Teachers' Resource Spring 2020

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Resource www.teachersresource.co.uk





Broaden horizons with the help of a guest speaker


The prints bringing the history of WWI to life

EXAM EXCELLENCE A look at how you can take control this exam season

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25/02/2020 11:34

Remind your students to sign up for MySQA to get their exam results by text or email from 8AM on Results Day. Sign up at MySQA.org.uk 002_TRS_Sp20_ADV.indd 2

21/02/2020 15:21

Editor’s Letter Spring 2020

Hello, and welcome to the spring issue of Teachers’ Resource. We’ve got an exciting issue ahead


Denise Connelly denise@dcpublishing.co.uk


Lorne Gillies lorne.gillies@dcpublishing.co.uk


Emma Storr emma.storr@dcpublishing.co.uk Saskia Harper saskia.harper@dcpublishing.co.uk

DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Lucy Baillie lucy.baillie@dcpublishing.co.uk


Karen MacKenzie DC karen.mackenzie@dcpublishing.co.uk Publishing Ltd 198 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HG Tel: 0844 249 9007

With the lighter nights, change in weather and whispers of summer on the horizon, there’s another murmur on the lips of students and teachers alike: exam season. Yes, we can’t hide from it any longer, the exam rush is set to go into full swing and you’re going to be on the frontline. This issue we’re looking at how you can stay in control. From keeping calm under pressure, to maintaining that all important work/life balance on page 25, we’re aiming for a clean sweep of stress-free exams. Don’t miss our top tips on how to get (and stay) motivated after a break from work, or when it all becomes too much on page 17. Thankfully, as a teacher, there are a wealth of teaching aids and opportunities available. On page 8 we look at the importance of bringing people from the local community or governing bodies into the classroom to help educate students on everything from disability groups in the community to finance. You’re sure to learn a thing or two, also. All this plus much more lies ahead. Don’t forget to let me know what more you would like to see in the magazine by emailing me on, editor@dcpublishing.co.uk See you next time.



Never miss out on the latest in all things education by liking our Facebook page. You can find us at ResourceMagScot

Lorne Gillies, Editor

EDITOR’S PICKS DC Publishing Ltd, 198 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HG Tel: 0844 249 9007 ©DC Publishing Ltd 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any way without prior written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of DC Publishing Ltd. The publisher takes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers within the publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that informawwtion is accurate; while dates and prices are correct at time of going to print, DC Publishing Ltd takes no responsibility for omissions and errors.

www.teachersresource.co.uk ResourceMagScot


It’s not just students who will feel pressure of exams, this year ensure you don’t get overwhelmed before exam season.


Discover the innovative project in place bringing World War One to life through printworks and design.


Your skills as a teacher are excellently placed to foster a child or young person in need, an expert reveals how to get involved.


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25/02/2020 11:36

WHAT’S Inside 22

News 6 EDUCATION NEWS The latest industry news not to be missed.

Spring 2020 14

30 29

Professional learning 12 BECOME AN EXAMINER Further your professional understanding of assessments with Cambridge Assessment International Education.

17 BUILDING MOTIVATION From setting personal goals to self-care, reignite your passion for teaching.

In the classroom 8 OVER TO YOU Invite school visitors into your classroom to open imaginations and see the world from a new perspective.


30 SCHOOL DAYS: JUDY MURRAY It was help from her teachers that saw Judy Murray have such a successful career.

Showcase 22 WW100: ART BEHIND BATTLE Bring history to life through the perspective of 100 young artists and Poppyscotland.

Glasgow Science Centre is electrifying energy education.

Pupil support



Politics, it’s an important part of life. But, how can you get students interested?


It’s not just stressful for your students, stay in control before the big day arrives.

After hours 25 IN THE BALANCE A work life balance is imperative, and there are people on hand to help you stay on track.

26 THE PATH TO FOSTERING Your skills are perfectly suited to foster care, we learn more.

29 THE TRAVEL BUG See new sights and switch off this Easter.


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25/02/2020 11:43

Prima ry S Book chools Septe Festival mber 2020 C heck our w for de ebsite tails!

Enrich | Engage | Inspire

Learning Visits for Schools Engage and inspire your class with the story of New Lanark and many other exciting topics. New Lanark World Heritage Site welcomes groups of all ages. The Site is a fantastic resource for schools to explore. We offer a range of fun interactive opportunities that bring learning to life in a very special setting. Our Visitor Attraction is open all year round and with a choice of activities to support the Curriculum for Excellence. We can offer a valuable and interesting crosscurricular learning experience outside the classroom.

Choose a learning activity and also visit: •Annie McLeod Experience’ Ride which takes you back in time •Millworkers’ House in 1820s and 1930s •Robert Owen’s House •Robert Owen’s School for Children •Village Store •Working Textile Machinery / People & Cotton •Water Power System and Turbine •Roof Garden

Join us for a full day or a customised visit depending on your needs. We have great group rate deals for visiting learning groups and New Lanark is also part of the Scottish Government’s Travel Subsidy Scheme for Scottish Schools.

Also available •Packed lunch facilities (inside and out) •Interactive Gallery – active play space •Mill shop and Café (Lunch box catering service) •Clearburn Natural Play Area •New Lanark Ice Cream

We run learning events throughout the year too, so there are plenty of reasons to come and see us!

For further information on our learning and outreach programme, workshops and activities visit our website.

New for 2020: A brand new, immersive and interactive exhibition, Tenement Through Time: Living in New Lanark 1881 – 1971

To book or make and enquiry call 01555 661 345 or email education@newlanark.org

1 Free adult admission per 10 pupils

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24/02/2020 14:46


Education NEWS Glasgow secondary schools to introduce permanent mentoring

EDUCATION REVIEW WIDENED BY SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT The Scottish Government has ordered a review of education to be widened, as announced by Education Secretary John Swinney. Writing to Holyrood’s committee, Minister Swinney revealed that the whole Curriculum of Excellence will now be examined with the findings due to be publicised early next year. The overhaul comes after a Conservative-led debate, seeing Parliament calling for a review of the current curriculum. Of the announcement, Scottish Tory education spokeswoman Liz Smith said: “John Swinney has already agreed to review the senior phase on the back of the education committee’s recent report but it was very clear that this could not effectively happen without also reviewing broad general education and how the two articulate. “Far too many young people across Scotland are not getting the choices they both need and deserve.”

