DC/SLA Chapter Notes - August 2004

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President’s Corner: There’s No Stopping Us! By Sheryl Rosenthal, srosenthal@usnews.com

August 2004 Volume 63 No. 11

Choosing the venue for the annual SLA conference has got to be a tough but fun job. While some sites are easy to describe and evoke the usual mild variance of opinion, I’m guessing that this year’s site was more colorful than many of us expected. Walking and reading the hotel map simultaneously became a way of life as we learned to navigate the vast Opryland Hotel. While some appreciated the hotel as food for lively conversation and good-humored comments, others made plans to return for the family vacation.


There was, however, universal agreement, that this year’s annual SLA conference was filled with rich content and rife with networking opportunities. Many of our members actively participated in panels and pre-conference learning sessions, sharing expertise on a multitude of topics.

Communities of Practice Event 3 New Competitive Intelligence Division


The contribution of many of our chapter members was acknowledged at the Annual Awards banquet. We are proud of that acknowledgment and congratulate

DC/SLA Book Club Calendar


DC/SLA Board Meeting Minutes


Become a Chapter Notes Writer (with perks)!


Lyle Minter: Fellow of the Special Libraries Association, Wilda Newman: SLA Hall of Fame, Anne Caputo: Rose L. Vormelker Award, Kenlee Ray: Member Achievement, Donna Scheeder: John Cotton Dana Award, Jill Konieczko: The H.W. Wilson Company Award, and Cassandra Shieh: Diversity Award. And what other chapter can boast an event inviting everyone to join the Washington, D.C. Chapter’s Young Professionals in “Honky Tonk Heaven”? Now everyone else knows what we know, that our YPs not only know how to have a good time, they are well organized and generous with their time and energy. The level of achievement and participation of our members in local and national events comes as no surprise. As the second largest chapter of SLA, we have maintained a steady level of membership for the last five years, with membership topping 1000 members each year. This year, with Alphonse Vinh as our Membership chair, the sky’s the limit.

Inside this issue: President’s Corner


Check out the new products and services from: Capcon Dialog EBSCO InfoCurrent Library Associates PTFS, Inc. Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/

Summer Flurry of Activity Summer in DC conjures up all the vivid images that tropical humidity evokes and with it, the notion (myth?) that we can take it a little easier, slow down a bit, wait for that refreshing cool breeze that is down the road some months ahead. Has it ever been true that summer, for DCSLA, was a time to slow down a bit? If so, that is certainly no longer the case. The momentum keeps building, thanks to the interest of our membership and the extraordinary efforts of this chapter. Traditionally, summer was a time to reflect upon and digest what we learned at the annual conference. It signaled the time, on the local level, for our chapter to transition smoothly to the new board of directors, committee and program chairs. We thought about our goals for the coming year and convened at the Summer Planning Meeting to pave the way for the September start-up of local activities. [Cont’d page 2]

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004

New SLA Competitive Intelligence Division! See page 5.


Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email: weberk@stb.dot.gov EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadlines for Chapter Notes are the third Monday of the month for the following month’s issue. Deadline for the September issue is August 16, 2004. The issue is distributed approximately two weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Barbara Ferry Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society 1145 17th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-857-7051 Email: bferry@ngs.org Event announcements should also be submitted electronically to the: Listserv Moderator: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email: weberk@stb.dot.gov

[Cont’d from page 1] While all of that is well underway, the heat has had no languishing effect on our Young Professionals, now co-chaired by Elena Howell and Allegra Moothart; our Military Librarians, under the leadership of Victor Monti, seem to be outdoing themselves right from the start, and, of course, the Book Club can find no reason to stop reading! While our new Vice-President, Shirley Loo, makes ambitious plans for the coming year, events are already underway. So, if you missed Bastille Day with the YPs at Les Halles, you can get on the waiting list to join the Military Librarians for the August 4 tour of the U.S. Naval Observatory and Library. Weather permitting, viewing through the telescope will cap off the evening. Or sign up for another August program, this one on August 18th, sponsored by the University of Maryland Student Chapter, “Election Year Information Needs”. And all month, the Book Club, led by Margo Gustafson, will be reading and discussing Donald A. Norman’s Emotional Design: Why We Love (Or Hate) Everyday Things. Check the events calendar often at ttp://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events.html If you have ideas for speakers or programs you would like DCSLA to host, please contact Shirley at SLOO@crs.loc.gov. The Transition How gratifying it is that so many of our volunteers continue to contribute to the chapter, either by signing up for another stint or accepting another assignment. The June Board meeting served as the transition meeting where new officers and committee chairs were introduced. I think this helps us achieve just the right balance of experience and organizational memory combined with new ideas and perspectives. The Summer planning meeting is almost upon us. On July 31, we meet at what has now become a traditional brunch/meeting at the home of the chapter President. I look forward to hosting this year’s event. We’ll be talking about issues effecting the chapter, new ideas and projects, and mapping out our priorities for the coming year. Please join us at the September board meeting, scheduled for September 21 from 6:00-7:30 at the new offices of Factiva. We are assured that they will be comfortably ensconced in their new quarters [at 1600 K St. N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006] in plenty of time. We thank Factiva for providing the space and look forward to seeing the new digs. Hope to see you at a DC/SLA event soon.

