2019 Newspapers In Education

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Be kind to others Dear Editor, I wish everyone will be kind to others, so they can be nice and loving to others. Everyone should try to make the world a kind place. Try to make people happy. Throw kindness like confetti! Evie Ziemann Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Cost of gas Dear Editor, Do you think we need to reduce the amount of money gas costs. I believe we should reduce the amount of money that gas costs. I think this because huge storms such as hurricanes or tornadoes can send people far away from their homes. They need gas to power their car. If gas costs to much and they don’t take a lot of money, they’ll stay with the storm. Also big trucks use gas faster than other cars. They have big tanks, so the trucks don’t run out of gas. This makes them spend more money to fill up their tanks. People with big trucks will start losing money. This is why we need to reduce the amount of money gas costs. Parker Erny Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Sidewalks Dear Editor, Do you know what Jasper needs? Well, I do! Jasper needs more sidewalks for walking and biking. Sometimes it can be dangerous walking on the road, because if someone isn’t looking at the road then someone gets hurt. Some people have to walk on the roads because they have nowhere else. People don’t want to have accidents just because there’s not enough sidewalks, and people don’t want to see it happen. More sidewalks will make walking, biking, and exercising safer for people who want to get out and walk, especially on warm, sunny days. Even in the winter, some people like to walk a little bit to get some fresh air. Sidewalks sometimes can prevent accidents that are caused because someone was walking on the road. Allie Sermersheim Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Museums Dear Editor, Should we have more museums? Yes we should because we need to know more about our past! My opinion is that we need to know more about dinosaurs. So lets say three children love dinosaurs (or cavemen). But there is no museum in there town, so if you build more museums, then children can learn about there past! That’s why we need more museums. Demetry DeOrto Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Downtown parties Dear Editor, I believe Jasper should have more parties on the square in downtown Jasper. I want to say that I could get some hardworking people from our community to help set up all the booths, stands, and food. Here’s an example I’d like to share. On most of the block parties it’s a holiday, and people from our town are not able to come. This would raise more money for our town because more people will come from other communities. One more reason I’d to share is it’s always good to get outside and spend time with your family and friends. Here is one more example I’d also like to share ... everyone loves a night out to have fun! A block party on the square would give us that opportunity. I hope I can make a change to give our town more block parties! Audrey Hoffman Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Old windows phone Dear Editor, I believe that Microsoft should bring back the old windows phone. I want this to happen because the phones were still functioning greatly. If you kept shooting out new updates, you might make more money.


I know is true because I had this kind of phone. That’s why Microsoft should continue on supporting the old windows phone. Jaxson Hulsman Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Water park Dear Editor, I have an idea. We should build a water park inside Carson’s because Carson’s is shut down. We could make Carson’s an inside water park. Kids won’t go on their electronics as much. An hour on their devices is plenty of time. That is why I think we need an indoor water park! Tilly Lindsay Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Urban Air Dear Editor, In town I think it would be nice to have an Urban Air. I think this because it is a trampoline park and we could improve the obstacle course. We could do this by making the floor look like lava. Another way we could improve it is by making the play area bigger. I think children need more space to play. I think that there should be a rope. Finally they should add more to the balcony. Now you can see why we should have an Urban Air. Sam Robinson Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

48th largest town Dear Editor, I’m going to tell you about our town Jasper. It’s the 48th largest town in Indiana. The large number of furniture companies are there in Jasper. So Jasper is often called the wood capital of the world. We also have stores like Walmart and Dollar Tree. Every year we celebrate Strassenfest. It is a fourday event during the first weekend in August. In this festival we have a lot of fun activiites. And rides, food booths are available. Deva Jayakumar Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Skyzone Dear Editor, I think we need a Skyzone in Jasper. I think this because it sounds good and is enjoyable for kids little and big. A Skyzone hear in Jasper is much closer than Evansville. Jumping on the trampolines is very healthy. This is better than playing video games. We can go to Skyzone in any weather. Skyzone is so exciting. Trent Walton Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Favorite part Dear Editor, My favorite part of Jasper is the Strassenfest. My best reason that I love the Strassenfest is because I can be in it if I want to. I think we should have a Sky Zone in Jasper. I like the pool because you can have parties there or you can just play in the pool. I think we should have a Chick-fil-A because you can have a nice day and just relax and eat chicken nuggets. That would make a happy teacher. Bye! Emma Willis Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Buffet Dear Editor, I think our city needs a new buffet restaurant. I think it would be good for the town. Make a ramp so people in wheelchairs can go in. I think the people need some food. The menu should be caesar salad, chicken noodle soup, and spaghetti. Make a driveway and ice cream bar. If you have a breakfast food make it be all day. Thank you for reading this. I hope it was good. I did the best I could do. Nathan Williams Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Protection Dear Editor, Thank you. For giving us police to protect us from crooks. I’m also grateful for them protecting fossils in our museum and valuable things. I’m really grateful for our police. People will survive and be protected because of our Jasper police force. Jacqualyn Arthur Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Comic books Dear Editor, I believe, in our community, we should have a comic book store because we could raise money for our community for a fundraiser or something. Kids can get to read and learn new words when they read! The kids would get better at comprehension! I hope we get a comic book store in my community of Ireland! Cooper Vollmer Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

You are know at school gobbling up your tasty food. With all these changes school lunch kids can eat more of their food and not waste it, eat healthier, and they would have a better lunch. Adilynn Mehringer Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Open beaches

Dear Editor, I think we should get a water slide that is 1,000 feet tall! And put an elevator in it so we don’t have to walk up it. Then put one 500 feet and put an elevator in that one. Then put a big pool at the bottom that is 12 feet deep. There is no rafts just you and the slide and there is no darkness. You have to be 4 foot eight to ride. Put some dippin dot’s, nachos, and drinks. This would make Jasper fun. Kyson Dauby Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Dear Editor, Have you ever thought that we shouldn’t have open beaches so less people have hydrophobia and deaths? This is why some people have fear of water because of these three categories, sea creature deaths, drowning, and just hitting the water. Did you know that in 2018, 101 people died by sharks while surfing and swimming? For example, if we closed beaches humankind wouldn’t be eaten alive by these animals. And for pete sake there wouldn’t be hate for sharks (Sharks are awesome). Man, those sea creature deaths were so amazingly sad but we have drowning deaths to look at. Did you know that each year 3,536 people die from drowning? Did you know that 20 people drown from sharks, snakes, and crocodiles each week? There would also be less trips to the doctor. Man, I would never want to drown but neither want to die by hitting the water. Did you know that each year 3.4 million people die from hitting the water? There would be less pollution from rotting bodies (I guess that’s where tiger sharks come in). I hope all of you will understand why we shouldn’t have open beaches so we have less sadness in this world. Mitchel Huebner Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Better lunches

Another Jasper?

Dear Editor, Imagine you are just sitting at the lunch with your food on your tray. You have not touched a thing. This is why I believe schools should have better lunches, so you aren’t just sitting around. Better lunches would let kids eat more of there food and not waste it, kids would eat healthier, and kids would have a better lunch. I believe if we had a better lunch kids would eat more of their food and not waste it. Based on what I read, in the U.S food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food. That is a lot of food wasted, when some kids don’t even get food. According to the article I read, it said that 16 million American kids struggle with hunger each year. That is a lot of kids when we are just throwing food away that we don’t like. At school the food is just going down the drain because we aren’t eating the food, so if we had better food most of it wouldn’t go down the drain. The author said, that Americans households throw out 150,000 tons of food each day, roughly a pound of food per person per day. That is a bunch of food wasted. Even though kids need to eat more and not waste their food, they really need to find ways to eat healthier. Kids should have actual apples instead of canned apples or applesauce. That would make lunch better and healthier. Based on what I what I read, regularly consuming fattening junk food can be addictive for children and lead to obesity, chronic illness, low self esteem, affecting how kids perform in school, extracurricular activities, and even depression. That is why we need more healthy food then fattening junk food so this doesn’t happen to a kid that is just eating their school lunch. With healthy foods kids would be healthier and feel more in shape. According to the article, millions of people are developing type two diabetes and high blood pressure. That is a lot of people. Kids need to be really healthy, but they also need to have a better lunch. If we had a better lunch then kids would spend more of their time eating the delicious food then just sitting there waiting for lunch to be over. Nobody just wants to spend their time sitting around when they are supposed to be eating. Based on what I read, kids consume few fruits and vegetables, so if the school would make lunch with more real fruits and vegetables kids would have a better lunch. Every kid just wants to be healthy while having the best lunch. If we had a better lunch kids would be more excited to go to lunch. According to the article, kids get half of their calories at school, which is a lot just for just school lunch.

Dear Editor, This is something that has been in construction for awhile now: the new elementary school. But, it has been a long while since the construction started so, I’ve been waiting for it for awhile now, and that I think this school will be great (at least be 3 or more stars)! I believe this school will open up many possibilities for kid around our age, and it will currently be the only school with the name of our town, “Jasper.” (That, I can’t believe.) Tyler Ellis Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Cat Cafe Dear Editor, I think Jasper should get a Cat Cafe. It would be a great place to eat, drink, and hang out with cats. Lots of people would want to come. The cats would enjoy having people rub them. We could adopt lots of cats from pet stores. People who come to the Cat Cafe could adopt one. So many cats would get a home. That’s why I think Jasper should get a Cat Cafe. Lily Wagner Grade 3, Ireland Elementary

Elevator slide

Take a break Dear Editor, Kids spend twice as long on screens than playing outside, and we need to change that! It is very sad what most kids miss out on these days like, reading, socializing with friends, playing outside, and just being creative. Some apps and websites are good for you and help you learn, but most apps are just for entertainment. Most teens spend an average of 9 hours a day on a device! Kids from ages 8 to 12 spend about 6 hours a day on a device or gaming system. One large reason that kids spend so much time on devices is because their parents use them a lot too! Parents also get their children phones when they are only about 10 years old! That is pretty young! I think our community should think about unplugging for a day, and take a break from technology! Caroline Schipp Grade 5, Ireland Elementary

Chick-fil-A Dear Editor, I personally think we need a Chick-filA in Jasper because it is a great food place and many people have to drive so far to go eat there like in Evansville. Also we could just put it where Kmart was at. Chick-fil-a also has amazing food that a lot of people love to eat like their waffle fries, chicken nuggets, chicken strips, sides, salads, and breakfast meals. Many people like Chick-fila and would be very happy if we could get one here. I hope we could have a Chick-fil-A in Jasper. Ella Greener Grade 5, Ireland Elementary





Food Dear Editor, I think we should have a food truk at the park. one reason is that when you go to the park you whont ned to go back home to get food. Anathor reson is so you dont have to breng food. now you know why you shood have a food truk at the park. Daniel Creutz Grade 1, Fifth Street School

Free pet shops Dear Editor, In my opinion, pets in the pet shops should be free. One reason is what if your son is getting to the point where he or she is kidnaped and that’s where a big dog comes in to rescue them. And another is you can’t say no to a cute baby dog and you can’t buy it. That is why pets at the pet shop should be free. Mason Ruckriegel Grade 1, Fifth Street School

Food cart Dear Editor, I think we need a food cart and a drink cart too at a shady spot at the River Walk or at the Parklands. One reason is so people aren’t hungry. That way people can be fed and they can have a drink also. Another reason is families would spend more time together. They can exercise and eat together. They would have fun and play with their family. Now you know why I think there should be a food cart at the River Walk or the Parklands. Faith Schwartz Grade 1, Fifth Street School

Water park shade Dear Editor, I think we should have shade under the Parklands water park. One reason is people might forget sunscreen. Another reason is people will be more comfortable.The last reason is people will not need sunglasses. Those are my reasons why we need more shade at the water area at the Parklands. Grant Voegerl Grade 1, Fifth Street School

Construction Dear Editor, I want to tell you there are too many construction sights. First, it makes driving longer. Next pepole want to get to places faster. Last it takes so long. Thanks for reading. Kaleb Blankenship Grade 1, Fifth Street School

Unique stores Dear Editor, Do you like malls? I think we should get a mall because they have unique stores. The stores have different kind of items. We could also have the mall so we don’t have to drive to Evansville. So now do you want a mall at Jasper? Aaliyah Duran Grade 2, Fifth Street School



how are we going to get more police officers. By hiring them. Tell me what you think. Liam Goeppner Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Scooter park Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs a scooter park, bike park, and hoverboard park so that children can play. We need the park to keep our children safe. Also children can have fun. Children will be happy. This is why I think Jasper needs a scooter park, bike park, and hoverboard park. Xander Borden Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Unikitty Museum Dear Editor, I think Jasper would be great if it had a Jasper Museum with a Unikitty Park in it. All the grils will love it. It will be called the Jasper Unikitty Museum. Lena Alvey Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Gucci store Dear Editor, I think we should get a Gucci store. We should get a Gucci store so we don’t have to drive a long time. I like their diamong things. They have the best diamonds. I like all their shoes. I think we should get a expensive store. Anthony Guardado Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Unicorns Dear Editor, I think we need a new toy store in Jasper. With all unicorns. I think that because a lot of little girls like unicorns! I love unicorns! I wanted to make a shop of it. I think unicorns are famous. Kyndal Frisby Grade 2, Fifth Street School

So yummy Dear Editor, We need a new restaurant because I like brocolies. Brocolies are so yummy. I love to eat brocolies. Brocolies are good. I love brocolies. Shaila Figueroa Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Choose food Dear Editor, I think we ened a school with a McDonlds. We can also choose what we want. Then we woldent have to wait for our food. We could eat all we want. Mason Dunn Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Park rules Dear Editor, I think we should have park rules hung up in our parks. One reason is because parks get damaged. Another reason is kids will stay safe. The best reason is so we don’t get hurt. Please consider putting up park rules in our parks. Hallie Scherer Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Dear Editor, I would like for more firefighters. It woul dbe good to have more firefighters because there are more fires around the city. There also is a lot of electricity going into Jasper so we could have lots of fires that way. We should also have more firefighters because we don’t want anyone hurt and nobody wants to get hurt. They never want to get hurt again. You don’t want to have anyoen getting sick or injured. You have someone to save the people’s lives. I know we need more firefighters. You know how many people would be hurt badly without firefighters? Emelyn Stone Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Follow laws

Police officers

Dear Editor, Jasper needs a professional football stadium. More people would come to games. If morepeople come to games they would haft to make another team. People from other cities would come. We need a professional football stadium so we don’t haft to drive so far to see professional football. We don’t

Dear Editor, I think we should have more police officers. Why you ask? This city is a little unsafe you know. If kids are getting out of control police officers can there quickly. Also extremely bad guys could get out of jail. But

Dear Editor, Just think about if everybody followed the laws. It would be a safe and happy town. People should take care of their pets. Make sure they have food and water. They also should obey traffic signs and stop at red lights. Taking care of surroundings is good. We need to take care of children. You should make sure they go to school and are healthy. That is why everybody should follow the laaws. Haddie Hollingsworth Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Football stadium

haft to drive so far, we don’t haft to use as much gas. A professional football stadium would help people get a new job. They can pay taxes, they can pay for things they need, they can pay bills. Build a new professional football stadium in Jasper. Brandon Buse Grade 2, Fifth Street School

RiverWalk Dear Editor, I am glad we have Jasper RiverWalk. I think kids can play parents can walk. You can play. People could walk and run. Maybe you could ride the train. It makes Jasper more pretty because there is flowers. The flowers smell good. There is sun flowers. You can take a flower. If you want you can see a show but sometimes. There is music. Sometimes there is trampoline. There is a lot of dance shows. We should take care of Jasper RiverWalk. Samantha Escobar Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Visitors, buddies Dear Editor, I like the River walk it is a good place to exercise. You can meet other people. You can meet your friends. Visitors can make buddies. Other people talk to pals. It gets people close to nature. You can see deer. There is a river there. You can sit on a bench and listen to nacher. It is a good way to exercise. Some people like to run. People like to talk there. You can ride bikes. Thats why I like the river walk. Asa Flamion Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Arcade Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs an arcade. This is good because then we could play Donky Kong, Pac-Man, Galdgg and Cenipeed. You can buy arcade machines at Walmart, but they are $300. You can put game consoles in there like the Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Play Station and the Sega genesis. They are old games and most of them you can’t play because they are so old. Jasper needs an arcade. Elijah Steltenpohl Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Foxes Dear Editor, I feel Jasper needs a zoo. Jasper needs a zoo because I want to see foxes. I never saw a fox. People might see a baby fox. The people will not only see foxes they will see other animals. Jasper has to get a zoo to see animals. Brooklyn McKee Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Go cart track Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs a Go Cart track. Jasper needs a Go Cart track because families want to be happy. My family wants to have fun. At the Go Cart track there are prizes. You can race at the Go Cart track. Jasper wants one Go Cart track to be happy and to have fun. Serafin Sandoval Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Car washes Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs more car washes. Jasper needs more car washes because it’s been raining a lot through these days. There aren’t that many car washes in town. I have been seeing cars getting really muddy. I like when cars get clean . Car washes are a good thing for cleaning cars. Nolan Porter Grade 2, Fifth Street School School

Theme park Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs a theme park. Jasper needs more fun in it. Sometimes kids might want to go there when there bord. Jasper would make lots of money because people would spend their money. Kids could run around any where. Do you think Jasper needs a theme park? Amelia Popp Grade 2, Fifth Street School School

Fix parks Dear Editor, I think the parks should get fixed up in Jasper. The parks should get fixed up because a lot of people use the parks. Another reason is the swings don’t work very well. The best reason is the parks are not safe. Please consider fixing up the parks. Finley Ward Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Driving, texting Dear Editor, I think people should stop driving and texting. One reason is people who text and drive could crash into someone. Another reason is they could kill someone and the person could also die. The best reason is they could crash into a police car. Please consider not texting and driving. Nesli Coyotz Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Sky Zone Dear Editor, I think Sky Zone is the best place to jump. I think Jasper needs a Sky Zone because I really like to jump on the trampolines. It would be really easy to drive to Sky Zone if it was in Jasper. Sky Zone should be in Jasper because it is good for kids. Please consider makeing a Sky Zone in Jasper. Claire Wyland Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Animal place Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs an animal place. The first reason is so animals can be adopted. Another reason is because animals are adorable. The best reason is animals will learn tricks. So please consider to make a animal place. Sable Blunk Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Bass Pro Dear Editor, I think Jasper need a Bass Pro Shop. One reason is Bass Pro Shop is a cool place to look at boats. Another reason is Bass Pro Shop is an awesome place. The best reason is Bass Pro Shop is the best place to buy fishing stuff. Please consider building a Bass Pro shop in Jasper. Shelton Byers Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Bigger room Dear Editor, I think Big Splash needs a bigger room. One reason is what if they have many kids. Another reason is what if they have a lot of luggage. The best reason is the tv does not fit. Please consider to have bigger room at Big Splash. Yisel Menjivar Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Hospital Dear Editor, If we make the old Fifth Street School a hospital we can help a kid live and a parent not have to drive so far. Just think about if we can cure cancer! We will not waste the old school. More and more people would live here! We may make a parent’s dream come true. This will mean Jasper would be healthier. This will cause more people to want to live here. Kohlton Nelson Grade 2, Fifth Street School

Drinking, driving Dear Editor, I think people should stop drinking and driving. One reason is people will get drunk and crash. Another reason is people will also get injured. The best reason is people will also get arrested. Please stop drink and driving. Eric Duron Grade 2, Fifth Street School


Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs a trampoling park so they are not bored at their house. They will play. I think we need it. Emilson Ramirez Grade 2, Fifth Street School





Ban Fortnite Dear Editor, I think the state of Indiana should ban Fortnite. All I hear about at school in Fortnite. I don’t think everyone should have to listen to Fortnite when we don’t even play it. The only place I could go so I didn’t have to listen to Fortnight are my house and car. Now, the radio station is talking about Fortnite. That’s why I think you should ban Fortnite. Brooklyn Steinhart Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Stop speeding Dear Editor, I wish we could make people slow down while driving. I bet that 1 million people eith die or get hurt from speeding. Speeding can be dangerous. It can hurt someone really bad, It coudl creak a bone. Now that’s not funny. Kiersten Wirthwein Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Art club vs. boredom Dear Editor, Hello, I’m writing to you so I can share my opinion with you about having an art club in Jasper. I enjoy doing artistic things and I love drawing. I love to make new, weird, but cool creations! My mom and I love doing new and cool artistic ideas when we’re bored. We would really enjoy having an art club to go to when we’re bored. Thank you for reading this and I hope you agree with my opinon. Ally Larkin Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Too far to travel Dear Editor, I want In-n-Out in Jasper, but I don’t know where, I’ve wanted to go to an In-nOut but it’s across the country, I can’t afford to travel, so I will have to waint a long time, unless you put it in Jasper. So that’s why I want an In-n-Out in Jasper. David Martinez Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Trains are fun Dear Editor, In Pennsylvania there are medium size trains. All you gotta do is type in youtube, the model trains you are able to ride. I would like a train station for these trains somewhere near the jasper high school. Also it would be really cool is kid over the age ten could drive the train. There could be diesel trains other than steam engines. I wouldn’t just want it for me, I want other kids out there to enjoy the fun of trains to. If this is not doable I understand. Or you could put some track and one train. Just something a little kid would like. Keatan Kibby Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Wanted: Pokemon club Dear Editor, I think we should have a Pokemon club called Pichu because people who love Pokemon can meet other people who love Pokemon. I know there is a Pokemon club, but I think we need a building based on Pokemon so more people can meet and more Pokemon will come out. Dominick Aders Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Clean yards, woods Dear Editor, I believe that we need a lot of things, but there is one thing that is the most important. I think we need to get our yards and woods cleaned up. So many animals die and we should not throw away our food. We should make a compost and that way they can eat it. Kale Talbert Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Fix the back roads Dear Editor, I think we should fix the back roads because there are a lot of potholes. Lots of people pop their tires driving on those roads.


