President’s Corner: The Rest of the Story By Anne Caputo, DC/SLA President In the September issue of Chapter Notes, we looked at the top two themes of the 2000 Strategic Planning Report; those of Member Communications and Programs. Following on that note, I’d like to take this column to look at several of the specific calls to action recommend in the detailed report portion of the Strategic Plan.
November 2002 Volume 61 No. 12 Inside this issue:
Improving Chapter Notes Chapter Notes is one of the most visible and highly-valued methods of communication for members of DC/SLA. As of this month, you will be receiving the printed version of the newsletter ONLY if you sent back the request form found in the October issue. Otherwise you’ll get an email notification of the availability of Chapter Notes on the Website. This action will enable us to increase the size of the newsletter and include more articles and other substantive copy. A printed calendar will replace the monthly newsletter mailing to keep you informed about the chapter programs and other events. This was a key recommendation from the last strategic plan and one that an electronic newsletter can permit us to create.
President’s Corner
Member News
Welcome New Members!
Legal Division in Liverpool
Farewell to Ann Williams
Increase Networking Opportunities The institution of a monthly Happy Hour, the new DC/SLA Book Club, several networking receptions and the Young Professionals coordination of movie nights, ‘Duck Tours’ and other informal events has upped the opportunities for networking tenfold. If you haven’t found an event to attract or interest you…let us know what will and we’ll try to make it happen.
Oktoberfest and Library Tour A Grand Success
Address Soup
Warm-up the Keyboard!
Professional Development Programs We’ve had one highly successful professional development event already this year with the excellent program on “Finding and Selling Your Library’s Value”. Look for the “Library Education: Point Counterpoint” program on November 12th and the Holiday Party presentation with Toni Carbo on December 4th. Several excellent programs are planned for 2003 including one on presentation skills and another on life planning. Make Meetings Accessible The Strategic Plan suggested concerns about both the location and time of chapter events as well as the cost of attending meetings. We are working hard this year to vary the locations and days of the week for our chapter events as well as offering meetings with a variety of costs. Some, such as the Book Club, are free. We will work to use the funds saved by decreasing the cost of printing and mailing Chapter Notes, to help subsidize the attendance cost of our meetings. Our Directors are also working diligently to find vendor sponsors for chapter events to lower the cost to individual attendees.
Special points of interest: • • •
A chance to see yourself in print. Help out the editor with addresses. Tribute to a departed Chapter member.
Check us out on the Web
Publicize the Chapter Website and Discussion List Use of both the Chapter website, found at, and the Discussion List are skyrocketing. If you have not visited the website or used the list hurry there immediately, do not pass GO and do not collect $200 until you have done both of these. In our busy lives, these two methods are out primary way of contacting you and facilitating communication among our members. The website allows us to post pictures in the Chapter Photo Gallery, to create an up-to-date Events Calendar, to post and archive Chapter Notes and much, much more. Do what more than 100 of your colleagues do each day and come see what our electronic communications capabilities can offer.
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | November 2002