President’s Corner: We’re on a Roll By Sheryl Rosenthal,
As summer begins to wind down, DC/SLA revs up. I was pleased to host this year’s summer planning meeting and what a meeting it was. My house was bursting at the seams with creative ideas, lofty goals, and high spirits from about 30 librarians. We were delighted to welcome some new faces and grateful for the continued participation of our old friends, all of whom enjoyed a working session that promises great things for the coming year.
September 2004 Volume 64 No. 1
Inside this issue: President’s Corner
“Perception is Reality” program planned for Sept. 14
Goal Setting
SID/DIW Development Information Workgroup Meeting Oct. 20 2
Shirley Loo reminded us that our goals should always include having fun and I couldn’t agree more so I am going to borrow that one to add to my own list of goals, which I announced as the following:
Communities of Practice Meeting Sept. 15 3
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Begin planning, prioritization, and implementation of Strategic Plan 2004. Address new issues and initiatives. Make responsible use of the budget to meet the needs of the membership. Continue to offer diverse programming, jointly sponsored when appropriate, to involve as many members as possible. Provide new volunteer opportunities to involve more of the membership and to provide future leadership paths. Get out the vote for the national SLA elections.
While I am adding to the list, with the help of the other board members and group chairs, I aim to conquer Robert’s Rules of Order!
Ambitious Plans Ambitious? Yes. Overwhelming? No. Not with this group of inspired thinkers and hard workers. As Gail Kouril noted when discussing Strategic Plan 2004, we are already well along. Shirley Loo is off to an auspicious start with a full September calendar of events, including two virtual seminars, a spate of dine-arounds, and Anne Caputo’s advice on creating your own “elevator talk.” Behind the scenes, Lorraine Bell solidifies her reputation as “planner extraordinaire.” Alphonse Vinh is at it again, chairing three committees including the Young Professionals (YPs) who kick off the fall schedule with an art evening at the Phillips Gallery. And, as you can tell, our new Chapter Notes editor, Barbara Ferry, is doing a fine job along with the rest of our communications team, Jenny Wood, Shelia Jackson and Cassandra Sheih. The next couple of columns will bring more details and spotlight our other volunteers and activities. For now, enjoy some photos of your colleagues working hard and having fun on page 7.
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
Open House planned for Oct.
Career Development Seminar
Become a Chapter Notes Writer (with perks)!
Read about the new products and services from: Capcon Dialog EBSCO InfoCurrent Library Associates PTFS, Inc. Check us out on the Web
Write for Chapter Notes and Get Into Selected DCSLA Events Free! See page 7 Email
Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager:
“Perception is Reality” on September 14 Submitted by Shirley Loo, Come Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. to hear Anne Caputo, Director of Knowledge & Learning Programs for Factiva. She’ll be presenting a lively and interactive session on creating your personal public relations message. The program is entitled, “Perception is Reality: Creating Your Elevator Talk and Nine Other Practical Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Information Function.” The program will be at National Public Radio, 635 Massachusetts Ave. NW, near Gallery Place Metro.
Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email:
During the program you will participate in exercises designed to help you create multiple 'elevator talks' to prepare you to face any professional or personal situation requiring a quick statement of who you are and what you can do. Learn the power of preparation for these opportunities plus nine other practical marketing ideas you can use to promote you and your information function.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadlines for Chapter Notes are the third Monday of the month for the following month’s issue.
Register by Tuesday, Sept. 7 with Lorraine Bell at or 202-289-8505. The cost is $15 for members, $20 for non-members, and $7.50 for students and retired members.
Deadline for the October issue is September 20, 2004. The issue is distributed approximately two weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor:
SID/DIW Development Information Workgroup Meeting On October 20
Barbara Ferry Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society 1145 17th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-857-7051 Email: Event announcements should also be submitted electronically to the: Listserv Moderator: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email:
DC/SLA Web Master-- Cassandra Shieh, Catholic News Service 202-541-3254; Fax: 202-541-3255 Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: SLA Headquarters ATTN: Address/Name Changes 1700 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20009-2508
Save the Dates! Upcoming Programs!
Submitted by Gail Wadsworth, Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 Time: Noon - 2:00 Location: Development Information Center (DIC), 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 300 South, Washington, DC. [Please note: The DIC will be moving to this location in September; after the move more detailed directions will be available.] Topic: “Use of Internet Technology for Video-Conferencing Across Cultures” Robin Yeager, U. S. Department of State, Bureau of African Affairs, will talk about a University of The Gambia and East Carolina University joint project using video-conferencing. Other projects will also be highlighted. An open discussion will follow. No reservations required. Seating is limited; first come, first seated. Please bring a photo ID. The meeting will be a brown bag lunch held at: Development Information Center (DIC); 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 300 South. Directions: From Metro Center on either the Red or the Blue/Orange lines, take the exit at 11th and G Streets. Walk south on 11th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, about 2 or 3 blocks. Turn left on Pennsylvania Ave., and 1001 is in the middle of the block. If you get to 10th Street (J.Edgar Hoover FBI building), you've gone too far west. Elevators will be on the left shortly after you enter. Go to the third floor and look for Suite 300 South. We'll have signs. If the elevators require a key, we’ll have someone meet your or we will place instructions there. To find out on the day of the event if the meeting is cancelled, contact the DIC receptionist at 202-661-5800.
