2015 Dubois County 4-H Fair

Page 1

July 14-18

Dubois County 4-H Fair






Rachel Ballard

Kaitlyn Begle

Catherine Bell

Raven Blessinger

Theodore Boeglin

Collin Bowlin

Cody Englert

Cosette Fehribach

Moriah Fleck

Allie Gress

Jacob Gress

Kelcie Hassfurther

Taylor Hopf

Emma Hurst

Natalie Jacob

Nicolas James

Chloe Johnson

Collin Kissel

80 Dubois County teens complete 4-H careers Each year the Dubois County 4-H Fair marks a time of happiness mixed with sadness for those graduating 4-H’ers who participate in the 4-H fair for the last time. This year is no exception. The Dubois County 4-H program salutes these young men and women on the culmination of many years of work, service, participation and happy times. Be sure to look for a display honoring these special individuals in the 4-H exhibit building during the fair. We wish the best to these fine Dubois County 4-H’ers as they pursue their careers and follow their dreams. It is our hope that their involvement in 4-H club work has helped them on their life’s journey. Congratulations and best of wishes to all of them. Rachel Ballard is a 7-year member of the Paws and Pals 4-H Dog Club. Her main projects included original painting and creative writing. She is the daughter of Rick and Bethany Ballard. Kaitlyn Begle is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of ceramics and reedcraft. She is the daughter of David and Mary Jo Begle, Ferdinand. Catherine Bell is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. Her main projects included painting, drawing and leather craft. She is the daughter of Tim and Dee Ann Bell, Jasper. Raven Blessinger is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers and Rabbit 4-H Clubs. Her main projects consisted of drawing, sheep, chickens and rabbits. She is the daughter of Eric and Victoria Blessinger, St. Anthony. Theodore “Ted” Boeglin is a 10-year member of the Millennium and Hoppers Clubs. His main projects consisted of rabbits, reed craft, tractor safety and public speaking. He is the son of David and Mary Sue Boeglin. Collin Bowlin is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club and the Dubois County Livestock Judging Team. His main projects consisted of beef cattle and swine. He is the son of Barry and Bonnie Bowlin, Jasper.

Austin Bromm is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. His main project was beef. He is the son of Mark and Marian Bromm, St. Anthony. Felecia Daunhauer is a 10year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. Her main projects included ceramics and foods. She is the daughter of Patrick and Brenda Daunhauer, Ferdinand. Riley Denning is a 10-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. His main projects included physical health-sports. He is the son of Steve and Maria Denning, Ferdinand. Breanna Dillon is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of dog obedience, decorative painting and candle making. She is the daughter of Pat and Joni Dillon. Cordell Durcholz is a 10-year member of the Shooting Sports 4-H Club. His main projects included a handmade gun rack and slingshot target launcher, both of which were submitted to the state fair. Claire Egler is a 10-year member of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of foods, aquatic science, reedcraft and embroidery. She is the daughter of Kenny and Cathy Egler. Cody Englert is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of dairy, beef and horses. He is the son of Greg and Theresa Englert,

Huntingburg. Cosette Fehribach is a 10year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. Her main projects included ceramics, candle making

and drawing. She is the daughter of Brett and Renee Fehribach, Ferdinand. Moriah Fleck is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers

4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of swine and ceramics. She is the daughter of Dean and Gerry Fleck, St. Anthony. Allie Gress is a 10-year mem-

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Austin Bromm

Felecia Daunhauer

Riley Denning

Breanna Dillon

Cordell Durcholz

Claire Egler

Morgan Hauser

Brynn Hoffman

Haley Hoffman

Jade Hoffman

Kayla Hoffman

Colleen Hopf

Ashton Knies

Blake Knies

Kayla Knust

Brianna Lammers

Sydney Lange

Kaitlyn Leistner

Celia Luebbehusen

Aubrey Main

ber of the Lucky Irish 4-H Club. Her main projects included foods, mircrowave cooking and gift wrapping. She is the daughter of Stan and Julie Gress, Ireland. Jacob Gress is a 10-year member of the Celestine All Stars 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of hay, swine, poultry and rabbits. He is the son of Scott and Diane Gress. Kelcie Hassfurther is a 10year member of the Wrangler Horse and Pony 4-H Club and Junior Leaders. Her main projects consisted of horses, gift wrapping and drawing. She is the daughter of Kurt and Sharon Hassfurther, Schnellville. Morgan Hauser is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of turkeys, rabbits and crocheting. She is the daughter of Brian and

Deondra McQueary

Kelly Hauser, Schnellville. Brynn Hoffman is a 10-year member of the Happy Go Lucky 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of swine and metal craft. She is the daughter of Tim and Julie Hoffman, Haysville. Haley Hoffman is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club and Junior Leaders. Her main projects consisted of swine, sports board, photography and hay. She is the daughter of Dan and Karen Hoffman, Schnellville. Jade Hoffman is a 10-year member of the Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club and Junior Leaders. Her main projects included decorative painting and wearables, goats and beef. She is the daughter of David and Susan Hoffman, Celestine. Kayla Hoffman is a 9-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H

Good Luck to all 4-Her’s

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Sara Mehringer

Reagan Moorman

Club. Her main projects consisted of ceramics and pygmy goats. She is the daughter of Carla Stillwell and Kevin Hoffman. Colleen Hopf is a 10-year member of the Blue Ribbon 4-H Club. Her main project was ceramics. She is the daughter of Debbie and Jerry Hopf, Duff. Taylor Hopf is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of swine, sheep and gardening. She is the

Derek Neuhoff

daughter of Keith and Sue Hopf, Kyana. Emma Hurst is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of floriculture, gift wrapping and foods. She is the daughter of Jon and Julia Hurst, St. Anthony. Natalie Jacob is a 10-year member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club. Her main projects included ceramics and photography. She is the daughter of Rodney and Deb-

Alexa Oser

bie Jacob, Schnellville. Nicolas James is an 8-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of electronics, areospace and metal craft. He is the son of Darrell and Betsy James, Jasper. Chloe Johnson is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. Her main projSee TEENS on Page 4

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Best Wishes to all of the 2015 Fair Participants



Sarah Reckelhoff

Kelli Reutman

Austin Rothgerber

Noah Rydberg

Calvin Sander

Stevie Sands

Jenna Steltenpohl

Jenna Marie Stemle

Emerson Thayer

Chance Tretter

Taylor Tretter

Sheldon Troutt

Travis Wehr

Jared Welp

Lindsey Welp

Addison Weyer

James Wineinger

Nicole Wittman

Teens (Concluded from Page 3) ects included creative writing and cattle projects. She is the daughter of Charles and Melinda Johnson. Collin Kissel is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of goats, beef, hay and livestock judging, and he held numerous officer positions. He is the son of Darla Kern, St. Henry, and Steve Kissel, Winslow. Ashton Knies is a 10-year member of the Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of forestry and photography. She is the daughter of Kevin and Sherrie Knies. Blake Knies is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. His main projects included areospace and tractor. He is the son of Don and Suzanne Knies. Kayla Knust is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. Her main projects included foods, reedcraft, ceramics, collections, rabbits and photography. She is the daughter of Gary and Rhonda Knust, St. Anthony. Brianna Lammers is a 10year member of the Saint Henry Saints 4-H Club. Her main projects included beef and sheep. She is the daughter of Brian and Ann Lammers, Huntingburg. Sydney Lange is a 10-year member of the Country Guys and Gals 4-H Club. Her main projects included ceramics and reedcraft. She is the daughter of David and Joan Lange. Kaitlyn Leistner is a 10-year member of the Millennium 4-H Club. Her main projects included swine, gift wrapping and construction toys. She is the daughter of Gail Leistner. Celia Luebbehusen is a 10year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of ceramics and sheep. She is the daughter of Barb and Mark Luebbehusen, St. Henry. Aubrey Main is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. Her main projects included drawing and ceramics. She is the daughter of Bernie and Elaine Main, Huntingburg. Deondra McQueary is a 9-year member of the Life Explor-

