President’s Corner: And the Tote Board Says… By Sheryl Rosenthal, It’s annual report time for SLA Chapter Presidents; that time of year when we report back to Headquarters on all the incredible events, community service projects, and innovative ideas put into practice during the SLA year. We hear much from Headquarters, other Chapters, and our own members about meeting the needs of membership by providing ample networking and learning opportunities. With the planning efforts provided by Shirley Loo, President-Elect, assisted by our “can’t be beat” hospitality chair, Lorraine Bell, along with the many volunteers who make it all possible, I am proud to say that the DC Chapter is unsurpassed in meeting that goal.
May 2005 Volume 64 No. 8
Inside this issue: President’s Corner
American Indian Museum Visit
Annual Banquet!
Joint Spring Workshop Report
New Health Info. Award
Negotiations Skills Workshop
DC/SLA Survey Coming
Royal Tea Break in Toronto
DC/SLA Board Minutes
This boost in voter turnout made for an extremely close election. It is one of the responsibilities of the President-Elect to inform candidates of the election results. I remember how gratifying it was last year when I made those calls and found, regardless of the election outcome, that every single person was more than willing to either accept the new position or continue and even increase their volunteer participation in DC Chapter business and events. My thanks to all who ran for office.
Book Club Event
Making Connections
The new Board of Directors for the 2005-2006 chapter year will be announced at the upcoming Annual Business Meeting and Banquet on May 24. I’ll be providing more details on Chapter doings in my “State of the Chapter” presentation, including a status report on our community outreach projects, scholarship awards, and “Get out the Vote” effort.
Read about the new products and services from:
So, drum roll please. Marilyn Bromley, DC/SLA’s metrics maven, reports that the DC Chapter held more than 72 events during 2004-2005, including workshops, lunchtime brown bag sessions, dine-around dinners, Chapter board meetings, library tours, book club meetings, and virtual seminars. Even more impressive, to my mind, is the fact that 381 members attended at least one meeting and 97 members attended three or more meetings and the year isn’t over yet! Three hundred eighty-one seems to be a magic number for DC/SLA this year. I don’t know if there is any correlation but in the 2005 chapter election, the first electronic election in SLA history, 381 digital and 9 paper ballots were received. As reported by Ellie Briscoe, whose devotion, enthusiasm, and dedicated to detail made electronic balloting fast, easy, and reliable, the 2004 paper-based election elicited 201 valid ballots (23 additional ballots were disqualified for lack of a voter return address).
And if that isn’t enough to get you to sign up for the banquet, you won’t want to miss this year’s featured speaker, Anthony S. Pitch, author of many books including “The Burning of Washington: The British Invasion of 1814”. Mr. Pitch, a noted lecturer and recipient of numerous awards, will present a program on “Lincoln and 9/11: Symbolic Parallels”. For more information on the banquet program, see page 6 or go directly to to register.
Volunteers for Community Outreach Needed 13
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DC/SLA gratefully acknowledges the generous support of LexisNexis for this event. See you at the banquet! Sheryl
Next Newsletter Deadline For June/July issue is May 24. Email