We should be able to get there without having to get broken tires. A lot of people live back there so we need to fix the roads. JJ Harder Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Fire teaches lessons Dear Editor: I think we should have something about the NYC Triangle Factory Fire in Jasper. It could teach us about the dangers of fire and teach us if we ever get in a fire your know what to do. We could learn so much more about it like who survived or the owners because they played role in this because they locked all the doors. What if the door wasn’t locked? A lot more people would still be alive. If there will be a museum here we could make a spot where it seems like we are in the fire and a lot more things about the Triangel and how they worked and we should make sure that the floor is flammable. Keegan Hardin Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Help veterans, homeless Dear Editor: Hey, I know that you are thinking why I would want to help Veterans and homeless people? I want to help them because Veterans should be treated with respect, but instead some of them are homeless and have a bunch of health problems. Some people don’t want to car for them and they disrespect them. The reason I want to help homeless people is because some of the them made bad choices but they deserve a second change to live a good life. Some of them get abandoned by their family and they don’t want to care for them anymore after they’re old enough to live on their own. Veterans and homeless people sometimes can’t afford to buy food or they don’t have good clothes for the weather, and don’t have a place to sleep. They don’t have the supplies they need to survive. So I was thinking that we should have a charity world wide to help gather supplies for the veterans and the homeless. Also, we could build a shelter for homeless people. That’s why I want people to help them. Thank your for taking our time to read this and I hope you think about it. Jackelyn Diaz Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Animals needs love Dear Editor: I have written about it before and I will write about it again. The animals that are not loved, need to be. You know the dogs and cats that are at the humane society? They are hurt and sick and old. Nobody wants them! Every kid wants that cuts, new, happy pup. So, the parents get them just that. But that’s not fair to the old, sad, sick dogs. Sure, they won’t live as long as a brand new puppy, but you might as well give them their happy ending. Cats too. There used to be a ton of stray cats in my neighborhood, but now with all the big dogs around I think they ATE THEM. I am so glad I rescued my cat before this happened. The thing is that should have never happened in the first place. Every animal deserves a loving home, like my cat. I don’t know what I would do without her. My point is, get the ones in need ... not the ones you want. Taliyah L. Fleming Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Weather shelter Dear Editor, I think you should build a shelter at the trailer park where bus 15 picks up kids on 47th street. I feel like we need some type of covering from rain and snow. It can also block the sun if it’s really hot outside. Here are my reasons for why you should build a shelter in the maple grove trailer park. First of all, one day in the morning while we were waiting for my bus, we got soaked. My parents and my cousin had to come bring me clothes to school because I was soaked. My library books, students planner, socks and shoes were all wet! If there was a shelter house there, none of that would have happened. It can provide shade when its really hot like when people are waiting for someone to pick them up. Or When it is snowing in

the morning it could provide shelter so the snow won’t get on us. Emily Regalado Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Drink options needed Dear Editor, I would like to bring up the fact that the only drinks the school has is milk, juice, and water. Juice is only served at breakfast. Shat if you are lactose intolerant? So I think we should have juice at lunch and at breakfast. I also think we need to have something else. I think we need tea so you can have a drink if you don’t like juice and are lactose intolerant. A lot of people like tea. That’s why I think we need more to drink at school. Shawna May FredericksonGrade 5, Tenth Street School

Gates stop intruders Dear Editor, I think our school should put gates in, or close the ones that we have in the school, so when an intruder comes we can close the gates and he or she can go only in one place. When the cops come they will go that way and arrest him. If we have gates in all the entering zones, he or she will be clocked off and can’t come in the school. Then we will call the cops and the cops might make it in time. If they do, people might see it in the news and they will know not to be an intruder and no more peole will intrude. More schools might put up gates in their school to do the same to stop an intruder if they try to intrude more schools. Ryley Cowan Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Baby clothes Dear Editor, I think that newborn baby clothes should be cheaper than they are. Everytime I go help my mom buy baby clothes half of them are way too expensive for us. I mean 10 dollars for one baby shirt, really? It’s really just weird and having girl clothing for more than boys just why? There are also baby clothing that literally are saying the wrong size. Who wants to have a baby walking around with half fitting pants on? Not me not at all! If that happened to me I would like it at all. Would you? Zach Casper Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Let’s start Fun Committee Dear Editor, I would Love it if you could create a Fun Committee. Here are my reasons why. My first reason why is because some people love to draw and they get in trouble for coloring in class and I mean come on do you really want people to get in trouble for that? My second reason why is so people who want to learn how to draw can learn in the simplest ways. Cause I walk around our school and I see drawings and they are so incredible and most people are fascinated and would like to teach them but don’t have time to. My third reason why is some people like sports but people are afraid to attend but this is a place where people can be themselves. Some people are like really bad or just they want to become better at something. Such as basketball. You can’t hit the goal so you get bullied and you don’t want to tell anyone and you would love to learn how to play it. Well here you could teach someone. Or soccer. You don’t know how to kick the ball and you are scared that your team would not pass the ball cause they know you won’t make it but you love to play. You could learn how to here at Fun Committee! And here is my final reason why. You really want some new friends because your other “friends” don’t think you are fun or cool or you just are not good enough for them. Here are my reasons why you sould make me the Fun Committee. Hevin Clark Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Pay teachers more Dear Editor, I think that teachers should get paid more than they do and this is why. Teachers are amazing people and help us get into college and get good jobs. They have to buy

most of the stuff in their classroom and that cost a lot of money. They are hard workers. So that is why I think teachers should get paid more. Madyson Hurst Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Start playing outside Dear Editor, I think people should stop playing video games and start going outside. I think that because people are really into Fortnite and play it way too much. It’s not a good influence on kids because it’s about violence. It could also lead you to not studying, and the result of that would be bad grades. That leads to not being able to play football or baseball. This is why I think people should stop playing video games. Brock Schnaus Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Salad bar would be nice Dear Editor, We should have a salad bar in our cafeteria because we need to eat healthier. We also need a salad bar so we can get something else if we don’t like the food that is getting served. This is why we should have a salad bar in our cafeteria. Vincent Huckelby Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Indoor rock climbing Dear Editor, I think having an indoor rock climbing place in Jasper would be awesome to have! I think Jasper should have an indoor rock climbing place because if you are scared of heights, you can build up confidence. Also if it was cold or stormy outside you can still exercise by climbing up the rock wall and you could have so much fun too! It could also get people off their devices instead of staring at a screen all day. You could have so much fun! You also would not have to travel to places like Evansville or somewhere else. You could just stay in Jasper. That’s why I believe Jasper should indoor rock climbing place. Don’t you think it would be great to have an indoor climbing place? Lillie Campbell Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Outdoor lounge area Dear Editor, Have you ever wanted to sit down and relax? Maybe with a cup of coffee outside in nature? That’s why I believe Jasper should have an outdoor lounge area. My parents always complain they need time to relax and time away from all the noise at home. An outdoor lounge area would be perfect! They could be outdoors reading a book or doing things for work. When outside you are more calmed and relaxed. Adults shouldn’t be the only ones allowed to come kids could too! They can work on projects or just hang out with friends. It could be a great place for them to get school work done. They could go with clubs at school they’re involved in and sports teams. Kids sometimes need to calm down and place to relax too. Outdoors are much more peaceful than indoors sometimes. You can explore nature and listen to the sounds not coming from electronics or radio. I know many people find the sounds of nature and rain relaxing. It’s good to be outside for your body and health. I think lots of people should spend more time outside so their health level could increase. People need more places outside so they won’t be concerned about their health. That is why I think Jasper needs an outdoor area to go to and enjoy being outside. For relaxation, work, school, and health which are all important. Androulla Neophytou Grade 5, Tenth Street School

Jasper needs a taxi Dear Editor, Jasper Indiana needs taxi because some people can’t afford a car or a bike. You don’t have to pay the taxi driver. Taxi are fun to rind in them. Mya Hidalgo Grade 3, Tenth Street School Continued on Page 11




Concluded from Page 10

Bouncy houses Dear Editor, I want to make a change around here. I want to have a place in Jasper with bouncy houses — just all bouncy houses. I think this is a good idea because all the people in Jasper don’t need to drive so far away. By the way, it will be easier to get there because Evansville has tons of places with bouncy houses. We will have are own now. Parents and children would have fun together and don’t have to drive far away to get there. This is why I think Jasper should have our own bouncy house place. Braylen L. St.Clair Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Red Lobster Dear Editor, There should be a Red Lobster in Jasper, IN because there are not a lot of seafood restaurants in Jasper. My second reason is people don’t have to drive all the way to Kentucky because that will be like a 1 hour drive. My third reason is some people might only bring enough money for food, but they might have to spend some money on gas for their car. Christian Sanchez Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Indoor basketball court Dear Editor, Do you think we should have a public indoor basketball court? Well I do. One reason is you would have extra time to play with your friends. Another reason is you won’t have to pay to play at the court. I know I get bored and I’m sure other people do too. So it will give us something to do. Also it is a good workout and, it keeps you healthy. Now do you think we should have a public basketball court? Sutton Brosmer Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Recycling centers Dear Editor: I think Jasper should have more recycling centers, because Jasper has one on the south side only. I will give many good reasons why Jasper should have more recycling centers. First of all, if it is crowded, then you might not want to wait a long time. For example, if there is a lot of cars and you have something that belongs on the other side, then you might not want to go to that one if it is always full. Second of all, if you have tons and tons of junk, then you might want someone to help you carry all of it. For example, if you have 5 bags of trash, 8 stacks of cardboard, 6 boxes of glass, 9 bags of plastic and aluminum, and 2 bags of bottle caps. Lastly, if you live on the north side of Jasper, then you have to drive all the way to the south side of Jasper just to get rid of your trash. For example, if I live near the middle school, then I have to drive all the way across town. Instead, you can stay on that side of town and get rid of your trash. That’s why I think Jasper should have more recycling centers. I hope all of you agree with me. Jett Sringer Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Gardens fight pollution Dear Editor, Jasper Indiana needs a community garden. If we had a garden everybody would have a role in it. Some people will plant it, some will take care of it while it’s growing, and some people will pick them. Another reason we should have a community garden is because it’s a great way to learn how to garden. Did you realize if we had a community garden it would make our city smell fresh, and plants get rid of pollution? I hope Jasper will get a community garden. Addison Schnarr Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Less time for gaming Dear Editor, I hope you’re having a nice day. I am going to talk about gaming consoles. I think we should have less gaming time for kids 16 and below. For kids, if they stare at a screen all day, it could cause damage to eye-


sight. It could cause less talking to family or anger and rage to family members. Like 2-3 years ago there was a kid who passed away because he didn’t eat and he also stared at a screen all day. It could cause hunger and thirst. If they’re to focused they will hit someone if they bother them. Miles Lamkin Grade 4, Tenth Street School

More hours of school Dear Editor, I think kids in America should have more hours of school. We can do more than just an hour or so of math and other subjects. We could have easier homework because of how long we study at school. At school we can get more papers finished so we can do more activities at home because we might not have as much homework. This means we could play more sports and read longer. We can learn more at school so we do better on tests, and get into higher educations like a university or college when we get older. People can get better jobs such as a lawyer or a doctor. That is why I think people in America should have more hours of school. Tristan Ward Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Smoking bad for world Dear Editor, I think people should stop smoking. I will give you some good reasons to stop smoking and how it is bad for the world. First it can make whoever is with them sick. Very Very sick! The air coming from the smoke can make that happen. Some people have to go outside to smoke so they can get sick from the cold. Next it can cause the person that is smoking to get sick.The air going into their mouth can make them sick. They can get lung cancer. Finally it can harm our world by people throwing it on the ground. Lighting it and then throwing it on the ground is littering! That’s why I think people should stop smoking. Adelynn Creutz Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Girls on the Run is fun Dear Editor, I think we should honor Girls On The Run because it helps everybody and not just girls to run a 5k. My first reason is that it helps everybody to have a goal and to achieve it. My second reason is it helps us and everybody else to not do bad things to our body. My final reason is it helps everybody and girls to be encouraged. Vanessa Ramirez Acosta Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Arcades help winter pass Dear Editor, Jasper Indiana needs an arcade. My first reason is there is nothing to do in the winter. All the kids will be whining, and they will annoy the parents so much. They don’t want that. If the kids are bored they could just go to the arcade instead of staying inside. Parents would not have to babysit their kids. The parents could just sit back and relax. That is why I think we should have an arcade. Matthew Haag Grade 4, Tenth Street School

Different kinds of food Dear Editor, I think we should have more restaurants in Jasper because people would love having differents kinds of food. For example, we could have an Olive Garden, Hibachi, and more Hispanic restaurants. By having more restaurants we could have more options to choose from! Some people may not like the restaurants that we have here. Having more restaurants would make people try different types of food. Also trying more foods is good! Fernanda Alas Grade 4, Tenth Street School

No more homework Dear Editor, Do you think we should have home-

work? I think that all schools should not have homework and not because I do not like it. I think this because you do work all day at school and come home and instead of spending time with family you come home and do more work. Another reason is some kids spend hours doing homework and have to cancel with friends or family members because of it. This is why I believe we should have no homework. Lorelei Stone Grade 4, Tenth Street School

More time for recess Dear Editor, I think there should be 18 more minutes of recess for elementary students because reses gose raley fast we only 30 minutes. Some people that join knockout donte get to shoot and try to get someone out People don’t get to bat at whiffle ball. Alex Padilla Silva Grade 3, Tenth Street School

See planets, stars Dear Editor, Jasper Indiana needs a planetarium or observatory. I think we should have one because people wonder about the stars and planets and so people can see the eclipse Live. And maybe to see Venus And Mars if possible. And if the Planetarium had a name if would be,”Social Science Observatory. It would be pretty if the place was the shape of a half dome. So if you can please build a Planetarium. Trey Blackgrave Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Save the animals Dear Editor, I think that we should save our animal population. If we don’t have enough animals, our lives will be destroyed. So, I think that we should save our animal population. And this is why I think we should all help save it. If we don’t get enough meat we will all eventually die because we need plenty of meat in order to live our lives out. We also get eggs and milk from some animals. We should really think of saving our animal population so we don’t die. We do not want animal species to go extinct. We need to protect our animals. Here are some ways that we can help save our animal population. We can stop building houses where they have habitats. We can stop chomping down trees. We can stop killing them if we are not farmers or hunters. We can stop littering and destroying their homes. So if everybody in Jasper would help save our animal population we will all survive and we will all live. Jillian Hughes Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Thankful for Parklands Dear Editor, I am going to tell about the Park Lands in Jasper, Indiana and why it is a healthy place for you. I think it is healthy because people go there to get their exercise. You can run, walk, skip, and jump through the trails. They even have hills. Also your kids can have fun and play on the equipment. Children can climb and play on all the cool stuff. You can walk about 3 miles or more there if you wanted to. If you have animals you can walk them there. If there were no Park Lands, people and animals would not be able to get their exercise. That’s why the Park Lands are awesome. I am so thankful for the Park Lands. Sofia Aguilera Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Fun at the pool Dear Editor, WEE!!! Do you hear that? That is the sound of fun going on in the pool. I think Jasper needs another pool because there are not a lot of pools in Jasper. I have seen only two pools in our area, the one in Huntingburg and the one in Jasper. I like going to pools in the summer because it is fun and we can teach people how to swim. My dad taught me how to swim in the Huntingburg Swimming Pool. Swimming pools are the only thing my brothers and I get along while doing. Once I almost drowned because my dad thought I was a different girl. At first he didn’t know I was

under the water. But, then he spotted me, and I was okay. I still like swimming pools though. Sometimes it can get over crowded and you can lose your mom or dad or they can lose their child when it is too crowded. That’s how accidents happen. If we had more pools, they wouldn’t be so crowded. It would be safer and more fun! We need more pools! I mean where are most people supposed to go when it is summer and all the pools are full? I would say, “We need more pools.” What would you say if that bad stuff happened to you because the pools are too crowded? I know what I would do and I just said what I would do. Don’t you think of course we need more swimming pools? And that is how I know that we need more swimming pools! Jalyn Lopez Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Recycling and Sky Zone Dear Editor, I think we need to recycle more because it is healthier and it is better for our country. I think we should also recycle because if we don’t we have to make new stuff.We should recycle because then you won’t have to go to another place just because someone from your family is sick. So I also think we should recycle because if we don’t recycle we might have germs on things. I think we should also recycle because if we recycle some people would be happy and healthy. So I also think we should recycle because if we recycle we’ll have good air pollution also because everything would be clean. Editor I think we should have a close sky zone so you won’t have to drive all the way to Evansville. Another reason is because you will won’t have to be wasting your money on buying food. So that’s all the reasons that I think we should change. Kaylee Ayala Grade 3, Tenth Street School

More fire stations, please Dear Editor, I think we should have more fire stations because there are not that many for if anybody who has a fire.Plus we need more just in case there are two people who have a fire at the same time so we will need more firemen so we have to have more fire stations. We also need more fire stations because more than one person could be stuck on top of a building and you will need more than one ladder. And to keep people safe.That is why i think we should have more fire stations. Charley Porter Grade 3, Tenth Street School

We should have a zoo Dear Editor, I think we should have a zoo thanks if you give us a zoo like lions and tigers and snow leopords. Eli Himsel Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Honor Abe Lincoln Dear Editor, I have a story for you so I think you should read it because I think you are a good person. And this letter is for you and I think you will like it. So this is about my Abe Lincoln writing and my Abe Lincoln writing is about you know Abe Lincoln and you know how some people think you shouldn’t honored on president’s day but I said he should be honored because if Martin Luther king was honored he should be honored because it wouldn’t be fair to him. Jaylynn Brewster Grade 3, Tenth Street School

Music and art teachers Dear Editor, Thank you for your newspapers and your funny comics. But I want to say something Important. I think that there should be more music and art teachers. The reason why I say that Is because music and art teachers are the best! Then art can make teachers enjoy It and music can make you smarter and teachers enjoy It too! That’s why I think that we should have more art and music teachers. Braylee Racicot Grade 3, Tenth Street School





