DC/SLA Chapter Notes - September 2002

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Washington, D.C. Chapter http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc September 2002 Volume 61, No. 10

September 9-13 Dine Around Metro DC Area (see page 7)

September 23 Iota Chapter of Beta Phi Mu Happy Hour Washington, DC (see page 4)

September 30 USA Today Tours and Open House McLean, VA (see page 5)

October 5

President’s Corner: So Tell Me, How am I Doin’? By Anne Caputo, DC/SLA President On a hot steamy Saturday morning in late July, members of the DC/SLA Board and Committee Chairs met in my family room for our annual summer planning meeting. As a starting point, we began our session by taking a look at the last DC/SLA Strategic Planning document, completed in August 2000. Just like Ed Koch, the flamboyant mayor of New York City during the 1980’s, who loved to wade into a crowd of his constituents and ask, unbidden, “So tell me, how am I doin’?”, we asked ourselves the same question. How is DC/SLA doing anyway? Are we focussed on our strategic goals? Are we meeting the needs of our membership? Do our programs and plans offer value to our members? Check out the Strategic Plan (which can be found on our website at http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/manual.html, Appendix V). We did, and in the next two columns we’ll review our progress. The Strategic Plan queried members on several ongoing Chapter activities. Two of the most important were, Member Communications Chapter Notes is a highly valued service provided by the Chapter to foster all kinds of communication; program announcements, networking opportunities, news about our members, professional development articles and much more. Over the course of the last two years, we have continued to print Chapter Notes but have come to rely more and more on our excellent website to make more timely the news and announcements so important to our membership. The discussion list has also grown and is used as a way to provide instant communication and networking opportunities for DC/SLA members. AND YET, the print version of Chapter Notes continues to be the single most costly item in our budget and the discussion list reaches less than 50% of our membership. We need to transition to an increased use of the electronic newsletter and web site and a decrease dependence on printing and mailing Chapter Notes. Look in the coming October issue of Chapter Notes, which will contain a description of what we plan to do and will offer you an opportunity to tell us whether you need to continue to receive the print copy of Chapter Notes. The savings will permit increased subsidy of the Chapter programs and thus a lower cost to you. We will also be asking everyone to subscribe to the discussion list (go to http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/list.html for instructions), if you have not done so already. We can use the list to post Chapter Notes and to tell you when other new content enters the website. Fully 1/3 of all SLA Chapters use electronic communication only as a means of reaching their members. While we are not proposing a complete cessation of printed communications, we are proposing a slimmer printed mailing and a greater reliance on electronic communication methods.

New Member Reception Washington, DC (see page 8)

Programs The 2000 Strategic Plan tells us members want programs that are interesting, professionally helpful, offer chances to meet and talk with each other and are fun. Some free or inexpensive program opportunities are also welcome. This year’s program plans will deliver on each of these objectives many times over. Check for announcements about the formation of a new DC/SLA Book Club, learning opportunities from innovators such as Toni Carbo, practical programs on life planning and presentation skills, an update on virtual reference, selling your value to upper management and much, much more. Look for networking opportunities and events that are simply fun; the Dine Arounds in midSeptember, Happy Hours, library tours, the new members reception with the SLA Board and Board candidates in October, the annual Holiday Party in December and that’s just through the end of 2002. Joint programs with other professional associations such as DCLA, ASIST, the Joint Spring Workshop, and September’s Technology Day with the Maryland Chapter will also be offered

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002


Books, Brats and Beers Ft. Belvoir Oktoberfest Ft. Belvoir, VA (see page 7)

October 5

Chapter Notes September 2002 Volume 61 No. 10 Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290—full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email: weberk@stb.dot.gov EDITOR’S NOTE: Friday, September 13th is the deadline for materials which can be included in the October 2002 issue. The issue is distributed approximately three weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Cynthia Holt The Gelman Library George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington, DC 20052 Phone: 202-994-1352 Email: holt@gwu.edu Event announcements should also be submitted electronically to the DC/SLA Internet Committee Chair and Listserv Moderator: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email: weberk@stb.dot.gov Webmaster: Kristina Lively, National Endowment for Democracy Phone: 202-293-0300 Email: kristina@ned.org Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: SLA Headquarters ATTN: Address/Name Changes 1700 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20009-2508


Next month, learn about the Strategic Plan’s five concrete suggestions for continuing to make the members of DC/SLA part of an expanding, healthy and growing professional association. Check us out and see how we’re doin’ after all.

