriegel, Cathy Egler and Kristie Birchler, instructional assistants; Brandi Stiles, school nurse; Charles Beier, maintenance; Rhonda Englert and Jill Kress, custodians; and Doris Hulsman, Alice Roush and LaDonna Werner, cafeteria.
jasper christian academy
Jasper Christian Academy welcomes all students to a full day of school Monday, Aug. 12. Nursery and preschool classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. Extended care is also available from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Enrollment for any student not previously registered may be taken care of by calling 634-2406. Tours of the school will be given by appointment. Information on classes is available by calling the school between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. The enrollment fee for any new students is $50 per family. Book fees need to be paid by Aug. 1. Call the office because book fees vary according to grade. Jasper Christian Academy offers a Christian-based educational program. It is still taking nursery enrollment for children ages 2 and 3 as well as prekindergarten and kindergarten. Meals Hot lunches, dessert and two snacks are provided each day for all full-time students. Supplies Ages 2 and 3: crayons, liquid glue, scissors, plastic school box, fingerpaint set, paint smock, two boxes of Kleenex and one box of disinfecting wipes. Label all items with the student’s name.
Jasper Christian Academy Calendar Aug. 12.........................................School begins Sept. 2................................ Labor Day, no school Oct. 24-25...........................................Fall break Nov. 28-29.............................Thanksgiving break Dec. 20...............................End of first semester Dec. 24-Jan. 1............................Christmas break
Prekindergarten (age 4) and kindergarten (age 5): crayons, liquid glue, scissors, watercolor
Jan. 2........................................ School resumes Feb. 17............... Great Americans Day, no school March 24-28................................... Spring break April 18.............................Good Friday, no school May 22............. Kindergarten graduation program Dates are subject to change.
paints. paint smock, two boxes of Kleenex and one box of disinfecting wipes. Label all items with the
student’s name. For more information, call the school at 634-2406 or 631-0485.
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page 6 ■ back to school
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
precious blood school
Precious Blood School will begin the school year at 7:55 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 8. Students will be dismissed at 3 p.m. Preschool and kindergarten orientations Preschool orientation is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, for 3-year-olds and at 7 p.m. for 4-year-olds. Preschool begins the week of Aug. 26. Kindergarten orientation is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5. Both of these orientations are for students and parents. Open house An open house for parents of students in kindergarten through grade five is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27. This meeting gives an opportunity for parents to meet the students’ teachers. The open house is for parents only. Lunch money The student lunch price is $2.15 per day. Extra juice, extra milk and bottled water can be purchased for 35 cents each. School times School begins at 7:55 a.m. School is dismissed at 3 p.m. Shuttle bus riders will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Supplies Kindergarten: two boxes of Kleenex, five white glue sticks (regular size; not large); backpack, $5 to cover cost of picture developing, one folder with two pockets (horizontal pockets only). Mrs. Schneider’s class should
have a large pencil bag. Make $15 check for rest-time mat payable to Precious Blood School. This check can be given to the child’s teacher at kindergarten orientation or on the first day of school. Grade one: two boxes of Kleenex, box of 24 crayons, white Elmer’s glue, scissors, large pencil bag, two spiral notebooks (81⁄2 by 11 inches), package of pencils, folder, composition notebook (93⁄4 by 71⁄2 inches), zip-close bags. Grade two: two boxes of Kleenex, No. 2 wooden pencils, two red correcting pens, scissors, box of 24 crayons, two pocket folders, large pencil bag, two or three white glue sticks, Elmer’s white glue, gallonsize zip-close bags (last names beginning with A through L), quartsize zip-close bags (last names beginning with M through Z), two large erasers, four dry-erase markers (any color), two composition notebooks (93⁄4 by 71⁄2 inches), two highlighters (any color), package of Post-It notes (3 inches square), package of index cards (3 by 5 inches). Grade three: three boxes of Kleenex, 24 pencils (no mechanical), large pencil bag, two 4-ounce bottles of Elmer’s white glue, four glue sticks, scissors, plastic pocket folder, crayons and magic markers, large pink eraser, container of Clorox wipes, two composition notebooks (93⁄4 by 71⁄2 inches), gallon-size zip-close bags (last names beginning with A through L), two rolls of white paper towels (last names beginning with M through Z).
■■ Do not purchase hard plastic cases for supplies. The cases do not fit in desks. ■■ When purchasing markers do not purchase scented ones. ■■ When purchasing crayons, do not purchase washable ones.
Precious Blood Calendar Aug. 8............................................................ School starts, full day Sept. 2.............................................................Labor Day, no school Oct. 11.............................................................. End of first quarter Oct. 22-23............................................. Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 24-25....................................................................... Fall break Nov. 27-29......................................................... Thanksgiving break Dec. 20..................... Christmas vacation, end of second quarter and first semester Jan. 3.................................................................... School resumes Jan. 20.............................Martin Luther King Day, snow makeup day Feb. 7..............................Professional development day for teachers Feb. 17............... Great Americans Day, no school, snow makeup day March 7............................................................ End of third quarter March 21.............................................................Snow makeup day March 24-28................................................................Spring break March 31.............................................................Snow makeup day April 18............................. Good Friday, no school, snow makeup day April 21................................................................Snow makeup day May 23.......................... End of fourth quarter and second semester
Grade four: box of family-size Kleenex, No. 2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical), large pencil bag, small bottle of white glue, glue stick, two red pens, magic markers and package of 12 colored pencils, package of no more than 24 crayons, one container of Clorox wipes (last names beginning with A through L), Dixie cups (last names beginning with M through Z), package of looseleaf paper (wide rule), 1-inch binder with pockets, two composition notebooks (93⁄4 by 71⁄2 inches), protractor, scissors, two rolls of clear tape (individual dispensers), $5 for film development. Grade five: two boxes of Kleenex, ruler, scissors, pencils, large pencil bag, erasable blue or black ink pens, package of dry-erase
markers, 4-ounce Elmer’s white glue, two spiral notebooks (81⁄2 by 11 inches), one composition notebook (93⁄4 by 71⁄2 inches), markers, highlighter, box of 16 or 24 crayons, loose-leaf paper (straight edge), four pocket folders (different colors; plastic preferred), one white binder (11⁄2 inches with pockets), compass, protractor, $5 for craft supplies. Note for all classes ■■ Pencil bags may be picked up in the school office. The $5 cost supports the PTO. ■■ Do not buy blue gel glue or roller-ball glue. Purchase only white glue. ■■ Do not purchase large Trapper Keepers. They are difficult to store in desks.
Staff Michelle Brandle, principal; Connie Messmer, preschool; Ann Buechler and Bridget Schneider, kindergarten; Kathy Bachman and Holly Reckelhoff, grade one; Ashley Dupps and Kari Seal, grade two; Chris Hinkle and Kathy Wolf, grade three; Janelle Foster and Stephanie Pinkstaff, grade four; Cassie Beyke and Kelly Schaefer, grade five; Judy Buechlein, library; Ruth Coller, music; Angie Ruxer, physical education; Bill Whorrall, art; Dana Buechlein, technology coordinator; Jill Sargent, interventionist; Nancy Knies, speech; Debbie Tobin, school counselor; Mike Kreilein, school newspaper adviser; Joe Buechlein and Julie Eckert, custodians; Linda Dall, preschool assistant; Kris Jochim and Megan Cambron, instructional assistants; Mary Ramirez, Angie Schitter, Julie Barth, Gail Flannagan, and Kerry Herzog, kitchen; Staci Zehr, administrative assistant; Barb Trambaugh, parish secretary; Father Gary Kaiser, pastor; Sister Betty Koressel, S.P., pastoral associate; Bonnie Meadows, coordinator of religious education; Barb Schutz-Hopf, finance coordinator; and Brian Schuetter, facilities manager.
H o ly Fa m i ly S c h o o l
Registration at Holy Family School was held Sunday, July 21, following Mass. Families who were unable to attend the registration are asked to pick up their packets in the school office. All forms from the packets are to be turned back in to the school office by Monday, July 29. The school office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parents interested in sending their child to Holy Family School who have not already applied should call the school office at 482-4485 to set up a meeting with Principal Sally Sternberg. They also may visit the website at www. to find out more information. School times Students in kindergarten through grade eight report to school by 7:40 a.m. Dismissal begins at 2:40 p.m. Bus information Holy Family School operates an abbreviated bus route for pickup and drop-off. Additionally, Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools buses also pick up and drop off students. Questions on busing may be answered by contacting the school office. Book fees Information on book fees, tuition and financial assistance can be obtained by calling the school office or the parish office at 482-0376. Lunch information Student lunches cost $2.25. Adult lunches cost $3.25. Additional milk may be purchased for 30 cents. Applications for free and reduced-price lunches are included in the registration packets. Guests are welcome any day. They are asked to notify the cafeteria by 9 a.m. if they plan to stay for that day’s lunch. Supply list Supply lists are included in the registration packets and are also available on the school’s website.
School choice Holy Family School is a choice school. This means that parents who desire to send their child to a private school, such as Holy Family, may do so with the help of a School Choice Scholarship (voucher), provided they meet the guidelines. School Choice Scholarships can cover most, if not all, of the tuition at Holy Family School, making private school more affordable. More information is available on the school’s website or by calling the school office. Sonshine preschool Preschool will hold an open house and parent meeting for the first-year (for 3-year-olds) class at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 30. The open house and parent meeting for the second-year (for 4-yearolds) class will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 31. Both meetings will be held in the preschool classroom. Preschool will begin Monday, Aug. 12, for the second-year classes and Tuesday, Aug. 13, for the first-year classes. Those enrolled in the first-year class will have the option of meeting from 8 to 11 a.m. or noon to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The options for the second-year class are 8 to 11 a.m. and noon to 3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesday. An optional third day for the second-year class is from 8 to 11 a.m. Fridays. Students are taught basic prayers, academics, social skills and coordination skills. Openings remain for the afternoon sessions of both the firstyear and second-year classes. To register, call 482-4485. Staff Sally Sternberg, principal; Cindy Miller, secretary; Cathy Mundy, technology coordinator; Abby Buse, preschool; Cheryl Rohleder, preschool aide; Shelley Weinzapfel, kindergarten; Jamie Clauss and Jane Greenwell, grade one; Jenna Fettes, grade two; Marla Giesler, grade three; Jenna Hochmeister, grade four; Deborah Kieffner, grade five
Charmaine Oxford, grade eight homeroom and science; Sister Louise Laroche, religion; Sandy Siebert, physical education; Susan McKenzie, Spanish I; Lenea Harless, art; Sister Susan Ann Necas, music; Patrick Keeley, John Coller and James Goodhue, band; Nancy Knies, speech; Lenea Harless, athletic director; Cheryl Hartings and Nancy Kluesner, bus drivers; Tim Kempf, Ellen Bough and Glenda Green, maintenance and custodial; and Amy Uebelhor, Shelly Hedinger and Magdalen Buechlein, cooks.
Holy Family School Aug. 6..............................Professional development day for teachers Aug. 8........................................................... School begins, full day Sept. 2.............................................................Labor Day, no school Oct. 11.............................................................. End of first quarter Oct. 21-23............................................. Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 24-25....................................................................... Fall break Nov. 27-29......................................................... Thanksgiving break Dec. 20............................. End of second quarter and first semester Jan. 3.................................................................... School resumes Jan. 20.............Martin Luther King Day, no school, snow makeup day Feb. 7............. Professional development day for teachers, no school Feb. 17............... Great Americans Day, no school, snow makeup day March 7............................................................ End of third quarter March 21.............................................................Snow makeup day March 24-28................................................................Spring break March 31.............................................................Snow makeup day April 18......................................................... Good Friday, no school April 21................................................................Snow makeup day May 22.......................................................................... Graduation May 23.......................... End of fourth quarter and second semester
Rectory staff Father John Boeglin, pastor; Mike Helfter and David McDaniel, deacons; Diane Verkamp, parish secretary; Jan Hasenour, finance; Mary Altman, director of religious education; Dan Racicot, music; and Carol Stemle, housekeeping.
Snow days will be eliminated from the earliest to the latest on the calendar. Any additional days will be added at the end of the school year.
homeroom and social studies; Jenny Hanneman, grade five language arts; Kristi Wehr, grade
“Matrix Integration wishes all students another great year!”
six homeroom and language arts; Denise Miller, grade seven homeroom and math; Judy Linette and
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Southwest Schools The Southwest Dubois School Corp. begins classes Thursday, Aug. 8. Offices at the four corporation school buildings opened Wednesday, July 24. Registration and book rental Thursday, Aug. 1, has been designated as registration and book rental day in the Southwest Dubois schools. On that day, students or their parents are to report to their respective schools between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. or 5 and 8 p.m. to register and pay book rental fees. The rental fees at all schools will vary according to grade level and courses taken. Textbook assistance is available to students who qualify based upon guidelines for free or reduced-price meals. School food service program All corporation schools have a breakfast and lunch program. Breakfast prices are $1 per day for kindergarten through grade five and $1.25 for grades six through 12. Lunch prices are $1.75 per day for kindergarten through grade five and $2 per day for grades six through 12. Application forms for free and reduced-price meals will be distributed to students on registration day. The application and instructions also can be accessed on the corporation website. Forms must be complete before processing. If any information is missing, the application will be sent back for the information needed before processing. Parents can access monthly menus and information
Southwest Calendar Aug. 8...................................... School begins Sept. 2........................... Labor Day, no school Oct. 11 ............................. End of first quarter Oct. 15-16 ............Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 22-23 ............Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 25-28 ......................................Fall break Nov. 28-29 ....................Thanksgiving vacation Dec. 20........... End of second quarter and first semester Dec. 23-Jan. 2 ...................Christmas vacation
about their children’s lunch account through the Harmony data system on the corporation’s website, Wellness In accordance with the corporation’s School Wellness Program, parents who choose to send snacks for their child’s classroom for special occasions are encouraged to send healthy snacks. The corporation encourages wrapped snacks that are bought at a store. Full-day kindergarten Southwest Dubois will offer only full-day kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year at both Holland and Huntingburg elementary schools. There will be no cost for full-day kindergarten. Indoor air quality compliance The Indiana Legislature enacted 410 IAC 33, which became effective May 13, 2011, to give guidance to school corporations for maintaining proper indoor air quality in its facilities. Southwest Dubois School Corp. has estab-
Jan. 6.................................... School resumes Feb. 17 .............................. Snow makeup day March 7 ........................... End of third quarter March 24-28 .............................. Spring break April 18.............................. Snow makeup day May 16 ............Last student day, end of fourth quarter and second semester May 16 .........................................Graduation If additional makeup days are needed, they will be taken on consecutive weekdays beginning May 19.
lished procedures and practices to adhere to regulations established by the code. Individuals who have questions or concerns regarding indoor air quality issues in a facility operated by Southwest Dubois School Corp. should call J. Patrick Bradley at 683-3971. Integrated pest management program Southwest Dubois School Corp. has established an integrated pest management program in an attempt to use nonchemical methods to minimize children’s and employees’ exposure to pesticides. In the event that pesticide use is required, the application will be performed when no children are present in the building to be treated. Individuals who would like to be notified when pesticides are to be used in the building their child attends should call Bradley.