More hangouts needed Dear Editor, I think that Jasper should have more things to do because anytime my little sister wants to go to Chuck e Cheese or my older sister wants to go to the mall, we have to go to Evansville, and people would get out more and hangout with their friends. Jasper should have more shopping places and places to hangout with your friends. Recently the Jasper Parklands has been built but I feel as though we should have more. Like an outlet mall or even some better restaurants like Red Lobster or Golden Corral, and some more coffee places like Dunkin Doughnuts or Starbucks. One time my sister really, really wanted to go to Chuck e Cheese but my mom didn’t want to have to drive all the way to Evansville only to come back a few hours later. For the rest of the day my sister was crying around the house and whining about she wanted to go to Chuck e Cheese and should have been allowed to go, and how our mom was the worst person and mom ever. I also frequently want to go ice skating but no one else in my family enjoys in that much except my aunt, uncle and cousin, and they live in St. Louis, so unless it’s a special occasion, I don’t go ice skating. My older sister is a shopaholic, even if she doesn’t realize it, and she sometimes wants to go to the Eastland Mall in Evansville so that she can spend like a hundred dollars at each store we go to. I think it would help her obsession, with shopping, if she were able to go the mall every day because she would realize how much she spends and cut back on it. This is why I think that we should have more hangout places and restaurants in Jasper. It would help the kids get out more and more time with not only friends, but family. We also don’t have to add the stuff I suggested. We could add an Aquarium. It doesn’t have to be like the Georgia Aquarium but it would be nice to have one to hang out with friends in. Also we don’t have to start adding these now it can be a while before it happens, but I think it would benefit our future while living in Jasper. Madeline Schmitt Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Makerspace necessary Dear Editor, I believe that in Jasper we should have a public makerspace. A makerspace is a collaborative workspace for learning, education and professional use where there are technological tools for the public to use such as 3D printers, CNCs, woodworking tools, electronic tools and many more. Some people might like to build things or use additive manufacturing for small business, but they can’t afford some expensive equipment. If Jasper had a makerspace, it could help some people with business, personal projects and school assignments. I feel that the new cultural center and library would be a perfect place for a maskerspace. Some makerspaces are independent, but some are associated with schools, libraries and other places of education. This would make the new cultural center a perfect place for a makerspace. It could help people learn about additive manufacturing, and classes could be held there so that you can be taught by a professional. This is why I think that a public makerspace would be a good additional the toe community. It could help for learning, businesses and personal projects. A makerspace would be a great place that I feel would be widely appreciated among the community. Ryan Verkamp Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Kids want to go gym Dear Editor, Adults go to the gym many times per week. They leave their kids at home or with a babysitter. When my parents go to the gym, I can’t help but want to come along. I love to exercise and sometimes I get board of simple running and at home exercises. In our gym class at school, we do a weight room unit and I take great pride in it. I think that there should be gym for kids. At home, we do not have an elliptical or a treadmill. We don’t have a bench press or a weightball. Local gyms have many exercise equipment that a person may use without paying full price for the appliance. I find this an amazing opportunity to get some


exercise for a small membership fee. The kids such as me, get left out of the healthy chance. The children would only need help from a trainer to show them how to work the equipment. After that, kids could come to the gym on a regular routine and be gaining more strength. The modern children have become addicted to their phones. Teens spend an average of nine hours a day online. That is an outrageous amount of time. Studies are shone that proving that staring at a screen is not good for your health or your brain. Not only does it inspire kids to sit around all day to get the joy of games, but it also gives them a liability of being contacted by an anonymous message that could ask for personal information. The gym would be a chance to get away from your phone and your body will appreciate the task. I believe that kids would be more protected from online dangers and would be more fit. This is why I would love to have a gym that children can attend. Jade Maki Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Jasper needs 2nd pool Dear Editor, I think we need another pool in town for convenience. Have you ever wanted to go to the pool but you can’t get there on a nice summer day because it’s too far away? This is really inconvenient for anyone who enjoys going to the pool and hanging out with friends. Your parents can’t take you because they are at work. Another would be jobs, a lot of teenagers like working at the pool in the summer because it’s a good form of exercise and it’s fun. Some of them don’t have cars so they walk or ride a bike to the pool. If they live far away this is inconvenient for anyone who wants to work at the pool. It would also draw new people into town because there are more things to do if they have a family. This is why I believe we need a pool in town. Mostly for convenience. Levin Cozza Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Dave and Buster’s Dear Editor, I am a humble 7th grader from Jasper Middle School that is writing to you today to tell you about an extremely important issue that needs to be recognized in our great city of Jasper. The problem I want to address is that there are few things for a teenager to do in Jasper. The only things there are really to do is go to the movies, skating or the Bowling alley. While these are all good things, the entertainment could be stepped up a little bit. That’s why I think a Dave and Buster’s is just what this town needs. There are two main reasons that this would be a great addition to our town. The first reason is that it would cause lots of kids and teenagers to choose going there over doing things that could get them in trouble. It would be a great safe, and family-friendly place for them to hang out on weekends. A lot of older teenagers complain that there is nothing “cool” for them to do and they might end up doing things they are not supposed to. Dave and Buster’s would prevent that and I think it would be a great opportunity for everybody- especially the genius people that would bring it to this town. The reason this would be great for them is the second reason— they would get lots of money! I personally don’t know anyone in middle school who wouldn’t regularly hang out at Dave and Buster’s. Whoever got a Dave and Buster’s here would have amazing financial success. All in all, this addition would greatly benefit the community and I don’t see a single bad side to it. Thank you for reading my letter and I hope you consider my idea. Carson Kelly Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Later start time Dear Editor, I think that Jasper should have school from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Kids in schools at 8 a.m. are tired in first period and are half asleep still. I have talked to one of my teachers and she has said that her first period class always seems half asleep and not alert. She has also said that her classes get more alert as the day goes on. Studies show that kids in school anytime before 8:30 a.m. are prevented from getting

a full night sleep and it could affect their academic performance, safety, and health. Studies also suggest that later starting times benefit teens which are wired to stay up late and sleep in. High schoolers that can drive would also benefit because they would be better rested and would be more alert behind the wheel, therefore would be less likely to be in or cause a wreck. Teens are recommended to sleep for 8 to 10 hours a night, but almost 70% of high school students have stated that they get 7 hours or less. All of these studies have proven that a later start time is better for the kids health and well-being. This is only one of the many things that could improve the future of this generation. Mackenzie Wagner Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

More time outdoors Dear Editor, I think everyone should experience the outdoors like hunting and fishing. If you like animals and the fresh air this is for you. Did you know children should at least have 3 hours outdoors according to redtri.com? If you are wanting to lose some pounds, you could go on a walk with your family, jog and ride bikes. If you do not have any time to go outdoors, you could go take a walk with your work friends on your lunch break. You could take your kids fishing or sign them up for sports. If you do not have anywhere to walk or run, you could go to the River Walk or Parklands. You could get your book and read outside. You could push your kids on the swing set at a park or at your house. So, in conclusion, I think everyone should experience the outdoors. Tyler Stemle Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Stand for the flag Dear Editor, I know that some of our Americans are not standing for the American flag. That’s not cool! I believe that every American should stand for the flag instead of sitting or kneeling. That means no one should sit or kneel for the flag! When you don’t stand for the flag you are disrespecting every sacrifice the veterans have made, even if you don’t know what they’re going through. That’s not right at all! The veterans have gone through stuff none of us should. Here are some examples of what they’ve gone through. In World War 1, 32 million civilians and military people died. In World War 2, 50 to 70 million people have died. In Vietnam, 52,220 people died. But people still sit for the flag. Unless you are disabled and can’t stand for the flag I recommend that you do because you won’t get much respect doing that, and respect our veterans. I would have added more but i did not have room so, in conclusion, everyone should stand for the flag. If your wearing a hat put it over your heart. No matter what we have to be respectful. Tori Survance Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

New business concept Dear Editor, Has your little brother, sister, cousin, nephew, or someone in your family dreamed of going shopping just for candy and stuffed animals? Well I have a great idea for it. I have though of a store that the whole family will love to go to. That store has lots and lots of goody’s. Like stuffed animals and candy. I would just love to go to a place with just that. You definitely bring a younger family member there. They will love it! When you get there, there is a door that is placed between each halves of the store. There will be a section of candy on one side of the store. That part of the store will have brown carpet. The other half of the will have stuffed animals with blue carpet. The carpet will be soft and gentle, that way little kids won’t get carpet burns. If you donate a dollar you will receive a tiny light brown teddy bear with a pink bow. Therefore if you donate 50 Cents you will get a sucker. You get these gifts because you will be donating to the cancer awareness society. If you donate 15 times you will get a big teddy, about 2 feet tall. Not only will you be buying candy and teddy’s. You can go near the back of the store where you can play games to win teddy’s and candy. You can also color in the playroom on some paper

with some crayons. You can give a drawing to an employee and they will hang it up for you. The store will open at 8:00 AM and close at 9 PM. Zoey Tooley Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Shelters are needed Dear Editor, In Jasper we need a shelter for people in need. There are a lot of people in our town that don’t have a home and need food. This place would serve food and provide a place so that they fill welcome and can come anytime. This place can also provide clothes too. The place doesn’t just need to be for the homeless but it can also be for the people who have been abused and this place can protect them. If they or you are being abused or need help come and join this shelter. It can keep you from getting smacked or hurt this is a place for you to come and feel like someone can protect you and help you in way you need to and you won’t get harmed. The shelter can be for the homeless too. It can be long term or short term when they stay. The shelter can give you warmth and clothes. When you leave you can grab one or two blankets if need and extra clothes. You can come and go if you like it is 24 hours 7 days a wekk. Lily Taber Grade 7, Jasper Middle School

Pay is not equal Dear Editor, Did you know that for every dollar a Hoosier man makes, a Hoosier woman makes about 27 cents less? The truth is, that isn’t Okay. It may not seem like a big deal, but when it comes down to your yearly total, there’s a drastic difference that affects lives greatly. Lower incomes for women mean that it’s more difficult for them to provide and take care of their family, which is very alarming, because over the years, the percentage of men losing their jobs have become higher. Women now have to work harder and more than they already do for more income. But why should we? It’s just downright unfair and far off from justice to pay somebody less because of their gender. Where’s the logic in that? Maybe there was a time when people thought men were more superior and deserving of greater income, but it’s now 2019. The lack of equality needs to be change immediately, but that change doesn’t happen unless we work hard together to make it happen. Tammy Lam Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Help those in need Dear Editor, I’ve always wanted to be an interior designer, but I’ve also had a thought that maybe furniture stores should help supplies those in need. If furniture stores would make a change in this world to help people who don’t have furniture in their homes it would help a lot. People always struggle to get their needs, and if we could help them in anyway, that would take a lot of weight off their backs. I’ve heard a lot of stories of people not having the money to afford stuff. There’s kids that have beds and their own rooms, but some of us take it for granted. We tend not to see the ones in need that don’t have what we have in our own hands. They wake up hoping that one day they will have what they have been dreaming of. I’ve never been in a situation that my family hasn’t been able to afford furniture, so I don’t really know how it feels not to have that type of stuff. I’ve seen that when people have furniture sometimes it’s worn out, or even that the kids have to share beds because they don’t have enough for every to have because of the short amount of money. It would be incredible if companies could come together to supply those in need. I couldn’t imagine being in their shoes. There’s really upsetting stories out there I heard of. My family likes to give more than to receive. We always find ways to donate money to help others. When I do that I always have a good feeling, knowing that I’ve done something that is going to change someone else’s life. Ashlyn Alcantara Grade 8, Jasper Middle School Continued on Page 15




Concluded from Page 13

Stores for south side Dear Editor, I live on the south side of Jasper, and have lost several stores including JC Penny’s and Kmart. This loss of stores has forced much longer trips. To simply get a prescription, we drive almost across all of Jasper to get it. More stores coming to the south side of Jasper could help in a great many ways for quality of life. In this article I intend to show you some of the helpful benefits adding businesses would bring. Firstly, the shorter needed trips would help with gas usage, and pollution. Instead of a near 15+ minute drive in a car, the people in the area closer to ours would need only about a 4-5 minute at max drive. Even if a car would have great mileage, a shorter route would still help. Less gas in the air means less pollution, it would not fully end it, but adding more stores in the south side of Jasper can still reduce it. Second are two similar points. New stores could help increase quality of life in shortening the distance needed to drive, and not crowding other stores like Walmart, etc. For the people that don’t live on the south side, I will make an analogy for you. Imagine your Walmart, Ruler Foods and other convenience stores were removed. Though unlikely, just imagine this. You would need to drive all the way across town to go to get your groceries. It would get tiring to do that on a near weekly basis. This is what it is like for people on the south side. And not just for groceries, but clothes and other necessities. Since Kmart left too, my family needs to go all the way to Walmart just to get prescriptions. This change would convenience all of us. It would help the people who are not experiencing this problem too. Their stores, that we currently have to drive to, would be less crammed and they could get their goods easier. Walmart would still be busy, just maybe not as busy. Thirdly and finally, it would help revenue in Jasper. Do you think people would rather drive across town for one store, or go to Evansville to get many different goods? Most would go to Evansville. Adding more stores would increase revenue for not only the individual stores, but for the city of Jasper as well. Staying local provides many benefits to our community. Not only in businesses making revenue, but more people would move to Jasper’s southern areas if they see a southside with stores in plentiful amounts, which also would furthermore assist Jasper. In addition, I am not the only person that is trying to achieve this. Many people are asking for more stores to come to the south side of Jasper, because we seem to have only lost stores over time. Natalie Combs, the owner of Green Thumb, a gardening and lawn care company located across from the increasingly barren Jasper Manor mall, is leading a charge to get more stores in that area as well, She states, “The high points are increasing quality of life, adding jobs, and enticing young couples to move back to Jasper, as well as keeping shopping revenue local.” People are wishing that they did not have to commute such a distance, so I am deciding to shed some light on this issue as well. Adding more stores to the south end of Jasper would help in a multitude of ways, whether it be gas usage, or convenience. I hope that this will make you further aware of this matter, and something may happen to help it. Casey Haggh Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

JMS dress code Dear Editor, Today I write to you about a topic that many have argued over and fought for. The JMS dress code. We, the girls of JMS, have been upset by it year after year. We wana see a change, a big change on a big subject. You may ask what’s the big deal about a simple dress code? The big deal is it’s hypocritical and some of the rules just make no sense. Such as the rule where any tops exposing shoulders are not allowed, except cold shoulder tops. That’s extremely contradicting seeing if we can’t wear offthe-shoulder tops, because they expose our shoulders which to some is “distracting,” then why are cold shoulders allowed? It just makes no sense, I mean either they let us show shoulder or they don’t. It not that hard of a decision. Another rule that I believe makes no


sense is about ripped jeans. I’ve watched girls have the holes in the knees of their jeans babypinned shut. That’s just plain ridiculous, I get no rips on the thighs but knees?! What make them conclude this decision? Sometimes you have to question these simple things, because they make no sense. Another rule is that we can’t wear sweatshirts past the lower hip, hyet we have to wear fingertip length shirts with leggings, so if it’s cold and you want to wear a sewatshirs with leggings wee too bad Jasper Middle School won’t allow it. So yeah, write to you today to try and make a change on this set of hypocritical and onsensical ruls. Kendall Krohn Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Officer is a hero Dear Editor, Today, I am writing to you to commend the actions of a particular police officer that stands outside of Jasper Middle School to direct traffic. I go to Jasper Middle School and I see this police officer quite a lot. I do not know the name of this officer but I see him as a true hero for protecting us every day. I am genuinely thankful he continues to do his job. In warm weather, I walk home quite a lot, and I smile with joy when I see the officer at the four-way stop, I have to cross that road every time I walk home. Without that officer, I don’t necessarily feel safe crossing a street full of anxious parents all trying to make sure they reach their destinations. As a walker, you have to use your senses and pay attention to your surroundings, since you don’t know what could happen. But with the officer there, he always stops the cars when it’s my turn to cross the street. On rare occasions, he is not there I feel worried because certain cars start beeping for me to go. I can’t see through people’s windshield all the time, so it frustrates me when they honk. It not only frustrates me, but it worries me, because I can’t cross the street safely when different cars are urging me to go at different times. In conclusion, this officer keeps me and many others safe when crossing the road. This officer is doing his job the perfect and right way. Even though some many argue that his hand signals are simply part of his job, I know for a fact traffic is smoothing when he is around. I want to thank the unknown officer for keeping me safe when I walk home from school. Kathryn McCoy Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Teacher bring variety Dear Editor, We have great teachers at JMS. We have some funny teacher, some sterner teacher and some in between. They are always helpful and kind, and always ready to help. They enjoy their jobs and the people they work with. Some teachers, like a few of our social studies teachers, are always in a good mood. Our math teachers are amazing at their jobs, and our science teachers are all very unique and good at what they teach. Are ELA teachers all focus on different things, which makes each year different. With our ELA teachers some focus on writing, some grammar, some reaind, and some all things. Thios lets students get better at all points of ELA not just the ones that are required to be taught. Plus our principal and vice principals are both great people. Mason Schoenbachler Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Parklands great idea Dear Editor, Last year, the Parklands came to Jasper. At first, I was a little hesitant of how it could become a reality, but once I heard the Parlands was complete, I was among the first to use it! The Parklands consists of a beautiful bridge, tons of walkways, exercise equipment, small ponds of fishing, and amusing playgrounds. In the time of Parklands being here I have been able to make memories and take more than a couple of pictures. I think that the Parkland added a sense of pride to the community. My favorite part of the Parklands is the bridge. When you walk across the bridge, I feel like I’m somewhere else. As you walk

across the bridge you see the structure of the bridge and you can look out and see the sun setting sometimes, and you can even maybe fish. In the summertime it was my favorite think to walk across that bridge. The people who built the bridge constructed it beautifully. Looking out from the bridge and feeling like I am somewhere else makes me want to come back everyday. It took awhile for the Parklands to be completed; I would go past the construction site every day on the way to school. Other parks I’ve seen before have been gratifying but never this gratifying. Whoever had the idea to bring the Parklands was thinking the right think! The Parklands is a prject that the entire community can be proud of ! I appreciate the people of Jasper who try to bring exciting and pleasurable things to Jasper every day! Jade Nord Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Section for teens Dear Editor, When I was younger, I remember waiting for the Monday paper be cause I loved looking at the kids section that came with it. Though as a teen, I never read the paper because I never see anything that interests me. I could still look at the kids section, but I feel of out place. I might pick it up once in a while to play Sudoku, but I don’t do that very often. Though, if there was a teens section, I feel like I would be more likely to look at the paper. Personally, I think that there should be a teens section in the newspaper. This section should be filled with articles written by teens, crosswords for younger audiences, and even advice columns. The only problem is that our generation is too caught up in our phone and celebrity news to want to write an article for a newspaper, but this exact reason is why I want to add this section in the newspaper. I found it really hard to get started on this letter, but I realized it was because I didn’t know a lot of what was going on in our community. I purely blame that on me for not trying, but I also think the newspaper should try to get younger audiences interested in what is going on, right here right now. Think about all the positive effects this could have on all of the people in our community. Younger people would be opened up to a new medium of sharing their opinion, and our community would be able to hear more from the younger citizens and what we want. We would also feel like we play a bigger role in the community because we would feel like what we are saying matters. With a teens section, I know that I would be more likely to pick up the paper to ready, and would be more informed about what was going on in our community. I would also be more compelled to add my opinion without having write one for school. Kella Lichlyter Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

LGBTQ+ rights Dear Editor, Homosexuality has always existed, in all times and places, but we have only recently began seeing social reform. A mere four years ago, in 2015, same-sex marriage was legalized in all fifty states. Despite this being a tremendous feat in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, there is still so much hatred diected at LGBTQ+ people. Same-sex couples are denied service, the average life expectancy of a black transgender woman is thirty-five years, and twenty-eight states (including Indiana) lack laws that protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. An overwhelming number of Americans find nothing wrong with these occurrences and don’t support the LGBTQ+ community. Many people use their religion as an excuse for disagreeing with the gay lifestyle. Yes, the vast majority of spiritual texts state that homosexuality is a sin. However, another think that the vast majority of spiritual texts state is to treat others as you would like to be treated. If your’re using your religion as a way to justify your dislike of all gay people, then you must ask yourself what if the roles were reversed? What if being straight was wrong? What if people despised your due to something you had no control over. What if someone thought that you didn’t deserve the right to marry who you love? Wouldn’t you feel worthless and

scared? Wouldn’t you want people to support you? Put yourself in their shoes. Try to gain perspective. Nobody should ever think of gay people as less than, and nobody should ever treat them differently, regardless of religious beliefs. The day-to-day discrimination that transgender and nonbinary people face is appalling. Bathroom bills — which restrict a transgender person’s public bathroom usage to the gender on their birth certificate rather than what gender they identify with — are a prime example of that. Some people believe that if a transgender person were to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender, they would pose a threat to CIS people using that bathroom. Multiple studies have shown, however, that there is no strong evidence to suggest that this theory is true. A person’s gender identity does not affect others in any way, so why aren’t they given the same rights? Why aren’t they allowed to live their life? LGBTQ+ people are people, the same as you and me. They have thoughts, emotions, problems, and insecurities. They have no control over their gender identity or sexual orientation and gender identities and sexual orientations that are different from the “nor” aren’t inherently bad. Their identities in no way affect people negatively. Everyone should feel free to marry who they want to, use whatever bathroom that aligns with their gender, and be themselves. It is not our right to govern what they do in their lives. Abby Kidwell Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

All should learn laws Dear Editor, I believe that just like there are into choices as Freshman classes such as Intro to Business and Intro to Agriculture, there should be an Into to Law. My reasoning is that everyone should have the opportunity to learn about what they want to learn. We all have the right to know our nation’s laws from a young age. Once would have to break around 30,000 laws just to learn them all from experience with authorities alone. Most of us don’t even know 100, which could be changed if a class was created to inform us about laws from an early age. The class if just common sense for us to grow up to be proper citizens. I believe that the class should not just exist but be mandatory. It is so important that we as citizens know our own nation’s laws. A class making laws being mandatory would inform us on the consequences of our actions and how we will be held accountable. The class wouldn’t be anything too advanced. It would just be like Math or English where you learn things and you test on them. However, it is no crucial to our development as citizens. In summary, I believe that we as humans would be most benefited to understand the laws of the greatest nation on Earth, The United States of America. Our nation would be even better if we all knew its laws and as such, were able to knowingly follow them all. An orderly and safe nation should be one of our first priorities. If citizens have had a class that makes why laws are beneficial to all, they are more likely to follow them. Thank you for taking time to read my point of view. Dawson Young Grade 8, Jasper Middle School