ers 4-H Club. Her main projects included cake decorating, photography, foods and reedcraft. She is the daughter of Gregory and Jacqueline McQueary, Dubois. Sara Mehringer is a 10-year member of the Happy Go Lucky 4-H Club and Junior Leaders. Her main projects included foods, beef and swine. She is the daughter of Larry and Tammy Mehringer, Dubois. Reagan Moorman is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of painting, drawing and photography. She is the daughter of Tom and Becki Moorman. Derek Neuhoff is a 10-year member of the Clover Conspirators 4-H Club. His main projects

consisted of swine and ceramics. He is the son of Harold and Brenda Neuhoff, Huntingburg. Alexa Oser is a 5-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. Her main project was horses. She is the daughter of Ryan and Alison Treat and Larry and Cindy Oser. Sarah Reckelhoff is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of ceramics and basketry weaving. She is the daughter of Sue and Leon Reckelhoff, Jasper. Kelli Reutman is a member of the Happy Go Lucky 4-H Club. Her main projects included drawing and metal craft. Her parents are Jeff and Ann Reutman. Austin Rothgerber is a 10-

year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. His main projects included electric, tractor operator and reedcraft. He is the son of Starla and Steve Rothgerber, St. Anthony. Noah Rydberg is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. His main projects included ceramics, creative writing and electric. He is the son of Janet and Bryan Rydberg. Calvin Sander is a 10-year member of the Ramblers 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of turkeys, woodworking, foods and hay. He is the son of Steve and

Marla Sander. Stevie Sands is a 10-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. Her main project was horse and pony. Lindsey Schaeffer is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of beef and pygmy goats. She is the daughter of Cassie and Nick Schaeffer, Huntingburg. Caleb Scherzinger is a 10year member of the Shooting Sports 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of chickens, Shooting Sports and wood craft. He is the son of Chuck and Karen Scherzinger, Celestine.

Good Luck at the 4-H Fair

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Lindsey Schaeffer

Caleb Scherzinger

Allison Schroering

Joy Seger

Jason Sermersheim

Henry Steckler

Kelly Verkamp

Korey Verkamp

Olivia Voegerl

Jordan Voges

Chase Wagner

Paige Wallace

Jessica Young Allison Schroering is a 10year member of the Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of memory book and ceramics. She is the daughter of Kevin and Denise Schroering, Celestine. Joy Seger is a 9-year member of Country Cloggers 4-H Club and a 7-year member of the Dubois County Country Cloggers. Her main projects included clogging and rug hooking. She is the daughter of David D. and Anita Seger, Jasper. Jason Sermersheim is a 10year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of electric and woodcraft. He is the son of Greg and Sandy Sermersheim, Jasper. Henry Steckler is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of metalcraft and foods. He is the son of Greg and Julie Steckler, St. Henry. Jenna Steltenpohl is a 9-year member of the Life Explorers 4-H Club. Her main projects included creative writing, crocheting and drawing. She is the daughter of Paul and Cindy Steltenpohl.

Jenna Marie Stemle is a 10year member of the Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club. Her main projects included foods, swine and photography. She is the daughter of Myron and Connie Stemle, Celestine. Emerson Thayer is a 10-year member of the Gavel 4-H Club. His main projects included collections, drawing and memory book. He is the son of Janice and Douglas Thayer. Chance Tretter is a 6-year member of the Clover Conspirators 4-H Club. His main project was chickens. He is the son of Brian and Jill Tretter. Taylor Tretter is a 10-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. Her main projects included candle making and ceramics. She is the daughter of Kurt and Janis Tretter. Sheldon Troutt is a 3-year member of the Wranglers 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of horse and pony, painting and ceramics. He is the son of Mike and Angie Troutt, Dubois. Kelly Verkamp is a 10-year member of the Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club and a six-year member of the Junior Leaders Club. Her main projects consisted of showing sheep and goats, memory book and counted cross-stitch. She is the daughter of Lisa and Darrell Verkamp, Celestine. Korey Verkamp is a 10-year member of the Leaders of Tomorrow 4-H Club, a 6-year member of the Junior Leaders Club and a 5-year member of the Dubois County 4-H Country Cloggers. Her main projects consisted of sheep,

goats, drawing and clogging. She is the daughter of Lisa and Darrell Verkamp, Celestine. Olivia Voegerl is a 10-year member of the Country Stars 4-H Club. Her main project was scrapbooking. She is the daughter of Dennis and Anita Voegerl, Ferdinand. Jordan Voges is a 10-year member of the Talent Seekers 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of chickens, ceramics and reedcraft. She is the daughter of Allen and Lisa Voges, Bretzville. Chase Wagner is a 10-year member of the Dubois County Shooting Sports and Dubois County Hoppers 4-H Clubs. His main projects consisted of Shooting Sports and rabbits. He is the son of Pam and Rennie Wagner, Jasper. Paige Wallace is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of foods, microwave foods and counted cross-stitch. She is the daughter of Chris and Denise Buening, Huntingburg. Travis Wehr is a 10-year member of the Fighting Irish 4-H Club. His main projects included construction toys and swine. He is the son of Brad and Jane Wehr, Ireland.

Jared Welp is a 10-year member of the Holy Family Young Hopefuls 4-H Club. His main projects included woodcraft and electric. He is the son of Doug and Dana Welp. Lindsey Welp is a 10-year member of the Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club. Her main projects included creative writing and drawing. She is the daughter of Duane and Tracey Welp, Jasper. Addison Weyer is a 10-year member of the Crusaders 4-H Club. His main projects consisted of Shooting Sports, hay and foods. He is the son of Kurt and Brenda Weyer. James Brayden Wineinger is a 10-year member of the Rambles 4-H Club. His main projects in-

cluded cattle, sheep and Shooting Sports. He is the son of Terry and Marla Wineinger, Dubois. Nicole Wittman is a 10-year member of the St. Henry Saints 4-H Club. Her main projects consisted of sheep, embroidery and photography. She is the daughter of Arlene and Larry Wittman. Jessica Young is a 10-year member of the Clover Conspirators 4-H Club. Her main projects included ceramics and early childhood development. She is the daughter of Bryan and Jackie Young. Other graduating 4-Hers not pictured were Shraavan Kumar Bandaru, Tiffany Brosmer, Mateo Nino, Philip Rogier, Gina Steckler and Olivia Tanner.