Congratulations to Kristina Lively, Winner of the DC/SLA Chapter Member of the Year Award By Sue O. Johnson, SueOJohnson@msn.com The Member of the Year Award is awarded to a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Chapter. The winner this year is Kristina Lively, our webmaster. Kristina has architected and executed our new web site bringing us closer to an all electronic communication service. This web site is bringing about a complete cultural change to the Chapter, changing the way we work as a Chapter. She is held in high esteem by the Board and the committee she has formed, and has delegated well to build capacity in her committee to maintain the web site. She brings many years of service to the Chapter.

Congratulations to Catherine Kitchell and Barbara Folensbee-Moore, Winners of the DC/SLA Board of Directors Award By Sue O. Johnson, SueOJohnson@msn.com The Board of Director's Award in recognition of a special achievement went to Catherine Kitchell and Barbara Folensbee-Moore. Catherine, Treasurer for the last three years, and Barbara, who has given numerous years of service to the Chapter, most recently in the Hospitality area, were recognized for their willingness and ability to participate in a modernization experiment, the use of credit cards for Chapter activities. This is the first use of credit cards, of which we are aware, in SLA and it has streamlined and simplified the process of registration and attendance at programs. We believe their work this year resulted in higher attendance, efficiency and convenience for the members and contributed greatly to our success.

DC Student Chapter Member Wins SLA Scholarship Congratulations to Ms. Farah Gheiss, a student member of the DC Chapter, one of three $6,000 winners of the 2002 SLA Scholarship. There were forty three applicants. This competitive scholarship is granted to college graduates or seniors for graduate study in librarianship leading to a master's degree at a recognized school of library or information science. We asked Farah to tell us about herself: "I am a Moroccan woman from Meknes, Morocco. In 1995, I got my Bachelor's degree from the College of Information Sciences in Rabat, Morocco where I concentrated in Library Studies. From 1995-2001, I taught multimedia, desktop publishing, web creation, database management, and word processing to children K-12 at the Palais Royal's College Royal. I am currently writing my research project for my Master's degree in management of organizations for Quebec University in Chicoutimi, Canada , and simultaneously enrolled in a Master's of Library and Information Science program at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. I currently work at Catholic University of America's Library and Information Science Computer Lab as a Computer Lab assistant and simultaneously intern at the International Monetary Fund's Joint Library. The skills I DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002

will learn in my two Masters programs coupled with my language abilities shall equip me with the necessary fungible skills to pursue knowledge management career opportunities in any special library in or outside of Morocco. "

Student Scholarship Awards By Una Hildebrandt, Chair, Student Scholarship Subcommittee of the DC/SLA Student/Young Professionals Committee At the annual business meeting of the DC SLA Chapter on May 7th, two local students were awarded scholarships to support their studies in librarianship and information science. Jennifer Klimas was awarded the Catherine A. Jones Memorial Scholarship. Jennifer is a student L-R: Jennifer Klimas and San- at the College of Information Studies at the University of dra Denise Ware. Maryland. She was a journalism major as an undergraduate and intends to work as a news librarian when she receives her MLS in 2003. The Catherine A. Jones Memorial Scholarship, in the amount of $1,500, is granted on the basis of the quality of the applicant's essay, expected contribution to the profession, and financial need. Jennifer wrote an excellent essay that conveyed her enthusiasm for the work of the newsroom and the critical role played by the news librarian. She currently works as a Graduate Assistant in the University of Maryland Electronic Text and Imaging Center and serves as student representative on the Library Faculty Assembly Advisory Board. Sandra Denise Ware received the InfoCurrent Scholarship. Sandra, a student at the Catholic University of America, plans to complete her MLS late next year. Sandra studied international affairs and journalism as an undergraduate, and she works fulltime as a cataloging technician for the Catholic University libraries. The $2,000 InfoCurrent grant rewards a student's application, essay, and expected contribution to the profession. Sandra's essay eloquently spoke to the range of interests that can be explored and developed as a librarian and the contribution that the librarian can make in a variety of environments. Sandra expressed interest in working in settings as a diverse as a theological library and a military library. She also spoke about her desire to meet the information needs of underserved populations. With her work ethic, her intellectual curiosity and her multicultural perspective Sandra will undoubtedly contribute a great deal to her profession and her community. The Student Scholarship Subcommittee of the DC/SLA Student/Young Professionals Committee was headed by Una Hildebrandt. We appreciate the generosity of InfoCurrent and honor the memory of Catherine A. Jones.