Don’t miss musical Dear Editor, Hello? I would like to make everyone aware of the Jasper Middle School’s spring production of “Seussical The Musical.” I highly encourage everyone to come watch it this April. It is a great family-friendly show full of humor, emotion and fun songs! The tickets cost nearly nothing, and all of the money goes to funding performances. Our director, Courtney Heberer, and so many other important peple work extremely hard to make this possible. Not to mention all of the effort students put into it! We would absolutely love to share our performance with as many people as possible. Our community’s support means the world to us! So please consider bringing your family and firends to our performances at the Jasper Middle School on April 12 at 7:00 p.m., Arpil 13 at 2 p.m., and April 13 at 7:00 p.m. You won’t regret it. Marissa Killion Grade 8, Jasper Middle School





World peace Dear Editor, I am concerned that there should be peace in our world. Carter Gunn Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Stop killings Dear Editor, I wish people would stop killing each other for no reason so our country will keep winning. Sam Schaefer Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

A lot of traffic Dear Editor, I am concerned about the traffic by the high school. I live by the high school and when my mom picks me up from school there is a lot of traffic. What if someone is driving fast, and they crash into buses? There are a lot of kids in the buses. Claire Villwock Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Man on moon Dear Editor, Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Neil Armstrong was a fan of space. Space is awesome. Cash Gehlhausen Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Funnies Dear Editor, You put not really good funnies, can you put good funnies in the funnies? Chloe Peters Grade 1, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Wild fires Dear Editor, We have a problem! People all over the country are in trouble because of wild fires. What are wild fires? Good question! Wild fires are things that happen in people’s home and spread to all over the place. Ellie Seger Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Need Dunkin’ Dear Editor, I think we need a Dunkin Donut in Jasper because I love donuts and we don’t have one in Jasper. Ally Wagner Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Jasper is great Dear Editor, Jasper is a great town to live in. There’s a lot of fun things to do here. Like the Parklands, Astra, Riverwalk, Jasper museum, Libby’s Ice Cream, and more. I am glad I live here. Jasper is a beautiful place to live. Lorelei Nealy Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Please adopt Dear Editor, There is a problem here. Why do people breed cool animals when they can adopt animals? There is a lot of animals in the world to save and adopt. It’s not that you need a perfect dog or cat or anything. All animals are good to snuggle! Please adopt! Camila Walford Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School


citing to look for books in a new library! I am excited to be able to read in a new place. Also the library looks like it’s going to be bigger than the old one. There’s also a new hotel by the new library so people visiting Jasper will be able to read their books at the library so that would be really exciting for them. The new library will be so exciting! Eli Werner Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Give to food bank Dear Editor, I think people should give to the food bank because some people just are having a hard time. At our school we give to the food bank every month and maybe families could do the same. The food bank is a great corporation because they help many people that are in need. Alayna Schnell Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Fair is fun Dear Editor, I love the 4-H fair. You can see so many animals. There is so much food to eat. They even have a fairis wheel. You can do so much more, and have so much fun. Carson Lamkin Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

School week Dear Editor, I think we should have a 4 day school week because students would get extra rest. It would save money for the school because you don’t have to feed us lunch for 5 days or pay for the bus to drop us off and pick us up. Also both teachers and students would be happier for an extra day off of school. Anna Levin Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Thank you, police Dear Editor, I think we have a great police force. They are cool and help protect us. They talk with students about drugs and arrest bad people. We are a safer community because of our police force. Aidan Flynn Grade 3, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Gas-based cars Dear Editor, We need less gas based automobiles. Are you wondering why? Well, that’s why you are reading this. Do you like clean air? Gas based automobiles cause air pollution. Also, more gas will be saved to make more products. Do you like going fast? According to HowStuffWorks.com, electric cars start faster and stay going faster than gas based cars. These are just a few facts, there are a lot more, so go look at them. Ryan Roettger Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Bigger Dairy Queen Dear Editor, We need a bigger Dairy Queen in Jasper. First of all, there isn’t enough room to park because the parking lot isn’t big enough. Also, because it is so small they can’t serve hot foods there. Their kitchen just isn’t big enough to serve it. Overall, it’s an amazing place to eat, but it needs more variety. Hopefully we get a bigger one soon! Samuel Shappard Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Pet-friendly hotels

Dear Editor, There are not enough orphanages or foster parents in Jasper. I think the kids don’t have any memories, such as taking a picture with a mom or dad, that is why more people should adopt or be a foster parent. Asher Fraser Grade 2, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Dear Editor, I think Jasper needs more pet friendly hotels. As a result many people will feel happy staying here with their animals. People would like Jasper better. People that have pets would be thankful for the hotel. It could bring more people to Jasper. I think this would be a great new improvement in Jasper. Wren Mehringer Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

New library exciting

Factories pollute

Dear Editor, I am so excited for the new library! I love reading different books. It’s so ex-

Dear Editor, We need less factories in our beautiful Jasper. All of the dirty and gross fac-

Adopt and foster

tories are making Jasper look very ugly. Jasper would look so beautiful without them. Also, the factories aren’t only polluting Jasper, but other towns’ air, too! I loved our clean and fresh air, but now, in downtown Jasper, the air is turning black around the factories! Last, the horrible factories are causing many people to get very sick or even die! We don’t want Indiana’s Hoosiers to die. Let’s keep Dubois County beautiful, have clean air, and keep Hoosiers healthy again! Clara Noblitt Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Arcades Dear Editor, We need more arcades. Arcades are old school machines that you can play by using a quarter. We don’t have arcades in Jasper. There is so many games on arcades but there isn’t anywhere to play them, that is close by. I have seen and played on them before. We need arcades to be closer or in jasper even. If we did have arcades I bet it will never close down that everyone will go there on Sundays and Saturday nights and it will be good for the community. Gerhard Woebkenberg Grade 4, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Community garden Dear Editor, Wooosh! The sound of gushing hose water greets you as you stroll closer to your destination. While you enter, your eyes wander over to the picturesque fruit trees, providing shade for little kids, and nutritious foods for others. Sweet scents of the multicolored flowers fills your nose as a few of your neighbors wave hello. The bounteous vegetable boxes are being watered by a young girl you don’t know, but are definitely willing to meet. Jasper should have a community garden because it will be good for citizens to interact with each other and certain plants have health benefits that can positively affect the people of Jasper. One part of my reasoning is that the citizens of Jasper can interact with each other, bonding and making friendships. To support this statement, when you’re hanging out with friends, either playing a sport or planting a garden, you are reducing your stress levels, and boosting your happiness. Whomever you meet, they could become a new friend or mentor. Friends can also help us make better life choices, such as getting more physical activity, or to eat more fruits and vegetables - which you also could gain from a community garden. Friends also enhance your self esteem by encouraging you, and giving you compliments. Another reason is that certain plants have health benefits that can positively affect the citizens of Jasper. For example, blueberries can help keep your memory sharp while you age, and raspberries contain anti - cancer properties. Also, carrots can improve your eyesight. The plants would also be better when grown fresh; without any pesticides. Many citizens would benefit from such things. Jasper residents would greatly benefit from a community garden. The people of Jasper could be eating healthy foods and meeting new friends. A community garden could easily make a city feel more welcoming and be a healthy option for fresh fruits and vegetables for all of its residents. Grace Villwock Grade 5, Holy Trinity Catholic School

Read “Refugee” Dear Editor, Boom! Crash! The bombs pounded the ground all around me. My legs pumped quickly up and down. I really hoped that this attack wouldn’t end with on the ground. Dead. My insides turned outwards for all to see. This is the plight of many people out there; however, precious few know or care. More people should read the book Refugee because it helps you to remember important time periods and it will motivate you to see things through a different perspective. Today, many wars, ancient or recent, are being forgotten. Therefore, those who suffered and fought valiantly are forgotten. Come with Isabel as she attempts to escape the dictatorship of Cuba. Cry with Mahmoud as he sees his city torn apart. Live through the horror of the Holocaust with Josef and his family. Books like Refugee

help us to honor and remember these wars and the people that suffered and fought in them. Many children nowadays are spoiled and entitled. They believe that they need material things to be happy. Reading the plight of refugees in this story and their many struggles will open your eyes to what really matters and just how lucky you are. For example; Mahmoud, a Syrian refugee fleeing from civil war, slept in a cold, dirty, abandoned shopping mall instead of a nice warm bed. In conclusion, Refugee will let you see things through a different perspective and help you to learn more about historical times. So go check out your local library, visit Amazon, go wherever you need to go to pick up the amazing and inspirational book called Refugee. Ava Claire Werne Grade 5, Holy Trinity Catholic School

City website Dear Editor, When people are planning to visit YOUR city, you want people to know information about your city or town. You can do that with a website! Jasper has a city website, but I feel that it is clunky and disorganized. I am writing this because I think someone should clean up our city’s website and make it more user-friendly. I think that there are a couple things that need to be changed on the Jasper website. First, we need to add more resources to our, “stay connected” page because our only resources on that page are Jasper’s Facebook and twitter. I believe we should have more resources than social media pages. For example, we could add a link to the Herald. Also, the drop down menu for the home page is very sensitive and can get very annoying. Lastly, the side dropdown menus on the other pages, for example the police department page, the menu is very touchy. Even more touchy than main drop down menu! These things need to be changed to make the website more user friendly. These are the examples of why we need to organize the Jasper website. Therefore, people can get information clearly and easily. Thank you for your time. Landon Fuhs Grade 6, Holy Trinity Catholic School

School uniforms Dear Editor, Have you ever been to a school where you have to wear a uniform? I think that schools in Jasper, should wear a uniform. I think this because I have been to a school where you have to wear a uniform, and a school where you do not. I have experienced both experiences and uniforms can make a difference to your education. Uniforms can help prevent bullying, and help children get to school on time. As a student, I care a lot about what I wear. Sometimes, I start to lose track of time, because I am trying to find nice clothes to wear to school. When I went to a school that had uniforms, it was so much easier to find clothes to wear. I could wake up, and get good clothes on in about 5 minutes. It was so much easier because we all had certain things we had to wear, and we didn’t have to really worry about how we looked. Another thing that I like about uniforms is that it can help prevent bullying. Uniforms can help with bullying because everyone is wearing somewhat the same thing. Sometimes, bullying can be caused by what you wear, I know that one time a shirt I wore to school was wrinkled, and I got laughed at and made fun of. Uniforms can prevent this because we are mostly wearing the same clothes, they are similar so no one has better clothes. These are two reasons why Jasper schools should have uniforms. So, there are two main reasons I think we should have school uniforms. It can help you get to school on time, and can help prevent bullying. It can help you get to school on time, because you don’t have to worry about “if this outfit looks” right, you can just wear your school uniform. It can also help prevent bullying because when you wear a school uniform, everyone is wearing similar things, so no one has better clothing than another. I think that schools in Jasper should wear a uniform. Mia Miller Grade 7, Holy Trinity Catholic School





Skate fast Dear Editor, I want to be a roller derdy girl. I think it’s really cool. I want to make friends. I like to skate fast. I’m talking about the roller blades I got on Valintines day from daddy. I want to do this to meet outher people. Amelia Kirk Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Marines Dear Editor, My dad was in the Marines for 10 years. He traveled the world. He kept the USA safe. He had to wear funny uniforms, with funny hats. He had a silly haircut too! Haileigh Siddons Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Humane Society Dear Editor, I think more people should get their pets from the Humane Society. My family adopted Junior 4 years ago. Junior is a very good dog. There are many good dogs to adopt. Piper Nichter Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Cutest puppy Dear Editor, Missy is the cutest miniature schnauzer that I am so happy to have as my puppy. She is 13 years old and grey. Her mommy got sick and we started to take care of her. She is so snuggly and love to sleep on my bed under the covers. I love my dog Missy so much and I am so thankful for her. Hadley Rainey Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Pandas Dear Editor, My favorite animal is a panda because they have little hands that move all over the place. They have very soft fur. It’s black and white. Their favorite food is bamboo. Briley Lanman Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Super heroes Dear Editor, I think the world should have superheros. They will protect us from monsters. I wish I can be a superhero when I grow up. I want to save people! Jaxon Moran Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Acts like a dog Dear Editor, I have a cat named Mika. She acts like a dog. She drinks milk. She likes to play with string. Xayden Trambaugh Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Finding unicorns Dear Editor, I think that everyone should find unicorns, because unicorns are my favorite animals in the world! Why do I like unicorns so much you might ask? I like unicorns because it’s just that the horns, they are so sparkly! I just want a real live unicorn, but I don’t know if there is such thing as a real unicorn. So, here I am, I’m on a hunt for unicorns. Also, I’m asking you to help me find a unicorn so that I can have my very own pet unicorn! If anyone knows where I can find a unicorn that I could have as a real life pet, please contact me! Evangeline Moudry Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Little brother Dear Editor, I’m going to talk about my little brother. Sometimes he is nice and mean. Sometimes he jumps on top of me and it is not fun for me but it is fun for him. I don’t like that. He can be fun. Sometimes we play well. I don’t what is is called but it is were you toss the ball back and forth to each other and it is fun. Autumn Wiscaver Grade 2, Holland Elementary


True story

Nerf or nothing

Dear Editor, This is a true story about my dog named Bud. Bud and I used to play keep away. And we played fetch and he sometimes didn’t bring back the tenis ball. He loved to get peted on the chin and on his belly. On one Saturday I found Bud just laying down on his blanket. My mom went outside and he wasn’t breathing. Then one day we got a new dog named Buddy. Samuel Mehringer Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Dear Editor, I think there should be a nerf academy for kids so they can get to know what it is like in the army if they want to be in the army and to play in. The academy wood all the nerf guns like the thunderhawk and all the others. The pople that like nerf guns will be able to go in to train to war. They will wear clothes like the clothes army Men wear camouflage with helmets and goggles. Landy Russell Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Plays horse

Girl power

Dear Editor, I have 16 horses, 5 dogs, 3 cats, 7 people, and I don’t know how many cows. Josie and I have to clean the pens. Jessie, Dad and Karson have to feed cows. Mommy and Emmy have to feed Billy and the bulls. Emmy and I play horse. I am the horse and Emmy is tehe owner. Addy Hoagland Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Dear Editor, I think that girls have a power inside of them that they should share with the world. Some of the powers that girls should be sharing with the world are kindness, thoughtfulness, intelligence, and love. Girls like to take in all of their surroundings and pay close attention to small details. There are many powerful girls that are making a difference in our world. I hope that I can be one of the powerful girls, and that I can make a difference in this world! Kate Boeglin Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Royal Penguin Dear Editor, A Royal Penguin uses his orher white and black fur camolog. They eat fish, and suqwid. They live in sub Antarctica. They lay one egg. They put the egg in their brod sack. They lay a egg faraway from the water. Clayton Sickbert Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Eat and school Dear Editor, At home I have to eat all of my food ontill my plate is clean. Then befor I go to bed I watch some tv. In the morning I go to school and do my work. A the end of the day I go home do my homework. After I’m done I watch some more tv. Campbell Marshall Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Sit and stay Dear Editor, I have a pet dog. It is a Blue Heeler. We feed it dogfood, water, and other food. Her name is Chance, and she is cute. She has three nicknames. They are Fatty, Girl, and Chancey. She likes to play tag. She also knows how to sit and stay. Nolan Reller Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Tail cut off Dear Editor, My dog is a girl. She is black and white! She is very old! Her tail was cut off! She has brown eyes! She sleeps sometimes! She is silly! She runs like the wind. She likes mice. Trinity Darling Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Lonely pets Dear Editor, I think any pet big or small should be able to come to school because people seem sad when they don’t get to see their pet for a whole day. Pets are also very sad when they don’t get to see there person/owner for an entire day, and for a pet that is a long time! I play with Ginger, White Socks and Big Boy Kitty my 3 pets as long as I can but I don’t get to play with them for long because it’s usually right before I go to bed. Finally a pet should be allowed to come to school. Besides who wouldn’t want to see their pet for a whole day and at school. Anna Meyer Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Respect teachers Dear Editor, I think that more people should have respect for teachers. Respect should be given not only for classroom teachers, but also for subs. I think that when you have a sub, you should give them your complete attention and stay in your seat. When your teacher is there she should be proud because you paid attention and not that you didn’t and you have to sit recess. We all know that’s not any fun. So pay attention to your sub and be good for them, so that you make your teacher happy and proud. Arianna Ronk Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Next Disney? Dear Editor, I want to start designing the best amusement park ever! When I grow up I want to desgin cool things like mansions, amusement parks and more. The best amusement park ever will have a Roller Coaster Land with roller coastres as cool as the ones at Cedar Point. I have never been to Cedar Point but I want to go for my 11th birthday. If I wait until my 11th birthday, I will be tall enough to ride everything. The park will have a toddler ride section. It will have a Movie Land so that people can go on ride themed with their favorite movies. The park will also include a water park section. It will have much more including the tallest roller coaster ever, but those are my first thoughts. I cannot wait to start designing. Anderson Elshoff Grade 3, Holland Elementary

The Kids Club Dear Editor, I want to make a kids club. Only kids are allowed. No parents. We’re going to have computers, ATVs, dirt bikes and PS4s, Xboxes, Nintendo Switches and a lot of stuff like that. It’s going to be a big mansion with more than 1,000 acres. There will be several rooms to do anything you want to do. I would usually play Fortnite to day and night. I’m still wondering what other kids would do. Also there would be unlimited snacks: pizza and everything a kid would like. And unlimited ice cream and all toppings. A kid’s favorite dream. Bryson Keller Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Teamwork Dear Editor, The definition of teamwork is when a group of people working together hoesively, toward a common goal, creating a positive working atmosphere and supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhane team performance. Do you demonstrate those characteristics when working with others? If you do you’re giving teamwork a shot! I think teamwork is important because you have a chance of acquiring new friends. You also create a positive environment when you work with others! Teamwork came in handy for me during STEM challenges and during plays at school. You need to use teamwork at a play by knowing where you are set and how you move so you and others don’t bump into each other! That would be bad. Teamwork also comes in handy during STEM challenges because you need to work with others trying to get or do something. If you don’t get along you wouldn’t get anything done. That’s why teamwork is important. Kali Chambers Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Raider Bucks Dear Editor, Do you have Raider Bucks at your school? I do and so does Southridge Elementary School, Southridge Middle

School and Southridge High School. I think Raider Bucks are good for schools because they teach kids to have Persistence, Resourcefulness, Integrity, Dependability and Empathy (also known as Raider P.R.I.D.E.). Teachers give you Raider Bucks when they catch students doing one of the five actions. When you get enough Raider Bucks you can buy things from the Raider Depot such as pencils, erasers, folders, earbuds, Raider wear, sharpeners, wallets and glue sticks. Also there is a drawing on Fridays for prizes. It only costs one Raider Buck for one chance to win. Raider Bucks are a good way to get kids to do the right thing. This is why I think Raider Bucks are good for our schools at Huntingburg and Holland and should be used at other schools to motivate students to earn their own Wildcat Bucks, Ranger Bucks and Jeep Bucks. Riley Blessinger Grade 4, Holland Elementary

ATV safety Dear Editor, Some kids say “I love going fast” until they have an accident. According to Findlaw, 135,000 people are injured on an ATV every year. You should have to always have a helmet on at all times, even if you are experienced. You should also wear jeans, a long sleeve shirt and boots. If you didn’t have a helmet on and you accidentally run into a tree, you could get a serious concussion. Just remember to always be safe! Max Hentrup Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Musical brain Dear Editor, Did you know that students who play a musical instrument do better in school? I play the piano and my older sister plays percussion and we do very well. Playing an instrument challenges your brain to learn a whole new system and take in more knowledge. Learning to play an instrument can be fun too! You can learn new songs and play your favorite ones in recitals. If you’re in band you might play in concerts. So if your parents or grandparents secretly sign you up to play an instrument, (like me) don’t be angry or upset because it’s for your advantage. Molly Keusch Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Role model Dear Editor, Push yourself again and again. Don’t give an inch until the final buzzer sounds — Larry Bird. On March 12, 1985, Larry Bird put on a jaw dropping show scroing a record 60 points in a game. That shows how determined he was to basketball and how hard he worked to get where he made it in his basketball career. Larry Bird is a great role model for anyone who has a dream. He is my role model I have always looked up to him. Even when I was little. Larry Bird is an example of someone who accomplished his dreams and goals through determination and persistence. I would like to play like him one day and be where he was in his basketball career. Heith Steckler Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Pay teachers more Dear Editor, A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart. This is exactly why I think teachers salaries should be raised. Right now, teachers, in my opinion are not getting the money they deserve. Imagine handling 30 or more kids and being responsible for every single on of them. That’s not easy! Not only do teachers work from 8 to 3, but they have to show up early to school. They also have to grade papers at home and plan what they are going to teach the following day. Through the years I have learned how much a teacher can impact your life. Teachers can especially impact your calling for what you will be when you grow up. In conclusion, teachers should get their salary raised. It’s great that they can do something they love, like helping kids, but it isn’t good when they don’t make enough money doing it. Kamryn Allen Grade 5, Holland Elementary

















