Memorial receives the 2018 Malcolm Baldrige award

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Local Hospital Receives



Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center recently received the 2018 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. This award is a presidential-level honor that recognizes exemplary U.S. organizations and businesses that demonstrate an unceasing drive for radical innovation, thoughtful leadership, and administrative improvement. The Award was founded in 1987 during the Reagan Administration and was named after the Secretary of Commerce, Malcolm Baldrige. Memorial Hospital is now one of 115 organizations throughout the United States to have been awarded this prestigious honor since 1987.

Sponsored by the Little Company of Mary Sisters - USA

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL USES BALDRIGE CRITERIA TO CREATE BETTER HEALTH CARE For the typical business, the goal is to produce a product or service and sell it. But what happens when your service involves the lives and health of people? That service takes on a whole new meaning. Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center, based in Jasper, Indiana, got its start when community members came together with an idea for a local hospital to serve the health care needs of Dubois County so patients didn’t need to travel an hour or longer for care. Soon after, a hospital fund was created, and the community rallied together the funds to make the dream a reality. It was decided the hospital would be dedicated to those men and women who have served our country in times of war, also becoming a living memorial. Predominately a German, Catholic community at the time, the founding members chose the Catholic organization The Sisters of the Little Company of Mary (now known as the Little Company of Mary Sisters – USA) to operate the hospital, and they, too, donated

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

2018 Award Recipient


Memorial Hospital in 1951. significant funds for the hospital. The Sisters were experienced in hospital operation and administration as they operated multiple hospitals in the United States and abroad. E. Kyle Bennett, current President and CEO of Memorial Hospital, stated, “Memorial Hospital was built with the communities’ needs at the forefront. It was built as a memorial to war veterans. And underlying it all was a foundation of faith. Through the years, we’ve done our best to stay true to those dreams. It’s part

of our mission and vision, and we take it seriously. It drives all that we do today.”

Christ’s healing mission of compassion empowers us to be for others through quality and excellence. - Mission Statement, Memorial Hospital

C ongratu lations,M em orialH ospital, For R eceiving th e2018 M alcom BaldrigeQ u ality Aw ard!





Ser ving Our Surrounding Communities For Nearly 70 Years, Now With 34 Clinics and Practices!

W eareprou d to h avebeen a part ofyou r continu ed grow th and excellence,and w eareth ankfu l th at th eSistersofth eLittleC om pany ofM ary - U SA continu eto gu ideou r grow th .

While attending a conference in 2011, two stated Bennett. "It’s taken some time to of Memorial Hospital’s administrative staff develop these processes and refine them, members learned about the Baldrige Cri- but they work. Our workforce, providers, teria and how using this criteria within the and volunteers are the driving force beBaldrige Excellence Framework can lead hind the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Their to excellence. Shortly thereafter, a deci- dedication to compassionate, quality care sion was made by hospital leaders to em- has made this possible.” bark on what became known to hospital employees, providers, and volunteers as The Baldrige Criteria and Excellence Framework are all a part of the Malcolm “The Journey to Excellence”. Baldrige National Quality Improvement The adoption of the Baldrige Excellence Act of 1987 that was signed into law by Framework, managed by the National In- President Ronald Reagan. It’s goal was stitute of Standards and Technology, has to help U.S. manufacturers compete in a allowed Memorial Hospital to align their global economy. The idea for the criteria, operating standards and leadership initia- and the associated quality award that rectives with the Baldrige Criteria to achieve ognizes and encourages sharing by the orpositive results for patients and the work- ganizations who exemplify them, was said force. “We are now more process driven," to have the support of then U.S. Secretary


We Salute Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center!! Congratulations on receiving the

of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige. Upon his untimely death, the legislation and the national quality award were named in his honor. Lori Persohn, Associate Vice President Patient Services at Memorial Hospital, stated, “We want Memorial Hospital to be the best place for our patients to receive care, the best place for our staff to work, the best place for our providers to practice, and we want to remain an independent, community hospital.” The following stories in this section highlight a few of the major changes that have come about due to Memorial Hospital’s Journey to Excellence and how this journey is impacting the community.