compilation of all asbestos-containing building materials within the public and private schools in kindergarten through grade 12. This compilation was designed to identify not only if the asbestos was present, but its location, amount and condition. Southwest Dubois complied with the act by developing and implementing asbestos management plans for all of its school facilities. The act’s six-month periodic surveillance inspections are conducted by the school corporation and triennial reinspections are completed by accredited asbestos inspectors as required. Southridge Middle School and Huntingburg Elementary School do not contain asbestos building materials. The asbestos materials identified in the other buildings of the corporation are nonfriable
Registration Any student new to the corporation who has not attended Southridge High School should call the high school at 683-2272 to make arrangements for registration and scheduling. Freshman orientation will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 2. Students will go through a variety of activities. Parents are welcome to attend with the incoming freshmen and students new to the school. Transportation must be provided by parents. Book rental All parents and students of Southridge High School are asked to pay their book rental fees from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1. Costs per child will vary according to classes being taken by each student. The 2013-14 high school yearbook may be ordered and also should be paid for at this time. The yearbook will cost $40 and should be paid with a separate check payable to Southridge High School Yearbook. Parents also may enroll for membership in the PTO. Breakfast and lunch program The high school cafeteria will again offer several meal choices from which the students may select their lunch. Type A lunches will be served at a cost of $2 and
reduced price of 40 cents. Students also have the option of purchasing an a la carte lunch if they desire. The price of the a la carte lunch will vary with the items purchased. Serving time for breakfast is 7:30 to 8 a.m. The cost for breakfast is $1.25 and the reduced price is 30 cents. Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches also will qualify for free or reduced-price breakfasts. Breakfast will consist of a hot or cold entree, juice and milk. Application forms for free and reduced-price meals will be distributed to students on registration day. The application and instructions also can be accessed on the corporation website, www. Forms must be complete before processing. If any information is missing, the application will be returned for the information needed before
processing. Parents can access monthly menus and information about their children’s lunch account through the Harmony data system on the corporation’s website. There is a charging policy in place for students’ cafeteria accounts. Students cannot charge breakfast and can charge only one lunch before being given an alternative snack. Negative lunch account notices will be sent home via email twice a month. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has updated breakfast guidelines starting with the 2013-14 school year. The corporation encourages all parents and students to read the welcome-back letter from the cafeteria in the registration packet to get familiar with the new guidelines. Please turn to the next page
Children’s Internet Protection Act The school corporation follows guidelines to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, established Dec. 21, 2000. The school corporation utilizes filtering technology to block access to websites that may be inappropriate for use by children. Individuals with questions regarding Internet use in the school corporation should call Bob Herzog at 683-2272. Corporation office Mike Eineman, superintendent; Pam Fritz, treasurer; Jerri Kramer, executive secretary; Audrey Hartloff, receptionist and transportation secretary; Bob Herzog, technology director; J. Patrick Bradley, director of building, grounds and technology support; and Ora Lee Cotton, food service director. School board trustees Kevin Wertman, president; Christopher Neu, vice president; Mike Broeker, secretary; and Shannon Hildebranski and Jerome Buening, members.
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1987 required
Wishes ALL STUDENTS A Succcessful School Year!
Classes at Southridge High School begin Thursday, Aug. 8. Regular school hours are 8:10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Students will be given all necessary forms, books and other materials during this day. All high school students have received their class schedules for the upcoming school year, with corrections and changes in scheduling having already been taken care of. Additional changes in individual class schedules will be considered only if the request is deemed necessary by counselors or administrators.
and in good condition. Nonfriable asbestos does not represent a health risk. Individuals who have questions concerning the asbestos program in the school corporation should call Bradley.
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page 8 ■ back to school
southridge high school
Concluded from Page 7 Parking Because of traffic congestion and a lack of parking space on campus, all students who intend to drive to school will be required to purchase a parking pass and will be assigned a specific parking area. A fee of $3 will be charged each student who elects to drive his own auto. Money collected will be used to purchase parking
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
passes and other related expenses. Driving to school is a privilege, and those privileges may be revoked if students do not follow the rules for driving. Staff Kelly Murphy, principal; Chad Sickbert, assistant principal; Brett Bardwell, athletic director; Jenny Fowler and Amanda Pulley, guidance counselors; Shannon Seibert, Ashlee Vinson and Greg Werner, business department; Lannie Butler and Cathy
Weil, fine arts; Amber Barclay, art; Tricia Clark, Abby Lutgring and Jennifer Fessel, foreign language; Scott Buening, Scott Mundy, Leigh Neu and Keith Younker, language arts; Amber Hasenour, Gary Lange, Brock Matthews and Shawn Schaefer, math; Amy Lyons, media specialist; Melissa Boeglin, Dave Schank, Ryan Wallace and Alex Pund, science; Brett Bardwell, Michelle Allen, John Schneider and Erica Hohl, social studies; Steve Winkler and Tracy Mattingly,
physical education and health; Becky Julian, Jackie Mundy and Nicole DeKemper, special needs; Matt Bilskie, Chad Sickbert, Brad Wibbeler and Chris Satterfield, vocational and agricultural information technology; Amanda Ward, Southridge High School alternative school specialized instructional assistant; Julie Sparrow, Deb Stemle, Amanda Ward, Jamie Strange and Cammie Parsons, instructional assistants; Connie Knies and Brianne Wahl, secretaries;
Vickie Stephens, treasurer; Sarah Heichelbech, school nurse; Ora Lee Cotton, food service director; Barbara Bilderback, Clara Boeglin, Maria Brewer, Mary Lou Buse, Kathy Hughes, Joan Leistner, Irene Messmer, Shirley Reese, Donna Roesner, Tella Toney and Donna Watts, cafeteria; and Curtis Potts, Penny Kemper, Bill Buse, Brad Brown, Wayne Culver, Angela Mendel, Ben Uppencamp, Rick Jones and Joyce Lubbehusen, maintenance and custodial.
day. ■■ Skirts may be worn, but must be knee length or longer. ■■ Bags and backpacks may be carried to and from school and to eighth period only. The administration reserves the right to use other situations of distraction or issues of safety to disallow items.
Grade eight: seven single-subject notebooks with perforated pages (different colors, one for each class and three for math), five-pocket folders (one for each subject area), flash drive, pencils, pens, highlighters, erasers, colored pencils, glue stick, dry-erase markers in dark colors, calculator (Texas Instrument TI-30X preferred or one with π, sin, cos and tan keys), one to three boxes of tissues for classrooms, notebook with pockets or notebook and folder (for related arts). Note: Students do not need three-subject notebooks, protractors, compasses, stenographer notebooks or rulers. The pencil bag needs to be large enough for a calculator and supplies (a colored bag with plastic window and zipper works well). The physical education uniform may be purchased in the school office. Shirts are $5 and shorts are $5.50.
ies; Elizabeth Like, language arts and social studies; Tammy Gerber, social studies and language arts; Traci Mattingly, health and career education; Marcia Butke, Carol Leistner and Erica Sickbert, special needs; Amber Barclay, art; Lannie Butler, band director; Beth Meece, English as a Second Language; Lisa Durcholz, health and physical education; Tom Collins, industrial technology; Cathy Weil, choir; Steve Winkler, physical education; Janet Bradley, speech pathologist; Denise Thompson, hearing impaired; Joe Keusch, school psychologist; Tracy Price, keyboarding; Tracey Michel, secretary and treasurer; Janice Buening, secretary and attendance officer; Cheryl Scott, media coordinator; Sarah Heichelbech, nurse; Penny Atkins, Kim Eckert, Dee Hochgesang, Marc Lampert, Dana Lange, DeAnn McKinney, Dawn Schmidt and Valerie Songer, special needs assistants; Kasey Leinenbach, special needs assistant and acuity data; Sandy Braunecker, Sharon Hoppenjans, Angela Mendel, Eileen Kiefer and Michelle Songer, cafeteria; and Curtis Potts, Penny Kemper, Bill Buse, Brad Brown, Wayne Culver, Ben Uppencamp, Rick Jones and Joyce Lubbehusen, maintenance and custodial.
southridge middle school
Southridge Middle School classes begin Thursday, Aug. 8. Students will receive books, forms and necessary information during this day. Regular school hours are 8:15 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Registration and book rental Registration will be held Thursday, Aug. 1. Parents are asked to pay book rental fees on this day anytime from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or from 5 to 8 p.m. The rental fees will vary according to the courses taken. Breakfast and lunch program Southridge Middle School will offer breakfast consisting of a hot or cold entree, juice and milk. Serving time for breakfast is 7:30 to 8 a.m. Students who ride in a car and plan to eat breakfast should plan their arrival time accordingly. Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches also will qualify for free or reduced-price breakfasts. Student breakfast prices are $1.25; the reduced price is 30 cents. Student lunch prices are $2; the reduced price is 40 cents. Application forms for free and reduced-price meals will be distributed to students on registration day. The application and instructions also can be accessed on the corporation website, www. Forms must be complete before processing. If any information is missing, the application will be sent back for the information needed before processing. Parents can access monthly menus and information about their children’s lunch account through the Harmony data system from the corporation’s website.
2 to 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 2. Students enrolled will receive detailed information by email or mail prior to orientation. Parents of middle school students new to the district should enroll the students by Aug. 6 by calling the school at 683-3372. Student dress policy Principles for good grooming and proper dress are necessary to set an atmosphere conducive to improving the learning situation. It is primarily the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are applying these principles. Examples of the student dress policy are: ■■ Clothing, jewelry or any articles that advertise alcohol or tobacco, promote drug usage, have obscenities, are sexually explicit or have sexual implications are not permitted. ■■ Shorts are not permitted. ■■ Chains hanging from clothing or pants and excessively large metal necklaces are not permitted. ■■ Pants shall be worn at the waist. Sagging pants are not allowed and pants may not drag the floor. ■■ Coats and jackets should be stored in the students’ locker sduring the school day. ■■ Hats, caps, bandannas, sunglasses and headwear are not allowed. Hoods may not cover any part of the head during the school
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New students and grade-six orientation Orientation for all sixthgraders and students new to the middle school who are in grades seven and eight will be held from
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Supplies Grade six: four three-subject notebooks with pockets (for core classes), one five-subject notebook with pockets (for related arts classes), five pocket folders, two large boxes of tissues, one package of eight colored pencils, one package of eight markers, Post-It notes, mechanical or No. 2 pencils, red correction pens or pencils, one package of highlighters, black Sharpies, small protractor, ruler with inches and centimeters, one package of index cards. Additional materials may be needed throughout the year for special projects. Parents will be notified in advance. Grade seven: four spiral-bound notebooks, four pocket folders, one three-ring binder (1 inch), eight dry-erase markers, pens, pencils, eraser, highlighter, colored pencils, markers, scissors, glue stick, pencil pouch, calculator (Texas Instrument TI-30X IIS preferred), two packages index cards (4 by 6 inches; for science and math).
Staff Al Mihajlovits, principal; Doug Collins, guidance counselor; Marcia Messmer, Mary Reese and Myra Schnuck, math; Nichole Riehle, Leigh Hochgesang and Jeremy Rauch, language arts; Jeffrey Tempel, science; Brad Ohanian, social studies; Sue Kern and Abby Fink, math and science; Stephen Longabaugh and Melissa Schaber, science and social stud-
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 9
h u n t i n g b u r g e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Huntingburg Elementary School will welcome students to the first day of school Thursday, Aug. 8. Among the activities scheduled for the upcoming school year are musical programs, a spelling bee, Destination ImagiNation, math and spell bowl competitions, convocations, field trips, basketball games and book fairs. Registration and textbook rental Registration and book rental will take place Thursday, Aug. 1. Parents may register students and pay book rental fees anytime from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or 5 to 8 p.m. New families that have moved into the Southwest Dubois school district and have a student to enroll may do so between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. any weekday beginning Monday, July 29. Textbook fees are kindergarten, $90.54; grade one, $118.31; grade two, $134.57; grade three, $110.71; grade four, $111.18; and grade fife, $125.73. Full-day kindergarten Huntingburg Elementary School will offer only full-day kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year. There will be no cost for fullday kindergarten. A kindergarten-only afternoon transportation route also will be provided. It will leave Huntingburg Elementary at approximately 2:30 p.m. to deliver home within the city limits of Huntingburg. Kindergarten and RIDGE Kindergarten orientation and a Raiders Involved in Daily Growth and Enrichment preschool orientation will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. Each session will be offered in English and in Spanish. Common core standards, length of the school day and transportation information will be discussed. RIDGE 21st Century Community Learning Center Huntingburg Elementary School will offer an after-school program for students in prekindergarten through grade five beginning Monday, Aug. 12. The RIDGE program features funfilled activities focusing on tutoring, homework help and remediation. Community partnerships will provide many enrichment activities as well. After-school hours of opera-
tion will be daily from 3 to 6 p.m. A transportation plan will be provided for students needing assistance. For more information, visit or call 683-1172, ext. 1030 or ext. 1009. Programming includes preschool for ages 3 and 4 and ages 4 and 5, after-school tutoring, and summer academic and enrichment activities. Breakfast and lunch program Huntingburg Elementary will offer a breakfast and lunch program. Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches will also qualify for free or reducedprice breakfasts. The breakfast price is $1; the reduced price is 30 cents. The lunch price is $1.75; the reduced price is 40 cents. Extra milk is 40 cents. Application forms for free and reduced-price meals will be distributed to students on registration day. The application and instructions also can be accessed on the corporation website. Forms must be complete before processing. If any information is missing, the application will be sent back for the information needed before processing. Parents can access monthly menus and information about their children’s lunch account through the Harmony data system on the corporation’s website, Wellness In accordance with the corporation’s School Wellness Program, parents who choose to send snacks to the child’s classroom for special occasions are encouraged to send healthy snacks. School volunteer program Parents are invited to become a part of the school volunteer program. Activities that need volunteers are held during the school day as well as the evening. Some of the tasks can be done at home. Activities include tutoring stu-
How can you donate? Drop by our ReStore at 4232 S 170 E, Huntingburg. (The former Fleck Chair building near the county fairgrounds.) To schedule a pickup, just give us a call at (812) 482-5909! Store Hours: Wed. thru Fri. 11 am-5 pm; Sat. 9 am-3 pm
Supplies Parents are asked to send only the supplies listed here; no additional supplies are needed. Students are to avoid bringing gadgets or toy items — such as pencil toppers — to school. Kindergarten: backpack (no wheels, but enough to hold folders), school box (approximately 8 by 5 inches), four No. 2 pencils (sharpened; no plastic, paper-coated or fuzzy pencils; no mechanical), one box of 24 Crayola crayons, six Crayola or Elmer’s glue sticks, Fiskars scissors (pointed tip), eraser, one box of washable markers (wide tip), two dry-erase markers. Grade one; backpack (no wheels), No. 2 pencils (no plastic, paper-coated or fuzzy pencils), Fiskars scissors (pointed tip), one box of 16 Crayola crayons, one box of eight Crayola classic markers for classroom (washable, flattipped), four large Elmer’s glue sticks, eraser, two dry-erase markers (fat, black), dry-erase marker for music (fat, black). Grade two: backpack (no wheels), 24 No. 2 pencils (no mechanical), Fiskars scissors (pointed tip), one box of 16 crayons for classroom, 8-ounce bottle of Elmer’s glue, Elmer’s glue stick, eraser, colored pencils, one-subject spiral notebook (wide ruled),
four dry-erase markers, dry eraser, eight markers, yellow highlighter, red checking pen, folder for music. Trapper Keepers are not allowed. Grade three: backpack (no wheels), No. 2 pencils, eraser, Fiskars scissors (pointed tip), two sticks and one bottle of Elmer’s glue, Crayola crayons and markers, colored pencils, three-pocket folders, one red checking pen, one-subject spiral notebook (wide ruled), 1-inch ring binder, one package of black dry-erase markers, one folder for music. Grade four: backpack (no wheels), three packages of No. 2 pencil (no mechanical), Fiskars scissors (pointed tip) two glue sticks and one bottle of glue, package of dry-erase markers, dryeraser or cloth, folder for music, three pocket folders (bottom pocket), package of paper, eraser, crayons, set of markers, three spiral notebooks (81⁄2 by 11 inches, wide ruled), highlighter, set of colored pencils, red checking pens. Grade five: backpack (no wheels), protractor, ruler, No. 2 pencils, folder for music, scissors, glue, six notebooks, five pocket folders, crayons, set of colored pencils, set of markers, red checking pens, highlighters, index cards (3 by 5 inches and 4 by 6 inches, both lined), four dry-erase markers (low odor), dry eraser or cloth. Staff John Seger, principal; Cindy Buse, secretary and receptionist; Jolea Layton, secretary and treasurer; Amy Kaetzel, Christine Mears, Alison Schulthise and Jen-
nifer Stanton, kindergarten; Alia Gasser, Karen Olinger, Sara Prusz and Dana Underwood, grade one; Lori Barnett, Brett Schuler, Karen Snyder and Kathy Tooley, grade two; Stacy Kappner, Elaine Main, Christina Qualkenbush and Yvonne Zink, grade three; Matt Block, Stacie Dearing, Jennifer Underhill and Matthew Widolff, grade four; Kent Butke, Jeannine Mundy, Kathy Ring and Amanda Thompson, grade five; Dana Ferguson and Alisa Schank, special needs; Sarah Bardwell, media specialist; Kathy Tenbarge, music; Yvonne Hochgesang, speech pathologist; Sheral Stanton, Title I administrator; Beth Meece, English as a Second Language; Wendi Nurrenbern, Title I literacy coach; Sarah Heichelbech nurse; Kathy Rottet, nurse assistant; Ruth Buechler, Amber Hill, Rita Hopf Patty King, Doris Kunkler, Mary Lopez, Beth Mathies, Debbie Schmidtz and Lou Ann Harris, cafeteria; Leslie Denu, Gail Cartwright, Maria Dubon, Philip Olinger, Rosa Rivera, Kay Schwinghamer, Anthony Spinner, Jessica Kassebaum and Breanna Thurman, 21st Century Community Learning Centers and RIDGE; Judy Heller, Chelsey Leibering and Curtis Potts, maintenance and custodial. PTO Laura Buse, president; Shea King, vice president; Kyla King, president-elect; Belinda Lange, treasurer; Erin Witte, secretary; and Dana Ferguson and Sara Flamion, parent representatives.