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It takes a community to put on the fair By MICHAEL MAZUR Special Sections Writer “It really does take a village to put on the fair,” said Susan Hoffman, a Dubois County 4-H Council member and secretary for the group. Another council member, Ed Boeglin, doubled that and said “it really takes two villages.” More than 300 adult volunteers — some of them adult club leaders and others former 4-H members and leaders and council and subcommittee members — work all year, making adjustments for the next fair. Many area business sponsors provide their support with donations, expertise and equipment. “Without them this (fair) would not happen,” Boeglin said. More than 900 4-H’ers fill the events and exhibits with their projects. “The average fairgoer pretty much sees the same thing every year,” said Boeglin. But for those who work behind the scenes, the 15-member council, the three junior advisory leaders, the council subcommittees, the adult leaders and all the adult volunteers at times frantically trying to coordinate things to bring the fair together, “it is far from the same,” Boeglin said. In August, while the current year’s fair is fresh in their minds they go over everything, looking for ways to improve upon things — what they can do to handle extreme weather, improving the grounds, simplifying the infrastructure, adding new events and entertainment and adjusting to policy changes handed down to them from Purdue. “Take this year,” Boeglin said, “we had to make adjustments for the Avian flu in our poultry division. The animal board of health makes rules changes each year that we have to adjust to.” Every fair, in the way it is put together, is unique in its own right because of these challenges, according to Hoffman. Hoffman and Boeglin both agree that the council’s job is to coordinate everything, making sure they see the whole picture and how each subcommittee event changes affect other events. “We have to know if we make one adjustment how it will affect other things, like a domino effect,” Boeglin said. Many subcommittees are made up of former council members who want to ensure continuity with their projects. “We love being on the board. It is a lot of fun. We poke fun of one another, Hoffman said. “If we did not have fun, I don’t know what I would do. It would get ornery,” Boeglin added. Both Boeglin and Hoffman have spent the greater part of their life involved with 4-H, starting as child members before becoming adult leaders, raising their own children who all are and were 10-year members. Boeglin has spent 46 of his 55 years involved with 4-H. He is serving his second board stint with the first running from 1994 to 2000. They both are also adult leaders, Hoffman with the Celestine Club and Boeglin with Shooting Sports. And as leaders they try to instill in the members that there is always something they can take away from their 4-H experience, whether it is building self-esteem and self-confidence, being able to speak up for oneself, making lifelong friendships or maybe discovering a vocation or career path. Just being able to make decisions, taking a position and not sitting on the fence

Dubois County 4-H Council members Ed Boeglin and Susan Hoffman say more than 300 adult volunteers work together to make the Dubois County 4-H Fair a success year, after year, after year.

is an accomplishment, according to Boeglin. Hoffman’s daughter Rachel, a student at Western Kentucky University, is majoring in animal science, something she developed an interest while judging livestock as a 4-H member. Her third and youngest daughter, Jade, is one of the three junior leader advisory members to this year’s council. Both of Boeglin’s daughters are adult leaders and his youngest daughter, Samantha, is considering going into conservation law enforcement, a consideration influenced by conservation officers who worked with the shooting club she belonged to. There is such a variety of projects to choose from, that someone would be hard pressed not to find something that catches their interest. “You never know where it can lead you,” Hoffman said. The fair to the average fairgoer for the most part may seem like it never changes, but to the council members and all those behind the scenes it is an ever-evolving process. This year, they added laser tag for children and a grandstand arena concert. “We try to introduce new things to keep up with the interests and make things better,” Hoffman said.

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Congratulations to all Participants!

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Fairgoers rode the swings at sunset last year at Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds. This year’s fair, the carnival rides will be open from 6 to 10 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and next Friday and from 4 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 18. CAITLIN O’HARA, FILE THE HERALD

2015 4-H donors ■■ Gold Clover Donor Superior Ag Resources. ■■ Silver Clover Donors Dubois Co. Farm Bureau Inc.; Herb Thyen Family Foundation; Hutson Inc.; Old National Bank; PSC; Steven M. Seger Memorial Foundation; Rural King; Boberg Crop Insurance Service; Blesch Bros. Equipment; German American; TransCanada Corporation; Dubois REC; and Jasper Engines & Transmissions. ■■ Bronze Clover Donors Ackerman Oil/Southern Indiana Propane; ADM Moorman Feed, Linus Schnarr; Best Home Furnishings; Huntingburg Dairy Queen; Duckville Trucking Inc., in memory of Andy Brinkman; Farbest Foods Inc.; Farm Credit Mid-America; John and Kim Doty; LAN Concrete Technology LLC; MasterBrand Cabinets Inc.; Optimist Club of Jasper; Patoka Equipment Inc.; Ruxer Foundation Inc.; and Smithville. ■■ Green Clover Donors All Star Sports; American Family Insurance, Brett Lents; Balsmeyer LLC; Becher-Kluesner; Bookkeeping and More Inc.; Brosmer Land Surveying and Engineering Inc.; Buehler Inc.,

Dave Buehler; Dave’s Gun Shop; Dr. Kenneth R. Troutman, DDS; Drs. Brad and Kim Wilson; Dubois Distributors; Fischer Farms Natural Foods LLC; Hoosier Business Machines; Hoosier Laser Inc.; Hopf Equipment; Hulsman Electric; Hunter Paving & Construction; IMI, Irving Materials Inc.; Indiana Furniture; D & E Dougan Farm; Jasper Moose Family Center; Jasper OB-GYN: Steven K. Hopf, M.D., Scott A. Beckman, M.D., Kristin S. Werne, M.D.; Judy Jochem, Nino and family; Just A Trace; Kappa Delta Phi Sorority; Kessens Farm Tile Service; Kim A. Messmer, independent sales director with May Kay; Krempp Lumber Co.; KWK Enterprise, Kenneth W. Kippenbrock; Larry and Gae Holtzman; Marvin Betz, Herbs N More; Messmer Mechanical Inc.; Monesmith & Wood Oral Surgery; Newsom Show Cattle; Nonte & Company CPAs; Obermeyer Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki; OFS Brands; Pieper-Burns State Farm Insurance; Prairie Farms Dairy; Precision Farming Solution; Ridetech Inc.; Sander Processing; Schnellville Community Club; Schnellville Conservation Club; Schroering Plumbing Heating & Air; Servus!; St. Anthony American Legion; St. Anthony Community Center; Stens; Super Insulation Co.; Thieman Realty; Timothy & Beth DeMotte; U.B. Klem Furniture Co. Inc.; Uebelhor & Sons Chevrolet, Cadillac, Toyota, Scion; Vet & Poultry Supply Inc.;

www.localshelpinglocals.org facebook.com/DuboisCountyLeukemiaAssociation P. O. Box 75, Huntingburg, IN 47542 • Phone 812-630-0221

VFW Post 673; Victor Ippoliti, attorney at law; Voegerl Construction Inc.; Wayne and Valery Kessens; Welp Farm and Greenhouse; Women of the Moose 955; Young’s Masonary & Building Inc.; Agri-Central Sales Inc.; H & H Auto Sales; American Legion Post 147; Ben Franklin; Best For Le$$; Dr. Ann Patterson; Bill and Pat Reckelhoff; Central Concrete Supply; Dubois County Conservation Council; Dubois County Tire & Supply Inc.; Jasper Kiwanis Club; Sternberg Chrysler Center; Sunset Laundry and Dry Cleaners; Westside Dairy Queen; Bob Jahn’s Garage Inc.; Ferdinand Farmers Mutual Insurance Company Inc.; Freedom Bank; Holiday Foods; Huntingburg Machine Works; Schnellville Mill Inc.; Servants Inc.; St. Anthony Mill Inc.; Werner Sawmill Inc.; Ronald and Mary Jane Thyen; Dubois County Adult 4-H Leaders; and Erny Sheet Metal Inc. ■■ Friends of 4-H Disinger Jewelers of Japser; Ralph Hopf Angus; REM Bicycle Center; Wildllife Images Taxidermy Studio; Part of Jasper Inc.; Bernie and Donna Vogler; Betz Charolais; Dubois County Saddle Club; Horseman’s Paradise Western Store; Philip & Stacy Weisman; Studio Expressions by Jessica; Insurers Inc.; Betz Insulation LLC; Birdseye General Store; Carpet

Warehouse; Dubois County Cattlemen Association; Green Meadow Farm; Gress Farms; Holland American Legion Post 343; Joe and Janet Lubbers; Krapf-Bartley Inc; Mike and Jerri Kramer Family; Patoka Valley Healthcare Cooperative; Pattie Hess; Rogers Dairy Service & Supply Inc.; Bohnert Advertising Specialties; Brenda and Roger Sermersheim; Dubois County Block & Brick; Dubois County Extension Homemakers; Haysville Ruritan Club; Kent and Judi Kunz; Tom and Cheryl Haas; Dubois-Pike Federal Credit Union; Tom Kahle, State Farm Insurance; David and Susan Hoffman; Azura Café; Bob Luegers Motors; Clarence and Marylin Betz; Dr. Gregory A. Berger; Fischer’s Home Appliance Repairs; Four Star Awards; Gil and Nancy Eckerle; Helming Bros Inc.; Hometown IGA; Ireland Auto Body; Jasper Electric Motors; Oeding Club Lambs; Knights of Columbus Council 1584; Kerstiens Homes & Design; Lee Joe Welp Farms; Matrix Integration LLC; Oligner Diamond Center; Phyllis Reynolds Insurance; Steve and Marg Buechler; Anonymous; Tom’s Lawn, Garden & Appliance Center; Basket University; Weidenbenner Eggs Inc.; Allen and Rita Hopf; Universal Design Associates Inc.; Woods Printing Co. Inc.; ABS Global, Nolan Ryan representative; and Seufert Construction.