Chain reaction Dear Editor, Amelia Earhart once said, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Sadly, in the world we live in that is not the case. Today’s world is full of hatred, violence, and fear. The little town we live in thankfully sees little violence, but let’s face it that outside the little bubble that we live in, violence is a real problem. So let’s all stand up together and make the world a better place before hatred engulfs us all. There are many good people that are trying to get the word of kindness out though. For example, if you have heard of Rachel’s Challenge I would personally recommend that you learn about the amazing young girl who started a “chain reaction” of kindness. We should all be kind to each other. If you say kind thing to one person they might say something kind to someone else causing a “chain reaction of kindness”, just like Rachel wanted all of us to do. One thing that always seems to confuse me is why people are still fighting, killing innocent people because of their relgion, race, or color. I thought that we got over all this nonsense 154 years ago at the end of the Civil War in 1865. It doesn’t matter what color that your skin is or who you believe in because that is your choice, and in the end we all have a heart, brain, and lungs, and what you use your body for is completely up to you. Hopefully you decide to use your body to be kind. So today I leave you with this quote by Oscar Wilde, “The smallest act of kness is worth more than the greatest intentions.” Whenever you go outside today I challenge you to say or do something nice to at least one person that you do not know. Maybe it could just be a simple “hello” or “I like your hair.” You never know how that can impact someone’s life. Ayla Ring Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Positive attitude important Dear Editor, Having a good attitude when you are in a sport, club, or really anything can play a huge part in your success. I’m not saying that I’ve always had a good attitude because I haven’t, but I have had enough experience with negativity when playing sports to know that I perform best with a positive mind set, or even when I just have my teammates cheering me on I do better. Having a good attidue and having talent are two completely different things. Having talent is extremely important in sports, but having talent isnt the only thing that matters. Having a positive attitude, in my opinion is almost as important as having talent. They both play a part in your success. My coaches have gotten on me for being negative along with my other teammates and most of the time it would only be for syaing the word “can’t”. I never realised how important it was that I not say can’t when I am around my younger teammates until my coaches brought it to my attention that they all look up to us. “They are going to try to act like you, so when you say you can’t do something, they are going to get into the habit of saying it also.” When my coach said this to me, I finally understood why I needed to stay positive. There are several reasons to why you should stay positive, but I’m not going to list 100 reasons when only one onf them sticks out for me. Right now I think I need to have a positive attidue for my younger teammates that look up to me and see what I am saying and doing. We all need to remember that other kids and people look up to you and notice your attitude. When they are older they can do the same for their teammates. Allison Taylor Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Great guy Dear Editor, I would like to thank my grandpa Roger. My grandpa was a great guy. He owned a company, raised a family, and he was in the army. He was a Vietnam war veteran who earned a purple heart and a bronze star. Unfortunately, he passed away last November and I miss him a lot He was a father, grandpa, friend, and brother. He had 5 children — Mike, Alissa,


Jenifer, Justin, and my dad Chris. His five kids went on to have 12 of their own kids To a lot of people, my grandpa is a very important man and is loved very much. My grandpa owned a business called Velpen Disposal. He retired a few years ago and passed the company down to some of my family members. He ran the company for over 20 years. He was a great guy and he worked hard at his job. He really was the best grandpa that anyone could ask for. Kara Schmitt Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Visit to Isle Royale Dear Editor, Honk! Our boat floats into the harbor of Isle Royale National Park. It is a nature lover’s paradise. Isle Royale is the best national park ever. The crane unloads supplies as it docks. As that happened, we went to find our cabin. It was a small little building, but big enough to fit our family of five. As my parents unpacked, I did the usual thing, I explored! There was a water plane dock in the sound and trails everywhere. Since it was cold, I had to put on a sweatshirt. The island was so beautiful and full of life. The shores of rock were fun to play on. We also got copper from the green stones. The trails were fun to walk on. You had to watch out for animal dung though! There are beautiful views like Lookout Lewis where you can see Canada. The hikes are great too. You can do overnight hikes between the two main villages. They have screened in buildings that the animals can’t get in. You can set up a tent in there along your hikes. As we packed up to leave, I realized that even though we traveled a long way, it was worth it. That is why I think that Isle Royale is the best national park. If you ever go there, pay attention to your surroundings where nature is unaffected by people. Jack Boeglin Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Quail hunting Dear Editor, The dog points; its tail is stiff and stright into the sky. My cousin and I walk, circling around the area that the dog is pointing to. It’s my turn to shoot, so I hold the shotgun at ready, waiting for the birds to explode out of the grass. A flash of movement, and there! The quail bursts out of the undergrowth, and I raise the shotgun to my shoulder, let the bird fly a bit, then fire. Quail hunting is awesome. Quail hunting is exciting. When you start the hunt, the dog will go sniffing around until he finds a quail. Then the dog will stand completely still and point towards the quail with its nose. After that, you get your gun ready and slowly walk towards the quail. You keep walking until the quail explode out of the grass, and then you raise your gun, aim, and fire. When you walk slowly towards where the dog is pointing, you usually don’t know where the quail is going to explode to. The surprise as the quail explode up and the kick of the gun as you fire is exhilarating. These are all things that make quail hunting awesome. Noah Owens Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Debate knowledge Dear Editor, I believe that our school should have a debate team. I believe that all of Dubois County and Southern Indiana should have it, not only as an opportunity, but as something that is encouraged and supported by teachers and parents like Academic Bowl or Spell Bowl. If students throughout all levels were exposed to debating, not only would students be able to argue more reasonably about why their friend should get to come over and back up their points, but they would also be exposed to new topics and words like the affirmative side and the negative. The affirmative side is the side that is arguing for or are pro for that topic, and I do not know about the rest of my classmates, but I didn’t know that affirming was a word much less its meaning. Being a good debater also comes with huge amounts of responsibility because you don’t get to pick your topics or even what side they get to argue for. This takes an open mind as well as flexibility. Not only

does debating help with learning about new topics that you may feel strongly about, it also helps with sentence fluencey because of the time limit and the foreign words that may be encountered. When you feel strongly about a topic, you don’t forget that topic, and this may help influence into what job you may want to do later in life. You could even be a professional debater which is also known as a lawyer, and to do what I want to do you cannot be shy in any way, and you must be able to say what needs to be said. If you want to do anything that forces you to persuade someone to either buy one of your products or get somebody to vote for you, you are going to have to be able to talk to big crowds, as well as try to reach every single one of them in a way that they will want to buy your product or vote your way. I believe that schools across the country should have debate clubs. I believe this not only because it provides a student with an amazing experience, but it also provides a student with a much wider knowledge of what is happening around the world. Nicole Fant Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Softball camps Dear Editor, Huntingburg doesn’t have many softball programs. This is a small town but a lot of people love softball and want to learn more about it at fundamental camps. We do have a league and other teams, but those don’t go deep into skills and fundamentals. Camps would help many people know how to play the game and play it better. Many girls love playing softball in league games and school games. All they do is just play though, and you need to know how to do things the right way so you’re not doing wrong in a real game. Softball programs and camps usually have either high schoolers or people who might have even played in college; those people have had more experience than us and could teach us what they have learned. We just need more camps to let them teach us. These softball camps can teach you so many more things and make you ahead of the game. The camps go deep into how to do things and what to do, so if you don’t really know how to do something these camps could really help you on your softball skills and how you play the game. These camps could really help a lot of girls be better players on and off the field. This would help the people in Huntingburg and the community. These camps help us all in many ways to make us better people and players, so we should have more of them. Emersyn Petry Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Basketball Dear Editor, Have you ever played basketball? If you haven’t you’re missing out on the fun. Basketball is not only for boys but for both boys and girls. The sport itself is very exciting to see, but way better when playing the sport. Basketball can make people feel good when they score and everyone’s attention is on them while people also cla their hands. The part that makes the sport fun is that people get to play basketball alongside some of their friends. Basketball can also teach you life lessons like being a good team player and having good sportsmanship. It is for people of all ages and for everyone’s ability and their state of condition. It’s not just for people who have use of their legs but also for people with wheelchairs too. Basketball can help you stay fit and in shape, and it can also be played all year round. Even if basketball is not for you, you can still watch the sport, so you don’t miss out on the excitement. Basketball is way more fun to play, so I hope you enjoy either playing or watching the awesome sport. Bryan Wahl Grade 6, Southridge Middle School

Recycle Dear Editor, People are throwing plastic, glass, and metal bottles and other garbage all over parks. Instead of letting it happen we can add more recycling bins in parks and surrounding areas, not only parks, and people might just recycle more. If we can get more people to recycle, we could decrease the amount of materi-

als needed, because we could scrap the old ones, and we could have less pollution problems. If we had less pollution problems then we could start community groups to start moving farther out away from parks “to depollute” more areas, and have safer environments for the people. While you’re at it, make more non-smoking zones, and stop companies from producing harmful products in different flavors to lure in smaller children. Ethan Butler Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Comedians Dear Editor, There are many things that are wrong with this world, but the first thing that comes off the top of my head is sadness. Sadness is a very dangerous emotion. Sadness has caused many people to commit suicide, which not only hurts them, but their families too. I have been sad before, but something that really helped me was laughter, particularly through comedians. Comedians have two goals in their career, to be funny, and to succeed. With laughter comes joy and happiness. Comedians in the past have done all sorts of things to make people laugh, from telling some of their strangest life stories, to even point stuff out that we don’t give much thought to. There is a problem with comedians; there aren’t that many of them. It isn’t just an everyday job someone does. Something worse is happening; a lot of comedians are depressed, and sadly some have died from it. We are losing comedians, maybe not rapidly, but enough that they are declining. Something we need is humor, but without comedians there are to keep our spirits up, there’s isn’t much that can. Another problem is that they aren’t that spread out in the U.S., they are mainly found in some of the bigger states; California, New York, Floordia, etc. Never fear there is still something we can do to help stop this. What a lot of people don’t realize is that they are funny. If you think about it, everyone doesn’t have the same sense of humor. Even if you find different things funny than other people do, there are people out there who just find it hilarious. There are many sorts of humor; slapstick comedy, deadpan, self-deprecating, potty humor, topical humor, satire, parody, dark humor, and surrel comedy. There is something for everyone. If you decide to become a comedian, you won’t want to stop. Once you feel how it feels to make a person laugh, you will realize what you do spreads joy. Joy is amazing to feel, especially if you are the one spreading it. We need more happiness in this world, and you can help by being a comedian. Daniel Uhrick Grade 7, Southride Middle School

Memories Dear Editor, Many people put off the importance of travel. People say that they don’t have time for it. They think traveling is only about seeing sights, but that’s only part of it. Traveling can help you in many ways; it can help you learn new things. One way that traveling can help you is that you can learn a new language, or learn about a new culture. It can also help you get a new job because it can improve your communication skills. It will help especially if you’re trying to get a sales job and you have to communicate with your clients to sell a product. I believe that it takes courage to learn new things and embrace new ideas, and if you travel, you can learn many new things and embrace new ideas. This proves that traveling can boost your confidence because you know that you have done things that some people will never do. Traveling can also help you to be a better person. It can give you empathy, help you put yourself in other people’s shoes. It does that because if you travel, you see how other people live, an dhow good your life is compared to theirs. This helps to show how traveling can help you in many ways, and how much you can learn by traveling. It can even create happy memories for life. After all, there is only so much you can learn in school. Eli Meyer Grade 6, Southridge Middle School Continued on Page 29




Concluded from Page 27

Shop locally Dear Editor, Our community needs to consider shopping locally more often. Since Evansville has so many stores and restaurants, many of us forget about the wonderful local business right here in our community. In recent years, many businesses in our community have had to shut down due to the lack of activity in their stores. There are many advantages to shopping within your community. By shopping locally, you keep your money within your community, you support local entrepreneurs, and you also create local jobs. We need to shop locally more often, so we support our local businesses. Emma Ferguson Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Vaping Dear Editor, We need to bring a lot more attention to kids vaping. I know kids who have been doing it. I have told them to stop, but they keep on doing it because of the nicotine inside them. They think its cool and say that everyone does it, but that’s not true. It will soon take over their lives if they keep doing it, and it will cause them to develop many things. If they keep doing it then they can develop wet lung. There was a story about a boy who developed wet lung only three weeks after he started vaping. Another thing that will happen is popcorn lung. It will not stop unless someone does something soon. This is a serious problem that needs to be put to an end. We have to bring awareness to this situation. Evan McClain Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Small schools Dear Editor, I believe that something needs to be done in part of shutting down small schools. In your newspaper on the article, “Concerns voiced about planned schools closing, Katy Bieker states, “it is a permanent decision that will impact our corporation, community, and most importantly our children for generations to come.” While large schools have a better cost per-pupil, small schools have a better cost per-graduate. Small schools are very important to their communities; they are often a small communities largest employer and can support businesses within the community. They can help support businesses within the community because of hungry teens coming in after school or families before Friday night games. Small schools in the most part might be better than large schools. Smaller schools with smaller classes can boost academic achievement. With smaller classes each student gets noticed and is less likely to get left behind. With fewer students each person can get the attention and help they need to succeed. Students can also get better results because research has shown that students in smaller classes have higher grades and perform better on exams. Smaller schools are better also that the focus is on learning. In small classes teachers can spend more time teaching the material instead of trying to get the class on topic. It also gives the teachers a chance to learn what teaching style is best for their students so that it is easier for them to understand and pay attention to. This is why I believe that smaller schools need to have the chance to teach instead of them getting shut down. Payton Nichter Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Pay scale Dear Editor, I believe that professional American sports players should be paid less, and American soldiers should be paid more. Just for the NBA, the average player gets paid 5.15 million dollars a year. The average American soldier gets paid around $34,000 a year. A soldier who has been in deployed and seen combat gets only about an extra average of $225 a month. American soldiers risk their lives and leave their families, all so they can serve our countries. As of July 18, 2,372 soldiers have died, and 20,320 more have been wounded in the Afghanistan War alone. All of this is happening while sports players are throwing around footballs, bouncing around bas-


ketballs, and putting around golf carts. If it were not for the brave men and women who serve our country, all of this would not be possible. This why I believe that sports players should be less, and American soldiers should be payed more for serving our country. Connie Owens Grade 7, Southridge Middle School

Latino Festival Dear Editor, Have you ever been to the Latino Festival? How about trying new food and experiencing a new culture? Fruit water, pupusus, and traditional music, does this sound exciting, then the Latino Festival is the right place for you. The Latino Fest is held in Huntingburg Indiana at Huntingburg Park. The festival was founded in 2012. This 2019 year will be the 8th year for celebrating the Latino culture. Everyone should be able to experience the Latino Festival. The Latino Festival is a time to try and share new food. For example, I have been going to the Latino Fest for the past 4 years and the food is amazing. There are several types of food at the Latino Fest. There is Hondorin, El Salvadoran, Guatemalan, and Mexican food. Pupusas are a big hit. A pupusa is a traditional Salvadoran dish of a thick corn tortilla with a savory filling. It’s normally served with curtido and tomato salsa. Tacos are always popular too. A spanish taco is a fried thin piece of bread (called a tortilla) that is filled with meat and lettuce. It also has a bit of spicy flavor. There are also several drink options. There is a drink at the fest that is called Horcahta. This drink is a cinnamon rice milk. It uses vanilla, sugar, cinnamon sticks, milk, and rice. The food options go on forever. Additionally, the fest is a way to keep the Hispanic culture alive. It’s a way to keep their family traditions up and going. At the Latino Fest you can find traditional music and dancing. It can be sad sometimes when you think about your past and where you used to live. Some of these people are far away from their home, so putting the Latno Festival on makes them feel good and happy. It’s a day that they can feel like they are in another country and they also can celebrate their ancestors. If you have been to the Latino Fest then you know that there are vendors there. The vendors will give away free bracelets and balloons with their business names on them. The vendor’s are there to sell their goods/items. The vendor’s are there to make money for them and their business. Some people would say that the festival takes to much time and money, or that the law eforcement is there working for no reason. Though, people say this I strongly disagree. I believe that this is a time for people, families, and friends to come together and celebrate their hispanic culture. It is worth the time and money, because when you go you will notice all of the smiles and laughs. The food is good, because they put in time and effort. In conclusion, the Latino Festival is a very fun and exciting event that our community puts on. Everyone should be able to experience how a new culture eats, talks, and dances. Mollie Birchler Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Frisbee flying Dear Editor, Swoosh! The sound of a frisbee flying through the air is so good to hear. The game of frisbee golf is very easy and fun to play! All you have to do is throw a frisbee into a chained bucket to win. It is an especially competitive sport. It can also make you extremely dirty because you have to climb through brush and creeks. You have to wallar through rough terrain to play the frisbee where it lands. It is an awesome sport for people of all backgrounds and ages. The 18-hole frisbee golf course at Niehaus Park in Huntingburg is a great addition to our community as it provides more variety in entertainment options. Frisbee golf is a way to get out and enjoy nature while being entertained at the same time. It is also a great way to exercise because there’s a lot of walking involved. You have to walk from hole to hole without a golf cart. It is a fun activity for the whole family to do because it is healthy, and it gets you out of the house. Another reason to do this is that it is free of charge except for a one time fee for the

frisbee set unlike the movie theatres, the golf course, the bowling alley, and the skate palace. The 18-hole frisbee golf course at Niehaus Park is one of the best courses in the tri-state because it is one of the most challenging courses. Even if you don’t enjoy outside activities, I would highly suggest that you come and check out this amazing addition. Grab your friends and a $20 set of frisbees made for frisbee golf and go have a great time! You deserve it, and you will not regret it! Are you ready to take on this course? Crew Gerber Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Wake up early Dear Editor, School is very beneficial for all children that attend, but students have to wake up really early to be able to catch the bus or to allow their parents to drop them off at school. I have a solution for this that could change and help correct these important issues. School should start at 9 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. This would mean that students would get the same time to learn but just scheduled later. I believe that all schools should start one hour later so kids could have more time in the morning to do certain tasks and to not be rushed and have to get ready early in the morning. There are many reasons why this action should happen in all schools. One example is that athletes usually get home really late when they have a game and barely get any sleep. When I had sports I usually got home at a late time so I didn’t get a lot of sleep because usually I still had to do my homework. Additionally, the end of school is closer to game times so if the game is a home game then the athletes can just stay after school. When I had a game my parents had to pick me up from home and take me to the game when they could’ve just went straight to the game because I would already be there ready to play if I could stay after school. In addition to the other reasons, studies have shown that sleepy kids at school have problems with learning and paying attention in class compared to the kids who aren’t sleepy. When I get a good night’s sleep I pay better attention in my morning classes. Some people could argue that 4 p.m. is really late for kids to be going to school for. This may be true but kids going to school till 4 p.m. is the same amount of time school is now and by making school extend to a later time is a sacrifice parents and students can take so everyone could get more sleep. In conclusion, school should start at a later time because it makes sure that all students get a good amount of rest the night before school. Finally, all schools should do this, there is no reason why they couldn’t do it. School would be the exact same period of time as it always is, so I don’t see why this would interfere with any of the teachers and student plans. Zoe Hollinden Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