Mentoring for vulnerable children with care experience in Glasgow secondary schools is to become a permanent feature. A current scheme by MCR Pathways, which has been running for the last three years, found the mentoring had a ‘positive’ impact on students who receive the additional support. Pairing students with a life coach from outside of the education system, the scheme is for a young person to receive advice to be fully prepared for life after secondary school. ScotCen reviewed the current scheme and revealed that mentoring saw improved grades and increased levels of students going into higher education or employment. Currently MCR Pathways help more than 2,300 young people across Scotland, with the positive results securing MCR Pathways into all Glasgow classrooms. Executive director of education at Glasgow City Council, Maureen McKenna commented: “This programme works because we have embedded it within our core business and complements the work of our teacher and school staff.” Learn how you can introduce MCR Pathways into your classroom by visiting, mcrpathways.org


Young people experiencing mental health issues are to be guaranteed access to high quality support. Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey announced in February that the government is committed to helping all young people who identify as needing mental health support. After the passing of Love Island presenter, Caroline Flack, the importance of improved mental health support, awareness and education on the power of social media is evident. Advice on how to bring mental health education into your classroom is available from SeeMe Scotland (www.seemescotland.org) and SAMH (www.samh.org.uk). 6


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21/02/2020 15:40


Student Funding with SAAS

Are you working with students about to go to college or university? Then make sure they’re in the financial know-how with SAAS


f you have students planning to study a course of Higher Education then they need to contact the Student Awards Agency Scotland (better known as SAAS) for their funding.

EXPENSES The main expenses students will incur whilst studying will be their tuition fees and living costs. SAAS can pay their tuition fees and may provide a bursary, and they can also

The main expenses students will incur whilst studying will be their tuition fees and living costs

choose to apply for a student loan. Students will not receive their fees automatically when they accept a place on a course, so it’s really important they apply to SAAS as soon as they open in April 2020. This ensures they will receive their funding in time for the start of their course. They can do this online (www.saas. gov.uk). Please note this is separate to their UCAS application.

APPLICATION Your students should apply as soon as they know the course they want to do and not wait for their exam results. If they don’t get on the course they want, they can easily change or cancel their application. SAAS will check their eligibility, and they will need to meet their residence conditions and be taking a course that they fund.

Of course, students don’t have to take out a student loan, however if they do, they apply for this through SAAS who then assess the application. This is then forwarded to the Student Loans Company (SLC) who issue the loan payments. Other funding is also available for those who are care experienced, have a disability or learning difficulty, are bringing up children on their own, or an independent or young student. Help videos are available on the SAAS YouTube channel – YouTube.com/SAAS Help Channel Keep up to date with the latest SAAS news on Facebook – facebook.com/saasfb Or follow them on Twitter – @saastweet teachersresource.co.uk

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21/02/2020 14:18

Over to you Everyone in the community has a story to share, that can educate and inspire others. Inviting a speaker into the classroom is an excellent way to bring a new way of thinking to your students, not to mention to help further motivate your teaching


earning how a charity works behind the scenes, understanding finance, to learning more about certain career roles or safety in the community: school speakers have a lot of information to share with students. As a teacher, you have the chance to welcome such speakers into the classroom to share their experiences or knowledge to help give Scotland’s young people a broader understanding of the world around them.

DISABILITY AWARENESS Around one fifth of Scotland’s population are living with a disability – that’s one million people. Living with physical, mental, sensory or hidden disabilities makes the way people navigate the world around them challenging, but there are aids that can make the local community more accessible. However, views on disability in wider 8

Laura and Autumn

“Young people often come away from the talks with a greater understanding of people with a disability”

society still need updating. By inviting a charity helping people living with a disability, there is no better way to raise awareness, understanding and respect – and one charity can do this with the help of everyone’s favourite assistant, puppies. Guide dogs play a vital role in the lives of people living with a vision impairment, and Laura – alongside her guide dog, Autumn – speaks in schools about her partnership with UK charity, Guide Dogs, and how having a guide dog has been life changing. “Many people I meet are surprised when I say I work and live independently, they often assume I need someone to look after me and that I sit at home all day,” says Laura. “Young people often come away from the talks with a greater understanding of people with a disability and are able to show empathy rather than pity, it can really change their attitude towards people and breaks down stereotypes. It also gives young people the opportunity to ask questions that they wouldn’t necessarily get to ask. “The feedback I’ve had, has always


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21/02/2020 12:51


STUDENT FINANCE Or, for students preparing to move onto higher education, money is going to be an important issue to discuss – even if your students don’t realise it yet. SAAS has been going into schools hosting presentations covering all aspects of the SAAS process. From eligibility and legislation, loans and the SAAS bursary, repayments and more: the team are lifting the veil on managing money. Michael Scott, SAAS funding awareness outreach presenter, enthuses: “We are ensuring that the students are getting the correct information and not relying on any rumour or misconception when it comes to making important decisions, like taking out loans. “I see a big difference in questions from students meeting us in school to those who are attending Open Days at university for example,” Michael continues. “It seems a

bit more overwhelming at the university events for some. Funding can be easily misinterpreted with phrases that school pupils may not have experienced before.” Alongside talks from people like Michael helping students, the presentations can also assist you as a teacher. From providing new ways to teach budgeting in the classroom to breaking down what students can expect their large costs to be in higher education, including accommodation and travel, this understanding can help your students in the future. Michael adds: “I feel it is important to show that there is help and guidance out there for students if they feel they need it, and as previously mentioned it allows them a chance to ask questions.” It is clear, that school speakers can be a positive addition to your teaching methods.

POSITIVE ATTITUDES been great. In most cases, it has encouraged the students to fundraise for Guide Dogs,” adds Laura. Many speakers from Guide Dogs are owners or Puppy Walkers, with other speakers also representing from other services in the charity, allowing for a broad reach of teaching. During a presentation, students can hear the stories and experiences of the speaker and their connection to the charity, get involved with activities – such as pairing socks with their eyes closed – alongside the opportunity to ask questions. Laura continues: “I think that people learn that even though some people have a vision impairment, they can live life like everyone else and be happy and go to work and have friends. The talks also promote how to behave around a working guide dog and help them understand why [to behave this way].” Similarly, Laura raises issues that disabled people can face in the wider community, such as being refused access. “If young people learn about this issue, they will be aware of the law and it may prevent it happening in future,” Laura says.