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dents, assisting in the classroom, coaching Destination ImagiNation, addressing envelopes, helping with the PTO fundraisers and helping in the library. A complete list and sign-up sheet will be available at registration.
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page 10 ■ back to school
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
h o l l a n d e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Holland Elementary opened its administrative office Thursday, July 25. Students will be welcomed to the first day of school Thursday, Aug. 8. The 2013-14 school theme is “Wild About Writing.” Programming includes the use of five iPads per classroom to use in small groups, Accelerated Reader, 90-minute uninterrupted reading blocks, Rocket Math for grades one through five, Dynamite Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, Sustained Student Progress, Wellness Initiatives, spell and math bowl competitions, a Character Counts carnival, field trips,a field day, musical programs, a spelling bee and book fairs. Registration and textbook rental Registration and textbook rental will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1. The cost for rental will be: kindergarten, $81.76; grade one, $105.88; grade two, $146.23; grade three, $109.60; grade four, $113.97; and grade five, $114.91. Applications for free or reduced-fee textbooks must be completed at registration. Full-day kindergarten Holland Elementary School will offer only full-day kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year. There will be no cost for full-day kindergarten. Preschool and kindergarten Orientation Orientation will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. It will be an opportunity for students to meet the teachers, visit the classrooms and learn some of the classroom procedures. General information Approximately 215 students in preschool through grade five will be welcomed to the 201213 school year. Supervision of students begins with the dropping off of students from the first bus at 7:35 a.m. Students should not be on the school grounds prior to 7:30 a.m. because there is no supervision. Students who are car riders and walkers should arrive at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m. and no
later than 8 a.m. All arrivals should go directly to the gym. Car riders should be dropped off at the south entrance to the gym. Walkers also should enter through this door. Dismissal of car riders and walkers takes place at the canopy entrance to the main building at 3 p.m. All students riding the buses are dismissed from either the back door or the gym entrance. School hours for students in kindergarten through grade five begin at 8:10 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Preschool hours for students identified with special needs will be from 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. General education students will attend preschool from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. RIDGE 21st Century Community Learning Center Holland Elementary will host an after-school Raiders Involved in Daily Growth and Enrichment program from 3 to 5:30 p.m. first come, first served for kindergarten through grade two. The program will begin Monday, Aug. 12. RIDGE features activities focusing on tutoring, homework help and remediation. Community partnerships also will provide enrichment activities. For more information, visit the corporation website at or call 683-1172, ext. 1009 or 1030. Summer packets Students in grades one through five are asked to return their completed summer packets within the first week of school. Those students will be rewarded for their efforts with a treat. Open house All parents and families are invited to an open house and book fair from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3. Breakfast and lunch program The cafeteria will continue with a breakfast program this school year. The cost will be $1. Families qualifying for reduced prices will be charged 30 cents. Breakfast will be served starting
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OPENINGS Still Available for 2013-2014 by calling 634-9542 Cost of Registration $35.00 (non refundable) Cost of Tuition $75/For 2 Day Classes Cost of Tuition *$105/For 3 Day Option DAYS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE: 3 year olds
(must be 3 by 8/1/2013)
Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday 8 am-11 am or 12 pm-3 pm
4 year olds
(must be 4 by 8/1/2013)
Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday *Optional Fridays Afternoons Only 12 pm-3 pm The goals of Promiseland Preschool are to provide positive social interaction, develop motor skills, teach basic pre-k skills, teach basic Christian principles and bible stories, and share a love for Christ with the children.
Teachers: Donna Linette & Erika Mehringer For more information, call 634-9542.
at 7:40 a.m. and will continue until after students from the last bus arrive and have time to eat. The lunch price for students will be $1.75 per meal. The reduced price for lunch is 40 cents. Students who qualify for free lunches also qualify for free breakfasts. Parents can access monthly meal menus and information of the child’s lunch account through the Harmony data system on the corporation website. Supplies Basic supplies for grades kindergarten through five may be shared and used as classroom supplies. Parents are asked to put their child’s name on the other supplies. The PTO will provide a large pencil pouch for each student. Supply and pencil boxes will not be used. Kindergarten: backpack (big enough to hold folders), two folders (one red and one of choice), No. 2 pencils, two to four large Elmer’s glue sticks (no bottles), box of 24 regular crayons, one box of zip-close bags (boys, gallon size; girls, quart size), Fiskars scissors (child size), Expo dry-erase markers, one sock, erasers. Grade one: two boxes of 24 crayons, two boxes of washable markers, two glue sticks, one spiral notebook (wide ruled), Fiskars scissors (child size), colored pen-
cils, several No. 2 pencils, pocket folders (two plain colored and one of choice), one box of quart-size zip-close bags, erasers, box of 24 crayons (for music). Grade two: two spiral notebooks (wide ruled, 70 to 100 sheets), pencils, erasers, crayons, glue, colored pencils, markers, Fiskars scissors, Crayola watercolor paint set, pocket folders (two plain colored and one of choice), box of 24 crayons (for music). No Trapper Keepers or binders are allowed. Grade three: notebook paper (wide ruled, 100 sheets), two pocket folders, Fiskars scissors, crayons, glue, checking pen, No. 2 pencils, small colored pencil set, dry-erase markers, ruler, protractor, eraser, zip-close bags (any size), pocket folder (for music). Grade four: No. 2 pencils, erasers, three spiral notebooks (wideruled), 100 sheets of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), one clean sock, glue (stick only), Fiskars scissors, crayons and markers or colored pencils, watercolor paint set, three dry-erase markers, jump drive (minimum of 4 gigabites), ruler with inches and centimeters, four pocket folders (one for music). Grade five: five spiral notebooks, 100 sheets of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), glue, pencils, eraser, two black or blue pens,
four folders (one for music), markers, Fiskars scissors, crayons. PTO Kim Kendall, president; Jennifer O’Brien, vice president; Traci Mattingly, secretary; and Lisa Montgomery, treasurer. Staff Sarah Bardwell, principal; Annette Trout, secretary; Vicki Schulthise, preschool teacher; Patty Schwoeppe, Toni Jones and Sandy Holst, preschool instructional assistants; Keisha Kamman, kindergarten; Gwen Sermersheim, grade one; Donna Borden, grade two; Darla Werne, grade three; Andrea Brown, grade four; Craig Denu, grade five; Lindsey Sickbert, special education; Janet Bradley, speech; Sarah Bardwell, media specialist; Linda Mullis, library assistant; Kathy Tenbarge, music; Anthony Spinner, physical education; Gail Cartwright, art; Sarah Heichelbech, nurse; Jessica Niehaus, specialized instructional assistant; Mara Jochem, Brenda Kahle, Sue Kissling, Donna Schuler, Amber Kunz, Ashley Kratzer, Samantha Frick, Gretchen Weyerbacher and Susan DeWitte, instructional assistants; Joyce McEntire, custodial; and Jodi Kamman, Mary Helen Ellis and Desiree Hartwick, cafeteria.
Northeast Schools The Northeast Dubois School Corp. will begin classes Wednesday, Aug. 7. All schools will be dismissed at 3 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 2:30 p.m. Fridays unless otherwise stated by the specific school. The Northeast Dubois School Corp. complies with all federal regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap or veteran status, and limited English proficiency in matters pertaining to admissions, employment and access to programs. Book rental fees Book bills for Dubois Elementary and Celestine Elementary schools will be ready at registration. Book bills for grades five through 12 will vary according to the number of courses taken and the subjects selected by the students. Included in the high school fees are class dues and a locker fee. Newspaper and yearbook fees are optional. Parents are asked to make a deposit of $50 toward each of their students’ book bills at registration. Financial assistance The school corporation encourages parents to apply for financial assistance, which is available for any parent whose total household income, without deductions, meets the established income standards of the federal government. Moreover, parents should feel no shame in applying for this federal assistance, which is provided for students in schools throughout America. One of the reasons Northeast Dubois has failed to receive as
Northeast Calendar July 31 ................Registration and open house Aug. 1..........................................Registration Aug. 7...................... First full day for students Sept. 2............................Labor Day, no school Sept. 10................................. Midterm grades Oct. 11 ............................. End of first quarter Oct. 17 ................. Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 22 ................. Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 24-28 ...................................... Fall break Nov. 15 .................................. Midterm grades Nov. 28-29 .................... Thanksgiving vacation Dec. 20....... Christmas vacation begins, end of second quarter and first semester Jan. 3..................................Snow makeup day Feb. 4 .................................... Midterm grades Feb. 14 ...............................Snow makeup day Feb. 17 ...........Great Americans Day, no school
many grants as other schools in the area is that many parents who qualify for federal assistance do not apply for it; therefore, the available money goes to another school corporation rather than Northeast Dubois. The amount of money provided to school corporations for the tutorial program and computer grants is based upon the number of qualified applications for free and reduced-price lunches. If parents think they qualify, they should apply because it will help the school corporation in the funding of the schools. Application forms for this assistance are available at the time of registration, and help in completing the application is also available. The deadline to file for textbook assistance is Oct. 1. After receipt of the application, a school official will review it based upon the established income standard set by the federal government.
March 6 ......Kindergarten roundup at Celestine Elementary March 7 ........................... End of third quarter March 11 ....... Kindergarten roundup at Dubois Elementary March 24-28 ...............................Spring break April 17.................................. Midterm grades April 18........................ Good Friday, no school May 22 ........ End of fourth quarter and second semester, last day for students May 24 ......................................... Graduation Dismissal on Fridays will be at 2:30 p.m. All additional missed days of school will be made up starting May 23. Nov. 21 is an in-service day for teachers only; a second in-service day may take place on any snow makeup day or during summer.
The application will be accepted or rejected as set up by federal guidelines. In case of a rejection, an appeal can be filed by delivering a written request to appeal within 15 days after receiving a written notification of the rejection. The request should be sent to the attention of Superintendent Bill Hochgesang, Northeast Dubois School Corp., 5379 E. Main St., P.O. Box 158, Dubois IN 47527.
are available for qualifying students. Application forms are furnished to students at the beginning of the school year. Parents who believe their children may be eligible under federally established guidelines for free or reduced price meals should contact their school principal for more information concerning eligibility requirements. A separate application must be sent for each child.
School food program
Bus transportation Bus pickup will begin Aug. 7. Parents who have any concerns about the time schedule are to check with the bus driver on the route.
All corporation schools have a lunch program. Menus are published weekly in The Herald, on the school website and in the corporation bulletin. The price for lunches will be $1.75 per meal for students in kindergarten through grade four; $1.90 for students in grades five through 12; and $2.50 for adults. Breakfast will be served at all schools for $1.25 per meal. Milk can be purchased separately for 40 cents. Free or reduced-price meals
Bus drivers Tony Danhafer, Route 2; Tim Danhafer, Route 3; Ed Freyberger, Route 4; Brad Knies, Route 5, Jeff Wigand, Route 6; Ralph Senninger, Route 7; John Fuhrman, Route 9; Larry Hall and Jason Braunecker, Route 10; Morris Kalb, Route 11; Tony Quinn. Route 12; Brian Ter-
wiske, Route 13; Jeff Bieker, Route 14; Larry Mehringer, Route 15; and Chris Reckelhoff, Route 16. Corporation staff Bill Hochgesang, superintendent; Ruth Leistner, treasurer; DeAnn Meyer, deputy treasurer; Kathy Klawitter, curriculum coordinator; Susan Goben, technology director; Buddy Hart, technology assistant; Michelle Young, corporation nurse; Rick Gladish, transportation director; and Shanna Steckler, technology integration specialist. School board Mary Pankey, president; Bernard Knies, vice president; Kelly Knies, secretary; John Siebert and Brennan Schepers, members; and Art Nordhoff, attorney. Cafeteria Northeast Dubois High School: Joyce Hulsman (head cook), Denise Baglan, Marlene Vonderheide and Mary Werner. Dubois Middle School: Diane Terwiske, Glenda Neukam and Marcia Helming. Dubois Elementary: Mary Sander and Judy Davis. Celestine Elementary: Shirley Schmitt and Mary McCain. Maintenance Marvin Betz, maintenance director; Larry Hall, assistant maintenance director; and Tony Smock, Jason Braunecker and Harold Hall. Custodial Shirley Dillon, JoAnn Durcholz, Jennifer Sendelweck, Bill Neukam, Mildred Neukam, Judy Betz, Diana Voelkel, Jeff Chatman, Patty Chatman and Scott Chatman.