E-learning days Dear Editor, Brrrr!!! Snow just appeared and now no one wants to miss anymore summer than they have to. Now we can use E-Learning days! E-Learning days provides us not to be at school but yet not make up the day in the future. We get to work on our school work in comfortable seats and our Pjs, bonus!! I believe E-Learning days are implemented for the good because it helps us in the future. E-Learning days are such a benefit to me and others. One reason I really favor these days is because we don’t have to make up the days in the fuutre. Our school has days off for the holidays and I look forward to those because I love being off out of the blue. If we didn’t have E-Learning days those days would get taken away from us. The second reason why I like E-Learning days is it keeps all the students and teachers on track. If we are learning a specific subject in class, we won’t lose our train of thought for school. Now it is kind of like online school for a day. Finally, my last reason is it gives us something to do. Sometimes I get bored while I am home. It also keeps our minds working and makes us more responsible because we get to decide what time we want to do it. We could sleep in or wake up and get it done. It also keeps us from getting into trouble. There are plenty of people that could disagree to my statement about E-Learning days because they either don’t have internet

or they just think we should have a snow day without learning and getting a break but there are places like the library and a friend’s house that do have internet and we can take breaks on the weekends and in the summer. In conclusion, I presume E-Learning days were such a benefit to all the students. We don’t have to make up the days, we stay on track, and it also gives us something to do. Sidney Layton Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Sign language Dear Editor, Have you ever wanted to learn sign language? I know I have, and I know a lot of other students would want to, too! Sign language is a form of communication that is used by deaf people or people who are dealing with loss of hearing. It mainly uses hand gestures and facial expressions to “speak.” It’d be great if schools would offer a sign language class! Although most schools do offer Spanish and German classes, ASL (American Sign Language) would be a great additional class for our local schools! First of all, having sign language as a job skill is a great skill to put on a resume! A lot of jobs don’t have employers that know sign language, so they can’t offer their services or help out people who are deaf ! If a deaf person realizes that certain companies have employees that know ASL, they’re more likely to use that company’s services. Another reason for including sign language is that it’d give students who aren’t interested in taking Spanish or German classes an alternate option. Most students in high school end up taking some sort of language class. Having three options instead of two could help students that aren’t really interested in Spanish or German. Lastly, sign language is fun and cool! You can talk to someone from a far distance without yelling! You can also count to one thousand on just five fingers. How cool is that? Some people might say that ASL is not a language, but it is. A language is defined as a form of communication. ASL is a form of communication, so therefore it is a language! In conclusion, there are numerous benefits to learning sign language! Students will gain a bunch of beneficial knowledge! I believe that if students were given the opportunity to take a sign language class, a lot of students would sign up for it! I know I would! Lindsay Echeverria Grade 8, Southridge Middle School

Custodians Dear Editor, Have you ever wondered how our school gets so clean everyday? Custodians put in a lot of time and effort to keep our school clean. People never really think about how hard and long they really work. All of the custodians I’ve met are also very kind and enjoy their job. We need to appreciate custodians more in our school. Custodians put in a lot of time cleaning our school. I see custodians early in the morning and late at night. I was leaving my mom’s classroom at around 9:30 at night, and there were still custodians working. I get here very early in the morning, and I see them walking around the school. Custodians not only put in time, but they put in effort. Every custodian that I know has a great work ethic. I see them everyday at school walking through the hallways, constantly cleaning and working on various tasks. The custodians are all very kind. These custodians are some of the nicest people in the school. I see one custoian everyday and he says hello almost everyday. There is also another one named Carlos. He is the nicest janitor I know. I say hi everytime I see him. Sometimes I even help him and he is very thankful. There are constantly people out there who say that the custodians should do a better job than what they do. Many people say these things, but they know little of what they actually do. We need to appreciate custodians more in our schools because they are nice and hard working. If you see a custodian in the hallway, stop and say hey, or tell them that they are doing a good job. So, now that you no what to do, appreciate custodians. Cameron Allen Grade 8, Southridge Middle School





The things I want Dear Editor, Pine Ridge Elementary is such a great school. The teachers are great and the classrooms are nice. The whole school is nice, clean, and tidy. The worst thing is WE NEED DESK ORGANIZERS and WE NEED DESK CHAIRS THAT ARE COMFORTABLE. The reason that I want DESK ORGANIZERS is because of ONE OF MY CLASSMATES. There’s always papers flying out of his desk and it is so annoying. I’m like, “Hey, here’s your paper that you were looking for!” You can barely fit anything in our desk because 4th grade has a lot of books to study and use. That’s why I want DESK ORGANIZERS!!!!!!!!! The reason I want COMFORTABLE CHAIRS is because my back always hurts from sitting in those UNCOMFORTABLE CHAIRS. Our class has to sit in them most of the day which is 7 whole hours. UGG!!!!!!! If I’m going to have to sit in the chair the whole day I at least deserve a miniature couch to sit in. That’s why I think we need COMFORTABLE CHAIRS!!!!!!!! I wish those two things could happen but I don’t think the teachers would let us do that. Maybe the desk organizers but probably not the chairs. But I wish!!!!! Sydney Berger Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Benefits of water Dear Editor, I like the way Holiday World is. I like the water slides, the food, and the ice cream. But we need people to drink more water instead of so many SOFT DRINKS!!!!! I think people need to drink more water at Holiday World because if someone drinks a soft drink too fast then go on a ride they might throw up. I’ve been to Holiday World a lot of times when I get a soft drink. I drink it slowly before I go on a ride. One time I went on a ride after drinking a soft drink too fast and my stomach hurt a little after that. I want some water at Holiday World because you won’t get that feeling that you’re going to throw up. The second reason is because water is healthier than soft drinks. If someone drinks too many soft drinks they might not feel as good as they did when they got to there. One time I went to get a soft drink and I drank it. Then I had water the rest of the day. I think water will be good before and after your trip there. You will be healthier than you might think you were before you got there. Water is really good for you. Plus water might taste better than soft drinks if you don’t like soft drinks so much. I think water is so good. I could drink three cups of them before a sloth could raise its hand. I hope my opinion will happen at Holiday World. Remember not to drink too many soft drinks at Holiday World Emma Schroering Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Veterinarian needed Dear Editor, Schnellville is a great, small, and energetic town. The community always helps each other out. One time the whole community ate breakfast together, then cleaned the town up. It was helpful. The one thing that Schnellville needs is veterinarians! Schnellville needs a vet because one time our dog, Marlie, went to the bathroom then collapsed when she got to the steps. She slid down the steps and got back up. She climbed up the steps then collapsed again. We put her on a blanket and we let her lay in the house. Mom called the vet and said that our dog just collapsed. They told us to bring her to them as fast as we could. It was a sad moment. As we said our goodbyes to Marlie, our best dog, we cried. She was put in the back of my mom’s van and brought to the vet in Jasper. When we got there we unloaded her. She went in the vet and they took her. Then they told us to leave. Later that night we were at a friend’s party. When we left mom told us the bad news that our dog was gone because of cancer and it moved very quickly through Marlie’s body. So they went to the vet and put her down so she didn’t suffer. We brought her home and buried her. That is one reason I think that there should be a vet in Schnellville. The second reason I think that there should be a vet in Schnellville is because one time my mom’s dog, Cooper, had a bone in his leg pushed up. My mom took him to the


vet one day and they said that his leg bone was pushed up. They thought that it was from jumping off things, but Cooper was in a lot of pain. So we took him to the vet and did a $3,000 surgery which is a lot of money on his leg. He made it through though. There are the two reasons that I think Schnellville should have a vet. That would be really AWESOME!!! if that happened. Camden Dunn Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Avoid conflict Dear Editor I like our school. I like the basketball goals, all the playground equipment, and I also like the big open space in the middle of. But we need a three point line, an out of bounds line, and a free throw line. The first reason we need a three point line is because they always say it is a three but it’s really a two. When they admit it is a foul then we just check up the ball and don’t shoot free throws and it happens more times than I play basketball in a year. The second reason that we need an out of bounds line is because the ball bounces off the rim. Sometimes it goes out of bounds and then we fight over whose ball it is. Then everyone quits and gets mad at each other. I personally think that’s why we need a three point, free throw, and out of bounds line on the black top. Carter Jochem Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Why no wiffle ball? Dear Editor, I think Pine Ridge’s recess is great. We have kickball and basketball. But I think we should be able to play wiffle ball. We should be able to play wiffle ball at school because it would be very fun. I know teachers are scared of people getting hit with the bat, but there could be a distance that they should stand at so they don’t get hit. Once there was a wiffle ball and bat in the recess bin and people got it out and went to the kickball field to play. The teacher outside at recess took it away from them at the end of the day. Another reason is that there could be a distance that they could stand so they don’t get hit. I’m not trying to be rude, but even if they got hit, it’s a wiffle ball. It’s not going to hurt that bad. If they hit the ball really hard it could crack before it got to them. They don’t need baseball gloves. They could just catch it with their bare hands. Those are my thoughts about letting us play wiffle ball. Mollie Combs Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Ditch i-Ready math Dear Editor, At school we have great teachers, a principal, and recess but the i-Ready math is bad. My parents can barely help me on my homework and my sister’s homework too. I’m great at math but when we started iReady at school I couldn’t do it. The day we started i-Ready it was also the first day of second grade. I thought we would keep the old math series but we did not. We had something easier, and they try to make math fun but it is not fun to do math the way i-Ready has it. They make the math confusing to do for students and parents. I think they should go back to the Saxon math not i-Ready. I-Ready is as terrible as watching a fox eat a dog. IREADY IS NOT A GOOD MATH SERIES!!!! I-Ready is hard to do and when they try to make math fun it is even more difficult to do. I think i-Ready is not a good math series and it needs to be changed to a different math series. i-Ready math is a bad kind of math series. Hannah Kuebler Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Longer recesses Dear Editor, The good things at Pine Ridge are that there are really neat classrooms. There are good, nice, intelligent teachers at Pine Ridge. There is really good lunches but we need recesses to be longer. The first reason is I want to have longer recesses is because this one time we were playing basketball and we had to repick teams because more people joined. Then the next thing you know, the whistle blows

and we were all like WHAT!!! That was a short recess. Well, anyway, we still had to go inside to go to the classroom. Then we get lunchtime. When we are done eating lunch we go outside and I was just about to play and say something to my friends when all of sudden the whistle blew. I thought, WHAT we just got out here! This one time I was staying in to do my homework and then I went to recess. Then the whistle blew right when I got out there. I want the recesses to be longer than 15 minutes and I want to have recess for at least around 30 minutes or something around there. We all agree WE NEED LONGER RECESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second reason I want longer recesses is because I just want to see all my friends since we are not all in the same class or either in the same grade. I sometimes just want to play but sometimes I feel like talking to my friends. I want to enjoy the sunny, pretty, and good days outside. The reason why I want longer recesses is because I want to run and do a lot more exercising things outside when it is sunny and hot. I want longer recesses because I really enjoy going outside. Those are the reasons why I want longer recesses. I hope you understand why we need longer recesses too. Andi Contreras Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Nix make-up days Dear Editor, I am at a great school. It is a four star school. It really is a good school. We won 5,000 dollars for the Tools for Schools grant this year. The principal was so happy we won and glad we won because we worked hard to win it and if it snows it is a treat to use because we have no school. I love snow but I do not like snow make up days because (hint) the word make up day! On President’s Day my mom got off but I did not. WE NEED NO SNOW MAKE UP DAYS!!!!!! Like on Friday it is my favorite day of the week and I was supposed to be off but I was not off because it was a snow make up day and we had to go to school. That is why I do not like snow make up days. So I hope you agree with me and all my fourth grade friends. Tucker Wathen Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary

Better internet Dear Editor, I love where I live, my neighbors are nice. I love the big yard I have and that I feel safe. But….. The internet is way too slow. I think it should be changed. Here are two reason why. I live on south 50 east road. A lot of us on south 50 east will agree THAT WE NEED BETTER INTERNET!!!!!!!!! My grandpa says that it will come (he works for frontier) soon but it has not and that was like 2 years ago. The reason is that when we have Elearning it is hard to do it. Either my sister is on the internet or I am. It takes a lot of time to do our homework on the chromebook and then add mom and dad on their phones using the internet too. A lot of time things are loading and loading. And when there is homework or school work that is due the next night it is hard to get it done before bedtime. What makes it even worse is that all of my sister’s homework and school work is on the internet. We can only have two people on the internet at a time. One time I had homework that took up so much internet that I had to use my dad’s data. The second reason is that we do not want to buy all the movies in the world. We have netflix, but you can only have one other person on the internet while watching the movie. Most of the time during storms our internet is bad. It does not have to be a vicious storm to knock out the internet. It can be a light storm that doesn’t even have a breeze! I hate that. I know what you are thinking that you do not need internet but in some ways, sometimes it’s nice to have. It is so slow it takes so much time to get a game, order something online, or do homework. My friend down the road will agree it is worse there than it is at my house. They can only have one person on the internet at a time. Also her mom is a babysitter (that is where we go in the morning) and if it is an elearning day we cannot do it until we get home. The good thing is that we have had no Elearning days YET. Like I said I love where I live. We just need better internet. Lizzi Kerkhoff Grade 4, Pine Ridge Elementary


School dog needed

Dear Editor, I think that Ferdinand Elementary should get a school dog because any kid could play with it. We should also get one because it could help special needs kids get around. If we had a dog it could come into our classrooms at recess and play with us. He would stay in the office but come into our classrooms to play during the day. If we had a school pet I bet everyone would be happy. If we had a dog people could teach him how to sit, roll over, and to jump. Everyone could play with him but then he would have to go to the office and see us at recess again or another time. People would love to play with him. We would love him and have a lot of fun with him. It would be awesome to have a school dog. Ellie Meunier Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pet store

Dear Editor, Could Ferdinand get a pet store so people can buy pets? People can buy dogs and cats. They can also buy pet toys and food. People can buy dog bones, too. There are other animals that people could buy from a pet store. Examples would be spiders, hamsters, and birds. I think a pet store would be a good addition to Ferdinand. Jayden Verkamp Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Weight lifting Dear Editor, I think Ferdinand Elementary School needs to get a weight lifting program. I think we need it because kids need to stay healthy. It could help us have strong bones and muscles. Kids can build their bodies to be stronger and more athletic. This is why I think Ferdinand Elementary needs a weight lifting program. Kids can have better lives and get healthier and stronger. Caleb Sickbert Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary


Dear Editor, We should have an arcade in Ferdinand because on the weekends it would give us something fun to do without going to Evansville. Ferdinand should have a arcade because it would be somewhere fun to go with your friends and hang out. This would give us something fun to do in Ferdinand. Rylan Fletcher Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Tackle football Dear Editor, Ferdinand needs a tackle football program for 2nd and 3rd grade. I just think it’s not fair that the high school students get to play tackle football. I think we should be like Southridge and Jasper. All that we have is flag football, and you have to grab their flag. In tackle football, you have to tackle the people. That is way more fun than grabbing flags. We need a tackle football program. Mason Winkler, Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

School pool needed Dear Editor, I think Ferdinand needs a swimming pool in the gym because swimming is good exercise. It can help you become better swimmers. Swimming is also very fun! If you swim, it can help you stay in shape. Swimming can cool you down if it is a hot day. Sincerely, Addison Evitts, Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Outside basketball Dear Editor, The YMCA is the best place in the world. I wish there was a basketball goal outside so the child watch kids could play on it. The kids sometimes get bored with just playing in the playhouse. An outside goal would be good for kids who want to play basketball. I hope they get an outside basketball goal. Kayden Fleck Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary Continued on Page 33




Concluded from Page 31

Public pool wanted Dear Editor, I think Ferdinand should have a public swimming pool because Huntingburg and Jasper have a public swimming pool. I also think that Ferdinand should have a public swimming pool because it would be easier for people who live in Ferdinand to get there, and children love to swim. I think children would love to have a public swimming pool. I think having a swimming pool would be fun! It would be a wonderful addition to the great town of Ferdinand. Tenley Blessinger, Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Pet Day wanted Dear Editor, I think we should be able to bring our pets to school because when we are doing papers, I could reach down and pet my cat! We would have lots of fun at recess. Everybody could play with pets and have fun. If everybody brought their pets to school, it would be a lot of pets in one room. It would still be fun! If we brought our pets to school, I would enjoy watching the pets play. It would make me feel like I’m at home with my pets all around me. I think we should bring our pets to school because it would be so much fun to have pets at school, and I would love it! Makenna Morrison Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Travel basketball Dear Editor, I think girls should be able to play travel basketball if they are in first or second grade. If you do travel basketball than you get to play with all of your friends in your whole school. Let’s say you and your best friends wanted to do basketball and you couldn’t do travel basketball yet. When you sign up for reguler basketball you don’t get to pick the players on your team, so you might not have any friends on your team. If you play travel, you can be with all of your best friends on the same team. Mallory Morrison Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Praising the principal Dear Editor, I think Mr. Lemon is a great principal because he cares about us and keeps us safe. He is nice to us and I think he has a good personality. He is super funny and he takes time to help our school be a better place. He helps our school when times are bad and he always makes kids happier. He always puts a smile on everyone’s face. He is always working to do his best. We are lucky to have him at Ferdinand Elementary. Brooklyn Fleig Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Sports inspiration Dear Editor, Athletes inspire people. All people should be able to play sports. Some people have disabilities and they think they can not play, but they can. I want to inspire people to play sports. I especially want to help people who have disabilities. I want everyone to have fun and play sports. Adrian Reckelhoff Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Talking Harry Potter Dear Editor, Have you ever read or seen the Harry Potter series? If you have, do you like them? Who do you like best? My favorite character is Hermione Granger. Have you seen the movies or read the books or both? My personal favorite are the movies, but I like the books too. What do you like about Harry Potter? I like all the magical effects! Do you? Savannah Scherzer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Caring for the poor Dear Editor, I think people should donate money to the poor so that they don’t die. I also think we should deliver food to the poor for free. One more thing I think we should do is we should build houses for the poor so they have a home and heat for the winter to survive. I also think


we should deliver supplies, like garden tools to the poor. Then they can grow their own food easier. The last thing I think you should do to help the poor is we should move them to the country so that they could hunt for food instead of suffering the consequences of not having food and dying. Dexter Meyer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

A day with Macy Dear Editor, At our school, we have an Accelerated Ranger program. When my friend Adrian Reckelhoff won, she picked Macy Zink to have lunch with her. I got to sit by Macy too. It was very fun. She is very nice. I wish Macy could come every day. She is very good at basketball but, she said that her favorite sport is softball. She is very athletic. She is fun to play with. She does not like dancing. I’m glad we do Accelerated Ranger. Jessa Berg Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Book recommended Dear Editor, Have you read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series? It is a great series. My favorite story that Jeff Kinney wrote was the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. If you have not read any of his stories you should. The books he writes are hilarious. Miles Rea Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Please adopt dogs Dear Editor, I think people should adopt dogs because they are cute and because some live outside and on streets and they need a home. Some could die and they can get hurt badly if they don’t have a home. Some dogs need to go to a vet, but they need owners to take them. If you do adopt one they would be happy. To take care of a dog you need to give it food, water, and some dog toys. You can give it some dog treats and you can teach it tricks. It would be fun having a dog and the dog would have fun playing with you. Haley Jahn Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

YMCA needs a pool Dear Editor, I think that there should be a pool at the YMCA, because then they’d get more money. More people would want to come there and become members. People would come not just to swim, but they could play basketball, soccer, or volleyball. There’s even a child watch so parents can get exercise. I think everyone would enjoy the pool. Jayden Gray Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Class pet Dear Editor, I think we should get a class pet because during inside recess we could have more fun. Also, I think that because we could learn responsibility by taking it home on weekends. School would be more fun. We could play with it at quiet reading time and we could read to it. That’s why I think we should get a class pet. Eve Gatwood Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Hospital support Dear Editor, I love the way people donate money for Riley Children’s Hospital. Riley Children’s Hospital gives kids a chance to be healthy. It saves kids from sickness, cancer, or death. They let little kids ride in red wagons instead of wheelchairs and they make kids feel better and kids still have fun. I am glad that we have fundraisers for Riley Children’s Hospital. Piper Laake Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary

Proud of the Army Dear Editor, The army fights for our country and it keeps our country safe. The army men and women have to be very brave and smart. They have to know how to operate equipment. They have to go through training. I am glad that they fight for our country. Braxton Schaefer Grade 2, Ferdinand Elementary


Cut the grass Dear Editor, Have you played soccer in tall grass? Well if you have, you would agree that playing in tall grass makes it harder to kick the ball. I think that Masterbrand fields needs shorter grass like the grass at CCI. I think it should be reseeded with the same grass as at CCI. This will help improve Forest Park soccer. My first reason is it helps you to kick the ball farther and faster. When I’m playing in tall grass you have to kick the ball really hard. If we get short grass we wouldn’t have to kick it so hard to pass the ball. Some of the other fields I play on also have shorter grass, and I like that it makes the game move at a faster pace. According to the website the physics behind soccer kicks it says “In any case, within a short time, the force of friction exerted on the ball by the grass will cause it to spin forward. The ball will then change its direction and will turn either left or right, depending on the side we kicked the ball at.” This is saying that if there is shorter grass there is less friction so the ball will travel farther and faster. According to sports field management it says, “The particular sport will ultimately determine mowing height. Based on grass species, the suggested mowing height is 2-2½.” This means that the speed of the game will be determined by the grass height and the mowing height depends on the type of species. It may cost a lot but it would help the kids for later on at CCI. In the article about grass seed it says the would be about $124.95 per 50 pound bag. You wouldn’t have to pay for a special mower, so you could mow it with the same mower you always do. Also on that website it says you would have to mow it about once every 10 days depending on the season. The cost wouldn’t be that expensive you would just have to mow it once every 10 days. My final reason is it will help improve Forest Park soccer. It can help because we always practice at Masterbrand Fields, but play at CCI and when we kick the ball it goes farther at CCI than at Masterbrand Fields. A website about advantages and disadvantages about short grass says, “A flat terrain creates conditions for fast passing.” That means the shorter grass that is flat makes faster passing to push the pace of the game. The website also says when the blades of grass are short, you can make the ball travel faster, but while in tall grass the ball travels slower. This is saying that the shorter the grass the faster and better the passes are. This is why it will help improve soccer. These are some of the reasons why Masterbrand fields need shorter grass. I think the soccer board or the town should plant new grass that is cut short, so that it will help us for when we are older and are already used to the short grass. Please consider my suggestion. Owen Boeglin Grade 6, Cedar Crest Intermediate

Women’s sports Dear Editor, Have you ever been to a girls or women’s sporting event? If you have I think you would agree with me that there is not as big of a crowd at women’s games as men’s games. I think that there should be bigger crowds at women’s and girls games because they are just as important as men’s games, we should pay the same attention to them, and they would like people are respecting them if there were bigger crowds. One reason that I think there should be bigger crowds at women’s sporting events is because they are just as important as men’s games. “Fans are too stuck on the fact that female athletes aren’t as fast, strong, or physical as male athletes” explains Shira Springer from Boston Globe. That does not matter, though. You shouldn’t avoid watching them because you think that they are not as athletic as men. “Women’s sports aren’t interesting. You know, because girls aren’t as good at sports” states Elise Hester as she interviewed someone. Women can be just as good at sports as men can, so there is no reason why you should say women aren’t as good as sports. Sometimes the games are really close at the end, they hit home runs, and it can also be very close at the end of a race. So there is no reason that you should say they are not interesting. We should also pay the same attention to women’s games as we do the men’s games.

