DC/SLA Chapter Notes - March 2005

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President’s Corner: The Talk in Tampa! By Sheryl Rosenthal, rosenthals@sec.gov

March 2005 Volume 64 No. 6

Tampa in January is just a good idea and there were lots of other good ideas at this year’s SLA Leadership Institute. Reiterating SLA’s focus on providing value to the membership, ensuring member success, and promoting lifelong learning, we heard a lot about how SLA is changing to face the future. Among the topics: proposed changes to the dues structure, matching budgetary and association year, and the development of the exciting and ambitious online SLA University.


President’s Corner


SLA Awards -- Once again, the DC Chapter was well represented by several talented and deserving members as award announcements were made. We heartily congratulate the following members for their contributions and commitment to SLA and to our profession:

Career Day


SID Worksgroup Program


Conference Stipend Award


Joint Spring Workshop


• • • • • •

SLA President’s Award: Barbie Keiser SLA Professional Award: Judy Russell (U.S. Government Printing Office) SLA Honorary Member: Susan Tarr (Library of Congress) Factiva Leadership Award: Susan Fifer Canby (National Geographic Society) SLA Innovations in Technology Award: The U.S. Defense Technical Information Center SLA Member Achievement Award: John Latham (SLA)

Detailed biographical information on all the SLA award winners can be found at www.sla.org/awards. DC/SLA Chapter Election is Underway -- And in local news, for the first time ever, thanks to the effort and perseverance of Election Committee chair Ellie Briscoe, the Chapter is conducting its election both digitally and via paper ballot. We are grateful to Anne Caputo and Susan Fifer Canby, our nomination co-chairs, for the work in putting together an excellent slate of candidates. And we are more than grateful to the candidates themselves, for their willingness to actively participate and serve our members in the year(s) ahead. Check out the biographies of our stellar candidates at http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/candidates2005.html. Invitations to vote will be e-mailed to all Chapter members who have an e-mail address on file with SLA. You must reply to that invitation to launch your digital ballot, in order to register your vote correctly. Ballots will be sent to individuals, not via the Chapter discussion list. Paper ballots will be included in the mailed copy of “Chapter Notes” for those members who receive it in that format. We’ll be electing the next President-Elect, Second Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Director and Treasurer so please show your support and vote one way or another. If you do not receive either an invitation or a paper ballot, contact Ellie Briscoe at (202) 857-7050 or e-mail ebriscoe@ngs.org and ask for one. Voting closes on April 4. In National Voting News -- If you have not received your ballot for the national SLA Board elections, please contact Connie Brown at SLA headquarters immediately to get a ballot. Connie can be reached at 703-647-4900 or by e-mailing cbrown@sla.org. Voting extends through March 14 so there is still time to make your voice heard! Hope to see you at a dine-around or other DC/SLA event soon. Don’t forget to check http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events.html for a complete listing of upcoming events! DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Inside this issue:

International Special Librarian’s Day Workshop 8 Spring Dine-Arounds


Candidates for Chapter Office 14 Greetings from Coolidge Senior High School 19 Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • •

Capcon Dialog InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International Factiva

Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/

Making Connections Page 9 Next Newsletter Deadline is March 22. Email bferry@ngs.org


Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to SLA’s publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official views of SLA. Acceptance of advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by SLA. Subscriptions: Chapter Notes is free to DC/SLA members. Subscriptions to non-members are available at $10 per year. Advertising: Advertising rates effective September 1997 are: $95—1/4 page; $175—1/2 page; $290— full page. For information regarding advertisements, contact the DC/SLA Chapter Notes Business Manager: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email: weberk@stb.dot.gov EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadlines for Chapter Notes are the third Monday of the month for the following month’s issue. Deadline for the April issue is March 22. The issue is distributed approximately two weeks after the deadline. The preferred submission format is a Word document sent via email. You should receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. Materials for Chapter Notes should be sent to the Editor: Barbara Ferry Libraries & Information Services National Geographic Society 1145 17th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-857-7051 Email: bferry@ngs.org Event announcements should also be submitted electronically to the Listserv Moderator: Kelley Weber, Surface Transportation Board Phone: 202-565-1668 Email: weberk@stb.dot.gov


