2019 Spring/Summer Southwest Indiana Playground

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WWW.SAFE GAS INDIANA.ORG C A L L B E F O R E Y O U D IG There a re 4 ea sy steps to fo llo w w hen beginning a ny excava tio n pro ject. C a llbefo re yo u dig 811 A llo w the required tim e 2 fu llw o rking da ys R espect the M a rks Fla gs o r P a int E xca va te w ith C a re P o tho le o r ha nd dig a ro u nd po ssible pipeline lo ca tio ns C a lling befo re yo u dig isn’t just a go o d idea ,it’s the la w . U p to $10,000 fine plu s da m a ges fo r fa ilu re to fo llo w law !

Pipeline Safety India na N a tu ra lG a s is pro u d to o ffer yo u clea n bu rning,sa fe a nd relia ble na tu ra lga s.N a tu ra lga s is bro u ghtto yo u by u ndergro u nd pipelines.P ipelines a re the sa festa nd m o st relia ble fo rm o f tra nspo rta tio n fo r na tu ra lga s ..W hile na tu ra l ga s is histo rica lly sa fe,itis im po rta ntto u ndersta nd so m e o f the po ssible ha za rds invo lved sho u ld a n incidento ccu r.N a tu ra l ga s ca n ignite in a 5 to 15 percentm ixtu re w ith a ir.N a tu ra lga s ca n a lso displa ce o xygen w hich in tu rn ca n ca u se the po ssibility o f a sphyxia tio n.India na N a tu ra lG a s go es to grea t lengths to m a ke su re their u ndergro u nd pipeline system s a re sa fe a nd secu re.India na N a tu ra lG a s do es a nnu a llea k a ssessm entsu rveys a s w ella s ca tho dica lly pro tects their lines a ga instco rro sio n.In the eventa lea k is detected o r a sectio n o f pipe is fo u nd to be u nsta ble,w e w illqu ickly repla ce tha t sectio n o f pipe o r fix the lea k. Third pa rty da m a ges a re the nu m ber o ne ca u se o f pipeline a ccidents so itis im po rta ntto ca llIndia na 811 tw o fu ll w o rking da ys a hea d o f a ny excava tio n to have yo u r u tilities lo ca ted befo re yo u sta rta ny pro jecttha trequ ires digging. Fo r m o re info rm a tio n a bo u tIndia na N a tu ra lG a s ca ll 812-723-2151 o r visitw w w .india na na tu ra l.co m .

Dial 811 before digging.

Leak Recognition and Response * H E A R a hissing so u nd * SE E bu bbling w a ter,dea d vegeta tio n o r fla m es * SM E L L a stro ng ro tten egg o do r * A ba ndo n a ny equ ipm ent * L eave a rea im m edia tely * C a ll911 * C a llIndia na N a tu ra lG a s 800-777-0659 24-ho u rs



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email: portjas@fullnet.com www.portofjasper.com Photos may show optional or special edition equipment available at an additional cost. Local taxes, license, registration and doc fees vary by state and are in addition to prices shown. Boat prices are suggested and approved by the manufacturer. Details in pricing, savings, features and promotions may vary by location and are subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. Best efforts are used to ensure the accuracy of our advertising, however, errors may sometimes occur. See your local dealer for complete information. Prices shown do not include dealer freight and prep charges, unless otherwise noted. F.O.B. Springfi eld, MO, USA. Prices shown are based on United States Currency or Funds. ATVs and UTVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Never ride on paved surfaces or public roads. Never carry a passenger on a single-rider ATV. Only ride an ATV that is right for your age. Supervise riders younger than 16. Always wear a seat belt on UTVs. We recommend that all riders take a training course, and that they read and understand their owner’s manual before operation. For safety or training information, see your dealer or call the ATV Safety Institute at (800) 887-2887. © 2013 Tracker Marine Group

Contents 12 Dubois County

Visitor resources Crawford County Tourism 6225 E. Industrial Lane, Leavenworth, IN 47137 888-755-2282 n crawfordcountyindiana.com Daviess County Visitor Bureau 1 Train Depot Street, Washington, IN 47501 812-254-5262 n daviesscounty.net or daviesscountychamber.com Dubois County Visitor Center 2704 Newton Street, Jasper, IN 47546 800-968-4578 n visitduboiscounty.com

28 Orange County

Visit French Lick West Baden 8102 W. State Road 56, West Baden, IN 47469 812-936-3418 n visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com Martin County Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 257, Loogootee, IN 47553 812-295-4093 n martincountyindianachamberofcommerce.org

44 Spencer County

Crawford County

50 Perry County

56 20 26 34 49

Daviess County Martin County Pike County

Golf Courses Breweries & Wineries Calendar of Events Patoka Lake


Publisher Justin Rumbach Editor Lynn Adams

Layout/Design Lynn Adams Justin Rumbach

Advertising Brenda Adams Tara Cabral Stuart Campbell John Haddad Mary Rousculp

6 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Published by

The Herald P.O. Box 31 216 E. Fourth Street Jasper, Indiana 47546 (812) 482-2424 DuboisCountyHerald.com Š2019 The Herald All rights reserved

Perry County Convention & Visitors Bureau 333 7th Street, Tell City, IN 47586 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Pike County Chamber of Commerce 801 E. Main Street, Petersburg, IN 47564 812-354-8155 n pikecountyin.org Spencer County Visitor Bureau 39 North Kringle Place, Santa Claus, IN 47579 888-444-9252 n santaclausind.org Big Splash Adventure 8505 W. State Road 56, French Lick, IN 47432 812-936-3866 n bigsplashadventure.com French Lick Resort 8670 W. State Road 56, French Lick, IN 47432 812-936-9300 or 888-936-9360 n frenchlick.com Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari 452 E. Christmas Blvd., Santa Claus, IN 47579 812-937-4401 n holidayworld.com Lincoln State Park 15476 N. County Road 300E, Lincoln City, IN 47552 812-937-4710 n visitindiana.com Lincoln Amphitheatre 15032 E. County Road 1500, Lincoln City, IN 47552 812-937-2329 or 800-264-4223 n lincolnamphitheatre.com Monastery Immaculate Conception 802 E. 10th Street, Ferdinand, IN 47532 812-367-1411 n thedome.org Spirit of Jasper 201 Mill Street, Jasper, IN 47546 812-482-5959 or 812-482-9229 n spiritofjasper.com

Christ the King Parish CHR IST THE K IN G M ASS SCHED ULE W EEK EN D S: Saturday: 5:00 p.m .atS t.Ferdinand S unday:7:30 a.m .atS t.Henry;10:00 a.m . atS t.Ferdinand

• • • •

W EEK D AYS: T uesda ys: 10:30 a.m .(First& Third) atthe S eniorCitizens CenterFerdinand


Tu es d a y evening: 6:00 p.m .atS t.Ferdinand W ed nes d a y evening: 6:00 p.m .A tS t.Henry Thu rs d a y m o rning: 7:30 a.m . atS t.Henry T hursda y: 10:30 AM at S cenic Hills Care Center Frid a y m o rning: 7:30 A M S t.Ferdinand

606 W 6th Street, Jasper, IN 47546


S t. Ferdina nd

CO N FESSIO N : Saturday: 4:00 p.m .S t.Ferdinand Church S unday:7:00 a.m .S tHenry Church To s c hed u le a R ec o nc ilia tio n c a ll 8 12 -3 6 7-12 12 w w w .c hris tthek ingd c .o rg

S t. H enry


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A little bit of Germany right here in southern Indiana Southern Indiana’s premier German restaurant serves old-world German and American cuisine. Enjoy our renowned salad bar with 2 homemade soups, and German salads made freshly each day. The dessert menu will not disappoint, offering fresh apple strudel and German chocolate pie as well as a daily pie and cheesecakes. We provide a full bar with our very own Schnitz craft beer. Come experience a little bit of Germany right here in southern Indiana. Enjoy our German buffet, held only once a year (Aug. 1-3), during the annual Strassenfest.

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Dubois County

The center of your visit to the Southwest Indiana Playground Geographically centered between caves, coasters, lakes and Lincoln, Dubois County is connected through heritage, culture, recreation, arts and architecture. Just minutes from Patoka Lake, come off the water for an adventure to remember. To begin your journey, stop at the Dubois County Museum, one of the largest county museums in the state. This museum showcases the rich German heritage and history of the Dubois County area. Visit the new “Main Street Dubois County” featuring 17 rooms portraying life at the turn of the 20th century, including a barber shop, bank, hotel, photographer and shoe shop. A hands-on area houses a one-room schoolhouse and play yard, an interactive Lewis & Clark expedition boat, dress-up area and a log reading nook. Take a journey back in time with a visit to the double log cabin, historic agriculture machinery collection and the furniture industry, sports, and military exhibit. Enjoy a day in downtown Jasper. Start your morning with a stroll on the Riverwalk, a paved walking trail along the Patoka River. This path winds through the scenic wooded areas and farm lands within walking distance of downtown. Along the path, stop at the Jasper City Mill. This mill replicates two previous mills that once stood along the Patoka in the 1800s. Watch the workings of the waterwheel and see how the cornmeal that is sold on site is made. Enjoy breakfast at one of the local cafés followed by unique and specialty shopping around the square in downtown Jasper.

12 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Visit the Indiana Baseball Hall of Fame located on the Vincennes University Jasper Campus, showcasing memorabilia from high school, college and professional athletes throughout Indiana. Don’t forget to stop at the well-known Schnitzelbank Restaurant. Enjoy the award-winning Super46 Bratzel sandwich that was voted Indiana’s No. 1 sandwich. Also located in Dubois County is The Spirit of Jasper, a recently restored passenger train that takes an excursion to French Lick and multiple Ride & Dine trips. Board the luxurious, climate-controlled lounge cars for a trip of a lifetime. Visit Huntingburg to enjoy a night at the ballpark. Huntingburg League Stadium is home to the Dubois County Bombers, a summer collegiate wooden bat league team. League Stadium was the set for the Rockford Peaches home field in the motion picture “A League of Their Own.” This unique experience will portray the spectator as if they were taken back in time to a game in the 1940s era. While in town, stop along Historic Fourth Street for unique and antique shopping. Throughout Dubois County you’ll find multiple significant and historic churches that are the groundwork to building such great communities. Saint Joseph Catholic Church is an 1880 Romanesque, oldworld style church listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Noteworthy features include three beautiful Austrian mosaics with 50 million stones and statues made of marble and pewter as well as the Italian marble altar. In Ferdinand, the Monastery Immaculate Conception was recently restored and is home to one of the largest communities of Benedictine women in the nation. It is also on the National Register of His-

toric Places, and is designated an Official Project of Save America’s Treasures. Looking for quality golf at value pricing? Sultan’s Run Golf Club extends across 224 acres of woods, wildlife and water. In 2013, it was voted the eighth Best Golf Course in Indiana by Golf Week. Finish at the 18th hole where the beautiful waterfall sets the scene. Just 10 minutes down the road, enjoy another 18 holes at the Jasper Municipal Golf Course, which plays 5,985 yards with a par 71. Dubois County hosts several unique European-inspired and music festivals throughout the year. The Jasper Strassenfest takes place Aug. 1-4 around the square in downtown Jasper, and celebrates the area’s rich German heritage. It is a weekend full of events, including several sports tournaments, a 5K run/ walk, approximately 30 entertainment acts throughout the weekend. Enjoy polka masses, carnival rides, an open-air biergarten and much more. The Ferdinand Folk Festival is a free Earth and family-friendly event that features nationally acclaimed musicians as well as regional and local acts set for Sept. 21. Be sure to enjoy the farmers market and booths of local artists and artisans selling their products. Bring your cooler, chairs and a blanket to enjoy an afternoon relaxing in beautiful 18th Street Park. For more information on Dubois County attractions and events, contact the Dubois County Visitor’s Center at 800-968-4578 or 812-482-9115 or visit www.visitduboiscounty.com. The visitor’s center also assists with group itinerary scheduling, provides welcome packets, promotional items and lodging information for various events.


Dubois County Bombers

League Stadium, Huntingburg City Park (end of East First Street) Huntingburg 812-683-3700 n dcbombers.com Every night is Throwback Night with the Dubois County Bombers. A summer collegiate baseball team, the Dubois County Bombers play in the Ohio Valley League, a wooden bat league consisting of eight teams playing throughout western Kentucky and southern Indiana. Players come from near and far to play. The Bombers play highquality contemporary baseball in a throwback setting. When you enter the gates of historic League Stadium in Huntingburg, home of the Bombers, you may think you’ve stepped back into the Golden Age of the game. League Stadium was home to the Rockford Peaches in the hit movie “A League of Their Own.” The vintage signage, scoreboard and atmosphere remain. The Bombers play in vintage-inspired uniforms; pants are knickered, stirrups are worn. The crack of a wooden bat against a baseball resounds through the stadium. You may hear “Who’s on First” over the audio. The team even has its own Peaches at the games keeping everything in the stadium rolling, while the coaches and players keep it exciting on the field. Bombers games are great sport and excellent entertainment for the entire family to enjoy America’s favorite pastime at its best.

Dubois County Museum

2704 Newton Street, Jasper 812-634-7733 n duboiscountymuseum.org The largest county museum in Indiana, this 50,000-square-foot museum showcases the rich German heritage and history of the area. Walk through “Main Street Dubois County,” featuring 17 rooms reminiscent of the 1890s. Enjoy a hands-on children’s area, a tremendous model train display, a two-pen log cabin built in 1885, the historic progression of farm machinery, and numerous exhibits detailing sports, military, the furniture industry and early settler life. The Wildlife Adventure Room showcases wild game from all over the world. More than 41,000 items and annual visitation that exceeds 12,000 visitors per year. Open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Ferdinand Historical Walking Tour

www.visitduboiscounty.com A self-guided tour of some of Ferdinand’s oldest and most interesting structures. It is easily driven, however, if a walking tour is preferred, please check the map image at www.visitduboiscounty.com for a one-mile walking excursion.

Ferdinand State Forest

6583 E. State Road 264, Ferdinand 812-367-1524 n stateparks.com/ferdinand Established in 1934 as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp, CCC workers built roads, service buildings and one of the most beautiful forest lakes in the state. The scenic beauty of the area allows for

a peaceful getaway with nature. This 7,640-acre area includes primitive camping (available for a fee), picnic areas, shelter houses, grills, playground, fishing, hiking, boating, swimming, boat ramp, restrooms, dressing facilities, showers, hunting, swimming beach and horseshoe pits. Rowboat and canoe rental is available on Ferdinand Lake from through October. The swimming beach is available through Labor Day.

Geode Grotto at Providence Home

520 W. Ninth Street, Jasper 812-486-6603 n atlasobscura.com/places/ providence-home-geode-grotto The work of one priest who labored for 12 years to create a beautiful and spiritual landscape, this remarkable garden of rock contains shrines made of colorful geode stones from southern Indiana.

Huntingburg’s Fourth Street

Downtown Huntingburg 812-683-5699 n visitduboiscounty.com Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this historic business district, once destroyed by a fire in 1889, has been lovingly restored to a charming Victorian downtown, housing more than two dozen locally owned antique and specialty shops and unique eateries. The walking tour takes you back to the 1800s and early 1900s, a time when most of the two-story Italianate and late Victorian commercial buildings along historic Fourth Street were constructed. The brick-paved sidewalks and 1800s facade provide a quaint setting for many special events throughout the year.

Huntingburg League Stadium

203 S. Cherry Street, Huntingburg 812-683-2211 n dcbombers.com/the-bombers-experience/ league-stadium Originally built in 1894, Huntingburg League Stadium has been renovated and expanded over the years, while perfectly preserving the sanctity of 1940s baseball. Chosen by Columbia Pictures in 1991 to star as the home field for the Rockford Peaches in the box office hit “A League of Their Own.” The stadium still feels as though Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna and the rest of the Peaches could walk out of the dugout at any minute. Original advertisements from the film still remain on the outfield fence. The stadium also starred in the HBO movie, “Soul of the Game.” The stadium now hosts the Dubois County Bombers and Southridge High School baseball teams. It’s a great place to catch a game. Call for tours. Continued on Page 16 Huntingburg League Stadium

Southwest Indiana Playground n 13

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Huntingburg Museum

508 E. Fourth Street, Huntingburg 812-683-2211 n huntingburg-in.gov This museum illustrates the life and times of the people of Huntingburg through pictures, artifacts and other documentation. Included are various war memorabilia, a 1901 “Huntingburg Tour Car,” items from “A League of Their Own” and the bed of Colonel Geiger, founder of Huntingburg. Museum hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Indiana Baseball Hall of Fame

Ruxer Student Center, Vincennes University 850 College Avenue, Jasper 812-482-2262 n indbaseballhalloffame.org Dedicated to the sport of baseball and its Indiana heroes, this museum showcases memorabilia from high school, collegiate and professional athletes throughout the Hoosier State. Displays include a unique sampling of jerseys, gloves, bats and plaques significant to the history of Indiana baseball. This facility is located on the Vincennes University Jasper Campus. Jasper Campus summer hours (through Aug. 19) are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day (closed on legal holidays).

Jasper Arts Center/Krempp Gallery

Vincennes University, 951 College Avenue, Jasper 812-482-3070 n jasperarts.org One of the finest entertainment, cultural and educational venues in southern Indiana, this facility draws worldwide talent and experiences to an intimate setting. The 700-seat theater offers some of the highest quality professional performing arts events and programs currently on tour at affordable prices. The Krempp Gallery, which hosts 12 exhibits annually, houses artwork from local, regional and nationally-recognized artists. Jasper City Mill

The old mill’s most famous visitor was young Abraham Lincoln, who came with his father in 1828 to grind the family’s grain. Guests can tour the mill, watch the workings of the waterwheel and corn meal production and browse for souvenir items for purchase. Embrace the serenity of the Patoka River while relaxing at the plaza/rest area. Hours vary by season; free admission.

Jasper Downtown Shopping/Historical Walking Tour

812-482-6866 n visitduboiscounty.com This beautiful area of Jasper is filled with vitality, history and a variety of shops. Main Street and the area around the square provide an ideal background for great shopping and special festivities throughout the year. Relaxing and informative, the walking tour encompasses nearly two miles and includes visits to more than 20 of Jasper’s oldest sites.

Jasper Parklands

West 15th Street, Jasper www.jasperindiana.gov The Jasper Parklands features 75 acres of hiking/biking trails, scenic lakes with waterfalls, playground equipment and a pavilion.

Jasper Riverwalk

Off Third Avenue at Patoka River, Jasper www.spiritofjasper.com Explore the simplicity of nature with a walk or bike ride on this 2.1-mile paved path in the center of Jasper. Running along the Patoka River in the “Old Jasper” district, the Riverwalk features a beautiful gazebo, three footbridges, shelter houses, seating along the river and indoor restroom facilities. The Riverwalk is a permanent example of the community’s love of recreation. It is used on a daily basis, and will continue to bring Jasper citizens to the river to experience nature, socialize, meditate, exercise and enjoy life.

