2019 Best Of Dubois County

Page 1

More than 250,000 votes cast! • Best in food!

• Best in services!

• Best in shopping!

• Best in health!

• Best in autos!

And much more!

We Salute The Best of Dubois County

Congratulations to the Best!

T h eJasper C h am ber ofC om m erceC ongratu lates AllW h o W ereV oted As T h eBest ofDu boisC ou nty! For more information on how to become a member of the Jasper Chamber go to www.jasperin.org or contact us at chamber@jasperin.org or Call 812-482-6866

302 West 6th Street, Jasper, IN 47546 812-482-6866

2019 The Best of Dubois County

From the Publisher Thank you, thank you, thank you. When we began planning The Herald’s first-ever readers’ choice awards, we knew it had the potential to be big. After all, Dubois County is home to countless wonderful businesses that pride themselves on being the best they can be. Add to the mix the people that live here and their passion for their hometown favorites and we knew we had a recipe for success. We just never imagined how successful the contest would ultimately be. The Best Of Dubois County contest aimed to honor the best the county has to offer in 98 categories that ranged from food to shopping to health to automotive and everything in between. First, we asked you to nominate your favorites in each category. You responded in huge numbers. When the nomination period ended, nearly 67,000 nominations had been placed. Next, we moved the five businesses with the most nominations in each category onto the voting phase of the contest. Again, you responded in droves. When it was all said and done, more than 250,000 votes were cast to determine the Best in each category! And that is what we are proudly presenting in this magazine — our first here at The Herald. The categories are color coded to make exploring the magazine even easier. You’ll find an index below. Let me offer a final “thank you” to everyone who took the time to participate in our first-ever readers’ choice contest. We look forward to making it an annual tradition. And congratulations to all the businesses that work hard every day to help make Dubois County a great place to live, work and play. Sincerely, Justin Rumbach Publisher

index Automotive .......................................................... 06 Food & Drink ......................................................... 10 Health & Beauty ................................................ 14 Kids & Pets ............................................................ 25 Local People ....................................................... 30 Professional services ................................... 35 Shopping ................................................................ 51

Magazine Staff Publisher Justin Rumbach Managing Editor Lynn Adams Advertising Brenda Adams Mary Rousculp John Haddad Stuart Campbell Graphics Julie Hanebutt Rhonda Helming The Herald 216 E. Fourth Street Jasper, IN 47546 812.482.2424 BestOf@dcherald.com




the herald

automotive Best Auto body shop

Best oil change

WINNER: Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet 2nd: Bob Luegers Motors 3rd: Uebelhor Toyota

WINNER: Dubois County Tire & Supply 2nd: Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet 3rd: Citgo Quick Lube (Jasper)

Best auto mechanic shop

Best place to buy new car

WINNER: Berg’s Garage 2nd: Dubois County Tire & Supply 3rd: Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet

WINNER: Uebelhor Toyota 2nd: Uebelhor &Sons Chevrolet 3rd: Bob Luegers Motors

Best auto parts store

Best place to buy tires

WINNER: AutoZone Auto Parts 2nd: Denny’s Auto Parts 3rd: NAPA Auto Parts - Kitten Automotive

WINNER: Dubois County Tire & Supply 2nd: Leinenbach Tire Center 3rd: Big O Tires

Best car wash

Best place to buy used car

WINNER: Boehman’s Auto Detailing 2nd: Dirtbuster Car Wash 3rd: B&M Auto Detailing



WINNER: Bob Luegers Motors 2nd: Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet 3rd: Uebelhor Toyota

the herald

Thank You

B e s tP la c e to B uy a Us e d C a r!

for choosing us

Am ong the B e s tto B uy a N e w C a r! Bob Luegers Buick GM C w ants to thank everyone w ho nom inated and voted forus.W e are fortunate to be located in this am azing com m unity w ho appreciates a locally-ow ned fam ily business. AtBob Luegers Buick GM C,w e are com m itted to providing the highestquality service in a professionaland courteous m anner. Stop by today to see us forallyourautom otive needs!

1050 W ern sin g Ro a d ,Ja sper,IN 47546 To ll F ree: (8 00)68 6-1444 P ho n e: 8 12- 48 2- 5141 w w w.bo blu egers.co m

W e appreciate being voted am ong the BestTire Stores of Dubois County. Thank you to everyone w ho voted us!

#1 Place to Buy Tires #1 Best O ilC hange and #2 A uto M echanic Shop W e appreciate your vote and your confidence!

2 12 4 N ew to n Street, Ja s per•8 12 -4 8 2 -2 0 2 0 w w w .d ub ois c oun tytire .c om

B OE H M A N ’S A U TO D E TA IL IN G . L L C W ash-W ax-Clean U ps Thank you to all of our c us tom ers for v oting for us ! — M ary B oehm an


5055 W State Road 56,Ireland,IN 812-482-7900

Tires for Cars, Trucks, Tractors and More

• W e e kly Ca r W a s h • Com ple te De ta il • Ca ll For A ppoin tm e n ts

1788 N. Shiloh Rd., Jasper 812-634-2268 Maryy Boehman, Owner Mar

For V otin g Us The Be s t A uto M e c ha n ic S hop In Dub ois Coun ty G e n e ra l A utom otive Re pa ir Collis ion Ce n te r 24 H our W re c ke r S e rvic e A A A Con tra c tor W e S e ll Q ua lity U s e d Ca rs & Truc ks

3rd G e n e ra tion Bus in e s s S in c e 1948

B erg's G a ra ge

4760 E . S t. R d. 64 S t. A ntho ny,IN


Team Uebelhor THANK EVERYONE who voted us ... would like to # #

1 Place to Buy a New Car

1 Body Shop

U ebelhor Toy ota

U ebelhor C ollision C enter


uebelhortoy ota.com

8 12 -4 8 2 -2 2 2 2

Ja s per, IN

8 0 0 -9 3 7-8 72 1


W ith M a rketing P a cka ges S ta rting a t $ Per


Month R ea ching 278,000 P otentia l C us tom ers

Call 812-482-2424 or email ads@dcherald.com today!

Food & Drink

Best All-Around Restaurant WINNER: The Mill House Restaurant 2nd: Brew 3rd: Arnie’s Tavern

Best area wine

Best ice cream

WINNER: Headquarters 2nd: Snaps 3rd: Arnie’s Tavern

WINNER: Libby’s Gourmet Ice Cream 2nd: Birdseye Dairy Barn 3rd: Dairy Queen (Jasper)

Best breakfast

Best margaritas

WINNER: French Lick Winery 2nd: Patoka Lake Winery 3rd: Monkey Hollow Winery

WINNER: Azura Grill & Café 2nd: Deb’s Truck Stop 3rd: Brew

Best bakery

Best brewery

WINNER: Mad Batter 2nd: Midwest Café & Market 3rd: Azura Grill & Café

WINNER: St. Benedict’s Brew Works 2nd: Schnitz Brewery & Pub 3rd: Basket Case Brewing Company