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Good Luck 4-H’ers! M e m b e r ofthe N a tion a l Turke y Fe d e ra tion w w w .fa rb es tfo o d s .c o m

Ja s per, IN

8 0 0 -9 3 7-8 72 1

u eb elho r.c o m



Animals, entertainment featured during fair Today 3-7 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibits, EB1 and EB2 3-7 p.m. Community judging: foods, flowers, microwave and candlemaking, CP; sewing/fashion revue, clogging and open class, EB2; cake decorating, small pets and aquatic science, CPO Saturday Donor of the day: Boberg Crop Insurance Service 6-9 a.m. Rabbit check-in, SAB 8:30 a.m. Finish project judging (buildings closed to public); judging informational meeting beginning at 8 a.m., CP 10 a.m. Rabbit show with showmanship, SAB 6 p.m. Demolition derby and lawnmower derby, GSA ($10; $20 for pit pass) Monday 6 a.m.-noon Dairy check-in, CtB 4-9 p.m. Beef check-in, CtB 6-8 p.m. Horse and pony check-in, HB 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sheep and goat check-in, ShB 7-9 p.m. Swine check-in, SwB Tuesday Donor of the day: Superior Ag Resources Coop, Inc. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 9 a.m. Dairy show and showmanship, SC 5-9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides, MW 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhib-

its open, CmB 6 p.m. Swine show, SC 6 p.m. Cloggers, CP 7 p.m. Talent night, FS 7 p.m. Garden tractor pull, GSA Wednesday Donor of the day: Dubois Rural Electric Cooperative 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 9 a.m. Goat show and showmanship, SC 10 a.m. Horse show, HPA 2 p.m. Cat judging, CP 5-9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 5-10 p.m. Laser tag, GSA (admission, $3) 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides, MW 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6:30-7:30 p.m. Raptors of Indiana live birds of prey, CP 6:30 p.m. Sheep show, SC 7 and 8 p.m. Ventriloquist David Malmberg, FS Thursday Donor of the day: German American 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 6:45-9 a.m. Fishing contest, CP/South Lake 9 a.m. Dog obedience judging/ agility, CP/agility Course 5-9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB 2 Open Class Exhibit Buildings Open – EB1 & EB 2 5-7 p.m. Family fun night (carnival game and activities), CP 5-10 p.m. Laser tag, GSA (ad-

Event locations AFO: Annex/Fair Office GSA: Grandstand Arena CP: Clover Pavilion HB: Horse Barn CPL: County Park Lake HPA: Horse and Pony Arena CPO: Clover Pavilion Office IB: Information Booth CmB: Commercial Building IF: Implement Field

mission, $3) 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides, MW 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6 p.m. Adult and kiddie peddle pull, putt putt, etc., GSA 6 p.m. WBDC corn hole tourney of champions 6:30 p.m. Junior horse show, HPA 7 p.m. The Hiding, FS 8 p.m. WBTO four-wheeler give-away, FS 8 p.m. Tug of war, GSA (4-H members only) Friday Donor of the day: TransCanada Corporation 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 5-9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 6 p.m. Beef show, SC 6-10 p.m. Carnival rides, MW 6 p.m. Leukemia Foundation, CP 6-9:30 p.m. Commercial exhibits open, CmB 6:30 p.m. Senior horse show

and craft show, CmB 9 a.m. Livestock showmanship, SC Noon Grand champion award ceremony and photo, CP 4-10 p.m. Carnival rides, MW 3 p.m. Horse and pony fun show, HPA 7 p.m. ATV flat drag racing, GSA (admission, $5, plus $5 for pit) 7 p.m. Linda Smith Band, FS

CtB: Cattle Barn MW: Midway EB1: 4-H Exhibit Building SAB: Small Animal Building EB2: 4-H and Open Class Exhibit Building SC: Show Corral ShB: Sheep Barn FS: Free Stage SwB: Swine Barn GPT: Gathering Place Tent TBA: To Be Announced

(HPA) 8 p.m. Sundy Best, GSA (admission, $10) Saturday, July 18 Donor of the day: Hutson Inc. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Small animal building open, SAB 8 a.m. 5K trail run/walk, fairground’s trails (preregistration, $15; late registration, $20; 4-H member pre-late registration, $10) 9 a.m.-9:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibit buildings open, EB1 and EB2 9 a.m. Car and antique tractor show, lakeside 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Farmers market

Sunday, July 19 To be announced Animal check-out by species, livestock and barn areas 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibition check-out, EB1 and EB2 Monday, July 20 4:30-7:30 p.m. 4-H and open class exhibition check-out, EB1 and EB2 Saturday, Aug. 8 Donor of the day: Jasper Engines & Transmissions 5 p.m. Truck and tractor pull, check-in beginning at 1 p.m., GSA (admission, $5) Rain date: 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9; check-in beginning at 10 a.m.

W e service m un icipa lities, g a rd en cen ters(la rg e & sm a ll), com m ercia l la n d sca persa n d d o-it-yourself ers.

4-H Club Pledge I Pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, And my Health to better living, For my club, my community, my country and my world.

4-H Club Motto “To Make the Best Better”

4-H Club Creed I believe in 4-H work for the opportunity it will give me to become a useful citizen. I believe in the training of my Head for the power it will give me to thin, plan and reason. I believe in the training of my Heart for the nobleness it will give me to become kind, sympathetic and true. I believe in the training of my Hands for the ability it will give me to be helpful, useful and skillful. I believe in the training of my Health for the strength it will give me to enjoy life, to resist disease and to work efficiently. I believe in my country, my state, my community and in my responsibility for their development. In all these things, I believe, and I am willing to dedicate my efforts to their fulfillment.

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Area youths, adults active in county 4-H Following are the 4-H clubs in Dubois County and a list of their members. Members who are in a primary club as well as a special interest club are listed only with the primary club. Blue Ribbon Leader: Rosaline Hopf. Members: Carson Book, Reagan Book, Jonah Fleck, Reece Fleck, Emma Harris, Mitchel Harris, Abigail Hopf, Isaac Hopf, Lydia Hopf, Alexa Hopf, Colleen Hopf, Brayden Humbert and Breanna Truesdale. Busy Bees Leaders: Annette Applegate, Theresa Gutgsell and Amy Mitchell. Members: Katlyn Betz, Lydia Betz, Tia Brosmer, Maggie Brown, Abigail Eckert, Claire Eckert, Danielle Eckert, Kiersten Haas, Claire Hagedorn, Elise Hasenour, Lydia Hauser, Morgan Hauser, Sara Helming, Kaitlyn Hoffman, Kendra Hoffman, Haley Hoffman, Taylor Hopf, Linda Jacob, Natalie Jacob, Vanessa Lange, Paige Leonard, Jennifer Merkley, Elaine Schroeder, Anna Striegel, Madelyn Sturgeon, Mykela Tanner, Hailey Thayer, Amber Theising, Laney Vaughn and Grace Wendholt.