Registration and an open house will take place in the Northeast Dubois High School library from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 31, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1. The registration packet will include an application form for the free and reduced-cost lunch and textbook assistance program, a medical consent and waiver form, a student driving permit and a Tri-Cap permission form. Parents are asked to make a deposit of $50 toward each of their students’ book bills. Book bills will be mailed toward the end of August. Lunch money may be put into cafeteria accounts. Annual passes maybe purchased at this time. Separate checks should be made out for each transaction. Parents should have their child’s Social Security number available. Parents who have questions should call 678-2251. Freshman orientation Freshmen orientation at Northeast Dubois High School will take place on the first day of school, which is Wednesday, Aug. 7. Schedules and general information will be given; locker assignments will be made. Daily schedule The daily schedule at the high school starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. On Fridays, school is
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dismissed at 2:30 p.m. When high school students arrive on the first day of school, they should follow the posted signs to assigned homerooms where they will receive their schedules and supply lists. New students Any new high school students enrolling in the corporation for the first time should call the high school no later than Monday, Aug. 5, to make arrangements for registration and scheduling. Staff
Rick Gladish, principal; Sarah Danhafer and Penny Kerstiens, secretaries; Sherrie Knies, cafeteria assistant; Terry Friedman, athletic director; Kristi Boeglin, guidance counselor; David Fox, band and music; Chris Collins, Brian Dodd, Roger Elliott, Tina Fawks, Colleen Fouse, Brenda Gogel, Tracy Gutgsell, Elbert “Buddy” Hart, Cynthia Jacob, Brian Kirchoff, Dwayne Knies, Seth Matheis, Amy Mitchell, Tara Rasche, Jesse Rosborough, Travis Schroering, Tammy Schulthies, Ellen Senninger,
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Karen Terwiske, Traci Wineinger and Logan Ziegler, teachers; and Susan Genet, Buddy Hart, Beth
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page 12 ■ back to school
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
dubois middle school
Dubois Middle School will begin classes at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7. Classes will dismiss at 3:08 p.m. Classes are dismissed on Fridays at 2:38 p.m. Registration Registration and an open house will take place from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 31. Registration will be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1. Parents are asked to take care of their book bills and emergency forms at this time. Parents are asked to make a
deposit of $50 toward each of their students’ book bills. Book bills will be mailed toward the end of August. Supplies Grade five: scissors. two glue sticks, checking pen in any color, pencils, colored pencils, two Expo dry-erase markers, highlighters, sticky notes, small package of plastic sleeves, two spiral-bound notebooks, one composition notebook, one stenographer notebook. Grade six: scissors, colored
pencils, two glue sticks, loose-leaf paper, two Expo dry-erase markers, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes. Grade seven: pencils and colored pencils, red pens, markers, black dry-erase markers, glue, scissors, ruler, scientific calculator, two three-ring binders (one 1 or 11⁄2 inches and the other 11⁄2 inches ), three folders, paper, onesubject spiral notebook (1-inch), one-subject notebook paper or loose-leaf paper. Grade eight: pencils and col-
ored pencils, red pens, markers, black dry-erase markers, glue, scissors, ruler, compass, scientific calculator, three-ring binder (one 1 or 11⁄2 inches and the other 11⁄2 inches), three folders, paper, onesubject spiral notebook, binder (1-inch), one-subject notebook or loose-leaf paper.
Supplies Kindergarten students in the extended-day program need to bring a sleeping bag, a pillow and some type of bag with the child’s name on it to hold the items. The sleeping bag and pillow should be brought to registration and placed outside the kindergarten room. Most supplies for kindergarten through grade four will be furnished by the Parent Teacher Student Organization.
Each child is to bring a backpack to carry items to and from home and two boxes of tissues. Staff Brenda Ferguson, principal; Diane Bair, secretary; Shannelle Kline, librarian; Melissa Fox, music; Brooke Gehlhausen, Title I; Jennifer Ashby, Angela Barker, Kristen Breeding, Patty Brosmer, Beth Cave, Jonetta Hackman, Keasha Fromme, Maureen Luebbehusen, Patricia Mehring-
er, Kim Miley, Libby Schwenk, Mindy Sendelweck, Kristine Starr and Jennifer Wright, teachers; Gretchen Brinkman, Judy Fawks, Melissa Fox, Leah Helming, Katie Gogel, Karen Haefling, Jenna Hagen, Diane Hasenour, Leah Helming, Katie Hutton, Tasha Klem, Amy Lynch, Riley Mehringer and Stacey Neukam, assistants; Denise Merkel, preschool; and Ann Deel, Amanda Fuhrman and Chelsea Lemond, preschool assistants.
dents off before 7:30 a.m.
from home and two boxes of tissues.
Katie Knies, Jane Keller, Brittany Scherer and Jeff Zink, assistants.
Staff Ryan Case, principal; Mary Sendelweck, secretary; Charlotte Schepers, office assistant; Bonnie Mickler, librarian; Camille Berg,
guidance counselor; Kelly Beck, Chris Collins, Christine Dorsam, David Fox, Debbie Gladish, Denise Heeke, Julie Lechner, Audrey Lichlyter, Seth Matheis, Margaret Mauntel, Patricia Mehringer, Amy Mitchell, Beth Neukam, Julie Neukam, Ben Nowotarski, Linda Schmitt, Libby Schwenk, Missy Sinnott, Tina Terwiske and Kyle Wigand, teachers; and Rachelle Beckman, Kristy King, Kathryn Layou, Nicole Mauntel, Darlene Schepers and Kyla Thomas, assistants.
d u b o i s e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Registration at Dubois Elementary School will take place from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 31, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, in the school gymnasium. Parents are asked to take care of their book bills and emergency and medical forms at this time. Questions should be directed to the school office at 678-3011. Rather than having an open house July 31, the staff is planning parent nights for Sept. 11 and Feb. 5.
Daily start and dismissal Dubois Elementary School will begin classes at 8:10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7, and will dismiss at 3 p.m. School is dismissed on Fridays at 2:30 p.m. All parents who pick up their children from school prior to 2:45 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays or prior to 2:15 p.m. Fridays are required to sign the children out in the school office. Parents are asked not to drop students off before 7:40 a.m.
c e l e s t i n e e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Registration at Celestine Elementary School will take place from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 31, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1. Parents are asked to take care of the book bills and emergency forms at this time. Parents with questions should call 678-2777 or 678-3011. Rather than having an open house July 31, the staff is planning parent nights for Sept. 11 and Feb. 5.
Daily start and dismissal The school year at Celestine Elementary, home to kindergarten through grade four, will begin at 7:50 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7. Dismissal of the first buses and car pickups will begin at 3:05 p.m. School is dismissed at 2:30 p.m. Fridays. All parents who pick up their children from school prior to 3 p.m. are required to sign the child out in the school office. Parents are asked not to drop stu-
Supplies Kindergarten students need to bring a sleeping bag, a pillow and some type of bag with the child’s name on it to hold the items. The sleeping bag and pillow should be brought to registration and placed outside the kindergarten room. Most supplies will be furnished by the PTO. Each child is to bring a backpack to carry items to and
Staff Brenda Ferguson, principal; Judy Haase, secretary; Shannelle Kline, librarian; Melissa Fox, music; Christine Betz, Jami Gress, Keasha Fromme, Patricia Mehringer, Renae Rohleder, Stephanie Schepers, Denise Schroering and Libby Schwenk, teachers; and Melissa Fox, Stephanie Fromme,
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 13
Southeast Schools It is the policy of the Southeast Dubois School Corp. not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national original or age in its educational programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act, Public Law, Title VI and VII, the Equal Pay Act of 1973 and Title IX. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to Richard D. Allen, assistant superintendent, Southeast Dubois School Corp., 432 E. 15th St., Ferdinand IN 47532, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C. For more information, call 367-1653. A copy of the student employee procedure for handling of complaints alleging violations of Title IX is available at Allen’s office. School bus safety School buses are by far the safest form of transportation on the roads, according to national statistics. Drivers are expected to make safe transportation their first priority. Occasionally, a student will misbehave on a bus to the point that it is a distraction to the driver. Prompt action is necessary to stop such behavior to protect the safety of all students being transported. Riding a school bus in the state of Indiana is a privilege, not a right. No set rules or guidelines can cover all incidents that may arise. However, officials have tried to include those expectations that are necessary for the safety of all the students who ride the buses in the school corporation. School bus guidelines ■ Be prompt. Students should be waiting for the bus in the morning at the appropriate time. ■ Be courteous. Students are asked to observe the same conduct they would in the classroom. Talk in normal tones; cooperate with the driver and fellow students. Refrain from eating or bringing snacks and drinks on the bus. Always help to keep the bus clean by disposing of trash appropriately. ■ Be proud. Students should sit quietly in their seats; teasing, scuffling, tripping, holding, hitting or using hands or feet in an objectionable manner will not be tolerated. ■ Be safe. Students are to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door has been opened to leave their seat for unloading. The bus driver will motion for them to cross the road when loading in the morning. They are to stay back at least 15 feet from the road. Once leaving the bus, they are to walk away from the bus quickly, and they should not attempt to pick something up that may have been dropped. The safety of students being transported requires the cooperation of the bus driver, parent
and student. The bus driver must obey all rules and regulations of the State of Indiana and use every precaution for the safety of children on his bus. This includes maintaining discipline. Each parent has the responsibility to support the authority of the bus driver and to encourage the proper behavior of his children. Each student is expected to act in a responsible manner and assist in the safe, orderly operation of the bus. If everyone works together, the students of the Southeast Dubois School Corp. can be transported in the safest and most efficient manner possible. Bus drivers Harold Monroe, Route 1; Jennifer Fleck, Route 2; Tracy Austin, Route 3; Chris Englert, Route 4; Judy Mehling, Route 5; Dennis Fleck, Route 6; Jeff Fleck, Route 7; Norma Fleck, Route 8; Janice Hochgesang, Route 9; Bernie Gutgsell, Route 10; Jack Welp, Route 11; Delana Johanneman, Route 12; Jerry Borden, Route 13; Brad Haas, Route 14; Joyce Welp, Route 15; Cathy Bolte, Route 16; and Kathy Kern, Route 17. School board Kent Uebelhor, president; Matt Eckert, vice president; Elaine Miller, secretary; and Cecelia Hamilton and Brian Partenheimer, members. Notification of rights The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords parents and students older than 18 certain rights with respect to a student’s education records. These rights are: ■ The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the superintendent or his designee a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The superintendent will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. ■ The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask the school to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the superintendent and clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise that person of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing pro-
Mom ...
op! it’s time to sh The kids are back in school! ark Klink’wsn ShHoppiangllCm enter Germanto
Southeast Calendar Aug. 8............................................................ First day for students Sept. 2............................................................ Labor Day, no school Sept. 11................................................................ Progress reports Oct. 11 ....................................................End of first grading period Oct. 25-28 ...................................................................... Fall break Nov. 13 ................................................................. Progress reports Nov. 27 ........................................................................... Fall break Nov. 28-29 .........................................................Thanksgiving break Dec. 20...........................................................End of first semester Dec. 23-Jan. 1 ............................................ Christmas holiday break Jan. 2..................................................................Snow makeup day Jan. 3........................................................ Second semester begins Jan. 20................................................................Snow makeup day Feb. 5 ................................................................... Progress reports Feb. 14 ...............................................................Snow makeup day Feb. 17 ............................... Great Americans Day, snow makeup day March 11 ................................................End of third grading period March 21 ............................................................Snow makeup day March 24-28 ............................................................... Spring break April 18.........................................................Good Friday, no school April 21...............................................................Snow makeup day May 22 ......................................................End of second semester May 23 ...............................................................Snow makeup day May 24 ......................................................................... Graduation May 27-30 ........................................................ Snow makeup days More snow makeup days will be added in June if needed.
cedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. ■ The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate education interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on
the school board; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record to fulfill his professional responsibility. Upon request, the schools of the Southeast Dubois School Corp. disclose education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks to enroll. ■ The schools of the Southeast
Dubois School Corp. may release certain “directory information” without written consent unless the parent has advised the school district to the contrary. Directory information, which means information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed, includes but is not limited to the student’s name, address, parents’ home and work telephone numbers, email address, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight, dates of attendance, awards, degrees and honors received, motor vehicle description (including license plate number), hair and eye color, race, sex, age, grade level, date of birth, diploma received, college plans, other institutions attended by the student, enrollment status and other similar information. Directory information may be released to media organizations, colleges, civic and school-related organizations, school and athletic publications and state and local governmental agencies including military recruiters. Parents desiring to object to the disclosure of any or certain categories of directory information to these parties should request Form 8 (denial of permission to release certain directory information without prior or written consent) from the superintendent’s office. Complaints regarding failures by the schools of the Southeast Dubois School Corp. to act or to comply with the Family Education and Privacy Act may be filed with Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. S.W., Washington D.C. 20202-4605.
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 15
f o r e s t Pa r k J u n i o r - s e n i o r h i g h s c h o o l
Forest Park Junior-Senior High School will begin the 2013-14 school year Thursday, Aug. 8. All students and staff should report to their classrooms for the first full day of educational activities Students in grades nine through 12 will receive Chromebooks as a means of providing students access to 1:1 technology. The mission of the 1:1 program is to create a collaborative learning environment for all learners. This environment will enable and support students and teachers to implement transformative uses of technology while enhancing students’ engagement with content and promoting the development of self-directed and lifelong learners. Students will transition from consumers of information to creative producers and owners of knowledge. Forest Park endeavors to prepare students for an everchanging world that sees technological advancements happening at a rapid rate and is committed to preparing students for whatever path they choose after high school. Students will receive their Chromebooks on the first day of school. Several activities are planned for Monday, Aug. 5 . Grade eight’s class trip meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Parents of the students should attend this meeting. A junior high dance will begin after the meeting and will last until 9:30 p.m. Only students in grades seven and eight are invited to the dance, which will cost be $4 for admission. Orientation for grade seven will start at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 5 in the auditorium. Parents and students are urged to attend. Students will have the opportunity to tour the building, open lockers, meet with teachers and receive schedules. Immediately following the meetings, parents of students in grades seven and eight will have
the opportunity to visit with the teachers. Parents will follow the schedule of their student, go to the classrooms and visit with each teacher. Teachers will give a presentation about goals and objectives for their classes. New staff members Leah Miller will teach biology and Advanced Placement biology, Nicole Lehr will teach Alegra II and pre-calculus, and Gina Schuetter will teach English 10. Jacob Berg will change from teaching math to Project Lead the Way/engineering. Parental involvement Parents are always welcome at Forest Park. Parental involvement is very important for all young adults, even at the high school level. As the year progresses, parents are encouraged to come in for scheduled appointments to discuss their child’s progress in class work and school activities. For more information, call 367-1831 or visit the school’s website at www. Textbook rental Textbook fees are different for each student based on the needs for supplies. An additional fee will be added this year to help with covering the expense of the Chromebook. Fees will not be collected until Sept. 6. Staff Jeff Jessee, principal; Jim Mehling, assistant principal; Doug Louden, athletic director; Rita Sonderman, extracurricular treasurer; Paula Wendholt, principal’s office administrative assistant; Sharon Lindauer, athletic office administrative assistant; Dee Ann Wylam, counselor and high school adviser; Audrey Fleck, social worker and junior high adviser; Janel Reckelhoff, guidance office administrative assistant; Marian
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Bromm, school nurse; Brenda Allen, family and consumer science; Annette Applegate, plant and soil, agriculture mechanics, advanced life science of animals and grade eight agriculture; Christy Bartley, grade seven science; Chuck Bradley, choral music, guitar and theater arts; Molly Cummings, grade seven language arts; Steven DeKemper, special education and 504 coordinator; Ronnie Drew, industrial technology; Greg Durcholz, Algebra I and algebra enrichment; Jeff Durlauf, computer applications and interactive media; Rock Emmert, English 11; Kristi Fleck, Spanish I and III and grade eight Spanish; Ross Fuhs, physical education and health; Chad Gayso, band, music theory and music history; Sharon Gramelspacher, grade eight math and Algebra I; Brady Gunselman, government, economics and psychology; Tony Hasenour, grade eight social studies; Emily Hauser, Spanish and
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physical education; Amy Hawkins, grade seven math; Karl Hinson, geometry, business math, computer science and software engineering; Jarred Howard, business, vocational education and Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education; Natalie Howard, media specialist; Jacob Berg, engineering and Project Lead the Way; Judy Lamkin, special education; Nicole Loehr, pre-calculus and Algebra 11; Leah Miller, biology and Advanced Placement biology; Martha Niehaus, U.S. history and world history; Elaine Peters, art and music; Don Prusz, pre-calculus, physics, Advanced Placement calculus and Algebra I; Sara Pund, English 9 and etymology; Gina Schuetter, English 10; Aaron Sickbert, grade eight science and earth space science; Leslie Shobe, English literature, advanced composition and sociology; Emily Opell, grade eight language arts; Tammy Taylor, art, painting, photography and visual commu-
nications; Larry Tenbarge, German I,II and III and grade eight; Tara Uebelhor, grade seven social studies, geography and history; Karrie Wolf, Chemistry I, Advanced Placement Chemistry and earth science; Karen Kippenbrock, technology director; Tami Hochgesang, technology assistant director; Kyle Greulich, computer integration specialist; Kathy Hopf and Kristin Fisher, study hall and credit recovery; Judy Mehling, Rachel Barnes, Jessica Moya, Barbara Kordes, Abby Tenbarge, Kristin Gayso and Jodie Gogel, instructional assistants; Scott Hoffman and Mark Oser, maintenance and facilities; Penny Kemper, Evelyn Hasenour, Donna Hoffman, Martha Kitterman and Karena Vonderheide, building custodians; and Linda Boeckman (manager), Rita Altman, Tara Eckert, Doris Glenn, Laurel Gelhausen, Mary Lee Berg, Chris Sisk and Arleta Weyer, cafeteria and food service.