Supporting you to host speakers and broaden the horizon of your students is Speakers4Schools (S4S) – an organisation linking teachers to industry and expert professionals who can come to speak in school, free of charge. Carly Wilkinson, head of speakers programme, says: “Teachers tell us talks leave a lasting impact on their students, including an increase in confidence, a better understanding of the need to be resilient to succeed and an increased awareness of potential future opportunities.” Introducing speakers to teachers ahead of the presentation, with the help of S4S you can work alongside the speaker to frame the talk, get students to research specific topics and encourage a robust Q&A session, too. Carly adds: “It’s not just teachers who are grateful for these opportunities; we recently had a parent tweet a leading barrister

about how motivated their child had come home and how driven she now was.” School speakers evidently make an impactful difference for your students, so, who will you invite into the classroom?

Hear the patter of paws with Guide Dogs Scotland (www.guidedogs.org.uk), or arrange a special visit from Speakers4Schools (www.speakers4schools.org) and SAAS (www.saas.gov.uk). teachersresource.co.uk

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21/02/2020 12:51

OurFuture.Energy Enhance your energy teaching toolbox with free curriculum-linked resources, ideal for 11 – 16 year old learners, all in one place.


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21/02/2020 15:18


Delve into the science of energy, with Glasgow Science Centre’s innovate free Ourfuture.Energy resources. Educating young Scots on the importance of all things pertinent to energy in a fun and electrifying way

Powering Ourfuture.Energy W

e can sometimes take it for granted, but it is important to know about where energy comes from, how it is used, and the challenges we face with it in the future,” enthuses Derek Shirlaw, digital content coordinator for Glasgow Science Centre. “Knowing the answer to these questions lets us form opinions about what we should and can do to get more involved in our energy future. “Energy is a highly topical subject that influences all our lives.”

TOOLKIT With the free online resources available through OurFuture.Energy, teachers have an up-to-date tool to illicit fascination and awe around energy, science, and beyond. From their interactive Powering the Future exhibition (also available as an On Tour offer to schools), to comprehensive educational resources, Glasgow Science Centre is changing the face of energy education. OurFuture.Energy delves into the issues and curiosities surrounding energy in an uncluttered, interactive, entertaining manner. Working with experts from across the UK energy

industry, Derek explains that the resources are strongly linked to the curriculum to ensure students’ understanding is enhanced proactively.

POSITIVE “Teachers have described OurFuture. Energy as being topical, attractive and engaging with an uncluttered layout,” continues Derek. Similarly, teachers are at liberty to take the resources and tailor them to fit in with their own style of teaching. Derek adds: “And, teachers have found it to be a credible and reliable source of information in planning their lessons. Highly relevant to the science curriculum, geography teachers have also expressed their appreciation of the resource’s links to that subject.” Getting students engaged in the classroom is an important ask for teachers. With the assistance of exhibitions available at Glasgow Science Centre and with the successful OurFuture.Energy resources it won’t be long before a positive interest in energy and the sciences is electrified amongst your students.

TURN ON Climate and energy resources are a

Glasgow Science Centre is Powering the Future during their exhibition

present topic in the minds of young Scots, utilising OurFuture.Energy resources can help further fuel the conversations currently taking place. Thus far, pupils have responded well to the toolkit as it is information fresh and relevant to their needs. “There’s a natural interest in understanding the science behind the switch on the wall; the societal challenges in ensuring energy equality; and the environmental issues to balance whilst meeting our demands for energy,” says Derek. “This curiosity can be tapped into with the help of OurFuture.Energy where these issues are clearly outlined and open up the possibility for informed debate and discussion in the classroom.” Not to mention: energy is an ever adapting, prospective career for your students to tap into, with enthralling resources on hand, the future of STEM could be ignited. It’s time to turn on the energy and ramp up the electricity in your classroom. Get energised with OurFuture.Energy (ourfuture.energy) and Glasgow Science Centre (www.glasgowsciencecentre.org) this spring. teachersresource.co.uk 11

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21/02/2020 12:33


Become an


elivering qualifications in over 10,000 schools in more than 160 countries across the world – Cambridge Assessment International Education are experts in their field. Their mission is to provide excellence in education and make sure all learners benefit from a fair and accurate assessment of their skills, knowledge and understanding.

Further your professional understanding of assessments, broaden your skills and create extra income by becoming an Assessment Specialist with Cambridge Assessment International Education

to joining the Cambridge team of Assessment Specialists. Fitting around your home and work life commitments, becoming an Assessment Specialist will enhance your teaching skills by helping you gain an improved understanding of the examination process for your subject area. This will enable you to better support your students in their learning and development and improve their results. Similarly, you are sure to gain

an invaluable insight into assessments, which will underpin your professional development. From creating extra income to opportunities to network and develop your skills in a variety of roles, becoming an Assessment Specialist is sure to be a step in the right direction for you. To learn more visit: cambridgeinternational.org/examiners

GROWTH As the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and qualifications for five to 19-year olds, the curriculum boasts a range of syllabuses in Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level and Cambridge International AS and A Level. To support the continued growth worldwide, the team is inviting teachers to develop their professional experience by becoming Cambridge examiners, also known as Assessment Specialists.

BENEFITS There are many positive attributes 12 teachersresource.co.uk

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21/02/2020 12:34

Become a Cambridge examiner We are welcoming Assessment Specialists who wish to become examiners across the Cambridge curriculum with our range of syllabuses in Cambridge IGCSETM, Cambridge O Level, and Cambridge International AS & A Level. You will gain an insight into the teaching and assessment of Cambridge qualifications, and we offer training and support with freelance opportunities which fit around your existing commitments. For more details, just visit cambridgeinternational.org/examiners

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06/01/2020 15:18 15:00 21/02/2020

The importance of


There’s no denying that it’s been a big couple of years in the world of politics, and there’s a lot to understand and process. When it comes to educating students on the world around us, who teaches what? 14 teachersresource.co.uk

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21/02/2020 12:52



olitics can seem like a scary topic to approach, especially when teaching young people about the current political climate, but politics stretches further than what party is in power. Teachers are often warned not to be political in the classroom, avoiding pushing their views on impressionable young people in any way. Modern day politics can be a minefield to navigate even for the most-informed person, but incorporating activities centred around politics into the classroom is easier than you think. Governance, debate and power are key to politics, but can be applied to different subjects, situations and translated into transferable skills that will benefit your pupils in the future.