Haug and Karen Werner. Members: Abbagail Collignon, Philicity Collignon, Brooke Haug, Jaclyn Haug,

Travis Haug, Tyler Haug, Austin Knies, Amy Nelson, Hunter Stetter, Allyson Werner, Erica Werner, Benjamin Werner, Bre-

anne Werner, Nicholas Werner, William Werner, Addison Weyer, Adam Weyer, Alex Weyer, Sara Weyer, Hannah Weyer, Aaron

Dr. Pam Buss Dr. Jill Matthews

Enjoy The 4-H Fair!

Join The Club! Do More. Be More.

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Celestine All Stars Leaders: Tina Freyberger, Susan Hoffman, Karen Pund, Danielle Schnell and Lisa Verkamp. Members: Tanner Beckman, Baron Betz, Peyton Betz, Grant Burke, Ronald Fickel, Eli Freyberger, Curtis Gress, Jacob Gress, Landon Gutgsell, Lucas Gutgsell, Reid Haas, Alan Kerstiens, Kobi Knies, Brandon Pund, Blake Reckelhoff, Chase Reckelhoff, Daniel Refugia, Landon Reuber, Clayton Sander, Maddox Schnell, Blake Schroering, Jaxen Sermersheim, Jake Tower, Kasey Verkamp, Ty Verkamp, Ethan Wagner and Gavin Wagner. Country Cloggers Leaders: David Drew, Eva Drew, Salena Drew and Tami Knies. Members: Olivia Andrews, Heather Gudorf, Kaley Hartwick, Kailyn Knies, Kirby Knies, Chloe Lueken, Faustina Lueken, Mackenzie Poore, Alexus Roos, Joy Seger, Allisa Worley, Sasha Worley. Country Guys & Gals Leaders: Tonja Blackgrove and Darla Laake. Members: Kaitlyn Begle, Elizabeth Brown, Rachel Brown, Felecia Daunhauer, Ashley Gentry, Camren Giesler, Carter Giesler, Audrey Jones, Maya Jones, Sydney Lange, Haley Lorey, Allison Pund, Sarah Pund, Lauren Roos, Jared Schipp, Kendra Schipp, Luke Steffe, Erika Street, Justin Street, Wyatt Street, Amber Tretter, Madison Tretter, Morgan Tretter, Katelyn Tretter, Lauren Tretter, Morgan Uebelhor, Anthony Weyer and Karissa Wollenmann. Country Stars Leaders: Audra Dilger, Mark Dilger, Joan Metz and David Rogier. Members: Rylee Auffart, Avari Burger, Riley Denning, Leah Dilger, Ashlyn Dilger, Payton Dilger, Beckett Fehribach, Cosette Fehribach, Kendyll Gaesser, Kylie Giesler, Madison Giesler, Aaron Hurst, Amy Metz, Emily Nord Phillip Rogier, Faith Schmitt, Morgan Tretter, Taylor Tretter, Amy Troesch, Erika Uebelhor, Mackenzie Voegerl and Olivia Voegerl. Crusaders Leaders: Albert Haug, Tammy

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Active (Continued from Page 9) Dutch Workers Leaders: Erin Meyer and Chad Sickbert. Members: Bailey Barrett and Brody Barrett, Chaney Barrett, Courtney Blackgrove, Mya Blackgrove, Tyson Blackgrove, Abigael Byrd, Avery Geesaman, Christian Geesaman, Skyler Gifford, Xavier Horton, Jazmine Houchins, Dawson Hubster, Jill Keusch, Bailey Keusch, Brody Kramer, Adalynn Lanman, Claire Lanman, Maddux Marshall, Alyssa McPherron, Jackson McPherron, Grace Meece, Elizabeth Mehringer, Eli Meyer, Luke Meyer, Cathryn Pauckner, Jazmyne Ramsey, Ava Rasche, Olivia Rasche, Ayla Ring, Noah Ring, Garrison Sickbert, Grace Sickbert, William Sickbert and Luke Trout. Fighting Irish Leaders: Bonnie Bowlin, Scott Reckelhoff, Jackie Scherle and Sandy Sermersheim. Members: Collin Bowlin, Connor Bowlin, Kaleb Buechlein, Elijah Clark, Jackson Clark, Jace Durcholz, Cameron Egler, Wyatt Goeppner, Cole Gunderson,

Ricki Emmons of Portersville, left, and Salena Drew of Jasper clogged to the “Hamster Dance” during the 4-H Talent Show last year at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds CAITLIN O’HARA, FILE THE HERALD

Quinn Gunderson, Cody Hanselman, Benjamin Hochgesang, Judd Linette, Zachary Mehringer,

Good Luck To All Area 4-H Participants!

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Logan Niehaus, Caleb Patterson, Leo Rasche, Cody Scherle, Gabe Schmitt, Jared Schwenk, Brandon Sermersheim, Jason Sermersheim, Tyler Stemle, Kaleb Stenftenagel, Kyle Stenftenagel, Geordon Terwiske, Kole Terwiske, Gabe Verkamp, Noah Wagner, Nathan Wehr, Travis Wehr and Zachary Williams. Gavel Leaders: Brian Betz, David Schuetter and Rick Verkamp. Members: Caden Betz, Garrett Betz,Ashton Cole, Caden Eckert, Adam Englert, Mason Gutgsel, Evan Haas, Tanner Hoffman, Gavin Hoffman, Jarrett Hopf, Luke Jacob, Travis Jacob, Simon Jacob, Jarod Knust, Wade Leonard, Cade Prechtel, Seth Striegel, Emerson Thayer, Bryce Theising, Chase Verkamp, Reese Verkamp, Nicholas Weige, Aaron Welp, Austin Welp and Jason Welp,


John Sonderman, Vicki Summerlot and Tara Wessel. Members: Camille Aders, Lindsey Aders, Alexandria Arthur, Reece Beckman, Catherine Bell, Nick Bell, Sophie Birge, Eric Brenner, Leah Brosmer, Raelyn Brosmer, Addison Clauss, Riley Fischer, Jade Gress, Lexi Gress, Will Gress, Elizabeth Hasenour, Tessa Hemmerlein, Tori Hemmerlein, Alexanda Hohler, Elizabeth Hohler, Chloe Johnson, Caroline Kieffner, Kate Kieffner, Nicholas Kieffner, Caitlin Knies, Blake Knies, Kai Kunz, Benjamin Ludlow, Christian Ludlow, Erin Lyons, Lucas Mehringer, Maria Mehringer, Rachel MehSee ACTIVE on Page 12

Happy Go Lucky Leaders: Melinda Beyke, Tara Beyke, Kendra Wineinger and Marla Wineinger. Members: Payton Bowles, Madalyn Burgan, Emilee Clark, Sabrina Dunning, Brynn Hoffman, Elizabeth Huebner, Kaitlyn Kline, Lauren Lorey, Hannah Mehringer, Sara Mehringer, Madision Mickler, Megan Mickler, Jazlyn O’Brian, Alexandra Patmore, Kelli Reutman, Melanie Roberts, Heidi Sander, Courtney Vittitow, Zoe Voegerl and Nicole Vonderheide.