Best bar for coldest beer

Best caterer

WINNER: Los Bravos 2nd: Mi Jalisco 3rd: El Maguey Grill

Best mexican food WINNER: Los Bravos 2nd: Mi Jalisco 3rd: Agaves Mexican Grill

Best pizza

WINNER: Snaps 2nd: Arnie’s Tavern 3rd: Headquarters

WINNER: Sander Catering 2nd: Catering by Meyer 3rd: The Mill House Restaurant

WINNER: The Gaslight Pizza & Grill 2nd: Monte’s Pizza 3rd: Kelley’s Restauramt & Bar

Best bar for craft beer

Best cheeseburger

Best plate lunches

WINNER: St. Benedict’s Brew Works 2nd: Schnitz Brewery & Pub 3rd: Snaps

WINNER: Brew 2nd: Arnie’s Tavern 3rd: The Mill House Restaurant

WINNER: Arnie’s Tavern 2nd: Brew 3rd: Schnitzelbank Restaurant

Best bar for live music

Best fried chicken

Best reception venue

WINNER: The Gaslight Pizza & Grill 2nd: Snaps 3rd: Woopenheimer’s Bar and Grill

WINNER: Chicken Place 2nd: Schnitzelbank Restaurant 3rd: Arnie’s Tavern

WINNER: Venue 1408 2nd: Huntingburg Event Center 3rd: Ferdinand Community Center

Best bar for sports

Best healthy menu

Best steaks

WINNER: Buffalo Wings & Rings 2nd: The Gaslight Pizza & Grill 3rd: Mac-A-Doo’s & Out of Bounds n

Best bartenders


WINNER: Midwest Café & Market 2nd: Grounded Organic & Natural Foods 3rd: Azura Grill & Café

WINNER: Mama T’s Italian Steakhouse 2nd: Butchie’s 3rd: Snaps

the herald

Thank You, Dubois County! For voting

Craft Beer…At Its Best! Thanks to all who Voted for us… St. Benedict's Brew Works

1340 M illStreet,Jasper •812-482-4345

•Best All-Around Restaurant •Among the Best Cheeseburgers •Among the Best Caterers

Thanks also for voting . . .

1408 N.M ain,Huntingburg • 812-827-3121

Best Reception Venue

#1 in both Best Brewery & Best Bar for Craft Beer

Beer Wine Root Beer Food Growler/Pint Glass/Specialty Glass Candles T-Shirts • Hoodies Events

Kelley ’ s RESTAURAN T & BAR 6762 E.Hw y.164,Celestine,IN

Pray Work Brew 860 E. 10th Street Ferdinand, IN 812-998-2337 Thu

rs & F

ri 5-10pm •

Thanks for Votin Among th g Us BEST P e in Dubois IZZA County!

Hom em ade Pizza,Strom bolis, Steak,Seafood,Chicken & Hom em ade Dressing

FullM enu Daily – Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Open M onday-Saturday at 8 am ,Sunday at N oon

8 1 2 -6 3 4 -1 3 2 3



Sat 10am-10pm • Sun No

e !! r o m 's A Tha t ie !

G ra z

For V otin g U s The B e s t S te a k!! The y s a y you c a n 't ple a s e e ve ryon e , b ut our ha n d -c ut s te a k ha s a w a y of ke e pin g your ta s te b ud s , s tom a c h a n d w a lle t ha ppy!! — M a m a T's

for Voting Us Best Plate Lunches in Dubois County! And we're proud to be Among the Best in several other categories! FAMILY DINING • FRIENDLY BAR 4469 S Ohio Street St. Anthony, IN


812-684-0126 320 E 4th St., H untingburg, IN

Thank You!

We greatly appreciate being voted

1 Pizza 1 Venue for Live Music # 2 Sports Bar # #

328 4th Street, Huntingburg 812-683-3669

w w w .gaslightpizza.co m

Thank you for voting us #1 for the Best Fried Chicken in Dubois County!

ks g n a st Th votin e be ty! h for ng t oun mo ois C a us Dub in

Since 1989!

Daily Breakfast & Lunch Specials The history of the Chicken Place is in the food! Made from recipes handed down from generation to generation, it is sure to satisfy.

Friday Seafood Buffet

4:30-8:00 pm

Saturday Buffet

4:30-8:00 pm

Sunday Breakfast Buffet 6:30-10:45 am Pork Chops, Bacon, Sausage, Potatoes, Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes and Biscuits


M-Th 5 am-1:30 pm Fri. 5 am-8 pm Sat. 6 am-8 pm Sun. 6:30 am-10:45 am

502 State Road 64 Birdseye, IN 47513

Check Out Our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Specials

TRUCK STOP Ire la n d , IN H w y 56, 4 m ile s w e s t ofJa s pe r



Health & Beauty Best barber shop

WINNER: Greg’s Barber Shop 2nd: La Frontera Hair Cutz 3rd: Cutz Hair Designs

Best chiropractor

WINNER: Harmon Family Chiropractic 2nd: Brosmer Chiropractic 3rd: All In One Chiropractic

Best dentist

WINNER: Seng Pediatric Dentistry 2nd: Wagner Family Dental 3rd: Schwenk Family Dentistry

Best family doctor

WINNER: Scott Beckman, MD 2nd: Dean Beckman, MD 3rd: Jessica Zehr, NP

Best optometrist

WINNER: Clay Street EyeCare 2nd: Professional Eyecare Associates 3rd: Gunderson Eyecare

Best gym

WINNER: Tri-County YMCA 2nd: B&B Fitness 3rd: Health Pointe

Best podiatrist

WINNER: Timothy Barry 2nd: Michael Nunamaker 3rd: Andrew Rader

Best hair salon

WINNER: Cutz Hair Designs 2nd: iCandy Salon 3rd: Jagged Edge

Best senior living facility WINNER: St. Charles Health Campus 2nd: Brookside Village 3rd: Good Samaritan - Northwood

Best hearing center

Best surgeon

WINNER: Bartley’s Hearing Aid Center 2nd: The Hearing Doctor 3rd: Miracle Ear

Best massage therapist

Best pediatrician

WINNER: Revive Body Works 2nd: Alice Schitter (Jasper Therapeutic Massage) 3rd: Aubree Arvin (Elite Massage Therapy)

WINNER: Douglas Bies, MD 2nd: Michael Ruff, MD 3rd: Dean Beckman, MD

Best nail salon

Best pharmacy

WINNER: Illusions Nail-Hair-Massage 2nd: Le Nails 3rd: L.A. Nails and Spa



WINNER: CVS (Jasper) 2nd: Sheldon’s Express (Jasper) 3rd: Sheldon’s Express (Huntingburg)

WINNER: Brian Woebkenberg, MD 2nd: Daniel Eby, DO 3rd: Donald Vennekotter, MD

Best tanning salon

WINNER: Sun Tan City 2nd: Cabana Tan 3rd: Island Tropix Plus Tanning

Best yoga studio

WINNER: Fire Horse Yoga Studio 2nd: Yes Power Yoga 3rd: Health Pointe

the herald

BEST hearing center At Bartley’s Hearing Aid Center, our caring hearing professionals are dedicated to providing reliable solutions to each of our patients’ hearing problems. We help find the right hearing solutions to match individual needs. You can count on our experienced staff to help you choose the right hearing aid. In addition to hearing aids, you can come to our clinic for thorough hearing evaluations and checkups. You can rest assured knowing that we are here for you no matter what type of help you need with your hearing. We promise Debbie, Lindsay, and Elaine will take the time to answer all of your questions and concerns. Our family-owned business has been serving the community for over 25 years. Debbie Hagemeyer is the owner and the hearing aid specialist at Bartley’s Hearing Aid Center. She has experience in the hearing industry and loves helping her patients improve their hearing health. Debbie purchased the business from her Father, Gerald Bartley, in 2006. We are available from Monday to Thursday for your convenience. Schedule you appointment for a FREE hearing test.