INFORMATION It is estimated that 96 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds have a smartphone, with 24/7 access to the internet young people are constantly bombarded with information, true or not. Bringing politics into the classroom isn’t all about the current political climate, but it is a great spring board to start a discussion. In the last five years three general elections have taken place, each coming with dressed-up campaigns and questionable information, and the inaugural First Minister’s Question Time: Next Generation took place in 2018, shining a light on young people’s political questions. Young people’s interest in politics is rising but without more clear information, young people can find it difficult to decipher between facts and fake news. It’s also unlikely that politics will become less confusing anytime soon. In the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum more than 100,000 16 to 17-year-olds stepped out to vote: with constant campaigns to lower the voting age and more under 18s interested in how their country is run, young people’s questions around politics are only increasing in volume. As a teacher you aren’t expected to be a font of knowledge on politics: it is confusing for the best of us. In order to ensure that the information you are giving your pupils is accurate, it is important to seek out appropriate resources. The Politics Project (www. thepoliticsproject.org.uk) supports

The inagural First Minister’s Question Time: Next Generation took place in 2018, shining a light on young people’s political questions


teachers, students and politicians to deliver political education in schools. The project provides a range of training and resources to use in schools including digital surgeries, connecting local politicians and classes through online platforms like Skype. Reaching out to your local MSP or council members can also be a great way to teach pupils about politics and the political system. Bringing a visitor into the school can lay emphasis on the importance of the information and add a new perspective.

Teaching young people about politics, political structures and how this affects everyday life goes further than helping them to understand manifestos and fake news. It instils them with life skills that will be invaluable when they leave school, enter the world of work and live independently. It also leaves them in a great position to do their own research when they approach voting age. Learning how to decipher information, do their own research and form opinions will benefit your pupils with everything from watching the news to deciding what higher education provider to apply to. Knowledge is power: it could even give them the upper hand in interviews and pressured situations by increasing their confidence. Through the use of debate and research-based learning in the classroom, pupils can build this confidence and their communication skills. Teaching pupils about politics and how it effects everyday life can also teach them compassion, empathy and help students to realise their true passions.



The importance of teaching young people about politics is clear, but in who’s hands should the teaching lie? Out of parents and guardians, the media, teachers and or online platforms and social media, not one source is solely responsible for teaching young people about politics. Politics comes in many different forms and young people will pick information up from what they are told, what they read and the questions they have. This shared responsibility is important to keep in mind in the classroom: a space where you should answer factual questions on the political system and leave opinionbased questions surrounding political parties and policies for parents and guardians. Whatever your beliefs you should always point pupils towards resources that will give them simple, fact-checked information so that they can form their own opinions. Sites like Full Fact (www.fullfact. org) are great tools for this, allowing young people to check claims made by politicians and the media.

Staging a debate furthers important life skills and puts them into practice. No matter the subject, debating can teach young people to listen, respect others’ opinions, conduct research, form compelling arguments and communicate their feelings if they disagree with others. It can even be used as a study skill when it comes to the exam period. The teaching of politics shouldn’t be reserved for one subject or during an election, it should be crosscurricular and continual. Assigning groups of pupils as for and against a topic, you can watch as they get excited to form structured arguments for each side. Debating fake news around climate change in geography, debunking flat earthers in physics and deciding which film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet is most accurate to the original text in English are all examples that could form solid foundations for a classroom debate. With a shared responsibility to teach young people about politics, how will you be incorporating it into your lesson plan?

teachersresource.co.uk 15

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21/02/2020 12:53

Play Scotland is the national organisation for play, promoting the importance of play and working strategically to create increased opportunities for all children and young people to #playeveryday Contact training@playscotland.org for innovative resources and training including: • Play Types Toolkit - bringing more play into the school day, mapped against Curriculum for Excellence and GIRFEC indicators of wellbeing • Parents’ Play Pack - resources and guidance for parents and carers of children aged eight to twelve • Getting it Right for Play and Play Map - strategic planning for play in schools, local communities and local authorities • Free to Play - creating accessible and inclusive play opportunities informed bychildren’s views • Level 8 PDA Strategic Planning for Play understanding how play contributes to better outcomes for children and communities • Play Friendly Schools and Settings Awards - building quality play policy and practice and sharing effective examples • Play Builds Children - a range of practical play booklets and posters, including messy play and other popular themes.


Follow us on Twitter @PlayScotland and Facebook

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Level 1, Rosebery House Edinburgh Eh12 5EZ Company Number: 017885 Scottish Charity Number: SCO2916 25/02/2020 10:22




Losing your buzz for work happens to the best of us, and jumping back into work after the holidays can seem like a drag. It’s time to get motivated and inspired to teach once again

SET GOALS For career progression, looking ahead on what you can achieve or goals you want to reach before the summer holidays is sure to keep you motivated. Set a goal to achieve for the day, week, month and year, setting time aside to check in on your progress along the way. You can even share progress – or get support and advice – by joining a teaching forum, such as TES (community.tes.com). Learning is just as fun as teaching, you never know, when you’re on the other side you might get some inspiration. CPD for Teachers (www.cpdforteachers. com), FutureLearn (www. futurelearn.com) and Twig (www.twig-world.com) are just some CPD providers. Or learn a new language: it’s a fantastic goal and will be put to good use during your next holiday. Duolingo (www.duolingo. com) can be used for free, with personal goals created in the App to keep you motivated.

PRACTICE SELF CARE Take some time to relax and recharge during your time off. Self-care is a bit of a buzz word at the moment but, there’s more to it than you might think. Make sure you are doing things that benefit your mental and physical health like exercise, eating well, seeing friends and stimulating your interests with activities you enjoy. Looking after yourself will build your self-confidence and comes with a host of other benefits.