Career Day: Cutting Your Own Edge Submitted by Kris Sasala, phaedra_0@yahoo.com This year's Career Day will focus on up and coming hot industries that aren't necessarily traditional fields for librarians and also where and how you can carve your own niche in those fields. We are having speakers from four of the industries that are predicted to have the highest growth over the next 7-10 years: Healthcare, Biotechnology, Entertainment and Consulting. Our speakers will be giving presentations and interactive breakout sessions. Additionally, four representatives from InfoCurrent will be providing 15-minute, one-on-one resume critique sessions. And, since one cannot think outside the box on an empty stomach, a light, gourmet breakfast will be provided by Ultimate Events Catering. It will be a great opportunity for personal networking! The registration fee is $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Questions or suggestions, contact Kris Sasala at phaedra_0@yahoo.com or 860-716-4456. To volunteer, contact Susan Fournier at susan.fournier@icba.org or 202-315-2439.

SID/Development Information Workgroup (DIW) April Program Submitted by Gail Wadsworth, gwadswor@dis.cdie.org When: Wednesday, April 20, 2005, Noon to 2:00 pm Where: National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 1101 15th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005 (corner of 15th & L Streets)* Metro access: McPherson Square on the Orange/Blue Line or Farragut North on the Red Line. Program: "Strengthening the Role of the Press during a Process of Reform: The Case of Turkey," by NED Fellow Andrew Finkel Andrew Finkel is a prominent freelance journalist who has been based In Istanbul, Turkey, since 1989. He has served as a correspondent and freelance contributor to a number of local and international publications and broadcasting organizations, including Time Magazine, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and BBC World Service. An expert on Turkish politics, he is the author of Turkish State, Turkish Society (1990) and winner of the Beyaz Nokta Prize for his contributions to Turkish society (1997). In 2002-2003, he held a Knight Wallace fellowship at the University of Michigan.

DC/SLA Web Master-- Cassandra Shieh, Catholic News Service 202-541-3254; Fax: 202-541-3255 cshieh@catholicnews.com cassandrashieh@hotmail.com

Mr. Finkel will talk about his fellowship project at the NED, which consists of two parts: The first focuses on the Turkish media's tendency toward selfcensorship, resulting from either collusion with the government or financial interest on the part of proprietors. The second part of the project involves formulating a methodology whereby Turkish journalists may monitor themselves, thereby raising the standards of their own industry. Mr. Finkel will welcome comments and observations from attendees.

Send address changes for Chapter Notes to: SLA Headquarters ATTN: Address/Name Changes 1700 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20009-2508

No reservations required. Seating is limited; first come, first seated. The meeting will be a brown bag lunch. NOTE: Allen Overland, the NED Head Librarian will offer a tour of NED's Democracy Resource Center at the end of the meeting for those interested. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

DC/SLA Election Coming in electronic and print formats

March 7April 14, 2005 Vote for 1st Vice President/President-Elect 2nd Vice President Corresponding Secretary Director Treasurer Watch your DC/SLA discussion list for details. If you did not receive an electronic ballot, or prefer voting via a paper ballot, please contact Ellie Briscoe (202857-7050, bferry@ngs.org). [Note: those who receive Chapter Notes in print form via the mail will also receive a paper ballot attached to the newsletter)

Remember to VOTE when your DC/SLA Ballot arrives!

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Washington DC Chapter Conference Stipend Award 2005 The Washington, D.C. Chapter offers an Annual Conference Stipend Award to enable a deserving DC/SLA Chapter member to attend the SLA Annual Conference. All chapter members as shown on official SLA records as of February 1, 2005 are eligible to apply. This includes student members, retired members, and those who are simultaneously members of other chapters. Past recipients who have accepted awards are not eligible. However, past recipients who have been prevented by circumstances from using their awards, and have returned the funds, are eligible. Board members are not eligible. The award criteria shall include future professional leadership potential in SLA and the profession, contributions to SLA and the chapter, and financial need. Preference is given to newer members who have already begun to take a leadership role. The award recipient shall be chosen by the DC/SLA Board upon recommendation of the Chapter Awards Committee. The award for 2005 has been set at $1500. Application Process: The application process shall consist of submitting a form and two professional references. The application form is available as a Word file on the chapter’s website: http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/awards/StipendApplication .doc

New DC-SLA Members: Welcome! Jennifer Beth Angel Elizabeth Brown Mark Brzozowski Matthew Friedman Brenda Hill Jill Lagerstrom Marlena Larson Karen Liljequist Daniel Mesnik Gloria Miller Maurine Nichols Kirstra Otto Beverly Pierce Tangela Roe Dayna Smith Mary Wardlow DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