Bartley’s Hearing Aid center 812-482-6101 • 332 3rd Avenue, Jasper

It’s time to take control of your hearing. When someone in the family has a hearing loss, the entire family has a hearing problem. -Mark Ross, Ph.D.

We're proud to be the BEST HEARING CENTER in Dubois County!

W e can help CALL TODAY for an appointm ent 812-482-6101

BARTLEY’S HEARING AID CENTER a c ro ss fro m the S c hnitzelba nk


In Business fo r o ver2 0 Yea rs!

332 3rd Avenue, Jasper, IN 47546 Mon.-Thurs. 9-4 Other Times by appointment




For V otin g U s The Be s t P ha rm a c y In Dub ois Coun ty

for Voting Us The Best Nail Salon in Dubois County! W e Are Dubois County's FirstDay Spa S

•Fu ll Servic e Sa lo n •W ed d ing & B rid a l •G iftCertific a tes Ava ila b le

in ce 19 9 6

211 E 6th Street,Ja sper,IN

812-4 82-3 171 Ja s pe r • 812-482-3300 illu sio n sstu d io .w ix.co m /illu sio n s

Looking Great Has Its Rewards! H AIR STY LISTS

Thanks to all who voted for ...

1 Best HAIR SALON and # 3 Best BARBER SHOP in Dubois County! #

Lisa Winchell - Owner Julie Gress Lindsey Allen Sandi Rae Koehler Michelle Schilling April Mullis Whitney Eller Darlene O’Connor Alice Garland Katrina Hopf

Jamie Betz Pam Golden Andrea Schnaus Laura Hasenour Jerica Harmon Stacy Harper Lana Hoffman Lauren Buchta

MASSAG E TH ER API S T S Paula Marshall

Courtney Thewes


Karen Neu

Thanks for voting us one of the best Dentists in Dubois County

"A sincere Thank You for the recognition! We do our very best for our patients, each and every day."


675 3rd Ave., Jasper (Next to Medical of Dubois)


1444 E xecutive B lvd. Ja sper,IN


BEST podiatrist Dr. Timothy P. Barry is a doctor of podiatric medicine and the head podiatrist and owner of Family Foot & Ankle Care of Jasper. Dr. Barry received his doctorate of podiatric medicine from Des Moines University in 2004 and completed his surgical residency at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Evansville, Indiana in 2007. Dr. Barry is certified in foot surgery by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. He is a fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons and has been in practice since 2007. Dr. Barry treats many conditions and all ages. Some of the conditions he treats are: children’s foot conditions, heal & arch pain, bunions, hammertoes, warts, ingrown toenails, diabetic footcare and sports medicine. Dr. Barry has a conservative approach to treatment, with surgery as a last option. He is dedicated to treating patients with kindness, empathy and respect. He has two certified podiatric medical assistants on staff along with an LPN and RN. He also has additional support staff to help patients during their visit. Family Foot & Ankle Care also has an on-site shoe store with a variety of stylish and comfortable shoes, work boots as well as steel-toed boots and both athletic shoes and diabetic shoes.

Dr. Timothy P. Barry family foot & Ankle care of Jasper 812-481-7200 • 695 W. 2nd St., suite c

Dr. Timothy Barry - Your Friendly Foot Fixer…

Wants to Thank Everyone who took the time and voted him the #1 Podiatrist in Dubois County!

Dr. Barry and his friendly staff are here for you. Affordable orthotics available for ages 0-109. Our shoe store, Style & Comfort, carries brands of shoes and work boots that are most recommended by podiatrists.


Call 812-481-7200 to schedule your foot evaluation today. Dr. Barry's office and Style & Comfort are conveniently located at 695 W 2nd St., Suite C, Jasper, IN



for votin g u s th e B E ST D E N T IST of D u bois C ou n ty!

O u r w on derfu l patien ts give u s so m u ch to SM ILE abou t! Nathan C. Seng, DDS Board Certified Pediatric Dentist 2005 St. Charles Street, Suite 1 Jasper, IN 47546


www.sengpediatricdentistry.com Infants



Individuals with Special Needs

Thanks! For Voting us am ong the

B est H air Salons In Dubois C ounty!

A my G oe b e l

O w ner/S tylist

K im G oge l

S tylist

L a ure n S c hw oe ppe S tylist

812-556-0385 ON THE S QUA RE,JAS PER,IN



Drs. Sheila and Toby Harmon opened Harmon Family Chiropractic in September of 1998 in Jasper, Indiana. They continue to pursue their vision of a unique chiropractic wellness center that provides personalized service to all their patients from the doctors and staff. After receiving B.A. degrees in Biology, the doctors attended Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, TX. The doctors continue their education by attending numerous chiropractic seminars to keep current with the latest technology and natural products. Drs. Harmon are members of the American Chiropractic Association and the Indiana State Chiropractic Association. Dr. Toby Harmon currently serves as First Vice President of the Indiana State Chiropractic Association. The clinic offers a wide range of chiropractic services including: chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy services, spinal decompression, nutritional products, functional orthotics, and orthopedic pillows and supports. Massage therapy services are available with licensed massage therapists Lisa Rasche and Stephanie Kellems. Each patient’s comprehensive health history, examination, and evaluation assist the doctors to thoroughly evaluate and understand your case. The doctors review past medical history and testing, conduct orthopedic tests, perform surface EMG and thermographic analysis, complete a physical and postural spinal evaluation, and if needed take digital x-rays in the office.

harmon family chiropractic The objective of the doctors and staff is to inform each patient about their unique health condition and their spinal health. Patients are educated in ways to improve their health and body through diet, exercise, and spinal care. As a result, patients become an active participant in their healthcare and wellness with chiropractic care.

We Create Healthy Families

Thank you for voting us #1 Chiropractors in Dubois County! * Chiropractic Care for all ages * Spinal Decompression * Physiotherapy treatments * Licensed Massage Therapy * Aqua Massage Hydrotherapy * Infrared Sauna Therapy * Infinity 3D Massage Chairs * Professional Nutritional Supplements * Custom Foot Orthotics

w w w .har m onfam ilyc hiroprac tic .c om duboiscountyherald.com



k For Voting n a !Us Among The h T o u Best Barber Shops Y

for voting us one of the Best Chiropractors in Dubois County!

In Dubois County

• Haircuts • Fades • Designs

• Women's Services • Color & Highlights • Hair Extensions

La Frontera Haircuts

405 Newton St. Jasper, IN


Services we provide: •Chiropractic Adjustments •Acupuncture •Active Release Technique •Frequency Specific Microcurrent •Nutritional Supplements

•Detox Foot Bath •Medicupping •Cold Laser •Various other Therapies

A ll In O ne

Chiropractic & Acupuncture

501 E. 6th St., Huntingburg Call 812-683-CARE

Dr. Pam Buss Dr. Jill Matthews

T h an k Yo u !