YOU TIME Draw a line under work and don’t give in to the temptation to check your emails or fit some marking in while you’re off. According to a survey by union EIS, around 60 per cent of teachers report frequently feeling stressed. Say no to plans with friends or family if you need to and focus on yourself. Taking time to invest in yourself will reduce the risk of facing burnout and reduce stress levels.

GET SOME SHUT EYE Sleep is essential for maintaining cognitive skills like communication, remembering key information and being creative. There are strong links between sleep and physical and mental health. It is recommended that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night: a lack of sleep could be affecting your productivity levels at work. Almost 20 per cent of adults in the UK consistently go to bed after midnight.

LEARN TO MEDITATE Meditation and mindfulness are proven to reduce stress, control anxiety, enhance selfawareness and improve quality of sleep. Practicing meditation is a timely way to unwind. Best practiced first thing in the morning or last thing at night, it has also become accessible with hundreds of apps available. Headspace (www. headspace.com) and Calm (www.calm.com) both offer apps that have free or subscription options and free Australian app Smiling Mind (www. smilingmind.com.au) features meditations for sleep, relationships, workplace and more. teachersresource.co.uk 17

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21/02/2020 15:41

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24/02/2020 14:47


Taking control of


As a teacher, exam season is one that will always rear its head, and being prepared is crucial. However, alongside pressure on your students, there’s additional strain on you, too – but there are ways you can stay in control to ensure you don’t hold onto additional stress


xam season is one of the most stressful times of the year for pupils, but for teachers, your own mental health can be forgotten about as you prepare your students for assessment time. As we approach the exam season, you may be feeling the pressure from learners, parents and management to ensure your classes achieve the highest results they possibly can. Students may be experiencing a higher level of stress or anxiety in the classroom, which can rub off on you, too, whilst preparing students for their final exam. But, there’s support available to help you manage your own mental health at this time.

PRESSURE It’s perfectly natural to be worried

about exams: feeling nervous for your pupils highlights that you hope the process is as simple as possible for them – after all, you want them to succeed. But, if the pressures of the exam period are starting to build up, it’s important to seek help. “Learners can be anxious about their exams and teachers can find themselves supporting the different needs of young people, and sometimes their families, too,” explains Pauline Stephen, director of education, registration and professional learning at the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS). “Holding onto other people’s worries can be quite demanding, especially if you have anxieties about a young person’s ability to demonstrate their best self in their exams. It comes from

a place of teachers caring deeply about their learners and wanting them to do well.”

STRESS “Everyone experiences stress in some way, shape or form. We know that a degree of stress can support problem solving and creativity,” Pauline continues. “Teachers need to develop personal understandings of the signs that for you, the stress you’re experiencing is becoming too much.” If you find that feelings of stress or anxiety linger before and during the exam season, there are plenty of places you can turn to for guidance. Education Support (www. educationsupport.org.uk) is a charity that helps teachers with their mental health and wellbeing. They run a teachersresource.co.uk 19

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PUPIL SUPPORT helpline (0800 0562 561) which you can contact for emotional support when you’re experiencing stress related to work, or outside of the classroom. The 24-hour helpline is run by trained professionals who can offer counselling over the phone. If you’re a member of a union, such as the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) (www.eis.org.uk), or NASUWT, the Teachers’ Union (www.nasuwt. org.uk), you can also approach your representative for advice and support to manage any exam-related stress. “It’s important that [you, as a teacher] don’t keep your feelings and worries to yourself,” Pauline urges. “Talking to friends, colleagues or someone you can trust can help enormously. Teachers play a critical role in supporting the wellbeing of each other and very often can find a way forward simply by getting the issue out there.” Most teachers feel the pressure at exam time, and you’re certainly not in it alone. Colleagues, faculty heads and management are available to air your concerns to, and provide you with advice or support from their own experience.

CONTROL One of the most effective ways of managing any stress or anxiety in the

“Teachers are reflective practitioners. [You’re] always thinking, learning and developing” lead up to exams is thinking about the aspects that you can control, and the areas of exam season that you have no power over. You can prepare your pupils, and can do so actively outside of class time. Holding revision sessions after school or during lunch breaks a few times a week will give you a sense that you’re going the extra mile for your pupils. It’s also vital to take control of your own wellbeing at this time: the best way you can assist your students, giving them additional guidance, is by being at the top of your game. Make sure you’re eating healthily, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and taking the time to relax and do things you enjoy outside of the classroom, to ensure you’re able to perform at your best within it. No matter how many times you go over various topics or explain things to your pupils, you should periodically remind yourself that you can’t sit the

exam for them. Remembering what you can and can’t control can go a long way to keep any stress or anxiety at bay, out of the classroom.

BREAK If you feel the pressures of the exam period are beginning to build up, it’s important to stop, take a break and think about how you can improve the situation. This may be reminding yourself about what’s in your control, stepping away from your desk to distance yourself, making the most of your work breaks, or something as simple as taking part in an enjoyable activity, such as planning your next holiday. Pauline concludes: “Teachers are reflective practitioners. [You’re] always thinking, learning and developing. It’s important to remember that any concerns you might have come from an ongoing passion to improve your practice and the outcomes of your learners.” Though it may feel like it, the exam season doesn’t last forever. Being prepared, planning ahead and seeking support when you need it are surefire ways to ensure a successful exam period, for teachers and learners alike. Get further exam season information by visiting, www.gtcs.org.uk

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APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! NYOS Training Ensembles are designed for younger musicians aged 8-14 (ABRSM Grade 3 as a guide only) and comprise four short, non-auditioned summer residential courses for strings, pedal harp, wind and brass. Our courses adopt a holistic approach, concentrating on learning repertoire, listening skills and musicianship, together with advice on audition preparation and each course culminates with a private showcase performance for friends and family.

A place where students are encouraged to learn in a relaxed atmosphere. Applications are now open and each three-day course takes place between 6 – 11 July. Student places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Thanks to funding from Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative, bursaries of up to 100% are available for participants who find it difficult to meet the costs of our fees. For an application pack contact course manager Jill Dykes: email: jilldykes@nyos.co.uk | tel: 0141 332 8311

We provide a fun, yet focussed learning environment with games, pop song arrangements, jazz and mini concerts.