There is no prescribed format for letters of reference, but they should be limited to no more than 250 words. All materials, including the application and letters of reference, shall be submitted via email to Lyle Minter, DC/SLA Awards Committee, lyleminter@yahoo.com OR mailed to Lyle Minter, 3137 Eakin Park Court, Fairfax, VA 22031-2614. Deadline: All materials must be received by Friday, March 11, 2005. Checklist: • Obtain application from Chapter website • Line up professional references • Complete application, gather letters of reference • Send application and reference letters via email or mail/package service to the address given above • Ensure receipt by Friday, March 11, 2005


Register Now! Joint Spring Workshop - Friday, April 15, 2005 “Information Organization for the 21st Century: Taxonomies, Ontologies, and the Semantic Web” Taxonomies have been around for years, so why are they such a hot topic now? Come to the Joint Spring Workshop and find out from industry leaders such as Joseph Busch of Taxonomy Strategies, who will give a keynote address describing what taxonomies are and aren't, why they are important, and where they fit into the information landscape today. Denise Bedford of the World Bank will share her expertise on implementing taxonomies and how they are being used in the dynamic environment of the World Bank. New and ground-breaking applications such as visualization are appearing in content management systems, to be demonstrated by Ramana Rao, Inxight founder and CTO. Stuart Sutton of the University of Washington will discuss the challenges of organizing educational content, based on his experiences leading research and development for the Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) for the U.S. Department of Education. The legal field has long had a tremendous focus on organizing large amounts of data, and a representative from Thomson West will discuss exciting developments and/or current projects. While taxonomies have been around for years in one format or another, the semantic web is truly cutting edge. We've all heard the term, but do we know what it means, and how it might affect our work? Come and find some answers from an expert: Dr. James Hendler, Director of the Mindswap Lab at University of Maryland, and member of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Michael Daconta, Metadata Program Manager for the Dept. of Homeland Security, will share his knowledge about the Taxonomy-Ontology continuum. We look forward to seeing you there! REGISTRATION: 8:30 a.m. Program begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. (see note below for security information) The JSW complies with ADA. We can accommodate your needs provided you contact us by April 1, 2005. Joint Spring Workshop Tax ID number: 54-1079345. LOCATION: Library of Congress, Madison Building, Mumford Room, 6th Fl., 101 Independence Avenue, SE Nearest Metro stop: Capitol South (Orange/Blue line) NOTE: The Library of Congress does not open to visitors until 8:30 a.m. You will need to go through Security to enter the building. Please arrive promptly at 8:30, so that we can begin our program on time at 9:00 a.m. SPONSORS: DC Special Libraries Association (DC-SLA)-Lead Sponsor; District of Columbia Library Assocation (DCLA); Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, DC (LLSDC); Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) PRICE: $40 members, $20 students, and $60 non-members (Includes continental breakfast and lunch of assorted sandwiches and side salads, cookies and beverages). CONTACT: Laura Hjerpe at 703-597-2806 REGISTRATION: Deadline is Friday, April 1, 2005; Make checks payable to Joint Spring Workshop. No purchase orders. No training request forms. No credit cards. If you will need a receipt, please check this box: Complete and mail the registration form below with payment to: Laura Hjerpe 2026 North Vermont St. #301 Arlington, VA 22207 Name:___________________________________________Organization:__________________________________ Affiliation(s): DCLA____ FLICC____ LLSDC___ DCSLA____ Other (pls specify)____________


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

“Desk Set” – Great Show / Great Turnout! Submitted by Shirley Loo, SLOO@crs.loc.gov On Friday, Feb. 4, our chapter sponsored "Desk Set," a movie about a librarian and a possible threat to her job. This Hepburn/Tracy movie with special guest Elizabeth Smith Brownstein was a fun event enjoyed by more than 100 information professionals and guests. We even had a NY Chapter member with us. Anne Caputo will have a report on the event for our next newsletter. Before planning this meeting, I hadn't been aware of websites listing movies in which librarians/information professionals were featured. The event was co-sponsored with four other library groups. Each provided some assistance with the event such as reserving the Mumford Room for us. I'd like to thank chapter members Lorraine Bell (Hospitality Chair), Anne Caputo, Mike Kolakowski, David Miller, and Bill Tuceling for their help checking in people, popping popcorn, cleaning up, etc.