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Actions (Continued from Page 11) ringer, Emma Messmer, Dacota Meyer, Alanna Neighbors, Kade Nicholson, Kennedy Nicholson, Jade Nord, Nicole Nord, Emily Patterson, Jacob Patterson, Melanie Patterson, Sarah Reckelhoff, Halle Recker, Whitney Recker, Emily Rennie, Lauren Rennie, Addison Schnell, Noah Schroering, Tanner Schroering, John Summerlot, Luke Summerlot, Autumn Voegerl, Jordan Voegerl, Joey Watts, Tatum Wehr, Xavior Wehr, Braelyn Wehr, Jake Weinzapfel, Nate Weinzapfel, Will Weinzapfel, Adi Welp, Jared Welp, Kiersten Woehler, Kyle Woehler, Ella Wolf and Ellery Wurster. Hoppers Leaders: Mary Sue Boeglin, Addison Harper, Adi-Marie Harper, Pamela Wagner and Reynold Wagner. Members: Raven Blessinger, Caitlyn Bolton, Kimberly Bolton, Rebekah Bolton, Steven Burkhart, Kate Durcholz, Eliana Ortega, Josefina Ortega, Rosella Roos, Anna Wagner and Chase Wagner. Leaders of Tomorrow Leaders: Susan Hoffman, Danielle Schnell and Lisa Verkamp. Members: Riley Beckman, Emma Betz, Ava Brosmer, Lydia Burke, Riana DeWeese, Akayla Eichmiller, Ashtyn Eichmiller, Elaina Epple, Mariah Fischer, Kayce Fisher, Lexi Freyberger, Jada Fromme, Jade Hoffman,Leah Kerstiens, Ashton Knies, Kennedie Knies, Paige Knies, Elizabeth Kunz, Kylie Morton, Iliza Poppe, Lorelei Poppe, Magdalene Poppe, Haley Reckelhoff, Elizabeth Recker, Emily Recker, Gabriela Sander, Alyssa Sander, Amber Sander, Elizabeth Schepers, Corbyn Schnell, Raynie Schnell, Allison Schroering, Mara Schroering, Alisa Sollman, Jenna Stemle, Mackenzie Thrun, Emma Tretter, Kassidy Verkamp, Kelly Verkamp, Korey Verkamp, Kelly Vonderheide, Gianna Wagner, Gretchen Wagner, Mary Grace Wagner and Hannah Wehr. Life Explorers Leaders: Jennifer Erwin and Jacqueline McQueary. Members: Aidan Carie, James Carie, Marisa Carie, Eleanor David, Ethan Erwin, Jeremiah Erwin, Kenan Erwin, Lydia Erwin, Adeline Gabhart, Adrianna Gabhart, America Gabhart, Konrad Gabhart, Truman Gabhart, Lindsay Hasenour, Corvin Hoffman, Isaiah Leake, Devon Lehmkuhler, Rae Lehmkuhler, Danica McQueary, Deondra McQueary, Quentin McQueary, Celia Neukam, Emma Steltenpohl, Jenna Steltenpohl, Shelbi Valentine, Cody Zook and Eli Zook. Little Rangers Leaders: Darlene Boeglin, Shirley Demuth, Valerie Hassfurther and Christa Widolff. Members: Bailey Anderson, Olivia Bell, Tanner Englert, Liv Evans, Logan Fischer, Rachel Hassfurther, Aleigha Hawkins, Gavin Kieper, Collin Lorey, Adalyn Luebbehusen, Kaden Meunier, Luke Meunier, Brianna Morrison, Kamdon Partenheimer, Addison Schneider, Megan Steinmetz, Riley Steinmetz, Amelia Widolff, Leo Widolff and Emma Wilson. Little Seekers Leaders: Lisa Knust, Rhonda Knust and Krista Recker. Members: Sydney Berger, Kennedy Boeglin, Lance Boeglin, John DeWitte, Colten Hopf, Grace Hulsman, Elizabeth Kerkhoff, Rosalie Kerkhoff, Jace Leinenbach, Aubrey Mullis, Ashlyn Pund, Jaida Verkamp, Caleb Voegerl, Anastasia Waddle, Tucker Wathen, Mya Wehr and Grace Weigel.


Tanner Kane of Huntingburg petted his quarter horse named Goldie during last year’s fair.

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G O O D L U C K !! C h eck u s o u t th is w eek o n th e im p lem en t field . W e w ill b e p ro u d ly d is p la yin g eq u ip m en t fro m …



Lucky Irish Leaders: Holly Reckelhoff and Jackie Scherle. Members: Kaylee Barrett, Mackenzie Boeglin, Ali Brescher, Josie Bush, Breanna Dillon, Claire Egler, Gina Fromme, Ella Goeppner, Sara Gress, Allie Gress, Rachel Gress, Emily Heim, Madison Heim, Kayli Hoffman, Rachel Hollinden, Marissa Killion, Victoria Killion, Elise Lampert, Claire Linette, Jade Maki, Xander Maki, Nicole Mehringer, Anna Moeller, Priscilla Olson, Kylie Patterson, Darby Patton, Allison Reckelhoff, Ashley Sander, Jenna Sander, Katelyn Sander, Cheyenne Scherle, Taryn Schmitt, Hannah Schwenk, Molly Schwenk, Katelynn Stemle, Kaitlyn Stenftenagel, Rileigh Verkamp, Madelynne Wagner, Natalie Wehr, Brailyn Whaley and Brianna Williams. Lucky Shamrocks Leaders: Audrey Fischer, Carolyn Hilsmeyer, Jennifer Kluemper and Eric Schue. Members: Branton Abbett, Piercen Abbett, Elizabeth Ackerman, Taylor Bachman, Shraavan Kumar Bandaru, Suchitraa Bandaru, Gabe Barth, Jacob Barth, Alexander Bastien, Holden Bastien, Kathryn Brumfield, Sara Carpenter, Abby Fischer, Emma Flamion, Hannah Flamion, Erica Frank, Anna Hollinden, Samuel Hollinden, Nathaniel James, Nicolas James, Ella Kelly, Jack Kelly, Ryan Kelly, Samuel Kelly, Abigail Kluemper, Anthony Kluemper, Grace Kluemper, Samuel Kluemper, Avery Knies, Meredith Knies, Mallory Krapf, Samuel Krapf, Aliya LeBlanc, Amber Leinenbach, Blake Leinenbach, Paige Lofton, Isabelle Lorey, Brandon Mehringer, Kyle Mehringer, Nathan Mehringer, Breann Mehringer, Cameron Mehringer, Carson Mehringer, Reagan Moorman, Brea-Anna Mullen, Dawson Neff, Sarah Obermeier, Sydney Peters, Thomas Peters, Logan Pinkstaff, Sydney Pinkstaff, Lilly Rasche, Hannah Rydberg, Megan Rydberg, Noah Rydberg, Zachariah Rydberg, Rebecca Schitter, Sydney Schmitt, Aidan Schue, Noah Schue, Mason Sermersheim, Ryan Sermersheim, Isabella Stenftenagel, Madison Sternberg, Madeline Wanninger and Lindsey Welp. Junior Leaders Leaders: Samantha Boeglin, Luke Hoffman, Vicki Summerlot and Samantha Venderley. Members: Kaitlyn Begle, Caden Betz, Garrett Betz, Brianna Burroughs, Jasmine Curtis, Diane Durcholz, Gabriella Eck, Nicole Epple, Abby Fischer, Adeline Gabhart, Konrad Gabhart, Madison Giesler, Kiersten Haas, Kelcie Hassfurther, Jaclyn Haug, Haley Hoffman, Jade Hoffman, Taylor Hopf, Emma Hurst, Joseph Hurst, Katherine Hurst, Abby Hutslar, Anthony Kluemper, Blake Knies, Melissa Mutchman, Louisa Nino, Mateo Nino, Madyson Partenheimer, Alexandra Patmore, Melanie Roberts, Caleb Scherzinger, Cole Scherzinger, Jared Schipp, Kendra Schipp, Allison Schroering, Kaleb Stenftenagel, Kyle Stenftenagel, Madelyn Sturgeon, John Summerlot, Luke Summerlot, Emma Uebelhor, Kassidy Verkamp, Kelly Verkamp, Korey Verkamp, Reese Verkamp, Samantha Wendholt, Clarissa Weyer, Sara Weyer and Sasha Worley. Millennium Leaders: David Boeglin, Mary Sue Boeglin, Addison Harper, Adi-Marie Harper and Diann Meneilly-Horney. Members: Theodore Boeglin, Kimbra Burke, Kylene Danzer, Hali Horney, Henry Hostetter, Logan Hostetter, Madison Hostetter, Zackory Hursch, Kaitlyn Leistner, See ACTIVE on Page 14


Kaitlyn Meyer of Dubois checked out a pair of ducks in the small animal barn at last year’s fair. Hannah Rottet, Justin Rottet, Matthew Rottet, Calvin Sanchez and Mira Vonderheide.