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FILLS NEED FOR TR AUMA CARE BY BECOMING A LEVEL III TR AUMA CENTER COMMUNITY NEED: In 2006, Indiana enacted Public Law 155, which gave the Indiana State Department of Health the authority to create a state-wide trauma system. In response to the law, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Commission re-adopted the Triage and Transport Rule, which requires that injured trauma patients be transported to the nearest trauma facility. This ensured that a trauma patient received the appropriate level of care for their injuries, however, the lack of designated trauma centers in Southern Indiana meant longer travel times for patients who often needed immediate care. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL'S RESPONSE: Memorial Hospital leadership and staff knew that Memorial Hospital was capable of providing quality emergency care for they had been doing so before the new law was put

into place. Utilizing processes developed through the Baldrige Excellence Framework, a trauma team and trauma committee were assembled within the hospital to apply to become a Level III Trauma Center. Level III Trauma Centers can provide prompt assessment, resuscitation, emergency operations, and patient stabilization, and also arrange for transfer to a facility that can provide definitive trauma care when needed. On August 5, 2016, Memorial Hospital was notified that the Indiana EMS Commission had approved Memorial Hospital's application to be considered a Level III “in the process” Trauma Center. With this approval, emergency medical providers could transport seriously injured patients to Memorial Hospital for immediate care. For those patients needing care beyond the scope of resources that Memorial Hospital could provide, Memorial Hospital staff would stabilize and safely transfer them to a higher level of care. On June 28, 2018, Memorial Hospital was notified that they had successfully been verified as a Level III Trauma Center, making this the state’s 22nd Trauma Center. This verification is valid for a period of three years.




(In process of ACS verification)

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL USES TELEMEDICINE TO BRING STROKE CARE TO DUBOIS COUNTY COMMUNITY NEED: Approximately 84% of all stroke patients from Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department were being transferred to other facilities for stroke care due to a need for more inpatient specialty health care providers in the local area. Having to travel over an hour away often created a hardship for many families and delayed care for stroke patients until they could be transferred to a facility with the providers to care for them. For stroke patients, the sooner they can get help, the better the chances their brain will recover.

TO 100%






MEMORIAL HOSPITAL’S RESPONSE: It was decided to begin using telemedicine services as a way for physicians and nurse practitioners at University of Louisville to ‘see’ stroke patients at Memorial Hospital. Telemedicine uses technology (a robot staff named ACE) to see, talk to, and treat patients remotely. The Baldrige Excellence Framework helped to get the teams and processes in place to build the entire Telemedicine Services program at Memorial Hospital.

The Telemedicine program officially began on October 3, 2016, and as of February 2019, the University of PATIENT TR ANSFERS Louisville providers have used the robot to treat OTHER FACILITIES FOR STROKE CARE over 1,200 patients. Memorial Hospital has also been recognized by the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association as a 2018 Get with the Guidelines Stroke Honor Roll Elite, Silver Plus, which demonstrates Memorial Hospital’s commitment to excellence and commitment to the partnership to provide care for 84% 18% 14% stroke patients. 2016




ACE, Memorial Hospital’s Stroke Robot.

FAMILY MEDICINE TR AINING PROGR AM FOR DOCTORS MEETS NEED FOR THE COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NEED: Well over four years ago, Memorial Hospital and several other hospitals within Southwestern Indiana collectively discussed the shortage of physicians, particularly those who provide primary care within the local region. As medical schools within Indiana began expanding to produce more physicians, it was evident that this region needed post-graduate training programs to train physicians and recruit them to practice in Southwestern Indiana. National statistics for family medicine residency programs suggest that on average about 70% of residents will practice medicine within 100 miles from where their residency program is located.

tices, thus providing a long-term solution to the shortage of primary care physicians for the communities it serves. The residency program excitedly announced its first five residents in March, and they will begin seeing patients in July.

Memorial Hospital’s program. By year three, Memorial Hospital will have up to 15 residents in training. The hospital is very hopeful that upon graduation from the program, some of the physicians may decide to remain in the community and establish primary care prac-

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL’S RESPONSE: In order to provide a solution to ongoing primary care needs, Memorial Hospital searched for a means to build a family practice residency program. The hospital announced an exciting partnership with Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM). As the residency program’s sponsoring institution, IUSM lends academic support to the faculty and residents of the program. IUSM is well-respected and well-known throughout the country. The residency program is a three-year training program that is required of all physicians before they can practice medicine on their own. During each of the three years of training, up to five residents will be accepted into

Named after the Little Company of Mary Sisters - USA, this building is home to the Indiana University School of Medicine Family Medicine Residency at Memorial Hospital - Jasper.