They should receive an equal amount of being in the newspaper, making the evening news, and even being on ESPN. It is not that hard to do an equal amount of publishing the women, people just think they don’t deserve it. Some companies do more than enough for the men. People that do not watch women’s sports may not know how exciting the games are. If you are looking for something to watch on TV and see there is a women’s game on you should turn it on. You might find that they really are interesting. Most importantly, there should be bigger crowds at women’s games because they would feel like people are respecting them. “The biggest obstacle facing female athletes today is that many people don’t give them the respect” explains Sarah Spain from ESPN. If women athletes are saying that they feel people are not respecting them, then that is an issue that needs to be resolved fast. Women feel like people don’t give them respect because they don’t attend their games. People don’t attend their games because they think women’s games are boring and that they aren’t as athletic as men. If people had a better attitudes about watching women’s games then maybe they would find that they really are good and their games aren’t boring. I think that women should be treated just as equally as men and be given the same respect and support that they deserve. So now that you know how women athletes feel and how to resolve this issue, I want you to pay more attention to them and respect them. So that they feel respected again. Maddi Miller Grade 6, Cedar Crest Intermediate

Bring Target Dear Editor, It would be nice if we had a place you could go to shop for anything you needed. So that is why I believe there should be a Target where the old Kmart used to be. Things would be a easier for a lot of people. You can get almost anything at Target. They have food, medicine, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, toys, clothing, electronics, gifts, and much more. Instead of having to go to about ten different stores to get a few things, you could just go to Target and get them all at once. Target would be close too. It would only be about twenty-five minutes away. Rather than having to drive forty-five minutes at minimum to the Target in Evansville. If you were in a hurry to make dinner or you did not have enough laundry detergent you could just drive up the road to Target and get it. Also, Target has a thing called Drive Up. You just shop in the Target app. Wait for a notification from Target. Then drive up to the assigned Drive Up spot and a Target worker will bring your purchases to your car. You can also do Order Pickup. It is where you shop in the Target app and then go to a nearby Target and pick up your purchases. This is why I believe there should be a Target where the old Kmart used to be, because it would be easier for a lot of people. Kiersten Hubbs Grade 6, Cedar Crest Intermediate

Cats are companions Dear Editor, Do you like cats? Do you think they are cute? Did you know that cats only have four claws on the back feet and five on the front. Did you also know that cats stay the same size for a long time? I think people who are thinking about getting a pet should get a cat. To begin with people who are thinking about getting a pet cat should know that cats are playful, how? To start, they can climb trees. They can also run around and of course jump around. Of course they purr when you satisfy them. Cats can also be good companions. They cuddle with you. Cats also play with you. Cats will be your friend, you could be watching a movie or reading a book and a minute or two later they will be right beside you. Most importantly they are also helpful. They kill insects. In addition they kill mice as well. Cats also give you company. You should get cats they are very nice animals. If you do have a cat keep it. I have two cats and they are awesome. If you get any type of cat you have to brush their fur twice a day. Remember cats are playful, good companions, and helpful and that’s why you should get a cat. Emily Ramsey, Grade 5, Cedar Crest Intermediate





Fishing team Dear Editor, We live a setting where ponds and lakes are around us. I believe that with these natural resources, we need to have a fishing team or club. I think that creating a fishing team will help students and teenagers to be more active. They can also enjoy the natural environment. We could have a team of anglers targeting bluegills or bass. Patoka Lake is one of the best man-made fishing places in Southern Indiana. I believe that if we create a fishing team or club, students will be able to use and enjoy the natural environment that we have here in Southern Indiana. Leo Ye Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

No year-round school Dear Editor, Have you ever thought about having school all year round? Just think about all of the great memories that you make during summer break. Also, with no summer break, think of how much harder it will be to find and get a job. Without a job, it will be much harder to make money to buy things that you need, like a car. Without a car, it makes it much harder to get to sporting events and practices. I don’t know about you, but during the summer, I hang out with my friends much more often than during the school year. But, if we had year-round school, there would not be as many opportunities for people to hang out with their friends. Also during the summer, I play baseball. If we would have school all year, we would not be able to have near as many practices. It is much harder to get better at something without practice. And also, it never hurts to let your mind rest! It also doesn’t hurt for teachers to get a break from their hard work during the school year. With summer break, you also get to go on vacation for a much longer time period. Everyone’s year gets so much better when summer comes around and you begin to be able to hang out with your friends much more. For these reasons, I do not believe that year-round school is a good idea. Keegan Abell Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Chocolate is key Dear Editor, I think study time is a very important part of a high school students day. I also think that chocolate is known to help people remember what they study. I think that Forest Park should let students bring in chocolate during study time. Eating chocolate when or before you are studying is proven to help you remember what you are studying. According to studies, chocolate provides a boost to your mood and your health when you are consuming it. I think if Forest Park lets students bring in chocolate during study time, students will bring in chocolate when they are trying to study for tests. Eating chocolate will help the students remember what they are studying, and hopefully give them a better grade on their test because they remembered the info they studied. If students do better on their test, the school will have a higher test rate than other schools. Letting students bring in chocolate during study hall can not only benefit the students, but the school also. I think students should be able to bring in chocolate during study time, and eat it while they are studying. This will help students because they will have an easier time letting the information they are studying sink into their brain. Ben Werner Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Pool needed Dear Editor, I believe that the Forest Park Jr. Sr. High School should have a competitive swimming pool. The reason I think this should happen is because every school in Dubois County has a competitive swimming pool except Forest Park. This would help Forest Park recruit more swimmers than what it already has and make it a school sponsored sport. The second man reason why Forest park should get a pool is because every time we swimmers go to swim practice, we have to swim at Southridge High School to practice.


If we had a pool at Forest Park, we wouldn’t have to go to practice from 5:30 till 8:30, instead we could go right after school and end at 5:30 to let the parents getting off of work pick their kids up from work. It would also help with practice being so late and having conflicts with other events. The third main reason why Forest Park should get a pool is because it can and will help the athletes at the school stay in shape by cross training. By cross training, the school would not have as many athletes getting injuries and sitting out the rest of their sport season. The fourth reason that I found important is that the pool would help get more swimmers on the school team and make it a school sponsored sport. Since Forest Park does not have a pool, no one knows that the school has a swim team, so no one joins. The pool could help Forest Park be known for another sport and may get the school more titles of accomplishments. That is why I believe a pool at the Forest Park High School is needed, not just to help the little swim team, but to improve the school. Eli Berg Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Cellphones helpful Dear Editor, How do you feel about cell phones in class? I think that cell phones in class are a great idea. There are many reasons why they aren’t a good idea and I think there are just as many reasons why they are a good idea. Cell phones in class are a good idea because students can look things up or text their parents if they need something. Also, if someone’s Chromebook isn’t working, they can use their phone to look things up. After a test or quiz, or if students have free time, they can go on their phones. There are disadvantages to having phones in class, such as students getting distracting or if the notification isn’t silent other students might be distracted. I believe if there are some restrictions to phones in class the students wouldn’t mind the rules. I think with phones students will like being in class more. Some rules such as having the phone on his or her desk so the teacher can see it. Also, having the phone on silent so the other students are not distracted. I think students should be allowed to have their phones in class. Grace Haas Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Marching band Dear Editor, The definition of a sport is ‘an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.’ So why is marching band not considered a sport by most schools? Marching band is a sport. We work from May to November. Our next show beginning to be planned in December. In July, we have mini camp which lasts from 9am to 4pm. Two weeks later, we have band camp. Band camp lasts from 10am to 8pm. That’s ten hours spent out in the sun, working to learn our show. We work hard, having practices every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. We practice from the scorching heat, to the freezing cold. Marching band takes determination and skill. I feel as though we don’t get enough recognition for it. As a first year marcher, I can say that learning how to march is truly difficult. When marching, we have to worry about what our whole body looks like. Our technique has to close to perfect as we can get. Throughout the many styles of marching, forward, backward, jazz running, and toe down marching, we have to be conscious about how our body is presented. With that, we have to memorize roughly three pieces of music and know when, and how, to play it. Everything we do, is from memory. We have so many things we have to do to put on a good show. A good show is one that is pleasing and entertaining to watch. If you want to see what I mean, just watch any professional drum corp. Although drum corps only have brass instruments, they are just as entertaining. Just being able to see simple and complex shapes form, is truly an experience. The music is beautiful and the way it is performed with the body movement fits perfectly. Whether you consider marching band a sport or not, it’s still a great experience. If someone is on the fence about joining, I

say do it. I am so thankful that I was offered to join. It was one of my best choices that I have made. There are so many amazing people that will support you. You can expand your musical talent with the different style of music. This is what I look forward to doing my whole high school career. Kelsey Hernandez Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Shorter school weeks Dear Editor, Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw your kind attention towards an important issue which is having a four day school week. I think there should be a four day school week because then we will have more time to get things done at home that we normally wouldn’t have enough time in the two days we are off. If we were allowed the four day school week then we would also get more sleep during the week which is scientifically proven to help teens mentally and physically. This could help bring up grades and help with student attendance at school. It would also help the teachers get things done at school such as grading papers or tests. AJ Merkley Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Evening classes Dear Editor, I was scheduling my high school classes today and realized that I had so many classes to cram into seven periods a day, that I didn’t have enough room. I didn’t have enough time for my required classes, so how would I be able to graduate? Evening classes are a great way for students to catch up on classes and to take electives when they simply don’t have enough room in their schedule. This way students, if needed, can fit in a study hall during school to get help, and then take a class at night. They have night classes in college, why not in high school? These could be offered to the Junior and Senior classes so parents don’t have to haul their kids to school in the evening. These classes could be only certain ones by voluntary teachers, so not every teacher has to miss their evening with their family. Classes could be only a couple days a week and last longer than the standard forty-five minute classes during the school day. These would be non-mandatory to take, but if signed up, you would be required to show up and it would count on your attendance record. It would relieve the stress of cramming everything in during the school day and would allow you to take an elective that your schedule doesn’t allow. I think evening classes are a great idea and could be scheduled different per school corporation depending on everyone’s needs. It would be very beneficial to students and teachers both. Haley Steinmetz Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Lunch choices Dear Editor, Does your school have a variety of lunch choices? Currently at Forest Park Junior High School, we only have one lunch option in which we get our choice of meat. I believe our school needs more lunch choices such as a potato, sub and/or salad bar. Students need more choices because if the lunch that is being served is not liked by the student, it can be a long day not having much to eat. Students sometimes have to buy two trays because there is not enough food on one lunch tray. Each student is different. Some students who play sports need more calories to maintain for practice and games. Even students who do not play sports need energy to be able to focus in class. Hunger can affect grades and test scores. That is why if our school had more options, students would be better fueled for their day. Our lunch price is going up; however, the portions of food each student receives remains the same. That is why I suggest having a potato, sub and/or salad bar. These types of food bars can help students eat healthier foods to fill up instead of buying donuts, chips, and other unhealthy choices after they have eaten their lunch. If these types of food bars were in place at Forest Park, I feel the amount of food that a student can take from these bars would still need to be monitored so the student’s meal would be healthy and not overloaded in calories. Food bars at our school would also help

decrease the amount of food being wasted. If students are being served food they do not like, they are not going to eat it; therefore, it is just going to be thrown away. These food bars would give the students a variety of choices to pick from that they may like which would potentially decrease food wastage. These are the reasons that I think we should have a potato, sub and/or salad bars at our school. These food bars will give the students more food choices and help them be fueled and ready to go for their day. Erica Werner Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Later start Dear Editor, School starts too early and is too long. Starting at 8 o’clock makes it to were students and teachers are getting up from anywhere between four to six in the morning. I think school should start at 10 o’clock every morning, but still end at three. Instead of having forty-five minutes classes make them thirty minute classes. Fifteen minutes won’t make that much of a difference. And with school not starting until ten people would have to get up to times between seven to eight in the morning. This will cause students to be less tired in the morning and less likely to fall asleep in class. Students will fall asleep anywhere between ten at night and one in the morning. This gives them seven to ten hours of sleep, which is plenty. Eight to nine hours of sleep is how much you are supposed to get every night. And maybe with students getting more sleep they could wake up just in time to eat breakfast, because most of them don’t. Also with students getting more sleep and being less tired in the mornings they would be more likely to pay attention in class, which would make them get better grades. With better grades there would be less students failing to pass the grade they are in. With less people failing their classes they have better options for college. For the teachers it could make a difference too. They also wouldn’t be as exhausted in the mornings, they need sleep just as much as we do. Just those two extra ours could make such a big difference. So please consider my idea and write me back. Kyara Hartley Grade 8, Forest Park Junior High

Help someone Dear Editor, I believe our community should take more action into helping the poor, sick, and elderly. Many families get so caught up in life and their busy schedules, they don’t take time to realize how unbelievably grateful they should be. Since we are so blessed, we should do kind deeds like helping families going through rough times. There are families with very sick children or a even a close family member that is sick. Sometimes they are so ill they even have to attend hospitals away from home. We can do simple deeds for these families, such as bake them a meal or take them out to dinner. These families may be struggling with paying medical bills or any kind of bill, so I know any family would appreciate an enjoyable meal they don’t have to worry about making! There are also people who may be struggling to provide the everyday necessities for their families. It could be because of their job or a family issue, but whatever the matter there are things we can do to help. The community can host meal banquets, community clothing bins, and different activities for those people to enjoy. Last but not least, their are elderly people all around that don’t get much company. We can visit nursing homes and senior homes. Even just the simplest thing, such as smiling or holding the door for them, just makes their day. They don’t have much to do because of their health or limitations, so when they get a visit it means the world to them. To sum it up, whatever you can do and whenever you get a chance do something kind, do it! I know everyone has busy lives and schedules, but there must be time to spare for those who need it most. If you have more time on your hands, jump out of your comfort zone and put on a program or even organize a food drive! With everyone doing simple deeds and helping others out, you will feel just as great, if not better than, the person receiving. Avari Schneider Grade 7, Forest Park Junior High









Family love Dear Editor, I like my friends. I like school. I love my family. Zaine Truelove Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Favorite sports Dear Editor, My friends and I like sports because it is nice to get exercise. Basketball is my favorite sport and baseball and soccer and softball and football. Sports are my favorite thing. Anzlee Voegerl Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Slime friends Dear Editor, My friends and I make slime togethr. Then we play with it. Then they go home. Chloee Beck Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Soccer fan Dear Editor, I like soccor because soccor is the best sport and soccor is cool and soccor is awesome and lots like it. Marcie Denu Grade 1, Dubois Elementary

Ninja pets please Dear Editor, Pets should be allowed in school. Daffodil and Max will keep us company. We can play with Daffodil. We can feed Max food. We want a cat and a dog. P.S. We want pets that have ninja skills. Lena Zachry Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Banned forever Dear Editor, I think people who drink or do drugs should be in jail. People who litter should be in jail. It should be banned forever. Annie Gillespie Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Feisty fish Dear Editor, I like to fish in the summer, because it is warm. The sun is out because the fish are feisty in the summer. You should go fishing. Owen Weikert Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Colors of the raindow Dear Editor, I like colors because they make me happy. They make me happy because I think they are pretty. I think all the colors are beautiful. I hope everybody like the colors. My favorite colors are in the raindow. Hagan Miller Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Save the world Dear Editor, I think the world is my favorite place to be. We need to plant lots of trees. So we come help the earth grow. Some people put oil in the water that is earth water. That you and me need. And food grows on trees. And people cut them down. Alaina Gutgsell Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Annoying sisters Dear Editor, My name is Wyatt Carr. I have 4 sisters that are annoying. Thay driv me nuts!! Thay are veary mean. My mom is so nice and sweet. My dad is so strog and nice. Everybody has their own room. And I love my famaly. Wyatt Carr Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Indiana state Dear Editor, I like Indiana. This is a good state. It’s protected by the USA forces. My coisin is in


the Army. He is just in training. After he’s done hill come back. Indiana is the best! Laeton Danhafer Grade 2, Dubois Elementary

Generous lunch ladies Dear Editor, I like that our school is helpful and kind. I like that the teachers always have a smile on their faces. I like that the lunch ladies are very generous. Our principal is always looking out for all the students! Payton Looney Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Farming Dear Editor, I have a farm we grow corn and beans. We have cows and pigs. We have a John Deere tractor. We own 8 fields. We have 3653 access. Do you like farming? Wyatt Dillon Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Clothes for cats Dear Editor, I think that cats should have clothes, so they can stay warm. Especially cats with no hair get very cold. I think they should make shirts and pants to keep them warm. I like cats, and they need to be treated better. Katelyn Weikert Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Like the pictures Dear Editor, I like the way the pictures are in the newspaper and I like the newspaper. Nice Job the Herald. Marcus Faulkner Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Selling deer Dear Editor, I think that people should sell deer. I know it is illegal but I could make a lot of money doing it. All I would have to do is shoot it, process it, and sell it. That is why I think people should sell deer. Halle Denu Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Be a mermaid


Firefighting farmer Dear Editor, Are you a firefighter? My daddy’s a firefighter. He’s a Celestine Firefighter. He has to have fire meetings and stuff. He is a farmer, too. Elliott Hasenour Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Mac and cheese Dear Editor, How are you doing? Are you eating? My favorite food is macaroni and cheese. I love you! Sophie Humbert Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Squirrel hunting Dear Editor, When we were going squirrel hunting, my dad and I didn’t get any. After we were done with that and put our stuff away, we saw a squirrel running through the ditch. Isaac Jeffries Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

School is fun Dear Editor, Thank you for inventing school. It is fun to go to school. I like when we play. I like to play bindy at school. Leo Seger Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Thanks teacher Dear Editor, I want to talk about my teacher. She’s good. I have good friends. Noah Thackrey Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

Fancy favorite Dear Editor, I like to go out to dinner. My favorite is McDonald’s. Easton Whitis Kindergarten, Celestine Elementary

You need farmers

Dear Editor, I think there should be mermaids in the ocean because they look really cool and people would probably think that would be really cool and people would want to be a mermaid too. So that’s why there should be mermaids in the ocean. And so we can all be a mermaid. Holly Wyland Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, Once in your life you will need a preacher and a lawyer. You will need a farmer more than 3 times a day. Think about how many times a day you need a farmer. Do you eat sausage? Then, thank a farmer. Do you eat eggs? Well then, thank a farmer. Do you drink milk? Then, thank a farmer. Farmers are an important part of your life. Allison Hasenour Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Catching Santa

Don’t touch

Dear Editor, How do you get into the Herald to so many people in one day? If I had a job at the Herald that would be nice and fun. Have you ever caught Santa and his Elves on your camera before? I have an Elf and his name is Elfy! Do you have an Elf ? If you do have an Elf what is its name? Harley Sword Grade 3, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, I think people should keep their hands to themselves. You would not like it if somebody kept pinching you and hitting you. That’s being a bully. I don’t like it at all when people pinch and kick me. It hurts! That’s why I don’t want people touching me. Keep your hands to yourself ! Camille Betz Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Wrong time