Fifer Canby Delivers Beta Phi Mu Talk At Annual Meeting Susan Fifer Canby was the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Iota Chapter of Beta Phi on Feb. 10, 2005. Susan is the Vice President for Information Services at the National Geographic Society. She presented ten strategies for climbing the organization ladder in reverse order: 10) plan and set daily, monthly and annual goals; 9) report on the impact of your work; 8) tell your story as on-going process; 7) find ways to leave the library and meet people on their turf; 6) surround yourself with the best people; 5) contribute to your professional associations; 4) innovation and initiative means tackling the "white spaces"; 3) embrace change as a way of doing business; 2) take necessary risks; 1) watch for windows of opportunity. She illustrated each strategy from her own career which began in 1975. After her well-received talk, several people asked her if she was planning to write an article on the topic. Susan Fournier presided over the initiation and membership meeting as President of the chapter.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005


DC/SLA International Special Librarians Day Program BRIDGING THE GLOBAL DIGITAL DIVIDE: CAPACITY BUILDING THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS WHEN: Thursday, April 14, 2005, Reception 6:00-7:00; Speaker: 7-8:30; After hours networking until 9:00 pm WHERE: Kiplinger Washington Editors Building (1729 H Street NW, 1st Floor, Metro Blue & Orange Lines - Farragut West Station) SPEAKER: Timothy Anderson, President and Founder, World Computer Exchange (WCE) Program: World Computer Exchange (www.worldcomputerexchange.org) is an international educational nonprofit focused on helping the world’s poorest youth to bridge the disturbing global divides in information, technology and understanding. WCE keeps donated computers out of landfills and gives them new life connecting youth to the Internet in developing countries. Join colleagues from SLA and WCE to learn how a small group of people took an idea and built it into a successful venture and how WCE facilitates partnerships and ways that DC/SLA (and you and your organization) might contribute to bridging the digital divide. Journal Donations: The DC/SLA International Relations Committee continues to collect library and information science and computer journals for our international partner library schools overseas. We will have a collection box at this event. Please bring your donations. Cost: Members (SLA and WCE) - $10.00; Students/Retirees - $5.00; Nonmembers - $15.00 Payment can be either by check, using the form below, or by PayPal. Make checks payable to DC/SLA. Please send checks to Salvador Velez at the address above. When paying by check, please also send an e-mail registration to ensure a space. All payments are non-refundable when using PayPal. To pay by PayPal, please link to the announcement on DC/SLA’s website: http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events_files/Apr1405ISLD.html. RSVP by Monday, April 11, 2005 to: Mr. Salvador Velez, Inter-American Development Bank 1300 New York Avenue NW, STOP W0102 Washington, DC 20577 202-623-3215, SALVADORV@iadb.org Registration Form (Bridging the Global Digital Divide, ISLD, 4/14/05): Name ___________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ E-mail: _______________________ Check enclosed? _______ SLA/WCE Member ($10): ____


Student/Retiree ($5):____

Nonmember ($15): ____

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Making Connections Submitted by Mary Talley, mtalley@axelroth.com If you’re on the lookout for useful management strategies, you probably have noticed Information Outlook’s new column, “Business Management,” authored by Debbie Schachter, Head of Strategic Planning and Development at the British Columbia Courthouse Library Society. Debbie’s premier article (“The Librarian as Entrepreneur,” Information Outlook, 8, 10 [Oct. 2004]:10-11) offers an unconventional approach to an old problem: how to prove value and generate buy-in for library initiatives. The answer lies in the phrasing of the proposition; and, she lays out a persuasive argument for adopting the terms of venture capitalist investment. What a powerful example of how connecting with an outside perspective can strengthen an information center’s position. Where does she go for inspiration? When I recently asked Debbie Schachter that question, she generously responded with sources as well as strategies. Debbie actively seeks new connections by frequent talking with specialists in a wide range of industries about both their positive and negative management experiences. “I like to hear about both as they are so illustrative of how certain systems work or don’t work.” These real world examples lead her to “investigate whether these practices are widespread or...trends in the world of business....” For emerging management and leadership trends, Debbie looks to general business literature, such as the Harvard Business Review and the University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business’s Ivey Business Journal (http://www.iveybusinessjournal.com). Often, scanning these journals’ tables of contents is sufficient to identify new “hot topics.” The Ivey Business Journal’s issues are centered on themes, such as leadership; provide descriptive tables of content; and, are free. While the Harvard Business Review is not free, its online monthly tables of contents, which contain detailed article descriptions, are (http://www.hbsp.harvard.edu). Tune in to the April issue of Chapter Notes for more management sources and tips from Debbie Schachter. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005


DCSLA Dine-Around Dinners for Spring 2005 * Note for all Dine-Arounds: Please contact the host no later than two workdays before the event, providing full contact information. This helps for reservations and contingencies. 8 March (Tuesday) Tyson’s Corner (McLean) Busara (Thai) 8142 Watson St www.busara.com Eileen Deegan, deeganeg@yahoo.com by February 28.