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Students attending the exhibition


Art behind battle Scotland’s First World War story is being explored through the perspective of 100 young artists from across the country as part of an enthralling exhibition that combines traditional printmaking with digital technology inspired by stories from all over Scotland, engaging the minds of students


ast year, the Learning Team at Armed Forces charity Poppyscotland was thrilled to become the custodian of the What Do We Learn from All Th1s? project. A visual interpretation of 100 stories – created into prints – of people and events of the First World War, the project is a major exhibition to celebrate and commemorate specific scenes of courage on the battlefield, within the Naval forces and beyond. The matrices that were used to develop each of the artists’ 100 unique prints are displayed on wooden plinths arranged into a map of Scotland. In addition to this visual treat, augmented reality technology then enables visitors to read the stories behind the pictures in detail by holding an iPad over the print, blending history and modern life

together. It is an exhibition that is sure to bring history to life in a way unlike before for primary and, secondary pupils, and members of the public.

COMMEMORATE Inherited from the Scottish Government’s WW100 Commemoration Project and launched at the Scottish Parliament in 2019, the young artists were supported by the Scottish Print Networks in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness. A totally unique learning experience for school pupils and the public to enjoy, Gordon Michie, head of fundraising and learning at Poppyscotland, enthuses: “From individual acts of valour on the battlefield, to Naval tragedies off

Scotland’s coast, this exhibition brings century-old stories into the present day. “It’s a very personal and evocative exhibition that allows you to discover the stories behind the pictures through the artworks. For this reason, Poppyscotland Learning is so proud to be able to bring this fantastic learning tool to different communities within Scotland. “I would encourage secondary school teachers to bring their pupils along so they can experience this exhibition for themselves.”

IMAGINATION The exhibition has intrigued and captured the imaginations of all ages and generations, too, while on its travels so far.“We have had lots of positive feedback from the public,” emphasises

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SHOWCASE Jena Thomson, a volunteer with the Culture and Education Department at South Ayrshire Council.“One of the things I’ve noticed is that everyone engages with it as soon as they walk in the door. We’ve had people of all ages visiting the exhibition in a single week. “We’ve had a mixture of current serving Service personnel and veterans through, too, and everyone has just had so much to say about it. It has really sparked their curiosity and given them a tool to go and explore something themselves and be very hands-on. I think young people enjoy that so much.” What Do We Learn from All Th1s? is set to continue its travels across Scotland, being supported by Poppyscotland in 2020. The exhibition is an integral step in commemorating historical moments, in particular the impact the First World War had on the people of Scotland – a lesson all students should be accustomed to.

INTERACTIVE Similarly, the exhibition can be adapted to meet the needs of your class. Cultural planning project officer for South Ayrshire Council, Joan Elliot has used the context of the WW100 What Do We Learn from Th1s? exhibition, when it was hosted at The Grain Exchange, to create a larger exhibition incorporating some of Ayrshire’s First World War local history. Joan explains: “It has been fantastic because we’ve combined it with an overall interactive workshop, where members of the public and students have the opportunity to learn about

the First World War, so they can experience what happened on a local level as well as a national level. Young people have loved the fact that they can show the older generation how to operate the augmented reality. “You have the exhibition and the hand-held book that has been very popular – that tactile object you can walk around with,” continues Joan. “There’s the written word, there’s the story behind it and there’s also the artist’s interpretation of it. “But the fact that you get a story and can create a visual in your own mind, and you can see the artist’s one, it’s like you’re seeing another viewpoint in a visual artistic form.” The project takes in a wide range of stories and subjects that will resonate throughout Scotland. Other stories describe innovations in surgery and aviation, the enduring work of poets and artists in the trenches, the lives of munitions workers in factories and the personal account of the brave members of the Scottish Women’s Hospitals at the Western Front. So, what are you waiting for? During January and February the What Do We Learn from All Th1s? exhibition visited the Low Parks Museum in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, and is set to travel to North Ayrshire, Aberdeenshire, North Lanarkshire and the Western Isles – get involved and ignite the imaginations of your students today. Discover more about the tour by visiting the Poppyscotland Learning website, www.poppyscotland.org.uk/learning

Prints currently on display

What Do We Learn from All Th1s? is an interactive process for students

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See for yourself how a nuclear power station works Visit Hunterston B Power Station on the West Coast of Scotland. All plant tours require at least 3 weeks’ notice for booking. It is free of charge to visit us. The Hunterston B Visitor Centre has an interactive exhibition to help visitors understand more about nuclear power generation and allow people to ask questions to our trained guides. There is no advanced booking required to visit our exhibition. Advanced booking is however required to take part in a site tour of the power station. Hunterston B is located on the North Ayrshire coast, approximately one hour west of Glasgow. It generates enough low carbon electricity to power approximately 1.5 million homes. Email – hunterstonbtours@edf-energy.com Telephone – 01294 826008 Monday to Friday 09:00 - 16:00 hours.

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Jamie and Heather are brother and sister aged 6 and 8. Unfortunately they can’t live with their family, and we need to find suitable Foster Carers for them. Jamie loves playing football and running about. Heather seems to have forgotten how to play and is very wary of adults. Could you care for children like Jamie and Heather?

Gàidhlig nan Òg website will provide parents/carers and early years practitioners with an abundance of themed resources to help use Gaelic in the home and early years settings in a functional yet fun way. Bidh làrach-lìn Gàidhlig nan Òg a’ toirt pailteas ghoireasan air diofar chuspairean do phàrantan/luchdcùraim agus luchd-obrach sna tràth-bhliadhnachan. Cuidichidh na goireasan iad Gàidhlig a chleachdadh san dachaigh agus ann an suidheachaidhean tràthbhliadhnachan ann an dòigh a tha feumail ach spòrsail.

Get in touch with Barnardo’s today 0845 894 9501 barnardos.org.uk You could be the special person children like Jamie and Heather need. Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605


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In the


As a teacher, you’re committed to ensuring your students have the best opportunities, which can sometimes eat into your personal life. Maintaining a healthy work life balance is imperative for everyone


t’s not uncommon to hear that people working in education feel high levels of stress. In fact, research has revealed that three-fifths (60 per cent) of 12,000 respondents felt their workload left them stressed. Stress in the workplace is not uncommon – and can be beneficial in some instances – but when it encroaches into your personal life it is clear change is necessary. “Teaching can take over a person’s life,” says Seamus Searson, general secretary for Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA). “But, teachers do need to take time out and away from work because you can’t maintain that pace of work. We want teachers to stay in teaching – we are committed to maintaining this work life balance.”