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page 16 ■ back to school
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
c e d a r c r e s t i n t e r m e d i at e s c h o o l
Cedar Crest Intermediate School is for fifth- and sixth-grade students in the Southeast Dubois School Corp. The facility is on the east side of State Road 162 a quarter of a mile north of State Road 64. The address is 4770 S. State Road 162, Huntingburg IN 47542. The phone number is 634-2006. The fax number is 481-2963. School hours School starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. daily. The school doors are open from 7:40 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. each day. All visitors are to turn right after entering the school driveway and use the south entrance to the building. Student registration and enrollment days Registration for all returning and new school corporation fifthand sixth-grade students is from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 30, and from noon to 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 31. Book fees will be announced at a later date. Beginning July 30, office hours are from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 2:30 p.m. daily. Anyone who needs an appointment should call the school office. Daily lunch The student lunch price is $1.75
per meal. Applications for free and reduced-price lunches are available in the school office. Breakfast snacks also typically are available for purchase. Lunch and snack money should be sent to school on the first day of the week. The money should be placed in an envelope with the child’s name on it. Checks should be payable to Southeast Dubois Lunch Account. New additions Kelly Schroering is a new teacher. She is a graduate of Ball State University. She has worked at Cedar Crest and Forest Park as an instructional assistant, teacher and coach for several years. Katelynn Wessel and Sarah Johnson are new instructional assistants. Both have completed their college coursework and are trained to be teachers. Wessel did her student teaching last school year and Mrs. Johnson brings one year of instructional assistant experience with her. She worked during at Pine Ridge Elementary School last fall during a teacher’s maternity leave. The school has plans for a significant boost in learning with technology, as it will have Google Chromebooks in its reading and language arts classrooms. Students in grades five and six will
have individual use of a Chromebook while working in their language arts classes while in school. At times, the Chromebook capability will be used in other subject areas as well. Two mobile interactive touchboards with projectors and two mobile interactive tabletop projectors are being added through a grant. Teachers will be able to move these capabilities and use them wherever they see is best for them and students in their classroom. Front-row voice and sound amplification and recording capabilities to all the homerooms and library also have been added. New reading materials for reading instruction is being adopted. With this comes some online capabilities that were not available before. The school courtyard has been landscaped. Features include a butterfly garden, a rock garden, native grass areas, composting containers, a sun dial, soil-study raised beds and a waterfall feature. These features have been added to a performance platform, benches and a picnic table that already were on the open courtyard. With these improvements, teachers can move some of their science projects with students outdoors. Stu-
dents and staff also will enjoy the sounds and attractive features on the courtyard as students read, share creative writing and plays, and so forth while outside with their teachers.
time may pick up a pickup lane card from the school office.
an orientation meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15, while students in grade four will have an orientation meeting at 7 p.m. Parents are encouraged to attend without their students.
compass, 6-inch ruler, large glue stick, skein of yarn (standard skin, approximately 8 inches long), small package of note or index cards (3 by 5 inches or 4 by 6 inches), expandable file, two family-size boxes of tissues, pencil pouch.
Supplies Earbuds for use with technology are needed for both grades five and six. Headphones are available for use; however, for personal hygiene it is best for students to have their own. Grade five: one large glue stick, two red pens, 12 No. 2 pencils, one large eraser, box of eight colored pencils, one twopocket folder, two reams of lined writing paper with three holes, box of eight thin-tip washable colored markers, two boxes of family-size tissues, 6-inch ruler (with centimeters and inches), pencil pouch, package of highlighters, six notebooks (one with 180-plus pages, five with 70-plus pages), scissors. Grade six: five dark blue or black pens (no gel pens), more than 30 No. 2 pencils, box of eight colored pencils, package of multicolor highlighters, box of eight thin-tip washable colored markers, eraser, ream of lined writing paper with three holes, seven 70-page notebooks (wide ruled), scissors, 4-inch transparent protractor (6-inch will work),
Staff Mark Jahn, principal; Sharon Welp, administrative assistant and treasurer; Sharon Meyer, Terri Bell, Kelly Schroering and Bill Harris, grade five; Janet Kamman, Jamie Giesler, Lee Bilderback and Cheryl Verkamp, grade six; Hannah Sitzman, special education; Elaine Peters, art and music; Chad Gayso, band and music; Kathy Knust, media specialist; Dorothy Buechler, library manager; Susan Sanders, Kim Elliott and Emi Steczyk, Stephanie Bolling, Grace Russell, Sarah Johnson and Katelynn Wessel, instructional assistants; Elaine Kreilein, homeschool adviser; Rhonda Chumbley, cafeteria manager; Staci Jacob and Barbara Wright, cooks; Joey Meyer, head maintenance; Keith Gehlhausen and Al Harris, custodial staff; Gene Klem, seasonal mowing; Marian Bromm, nurse; Rachel Hinson, speech; and Sharon Gramelspacher, high-ability program coordinator.
f e r d i n a n d e l e m e n ta r y
Ferdinand Elementary School officially starts Thursday, Aug. 8. Students are asked to report to school between 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. Classes begin at 7:55 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Students should report to their classrooms no later than 7:50 a.m. Registration Ferdinand Elementary School parents are asked to visit school the week before classes start to register and pay book fees. The school office will be open for registration from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, July 29, and Wednesday through Friday, July 31 to Aug. 2. Evening registration will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. July 30. Parents will have the opportunity to review and update their demographic data, pay book fees, complete applications for assistance, deposit funds into their child’s lunch account and register for the new curbside and carpool pickup number. New this school year There is a new reading series as well as a new principal, a new curbside pickup procedure and five staff members. The only thing the child needs to bring to school on the first day is a backpack. All the school supplies have been purchased by the school and will be given to the child on the first day. After school dismissal, parents can pick up children via the curbside pickup on the south side of the school using their pickup lane cards. Pickup lane cards Parents must have an official Ferdinand Elementary School pickup lane number and card to pick up a child by vehicle using the pickup lane on Eighth Street heading west. Registration is required. Family pickup lane cards will be available at registration. Cards that are not picked up will be sent home with students on the first day of school. The pickup lane card needs to be prominently displayed in the right side of the windshield of the vehicle or on the right visor to make it easy for staff to see the number. The number allows parents to
pick up the children in their family. Students are not obligated to use the drive-thru pickup. Students may still park and walk, bike or use the bus as long as the children’s teachers know where to expect them. The school encourages families to form carpools with friends or people that live in their neighborhood to help reduce the traffic at school. If parents wish to pick up children other than their own on a regular basis, they can simply request a new pickup lane number to be used for the group of students they will pick up. Parents can make this request by registering in the school office. Additional pickup lane cards for the baby sitter, grandparents or others who will pick up the child may be obtained at registration. Parents also may come into the school office to add people to the request form. Families attending Ferdinand Elementary School for the first
Summer reading challenge Students will be asked to turn in their summer reading forms when they return to school. Students who read throughout the summer will have a few chances to win prizes and celebrate their efforts with a free recess and ice cream treat from Principal Stacy Kitchin. Orientation sessions An orientation session for morning preschool starts at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. The orientation for the afternoon session starts at 7 p.m. Parents are encouraged to bring their children. Kindergarten orientation will start at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 6. Parents of students in grade one will have an orientation meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13, while parents of students in grade three will meet at 7 p.m. the same day. Parents of students in grade two will have
Preschool All preschool students will need a curbside pickup number. Preschool classes are Mondays through Thursdays. The morning preschool class runs from 8 to 11. Morning preschool children may enter the building at the main entrance or from the playground area entrance. The afternoon class will meet from noon to 3. Afternoon preschool children should enter the main entrance but should be picked up on the east (playground) end of the building at dismissal. Parents who are interested in the preschool program, open to 4-year-old children, may call the school office at 367-2721. Children must be 4 years old by Aug. 1 to be eligible.
Book fees Book fee are kindergarten, $87.15; grade one, $108.59; grade two, $97.02; grade three, $83.38; and grade four, $77.62. School meals Breakfast is served from 7:25 to 7:45 a.m. each day. The school breakfast costs $1.25 per meal. The reduced price for a breakfast is 30 cents. The price per lunch is $1.75 per meal. The reduced price for a breakfast is 40 cents. Extra milk may be purchased for 30 cents. Lunch money will be collected each Monday or whatever the first day of the week may be. Checks should be made out to Southeast Dubois Lunch. Parents are encouraged to pay for lunches by the week, month or semester and with a check. The money will be deposited into this account and can be accessed by parents if they use Harmony, the school corporation’s data system. Please turn to the next page
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
f e r d i n a n d e l e m e n ta r y
Concluded from Page 16 School menus are published in the newspaper each week and are posted on the school website at ferdinand-elementary. Financial assistance Applications for free and reduced-price meals and textbooks will be available during registra-
back to school ■ page 17
tion and anytime after Aug. 2. Parents are to check the guidelines to see if they qualify for state and federal reimbursements. In addition, anyone who qualifies for free or reduced-price lunches will receive free textbooks if they apply prior to Sept. 6. If children in one family attend more than one school, parents need to complete only one application. New families Families that have recently
moved into the Ferdinand Elementary attendance area with school-age children are asked to call the school office or stop by the school office between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
schedule appointments outside of the school day. Parents must contact the school prior to pickup when a child is leaving during school hours. For the child’s safety, parents must go to the office and sign students out. If your child is to be picked up by another party, a note must be sent to the office giving the school permission to release the child to another person.
and appropriate for the classroom. Shorts of appropriate length are permitted for warmer days. On days when physical education is scheduled, athletic shoes and apparel should be worn. It is strongly recommended that students not wear sandals, flip-flops or shoes with excessive heals to school.
Staff Stacy Kitchin, principal; Pam Kippenbrock, administrative assistant and treasurer; Lori Balbach and Candi Gehlhausen, resource teachers; Marian Bromm, school nurse; Janet Robbins,
music; Beth Ann DeSchamp, art; Kathy Knust, media specialist; Elaine Kreilein, home-school coordinator; Rachel Hinson, speech pathologist; Jen Lusk, high-ability teaching assistant; Tami Hochgesang, technology; Mary Ann Bettag, Sister Linda Bittner, Connie Helming, Andy Knies, Joanie Metz, Debbi Nord, Edrina Shafer and Michelle VanMeter, instructional assistants; Julie Nonte, library assistant; Ruth Hoppen-
jans, food service manager; Debbie Buechler, cafeteria manager; Tammy Greulich, Kathy Meyer and Patty Nordhoff, cooks; Aleene Lange, Kathy Meyer, Patty Nordhoff and Nicole Perry, housekeeping; and Randy Sickbert, head maintenance.
moved into the Pine Ridge attendance area with school-age children are asked to call the school office and leave a message.
backpacks and Trapper Keepers are not allowed. Families may drop off school supply items during registration, which is Tuesday through Thursday, July 30 to Aug. 1. Hours are from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday. The Pine Ridge PTO supplied students with the essential classroom supplies.
PTO board Casey Bettag, president; Paula Muller, vice president; Melissa Haas, secretary; and Tammy Haug, treasurer.
p i n e r i d g e e l e m e n ta r y
Kindergarten Parents of kindergarten students are invited to an orientation Aug. 6. The orientation session will run from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the kindergarten classrooms. Parents are asked not to bring their children to this session but are urged to bring their children into school for an informal visit prior to the first day of school. Parents should refer to the hours previously listed to plan a time to visit school. Arrival and dismissal The school doors will open as soon as the first bus arrives around 7:30 a.m.; children are asked to enter the gym. Classes will begin at 7:55 a.m. Students who do not ride a bus to school should arrive no earlier than 7:40 a.m. Adult supervision begins with the arrival of the first bus. Students riding the early buses will be dismissed at 3 p.m. All other students will be dismissed by 3:20 p.m. Students in cars will be dismissed from the gym and escorted to the south parking lot at 3 p.m. The gate will be opened for cars to enter, line up along the sidewalk and load students at dismissal. Cars should not enter the front circle between 7:30 and 8 a.m. and from 3 to 3:30 p.m. Early dismissal Parents are encouraged to
Dress code School dress should be neat
Pine Ridge PTO The Pine Ridge PTO board consists of four to six members who oversee programs and initiatives at school. The board is always looking for active members. Anyone interested in being an active member should call Principal Ryan Haas at 326-2324 or email The PTO supports many activities during the school year, including field trips and convocations, and provides awards and additional classroom materials. The first PTO meeting is set for Wednesday, Aug. 21. Other meetings will be announced during the school year. Parents as volunteers Parents are welcome to volunteer. Parents who would like to volunteer should contact the school office with the days and times they are available. All volunteers who work with the students in that role must undergo a limited criminal history check. Volunteers — including those who wish to attend field trips — will need to obtain a form from the school office three school days prior to the day they would like to volunteer. The school will submit the one-time form for the volunteer to the superintendent’s office. New families Families that have recently
D E V Of f
Preschool programs Pine Ridge will again offer halfday preschool classes. The class offers instruction by a certified teacher and includes an emphasis on early literacy, language development, social and emotional development, art, music and physical education. Preschool students become familiar with the school schedule, atmosphere and programs offered. Sessions are from 8 to 11 a.m. and noon to 3 p.m. Transportation is not provided by the schools. If interested in either session, call the school office at 326-2324. Parents of preschoolers are invited to an orientation from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6, in the preschool classroom.
Medication If a student is in attendance and medication is to be administered during the school day certain regulations will be followed by school staff. Written consent signed by the parent and written instructions by a physician (if medication is a prescription drug) must include the date, child’s name, name of medication, time to be administered, dosage and termination date for administering the medication. The medication must be in the original container. No medicine of any kind may be sent to school with the child; parents must bring in the medicine with the appropriate paperwork.
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Cafeteria prices The elementary meal price is $1.75 for lunch and $1.25 for breakfast and the adult meal price is $2.75.
Summer reading bingo Students will be asked to turn in their summer packet when they return to school. Students who read and completed their reading bingo cards throughout the summer will be rewarded for their efforts.
Attendance Parents are reminded that regular and prompt attendance is extremely important. When a student is unable to attend class because of an illness or for other reasons, parents must notify the school office by phone on the day of the absence. If the office does not hear from the parent or guardian of an absent child, the office will contact the parent or guardian by phone.
Pine Ridge Elementary School’s first day for the 2013-14 school year is Thursday, Aug. 8. Parents will have the opportunity to pay book bills from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the week of July 29. The office also will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 30. Students and parents are welcome to find their classroom, locate their desk and drop off supplies during registration times. The annual school open house is set for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14.