The program resides in a new, 16,800 squarefoot building located at the corner of 13th and Bartley streets in Jasper. Dr. Rex Stroud, Family Medicine Residency Program Director, will lead the program with assistance from Program Coordinator, Tara Schipp, a group of family medicine faculty physicians and specialists from Memorial Hospital, and other hospital partners within Southwestern Indiana.

C ongrat u lat ions M em orial H ospital and H ealt h C are C ent er I would like to take this opportunity to personally congratulate Memorial Hospital on its selection as a 2018 winner of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center on this outstanding AD SPACE achievement and recognition.

We appreciate you! Finding the best Medicare Supplement For You Since 1990

As a long standing member of the hospital’s board of directors, I have the opportunity to witness firsthand the effort that goes into providing quality healthcare and health services in our local communities and to the larger region it serves. Memorial plays a vital role not only in healthcare, but in employment, economic development, and good corporate citizenship. We who live and work here sometimes take the word “quality” for granted because it’s so ingrained in what we believe and do. Being recognized for the highest level of quality reminds us that much goes into it - hard work, dedication, compassionate, caring, and respect for all. “Kudos” to all stakeholders in this fine institution: The Little Company of Mary, medical staff, service team, and administration. While this award is a reflection of what you do, the real winners are the patients and communities you serve. “Being for Others” - the mission of the hospital - transcends time and generations. It’s always a work in progress. We are all blessed for having Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center “be for all of us.” Sincerely,

506 M a in Street, Ja sper, IN 812.6 34.2911 or1.888.553.5771

Ken Sendelweck Board Member, MHHCC

ASSISTANCE NOW AVAILABLE FOR MEDICATIONS COMMUNITY NEED: Prescription medications are an important part of each individual’s health care. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 20 to 30 percent of new prescriptions remain unfilled at pharmacies. For many, cost is the primary factor for not filling needed prescriptions.

not have medications on site.) The center will check the individual’s list of medications and link them to programs that may provide medications at no or reduced cost. Determining if certain medications are approved is at the discretion of the individual programs. All individuals will need to provide proof of income to apply. The application process takes about 4 to 6 weeks for processing. If MEMORIAL HOSPITAL’S RESPONSE: Me- approved, enrollment is usually good for one morial Hospital recognized the need for fi- year. If help is needed after the approved nancial assistance to help ensure members time period, or if a situation changes, they of the community took medications as pre- may reapply. To qualify for medication assisscribed to get well and stay well. Using the Baldrige MEDICATION RESOURCE CENTER Excellence Framework and TOTAL PATIENT SAVINGS Baldrige Criteria, teams were formed to work on a $80,000 solution. The conclusion was to create a medication resource center. With fund$60,000 ing support provided by the Little Company of Mary Sisters - USA and the Memorial Hospital Foundation, $40,000 the Mary Potter Medication Resource Center became a reality. The center works $20,000 through a variety of public and private services that can help individuals get $0 medications when help is JAN-19 FEB-19 DEC-18 needed. (The center does

M em orialH ospital and H ealth C areC enter fo r being h o no red w ith th e AD SPACE 2018 M alcolm Baldrige Aw ard! T he highest recognition for perform ance excellence in the nation.

901 Newton Street, Jasper, IN • 812-482-5072

tance programs, patients must meet certain requirements that vary from program to program. Patients who have prescription coverage, such as Medicare Part D, or patients with high deductibles may qualify for help through some programs. General criteria that most programs require include: • No prescription insurance coverage • Low income (using government guidelines) • Inability to pay for medications • Under-insured Anyone needing financial help for medicines should contact their medical provider for a referral to the Mary Potter Medication Resource Center.

On e N a tion a l Qua lity A w a rd Re fle c tin g 68 Ye a rs ofCon tin ue d Qua lity S e rvic e to ourCom m un ity!


M em orialHospitaland Health Care Center on w inning the M alcom Baldridge N ationalQuality Aw ard 2018 Aw ard Recipient!

Co m plete D es ign-B u ild Servic es

A Trusted Builder in the Community since 1962!

From the foundation to the finishing touches.

■ Com m ercia l ■ In stitution a l ■ In d ustria l ■ Resid en tia l 2296 M illStreet • Jasper,IN 812-482-5869 w w w

What an honor!!

C ongratulationsto M em orialH ospitaland H ealth C are C enter forbeing a recipientofthe highest recognition forperform ance excellence in the nation!

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