MAINTAIN Upholding a healthy work life balance is important in all careers, but as

teaching quickly becomes a 24/7 profession the lines between personal and professional life are blurred. From taking marking home, students having constant access to email queries relating to homework outside school hours, to planning future lessons – all before physical teaching time – there is more to teaching than may first meet the eye. And, it is not uncommon for you to work beyond contractual hours, however this shouldn’t become the norm. Seamus emphasises: “Within a teacher contract it is for 35-hours per week, we spend a lot of time telling teachers that this is all that can be expected of you. “There is a limited amount of time and we need to get the system to recognise that teachers can’t do everything.” In this instance, maintaining a good balance is essential. It is advised that tasks that are not immediately pressing, or not a productive use of time, should

be dismissed or assessed at a later date. This, in turn, will allow you more scope to focus on the main aspects of teaching and not going over contracted hours – ultimately benefiting your personal life.

FLEXIBLE Awareness of the additional work that you put in is also recommended, with calls for more flexible working. “It’s not impossible for staff in secondary schools to work part-time or even job share to keep people in the service longer,” adds Seamus. “We would always encourage teachers to have a life outside of work and teaching,” advises Seamus. Teaching is incredibly rewarding, but it can become overwheming. Appreciating the work you put in and the level of urgency will help to ensure you are supported to maintain a healthy work life balance.

Advice on managing your workload outside of school hours is available from SSTA, ssta.org.uk

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21/02/2020 15:39

The path to

FOSTERING Empathy, understanding and the ability to listen are all skills necessary to be a successful foster carer, they are also skills you as a teacher already obtain. We speak to Barnardo’s Fostering about why teachers make the perfect foster carers


veryday foster carers dedicate their time to helping children who can’t live with their biological families build a positive, fulfilled life. Barnardo’s is the UK’s largest independent not-for-profit fostering agency, connecting foster carers and children. There is always a need for foster carers and as a teacher you could be the perfect candidate.

UNDERSTANDING With prior training and experience,

teachers already have the skills that fostering agencies like Barnardo’s are looking for. “I think that one of the big things about teachers is that you have so much experience and understanding of children,” explains Eleanor Hendery, operations manager at Barnardo’s Fostering Glasgow. “[As a teacher, you] know how to communicate with [a young person], know how to engage with them to make them feel safe and you can understand them.” Being placed with the right foster

family can change a child’s life for the better. Where their behaviour might be perceived as difficult by someone who doesn’t have the experience, teachers can read between the lines. “Teachers understand all of the nonverbal communication that children give us, and understand the trauma that children have experienced,” says Eleanor. “[For this reason, you] aren’t as judgemental, if children have bad behaviour [you will] know it isn’t about naughty children – it’s about symptoms of how a child is feeling.

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“You will also understand that the children need a safe and caring home environment and are committed to that already, by becoming a teacher you are committing to children’s welfare.” This same understanding gives teachers the ability to advocate for what a child wants or needs in challenging situations. While you might thrive on helping children to expand their knowledge and skills in the classroom, becoming a foster carer is so much more, Eleanor says: “Teachers work with children between about 8:30am and 4pm, maybe more if you supervise clubs. “There is a difference between that and having a child in your own home and having the responsibility 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so there’s definitely a process of adaptation.”


“Teachers understand all of the non-verbal communication that children give us”

Anyone who is 21 or over, has a spare room and the time to help nurture a child or young person can apply to become a foster carer. Your gender, relationship status, sexual preference and race do not affect your eligibility to foster, it is about your personal situation, health and what you are interested in. “It’s not a quick thing,” stresses Eleanor. “From beginning to end it takes about six months and it is very interactive, we don’t assess people in a passive way.” After applying to become a foster carer, a rigorous assessment process begins to make sure you are right for the role. This ensures that you are making the right decision for yourself as well as for the children you could foster. “It isn’t easy and therefore the process isn’t easy either,” reveals Eleanor. “It has to be detailed and achieve depth, it has to get under the superficial, it’s not about just being a nice person, it’s about how do you handle conflict, how do you handle stress, how would you turn up in a crisis and what pushes your buttons.” Becoming a foster carer can change your life for the better, but it is important to consider how this will fit in with your family life and career. “Children need someone home full-time so this is a big decision for teachers,” empathises Eleanor. “What

we experience a lot of the time is that if a teacher is thinking about becoming a foster carer they maybe start off doing short breaks.” Caring for a child full-time isn’t the only option as a foster carer: you could foster long term, short term, for short breaks like weekends or school holidays, or provide emergency care. All Barnardo’s ask is that you can care for a child at least one weekend a month.

EXPERIENCE The fostering situation is looked at from the perspective of both the foster carer and the foster child. Both parties can get so much out of the experience, and the support available reflects that. “The welfare of the child is paramount but we also have a responsibility for the welfare of the foster carer,” emphasises Eleanor. “We have to make sure [the foster carers] feel that they are confident in what they are being asked to do and feel they’ve got the right resources.” For that reason, there is a wealth of support available from the first day of your journey to becoming a foster carer, and it doesn’t stop once a child is in your care. “We have support groups where you can meet other carers, we have appreciation events where you and children come along,” reveals Eleanor. From the start of the application process you will be given training to enable you to best support yourself and the child you will care for. “There’s a huge programme of training, which are designed to help people think about the impact of trauma and what it would be like to have a stranger brought to your door, just to help them think about ‘is this right for me and my family’,” explains Eleanor. “It helps people to think about how this will fit in with their own families and their lifestyle, if they are going to be full-time carers, if it is right for them.” By becoming a foster carer you can help children and young people flourish in everyday life, as well as within the school walls.