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Book fees Pine Ridge’s book fees for the 2013-14 school year are kindergarten, $87.15; grade one, $108.59; grade two, $97.02; grade three, $83.38; and grade four, $77.62. It is preferred that all book fees are paid in full by the end of August. Families that are in need of assistance or a payment plan should contact the office prior to the end of August. Supplies Kindergarten: one box of Kleenex, two folders, one of roll paper towels, one container of baby wipes, one small blanket. Grade one: two folders with pockets, two family-size boxes of Kleenex,one new plain white cotton T-shirt in the child’s size for a classroom project. Boys are to bring one roll of paper towels. Girls are to bring one container of hand wipes. Grade two: two boxes of Kleenex, two folders with pockets, one new white or yellow cotton T-shirt for a classroom project. Boys are to bring one bottle of hand sanitizer. Girls are to bring one box of quart-size zipclose bags with ahard plastic slider for sealing. Grade three: 1-inch three-ring binder, two large boxes of Kleenex, three black dry-erase markers. Grade four: 1-inch three-ring binder with a soft cover, two boxes of Kleenex, one skein of yarn in a color of the student’s choice. Label all items with the child’s name. Plastic supply boxes, rolling
Staff Ryan Haas, principal; Janet Dauby, administrative assistant; Alyssa Merkley, Title I; Ginger Mullis, preschool; Jennifer Blackgrove and Andrea Gehlhausen, kindergarten; Paula Kluesner and Andi Longabaugh, grade one; Natalie Ruhe and Brooke Wehr, grade two; Susan Brier and Brenda Weyer, grade three; Glenda Begle, Phil Winkler and Patty Mercker, grade four; Rose Fischer, special needs; Rachel Hinson, speech therapist; Beth DeSchamp, art; Janet Robbins, music; Kathy Knust, media services; Julie Nonte, media assistant; Karen Kippenbrock, technology coordinator; Tami Hochgesang and Kyle Greulich, technology assistant; Marian Bromm, nurse; Elaine Kreilein, homeschool coordinator; Jen Lusk and Brooke Wehr, enrichment coordinators; Margie Andry, Denise Durcholz, Judy Verkamp, Amanda Weyer, Kim Jackson, Brandy Welp, Amy Fraze Erica Eckert, Lisa Schroeder and Alicia Bullington, instructional assistants; John Schipp, Sherri Schipp and Arlene Betz, custodial staff; and Rosemary Betz, Melinda Gutgsell and Michele Hedinger, cafeteria.
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North Spencer Schools The first day of school in the North Spencer School Corp. will be Wednesday, Aug. 14, which will be a full day. All building principals will be in their offices daily as of Thursday, Aug. 1, and residents who have moved into the school corporation during the summer are urged to register school-age children in August. Parents are to call the school their child will attend for an appointment. Parents will need to bring a birth certificate and immunization records with them at the time of registration; it is state law that a student cannot be registered without these two items. For more information, call the appropriate school. North Spencer schools, their phone numbers and principals are David Turnham Educational Center (grades kindergarten through six) in Dale, 937-4300, Julie Kemp; Chrisney Elementary School (grades kindergarten through six) in Chrisney, 362-8200, Julie Kemp; Nancy Hanks Elementary School (grades kindergarten through six) on State Road 162 just south of State Road 62, 357-5091, Scott Fudgel; Lincoln Trail Elementary School (grades prekindergarten through six) on State Road 245 between Santa Claus and Lamar, 5442929, Ben Lawalen; Heritage Hills
North Spencer Calendar Aug. 14............................. First day of school Sept. 2........................... Labor Day, no school Oct. 24 .................Parent-teacher conferences Oct. 25 ............................................Fall break Nov. 28-29 ..................... Thanksgiving vacation Dec. 21-Jan. 1 .................... Christmas vacation Jan. 2......................................School resumes
Middle School (grades seven and eight) in Lincoln City, 937-4472, Chad Schneiders; and Heritage Hills High School (grades nine through 12) in Lincoln City, 9374472, Nick Alcorn, principal, and Jeff Cochren, assistant principal. Lunch Lunch will be served beginning Aug. 14. The price for lunch at the elementary schools will be $2, the lunch price at the middle and high schools will be $2.25, and an adult lunch at the middle and high schools will cost $3. Breakfast will be available at David Turnham Educational Center and Nancy Hanks, Chrisney and Lincoln Trail elementary schools for $1.45. Breakfast also will be available at the high school and middle school for $1.75. Additional milk can be purchased for 35 cents. Textbook rental Textbook rental fees vary at each of the six schools in the cor-
Jan. 20.......Martin Luther King Day, makeup day Feb. 17 ................. Presidents Day, makeup day March 14 ......................................Makeup day March 24-28 ................................Spring break April 18......................................... Good Friday April 21.........................................Makeup day May 23 ................................Last day of school May 27-30 .................................. Makeup days
poration and by grade level. All Heritage Hills Middle and High School students pay book rental fees at the time of registration. Elementary school book rental bills will be given to students at preregistration or on the first day of school and are to be paid within the first two weeks of school. Guidelines and application forms for free textbooks and free and reduced-price lunches are on file in the offices of all schools. They will be available in each building Aug. 1.
two who represent Clay, Huff and North Hammond townships; two who represent Jackson and Grass townships; and three who represent Carter and Harrison townships. The school board meets in regular session at 7 p.m. CDT on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at the office of Superintendent Dan Scherry. The office
is on State Road 162 east of Heritage Hills High School near Lincoln City. All meetings are open to the public. Members of the school board are Annie Oxley, president; Elaine Daubenspeck, vice president; David Waninger, secretary; and Don Detzer, Pam Thompson and Clint Coleman. The school corporation complies with rules and regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office for Civil Rights and the Department of Education. Central office staff Dan Scherry, superintendent; Marc Schum, director of facilities and transportation; Reggie Huffman, treasurer; and Karen Hildenbrand, deputy treasurer.
Memberships North Spencer School Corp. is a member of the Patoka Valley vocational cooperative and the Southern Indiana Education Center. The corporation is also a member of the Exceptional Children’s Cooperative. School board The school corporation’s board of trustees has seven members:
Heritage Hills High School in Lincoln City has students attending in grades nine through 12. The school opened in January 1973. Remodeling and renovations were completed in 2001. The high school curriculum includes academics, career clusters, vocational education and fine arts. Academics include Advanced Placement courses in English language, English literature, calculus and chemistry. Vocational classes include compute-aided drafting, automotive and business labs and vocational home arts. Project Lead the Way career pathways are established in the biomedical and engineering fields. Fine arts include concert band, marching band, chorus, art, a fall play and a spring musical. The school is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Students have the opportunity for tutoring during success period each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:20 CDT, through peer tutoring by the National Honor Society and during a math clinic after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Extracurricular activities offered in athletics include football, soccer, cross country, tennis, swimming, basketball, wrestling, cheerleading, volleyball, baseball, golf, softball and track. Also offered in addition to regular class activities are FFA, Business Professionals of America, National Honor Society, student council, peer helpers, Key Optimist, pep and drama clubs, dance team, academic and spell bowl teams, Special Olympics and Destination ImagiNation. Other enrichment activities also are offered. Registration Students attending Heritage Hills High School may register from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. CDT Tuesday, Aug. 6; 1 to 8:30 p.m. CDT Thursday, Aug. 8; and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT Monday, Aug. 12. Registration will begin in the high school commons area. Information required at registration includes the parents’ work phone numbers, the name
and phone number of the family doctor, the name of the person to contact in case of an emergency, special health information and the child’s Social Security number. An enrollment form will need to be completed. During registration, students will pay textbook fees and rentals. They will receive a class schedule, locker assignment and textbooks. Information per bus assignment also will be available. Student insurance forms and physical forms for athletes will be available. Students driving to school must purchase a $5 car tag to park on campus. School hours School will begin at 7:58 a.m. CDT and dismiss beginning at 2:51 p.m. Orientation An orientation program for incoming freshmen will run from 2 to 5 p.m. CDT Aug. 12. The program will begin in the commons area and includes a building tour, icebreaker activities and an informational meeting with the principal and with the student’s core teachers. A parent meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. CDT in the auditorium followed by a meal for the freshmen and their families in the cafeteria. Staff Nick Alcorn, principal; Jeff Cochren, assistant principal; Jay Burch, athletic director; Martha Barnett, bookkeeper; Kathy Wilmes and Todd Wilkerson, guidance; Cathy Hawkins, nurse; Angie Burch, librarian; Leslie Meyer, library assistant; Jacque Bunner, Connie Lynam and Romilda Pund, secretaries; Ryan Akers, Joe Asbury, Gary Ayer Jr., Phil Bradley, Kim Brown, Kurt Denning, Marty Echelbarger, Andy Fischer, Molly Fischer, Sandi Fortune, Annie Gunselman, Carl Hall, Bridget Hanselman, Angie Hochgesang, Jay Hohne, Tim Jacobs, Stan Jochim, Julia Kerchief, Jennifer Kern, Tyson Martin, Holly McCutchan, Heather Miller, Alyssa Sermersheim, Jennifer Sitzman, Laura Staffeld, Paul Steinmetz, Matt Thompson,
Sheila Wahl and Candy Wilkerson, teachers; Tina Boehm, Mary Buffington, Angela Kralj, Mona Krieble, Kris Jochim, Pam Meiring, Lucy Meunier and Doug Satterfield, teaching assistants; Sharon Franchville, Sharon Garland, Kenneth Moffett, Albert Nord, Herman Souder, Mark Souder, Matt Sperling and Barbara Wells, maintenance; Miram Whitaker, Sara Brown, DeeAnn Ferguson, LeeAnn Fischer, Debbie Hall, Barbara Huffman, Karen Lubbehusen, Lori Luebbehusen, Laura Roll and Peggy Wendholt, cafeteria; Faye Smith, Marcia Burdin, Sheryl Ebelhar, Angie Gideon, Kristine Madden, Mary Schaefer, Stacy Brown, Bettye Tribbie, Cathy Hawkins, Albert Nord, Jennifer Ayer, Elaine Werne and Nick Waninger, bus drivers.
Jasper Forest Park Southridge NE Dubois Heritage Hills Perry Central
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 19
h e r i ta g e h i l l s m i d d l e s c h o o l
Breakfast is served from 7:25 to 7:45 a.m. CDT at the cost of $1.70. Lunch is $2.15. A la carte items and snacks cost extra.
Heritage Hills Middle School in Lincoln City has 283 students in grades seven and eight. The principal is Chad Schnieders. The athletic director is Jay Burch. The staff consists of 16 full-time teachers and 13 part-time teachers, one guidance counselor, five teaching assistants and one secretary. Matt Sperling heads a maintenance staff of seven people. Miriam Whitaker is the cafeteria manager and has a staff of 10 cooks. Grades seven and eight use a teaming, interdisciplinary and thematic approach to teaching and working with students. Students are also exposed to exploratory classes that include art, band, chorus, general music, agriculture, industrial technology and consumer science. The school has been a Four Star School for five years. Students have the opportunity for tutoring during success period at 7:20 a.m. CDT each Tuesday and Thursday through peer tutoring by the National Honor Society. Extracurricular activities in athletics include football, cross country, swimming, basketball, wrestling, cheerleading, volleyball, and track. In addition to regular class activities, these activities are offered: student council, Natural Helpers, academic bowl and spell bowl teams, Voice and Students Against Destructive Decisions.
Registration Registration will take place from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. CDT Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1 to 7 p.m. CDT Thursday, Aug. 8 and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT Monday, Aug. 12. Seventh-graders are invited to meet their teachers from 6 to 7:30 p.m. CDT Aug. 8. Student registration is required for all students attending Heritage Hills Middle School for the 2013-14 school year. Parents are asked to update personal information and pay textbook fees and rental during registration hours. Information required at registration includes parents’ work phone numbers, the name and phone number of the family doctor, the name and contact information for a person to contact in case of emergency, special health information and the student’s Social Security number. The completion of an enrollment form is required. Book rental fees for seventh grade range from $90 to $130 and for eighth grade range from $90 to $130. Students will receive a class schedule, locker assignment and textbooks. Students also will have the opportunity to purchase or order a gym uniform; shorts cost $14 and a shirt is $6. Student insurance forms and physical forms for athletes also will be available.
Lunches The school cafeteria personnel strive to provide students with delicious and nutritious meals at a reasonable price. The breakfast and lunch menu conforms to federal guidelines and offers students several options. The lunch menu offers students multiple entrees, salad bar and a la carte items.
School hours The school office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays beginning Wednesday, July 31. School will begin at 7:58 a.m. CDT and dismiss beginning at 2:51 p.m. CDT. Parents are asked not to drop off students at the building prior to 7:15 a.m. CDT.
After-school supervision To provide students with a safer environment after school, no middle school student shall be on school grounds (that includes in the high school) after school unless they are staying for a sport, club or educational program that is part of the school’s extracurricular program. Students staying are expected to report to the afterschool supervision area if the event they are staying for starts later than 3 p.m. CDT. A schedule of available dates for after-school supervision will be posted for students. Supplies Grade seven: one package loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), black or blue pens, red pen, pencils (minimum of 12), one 11⁄2-inch binder, one packet of dividers with folders for binder, pencil pouch for binder, colored pencils, three fine-point dry-erase markers, one package Post-it notes (3 inches square), two boxes of Kleenex, basic four-function or optional scientific calculator. Grade eight: one package looseleaf paper (wide ruled), black or blue pens, red pen, pencils (minimum of 12), one 11⁄2-inch binder, one packet of dividers with folders for binder, pencil pouch for binder, highlighter, three fine-point dry-erase markers, one package Post-it notes (3 inches square), two boxes of Kleenex, scientific calculator (Algebra I students need a graphing calculator), swim trunks for boys, onepiece swimsuit for girls. Staff Chad Schnieders, principal; James Burch Jr., athletic director; Davette Smith, secretary; Martha Barnett, treasurer; Ryan Akers, Annette Altmeyer, Joe Asbury,
Navigating the school bus By SHARON NAYLOR According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an average of 24 schoolage children are killed in school transportation accidents each year. Eleven of those children are on the school bus, and 13 are pe-
Put Your Best
destrians. Even one child killed or injured in a school bus accident is too many. So it’s important to teach your children the safety rules of being in or around school buses. Since it’s back-to-school time, make it a top priority to deliver a school bus safety lesson to children who will be riding the bus for
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the first time and to older children who have ridden the bus for several years. They, especially, need to be reminded of how important it is to practice bus safety, because older kids can get complacent about school bus risks. See BUS on Page 21
Kim Brown, Marty Echelbarger, Shannon Fuhs, Cathie Gehlhausen, Alex Isaacs, Jennifer Holme, Ray Kaetzel, Jennifer Kern, Duane Lorey, Dawn Mix, Paula Muller, Miranda Mundy, Brian Oxley, Jacquie Sabelhaus, Matt Sisley, Paul Steinmetz, Pam Swader, Kevin Tempel, Josh Wetzel and Laura Staffeld, teachers; Angie Burch, librarian; Leslie Meyer, librarian assistant; Julie Becher, guidance counselor; Carrie Prior, school psychologist; Karen Kippenbrock, Dan Bertke, Brett Elder and Brian Pund, technology; Mary App, Paula Carpenter, Brianna Crockett, Breana Deorto, Katelyn Gehlhausen, Carmen Knies, Joyce Philipps, Angelique Schulthise, Karen Seger,
Jamie Tapley and Pam Wilson, teaching assistants; Melvin Bolin, Matt Sperling, Sharon Franchville, Albert Nord, Nancy Rust, Herman Souder and Mark Souder, maintenance; Miriam Whitaker, head cafeteria manager; Sara Brown, Deeann Ferguson, Lee Ann Fischer, Debbie Hall, Barbara Huffman, Karen Lubbehusen, Lori Lubbehusen, Jeanette Raven, Laura Rohl and Peggy Wendholt, cafeteria; Stacy Brown, Marcia Burdin, Sherly Ebelhar, Angie Gideon, Cathy Hawkins, Kristine Madden, Albert Nord, Mary Schaefer, Faye Smith, Lori Tischendorf, Betty Tribbie and Elaine Werne, bus drivers.
