DC/SLA Chapter Notes - July/August 2002

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Washington, D.C. Chapter http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc July/August 2002 Volume 61, No. 9

August 21 DC/SLA Young Professionals Group Outdoor Film Festival Bethesda, MD (see page 12)

September 8 DC/SLA Young Professionals Group DC DUCK Tour Washington, DC (see page 5)

September 9-13 Dine Around Metro DC Area (see page 11)

September 25 Technology Day 2002 Arlington, VA (see pages 6-8)

September 27 DC/SLA Community Outreach Project Marching for Sousa Washington, DC (see page 10) DC/SLA Chapter Notes | July/August 2002

President’s Corner By Anne Caputo, DC/SLA President Can you recall the sensation of riding a roller coaster slowly and agonizingly to the top of the first tall hill? Cresting the peak you have the brief sensation of surveying all the world at your feet before plunging down into the first exhilarating (some would say terrifying) drop and all the twists and turns, ups and downs that follow. Starting my year as DC/SLA President is a lot like that roller coaster ride, exciting and scary at the same time. This year brings the prospect of many plans and equally many challenges. I’d like to ask us to focus our thinking around three themes, those of community, diversity and communication. Community speaks to the coming together of people united in common goals or interests. We live a community with multiple dimensions, both in real space and in virtual space. Communities ask that we be participants and good neighbors to those around us. Our community encompasses the DC/SLA world and our larger professional lives but we are also members of the greater Washington, Maryland and Virginia communities in which we live. Toward these ends we have embarked on a great community project: the John Philip Sousa Middle School project which reaches out to a school at Ely Place in SE Washington. This community with its 400 students, has a library filled with outdated books and very few of the books on the recommended reading list for middle school students in the District of Columbia. Further, the library has only a single computer and printer. All this exists within a few blocks of where many of us live and work. Kenlee Ray and David Snyder are organizing a fundraiser for this school as our opening meeting in September. Plan to be there on September 27th and support this important community effort. We have done a lot for our community, but we must do more. Diversity within our profession is the second theme I’d like to emphasize during the coming year. Diversity in job titles and roles, diversity in interests and diversity of organizations means DC/SLA must provide programs, activities and learning opportunities for more than a thousand different ideas of what an SLA member wants and needs. I’m excited about the grand mixture of networking, learning, inspiring and service programs Susan Fifer-Canby is organizing along with the amazing array of activities planned by the Students/Young Professionals group. Think about Technology Day on September 25th or Dine Around on September 13th or chartering the DUCK on September 8th. This is only the beginning of a year filled with something for everyone. And everyone should bring a colleague who is not already an SLA member to show them the benefits of joining such an energetic and active chapter. We have done a lot to foster diverse activities, but we must do more. Communication is the third leg of the three-legged stool for this year. Communications involve talking with each other, communications from SLA at the national level and communications within DC/ SLA. This newsletter introduces a new editor, Cynthia Holt from George Washington University, who brings experience with many newsletters and communication forums to our Chapter Notes. It also means the active presence of our website and the news and features posted by our able webmaster, Kristina Lively. We will visit again the 1

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