DC/SLA Web Master-- Cassandra Shieh Catholic News Service 202-541-3254; Fax: 202-541-3255 cshieh@catholicnews.com cassandrashieh@hotmail.com Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: SLA Headquarters ATTN: Address/Name Changes 1700 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20009-2508


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004

SID/Development Information Workgroup Meeting: Communities of Practice Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 Time: Noon - 2:00ish Location: Development Information Center (DIC) 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 1425, Washington, DC. No reservations required: Seating is limited; first come, first seated. Bring a photo ID. Have Communities of Practices (CoPs) been effective at providing the type of information exchange that practitioners in various areas need? What has been the experience of people starting up CoPs? What has worked? What hasn't? As a follow-on to last year's session on Communities of Practice and their relationship to libraries and information services, the Development Information Workgroup presents a session focusing on the value and success of CoPs in creating an organic technique for sharing information among practitioners of a particular discipline. This first DIW program of the year will be in the form of a discussion by several people currently using and promoting CoPs, including Joe Rabenstine, Development Information Services' Knowledge Sharing Facilitator, and Hissham Jabi, facilitator of the Youth Development CoP. The presentations will be followed by a question and answer period. The meeting will be a brown bag lunch held at Development Information Center (DIC), 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1425, Washington, DC. Closest Metro stop is Metro Center on the Red or Blue/Orange lines. Take the 13th Street exit from Metro Center, turn left when you get to the street and walk left to the corner of 13th and F Streets, NW. Cross F Street, and turn right to cross 13th Street. You'll see the National Place Shops on the corner. Walk to the middle of this block (you're on the south side of F Street now, walking west) to the entrance that says "North Office Tower" and go through the glass doors. Walk straight to the elevator lobby and take the elevator to the 14th floor. On the 14th floor, walk away from the windows, turn right and at the corner, turn right again. Suite 1425 will be on the left about halfway down the corridor. To find out on the day of the event if the meeting is cancelled, call 202-661-5800. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004

DCSLA BOOK CLUB CALENDAR 2004-2005 CYCLE Submitted by Margo Gustely, mgustely@manatt.com All book discussions will be held on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. **We are looking for members to host meeting sites for the November 2004 and January, March and May 2005 dates.** The first book discussion of the new cycle will be held at Manatt, Phelps & Phllips’ new facility (effective August 14, 2004). The address will be: Manatt, Phelps & Phillips; 700 12th Street, NW; Suite 1100; Washington, DC 2005-4075; Telephone: 202-585-6500; Direct Dial (M. Gustely) 202-585-6680. Exit at the 12th and G Street exit of Metro Center. Please RSVP by e-message to Margo Gustely, mgustely@manatt.com by September 21, 2004, if you plan to attend our kick-off discussion for the 2004-2005 season. September 23, 2004 selection is Good Business: Leadership, Flow and the Making of Meaning (ISBN 014200409X, paperback) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. November 10, 2004 suggested selection is The New Organizational Wealth: Managing & Measuring KnowledgeBased Assets (ISBN 1576750140) by Karl Erik Sveiby January 13, 2004 suggested selection is: The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations (ISBN 1591392705), by Rob Cross and Andrew Parker.

Donations Arrive in Cuba and Croatia! Submitted by Barbie Keiser, barbieelene@att.net The books and journals that the International Division of the DC Chapter sent to library schools in Cuba and Croatia this spring have arrived and are greatly appreciated!

March 10, 2005 and May 12, 2005 are TBA. All interested SLA members, their friends and other interested professionals are encouraged to attend. Attendees are also encouraged to bring alternative or additional book selections to the September 23 meeting. We will allocate some time to discuss the merits of suggested titles, conduct a vote and disseminate the roster of titles for the future scheduled dates. The only requirements to participation are that you read the selected book in advance of the discussion date and that you RSVP to the designated contact prior to each meeting date. Going forward, updates to the calendar will be included in the DCSLA monthly newsletter or by direct email.