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page 20 ■ back to school
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
c h r i s n e y e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Chrisney Elementary, a Four Star and National Blue Ribbon School, has approximately 180 students in kindergarten through grade six. Students are from Chrisney, Midway and Newtonville. Chrisney Elementary opened in 1973 and was renovated in 1993. The principal is Julie Kemp. The staff consists of 13 teachers, a guidance counselor, six teaching assistants and a secretary, Susan Roos. Andrew Schroeder heads a maintenance staff of two. The cafeteria staff consists of two cooks. The school offers a daily breakfast and lunch program, a Title I program in grades kindergarten through three, programs in Destination ImagiNation, the Stock Market Game, technology, robotics and academic bowls and an active PTO. The school also offers an award-winning outdoor lab andafter-school programs and partners with Big Brothers, Big Sisters. The school is accredited through the lndiana Department of Education. The school offers a before- and after-school program and a preschool with a day care option. Daily hours, registration Beginning Thursday, Aug. 1, Chrisney Elementary School will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT weekdays. The office will be closed Monday. Aug. 5, for training purposes. Registration for the 2013-14 school year will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT Aug. 1 and again from 12:30 to 7 p.m. CDT Tuesday, Aug. 6. At that time, parents may pay book fees and update emergency information on file. New students Parents new to the Chrisney attendance area should arrange to enroll their child by calling the school at 362-8200 as soon as possible. To complete enrollment, parents are required to provide a birth certificate and immunization records.
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School hours Students will be able to enter the building at 7:25 a.m. CDT. School begins at 7:45 a.m. CDT and ends at 3:05 p.m. CDT. Parents dropping off and picking up their children before or after school are asked to park on the south side of the building. Only buses will be allowed in front of the school during these times. Supplies Preschool: backpack, one folder. Kindergarten: school box, four glue sticks, four pink erasers, three pocket folders (one must be yellow), two boxes of Kleenex, one boxes of crayons (24-count), two black dry-erase markers, one box quart- or gallon-size zip-close bags, four yellow No.2 pencils. Grade One: one supply box, six pocket folders, one boxes of crayons (24-count), scissors, two glue sticks, pencils, two big pink erasers, two yellow highlighters, two packages Post-it notes (3 inches square), two boxes of Kleenex, two black dry-erase markers. Grade Two: one single-subject notebook, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, yellow No. 2 pencils, 12-inch ruler with centimeters, two glue sticks, three pocket folders, supply box, two pink erasers, two black dry-erase markers, two boxes tissues, one container Clorox wipes. Grade Three: school box, crayons, two big erasers, scissors, two glue sticks, package of pencils, highlighters, colored pencils, two pocket folders, one one-subject spiral notebook (wide ruled), one 12-inche ruler, two dry-erase
markers, one package Post-it notes (3 inches square), two boxes of tissues, one flash drive. Grade Four: Five pocket folders with clips in the center, four red pens, one package Post-it notes (3 inches square), two dry-erase markers, three boxes of tissues, scissors, one package colored pencils, one package No. 2 pencils, two large erasers, nine single-subject, wire-bound college-ruled notebooks, glue sticks, one package lined index cards, crayons, school box, one package multicolored highlighters, one flash drive. Grade Five: six single-subject notebooks, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, compass, clear protractor, two packages No. 2 pencils, glue sticks, two pocket folders with clips, school box, two large eraser, dry-erase markers, one 1-inch binder, one package college-ruled loose-leaf paper, flash drive, two boxes of Kleenex. Grade SIx: loose-leaf paper, 12 or more No. 2 pencils, red ink pens, four ultra-fine black Sharpies, one 12-inch ruler, compass, protractor (see-through; no slide device), paperback dictionary (good college level), paperback thesaurus, nonscientific calculator, rubber cement, four boxes of tissues, school box for art supplies, flash drive, index cards (3-by-5-inch or 4-by6-inch), one package Post-It notes, two-dry erase markers, colored pencils, markers, white art eraser and scissors. All students should have a bookbag or backpack. It is recom-
mended that all clothing items be marked clearly with the child’s name. Students are required to wear shoes with a back, and tennis shoes are required to participate in physical education. Book rental Book rental should be paid during the first two weeks of school. The child will receive book rental information at registration. Other important information will be provided on the first day of school. Staff Julie Kemp, principal; Susan Roos, secretary; Katie Huebschman, Ashley Peters, Nikki Crews, Heather Sisley, Jill Ebert Lasher, Janet Marshall, Melinda
Swallow, teachers; Brittany Forler, special needs; Becky Gasaway, media specialist; Clayton Robison, physical education and health; Gina Kost, art; Adrienne Roos, music and band; Amber Wetzel, counselor; Debbie Fischer, school nurse; Ashley Tempel, speech; Carolyn Ambs, Susan Schaefer, Denise Gasaway, Debbie Davidson, Marilyn Trinkel, Kimberely Buse and Laura Marshall, teaching assistants; Andrew Schroeder, maintenance; Pat Kramer and Jennifer Lindsey, cafeteria; and Faye Smith, Denise Gasaway, Pat Kramer, Sheryl Ebelhar, Angie Gideon, Karen McCormick, Delores Roush, bus drivers.
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 21
L i n c o l n t r a i l e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
The Lincoln Trail Elementary School office will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. CDT Thursday, Aug. 1, and from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT Friday, Aug. 2 for registration. A parent unable to come to school during these times may pick up forms from the school office on any weekday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT beginning Monday, Aug. 5. Any forms not picked up at registration will be sent home with the student the first day of school. Book rental payment is due within the first two weeks of the start of school. Parents of students new to the Lincoln Trail area should make arrangements to enroll their child by calling the school at 544-2929 as soon as possible. Parents are required to bring their child’s birth certificate and immunization records. Kindergarten students who have moved to the area are required to have their immuniza-
Bus (Concluded from Page 19) The National School Bus Safety Week committee wants parents to be aware that the most dangerous part of the bus ride is getting on and off the bus. The group says, “Pedestrian fatalities (while loading and unloading school buses) account for approximately three times as many school bus-related fatalities, when compared to school bus occupant fatalities.” The loading and unloading area is called the “Danger Zone,” and it’s “the space on all sides of the bus where children are in the most danger of not being seen by the driver (10 feet in front of the bus where the driver may be too high to see a child, 10 feet on either side of the bus where a child may be in the driver’s blind spot, and the area behind the bus).” The “Danger Zone” is particularly dangerous for young children, who are more likely to be struck because they act impulsively, dash to get on and off the bus, assume other drivers will see them and stop, and don’t always stay within the driver’s sight. Older kids experience risk when they are distracted by their friends -who also might be unaware of other motorists or their positioning in the driver’s blind spots -- and by their handheld gadgets. So Google an image of a school bus “Danger Zone” that illustrates in danger-red the areas around the bus that they are to avoid. It’s considered a common rule of thumb for children to stay at least 10 feet away from all sides of the bus and to always cross the street in front of the bus while the bus is stopped, red lights flashing, driver watching. But kids have to be taught or reminded to look carefully for other motorists who are not stopped for the bus and to look behind the bus for any irresponsible driver who might speed to pass the bus. And they should never cross the street behind the bus. If friends are headed that way, your child is not to follow them. Role-play to give your child a script, such as, “Let’s cross up here where the driver can see us.” With practice, they’ll feel more confident in group dynamics. Teach kids to stay away from the bus’s wheels, and if they drop something while getting off the bus, they are to tell the bus driver before trying to retrieve it. The bus driver will wait, keeping the child safe from tragedy. If your child forgets something on the bus, he or she should wave for the bus driver’s attention to ensure the driver stops the bus for safer re-boarding. Your child
Supplies Kindergarten: one pocket folder, backpack, two packages index cards (3 by 5 inches), three boxes of tissues, pencil box, scissors, four pencils, two glue sticks, one box of crayons (24-count), pink eraser. Grade One: No. 2 pencils; scissors, glue sticks, pink chunk erasers, one box of crayons (24-count), zippered pencil pouch, three boxes of tissues, one 1-inch, three-ring binder, two pocket folders, one dry-erase marker. Grade Two: pencils; erasers, two spiral notebooks (wide ruled), glue sticks, scissors, pencil box or pouch, one box of crayons
(24-count), ruler with inches and centimeters, two boxes of tissues, three pocket folders (red, blue and yellow), two dry-erase markers, Post-it notes (3 inches square). Grade Three: scissors, pencils, erasers, one box of crayons (24-count), one ruler (standard and metric), two pocket folders (red and blue), one package three-holed loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), two 1-inch three-ring binders, pencil pouch, three boxes of tissue, one package dry-erase markers. Grade Four: two glue sticks, scissors, pencils, erasers, two boxes of colored pencils, two threeprong pocket folders (red and yellow), one package loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), two 1-inch three-ring binders, one zippered bag for supplies and art class (a school box is acceptable), two packages Postit notes (3 inches square), one package dry-erase markers, two
boxes of tissues, one three-subject notebook. Grade Five: No. 2 pencils, zippered pencil pouch, erasers, two boxes colored pencils, two dryerase markers, scissors, glue sticks, ruler, protractor with swing arm, index cards, three pocket folders, two 1-inch threering binders, two packages looseleaf paper (wide ruled), two box of tissues, one box zippered baggies, one spiral notebook. Grade Six: ruler (standard and metric), No. 2 pencils, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks, pencil pouch, one 1-inch three-ring binder, one 2-inch three-ring binder, two packages loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), one spiral notebook, basic calculator, one pocket folder, protractor (flat and clear), one black Sharpie, one box of tissue. Staff Ben Lawalin, principal; Keri
Ballard, Kim Beck, Sarah Funston, Melissa Haas, Audra Jalm, Gina Kost,, Kyla Lueken, Lori Persolm, Gaynell Peters, Traci Porter, Lynn Price, Tama Rickelman, Andrea Vance, Matt Sisley, LeeArm Tempel and Patricia Vaal, teachers; Debbie Scott, school social worker; Denise Bartlett, speech therapist; Debbie Fischer, school nurse; Mary Roos, secretary; Debbie Davidson, Kathy Gehlhausen, Sue Kaufman, Karen Washington, Jane Curtis and Jenny Schmidt, teacher assistants; Andrew Schroeder, Staci Schaus and Susan Esarey, maintenance; Terri Brockman, Juanita Taylor and Elisa Peters, cafeteria; and David Lautner, Dirk Vamer, Cheryl McManaway, Cathy Hawkins, Barbara Gentry, Lori Tischendorf and Albert Nord, bus drivers.
should never just walk back to the bus, because the driver might not see him or her approaching, especially if the child is in the “Danger Zone.” And of course, children are to walk straight home, on the sidewalk, after getting off the bus.
They are to avoid strangers at all times and should not hang out with friends in the street. Going straight home is a rule that must not be broken, or there will be consequences. Here are some safety tips for when on the bus, which older kids
also need to be reminded of because their peers may be unsafe travelers: ■■ Walk directly to a seat and remain seated and facing forward for the entire ride. ■■ If the bus has seat belts, put one on.
■■ Never throw things while on the bus. ■■ Talk quietly so the driver can listen for cars and emergency vehicle sirens. ■■ If there is an emergency, listen to the bus driver and follow instructions.
tion records, birth certificate and a physical exam. Forms may be picked up at the school office. Lunch and textbook assistance forms will be available in the school office beginning Aug. 1.
page 22 ■ back to school
the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
n a n c y h a n k s e l e m e n ta r y s c h o o l
Nancy Hanks Elementary is on State Road 162 north of Santa Claus. It serves students from St. Meinrad, Mariah Hill, Fulda and Santa Claus (Holiday Village and parts of Christmas Lake Village). Nancy Hanks opened in 1993 and houses students in kindergarten through grade six. The principal is Jody Schmitt. School hours School will begin at 7:50 a.m. CDT and dismiss beginning at 3 p.m. CDT. The office will be closed Monday, Aug. 5, for training. Registration Registration will take place from noon to 7 p.m. CDT Tuesday, Aug. 6, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT Wednesday, Aug. 7, for all students. At that time, parents may pay fees and receive registration materials. Students who do not register during these times may register at the school office from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT on weekdays following registration. An open house will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. CDT Monday, Aug. 12. Preschool will start Wednesday, Aug. 14. Parents of students new to the Nancy Hanks area should arrange to enroll the children by calling the school at 357-5091 as soon as possible. Parents are required to bring a birth certificate and immunization records. Kindergarten students who have moved to the area are required to have their immunization records, a birth certificate and a physical exam. Forms
may be picked up at the time of registration. Students in grades four, five and six will need gym shorts. Students may buy them from the school for $7, use their gym shorts from last year or purchase shorts from a previous student. Book rental Book rental should be paid during registration or within the first two weeks of school. Other arrangements may be made with the principal. Lunch and textbook assistance forms are available in the office. Supplies Preschool: backpack, notebook, pillow, blanket, one box of Kleenex, change of clothes in a bag marked with the student’s name, one roll of paper towels, one box of wipes, one box of snacks. Kindergarten: backpack, 200 index cards (3 by 5 inches), one box of Kleenex, one box of sandwich bags, two boxes of crayons (24-count), four glue sticks, small pencil box, Fiskar scissors, two black dry-erase markers, big pink eraser, one package of No. 2 pencils. Grade One: two boxes of crayons (24-count), Elmer’s school glue, four glue sticks, one package of No. 2 pencils, one small pencil box, one box of Kleenex, Fiskars scissors; highlighter, four black dry-erase markers, backpack, big pink eraser, three plastic folders with pockets and prongs (green,
purple and yellow), one 1-inch black three-ring binder. Grade Two: one box of crayons (24-count), Elmer’s school glue, scissors, two packages of No. 2 pencils, one box of Kleenex, one package of pencil-top erasers, one 1-inch three-ring binder with pockets, four dry-erase markers, backpack, small pencil box. Grade Three: red pen, one ream of copy paper, six dryerase markers, one box of Kleenex, pink eraser, highlighter, 200 index cards (3 by 5 inches), small pencil box, one glue stick, scissors, one box of crayons (24-count), one folder to be used as a daily take-home folder, two plastic folders with pockets and prongs (purple and green), Postit notes, pencil-top erasers, one 1-inch black three-ring binder, composition notebook. Grade Four: No. 2 pencils, one box of crayons (24-count), pink eraser, glue (stick or bottle), four pocket folders (red, green, blue and yellow), small school box, scissors;, two packages Post-it notes (3 inches square), highlighter, looseleaf paper (100 sheets), two boxes of Kleenex, five dry-eraser markers, red pen, 3-by-5-inch lined index cards, two spiral notebooks (70 sheets each). Grade Five: two boxes of tissues, one box of crayons (24-count), markers, scissors, loose-leaf paper (at least one package), zippered pencil bag, penciltop erasers, ruler, protractor, glue, five dry-erase markers, two pack-
Dealing with a shy child By CHELLE CORDERO You know she knows the answer, but when the teacher asks for volunteers, she just won’t raise her hand. There are children in every classroom who allow life’s opportunities to pass them by because they don’t feel comfortable “in the spotlight.” Parents will often react with disbelief when they are told that the child who doesn’t know how to stay quiet at home doesn’t utter a word in class or other social settings. John Malouff, Ph.D. – senior lecturer in psychology, author of “Helping Young Children Overcome Shyness” and father to Elizabeth – had this to say: “Shyness involves anxiety and behavioral inhibition in social situations. It occurs most frequently in situations that are novel or suggest evaluation of the person or situations where the person is conspicuous or others are intrusive. Although all children may experience shyness sometimes, some children experience shyness to a debilitating degree.” Malouf, along with his wife, Nicola Schutte, Ph.D., helped their own then-4-year-old daughter Elizabeth when her fears about new people and situations became overwhelming when she started school. “When my daughter entered pre-kindergarten, I expected her to have fun and learn. She talked and talked at home, loved books and said she was eager to start school. I didn’t expect her to refuse to speak to anyone there, but that’s what she did for the entire fall.” Shyness is considered more of a feeling where the individual feels uncomfortable than a personality disorder. Some studies have suggested that there might be a “shy gene”, but if the comfort level is raised, the difficulty experienced will not become a permanent and
disabling habit. The following are recommended strategies that Malouf and his wife used to help their daughter:
ages of Post-it notes, two packages of pencils, memory stick or flash drive, four spiral notebooks, three highlighters, two packages of index cards. Grade Six: permanent black marker, colored pencils, No. 2 pencils, two black pens, markers (eight to 16), calculator, Post-it notes (3 inches square), six dryerase markers, pink eraser,school box or bag, two large boxes of tissues, four pocket folders with three fasteners. Staff Jody Schmitt, principal; Ashley Becher, Carrie Blessinger, Susan Carey, Robin Collins, Marby Cox, Corie Eckerle, Vicki Freihaut, Carla Klem, Judy Lindauer,
Donna Merder, Cheryl Moesner, Sara Paquette, Janessa Steckler, teachers; Janet Stoermer, media specialist; Jerrilynn Klueh, music; Debbie Fisher, school nurse; Amber Wetzel, counselor; Denise Bartlett, speech; Paula Carpenter, Jane Curtis, Diane Flaherty, Kris Gunn, Chris Knies, Carmen Knies, Lisa Schaefer, Jennifer Schmidt, Jamie Tapley and Karen Washington, teaching assistants; Tony Gessner, Sharah Kloeck and Bessie Werne, maintenance; Brenda Kress, Carol Fetter and Mary Denning, cafeteria; and Mary Schaefer, Kristine Madden, Kenneth Wessel, Jeanne Daunhauer, Lee Phillips, Clint Ruxer, Todd Ruxer and Elaine Werne, bus drivers.