Monastery Immaculate Conception

802 E. 10th Street, Ferdinand 812-367-1411 nthedome.org Known as the “Castle on the Hill,” the monastery, founded in 1867, is home to one of the nation’s largest communities of Benedictine women. The distinctive, recently-restored Romanesque dome, rises majestically over the town of Ferdinand, standing at 87 feet from the floor and 321⁄2 feet in diameter. Throughout the church, 89 angels are present, 16 of which are depicted on the stained glass windows surrounding the dome. The church is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and has been designated an Official Project of Save America’s Treasures. The Monastery Gift Shop offers baked goods, handmade crafts and other unique spiritual merchandise. The Benedictine Hospitality Center at Kordes Hall, also on the monastery Monastery Immaculate Conception

Jasper City Mill

160 Third Avenue, Jasper 812-482-4924 or 812-482-5959 n spiritofjasper.com Constructed to resemble the former mill that once stood near the Patoka River, this new structure is the latest addition to the growing “Old Jasper” district where Third Avenue crosses the Patoka River. During the 1870s, flour was shipped from the mill by flatboat down the Patoka River to the Ohio River and as far south as New Orleans.

16 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Spirit of Jasper

Indiana. Other excursions include a Pizza & Beer Ride & Dine, Chocoloate Wine Ride & Dine, and Fall Foliage Ride & Dine.

Sultan’s Run Golf Club

grounds, offers a peaceful and rejuvenating getaway. Call for guided tour times.

St. Joseph Church

Newton and 13th streets, Jasper 812-482-1805 n saintjosephjasper.org Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this magnificent 1880 Romanesque, old-world-style church was built by the early parishioners and showcases priceless German stained-glass windows. Other features include Austrian-designed and imported mosaics with 50 million stones, pewter and marble statues, altars made of Italian marble, and a communion railing of onyx and brass.

1490 N. Meridian Road, Jasper 888-684-3287 n sultansrun.com Awarded 2015 Golf Course of the Year for Indiana by the IGCOA, Sultan’s Run is a breathtakingly beautiful championship course that extends across 224 rolling acres of woods, water and wildlife. Ranked 4½ Stars by Golf Digest, the perfectly-manicured course contains bent grass on the putting surface, zoysia on the tees, fairways and greens, and roughs consisting of a Bermuda and fescue blend. A challenging and breathtaking course. Sultan’s Run Golf Club

Schaeffer Barn

E. Fourth & McCrillus streets, Jasper 812-482-4255 n spiritofjasper.com This historic, hand-hewn log structure, located near the Jasper Riverwalk in the “Old Jasper” district, serves as a picturesque backdrop for many events throughout the year. Originally built by Prussian immigrants in the 1800s and located in nearby Ferdinand, the chestnut log barn is a cantilever overhang typical of many German buildings during the time. It features a unique construction of half-dovetail notches, a 50-foot continuous beam, three log cribs with 26-foot handhewn feeding troughs made from a single white oak tree and a stone foundation, which was paramount in its preservation.

Spirit of Jasper

201 Mill Street, Jasper 812-482-5959 n spiritofjasper.com All aboard the Spirit of Jasper for a scenic excursion from the Jasper Train Depot. Ride in style on three beautifully renovated, climatecontrolled lounge cars complete with restrooms, comfortable seating and a cash bar. Enjoy an evening out on the “Jasper to French Lick Express,” featuring a ride to the French Lick Casino and historic West Baden Springs, or relax with a full meal aboard the “Ride & Dine” dinner train which winds through the beautiful countryside of southern

Trail of Faith

800-968-4578 n visitduboiscounty.com A collection of the oldest churches in the county, Dubois County is home to 19 churches that are more than 100 years old and rich with history. The trail is approximately 85 miles long. Feel free to start and stop wherever you like, or pick and choose the churches you wish to visit. Visit the website for more information on the tour and an online map.

Southwest Indiana Playground n 17

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Area Golf Courses Alvin C. Ruxer

400 Clay Street Jasper, Indiana 812-482-5554 jasperindiana.gov This course was built in 1994 on land deeded to the city from the late entrepreneur Alvin C. Ruxer. It features four par 4s and five par 3s along with a lighted driving range and a large practice green area.

Buffalo Trace

1728 Jackson Street Jasper, Indiana 812-482-4600 visitduboiscounty.com This challenging 18-hole course has been an important part of Jasper’s activity program since 1970. This course plays 5,985 yards with a par 71.

Charles C. Niehaus

403 W. 6th Street Huntingburg, Indiana 812-683-2211 huntingburg-in.gov Charles C. Niehaus Memorial Park is a 43-acre park, and features a golf driving range. The driving range is open daily, and a ball machine is available to use.

Christmas Lake

1 Clubhouse Road Santa Claus, Indiana 877-962-7465 christmaslake.com Christmas Lake Golf Course has earned an excellent reputation among golfers all over the world. Known for its rolling hills, valleys and sparkling lakes, this well-manicured course is peaceful as well as beautiful.

Country Oaks

5064 U.S. 50 Montgomery, Indiana 812-486-3300 countryoaksgolfclub.com The 18-hole course in Montgomery features 6,929 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72. Country Oaks golf course opened in 1997.

Donald Ross

11160 State Road 56 French Lick, Indiana 812-936-9300 frenchlick.com/golf/donaldross Considered one of Donald Ross’ most challenging designs, a $4.6 million restoration brought the course back to his original plans. The Donald Ross Course brings a rich history to French Lick Resort. The course was the site of the 1924 PGA Championship won by the legendary Walter Hagen, and has hosted other golf greats and celebrities such as Gene Sarazen, Chick Evans and Bing Crosby.

Golf & Guns

8799 Ridge Road Shoals, Indiana 812-709-0827 frenchlickgolfandguns.com Designed and built by owner and golf hacker Dave Marshall, the self-proclaimed championship course, “Twin Peaks” at Elk Ridge Ranch, is also known as “Golf & Guns.” Prepare yourself to play the only golf course in the world where you hit your balls from the tees, and then you shoot clay pigeons from the same tees.

Huntingburg Country Club

739 W. 3rd Street Huntingburg, Indiana 812-683-3376 facebook.com/HuntingburgClub Huntingburg Country Club offers terrific views and challenging play for golfers at every skill level. This 9-hole, par 70, semiprivate course has well-groomed fairways and greens that keep the course difficult yet friendly, and the staff can offer tips and tricks for playing your best round.


15421 U.S. 231 Loogootee, Indiana 812-295-5678 Nine-hole public golf course with a beautiful view of West Boggs Lake. Great for beginners or professionals alike. Located just 3 miles north of Loogootee on Highway 231. On Facebook as Lakeview Golf Course.

Lucas Oil

139 N. Boss Lane English, Indiana 812-338-3748 lucasoilgolfcourse.com This course is a premier, affordable, 18hole championship golf course designed by Dr. Hurdzan. Located just 39 miles west of Louisville and 18 miles from French Lick, it provides a scenic and challenging round of golf that winds through the hills and down through the streets where the old town of English once stood.

Oakland City Golf Club

1593 West Street Oakland City, Indiana 812-749-3923 Oakland City Golf Club, located in Oakland City, is a semi-private course. From the back tees, the course plays more than 2,883 yards with a slope of 111. Oakland City Golf Club was designed by John & Chick Farmer and opened in 1946.

Paoli Country Club

1345 W. Leonard Circle Paoli, Indiana 812-723-2110 Challenging nine-hole public golf course. Great for beginners or professionals alike. Enjoy the full-service clubhouse.

Pete Dye

1082 W. Taggart Lane French Lick, Indiana 812-936-9300 frenchlick.com/golf/petedye Named one of America’s Greatest Courses by Golf Digest and Indiana’s Course of the Year. Host Site of the 2015 Senior PGA Championship, this course will prove challenging for even the best players in the game. Atop one of the highest points in Indiana, the Pete Dye Course offers panoramic views of the countryside that extend for more than 40 miles in all directions.

Background photo: Pete Dye Golf Course in French Lick, Indiana.

Prides Creek

1050 E. County Road 400N Petersburg, Indiana 812-354-3059 Prides Creek Golf Course is conveniently located less than 1⁄4 mile off of I-69, exit 46 in Petersburg. The 9-hole course offers a challenging layout for golfers of all skill levels while enjoying the scenic views of the 90-acre Prides Creek Lake.

Quail Crossing

5 Quail Crossing Drive Boonville, Indiana 812-897-1247 quailcrossing.com Quail Crossing Golf Club, winding through southern Indiana’s beautiful rolling wooded countryside, offers the discriminating golfer an experience they will not soon forget. The distinctly different look of this area coupled with the rolling wooded farmland used for Quail’s routing make for a interesting round of golf.

Sultan’s Run

1490 N. Meridian Road Jasper, Indiana 812-482-1009 sultansrun.com Extending over 224 rolling acres of woods, water and wildlife, Sultan’s Run is a breathtakingly beautiful championship course designed by Tim Liddy. Ranked 41⁄2 Stars by Golf Digest, the perfectly-manicured course contains bentgrass on the putting surface, zoysia on the trees, fairways and greens, and roughs consisting of a Bermuda and fescue blend.

The Rustic

1375 S. Old State Road 45 Rockport, Indiana 812-649-9258 therusticcountryclub.com The Rustic offers the golfer and the foodie a little bit of everything. The restaurant is open daily, serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and a full service bar. Play 9 holes or 18 holes on their well-maintained golf course.

Valley Links

8670 W. State Road 56 French Lick, Indiana 812-936-9300 Strategically placed bunkers, challenging green complexes and a variety of new tees make this 9-hole course perfect for beginners and low-handicap players alike. The Valley Links is also one of only two facilities in Indiana to be named a “Family Course” by U.S. Kids Golf, and is free to children under 12.

Southwest Indiana Playground n 21

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Let Us Rejoice Together!

These Area Churches Invite You To Worship With Them. ST. ISID O R E CATHO LIC PAR ISH ST. CELESTIN E CHUR CH 6864 E S tate Road 164,Celestine,IN


5564 E S t.RaphaelS treet,D ubois,IN 812-634-1875 FatherEugene S chm itt;D eacon M ike S eibert w w w.saintisidoreparish.com Sa tu rd a y: 4:30pm (A pril-S eptem ber) S t.Celestine Church,Celestine 4:30pm (October-M arch) S t.RaphaelChurch,D ubois Su nd a y: 8:00am – St.Celestine Church,Celestine 10:00am – St.RaphaelChurch,D ubois D a ily M a s s es : Tu es .: 6:30pm – S t.Celestine Church,Celestine W ed . & Thu rs .: 8:00am – S t.RaphaelChurch, D ubois Fri.: 8:00am – S t.Celestine Church,Celestine


5535 E.Vine S treet,D ubois 812-678-2271 John S terrett,Pastor S ocialGathering 9:30 am ;W orship 10:00 am


812-937-2200 Rev.Crispine Adongo; D eacon Jim W oebkenberg w w w.saintfrancisofassisi.net A LL TIM ES CD T W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 4:30pm – S t.Nicholas,Santa Claus 5:30 M ass afterJune 1st Su nd a y: 7:00am – M ary Help ofChristians,M ariah Hill 9:00am – St.Joseph,D ale 11:00am (Spanish/Espanol) – St.Joseph,D ale D a ily M a s s es : Tu es . & Fri.: 7:30am – S t.Nicholas,Santa Claus W ed .: 5:30pm – S t.Joseph,D ale Thu rs .: 7:30 am – M ary Help ofChristians, M ariah Hill


W EEK EN D S: Saturday: 5:00 p.m .atS t.Ferdinand S unday:7:30 a.m .atS t.Henry;10:00 a.m . atS t.Ferdinand W EEK D AYS: T uesda ys: 10:30 a.m .(First& Third) atthe S eniorCitizens CenterFerdinand Tu es d a y evening: 6:00 p.m .atS t.Ferdinand W ed nes d a y evening: 6:00 p.m .A tS t.Henry Thu rs d a y m o rning: 7:30 a.m . atS t.Henry T hursda y: 10:30 AM at S cenic Hills Care Center Frid a y m o rning: 7:30 A M S t.Ferdinand CO N FESSIO N : Saturday: 4:00 p.m .S t.Ferdinand Church S unday:7:00 a.m .S tHenry Church To s c hed u le a R ec o nc ilia tio n c a ll 8 12 -3 6 7-12 12



202 East4th S treet,Huntingburg 812-683-2213 w w w.salem ucc.org Rev.M ark W est S unday S choolforallages:9:00 a.m . W orship S ervice at10:00 a.m .(Nursery) Active Youth Group:W ednesday Night Program s Radio Broadcast:W BD C 100.9 FM 11:15am -11:45am on S unday. TV Broadcast:Channel18/Cable Channel7 10:00am -11:00am on S unday


313 North W ashington S treet,Huntingburg 812-683-2372 Rev.Ryan Hilderbrand,Pastor W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 5:00 pm Su nd a y: 7:30 am ,10:00am ,12 Noon S panish M ass D a ily M a s s es : W ed ., Thu rs . & Fri.: 8:00 am Tu es .: 6:00 pm


Ireland (2829 N 500W ,Jasper) 812-482-7041 http://stm ary.irelandindiana.com Rev.Joseph F.Erbacher,“Effie”,Pastor D eacon John Huether W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y 4:30pm Su nd a y 7:00am & 10:00am D a ily M a s s es : Tu es d a y 6:00pm ;W ed nes d a y, Thu rs d a y, & Frid a y at7:30am


2 M iles North ofJasperon Hw y.231 812-695-4607 PastorD avid K ing w w w.cpjasper.com Su nd a y: 9:30 am -S unday S chool 10:30 am -S unday W orship 6:00 pm -Evening W orship W ed nes d a y: 6:30 pm -AdultS tudy and W ord ofLife Club

HO LY FAM ILY CATHO LIC CHUR CH 950 E.Church Avenue,Jasper 812-482-3076 FatherJohn Boeglin,Pastor; D eacon M ichaelHelfter& D eacon D avid M cD aniel w w w.holyfam ilyjasper.com W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 5:00 pm Su nd a y: 8:30 & 10:30 am W eek d a y M a s s es : Tu es .-Fri.: 8:00 am


1385 W 6th S treet(Hw y 56 W est),Jasper,IN Parish Office:812-482-4461 Rev.Gary Kaiser,Pastor D eacon Jerry Gagne D eacon M ichaelJones W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 4:00 pm Su nd a y: 8:00 & 10:30 am W eek d a y M a s s es : Tues.-Fri.8:00 am


140 East32nd S treet,Jasper 812-634-1123 PastorAdam Ruschau Sa tu rd a y: 5:00pm -W orship/Holy Com m union Su nd a y: 8:45 a.m .-AdultS unday S chool 9:00 a.m .-Youth S unday S chool (exceptJune -August) 10:00 a.m .-W orship/Holy Com m union


1450 Energy D r.(JasperCam pus) 1 Loogootee Plaza (Loogootee Cam pus) 812-481-2410 D arrelLand,S eniorM inister LG Lance,Teaching M inister w w w.Redem ptionIN .com orgetthe Redem ption App Su nd a y: 8:30,10,11:30 a.m .(JasperCam pus) 9 and 10:30 a.m .(Loogootee,Cam pus)


1029 Kundek S treet,Jasper 812-482-1805 w w w.saintjosephjasper.org FatherRay Brenner,Pastor;FatherW illiam Traylor;FatherJerry Pratt W eek end M a s s es : Sa tu rd a y: 4:00 pm (Novem ber-M arch) Sa tu rd a y: 5:30 pm (A pril-October) Su nd a y: 6:00 am ,7:30 am ,9:00 am ,11:00 am ,6:00pm ; 1:00 p.m .S panish M ass



FatherChristopherD roste;D eacon Charlie Johnson 812-326-2777 w w w .divinem ercyduco.org ST. AN THO N Y O F PAD UA CHUR CH 4444 S Ohio S t,S t.A nthony,IN 47575 SACR ED HEAR T O F JESUS CHUR CH 2504 S W alnutS t,S chnellville,IN 47580 Sa tu rd a y: 4 :3 0 pm (April-Septem b er)Sacred HeartofJesus 4 :3 0 pm (O c to b er-M a rc h) -S t. A nthony ofPadua Su nd a y: 7:3 0 a m -Sacred HeartofJesus 10 :0 0 a m -S t.A nthony ofPadua W eek d a y M a s s es : Tu es : 6:00pm -S t.A nthony ofPadua W ed .: 6:00pm -Sacred HeartofJesus Thu rs .: 7:30am -S t.A nthony ofPadua Fri.: 7:00am -Sacred HeartofJesus

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Breweries Basket Case Brewing Company 1340 Mill Street Jasper, Indiana 812-482-4345 basketcasebeer.com

Carson’s Brewery 2404 Lynch Road Evansville, Indiana 812-759-8229 carsonsbrewery.com

Evansville Brewhouse 56 Adams Avenue Evansville, Indiana 812-909-2668 facebook.com/EvvBrewhouse

26 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Maidens Brewery

209 N. Wabash Avenue of Flags Evansville, Indiana 812-909-1956 maidensbrewery.com

Myriad Brewing Company

Schnitz Brewery & Pub 2031 N. Newton Street Jasper, Indiana 812-848-2739 schnitzbrewery.com

St. Benedict’s Brew Works

860 E. 10th Street Ferdinand, Indiana 812-998-2337 facebook.com/StBenedictsBrewWorks

The Pour Haus 706 Humboldt Street Tell City, Indiana 812-547-2739 tellcitypourhaus.com

101 SE First Street, Suite 1 Evansville, Indiana 812-402-1515 facebook.com/MyriadBrewing


Salt Creek Brewery

Vincennes Brewing

466 Old State Road 37 N Bedford, Indiana 812-277-8277 saltcreekbrewery.beer

408 N. Main Street Evansville, Indiana 812-424-9871 / turonis.com 124 Main Street Vincennes, Indiana 812-316-0485 vincennesbrewing.com

Blue Heron Winery 5330 Blue Heron Lane Cannelton, Indiana 812-547-7518 blueheronvines.com

Wineries Patoka Lake Winery

Turtle Run Winery

French Lick Winery

Pepper’s Ridge Winery

Winzerwald Winery

Monkey Hollow

Quibble Hill Winery

Carousel Winery 6058 Lawrenceport Road Mitchell, Indiana 812-849-1005 carouselwinery.com

8145 W. Sinclair Street West Baden Springs, Indiana 812-936-2293 frenchlickwinery.com

11534 E. County Road 1740N St Meinrad, Indiana 812-357-2272 monkeyhollowwinery.com

2900 Dillard Road Birdseye, Indiana 812-685-2203 patokalakewinery.com

4304 N. County Road 200W Rockport, Indiana 812-649-9463 peppersridge.com 338 Gowers Lane NW Depauw, Indiana 502-424-9559 quibblehillwinery.com

940 St. Peters Church Road NE Corydon, Indiana 812-952-2650 turtlerunwinery.com 26300 N. Indian Lake Road Bristow, Indiana 812-357-7000 winzerwaldwinery.com