Could fostering be the perfect path for you? Visit www.barnardos.org.uk for more information. teachersresource.co.uk 27

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Long gone are the days when cruising was for retired couples. These days, cruises are for all the family and no one proves that more than Royal Caribbean. Their Anthem of the Seas® ship, which is sailing from Southampton, is decked out in fun-filled activities that active families will adore. The most iconic attraction onboard is the RipCord® by iFLY®, which is a skydiving simulator for people aged 3 and up. And you can’t avoid the nearby Rock Climbing wall that towers 12 metres above deck, or the North Star® that elevates you 100 metres above sea level for 360 degree videos of the surrounding ocean. Sporty types will adore the Sports Court, where you can play basketball or volleyball with amazing views of the sea, as well as the indoor SeaPlex® where you can ride bumper cars or play a game of basketball. Creative members of the family will delight in Broadway at Sea. Productions onboard Anthem of the Seas® have included Grease, CATS, Mamma Mia!, and We Will Rock You. Every performance is accompanied by a live orchestra,

complete with conductor, strings and wind section. The largest art dealer in the world, Park West Gallery, is also on board and their team are on hand to help you purchase a stunning piece of art. There’s also on onboard kids club. Royal Caribbean’s award-winning Adventure Ocean® Youth Program is designed with that in mind. Tiny travellers aged 3 to 5 will have an education blast in the Aquanauts group. The Explorers program keeps 6 to 8 year-olds entertained with activities such as themed parties and more. And learning is a thrill-fest for 9 to 11 year-olds in the Voyagers group.

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TRAVEL Pack in some pre-summer sun, escape the marking with a staycation and get fully recharged this Easter. With these top spring destinations, you might not want to come back


fter another busy term preparing for exam season, it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to spend the Easter holidays. Regardless if you’re looking to

get active, have a rejuvenating break, or embrace the Scottish countryside, there are plenty of options. Added bonus: we’re bringing you the best way to get the cheapest deals.

REYKJAVIK Get back to nature and book your flights from Edinburgh to Iceland with EasyJet for just £93 per person – giving you more spending money to enjoy this picturesque part of the world. The city is brimming with culture, from the Hallgrimskirkja Church and Harpa Concert Hall, to the National Museum and vibrant street art. To truly experience the beauty that Iceland has to offer, make sure to get out of the capital city where you’ll find the natural springs, hiking opportunities, Northern Lights and iconic Blue Lagoon, be sure to take a dip to come home relaxed.

SCOTLAND There are plenty of exciting adventures awaiting you, right here in Scotland. Why not take a drive to Glencoe in the Highlands and pay a visit to Riverbeds Luxury Wee Lodges (www.riverbeds.co.uk). Get comfortable in the luxury private cabins and take a dip in your personal hot tub, before heading out and enjoying the wonders of the Scottish wilderness. Or, if camping is more your style, you can pitch your tent in one of the area’s many campsites.


BARCELONA With Ryanair flights starting at £55 from Edinburgh and £59 from Prestwick Airport, you’ll be on your way to sunny Barcelona in no time. This city offers the best of both worlds: wander down La Rambla, visit the spectacular Sagrada Familia and blend in with the locals at Ciutadella Park. Once the sightseeing is complete, head to the beach for a refreshing drink and to soak up the sun – perfection.

Travel for less Going abroad can be expensive – there’s no doubt about it. But, as a teacher you have access to various discounts and schemes, meaning you can jet off on your Easter holiday for a fraction of the cost As a union member you might be entitled to discounts if your union runs a benefits scheme. For example, as a member of the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTC Scotland), you could receive money off holidays with Barrhead Travel, as well as discounts on other holiday websites. Download the GTCS MyBenefits app for more information. Another option would be to purchase an International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC). For just £12, you can receive up to 40 per cent off flights with STA Travel, as well as discounts on travel insurance, Lonely Planet, Hotels.com and more. Visit www. myisic.co.uk to find out more. teachersresource.co.uk 29

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My school days

JUDY MURRAY Former tennis player, coach and founder of her own foundation making tennis accessible to all, Judy Murray tells us how her teachers’ dedication helped shape her future career


udy Murray is known for her career in tennis as a player, coach, and for founding the Judy Murray Foundation. But, it all started during her time at Dunblane Primary School and Morrisons Academy in central Scotland.

“You don’t realise how much you learn from your school days and from being part of something”

If you could pick a favourite teacher, who would it be? I think my favourite teacher was Miss Nisbett, my Latin teacher. It wasn’t so much that I enjoyed the language – I enjoyed Roman history which was a huge part of it and because I enjoyed other languages, I also took French and German. I obviously ended up with a career in teaching and I understand more the importance of the way that you are with people, the way you explain things, the way you produce content, the way you communicate, they are all so important. I didn’t realise at the time but we all remember who our favourite teachers were at school and usually they connected with the subject we enjoyed the most.


What was your favourite subject at school? I was always competitive and not just at sport, academically, too. I was always in the top two or three in my class throughout primary and high school and I think certainly through high school I imagined being a PE teacher. I really enjoyed French and Latin, they were my favourite things I think, and when I was in primary school I loved arithmetic. I loved mental arithmetic when the teacher would shout out puzzles or questions, things to work out, because I always loved solving problems.

What did you learn from being a part of school sports teams? There are so many life skills you learn from being part of a school team or club in terms of leadership, communication, resilience, team work and so many things that you’re not really realising. You don’t realise how much you learn from your school days and from being part of something, it makes you appreciate your teachers who went above and beyond to create opportunities for you. What impact did your teachers

have on your future career? The ones I remember the most are the teachers who made it fun and went above and beyond for us. That’s why I realised the importance of people who volunteer and give their time to create opportunities for those who have got potential. Class sizes are so big now that it must be difficult for teachers to do that, but I think that it’s so important for teachers to create a situation where they get to know you as a person instead of someone sitting behind a desk while they teach their subject.

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Despite the good progress made over the years, the road environment still represents one of the highest causes of accidental death to Scotland’s young people. Road Safety Scotland is directly responsible for the development of free road safety learning resources, linked to CfE, which provide end-to-end learning starting from early years and continuing throughout the school curriculum and beyond. The two online resources for secondary school pupils, ‘Your Call’ for S1-S3, and ‘Crash Magnets’ for S4-S6, aim to engage young people in developing road skills to promote good peer influence, and provide strategies to help them to look after themselves and others in the road environment.

Visit www.roadsafety.scot/learning

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21/02/2020 15:21

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