DC/SLA Chapter Notes - Winter 2004/2005 (Dec./Jan.)

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President’s Corner: New Members and New Digs By Sheryl Rosenthal, srosenthal@usnews.com

Winter 2004/2005 (Dec/Jan) Volume 64 No. 4 http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc

The annual DC/SLA Holiday party has my vote for “Best Ever.” From the spectacular venue at the library of the University Club, to the holiday music provided by Sue O’Neill Johnson and Betty Landesman, with many stops along the way to sample the fabulous food and drink, a good time was had by over 120 members and friends of DC/SLA.

Inside this issue: President’s Corner


In addition to thanking a hard-working core of volunteers, with special thanks to Lorraine Bell, Alphonse Vinh, and Shirley Loo, we thank Factiva for their generous support of the event. For more details, see Michael White’s column and photos.

Call for DC/SLA Officer Nominations


And Speaking of Voting…

Watch “Desk Set” with your fellow librarians!


Virtual Content Management Seminars Set for January


Holiday Party Report/Pix


Member’s Corner


Challenges in Digital Libraries for Children: Report


A shameless segue, to be sure, but Elections for the 2005/2006 SLA Board of Directors are almost upon us. Voting begins January 30th and extends through March 4th. You will be seeing more “Get Out the Vote” buttons popping up at DC/SLA events as we strongly encourage you to actively participate in choosing your leadership and VOTE. Estelle Alexander and Michael White head the “Get Out the Vote” committee and are doing their part to make sure that DC/SLA, the second largest chapter in the world, make our voices heard. Joining us at the party were two candidates for national office. Rebecca Vargha, library coordinator at SAS Institute Inc., was in town, visitng headquarters from Cary, NC. I was pleased to introduced Rebecca who is running for the office of Director of SLA. The second candidate certainly needed no introduction. Anne Caputo is well known locally, nationally and internationally for her many contributions to the profession. Our “favorite daughter” is running for Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect and we support her in those efforts. Shirley Loo and I will have the opportunity to hear from all of the candidates at the upcoming Leadership Institute in Tampa, FL at the end of January. To learn more about the candidates, go to the SLA web site: http://www.sla.org/content/SLA/governance/bodsection/0405bodcand/index.cfm

Read about the new products and services from: • • • •

Capcon Dialog InfoCurrent Library Associates

Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/

Nominations for Local Chapter Officers Past President Susan Fifer Canby and Past-Past President Anne Caputo make up the nominating committee for our own upcoming chapter elections. If you want to make a difference, if you want to join a group of creative, hard working, giving individuals, and if you want to have a good time doing it, consider running for DC/SLA office, or volunteering for a committee or an event. Information on calls for nominations can be found on Page 2. New Members Congratulations to Mary Wardlow, the 1000th member of DC/SLA. Mary and Carrie Port, member 1001, took the challenge to put us over the 1000 member mark. We are down slightly from a recent high of 1014 and urge you to encourage your friends and colleagues to join us and experience all of the benefits of SLA membership. [Cont’d p.2] DC/SLA Chapter Notes | Winter 2004/2005 (December/January) 1

New Column! Making Connections Page 5 Next Newsletter Deadline is January 24. Email bferry@ngs.org

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