Southwest Indiana Playgroundn n 00 27 Southwest Indiana Playground

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in d istk lm


Orange County

Unique adventures are closer than you think in Orange County Summer is here, and so is vacation time. Whether you’re looking for a longer stay or something overnight, #MyFrenchLick has accommodations and activities to fit any length of stay. Believe it or not, unique adventures are closer than you think. Historic French Lick/West Baden Springs has it all in the heart-warming hills of southern Indiana. With award-winning spas, two of the top golf courses in the state, unique events and much more, the spectacular French Lick Resort is more than prepared to accommodate your romantic getaway, girlfriend or guys weekend, golf outing, adrenaline pumping adventure or just a day of relaxation at the pool. Paired with the rich history of two historic hotels, the resort is a gem to behold. If you’re looking to escape with a watery getaway, Big Splash Adventure Indoor Water Park & Hotel is just the place for the entire family. With water slides and arcade games, the water park is always a must for the young and young at heart. No matter the weather outside, it’s always a warm oasis inside. There are also multiple opportunities to relish Mother Nature’s beauty in French Lick/West Baden Springs. With lodging options on or near Patoka Lake or near the Hoosier National Forest, escaping every day is easy. You can choose to hike, bike, swim, water ski or go boating on the 26,000 acres available at the state park. Whatever way you decide to spend your day, there are plenty of activities to keep you on an endless exciting adventure. Also, don’t miss out on all of the fun at the French Lick Scenic Railway with new excursions such as the Dinner Train, Tasting Trains and the Dinosaur Adventure Train. Maybe you’re looking for a happy medium of adrenaline and nature? Wilstem is just the place for you. You’ll find exciting zip line canopy tours, horseback riding, 30 miles of trails to tackle during a guided ATV tour, and miles of hiking and biking trails. And the main attraction, oneof-a-kind animal encounters. Help give an elephant a bath during the Elephant Spa Encounter. Pet, feed and get pictures taken

30 n Southwest Indiana Playground

with a giraffe during the Giraffe Encounter. Be sure to visit the Roos & Crew barn to play with kangaroos, goats, parakeets, lemurs and more! Then check out the all-new attraction, Jeff Watson and his grizzlies Bob and Screech. Wilstem is the perfect indoor-outdoor place to attend. As if zip lining through the forest isn’t enough, check out Shotz, complete with indoor cosmic and outdoor mini golf, as well as laser tag. Grab your friends and try your skills at Escape! French Lick, where the clock is ticking as you figure out clues to complete your mission. French Lick West Baden Indoor Karting is complete with go karts for ages 4 and up, and an arcade with a prize redemption center. Paoli Rock & Bowl, is a great amusement choice with bowling, bounce houses, bumper cars, pool tables, pizza and an arcade. French Lick/West Baden Springs is packed with creative minds. Check out the many artisan shops at the destination. From gorgeous, unique lapidary jewelry at Hinshaw’s Rock ’N Gems; chainsaw sculptures at Bear Hollow; primitive refurbished décor at Henpecked Primitives; rustic, hand-made yard art, garden statues and

vintage signs at Fox Hollow Gallery; and gorgeous prints of the area and jewelry and imported goods at R4 boutique, there’s a little something for all to enjoy. You can’t have a good time without food, and now that French Lick/West Baden Springs is part of the Indiana Foodways Alliance Culinary Trails, finding good eats is a whole lot easier. And you’ll love the International Trail, featuring the German Café and French Lick Winery’s Vintage Café, both with authentic, tasty dishes. The Burgers and Dogs Trail features 33 Brick Street, complete with Larry Bird’s personal sports memorabilia, and Superburger, which has earned accolades for its triple Newk burger, recently named No. 14 burger in the USA. Other trails include Rise n’ Shine, featuring the West Baden Bagel Bistro and their delicious and uniquely named steamed bagel sandwiches, as well as A Cut Above (the Steak Trail), featuring Sinclair’s and the 1875 Steakhouse. Don’t forget the Tenderloin Lover’s Trail (you are, after all, in Indiana), featuring the German Café, 33 Brick Street and Hagen’s Clubhouse. Check out all of the restaurants on the Culinary Trail, and throughout French Lick/West Baden Springs and Orange County. Year-round events spread throughout every season are captivating and complementary to French Lick/West Baden Springs. From beautiful spring flowers, to warm summer fun, transitioning fall canopy and wintry fun, each season has its own set of events to look forward to. Check out the Orleans Dogwood Festival in the spring to view the beauty of the Dogwood tree. Ride along the gentle waves on Patoka Lake’s Sunset and Fall Foliage Wine Cruises. And in the fall, see the live carving action of Block Bash and don’t miss Art on the Green, which brings together many artisans. And when its Christmastime, experience the 50 Days of Lights and Polar Express, which fills guests with the spirit of the season. To request your comprehensive visitors guide, view a full calendar of events or simply ask a few questions, go to www. visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com or call 812-936-3418.


Bear Hollow Wood Carvers

469 S. Maple Street #104, French Lick 812-936-3030 n bearhollowwoodcarvers.com “Cutting Edge Art” features one-of-a-kind chainsaw sculptures created by award-winning carvers from across the U.S., including Jason Emmons. Find truly unique gifts, such as soaps, syrups, home décor and more by the best artisans in the country.

Grizzly Bear Encounter

Big Splash Adventure

interact with. Sit back on comfortable bleachers and learn about the animals in an intimate setting and all about their personalities. Complete with a variety of small animals, kangaroos and an iguana, it’s sure to be a memorable experience.

Escape! French Lick

Big Splash Adventure Indoor Water Park & Hotel

8505 W. State Road 56, French Lick 877-936-3866 n bigsplashadventure.com A 40,000 square-foot indoor water park adventure for the entire family. No weather worries with this glass-enclosed structure, one of the few retractable roof water parks in the world. Day passes available.

Dinner & Entertainment

Abbeydell Hall at the Legend of French Lick 7328 W. County Road 100N, West Baden Springs 812-936-6333 n silvernightentertainment.com The former estate of a celebrity has been converted into a unique venue featuring original Branson-style musical productions. Familyfriendly shows with music, dance and laughter, sure to please persons of all ages. Options include dinner and a show or show only. See website for show descriptions and to reserve tickets.

Elephant, Giraffe and Grizzly Bear Encounters

4229 U.S. Highway 150 West, Paoli 812-936-4484 n wilstemranch.com Who knew you could get up close and personal with an elephant, giraffes and grizzly bears in Orange County, Indiana? During the giraffe encounter, meet two giraffes face-to-face and get the chance to learn about these amazing animals, have the chance to feed them and snap one-of-a kind pictures. Meet an amazing African elephant, an encounter where you’ll learn all you want to know about these amazing creatures, and you’ll get to ask questions, touch them and their ivory, and take once-in-a-lifetime photos. Learn all about Bob and Screech, and how to stay safe in bear country during Wilstem’s new Grizzly Bear Encounter. Help Jeff “The Bear Man” Watson prepare their breakfast. Watch them hunt, view them up close and get awesome photos. At the Roos and Crew Encounter, you’ll meet Perth, Sydney, Rocky, Katie and Karl, just a few of the animals you’ll get to

8582 W. College Street, French Lick 812-639-4797 n escapefrenchlick.com Test your luck and skills while working together to complete the tasks and escape the room. Find hidden objects, decipher codes and open locked boxes through communication and deductive reasoning. Test your abilities to work as a team in order to escape this challenging live-action puzzle.

Envision Designs

986 W. Hospital Road, Paoli 812-723-2950 n firstchancecenter.com/products Envision Designs is a line of products produced at First Chance Center Industries through donations of discarded fabrics from local businesses in southern Indiana. All profits from the sales of Envision Designs products goes to fund the programs and services at First Chance Center for individuals with disabilities. This is a unique opportunity for guests to give back and gain a beautiful, one-of-a-kind product. Through Envision Designs, guests can either choose a product from the current inventory the FCC artists have created, or design their own product. Guests can browse fabrics to customize their own creation, including bags, stockings and aprons.

French Lick Casino

8670 W. State Road 56, French Lick 888-936-9360 n frenchlick.com The casino at French Lick brought gaming back to the area for the first time in more than 50 years, and it has proven to be the grandest casino in Indiana. This 51,000-square-foot Vegas-style gaming facility with soaring 27-foot ceilings features more than 1,100 slot machines, a high-limit gaming area with VIP lounge, 40 table games and more. Indiana’s largest non-smoking gaming area offers the latest state-ofthe-art slot machines and live-action blackjack, roulette and craps tables. The overall design, complementing the adjacent resort’s historic lobby, is of the Beaux Arts architectural style, an eclectic Neoclassical style known for its use of ornate masonry work and grandiosity. Open every day. Free admission (must be at least 21). Continued on Page 34

Southwest Indiana Playground n 31




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French Lick Scenic Railway

Trail, Sweet Temptations and the Italian Trail. Check the calendar for events. French Lick Ziplines

French Lick Scenic Railway

8594 W. State Road 56, French Lick 812-936-2405 or 800-748-7246 n frenchlickscenicrailway.org All aboard at the French Lick Scenic Railway for this relaxing train ride through the rolling hills of the Hoosier National Forest. Features include passage through the 2,200-foot-long Burton tunnel (the second longest rail tunnel in Indiana) and narration from this scenic railway. Sit back, relax and enjoy the clickity-clack. Themed excursions, including Wild West hold-ups and The Polar Express, are available on a set schedule. Check out the Tasting Trains. Immerse yourself in the flavorful world of chocolate on their unique chocolate tasting train. Or ride in style on board the French Lick Scenic Railroad Bourbon Tasting train where you will get to sit back and sip some of the finest bourbons, while relaxing to the rhythm of the rail. Dinner Trains start in August.

French Lick West Baden Indoor Karting

8331 W. State Road 56, West Baden 812-936-5390 or 888-702-5169 n flwbindoorkarting.com It’s the racing experience of a lifetime. The quarter-mile indoor track is open year-round, and it’s fun for the whole family with newly added Falcon Raceway for smaller children as well as a new “slick” track for adults. Play in the arcade and redeem prizes in the redemption center. Gift shop and concessions available. Open daily.

French Lick West Baden Museum

469 S. Maple Street #103, French Lick 812-936-3592 n flwbmuseum.com Experience the area’s rich history circa 1900 to 1930. See the room-sized miniature Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. Learn about the famous artists, politicians, horsemen and sports figures who once called the area home.

French Lick Winery

8145 W. Sinclair Street, West Baden 812-936-2293 or 888-494-6380 n frenchlickwinery.com A family owned and operated winery and vineyard. French Lick Winery wines vary in types, ranging from dry to semi-dry/semi-sweet, sweet, sparkling and fortified. They’re available for purchase by the glass, bottle or case. The French Lick Winery is also a member of the Indiana Foodways Alliance, featured on the Wine, Wine Anytime

34 n Southwest Indiana Playground

French Lick Ziplines

4229 U.S. Highway 150 West, Paoli 812-936-4484 n frenchlickziplines.com Sail through the beautiful countryside on a 4,000-foot canopy tour.

Hinshaw Rock ‘N Gems

1232 S. County Road 650W, French Lick 812-936-7255 n hinshawrockngems.com Hinshaw Rock ‘N Gems is a fourth-generation family owned business established in 1961. Approaching 60 years in the lapidary business (the art of cutting and polishing stones). Named by Lapidary Journal as one of the Top 10 polishers in the country, the Hinshaw family’s artwork is known nationally and internationally. Visitors can get a firsthand education in the art of lapidary and take home a treasure to remember. The unique, one-of-a-kind jewelry is designed and handmade by Merrill Hinshaw. Open 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day. Also, by appointment.

Indiana Landmarks Tours

8670 W. State Road 56, French Lick 812-936-5870 n indianalandmarks.org 8538 West Baden Avenue, West Baden Springs 812-936-5570 n indianalandmarks.org Step back in history and be captivated by the architecture and history of the French Lick and West Baden Springs Hotels. Hear how the area was once THE vacation spot for wealthy health-seekers and high rollers of the turn-of-the-20th-century. Understand and gain a deeper appreciation for the massive multi-million-dollar renovation recently completed at both hotels. Open every day. Tours are $12; other rates available.

Paoli Peaks

2798 W. County Road 25S, Paoli 812-723-4696 n paolipeaks.com When you visit southwest Indiana in the winter, it’s the premiere ski resort, including 65 acres of skiable terrain with 15 trails, five chairlifts and three surface lifts. Full-service ski and snowboard rental shop,

pro-shop and dining on site. Arctic Blast Tubing offers eight lanes of slip-sliding fun on 700-foot-long slopes with a magic carpet lift, perfect for all ages.

Paoli Rock & Bowl

1860 W. Willow Creek Road, Paoli 812-723-2658 n paolirocknbowl.com 16-lane bowling alley with ticket redemption arcade, pool tables, pro-shop, retractable bumpers and cosmic bowling. Visit the Spare Time Bar & Grill for food and snacks.

Spirits of French Lick

8145 W. Sinclair Street, West Baden Springs 812-936-2293 n spiritsoffrenchlick.com From milling premium grain to distilling high quality spirits, Spirits of French Lick embodies their motto: Respect the Grain. Wilstem Guest Ranch

Pluto’s Alley

8670 W. State Road 56, French Lick 812-936-9300 or 888-936-9360 n frenchlick.com Enjoy a striking good time at the six-lane bowling alley at French Lick Springs Hotel. Play video and pinball machines or shoot a game of pool in the arcade, plus the best pizza in town. Shotz! Lazer Tag & Miniature Golf

Wilstem Guest Ranch U.S. 150 between Paoli and French Lick 812-936-4484 n wilstemranch.com Nature is the main attraction at the Wilstem Guest Ranch, with plenty of fresh air and wide open spaces surrounding rustic cabins. Horseback riding is offered for visitors of all skill levels, including guided trail rides conducted at a walk to accommodate novice riders. Enjoy more than 30 miles of scenic trails on 1,100 rolling acres. 4,000-foot canopy zip line tour is also available. Open every day. Free admission; call for rates on activities

Shotz! Lazer Tag & Miniature Golf

8529 W. State Road 56, French Lick 812-936-2386 n frenchlickshotz.com Fun all year long with an indoor laser tag course, nine-hole cosmic golf course and arcade. Test your skills outside on the 18-hole challenging and breathtaking course.

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Vintage Café at French Lick Winery

8145 W Sinclair Street, West Baden Springs 812-936-2293 n frenchlickwinery.com Fresh Italian cuisine served in a family friendly café. Pizza, pasta, salads, breads and dessert. Gift shop and wine tasting available.

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Southwest Indiana Playground n 35


Explore southwest Indiana through the scores of fairs, festivals and other fun events planned this summer. We’ve compiled a handy calendar to help you on your journey.

May 25-27

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Honor those who have lost their lives serving our country with a memorial ceremony and an evening candlelight vigil around the park at 8:30 p.m. daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com

May 26

Ghost Walk Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-4710 Walk the same path Abraham Lincoln walked as a young man, and visit his neighbors. u

June 1

Chalk Walk Arts Festival Downtown Jasper Phone: 800-968-4578 or 812-482-9115 Hundreds of artists, of all ages and abilities, register to participate in Chalk Walk around the Square in Jasper each year. They transform the sidewalks into a temporary art gallery by creating chalk and pastel “masterpieces” on their concrete canvases. Thousands more come to watch, create and shop. jasperarts.org Kids Fishing Derby Patoka Lake 3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 812-685-2464 or 812-685-2447 Kids, bring your parents for a friendly fishing competition! Location TBD. 8:30-11:30 a.m. u

The Ultimate Elvis: Cody Ray Slaughter Calumet Lake Events Plaza, Jasper It’s the closest thing to the real Elvis you’ll ever see or hear. Enjoy dinner and the show or just the show. Don’t miss Cody Ray Slaughter’s spot-on tribute to the King. eventbrite.com/e/ultimate-elvis-cody-rayslaughter-tickets-58343374604 u Molly Hatchet in concert, with Eighty-Sixt Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 The multi-platinum band is known for southern rock classics, and has been performing with Eighty-Sixt for the past five years. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

Madd Hoss Jackson in Concert Washington High School Auditorium Phone: 812-254-5262 Madd Hoss Jackson is a band as unique as its name. Like a breath of fresh air, Madd Hoss Jackson brings an energetic live show with music as diverse as any act you’ve ever seen. You’ll be entertained from their very first song to the very last. daviesscountychamber.com u u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

36 n Southwest Indiana Playground

June 7-8

June 1-2

St. Henry Heindrichsdorf Downtown St. Henry Phone: 800-968-4578 or 812-482-9115 Enjoy two days of fun festival activities, including games, kids activities, live entertainment, food, beer garden and more.

June 2

Chalking Up the Town Odon Artists of all ages and abilities will transform the sidewalks into a temporary art gallery by creating chalk “masterpieces” on their concrete canvases. Rain date is June 9. daviesscountychamber.com

Chandelier Barn Market Wilson Family Farms 5050 E. County Road 350N, Montgomery Phone: 812-486-7745 Live entertainment while you shop. Early-bird tickets available at chandelierbarnmarket.com u Music by Logan Dyer Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Relax to jazz music and enjoy a glass of Germaninspired wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry. com or winzerwaldwinery.com Washington Catholic Summer Social Washington Catholic Elementary & High School Phone: 812-254-2781 Games for young and old alike, bingo, a country store and more. Auction at 2 p.m. Roast beef and chicken dinners, and quilt raffle. All proceeds benefit the Catholic school system. wccardinals.org or daviesscountychamber.com

Kids Fishing Derby West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Bring the kids to participate, and enjoy family activities afterwards. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. westboggs. com or daviesscountychamber.com Bonifest St. Boniface Catholic Church, Fulda Celebrate the feast day of holy patron Saint Boniface with annual heritage celebration on the parish grounds. Live music, food, biergarten, kids games, ice cream and Mass. sbcatholic.church/bonifest

June 6

38th annual WBDC Country Showdown Jasper Arts Center Phone: 800-968-4578 or 812-482-9115 One of southern Indiana’s longest running country music talent searches. A fun evening of wonderful entertainment featuring talented artists from throughout the region. You may hear the next star in country music, and watch them get their start.

