DC/SLA Chapter Notes - April 2005

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President’s Corner: Way Ahead and Still Counting! By Sheryl Rosenthal, rosenthals@sec.gov Electronic voting is underway for the 2005/2006 DC/SLA Board of Directors and what an election it is. Based on early returns, I proclaim this first time ever digital and paper balloted election a resounding success! Not only did we garner more than 100 votes on the first day digital ballots were offered; over 40 people wrote enthusiastic and supportive comments. As of today, at 237 digital votes, we have surpassed the number of votes we received in the last election. And we still have two more weeks of voting! Under the management of electioneer extraordinaire Ellie Briscoe, DC/SLA leads the Association with innovative thinking and careful planning. Ellie developed and tested the process before sending out individual ballots to e-mail addresses registered with SLA. Paper ballots were included in last month’s Chapter Notes for those who receive it in print form. Using Survey Monkey, we were able to limit the ability to vote more than once. We have a terrific slate of candidates so it is tempting to vote for everyone, but not possible!

April 2005 Volume 64 No. 7 http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc

Inside this issue: President’s Corner


SID Worksgroup Program


American Indian Museum Visit


Tour of EOP Library


Annual Banquet!


Joint Spring Workshop


We have had limited reports of technical problems, some people reporting an inability to get into the site to vote, and others whose e-mail filters blocked the ballot. If you are experiencing any difficulty, please contact Ellie Briscoe at ebriscoe@ngs.org.

International Special Librarian’s Day Workshop 8

Voting continues through April 4, 2005.

Negotiations Skills Workshop

And In National News

Career Day: Cutting Your Own Edge 12

Actually, make that more local news. Among the newly elected SLA 2005/2006 Board of Directors is Anne Caputo, Director, Learning & Knowledge Programs, Factiva, Washington, D.C. and Past Past President of DC/SLA whose newest title is now officially Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect. Congratulations, Anne and thank you for taking on this latest challenge. For more information on Anne and her fellow electees, President-Elect Rebecca Vargha, Division Cabinet Chair-Elect Agnes Mattis, and At-Large Directors Cindy Romaine and Robert Sarmiento, go to http://www.sla.org/content/SLA/pressroom/pressrelease/2005prelease/pr2505.cfm on the SLA web site. Congratulations to all. There’s Much More Ahead As we wait for baseball season to begin, we’ve got some fast and furious event planning going on to produce an amazing double header. Take your pick or come to both events on April 14. Start the day with this year’s career event, Professional Enhancement Day and end with this year’s International Special Librarians Day event, Bridging the Global Divide: Capacity Building Through Partnerships. Then it starts all over again the next day with the Joint Spring Workshop: Information Organization for the 21st Century: Taxonomies, Ontologies, and the Semantic Web. And don’t forget the May 28th annual business meeting and banquet! For details on these and many more chapter events, please go to http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/events.html.

DC/SLA Chapter Notes | April 2005


February Board Meeting Highlights


Book Club Event


Read about the new products and services from: • • • • • • •

Capcon Dialog InfoCurrent Library Associates Trak Legal EOS International Factiva

Check us out on the Web http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/

Next Newsletter Deadline is April 26. Email bferry@ngs.org 1

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