6:30 PM

9 March (Wednesday) Bethesda 6:30 PM McCormick’s & Schmick 2 Metro Center (7401 Woodmont Ave) http://www.mccormickandschmicks.com/main.cfm?action=location&element=initial&locID=47 Stephanie Altbier sraltbier@starpower.net by Monday, March 7th. 10 March (Thursday) Rockville Benjarong 855 Rockville Pike www.washingtonian.com/dining/Profiles/benjarong.html Brien Kinkel Brian.Kinkel@infocurrent.com

6:30 PM

16 March (Wednesday) Silver Spring Bombay Gaylord 8401 Georgia Ave www.washingtonian.com/dining/Profiles/bombaygaylor.html Barbara Folensbee-Moore, bfolensbee-moore@morganlewis.com

6:00 PM

17 March (Thursday) MCI Center Area 6:00 PM La Tasca (Spanish) 722 7 St NW http://www.aolcityguide.com/washington/dining/venue.adp?sbid=131524 METRO – Gallery/Chinatown station – 2 blocks Alphonse Vinh Avinh@npr.org 22 March (Tuesday) Colonel Brooks Tavern Katherine Nuss


Brookland CUA 6:15 PM 901 Monroe Street NE KNuss@CatholicNews.com

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

DC/SLA Board Meeting Minutes January 18, 2005 Chris Asayla – Career Transition Day Lorraine Bell – Hospitality Anne Caputo – Past Past President, Election Nominations/External Relations Advisor Eileen Deegan – Second Vice-President Susan Fournier – Volunteers Georgeann Higgins – Recording Secretary Shelia Jackson – Government Relations Barbie Keiser – International Relations Shirley Loo – Vice President, President-Elect Victor Monti – Military Librarians Kenlee Ray – Community Relations Sheryl Rosenthal – President Mary Talley – Employment Alphonse Vinh – Director, Students/YP/Membership Michael White – Corresponding Secretary

President Sheryl Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm Michael White made a motion to accept minutes, Eileen Deegan seconded the motion. Motion passed. Sheryl Rosenthal, President - Sheryl is now at the SEC. - Sheryl congratulated Michael White on his service to the Board. He is moving out of the country. Sheryl will appoint his replacement. - The SLA Board asked chapter presidents to put the SLA logo on all materials. Sheryl will ask for more information at the winter Leadership Institute. - SLA Election is January 30th through March 4. We need Get out the Vote buttons to help DC/SLA be noticed in national - SLA Happenings: DC/SLA Board needs actively mention the election in communications, anywhere SLA members might be reading or attending. Erin Clougherty, Treasurer -- Erin will propose next year’s budget at the February meeting. More money is budgeted for international relations because DC/SLA gave more money this past year, and now there is tsunami damage. -- Please email Erin with suggestions for the budget. -- Kenlee suggested $1000 for community outreach -- Georgeann suggested money for the FranklinCovey time management seminar -- Sheryl suggested money for the virtual seminars Gail Kouril, Director -- The Strategic Planning working group is writing recommendations and will have a draft for the February meeting Marilyn Bromley, Metrics -- Marilyn distributed the most recent metrics Donna Scheeder, Awards -- Lyle Minter is preparing nominees for Conference Stipend Award.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005