F o r V o tin g iC an d y Salo n .Sp a o n e o f th e B est Salo n s in D u b o is C o u n ty!

W e o ffer: H air • N ails • M assage • W axin g L aser H air R em o val • F acials Sp ray T an n in g • P erm an en t M ak eu p 2 1 1 0 N ew to n St. Jasp er, IN 8 1 2 -4 8 1 -9 9 9 9 w w w .ican d ysalo n sp a.co m

Thank you for Voting Us 1 of the Best Dentists in Dubois County! We LOVE our Community!! Dr. Wagner, a life long resident of Dubois County, understands that you want a Dentist you can trust. He is compassionate, gentle, understanding and is committed to providing the superior care that you expect.

Brian M. Wagner, DDS

4115 N. Mannheim Rd, Jasper, IN 812-482-4347 WagnerSmile.com

We provide a full range of dental services for the entire family in a comfortable, state-of-the-art environment. We offer convenient hours including evening appointments and interest free financing is available.

Th an kYou for Votin g U s B est O ptom etrist in D ubois Coun ty!

r loyalour u o k n a e to thfor showing yby k i l d l We wosuand friends et EyeCare ounty! e C patient in Clay Strst of Dubois trust g us the Be mazing le a r u o votin you tos only possib cation. k n a h t i di A hugoer which this work and de staff fgh your hard ue providing vice. ontin cellent ser throu c o t e s mi ex We proeyecare and h le r c e u B a s G . tte quality m o h D r.T a n cy E.O D r.N 501Clay Street,Jasper,IN


Jasper and Huntingburg

want to thank our many friends and customers who voted for us during the first-ever Best of Dubois County! Serving you is our mission and “Hometown touch as soon as you need it� is our slogan. We are dedicated to serving you! 750 2nd Street,Jasper * 81 2-634-7379 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm Located N ext to H om etow n IG A

w w w .sheldo nsexpresspharm acy.co m

1 81 0 N M ain Street,H untingburg * 81 2-683-9600 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm Located N ext to Ace H ardw are

kids & Pets

Best childcare center

Best pet groomer

Best gymnastics studio

Best pet boarding

WINNER: Kid City USA 2nd: Hummingbird Day Care 3rd: A Kid’s Place

WINNER: Hodgini Gymnastics & Dance 2nd: Flip & Twist Gymnastics 3rd: Full Out Tumble and Cheer

WINNER: Downtown Dog 2nd: Ruby’s Place 3rd: Donna Begle

WINNER: Downtown Dog 2nd: Happy Paws Pals 3rd: Donna Begle

Best pet supply store WINNER: Rural King 2nd: Petsense 3rd: Seven Seas Pet Store

Best veterinarian

WINNER: Animal Medical Center of Dubois County 2nd: Jasper Pet Clinic 3rd: Dubois County Animal Hospital

Best preschool

WINNER: Holy Trinity (Central Campus) 2nd: Shiloh Promiseland Preschool 3rd: Color My World Preschool




BEST groomer & Boarding Downtown Dog is an enrichment center for dogs that is centrally located along the Riverwalk in downtown Jasper. Downtown Dog was established and open for business in May of 2016. We offer a variety of services to meet the community’s needs. Our services include: Boarding, Daycare, Grooming, Dog Walking, Home Visits, and Pet Transportation. Our 8,000+ square foot facility houses 22 kennels for boarding and contains 3 indoor and 2 outdoor play areas for different groups of dogs to socialize and exercise. Our play areas contain ramps, tunnels, slides, ball pits and more to make sure the dogs have lots to do when playing with their friends. While dogs are in our care, they are not kenneled during the day. We let everyone have playtime all day so that whenever they return to their rooms for the night, they all go straight to sleep! When Downtown Dog first began, the owners, Heath and Hannah Vollmer, were the only caretakers for the dogs. Now, we have grown so much that we have 9 employees to ensure we are giving the best, individualized care to each and ev-

downtown dog ery dog! We are able to accommodate just about any dog! We will care for dogs on medications, dogs who aren’t social with other dogs, and dogs who need a little more time to warm up to new hu-

Thank You

mans. We keep an open mind and are patient with the furry guests that stay with us. We love what we do and are so thankful to our community for trusting us with their beloved family members. We hope to meet your best friend soon!

For Voting Us B E ST P E T B O A RD IN G and B E ST P E T G RO O M E R in D ubois County! ONE FREE DAY of DAYCARE Must comply with Day Care requirements. Expires December 31, 2019. One coupon per household. COUPON

611 E 6th Street, Jasper, IN 47546 • Boarding • Grooming • Daycare • Dog Walking • Home Visits • Pet Transporation





the herald

Dubois County and all of our families for voting us the

Best Childcare Center!

W atch for our expansion in 2 0 1 9 to accom m odate the grow ing need for childcare in Dubois County.

Many Thanks to the parents and Dubois County for Voting us one of the Best!

Promiseland Preschool/Pre-K uses Creative Curriculum along with a supplemental faith based curriculum which is aligned with Indiana Foundations. Our classrooms are arranged into learning centers encouraging different types of play and active exploration of the environment.

Thanks for choosing us

One of the Best in Dubois County! • R ep tiles • B irds • Aquatics • S m all An im als es • S n ak ard e d • B e g on s D ra te d • Crecsk o s Ge ard p o e L • s G e ck o Full Line of Zoo Med & R-Zilla Products

248 E. 3rd St.,Jasper 19 71 W . St. R d . 5 6 •Ja s per, IN 4 75 4 6 8 12 -6 3 4 -9 5 4 2


BEST veterinarian Serving the community since 1996, the Animal Medical Center of Dubois County has recently expanded and remodeled to provide additional space for a third doctor and increased patient services. Three experienced registered veterinary technicians and additional skilled staff members assist Dr. Charles Johnson, Dr. Lori Mehringer, and Dr. Molly Johnson with patient visits, surgeries, and treatments. With our expansion, an updated surgical suite with gas anesthesia and electronic patient monitoring, an intensive care unit with oxygen cage, and additional exam rooms have allowed us to improve our handling of everything from routine exams and vaccinations to respiratory and surgical emergencies. In house CBC, blood chemistry, urinalysis, and radiology capabilities allow for more rapid and complete diagnoses without having to leave town. Surgical and therapeutic laser units add to the treatment options that we offer. In addition, superb relationships with specialty referral practices in nearby larger cities allow for smooth transitions and ongoing communication



Animal medical center of Dubois County when difficult cases require the care of board certified veterinary specialists. Our most impressive attribute, however, lies in the professional and caring attitude of our team. Providing excellent primary veterinary care

for both pets and farm animals has always been our standard. Our competent and compassionate staff intends to make every visit as comfortable and successful as possible for both patient and owner.

the herald

Thank you, Dubois County! to allofour past and present staff, students,and parents. W e are very thankfulfor the privilege ofcoaching am azing kids at H odginifor the past 5 0 years! Best Gymnastics Studio

412 North Truman Road Jasper 812-482-4800

W hen I started boarding and g room ing two years ag o, I never im ag ined I would have received so m uch support from our com m unity. One of m y clients told m e this once. "T he g reatest g ift anyone can g ive another person is believing in them ." I truly want to thank you for your part in m y journey of doing what I love to do. S m aller atm osphere and outdoor play areas, weekly and daily daycare.