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
SID/Development Information Workgroup Meeting: Communities of Practice On September 15 Time: Noon - 2:00 Location: Development Information Center (DIC) 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 1425, Washington, DC. No reservations required: Seating is limited; first come, first seated. Bring a photo ID. Have Communities of Practices (CoPs) been effective at providing the type of information exchange that practitioners in various areas need? What has been the experience of people starting up CoPs? What has worked? What hasn't? As a follow-on to last year's session on Communities of Practice and their relationship to libraries and information services, the Development Information Workgroup presents a session focusing on the value and success of CoPs in creating an organic technique for sharing information among practitioners of a particular discipline. This first DIW program of the year will be a discussion by several people currently using and promoting CoPs, including Joe Rabenstine, Development Information Services' Knowledge Sharing Facilitator, and Hissham Jabi, facilitator of the Youth Development CoP. The presentations will be followed by a question and answer period. The meeting will be a brown bag lunch held at Development Information Center (DIC), 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1425, Washington, DC. Closest Metro stop is Metro Center on the Red or Blue/Orange lines. Take the 13th Street exit from Metro Center, turn left and walk left to the corner of 13th and F Streets, NW. Cross F Street, and turn right to cross 13th Street. You'll see the National Place Shops on the corner. Walk to the middle of this block (you're on the south side of F Street now, walking west) to the entrance that says "North Office Tower" and go through the glass doors. Walk straight to the elevator lobby and take the elevator to the 14th floor. On the 14th floor, walk away from the windows, turn right and at the corner, turn right again. Suite 1425 will be on the left about halfway down the corridor. To find out on the day of the event if the meeting is cancelled, call 202-661-5800.
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
DC/SLA BOOK CLUB CALENDAR 2004-2005 Season Submitted by Margo Gustely, All book discussions will be held on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. **We are looking for members to host meeting sites for the November 2004 and January, March, and May 2005 dates.** The first book discussion of the new cycle will be held at Manatt, Phelps & Phllips’ new facility (effective August 14, 2004). The address will be: Manatt, Phelps & Phillips; 700 12th Street, NW; Suite 1100; Washington, DC 2005-4075; Telephone: 202-585-6500; Direct Dial (M. Gustely) 202-585-6680. Exit at the 12th and G Street exit of Metro Center. Please RSVP by e-message to Margo Gustely, by September 21, 2004, if you plan to attend our kick-off discussion for the 2004-2005 season. September 23, 2004 selection is Good Business: Leadership, Flow and the Making of Meaning (ISBN 014200409X, paperback) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. November 10, 2004 suggested selection is The New Organizational Wealth: Managing & Measuring KnowledgeBased Assets (ISBN 1576750140) by Karl Erik Sveiby
SLA Open House Planned For October 20 Submitted by Shirley Loo, The DC chapter is co-sponsoring the SLA Open House on Wednesday, Oct. 20. We will have an opportunity to see the new headquarters in Alexandria and meet with the SLA Board and other invited guests. New members and current members may attend the reception at no charge. Further details will follow about this festive event.
January 13, 2004 suggested selection is: The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations (ISBN 1591392705), by Rob Cross and Andrew Parker. March 10, 2005 and May 12, 2005 are TBA. All interested SLA members, their friends and other interested professionals are encouraged to attend. Attendees are also encouraged to bring alternative or additional book selections to the September 23 meeting. We will allocate some time to discuss the merits of suggested titles, vote, and disseminate the roster of titles for the future scheduled dates. The only requirements to participation are that you read the selected book in advance of the discussion date and that you RSVP to the designated contact prior to each meeting date. Going forward, updates to the calendar will be included in the DC/SLA monthly newsletter or by direct e-mail.
Career Development Seminar --- September 8, 1:45pm-3:30pm You are invited to this SLA career development virtual seminar featuring a member of our chapter, Barbara M. Robinson. Using the SLA personal competencies as a point of departure, this seminar delves into the concepts of “strengths,” “needs,” “needs under stress,” and “interests” of information professionals (IPs). The focus is on IPs who manage others as well as those IPs who work in teams and have direct responsibility for doing the substantive work. The program will be presented at the American Council on Education, One Dupont Circle, Suite 1-B20. It is free for members. The cost for non-members is $10. Seating is limited. To RSVP, contact Shirley Loo (202-707-6785 or at ). More information is located at: Plans are being made to add a late-breaking addition to the SLA virtual seminars on Sept. 14 at 12:45 p.m. This seminar will feature Rita Vine on "Becoming a Great Web Searcher.” For other virtual seminars and chapter events, go to:
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
DC/SLA Newsletter Writers Get Free Admission to Many Events Submitted by Barbara Ferry, Persons agreeing in advance to report on DCSLA events receive free (or reduced) admission to selected DCSLA programs! Simply email me--Barbara Ferry ( and I will arrange for your free or reduced-priced admission to the upcoming event of your choice. Reports on events are due the following newsletter deadline (3rd Monday of each month). Digital photos of events are also encouraged from anyone who has them to contribute. Please also include captions and names of persons in photos. We will include them as space permits!
DC/SLA Chapter Archives We would like to add photographs to our archive collection. It would be great to have pictures of past officers, chapter prize winners, final banquets, etc. If any members have photos of people or events, please contact Judy Grosberg at 301-496-6756 or
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
Scenes from the 2004-2005 Summer Planning Meeting Breakfast Before Business! Clockwise from rear: Barbie Keiser (standing); Susan Fifer Canby; Marilyn Bromley; Michael White; Victor Monti; Georgeann Higgins; Anne Caputo; Lorraine Bell; Giselle Foss.
Clockwise from rear: Jenny Wood (standing); Elena Howell; Giselle Foss; Allegra Moothart; Gail Kouril; Mary Talley; Cassandra Harper DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004
Cassandra Harper (standing)
Left to right: Judy Grossberg, Shelia Jackson, Anne Caputo
Left to right: Kenlee Rae and Erin Clougherty
DC/SLA Chapter Notes | September 2004