Photo by Tony Mark, butchess Suburban Newspapers, Inc.
In the Year Book for 1931, pages 19-20, there is a brief account of the Stone Barn in Pleasant Valley. At that time the ownership had been traced back to Daniel Brown in 1841, and since then some additional information has been gained. Mortgage Liber 19, page 386, dated May 6, 1813, indicates the property was sold by George D. and Martha Vail of Stanford to Solomon Vail for $2,300, an undivided equal half of two certain lots and was part of the farm of Pearsall Brown at his decease. The description is as follows: "Begins by edge of road that formerly ran from Poughkeepsie to Fishkill town, North 4 degrees West 50 chains to Muddy Brook mentioned in deed April 1, 1783 by Joseph Casten to Pearsall Brown and Martha . . ." It continues to give complete measurements of the two parcels which total 200 acres and is similar to the Stone Barn farm. It excepts several small parcels such as one-half to Jonathan Dean farm on the east, opposite the place most convenient, running down to the Great Wappingers Creek for watering place, and also excepts small parcels to Henry Ostrom, Elisha Masten, Calvin Wood, Samuel Belden, Jedediah Breed, and Dutchess Turnpike Cornpany. 79