Alexander Stevens, Aaron Wilson, Collin Wilson, Ian Wilson and James Wineinger Ramblers.

Paws and Pals Leaders: Ruth Bush and Sharon Frank. Members: Rachel Ballard, Brianna Burroughs, Ellaina Lehmkuhler, Josie Lehmkuhler and Alexis Meyer.

Rangers Leaders: Darlene Boeglin, Shirley Demuth, Valerie Hassfurther and Christa Widolff. Members: Kasady Anderson, Alexa Burger, Dayne Burger, Jasmine Curtis, Blake Emmert, Gabrielle Englert, Ava Evans, Ivy Evans, Michael Gregson, Calvin Hasenour, Emma Hassfurther, Ethan Hassfurther, Katelyn Hassfurther, Abigail Hauser, Luke Hauser, Emma Jamniczky, Aubrey Luebbehusen, Dustin Lueb-

Ramblers Leaders: Duane Beyke and Steve Sander. Members: Samuel Bowles, Evan Dunning, Parker Ferguson, Brent Roberts, Calvin Sander,

Good luck to all 4H Fair participants!

Phyllis Reynolds, CLTC P h on e:812-326-2410 E m a il:p h yllis @ p reyn old s in s .com

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Active (Concluded from Page 13) behusen, Haylie Marks, Kelsey Mehling, Frank Mollenhauer, Cole Oeding, Emily Oeding, Bryson Partenheimer, Madyson Partenheimer, Abigail Rahman, Avari Schneider, Skyla Smith, Kennedy Staton, Evan Steinmetz, Haley Steinmetz, Bryce Troesch, Jacob Uebelhor, Kaylee Uebelhor, Ava Widolff, Joshua Wilhite, Kaiyah Wilhite, Auria Wilson, Hannah Wilson and Mickevin Wilson. Shooting Sports Leaders: Beau Anderson, Richard Ballard, Hannah Beck, Janelle Beck, Jared Beck, John Beckman, Ed Boeglin, Jennifer Boeglin, Samantha Boeglin, John Butler, Robert Calvert, Bret Collignon, Melissa Cushman, Andrew Danzer, Daniel Doty, Cole Fleck, Tyler Foss, Logan Fromme, Scott Fromme, Jay Giesler, Steven Haggh, Brad Hartwick, David Hollinden, Adam Hostetter, Kyle Lechner, Steve Lechner, Andrew Lueken, Tim Lueken, Rodney Mason, Cliff Mauder, Zach Mauder, Abigail Meadows, Elijah Mundy, Scott Mundy, Steve Pace, Neil Rasche, Casey Reckelhoff, Dana Reckelhoff, Daniel Reckelhoff, John Rickelman, Tony Sanders, Vincent Schroering, Nicholas Snider, Bernie Thewes, Tammy Thurman, James Wagner, Dennis Wickman, Kendra Wineinger and Terry Wineinger. Members: David Ballard, Carson Bauer, Dylan Bays, Corbin Begle, Joshua Braunecker, Nick Buechlein, Nathan Burger, Kale Burke, Ryan Burke, Joshua Carter, Rolen Case, Blake Danzer, Emily Davis, Morgan Decker, Andrew Denu, Cordell Durcholz, Kennedy Enlow, Nick Fleck, Wyatt Fleck, Andrew Franklin, Jane Franklin, Reece Fromme, Dakota Giesler, Coty Giesler, Gavin Giesler, Casey Haggh, Colin Haggh, Ava Harmon, Grace Harmon, Quentin Harmon, Seth Hartwick, Nicaya Hopf, Alec Hostetter, Aubrey Hostetter, Calvin Jordan, James Kelley, Carson Kelly, Tyler Kelly, Logan Lehmkuhler, Mallory Lehmkuhler, Allison Mason, Clay Mason, Logan Meservy, Daniel Moore, Swayde Morgan, William Mowat, Laine Mullins, Olivia Pace, Steven Pace, Kaylynn Rasche, Grant Sanders, MaKindree Sanders, Karla Sarver, Caleb Scherzinger, Cole Scherzinger, Kari Scherzinger, Caleb Seng, Rebecca Snider, Isaac


Aaron Lubbehusen of St. Henry grimaced while tugging during the tug of war competition last year at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds. This year’s competition will take place at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Grandstand Arena. Speedy, Jonathan Thurman, Tyler Tretter, Jordan Vittitow, Brennen Wehr, Tyler Weikert, Kaleb Werner, Jacob Weyer, Jared Young and Justin Young. St. Henry Saints Leaders: Somula Schwoeppe, John Seger, Laura Sherman and Susan Wagner. Members: Chanler Balsmeyer, Lidea Balsmeyer, Prestyn Balsmeyer, Shauna Begle, Emma Buening, Justin Cline, Zachary Cline, Olivia Durcholz, Jessica Hilsmeyer, Zoe Hollinden, Tyler Jochem, Collin Kissel, Brianna Lammers, Justin Lammers, Abigail Lindauer, Blake Lindauer, Aaron Lubbehusen, Celia Luebbehusen, Klint Luebbehusen, Aubrey Main, Chloe McNeely, Misty Merter, Izak Meyer, Dylan Ring, Makenzi Ring, Jessica Schaeffer, Levi Schaeffer, Lindsey Schaeffer, Christopher Scherer, Calib Sherman, Cooper Sherman, Harrison Steckler, Henry

Steckler, Maria Steckler, Monica Steckler, Gina Steckler, Kendra Steckler, Gabriel Steckler, Blake Taylor, Jacob Tempel, Marie Tempel, Rose Tempel, Paige Wallace and Nicole Wittman. Talent Seekers Leaders: Kim Cox, Robert Gress, Julia Hurst, Vicki Knight, Gary Knust, Lisa Knust and Rhonda Knust. Members: Brandon Andrews, Grace Andrews, Conrad Bless-

Good Luck To All 4H Members! P I E P E R-BU RN S S TA TE FA RM I N S U RA N CE 415 Clay S t.,Jasper