Alzheimer’s walk

Dear Editor, I don’t like it when photographers take pictures at the wrong time. Because on 2/9/19 I was in the newspaper with my friend Adalie and we were doing our handshake and I was in the middle of a sneeze and they took the picture. Also I don’t like how they kind of just show up in the middle of nowhere and I didn’t even know she was taking a picture. I looked like I was about to sneeze and throw up at the same time. I have been in the newspaper about 3 times and every time they have taken the picture at the wrong time. One time I was in the paper with my cousin and I was in the paper and with my basketball team and I was in the paper another time but I forgot what it was about. I love when they take the picture at the right time because it doesn’t make you look like a goofball. I also love when I am in the newspaper (kind of) Bailey Werner Grade 4, Dubois Elementary

Dear Editor, I think people should go to the Alzheimer’s walk every September. I had a great-grandpa and grandma that had Alzheimer’s. They both passed away. There is an Alzheimer’s walk in Jasper on the Riverwalk every September to raise money for Alzheimer’s research. Together we can end Alzheimer’s. Eli Mehringer Grade 2, Celestine Elementary

Class Pet Dear Editor, Everyone should have a class pet. You can learn responsibility having a class pet. You can have lots of fun with your class. Your class pet can cuddle with you which is called emotional support. Everyone should have a class pet, because it teaches you responsibility. You need to feed it. You also need to water the pet. You will need to walk

it too. You will also need to pick up its poop. It can be really fun to play with your class pet. You can play with it. It can be fun to pet it too. You can walk it, and that can be fun. Everyone should have a class pet, because it can give you emotional support. You can sleep, and they can sleep with you. When you are hurt they let you pet them. They can also play with you. I think everyone should have a class pet, because they are so fun. I think people should have a class pet, because they will love you. They will have so much fun playing with you. Eli Adair Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

No homework Dear Editor, I think we should have no homework. I think this because it gets dark early now. I have animals, so I do not like going outside when it is dark. Then I have to feed them in the dark. I think we should have no homework, so we can have more time. I can play. I can feed my animals. I can go to my siblings’ games. I think we should have no homework, so I can have fun. I can play with my animals. I can ride my bike. I think we should have no homework, so I can go to bed earlier. I don’t have to worry if I have a lot of homework and I forget to do it. I can have more family time. This is why I think we should have no homework. I can have more time. I can have fun. I have more family time. Kinley Schnell Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Join gymnastics Dear Editor, I think people need to join gymnastics. People need to join gymnastics, because it is fun and you can go to competitions. You can learn to be flexible. I think people should join gymnastics, because it is fun. It is fun, because you can do flips. It is also fun, because you can do cartwheels. I also think it is fun, because you can meet new friends. I think people should join gymnastics, so you can be flexible. You can be flexible by doing the splits. You need to be flexible, so you can get into small places. You can also be flexible, so you are good at limbo. I think people should join gymnastics, so you can do competitions. A reason you should do competitions, is so you are not scared if you go in front of people while you are on a stage. I also think you can get medals and trophies. I think people should join gymnastics. It’s fun, because you meet new friends. You can join gymnastic, to be flexible. You can also join gymnastics to do competitions. Sara Brosmer Grade 3, Celestine Elementary

Celestine hotel Dear Editor, I think we should have a hotel at Celestine so we can have people to come to Celestine for them when they’re traveling somewhere and it’s night time and they are tired or want to take a break from traveling and there should be a pool at the hotel so the people can have lots of fun. Jace Leinenbach Grade 4, Celestine Elementary

Read more Dear Editor, I think kids should have less electronic time and start reading more books, even magazines or the newspaper maybe. It doesn’t matter what they read, even a comic book, but they shouldn’t have as much screen time as thev do. I mean, you and many other adults didn’t have IPods, IPads, and IPhones when you were young; you have excellent social skills and manners. Besides, would you really want people to be playing on their devices when they are grown up and have a job? What type of employer would hire someone who gets payed to play on their phones all day? Would they really want people on the phone to be greeted by rude employees? It is also really annoying when someone wants to have a conversation, and the person won’t even look at them; it’s CRAZY!!! When their parents try to take their devices away, they throw a fit, even in public! Parents need to teach priorities. William Klawitter Grade 4, Celestine Elementary





Save marine life Dear Editor, Hi, my name is Ady Kiefer and I am in 5th grade. I think that we need to stop throwing trash everywhere. I saw somewhere that people threw trash in the ocean like Walmart bags and jellyfish thought that they were their family and they suffocated and died. People don’t care about the animals in this world, but I do. I think that everyone or anything deserves a chance. Everyone deserves a chance to make a difference or to do something great. Some animals die in fish hooks and nets. They get trapped and usually die. Marine animals are no the only animals that are dying plenty other animals are going extinct. I think that we need to make a difference and help save animals from dying. Help stop animals from dying. So help save these animals and the whole world can go better. There are a lot of animals in the water most of all the animals are in the ocean. So that means that there is a lot of trash in the water. This is why I think that we need to help pick up all the trash. Ady Kiefer Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Better Internet Dear Editor, We need better internet because some people have to do homework or study for a test. Internet is important because everything takes internet now days. If you want to play a game it most likely has to have internet. If you need to study something and you don’t have internet you would have to go all the way to the library just to study something. Like if you have to do IXL’s that takes internet and if you have slow internet it will just load like an hour. If you want an Xbox that takes a lot of internet to play a game or download it. If you have an Xbox and have slow internet it will take like a week to do an update. If you want to watch a video on an PlayStation or and Xbox it will not load. So you need better internet. If you don’t have data on your phone and want to FaceTime your friends it will glitch out a lot. If you want to watch a video on YouTube it will keep on loading if you don’t have good internet. Thank you for reading my letter. Keenen Bieker Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Jeeps Football Dear Editor, Hi, I am Ty Betz the one who keeps trying to get football at think that we should have football at northeast Dubois. Don’t you think that it is better for kids than playing video games. So there is the start of my letter to the editor. I think northeast dubois should get football. Football is a sport where you get a lot of exercise and it is fun. So kids won’t be playing video games all day long. Some video games can mess with your brain. Parents should care if there kids get exercise or not. Football can teach you life lessons and teamwork. So that is why I want football at Northeast Dubois. Thanks for listening. Ty Betz Grade 5, Dubois Middle School

Dogs, dogs, dogs Dear Editor, Dogs, dogs, and more dogs. Dogs can be good for your health. Getting a dog might seem like a waste of time and money. You might just be thinking about the cost. Like it’s gonna cost a lot of money to feed them. Left me ask you have you thought about the positives to getting a dog? I believe getting a dog is a good thing because they can benefit your mental and physical health. Dogs can benefit health. Dogs can get you to run around. The fact is walking a dog can really get your blood pumping and can keep you healthy. Being healthy is really and fun. Dogs can cure loneliness. There is no doubt that dogs and puppies keep you from being lonely. They will snuggle with you and play with you and keep you from feeling down. Dogs can make you feel better. For example when your sad they can lick you and immediately you will feel better. They may also


make you laugh. They are very funny animals. Dogs can cure anxiety. For instance when you have a dog it doesn’t matter what breed they will protect you. They will make you feel safe and never leave your side. While dogs are hard work, they can be a benefit to your health. Dogs are useful. They can help you hunt. Additionally dogs can be very good at hunting. They can chase down and get your target. Dogs they chase of people. For instance if there is someone that you don’t like. They can also protect you. They can guide you. The fact is if you have a disability you can have a self help dog. What I mean by that is if you are blind you can get a seeing eye dog. Then you can have a helper and a companion. Although you have to train your dog to do all these things, dogs have great potential for anything. Mya Ziegler Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

If they land on you or kick you, you could end up with a broken nose or black eye. If someone steps on you, you could have a broken finger or hand. You could fall wrong and twist your ankle, break your ankle, break your knee, or severely hurt yourself in anyway. In my opinion cheer is the hardest sport there is. Some people may say cheer isn’t a sport, but they have only seen people waving Pom poms on the sidelines. According to varsity. com, cheerleading meets ALL of the athletic specifications. In other words, cheerleading is more than a sport. As you con see, cheer is a sport. Everyone should see that cheer is a real sport, and not some Pom Pom waving and cheer yelling activity. Lexi Fuhrman Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Join 4-H

Dear Editor, What do you think is a better animal a mule or a horse? I think a mule is a better animal. One of the reasons is that the are able to ride longer and harder than a horse; also, they are better all around animals. Last, they protect other animals from coyotes, robbers, and mountain lions. I like mules better because you can ride them for a longer amount of time on hadar terrain. You do not have to give them water if all the creeks are not full; it is not a good idea but it will work during a ride. I also think they are better animals. One reason is that they will bond with you if you spend time with them. Last you might get a mule to put in with sheep, or cows. They will try really hard to get and kill a coyote if they come in a fence with them. If a robber comes in the middle of the night they will get freaked out and kick them and run theme over. You might think horse are ok when you look a prices, but they not as good compared to a good mule one of the reasons is they will protect livestock, you can ride them longer and, they are just better in my perspective. These reasons show why mules are a better animals. Thanks for reading my writing I hope you lerend. Why you should buy a mule because they are cooler. Camden Case Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Dear Editor, I believe that more people should participate in 4-h. There are many different activities you can do in 4-h, such as foods, gardening, show animals, and you can do many arts and crafts. 4-h can teach you responsibility and it is an exciting and adventurous way to learn new things about our community and life. Some people don’t have much to do in the summer. 4-h is a good way to get outside and do something. If you show an animal in 4-h, you must have good responsibility. You have to be able to feed, water, and take care of your animal. You might even have to show it. Getting in the arena and showing an animal is a good way to get rid of stage fright. Showing animals make you a more responsible person in general. There are so many opportunities in 4-h. In hipology, you have a chance to go to state and learn more about horses. If you love to take pictures and want more practice, you can do photography. If you love gardening, you can participate in garden. All of the projects you can do are a way for you to do what you love doing. 4-h is an amazing way for people to get involved in their community. I understand that some people think that 4-h takes too much work and responsibility, but it is a very good way to learn life skills. You can learn how to take care of yourself, others, and even animals. 4-h can take you places that you never thought you could be. After all the years that I’ve been in 4-h, I have learned responsibility, leadership, and citizenship. 4-h can give you very important skills that you will use throughout life. I hope that more people join 4-h because it is a very rewarding experience. Makenzie Buchta Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Cheer is a sport Dear Editor, Picture this, thousands of girls and guys around the world ages 5 to 19 putting in hours of training and hard work. Well that’s cheer, and there is a lot of time and dedication that comes with it. Long hours in a gym and all of the days in the week. You get yelled at, and pushed at your hardest. The saddest part is some people don’t think that this is a sport. Sport: “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or teams competes against another or others for entertainment.” The definition for sport is a perfect example of cheerleading. Cheer is an activity, it involves an extreme amount of physical exertion, and you compete against multiple other teams at one time. With cheer there are consequences. Some consequences include running, conditioning, or monkeys. Running may be a short distance or a long distance depending on what had happened. Conditioning includes hard core ab workouts, push ups, sit-ups, burpees, etc. Monkeys are a punishment where you keep your feet planted on the ground and bear crowl up and down a full mat. A lot of people think that cheer is easy, but it most definitely is not. You have to learn and remember the whole routine and perform it amazing each time. The performance is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If you throw a person in the air, and you don’t catch them they can get severely hurt and so can you. They could have a broken bone or even be paralyzed if they land on their neck. This is a difficult sport because major things can happen.

Mules are better

Clothing prices Dear Editor, I think that something should be done about the price of clothing. As you should know clothes are a standard of living. I know they are hard to make and everything, but the price of clothes is much too high. This has become a big enough problem that our school now has an area in the school, called the Jeep Boutique, where people can get clothes because they can’t afford them. It is very nice to know that our school has that, but it also sad because often no one knows that the people need clothes. The families around here that need clothes usually don’t tell anyone. Additionally, I think the reason they don’t tell anyone is because they don’t want anyone to know, or if their children are in school then they don’t want anyone to make fun of them or their families. All of these reasons make me think that we need to makes clothes cheaper. Blaize Wright Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Gluten free day Dear Editor, Did you know that National Gluten Free Day is January 13th? Becoming gluten free can be very healthy for you and your body, but if you cross contaminate it can take 3 years to recover. There is something called celiac disease which is where your body doesn’t collect nutrients from your food; consequently, you can’t have gluten. The people that have this are not the only people who don’t eat gluten. While they can’t have it some choose not to have it. Some reasons are it improves health, it helps with weight loss, and it increases your energy. Becoming gluten free can help improve your health. Improving your health can decrease your doctor visits, so you will have more time on your hands. You will also have more money because you don’t have to pay a lot of doctor bills. Lastly, you will have more fun, and you won’t be sick as often. Improving your health is an awesome ben-

efit for being gluten free. You can lose weight for being gluten free. If you don’t like the weight you are at all then you can become gluten free, and lose weight. If you lose weight you can become better at the things you do. Doesn’t everyone want to be skinnier? If you are gluten free you will have so much energy. From my experience I have had so much more energy since being gluten free. You can have so much time to do more things you love in one day, and not be tired all the time. Having lots of energy is very good for you and your sleep at night. Many believe that being gluten free is difficult, but it has so many benefits. Instead of being unhealthy and sick all the time you can be gluten free. You can be at the weight you want. In conclusion becoming gluten free is very good for you. I hope some of you become gluten free from reading this. You should be gluten free just like me. Madelyn Schepers Grade 6, Dubois Middle School

Bus stop sign Dear Editor, Have you ever wonder how people do not see the big yellow bus that picks up kids to go to school? These bus drivers can’t do everything. The busses have a stop sign on the side of the bus so people see that you need to stop. These kids are just trying to get to home or school in a safe way. Kids who want to grow up and have a wonderful life. My dad is a bus driver for the Northeast Dubois School Corporation. He has had two close bus stops through his career. The first accident was when he had his stop sign out and kids were crossing the road in front of the bus and he had seen a dump truck coming down a hill and realized it wasn’t stopping. It hit the back of his bus. The whole back of the bus was busted out. The other close stop was when he clearly had his stop arm out and his lights were flashing. The kids were getting ready to cross and my dad had to yell at the kids to stop because the car was driving very fast and it wasn’t stopping. It was a very scary moment for a lot of people. My dad is also on the fire department so he had seen some stuff like this. I would just like to tell people that if you see yellow lights flashing on the bus they are getting ready to stop. If they are flashing red and the stop sign is out they are stopping. You should always stop for flashing lights. Clay Fuhrman Grade 7, Dubois Middle School

Abortion is immoral Dear Editor, I believe abortion is an immoral flow in today’s society. I think it should be stopped immediately. It is one of the most immoral things in today’s society. This is a disgrace to all humans. I wish nobody would to this to a completely innocent baby. One reason is, it is basically murder. There is a law in some states where lethal injection is not allowed to be used to execute criminals charged with penalty of death. But, it is allowed in some states to give the same lethal injection to an infant who could not have been charged with any crimes whatsoever. This is an outrage. No one should ever do this! Another reason is, it is a hard decision to forget. The mother and the doctor who choose to do this to the baby could regret it an have a lot of emotional, spiritual, and mental issues later on. This is not uncommon in a lot of abortion cases. This is a terrible tragedy that needs to be stopped! Nobody should do this. A third reason is, it might go against your religion. I know for a fact it goes against the religion of Christianity. As I said before it is basically murder. Murder is against the Ten Commandments. Another reason is in the Bible it basically tells parents not to hurt their children. By doing this you are basically disrespecting and disregarding your religion if you are a Christian. In conclusion, I believe abortion is not the answer to young mothers’ problems. If they don’t want the baby they can put it up for adoption. They could also give it to someone who will take care of it. This problem should be stopped immediately! It is basically murder, a hard decision to forget, and might go against your religion. Jennifer Polen Grade 7, Dubois Middle School





Sick cats, dogs Dear Editor, Wy can cats and dogs jrink cholc milk and takos? The cats will get sic. The cats and dogs can’t eat humin food they will get sik. Verity Johnson Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Writing is fun Dear Editor, I want to write this. It is fun and I like to write. I like to write because writeing helps me read. Asher Coomer Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Cats in school Dear Editor, I think we should have cats at scool. Why can’t we have cats at scool? Cats are the best. Jazlyn Wolfe Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Silly brother Dear Editor, I think my budr is kraze. He has blak hair. He plays silly. He thinks robots control cars. I think we can work together. Ebony Mason Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Bring dogs to school Dear Editor, I think that breging dogs to school. I think we shud breg dogs to school becus made ther is sho n tell. Ella Swaney Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Snow is fun Dear Editor, I think we shud go to scool wen it is snoing. We shood becus we will have fun in the


snow. In the snow we will make snowball. Wen we make snowballs we will throw the snowball. This is why i think we shood go to scool wen it is snowing. Kaleb Sendmeyer Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

JoJo is a good singer Dear Editor, I think JoJo is 17. She is a good isnger. She talks to people biggest fans. I like JoJo. Jayden Mathena Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Cute animals Dear Editor, I think animals are cute. Thay are little. The animals play with me. This is why i think thay are little. Haiyden Goeppner Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

School is a time bomb Dear Editor, I think we shoud not have school. It’s a time bomb. It’s not fun. This is why I think it’s a total time bomb. Weston Russell Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Drinks for pets? Dear Editor, Wy can’t pets drenk strawberry or chocolate milk? Do you know wy they can’t? We can but pets can’t. Dawson Pauw Grade 1, Otwell Miller Academy

Cars are legend Dear Editor, Cars are a legend all over the world. From the United States’s major brands like Ford and Chevrolet, to Germany’s speedsters like Mercedes-Benz and BMW. Japam, America, Britain, Italy, Germany, and many other countries are in the war. You can support what YOU think is the best car company. Just pay the money and then BOOM! That car company has #23,754 [this

is only a random price]. I want to start with America. Ford and their F-series has the highest selling truck series in the world and highest selling cars in the world. Then you have Chevrolet. Chevrolet is a huge company that has the Camaro and the Corvette, but it also has sluggish cars like the Volt and the Spark. Broken dreams like Edsel, Nash, Cord, Studebaker, and Chapperal’s homes are here. England is another country with amazing cars, and so does Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, and many more! Choose your lucky car! East and west to North and South, wherever you are from, get a car! Transportation is one thing we should have. No matter what, cars are fun. Cooper Hartke Grade 4, Otwell Miller Academy

River Harbin Dear Editor, There is a 4 year old little boy named Rivery Harbin who has been very sick since Christmas of 2018 and people who don’t have Facebook may or may not know about him. I would like to get the word out about him. River needs a new hear, and he is having brain bleeds, and seizures too. River is getting a little better day by day, but we need you and everybody else reading this to please pray for his family. If you Facebook use it for some good and join River’s Prayer Warriors to show you are praying for them. There are also shirts and bracelets which can be purchased to help support River and his family. Those are just items. The most important thing that works is praying. I’m not saying you have to, but it would be the right thing to do. Lots of people don’t event know River and his family, but they still pray. Think of it as if he were your child. You would want people praying for him. Even if you don’t have a child you should do it. If you are praying for River already, Thank you. If it seems like I’m begging for you to pray for River I’m sorry. I just want everybody praying for River. Pray not just for River though, but for all of the children that have cancer and other awful illness. Stay strong, for River and his family. Join River’s Prayer Warriors today on Facebook, or buy a bracelet or a shirt to show you are

with us other Prayer Warriors. Thank you for reading this! Jaelynn Miley Grade 4, Otwell Miller Academy

Polluting the ocean Dear Editor, There are a lot of people polluting the ocean. If people keep polluting the ocean one day there may not be any clean water to drink. Water is important to use, but people trash it anyway. Every day people are throwing trash into the ocean. People have thrown so much trash into the ocean. They are killing animals like dolphins, fish, horses, and sometimes even people. Pollutants from factories and home fireplaces mixed with air condensation killed at least 4,000 people in London. A few years before, in 1948, severe industrial air pollution created a deadly smog that asphyxiated 20 people in Donora, Pennsylvania, and made 7,000 more sick. The release of human-produced sulfur and nitrogen compounds into the atmosphere negatively impacted plants, fish, soil, forests and some building materials. The resulting smog and soot had serious health impacts on the residents of growing urban centers. We need to stop people from polluting the ocean everyday, but I think they need a little more help. Kadence Garland Grade 4, Otwell Miller Academy

Otwell is small Dear Editor, Otwell is a small town we have one school and a couple businesses. We are small but strong we would love some more people at our school. There is plenty of stuff to do. We love to play basketball at recess. If you’re reading this please send your kids to Otwell Miller Academy. Everybody is welcome here at OMA. We are all nice here at OMA . We hope to see you at OMA . Now come on to OMA. It would be nice to see you here at OMA. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Tyler Mason Grade 4, Otwell Miller Academy











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