SLA Creates New Competitive Intelligence Division The Special Libraries Association (SLA) has formed a new Competitive Intelligence Division, the 24th professional interest network within its membership. The SLA Board of Directors approved the new division during its meetings held last month in conjunction with the SLA Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. SLA member Karen Kreizman Reczek (Bureau Veritas, Buffalo, New York, USA) organized the petition drive urging the Association’s Board of Directors to create a “CI” Division. The new division has acquired 175 members in six weeks of existence. For more information on the SLA Competitive Intelligence Division, go to http://www.sla.org/division/dci/cihome.htm

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004


DC/SLA Meeting Minutes – June 14, 2004 Submitted by: Georgeann Higgins, Ghiggins@mitre.org •

News from annual convention: our membership is stable, while other chapters are losing members.

Shirley Loo (VP, President-Elect) has lined up Robert Newland to talk about job interviewing; Shirley is open to suggestions for new events.

At Anne Caputo's suggestion, the Board considered having the New Member Reception at the new SLA headquarters.

Treasurer's Report: Sponsorships have offset expenses from events, we moved more money into the SLA pooled fund; Erin made a motion to have Lorraine Bell to sign contracts with vendors.


DC/SLA President Sheryl Rosenthal introduced the new board members and also introduced Susan Fournier as the volunteer coordinator, a new position. Susan is available to coordinate big and small volunteer opportunities.

Director's reports: Alphonse Vinh said Career Day was a big success; Young Professionals are building bridges with UMD and CUA students, and both groups are in need of new presidents

Kristina Lively reported that the chapter manual is on the web and updated; Eileen Deegan will assume responsibility for maintaining it.

Victor Monti (Military Librarians) has two possible tours lined up: the Naval Observatory and NLM.

Kristina Lively will pursue of an electronic version of DC Directory; Charlotte Spinner may help with it.

Susan Fifer Canby (Immediate Past President) reported on Nashville: Several DCSLA members were recognized, including current board members Cassandra Sheih, Anne Caputo, Donna Sheeder, and Kenlee Raythere. Many of from our chapter spoke and provided leadership at the meeting that was attended by 3894, compared to more than 6000 attendees last year. Why low attendance?--few people in area, low attendance city, small chapter hosting. Meeting topics included data mining, blogs, records management, convergence of core competencies, use of competencies as tool of career development. In 2005, the annual meeting will be in Toronto, then Baltimore in 2006.

New Business: •

DCSLA is applying for an SLA grant to administer a community of practice on the SLA website. The topic will be on meeting planning, since this chapter has expertise in this area.

Gail Kouril will focus on helping the chapter address the new strategic plans. Susan Fifer Canby suggested that all board members and committee members review the strategic plan and integrate it into their goals for the coming year.

The annual planning meeting will be July 31 at the president’s house. Attendees should bring their respective plans for the coming year, issues to discuss, areas where they may need assistance, and align these with the strategic plan .

Judy Grosberg (Archives) is accepting new material to be added to the archives housed at DCPL. The archives are a good resource for anyone interested in doing histories of the chapter.

Mary Talley (Employment Committee) and Lorraine Bell (Hospitality) are new committee chairs.

The 2004-2005 Board meetings will be at Factiva on 1600 K Street, Suite 300, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Kenlee Ray (community relations) reported that DC government gave public libraries $9 million in the latest budget.

Anne Caputo is running for Cabinet Chapter Chair Elect of SLA. Even though the election is a year away, we need to plan her campaign and mobilize our chapter to vote.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004

DC/SLA Newsletter Writers Get Free Admission to Many Events Submitted by Barbara Ferry, bferry@ngs.org Persons agreeing in advance to report on DCSLA events receive free (or reduced) admission to selected DCSLA programs! Simply email me--Barbara Ferry (bferry@ngs.org)-- and I will arrange for your free or reduced-priced admission to the upcoming event of your choice. Reports on events are due the following newsletter deadline (3rd Monday of each month). Digital photos of events are also encouraged from anyone who has them to contribute. Please also include captions and names of persons in photos. We will include them as space permits!

DC/SLA Chapter Archives We would like to add photographs to our archive collection. It would be great to have pictures of past officers, chapter prize winners, final banquets, etc. If any members have photos of people or events, please contact Judy Grosberg at 301-496-6756 or grosberj@mail.nih.gov.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | August 2004

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