S unday pickups available just call 812-630-8393

Donna Begle's Wagging Tails C ertified groom erby the State ofIndiana Ca ll for Boa rd in g a n d G room in g S e rvic e s


What makes us one of the best? We are a reflection of the dedication and passion of our community, from the support from our child care families, staff, our local churches, community organizations, and all the local businesses who have supported our program over the years. Our program is as strong as the staff and the amazing community we serve! Thank you to everybody who has voted for our program, as well as your continued prayers for our continued success.

405 Main Street, Holland, IN • 812-536-4590

local people Best boss WINNER: Phyllis Stenftenagel (Dairy Queen) 2nd: Joe Hayden (Holiday Foods) 3rd: BJoe Aull (Mill House Restaurant)

Best coach WINNER: Belinda Nelson (Hodgini) 2nd: Scott Yarbrough (JHS Tennis) 3rd: Jill Wigand (JHS Dance Team)

Best elected official WINNER: Mark Messmer (State Senator) 2nd: Nathan Verkamp (Circuit Court Judge) 3rd: Tom Kleinhelter (Dubois County Sheriff)

Best principal WINNER: Ryan Haas (Pine Ridge Elem.) 2nd: David Hubster (Jasper Middle School) 3rd: Raymond Mehling (Ireland Elementary)

Best public safety official WINNER: Tim Lampert (Sheriff’s Dept.) 2nd: Jason Knies (Jasper Police Dept.) 3rd: Brock Werne (Indiana State Police)

Best radio personality WINNER: Ty Hunter (WBDC) 2nd: Walt Ferber (WITZ) 3rd: Scott Sollman (WBDC)

Best real estate agent

WINNER: Brenda Welsh (Sell4Free) 2nd: Steve Lukemeyer (F.C. Tucker) 3rd: Linda Schroering (Century 21)

Best teacher WINNER: Jarrod Land (Jasper High School) 2nd: Trish Mehringer (NE Dubois schools) 3rd: Marilyn Stevens (Pine Ridge Elementary)



the herald


Real Estate Agent

Brenda Welsh Thank you very much to all of you for voting me the Best Realtor of Dubois County. I am so fortunate to have won with so many other qualified candidates in my profession. Upon receipt of the notification, tears of joy overcame me. I owe this honor to my past and present clients, family, friends, and all of you who have had the faith and confidence in me over the past 20 years to support and use me in your real estate transactions. When we started Sell4Free Welsh Realty Corp. in 1999 we had no idea that this honor would one day be bestowed upon me. Originally, I earned my degree in Dental Hygiene and was practicing part-time when we relocated back to Jasper after our twins were born. I obtained my real estate license to help out with the new company part time, but was quickly immersed in the real estate world and had to end my dental hygiene career. Real estate became an exciting and a great way to get to meet so many wonderful people, and helping them find the right home, the one that met their particular needs, was a lot of fun. Many of those people became more than just clients. They have become life-long friends. Earning the honor of Best Realtor of Dubois County has made me reflect back on the many clients that I had the opportunity to deal with over the years and really warms my heart. My real estate practice has grown from starting our company in a one


812-309-0630 Brenda.Welshs4f@gmail.com room office with a blanket on the floor for our newborn twins to play, to my total sales for my career of over $160,560,325, and having the privilege of serving over 1,000 clients in the past 20 years. Our company has served over 2,637 clients in transactions totaling over $400,510,164 in sales. The only way any of this has been possible is with the unbelievable support from all of our faithful clients and dedicated agents. My real estate practice for the past 20 years has been fun, exciting, challenging, and emotional at times. My clients are so much more than just another transaction. Each of my clients represents a piece of my career, that if taken away, takes away a piece of my growth as a real estate professional. It seems as though a “thank you” is hardly enough to all of you who voted for me and have dealt with me over the past. Nevertheless, THANK YOU for voting me the Best Realtor of Dubois County. Your faith and confidence are very much appreciated. I hope to serve a 1,000 more clients over the years to come, and would love to help you buy or sell your next home. You may contact me at 812-309-0630 or email me at Brenda.welshs4f@gmail.com. Very best regards, Brenda Welsh n




100.9 Coun try

I greatly ap p reciate your sup p ort! CO N G R ATULATIO N S TO SCOTT, B EEZER , JEN N A, K UR T, CAR EY, AN D ZACH O N YO UR N O M IN ATIO N S

W e are honored thatyou voted Trish M ehringeram ong the bestteachersin DuboisC ounty and Tim Lam pert BestPublic Safety Officer!

Trish M ehringer

I'm deeply m oved by your vote to be am ong the best REAL ESTATE AGENTS! Linda Schroering

T im L a m pert

N orthe a s t Dub ois

Co u nty Sc ho o l Co rpo ra tio n 5 3 79 E. M a in St. D u b o is , IN

Schroering Realty 905 M ain Street,Jasper 812-482-1144

best boss

Phyllis stenftenagel The Original Westside Dairy Queen was opened by Carl and Evelyn Witte in August of 1950 and was one of the only treat centers in the United States. In the beginning, it was only a walk up store with no seating and no fried foods. Over time, the store grew to add a dining room in the 80s and eventually added a drive-thru in 1992! Carl and Evelyn owned the Dairy Queen for over 40 years until it was purchased by Corporate Dairy Queen and Jerry Schuetter in 1990. In 1993, Phyllis Stenftenagel and Jerry Brown acquired the store, which they still

own today. Change continued for Dairy Queen, as the remodeled in 2008 by adding Orange Julius, a sandwich line, and many unique treats. The one thing that has not changed throughout Jasper Dairy Queen’s history is the store’s dedicated leadership and commitment to the Dubois County community. Phyllis continues to leave a positive impact in the County, not only through her involvement in the community, but also the outstanding influence she has on those around her. Generations of employees gather to honor Phyllis for the impact she has made in their lives. With that in mind, we couldn’t think of a more deserving person to win the 2019 BEST BOSS of Dubois County!

for Voting Dairy Queen Among the Best Ice Cream in Dubois County! • • • •


606 W 6th Street, Jasper, IN 47546





Best Coach

Belinda Nelson

to a llthe pa rents tha t ha ve entru sted m e to coa ch theirchild ren a tHod g inifor35 yea rs.Itrea su re a llof the friend ships!

412 North Truman Road, Jasper • 812-482-4800


Thanks for the 1st P lace B est P rincipal and B est Teacher 3rd P lace










Pine R id ge

ELEM EN TAR Y SCHO O L 4613 S Pine Ridge Road Birdseye,IN



SO U TH EA ST D U BO IS C O . SC H O O L C O R PO R A TIO N 432 E 15th S treet Ferdinand,IN 812-817-0900





R ea l N ew s pa pers ... R ea l N ew s !