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inger, Kade Boeglin, Kale Brames, Nolan Brames, Olivia Brames, Austin Bromm, Holly Buechler, Sarah Buechler, Madison Cox, David Durcholz, Diane Durcholz, Jalynn Egloff, Katelynn Fehribach, Landon Fleck, Luke Fleck, Moriah Fleck, Noah Gehlhausen, Nolan Goepfrich, Marshal Gress, Ellie Hall, Emma Hall, Ethan Hall, Kayla Hoffman, Zach Hoffman, Anna Hulsman, Emma Hurst, Joseph Hurst, Katherine Hurst, Lauren Klem, Ben Kluesner, Sam Kluesner, Kyla Knight, Kayla Knust, Dalton Lampert, Stacia Lampert, Gavin Leinenbach, Kayla Mullis, Megan Mullis, Melissa Mutchman, Shelby Olinger, Sierra Patberg, Trever Patberg, Layne Prechtel, Payton Prechtel, Riley Prechtel, Hailey Pund, Madelyn Pund, Austin Rothgerber, Lillian Schnell, Kennedy Sermersheim, Miranda Sermersheim, Emma Uebelhor, Isaac Uebelhor, Kiersten Voegerl, Jordan Voges, Heather Wallhauser, Olivia Wallhauser, Madison Wathen, Ryder Wehr, Samantha Wendholt and Leah Wilmes. The Clover Conspirators Leaders: Janet Haase and Judy Jochem-Nino. Members: Alison Bromm, Carson Bromm, Nathan Bromm, Emma Ferguson, Ayla Hargett, Alexa Head, Austin Head, Caleb Humbert, Jay Humbert, Kelsey Humbert, Paige Kemp, Cohen King, Clair Leathers, Derek Neuhoff, Louisa Nino, Mateo Nino, Chance Tretter, Reece Jo Tretter, Tori Tretter, Adam Welp, Logan Welp, Jessica Young and


Spectators watched the Beef Show during last year’s fair. This year’s show will take place at 6 p.m. next Friday in the Show Corral. CAITLIN O’HARA, FILE THE HERALD

McKenzie Young. The Explorers Leaders: Amy Mitchell, Brandy Nord and Kristy Welp. Members: Alli Betz, Konner Betz, Zachary Betz, Camden Cole, Drew Eckert, Austin Eckert, Felecia Eckert, Tanner Fischer, Taylor Fischer, Alex Fischer, Brendon Gutgsel, Carli Hagedorn, Nicholas Hanselman, Tyler Hanselman, Ella Hopf, MacKenzie Jacob, Madelyn Miller, Braxton Mitchell, Aiden Nord, Leigha Nord, Kolten Peek, Liam Petry, Bryce Reuber, Andrew Verkamp, Christopher Verkamp, Patrick Verkamp, Ava Verkamp, Tryp Verkamp, Olivia Wehr, Reagan Weisheit, Reese Weisheit and Jaxon Welp.

Englert, Sharon Epple, Nathan Frank, Leah Helming, Rhonda Helming, Abby Hochgesang, Tami Hochgesang, William Kaiser, Alyssa Kluesner, Janet Lee, Anne Mehringer, Kaylee Murray, Kris Murray, Teresa Tolbert, Marissa Weisman, Janet Welp, Katelyn Welp, Michele Weyer and Laura Whitsitt. Members: Sydney Bachman, Josilynn Bateman, Brock Bawel, Tiffany Brosmer, Brenna Brosmer, Andrea Burkhart, Alyssa Collignon, Jaelyn Cooper, Masen Cooper, Caleb Danhafer, Cody Danhafer, Grace Danhafer, Chey-

enne D’Poffo, Amanda Ehrhard, Cody Englert, Jake Epple, Nicole Epple, Ethan Frank, Caroline Gadlage, Claudia Gasser, Jaylyn Giesler, Madison Giesler, Katelyn Harpe, Kelcie Hassfurther, Paige Jacob, Caroline Kaiser, Mitchell Kaiser, Tanner Kane, Aidan Kay, John Lee, Lauren Lubbehusen, Kaelynn Luker, Jayden Matheis, Lexi Mattingly, Paige Michel, Danielle Murray, Taylor Neukam, Kennedy Neukam, Presley Neukam, Tucker Neukam, Alexa Oser, Rory Peek, Tyler Resler, Shelby Roach, Stevie Sands, Katey Schaefer, Miah

Schaefer, Cody Schnell, Leah Schnell, Haley Schnuck, Hannah Schnuck, Landon Seitz, Reese Sinnott, Jenna Steckler, Olivia Tanner, Brandon Tolbert, Crystal Tolbert, Sheldon Troutt, Paige Troxal, Zachary Troxal, Kassandra Urbancic, Clarissa Weyer, Dylan Weyer and Trey Wineinger. Young Achievers Leaders: Christine Eck and Kenneth Eck. Members: Miranda Durcholz, Gabriella Eck, Emily Hoffman, Abby Hutslar, Kaitlyn Mann, Christian Mehne, Kayla Mehne and Kylee Weisheit.

Wranglers Leaders: Sandra Bair, Alice Brescher, Hana Brosmer, Bret Collignon, Jill Cooper, Ryan Cooper, Greg Englert, Theresa

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4-H’ers put in work to show off best friends By MICHAEL MAZUR Special Sections Writer Sharon Frank encourages any adult dog owners or those who just love dogs to join the Paws and Pals 4-H Club in helping 4-H’ers with training their dogs in obedience and dog agility. Frank along with Ruth Bush, the only adult club leaders, have been training dogs on the agility run Frank has set up on her property. Frank, a retired elementary school teacher, has been training dogs and competing in dog agility competitions since she retired in 2004. This will be the third year the Dubois County 4-H Fair will hold the dog project event, an event Frank spearheaded having added to the fair week. Since the club’s inception in 2012, membership has grown each year. Members range in age from first-graders to high school seniors. The dogs range from younger than 1 year up to 8 years old. This year’s competition will include a Great Dane, a beagle, a golden retriever, an all-American dog (mixed breed) and a Pekingese. In order to compete in the agility run, the members first must have completed the dog obedience program required at both the county and state level of competition. The dog owner’s assignment is to ensure that the dog is ready to compete and to give signals and commands necessary to compete in the run, such as climb, walk and jump. “The main thing is that the dog needs to learn repetition and routine,” she added. During the training sessions, the 4-H members teach their dogs to maneuver around an obstacle course through cues and commands, all done without touching the dogs. Outdoor training is limited to the warmer months prior to each fair, usually being able to get outside in April, May and June. The late winter and early spring meetings are held once or twice a month but in June and May they are held weekly. The Indiana 4-H agility run is modeled after United Kennel Club rules with some modifications. The agility run, judged by one person, will still consist of 13 pieces of equipment, including a pause table, three obstacles, an Aframe for the dog to climb over, a walk area and an open tunnel. The course layout must include nine selected hurdles which the judge determines. The fair course is 80by-50 feet, which is smaller than the professional circuit of 100-by100 feet. The entrants do not know the layout before they compete.

Dogs are entered according to height divisions, beginning with the toy level, which is up to and including 10 inches, and divisions 1, 2 and 3 for which the height is determined by measuring from the withers, the highest part of the dog’s shoulders, to the ground while the dog is standing naturally (not leaning or crouching). “This is their jump height,” Frank said. The dogs are measured at the show for verification. All dogs must run the same course regardless of the height divisions. The divisions determine the height of the hurdle jumps,

“This (agility run) is the fun part of the show.” Sharon Frank

Paws and Pals 4-H Club pause table and pause jump. For example, the toy division hurdle and table height is 4 inches, while the division 3 dog must clear a hurdle and pause jump that mea-

sures 20 inches high. Since it is a beginner course, most entrants dogs will be on a leash. The obedience part of the dog project event is modeled after American Kennel Club rules and all dogs compete regardless of breed and size and the judging factors include walk, heel, sit and stay positions and making left and right turns. “It is really judged on how well you can control your dog,” Frank said. Obedience can be done in short sessions at home, 15 minutes a day, broken up in increments such

as five minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon. Just hanging out with your dog pal everyday and giving sit and stay commands teaches the dog routine and habits. Just like their human counterparts, their attention span wanes after long sessions and the learning effect is diminished. The dog project event, beginning with the agility competition will be at 9 a.m. Thursday, July 16, at Exhibit 1 building followed immediately by obedience judging. “This (agility run) is the fun part of the show,” Frank said.

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