June 8

Music by Valcoes Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Enjoy classic rock music and a glass of Germaninspired wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry. com or winzerwaldwinery.com

June 9

Music by The Smoke Rings Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Enjoy classic rock music and a glass of Germaninspired wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry. com or winzerwaldwinery.com

June 10

June 5-8

Spencer County Fair Rockport City Park Phone: 812-649-4222 Indiana’s longest-running fair. Activities include pageants, carnival rides, demolition derby and much more. Mega zip line will also be at the fair. SpencerCountyFairIndiana.com u

“I’ve Got the Music in Me” Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 It’s a Branson, Missouri-style show featuring music of the 1960s and ’70s, taking you back to the days of beach blankets, the British Invasion, Motown and the BeeGees. With more than 70 songs represented, audiences enjoy selections such as “Breakin’ Up Is Hard To Do,” “It’s My Party,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and the tight harmonies of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Enjoy this outta-sight journey of music, dance and the rockin’ harmonies of the day. silvernightentertainment.com u

June 12-13

“I’ve Got the Music in Me” Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 It’s a Branson, Missouri-style show featuring music of the 1960s and ’70s, taking you back to the days of beach blankets, the British Invasion, Motown

and the BeeGees. With more than 70 songs represented, audiences enjoy selections such as “Breakin’ Up Is Hard To Do,” “It’s My Party,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and the tight harmonies of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Enjoy this outta-sight journey of music, dance and the rockin’ harmonies of the day. silvernightentertainment.com u

June 12-15

English Reunion Festival William H. English Park, English Phone: 812-338-2654 Family fun festival featuring parade, carnival rides, food booths, arts and crafts, and veterans’ recognition. Perry County 4-H Fair Perry County 4-H Fairgrounds 99 Roy Fenn Drive, Tell City Phone: 812-547-5000 pickperry.com or extension.purdue.edu/Perry/pages/default.aspx or facebook.com/perrycounty4hfair

June 13-15

Loogootee Summerfest Downtown Loogootee Phone: 812-295-4093 A three-day festival with food stands, craft booths, a carnival and much more. facebook.com/ LoogooteeSummerfest2013

June 14-15

Heinrichsdorf Festival St. Henry Great food and great people. Enjoy famous St. Henry barbecue chicken, pork chops or fried chicken, as well as hamburgers and beer garden. Music, tractor show, cornhole, Jeep poker run, children’s activities.

June 15

Celebrate Washington Main Street, Washington Phone: 812-254-5262 Celebrate the 104th birthday of the county seat of Daviess County. Riverside Park Outdoor Flea Market Winslow Phone: 812-789-3826 or 812-354-4581 Sponsored by the Winslow Lions Club Antiques, collectibles and more. Children’s games, breakfast and lunch available. Sponsored by Winslow Lions Club. pikecountyin.org Music by Beyond Blu Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Enjoy live music and a glass of German-inspired wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry.com or winzerwaldwinery.com Riverwalk Concert Series: Sweet Water Band Riverwalk Gazebo/Plaza (under the Patoka River Bridge), Jasper Phone: 812-482-6866 u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, family and friends for a relaxing summer evening of music. 7-9 p.m. Toys in the Attic: An Aerosmith Tribute Band Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 This band has played all over the U.S. since the early 1990s. Anticipate feeling the high energy of a real Aerosmith concert. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

June 15-16

Flintknapping and Primitive Art Fest Old Town Leavenworth along the Ohio River Phone: 888-755-2282 Learn the art of making stone tools just like native people did thousands of years ago. Rocks, minerals and Native American crafts also on display. crawfordcountyindiana.com

June 18

“I’ve Got the Music in Me” Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 It’s a Branson, Missouri-style show featuring music of the 1960s and ’70s, taking you back to the days of beach blankets, the British Invasion, Motown and the BeeGees. With more than 70 songs represented, audiences enjoy selections such as “Breakin’ Up Is Hard To Do,” “It’s My Party,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and the tight harmonies of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Enjoy this outta-sight journey of music, dance and the rockin’ harmonies of the day. silvernightentertainment.com u

June 20

“I’ve Got the Music in Me” Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 It’s a Branson, Missouri-style show featuring music of the 1960s and ’70s, taking you back to the days of beach blankets, the British Invasion, Motown and the BeeGees. With more than 70 songs represented, audiences enjoy selections such as “Breakin’ Up Is Hard To Do,” “It’s My Party,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and the tight harmonies of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Enjoy this outta-sight journey of music, dance and the rockin’ harmonies of the day. silvernightentertainment.com u

June 21-22

Ferdinand Heimatfest 18th Street Park, Ferdinand Phone: 800-968-4578 or 812-661-2711 Enjoy live music and entertainment, delicious food, beer garden and activities all weekend. This year’s live music lineup includes: n 8 p.m. Friday — Studebaker, a local favorite playing classic rock with a touch of country. n 7 p.m. Saturday — Abigail Rose Clark, Pendelton, Ind., native who is producing her first album featuring some of her original songs. n 9 p.m. Saturday — Cale Dodds, rising country music star who made a name for himself as a songwriter. He’s put out eight original tracks, including his first charting radio single “Take You Back.” FerdinandHeimatfest.com

June 22

Circus Day Downtown French Lick Phone: 812-936-3592

French Lick and West Baden have a rich circus history. Learn all about it and share a day of family fun at the French Lick West Baden Museum’s annual Circus Day event. Acrobats, fire eaters, clowns, games, a live circus band and all manner of fun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com BBQ Blues West Boggs Park The first concert of the year for the 2019 Summer Music Series. Live music, games, food and more. daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com Dragging Main Retro Cruise Tell City Phone: 812-547-7933 or 812-719-0449 Enjoy a good time with a great car show 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Music will be played and food will be served. pickperry.com Music by Luke Hilgenhold and Kelly Clark Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Enjoy live music and a glass of German-inspired wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry.com or winzerwaldwinery.com

June 22-23

Dinosaur Adventure Train French Lick Depot Phone: 800-748-7246 Take a trip back in time to the Jurassic period to learn more about the age of dinosaurs and the amazing creatures of the time. The Dinosaur Adventure Train allows explorers and adventure seekers of all ages to take a trip on a real train bound for the Paleo Adventure Camp. This is where young guests participate in a series of dino-mite fun and educational adventures, as they discover basic concepts in natural science, prehistoric history and paleontology. Some of the activities include a live reptile encounter, bounce houses, fossil dig and face painting. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Adventure train departs at 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. frenchlickscenicrailway.org/dinosaur-adventure-train u

June 25-29

Daviess County Fair Daviess County Fairgrounds, Elnora Phone: 812-486-8071 Family fun includes two demolition derbies, motorcycle thrill show, western horse show, live entertainment, carnival and rides, senior citizens day, food and more. daviesscountychamber.com

Southwest Indiana Playground n 37

June 27

The Thomas Brothers Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 The Thomas Brothers’ career has taken them across the U.S. and around the world. In 2010, they began headlining their own show at the Music City Center in Branson, Missouri. After one of their performances, Jimmy Osmond invited Ross and Rhett to join with the world-famous Osmond Brothers in Branson and on tour. The brothers’ recognition continues to grow with credits including television, cruise lines, corporate events and benefit performances. Rhett and Ross pay tribute to those classic icons who inspired them: Frank Sinatra, Danny Kaye, Bing Crosby and many more. The brothers perform the best of Broadway, 1940s, ’50s, ’60s, Gospel and Country with unsurpassed style and finesse. Their perfectly blended voices, impeccable showmanship and comedy captivates audiences of all ages. Their love of the arts was instilled in them at a very young age, as they are third generation entertainers. silvernightentertainment.com u

June 28

Friday Night Fireworks Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus Phone: 877-463-2645 Celebrate the start of the weekend with a colorful Friday Night Fireworks show set to themed music beginning at 9 p.m. each Friday through July 26 (weather permitting). holidayworld.com u

June 28-29

“Here I Grew Up” Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 This new musical production celebrates Abraham Lincoln and the community that helped shape his character. Learn about President Lincoln’s 14 formative years in southern Indiana. Entertainment for the entire family. Children age 12 and under are free. Show begins at 7 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre. com u

June 29

Marengo Underground 5K Run Marengo Middle School Phone: 888-755-2282 Starting time is 9 a.m. Celestine Streetfest St. Celestine Church in downtown Celestine Phone: 800-968-4578 Streetfest is known for fun events, great food, enjoyable music and lots of friends and fellowship. Live music by MellenCougar: The John Mellencamp Tribute Band, beer garden, wine and craft beer tasting, car show and cruise, tractor show, community scavenger hunt, lots of activities for the kids, Sheephead Tourney, dunk booth, and 5K run/walk and fun run. VisitDuboisCounty.com or CelestineIndiana.com Music by The Strings of Indian Creek Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Enjoy live music and a glass of German-inspired u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

38 n Southwest Indiana Playground

wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry.com or winzerwaldwinery.com

June 29-30

Dinosaur Adventure Train Phone: 800-748-7246 Take a trip back in time to the Jurassic period to learn more about the age of dinosaurs and the amazing creatures of the time. The Dinosaur Adventure Train allows explorers and adventure seekers of all ages to take a trip on a real train bound for the Paleo Adventure Camp. This is where young guests participate in a series of dino-mite fun and educational adventures, as they discover basic concepts in natural science, prehistoric history and paleontology. Some of the activities include a live reptile encounter, bounce houses, fossil dig and face painting. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Adventure train departs at 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. frenchlickscenicrailway.org/dinosaur-adventure-train u

June 30

Coming Home to Our Irish Roots Corning Irish Heritage Center 4962 S. County Road 800E, Montgomery Phone: 812-617-2688 Annual picnic 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with Irish-themed food, fun, genealogy, history and entertainment, featuring Celtica Fae from Louisville, Ky. daviesscountychamber.com or corningheritagecenter.com

July 2-4

Fourth of July Festival East Side Park, Washington Phone: 812-254-6010 Carnival rides, bands, music and local vendor food booths. daviesscountychamber.com Independence Celebration ​ Otwell pikecountyin.org

July 3

Fireworks display West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Extravaganza starts at dusk. daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com

July 4

YMI Picnic and Car Show Huntingburg Phone: 812-683-2497 Young Men’s Institute is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization, which sponsors this day of fun with food, games and beer garden. huntingburgchamberofcommerce.com Fourth of July Celebration Marengo Independence Day Fireworks Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus Phone: 877-463-2645 Celebrate our nation’s birthday with a fireworks extravaganza set to themed music beginning at 9 p.m. (weather permitting). holidayworld.com u

July 4-7

Shoals Catfish Festival Main Street, Ball Park, Old Courthouse Museum, Shoals Phone: 812-631-1329 All of Shoals turns out to welcome visitors and celebrate the Fourth of July during this 34th annual fest. Almost 100 vendor booths are jammed packed with crafts, handmade or not, for some great shopping. Catfish is served along with everything from bloomin’ onions to steak right off the grill. Featuring fishing contest from Highway 50 Bridge. facebook.com/shoalscatfishfestival

July 5

Friday Night Fireworks Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus Phone: 877-463-2645 Celebrate the start of the weekend with a colorful Friday Night Fireworks show set to themed music beginning at 9 p.m. each Friday through July 26 (weather permitting). holidayworld.com u Jamie Taylor & Wade Baker Duo French Lick Winery Phone: 812-936-2293 The Jamie Taylor & Wade Baker Duo is an eclectic mixture of jazz/blues/pop/country/soul music utilizing live-looping, guitar, bass, keyboard, trumpet, flugelhorn and vocals. The unique, inclusive and personal experience of a Jamie Taylor & Wade Baker Duo show can only be obtained by joining them live and in person. frenchlickwinery.com u

July 6

Abraham Lincoln Freedom Festival Rockport City Park Phone: 812-649-9147 Celebrate Independence Day at Rockport City Park during the Abraham Lincoln Freedom Festival, next to Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum. Browse the museum (open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) to learn about local history. Enjoy a car show, food and live music during the day, and fireworks at dusk. indianasabelincoln.org/events Thunder Over Patoka Patoka Lake 3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 888-755-2282 or 812-685-2203 or 812-685-2464 14th annual Independence Day fireworks celebration on the beach at dark. Presented by the Patoka Lake Area Year-round organization. Bring your family and friends, lawn chairs or boats, blankets and refreshments. www.patokalakeindiana.com u

Fireworks display Derby Phone: 812-547-7933 Come to the quaint community of Derby and be fascinated with brilliant fireworks along the Ohio River. The fireworks begin at sundown. Bring your family, friends and lawn chairs. pickperry.com

July 8-11

Crawford County 4-H Showcase 4-H Community Park, on Highway 66 Phone: 888-755-2282 4-H projects and farm animals exhibited throughout the week. Carnival rides open at 6 p.m. daily. crawfordcountyindiana.com

July 10-19

Daviess County 4-H Fair Eastside Park, Washington Phone: 812-254-8668 County 4-H’ers display various exhibits and livestock shows. Refreshments are available on the grounds. daviesscountychamber.com or extension. purdue.edu/Daviess/Pages/default.aspx

July 11

“I’ve Got the Music in Me” Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 It’s a Branson, Missouri-style show featuring music of the 1960s and ’70s, taking you back to the days of beach blankets, the British Invasion, Motown and the BeeGees. With more than 70 songs represented, audiences enjoy selections such as “Breakin’ Up Is Hard To Do,” “It’s My Party,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and the tight harmonies of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Enjoy this outta-sight journey of music, dance and the rockin’ harmonies of the day. silvernightentertainment.com u

July 12-15

Perry County 4-H Fair Perry County 4-H Fairgrounds 99 Roy Fenn Drive, Tell City Phone: 812-547-5000 pickperry.com or extension.purdue.edu/Perry/pages/default.aspx or facebook.com/perrycounty4hfair

July 12-16

Martin County 4-H Fair Martin County Fairgrounds, Loogootee Phone: 812-295-2412 Everyone is invited to join the fun and festivities at this year’s fair. Features include a baby show, queen pageant, kiddie tractor pull, animal shows and much more. extension.purdue.edu/martin

July 13

Luau Party West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt, grass skirt or lei to celebrate the tropical way. Also, will be second concert in series for the summer.

July 15

Outdoor Flea Market Winslow Riverside Park Phone: 812-789-2915 or 812-789-5405 pikecountyin.org

July 12

Friday Night Fireworks Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus Phone: 877-463-2645 Celebrate the start of the weekend with a colorful Friday Night Fireworks show set to themed music beginning at 9 p.m. each Friday through July 26 (weather permitting). holidayworld.com u

July 12-13

Haysville Sommerfest Haysville Park Phone: 800-968-4578 The Haysville Ruritan Club’s 57th annual Haysville Sommerfest centers on community spirit, allowing for ample opportunity for mingling. All money raised at the festival is donated to the community. visitduboiscounty.com u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

July 20

Cruise in with a View Car Show Patoka Lake 3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 812-685-2464 or 812-267-7460 Third annual volunteer sponsored car show at the beach. Live music, birds of prey presentation, food, chainsaw carver and cars. Pre-registration is available as well as drive in registration. Motorcycles are welcome. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. www.in.gov u Riverside Park Outdoor Flea Market Winslow Phone: 812-789-3826 or 812-354-4581 Sponsored by the Winslow Lions Club Antiques, collectibles and more. Children’s games, breakfast and lunch available. Sponsored by Winslow Lions Club. pikecountyin.org Music by Luke Hilgenhold and Kelly Clark Winzerwald Winery 26300 N. Indian Lake Road, Bristow Phone: 812-357-7000 Enjoy live music and a glass of German-inspired wine from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. Located in the unincorporated community of Uniontown within the Hoosier National Forest, just off State Route 62 between I-64 exists 72 and 79. pickperry.com or winzerwaldwinery.com Riverwalk Concert Series: The Hiding Riverwalk Gazebo/Plaza (under the Patoka River Bridge), Jasper Phone: 812-482-6866 Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, family and friends for a relaxing summer evening of music. 7-9 p.m.

July 11-13

“Here I Grew Up” Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 This new musical production celebrates Abraham Lincoln and the community that helped shape his character. Learn about President Lincoln’s 14 formative years in southern Indiana. Entertainment for the entire family. Children age 12 and under are free. Show begins at 7 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

Friday Night Fireworks show set to themed music beginning at 9 p.m. each Friday through July 26 (weather permitting). holidayworld.com u

July 20-21

July 15-20

Dubois County 4-H Fair Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds, Bretzville 4-H projects and farm animals exhibited throughout the week. Carnival rides open at 6 p.m. daily. extension.purdue.edu/dubois Featured competitions and events include: n Monday — English Horse Show, Ice Cream Crank Off and Grupo Guanaco Latin Music Act (all at 6:30 p.m.) n Tuesday — ­ Junior Gaming Horse Show (6:30 p.m.), Kiddie Tractor Pull (7 p.m.), Magician Jerry Fraiser (8 p.m.), J.D. Shelburne Concert (8:30 p.m.) n Wednesday — Senior Gaming Horse Show (6:30 p.m.), Brandt Carmichael (7 p.m.) n Thursday — Tug of War, The Hiding (both 7 p.m.) n Friday — Horse & Pony Fun Show, Cloggers performance, ATV/Car/Truck Flat Drag Racing (all at 6:30 p.m.) n Saturday — Lawnmower & Car Demolition Derby (6 p.m.)