Board Meeting Minutes, cont’d Ellie Briscoe, Elections -- DC/SLA can vote electronically with SurveyMonkey, which has features that prevent multiple votes, etc. She will bring more information to the February meeting. Shirley Loo, Vice-President/President-Elect, Programs - Senate Library tour filled quickly so a second tour was scheduled. - Possible event: tour of the Executive office of the President. - Virtual seminars are well attended. - There is a lot of interest in attending the movie Deskset at LC on February 4. - Lorraine is looking for locales for the annual banquet and the volunteer appreciation reception, both in May. - Metrics in general look good: 126 members attended the Open House. Victor Monti, Military Librarians -- The Walter Reed Medical Library tour is Jan 25. -- Dinearounds will be scheduled March 7-18. They will be in Reston, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Capitol Hill, Arlington, MCI Center, and Dupont Circle. Alphonse Vinh, Director of Students/YP/Membership, with new chair Chris Asayla -- Chris Asayla is the new chair of Career Transition Day. -- Theme of Career Transition Day: “Hot Trends in the 21st Century for Special Libraries” • Opportunities • Industries (e.g., Homeland Security) • How DC/SLA can be proactive • Find mentors to help members think out of the box, get better remunerations • Alphonse will ask local student chapters and YPs to volunteer support -- Young Professionals (YPs) • Mardi Gras happy hour in February -- Membership • There are 12 new members, and Alphonse has tried to contact all. This month’s total for the chapter is 989 (NYC is down to 1089). • SLA provides lists of members who do not renew, and Alphonse expects contact those people as well. Michael White, Corresponding Secretary -- Michael designed a graphic for “Get Out The Vote,” and suggested that we add it to announcements. He will e-mail the graphic to the Board in various file formats. Anne Caputo, Past Past President -- Local and national elections have approximately 20% participation from members. She distributed the election schedule. The slate for local elections has to be complete by the February meeting. This will give members a full month to vote. -- Suggestions from Board: mention election when calling new members and at dine-arounds. Barbie Keiser, International Relations -- International Librarians Day is on hiatus due to expense and lack of staff support from SLA. -- On April 13, at Kiplinger Timothy Anderson, the head of World Computer Exchange, will speak. WCE sends people to do training around the world. -- Barbie Keiser and Eileen Rourke went to the Baltimore International book exchange and mailed six boxes of books to a library school in Cuba. Chris Asayla, Career Transition Day -- Career Transition Day will be 8-12 pm on a Friday at the Sumner School. -- The draft agenda is 3-4 hours. Each of four panelists will speak for 15 minutes, followed by four breakout sessions. -- Infocurrent is doing resume consultations. There will be time and staffing for 34-48 critiques.


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Board Meeting Minutes, cont’d. -- Cutting edge areas for researchers: wedding/hospitality, biotechnology, intellectual property, and outsourcing/subcontracting management. -- Suggestion from Board: emphasize skills, not industries. -- They would like to distribute the SLA salary survey but will check on getting permission. Mary Tally, Employment -- Would like to SurveyMonkey member needs -- Most people want help with resumes and interviewing skills -- Would like to provide list of contractors, agencies, etc. -- Alphonse suggested using the DC/SLA listserv, anonymous resume hosting, and confidential job matching . -- Barbie suggested that if Mary does the survey through the listserve, to include a descriptive subject line and start promoting it early in Chapter Notes. -- Non-traditional sources of information: Chris Sherman and Mary Ellen Bates. Kenlee Ray, Community Relations -- Distributed information about two schools under consideration for DC/SLA support: Neville Thomas Elementary and Coolidge High School -- Board considerations: • Ensure the school won’t cut the library’s budget • Ability to find volunteers • This requires a two-year commitment from DC/SLA -- Sense of Board: DCSLA should do this. We possess the wealth and knowledge and would be remiss in not sharing it with the community -- Alphonse moved: “DC/SLA will choose Coolidge High School as its Community Relations project” • Shirley Loo seconded, motion passed -- Alphonse moved: “DC/SLA will put $1000 in next year’s budget for this project” • Shirley Loo seconded, motion passed Eileen Deegan, Second Vice President -- On whether vendors can post to the DC/SLA listserv: • NYC chapter does not allow commercial postings • Divisions (e.g., News) are more flexible • Kelly Weber will develop submission criteria -- Book Club o Book club is foundering with attendance dropping. o Initially it met every other month, and books were not academic. o Suggestion from Board: rotating book club roles (e.g., moderator, host), finding a more informal setting, varying times that the club meets, collect suggestions for titles.