rate Library Survey Update�, at the SLA conference in June. Susan was also appointed Chair of the SLA H.W. Wilson Awards Committee. Alphonse Vinh presented a paper on May 9th in Aspen, Colorado, entitled, "I Want It Now! Document Delivery In A 24/7 News World". This was for the 33rd Annual Colorado Interlibrary Loan Conference. Dina Carter, a librarian at Hebrew University, was among those Americans killed in the bomb blast Wednesday, July 31st. Ms. Carter graduated from Duke University in 1986 with an anthropology degree and received a master's in social work from the University of North Carolina in 1989. She immigrated to Israel in 1990. Chapter Notes gave permission to Infosource Maryland, the Newsletter of the College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, to reproduce the article, "Dr Eileen Abels-Innovative Educator in the Spring 2002 issue. The article originally appeared in the President's Column in Chapter Notes in the April 2002 issue.

News Susan Fingerman, principal of SMF Information Services, LLC and editor of the Business Information Alert Newsletter, (http:// www.alertpub.com/) gave a presentation on “E-books: a CorpoDC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002


The Pentagon Library Rebuilds By Diane Schnurrpusch, DSchnurr@dtic.mil After the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, DC/SLA members generously donated funds for the Pentagon librarians to show our support. Kathleen Heincer, Senior Reference and Collection Development Librarian at the Pentagon Library and also a DC SLA member, says the staff really appreciates the donated refrigerator, two microwaves, and toaster oven since they can now once again pack their lunches and bring food for special occasions. They had lost their old refrigerator when the library moved out of the Pentagon in Kathleen Heincer (right) acceptearly December. ing gifts for the Pentagon liPrior to the attack, the entire library had been within a couple weeks of moving into a brarians from Sharon Lenius, a new library facility in the Pentagon. After September 11th, that space was needed for other member of DC SLA’s Military military organizations. Now, the Pentagon Library has opened a reference center manned by Librarians Group. two staff members on the Pentagon concourse. To encourage use, an open house was held during August. They served cake, had fortune cookies advertising the library, and had badge-holder giveaways. The rest of the staff is providing service from leased space in Crystal City, with the staff located in offices on the 9th floor and the books kept in moving storage carts on the 4th floor. Pentagon employees can get reference assistance and fax or e-mail document delivery from both the Pentagon and Crystal City locations. Books are couriered back and forth. The Army’s current plan is to build a new library in the Crystal City building sometime in the future.

Thanks from the Pentagon Library Menandra Whitmore, Acting Director , Pentagon Library Dear Friends: The staff of the Pentagon Library would like to thank you for your gift. The microwaves, toaster oven and refrigerator are a wonderful addition to our "temporary" new home. They will make life in trying circumstances much more pleasant. It's nice to know that fellow librarians recognize our changed circumstances and care about our well-being." This letter is in response to donations by DC SLA members to the Pentagon Library, severely damaged on September 11th. We should all be proud that we were able to do something helpful for the Pentagon Library to show our support.

Iota Chapter of Beta Phi Mu Happy Hour It's time to renew old acquaintances and make new ones. The Iota Chapter of Beta Phi Mu will hold a Happy Hour for members! When: Friday, September 23rd, 2002, 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. Location: The Army & Navy Club (In the "Eagle Grill") , 901 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Dress Code: As we're holding this in a private club, "smart casual" to professional office wear are just fine. Cost: $10 per person (The Club will accept cash for this event) *music *complimentary draft beer *pool table *darts *drink specials *food Metro: Farragut West (Orange Line), Farragut North (Red Line) Note: Please RSVP to Alphonse Vinh, President of Iota Chapter, Beta Phi Mu, NPR Reference Library, 635 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001, 202-5132352, avinh@npr.org


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002

USA Today Tours and Open House By Catherine Kitchell, ckitchell@bna.com What: Tours and Open House of the new USA Today Library sponsored by Jeanette L. Brown, Assistant Director and facilitated by the News Group of DC/SLA. When: Monday, September 30th, 2002. Tours are at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. The tours will last around 45 minutes and will start on time. The Open House is from 5–8 p.m., light refreshments will be served. Where: 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA (directions are below, public transportation is encouraged though there is limited visitor parking and some carpooling can be arranged). Note: Attendance is limited to 50 on a first-come, first-served basis. RSVP by September 25th to Catherine Kitchell at ckitchell@bna.com or call 202-452-4431. Please indicate which tour you would like to attend so the tour guides can plan accordingly.