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■■ Tell the children about times See SHY on Page 23
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the herald ■ Friday, July 26, 2013
back to school ■ page 23
Dav i d t u r n h a m s c h o o l
All parents of David Turnham Education Center students are asked to come to school to register their students for the 2013-14 school year from noon to 7 p.m. CDT Monday, Aug. 5, or 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT Wednesday, Aug. 7. Parents will be asked to pay book rental fees, deposit money in lunch accounts, update emergency contact information and apply for financial assistance if needed. Dates to Remember Aug. 5 — welcome to kindergarten open house; Aug. 7 — Kids First Festival at Heritage Hills Middle School, 4 to 7 p.m. CDT; Aug. 8 — back-to-school open house, 6 p.m. CDT; Aug. 12 — first day for preschool and day care students; and Aug. 14 — first day of school for students in kindergarten through grade 12. New Programs Preschool and day care are being offered for the first time for 3- to 5-year-olds in North Spencer schools. Currently, both of David Turnham’s preschool sessions are full. For more information about the program or to have a name added to the waiting list, call Prin-
Shy (Concluded Page 22) when you acted bashful. ■■ Explain to the children how they will benefit from acting outgoing. ■■ Show empathy when the children feel afraid to interact. ■■ Prevent labeling of the children as “shy.” Set goals for more outgoing behavior and measure progress. ■■ Set a model of outgoing behavior. ■■ Expose the children to unfamiliar settings and people slowly. ■■ Prompt the children to interact with others. ■■ Reward the children for outgoing behavior. ■■ Praise others’ outgoing behavior in the presence of the children. ■■ Help the children practice interacting with others.
cipal Jennifer Jazyk at 937-4300 or Julie Kemp, preschool director, at 362-8200. An open enrollment for next year’s preschool classes will take place in February. Beginning in November, David Turnham students are invited to attend the new art club each month with art teacher Corie Eckerle. Each meeting will have a theme. Students will explore the history and connections to each theme, and then create a project to be taken home that day. Each meeting will have a minimal fee to cover the cost of the project. Additional information will be available in the school’s weekly Thursday folder. Breakfast and lunch Breakfast is available from 7:25 to 7:45 a.m. CDT daily for $1.45. Preschool and kindergarten students will eat lunch at 11 a.m. CDT and students in grades one and two will eat at 11:15 a.m. CDT. The school lunch price is $1.95 School hours School will begin at 7:30 a.m. CDT and dismiss from 2:55 to 3:20 p.m. CDT. The school doors will open at 7:25 a.m. CDT ■■ Pair each shy child with another child in each important setting. ■■ Read books with the children about individuals who overcome shyness. ■■ Eliminate teasing of the children. ■■ Teach the children to identify and verbally express their emotions. ■■ Coordinate your efforts with those of other relevant adults. ■■ Read up on shyness and learn additional strategies for parents and teachers. ■■ Consult a guidance counselor or psychologist. Never ridicule or discount the child’s fears of unfamiliar surroundings and people; instead, sharing your own or others’ experiences and how (your) fears were coped with can certainly help. Gradually introduce the new setting and people and if possible, be there to lend your support while you encourage the child’s interaction with oth-
$ 00 ANY TWO
Supplies Kindergarten: two boxes of Crayola crayons (24-count), two pink erasers, four glue sticks, 1-inch black binder, five dry-erase markers, one box of sandwich or snack-size zip-close bags (girls), one box of gallon-size zip-close bags (boys). Bring one item from the teacher’s wish list. Grade One: pencils, two spiral notebooks (70 pages, wide ruled), one package loose-leaf paper (wide ruled), four glue sticks, scissors (not pointed), eraser, box of 24 crayons, school box (about 6 by 9 inches), two boxes of Kleenex, four three-prong folders (red, blue, orange and green), two packages of index cards (3 by 5 inches), dry-erase markers (six- to eightpack), one box of zip-close bags, one package Post-it notes (3 inches square). Grade Two: pencils, two glue sticks, scissors, eraser, box of 24 crayons, two boxes of Kleenex, three notebooks, small school box, one package Post-it notes (3 inches square), dry-erase markers (package of two or three), three folders, one box quart-size zip-tie bags Grade Three: pencils, erasers,
scissors, four glue sticks, box of 24 crayons, three notebooks (wide ruled), one box of Kleenex, dryerase markers (package of six or eight), one package large zip-close bags, small school box, five pocket folders (orange, green, red, blue and yellow), one blue three-prong folder, one package of white index cards (3 by 5 inches), one package loose-leaf paper (wide ruled). Grade Four: small school box, pencils, box of 24 crayons, scissors, glue, red pen, highlighter, four dry-erase markers, four pocket folders (green, red, blue and yellow), two spiral notebooks (70 pages), three boxes of Kleenex, three packages Post-it notes (3 inches square). Grade Five: two boxes of Kleenex, colored pencils, scissors, pencils, 2 packages loose-leaf paper, highlighter, three packages of Post-It notes (any size), three three-prong folders (assorted colors), one simple calculator, one pencil sharpener (not electric or battery-operated), index cards, three notebooks, one 1-inch binder, four dry-erase markers. Grade Six: Bring $10. The school will purchase supplies.
All students in grades one through six should bring crayons, scissors, glue and pencils for art class.
ers; don’t force them to speak on their own, but include them in your conversations with others so they feel safe. Avoid labeling your child as shy or as anything else with negative connotations. Reward your child for positive improvements, but avoid singling him or her out or teasing him. So-called shy children may fear ridicule, criticism, failure, or even bullying. If your
child is bullied, Malouf says, you will have the “most success with school bullies by being persistently assertive with the teacher and school. It is possible to train children to deal with bullies, but it is usually easier to press the school to end the bullying. I asked a teacher once to end the bullying of my daughter by a physically abusive boy, and the teacher ended the bullying immediately and
forever. Sometimes it is necessary to change schools. If the bullying starts again in the new school, then it is time for parents to train the child to act differently to prevent or end bullying (some children make themselves targets).” Children can learn behaviors to help them feel confident and interact more easily if you provide them with outgoing examples and patience.
Staff Jen Jazyk, principal; Kara Greenwood, Heather Souders, Heather Tretter, Jill Scherry, Abbie Balbach, Kate Kress, Dana Dilger, Kerri Winkler, Duffy Schulthise, Emily Weyer, Nicole Waninger and Lynn Keller, teachers; Cori Eckerle, art; Jerrilynn Klueh, music; Ryan Akers, band; Clay Robinson, physical education; Janet Stoermer, librarian; Ashley Tempel, speech; Debbie Fischer, school nurse; Amber Wetzel, counselor; Amanda Higdon, special needs teacher; Cinda Gogel, Pam Greene, Christine Knies, Nancy Brown, Joy Anderson, Holly Minto, Susan Marchand, Angie Doan, Marie Wessel and Kamie Gogel, teaching assistants; Jamie Watkins, secretary; Bob Lindauer, Martin Lara and Maria Lara, maintenance; Rita Meyer, Tammy Hall and Carol VanWinkle, cafeteria; and Marcia Burden, Stacy Brown, Rick Greene, Libbi Huffman and Nick Waninger, bus drivers.
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Don’t Wait – Call Now to Enroll For Fall Classes! Fall Classes Start August 12th Building Self Esteem Through Movement
VUJC Vincennes University Jasper Campus has provided educational opportunities to citizens in the surrounding area for 43 years. Since opening its doors in September 1970, VUJC has served thousands of students from Dubois, Daviess, Spencer, Pike, Crawford, Lawrence, Martin, Orange and Perry counties. The fall semester begins Monday, Aug. 19. More than 150 college credit classes are scheduled to meet on the Jasper campus. Additional classes are scheduled to meet in the evenings at Loogootee, Shoals and Washington. The full class schedule is available at VUJC continues to grow and last fall had an enrollment of approximately 900 students. Construction has been completed on the Center for Technology, Innovation and Manufacturing. Associate degree programs in manufacturing technologies are being developed and will be phased in over the next year. A variety of day and evening classes are offered each semester: Most are scheduled to meet once a week during the semester. This
enables a student to carry a full schedule of classes (12 to 17 hours) by attending only two or three days per week. The evening offerings permit those who are employed full time to carry a full schedule of classes if they so desire. More than 30 associate degree programs are offered, including degrees in business, nursing, social work and law enforcement. VUJC offers two types of associate degree programs: those designed specifically to transfer to fouryear institutions and those designed as occupational programs. Federal, state and local financial aid assistance is available to eligible students who are enrolled in an associate degree or certificate program. The tuition rate for the 2013-14 academic year is $159.78 per credit hour. The 300- and 400-level bachelor degree courses are $184.56 per credit hour. Most of the classes are three-credithour courses. VUJC offers a bachelor’s degree in nursing. The program is designed for registered nurses who want to return to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in
VUJC Calendar Aug. 19..................................................................... Classes begin Aug. 19-23 ................................................................. Drop and add Sept. 2...........................................................Labor Day, no classes Sept. 20....Last day to withdraw from first eight-week courses without permission of Student Services Oct. 7-11 ...................................................... Midterm examinations Oct. 21 ............................ Advising and registration for spring begins Oct. 25 ............. Last day to withdraw from semester classes without permission of Student Services Nov. 15 ............Last day to withdraw from second eight-week courses without permission of Student Services Nov. 25 ............................. Last day for faculty to withdraw a student for nonattendance Nov. 25-29 .........................................................Thanksgiving break Dec. 9-13 ........................................................... Final examinations
nursing. VUJC also offers the associate degree nursing major. A student completing the degree requirements will be eligible to take the state board exam and be licensed as a registered nurse. Practical nursing also is offered. Licensed practical nurses may complete the associate degree and become registered nurses through an accelerated option. The nursing programs have specific admission requirements and are limited
in enrollment. Applications for the fall 2013 nursing class will be accepted on or after Oct. 1. Students may take general education courses for the nursing program during the 2013-14 academic year. Service to the community is a vital part of the mission of VUJCs. The Continuing Education Department offers a variety of noncredit courses. Past course offerings have included Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, Au-
toCAD, lean manufacturing, Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety, computer of beginners, cake decorating, culinary arts, conversational Spanish, digital photography, management and supervision skills, and martial arts. The short-term certification program continue to be popular. The Continuing Education Department offers a phlebotomy technician training program and medical assisting in the fall and dental assistant training in the spring. Certified nursing assistant training is offered throughout the year. The department offers Kids College in the summer; that includes sports camps, computer camps, academic skills camps, robotics and cooking classes. Also hundreds of online training programs and classes are available for personal growth and enrichment and professional development. Registration continues through the summer until classes begin Aug. 19 For further information about course offerings and registration, call VUJC at at 482-3030 or 800-809-VUJC or visit www.vinu. edu./jasper.
Pack healthy food your children will eat By ERIC CHRISTENSEN In theory, packing a nutritious lunch for your children should be simple. In practice, it can be stressful for many parents. After all, parents have to balance nutritional recommendations against picky eaters, food allergies, school policies and shortened lunchtimes. Sadly, reality often falls short of our imagined ideal. But don’t use that as an excuse to give up. Instead, by making small changes, parents can pack more nutritious, and more affordable, lunches that their children will actually eat. Asha Dornfest, founder of the website Parent Hacks and co-author of “Minimalist Parenting,” says, “My first rule of thumb is to not put too much pressure on yourself to make it perfect.” Dornfest advises parents to aim high but realize that they can offer nutritious meals during the rest of the day to balance out any midday mistakes. A good place to start when aiming high is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate dietary guidelines, which you can find at Dr. Robert Post, associate executive
director of the USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, says MyPlate guidelines “are a simple, powerful visual cue to consumers to think about choosing healthier foods during meal times.” Post stresses that the icon is “suggestive of portion sizes, not prescriptive,” but he thinks the icon can easily be applied to school lunches. He also notes that contains many tips on healthy meal planning and cooking nutritious meals, including SuperTracker, which helps parents analyze and improve their family’s diet. Once you know what the ideal lunch should look like, Dornfest says parents should focus on “the really big nutritional categories: something with protein, a fruit or a vegetable, something crunchy, maybe an optional treat and milk or water to drink.” Use these groupings to standardize lunches. Dornfest says, “If I can come up with two or three lunches that my kids like, and I keep those items on my grocery list, I’m most of the way there. ... A lot of time, kids like to have the same thing over and over again for lunch.” Next, use small tricks to ensure that your children will eat
the food you pack for lunch. The best trick, Post and Dornfest agree, is to involve your children in the lunch packing process. “I think the sooner the better,” suggests Dornfest. “You’d be surprised what a preschooler can do. I’m not talking about making lunch from start to finish, but giving you ideas about lunch, getting the napkin and putting it in their lunchbox. It’s about including them in the process as reasonable.” Post adds, “Kids are more likely to enjoy the foods when it’s their choice,” so he advises taking your children grocery shopping and letting them pick some items for lunch. He also notes that these trips can be a great opportunity for teaching children about nutrition.
Additionally, parents often overlook a common reason children do not eat all of their packed lunch: an inability to open food containers. This is particularly the case with small children whose dexterity is still developing. If a child who is pressed for time at lunch can’t open a container, he or she is likely to get frustrated and not eat what’s in the container. Dornfest noted on her blog that she practices opening lunch containers with her child before using them. Finally, many parents want to also an affordable lunch. Many parents save money by purchasing reusable containers instead of single-use plastic bags. Dornfest notes that containers should be easy to clean in addition to
easy to open. She adds, “A lot of wasted money is in wasted food.” Don’t pack food just because it’s nutritious if it goes uneaten. Both Dornfest and Post suggest spending some time during the weekend preparing and portioning various snacks. Store them as appropriate, and then you can grab them and go during the week. Dornfest believes these tips should help reduce decision-making, and automatic lunch packing will be less stressful. Lastly, to make lunch packing even easier, Post says that later this year, the USDA will introduce a kidfocused MyPlate website that he hopes will be a “one-stop shop” for feeding your children nutritious, convenient and inexpensive lunches.
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