N EW SPAPER M ED IA HAS THE POW ER TO IN FO R M , EN TER TAIN AN D CO N N ECT. W hen you hold yourlocalnew spaperin yourhands -w hetherin printoron a m obile device -you hold a pow erfultoolto inform and inspire. Forcenturies in tow ns and cities across North A m erica,local new spapers have served as the voice forthe public good and as a pow erfulconnection betw een citizens and the com m unities around them . In this digitalage,the new spaperaudience has neverbeen greater, w ith m illions reading in print,online orvia m obile.No m atterthe m edium ,those m illions ofreaders rely on theirlocalnew spaper. “RealNew spapers ...RealNew s!”

Tim L a m pe rt

D ubois C ounty Sheriff's D epartm ent

Tha n k you for votin g for m e . I a m hum b le d & hon ore d b y this s e le c tion !

professional services

Best accounting firm

Best insurance company

Best auction company

Best landscaper

WINNER: Krueger & Associates CPAs 2nd: Seng & Seng CPAs 3rd: Buechlein & Associates PC

WINNER: Debbie Allen - State Farm 2nd: Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance 3rd: Kunkel Insurance

Best pest control

WINNER: B&B Extermination 2nd: Veterans Pest Solutions 3rd: Action Pest Control

Best photographer

WINNER: Brahm & Brahm Auction Services 2nd: The Auction Company 3rd: Hoffman & Mullen Realty

WINNER: Green Thumb Landscaping 2nd: Buschkoetter Nursery, Lawn & Garden 3rd: Brescher Landscaping & Lawn Service

WINNER: Brescher Photography 2nd: Studio Expressions by Jessica 3rd: Lacey Reimann Photography

Best bank/credit union

Best law office

Best plumbing service

WINNER: German American Bank 2nd: Freedom Bank 3rd: Old National Bank

Best building contractor WINNER: Seufert Construction 2nd: Jasper Lumber Company 3rd: Fleck Construction

Best electrical service WINNER: Fischer Electric 2nd: Hulsman Electric 3rd: Weyer Electric

WINNER: Verkamp Law Office 2nd: Nordhoff Law Office 3rd: Rahman Law Office

WINNER: Schroering Plumbing, Heating & AC 2nd: Mehringer’s Plumbing, Heating & AC 3rd: Messmer Mechanical

Best lawn service

Best pool service

WINNER: Brescher Landscaping & Lawn 2nd: Souders Lawn Care 3rd: Turf-Pro Lawn Services

Best painting service WINNER: Wagner Painting 2nd: Shelley Mendel Painting 3rd: Steffen Painting

WINNER: Eckert Pool Supply 2nd: Jay-Kem 3rd: Kiefer Pool & Spa

Best printing company

WINNER: Woods Printing 2nd: Impressions Printing 3rd: Jasper Embroidery & Screenprinting

Best flooring service

Best real estate company

WINNER: Carpet Warehouse 2nd: Knies Sawmill 3rd: Krempp Lumber Company

WINNER: RE/MAX Local 2nd: Sell4Free Welsh Realty 3rd: F.C. Tucker Emge Realtors

Best hvac service

Best roofing company

WINNER: Messmer Mechanical 2nd: Schroering Plumbing, Heating & AC 3rd: Hulsman Refrigeration


WINNER: Fleck Roofing 2nd: B&A Construction & Design 3rd: T&T Roofing



What an honor! ...

to be voted the BEST Painting Service in Dubois County! Thank you from our crew! Ron Wagner Donna Wagner Jamie Wagner Ryan Wagner Tricia Shaw Allen Schuetter Junie Schuetter Aaron Schwenk Tom Schmitt Jim Wehr Shane Wagner

s k n Tha All to oted! V o h W

V oted # 1 B est H V A C in D u b ois C ou n ty!! an d # 3 B est P lu m b in g Serv ice

P lum bing • H eating • C ooling • Sheet M etal• R esidential• Service

Residential • Commercial • Interior • Exterior Painting & Staining Trim 812-630-4129 • 812-482-4034 • 812-630-2783


402 Third, Ave., Jasper, IN License #C O 88701406

You Voiced Your Choice ... and Voted Us 2nd Place in Best Flooring and in the 2019 Best of Dubois County

We Thank You!

See U s For ... • H ardw ood Flooring - Various Species • Distressing

• Staircases

• B ar Tops

• C ustom M illw ork

• Trim

• Specialty W ork

KNIES SAWMILL 812-683-3402 Bretzville, IN

BEST building contractor

seufert construction Seufert Construction strives for quality and professionalism by investing in our employees. With almost 150 years of success, a skilled workforce and professional engineering staff, the latest technology and excellent customer service, Seufert Construction is your single source solution! Our full spectrum of services includes design, engineering, concrete and masonry, historic renovations, pre-engineered buildings, structural steel, overhead crane and steel erection and Leed Certified “Green” projects.


“TO BUILD SUCCESS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, OUR EMPLOYEES, AND THEIR COMMUNITIES.” Following the motto, ENVISION IT, DESIGN IT, BUILD IT, our design/build team is able to take a customer’s vision and present fresh and innovative solutions. Our conceptual design capabilities allow customers to visualize the project, choose colors and fixtures, with the ability to do a virtual walkthru of your space. For more information about Seufert Construction visit our website, seufertconstruction.com.



W e want to T hank everyone for V oting S chroering Plumbing Heating & AC “BES T � PLUM BING CONT RACT OR and Among the Best in HV AC S ERV ICE A T EAM Y O U C AN T RU ST

We would like to thank everyone who voted us among the best landscapers in Dubois County! We are a full-service landscaping and lawn service business in our 15th year of operation. In 2016, we purchased Weyer Greenhouse to offer even more to our customers. Thank you for your support and God bless America! Owner & Veteran Danny Brescher

Plum bing,H eating,A ir,G eo therm al,Service Residential & C o m m ercial 21 45 S State Rd 1 62 Jasper,IN 47546



Check us out at www.brescher.com or

for selecting

B ra hm & B ra hm A u ctio n/R ea lty # 1 A uction C om pany in D ubois C ounty!

You have m a de u s p rou d!! C leo n

812-367-1763 2415 B irch D r. F erdin an d, IN A U 01001722

Thanks for voting us the Best Insurance Company of Dubois County!

To ny

812-367-1388 2010 N orthview D r. F erdin an d, IN A U 08700036

D ebbie K .A llen,Agent w w w .b ra hm a u c tio nrea lty.c o m

812-482-1300 debbieallensf.com


For V otin g us a m on g the Be s t in Dub ois Coun ty! O ur Insura nce C a rriers

SOUDERS LAWN CARE, INC. L icensed a nd Insu red w ith o ver 30 Yea rs o f E xperience

A re you looking fora com pany to give you thatpersonaltouch to m ake yourlawn green and weed-free?

L o o k N o Fa rther!!! Specializing In ... • L aw n Seeding & So dding • L aw n Fertiliza tio n

• C ra bgra ss C o ntro l • B ro a dlea f W eed C o ntro l

• L aw n,Tree,& Shru b InsectC o ntro l

O w ners: S co tt & K yle S o uders

H u ntingbu rg,IN D a ytim e O ffice: 812-631-3377 E venings: 812-536-3260

Customer Satisfaction is our #1 Goal!


• W est B end M utua l • India na Fa rm ers M utua l • S o ciety • L iberty M utua l • M o to rists M utua l • P ro gressive • T he H a rtfo rd • Tra velers • A rlingto n/R o e & C o . • H a gerty

Dare to com pare with the people who care!