July 19

Friday Night Fireworks Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus Phone: 877-463-2645 Celebrate the start of the weekend with a colorful

Civil War Reenactment West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Meet President Abraham Lincoln, walk down Trader’s Row and watch live battles as you relive the 19th Century and America’s struggle to decide its future. daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com

July 25-27

Cirque Ma’Ceo South of French Lick Phone: 812-936-3592 An equestrian-based, single-ring circus performing under the big top, Cirque Ma’Ceo entertains fans of all ages. Creator/director Olissio Zoppe hails from a line of 8th- and 9th-generation bareback riders and equestrian performers. Also featured are acrobats and clowns. Look for the big tent on Highway 145 south of French Lick. flwbmuseum.com u

July 26

Friday Night Fireworks Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus Phone: 877-463-2645 Celebrate the start of the weekend with a Friday Night Fireworks show set to themed music at 9 p.m. (weather permitting). holidayworld.com u

Southwest Indiana Playground n 39

Star Party Patoka Lake 3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 812-685-2464 or 812-685-2447 28th annual event. Programs begin at the Nature Center at 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., then move to the beach for nightfall viewing of planets and constellations. www.in.gov u

July 27

Purple Veins: A Tribute to Prince Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 Purple Veins brings the magic and energy of a classic Prince show. Anticipate dancing to Prince hits, lesser-known classics and theatrical elements. Begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

July 30

“I’ve Got the Music in Me” Abbeydell Convention Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 It’s a Branson, Missouri-style show featuring music of the 1960s and ’70s, taking you back to the days of beach blankets, the British Invasion, Motown and the BeeGees. With more than 70 songs represented, audiences enjoy selections such as “Breakin’ Up Is Hard To Do,” “It’s My Party,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and the tight harmonies of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Enjoy this outta-sight journey of music, dance and the rockin’ harmonies of the day. silvernightentertainment.com u

August 1-3

Old Settlers Festival Odon City Park Phone: 812-636-8218 One of the oldest festivals in Indiana with a history of more than 125 years. Parade, food, carnival rides, bingo, free nightly entertainment. daviesscountychamber.com or odonoldsettlers.com

contest, corn hole contest, golf, bowling, historic church tours. jasperstrassenfest.org

August 2-3

Zoar Mosquito Festival Zoar United Methodist Church, Holland A country store, flea market, soft drink pitch and artisans demonstrations will be ongoing throughout both days of the celebration. Live music features local artist Kirby Stailey (Friday night) and Eternal Vision (Saturday night), a great band from Knoxville, Tenn. visitduboiscounty.com

August 3

Back to School Bash Eastside Park, Washington Phone: 812-254-6010 Youth fishing tournament 8 to 10 a.m. (registration required), bounce houses start at 11 a.m. Smokey Bear’s Birthday Bash Patoka Lake 3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 812-685-2464 or 812-685-2447 Celebrate Smokey’s 75th birthday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Nature Center. www.in.gov u Krashin’ 4 Kids Spencer County Fairgrounds, Grandview Phone: 812-649-4222 Benefits the Hadi Shrine Hospital staff of Shriners Children’s Hospital. Features a demolition derby, vendors and food. Gates open at 5 p.m. u Edelweiss Ball Schergens Center 1098 31st Street, Tell City Phone: 812-548-6781 Dress in themed attire and dance the night away from 6 to 11 p.m. A cocktail bar, live music, food and beverages are available for this fundraiser to benefit the Perry County Museum. pickperry.com or perrycountymuseum.org u

August 7-10

Schweizer Fest City Hall Park, Tell City Phone: 812-547-6446 or 888-343-6262 Celebrating its 60th year, Schweizer Fest (Swiss Festival) honors the early settlers and founding of Tell City. The annual festival offers free entertainment and activities for people of all ages. Food, beer garden, wine tasting, vendors, more. It is now one of Indiana’s longest-running community festivals. pickperry.com or tellcityschweizerfest.com

August 9-10

August 1-4

Jasper Strassenfest Downtown and Citywide Phone: 812-482-6866 Family-oriented, German-themed street festival with German music. Known as one of Indiana’s finest festivals, this event is a family-friendly street festival celebrating the area’s rich German heritage. Lots of great entertainment for all ages. Great food, dancing, rides, games, beer garden, 5K run/walk, events. Backyard chili and barbecue u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

40 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Paoli Fest Tomato Products Company, Paoli Phone: 812-320-1541 Built to be a celebration of the town and community, the festival is a completely free event featuring local and nationally touring musicians, visual art, films made by local youth, food and craft vendors, workshops, jam sessions and children’s entertainment. paolifest.com

August 10

Hillbilly Heyday West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 You may be washing your clothes for a week, but

it’s worth it. From mud to obstacle courses to watermelon wrestling, this entire day at the park is one for the books. daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com Jamie Taylor & Wade Baker Duo French Lick Winery Phone: 812-936-2293 The Jamie Taylor & Wade Baker Duo is an eclectic mixture of jazz/blues/pop/country/soul music utilizing live-looping, guitar, bass, keyboard, trumpet, flugelhorn and vocals. The unique, inclusive and personal experience of a Jamie Taylor & Wade Baker Duo show can only be obtained by joining them live and in person. www.frenchlickwinery.com u Ben & Noel Haggard in concert Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 This special musical performance pays tribute to their father, Merle Haggard. Ben was a regular on Merle’s recordings. He took the stage with Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and Blake Shelton for the 2014 Grammy performance. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u Elton John/Billy Joel Dual Pianos Tribute Washington High School Auditorium Phone: 812-254-5262 daviesscountychamber.com u

August 16

Full Moon 5K Patoka Lake 3084 Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 812-685-2447 or 812-685-2464 3.1-mile race begins at dark through the woods on roadways, a well-maintained gravel and grass lane and paved bike trail, lit by moonlight and luminaries. Proceeds support Patoka’s non-releasable raptors: a red-tailed hawk, Eastern screech owl and bald eagle. Early registration is $25 (includes race T-shirt). Register: fullmoon5K.itsyourrace.com u

August 16-17

Milltown Community Festival Downtown Milltown Phone: 888-755-2282 or 812-633-4843 Family fun featuring antique tractors, inflatables for the kids, Little Miss & Mr. pageant, bike race, vendors, Saturday parade, Sunday barbecue chicken dinner and more. CrawfordCountyIndiana.com

August 17

St. Anthony Fireman’s Street Fest St. Anthony Community Center, 4665 S. Cross St. Phone: 812-326-2208 Live music, dancing, food, beer garden, kids games, car show and raffle. Barbecue teams compete for prizes and bragging rights. Something for all ages. Proceeds benefit St. Anthony Fire Department. facebook.com/StAnthonyFireDepartment Riverside Park Outdoor Flea Market Winslow Phone: 812-789-3826 or 812-354-4581 Sponsored by the Winslow Lions Club Antiques, collectibles and more. Children’s games, breakfast and lunch available. Sponsored by Winslow Lions Club. pikecountyin.org

August 19

Outdoor Flea Market Winslow Riverside Park Phone: 812-789-2915 or 812-789-5405 pikecountyin.org

August 23

“The American Variety Show” The Abbeydell Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 Reminiscent of The Andy Williams Show, The Carol Burnett Show, American Bandstand and many other classic variety shows we all grew to love. From rock n’ roll, country, pop, jazz and Broadway, this show has it all. Featuring comedy, dancing, incredible vocals, live musicians and fun, there is something for everyone. Enjoy the best of entertainment. silvernightentertainment.com u

August 31

Lucille Dillon Amish Quilt Auction Simon J. Graber Community Building, Cannelburg Phone: 812-296-1775 Only auction selling authentic hand-stitched, Amishmade quilts from Daviess County. Only place to see the most beautifully made comforters and discuss the art of quilt making. daviesscountychamber.com

August 23-25

Celebrate the Sounds of the Summer of ’69 Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 Enjoy classic hits of the ’60s and ’70s with an emphasis on 1969. Jenn Cristy and Eric Brown bring a high-energy, musically virtuosic performance in this tribute to the music and artists who were at Woodstock. Musical classics include Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Santana, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who and more! Show begins at 6 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

August 24

Blues on the Rock Festival Rockport City Park Phone: 812-649-9147 The fifth annual family friendly music festival showcases blues music, and will include five bands, craft beer, food and a variety of goods for sale from vendors. Bring your lawn chair. Music begins at 2 p.m. CDT. $5 in advance, $8 at the gate. www.indianasabelincoln.org/events u

Murder Mystery Weekend West Baden Springs Hotel Phone: 888-936-9360 It’s a chilling opportunity to test your detective skills and sort through all the red herrings and diabolical clues of a juicy mystery. See if you can crack the case in one of the most unusual, exhilarating and spine-tingling experiences ever. frenchlick.com/entertainment/specialevents u Sweet Summer Sounds West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Spend a summer evening with live music and food. daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com John Waite in concert Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 Multi-platinum singer-songwriter John Waite has been in the music industry for more than 35 years. His resumé includes a Grammy nomination and several No. 1 singles. Special guest Henry Lee Summer also performs. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

August 30

“The American Variety Show” The Abbeydell Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 Reminiscent of The Andy Williams Show, The Carol Burnett Show, American Bandstand and many other classic variety shows we all grew to love. From rock n’ roll, country, pop, jazz and Broadway, this show has it all. Featuring comedy, dancing, incredible vocals and live musicians, there’s something for everyone. silvernightentertainment.com u

August 30-31

Latino Cultural Festival Market Street Park, Huntingburg Phone: 812-683-5699 The seventh annual family-oriented, Latin-themed festival features traditional Latin music, food, dancing, entertainment and a wide variety of activities. huntingburgchamberofcommerce.org

u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

September 1

September 2

Labor Day Music Fest Downtown Marengo Phone: 888-755-2282 or 812-365-2158

September 3

HomeGrown Valley Farmer’s Market Town Green French Lick Phone: 812-653-0977 Locally grown produce, baked goods, local handcrafted items, jammer tent, Master Gardener and fun family activities. 4-8 p.m. Sponsored by Orange County HomeGrown.

September 5-7

52nd annual Dale Fall Fest Dale Town Park Phone: 812-630-9465 Biggest small town festival in Spencer County. Queen contest, food, live entertainment, beer garden, carnival rides, barbecue contest, bingo and raffle. Saturday afternoon parade.

September 5-8

Chris LeDoux; Saturday — Tracy Lawrence). daviesscountychamber.com or montgomeryruritanclub. com/TurkeyTrot u

September 6

“The American Variety Show” The Abbeydell Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 Reminiscent of The Andy Williams Show, The Carol Burnett Show, American Bandstand and many other classic variety shows we all grew to love. From rock n’ roll, country, pop, jazz and Broadway, this show has it all. Featuring comedy, dancing, incredible vocals and live musicians, there’s something for everyone. silvernightentertainment.com u

September 6-7

Chandelier Barn Market Wilson Family Farm 5060 E. County Road 350N, Montgomery Phone: 812-486-7745 or 812-486-7792 or 812-486-3731 More than 70 makers with one-of-a-kind finds, antiques, artwork, repurposed items, architectural salvage, jewelry, custom furniture, metal art, custom lighting, clothing and more! Painting demonstrations, food and great atmosphere in the heart of country living. daviesscountychamber.com u

September 6-8

Paoli Fall Festival Paoli Town Square Phone: 812-723-4769 The warm days and brisk nights of autumn provide the perfect setting for a three-day festival. Throw in some carnival rides, talent show, music, food vendors, crafts, car show, bake off, baby contest and lots of other exciting activities for the whole family and that’s what you get at Paoli Fall Festival. paolichamber.com Southern Hills Bash Ireland Sportsmen’s Club Phone: 812-309-8382 Gates open at 5 p.m. Friday. Live entertainment Friday and Saturday night. Motorcycle ride on Saturday with field events and bike show afterwards. u

September 7

Fall Into Art Festival City Hall Park, Tell City Phone: 812-547-7933 Arts festival, arts and craft vendors, food vendors, entertainment, wine and brew garden, music located on beautiful city square. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. pickperry.com

White River Valley Antique Show Daviess County Fairgrounds, Elnora Phone: 812-692-5831 or 812-345-0064 Working demonstrations of threshing machines. Sawmills, sorghum, apple butter and antique machinery. Gospel night. Children’s Day is Friday. daviesscountychamber.com or wrvaa.org u

Dragging Main Retro Cruise Tell City Phone: 812-547-7933 or 812-719-0449 Enjoy a good time with a great car show 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Music will be played and food will be served. pickperry.com

Daviess County Turkey Trot Festival Ruritan Park, Montgomery Phone: 812-254-0938 or 812-698-0524 This nationally known event features numerous turkey races, food, refreshments, crafts, bingo, greased pig contests, tractor pulls and live entertainment (Friday — Ned LeDoux, son of country music great

Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 The Evansville Philharmonic makes its return to the Lincoln Amphitheatre with a performance packed full of hits of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s! Show begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u

Southwest Indiana Playground n 41

September 7-9

September 19-21

Paoli Fall Festival Paoli Town Square Phone: 812-723-4769 Enjoy food vendors, music, crafts, parade and fun for the entire family. paolichamber.com

Chrisney Fall Fest Chrisney Park Food, beer garden, live music, parade, 5K & Fun Run, kids’ games, more.

September 8

Halloween Weekends Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort, Santa Claus Phone: 888-929-7010 Enjoy all-day spooktacular Halloween family fun, including bonfire ghost stories, trick-or-treating at more than 500 sites, costume and site decorating contests, carnival rides, frightful film classics, haunted hayrides, a ghostly golf cart parade and more. Dance until you drop at the Halloween party, complete with a sound and light show. Participate in family-friendly Halloween activities for everyone, including mummies, daddies, teens, little monsters, and, of course, zombies. u

St. Pius Church Picnic St. Pius Church, Troy Phone: 812-547-7933 An old-fashioned church picnic to welcome autumn to southern Indiana among friends and family. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. pickperry.com

September 9

Main Street Car Fest Downtown Petersburg Phone: 812-354-9372 pikecountyin.org

September 10

HomeGrown Valley Farmer’s Market Town Green French Lick Phone: 812-653-0977 Locally grown produce, baked goods, local handcrafted items, jammer tent, Master Gardener and fun family activities. 4-8 p.m. Sponsored by Orange County HomeGrown.

September 11

“The American Variety Show” The Abbeydell Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 Reminiscent of The Andy Williams Show, The Carol Burnett Show, American Bandstand and many other classic variety shows we all grew to love. From rock n’ roll, country, pop, jazz and Broadway, this show has it all. Featuring comedy, dancing, incredible vocals and live musicians, there’s something for everyone. silvernightentertainment.com u

September 13

“The American Variety Show” The Abbeydell Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 Reminiscent of The Andy Williams Show, The Carol Burnett Show, American Bandstand and many other classic variety shows we all grew to love. From rock n’ roll, country, pop, jazz and Broadway, this show has it all. Featuring comedy, dancing, incredible vocals and live musicians, there’s something for everyone. silvernightentertainment.com u

September 13-15

Holland Community Festival Holland Park Contact: hollandevents@yahoo.com The 160th annual event celebrates the rich history of this small Indiana town, and features family-fun events, including dog show, cornhole tournament, keg toss and much more. hollandindiana.org

September 14

10th Street Fall Festival Tell City Phone: 812-547-7933 The fifth annual 10th Street Fall Fair offers family fun, delicious food, a petting zoo, great vendors u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

42 n Southwest Indiana Playground

September 20-21

and lots of games. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. pickperry.com Full Moon Canoe Trip West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 Bring your canoe or kayak and learn all about the nature around the lake as participants set out on a moonlit trip. daviesscountychamber.com

September 14-15

20th Century Chevy Car Festival Eastside Park, Washington Phone: 812-617-5580 Participants and onlookers from several states attend each year for a fabulous show of custom cars, antiques and modern vehicles. Cruise on Saturday night. Awards on Sunday. daviesscountychamber. com or 20thcenturychevy.com

September 15

Rome Fire Department Hog Roast E State Road 66 at County Road 216, Rome Phone: 812-549-5503 Proceeds benefit Rome Volunteer Fire Department. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. pickperry.com u

September 15-16

Buffalo Trace Festival Downtown Petersburg Phone: 812-354-8511 pikecountyin.org

September 16

Winslow Lions and Beautification Festival Downtown Winslow Phone: 812-789-2207 pikecountyin.org

September 17

HomeGrown Valley Farmer’s Market Town Green French Lick Phone: 812-653-0977 Locally grown produce, baked goods, local handcrafted items, jammer tent, Master Gardener and fun family activities. 4-8 p.m. Sponsored by Orange County HomeGrown.

September 19

“The American Variety Show” The Abbeydell Hall, West Baden Springs Phone: 812-936-5300 Reminiscent of The Andy Williams Show, The Carol Burnett Show, American Bandstand and many other classic variety shows we all grew to love. From rock n’ roll, country, pop, jazz and Broadway, this show has it all. Featuring comedy, dancing, incredible vocals and live musicians, there’s something for everyone. silvernightentertainment.com u

Autumn Music Festival Schwartz Family Restaurant, Eckerty Phone: 812-338-9000 or 888-755-2282 Live bluegrass/country music, arts and crafts, live demonstrations of sorghum and apple butter cooking, ice cream made on site. Queen and karaoke contests Friday night. Hay rides, pumpkin picking and painting, and the cross cut contest Saturday night. crawfordcountyindiana.com

September 20-22

Block Bash Downtown French Lick Phone: 812-936-3030 Excitement and entertainment as 10 of the top chainsaw carvers in the U.S. compete. Live music, classic car show, wine and beer garden, food, artisan marketplace and carving auction. bearhollowwoodcarvers.com

September 21

Wheelin’ IN the Fish Patoka Lake 3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe Phone: 812-685-2464 or 812-685-2447 17th annual event for people with special needs and their families. Enjoy fishing, boat rides and a free lunch on us. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. u Ferdinand Folk Festival 18th Street Park, Ferdinand Phone: 812-827-8404 or 812-639-9581 Nestled among the hills and fields of southwestern Indiana, the Ferdinand Folk Festival is an earthfriendly and family-friendly event promoting music, the arts and the environment. This free festival is celebrating its 10th year, and features nationallyacclaimed musicians as well as exceptional local and regional acts. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. ferdinandfolkfestival.com Gasthof Village Fall Festival Gasthof Amish Village, Montgomery Phone: 812-486-4900 Handmade quilts, carriage rides, flea market, crafts, unique gift shops, activities for kids, barrel train rides, homemade Amish buffet and gospel entertainment. Auction at noon. daviesscountychamber. com or gasthofamishvillage.com

Farm to Table Dinner City Hall Park, Tell City Phone: 812-547-7933 or 812-547-8377 Enjoy a delicious Farm to Table meal prepared and served by Perry Central FFA and Tell City High School Culinary Arts students. Live music from local musicians, beer and wine garden, food vendors, farmers market, chalk art contest, local artisans, yoga in the park, caricaturist, face painting, balloon artist and petting zoo. 1 to 9 p.m. pickperry.com u Dinner Train French Lick Depot Phone: 800-748-7246 Board the train for a wonderful dinner while watching the scenery roll past your window. Relax inside a historic street car while enjoying a special dining treat. frenchlickscenicrailway.org/corporate-privateexcursion-charters u Barefoot & Bluegrass West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 A full evening of family fun. westboggs.com or daviesscountychamber.com

September 21-22

20th Century Chevy Car Fest Eastside Park, Washington Phone: 812-617-5580 More than 600 antique cars. “Must see” for all.

September 22

Hoosier Classic Bike Ride Eastside Park, Washington Phone: 812-617-1917 daviesscountychamber.com

September 24

HomeGrown Valley Farmer’s Market Town Green French Lick Phone: 812-653-0977 Locally grown produce, baked goods, local handcrafted items, jammer tent, Master Gardener and fun family activities. 4-8 p.m. Sponsored by Orange County HomeGrown.

September 26-29

Huntingburg Herbstfest Market Street Park, Huntingburg Phone: 812-683-5699 Join in the four-day community-wide festival that features carnival rides, food and game booths, beer garden, horseshoe, dodgeball and corn hole tournament. Citywide parade concludes the event. HuntingburgHerbstfest.org

September 27-28

Old Eckerty Days Old Town Eckerty Phone: 888-755-2282 or 812-613-0014 Featuring arts and crafts, live music, parade, ice cream eating contest and various old-time demonstrations. CrawfordCountyIndiana.com

u Denotes cost for admission or to participate

St. Meinrad Rocks Festival St. Meinrad Park Phone: 812-309-8253 The ninth annual benefit event features rock and country music, beer garden, children’s activities, concessions and merchandise. Begins at 6 p.m. Friday and noon Saturday. indianasabelincoln.org/ events Halloween Weekends Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort, Santa Claus Phone: 888-929-7010 Enjoy all-day spooktacular Halloween family fun, including bonfire ghost stories, trick-or-treating at more than 500 sites, costume and site decorating contests, carnival rides, frightful film classics, haunted hayrides, a ghostly golf cart parade and more. Dance until you drop at the Halloween party, complete with a sound and light show. Participate in family-friendly Halloween activities for everyone, including mummies, daddies, teens, little monsters, and, of course, zombies. Continues each Friday and Saturday through October 26. u

September 28

Vintage Camper Rally West Boggs Park Phone: 812-295-3421 daviesscountychamber.com or westboggs.com Wine & Brew Fest Meredith Plaza, Washington Phone: 812-254-5262 Sample varieties of wine, craft beer and cheese while listening to live music. View antique cars, art and more. Includes wine glass and tastings. Sponsored by Daviess County Chamber of Commerce and CVB. daviesscountychamber.com u Hard Day’s Night: Beatles Tribute Band Lincoln Amphitheatre, Lincoln State Park Phone: 812-937-2359 Hard Day’s Night, ranked as one of the best national Beatles tribute bands, returns after hit performances in 2015 and 2018. Determined to keep Beatlemania alive, this tribute band introduces new generations to the Beatles, and recreates the Beatles experience for long-time fans. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. lincolnamphitheatre.com u Rockin’ Street Dance Main and First streets, Washington Phone: 812-698-2586 or 812-698-4441 Sponsored by the New White Steamer Hamburgers. daviesscountychamber.com

September 29-October 27

Kids’ Days Pumpkins and More Farm Market, CR 1720 N off Highway 162 north of Santa Claus Phone: 812-686-2863 Celebrate fall at Pumpkins and More noon to 4 p.m. each Sunday through October 27 for familyfriendly, fun activities. Kids of all ages can enjoy pumpkin painting, pumpkin bowling, hayrides, games and much more. santaclausind.org/events Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the calendar listings, but things may change. It is recommended you call or visit the event website.