New Business -- Anne Caputo: SLA is considering a new dues structure. -- Susan Fournier: Beta Phi Mu’s initiation ceremony is coming up and Susan Fifer Canby is speaking. -- Michael White thanked Board for his time with us. Shirley moved to adjourn, Barbie Keiser seconded, motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:05 pm.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005


Slate of Candidates For Chapter Office Spring 2005 (see page 3 for voting directions)

First Vice President/President-Elect: Three-year commitment, chair of program committee, works with hospitality committee, becomes President in following year. Susan Fournier

Current Position: Director, Information Center, Independent Community Bankers of America – Since 1997 Prior Positions: Reference Librarian, Sectoral Library, World Bank Reference Librarian, America's Community Bankers Director, Independent Living Resource Center, Orphan Foundation Manager, Library, National School Boards Association C&YA Librarian, DC Public Library Librarian, DC Public Schools Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts, Language Arts/Education, Trinity College, DC Master of Arts in Teaching, School Library Media Services, Trinity College Master of Science in Library Science, Catholic University President, Iota Chapter (DC) Beta Phi Mu Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Volunteer Coordinator, 2004-2005 DC/SLA, Recording Secretary, 2002-2004 SLA, Association Information Services Caucus Convener, 2001-2003

Anna McGowan

Current Position: Team Leader, NRC Technical Library, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Since 2004 Prior Positions: Chief, CFSAN Library, Food and Drug Administration Information Services/Information Management Education Librarian Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Associate, National Library of Medicine


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts (Biology) Barnard College Master of Science (Microbiology) New York University Master of Library and Information Science, University of California at Berkeley Associate, National Library of Medicine Distinguished Librarian of the Year, Biomedical and Life Sciences Division, Special Libraries Association Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Director, 2000 - 2002 DC/SLA, Secretary, 1993-1994 DC/SLA, Member, Awards Committee, 2004 - 2005 DC/SLA, Membership Chair DC/SLA, Nominations Committee member Biomedical and Life Sciences Division: Chair-Elect, Chair, Past-Chair Nominations/Elections Chair Annual Conference Planning Committee 1994 - 1996

Second Vice President: One year commitment, works with President-elect and maintains Chapter Manual. Suzanne Pilsk

Current Position: Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Cataloger Original Cataloging Services Since 1993 Prior Positions: Librarian, Telesec Library Services Librarian, Information Resource Center, Special Libraries Asssociation Librarian, Radiology Department, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Registrar, Cheekwood Fine Arts Center Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts, Art History, Trinity College, Hartford, CT Master of Library and Information Science, Peabody College at Vanderbilt University Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DCSLA, Cataloging Liaison to Committee on Cataloging (Current Position)

Carole Sund

Current Position: National Education Association Web Product Editor for the External Partnerships and Advocacy Unit (2002present) Information Specialist in Cyber Services(1997-2002) and Human and Civil Rights Units Since 1995.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005


Prior Positions: Co-Manager, Resource Center, The Regional Laboratory for Educational Improvement of the Northeast and Islands, Information Specialist, New England Center for Equity Assistance (NECEA) Department Head, Haverhill Public Library, Haverhill, MA

Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education and German, College of William and Mary Master of Library Science, Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science, (Honors Graduate) Member, Alpha Chapter, Beta Phi Mu Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: Membership Chair of Education Division (2004-2005); Chair of Education Division (2003-2004); Secretary/Treasurer of Education Division,(1999-2001); Advertising Manager of Education Division, (1995-1997).

Corresponding Secretary: One year commitment. Promotes chapter events and arranges for coverage of events/photos. Copyedits Chapter Notes and monthly chapter calendar. Laura Hjerpe

Current position: Stanley Associates Information Technology Resource Provider Since 2000 Prior positions: Reference Librarian, National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health Program Officer, National Council for Soviet and EAST European Research Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of California at Berkeley Master of Arts in Russian Literature, The George Washington University Master of Science in Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Liaison to Joint Spring Workshop Committee, 2001 Joint Spring Workshop Committee Chair, 2002 Joint Spring Workshop Committee Treasurer, 2003, 2005

Jenny Wood

Current position: Senior Information Specialist, Corporate Executive Board, Washington, DC Since 2002 Prior positions: Student, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland,


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Library Assistant, InfoCurrent Manager of Administration, TriState Environmental Management Services, Degrees held, and honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts, Gettysburg College Master of Library Sciences, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Acting Corresponding Secretary, DC/SLA (2005) DC/SLA, Web Calendar, DC/SLA (Summer 2004 - present) Webmaster, University of Maryland Student Chapter (Fall 2001 - Spring 2002)

Director: Two-year term. Special projects and assignments, including membership, vendor relations, sponsorship solicitations Kristina Lively