Insurance Agency, Inc. (Established in 1931)

414 Jack son Street, Jasper 812-482-4556 w w w .kunkelinsura nce.co m

BEST flooring service FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED, Dan Cooley Sr. opened “Carpet Wholesalers” in 1991 in a warehouse style location on Clay Street in Jasper. Both Dan and Mary were in floor covering sales and decided to open their own business in Jasper. Carpet Warehouse became incorporated, purchased land in 2001 and a new warehouse and showroom facility was built at 650 Woodlawn Drive in Jasper (off Hwy 162 South of the VUJC entrance). As the business grew, Dan Sr. added his daughter, Danette Wendholt and son, Dan Cooley Jr. to the business management team. Dan Sr. and his wife, Mary now reside in Jasper are in the process of retiring but still enjoy being involved in the family business. Dan Jr. and Danette were raised in Dubois County and went to Forest Park High School in Ferdinand. Dan Jr. and his wife, JoAnnette live in Jasper and have two daughters, Madison who attends Ball State University and Mackenzie, who is a senior at Jasper High School. Danette and her husband Joe Wendholt live in the Bretzville area and have three children. Two sons, Jason who resides in Michigan with his wife Megan and Justin who lives in Ferdinand with his wife Janae. Their daughter Samantha attends Butler University in Indianapolis. Danette’s husband Joe also works in the family business as an installer specializing in tile and flooring. Carpet Warehouse is a member of the Jasper Chamber of Commerce, Builders Association of Dubois County and other local agencies supporting local sporting teams and events in the Dubois and surrounding counties.

Carpet Warehouse

C A R P ET W A R EH O U SE “Quality You Can Stand On” 650 Woodlawn Dr., Jasper • 812-482-5692 Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8am-5pm; Wed. 8am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm www.cptwarehouse.com

We Want To Thank Everyone Who Voted For Us! • • • • • •



FREE In-Home Estimates Commercial & Residential Sales & Design Professional Installation New Home & Whole Home Discounts FREE Financing on Qualified Purchases n


for voting

one of the best in Dubois County!


w w w .turfprolaw nservice.com O ur S e rvic e s In c lud e • Fertilizer Pro gra m s •W eed C o ntro l Pro gra m s • C ra b gra s s Preventio n • Seed ing & A era tio n • Ins ec t C o ntro l • Shru b Trim m ing • La nd s c a ping • Irriga tio n Sys tem s • Sno w R em o va l

We appreciate you voting us The Best Electrical Service in Dubois County!

Now into our 55th year, Fischer Electric continues to provide the region with quality and affordable electrical installation and service. John and Mark continue to lead our associates in the tradition that founders Hip and Mary Jane created in 1964. We pride ourselves in working with 2nd and 3rd generations of Hip’s customers, in addition to new customers referred by our existing customers. The business is a multi-faceted electrical contracting business doing Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural & Residential work. We would like to extend a big “Thank You” to our dedicated employees, and all our loyal customers we have provided service for throughout the years.

Thank You to all who voted and for letting our family work for yours in Dubois County!

3 Generations of Custom Builders 2759 S Santine Rd., St. Anthony

812-630-3396 812-630-4209

Proud to be one of Dubois C ounty's

B est H VA C Service Providers!

G arden C enter, F lorist & G ifts 702 3rd A ve.,Jasper,IN 812-482-3338 w w w .greenthum binc.biz

G reen T hum b La ndsca p ing & G a rden C enter, Inc. E st.1976

L andscaping D ivision & O ffice B ulk L an dscapin g S upplies 4495 E ast S chnellville R d. S t.A nthony,IN 812-326-2414

Thank You

Everyon e a t Green Thu m b TH AN K S YO U for ta kin g the tim e to vote u s the

Best Floristin & Best Landscaper D u b ois Cou n ty

W e a re blessed t o live & w ork in suc h a c a ring c om m unit y. W it h d eepest a pprec ia t ion - The G reen Thum b F a m ily

Thank You For Your Support In Voting Us As Best Law Office!

Thank you for voting us one of The Best!!

For A ll Your P e s t C on trol N e e d s !

JO S E P H L . V E R K A M P A ttorney atLaw 812-634-1343

B ota n ic a l I n s e c tic id e s A n d P e s tic id e s C om m e rc ia l & R e s id e n tia l Fully L ic e n s e d A n d I n s ure d L oc a lly O w n e d & O pe ra te d

209 E. 6th St. Jasper, IN


C a ll To d a y! FR EE Ins pec tio ns Pric e M a tc h G u a ra ntee

812-631-0082 S erv ing the C ounties of: D ubois & S penc er C ounties

Thank you for voting us #1 Accounting Firm in Dubois County! Services offered: Tax Preparation A udit A ccounting Bookkeeping Payroll

for choosing us

Best Roofing Company •R es id entia l, Ind u s tria l & N ew Co ns tru c tio n R o o fing •Co m m erc ia l Spra y Co a ting

•G u tterR epla c em ent& Pro tec tio n you g n i v Ser or overs! f ear 18 y

419 E.S tate Road 164, Jasper,IN 47546

Topping off your American Dream!

812-482-6798 w w w .fleckroofing.com

Thank You For Voting Us Among The Best Plumbing Service In Dubois County! • Dependable • Knowledgeable • Quality


402 M cC rillus S treet, Ja sper,IN

812-482-4425 w w w .m ehringers.co m

P L C #C O 88701618

k n a ! h T ou Y For Voting

US as your

We're happy to help you with all your real estate needs! Ag en ts n o t o t pic tu red : P ete M a ssa t a n d Ho lly K leiser

best Real Estate Company

81 2-81 7-0970 251 2 N ew to n Street, Ja sper, IN

Thank you to everyone who voted us among the best printers in Dubois County. We are honored. Not only do we offer printing, but we offer embroidery & screen printing too. Give us a try the next time you need quality printing or apparel. We have been blessed to be a part of this wonderful community for over 21 years.

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Thank You, Dubois County! For voting us Best in PEST CONTROL!! Free Inspections

B & B Exterm ination,Inc. Termite & General Pest Control P.O .Box 77 • H untingburg,IN 4 754 2

Office 812-630-8391

www.bandbextermination.com Fully Licensed & Insured

Loca lly O w n ed & O pera ted


Best antique store

Best gas station

WINNER: Ferdinand Antique Emporium 2nd: Anything Collectible 3rd: Tickled Pink

WINNER: Casey’s General Store 2nd: Jasper Marathon 3rd: Spud’s Food Mart

Best appliance store

Best gift store

Best clothing store

Best grocery store

WINNER: The Home Depot WINNER: Chocolate Bliss & Kitchen Essentials 2nd: Tom’s Lawn, Garden & Appliance Center 2nd: Finishing Touches 3rd: Englert’s Home Comfort Center 3rd: Jasper Gift Basket & Popcorn Company WINNER: Maurices 2nd: Siebert’s 3rd: Glik’s

WINNER: Holiday Foods Jasper 2nd: Ruler Foods 3rd: Mor For Less

Best craft store

Best gun shop

WINNER: JOANN Fabric and Crafts 2nd: Doodlebug Inc. 3rd: The Art Factory

Best dollar store

WINNER: Dave’s Gun Shop 2nd: Jeff’s Bait & Guns 3rd: Great Outdoors

Best hardware store WINNER: The Home Depot 2nd: Rural King 3rd: Meny’s True Value