Dubois County Bombers Baseball Schedule

Dubois County is in the Eastern time zone. Bomber opponents are in the Central time zone. All times listed are Eastern. Home games played Monday through Saturday begin at 7 p.m. Eastern. Sunday home games begin at 6 p.m. Eastern. Date Time Opponent Location 5/31 7 p.m. Muhlenberg County Home 6/1 TBA Henderson Away 6/2 6 p.m. Fulton Home 6/4 7 p.m. Madisonville Home 6/5 TBA Muhlenberg County Away 6/6 7 p.m. Muhlenberg County Home 6/8 TBA Owensboro Away 6/9 TBA Hoptown Away 6/11 TBA Paducah Away 6/12 TBA Franklin Away 6/13 7 p.m. Henderson Home 6/14 7 p.m. Owensboro Home 6/15 7 p.m. Paducah Home 6/16 6 p.m. Madisonville Home 6/19 TBA Madisonville Away 6/20 7 p.m. Madisonville Home 6/21 TBA Fulton Away 6/22 7 p.m. Hoptown Home 6/23 TBA Paducah Away 6/25 TBA Henderson Away 6/26 TBA Muhlenberg County Away 6/27 7 p.m. Muhlenberg County Home 6/29 TBA Owensboro Away 6/30 TBA Fulton Away 7/2 TBA Hoptown Away 7/3 7 p.m. Franklin Home 7/4 7 p.m. Hoptown Home 7/5 TBA Paducah Away 7/6 7 p.m. Paducah Home 7/7 TBA Madisonville Away 7/11 TBA Henderson Away 7/12 7 p.m. Franklin Home 7/13* 7 p.m. Owensboro Home *League Stadium 125th Anniversary with Peaches vs. Belles game 7/14 6 p.m. Hoptown Home 7/16 7 p.m. Fulton Home 7/17 7 p.m. Franklin Home 7/18 TBA Franklin Away 7/19 TBA Fulton Away 7/21 6 p.m. Owensboro Home 7/23 7 p.m. Henderson Home 7/24-8/4 Playoffs 8/7, 9-10 Bluegrass World Series Slugger Field, Louisville, Ky.

Southwest Indiana Playground n 43

Spencer County

Santa Claus and Abe Lincoln await you in Spencer County Imagine going from 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds on the nation’s first launched wing roller coaster, sipping frozen hot chocolate inside a historic building, measuring your height against a young Abe Lincoln’s on the very grounds he walked 200 years ago and tasting local wines from the rolling hills of southern Indiana, all in one trip. You can find all of that and much more right in your backyard. Explore a wide variety of family-friendly activities throughout the town of Santa Claus and sites commemorating Lincoln’s Indiana Boyhood Home.

A visit with Santa


The town of Santa Claus is a magical and historical place to visit for any age. With the only post office in the world to have the Santa Claus name, thousands of letters pile into this small, charming town annually. Visitors from all over send handdelivered letters and Christmas cards to be postmarked from the one-and-only Santa Claus, Indiana. Plan for more than a day of fun at the nationally known, Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari. In addition to the hoops and loops of the steel roller coaster Thunderbird, the parks also feature TIME Magazine’s choice for the #1 wooden roller coaster in the nation — The Voyage. And USA Today named Splashin’ Safari the country’s best water park, with two water coasters, loads of family raft rides and children’s slides. The parks offer free soft drinks, free parking, free inner tube usage, free sunscreen, and free Wi-Fi. Visit the Santa Claus Museum & Village to learn about the history of this picturesque town and see the fully restored 1935 Santa Statue, historic Santa Claus Church, and write a letter to Santa in the original Santa Claus Post Office. Venture over to Santa’s Candy Castle for a festive Christmas experience for believers of all ages and don’t forget to try the famous frozen hot chocolate. Browse themed shops like the gigantic Santa Claus Christmas Store, Evergreen Boutique & Christmas Shop, and Santa’s

44 n Southwest Indiana Playground

walked many years ago and visit the Lincoln Bicentennial Plaza which celebrates his 200th birthday. Explore Lake Lincoln by paddleboat or kayak, and wander the 2,026-acre park with many wooded trails. Take a relaxing look back into history with 13 Lincoln-era replica cabins and an artifact-filled museum at the Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum in Rockport. Stop by the Lincoln Landing where Abe launched his first flatboat trip to New Orleans, inspiring his anti-slavery views. And see the Lincoln Ferry Park that sparked Lincoln’s pursuit to become a lawyer after he was sued over his ferry business. MORE TO EXPLORE

Lincoln State Park

TOYS to find holiday treasures. Experience outdoor recreational activities in Santa Claus, too. Try your swing at the beautiful 18-hole Christmas Lake Golf Course. Ride a horse through the winding trails at Santa’s Stables and let the little ones meander around on a pony ride. If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, soar across a lake Santa’s Express Ziplines. HERE I GREW UP

Only five miles away from Santa Claus is where our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, grew up. This area is where young Abe spent 14 years of his life, from ages 7 to 21. Visit the fertile ground of Lincoln’s childhood home at Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial and see a replica of Lincoln’s homestead at the Living Historical Farm where rangers dress in period clothing and perform pioneer chores from springtime until autumn. Right across the street from Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial is Lincoln State Park, established as a memorial to Abraham’s mother, Nancy Hanks. Walk the trails on the same grounds Abe

With one of only two archabbeys in the U.S., the Saint Meinrad Archabbey is a must-see on every visitor’s list. From beautiful architecture to the tranquility and peace of the grounds, the Archabbey is a great place to get away and relax in St. Meinrad. For a taste of the country, swing by Monkey Hollow Winery and Distillery in St. Meinrad and Pepper’s Ridge Winery in Rockport. Sipping wine on a covered porch is the perfect way to unwind and enjoy the breathtaking southern Indiana scenery. Also, you don’t want to miss a chance to travel back in time to the good ol’ days of drive-in movie theaters. As one of the few remaining, Holiday Drive-In in Reo now has six screens and two concession stands. With digital projectors, the movieviewing experience is exceptional while you watch your favorite stars outdoor on the big screen. The Spencer County Visitors Bureau can assist families and groups planning their trip with lodging information, upcoming events, local maps, hours of area businesses and more. Visit SantaClausInd.org or IndianasAbeLincoln.org for online information or call the visitors bureau at 888-444-9252.


Col. William Jones Home

Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari

620 E. County Road 1575N, Gentryville 812-937-4710 This carefully restored 1834 Federal-design home was the home of the merchant employer of Abraham Lincoln. The home offers an interesting look at the early development of Indiana and the life of Col. William Jones, who was also a politician. Hours vary by season. Contact Lincoln State Park for appointment. Fee associated with some appointments, donations accepted. Dr. Ted’s Musical Marvels

Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari

452 E. Christmas Blvd., Santa Claus 877-463-2645 n HolidayWorld.com Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari is known for its friendly staff and clean park. Plus, these parks offer great value with admission to two parks, free soft drinks, free sunscreen, free parking and free Wi-Fi. Holiday World features Time magazine’s choice for the No. 1 wooden roller coaster in the nation – The Voyage. Splashin’ Safari is ranked one of the nation’s Top 3 water parks by TripAdvisor.com. The water park includes the two longest water coasters in the world, numerous family water slides, two wave pools, plus water activities for children, including the new Tembo Falls.

Dr. Ted’s Musical Marvels

11896 U.S. 231 South, Dale 812-937-4250 n drteds.com This one-of-a-kind museum offers a colossal collection of restored mechanical musical instruments from around the world. From music boxes and nickelodeons to the cheerful sounds of orchestrions, street organs and player pianos, Dr. Ted’s embodies unique pieces from the 1800s to the mid-1900s. Also features a gift shop. Open by appointment only; group tours of 15 or more only. Schedule your visit now.

Frosty’s Fun Center

15 S. Cedar Lane, Santa Claus 812-544-3338 n santaclausind.org/listings/frostys-fun-center Frosty’s Fun Center is an arcade and restaurant that offers delicious freshly baked pizza, plus a variety of tasty snacks and sandwiches. And guests can always cool off with ice cream — scoops of several flavors and soft serve options, too. The festive 18-hole miniature golf course includes twists and turns that are fun for the entire family.

Holiday Drive-In

644 N. State Road 161, Rockport 812-649-2857 n HolidayDriveIn.com Catch the latest big screen flicks at Holiday Drive-In, one of only a few drive-in movie theaters left in Indiana. Six viewing screens provide a double feature nightly and a perfect evening of entertainment at a family-friendly price. Movies start at dusk each night.

Lincoln Amphitheatre

Lincoln Amphitheatre

15032 E. County Road 1500E, Lincoln City 812-937-2329 n lincolnamphitheatre.com A majestic, 1,500-seat outdoor venue located in the very woods Abraham Lincoln walked as a boy. From the time he was 7 years old until he was 21, Lincoln lived and learned in what is now Lincoln City. The outdoor amphitheatre is located inside scenic Lincoln State Park. New for 2019 is the original musical production of “Here I Grew Up,” which celebrates Abraham Lincoln and the community that helped shape his character. This honest and emotionally charged story of Lincoln’s time in southern Indiana honors the pioneers who played

Southwest Indiana Playground n 45

an integral part in his formative years, helping to nurture his work ethic and desire to learn. In addition, the summer lineup includes performances by Molly Hatchet, Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, Celebrate the Sounds of the Summer of ’69, and Aerosmith, Journey, Prince and the Beatles tribute bands.

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

3027 E. South Street, Lincoln City. 812-937-4541 n nps.gov/libo/index.htm Learn about the lives of Abraham Lincoln and his pioneer family, who lived on a farm site from 1816 to 1830 that is now a national park. The story of the Civil War-era president’s 14 formative years in Indiana springs to life at the Living Historical Farm, in the museum and film, and along the park’s scenic hiking trails. The Living Historical Farm is a working pioneer homestead with a cabin, outbuildings, split-rail fences, animals, gardens and field crops. Rangers in period clothing perform a variety of activities typical of the 1820s. Hours vary by season; admission is free.

Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum

928 Fairground Drive, Rockport 812-649-9147 n lincolnpioneervillage.com The Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum houses hundreds of fascinating artifacts from the area’s historic past, including a hutch made by Abraham Lincoln’s father, Thomas Lincoln. The Pioneer Village features 13 Lincoln-era replica cabins. This site was originally a WPA project. Hours vary by season. $5 per adult, $3 per seniors 60 and older and children under age 12.

Monkey Hollow Winery

11534 E. County Road 1740N, St. Meinrad 812-357-2272 n MonkeyHollowWinery.com Monkey Hollow Winery is nestled in the rolling hills of southern Indiana in an area of rich German history stretching back more than 150 years. While the vineyard is a recent addition, grapes have been grown here for many generations, and the spirit of winemaking is ripe within the community. Free tastings are offered. Open Tuesday through Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. CDT

Shop for religious and inspirational gifts. Guided tours available 1:30 p.m. CDT Saturday. Archabbey Gift Shop hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT Monday through Saturday, and 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. CDT Sunday.

Santa Claus Christmas Store

33 N. Kringle Place, Santa Claus 877-224-1772 n SantaClausChristmasStore.com This gigantic store features Christmas gifts, decorations, collectibles, fudge and other sweet treats, and nearly 5,000 ornaments. Visit with Santa during the summer and Christmas season. Open May through December.

Santa Claus Museum & Village

69 State Road 245, Santa Claus 812-544-2434 n SantaClausMuseum.org Features exhibits and displays that showcase the town’s interesting history. Visit the historic 1880 Santa Claus Church, the original Santa Claus Post Office and the 1935 Santa Claus statue that stands 22 feet tall. Inside the museum, view documents, photos and artifacts from museum founder and Holiday World matriarch Pat Koch’s private collection. See Holiday World archives and donated treasures from collectors with personal ties to the rich history of the town. Don’t forget to write your free letter to Santa. Free admission, donations appreciated.

Santa Statue

69 N. State Road 245, Santa Claus 812-544-2434 n SantaClausMuseum.org Visit the newly restored 1935 Santa statue built by entrepreneur Carl Barrett. Standing 22 feet tall and weighing 40 tons, it’s dedicated to the children of the world. Beautifully lit at night year-round. Hours vary. Free admission, donations accepted. Santa’s Candy Castle 15499 State Road 245, Santa Claus 812-544-3900 n SantasCandyCastle.com Blends old-world charm with a modern-day blend to create a wonderful experience for believers of all ages. Chat with an elf on the North Pole Network, browse festive Christmas gifts and souvenirs, and indulge in delicious handmade confections, frozen hot chocolate and more. Call for hours; free admission.

Santa’s Express Ziplines

91 W. Christmas Blvd., Santa Claus 812-937-1902 n SantasLodge.com Adventurers can head over to Santa’s Lodge for ziplines, including one across the lake, a rock climbing wall and a bungee trampoline.

Santa’s Stables

6709 E. County Road 1450N, Lamar 812-340-2288 n Santas-Stables.com A family-friendly horseback riding experience led by trained guides. Enjoy activities for all ages and multiple quaint trails that wind through wooded surroundings. Open through November; hours vary. Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Saint Meinrad Archabbey & Gift Shop

200 Hill Drive. St. Meinrad 800-682-0988 n saintmeinrad.org Saint Meinrad Archabbey offers a peaceful and spiritual retreat with beautiful grounds and the opportunity for prayer with Benedictine monks. Founded in 1854, Saint Meinrad is one of only two archabbeys in the U.S., and one of 11 in the world. Visit the Archabbey Gift

46 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Santa’s Toys

3 N. Kringle Place, Santa Claus 812-937-6050 n SantasToys.net Browse through more than 2,500 specialty toys at Santa’s Toys. Guests of all ages are encouraged to find their inner child and play while browsing. The selection includes STEM products that encourage learning through play.

Open May to December S ha re the lo ve o f C hristm a s a nd enjo y a m a gica lsho pping experience! ThousandsofC hristm ascollectibles, lights,C hristm asdecorations,wreaths, tree trim m ings,nativities,ornam ents, personalized gifts,fudge & tasty treats, visitswith Santa and m uch m ore!

33 N .K ringle Place,S anta Claus,IN 1-877-224-1772 S antaClausChristm asS tore.com

S a int M einra d A rcha bbey G ift S hop a nd S chola r S hop Stop in for the area’s largest selection of inspirationalgifts, keepsakes, books, art and m ore, inclu ding gifts handcrafted by Saint M einrad m onks and other m onasteries across the cou ntry and the w orld. 200 HillDrive St.M einrad,IN 47577 GS:812-357-8290 www.sm agiftshop.com SS:812-357-6571 store.saintm einrad.edu

Patoka Lake: Your playground destination

48 n Southwest Indiana Playground

User Fees

Here are a few of the costs at Patoka Reservoir for residents of Indiana: Gate fee for noncommercial vehicles with Indiana license plates, every day including holidays — $7. Gate fee for noncommercial vehicles that do not have Indiana license plates, every day including holidays — $9. Golden Hoosier passports are available for Indiana residents who are at least 65 years of age or are eligible for Social Security disability payments. Indiana residents who are former POW’s or their surviving spouses are entitled to a free Indiana golden Hoosier permit. Gate fee for each person, 5 years and older, entering as a pedestrian, on bicycle or horseback — $2. For updates on camping, boating and other fees, call the reservoir at 812-685-2464, or visit in.gov/dnr/parklake. Call the visitors center at 812-685-2447.


n Archery Range n Boating/10 Launch Ramps n Cross-country skiing n Fishing/Ice Fishing n Disc Golf Course n Hiking/Fitness/Biking Trails n Hunting n Interpretive/Recreational Programs n Picnicking/Shelterhouse (reservations required for shelterhouse) n Swimming/Beach n Waterskiing


n Electric / 455 sites n Primitive / 45 sites n Dumping Station For reservations, visit indianastateparks.reserveamerica.com/welcome

Marinas and Boat Rentals

n Hoosier Hills Marina (hoosierhillsmarina.com) n Patoka Lake Marina (patokalakemarina.com) n Gilligan’s Boats (gilligansboats.com)


3084 N. Dillard Road, Birdseye (Wickliffe) 812-685-2464 n in.gov/dnr/parklake/2953.htm, patokalakeindiana. com or facebook.com/inpatokalake Patoka Lake is the second-largest reservoir in Indiana, and is spread across Dubois, Crawford and Orange counties in southern Indiana. In the Patoka River Valley, it remains the biggest point on the map. While the region where the river ambles has seen dozens of other attractions grow up and expand since the lake’s creation in the early 1970s — and several of those attract more visitors — Patoka Reservoir remains the heart of this area’s outdoor activity, and on a grand scale. The 8,800-acre lake continues to be the focal point of Patoka’s 26,000 acres. But the recreation — fishing, swimming, skiing and such — are only byproducts. The project was developed for flood control. Patoka is the only lake in the state to offer floating cabins, wine cruises and rentable houseboats. It also provides a habitat for freshwater jellyfish and bald eagle nesting sites. River otters and osprey were reintroduced at Patoka by the DNR. The visitors center, located inside the Newton-Stewart State Recreation Area, continues to operate, and several programs are planned throughout the summer. The property’s interpretive services staff presents programs and special events featuring the reconstructed Moery Cabin, a non-releasable red-tailed hawk, bald eagle, Eastern screech owl and other natural and cultural history features of the area. Programs on kayaking, dutch oven cooking and other outdoor skills are also offered. Created as a joint effort between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, the lake is one of eight such reservoirs built in the state to provide a secure water supply and as a method of flood control. The lake covers 8,800 surface acres of water in the summer. The lake is fed by the Patoka River and several smaller tributaries, including Allen Creek, Paint Creek and Ritter Creek. Parks and nature preserves totaling 16,920 acres surround the lake. Patoka Lake is a great place for photography, as it is inhabited by migrating birds, a large variety of fish and beautiful lake shores. The lake has been heavily stocked with bass, bluegill, catfish, redear, crappie and walleye. Once a year the lake association hosts GarDaze, an event bringing in avid fisherman from around the world, including fishing celebrities like Babe Winkleman and Bill Dance. Other facilities include an archery range, boat ramps, a cross-country skiing course, fishing areas (including ice fishing), a disc golf course, trails for hiking and bicycling, hunting areas, interpretive and recreational programs, star parties, picnic shelters, swimming areas and waterskiing zones. The lake also hosts a large campground with more than 500 camping sites. Patoka Lake, which welcomes about 700,000 visitors each year, generates about $20 million in revenue and visitor expenditures for the area, and has prevented more than $100 million in flood damage. The lake is located just south of the historic towns of French Lick and West Baden Springs, and just east of historic Jasper.