Current position: Electronic Resources Librarian, National Endowment for Democracy Since 1994 Prior positions: Archives Technician, National Archives & Records Administration Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts, Music, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA Master of Library Science, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC Recipient of DC/SLA Chapter Member of the Year Award Recipient of DC/SLA Board of Directors Award Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Second Vice-President (2003 - 2004) DC/SLA, Chapter Webmaster (1998 - 2003)

Victor Monti Current position: Information Analyst, ANSER Corporation (contractor to the US Air Force, Headquarters, Pentagon, Warfighting Integration Directorate, Ground Integration Communications) Since 2004 Reserve Officer, US Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel, Admissions Liaison Officer Since 1985 Prior positions:

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005


Reference Librarian, Pentagon Library Deputy Director and Library Liaison, US Air Force Centennial of Flight Office Reference Librarian, Government Documents and Map Section, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland Reference Librarian, Charles County Community College Director, Pamlico County Library Reference Librarian, Scotland County Library Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts(Political Science) Vassar College Master of Library Science, Appalachian State University Certification in Public Libraries, North Carolina Graduate of Squadron Officers School and Air Command and Staff College Air Force Commendation and Achievement Medals and Humanitarian Service Medal Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Coordinator, Military Librarians' Group

Treasurer: Three year commitment. Handles all financial matters including budget. Erin Clougherty Current position: Information Specialist, Casualty Actuarial Society Since 2003 Prior positions: Manager of Research and Taxonomy, MarketResearch.com Manager of Taxonomy and Classification, MarketResearch.com Manger of Information Services, Association for Financial Professionals Librarian, Macro International Degrees held, honors and citations received: Bachelor of Arts, University of Pittsburgh Master of Library Science, University of Pittsburgh Graduate coursework in E-Commerce, University of Virginia Present and past activities in the Chapter and Association: DC/SLA, Treasurer, 2002-2005 DC/SLA, Recording Secretary, 2000-2002 (Second candidate for treasurer withdrew their acceptance of the nomination.)


DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

Greetings from Coolidge Senior High School Submitted by Lynn Kauffman, Coolidge SHS, Kauffman@prodigy.net Hello Special Library Association members. Thank you for selecting the Coolidge High School Library as your Community Outreach Project. As Kenlee Ray described in DC/SLA Chapter Notes February 2005, 95% of Coolidge students score below grade level on both reading and math standardized tests. It should not come as a surprise judging from the state of the library. When I arrived at Coolidge in the Fall of 2002, the library was in total disarray. It was a depository for cast out furniture and other junk; there were books and debris haphazardly piled all over. Water had damaged the traditional card catalog, with drawers broken and cards spewn on the floor. Many books on shelves had no logical order, were “stuck” and had to be dislodged, with date due slips indicating most recent circulation dates in the 1960’s. Imprints were of similar vintage. There was nary a one contemporary young adult novel to be found nor a single periodical subscription. With support from a new principal, faculty, custodians, parents and community, we cleaned up the library so that it soon appeared presentable. But the appearance of the library has been misleading. Books are now on shelves in call number order, however, they are not cataloged. Further, the collection is dated, dirty and not aligned with topics in contemporary curricula or interests of today’s teens. Because of the dire need to engage students in reading, literacy has been the primary focus of the one person operation at Coolidge Library. With financial assistance from the National Home Library Foundation and the Coolidge Alumni Class of 1963, several hundred new young adult books were acquired so we were able to launch the “Everyonereads@CoolidgeSHS.edu.” program. Students are asked to read 12 books each year, an average of one book per month. All reading must be verified by a teacher or in Book Interviews with the librarian. In the spring of 2003, 17 students met the goal; in the spring of 2004, 32 students met the goal. This year, even with a decreased enrollment, the goal is forty. As student participation increased, more help was needed to assist with book interviews. A special thank you to the SLA members, Roberta Geier, Kathie Shahan, Laura Simpkins, and Kenlee Ray, who joined Coolidge parents, alumni and neighbors to assist with book interviewing at Coolidge Library on February 17th. Thirty six students came to the library to talk about more than 120 books. With the assistance of Kenlee Ray, Roberta Geier and David Snyder, a work plan is being developed to establish an online catalog for Coolidge students and faculty. Help is needed in many areas including routine library tasks, network management, collection evaluation and bibliographic record conversion. If anyone is able and willing to help please contact Lynn Kauffman, Librarian at Coolidge Senior High School: Kauffman@prodigy.net (202-576-6143)

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005



DC/SLA Chapter Notes | March 2005

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