Best jewelry store

WINNER: Disinger Jewelers of Jasper 2nd: Olinger Diamond Center 3rd: Just Whimsy

Best liquor store

WINNER: Holiday Liquors North 2nd: Bob’s Liquors 3rd: Wooden Keg Liquors

Best meat shop

WINNER: Merkley & Sons 2nd: Sander Processing 3rd: Ferdinand Processing

Best shoe store

WINNER: Dollar Tree 2nd: Dollar General (Jasper South) 3rd: Dollar General (Huntingburg South)

WINNER: Shoe Sensation 2nd: Shoe Show 3rd: Downtown Fitness & Running

Best florist

Best sporting goods store

WINNER: Green Thumb Floral & Garden Center 2nd: Gehlhausen’s Flowers & Gifts 3rd: The Ivy Manor

WINNER: Hibbett Sports 2nd: Adventures Recreation & Gear 3rd: All Star Sports

Best furniture store

Best thrift store

WINNER: Marvin & Toni’s Bargain Barn 2nd: Englert’s Home Comfort Center 3rd: Boeckman’s Furniture


WINNER: St. Vincent de Paul 2nd: Goodwill Jasper 3rd: Habitat for Humanity Restore n



Thrift Store

One of the oldest and most succesful charitable organizations in the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization of approximately 700,000 men and women throughout the world who volunteer to seek out and provide person-toperson aid to the poor and needy in 144 countries and five continents. Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (of “Vincentians”) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. We are young and old. Our members come from every shade of skin color. Some of us are wealthy, some are financially poor, but all of us are blessed with an awareness that our blessings (time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need. Energized by the awareness that service to our brother or sister in need is in fact an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are keenly aware that poverty, suffering and loneliness are present for millions in our communities. For that reason, we collaborate with all who seek to relieve need and address its causes. The Society’s thrifts stores throughout the United States are mutually formed in an association of lay employees and volunteers dedicated to serving the needs of the community. All who come to our stores are welcomed

with dignity and respect. Our hope is that they leave as friends and return to shop with us again. Those who cannot afford clothing, furniture or other household items are provided them through a Vincentian referral system. Customers, employees and volunteers are treated equally without regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. All, including the disadvantaged, handicapped and persons with special needs, are employed so that we may all benefit from the talents and abilities of everyone seeking employment. Serving Christ’s needy is the primary goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul stores. In this ministry, we pledge to use sound business practices. Surplus funds will be dedicated to the support of Parish Conferences and charitable causes of the Society approved rd by our Councils and Board of Directors. Our St. Vincent de Paul encompasses nine parishes throughout Dubois County and northern Spencer County with a purpose of serving the poor and needy. In fiscal 2017, St. Vincent de Paul members made 1,155 home visits and helped approximately 4,702 people. The Jasper store’s hours are noon to 5 p.m. on Tuesday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays.

Corner of Meridian Road & 3 Ave., Jasper 812-482-3601

Thank You for Voting

St. Vincent de Paul

#1 ThriftStore in Dubois County!



ving r e S dly y Prou is Count Dubo e 1958 Sinc

All proceeds from donations are used to help local people in need.

Corner of Meridian Road & 3rd Ave. Jasper, Indiana

Thank you for your good, sellable donations.

812-482-3601 the herald

w ould like to say to everyone w ho voted for us as the num ber one G R O C ER Y STO R E in D ubois C ounty! We strive to give our customers the best quality product and service possible. “Fast Friendly Service AllThe W ay To Y our Car” S AT R FRIEND U O Y M O FOODS FR HOLIDAY

For Voting Us Best Gun Shop Huge selection of firearms, accessories and reloading supplies, private outdoor shooting range with rental guns available!

M-F 8A-8P; Sat-Sun 8A-5P (Est) 3 3 -55 davesgunshop@psci.net 536 2 81

for choosing us The BEST Antique Store!




202 E 23RD STREET, SU ITE A , FERD IN A N D , IN 812-36 7-1331 • FERD IN A N D A N TIQ U EEM PO RIU M .CO M

For voting us Best Jewelry Store of Dubois County W e love our cus tom ers !

for Voting Us

Among the Best Appliance Stores in Dubois County Since 1975

Quality Installation and Service On Everything We Sell

All At Your Hometown Stores ... Corner of 231 & Division,



105 N JFK Avenue,

LOOGOOTEE 812-295-5444




BARGAIN BARN Fo r nea rly 35 yea rs w e've w o rked ha rd to give o ur custo m ers the best experience po ssible. Thank you to everyone who voted forus.Thishonorism uch appreciated.

“Hours for the working people with prices to match.”

1 M ile N o rth o f Ferd ina nd o n Hw y. 16 2 •8 12 -3 6 7-2 112


M o n. & Tu es . 10 a m -6 pm ; W ed . 10 a m -8 pm ; Thu rs . & Fri. 10 a m -6 pm ; Sa t. 9 a m -4 pm ; Su n. Clo s ed

Thank You!

Fo rvo ting u s

A m on g The Be s t Furn iture S tore

W e p ro udly serv e Dubo is C o unty & the T ri-S ta te

& Floor Covering 812-482-6477


Thank You

fo rV o ting Us Am ong the B est in D u b o is Co u nty!

For voting Finishing Touches Among the Best Gift Stores in Dubois County!

• Know ledgable • G uns (B uy & Trade) •A m m o • B ait & Tackle

Serving You Over 25 Years


Yo u’ll a lw a ys find so m ething new a nd d ifferent!

8 12 -4 8 2 -6 6 72

505 M a in St. • Ja s per• 812-482-2422 • ftja s per.com Hou rs : M on -Fri 9-5:30; Sa t9-3

482 2nd Avenue,Jasper

t you c


for Voting Us

Among the Best Furniture Stores in Dubois County



Since 1975

elebrate is up to you!

Is A



Proud to be a part of Dubois County Celebrations!

Voted Best Liquor Store

NORTH 2905 N. Newto n St., Jasper SOUTH 480 S. U.S. 231, Jasper

Quality Installation and Service On Everything We Sell

All At Your Hometown Stores ... Corner of 231 & Division,



105 N JFK Avenue,

LOOGOOTEE 812-295-5444

Thank you for voting us

Among the Best! Wooden Keg Liquors 513 3rd A ve., Jasper


k n a h T ou Y

For V otin g U s Be s t G ift S tore In Dub ois Coun ty

On the Square Jasper, IN

We Love Being Part of This Extraordinary Community!

Thanks for choosing us

the Best

We are really proud to have earned your vote of confidence…it's been an honor serving our customers for generations! Your friends at

Proud to be your favorite meat shop! – Quality Meat Since 1954 – * Merkley Special Recipe Products * Retail and Wholesale Sales of Beef, Pork, Poultry, Seafood and Cheeses * Custom Processing of Cattle and Hogs

Where Helping You Dress Well Has Been Our Specialty, Since 1922

812-482-5514 On The Square, Jasper Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9-5:30 Wed. 9-8; Sat. 9-3 www.siebertsclothing.com

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