Christmas Lake Golf Course

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Between Hwy 162 & 545, St. Meinrad (Fulda Shortcut Road, Follow Signs) 812-357-2272 OPEN: Daily 11 AM-6 PM CDT; Closed Monday

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Crawford and Perry Counties

Explore the river and caves in Crawford and Perry counties Crawford County

Nestled in the hills of southern Indiana, Crawford County is bordered by the mighty Ohio River along the southern edge, the beautiful Blue River forms the eastern boundary, while Patoka Lake lies to the north and I-64 bisects the entire county, providing easy access. Spectacular natural resources make Crawford County perfect for day trips, weekend trips or extended stays. Marengo Cave has miles of underground adventures to explore, while the 8,800-acre Patoka Lake and the Ohio River enable boating, fishing and water sports. The adventure-filled Blue River is perfect for canoeing. Leisure drives offer magnificent views, and biking and hiking trails are plentiful. There are miles of trails in the county’s public parks, including O’Bannon State Park, Hemlock Cliffs and Patoka Lake. Lodging includes inns, floating and land cabins, bed and breakfasts, and 1,500 campsites throughout the area. Dine along the Ohio’s Horseshoe Bend or enjoy Amish food, bar and grills, or pizzerias. Shopping includes antiques, crafts, souvenirs and unique gifts hard to find anywhere else. Eagles soar, deer roam, otters play, wildflowers flourish in Crawford County, a destination surrounded with beauty and nature. Crawford County was formed in 1818. Some say it was named for William H. Crawford, who was U.S. Treasury Secretary in 1818. Others say it was named for Col. William Crawford, who fought in the French and Indian War, and Revolutionary War, and who was burned and scalped by Indians in 1782 in what is now Wyandot County, Ohio. The county seat was in Leavenworth for several decades, but eventually moved to English. With a population of 645, English is one of Indiana’s smallest county seats. In 1843, Leavenworth supplanted Fredonia as the county seat. Leavenworth remained the county seat until 1893, when the county records were stolen by a mob in a notorious armed “courthouse war”

50 n Southwest Indiana Playground

against the town of English. From 1959 to 1990, English suffered six floods. The town council decided that the only solution to the flooding problem was to move the town. 160 acres of high ground were purchased, a partnership was formed with Lincoln Hills Development Corporation, and a major portion of the town was relocated. This was the secondlargest relocation of a town in US history. The movie “Madison” (2001), starring Jim Caviezel and Jake Lloyd, shot a scene in downtown Marengo, and the movie “Fire from Below” (2008), starring Kevin Sorbo, was filmed at Marengo Cave. The Marengo Warehouse and Distribution Center, an underground facility, has space leased by the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as the Centers for Disease Control, whose contract specifies that the contents of its space does not have to be revealed to the warehouse management. Other towns in the county are Milltown (population 818) and Patoka, a township with a population of 1,579. For more information about Crawford County, visit crawfordcountyindiana.com.

Perry County

In Perry County, knowing your neighbor is the norm, not the exception. Welcome to a place where your daily pursuit is in step with your happiness. You’re invited to explore all that Perry County offers. From the daily life of those who make their home in southern Indiana, to those seeking respite and recreation, you’ll find what you need to pursue life at your pace. Perry County is nestled between the rolling hills of Hoosier National Forest and the banks of the Ohio River. The area is celebrated by those who enjoy a lifestyle immersed in natural beauty with ease of access to major urban areas. From hiking and camping in Hoosier National Forest to biking and taking in the foliage on the Ohio River Scenic Byway, the great outdoors offers four seasons of fun. Celebrating a special occasion? Indulge at the eclectic restaurants while sipping on a glass of

your favorite red or white from one of the local wineries makes for a memorable treat. The people of Perry County still believe in the magic of a Sunday afternoon drive. We encourage you to take a glimpse of the experiences offered for you and your family. As the county seat, Tell City boasts the largest population in Perry County with approximately 7,200 residents. Tell City was recently recognized among the top 2.5% of all non-metro towns in the nation by BOOM CITY USA. The recognition is bestowed on communities for excellent achievement and offerings in the area of healthcare, education, recreation, culture, taxes, cost of living, crime rate, environment, climate and access to major transportation routes. All of this adds up to a great place for families to call home. It is the hilliest county as well as one of the most forested counties in Indiana, as it features more than 60,000 acres of Hoosier National Forest. Perry County was formed on Nov. 1, 1814 (two years before Indiana was admitted to the Union) from Warrick and Gibson Counties. In addition to the county seat, other incorporated communities are Cannelton (population 1,100) and Troy (population 375). Troy is Indiana’s secondoldest community, and legend has it that the town was named after a Native American maiden who reminded an early 1800s settler of the famous Helen of Troy. It was named the county seat April 1, 1816, where officials handled the affairs of Perry County, which included current Perry and Spencer counties. However, the courthouse was moved to Rome in November 1818. A locally well-known landmark statue, Christ of the Ohio, is located in Troy at Fulton Hill, and overlooks the Ohio River. A rest area is located along State Road 66 just west of Troy in Spencer County known as Lincoln Ferry Park, where a young Abraham Lincoln would ferry goods and people to boats/steamers waiting in the middle of the Ohio River.



canoed and kayaked, while the lower reaches are accessible for small motorized boats. Access is available at the Alton Boat Ramp.

Cave Country Canoes

Lock and Dam Historical Park

Milltown 812-365-2705 n cavecountrycanoes.com Flowing through the forests of the southern Indiana hill country, the Blue River is the most spring-fed of all Indiana’s streams. The river valley is noted for its abundant wildlife, natural beauty and excellent fishing. Open May through Labor Day, open weekends only in September and October.

Hemlock Cliffs

7277 E. Wyandotte Avenue, Leavenworth 812-738-8232 n crawfordcountyindiana.com/attractions/ park-scenic/lock-and-dam-historical-park Situated in Old Town Leavenworth, this relaxing and nostalgic park is the site of old Dam and Lock No. 44. Visitors can see remnants from the days when the lock and dam was operating. Bank fishing and picnicking facilities are available. A launching ramp provides public access to the Ohio River.

Hoosier National Forest Near English 812-738-8232 n fs.usda.gov/recarea/hoosier/recreation/ natureviewing/recarea/?recid=41570&actid=64 This ruggedly beautiful cliff area, hidden away in the Hoosier National Forest, can be accessed by an excellent 1.2-mile hiking trail. As you hike the trails along and below the cliffs, you’ll pass sandstone rock shelters, seasonal waterfalls, jagged bluffs and dense forest canopy. From I-64, take the State Road 237 exit north about two miles. Look for Union Chapel Road on the left after climbing a steep grade. Follow signs for Hemlock Cliffs.

Horseshoe Bend Overlook

1153 W. State Road 62, Leavenworth 888-755-2282 n crawfordcountyindiana.com/attractions/ park-scenic/horseshoe-bend-overlook This magnificent panoramic view overlooks the tightest bend on the Ohio River. Visitors are always treated to a spectacular view of barges churning up and down the river, birds soaring among the cliffs and the waters of the ever-changing Ohio. Visit the famous Overlook Restaurant to see this beautiful view.

James G. Baker Center for Astronomy

3192 E. Curby Road, English 888-755-2282 n crawfordcountyindiana.com/attractions/historic/ james-g-baker-center-for-astronomy Things are always looking up here. This state-of-the-art facility features a roll-off roof observatory with a 16-inch Meade reflector, a 14-inch Celestron SCT and a warm room. The observatory is equipped for astrophotography. Other facilities include three acres of camping space, observing fields and a multi-purpose building with classroom, kitchen and restrooms. Camping and scout programs available.

The Legendary Shoe Tree

3826 S. Devils Hollow Road, Milltown 812-739-2246 Need shoes? Pick some from the rare — and legendary — shoe tree. Or visit this unique attraction and attempt to add your shoes to the hundreds already dangling there. Local lore claims that Larry Bird’s basketball shoes hang there.

Little Blue River

888-755-2282 n crawfordcountyindiana.com/attractions/water-fun/ little-blue-river Starting in English, meandering through Sycamore Springs Park and flowing through the heart of the Hoosier National Forest to end in the Ohio River at Alton, the Little Blue River provides miles and miles of bank fishing, bird and wildlife watching. The upper reaches can be

Marengo Cave

Marengo Cave

400 E. State Road 64, Marengo 812-365-2705 or 888-702-2837 n marengocave.com Open to the public since 1883, Marengo Cave offers two different tours daily, the Dripstone and the Crystal Palace. Also available are the wet and muddy crawling tours, which require a group of six. Open every day year-round except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Call for rates on tours.

O’Bannon Woods State Park

7234 Old Forest Road SW, Corydon 812-738-8232 n crawfordcountyindiana.com/ obannon-woods-state-park Indiana’s newest 3,000-acre state park is in the middle of the Harrison-Crawford State Forest. It is loaded with recreational opportuniSouthwest Indiana Playground n 51

ties, including a nature center, horse trails, hiking trails and a family aquatic center. A variety of camping options are available as well.


Patoka Lake Recreation Area

Air Crash Memorial

3084 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe 812-685-2464 n patokalakeindiana.com With 8,800 acres of water encompassed by a 26,000-acre recreation area, Patoka Lake is Indiana’s second largest reservoir, offering houseboat rentals, 10 launch ramps, a swimming beach, nature trails, camp sites and more than six miles of paved bike trails. Activities include fishing, archery, hunting, boating, water skiing, hiking, bicycling, and swimming. The lake, which stretches into Crawford, Dubois and Crawford counties, is also the nesting site for bald eagles and osprey.

Patoka Lake Winery

2900 N. Dillard Road, Wickliffe 812-685-2203 n patokalakewinery.com A recent addition to Patoka Lake, the winery completes your day on the water. The tasting room is open daily, offering a large gift shop, wine sales and a nice place to sit and sip, indoors or outdoors. Patoka Lake Winery serves 27 varieties of wine, along with the infamous wine slushies, making it a perfect stop after a day on the water. Patoka Lake also offers daily specials, and is a proud member of the Indiana Foodways Alliance, featured on the wine, wine anytime trail.

Proctor House

Old U.S. 64, East of Marengo 812-338-2725 The Proctor House was built in 1832 by William Proctor, and was used as a store, stage coach stop and post office. The Crawford County Historical Society owns the house, and is in the process of restoring it.

Sycamore Spring Park

717 W. Tunnel Hill Road, English 812-338-3846 This beautiful park, operated by the Clayton Roberson Foundation, includes 250 scenic acres along Little Blue River. Facilities include a wooded picnic and play areas, shelterhouses, hikin, and fishing — all free of charge. Overnight camping is available by reservation. Park is open seasonally.

5005 Millstone Road, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The memorial site is dedicated to the victims of the 1960 Northwest Orient Electra Airlines crash. The plane, a Lockheed L-188 Electra, disintegrated in-flight and crashed near Cannelton on March 17, 1960. All 57 passengers and six crew members perished. Flight 710 was a regularly scheduled flight from Minneapolis-St. Paul to Miami, with a stopover at Chicago Midway Airport. Witnesses reported seeing the airplane break into two pieces as it cruised at 18,000 feet, with the right wing falling as one piece and the remainder of the craft plunging to earth at a speed of more than 600 mph. The citizens of Perry County and the Cannelton Kiwanis Club raised funds for a memorial, which was dedicated in 1961. It is located on Millstone Road, near the confluence of State Road 66 and State Road 166.

Bob Cummings Lincoln Trail Bridge

State Route 237, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The bridge crosses over the Ohio River from Cannelton into Hawesville, Ky.

Buzzard Roost

Hoosier National Forest 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Buzzard Roost is a picnic area on the bluffs of the Ohio River. Located in the Hoosier National Forest, Buzzard Roost Recreational Area is located between the unincorporated community of Magnet and the small town of Alton in Crawford County.

Cannelton Locks and Dam

4998 State Road 66, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The Cannelton Locks and Dam create a “lake” 114 miles long, stretching from Cannelton to Louisville, Ky. This uninterrupted stretch of water provides some of the most beautiful scenery for boaters. Celtic Cross

William H. English Park & Statue

Old Union Church, English 812-338-2800 The park and statue of William H. English were unveiled and dedicated on June 23, 1900. The park is near the headwaters of the Little Blue River, and has been used for many years for the annual English Reunion held in July. There is a community center available for weddings, banquets and events.

Yellow Birch Ravine

Off State Road 64, near Taswell 317-232-4052 n crawfordcountyindiana.com/attractions/ park-scenic/yellow-birch-ravine Noted for its rugged beauty, this 441-acre state nature preserve will delight the nature lover. The moist ravine bottoms are dominated by beeches and maples. Yellow birches and hemlocks grow along the edges of the limestone bluffs. Mountain laurel, more typical of the Appalachian region, also grows here.

52 n Southwest Indiana Playground

Celtic Cross

5330 Blue Heron Lane, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Nestled in the hills of Rocky Point, the Celtic Cross is one of the most amazing pieces of art you’ll ever see. It was conceived by Gary and Lynn Dauby, and carved by Greg Harris, a local self-taught sculptor. The cross was sculpted within a single 22-foot-tall stone that is natural to the hillside. It is believed to be the largest “in situ” (of its own stone) Celtic Crosses in the world.

Christ of the Ohio

Fulton Hill, Troy 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Located on the east side of Troy atop Fulton Hill, which overlooks the Ohio River, the statue depicts Jesus Christ standing with his arms stretched upwards towards the sky. Sculptured from Colorado Travertine, the 11-foot-tall statue sits atop an 8-foot-tall pedestal made of sandstone from nearby Saint Meinrad. The 6,200-lb. statue resides 75 feet above State Road 66 near a bend in the river, and has been used as a beacon for boats since its dedication. The statue is visible for miles around, up and down the river, on the highway below and far across the Ohio River into Kentucky. At night, the statue and its setting are brilliantly illuminated.

Civil War Memorial Gravesite 1865

Parks Road, Magnet 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com On Aug. 21, 1865, the steamer U.S.S. Argosy (No. 3) was caught in a storm, blown aground and her boilers exploded. Ten fatalities occurred among Union soldiers returning home from war service. They were buried in a mass grave one-half mile from the unincorporated community of Magnet (Rono), where memorial markers perpetuate this burial ground.

Flood Wall Mural

301 Seventh Street, Tell City 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Located in Sunset Park, the mural has been created by local artists. Flood walls are common in many cities along the Ohio River due to frequent periods of flooding.

German Ridge Recreation Area

Hoosier National Forest, Near Rome 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com German Ridge Recreation Area includes a campground, a 24-mile multi-use trail, a short hiking trail around a scenic lake, a day use area for swimming and picnicking, and several historic buildings.

Huffman’s Mill Covered Bridge

Adyeville Huffman Road, Troy 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The present bridge spanning Anderson River was built in 1864 under the supervision of William Washer of Troy. There have been several extensive repairs made in recent years. Covered bridge enthusiasts and Perry County residents are currently undertaking a campaign to have the bridge listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

as they approach the farm. The largest yurt houses a classroom and an herb store. Other yurts are available for rent by the day, week or month. They provide a “luxury camping” experience. Japanese soaking tubs and packages for spa days are available. Open by appointment only.

Perry County Old Courthouse Museum

125 Seventh Street, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Built in 1896, the old Perry County Courthouse Museum is made of pressed yellow brick with trim of Bedford limestone. The courthouse was built to replace the first courthouse at Cannelton, which was in a house remodeled for the hasty move of the county seat from Rome in 1859. The building cost $30,000, which was raised by Cannelton citizens and given to the county.

Rickenbaugh House

Hoosier National Forest 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The stone house build in 1874 was also used as a local post office and church meeting house. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is situated south of St. Croix on the northeast shore of Lake Celina at the end of County Road 502.

Rome Courthouse

15651 E. Rome Road, Rome 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com Built in 1818, the Rome Courthouse is the oldest courthouse in Indiana, and is being preserved as a historical site.

Shubael Little Pioneer Village

7590 E. State Road 66, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The Shubael Little Pioneer Village contains four pioneer cabins, a blacksmith shop and forge, a vintage carpenter shop and the old Troy stone jail. The village is named after Shubael Little, a pioneer and first landowner of the farm where the village is located. One of Shubael’s two wives is buried at the village site, along with other Little relatives. Shubael helped found the first school at Rome, the Masonic Lodge in Cannelton and operated a grist mill on Little Deer Creek. The village is the site of a two-day fall festival in mid-October, and a two-day candlelight tour at Christmastime.

Tell City Historical Society Museum

6040 State Road 66, Cannelton 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The site commemorates where Revolutionary War General Marquis de Lafayette found safety after his steamboat sank in 1825.

548 Ninth Street, Tell City 812-547-7933 n pickperry.com The Tell City Historical Society Museum is located near downtown Tell City in the former Tell City Public Library building. The building is comprised of a Carnegie Library built in 1916, with an addition built in 1966. In addition to more than 3,700 square feet of display area, the museum includes a genealogy research library and meeting/audio visual room.

Mano Point

William Tell and Son statue

Lafayette Springs

13753 State Road 66, Derby 812-547-793 n pickperry.com Once a prehistoric Native American village, Mano Point is now a boat and fishing access point on the Ohio River.

Mary Rose Herb Farm

23112 Cattail Road, Bristow 812-357-2699 n maryroseherbfarm.com Mary Rose Herb Farm and Retreat is a peaceful place in beautiful southern Indiana. Nestled among the rolling, forested hills of Perry County, it features 208 acres. The farm is owned and operated by Dick Betz and Rosa Lee Sheard. Visitors can’t help but notice several yurts

750 Main Street, Tell City 812-547-7933 n pickperry. com In honor of Tell City’s namesake, the statue was commissioned by Austin Corbin as a gift to the city. Tell City National Bank gave the fountain to the city in honor of the bank’s 100th birthday.