Photo Source: http:// www.kpf.com/ Projects/gannett.htm

Directions: Public transportation: Take the Orange Line train to West Falls Church. As you leave the station, exit to the left and go the last bus bay on the left. Take Fairfax Connector #425 (Jones Branch Drive). It stops directly in front of the building. Currently there is no fare but that may change. Driving from Route 66: Take Route 66 west to Dulles Access Road. Stay in right lane and take the second exit to Tysons (Route 123). Proceed to International Drive and turn right (second right to Tysons Galleria). Follow International Drive to Jones Branch Drive (just past Galleria). Turn right on Jones Branch and follow to 7950 Jones Branch Drive. From 495: Take Capital Beltway (495) to Tysons Corner exit (Route 123 south). Proceed to International Drive and turn right. Follow International Drive to Jones Branch Drive.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002

Join the Military Librarians Group of DC/SLA at the Fort Belvoir Oktoberfest By Diane Schnurrpusch, DSchnurr@dtic.mil What: Tour of 3 Fort Belvoir area Libraries: Van Noy Post Library, Acker Library, Defense Acquisition University, and the Army Management Staff College Library. Afterwards, enjoy the Oktoberfest Carnival and activities featuring the German Army Band and Festival Area. When: Saturday, October 5, 2002. Meet in the Parking Lot near the Fest Tent at 0930-1000 for light refreshments. 1000-1215: Tour the 3 Libraries. 1215: Return to the Fest Tent and begin enjoying Oktoberfest. Where: Fort Belvoir Fest Tent, off Route 1. Cost: $5.00 per person. Guests welcome. For more information, contact Sharon Lenius, at 703-601-2710 or Sharon.Lenius@ngbio.ngb.army.mil Reservation Form Please make reservations by, Thursday, October 3, 2002. Make checks payable to DC/SLA. Mail your reservations to: Sharon Lenius, 6174 Otter Run Court, Clifton, VA 20124 Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Do you need a ride from the Franconia-Springfield Metro: ____ yes

____ no (pick-up time, 9:15 a.m.)

Dine Around Once again various DC/SLA Board members will be hosting Dutch Treat dinners at neighbourhood restaurants around the DC Metro area. These dinners are extremely popular each year and are a great way to meet other DC/SLA members! Please RSVP directly to the organizers. Tuesday, September 10 Dinner in Rockville/ N. Bethesda (Dave & Busters): Erin Clougherty, eclougherty@marketresearch.com Dinner in Silver Spring (Restaurant to be determined by the group): Cynthia Holt, holt@gwu.edu Wednesday, September 11, 6:00 pm Dinner in Alexandria: Stella's, 1725 Duke Street (across from King Street Metro Station). RSVP to Anne Caputo at anne.caputo@factiva.com Dinner in Clarendon (Restaurant to be determined by the group): 6:00 p.m. Laura.Hjerpe@uspto.gov Thursday, September 12 Dinner in Reston (Restaurant to be determined by the group): Mandy Baldridge, MBaldridge@infocurrent.com Dinner in Dupont Circle: Daily Grill, 18th & M, Susan Fifer Canby, sfiferca@ngs.org Dinner on Capitol Hill: The Taverna (Greek restaurant) on Pennsylvania Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Sts. SE (less than 2 blocks from the Madison Building of LC). RSVP to Donna Scheeder/Lynn McCay, lmccay@crs.loc.gov

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2002


Come Join Your DC/SLA Colleagues in Welcoming Our Chapter’s New Members! This is always a great social opportunity to meet and greet old and new chapter members. There will be food and drink and lots of great conversation so I hope you can join us! For more information, please contact Alphonse Vinh at 202/513-2352. Where: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1779 Massachusetts Ave NW (18th and Mass.) Choate Room, 1st Floor. Check-in at Security Desk.

Price: Members $17; Non-members $22; New Members FREE (please indicate if you are a new member when you RSVP)

When: Thursday, October 24th, 2002; Reception: 6:30 – 8 p.m.; Cash bar; plenty of good eats Directions: Take the Red Line Metro at Dupont Circle and go 2 blocks east of the Dupont Circle South entrance. Paid public parking is also available across the street and around the corner on 18th Street. RSVP by October 21st to: Barbara Folensbee-Moore, Library, Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC20004, Phone: 202-739-5131 Registration Form: Name ____________________________________________ Phone: ________________ E-mail: ____________________ Payment Method: _______ Check _______ VISA/MC _______ New Member (Free)

If paying by credit card, include: Card number: __________________________________ Card Type: ________ VISA _______ Mastercard Expiration Date: ________ Name on Card: ________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________

For credit card registrations, e-mail your information to bfolensbee-moore@morganlewis.com. The fax option is no longer available. Due to costs incurred, all credit card registrations are final. No credit card registrations at the door.

SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 287 Benjamin Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044

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