William Tell and Son statue

Southwest Indiana Playground n 53

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Area State Parks Brown County

Nicknamed the “Little Smokies” because of the area’s resemblance to the Great Smoky Mountains, Brown County encompasses nearly 16,000 acres of rugged hills, ridges and fogshrouded ravines. Glaciers from the most recent ice ages stopped short of the “hills o’ Brown,” but their meltwaters helped create the narrow ridges, steep slopes and deep gullies of Brown County State Park. Indiana’s largest park is a traditional fall color hot spot, with nearly 20 miles of treelined roads and many scenic vistas overlooking miles of uninterrupted forestland. 1405 S.R. 46 W. Nashville, IN 47448 812-988-6406


Once a largely undeveloped portion of the huge Indiana Army Ammunition plant, Charlestown State Park is located in southern Indiana. With scenic vistas of the Fourteenmile Creek valley and the Ohio River, with elevation changes of over 200 feet, Charlestown has much to offer the visitor with its rugged hills and deep ravines. While hiking the rugged terrain you will see Devonian fossil outcrops and areas of karst sinkhole topography. Bird watchers will enjoy the 72 species of birds, including bluebirds, black vultures and an occasional bald eagle. 12500 Indiana 62 Charlestown, IN 47111 812-256-5600

Clifty Falls

Clifty Falls State Park is located near Madison with entrances on state roads 56 and 62. The park’s waterfalls change moods with the weather and the seasons and can range from roaring plunges to delicate bridal-veil mists to gleaming frozen titans. Winter and spring visits reveal them at their best. The rugged splendor of Clifty Canyon offers exciting year-round hiking and scenery. Clifty Creek’s stony bed is littered with fossil remnants telling of a long vanished marine ecosystem that teemed with life that included ancient corals, ancestral squids, brachiopods and more. Fossil collecting within Clifty Falls State Park is prohibited but nearby collecting locations are readily accessible. 2221 Clifty Drive Madison, IN 47250 812-273-8885

Falls Of The Ohio

Located on the banks of the Ohio River is the Falls of the Ohio State Park. The 386-million-yearold fossil beds are among the largest exposed Devonian fossil beds in the world. The park features a spectacular interpretive center overlooking the fossil beds. New interactive, immersive exhibits can be seen. While fossil collecting is prohibited, the park staff encourages visitors to explore and discover the many different types of fossils that can be found on the ancient sea bottom. The months of August thru October provide the best accessibility to the 220 acres of fossil beds, as the river is at its lowest level during this period. Please call for times, prices and group information. 201 W. Riverside Drive Clarksville, IN 47129 812-280-9970


Harmonie State Park is located “on the banks of the Wabash” 25 miles northwest of Evansville. A beautiful swimming pool, shady picnic areas, ravines and pristine landscape await you here. This is a trail lover’s paradise! Trails for walking, biking and nature hikes will lure you for a visit. 3451 Harmonie State Park Road New Harmony, IN 47631 812-682-4821


Discover the boyhood home of the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Among the rolling hills and thick forest, young Lincoln learned many life lessons. Lincoln State Park offers 10 miles of hiking trails, two scenic lakes, and an interpretive center to help you experience early life of settlers in southern Indiana. Your entire family can enjoy a relaxing time at one of the campgrounds, cabins or group cottages. Tour the Colonel Jones Home, the historic home of the merchant and Civil War officer who employed young Lincoln. The 1,747-acre park was established in 1932 as a memorial to Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks. The Little Pigeon Creek Baptist Church and Cemetery, located on the property, is where Lincoln’s sister Sarah is buried. 15476 County Rd 300 E. Lincoln City, IN 47552 866-622-6746

McCormick’s Creek

Explore the spectacular limestone canyon, flowing creek, and scenic waterfalls that highlight Indiana’s first state park. Hike trails featuring diverse forest trees, spicebush, and native wildflowers, including a trail through Wolf Cave Nature Preserve and an accessible trail at the recently renovated nature center. Experience history as you climb the fire tower, use shelter houses or cross the stone arch bridge created by the Civilian Conservation Corps. 250 McCormick’s Creek Park Road Spencer, IN 47460 812-829-2235

O’Bannon Woods

O’Bannon Woods State Park (formerly Wyandotte Woods State Recreation Area) lies in the central and extreme southern part of the state, bordering the Ohio River. It is nestled inside 26,000-acre Harrison Crawford State Forest, but is managed separately, along with Wyandotte Caves State Recreation Area. It was the location of one of the few African-American Civilian Conservation Corps units. 7234 Old Forest Road SW Corydon, IN 47112 812-738-8232


Three man-made lakes offer 400 acres of water for fishing and boating while a family aquatic center provides swimming fun. About two-thirds of the campsites are in a wooded area, offering cool shade in the summer and beautiful fall colors in autumn. Nearby is a play field area for family fun. A popular feature of the park is the group camp. 6265 W. State Road 48 Jasonville, IN 47438 812-665-2158

Spring Mill

Visitors can explore the park’s story in four interpretive facilities—the Pioneer Village, Nature Center, Grissom Memorial, and Twin Caves Boat Tour—and see it reflected on the landscape as they hike the trails. The interpretive staff also offers a wide variety of public programs, including an extensive special events schedule. Public programs are offered year-round. 3333 State Road 60 E. Mitchell, IN 47446 812-849-3534

Southwest Indiana Playground n 55

Daviess, Martin and Pike Counties

Amish culture, a celebration of nature await in tri-county area DAVIESS COUNTY Whatever the season, it’s time for fun and relaxation in Daviess County. Located on the northwest edge of the Southwest Indiana Playground footprint, Daviess County serves up a feast for the eyes and the senses. On a drive through the rolling countryside, you might chance upon a lively game of baseball played by Amish boys in knee-high knickers and black hats, or find a rare antique from an estate sale. Have you ever seen real quilting? The region is legendary for this homemade art form. Daviess County is home to one of the Top 10 largest Amish settlements in the U.S. A visit to Amish Country is a special experience. Nearly 800 Old Order Amish families live in Daviess County, and special guided tours are available through the rural landscapes so you can see firsthand the centuries-old customs of how real Amish folk live. Shop for handmade quilts, crafts and furniture at the numerous shops, attend the weekly Friday night auction, share the road with a clip-clopping horse and buggy, and settle in for a delicious family-style Amish dinner. The Amish welcome guests to the area, but all Amish businesses are closed on Sundays. During your visit, please be considerate of your Amish hosts by following these courtesy rules: n Do not take photos or videos n Respect the Amish families’ privacy. Do not approach private property without permission. n When driving, provide Amish buggies plenty of room, do not use the horn and keep headlights on low. n Do not feed or pet horses that are tied to a hitching rail or harnessed to a buggy. n Do not approach the Amish unless they appear open to company. To learn more about the Amish culture, visit an Amish-owned business and talk with the owners or employees. While the Amish community is a pervasive part of Daviess County, there’s much, much more in this old and surprising land. From world-class PGA championship golf courses to fresh-water bass fishing, to concerts and performances of every kind, there’s

00 56 n Southwest Indiana Playground

plenty to do and see. Washington is the county seat and largest city for Daviess County, and provides a wonderful small town appeal. Shop the downtown area, eat at some excellent restaurants and check out one of their numerous events. Call the Daviess County Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau at 812-254-5262.

MARTIN COUNTY For those who love the outdoors and nature in all its awesome wonder, Martin County is your destination. There’s spectacular bluffs for climbing, as well as rivers and numerous lakes for boating and fishing, which have given many anglers great opportunities in Martin County. The fishing renovation at West Boggs Lake has been a great success, and has rendered some amazing fishing in southern Indiana. Large panfish and exceptional bass fishing is attracting anglers from across the Midwest. The beautiful abundance of some rare wildflowers, trees and wildlife living in all the forests, pastures, bluffs and even in the yards of homeowners are a wonder to see. There are places to camp, beginning with Martin State Forest, east of Shoals on U.S. 50, to West Boggs Park, where you’ll find primitive to full hook up north of Loogootee on U.S. 231. Martin County, with the IDNR, recently dedicated the new walking trail — called Nubbin Ridge Trail — at the Bluffs of Beaver Bend on the East Fork of the White River. It is 21⁄2 miles long, wandering over the bluffs. You’re sure to see many rare wildflowers and 32 different species of trees, not counting the wildlife, making this trail spectacular. You’ll want to make time to visit the beautiful county museum, with the new bell tower being rebuilt to its original look, and more work in progress with numerous artifacts detailing the rich history of the county’s beginning settlement to present day. View the Martin County Bison sitting alongside the huge gypsum rock on the grounds, along with the old bell in the gazebo.

There are plenty of festivals throughout the summer in Loogootee, Shoals and West Boggs Park. Summer Fest (June 20-22) is in its 15th year in Loogootee, and the Shoals Catfish Festival (July 4-7) is in its 34th year, with a live auction the evening of July 3. West Boggs Park has activities, events, programs, entertainment and arts and crafts on weekends. And the Lark Valley Canopy Zip Tour south of Shoals at 10400 U.S. 150 is one of the longest zip lines in the Midwest. A must-see is Bill Larkin’s Bird Houses, located north of Loogootee on 5024 North PVT. Rd., where you’ll find hundreds upon hundreds of birdhouses inside his Geo Dome house, as well as hundreds of colored rocks and statues outside. Bill will invite you in for a tour of his home, then present you with a birdhouse. For your outdoor excursions, visit Hindostan Falls, the Pinnacle, the Jug Rock, Spout Springs, Bluffs of Beaver Bend and many other rock formations in the county. Then be sure to see the Houghton House, House Rock, Lakeview Golf Course, Lark Valley Ranch, Mustering Elm, Overlook Park, Routt House, Martin State Forest, Martin County Museum, Trinity Springs and West Boggs Lake. While visiting Martin State Forest, you can climb one of the few fire towers left that can be climbed to the very top, displaying a 360° breath-taking view of the rolling hills and the beautiful trees from above the forest. If photography is your thing, Martin County has an endless supply of beauty to shoot, from beautiful sunrises to sunsets, migratory birds, bobcats and the usual everyday small creatures from fox, raccoons, coyotes and more. Be on the look out for bald eagles, because Martin County reportedly has more nesting eagles than any other county. You may even see eagles sitting on tree limbs, feeding on pray or soaring high in the sky. They mate in the sky above the White River near the Overlook Park just west of Shoals. Call the Martin County Chamber of Commerce/Tourism at 812-295-4093 for details about places of interest, and suggestions for eating and lodging. County brochures are located at several places throughout the county.

PIKE COUNTY History and abundant nature are just two of the calling cards for Pike County, the western gateway to the Southwest Indiana Playground footprint. Anyone loving the outdoors will be happy in Pike County. Deer and turkey hunters come from far and near to participate in their sport. More than 7,000 acres of water also attract fishermen. A 20-mile section of wetland attracts many. The Pike County State Forest, managed by the Ferdinand State Forest, consists of 2,939 acres. Sugar Ridge Fish and Wildlife Area consists of more than 100 lakes and 7,400 acres of land for primitive camping, hunting and fishing in the southern part of the county. Hilly uplands to low bottomlands provide a diverse habitat to various plants and wildlife. Visitors can enjoy hunting, fishing, hiking, picnicking, horse trails, bird watching and primitive camping. For information about your favorite pastime, call 812-367-1524. Formed on December 21, 1816, Pike County was the first county formed after Indiana became a state. It was formed from Gibson and Perry counties, and was named for Zebulon Pike, famous for his Pike Expedition of 1806-07, exploring the southwest portion of the Louisiana Purchase. Pike commanded the 4th Infantry Regiment at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. He was killed as a briga

dier general during the War of 1812 after his men had captured York (now Toronto), Canada. The Buffalo Trace, Lincoln Heritage Trail and Wabash Erie Canal passed through the county’s boundaries. As migration moved through the Midwest, the first settlement was made at White Oak Springs. From 1800 to 1814, this settlement was the most populous and the most important community on the Buffalo Trace in Indiana Territory from Clarksville to Vincennes. An array of festivals and events offer sights and sounds of interest throughout the year. A partial listing includes: Independence Day celebration in Otwell, car show in Petersburg and 4-H Fair in July; Zoar Mosquito Fest and Catfish Festival in August; and Old Time Auto Show in September. The arrival of the holiday season is heralded with Christmas parades in Winslow and Petersburg, Winslow’s Winter Wonderland, a Christmas light display in Hornady Park and Holly Walk in downtown Petersburg. Principal communities include Petersburg, Winslow, Spurgeon and Otwell. The county includes 7,000 acres of water and 20 miles of wetlands, is home of a large state forest, wildlife area and a 200-acre park with a 90-acre lake. Small community parks, a 9-hole golf course and a lovely arboretum/botanical garden are a treat for visitors and residents alike.



in neighboring Martin County. In the midst of the those 400 acres, you’ll find a 250-plus site campground, miles of multi-use trails, playgrounds, swimming beach, shelter houses and some amazing views. Looking for some structured play for the kids? Take them to the activity center for games, programs, miniature golf and all-out fun. The facility also hosts the popular Stoll’s Lakeview Restaurant and Lakeview Golf Course, both are just a golf cart or boat ride away from your campsite.


Gasthof Amish Village

6747 E. Gasthof Village Road Off County Road 650E, North of Montgomery 812-486-260 n gasthofamishvillage.com Come observe the simple lifestyle of the vibrant southern Indiana Amish community through the Gasthof Amish Village. The Amish restaurant and bakery is housed in a building constructed in the Amish tradition with large wooden beams held together by wooden pegs. Homemade meals are served daily, including Sunday. Tours of the Amish community can be arranged. Many guests visit the neighboring Dinky’s Auction House, where one of the Midwest’s largest auctions is held every Friday. West Boggs Lake 16117 U.S. Highway 231, North of Loogootee 812-295-3421 n westboggs.com Most of the 1,600-acre facility that hosts a 400-acre play area and the famous 622-acre West Boggs Lake fishery and recreational water lies in Daviess County, although you enter off U.S. Highway 231

108 Mill Street, Loogootee 812-295-3008 Old-time candy, retro candy, homemade candies, cakeballs, cupcakes, gift baskets and more. Open 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.

Houghton House

State Road 550, Southeast of Loogootee visitmartincounty.org Built in 1835, this was the home of Major William Houghton, a Civil War veteran. He was president of the White River Bank. The house, which was part of the Underground Railroad, is located southeast of Loogootee along State Road 550, four-tenths of a mile east of the Houghton Bridge (over White River). The Houghton House is also known as “Mt. Vernon of the West,” and is now called Evergreen Hill.

Jug Rock

Shoals visitmartincounty.org The incredible natural geological rock formation, Jug Rock, composed of sandstone, located in Shoals near the East Fork of the White River. As the largest free-standing table rock formation (also called a Continued on Page 60

Southwest Indiana Playground Southwest Indiana Playgroundn n 00 57

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“tea table”) in the United States east of the Mississippi River, the Jug Rock has created a great deal of interest in geological circles.


Lark Ranch

Gil Hodges Mural

3145 Killion Mill Road, Loogootee 317-750-4985 n larkranch.com This 600-acre ranch offers a variety of family activities, including a 15-acre corn maze, hay rides, pumpkin patch, barnyard animals, a buffalo hear, pony rides, a dinosaur dig, zip lines and more. Open weekends in late fall.

Martin County Historical Museum

442 Capitol Avenue, Shoals 812-247-1133 n martincountyhistory.com Many old books and records starting in 1820 are shelved in the beautiful old courthouse building that was erected in 1876. This building is on the National Register of Historic Places. Open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday.

Petersburg 812-354-8155 n waymarking.com Gil Hodges, who played professional baseball from 1943 through 1963, is immortalized in his hometown by a huge mural. The mural is across the street from the Pike County Courthouse at the intersection of Highways 57 and 61 in Petersburg. The mural was painted by local artist Randy Hedden, and includes three depictions of Gil — as a Brooklyn Dodger, as manager of the Mets and at-bat in Brooklyn’s Ebbets Field. The mural was created raise awareness of Hodges’ accomplishments after he was not voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. The Mural, which is 16 feet high and 52 feet wide, was dedicated in May 2009. An interesting note about the mural is that faces in the grandstand at Ebbetts were sold as a fund-raiser, so many local residents are pictured on the mural cheering Hodges.

Overlook Park

Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge

U.S. Highway 150 at State Road 450, West of Shoals visitmartincounty.org A scenic view of the winding White River through river bottom, farms and valleys. Enjoy the park’s shelter house and picnic areas. Centrally located for a stop along the way while sightseeing.

Routt House

Southeast of Loogootee visitmartincounty.org Built in 1832, Routt House was the first stage coach stop on the New Albany-Vincennes Trace in the mid-1800s. It remained in the same family for more than 135 years, and has weathered the tests of time, including earthquakes. Besides the cemeteries, this home is all that is left of the town of Mount Pleasant. Routt House is on the Indiana State Register of History. It is located two miles south of State Road 550 on Mount Pleasant Road.

Oakland City fws.gov The Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area was established in 1994, and currently encompasses 6,600 acres (with an ultimate acquisition area of 22,472 acres) of wetlands, floodplain forest and uplands along 30 miles of the Patoka River corridor. The wildlife refuge stretches west to east from Gibson County to near Velpen and the Dubois County line. The refuge was established to provide resting, feeding and nesting habitat for migratory birds; restore, protect and manage the river corridor of bottomland hardwood wetlands; to improve the water quality of the Patoka River; and provide wildlife-related education and recreation opportunities. The Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and satellite unit Cane Ridge Wildlife Management Area have both been designated as Important Bird Areas by the National Audubon Society because of large nesting populations of prothonotary warblers and interior least terns.

Pike State Forest

West Boggs Lake

West Boggs Lake

16117 U.S. Highway 231, North of Loogootee 812-295-3421 n westboggs.com While most of the 1,600-acre facility that hosts a 400-acre play area and the famous 622-acre West Boggs Lake fishery and recreational water lies in neighboring Daviess County, you enter the lake area off U.S. Highway 231 in Martin County. In the midst of the those 400 acres, you’ll find a 250-plus site campground, miles of multi-use trails, playgrounds, swimming beach, shelter houses and some amazing views. Looking for some structured play for the kids? Take them to the activity center for games, programs, miniature golf and all-out fun. The facility also hosts the popular Stoll’s Lakeview Restaurant and Lakeview Golf Course, both are just a golf cart or boat ride away from your campsite.

60 n Southwest Indiana Playground

5994 E. State Road 364, Winslow 812-827-2857 n in.gov Pike State Forest consists of 4,444 acres in southwestern Indiana. Acquisition of the land that makes up Pike State Forest began in the 1930s, and continued through the 1950s. Most of the buildings on the property were constructed by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) using material cut from local timber stands. Topography at Pike State Forest varies from hilly uplands to the low bottomlands of the Patoka River. Because of the diversity of sites, a wide variety of plant and animal life make their homes in Pike State Forest. Several recreational opportunities are available, including hunting, horseback riding, picnicking, bird watching and hiking.

Sugar Ridge Fish & Wildlife Area

2310 E. State Road 364, Winslow 812-789-2724 n in.gov Sugar Ridge Fish & Wildlife Area is unique in that much of the land has been strip-mined. Sugar Ridge is made up of six separate areas, totaling approximately 8,100 acres. The strip-mined land now features about 100 pits and lakes, along with rows of overburden from the mining operation. The land that has not been mined is mostly rough and rolling. A large part of the land which is now Sugar Ridge Fish and Wildlife Area was once leased from Amax Coal Company, before being donated to the Division of Fish and Wildlife in 1980. The property is provided for the enjoyment of all people.



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